HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 314 Rezoning land within Circle T for Planned Development PD 3-8 ORDINANCE P10. 314 AI'� ORDINANCE AMENDI�TG THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE (]�F THE TOWN f)F WESTLAKE, TEXAS TO REZQNE AN APPRO�IMQ►.TELY 222.G-ACRE TRACT OF LANiI GENERALLY L(?C"ATED IN TARR.�NT COUNTY, TEXAS FROM "OI" �DFFICE.INDUSTRIAL AND "R." �2ETAIL TO A "PD" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AUTHORIZII'�G QFFICE, OFFICEIIND�JSTRIAL AND RETAIL USES; DEFINING CERTAIN TERMS, DE�SCRIBING AND INTERPRETING THE PD CONCEPT PLAN; REGULATING PERMITTED USES, HEIGHT, LOT S1ZES AND BU�LDING LIl`TE�, TOTAL FLOOR AREA, PARKING, LOADI�G Al`dD OTHER DEVELOMENT STANDARDS, LANDSCAPING, FLOOD PLAIII��TT, AND DRAINAGE; PROVIDING FQR THE AM�NDMENT iDF T�-IE OFF�CIAL ZQI�ING MAP; P�2.OVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLAR�NG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on A�tgust 24, 1992, the Boai•d of Aldermen(the "Board") adopted a Comprehensive Plan (the "1992 Comprehensive Plan") for the Town of Westlak�, Texas (the ``Tovala"); and WHEREAS, on November 1 b, X 992, the Board af the Town; aelopted a Cornprehensive Zoning Ordinance (tl�e "Zoning Ordinailee"); and WHEREAS, the Zoning 4rdinai�ce has been amend�d by the Boa�d after receiving reeommendations frorr� the Pla�zning and Zoning Comnlission (the "Commission"); and WHEREAS, on �epteinber 15, 1997, based an the reeom�7�endations of the Commissian, the Board amen�ed t�.e Zor�ing Ord'znai�ee and the suhdivision regulations by the adopting of a Unified Deveiopment Code (the "UDC") for the Town; and WHEREAS, the UDC 11as been aznended, with the most recent amendrnents being adapted on July 27, 1998; and WHEREAS, there is ]ocated within the carporate limits of tlze Town an app�oxirr�ately 222.6-acre tract of land (co�noi-�ly kno�vn as Plailni��g Area $ - West Commercial and hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Planning A.rea"); and WH�REAS, the public infrastructure, amenities, anc� services necessary to develop the Town, including the Planning Area, are ilot a�ailable and will not be available without a lo�g-term comrnitment of both publ�c and private funds to finance infrastructltre, amenities, and services; and Ordinanee No. 3�4 Page 2 WHEREAS, because of the �ize, lacation, and natural features of the Planning Area and the Town's need for publie i�frast�ucture, amenities, and services, the Town has a critical interc�t in t�ie d�v�lopment of the Planning Area and is encouraging s�ich d�velopinent to the highest possible standards of quality consiste�7t with the Tou�n's long- term developm�nt vision; ar�d WHEREAS, because of improvements to State Highway 114, further urban gro��h tiuoughout the region, and other changed conditions tllat affect the region, the Town believes there are unique and �ignificant opportunities for single fami�y, golf and office uses within th� Plaruling Area that will be consistent with the Town's long-ternn developrnent vision; and WIIEREAS, the suitability of the Planning Area for sucl� plallned t�ses can be enhai�ced thraugh modifications to the developnlent regulations bovertiinb the planning Asea, including modification to the zoning, floadplain, subdivision and other stail�iaids otherwise a�plicable �nder the UDC; and WHEREAS, the economic development and laild use plan�ing objectives of the Tawn will be furthered by the establishment �f such planned develop�nent district, and WHEREAS, on July 27, 1998, after recei�Ting recommenclations from tl�e Cominissian, the Board approved a.nd adopted an amendment to the Thoroughfare Plai�., and an ainended Conceptual Open 5pace Plan to the 1992 Comprehensive Flan; all of whiell amended plans a�e approved and adopted by the Board to enable the Town to maxirnize the appartunities and benefits to the Town and all of its citizens that will resuit frorn the Pianning Area; and WHEREAS, the C�minissian and Board held a public hearing upon the application of AIL Investments, L.P. to rezone the appraximately 222.6-acre tract of iand to a "PD" Plar�ri�d Development District on July 2'7, 1948, aftez- written notice of sucl� hearing having been sent to owners of real property being within 2!}0 feet of the property and notice being publishecl in a newspaper of general circulation in the Taw71, all ii7 accordance with Iaw; and WHEREAS, the Coin�nission has recominended ta the �oard that the hereinafter described praperty be rezaned ta "PD" Planned Deve�opmen�District; and WHEREAS, the Board belie�es that tlie interests of the Tow��, the present �nd future residents and citizens of the Town, and developers of land within the Towi3 are best served by adopting this Ordinance, whicY� the Board has determined to be consistent with the 1�92 Comprehensive Pian, the Thoroughfare Pl�n, and Open Space Plan, all as amended; Ordinance No. 3�4 Page 3 N�W, THEI�EF�RE, BE IT ORDAINED BY T�IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TQWI'�i OF WESTLAKE, TE�AS: SECTI�� l: That the recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated herein, adopted by tl�e Town and declared to be true arld erarrect. SECTION 2: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Tawn of Westlake, Texas, Ordinance No. 200, is hereby amended by this PD Ordiz�aneea by adding Planned Development District No. 3-8 within the property described in Exhibit 1 attached hereto by reference for aIl purposes. Tlus PI� will be subject to the concept plan, developineni standards, and other regulations attached hereta. SECTION �: Upon tiie adoption of this PD, the Town Secretary shall promptl� enter t11e 1�ew P�a�lned Development on the Town's Of�cial Zaning Map, whieh entry shall include the abbreviated clesignatiQn "PD No. 3-8" a1�d the date that this O�dinance was adop�ed by the Board. SECTION 4: It is hereby declared to be the intention of'th� Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlalce, Texas, that sections, paragrapl�s, clauses and phrases of t��is Orelinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph c�r section of this Ordinance sllall be declared uncanstitutional by tile valid judgment or decree of any co�irt of competeilt jurisdiction, such unconstit�itionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections af this Ordinance since the same would have been enacted by the Board of Aldermen of t�e Tow�7 of Westlake without the incorparation in this Ordinance af any sueh L�nconstitutioi�al phrase, clausc, sentenee, parabraph or section:. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full farce a�ld effect fiorz� aald after �he date of its�assage. PAS�ED AND APPl�OUED BY THE BOARD �F ALDERMEN QF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS ON THE 14Tr'DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1998. Ordinance Na. 314 Page 4 w ,� ` .� ��'.��" ����'�'',��-�.��,r Scott, Bradley, Mayor �� ATTEST: � - �� � Ginger C�oA svvy, Tawn Secre,�a APPROVE� AS TO FO�RM: �� aul C. Isllam, Tawn Attorney Exhibit 1 LEGAL DESCRI�TION AREA 8 (7�iREE�RACTS� B�ING THREE TRACKS OF LAN� SITUATED IN THE WILLIAM HEJFF SIJRVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 648, TOWN OF WESTt,AKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS A�1D BEING PORTIONS CJF THAT 7RACT OF LANa CO�JVEYED TO LA�{EWAY LAMD, LTD,, R�CORDED IN VOLUME �2625, PAGE 5fl4 OF E7EED REC�RDS, TARRANT COUhITY, TEXAS AND 8�3NG ALL OF THE TRACT�F LAND �ESCRISED IN VOLUME 8094, PAGE 2011 OF SAID DEE� R�CORDS A�#D BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY MET�S At�D BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: AREA 8A BEGINNING AT A t/2 INCH IRON ROD, FOUNb AT THE 9N7'ERSECTI�N OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LAKEWAY TRACT AND THE EASTER�Y RIGHT-€�F-WAY OF STATE HfGHWAY 377 {A VARIABLE WIQTN RIGHT-QF-WAY}; THENCE N 25°03'34"E, �756.21 FEE�, WITH SAI� EpSTERLY RfGHTi-OF-WAY; THENCE S $3°3$'49"E, 1524.50 FEET, DEPARTING SAID RfGHT-�F-WAY; THENCE S 39°55`40"E, 29fi.15 FEET; 1'H�I�CE S 12°37'Q2"W, 566.85 FEET; THENC� S 15°25'43"W, 664.02 FE�7; THENCE 5��°56'43"W, 214$.63 F�E7 TO THE POINT 4F BEGINEVING AIVD CONTAIhtING 2,95Q,,263 SQEJARE FEET dR 67.7 ACRES OF LAND MQRE OR f.ESS. � AREA 8B COMMENCING AT A 112 I�lCH aRON ROD, F�IJND AT THE iNTERSECTION OF THE St}UTH LINE �� SAi� LAKEWAY TRACT AND THE EASTERE.Y RIGNT-�F-WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY 377 (A VAR{ABLE WIDTH RiGHT-OF-WAY}; TNENCE N 25°Q3'34"E, 2298.18 �EE�f, WITH SAID EASTERLY RfGHT-OF-WAY, TO THE POINT QF �EGINNI�tG; � THENCE WITH SAID EAST�RLY RIGHT-OF-WAY THE FOLLOWEhfG CQ�JRSES AND DISTANCES; N 25°a3'34"E, 475.5$ �EET; N 28°32'06"E, 329.92 �EET TO THE BEGINNI�IG OF A CURV�TO 7NE REGHT; WITH SAfD CllRVE TO THE RlGHT, TFiR�UGH A CENTRAl.ANGLE OF 11°29'55", HAVWG A f�.4DIUS OF 3744.72 FEET, TH�E LONG CHORD OF WH1CH BEARS N 30°48'3�"E, 75026 FEET, AN ARC p1STANCE OF 751.52 FEET; N 3fi°33"28"E, 1457.65 FEET; C&B Job No. S8�50fl070 S#CTR July 9, 1998 J:IJOB198 1 5000 715l�RIWPILEG1500VEX_B.LEG Page � of 3 �i 32°18'09"E, 304,26 FEET, N 29°14'15"'E, 264.09 FEET, TO THE INT�RSECTI�N OF SAID EAST�RLY RfGHT-OF-WAY AND THE SOU�HERLY RIGH�'-OF-WAY OF STA�E HIGHWAY 170 {A VARIABLE WIDTH REGHT-OF-V►/AY); THENCE W1TH SAIQ 50U7HERLY RIGH7-OF-WAY THE FQLLOWING COURSES A�lp �iSTANGES; N 89°59'11"�, 532.'EO FEET; I� 7fi°08'01"E, 518.82 FEET TO TNE B�G�NNING OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT; �, WITH SA1D CURVE TO THE LEFT, THROUGH A C�N�RAL A�JGLE OF 03°58'10", HAVING �, RADlUS OF 4603.�fi FE�T, THE LONG CHORD pF WHICH BEARS N 77°29'40"E, 3�8.$8 F�E�, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 318.94 FEET; THE�fC� S 93�24"25"�, 1063.24 FEET, DEPARTlf�G SAID SOtJTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY, T� �fHE BEGINNING �F A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE WITFi SAID CURV� TO THE LEFT, THROIlGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02°42'19", HAVING A RADIUS OF 2390.D0 �EET, THE LONG CHORb Q�WFiICH BEARS S 72°08'S9"W, 112.84 FEET, RN ARC DISTANC� OF 112.85 FEET; ��i�NC� S 14°17'50"W, 1177.29 FE�T; "�HENCE S 50'17'30"W, 147�.5fi FEET; THENCE 5 88°0�'30"W, 19fs$.45 F�ET TO THE POINT O� BEGINNING ANQ CONTAINING 8,498,735 � SQUAR� FEET OR 149.2 ACRES OF LANp MORE OR LESS. AREA 8C COMM�NCENG AT A 1f2 11�CH IRON ROD, FOUIVD AT THE fNTEF�S�CTION OF THE SOUTH LIN� OF SAID LAKEWAY TRACT AND THE �ASTERLY R�GHT-OF-WAY OF STAT� FiIGHWAY 377 (A VARfABL�WIQTF� RIGHT-OF-WAY); THENCE N 25°(}3'34"E, 4134.14 F�ET TO THE POINT O� BEG�NhlING. THENGE N 25°d3'34"E, 1524.99 F��T; 7H�NCE N $4°16'24"E, 263.36 FEET; THENCE S 35°13'45"E, 60.�0 �E��F TO TNE BEGINNING OF A NQN-TANGENT CURVE T� THE RIGHT; THENCE 1NITH SAID NON-TANGE�VT CLJRVE TO THE RIGHT, THROUGH A CEfVTRAL AN�LE aF 07°47'16", HAVING A RADIUS QF 5654.58 FEET, THE LONG CHORD OF WHICH BEARS S 32°39'49"W, 768.0�] FEET, A�J ARC pISTANCE OF 7fi8.59 �EET; . THENCE S 3f�°33'25"W, 8$6.Fi0 FEET TO THE POINT�F B�G�NNING AEVD CONTAINING 248,927 . C&B Job Na. 9815a0070 S#CTR July 9, 1998 J:IJOB198950007'ISURIWPILEG1500V�JC_8.LEG Pag�2 of 3 SQUARE FEET OR 5.7 A�RES Q� LAND M4RE OR LESS. . CRB Job fVo. 9$1500d70 S#CTR ���y g, �ggg J:IJ0B198i5Q0071SL1R1WPIL�G1500VEX_B.LEG Page 3 of 3 Ordinance 314 CII�CI.�E 'I'PI.Al�l�tIl'�G AREA� �'T CO�Il�EIgCIAII AR'TICI,E I. G�NE PI20VISIONS SECTION1 SHORT TITLE............................................................................................................1 SECTION2 PURPOSES.................................................................................................................1 SECTION3 GENERAL I�EFINITIONS.........................................................................................1 Section3.1 Usage.................................................................................................................1 Section 3.2 Words and Terms Defined................................................................................1 SECTION4 PD SUPPLEMENT.....................................................................................................2 SECTION 5 APPLICABILITY OF EXISTING REGULATIONS .................................................3 �ection 5.1 Applicable Town Ordina.nces............................................................................3 Section 5.2 Cieneral Approval Criteria.................................................................................3 SECTION 6 CONCEPT PLAN, DEVELOPMENT PLANS, AND SITE PLANS. .......................3 Section6.1 PI� Concept Plan...............................................................................................3 Section 6.2 I'D Development Plans.....................................................................................4 Section6.3 PD �ite Plans ....................................................................................................4 Section 6.4 PI� "Informational" Plans..................................................................................5 r��2TICI.E IIe i1SE� SECTION1 LAIVD USE SCHEDULE.....................................:.....................................................6 SECTION 2 ACCESSORY USES AND STR�JCTURES............................................................10 AIZT'ICLE III. EVELOPl�EN°�" S"�"�NI) S SECTION1 DENSITY............................a.................................................,........................:..........1 l Section1.1 Retail...............................................................................................................1 l Section1.2 Office ..............................................................................................................11 Section 1.3 Office/Industrial.....................................................................e........................11 SECTION2 MINIlY1UM LOT SIZE..............................................................................................11 Sectian2.1 IZetail..............................................................................................a................11 Section2.2 Office ..............................................................................................................11 Section 2.3 Officellndustrial.........................................e....................................................11 SECTION3 MINIMUM L�T WIDTH.........................................................................................11 Section3.1 l�etail...............................................................................................................11 Section3.2 Office ..............................................................................................................11 August 10, 1998 'Table of Contents PA 8-West Commercial Page i ORDINANCE 041510.00019:0360293.04 �ection 3.3 Office/Industrial.............a........,...........................,...................................,.......11 SECTION 4 MAXIMUM�UILDING HEIGHT ..........................................................................11 Section4.1 Retail......................o..........................................................................e.............11 �ectian 4.2 �ffice .......................a....,...................e......e.......,.......e.........e............................11 �ection 4.3 OfficelIndustrial.................................................................e............................11 Section 4.4 Exceptions to Height Requirements................................................................12 SECTION 5 �INIMUM BtTILDIIVG SIZE ..................................................................................12 Section �.1 Retail.....................................................e....e..............ee...............,....................12 Section5.2 Offce a................................................................................a.......:....................12 �ection 5.3 Office/Industrial..............................................................................................12 SECTION 6 FR�NT YA1ZD SETBACI�S....................................................................................12 �ection 6.1 Retail.................................................................................e.............................12 �ection 6.2 Office .....e....................e...........,.,...................e...................a.......,...,.................12 Section6.3 Office/Industrial..............................e.................,.......................e.......e.e........,..12 �EC'TION 7 REAR YAIZD SET�A�K� ................................................................e....,................12 Section7.1 Retail..ee.a...............a........................,.....,,.............,...........................................12 Section7.2 Offce ....................................................................o.......,.....,....e......................12 Section7.3 Office/Industrial..............................................................................................12 SECTIOIV 8 SIIJE YA SE`I'�ACKS........................................................................................12 Section �.1 IZetail..e........................................e......................,.....a.....e................................12 Section �.2 Offic� ....................e......e.....,..............,............................,.....................a..........12 Section 8.3 Office Industr�al..............................................................................................13 �ECTION 9 SL(7PE REQUIIZEMENTS.........e...................e....,................................,............,,.,...13 Section 9.1 Residential Slope ..............e.................e.............................,.............e...............13 Section9.2 Roadway Slop� ...............o..................e.........................................,...,........e...,.13 A TICI�E�Vm �X I�I'�'� EX�-II�IT 1 Le�al IJescripti�n of PD I�istrict EXI�IBIT 2 PD Concept Plan-I'lanriing Area EXHIBIT 3 1'I� �oncept Pian�Land Uses EXI-IIBIT 4 PD Concept Plan � Open �pace�i Trail System EX�-II�IT 5 PD Concept Plan�Thoroughfares EXHI�IT 5 Circle T IZanch - Planning�°eas {for informational purposes only) August 10, 1998 Table of Contec�ts PA 8-West Commercial Page ii ORDINANCE 007510A0019:0360293.04 EXHIBIT 7 Circle T Ranch-Land Uses (for informationai purposes only) EXHIBIT � Circle T Ranch- Open Space & Trail System (for informational purpose� only} EXHI�IT 9 Circle T 1Zanch- Tharoughfares (for informational puzposes only) August 10, 1998 'i'able of Contents PA 8-West Commercial Page iii ORDINANCE 007510.00019:036d243.04 AlZ'TI�LE Im �EN� IJ P �VI�I�I�S SEC'�'�O� 1 S T' 'T�T�E This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Circle T Planning Area Na. � - West Commercial Planned I�evelopment Zoning I�istrict Ordinance", or simply as the "PD �rdinance". �ECTi��2 P€J �E� This PI� Ordinance is adopted to provide for a superior design of lats or buildings; to provide for increased recreatian and/or open space opportunities for public use; ta provide rural am�nities or features that would be of special benefit to t1�e praperiy users or cornm�anity; to prot�ct or preserve natural amenities and environmental assets such as trees, creeks, ponds, floodplagns, slopes or hills and vi�wscapes; to profect or pres�rve existing historical buildings, strtzctures, features or places9 and to provide an appropriate balance between the intensity of developrn�nt and the ability to provide ad�quate suppor�ing�ublic facilities and services. SECTION 3 �ENE IJ E�'I7VITI�I�S ���tion 3,1 I1sa�� For purposes of this PD �rdinance, certain numbers, abbreviations, te�ns, and words sha11 be used, inte�reted and defined as set forth in this Section. �ther terms and words are defined �lse�vhere in this PI) Ordinance. Unless the context clearly indicates to the contrary, words used in the present tense include the future tense, and words used in #he �lural include the singular. Th� �vord "shall" will be interpreted as mandatory, and the word °'rnay" as permissive. _ S�ct��n 3a2 Words �nd 'Tea� s I}efin�d At��licable Town�rdin�nc�s rr��ans the UDC and all other ordinances,rules, and re�ulations that are adopted by the�oard and that are applicable to developmer�t within the PI)I)istrict. �c�ard ineans the�aard of�ilderm�n of the Tovari of Westlake, Texas. Circle T P1ann�n�Area naeans any one of the pla�in� areas into �vhich the Circle T I�anch has been divided for p�zrposes of establishing planned development zonin�districts. Circle T 1Zanch means the approximately 2,525-acre property commonly lcnown as the Circle T '1Zanch and g�nerally located in Tarrant and Denton Caunties {i} east of U.S. 377, (ii)west of Precinct Line IZoad, and (iii) adjacent to and in the vicinity of the intersection of S.�I. 114 and �.H. 170. C�mmission means the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of W�stlake, Texas. August 10, 1998 Article I. General Provisions PA 8-West Commercial Page 1 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0360293A4 Floor area ratio (FAR}means the ratio of floor area ta lot area. Floor area means the total area of ail floors of all buildings on a Iot or unified development site measured between the outer perimeter wa11s of the buildings excluding (i) area in a building or in a sepaxate structure {whether below- or above-grade) used for the parking of motor vehicles, (ii} courts or balconies open to the sky, and (iii)roaf area used for recreation. Lot area means the gross site area excluding only (a}public roadways shown on the PD Concept Flans, (b) public hike, bike, and equestrian trails shown on the PD Concept Plans; and(c)the Town edge landscape zone. Masonry means brick, stone, cast stane, concrete, glass block, split-face concrete masonry unit, or other masonry materials approved by the�oard. PI� Concept Plan means any one or rnore of the drawings attached to this PD Ordinance and labeled "PD Concept Plan - Planning Area"; "PI� Concept Plan - Land Uses'; "PD Concept Plan - Open Space � Trail System'; and "PI) Concept Plan - Thoroughfares" (all of which plans are deemed part of the PD Concept Plan and this PD C�rdinance}. PD Dis�rict means the planned develapment zoning district established by this PD Ordinance. PI3 Ordinance means this planned development zoning district ordinance, including the PI� Concept Plan. PD Su�plement means that certain Circle T Planned Development Zaning L)istrict Supplement adopted by the Board concurrently with this PI) Ordinance. Sub-area means any of fihe sub-areas shown on the "PD Concept Plan - Land Uses" exhibits, which axeas are color-coded to identify permitted land use categories. Town means the Town of�Vestlake, Texas. UI3C means the Town's Unified I�evelopment�ode, as amended. SEC'TIOl� 4 PI) �ITPPI.EIVIEI�TT' Concurrently with the adoptian of this PI� 4rdinance, the Board adopted the FD Suppiement. The PD Supplement Ynciudes additional standards that are applicable within this PI3 I)istrict. The PD S��plement establishes additional standards for the following: (i) cancept, informational, deveiopment and site plans; (ii) signs; (iii) landscaping; (iv) roadway consfruction, parking and loading; (v) fencing; (vi} lighting; (vii) other special standards; and(viii) illustrations. August 10, i998 Article I. General Provisions PA 8-West Commercial Page 2 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:036d293.04 ���TI�� 5 APPI�I�A �I,IT'I' F E �TIIO�� ��1IJ��'ION� Seeti�n 5.1 A�Splicabl� T'�wr� r�i�nan��s Ex�ept�o the extent prov�ded by�he PD Concept � Plan, this PI� Ordinance and the PI� �upplement, development within the Pi3 I)istrict shall be govemed by the foll�wing UI�C stand�rds: A. With respect to the retail sub-area,by the P9R-lZetail" zoning district standards9 �. With respect to the office sub-area, by the "O-Office Park" zoning district standards; and C. �+Tith respect to the office/industrial sub-area, by the "O-I OfficetIndustrial Park°' zoning district standards. Except to the extent pravided by the PD �oncept Plan, this PD Ordinance, and the PI� Suppler�aent, d�velopment within the PI� I�istrict shali also be goverried by the Applicable Town Ordinances. In the event of any conflict between(i)the PD !Concept Plan, this PL� Ordinance and the PI� Sup�lernent and (ii)the Applicable Town �rdinances, the terms, provisions and intent of the PI� �oncept Plan, this PI) �rdinanc� and th� I'I� Supplement �hall control. Except as provided below, in the event of any conflict between the I1I�C and the Applicable Town Ordinances, the terins,provisions and intent c�f the UDC shall control. Sectior► 5.2 �ene�°al r�pproval Cr�tea-ia To th� exten�, if any, that the Applicable Town Ordinances (and, in particular, the subdivision regulations of the I1DC) grant to the �oard, the Commission, the °Town Planner, or any o4h�r Town employee �r consultant, the authority to approve any aspect of development within the PD District (including, but not limited to, preliminary or final plats or any as�ect thereof or any a�reements or permits r�lated thereto) based on conformity with the Town's Comprehensive Plan, Open Space Plan or Thoroughfare Plan (or with the �bjectives, goals or polici�s of such plans), then s�ch authority shall be exercised to the extent necessary to determin�wheth�r the aspect of develo�srrient being approved is consist�nt with the PI� Concept Plan, this PT� Ordinance, the PI� Stapplement and the objectives, goals, and policies of such plan, ordinance and supplerrient. SECT'I�� 6 C ��E�'I' PI�A�, E�E� P �l�T'T �IJA�S,�� SITE PI.� Sa �e�tio� 6.1 F �on���t Flan The PIJ Concept Plari attached to this PI3 �rdinance consists of drawings generally labeled as follows: (1} "PD Concept Plan - Planning Area"; (2) "PD �oncept Plan - Land Uses"; (3) "�'I� Concept Plan - Open Space & Trail Systern"; and {4) "PD Concept Plan - Thoroughfares°'. Except as otherwise provided by this PD Ordinance or the P� Supplement, each of these drawings is a part of this PD Ordinance, and all graphic depictions contained �n such drawings are �onsidered "regulatory" standards. t�o P Con�ept Plan - Flann�n� Ar�� The drawing labeled "PD Concept Plan - Planning Area" identifies the general baundaries of the PI� District for the "Circle T Planning Area No. 8 � West Coznmercial". The exact boundaries of the PI� District are August 10, 1998 Ar�icle I. �eneral Provisions PA�-West Commercial Page 3 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0360243.04 shown on the metes and bounds description attached hereto as Exhibit 1. Any inform�tion shown on this drawing that is autside the boundaries of the PD District is not ' considered part of the PD Concept Plan or this PD t7rdinance and does nat bind or otherwise affect develo�ment within the PB District. �e pD Concept Plaaa - I.,and I1ses The drawing labeled "PD Concept Plan - Land Uses" identifies the general categories of Iand uses that are permitted within the PD District sub-areas. This drawi�g aiso includes an estimate of the size of such sub-areas. For non-residential sub-areas,the drawings indicate the applicable floor area ratios and an estimate of total floor area. The estimates of total flaor area, hawever, are provided for informational purposes only and are not "regulatory" standards, and to the extent, if any, that the actual total floor areas differ from the est�mates, such differences shall not require an amendment to the PD Concept Plan. For single family sub-areas, the drawings also identify minimum Iot sizes. These drawings also identify open space areas; however, such open space areas are more specifically discussed in Subsection C below. Any information shown on these drawings that is outsid� the boundaries of the PL� I3istrict is not considered part of the PI7 Concept Plan ox this PIJ Ordinance and does not bind or otherwise aff�ct development within the PD I3istrict. To the extent, if any, that the drawings illustrate the detailed Iayout of golf caurse features (such as tee boxes, fairways, and greens} or detailed building "footprints", such detaiied illustrations are not considered part of the PI� Concept Plan or this PIJ Ordinance and do not bind or otherwise affect development within the PI� District. Co PD �0nce�t Plan � ���n Spac� � 'Trail Systern The drawing labeled "PD Concept Plan - Open Space �i Trail System" gdentifies public open space, private open space, and public and private galf(together with an estirnate of the size of such areas). This drawing aiso identifies the general location of public hike and bike trails and public equestrian trails (which locations are not to scaie). Any inforrnatian shown on these drawings that is outside the boundaries of the PD District is not considered part af the PD Concept Plan or this FD Ordinance and does not bind or otherwise affect development within the PD I�istrict. �, pi} Concep$ pian � 'Th�rou�l�faa-�s The drawing labeled "PB Cor�cept Plan - Thoroughfares" identifies major thoraughfares proposed for both d�velopment alternatives �ithin the PD I�istrict. Secti�n 602 PI) I�evei�pm�nt Plans �ecause of the level of detail contained in the PD Concept Plan, the Board (at the time this PD I3istrict was established) waived the requirement for development plans. �ased on such dev�lo�ment plans shall not be required �vithin this PD District. Secti�ra 6.3 PI3 Site Plans PD site plans are required far development�vi�hin the PD District. Article I, Section 3.4, of the PD Supplement governs the process by which PD site plans are submitted and approved (including, but not limited to, the submit�al requirements, approval criteria, and conditions). August 10, 1998 Artiel�Io General Provisions PA 8-West Commerciai Page 4 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0360293.04 Secti�n 6.4 ` P "Infor a�i�nal" Plar�s There are also attacl�ed to this PD Ordinan�e for informatianal purposes only: (1) a drawing labeled °'Circle T Rarich - Planning Areas° which illustrates the g�neral bo�daries of all �ircle T Planning �reas; {2) a drawing labeled °°Circle T Ranch � Land U�es° which illustrates the g�neral land us� categories for all Circle T Planning Areas; (3) a drawin� labeled "Circle T Ranch- �pen �pace � Trail �ystem" which illustrates the open space and �rail system for all Circle T I'lanning !-�reas; and (4) a drawing labeled "Circl� T Ranch - Thoroughfares" which illustrat�s the thoroughfares for all Circle T Planning Areas. These "informationa.l" drawings are not part of the PD Concept Plan or this PD Ordinarice, and nothing contained on any of these dravvings shall bind or atherwise affect the developrnent of this PI� District, August 14, 199� rlrticle I. G�neral I'rovisions PA 8-West Commercial Pag�5 ORDINt1NCE 007510.00019:0360293.04 A�ZTICI,E II. LT�ES SEC'I'IOl�T 1 Lt�N LT�E SC E ITI.E Buildings, structures, and land within the sub-areas identified on the PD Concept Plan shall be used only in accordance with the uses permitted in the foliowing "Land Use Schedule". The symbol "X" shall mean that the use is permitted as a principal use by right. The symbol "S" shall mean that the principal use is permitted only after first obtaining a "Specific Use Permit" as set forth in the UDC. The symbol "A" shall mean that this use is specifically permitted as an accessory use to a main use (this does not exclude other land uses which are generally eonsidered accessory to the primary use). A blank square sha11 mean that the use is not aliowed as a principal use. �Il�CLE'T PLAI�N�l�G A� -WE�T C� IVIE CIt�IJ I,Al� LT�E SC EI)TJLE PE ITTED ITSES SiT�- AS X=Permitted,A=Accessory Use,S=SUP Retail� ot��e 4ff/ind Public Use f�.�'sRT�uT,����USE� Orchard X X X X Plant Nuesery{Growing) X X X X Piant Nursery(Retail Sales) X X X Farms General(Crops) X X X X Farms General(Livestock,Ranch) X X X X Veteeinazian(Indoor Kenneis) X Veterinarian(Outdoor Kennels) Stables(Private Use} S Stables(As a Business) S RESIDEIVTtAI.LISES Single Family Detached Single Family Zero Lot Line Single Family Attached Duplex Home Occupation Servants/Caretakers Quarters A A Temporary Accommodation for A A Employees/Customees/Visitors Swimming Pool(Private} Detached Garage(Private) SportlI'ennis Courts{Private) August 10, 1998 Articie II. I7ses PA�-West Commercial Page 6 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:03bQ293.04 FE I'TTED ITSE� STI�- AS X=Permitted,A=Accessory Use,S=SUP Re�a�,' orr�e o�na Public Use IT��'I`I'TUTI�NAL and: ��V Rfi�10'�'A��tS�� : Emergency Ambulance Service X Post Office(Govemmental} X X Mailing Service(PrivaYe) X X Heliport Helistop/Verii-stop X X Telephone,Electric,Cable,and Fiber X X X Optic Switching Station Electrical Substation S S S Utility Distribution LinesZ X X X Utility Shop and Storage S S S Water and Sewage Pumping Station X X X (below grade) Water and Sewage Pumping Station X X S {above grade} Water SYorage Tank and PumFing X 5C S System(Elevated or Above Grade) Water,Sewer,Electriq and Gas Meters X X X Electric Transformers X X X Private SireetslAlleys/Drives X X X X ReYirement Home X X NursingJConvalescent Horne }{ Hospice X X HospiYal X X Psychiatric Hospital }{ }{ Clinic X X X Child Daycare(Public;?or more) X X X Child Daycaze(Private;7 or more) p School,K-12(Public or Private) � S g School(Vocational) X X X College or University X X X Community Center(Public) X X X Civic Club X X X Church or Place of Worship X X X Use Associated to a Religious InsY. X X X Govemment Building X X X X Police Station X X X X Fire SYation X X X X Library X X X X Da4a CenYer COIv%D��ItGYAY.ITSES; Multifamiiy(Apartments) August 10, 199� Article II. I1ses PA 8-West Commercial Page 7 ORDINANCE 007510.04019:0360243.04 PE TTED USES �U�- AS X=Permitted,A=Accessory Use,S=SUP Retail' Office otrn�a Pubiic Use Offices(General} X X X Studio X X X Banks and Financial Institutions X X X Information Processing X X HotelJMotet X X X Hotel/Mote1 with Conferencing Facility X X X Laundry/Dry Cleaning(<3,000 S.F.) X A Laundry(Dry Cleaning(DroptPick) X A Shoe Repair X A A Beauty Par(orBarbershop X Clothing Stoze X Quick Copy/Duplicating Services X A X Personal Services X X X Liquor Store X Micro-brewery and Wi�e Production and X Sales(<30,000 S.F.) Grocery X Convenience Store X A Service Station X Drug Stoee X A Vaziety Store X Bakery Sales X Stationery and/or Book Store X Antique Shop X Art GallerylMuseums X Hazdware Store X Sporting Goods X Paint and Wallpaper X Cioth Store X Retaii Stores-General X (Excluding Second Hand Goods) Restaurant,Cafe or Dining Facility X A A AutolCruck Parts and Accessories S Household Fumiture/Appliances X (including Sales and Seevice) Fanner's Market X Feed Store X Parking Stzucture A A A Cafeteria{Private) A X 7ob Printing,Lithography,Printing,or }{ X X Blueprinting Vehicle Display and Sales(inside) Medical Laboratory 5 August 10, 1998 Artecie II. iJs�� PA 8-West Commercial Page 8 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0360293.04 �� i���r�us�s s��- �s X=Permitted,A=Accessory Use,S=SUP Retaiis O�ce Offltnd rob��o Use R&D Laboratory S Conference Center Live Theater X X X4 Motion Picture Theater }{ Custom Business Services Electronic Appliances Store and Computer Sales and Service Tavem,Bar or Lounge Dance Halls/Nightclubs A ri4t15E1�I��I1'/12E��2F.P�'i'ZOIv Goif Course(Public or Private) X X X Pazk or Playground(Public or Private) X X X Sateliite Dish X X X Non-Commerciai Radio Tower S S S Race Track Operation S S Recreation Facility,Health Studio X X X (Public) Country Ctub(Private Membership) X X X Gotf Clubhouse(Public or Private} X }{ Community Center{Private) Recreation Center(Private) X X Hike,Bike,and Equestrian Traiis X X X X (Public or Private) Golf Maintenance Facility Golf Pro Shop HealthlSpa Facilities(Private) X X X Athletic Fields{Private) Aihletic Courts{Private) A Equestrian Center Athletic Courts(Public) A Commercial Amusement(Inside) Lake Cruise(Water Taxi AL1T(D 5E18�lICES Truck(I'railer Renta! Auto Body Repair S S Auto Mechanical Repair S S Quick Lube/Oil Change S S Vehicle Maintenance(Private) S S Vehicle Fueling(PrivaYe) Aug�ast 10, 1998 Article Iia l7ses PA 8-West Commercial Pa�e 9 ORDINANCE 007510.00014:036Q293.04 PE IT"I'ED ITSES �IT�- AS X=Permitted,A=Accessory Use,S=SUP Retail� Office otvtna r�br� Use WHQI,,E�t�Y;�' "d'R�IDE Wazehouse/Storage(Inside) X WarehouselStorage(Outside) S Scrap/Waste Recyciing Collection and/or S Storage Gas/Chemical Bulk Storage S Light ManufacturinglAssembly X Apparel Manufacturing X Packaging andJor Distribution X PrinYing,Engraving and related X Reproductive Services Distribution of Books/Other Printed X Materiai Machine Shop S Welding Shop S Temporary Batching Plant S S S S Temporary Construction O�ce X3 X3 X3 XS Temporary Construction Materiais X3 X3 X3 XS Storage Temporary Sales Office S S �����: 1. Individual retail occupants(except grocery store and drug store}cannot exceed 25,000 square feet. 2. Including water, sewer,electric,gas,cable,tetephone,fiber optic,and other pubiic and private utility distribution lines. 3. Limited to period of construction. SECTI�l�i 2 ACCE�S ItY IJSE� A1�I) �'I'�2I1CT'IJ S An accessory use or structure which is customarily incidental to the principal use or structure, and is locat�d on the same Iot or tract of land, shall be permitted as an accessory use without being separately listed as a permitted use. August 10, 1948 Ar�ecle Ii. Uses PA$-West Commercial Page 10 ORDINANCE d0751 O.d0019:0360293.04 A TIC�.,E IIIa EV�I. I'��1�T' �TAli� A � SECTIOI�� 1 E��IT'�' ��e�ion 1e1 l��t�il The m�imum floor area ratio for the retail sub�areas shall be 0.25:1 far Tracts �-1 and �-2. ��cti�n 1.2 ffc� The maximum floor area ratio for the offce sub-areas shall be as follows: A. 0.45:1 for Tract �-3; and B. 0.40:1 for Tracts ��4 and 8-5. S��ti�n 1.3 Of�i��/Ind�astr°ial The maximum floor area ratic� far the office/indust�ial sub- areas shall b� 0.30:1 for T'racts �-6, �-7 and �-�. S��TI�N 2 Il'�� IJM I��'I' SI�E �ec�ion 2>1 �tail The minimum lot size for the retail sub-areas shall be 40,000 square feet. �ecti�n 2a2 Of�c� The Yninimum lot size for the office sub-areas shall be 100,000 square fe�t. �e�t��n 293 f�ff��elI��ius�t~ial The minimum lat size for the office/industrial sub-ar�as shall be lOQ,000 square feet. �ECT"I �3 I1�I �T L, T I 'T S��tiora 3ml �tai� Th� minim�m lot width for the retail sub-areas sha11 b�204 feet. �e�tion 3.2 ffice The minimuYn lot width f�r the office sub-areas shall be 200 feet. �ect���3a3 CJf�acelI�si�astrial 'The minirriuuin lot width for the officeiindustrial sub-areas shall b� 175 feet. SE�TI�� 4 � IT IJIL ING EIG 'T Secti�n 4.1 �Zetail Except as provided below, the maxirrrium height for all �t�uct�ares within the retail sub-areas shall be tvao stories or 35 feet. �ectaon 4.2 f�i�e Except as provided below, the maximum heigh� for all structures within the office sub-areas shall be the lesser of five stories or 75 feet. Secta�n 4e3 t�f���/Ind�st�-�al Except as provided below, the rria�cimum height for all s�ructures within the office/industrial sub-areas shall be two stories or 35 f�et. August 10, 1998 Article III. Develop�rent Sta�adards PA 8-West Commercial Page i l ORDINANCE 007510.000 i 9:0360293.04 �ectimn 4.4 Ex�ept�ons to ei�ht equflr�ments The height limits imposed above shall not apply to (a) chimneys and vent stacks, church spires, elevator shafts, penthouses, cupolas, entry features, skylights, or other architectural features that are not intended for occupancy or storage; (b) flag poles and similar devices; or (c) heating and air conditioning equipment, soiar collectors, and simiiar equi�ment, fixtures and devices provided such equipment, fixtures, and devices are screened from view with a solid wall that is architecturally consistent with the design of the building to which they are attached. SEC'TIOI�5 INI ITIVI I1ILI)ING �IZE ��ction 5.1 IZet�il The minimum building size within the retail sub-areas shail he 2,000 square feet. ��etic�n 5.2 Off�ce Th� minimum building size within the office sub-areas shall be 3,000 square feet. Sect�on 5.3 ff�e/Ind�astrial The minimum building size within the affice/industrial sub- areas shall be 3,000 square feet. SE�'TION 6 F�20I�'�'�'A SE'T�ACKS S�ction 6ei etaal The minimum front yard for the retail sub-areas shall be 50 feet. Se�ti�n 6.2 Off ce The minimum front yard for the office sub-areas shall be 50 feet. ��ction 6.3 f�ce/Iras��astr�al The minimum front yard for the office/industrial sub-areas shall be 75 feet. SE�'TION 7 A �'A SET�t�CI�S Section 7.1 et�il The minimum rear yard far the retail sub-areas shall be 50 feet. Section 7e2 �ff ee The�ninimum rear yard for the office sub-areas shall be 50 feet. Sectimn 7<3 Of�c�lIndus�rial The minimum rear yard for the office/industrial sub-areas shall be 50 feet. �E��'ION � SI E�'A SE'T �CI�� Sec��on �ml etaal The minirnum side yard for the retail sub-areas shall be 10 feet. Section �e2 �f�ice The minimurri side yard for the office sub-areas shall be 45 feet. August 10, 199� Article III. I)evelopment St�ndards PA 8-West Commercial Page 12 ORDINANCE 007510.00Q19:03b0243.04 Se�ti�� �.3 Off ce Inda��#riala The minimum side yard for the office/industrial sub-areas shall be 50 fee�i. SEC�I�N 9 SLt71�E I�QI1IIt.�I���T'TS Sect�on 90l �sfl�e��ial Slop� Except as provid�d below, non single family structures shall not ex��ed the height of a line drawn at a slope of 5:1 (including streets and other rights of tivay) from any single family lot line. If the grade of the ground rises or falls from the point of origin of the slope line,the maximusn height shall increase or decrease by the difference in grade. �ectaon 9a2 �advvay �lop� Except as provided below, non-single family structures shall not exceed the height of a line drawn at a slope of 2;1 (including str�ets and other rights of way) from any right-of way line of any roadway. If the grade of the ground rgses or falls from the point of origin of the slope line, the maximuyn height shall increase or decrease by the differ�nce in grade. August lfl, 1998 At°ticte III. Developinent�tandards PA 8-West Commerciai Pa�e 13 ORDINAAICE 0075I0.00019:0360293.04 r�I2TICI.E IVa E I ITS EXHIBIT 1 Legal Description of PD District EXHI�IT 2 PD Concept Pian-Planning t�rea EXHIBIT 3 PD Concept Plan- Land Uses EXHIBIT 4 PI� Concept Plan- Open S�ace� Trail System EXHIBIT 5 PD Concept Plan- Thoroughfares EXHIBIT 6 Circle T Ranch- Planning Areas (for informational purposes only) EXHIBIT 7 Circle T Ranch-Land LTses (for informational purpases only) EXHIBIT 8 Circle T Ranch- Open Space&Trail System (for infarmatianal purpases only) EXHIBIT 9 Circle T Ranch-Thoroughfares (for informational purposes only) August 10, 1998 Eirticle IV. Exhibits PA 8-West Commercial Page 14 QRDINANCE 007510.00019:0360293.04 PD C(�NCEPT PLAN - P I1�TC1 AREA � �� �i � --—�.-. a�� � � ;r - , ��:. _= - _ _ _. i. 4 - _ � ::_�."��;;.:,�;_=:-,: - � �� - --- - .. __ ��. _ _ :; I � _�_ ___- :::.:;� .w,v4 -�: LEG E N D , � �f�w — — _ . .�. ' ,r "f""'� ^�. I� , _. ' �,�-��� .� ���. . . . . � . :� 3 — -- - -— - --=-- -- ---, --- — - .,....,..... . _ _. � _ � __ .��.,,; ..�, �;,��� ����� : ���� �„-.�,�- . . - ...... ........... .-' . .. . .. � .� .t � . '. --�-- ... _. ----- - -� ---�--- .... ., . . .,.�r-.,.�.y»..�:,,, , . .. ir, -- -�--------- ----- -•-.:--- , ,.. .� �:,:�,�•, : .;,5;�'•- . 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"'.,�q' - ���' " " ""'____"_____"__"""""""____ ____ . . . � t� . ,_ . . . . . . . . _... ... .. �..... .".'"".. _ ;. . . -. ._...�.:""._"'.. - �f----�-----------�-��---�- . .._.:..._.--- -.:---.. ..::.........----...... - ... ..� ....::.......�- .... ,. ,.... , - �� . . . . --� --..... : ., :.::. � �: � +. , , ---�---------- - - :.. :. , _..._ ------� � �-- -�..................- . . . , .,.:�:� ....... .... ---�- , :_..,.. . . _...r ....---�---�-�----------------�----�--------�-- -----�--- ...-------- -- �-.. , _:.._..., . . . .. . .---- � , . ��`, ,. .... ..----.. ....... .:� - - - - - - , , .. ... ...... � ... .. --�-� --- � -----�-:�; - __ ,... .. ..... . .� - - -- ._.. ... .......----�-�-:-----.- .,,...:...} .... .., -----.. _........ �„. _ . ,., - - -� ---.. , ��•�_• PD Distr�ct Bound ry ,�.... ... ..---...-�---- - � ....... ._.. -� - � -- � -• - .. �_ ."... ......... � ' . . .. . .:.�,..�.' �' /;y _ .. ._. . :;i>..,..�,�- ,a� .. ,. _.... �, - ---•-. ..•:�'--•...._ : ��lr'��%l���'/_�/ 'f• � $ �l'.> i ` . . , �^�. , -fia�- -- .. 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' � ;� � ���� .� E 1�'�� ♦ ` i z`� � -�%>`'.i� �� �" �_ _ .. � • Nt- � I I :�•, : � �//, / :,�� �,^-�5s-� -�` � E - _ �'l Tract 8-4: 8.6 Ac. , , , /� �/ / � : � f���+G�$'� �" , � -� R= 0.40:1 � � �� � 1�.,�-1 � �; � , , ' /� �'--�' �, �--� �'-, FA ; , ; �;�.� �, � � � �- _� prox. Fioor Area= 149,850 S.F. - --- - - �� � AP , I� ____� „ � _ :��~�y� .f ���' /%, j /� f -= �� ���j.�� �`� � _-�-- ° Tract 8-5:8.3 Ac. ��, _... �.a� = , �. -- - - - - -- �� : . � • - �' � � _r , , _ , �., _ � _ _ _ >�� ���,��Y � '� �� � .��I ' ` � �� _� r =�°i.!I FAR= 0.40:1 - - - -- �'�'_�� _�E�;�,;{ / �`� � ;� % � � � ' '� ��,:I -- - -- -- --- APProx. FloorArea= 144,f20 S.F. � . .�:ar,-� —� �. `7 ;� ���� i -i - '� � ��,� s -/�--- � r� � .7 , - - . � �—' � ' i ,� — — .�; � : �-; -~ . . . : �� � �' .`,,,✓io,-,;;',::.n'c ir--/ -- G;-�,3Xa'' �, � _',.�;,,`� ,y ' :,�� �J�yf r. ��/ � :"� TRACT=$ 3 �w �. � ,� . , � . . , , ;�° - � ����,�.,»� � � ��i , x. ��7 �� f - �� - � - ` Office /I ndustnal ) � � ,�F � i - _ _ �-�} � . , t�� � � (Total 111.8 Ac. , , �,� � � J�. � 's=�.���� � ' � ;�� - � =� � y � � • Tract 8-b: 55.3 Ac. ZENfTH ElECiROMiLS I I� (��� '�^ / '.-y .!� ,�l "�� ' � � II:� �� . I i I . � � OUT PARCEL FAR= 0.30:1 ;i,'/,�'v� � ;�,,� '� � ' Approx. Floor Area= 722,660 s" , �'- . � n i r w� nn� us i:mm�nrr �7wr�i - `.�r� F;" � /,� �. Tt2ct 8-7:36J AC. ,,, �;,�-����� -� �� - =i �%� i / ----- -- - -.-.... FAR- 0.30:1 �iniir u;ii„qiaqo:z�<i�;ioriii r,,,,;sru,iii, �.vi;r - r < � — — � :.. � - �.,.�i.�,,��4-�s�.u.- - ,�-�,�._'�� �.��--- �- � %� PP , `�`"� _�i , � A rox. Floor Area= 479,600 S.F. — �= -� �: 9 ��,�i.—_ ���riii�,�j �� � ,' ' �� - " -__- • Tract 8-S:19.8 Ac. , : ,, / .,. ; _ _ � ' `_ , , � �� - _ r � . . ;� --� � � '' ' ° '� - . - _ pp x. Floor Area= 25 , 50 S.F. _ z� - � �� �� � �,,, _, : _ _ . ! FAR 0 30•1 � ,� �� �- -�- � � �, I A ro 8 7 , -� � ' � _ � � nesne oisrnieunoe�c�rtv� =I � �.i: � . �� . , � . :i / . � }t, . � - � ,:� � \ Public Open Space: 17,3 Ac, i'( /�/�: � '��RACT' 8-6 �� - � �` , ! - � / , � � Y � �---=`-� � 1 Public Use (Total 2.0 Ac.) '�,� d � d � � � � .. _ � I � � , � � � � , � � I g-) , �� ,�, �' `_i��� �� �� - , Y ^ / ... .._ . 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( BC � Mc�tD Its� � �ypsy°��. ` --"- ; - �f { / �/� � i1 et�cF � '� � ; w ��9 - �,;� �:z,� _ � ��.f _ _ � � ; � u I t ��.z -; ,�� Multi-Family: 12.7 Ac. 1�1 .I -...--r,..�, a ,__�-__�� _�y�. ,� '�N a�`i;�`-i"--_� I 1 �0 4� v� i `��f .�.�;'� , � . ` „�__ , ' �'-�`- �� . �i - W�SnJXE-Ta6'N . .l��� .-`V � :."L'fF1'GS 2%FF7CE-�/��•k,`�'�` ! ' •Sv_ ��:.(��'ti� ���!/ "' � "'_' . AC. - �� :.M«H,M� � s�' i �� ? r�' � 6 ',- __�� � Single Family: 25 3 _ �'Qar3e ---sa«+ =" � aaa nc. ,� z:�.�c_��� ;J r k t _ �- --;i ` . .. � � _ , ,. // `� s�, - �' ♦ ,. ; _ ! q ' r /-c"i!' �:. � � 41 ':Y" F � SF. 151 AC ,'�F-7.9.;.G.. ,�y`( ��,-. - 4� }/.i �-��-�. �� .�..�_ ��� G ����" � �-•- J (j ``�_ (" .j�---- 2- ....,,,,,�.. °, ..�'p�\ _ '� �-. �°'-�:,�.�=�; ` blc sF.nvr�- \ � �� �. � S- I� MM- I�(� �7 �9 o�,�� .� . I � �.L � _ �a: .�� ��_��' ' - .s', -/�=�. (/ < `���,��3�� =� ' ' � Single Family: 95.2 Ac. ,� , f!y,,/ -;a,¢= r � a�,�"- �=,�_�,�-.: -, f ,� � {(` �� �= ��t•�;,. � � L� SA Q J 'O.. / 1E�Nl :'6�� .-:"QiFiC_ I.. _ ; Ak� .'z:)._L .�--1.��J�._ - - . ' �+� 1�i� a". �� -� . . [+' i w • , r y / � Y r - 12 AG... V �.SH-9 t�s �J _ .. ' _ V �: . � (/\1f Q ( / , { i. '.� . � t�:' � �'f.� U�1" �� / � _✓ ��F.-833 K. �� _ �� ��. i�'. (Y ..� ":'.� '/� /:: I l. ' \V� I �i ,�/ - /� `���, ��} \ � Single Family: 329.2 Ac. I J• 12N SF.MIN. S.f. 10.3�+G :� I� z ./� �Gf'KE�� I -.-�`=:l" v'��� V��� S.F. ?0 2(C. `�iV{ �G: ~_ / / I___ r . ,��� -4u YQ7kI'- .� .:'.PUBLIG GOLF�_ ,' yF. 12K SF.MI "��" _ 30K S.F.IAIN.-.-._ b J� l __ �UT r'.AR41 i a 1_� B3 M' ' � J ..�-- G �o - � - � .i C�y � ��^'��L 9.2 1G -�1� 1 � ��.`� . - ��. `�•' ��'d' � o I �- - IZK S.i.IAIN � T : � V e�� �r � ���t�' � ` iy t�t . �° i �" _. -------- � Sin le Famil 212.6 Ac. _�.�il %� o� ' ����, ! � �� 0 g Y� �-�"���l,�l t�` -x= � � ��s ; - ��� � � _ - �, � a , 3 ,' � � , �.,�.� � our Pr�aca „ -�. _p �I� � ,, ,� � (r'�� sr _.;,� I � �+;'� ��f��� �'� ' �,��.���Ro.W. � Single Family: 76.3 Ac. ry � '�. � � ISH SF.MII =`.� =_�'�'' - -�-1�'O% , ' y. : t _ . .. S.F.-15.9.iL. Q' .�-.._�'_' ' �•'�'-_,(�,� �i�(•ii . � �� � r�� , f:� 5.�. 24 t 4G 30K-S.F.IAIN. - �� �r '_ I ''"J:�,� __�. ���/I�OrAG " �-� 30K S.F.MIN. i '�:1. . . �� ������ .�-, � , � �}2H S.F IAIN ' / - � ��� � Elementary School: 9.5 Ac. / 1 ?FtALWY ' ��1 ./� OFT7C£/IMDIhTflU1 J /'� I S.r.-SES.tG / flELDG1TEL1, LSK i F��/N - / '653:FG '��ft � 151(SF.IAIN. - �UTllRLL pE57JFl(TW- ���,: �/( �-'-�-: ��� t OFLVHA(iE __ ---��\ ��� " . �. �q����,.rr,_ ��J-/��"/ ;,; � !� ��Ra,� o� - r■■ � Public Golf: 413J Ac. 3l,--, i1 _ �-��i��� t/_-,: � \ � . r ,� � Il^u1 lG. � �ISK S.f Mlfi. '� ,^�'� � RI�'�Y�M I � � ��� _'� J /�(,,j Public Open Space: 280.8 Ac. � I I � V `-^t`., tf S ,' _' _ �S.F.-13.0 AL. I� .. � �� �� �y 12K SF.MIN.� � �,� j , �� ` o� I� "� (� .... Y I S.F.-97.2�L, q f � t .. ���, t��'� �/ � . LSK S.F.MIN. , '� °�'36°�'p"` � , 'I F._,6,k, ' � Private apen Space: 47.2 Ac. _I I 4 � �O,W.'_ " �L 1���.\y _".�, `�y,� . . �50f(SP_MBl � . O 4 � I �/ � � - �/ �s�a.o.tv r- �\�\2:�� �'hy.,�- � OFflC£N1DUSiRU1� :�Mr.,/ S.F._,Sz,�. � \ Public Use: 4.d Ac. ♦ ��_� l98 AL ' 3al(S.F.AIIN. � - \:•.-•. � . (_. ?.',:C.. D i � �a� I -'� 1�;, � ,4�:, � �e�u�s�ey � ��,�,�,�P,�„�,� /- � � R,O.W.: 135.7 Ac. J ���iFIIAAflT -FI0.E STAil01L ��REtflc'ATED SLO ZIX1E' J /, R610E1f�7A1 � - i i ;;'!/,' E7fTRY .- -_ ��DRAIN/.GE � I // !/ �J `�"^� � _ __ � --- o �----' S;..-'�fiync °°�o°� P� District Boundaries %�^� -' �I - I 37N S.F.MIN. �I' J� -_ -. _ ;= ---� \ � - �,� a, Total: 2315.4+ Ac. I 1 / o a SF.-333�c i�,/ LSK�.F.MIN. ^ "" '; ��J =--___/�% � f� ;i'� Informational Only. Not Part of PL ' �' . ; -- w - - _ ---------, . - � , -- __ ,; ' Concept P1an. or PD Ordinance. s �-- �°`;�' - s;:�" s.��!sse-,�c-" " � ���L��/ �' ��.11�� . I��I �'y � �corrt�ttuem . I30F(SF.Mlti% L � � �ao- - I � i r-=- i� I I �� i i i i i I I I` Originais are in Color ,�..,,,�u o xn 6an ia�o ieoo �aan Ex h i b i t 7 ue.i-i�,a_n�.uiou.soisoc.or.a:r.:.cP.an� �aphksole n rw �' CIRCLE T RAN�I� � �I'EN SPACE & TRAIL SY�TEM Or�givals are in Color LEGEND -_-- - -_--- ,,, - , , , , l, a�� , PUBLIC OPEN SPACE ; ; _ , , , _ v:"V/� �-�'� � �u. �� ; , ,, / ,; ,,' ;l. _ � .,� '�; , 1 , ;�� � � O/��� � � � ��-- � f � 280.8 AC. � 1� __ � %`.�; l i l /n� ,�~V:`L �_ —� .� � x�f �� , , '� , i ,.-' __� ,y ''`i �� � ��_ -�-c. � �� O��V � �-- �� �,-�� ; ' %'� o,, � , ��'���1 • Includes Water Surfaces -�— .�' �`- --�„��_-'i �� O(�� .ry;' �� I� � ` �>. � j�� � j^i ` � yi� �;�/ Contained Withi.n � Y ., F - ...v`T . � \/� ... ( � �F/�� _ � C^����;� // . .�/% ,, , , � � /� � r,�;� ' „ � / '1 }, . ' ' � //�; � : � ; . Open Space ��,/ i ,y� c � � i r -�. '� i:f i�� � �t_' j ,_ �1 i�. .. i ��� i -1 %-_�r , '�r` 'i i � { � '��'"�%'�/ /�� ' i / � i�l 1�,1 -�.,�7 - ��'RR>;;�� ( `` � ,--, in��� �I r���< _�, �/ , , , ' � PUBLIC GOLF . �� �� � �, '';t<, � =� '�~� '� '-.��i �'%�.--'� -"�' _ _,�J__�+,.____— -=' ---- - '' � ' ' ' l' �° - '' s ��, Zi• , '�_ ;�;%� ` �� � ;_ �;: ,-; - -- __ ;'i � ----` �� � � �' - Ji - lf , ,; ��`1" �L.' � � � � _.. ` - , 413.7 AC. �-=?r�" f;-=- � ; , �1�.. . _ � .� l , ,� �' �;; �//�//'� : �,. i _--=—i .��� - ( -' ., ,+ x� � '��,"�•e.� i=�- `' ,_— �_`, V _� . S] i� �I .. .� r �`�-- /' '\ i�� � '°W-- r �� �. � -: i `� �\. ..,. r� -- _.. J i '-�- � � ,�` / i � !�l • � .� .r—< `�'^�=V. � � ` ��� /��'� ( `'ii�_ �ti. 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C� .. } 't �-1 �.'�"qs �"p4 � � ---- �y� � / ` ' ����y� i 3�( 1� d � x '�` � _ � /: • Includes Water Surfaces - . ��r— �i -m - _ � _...�� �t-� � O t i �:�t �„�a r �; 4 � � •1 ,;���`. -�---��„`� ��;,�� � .�� �' � >. �o� r,-������� , ' Contained Within --- -- ; �'`��r�� .j _ ,.,, ` ' r. .=�t i �� ��� �` - ' 7 �� , � Tl % II � 1 il �\ �ji � 'r�.� 4' ����C f- ; R. �,��.l r , �.j . 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'„� << . - :��-;�,- ,' ,. - �ii-= , � --1G l`��. � / ; ' TrailLinksTo % -- � ���-- �l ; :� , � ;, ;( ; {( -� � -' + �- / ��i,. .-= --==-�'i� �``=- -�..- - r���, - � �� �: :, , , - ti �� '� - � Adjacent Land Use �--n.,;�,�, i,' � j � 7;�ft 7 _ �:.'� . ;� �_^ _;I, ;� � `!' -. i \ti. � , '��� r'�. � � ' Y �,j� -� ` i �} .!!%r iz'S'� _ \ � - _ i- I � _ r I: -:"� / ' �� f� s --�^_;�»-. .� � I � � /�'`' 1 j�' ,^ _.I�`:'_.I �ar��_;F. _ :^ +- rI �� 'J'�, � 1 ` -.-_- � F '"`�- A'_ Equesirian Trail - •� - I�.�, � �. � I �r� , _. _. -k�`� � 4a�:�.,� I ;� —�� ',, � - �. Y . �; - k' i � ,h,,,,.,�,, _ i ; - ,_ , .-� Owner To Provide R.O.W. ;; , , ��u ��. _ _ I __ �l L� ; ; , t - _ i,; , � .---,'' ; ; ` - � __ — _- ;: , _ _C - , „ Trail To Be I ' -I .. _ � ( s; � ,:;�. __.. � _ , ' •_ '� T _- _ - - - Co structed y Town . _ , , � .- . . —.-, . _ - _ � : n B - - ��. . �J ` � _ Equestrian Trail Links - �. , � _: �" �- To Adjacent Land Use T` - � � '- �� � PD District 8oundary _ - - ,�-�1 --, - _- __ �m�� Town Edge BoLLndary _ -„ . „ ;� � Grade Separation N4TE: Trail SyYnbols ai�d Associated Open Space Are Diagrammatic I�iformational Onl.y. Not Part of PD arld Not Drawn TO Sca1e Concept Plan or PD Ordinance. � �1�'��� � Ra.nC� r . �,� 0 3� ;� �l� ,,� � EXn�b�� $ aD Grnphk Sob in Fca CIRCLE T R:Al�TCH — THQRC�UGHFARES .�, ;�.; v� ��� � �� ,� � �;r � ��,> r I � � > « �' '�� � ., 1 ^^ �0���+ � ` \ U� `��---- � � �—� LEGEN D _ _ � �\ �_ y L .—__ ���- . � . �'� ~^-1�- ������ i �. «, ----- �� � , �. :: _,, �/ / : , , :�� ; f, 1 _ -- Propased Thorou fares ; o hca �� `� : � �- �►-' i _ � � 7 =' f� ��O� ,.NOSPITAL \y�� \ �� / ,�� 135J+ Acres _ � � ��/ / ' �.:::.'. �j : Sy � �// / ���j��,\,\ �y��a�--� .-,---= - /( O�o�—=--� ;. -�u4 �I/�� � �i � `'1> . g� ._� �f; ,:.... �VO / hraiM�Si. , � U� / . . , .�_.. ... �� :: . . ... -,-- : �J\ . .� "' J O� �i .�} , : '' -" �-... � . . \� :. G� c,o�,�- �_— —_,-,���, / . �� � �•,—• PD Distriet Boundaries , � . �"� ' _ , , � .-;,- ,j�,, o �� � , ,� 3 3 , r 0 ' , ..�_ ... . � .-".•" .:/�' ...� �,, ��d : :ry `...r . \ ��� . . / i r.- . 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R 600. 00' � 1 I �� i / /� q-1 < 03 11 ' 1�" E �i 3 , � m � � �� +� � �1 o�� � �. o L 543. 30' o °� �� , w < < ( � �oro uHo use ncaence '� i ;� f , �a'' �� �w � �o��s � 524. 93` ... �_. wor+ �� uca , , �� ., 122. 59'\ . . ,, � � , � / %( � �� � �� � �, � ¢�� '�� � pOW� �-50 iE� Bi� � �oi � � f � � �'i � LOT 1 OFFlCE (HEALTH CARE) 35.808 AC. _ � /� �/ /�,�7! . /, ./�b�jC�� \ �ef K . _ ____����r� � �/ � � �✓�� iY I + �\� � I I� ` �� \> LOT 2 DPAINAOEMNDSCAPE/R�WY.XING/�PAILS 5.6J3 AC. ^'Y � LC 579 23 53 E 8" - n „ ��q °� , ' - � � � N PD Offwe /N�t I � .�fi rorn� � � ai.za�nc. . i � . /���' �� a/���� ��� � � �� ��� /� \. �.�—�-=_' �-a-v -�` `�--"� � �I � 11 � 1 �I f�i� % �� BOUNOARY CLOSURE IS ONE PHRi IN 357413.88 /'� ,/' �l � ,j,, .' i' �� t / u�� _���-,i� -' ( ;, - — �� , � _ .`= � __ � ' .+''y i ,,. � � T � � � ..- � �. _ � �� � 6"_ 1 ti ..� .,i _, / / � / 7��,,,� ;� � / /, / m Mn�-, . / / � re� ... , - � .. 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O � � � 54 308.9V�i S � � � � � � i ; � ; T�ZACT � 8-3 �LOT 1 �oa � � •• � i � ; N��� � � Ri� / � � � � ___ � _.� � , _ �� ... � � �� ,... 1 Wffier w�ll be suPPl�etl bY ihe Tmvn N Wwtlake or GTR M U.D.(Ft.Wohh) II � 44 � � � � � � Saniqry Sewer semce will be ponded by fhe Town ot Wes[leke or CiR M.U.O.(TRp) i �� � ���0� � '������ ����� ��� �� ° � � � � �� � 2.Shsetlighlingarb,gui[eqsidewelks,anEboulevaklmprovemeMswillbewns[ructed � %� Fs � � i p p 7��"'(� � O�Q� ��tipp ea��� ' `�� � �� � � � � � ( as required by ihe Grtle T Ranch PD 3S anG the Westiake U.O.C.ar as oNerwise ��� ' �� � � r , � �� So. � _ ��.O�O ��l\LiJ �� �� po� � i 1 � � p� � I i ,�� a00rwed by ihe Plann ng antl Zon ng Comm'�sion or BoaM of Aldermen i �� � .P� �aF' � .� � � ' } �V .� Q SP"�I- �q� - r � �o � 3.lot 2,T2et�3,Clrele T Ranch Atltlition (PD 3�)will pmvitle hvo roatlway/entry/cuN cut � q � ,�� ^ , � • O Q,� ♦ ,y f .�7 � � i Q=88 54' 11 ',_. � I ( ; l essemems'� taw.ora�a pm.-a�aaxessro �oti,r�acta-a,c�roier Ra��n naeno� (Po s-e) , :� , � o � . ;• , ' ,���, o' � �� � �(.�5' ,� /' � .fj=5 Q. p(�' � � � : � as shown on this preliminary plat in fhe two (9 areas marked as'pmposed zme brcurb cuLs ' � ' � �S' +" ' ' I A antl enNes".The erac[IocMion anE tlesi of Mese enince is sub'eR b final site lan a mvals . : / ���' i � , � _ , '" __ ' __"""_QQ�J""" p """ .'.P �€ 1� � zL ��. 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