HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 313 Rezoning land within Circle T for Planned Development PD 3-7 ORDINANCE 1�10. 313 AN dRDINANC'E AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF 'I'HE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS T� REZONE AI`� APPROXIMATELY 392.3-ACRE TRACT �DF LAND GENERALLY LQ�ATED IN TARItAl`+TT COUN'TY, TEXAS FROM "()I" �FFICE.Il''�DU�TRIAL PARK, "4" OFFICE PARK AND "12-40" ES�'ATE RESIDENTIAL TO A ��PD" PLANNE�.I DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AUTH�DRIZING SIl�GLE FAMILY AND GOLF USES; DEFTNYNG CERTAIl'�T TERM�; DESCRISIN� AND INTERPRETING THE PD CONCEFT PLAN; REGULATING PERMITTED USE�, HEIGHT, L�T SIZES AND BUYLDING LINES, TOTAL FLOOR AREA, PARKING, LOADING AND OTHER. DEVELQMENT STANDARDS, LANDSCAPING, FLOOD PLAIN, AND DRAINAGE; PRO��D�NG FOR THE AMENDMENT �F THE OFFICIAL Z�NING MAP; PROV"IDING A SEVERA.BIL�TY CLAU�E; AND D�CLARING AN EFFECTI'VE DAT�. WHEREAS, on AugtYst 24, 1992, the Soard af Aldermen(the `Boa�d") adopted a Comprehensive Plan (the "1992 Comprehensive Plan") for the Town of Westlalcea Texas (the "Town"); and WHEREAS, on Noven�ber 16, ]992, tl�e Board of the Town, adopted a Comprehensive Zoning [7rdinance {tl�e "7oning Ordinance"); and �NH�REAS, the Zoning Ordinance has been amended by the Board after recei��ing recoan�nendations from the Plannin� and Zonin� Commission (th� "Coinmissian"); ai�d WHEREAS, on September 15, 1997, based on the recommendations of the Commission, the Boarc� amendetl the Zon�ng �rdinance and the subdivision regulations by the adapting of a Unified Development Code {t�i� "UDC") for the Towr�; and WHEREAS, tlie UDC has been amendeda with the most recent amendments beinb adopted on July 27, 1998; and WHEREAS, there is located within th� carpo�-ate limits of the Town an approxirnaCely 342.3-acre tract of land (cornmonly known as P�anning Area 7 - West Residential and hereinafter sometimes refe�-red to as t�ie "Planning Area"); and WHEREAS, the puhlic infrastz�ucture, amenities, and services necessary ta develap the Town, includang the Planning Area, are not available and will not be available without a lon�-term cazz�.�rnitment of both pub�ic and private funds to finance infrastructure, am�nities, and services; ar�d Ordinance No. �13 Page 2 WHEREAS, because of tlle size, lacation, and natural features of the P1ai�zzing Area and the Town's need for�ublic infrastructure, amenities, and services, the Town has a critical interest in the develo�ment of the Planning Area and is encauraging such development to the highest possible standa.rds of quality consistent with the Town's lozlg- term development vision, and WHEF�EAS, because of improvements ta State Highway 114, fiYrther Ltrban growth throughout the region, and other changed conditions that affect the regioi�, the Town believes there are unique and significant opportullities for single family, golf and office uses within the Planninb Area that will be co�lsistent with the Town's long-tei�in development vision; and WHEREAS, the surtability of the P1aruling Area for such planned uses can be enhaz�ced through moc�ifications to the development reg�ilations gowerning the plaiuiing Area, including inodification to the zoning, floodplain, �ubdivision aYnd other standards otherwise applicable urYder the UDC, and WHEREAS, the economic developznent aaid lan.d use planning ok�jectives of the Town will be fiuthered by the establishment of such plan�ed developmez�t distx�ct; and WHEREAS, on .T�ly 27, 1998, aft�r receivi�lg recommendations froin the Commission, the Board approved and adopted an anlendment to the ThoroLYghfare Plan, a7�d a11 amended Conceptual Open Space Plan to the 1992 Coinprehensive Plan; all of which arnended plai�s are approved anti adopted by the Board to enable the Tawn to maximize the oppart�inities,and benefits to the Town and all o�its citizens that will result from the Planning Area; and WHEREAS, the Commissian a�d Board h�ld a public hearing upo11 the appiication of AIL Investm�nts, L.P. to rezone the approximately 392.3-acre tract of land to a "PD" Planned Develop�nent District on luly 27, 1998, after written notice af such liearing l�aving been sent to owners of real praperty being within 20(} feet of the property and notice being published in a newspaper af general circulation in the Town, all i�l accordai�ce with law; and WHEREAS, the Commission has recommended to the Board that the hereinafter described property be rezoned to "PD"planned Develop�nent District; and WHEREAS, the Board believes that the interests of the Town, the present a�id future residents and citizens af the Town, and developers of Iand within the Town are best served by adopting this Ordinance, which the Board has determined to be coilsistent with the 1992 Comprehensive Plan, the Thoroughfare Plan, and Qpen Space Plan, all as amended; Qrdi�iance No. 313 Page 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CTTY C�UNCIL OF THE TQWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: `I'liat the recitals set forth abave are hereby incorpoi-ated herein, adopted by the Town and declared to be true and cor�ect. SECTiON 2: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance o� the Town of Westlake, Texas, Ordina.nce Na. 200, is hereby amended by this PD Ordinance, by addillg Planned Developm�nt District No. 3-7 witliin the property de�cribed in Exhihit 1 attached hereto by referencE for all purposes. This PD will be subject to the concept plan, developnlent star�dards, and ather regulations attached hereto. SECTION 3: Upon the ac�option of this PD, the Town Secretary s11a11 promptly enter the n�w Planned Development on the Town's Off cial Zoning Map, whicil entiy sl�all include the abbreviated designatian "PD IrTo. 3-7" and the date that this Ordinance was adopted by the Baard. SECTION 4: It is hereby deciared to be the intention of the Board of Aldermen of ti�e Town of Westlake, Texas, that sections, paragraphs, clauses and phtases af this C�rdinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragrapll or section of this Ordinance sl�all be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or ciecree of any c�cirt af conlpetent j urisdiction, suc� unconstitutionality shall not affect �ny of the remaining �luases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this Ordinance since the same would have �een enacted by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of'Westlal�e without the incorporation in this ()rdinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, pa�-abraph or sectian. SECTIOI�I 5: This ordinance shall be in fiill farce and effect from and after the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPRQVED BY THE BO��D OF ALDERMEN �F THE TOWl'J OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS ON TH� 14rH DAY OF SEPTEM$ER, 199$. Ordinance No. 313 Page 4 .-�-- � , `��:,r���- �.�'�.:`:�.�_�.{ Scott, Bradley, Mayor ,d ATTEST: _ ��� .� %� -. �`iin�er Cr�3s`�wy, Town Secr ;a y APPROVED AS TO FORM: � Paul . Isham, Town Attorney Ordinance 313 � �B���Y'i T �L Ti\Il\� � � t d7 d��H �1�.9A�1V 1 It1L t1����H�P� l. ��l�i� L Y 1!�V A�Y�1�� SECTION1 SHORT TITLE..........................o.................................................................................1 SECTION2 PURPOSES.................................................................................................................1 SECTION3 GENERAL DEFINITIONS.........................................................................................1 Section3.1 Usage.................................................................................................................1 Section 3.2 Words and Terms I�efined................................................................................1 SECTION4 PD �UPPLEMEIVT.....................................................................................................2 SECTION 5 APPLICABILITY OF EXISTING REGULATIONS .................................................3 Section 5.1 Applicable Town Ordinances............................................................................3 Section 5.2 General Appraval Criteria.................................................................................3 SECTIOIV 6 CONCEPT PLAN, I�EVELOPMENT PLANS, AND SITE PLANS ........................3 Section6.1 PD Concept Plan...............................................................................................3 Section 6.2 PD Development Plans.....................................................................................4 Section6.3 PD Site Plans ....................................................................................................4 �ection 6.4 PD "Informational" Plans..................................................................................5 ARTICI,E II. ITSES SECTION1 LAND USE SCHEDULE...........................................................................................6 SECTION 2 ACCESSORY USES AND ST�ZUCTUIZES............................................................10 AR'i'ICLE IIIo D�VEI,�P EI�1'T S'TAI�tI3A S SECTIQN1 DENSITY..................................................................................................................Il SE�TION 2 MININNIvI LOT SIZE..............................................................................................11 SECTION 3 IviINIMLTIVI LOT WIDTH.........................................................................................11 SECTION 4 MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ..........................................................................11 Section4.1 General............................................................................................................1 I Section 4.2 Exceptions ta Height IZequirements................................................................11 SECTION 5 MINIMUM BUILDING SIZE ..................................................................................12 SECTION 6 FI�ONT�'ARD SETBACKS....................................................................................12 August 10, 1998 'Tabl�of Cantents PA 7-West Residential Page i ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0353370.08 Section6.1 �ingle Farnily...........o...............o..............a...................,........,..........................12 �ection 6.2 General............................................................................................................12 SECTION7 REAR YARD SET�ACK� ...o.................e.............e..................................................13 Section7.1 Singie Family e...............e......,.e........................................................................13 Section7.2 General.,,......e..................................................................................................13 SECTION8 SIDE YARD SETBACK�.......................................................o.........,......................13 �ection 8.1 Single Family..................................................................................................13 Section �.2 C7eneral...............................................e............................................................14 SECTIOI�T 9 SLOPE REQUIREMENTS..................e.......,.e.......,........a........................a.....,..........14 5ection9.1 Residential �lope ...o.....................................e..................................................14 �ection 9.2 Roadway Slope ...e...........................................................................................14 5ection 9.3 Airfield Approach Slope Zone........................................................................14 AR�'��LE I�a E I�IT� E�HI�IT 1 Legal D�sc�ption of PD Dist�ct EXI3IBIT 2 PD Concept Pl�nn-Pl�nning�°�a EXI�I�IT 3 PI� Concept Plan-I.and Uses EXHIBIT 4 PD Concept Plan a Op�n �pace �Trail Systern EXHI�IT 5 PD Concept Plan - Thoroughfares EXHI�IT 6 Circl�T Ranch� Planning�°eas (for informational purposes only} �XI-II�IT 7 Circle T IZanch � Land Uses {for inforrinnational pur�ose� only) EXHI�I�' � Circle T Ranch- Open Spac� �i Trail �ystem (for informational purposes only) EXHI�IT 9 Circle T IZanch- Thoroughfares (far informational purpos�s only} August 10, 1998 Table of Contents PA 7-West Residential Page ii ORDINANCB 007510.Q0019:0353370.08 AIt'TICI,�I. GENE P OVISIONS SE�'TIOI� 1 S OI2'I'�'I'TLE This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the '°Circle T Planning �rea No. 7 - �Test Residential Planned Development Zoning I�istrict", or simply as the "PI� Ordinance". SECTIOl� 2 PITI���ES This PD Ordinance is adapted to provide for a superior design of lots or buildings; to provide for increased recreation andlor open space oppor�unities for public use; to �rovide rural amenities or features that would be of special benefit to the property users or community; to protect or prese�ve natural ainenities and environmental assets such as trees, creeks, ponds, floodpiains, siopes or hilis and viewscapes; to protect or preserve existing historical buildings, structures, features or places; and to provide an appropriate balance bet�veen the intensity of deveiopment and the ability to provide adequat� supporting public facilities and services. SECT'IC31�I 3 GEl�EI� DEF�1�1I'TI0�1S Seetion 3.1 I1sa�e �'or purposes of this PD Ordinance, certain numbers, abbreviations, terms, and words shall be used, interpreted and defined as set forth in this �ection. Other terins and words are defined elsewhere in this PD Ordinance. Unless the context cleariy indicates to the contrary, words used in the present tense include the future tense, and words used in the plural include the singular. The �.vord "shall" will be interpreted as mandatory, and the vvord "may" as permissive. Secti�n 3.2 �ot°ds and'Terrns ef n�d Apt�licable Town Ordinances means the UDC and all other ordinances,rules, and regulations that are adapted by the�oard and that are applicable to development within the PI�I)istrict. �oard means the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas. Circie T Plannin� Area means any one of the plan�ing areas into which the Circle T Itanch has been dzvided for puY°poses af establishing planned development zoning districts. Circle T Ranch ineans the approxirriate�y 2,525-acre property camn�only known as the Circle T IZanch and generally located in Tarrant and Denton Counties (i) east of U.S. 377, (ii) west of Precinct Line Road, and (iii) adjacent to and in the vicinity of the inters�ction af S.H. 114 and S.�-I. 170. Commission ineans the Planning and Zoning Cornmission of the Tawn of Westlake, Texas. August 10, 199� l�rticle I. Genera9 Pravisions PA 7-West Residential Page 1 ORDINANCE OQ7510.00019:0353370.08 Floor area ratio (FAIZ}me�ns the ratio of floor area to lot area. Floor area means the total area of all floors c�f ail buildings on a lot ar unified develo�ment site measur�d between th� outer perimeter walls of the buildings excludgng (i) area in a buiiding �r in a separate structure {whether below- or above-grade) used for the parkin� of rriotor vehicles, (ii) courts or balconies open to th� sky, and (iii)ro�f area aased for recre�tion. Lot ar�a ineans the gross site a�e� excludin� only (a) public roadways shown on the PIJ Concept Pl�ns, {b) public hike, bike, and equestrian trails shown on the PI� Concept I'lans; a�ad (c) th�To�rn edge landscape zorze. �asonry means brick, stone, cast stone, concret�, glass block, split-face concrete masonry unit, or other masonry rnaterials a.pproved by the�oard. PD C�ncept Plan m�ans any one or more of th� dra�vings aYtached to this PD �rdinance and labeled "PD COL�Cei�Jt P1G�TI � Pd�Y1T1ITig Yil��.4�y '°PD Concept P1an - Land Uses"; "PI3 Conc�pt Plan - �p�n �pac� �c Trail System°'; and '°PI� �oncept Plan - Thorougl�fares'° (�li of vahich plans ar� d�emed part of the PI� Conc�pt Plan and this PI) �rdinance). PD IJis�rict rneans the plaran�d development zor�ing district established by th�s PD Ordinas�ce. I'D Ordinance means this planned d�v�lo�rrqent zoning district ordinance, including the PD Concept Plan. PD Su�plement m�ans that c�rtain Circle T Planned Developrrient Zoning District Supplement adopted by the �oard�oncurrently with this I'D Ordinance. �ub-area means any�f the sub-ar�as shawn on the "PI3 Concept Plan-L,and Uses" exhibits, which areas �s°e color-coded to identify permi�ted land use categories. Town rnearis the T'own of�hlestlake, T�xasa UDG means the Town's Unifi�d D�velopment Cade, as amend�d. SE�T'IO� 4 � �IJP�IJE E�1'T C�ncurr�ntly with th� adoption of this PI) Ordinaric�, the �aard adopt�d the PD �upplement. '�'he I'I3 Supplement includes additior�al standards that are applicabl� witlun this PIJ I�istrict. The PD �uppl�m�nt establisl�es additional standards for th� following: {i) �onc�pt, informational, devel�pment and site plans; �11> SI�TiS; (iii) landscapingy �IV) T�O��Wa.y COTiSlI�C61OI�Y9 parking and loading; (v} fencing; {vi} lighting; {vii) other special standards; and (viii) illustrations. �E�'TION 5 �P°I�LI�A, ILIT'�' F E S°TIl'�G G�1L�°I'I NS ��ction �gl A�pli�a�le�'o�n Orcii�an��s Except to �he extent provided by the PI� Concept Plan, this PI) Ordinance a.nd the PI� 5upplernent, development within the PD I�istrict shall be governed by the "IZ-20 Residential°' zoning district standards: August 10, 1998 Articie I. C�a�dI�Y'�I PB°OdIHS10113 PA 7-West Residential Page 2 ORDINANCE Od7510.00019:03533'70.08 Except to the extent provided by the PD Concept Plan, this PI� Ordinance, and the PD Supplement, develapment within the PI� L�istrict shall alsa be governed by the Applicable Town Ordinances. In the event af any conflict b�tween{i)the PB Cancept Plan,this PIJ Ordinance and the PD Supplement and (ii}the Applicable Town Ordinances, the terms, provisions and intent of the PD Concept Plan, this PD Ordinance and the FD Supplernent sha11 control. Except as provided below, in the event of any canflict between the UBC and the l�pplicable Town Ordinances, the terms,provisions and intent of the UDC shall control. Sectimn 5.2 Generat Approval Criteria To the extent, if any, that the Applicable Tawn Ordinances (and, in particular, the subdivision regulations of the UDC} grant to the �oard, the Commission, the Town Planner, or any other Town employee or consultant, the autho�ity ta approve any aspect of developrrient within the PD District (including, but not limited to, preliminary or final plats or any aspect thereof or any agreerrzents or permits related thereto) based on conformity with the Town's Comprehensive Plan, Open S�ace Plan or Thoraughfare Pian (or with the objectives, goals or �olicies of such plans), then such authority shall be exercised to the extent necessary to determ�ne whether the as�ect of development being approved is consistent with the PD Concept Plan, this PI� Ordinance, the PD Supplement and the objectives, goals, and policies of such plan, ordinance and supplement. SE�TION 6 C NCEPT'PLr�N,I)��ELOPli�IE1�TT' PI,Al�tS,AN SIT°E PI,AI�S< Seetaon 6.1 P Con�ept Plan The PD concept Plan attached to this �D Ordinance cansists of drawings generally labeled as follows: {1) "PD Concept Plan - Planning Area"; (2} "I'D �oncept Pian - Land Uses"; (3) "PI� �oncept Pian - Open Space �Z Trail System"; and (4) "PD Concept Plan � Thoroughfares". Except as otherwise provided by this PI� Ordinance or the PD Supplement, each af these drawings is a part of this PD Ordinance, and aIl graphic depictions contained on such dra�rings are considered "reguiatory" standards. Aa PI� Con�ept Plan - I'lannfln� Are� The drawing labeled "PD Cancept Plan - Planning Area" identifes the general baundaries of the PD District for the °'Circle T Pianr�ing Area I�Ia. 7 - �est �2esid�ntial". The exact boundaries of the PD I�istrict axe showri an the metes and bounds description at�ached hereto as Exhibit l. Any information shown on this drawing that is outside the boundaries af the PB District is not considered part of the PB Concept Plan or this PD Ordinance and does not bind or otherwise affect developrnent within the PD I3istrict. . P Con�ept Plan - I.,a�d ilses The drawing Iabeied "PD Concept Plan - Land Uses°' identifies the general categories of land uses t�at are permitted ruithin the PD District sub-areas. This drawing alsa includes an estimate of the size of such sub-areas. For non-residential sub-areas,the dra�vings indicate the applicable floor area ratias and an estimate of total floor area. T'he estimates of total floor area, however, are provided for inforinational purposes only and are not "regulatory" standards, and to the extent, if any, that the actual total floor areas differ frorri the estimates, such differences shall not require an amendment to the PD Concept Plan. For single family sub-areas, the drawings also identify minimum lot sizes. These drawings als� identify open space areas; how�ver, August 10, 199� Elrticle I. Genera(Provisions PA 7-West Residential Page 3 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0353370.08 such open space �reas are more specifically discussed in �ubsection C below. l�ny infornlation shown on these drawgngs that is outsid� the boundaries of the PD District is not cansid�red part of the PI� Concept Plan or this PI� Ordinance �nnd does not bind or oth�rwise affect d�velopment within the PD District. `I'o the �xt�nt, if any, that the drawings illustrate the detailed layout of golf course features {such as tee boxes, fairways, and greens} or d�tailed building "footprints", such detailed illustrations are not considered part of the �°D Concept Plan or this PD Ordinan�e and do r�ot bind or othervaise affect developrrient within the PD District. C, PI) C�c��ept Plan - pen S�a�e � 'Tr�fl Syste� The drawing labeled "PD Concept Plan - �pen �pace c4� Trail �ystem°' identifies ptablic apen space, private open spac�, and �ublic a�d private golf (together vaith an estimate of the size of such areas). This dra�ring also id�ntifies the general location of public hike and bike trails and public eques�rian trails (wiuch loc�tions are not to scale). Any inforrnation shown on thes� drawings that is outside the boundaries of the PI3 I�istrict is not consid�red part of the PD C�ncept Plan or this I'I? Ordinance and does not bind or otherwise af�ect development within the P� IJistrict. a 1� ��nc��t F'lan - '�h��°�u�hfares The dravaing labeled "PI� Concept Flan - Thoroughfares" identifies major thoroughfares prop�sed for both development alternativ�s within the PD I�istrict. S�ction 6.2 P �velop �nt Plans �ecause of the lavel of detaii contain�d in the PI) Concept 1'lan, the Board(at the time this PI� District was estabiished) waived th� requirement for development plans. �as�d on such developrnent plans shali not be required within this PD District. S�ctf�n 6a3 P �it�I'lans PD site plans are required far development within�he PI� District. �rticle I, Section 3.4, of the PI) Suppl�ment govems the process by vahich PD site plans are submitted and approved (including, but not limited to, the submittal r�q�irerri�nts, approval �riteria, and condi�ions). �ec�io� 6e4 F °°Infor ational°' Plar�s There are alsa attached to t�is PD Ordinance for infarrriational �aurpos�s only: {1} a dra�.ving labeled '°�ircle T IZanch - Planning Ar�as'° which illustrates the g�neral boundari�s of all Cir�le T Planning Areas; (2� a drawing la.beled "�ircle T° l�anch � Land Uses" �vhich illustrates the general land use categories for all Circle T Plaruling Areas, {3) a drawin� labeled '°Circle T l�anch- Open �pace 8� Trail System" which illustrates the open space and trail system for all Circle '� Planning �reas; and (4} a drawing labeled °'Circle T IZanch - Thorou�hfares" which illustrates the thoroughfares for all Circle T' Planning Areas. These '°informational°' drawin�s are not part of the PD Concept Pian or this PI� Ordinanc�, and nothing c�ntained on any of these dravrings shall bind or otherwise affect th� development of this PD I�istrict. August 10, 1998 �rtiel�I. General Provisaons PA 7-West Residential Page 4 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:03533'70.08 Al2TI�LE IIo ITSES SEC'TIOl� 1 LAl� IT�E SC' E ITLE Buildings, structures, and land within the sub-axeas identified on the PD �oncept Plan shall be used only in accordance with the uses permitted in the following "Land Use Schedule". The symbol "X" shall mean that the use is permi�ted as a principal use by right. The symbol "S" shall mean that the przncipal use is permitted only after first ob�aining a "Specific Use Permit" as set forth in the UDC. The symbal "A" shall mean that this use is specifically permitted as an accessory use to a�ain use (this does not exclude other land uses which are generaliy considered accessory to the primary use). A blank square sha11 mean that the use is not allowed as a principal use. �IRCI.,E'T PI.ANNII�IG AI�A 7-WES'T I2�SID�1�'TIr�I, I,f1I�I) I1SE �CI�EDTILE I9E ITTED ITSE5 SLT�-�.I�A3 X=Permitted,A=Accessory Use,S=5UP Single Family A�dBFCUI.'FTJRAL USES Orchard X Plant Nursery(Growing) X Plant Nursery(Retail Sales) Fanns General(Crops) X Fazms General(Livestock,Ranch} X Veterinazian(Indaor Kennels) Veterinarian(Outdoor Kennels) Stables(Private Use) A� Stables(As a Business} S R�SIIDEN'T"IAI�L7S�S Single Family Detached X Single Family Zero L,ot Line Single Family Attached Duplex Home Occupation X ServantslCazetakers Quarters A Temporary Accommodation for Employees/CustomersNisitors Swimming Pool(Private} A Detached Garage(Private) A Sport/'I'ennis Courts(Private} A diVSTI'I'U'I'IOi�AL�nd�OVERNIvIE1V"f'E!L USES Emergency Ambulance Service Post Office(Governmental) August 10, 1998 Ae-ticle II. IJses PA 7-VJest Residential Page 5 Od7510.00019:03 53370.08 ORDINANCE �E I°T°TED ITSE5 �UB-A1Z�AS X=Permitted,A=.4ccessory Use,S=SUP Single Family Mailing Service(Private) Heliport HelistopNerti-stop Telephone,Electric,Cable,and Fiber Optic Switching S Station Electrical Substation S Utility Disuibution LinesZ X Utility 5hop and Storage Water and Sewage Pumping Station(below grade) X Water and Sewage Pumping Station{above grade) S WaYer Storage Tank and Pumping System(Elevated or S Above Grade} Water,Sewer,Electric,and Gas Meters X Electric Transformers X Private Streets/AlleyslDrives X RetiremenY Home NursinglConvalescent I-Iome Hospice Hospital Psychiauic Hospitat Clinic Child Daycaze{Public;7 or more) Child Daycare{Peiva4e;7 or more} School,K-12(Public or PrivaYe) X School(Vocational) Coliege or University Community Center(Pub(ic) Civic Club Church or Place of Worship S Use Associated svith a Religious Inst. S Government Building Police Station Fire Station S Library S Data Center C6?l�it�1E�2GI2�i,IJ�ES. Multifamily(Apartments) Offices(General} AJ Studio Banks and Financiai Institutions Information Pracessing Hotel(Moiel August 10, 1998 Article�I. I7ses PA 7-West Residential Page 6 ORDINAIv'CE 007510.00019:0353370.08 PE I'I'T'ETIIISE� SIT�-AFtEAS X=Permitted,A=Accessory Use,S=SUP Single Family Hotel/Motel with Conferencing Facility Laundry(Dry Cleaning(�3,000 S.F.) Laundry/Dry Cleaning(Drop/Pick) A3 Shoe Repair A3 Beauty ParlorBazbershop Ciothing Store �3 Quick Copy/Duplicating Services Personal Services Liquor Store Miceo-brewery and Wine Production and Sales (<30,000 S.F.) Grocery Convenience Store Service Station Drug Store Vaziety Store Bakery Sales Stationery andlor Book Store Antique Shop Art Gal(ery/Museums Hardwaze Store Sporting Goods A3 Paint and Watlpaper Cloth Store Retail Stores-General (Excluding Second Hand Goods) Restaurant,Cafe or Dining Faciliry A3 Auto/Truck Parts and Accessories Househotd Fumiture/Appiiances(inciudierg Sales and Service) Farmer's Market Feed Store Parking Structure Cafeteria(Private) Jab Printing,Lithography,Printing,or Blueprinting Vehicle Display and Sales(inside) Medical Laboratory R&D Laboratory Conference Center Live Theater Motion Picture Theater Custom Business Services August I0, 199� t�rticle II> LTses PA 7-West Residential Page 7 ORDINANCE 407510.00019:Q353370.08 PE ITTEI?IT5E5 �U�-AREA� X=Permitted,A=Accessory Use,S=SUP Single Family Electronic Appliances Store and Computer Sales and Service Tavem,Bar ar L.ounge A3 Dance Halis/Nightclubs �i1YdUS�h�i�PdT/ItE�d2E�"i'IOT� Golf Course(Public or Private) X Park or Playground(Public or Private) X Satellite Dish X Non-Commercial Radio Tower Race Track Operation Recreation Facility,Healih Studio{Public) Country Club{Private Membership) X Golf Clubhouse{Public or Privais) X Community Center(Private) X Recreation Center(Private} X Hike,Bike,and Equestrian Trails(Public or Private) X Golf Maintenance Facility A Goif Pro Shop A' HealthlSpa Faciiities(Private} A3 Athletic Fields{PrivaYe) A° Athletic Courts(Private) AS Equestrian Ceneer Athletic Courts{P�blic} Commerciai Amusement(Inside) Lake Cruise(Water Taxf r�U'i`O�ERVI��S Truck/Trailer Rental Auto Body Repair Auto Mechanical Repair Quick LubelOil Change Vehicle Maintenance{Private) Vehicle Fueling{Private) �VTI�3,��AI.E'i'RAT9E WarehouselStorage(Inside) Wazehouse/Storage(Outside) ScraplWaste Recycling Collection and/or Storage Gas/Chemical Bulk Storage Light ManufacturingJAssembly Apparel Manufacturing August 10, 199� Artisle II. LTses PA 7-West Residential Page 8 ORDINANCE 007510.d0019:035337Q.08 PE I'I'TED IT�E� S�T�-AIgEAS X=Permitted,A=Accessory Use,S=SUP Single Famiiy Packaging and/or Distribution Printing,Engraving and related Reproductive Services Distribution of Books/Other Printed Material Machine Shop Wetding Shop Temporary Batching Plant S Temporary Construction Office X6 Temporary Construction Materiais Storage X6 Temporary Sales Office X7 �����e l. Limited to lots with an area of ISQ,000 square feet and larger. 2. Including water, sewer, electric, gas, cabTe,telephone, fiber optic, and other public and private utiiity distribution lines. 3. Accessory ta "Country Club (Private Membership)" and "Crolf Clubhouse (Public or Private)" [must be located in the same building as the principal use or in a separate building that is connected(by pedestrian walkways}to the principal use building]. 4. Accessory to "Recreation Center(Private)". 5. Accessory to "Country Club {Private Membership)" and "Recreation Center(Private)". 6. Limited to periad of construction. 7. Limited to "build aut" period. SEC'TIOI� 2 AC�E�SC➢IZ�'IT�ES AN� S'TI2ITCT�TI�� An accessory use or structure which is customarily ir�cidental to the �rincipal use or structure, and which is located an the same Iot or tract of Iand, shail be permitted as an accessary use without being separately listed as a permi�ted use. August 10, 1998 r�rticle II. I7ses PA 7-West Residential Page 9 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0353370.08 AI�°TI�LE IiI. EVEIJOP EI�I'T �'I`ANI�A S S��'TiC}� 1 �NSI'�'Y The maxirnum density for singl� family sub-areas shall b� determined by the minimum lot size set forth below. SE�T'IO�2 MII�Il�ITNI L�'T SIZE The rrriinirnum lot size for the single family sub-areas shall be as follo�vs: A. 12,000 squ�re feet for lots in Tracts 7-1 and 7-2; �. 15,000 square feet for lots in Tracts 7-3 and 7-4; and C. 30,000 square feet for lats in Tra�Y 7-5. �ECTIOl�3 lY1I�I IT L T T The minimurn lot width for the singl� family sub-areas shall be as follows: A. �5 feet for iots in Tracts 7�1 and 7-2; B. 100 feet for lots in Tracts 7-3 and 7-4; ar�d C. 125 fee�far lots in Trac�7-5. �E�T'IOIV 4 M IJ ��T�I. II�G EIG T' ��ctfon 401 ��n�ral Except as pravided belovv, the height limit for all structures within the singl� family sub-areas shall be the iess�r�f 2.5 stories or 40 feet. Se�ti�n 4.2 Ex���t��ns to ���l�t ec�uir� �nts The h�ight lirr�i�s imposed above shall not apply to {a) chimn�ys and vent stacks, church spires, �levator shafts, penthouses, cupolas, entry features, skylights, or mther architectural features that are not in�ended for occupancy or st�rage; (b) flag poles and sirnilar devices; or {c} heating and air cond�tioning �quipment, solar coliect�rs, and similar equipment, fixtures and devices provided such equipment, fixtures, and devic�s are screen�d from view with a solid wall that is architecturally consistent �rith the des�gn of the building to which they are attached. ��CTI��V S INI ITM €T�I. IN� SIZ� The minimum house size for the single farriily s�ab-areas shall be as follows: A. 1,�00 square fe�t for lots in Tracts 7-1 and 7-2; August 10, 1998 r�rticle III. I�evelopment Standards Pf�7-VJest Residential Page 10 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0353370.08 �. 2,000 square feet for lots in Tracts 7-3 and 7-4; and �. 2,400 square feet far lots in Tract 7-5 SEC�'IOl� 6 F'I20N�'�'A SE'I'�AC � Section 6a1 Sin�Ie �'a ily The minimum front yard for the sgngle family sub-areas shall be as follows: A. 25 feet for Tracts 7-1 and 7-2; B. 35 feet for Tracts 7-3 and 7-4; and C. 40 feet for Tract 7-5. �ection 602 Gen�t°a1 t�. Required front yards must be open and unobstructed except for fences and signs allowed by this PT) Ordinance; provided, havvever, ordinary projections of window sills, belt caurses, comices, and other architectural features may nat project inore than 12 inches into the required front yard. A fireplace chimney may projeet up to two feet into the required front yard if its area of projection does not exceed 12 square feet. Cantilevered roof eaves and balconies may praject up to �'ive feet into the required front yard. B. The front yard setback is measured from the front lot line or from the required right-of-way, whichever creates the greater setback. C. If a lot nins from one street to another and has double fronta�e, a required front yard must be provided an bath streets. If aceess is prohibited on one frontage by plat, the following structures ar portions of structures in the yard along such frontage are governed by the rear yard regulations: s�vimming pools; game courts; fences; garages; and other accessory buildings. I3. If a corner lot has two street frontages ��equal distance, one frontage is governed by the front yard regulations and the other frontage by the side yard regulations. If the corner lot has two street frontages�f unequal distance, the shorter frontage is governed by the front yard regulations and the longer by the side yard regulations. SEC'TI�N 7 A �'A SE'T ACI�� Sect���a 7.1 Sin�le Fa ily The minimum rear yard for the single family sub-areas shall be as follows: !-tugust 10, 199� Artiele III. Developnaent St�ndards PA 7-West Residential Page i I ORDINANCE 007510.OQ019:0353370.08 A. 25 feet far Tracts 7-1 and 7-2; B. 35 feet for Tracts 7-3 and 7-49 and C. 40 feet for Tract 7-5. S�ction 7.2 ����ral A. Required rear yards rnust be o�en and unobstructed ex�ept for fences and signs allowed by this PD Ordinanc�; provided, however, ordinary projections of window sills, belt courses, cornices, and other architectural feature� inay not �roj ect more than 12 inches into the required rear yard. A fireplace chimney may praject up to t�vvo feet into the required r�ar yard if rts area of projection does not exceed 12 square feet. Roof eaves may project up to three fe�t into the requir�d rear yard. �alconies may not project into the required rear yard. �. �'he rear y�rd setback is meas�zred from the rear lot line. C. A person need not provid� a fiiil r�ar yard setback for an ac�essory structure if the structure does not �xce�d 15 feet in height. Accessory structures include, but are not limited to, swrimming pools, game courts, fences, and garages. Wh�re the rear yard is adjacent to an alley, a three-foot s�tb�ck must be provid�d. Where the rear yard is not adjacent to an alley, no setback is required. �ECT'ION � �I E�'A. SE�' A�KS �ectf�ra �.l Singl��a ily Th�minimum side yard for the single family sub-areas shall be as follows, A. 10 feet for Tracts 7-1 and 7-2; �. 15 feet for Tracts 7-3 and 7-4; and C. 2Q fe�t for Tract 7-5. �e��io� �.2 G�n�ral A. Requir�d side �ards must be apen �nnd unobstructed except for fences and signs allowed by this PD Ordinance; provid�dy AdVWO,VP✓Ey ordinary projections of�v�ndow si11s, belt courses, cornices, and other architectural �eatur�s may nat pr�ject rnore than 12 inches into the required side yard. A fireplace chimney rnay project up to two feet into the required side yard if its area of projection does not exce�d 12 square fe�t. Cantilevered roof eav�s may pr�ject up to thre� feet into �he required side yard. �alconies may not project into the required side yard. August 10, 1998 Article III. I)eveloptnent�tandaa°ds PA 7-West Residential Page 12 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0353370.48 B. The side yard setback is measured from the side lat line, except when a front yard is treated as a side yard, in which case, the setback is measured from the lot line or the required right-of-way, whichever creates the greater setback. C. Air canditionir�g units may be located in the required side yard, but not nearer than one foot to fhe property line. D. A person need not �rovide a side yard setback for an accessory structure if the structure daes not exceed 15 feet in height and is located in the rear 30 percent of the lot. SECT'I N 9 SI,OPE QI1I ENT'� Sect�en 9.1 �Zes�d�ntial Sl�pe Except as provided below, non single family st�uctures shall not exceed the height of a line drawn at a slope of 5:1 (including streets and other rights of way) from any single family lot line. If the grade of the ground rises or falls from the point of origin of the slope line, the maxitnum height shall incr�ase or decrease by the difference in grade. Se�ti�n 902 I2�advvay Slope Except as provided below, non-single family structures shall not exceed the height of a line drawn at a slop� af 2:1 (including streets and other rights of way) from any right-of-way Iine of any raadway. If the grade of the ground rises or falis from the point of origin of the slope line, the maximum height shall increase or decrease by the difference in grade. Seeti�n 9a3 A�rf eld Ap�r�ach Slope Z�ne The Airfield Approach Slape Zone at the north end of the Stagecoach Hills runway is limited to a trapezoid, centered about the runway centerline, with the narrow end of the trapezoid (measuring 250 feet wide} coincident with the north end of the runway and with the outer, wider end measuring 370 feet. The plane of the trapezoid extends northward from the end of the runway and rises at a slope of 15:1 for a distance of 6Q0 feet resulting in the outer, wider end of the trapezoid having an elevatian of 40 feet above the horizontal extension of the runway elevation. August 10, 1998 Article IIIo I3evelopment Standards PA 7-West Residential Page 13 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0353370.Q8 AI�°I'ICI.E �V. E I�I�'S EXI-IIBIT 1 L�gal I)escriptic�n mf I'I� I�istrict EXHI�IT 2 PD Concept Plan- Planriing Area EXHIBIT 3 PI3 Conc�pt Plan - Larid Uses EXHIBIT 4 PI� Concept Plan- Op�n 5pace �Trail System EX�IIBIT 5 PD Cancept Plan- Thoroughfares EX�-IIBIT 6 Circl�T Ranch- Planning Areas (for info�national purpo�es only) EXHIBIT 7 Circle T Ranch-L�nnd Uses (far inforznational purpos�s only) EXI-�IBIT 8 ��rcle T ilanch- Open Space �Trail �ystem (for informational purposes only) EXHIBIT 9 Circle T IZanch- Thor�ughfar�s (for�nformational purpose� or�ly) August 10, 1998 �4rti�le IV. Exhibits PA 7-�Nest Residential Page 14 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0353370.08 ia LEGAL�ES�RIPI'tOt� e4REA 7 EIP1G A PORI'10� OF 1'HAl"TRACT'OF LP,(VD S(7U�TED IN THE WILLIAtvt HUFF SURVEY, ,4BSTE�4CT NU�t�ER 648, TOV�IN OF VVESTLAKE, 7ARRRNT COUfVTY,TEXAS R�IQ �EING A PORTION OF THAT 1'RAGT OF LAN� COtJVEYED TO HiLLWOOD/WILLOW SEiVD, LTD., RECORDED UN��R COUNTY CI.ERK'S NUM�ER 93-R0075228, OF REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TE�AS,QfV�ALSO �EING A PORTIOhI OF TH,4T TRACT'OF LA�D CONVEYED TO LAKEWAY LAPdD, LT�.; RECOR�EQ IN VOLUt�E 12625, PAC�504 OF DE�D RECORDS, TA6�R�NT COUNTY, T�XA,S At�D �EiNG MOR� PARTICULARLY DESCRI�ED BY t�ETES AIVD BOUNDS AS �OLLOV�IS: ECtNt�l�G,4T THE It�`TERSECT'ION OF l'ME APPROXIM�l'E CENTERLIN�OF RO,�NOKE ROAD {A CALLED 50 F�OT R(CCHT-�F-WAY),RN� 1'HE SOUTFi LIPlE aF THp,T T�CT OF LA�18 CONVEYED TO ChiARLES C. SLOCUM A�d�WIFE LINDA C.SLOCUNI RE�ORDED IN VOLUt�E 71fi5, P�,GE 2322 OF DEED RECOROS TAR NT COUNTY, �EXAS; TiiENCE S 89°56°25"E,2644.24 FEET'; TFiEIVCE S 01°01'S5"E, 357.66 FEET; TFIEtdCE S 04°0�°10"E,2�60.25 FE ; i'HE CE S 00°17°46'°�+/,412.49 FEE'f; 'THEN����9°35'13'°�/, 746.99 FEET; e��e��� � OVOa�o'oo Yrf�`�•�^v • ^� 9 . T6iEPIC � �8°0�°56°'�!, 101.62 FE ; "ftiENCE PV 00°27°15"E, 6.12 FE�; . ThiENCE fV �9°32'46 , 1��6.45 FE ; "CH NC �00°2�° ,929. �E s . TFlE CE��9°56°�3 , 3 9.52 FE ; THE C N 94° °31"E,770.59 FE ; 'THENC N 12° • "E,459.�7 FE o T'H NC N 39°55°�0 ,296.15 FE ; TIiENCE �f �3°38'49 , 1524.50 F� , 7'�TH� �,4S1'�RLY RlCHT'-OF-VVAY OF�TATE HICHWAY 377 (A VARIA�LE WI�"fH RIGHl"�OF�W,4Y}; T'HE�lC� IV 25°03°34"�, 541.95 FE��',VViTH SAID EASTERLY RICHT-OF-VVAY; C��Jab No. 9�1500070 �#��� July 9, 199� J:\J0��9�150007\S4JRI�IP\l.EG\500VEX 7.LE� Page 1 of 2 °����� �1 °41°30°E, 99fi�.45 FEETq��PRRTIfdG SRlD E.�ST�RLY RIGt��"-OF-WAY; �°��N�� N °97'30�E, 1470.56 FEET'; THE � N 14°17`50�E0 1177.29 F�ET'CO THE�ECINNING OF�N��!-T'�hlGENT CURV�7O THE RI�HT; 4ht�NCE WIThi�A(� �ON-T',�NGENT CUR��'T��w�RIrH'T,THROU�N A C�f1TRA�.�NGLE�� 11°01°3�", H�V1NC A �1��0 �� 5.�����F 59 98 FEE'f���� OF�/HI�H B RS N T6°1�`3�'°�, �59.27 FE�T, 7y��iC N�S°49°27"E,315.41 FE�T T�THE ��Git��tPdG OF P.Cl1RdE T'O THE L�F�; TFi�N�E W6T�i SQ,1D�llRVE�'O ThiE L�Ff, T'F9ROUG!-�A�EN'fR�L�t�GLE OF 03°06°46", HP,VINC A 9llS OF 976.0@ FE�'�,THE LONC GF�ORu QF WF�ICH � RS N SO°96'Q4"E, �3.02 FE�T,A�! AR� D(ST�NCE �F 53.43 FEE�; Tti NGE S 0�°94°33"�,3�5.6�4 F��T; . THE C S 03°50°52"�,3Q9.82 F�E°�; TFlE � S °2�'42�iV. 0.�0 F��T Ta�°HE POINT OF ���ItVt�l���D CONTAIt�9P1� 17,492,990 SQU,�RE FEET OR 392.3,��RE�OF �MORE O�LESS. C� J�b N�. 9�1500070 �7' Jt�ly 10, 999� J:lJ��19�150047��1JR1�1��LE��fiO4V 7.lEG P2Qe 2 of 2 �I� C�l��EPT PL� � PL,��TIl�G 1-�I�EA { � � � . t� ( .: �. � , y � _� I _ _ - LEGEP�!D I; �_ _ h _ � ' i` �� � Nokk =� - ` - � PD District Area: 392.3 Ac. �. �a�� J � � Sr�/�Y� Pr+on� t �,,.' ���,�� , ; _ '� � I ° P D , � ; ; F , �,n�°• I ' ��e.�e. District Bound ry ., . �.' ' a � � !_ ' :" � . p� ' 1 . I , � ; i r 71 c� � ' — i� 1 � : � .. :. .�, • .. � ..�.�. - .. /{ � ' ._ .-- "' ...:", � p� �I /��-i ']l.r�_. ,�/ .. S ' . " . . . . . . . . r�_ . . ' . . C�. /.�X J` F �- ` . . ...- l . . . - � . . . . . . . � � . _ „��,:.� '�' � ------- ---------------- _"' . - . Y, -.2� x :!' �I �: -� : . -- . . _ _ . . � �;� , � , � _ � , � , � �, � �F� , ,� �'_� �—"=�_;' ,,� ��; . _�� ,7;�,� lj,� " � __ � � ��. - . q� I I� :/�. .J.' .-_ . " ' _. � �I . ' . �:f . � '� ;.:. �._.. , - , ..___ '.: . . _ � ' . I� . . _ _ . . ��t�,,,, .. . -� 1 — .... .�. . . . .. 4� 1. � it�EO'i91�¢¢�6L61�DO�QE�OE�lQ�l--¢■ — � ' . . - x - I i . .. . _' "� . ' _ / j �� ' . ' , � , . —_— _ 1'; ;% �� �'°, , i � o+�� ' � ,i — ' /�', / I <. - , ��` I�' „' . - i ! - , � ;' _ � j . -— , / i _ / � - , J , . . : � . / , / :F� .,./. . �69. .'. � _"" .l� ' . - _ .... . - ' ..__. . . . �. - 4 '���: . � � . . . " ' �� . - . v .. ,(. _.' ' ' ... . , ._ ����� �'- � - � `� s .� ' /.➢-e���i eu��ou�ea� � _ . . . .... �� . . . . .. _ . . . � . __— ::i;r. . � s e am o o asa�tl.o.m�n c�� . . _ �`�� I . . . � � __------- - __ �__ ` -- � � � - � �. , , . __ _ --- -. -_�------ ------ ----- .. --- - - '� l� I _ , ,., r _ _ - � � �"�.__ , � ; -� ra� ----- --- '" _ , � , �F �d�acv�see '- /�. —_.__ � � . � �� . _. .. ' � . . � � - . °°��ua e a�a�cd . . . i� - - � I i � � . .. . . � - . . . :� : ,. � .... : . _ . . 3` , . � ` ; . .. . . . . I II: . __ . . '/s c �x, - �'. � i ( I � :-� �.�� _ - � � o :' ,�`' �� : „ `. , a , : ; _ ; _ � � I ` / ; ,. ; ; ' � , . I ,. �. _ . � ` 4.I \ Y . � ,I .. � �' . . . / . i .. � � . . . . ���� _ , �` - I�`------ — -- -- --- � ..� i ��i� _-- ; . � � �. . , �� � �_ •- --—-- . --—--_--�'"—�_ :e i rF��-�b-�a���-F�E�e���•ra�a��fF�.s.f��:�-�a�`���, I -.,-,. .. . , , - __ � _ — • — � _ -.I'i i --�� I � _ � � � I _ -� ; .� � I � _ ----• _ ----------- � �� � ; �i � � � �' � ; � ,` A��A 7 i i � � � � C�rcle T Ranc� ---- ; ; , � - -- � ; '� � - --_. __ -- _____ —- �}riginals are in Color , . __ _ ; , ! o � =� � �� �� Exhibit 2 �► PD C�NCEPT PLAN - LAND t.JSES , i ��.( �. __ m ���. - ��;� �� f---- -` r � � I �� ���� �� / r� " / I I a�, � ��� ��.;.,�.. �� ��� �— LEGEND � � ,; i -�/�-�f�- , - �� .. .�/ :� i- � :� ^I� l,s��� �K� � s ',j � �s�� y ' i �;, ' Single Family (Tota1 57.0 AcJ ��, .� ��� �� � / �� � �._� �: 0 %iINJ6 - - / ��� . , o� � . ��-- .� -.�—�� I 1 ��' � � /� / / / - . :� �� � ; /� - ,f--�� :;� �- - 12,000 S.F. Min. I � � >; _ i � ' ; /G�? � -�;... ,', I 3�,, �� , � �, / • Tract 7-1: 43.0 Ac. � o� ` , � , p'� ,� —� / • Tract 7-2: 14.0 Ac. , �- !§`t�. ;� i - . _� _ '�--—�=�T'�/: � �>'�'r:;7 2.�;; ;�; , : /�c// � . . _ . - .// � ' '-�" /� ...- c� Z�- ��.�y\"�v:u. E_ '�� :r, /i/ "� � � . - '-r'! � � � I� -—�—`� . . `� � .' . , , � . ' "`- � :� �.:J� •� ,�/, �. � � _ ;- � o -j- O � Single Family (Total 153.7 Ac.) � , — ,.,, � ,� ��� � ,/} a_ � , , � _ I - 15,000 S.F. Min. J--.� , � �: /f / � �� l ,� - _ - - p ,r �� 1� / ' :�/ � - - • Tract 7-3: 56.5 Ac. , , � � / > _ .�� � �. � . � � � ,.�� /. // / , 'f�� _ • Tract 7--0�: 97.2 Ac. I c��F A ' � �. . . . . / .� � � ��t a .. . �.� / � ,�`�. ! � I j .'I- � '� /.�� . . _. � .. �/� ' I . . - `` .// . � . .:: ..� '.:/� .��/. � I� .� . .. ' . � - •i` f�f��� ' � OUT PARCEL �� : Sin le Famil (Total 15.2 Ac.) ' � �, ,� � _ = i / �� � o g Y � � � 30,000 S.F. Min. _ -- � t ` .. � _ � , �� : , .�..:j, � :� : : . - ; ��, �- , , '�'• 4�E�rc�E���"ai ' ti��*u Ea.�:..�...�,.. Tract 7 5. 15.2 Ac. --- - ��_ _i: ;�� / r/ � �i / -—._� � ��,` � :._� �-� � i �; ��, ,/ / ` ' � �a % � Elementary School (Total 9.5 Ac.) '; //�j �� ----'-! � � � �, TRACT ? �� (/ :� ;`� � ..,.i ? �: _ � • Tract 7-b: 9.5 Ac. //J, ,// /, �`. �� Fs r� `i�. ,. _ ' TRA�T 7 3 � /� /�' �s.' t . " ^. . Public Golf: 92.6 Ac. �y�y� �� _ � �� -�� � �= _ - ���� �� � .. , , , - / . ,.; �: �__ �- � �. , � �i -� ._ /- / �, ; Publ c - - - -- � � ° � _ � ---�- � � i Open Space: 36.d Ac. - �, ; j � _ _ � - � 1 � � `i : 1 /.. ..t - - ��_�:.-,� _ __ _ , . _ ,.., . __. / , _ _.. i ,: _ , r .L�. / i � _ - . , j i-%, - . . �: .': `: ., , ; �.. 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Qafc ut�� B&�A�akwr. �issa.aw. - �;� ' ;� i'�i' �.J//�` � Y�TI-FA511LY Ir :_ F�� FLotVOMY /' _- '\.�.r� ?D3U75fi P�AM . \� pFFCE ' \�'��r�� - L_-____ , ��'�,�� , •, _ _ , ,'j� �.�� �Y� � �b�� .. �i�� . . 213AC._ - r FOOD LION ---i1, �� � u f --�� - 1 ; > �;,;,,,,,_ , 4�E = �; � Mixed Use: 33.7 Ac. . - ,% Y` � ;: I. - il�i u s.c -- ,., I� -�//,� �. 1�.� �(j`C • P ��PAftK f .- � WEill�Ht PqW- 5- J L� 1 . /�� y. .. �' - � . -;,�.�-t1 � u 3�c. ti�� p` '' T �rwn�.�. j �i�= % �r _ _ � <;� � i = �,,,�� ,��W i - Resort Hotel: 22.4 Ac. _-_- - � - �'� _ � 7� O� ti -,y� -_.� tror� c� �ra• � � I � j� � mH �' , Olfr PPACF1'� ���� :I� �:/'.] - - - -! f S ��(` ,� w`u"v t��` �' s�i`�� / ��` _ --- - f�i j��f' .i i ��:I� , Z�� � �+I � W ��� BC �,.7 .� ti �,�_ ; `� � „ Multi-Family: 12.7 Ac. : �- �� � , �:: j� - � ;� ;� � ;f ' �� i --�',� , �--�� --� �.`�f _ ' _` ,`' < � ` �L; �- =/r� ' j - ---- - � l .�m.r... ----�-� wFsn.,,�raent '.. � . - , c�'�,; � - - ° ,. :, - ,� . -�----- ..aia._ .: .::�:' : .'.�PIiIMARYI -.,:MOflUMEM':..� ., ^'i� ���� �_�-°�' - ��-�FkTM� �� ��-- -;s;c. �° �/ '�.��- -- - � Singie Family 25.3 Ac. t �^ �-Q�=-,r ,;-: 'I�"„' _i . ..�.a-o-'� !� -- � - ' �--- . . _ ....... �+rge . .-sEme, _=r � .e.a w�> .�`� ���1{ _{�� �`�, c �1i��'�� � - °: , �� '�.,, �f u � �`� � __-.��--`�'iC�-,-. _ --7,i� ��F� � yi:� P 'UyY f . SF 151 AC �-\6K SF.Mlfl ,.;f �/� � { \ . ,��ll V '�t'"'�--�-��- G I�-_.. :�t`� ;, {i. o-����_._� �Fnn►. ex sF.wrt -�� ti��� � i � ���aueuc? ir�, i - �. MM '� �I j� o���-; ��• ^ --- i -� � I=- 1� �• �. ,r�_;,;-�� 'I . � Single Family: 95.2 Ac. � 'i Q � �at�:._, i.` _ a�stC�,� `� `�4 .-1-`^�:.;,��:_- -�- +F a. a .�•. �, _� ,• ' SA • / ���� �s:a�.� �a��- �F. �a;a,� ��`� _�-;-_,L�'�'` '� [ �tP a �\�� �`� . '� �� Y j �z�.c ti' �.m-yr� r ",- --f- �r ���,�, . ___ �� ��``' �1 n o Iy ,�` ��� r , , i.t. ,/�=�-��' _ .•7 --/�F.-e�.�. � ='�� . J�� '�- % �� - �J Sin le Famil 329.2 Ac. I � Z /' � ♦ .� pyy 11QTFL�� l��:P.�1BIIC.GOIF� . `�/ S.r.-202;L. !2K SF.MIH ���S.F.-103 AG '\ � ...:�:�' ��. � ���� ..� �y I ��� yF. l2K S.�.MIt -'��' 30K SF.I.lIN � �\ a : /l ./ � �• I--I Fj/ j,�/ - �..-_g 63AL' � �- � G� 921G T % _.^.�J . \ . OIf�PARLFL U - � -� ��!}It;',r�� , y� � � i �'--"�� �zK s.�.uin o�. � �� y' _ IJyJt ' ° w Single Family: 212.6 Ac. ,.� I� /jy�(fA � 0�'^CE , I� � J�,..�_ PRIA4ARI �o-�- � � I -��'l��/J.!!I' ��: yy .�y� /.`rt//��i/ RFl�7p�L $� � i �1, \'��!,��^' "-_""_'" a � � ? .-:SA � r.� OIIT PFRLE7. ,_r�/� , ' -i'J��� 'r M r / 1 µ% Sr.-?2i���. �oa cl ,r/ � � '(�. . '.z 1 /� l5N SF.MItk , , = .� ���.,��R.��X. 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OFf10E/WOUuiRNL�� ).:_ �Pf 1, 8 I I 75N S.F.MIN. � s �, ��.��. 4 , ;� F._,6,u, � � Private �pen Space: 47.2 Ac. ...� . . �SOK SF.MRI � .�i ,;.��- � aaW��--------__ .;J i,.:-�:. __�r,�� �.R � �-�-: I,,.� � ' _ - i�.. �6.R.0.14 0 4 �\ �\ 4,�`� � % Off1C£�HtH75THUL� ` � � RMY j y -�\�_ J. �2i.=� Public Use: 4.0 Ac. `�' S.F.-152.1C. . w �� 7 ��143 AC f �toGl.� �/ 3oK SF.MIH. I �/� � ,�.�:�. � � R.O.W.: 135.7 Ac. �/; o-.• :v�.9 ,_\ � / /�.',I PRIh1AfIY •Flf7E Sr`T10j'1' RFIDCATED� �,VPF1EL0 MPRO/CN I �' R610Q{�7,ti �r�.N� SL7a�ZIXIE' ' / �''!ii �Y ' :r� '�DRNtUGE � __ , �/ �",�^ _, _ __ � - - � J -� �._.,�� .% �p�'a� PD District Boundaries z ��, � 30K SF.MIN. I� Jy ---- - � ---- � _ � �� Total: 2315.4+ Ac. ' , � I I I O a SF.-33J k. i�I. (I'''' jI �I +�f ISK i.F.AIIN. / : . - '' �,a �I I /� F� /�/ ,�= U� -- � �,.� ;;;� Informational Only. Not Part af P� _ - -------- � � �=`�- _ ;-- -- _ -- ,z �� �� - Concept Plan or PD Ordinance. ,Y n � ;'.�✓'� _-` n n�� __ _ �� S.F._�ib.H�'- � Clrcle rT Ranc� (COtfTItNED) . 30f(SF.NIN.�� �� �o- � Originals axe in Color I ' � r--= �i I I i i �� I I n I I ''•"�"o � � � �� �� � Exhibit 7 o���-�„���.a.������.so�soo.�,,o.�x�..�,. n,��sa���rw � 7� CII�CLE T RANCH - O�'EN SPACE & TRAIL SYSTEM Originals are �n Color LEGEND , ---------- - - EN SPACE _ `'�`' ` `/,vU�� '�� � � ���/. � �% , , `��%_ � ��, \ ,J;a�y ,. ,,, , � PUBLIC OP . , , ��j _ �4 , � ., � l � f�`� � ' �' � ,�, Zso.s Ac. - -' �� -� 'r,�, i. / � �.' -� j I 1 / I , � :. 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F' �� �'I , �� �� 3 �' _ ; y �// �Q-�-:_,.- _ ; ,., , _- � � , �� �+� � H�keB�lce Trail �� � �,�� �,� � , _ �� 'I, __; 1` J� - � , ' j �`'-�� x�.. I � ///; � �� ' � � , � � r �f �r;��i �,E, i _�;. - `,� _ � -�i" � � " G - �� - rt � TI111 L,lIlkS Z'O �- / - ��.�::__ -- � _ �' �. s="' � -_ -- J �.."`i �_= •���� " ,� l j �' i \ r ,./' _�- _ _� r `� ;-J , � Adjacent Land Use r�.,-"`; }� /�' �-� e�� �� l_ i �, F- , --�i � � �� J� � � �J" � / // ., S �1 ���rj� :�:-._r ..�-- I ' - i� f 7 �J i - ..��"pt�n.,� ✓i � �.�� �; ;:�:; C �' ,�. - - _ ; � r ( ��, � f - _t_.__ � � �y' Equestrian Trail - ; , .�:��,� �,` �x; - = - �--=� �I , , � - . : � - _.. i: _ __ i � �ne�.wu� _ �d j I � � / t- _ f OWIl@i�'O pTOV1C�0 R.�.W. . . �i,cu. --� I i i ,� .� . i. � . - Y ,-' �, �`"" I,. _ ,I _ �� , -- ---_--�� � � , �\ - C , , s •-__ • Trail To Be -- . _. i. _ .,�_ , _ , ._.__! �, — ; % � � � ( Co structed y Town ..� _...~ . 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C � . � "s � SINGLE FAMILY LAND USE SUMMARY 'm � 36 �I � - ,s,. ,z, 09� �M�' ` 4 g~ v . b ge I, __...fi3 I I JSB:= 40 B.l� ��=B.L � l6 I�:,- 3 �_.,� w :. � i q; N0. ±SF. NO +SF. N0. +SF. N0. fSF. NO. fSF. NO tSF. N0. ±SF. NO. tSF. NO. f5E �\ g - ,. � ' �,-� ��3 a ��__� ___ � x � 6 35705 . 21550 & 8083 Y5. 16958 18. llIX10 31 p5g]g 1 '�• d ��` . �m 42 � �� ' ° r cJ a I e' .. e BLOCK 1 BLOCK 6 BLOCK 9 il 3� P , w rc � -° 7. 3452 19. 20058 7. 16172 P6. 750.35 19. 17122 3& 26162 , � � . :� � ��-� � �sz �� a7 4� _ jg ' � E. � r- £ $.isE^ I. NA 8. 3y598 1. 192G2 Il. 227AS E. ll921 Pl. 80112 i. 8702 10. 17885 3g. 22966 � � s 9 190' .' . � . °°%'aa9� 9. 3fiA72 2 17034 15. 15009 9. 75906 2B. 8735 2. 15702 �. 19561 40. 17630 BLOCK 2 '- � � as � �- i¢�. : za -,�s u.�. � :�^a&::d BLOCK 5 3. 1fi905 76. 1b899 70. 18507 P9. 16297 3. 19712 72 NA I1. 19y8 1 '���..je /J�� �' 'rar' -- *si' t 1. NA /. 1618I 17. 8543 ry. 17457 70. 18458 1. 17980 ]9. 17720 4i. ]8236 I ' �w y���\ �' _ � ¢a z:�s �E �. ..,.... � I. 15275 7& 5084 1i. 16897 �I. 2llU3 S 17901 P4. Ififi60 43. 14699 U y '� � : BLOCK 3 BLOCK 7 --- �a� w i esur� � 1 � . � 2. 5596 19. ]5040 17. 16658 33. 191142 6. 7A1656 7i 15627 M. 16330 vo izssr >s zosx � �e� a5 i. 1. 22730 3. 15639 1. ]5030 Z0. 75134 14. 17083 71 17000 7. 19577 4& 29373 M5. 17403 0." �.c.'. " �.. 3s�, �ae q 45 .. . , 4� I� � =g�. . � 2 17766 � 16350 Y. ]52$2 ti. 19896 I5. 8185 N. 16681 8. 29312 17. ?b981 �5.� ig093 � ^ 39 .0 ��� 4 . �5 kp� =I �. N� . ° 3. 17296 5. 172W 8. ]5722 yL 19986 16. 8356 a5. 16344 9. 23850 4B. 16333 q7. 30725 I ' " \ ' J �� � a 1 � SET ao a � � �e I�/"' � .a r � �. 21(194 6. 8879 4. ]5485 23. 18282 17. 16079 36. 17034 10. 1700tl S9. S1W �g. 27190 ..� � �os 5/8 � 1=s�a `. ss \ 4�.. e7 . IP � . j� 7. 25584 5. 18804 1E 8968 71. 18775 �tl. 17q10 3p. 15685 19. 27A36 -' '--- ` 6^ .. ` �oz 9r 06 �. .. BLOCK 4 BLOCK 8 . �. . -� -... ¢- 8. �52 6. 18450 18. 16434 98. 17138 1P. 19140 71. ZW51 5U. Sfi878 pp 2:�5, . , , qo � . ,,.. � - s -- uav�V ainff - - . g �� 1. 38162 9. 23210 7 16344 I. 17499 IO 18384 J9. 71397 17 232fi1 32. 16529 �7. 18867 � M,B .' 0'19"W � � ': .' � . f 4 Y. 33886 10 20245 8 16316 2 15375 ZI. 16055 40. 20832 14 21452 xi. 19260 5t. 75p90 I F ��� I' ' � � 0 %�;� � ms �zo 'os.' o � . 1 3. 34774 11. 242L' 9. 18938 3. 17482 7I. 15688 /1. 2ll57 15 26360 3/. 17690 �. 7$p97 .: q5 <e q�a . � . _._. - >3 �� 6 - - `� _ 1. 39153 12 zs�e.� :f y � 2q401 10. 18386 4. 1&591 Y1. 15000 4P. 275R3 16 �111C3 35. 757A4 51. WA ..' _ qr � _ I `� 3s e.�.l� o ��-t--. _ 3s-e.i : „ 5. 37986 13. NA 11. 19650 5. ]5977 14. 1657A 13.� 27Zi4 17. 78274 36. 15562 �-�� ... o . I .Sy s� -{ ' ` .I . . I� .: � , , I ,��ae� '�. . � ^ Jw � � 202 t� � , 50 ... � "�p� � '� � � � LAND USE SUMMARY � ���' ' � USES PROP0.5ED LOT SIZE MIN.LOT SIZE RE�UIRE� DENSITY GENE WH I TE ADD' N. �� 42 I � � � 5,,;` �"_ @. � LOTS }ACRES BY ZONING CABB SL I DE 799 - �I 52 p � ' - ' SINGLE FFMILY 300'ffi50' 100'%15d P. R. T. C. T. ' �i3 r � '" � � RESIDENTIAL Q5K - 20K S.FJ p5,000 S.FJ 105 `.� i sso� (ELEVnTED STORAGE TPNK) 0 ' �„ . � .. �N �53 13+AC �� � SINGLE FNMILY 100'%15�' 100'%1bQ � Nams � m � � ( / ; RESIDENTIAL � (20K � 30K+ 5.� Q5.000 S.FJ 33 8].0 AC. 1J SF LOTS/AC � . . . � . O1I F 43 le .�, I � ; '" f ��,i�� _ SING�EFPMILY 125'X240' 100'%150' ... � we�erryn�mw P�e� . .. . . . � r aiS .� '� '� �.. 54 �� I ' 3o RESIDENTIAL (30,000+ S.F.) (15,OOOS.FJ 9 an'�ROWPw'llbetlleticoktlmMeT1owndWoilke. a� )�� I�s�� 6 'so_-'�' � �`3os -� . �� � i"_"J o ' �_�.�"�___ ;� ? � PUBLIC OPEN SPACE N /A 3 �.6 AC. �l_.. � - � wn of Westlake� +,�, _._ ,.:� ; 6 '�o . _ .- , . - ' ° PRIVATEOPEN SPACE .N /A 1 2.6AC. streni�ning.curo,�ner.slaewaius.anaboulevam mPrwanentrvnneemrewqeaasrequrea "--'-'--- __..,_ .,�+_738T�33 :�..._589 58=25 W _�YtlyOfKaller.��=--iO = -' � o : by iM1e C rcle T Ra�A PO 3-) aM the Westleke ll D L.a u ot�ervnse appmveE try 1M1e Plann ng �/ a�� `y� QX R�ad (ppy�'p Rpqry�NO R2CORD FOIJPR} �� " E�EVATED STORAGE ena Zoning Cammtttwn ena Boam Wpqeimen �FND � : sf ° N /A 1 13AG �� Z" F"��, oPK � i/? ' xs - e TOTALs � 152 98.5AC. Ns��IlrtyMar�esMallslrertlntnsectlonSwllmmplywiM@eTmmNWertla�¢En�ncetlng JohnHerman5herrer ge � f� � IR 's ; a.: sdmam:mrkoeanayFaaimg. 1331 Knox Road ? y (;� � Roanake, Texos 76ffi2 a a � �, R. Wnsfortl + � s+° ' �I P 20'EQUESTRIAN TRAIL ESM'T - 0 4 E"a: TRACT 7-4 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Therekno100Yea�FQAAFIoodqalnwi�M1inpmPemfliml[aperFlRM paneli48439C�180H, a;m �r�mg, MTexasOe �5050 ' n:;Btl:q Revk�Au8�sC2.1936. �� s a '�°:°��� BUIIDING SEfBACKS (MIN.) LOT DIMENSIONS (MINJ � �I�� '. - _ _o USE � HEIGHT MAX. �r3o,000 s.f.lo6(Bbck 4.Las k9L @e typlral hullaing Iires are m be 40'm�n.et�m�mm . FRONT SIDE REAR LOT LOT MIN. e�drear,antl20'min.atbtsl4fromsheetao.W. Minimumbuimingsisismba2,400sf � 'p ' YARD YAR� YARD WIDTH AREA OW.SIZE mm. Maximum wlminq nelqit is m be tha I�xM25 smnu or4o'. M �� . � gl PPPROVED BY THE BOARO OF ALDERMQJ OF WESiIAKE,TFXAS, � TRACT ]-4 LESSER OF 2.5 �I�i on ,is_ SINGLE FAMILY STORIES OR 40'. 35' 15' 35 100' 15,000 S.F. 2,000 SE . � Ot� iMiceVs tlees 6'or la�gx. All4ces are b remain unl¢s oMerv�s noletl, qT�4T� '� EPLn ecreta�� Meyor FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR aeodecTNo. seisoazio oaTe REVISIONS OWNER /DEVELOPER PLANNER /ENGINEER �� CIRCLE T RANCH ADDITION (PD 3-7) 6,z9,99 oWNER, a• �oo. 200• m f DRANN BY xw AIL INVESTMENT, �. P. �� 0 0 �WEST RESIDENTIAI, - PLANNING [1REA 7, ORD. #313 oEve�oaEa� ���� -�-- �� �iW!'tl'1'"�69P�58 �.. �I�RACT �I1{� BLOCKS 1-�I APPFOVED BY ah, tls HILlW00D DEVELOPMENT CORP. m7.�x,.�.i.rv...mFreu����s.«n. � �. 13600 HEPTITAGE PARKWAY `^""":^"'"°""o•"'°"' ° ^'°^ _ . , n� BEING 4 TR4LT OF �ANO SITIIAiE� IN iHE WILLIAM HUFF SUPVEY. 4-648 ITARRANT COUNTYI SUITE 200 NORTH SCALE: S" _ �OO' CARTEB 6 BURGESS�INC. �.. AN� THE 4. BARNES $URVEY� A-192 ITqRRANT COIINiY). IN iHE TOWN OF WESTLANE. T<RflANT FORT WORTHr TExA$ �517� � 3lOTPORMtt�161 N '�. COLINTY� IE%45, dN0 BEINL d PORTION OL iHAi TR>CT OF LRN� CONVEYED TO AIL INVESIMENT. UATE � �a , ' L.P.. RECOFOED IN VO�OME 132�5. PRGE SG2 OF OEE� RECOR�S, TARRdNT COUNTY. TE%A5. PHONE� ( 817) 224-6000 � ' � �I �., � � CoOvi iqbiml999 by Carter 6 purgess, Inc. �'�, "�.�.:�� 6/29/99 �GN=I.\ac}�eiM1IOH\991500\21\21pp116t�t � �. .._... . .. . _ . . _. . . _ ..._ . . ...... __...__. ._. ..__.. . . . ... . . . .._.. _ . .. . . . . . . ... .. _ . ... _. _ _ .. .. ..... ...... ._..... . . . . . . ... . .. . .. .�.