HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 307 Adopting the Circle T for Planned Development PD-3 Zoning for Planning AreasORDINANCE NO. 307 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF 1992 FOR THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, BY APPROVING AND ADOPTING THIS CIRCLE T PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT SUPPLEMENT ORDINANCE INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ARTICLES DESCRIBING THE PD DISTRICTS CONCEPT PLANS; PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND SITE PLANS; REGULATING PERMITTED USES; REGULATING SIGNS; REGULATING LANDSCAPING; REGULATING ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen (the "Board") of the Town of Westlake, Texas (the "Town") has approved a series of ordinances (individually a "PD Ordinance" and collectively, the "PD Ordinances") establishing planned development zoning districts (individually a "PD District", and collectively the "PD Districts") for individual "planning areas" within the property commonly known as the Circle T Ranch; which PD Districts are identified as follows: • Circle T Planning Area 1 - East Residential; • Circle T Planning Area 3 - Resort; • Circle T Planning Area 4 - Texas Town; • Circle T Planning Area 5 - Regional Retail; • Circle T Planning Area 6 - Office/Retail; • Circle T Planning Area 7 - West Residential; • Circle T Planning Area 8 - West Commercial; and • Circle T Planning Area 9 - North Commercial. WHEREAS, the PD Ordinances each include this PD Supplement, by reference, for the purpose of providing additional standards that apply within the various PD Districts with respect to: (i) concept, informational, development and site plans; (ii) signs; (iii) landscaping; (iv) roadway construction, parking, and loading; (v) fencing; (vi) lighting; (vii) other special standards; and (viii) illustrations of selected standards; and WHEREAS, the Board believes that the interests of the Town, the present and future residents and citizens of the Town, and developers of land within the Town are best served by adopting this PD Supplement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated herein, adopted by the Town and declared to be true and correct. Ordinance No. 3©7 Page 2 SECTION 2: The Unified Development Code is hereby amended, as provided by this PD Supplement. SECTION 3: It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Board, that sections, paragraphs, clauses and phrases of this PD Supplement are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this PD Supplement shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this PD Supplement since the same would have been enacted by the Board without the incorporation in this PD Supplement of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS ON THE 14TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1998. Scott Bradley, Mayor ATTEST: 0111 tingG Crosswy, Towne cretary /_\3a. OAV I 1i s1 KUGI- : u aul . Isham, Town Attorncy Ordinance 307 CIRCLE T PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT SUPPLEMENT ARTICLE D.GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 3CONCEPT PLAN, DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND SITE PLANS ......................... { A. PD Concept Plon- Planning Area ............................................................................. l B. PD Concept Plan - Land Uses ................................................................................... } C.PT) Concept Plan - Open Space &Trail System ....................................................... 2 {. Public Open Space 2 2.Private Open Space 3 ^ 3.Public Golf 3 4.Private Golf j 5.Public Hike and Bike Trails 3 6.Equestrian Trails 5 T].P[)Concept Plan - Thoroughfares ............................................................................ 6 � E.77AConditions t0Concept 9}uo Approval --.----.---.—.----.—.---..0 Section 3.2 "Informational" Plml8........................................................................................ / Section 3.3 PD Development Plans ..................................................................................... / Section3/4 PI]Site Plans .................................................................................................... / A. General .—.----.----.--------.------------. 7 . B. Submittal .---.----'---------'---'—'—'---''---'' / C.Commission Decision ............................................................................................. ll D. {�r�eria.—.—..--...--..—.---....--.---~----------- ll ]�.(�ood�ioDO—_..—..---.—~..--'---'--'^------''—'--'—^'----'' l7 F. Appeal from Commission Action ............................................................................ 2 ' ��\/sr�uDcoS—.—......_--~--_--..—..------~--.—...--.------.. l� 12 l� ST�CTI(]Y�lPT�}�P[lSES A�J[� APPLICABILITY ....................................................................... l� Section 1.1 Purposes .......................................................................................................... 13 14 }4 l� SE(�T}[)��4[�E3�ER�\L SIGN .---------------------.---.. August I(L 1998 Circle TPDSupplement 9u�ci onoov*NCs Table oYContents 007510.00019:03 59104.11 SECTION 5 SPECIAL SIGN STANDARDS ............................................................................... l6 Section 5.1. Planning Areas ............................................................................................... l6 SECTION lPURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY ---.—.------.---...—.—..—_...3l Section 1.1 Purpose --.--..--.-----------..---..--..---------.3l Section 1.2 --.--.—.—.—.......-.._...-..~-------.—...—..—...3l SECTION PROCEDURES ....—...............-....,......—..---.--------.--.3l Section 2.lPrior 10 Issuing o Building Permit ................................................................... 3l SECTION 3 LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS .................................................... 3} Section3.1 General ............................................................................................................ 3l Section 3.7Town Edge Landscape Zones ......................................................................... 32 Section 3.3 Roadway Landscape Zones ............................................................................. 34 Section 3.4 Roadway Median Landscaping .—.------.--.—.......--.—~.---..35 ' Sect -ion 3.5- Parking Lot Landscaping .._...--.—.--.~_,,.,_,_~~_=,~_.__---..—.—...� ` Section 3.6 Screening of Parking ......................................................... .............................. 37 Section 3.7 General Site Tree P-CozuozerciolDimtriuto ..-------.--.--38 Section 3.8 Screening of Loading and Service Areas ....................................................... 38 SECTION IRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS ....-------,—.-----.----.---../1l Section4.}General ............................................................................................................ 4| Section 5.1 Landscaping Required Prior to Certificate of Occupancy ............................... 41 SECTION 6 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS .—.—.......—....—.—..—/42 Section 6.iOwner Responsibility ........----.—......—.....—..............--.42 Section 6.2 Enforcement .—.—....--.----..............,....—.—....—..---.. 42 ARTICLE IV. ROADWAY CONSTRUCTIO1-`",PAiW4-11 G AND LOADIAG STANDARDS SECTION ROADWAY STANDARDS--~—^~'—^--'—^~^'^^'^'~'-~^^^^^^^~^''^—''~—. 43 Section 1.1 Applicability --..—...—'—'—'~^'—'—'-----'--'~—^^''~^^—~'-~~'/�3 August 10, 1998 Circle T PD Supplement Page ii SECTION 4OFF-STREET LOADING REQUIREMENTS ......................................................... '--` ARTICLE V: FENCING ARTICLE VI: LIGHTING STANDARDS SECTION Applicability .—.--.-------.-------.---..---.---.-----./47 SECTION 2 Lighting Elezoeo1a—.-------.---.---.----'—.--.------.--... 47 SECTIONLighting Standards .................................................................................................... f/ Section].lIllumination ..................................................................................................... f/ Section3.2Glare ................................................................................................................ 47 Section ].3Luminaire Height —....--.....—.—.---._.----~--~--.--....--..'4/ ARTICLE VII. SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ` SECTION VARIANCES ........................................................................................................... 48 SECTION 2 CONSEQUENCES ()FBOARD DENIALS ........................................................... 48 SECTION 3 BOARD AND COMMISSION APPROVALS ...................................................... 48 SECTION SPECIFIC USE PERM{TS.—.....—..—....,...—.~.--~.^........,...........................48 SECTION5 SURVEY MONUMENTS ....................................................................................... 44 SECTION6 MAINTENANCE PERIOD ..................................................................................... 49 SECTION7FORM {)F SECURITY ............................................................................................ 4g SECTION FINISHED FT.(]()R LEVEL .................................................................................... 4g SECTIONBOUNDARY SURVEY .......................................................................................... 44 SECTION 10 FOUNDATION AND FRAMING ......................................................................... 40 SECTION TI UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT SITES ...................................................................... 44 SECTION l2TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSES - LEVEL (]F SERVICE .................................. 5O SECTION13 UTILITY EASEMENTS ........................................................................................ 5U SECTION14 ADA STANDARDS .............................................................................................. 50 SECTION 15 CONSTRUCTION PHASING ............................................................................... 50 SECTIONl6BRIDGE SURFACES ............................................................................................ 5l August 10, 1998 C�c\eTPDDupp�nz�t Page iii 0uon«AmCs Table uJContents 007510o00/9:0359104. 11 SECTION17 FIRE LANES ......................................................................................................... 51 SECTION 19 WATER LINES ..................................................................................................... 51 SECTION 20 DEPTH OF COVER .............................................................................................. 51 MEN I I tolZ41p#m a tole) NJ awallEffill a SECTIOi&t15. �.-. 1� , .......................................................................................................... SECTION 24 SANITARY SEWER LINES ................................................................................. 52 SECTIO; 27 PRIVATE QT RE ETS ........................................................... ................ .......... 11 1 1 S I Figure 1: Circle T Ranch - Planning Areas (informational only) Figure 2: Circle T Ranch - Land Uses (informational only) Figure 3: Circle T Ranch - Open Space & Trail System (informational only) Figure 4: Circle T Ranch - Thoroughfares (informational only) Figure 5: Subdivision Monument Sign Figure 6: Subdivision Identification Sign Figure 7: Business Monument Sign (Type 1) Figure 8: Business Monument Sign (Type 2) Figure 9: Business Group Monument Sign Figure 10: Retail Facade Sign Figure 11: Big Box Retail Facade Signs Figure 12: Mall Identification Monument Signs Figure 13: Mall Entry Monument Signs Figure 14: Mall Facade Sign Figure 15: Mall Directional Signs August 10, 1998 Circle T PD Supplement Page iv ORDINANCE Table of Contents 007510.00019:0359104.11 Figure 16: Building Identification and Directory Signs Figure 17: Business Projecting Sign Figure 18: Business Awning Signs Figure 19: Business Hanging Sign Figure 20: Business Window Sign Figure 21: General Directional Signs Figure 22: Circle T Identification Signs Figure 23: A. Town Edge Landscape Zone - six foot earth berm B. Town Edge Landscape Zone - three foot earth berm C. Town Edge Landscape Zone - forested edge (3 illustrations) Figure 24: A. Roadway Landscape Zone - zone width August 10, 1998 Circle T PD Supplement Page v ORDINANCE Table of Contents 007510.00019:0359104.11 B. Roadway Landscape Zone - tree planting requirements Figure 25: Roadway Median Landscaping Figure 26: A. Parking Lot Landscaping - alternative 1 (350 spaces) B. Parking Lot Landscaping - alternative 2 (350 spaces) C. Parking Lot Landscaping - alternative 3 (200 spaces) D. Parking Lot Landscaping - alternative 4 (200 spaces) E. Spot Islands (6'x 18' and 9'x 18') - minimum standards F. Spot Islands (5'x T) - minimum standards G. Linear Islands - minimum standards Figure 27: A. Off -Street Parking Screening - planting B. Off -Street Parking Screening - wall fence C. Off -Street Parking Screening - berm D. Off -Street Parking Screening - rail fence with vines Figure 28: A. Off -Street Loading - landscape reserves for docks B. Off -Street Loading - methods of screening docks C. Off -Street Loading - screening of dumpsters Figure 29: A. Plant Material Sizes B. Tree Pits Figure 30: 50'R.O.W. Section, Local Residential Street August 10, 1998 Circle T PD Supplement Page v ORDINANCE Table of Contents 007510.00019:0359104.11 Figure 31: 60'R.O.W. Section, Local Residential Street Figure 32: 90'R.O.W. Section, Undivided Collector Figure 33: 106'R.O.W. Section, Dove Road Figure 34: 120'R.O.W. Section, Secondary Entry Figure 35: 165R.O.W. Section, Lake Turner Parkway Figure 36: Fencing Plan Figure 37: Fencing Articulation Method August 10, 1998 Circle T PD Supplement Page A ORDINANCE Table of Contents 007510.00019:0359104.11 Except as hereinafter provided, all of the PD Districts are subject to the standards set forth in this PD Supplement. 611 X41101MM101411*011 This PD Supplement takes effect when adopted by the Board and upon publication as required by law. 110111 ......... Section 3.1 PD Concept Plan The PD Concept Plan for each PD District consists of drawings generally labeled as follows: "I'D Concept Plan - Planning Area"; "PD Concept Plan - Land Uses"; "PD Concept Plan - Open Space & Trail System"; and "PD Concept Plan - Thoroughfares". The PD District for Circle T Planning Area I - East Residential includes two development alternatives (at the option of the owner); one alternative with golf and one without golf. Except as otherwise provided in the PD Ordinances or this PD Supplement, the graphic depictions contained on the PD Concept Plans are "regulatory" standards, and amendments to the PD Concept Plans shall be considered zoning changes. Although the requirement for public hike, bike, and equestrian trails (if shown on a PD Concept Plan) is regulatory and cannot be deleted without a zoning change, the exact location of such trails is not regulatory and may be changed by the Board without a zoning change. In addition, (i) the boundary of any concept plan area may be adjusted to the extent necessary to eliminate strips or gores between such area and adjacent concept plan areas and (ii) the size of any sub -area shown on a PD Concept Plan may be increased or decreased by the Board without a zoning change so long as the size does not change by more than five percent (5%). Changes in trail location or the area within a PD District (or any sub -area thereof) shall be approved by the Board as part of a PD site plan. A. PD Concept Plan - Planning Area The drawings labeled "PD Concept Plan - Planning Area" identify the general boundaries of the PD Districts. The exact boundaries, however, are shown on the metes and bounds description adopted by the Board as part of each PD Ordinance. Any information shown on the drawings that is outside the boundaries of the PD District is not part of the PD Concept Plans or PD Ordinances and does not bind or otherwise affect development within the PD Districts. B. PD Concept Plan - Land Uses The drawings labeled "PD Concept Plan - Land Uses" identify general land use categories that are permitted within the PD Districts and within the sub -areas designated thereon, together with an estimate of the size of each sub -area. For non-residential sub -areas, the drawings also indicate the applicable floor area ratios and an estimate of total floor area. The estimate of total floor area, however, is provided for informational purposes only and is not a "regulatory" standard, and to the August 10, 1998 Article 1. General Provisions Circle T PD Supplement Page I ORDINANCE 007510A0019:0359104.11 extent, if any, that the actual total floor area differs from the estimate, such difference shall not require an amendment to the PD Concept Plan. For single-family detached sub -areas, the drawings identify minimum lot sizes. For all other residential sub -areas, the drawings also identify the total number of residential dwelling units that are allowed (which total number of dwelling units is a "regulatory" standard and cannot be changed without a zoning change). These drawings also identify open space areas; however, open space is discussed in greater detail in Subsection C below (and in the event of any conflict, the terms, provisions, and intent of Subsection C shall control). Any information shown on these drawings that is outside the identified boundaries of the PD Districts is not part of the PD Concept Plans or PD Ordinances and does not bind or otherwise affect development within the PD Districts. To the extent, if any, that these drawings illustrate the detailed layout of golf course features (such as tee boxes, fair -ways, water features, or greens) or possible building "footprints", such detailed illustrations are not considered part of the PD Concept Plans or PD Ordinances, and they do not bind or otherwise affect development within the PD Districts. C. PD Concept Plan - Open Space & Trail System The drawings labeled "PD Concept Plan - Open Space & Trail System" identify (i) public open space; (ii) private -oublk an private gollf, These drawings also identify the general open space; and (1-11) 11 %A 11Y I locations of public hike and bike trails and public equestrian trails, which trails constitute the only trails that are required within the PD Districts. Any information shown on these drawings that is outsides the boundaries of the PD Districts is not part of the PD Concept Plans or PD Ordinances and does not bind or otherwise affect development within the PD Districts. 1. Public Open Space The area within each PD District that is designated as public open space will be made available for public use by residents of the Town. The portion of such open space designated for parks shall be dedicated to the Town in fee and the portion adjacent to Lake Turner by easement. The remainder of such open space may (at the option of the owner) (i) be dedicated in fee or by easement (ii) to the Town, a public improvement district, a private property owners association, or any other entity approved by the Board. Access to such areas shall be controlled by ordinance (including closing of such areas from late night until early morning). Underground public and private utilities may be located in such areas. Owners of land adjacent to such areas may irrigate, mow, and otherwise maintain such areas (including all improvements located therein). After dedication to the Town, the Town shall maintain such areas (including all improvements located therein). The dedication of such areas shall occur as part of the Town's subdivision approval process. Unless approved by the Board, public open space shall not be included as part of any platted lot. It is contemplated, however, that (subject to Board approval as part of the PD site plan approval process) private development may occur up to the water's edge around portions of Lake Turner; in which case the land adjacent to the lake that is required for such development shall not be required as public open space. If such private August 10, 1998 Article 1. General Provisions Circle T PD Supplement Page 2 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 development occurs, a continuous public open space/hike and bike trail system will be provided. 2. Private Open Space The area within each PD District that is designated as private open space will be made available for use as determined by the owners thereof. Such use may, at the option of such owners, include public use by the residents of the Town. Such use may also provide connectivity between public and private open space areas. All single family subdivisions (other than those adjacent to golf courses) shall provide at least one access point to the hike and bike trails shown on the PD Concept Plans. The reservation of areas as private open space shall occur as part of the Town's subdivision approval process. Private open space may be included as part of any platted lot. 3> Public Golf The area within each PD District that is designated as public golf will be developed as a golf course (including a clubhouse and accessory uses) that will allow public play. Public golf may be included as part of any platted lot. 4. Private Golf The area within each PD District designated as private golf will be developed as a golf course (including a clubhouse and accessory uses) that may restrict play. Private golf may be included as part of any platted lot. a. The area within each PD District designated as hike and bike trails will be made available for public use by the residents of the Town. Such areas shall be dedicated to the Town in fee. Access to such areas shall be controlled by ordinance (including closing of such areas from late night until early morning). Underground public and private utilities may be located in such areas. Owners of land adjacent to such areas may irrigate, mow, and otherwise maintain such areas (including all improvements located therein). After dedication to the Town, the Town shall maintain such areas (including all improvements located therein). The dedication of such areas shall occur as part of the Town's subdivision approval process. Unless approved by the Board, hike and bike trails shall not be included as part of any platted lot. b. The hike and bike trails within each PD District (which are not drawn to scale on the drawings) located next to parks, lakes, ponds, golf, roads, drainage, or other areas of significant open space shall have a minimum width of 15 feet; all other hike and bike trails (including those combined with equestrian trails) shall have a minimum width of 20 feet. Any owner who is required to dedicate property for a portion of the hike and bike trail shall also be required to do one of the following, at the option of the owner: (i) construct such portion of the trail within six months after receiving a certificate of occupancy (which obligation shall August 10, 1998 Article 1. General Provisions Circle T PD Supplement Page 3 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 be secured prior to final plat approval by a performance bond, cash deposit, letter of credit, pledge of government securities, or other security acceptable to the Board); or (ii) deposit with the Town an amount (in the form of a performance bond, cash, letter of credit, pledge of government securities, or other security acceptable to the Board) sufficient to construct such portion of the trail; which deposit shall relieve the owner of any further obligation with respect to such construction. The Town may only use the deposit to construct portions of the trail within the designated PD District, and if the deposit is not used for such purposes within ten (10) years, it shall be returned to the then -current owner of the land. C. The following standards shall apply to the design and construction of all public hike and bike trails: 1. The minimum width shall be eight feet, unless the Town secures a funding grant for the construction of the public hike and bike trails in which case the trail shall be 12 feet. 1) A+414 e e✓ '­ -.;Ic pf t � T-M,lion of the Tovvrn (except as provid eld --1- 11 " 'r—_ may be constructed of crushed granite (with a four inch ribbon curb), concrete, asphalt, or other materials approved by the Commission as part of PD site plan approval. 3. In areas subject to erosion, trails shall be constructed of concrete. 4. Where trails cross streams, creeks, or other permanent water courses, construction shall include (at the option of the Commission, as part of PD site plan approval) a bridge, culvert, or other design alternative that will convey base stream flow under the trail. 5. The minimum design speed for primary hike and bike trails shall meet the standards of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ("AASHTO"). 6. Lighting of trails shall not be required unless needed for safety reasons. 7. Railings may be constructed of wood, steel, concrete, composite materials, or other materials approved by the Board and shall meet AASHTO standards. 8. Water fountains are only required (at one -mile intervals) for trails located in public parks. August 10, 1998 Article I. General Provisions Circle T PD Supplement Page 4 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 9. The intersections of trails and thoroughfares shown on the PD Concept Plans shall be grade -separated only where such grade separation is shown on a PD Concept Plan. d. At such time as 75% of the hike and bike trails within each PD District have been constructed (or security provided for such construction), the remainder of the property required for the trail shall be dedicated and the remainder of the trails shall be constructed (or a deposit made for such construction as provided above); and until such property dedication and construction (or deposit therefor) has occurred, the Town, at the option of the Board, may deny the issuance of any further certificates of occupancy within the designated PD District. The Town may only use the deposit to complete construction of the trails within the respective PD District, and if the deposit is not used for such purposes within ten (10) years, it shall be returned to the then -owner of the property. 111. Equestrian Trails a. The area within each PD District designated as equestrian trails will be made available for public use by the residents of the Town. Such areas may be dedicated to the Town in fee or by easement. Access to such areas shall be controlled by ordinance (including closing of such areas from late night until early morning). Underground public and private utilities may be located in such areas. Owners of land adjacent to such areas may irrigate, mow, and otherwise maintain such areas (including all improvements located therein). After dedication to the Town, the Town shall maintain such areas (including all improvements located therein). The dedication of such areas shall occur as part of the Town's subdivision approval process. Equestrian trails dedicated by easement may be included as part of any single family platted lot; however, they may not be included as part of any other platted lot unless approved by the Board. b. The equestrian trails within each PD District (which are not shown to scale on the drawing) shall have a minimum width of 20 feet (even if combined with hike and bike trails). Owners who are required to dedicate property for a portion of the equestrian trail shall not, however, have any obligation to construct the trails. C. At such time as 75% of the equestrian trails within the respective PD District have been constructed, the remainder of the property required for the trail shall be dedicated; and until such dedication has occurred, the Town, at the option of the Board, may deny the issuance of any further certificates of occupancy within the respective PD District. August 10, 1998 Article I. General Provisions Circle T PD Supplement Page 5 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 D. PD Concept Plan - Thoroughfares The drawings labeled "PD Concept Plan Thoroughfares" identify thoroughfares that are consistent with the Town's Thoroughfare Plan. E. TIA Conditions to Concept Plan Approval Subsection 2.1.E ("Traffic Impact Analysis") of Article XI of the UDC authorizes the Board to condition the density or intensity of uses or the timing of development within a PD District based upon the existence of a supporting roadway network adequate to accommodate the traffic expected to be generated. Pursuant to such authority, the Board has approved the following conditions: 1. The original traffic impact analysis approved by the Board when the PD Districts were established shall be updated every five years (or earlier if requested by the Town's Traffic Engineer at the time of any amendment to any PD Concept Plan that materially increases peak -hour trip generation for the build -out of the Circle T Ranch beyond the peak -hour trips estimated by the most recent traffic impact analysis). 2, At the time 01 nRp-e-cific site i ' '.-aplasubmttafor Town apprv1l., an updated Traffic Impact Analysis must be conducted and submitted in order to determine all site -related driveway/access intersection requirements. If any site driveway or direct access intersections are affected by subject site -related traffic to the extent that the Level of Service (LOS) is reduced below "C" (as defined in the Highway Capacity Manual published by the Transportation Research Board of the National Research Council) (or below such lesser LOS as the Town Engineer and Board may approve), it will be the responsibility of the site developer to fund the necessary mitigation measures to achieve the required LOS. 3. If any off-site intersections are affected by subject site -related traffic to the extent that the LOS is reduced below "C" (or below such lesser LOS as the Town Engineer and Board may approve), it will be the responsibility of the site developer to fund the necessary mitigation measures to the required LOS. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the developer is not responsible for mitigating the impacts on off-site intersections that result from non -site traffic. 4. If by nationally accepted standards, a traffic signal is warranted at the intersection of public roadway and a site driveway or access point, the site developer will be responsible for the cost of installing the traffic signal to Town standards. Section 3®2 "Informational" Plans There are also attached to this PD Supplement for information purposes only: (i) a drawing labeled "Circle T Ranch - Planning Areas" which illustrates the general boundaries of the "planning areas" that constitute the Circle T Ranch; (ii) a drawing labeled "Circle T Ranch - Land Uses" which illustrates the general land use categories for all the "planning areas" of the Circle T Ranch; and (iii) a drawing labeled "Circle T Ranch - August 10, 1998 Article I. General Provisions Circle T PD Supplement Page 6 ORDNANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 Open Space & Trail System" which illustrates the open space and trail system for the "planning areas" that constitute the Circle T. Ranch. These drawings are not part of the PD Concept Plans or PD Ordinances. Nothing contained on any of these informational drawings shall bind or otherwise affect the development of the Circle T Ranch. Section 3.3 PD Development Plans Development plans shall not be required for any development within any of the PD Districts. A. General Requirement Development within each PD District shall require a PD site plan prepared and approved by the Commission in accordance with this PD Supplement. B. Submittal Requirements The following requirements apply to each application for PD site plan approval: 1. Size. PD site plans shall be prepared on one or more standard sheets of sizes of 30" x 42" or 24" x 36" and at an engineering scale of l "=100' or larger. If multiple sheets are required, an overall plan shall be submitted as well (which may be to any scale). PD site plans shall be prepared by a registered engineer, architect, or landscape architect. 2. General Information: a. North Arrow; b. Total site acreage; C. Submission date; d. Scale (written and graphic); e. Vicinity map; f. Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of designer, engineer, developer, and owner; g. A boundary survey of the site with the location of proposed land uses; h. Adjacent subdivision names and property lines; and i. Adjacent land uses and structures. August 10, 1998 Article I. General Provisions Circle T PD Supplement Page 7 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 3. Structures: a. Location, dimensions, and use of all existing facilities and proposed building sites; b. Setback and separation distances between building sites; C. Proposed construction type and facade materials for all multi -family and non-residential buildings (the Commission may require elevations and perspective drawings); d. Proposed density of each use; and e. Proposed location of screening along public roadways shown on the PD Concept Plan. 4. Streets and Sidewalks: a. Location and width of all rights-of-way and easements; b. Location and dimensions of all pavement and curbing; C. Location and width of all sidewalks; d. Location and width of all ingress/egress points; e. Location and width of all medians and median breaks; and f. Location of any special traffic regulation facilities. 5. Off -Street Parking and Loading Areas: a. Number, location, and dimension of spaces; b. Type of surface material of parking facility; C. Dimension of aisles, driveways, maneuvering areas, and curb return radii; d. Distance between spaces and adjacent rights-of-way; e. Location of all existing and proposed fire lanes and hydrants; and f. Proposed lighting diagram. August 10, 1998 Article I. General Provisions Circle T PD Supplement Page 8 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 6. Landscaping: a. Location and size of major tree groupings and existing hardwood trees of 6" caliper or greater, noting whether they are to be removed or retained; b. Location and size of proposed plant materials, including paving, together with type and species of plants; C. Number and type of each landscape element; d. Height and type of all fencing or buffering; e. Height of all planters, sculptures, and decorative screens; f. Location and type of trash receptacle screening; 9. Location and type of lighting for streets, signage, and parking areas; and h. Location of visibility triangles where required. 7. Drainage: a. Direction of water flow; b. Quantity of on and off-site water generation; C. Topographic contours at a minimum of 5 foot intervals; d. Points of concentrated water discharge; e. Areas where special design and construction may be necessary due to slope or soil conditions; and f. Location and design of all water detention and drainage areas. 9. drainage ways, creeks, and limits of the 100 year floodplain and floodway as shown on current FEMA mapping or the Town's master drainage plan, including location and acreage, together with a general plan for accommodating flood waters and drainage. August 10, 1998 Article I. General Provisions Circle T PD Supplement Page 9 tl ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 8. Preliminary Service Plan: a. A preliminary drainage study of the area showing the size and location of each existing and proposed drainage way and retention or detention area. The study shall be prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Texas and experienced in the study of drainage issues. The preliminary drainage study shall (i) contain a topographical map of the area proposed for development to a scale not smaller than I inch = 200 feet; (ii) generally describe how the proposed development will comply with the drainage design policies set forth below; (iii) include all information deemed necessary by the preparing engineer to support his or her determination that the proposed development will comply with the drainage design policies; and (iv) include all information reasonably requested by the Town Engineer to support his or her review of the preliminary drainage study. The purposes of the drainage design policies are to prevent flooding of adjacent properties owned by third parties and to regulate water surface elevations and peak discharges. Development within the PD District shall not produce any increase in the water surface ci or ke WA LM I �"-_ L - �) - . . I levati �' 1, ither upstream or r1owns* eam All to a 5 -year, 1 0 -year, 50 -year, or 100 -year storm. If the discharge from the area proposed for development would increase the water surface elevation above predevelopment conditions on any property owned by third parties due to any of such storms, then such peak discharge must be regulated to the extent necessary to eliminate the increased water surface elevation. The regulation of discharges to eliminate such increases may be achieved using either on-site or off-site stormwater management facilities (such as detention areas, retention areas, and infiltration and sedimentation ponds). b. The proposed method of providing water and sewer service. C. An updated traffic impact analysis. The purpose of the updated analysis is to determine whether the traffic estimated to be generated by the development shown on the proposed PD site plan will necessitate specific on-site or adjacent traffic improvements (e.g., turn lanes, stacking lanes, signalization, etc.) and to determine whether the conditions (as set forth in subsection 4.1.E above) attached to the PD Concept Plan based on the original traffic impact analysis have been met. 9. A list of the development standards, if any (whether in the PD Ordinance or in the then -existing ordinances, rules, or regulations of the Town that apply to development within the PD District), for which the applicant is seeking a variance by the Board as part of the PD site plan approval process; and 10. If Board approval of any height increase is being requested, the applicant shall prepare (at the request of the Town Planner) a view analysis of the impact of August 10, 1998 Article I. General Provisions Circle T PD Supplement Page 10 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 such requested variance on adjacent residential areas of the Town. C. Commission Decision The Commission, after notice and public hearing in accordance with the Town's UDC procedures, shall approve, approve subject to conditions, or deny each PD site plan. D. Approval Criteria The Commission, in approving, conditionally approving, or denying a PD site plan, shall consider the following criteria: 1. The plan complies with the applicable PD Concept Plan and PD Ordinance, including express conditions attached to the PD Concept Plan or PD Ordinance; 2. The plan complies with the standards and conditions of the Town's Unified Development Code and of other ordinances, rules and regulations of the Town (to the extent that such standards and conditions are applicable to development within the PD District); 3. The traffic estimated to be generated by the plan is generally consistent with the original, Board approved traffic impact analysis (as updated in accordance with Subsection 4.1.E above); 4. The plan includes the necessary on-site or adjacent traffic improvements to accommodate traffic generated by the plan (e.g., turn lanes, stacking lanes, signalization, etc.); 5. The preliminary drainage study for the plan indicates that the proposed development can be achieved without increasing the upstream or downstream water surface elevation on property owned by third parties and that detention and drainage areas can be improved in a natural manner approved by the Board and consistent with existing physical conditions of similar areas within the applicable PD District; and 6. Landscaping for the Town Edge Landscape Zone (as hereinafter defined) promotes continuity and unity consistent with the landscape plan for the development and encourages views to public open space and public landmarks. E. Conditions The Commission, or the Board on appeal, may establish such conditions to the approval of a PD site plan as are reasonably necessary to assure that the approval criteria are met. F. Appeal from Commission Action If the Commission approves a PD site plan with conditions or if it disapproves a PD site plan, the applicant may appeal the decision to the Board by filing a written request with the Town Secretary within ten (10) days after the Commission's decision. August 10, 1998 Article I. General Provisions Circle T PD Supplement Page 11 ORDINANCE 007510.000I9:0359104.11 G. Variances If the applicant requests a variance from any PD Ordinance standards or other requirements of the Applicable Town Ordinances (as defined in the PD Ordinances), the variance request will be forwarded to the Board with the Commission's recommendation for decision. Except as otherwise provided by the PD Ordinances or this PD Supplement, the procedures and criteria for approval shall be those applicable to variances under the UDC. H. Amendment PD site plans are not considered part of a PD Ordinance. Except as otherwise provided in this Subsection, any amendment to an approved PD site plan must be approved by the Commission. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, "minor modifications" to any PD site plan may be approved by the Town Planner. If the Town Planner believes that a request for a minor modification entails a significant change in a PD site plan, he may refer the request to the Commission for determination. A "minor modification" to a PD site plan is defined as any modification that does not: 1. alter the basic relationship of proposed development to adjacent property; 2. chati-ae the uses pennitted- a 4 9 August 10, 1.998 ORDINANCE increase the maximum density, floor area, or height; decrease the amount of off-street parking, unless parking remains sufficient in number and conforms to ordinance requirements; or reduce the minimum yards or setbacks. Article 1. General Provisions Circle T PD Supplement Page 12 007510.00019:0359104.11 #W*0311=11#100 Section 1.1 Purposes The purposes of this Article are (i) to establish the general sign standards that apply within all of the PD Districts; (ii) to identify the types of signs that are allowed within each sub -area of each PD District; and (iii) to establish standards for each sign type. The purposes of the sign standards are: A to give single family subdivisions and multi -family developments the ability to display their names and logos on monument signs located at entrances to the subdivisions or developments; B. to give businesses the ability to display their names and logos (but not their products or services) on monument signs; C. to give businesses the option, with the approval of the Board, to forego individual monument signs and display their names and logos (but not their products or services) on group monument signs; D. to give businesses the ability to display their names and logos (but not their products or services) on facade signs; E. to give occupants in limited, mixed use areas the ability to advertise products and services on facade signs, projecting signs, awning signs, hanging signs, and window signs; F. to give a regional mall the ability to display its name and logo and the names and logos of mall businesses (but not their products or services) on monument signs; G. to give a regional mall the ability to display its name and logo and the names and logos of mall businesses (but not their products or services) on facade signs; H. to give residential home builders the ability to display their names and logos (but not their products or services) at subdivisions in which they are building; I. to provide directional signs to general destinations in the Town and the PD Districts and to destinations in the regional mall; and J. to provide Circle T logo identification signs and special project entry signs within the PD Districts. Section 1.2 Applicability All of the PD Districts are subject to the requirements set forth in Section 3 and Section 4 hereof. Section 5 identifies the types of signs that are allowed within each sub -area of each PD District and establishes the standards that apply to each sign type. August 10, 1998 Article 11. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 13 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 Building facade means any facing wall of a building; including architectural features, but excluding lateral extensions of a building wall to create a larger facing area, and excluding any roofing area designed to weatherize the interior of the building. Business occupant means any non-residential occupant of a building for a period of at least 30 days. Background area means the entire, above -ground area of a monument sign. Circle T Ranch means the approximately 2,525 -acre property commonly known as the Circle T Ranch and generally located in Tarrant and Denton Counties (i) east of U.S. 377, (ii) west of Precinct Line Road, and (iii) adjacent to and in the vicinity of the intersection of S.H. 114 and S.H. 170. Erect means to construct, build, raise, assemble, affix, attach, create, paint, draw, or in any other way bring into being or establish. Facade sign means any sign erected on a building facade, on any glass surface, or on any balcony, colonnade, awning, or other architectural feature. Monument sign means a slab -like sign with continuous ground support along the entire width of the sign and composed of no more than two sign faces configured in parallel planes. Pole sign means a sign mounted on a freestanding pole. Sign means any device or surface on which letters, illustrations, designs, figures, or symbols are painted, printed, stamped, raised, projected, or in any manner outlined or attached and used for advertising purposes. "Sign" does not, however, include mobile advertising, hand -carried signs, or vending machine signs. Sign area means the smallest combination of contiguous parallelagrams that encompasses all display elements of a sign (excluding the stone, brick or other materials used for construction). If the sign consists of two back-to-back faces, only one face shall be considered. Except as otherwise provided by the UDC, a sign permit issued in accordance with the procedures set forth in the UDC is required before any sign is erected or displayed. All sign permits shall be for a specific location, and any relocation shall require a new permit. Sign August 10, 1998 Article 11. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 14 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 permits run with the land and shall continue until terminated by the Board in accordance with the procedures set forth in the UDC. SECTION 4 GENERAL SIGN STANDARDS The following standards apply to all signs: A. No person shall erect or display any sign (1) that creates confusion that could interfere with police or fire emergency response calls; (2) that imitates standard public traffic regulatory signals or public emergency signs; (3) that materially obstructs lighting for any public or private street or for any public property; or (4) that interferes with any public utility service or traffic control device. B. No sign shall be fastened to a fire escape, and no sign shall obstruct any fire escape or any door, window, hallway or passageway that leads to a fire escape or that otherwise provides an emergency exit route from any building. C. The following are prohibited: 1. Advertising searchlights and revolving beacons. 2. Sky signs, tethered pilotless balloons, and all gas-filled advertising devices. 3. Sandwich or "A -frame" signs and sidewalk and curb signs. 4. Mobile or portable signs and signs mounted, attached, or painted on motor vehicles, trailers, or boats and used as stationary advertising. 5. Signs that emit any sound. 6. Political signs in public rights of way or on public property. 7. Signs with changeable copy (except signs for the following uses: church, school, library, community center, art gallery, live theater, and motion picture theater). 8. Pole signs. D. No person shall distribute or cause to be distributed any poster, placard, handbill, or advertising material in such a manner that the materials could reasonably be expected to be blown about by the wind. The person whose name appears on any of such materials shall be presumed to have knowledge of the location and manner of their distribution. If a large number of such materials are blown about by the wind, such person shall also be presumed to have reasonably expected such a result. August 10, 1998 Article 11. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 15 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 E. No person shall erect a sign on a tree, rock, or other natural feature. F. All signs shall be erected and displayed in compliance with all applicable state laws and with the Town's building and electrical codes. G. No restrictions or standards apply to signs (1) that are not visible from the ground - level exterior of a building; or (2) that are located within a building and more than 10 feet from any exterior entrance to the building (whether or not visible from the exterior of the building); or (3) that are located within a building and more than 10 feet from any glazed opening (whether or not visible from the exterior of the building). H. No sign may be illuminated except as follows: 1. Facade signs and all monument signs may be externally illuminated (from either the front or back); however, all light sources must be shielded or directed so they do not (because of intensity, reflection, or glare) create a hazard for motorists or pedestrians or a nuisance to adjacent residential uses. 2. Facade signs may be internally illuminated provided they are illuminated (1) uniformly and evenly; (2) individually and internally; (3) without visible raceways, electrical conduits, circuit breakers, or other electrical appurtenances; and (4) using continuous (within each individual letter) neon or other gas elements. Monument signs shall not be internally illuminated. 3. No illuminated sign or any element thereof may turn on or off, change brightness or otherwise (a) produce an apparent motion of any visual image, (b) cause any time or temperature message to change more than once each five seconds, or (c) cause any other message or picture to change. 4. Signs with changeable copy (as permitted by this Article) may be translucent with internal or back lighting if the translucent material is white and if the internal or back lighting produces illumination that is uniform over the entire sign area and that does not (because of intensity, reflection, or glare) create a hazard for motorists or pedestrians or a nuisance to adjacent residential uses. Section 5.1. Planning Areas Table 5.1 (located at the end of this Article) identifies the types of signs that may be erected and displayed within each sub -area within each PD District. An "X" indicates that the sign type is permitted. Section 5.2 below establishes the sign standards that apply to each type of sign. Illustrations of selected sign types (contained in Section 6 below) are provided for informational purposes only to illustrate the relative scale of the sign types, but they are not "regulatory" and are not part of the PD Ordinance or this PD Supplement. In the event of August 10, 1998 Article 11. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 16 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 a conflict between the written standards in this Section and the illustrations, the written standards shall control. Section 5.2 Standards A. Subdivision Monument Signs See Figure S Two subdivision monument signs are allowed at each entrance to a single family subdivision or multi -family development. The standards for subdivision monument signs are as follows: 1. The signs must be monument signs (whose length exceeds height) and may be located within roadway landscape zones (excluding visibility triangles at intersections). 2. Content is limited to the name and logo of the subdivision, to the logo of the Circle T Ranch, and to the names and logos of golf courses and/or country clubs. 3. The maximum size of each monument sign is 40 square feet; the maximum sign area is 24 square feet; and the maximum height is four feet, measured from the average grade level at the base of the sign to the highest part of the sign. 4. Construction materials are limited to stone, cast stone, brick, split face CMU used in conjunction with, or as a border for, stone and cast stone, or other materials approved by the Board. 5. Sign elements may be carved into the construction materials, may consist of metal elements attached to the construction materials, or may otherwise be displayed in any manner approved by the Board. 6. All monument signs must have a minimum landscaped area of two square feet for each linear foot of the horizontal length of the sign face. For purposes of landscaping, the horizontal length of double -sided signs is the sum of the horizontal length of both sign faces. B. Subdivision Identification Signs See Figure 6. Two single-family subdivision identification signs are allowed at each entrance to a single family subdivision that does not have a subdivision monument sign. The standards for subdivision identification signs are as follows: 1. The signs must be incorporated as part of, or attached to, a portion of the subdivision perimeter fencing. 2. Height shall not exceed length. August 10, 1998 Article II. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 17 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 3. Content is limited to the name and logo of the subdivision and/or the logo of the Circle T Ranch. 4. The maximum sign area is nine square feet. 5. The signs must be architecturally consistent with the subdivision perimeter fence. C. Business Monument Signs (Type 1) See Figure 7. Each lot is entitled to one monument sign for each street frontage of the lot. Type 1 monument signs may only include the name and logo of the building and/or the name and logo of business occupants; provided, however, if a business occupant does business under more than one name, the name that does not advertise products or services shall take precedence. The standards for all Type I monument signs are as follows: 1. Signs may be located within roadway landscape zones. 2. Length must exceed height. 3. Construction materials are limited to stone, cast stone, brick, split face CMU used in conjunction with, or as a border for, stone and cast stone, or other materials approved by the Board. 4. Sign elements may be carved into the construction materials, may consist of metal elements attached to the construction materials, or may otherwise be displayed in any manner approved by the Board. 5. If the total floor area of a building is less than 20,000 square feet: (a) the maximum monument size and maximum sign area is 20 square feet; (b) the maximum height is four feet, measured from the average grade level at the base of the sign to the highest part of the sign; and (c) the minimum setback is 10 feet, measured from the public right-of-way. 6. If the total floor area of a building is 20,000 square feet or more but less than 125,000 square feet: (a) the maximum monument sign size is 40 square feet; (b) the maximum sign area is 24 square feet; (c) the maximum height is four feet, measured from the average grade level at the base of the sign to the highest part of the sign; and (d) the minimum setback is 15 feet, measured from the public right - Of -way. 7. If the total floor area of a building is 125,000 square feet or more: (a) the maximum monument sign size is 60 square feet; (b) the maximum sign area is 36 square feet; (c) the maximum height is six feet, measured from the average grade level at the base of the sign to the highest part of the sign; and (d) the minimum setback is 15 feet, measured from the public right-of-way. August 10, 1998 Article H. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 18 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 8. All monument signs must have a minimum landscaped area of two square feet for each linear foot of the horizontal length of the sign face. For purposes of landscaping, the horizontal length of double -sided signs is the sum of the horizontal length of both sign faces. D. Business Monument Signs (Type 2) See Figure 8. Each building on a lot is entitled to one monument sign for each street frontage of the lot. Type 2 monument signs may only include the name and logo of the building and/or the name and logo of business occupants; provided, however, if a business occupant does business under more than one name, the name that does not advertise products or services shall take precedence. The standards for all Type 2 monument signs are as follows: 1. Signs may be located within roadway landscape zones. 2. Length must exceed height. 3. Construction materials are limited to stone, cast stone, brick, split face CMU used in conjunction with, or as a border for, stone and cast stone, or other materials approved by the Board. 4. Sign elements may be carved into the construction materials, may consist of metal elements attached to the construction materials, or may otherwise be displayed in any manner approved by the Board. 5. Maximum sign size is three feet high and six feet long regardless of building size. 6. Each monument sign must be parallel to the street and placed no closer to the street than the "Build to Line" for the applicable street. 7. The space between the sign and the building must be landscaped. 8. Signs must not significantly block the flow of pedestrians on the sidewalks. 9. No monument signs are allowed on the street designated as Westlake Square on the Texas Town portion of the PD Thoroughfare Plan other than monument signs associated with the Town Hall/Civic Building. E. Business Group Monument Signs See Figure 9. The Town would like to encourage buildings to forego erecting individual monument signs in favor of "joint "or 11group" monument signs. To further this objective, the Town encourages property owners to designate "group sign areas" as follows: August 10, 1998 Article 11. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 19 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 1. A group sign area is any contiguous area (excluding streets, other rights- of-way, and public areas) designated as such by all the owners thereof (using a metes and bounds description). The designation can be made at any time prior to or concurrent with the submission of a site plan for the area, and all such designations are subject to the approval of the Board. Land can be removed from any group sign area with the consent of the Board and the consent of the owner(s) of the land being removed; provided, however, the area that remains must continue to comply with the requirements of this Subsection. Land can also be added to any group sign area with the consent of the Board and the consent of the owner(s) of the land being added; provided, however, the expanded area must continue to comply with the requirements of this Subsection. 2. Each group sign area is entitled to one group monument sign for each primary entrance of the group sign area. Group monument signs may only include the name and logos of buildings and/or the name and logo of business occupants; provided, however, if a business occupant does business under more than one name, the name that does not advertise products or services shall take precedence. The standards for group monument signs are as follows: a. Signs maybe located within any required front yard. b. Construction materials are limited to stone, cast stone brick, split face CMU used in conjunction with, or as a border for, stone and cast stone, or other materials approved by the Board. C. Sign elements may be carved into the construction materials, may consist of metal elements attached to the construction materials, or may otherwise be displayed in any manner approved by the Board. d. If the total floor area of all buildings within the group sign area is 20,000 square feet or more but less than 125,000 square feet: (a) the maximum monument sign size is 40 square feet; (b) the maximum sign area is 24 square feet; (c) the maximum height is four feet, measured from the average grade level at the base of the sign to the highest part of the sign; and (d) the minimum setback is 15 feet, measured from the public right-of-way. e. If the total floor area of all buildings within the group sign area is 125,000 square feet or more: (a) the maximum monument sign size is 60 square feet; (b) the maximum sign area is 36 square feet; (c) the maximum height is six feet, measured from the average grade level at the base of the sign to the highest part of the sign; and (d) the minimum setback is 15 feet, measured from the public right-of-way. 3. All monument signs must have a minimum landscaped area of two square August 10, 1998 Article 11. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 20 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 feet for each linear foot of the horizontal length of the sign face. For purposes of landscaping, the horizontal length of double -sided signs is the sum of the horizontal length of both sign faces. F. Retail Facade Signs See Figure 10. Each building on a lot is entitled to facade signs attached to the facades of the building. Facade signs may only include the name of the building and/or the name of business occupants; and if a business occupant does business under more than one name, the name that does not advertise products or services shall take precedence. The standards for all business facade signs are as follows: 1. No limit on letters up to four inches high. 2. Signs can be placed on any building facade, but not above the roof line. 3. Except as provided in Subsection 5 below, the maximum aggregate sign area of all signs on a building is 4% of the aggregate area of all street facing building facades. 4. Except as provided in Subsection 5 below, the maximum aggregate sign area of all signs on any one building facade is 4% of the area of the building facade. 5. The maximum aggregate sign area of all signs advertising any one business is the lesser of (a) 180 square feet or (b) the greater of 20 square feet or 4% of the street facing building facade occupied by such business. Each business that occupies any portion of a street facing building facade shall be entitled, as a minimum, to one 20 square foot sign notwithstanding the aggregate limits set forth in Subsections 3 and 4 above. 6. Signs must be architecturally consistent with the buildings to which they are attached. G. Big Box Retail Facade Signs See Figure 11. Each business occupant that occupies at least 25,000 square feet of gross leaseable area is entitled to facade signs attached to the facades of the building. Facade signs may only include the name and logo of the building and/or the name and logo of the business occupant; and if a business occupant does business under more than one name, the name that does not advertise products or services shall take precedence. The standards for all big box retail facade signs are as follows: 1. No limit on letters up to four inches high. 2. Signs can be placed on any building facade, but not above the roof line. August 10, 1998 Article II. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 21 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 3. The maximum aggregate sign area of all signs advertising one business is the lesser of (a) 260 square feet or (b) the greater of 40 square feet or 4% of the street facing building facade occupied by such business. 4. Signs must be architecturally consistent with the buildings to which they are attached. H. Special Project Entry Signs Each PD Concept Plan identifies roadway entries into the PD District. It is anticipated that these entries will be designed to include special project entry signs which may vary from the standards set forth herein. These special project entry signs will require Commission approval as part of a PD site plan. 1. all Identification Monument Signs See Figure 12. The area (which may include one or more platted lots) within which the regional retail mall is located is entitled to two project identification monument signs located anywhere within such area. The standards for mall identification monument signs are as follows: 1. Signs may only include the name and logo of the mall. 2. Signs may be located within roadway landscape zones. 3. Length must exceed height. 4. Signs must be architecturally consistent with the buildings within the mall. 5. The maximum sign area is 200 square feet; the maximum height is eight feet, measured from the average grade level at the base of the sign to the highest part of the sign; and the minimum setback is 20 feet, measured from the public right-of-way. 6. All monument signs must have a minimum landscaped area of two square feet for each linear foot of the horizontal length of the sign face. For purposes of landscaping, the horizontal length of double -sided signs is the sum of the horizontal length of both sign faces. J. all Entry Monument Signs See Figure 13. The area (which may include one or more platted lots) within which the regional retail mall is located is entitled to one entry monument sign at each entrance to the mall. The standards for mall entry monument signs are as follows: 1. Signs may only include the name and logo of the mall and the names and logos of business occupants within the mall. 2. Signs may be located within roadway landscape zones. August 10, 1998 Article 11. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 22 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 3. Length must exceed height. 4. Signs must be architecturally consistent with the buildings within the mall. 5. The maximum monument size is 40 square feet; the maximum sign area is 24 square feet; the maximum height is five feet, measured from the average grade level at the base of the sign, to the highest part of the sign; and the minimum setback is 10 feet, measured from the public right-of-way. 6. All monument signs must have a minimum landscaped area of two square feet for each linear foot of the horizontal length of the sign face. For purposes of landscaping, the horizontal length of double -sided signs is the sum of the horizontal length of both sign faces. K. all Facade Signs See Figure 14. Each building that is part of the mall is entitled to facade signs attached to the facades of the building. Facade signs may only include the name and logo of the regional mall or business occupants within the mall; and if a business occupant does business under more than one name, the name that does not advertise products or services shall take precedence. The standards for all mall facade signs are as follows: 1. No limit on letters up to four inches high. 2. Signs can be placed on any building facade, but not above the roof line. 3. Each mall occupant that occupies less than 25,000 square feet of gross leaseable area and has an outside entrance to the mall shall be entitled to one facade sign (located on the facade that contains the entrance), which may have a maximum sign area equal to four percent (4%) of the exterior facade occupied by such occupant, not to exceed 125 square feet. 4. Except occupants that have an outside entrance, no sign shall advertise an occupant who occupies less than 25,000 square feet of gross leaseable area. 5. Each occupant that occupies at least 25,000 square feet of gross leaseable area but less than 50,000 square feet of gross leaseable area shall be entitled to one facade sign which may have a maximum sign area equal to 0.5% of the gross leaseable area occupied by such occupant, not to exceed 200 square feet. 6. Each occupant that occupies at least 50,000 square feet of gross leaseable area but less than 80,000 square feet of gross leaseable area shall be entitled to two facade signs, each of which may have a maximum sign area equal to 0.4% of the gross leaseable area occupied by such occupant, not to exceed 240 square feet. 7. Each occupant that occupies at least 80,000 square feet of gross leaseable August 10, 1998 Article 11. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 23 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 area shall be entitled to three facade signs, each of which may have a maximum sign area of 0.3% of the gross leaseable area occupied by such occupant, not to exceed 300 square feet. L. all Directional Signs See Figure 15. Mall -related directional signs are allowed in the mall and mall parking lot. The standards for mall directional signs are as follows: 1. The sign must be a monument sign mounted on a two -foot high earthen berm. 2. Content is limited to words and arrows the only purpose of which is to direct vehicle traffic to destinations within the mall, such as the locations of mall tenants or occupants, or specific areas of the mall such as the cinema or food court. 3. The maximum sign area is nine square feet, and the maximum height is three feet, measured from the average grade level at the base of the sign to the is no minm .-Ugh.est part of the sign. There .*- — _num setback. 4. There is no limit on the number of mall directional signs. 5. The sign may be located in parking lot edges, roadway landscape zones, roadway right-of-way, or otherwise as approved by the Board. M. Building Identification and Directory Signs See Figure 16 Each building on a lot is entitled to identification and directory signs attached to the facades of the building. Identification and directory signs are not restricted to the name and logo of the business occupant. The standards for all identification and directory signs are as follows: 1. No limit on letters up to four inches high. 2. Each building is entitled to one directory sign (not to exceed six square feet) at each main building entrance. 3. Each building is entitled to one building identification sign (limited to the name of the building) on each street facing building facade. The maximum sign area of each building identification sign shall be 24 square feet. Building identification signs may be placed above the first floor spandrel, but not above the roof line. 4. Signs can be placed on any building facade. 5. Signs must be architecturally consistent with the buildings to which they are attached. August 10, 1998 Article 11. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 24 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 N. Business Projecting Signs See Figure 17. Within each building each business occupant with a first floor business or an upper floor business that can be accessed directly by exterior stairs is entitled to one projecting sign attached to the facades of the building where the entrance is located. Projecting signs are not restricted to the name and logo of the business occupant. The standards for all business projecting signs are as follows: 1. Signs can be placed on any building facade, but not above the first floor spandrel. 2. No sign may project more than five feet from a building facade. 3. The maximum sign area is 12 square feet; the maximum height is three feet. 4. All signs must have a minimum vertical clearance of eight feet above the sidewalk. 5. Signs are intended to be primarily graphic, and must have graphics or copy on both sides. 0. Business Awning Signs See Figure 18. Each first floor business occupant or business occupant with a first floor entrance within a building, which business or business entrance has an awning, is entitled to awning signs. Awning signs will be a part of or applied to an awning which is attached to the facades of the building. Awning signs are not restricted to the name and logo of the business occupant. The standards for all awning signs are as follows: 1. Signs can be placed on any awning projecting from the building, but not above the first floor spandrel. 2. The maximum sign area is eight square feet. 3. All awning signs must have a minimum vertical clearance of eight feet above the sidewalk. 4. Signs are intended to be primarily graphic. P. Business Hanging Signs See Figure 19. Each first floor business occupant or business occupant with a first floor entrance within a building is entitled to one hanging sign suspended from the canopies, colonnades or covered passages of the building. Hanging signs are not restricted to the name and logo of the business occupant. The standards for all hanging signs are as follows: August 10, 1998 Article 11. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 25 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 1. Signs can be suspended, so long as perpendicular to the building facade, from canopies, colonnades or covered passages on any building, but not above the first floor spandrel. 2. Signs suspended from canopies and colonnades must be centered in the canopy or colonnade from which they are suspended; signs suspended from any covered area between two buildings may not project more than four feet from a building facade. 3. The maximum sign area is four and one-half square feet. 4. Maximum height is 18 inches; maximum width is 36 inches; maximum thickness is three inches. 5. All signs must have a minimum vertical clearance of eight feet above the sidewalk. 6. Signs are intended to be primarily graphic, and must have graphics or copy on both sides. Q. Business Window Signs See Figure 20. Each first floor business occupant or business occupant with a first floor entrance within a building is entitled to window signs painted or applied to the glass surface of the first floor windows. Window signs are not restricted to the name and logo of the business occupant. The standards for all window signs are as follows: 1. Signs can be placed on the glass surface of street facing windows, but not above the first floor spandrel. 3. The maximum height of each sign is two feet. R. General Directional Signs See Figure 21. Directional signs are allowed on property (whether platted or not) adjacent to the intersection of two streets. The standards for directional signs are as follows: 1. The sign must be a monument sign and may be located within roadway landscape zones, within public rights-of-way (including street medians), and within any required front yard. 2. Construction materials are limited to stone, cast stone, brick, split face CMU used in conjunction with, or as a border, for stone and cast stone, or other August 10, 1998 Article 11. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 26 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 materials approved by the Board. 3. Sign elements may be carved into the construction materials, may consist of metal elements attached to the construction materials, or may otherwise be displayed in any manner approved by the Board. 4. Content is limited to words and arrows the only purpose of which is to direct vehicle traffic to "generic" destinations such as "Mall", "Courthouse", "Town Center", "Civic Center", "Recreation Center", "Performing Arts Center", "Equestrian Center", "Lake Turner", "Lakeside", "Playground", "Hospital", "Library", "Museum", "Golf Course", "Country Club", "Sports Fields", and other similar terms that generally describe the destination. 5. The maximum sign area is eight square feet, and the maximum height is four feet, measured from the average grade level at the base of the sign to the highest part of the sign. There is no minimum setback. 6. There is no limit on the number of directional signs. S. Circle T Identification Signs See Figure 22. Circle T identification signs are allowed on property (whether platted or not) throughout the PD District. The standards for Circle T identification signs are as follows: 1. The sign (a) may be combined with any other monument sign; (b) may be included as an architectural element in any building facade; and (c) may be included as part of any fence. 2. Construction materials and sign elements shall be consistent with the monument sign, building facade, or fence with which it is combined. 3. Content is limited to the logo of the Circle T Ranch. 4. Inclusion of a Circle T identification sign in another sign shall not decrease the maximum permissible sign area of such sign. 5. The maximum sign area for each Circle T identification sign is four square feet. T. Temporary Signs A residential home builder may place temporary signs, including the builder's name and logo, at subdivision entrances in which such builder is constructing homes. August 10, 1998 Article 11. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 27 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 tri August 10, 1998 Article II. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 28 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 C -'CLE T PI) DISTRICTS Tanning Area 1 tannin 'Area fanning Area Type ® Sign - 9! .:East. esidentialY9 Q9 9Y ilea®rt 94 99 Texas Town g� }®q� Permitted.,:.. CONCEPT PLA CONCEPT PLANCO1�CEPT PLAI�t StJE-Ai2EAS" "SUB_A AS`! f9SUB-AREASl4 Single Family Office Single Office Resort Texas Town Office Family Hotel Subdivision Monument X X Subdivision X X Identification Business Monument X X X X (Type 1) Business Monument X (Type 2) Business Group X i X i X 9 X E Monument Retail Facade X Big Box Retail Facade Special Project Entry X X X X X X X Mall Identification Monument Mall Entry Monument Mall Facade Mall Directional Building Identification X and Directory Business Projecting X Business Awning X Business Hanging X Business Window X General Directional X X X X X X X Circle T Identification X X X X X X X Temporary X X X August 10, 1998 Article II. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 28 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 August 10, 1998 Article Ii. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 29 ORDINANCE 007520.00019:0359104.11 CIRCLET, PD., DISTRICTS; Type ®) Sign irea'5 aq�t Planning'1�re �r I�'t0., gg "Rel®nal idetail44 CONCEPT> LAN "SUB-ARIEAS'! CONCEPT PLAN "SUB-AREAS Mall Entertainment Office Entertainment Retail Office Retail Single Family Retail Office Subdivision X Monument Subdivision X Identification Business Monument X X X X (Type 1) Business Monument (Type 2) Business Group X X X X X X Monument Retail Facade X X X Big Box Retail Facade Special Project Entry X X X X X X X X Mall Identification X Monument Mall Entry X X X Monument Mall Facade X Mall Directional X X X Building Identification and Directory Business Projecting Business Awning Business Hanging Business Window General Directional X X X X X X X X Circle T X X X X X X X X Identification Temporary X August 10, 1998 Article Ii. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 29 ORDINANCE 007520.00019:0359104.11 August 10, 1998 Article II. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 30 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 CIRCLE T MI)ISTRICTS Typeo ign l ing Ar6a 7 lanning Area 1 fanning Area Permitted -: � j0:0'i' est &Aesidenttal" "West est C®Inmercial!l "North Commercial" CONCEPT PLAN CONCEIT PLAIN CONCEPT PIAN "SUB-A S" "SIIB-AREAS/. "SUB-AREAS") Single Family Office Office/ Retail Retail Multi- Mixed Office Industrial Family Use Subdivision X X Monument Subdivision X Identification Business Monument X X X X X (Type 1) Business Monument X (Type 2) Business Group X X X X X Monument Retail Facade X X Big Box Retail X Facade Special Project Entry X X X X X X X X Mall Identification Monument Mall Entry Monument Mall Facade Mall Directional Building X Identification and Directory Business Projecting X Business Awning X Business Hanging X Business Window X General Directional X X X X X X X X Circle T X X X X X X X X Identification Temporary X X August 10, 1998 Article II. Sign Standards Circle T PD Supplement Page 30 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 SECTION I PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY Section 1.1 Purpose It is the intent of this Article to preserve and protect the unique natural beauty and environment of the Town; to preserve and enhance views from public roadways; to provide visual buffering and screening for service and loading areas and for parking areas; to enhance and beautify the freeway edges; to ensure that significant natural features of native trees, views and significant topography involving water bodies are preserved, replenished and available to all residents through the public open space as shown on the PD Concept Plan; to provide a general tree cover that will assist private properties in the development of energy conservation measures; and to provide for the health and comfort of the public by providing tree canopy for parking lot areas. Section 1.2 Applicability This Article applies to all PD Districts except the PD District for Planning Area 4 - Texas Town, and the mixed use sub -area of the PD District for Planning Area 9 - North Commercial (which standards are defined in the respective PD Ordinance for such planning areas). MR FM " 2 Me i Section 2.1 Prior to Issuing a Building Permit Prior to the issuance of any building permit, a tree survey and protection plan, a landscape plan, a grading plan and an irrigation plan must be submitted and approved as part of the I'D site plan process. These plans may be combined on one or more drawings. Section 2.2 Variations Approved on PD site plan The Board may approve variations to requirements set out in this PD Ordinance when approving a PD site plan in which such variations are clearly identified. 61*011193 Section 3.1 General A. Existing Trees and Ponds Existing trees and ponds shall be preserved and protected pursuant to the provisions of this PD Ordinance and the PD Concept Plan. B. Consistency With Other Plans Landscaping shall be consistent with the PD Concept Plan. C. Sight Distance Easements at Street and Driveway Intersections Landscaping must meet the requirements for sight distance easements as established in the UDC. D. Provision of Landscaping Landscaping requirements have been divided into the following categories: August 10, 1998 Article III. Landscape Requirement Circle T PD Supplement Page 31 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 1. town edge landscape zone (illustrated on Figure 23); 2. roadway landscape zones (illustrated on Figure 24); 3. roadway median landscaping (illustrated on Figure 25); 4. parking lot landscaping (illustrated on Figure 26); 5. screening of parking (illustrated on Figure 27); 6. general site tree planting; and 7. screening of loading and service areas (illustrated on Figure 28). E. Landscape Plan The form of landscape plans shall conform generally to the sample landscape plan in the UDC. F. andscape Supplement The 1, own reserves the rivaht to supplement landscaphng in the Town edge landscape zone, the roadway landscape zone, the roadway median landscape area, and the parking lot landscape area at its own expense. The Town may exercise this right as part of the PD site plan or subdivision process, provided the supplemental landscaping (a) does not obstruct the visibility of any commercial or retail business; (b) does not delay development of the site; and (c) does not increase the area required for landscaping. G. Native Plants The use of native plants is encouraged. A. Intent It is the intent of this subsection to preserve and enhance the Town's highly visible edge in order to reinforce the rural and natural qualities of the community and to contribute to the health, safety and welfare of the community. This zone can facilitate positive vistas to prominent knolls and valleys while softening development with tree massings that will establish a unique rural environment for the Town. The width standards set forth below are applied to the entire length of the landscape zone (as illustrated on the PD Concept Plans for each PD District). Consequently, the width standards may not be satisfied within each individual PD District. The Town reserves the right to supplement landscaping, at its own expense. The Town may exercise this right as part of the PD site plan or subdivision process, provided the supplemental landscaping does not obstruct the visibility of any commercial or retail business and provided it does not delay development of the site. August 10, 1998 Article 111. Landscape Requirement Circle T PD Supplement Page 32 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 1. State Highway 114 and South Side of State Highway 170 There shall be a landscape zone on the south side of S.H. 114 and on the south side of S.H. 170. The landscape zone shall have an average width of 150 feet and a minimum width of 70 feet from the highway right-of-way. 2. North Side of State Highway 170 There shall be a landscape zone on the north side of S.H. 170. The landscape zone shall have an average width of 100 feet and a minimum width of 50 feet from the highway right-of-way. 3. ITS Highway 377 There shall be a landscape zone on both sides of U.S. 377. The landscape zone shall have a minimum width of 50 feet from the highway right-of-way. C. Landscape Treatment of Town Edge Landscape Zones 1. Alternative Treatments The Town edge landscape zone may be treated in one of two ways, at the option of the owner, by an earth berm or forested edge as set out below. 9§00�r� a) State Highway 114 and 170 The earth berm may vary in width and height but shall have a maximum 5:1 slope from the property line to the ridge line and a maximum 3:1 slope from the highway right-of-way line to the ridge line. The berm shall be a minimum height of six (6) feet. b) US Highway 377 The earth berm may vary in width and height and shall have a maximum 5:1 slope from the property line to the ridge line and a maximum 3:1 slope from the highway right-of-way line to the ridge line. The berm shall be a minimum height of three (3) feet. c) Wildflowers Wildflowers may be planted along the berm. d) Trees Trees shall be planted along the earth berm in the following manner. Quantity: There shall be a minimum of thirteen (13) trees per 10,000 square feet of the area measured from the ridge line of the berm to the edge of the landscape zone that is not adjacent to the highway right-of-way line. Size: At least 60% of the trees shall be large trees, and the remainder shall be small trees. August 10, 1998 Article 111. Landscape Requirement Circle T PD Supplement Page 33 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 3. Forested Edge a) As an alternative to creating an earth berm, a developer may elect to create a forested edge within the Town edge landscape zone, which includes a minimum of seventeen (17) trees per 10,000 square feet of the entire area of the Town edge landscape zone. At least 60% of the trees shall be large trees, and the remainder shall be small trees. b) Wildflowers may be planted within the zone. A. Intent It is the intent of this subsection to preserve existing tree thickets and create newly planted tree groves in tight natural appearing clusters, which create a rural edge and definition of roadways in the Town. B. Application Roadway landscape zones occur on all streets and collector roads referenced in Figures 30 through 35. C. Zone Width The width of the roadway landscape zone is measured from the outside edge of the street pavement to the required building setback line on both sides of the street. 1. Tree Density A minimum of six (6) trees are required per one hundred (100) linear feet of roadway landscape zone on both sides of the road, which may be planted anywhere within the zone. Credit will be given for maintaining existing trees as follows: the total number of trees required by this subsection shall be reduced by the number of existing trees of equal or greater caliper that are maintained. 2. Tree Size At least 60% of the trees shall be large trees, and the remainder shall be small trees. 3. Protected Trees Protected trees (as defined in the UDC) that are to be removed within a roadway landscape zone shall be replaced within the zone if space permits. If there is not sufficient planting space within the zone to meet the tree replacement requirements, then they may be planted within other portions of the lot, in the roadway median (if present), or on other land or roadways in the subdivision or the Town. A sufficient number of trees shall be planted to equal, in caliper, the diameter of the protected tree(s) that are removed. August 10, 1998 Article 111. Landscape Requirement Circle T PD Supplement Page 34 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 A. Intent It is the intent of this subsection to ensure that roadway medians shall contribute to the rural character of the community through forestation. B. Application This standard applies to any medians that occur within roadways within the PD District. 1. Tree Density Medians may vary in width and shall contain a minimum of thirteen (13) trees per 10,000 square foot of median area. 2. Tree Size At least 60% of the trees shall be large trees, and the remainder shall be small trees. 3. Tree Placement Tree placement and arrangement shall be in tight clusters and groupings, tying median and street shoulders together to achieve a complete street corridor that is as natural and rural in appearance as possible. Tree placement and arrangement shall not, however, interfere with visibility triangles at intersections. Section 3.5 Parking Lot Landscaping A. Intent It is the intent of this subsection to provide landscape development within parking lots that maintains and enhances the rural, natural qualities of the Town, while providing shade and breaking up large parking areas. Tree planting requirements also help reduce the impact of automobiles on the environment, help reduce solar damage to automobiles, and provide visitors with a healthier and more comfortable environment. 1. Parking Lots Parking lots shall include a minimum of sixty (60) square feet of landscaped area for each required off-street parking space. A maximum of 350 parking spaces is permitted in each parking lot located in the PD Districts for Planning Area 5, Regional Retail, and Planning Area 9, North Commercial (limited to Retail, "big box"). A maximum of 200 parking spaces is permitted in each parking lot located in all other PD Districts. 2. Parking Lot Edge A parking lot edge shall surround each parking lot and shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet wide. The combined parking lot edge may overlap any parking setback line. When separating two parking lots, the parking lot edge shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet wide and shall contain an average minimum three (3) foot high berm, as measured from the higher of the curb or paving elevation. If there is a three (3) foot or greater differential in the August 10, 1998 Article 111. Landscape Requirement Circle T PD Supplement Page 35 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 elevations of the edges of the parking lots being separated, then screening in the parking lot edge shall be provided using one of the following options: (a) an average two (2) foot berm, as measured from the higher of the curb or paving elevation or (b) a two (2) foot high planting or hedge. Parking lot edges may facilitate the grading and terracing of parking lots on a site. 3. Location of Required Landscape Area Required landscape area shall occur entirely within the parking lot and parking lot edge. M= 1. General Required landscape areas may take the form of parking lot edges, spot islands or linear islands, depending on site design and the preservation of natural site features. All islands within parking lots shall occur in one of two general forms: spot islands or linear islands. All required landscape areas shall: a) be planted with living plant materials; b) allow for pedestrian walking surfaces across them to provide improved pedestrian circulation across the parking lots (except those spot islands described in CA.(b) below); and. C) have a minimum of one (1) tree located in each island. Twenty-five percent (25%) of all spot islands shall include a row of small shrubs the length of the spot island (except those spot islands described in CA.(b) below) and twenty-five percent (25%) of all spot islands shall be planted with ground cover, resulting in fifty percent (50%) of all spot islands planted with either small shrubs or ground cover. 2. Tree Density There shall be a minimum of one (1) tree per 2.5 parking spaces in all parking areas. These trees may be planted anywhere within the parking lot (including spot islands and linear islands) or within the parking lot edge. No parking space may be greater than fifteen (15) feet from a tree (measured from the nearest curb line of the island containing the tree to the nearest point on the edge of the parking space). 3. Tree Size At least 60% of the trees shall be large trees, and the remainder shall be small trees. 4. Spot Islands Spot islands shall be (a) a minimum of six (6) feet wide by eighteen (18) feet long when abutting the Parking Lot Edge, (b) a minimum of five (5) feet wide by five (5) feet long [limited to 15% of all spot islands in alternative 1 (see Figure 26A) and 25% of all spot islands in alternatives 2, 3 and August 10, 1998 Article 111. Landscape Requirement Circle T PD Supplement Page 36 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 4 (see Figures 26B, 26C and 26D)] or (c) a minimum of nine (9) feet wide by eighteen (18) feet long. Spot islands shall be measured from inside curb to inside curb. The location of spot islands shall recognize convenient pedestrian circulation routes and walks. 5. Linear Islands Linear islands shall be not less than five feet in width and designed as long and narrow planted strips, breaking larger lots into smaller linear parking cells. Linear islands are appropriate on sites of steeper terrain, running parallel with existing topographic contours, to preserve existing trees and better integrate existing rural topography. 6. Existing Trees and Natural Features Notwithstanding the provisions of set forth in Sections 3.5(C)(4) and 3.5(C)(5) above, the location of all landscaped islands should be adjusted to accommodate existing trees or other natural features, provided that the total landscape area requirements are met. Section 3.6 Screening of Parking A. General It is the intent of this subsection to screen all off-street parking areas from public roadways and from publicly dedicated open space. The screen shall be a minimum of thirty-six (36) inches in height and shall be achieved through one of the following methods: 1. A planting screen; or 2. A berm; or 3. A combination of the above; or 4. Otherwise as shown on an approved PD site plan. B. Parking Lot Edge Screening shall generally be placed within the parking lot edge. Section 3.7 General Site Tree Planting - Commercial Districts A. Intent It is the intent of this subsection to plant trees to improve energy conservation and comfort levels, as well as to enhance the rural character of the Town. Tree groupings located in close proximity of buildings on the south and southwest sides will reduce sun exposure, glare and heat build-up particularly during the warm summer months. Conversely, chilling winter winds from the north and northwest can be buffered and re -directed with proper tree plantings. Early spring and summer breezes should be re -directed toward external public spaces to enhance the comfort and enjoyment of these protected areas. August Id, 1998 Article III. Landscape Requirement Circle T PD Supplement Page 37 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 1. Land Area General site tree density is derived from the amount of permeable green space on the site (excluding Town edge landscape zones, roadway landscape zones, parking lot spot islands and linear islands, parking lot edges and screening for loading, parking and service areas). Permeable green space is defined as planted or grassed areas, as opposed to impervious surfaces such as building or parking areas, plazas and walkways. 2. Tree Requirement A minimum of thirty (30) large trees shall be planted per acre of the site's permeable green space. This quantity of trees is in addition to trees required in parking areas, the Town edge landscape zone, roadway landscape zones, roadway medians and in screening of loading and service areas. C. Tree Size All trees shall be large trees (however, two ornamental trees may be substituted for one large tree) A. Intent It is the intent of this subsection to screen service and loading areas from residential areas, publicly dedicated open space and public or private roadway. It is also the intent of this subsection to screen dumpsters from view. Pill 111�1111111 111111111111 11111111111 111111, '-sl III 1. All off-street service and loading areas must be screened from view with a landscape reserve, not less than five feet in width, along such service or loading area if (i) the area abuts a residential area, (ii) the area abuts publicly dedicated open space, or (iii) the area abuts a public or private roadway. The area to be screened excludes the areas providing access or entry to such service or loading areas. Screening within the landscape reserve may be accomplished through one of the following methods (at the option of the owner): a) A wall plus a minimum of one large tree planted per each thirty (30) linear feet of landscape reserve; or b) Large evergreen shrubs with an initial height that will create a solid planting within 2 years plus a minimum of one large tree planted per each thirty (30) linear feet of landscape reserve; or C) Evergreen trees planted to create a solid planting within two (2) years at a minimum height of eight (8) feet. Trees shall be a species of Eldarica Pine, Japanese Black Pine, Austrian Pine, Red Cedar (male), Leyland Cypress, or other trees approved by the Town Planner. August 10, 1998 Article 111. Landscape Requirement Circle T PD Supplement Page 38 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 d) A berm with evergreen shrubs planted to create solid planting within two (2) years plus a minimum of one large tree for each thirty (30) linear feet of the berm. The minimum height of the berm shall be three (3) feet, measured from the highest existing elevation of the landscape reserve. Berm side -slopes shall not exceed a 3:1 slope (to allow safe mowing and maintenance of the slope). Evergreen shrubs shall be planted on the berm for an extra five (5) feet minimum screen height; or e) Shrubs include Ligustrum, Savannah Holly, Burford Holly, Nelly Stevens Holly, or other Holly species; or other shrubs approved by the Town Planner. I =1 1. Placement Dumpsters shall be located at the side or rear of the property outside of the required building setback areas. 2. Screening Dumpsters shall be screened on three sides, using one of the following methods (at the option of the owner): a) A masonry wall enclosure (compatible with adjacent architecture) of a height that is a minimum of one foot above the top of the dumpster; or b) A planting enclosure of large evergreen shrubs planted a maximum of four (4) feet apart that shall create a solid screen to a minimum height of seven (7) feet within two (2) years; or C) A combination of the above; or d) Otherwise as shown on an approved PD site plan. A. No Artificial Plants No artificial plant materials may be used to satisfy the requirements of this PD Ordinance. B. Plants Meeting Landscape Requirements Plant materials used to meet the landscape requirements of this PD Ordinance must comply with the following minimum size standards at the time of installation (acceptable landscape materials are illustrated at Figure 29). 1. Large Trees Large trees must have a minimum caliper of three (3) inches, and a minimum height of ten (10) feet. August 10, 1998 Article III. Landscape Requirement Circle T PD Supplement Page 39 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 2. Small Trees Small trees must have a minimum caliper of two (2) inches and a minimum height of eight (8) feet. 3. Ornamental Trees Ornamental trees must have a minimum height of six (6) feet. 4® Large Evergreen Shrub A large evergreen shrub must have a minimum height of three (3) feet. 5. Small Shrub Small shrubs must be a minimum of a three (3) gallon container in size. 6. Vines Vines must be a minimum of a one (1) gallon container in size. 7. Ground Cover Ground covers must be a minimum of a four (4) inch pot container in size. C. Height of Plant Material Material height is measured from the top of the root ball or, if the plant is in a container, from the soil level in the container. D. Plant Species In satisfying the landscaping requirements of this PD Ordinance, the use of high-quality, hardy and drought -tolerant plant materials which are listed in the Town's approved plant list is required. Section 4.1 General The owner shall be responsible for the health and vitality of plant material through irrigation of all landscaped areas and plant materials, and shall: A. Provide a moisture level in an amount and frequency adequate to sustain growth • the • materials • a •- •, B. Ensure that such plant materials are in place and the irrigation system operational at the time of the landscape inspection for Certificate of Occupancy. C. Ensure that such irrigation system is maintained and kept operational at all times to provide for efficient water distribution. rIT&NUT, "I A. Landscaped Areas One of the following irrigation methods shall be used to ensure adequate watering of plant material in landscaped areas (at the option of the owner): August 10, 1998 Article 111. Landscape Requirement Circle T PD Supplement Page 40 ORDNANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 1. Conventional System An automatic or manual underground irrigation system (which may be a conventional spray or bubbler type heads). 2. Drip or Leaky -Pipe System An automatic or manual underground irrigation system in conjunction with a water -saving system such as a drip or leaky pipe system. 3. Temporary and Above Ground Watering Landscape areas utilizing xeriscape plants and installation techniques, including areas planted with native grasses and wildflowers, may use a temporary and above ground system, and the owner shall be required to provide irrigation in such areas for the first two growing seasons only. B. Natural and Undisturbed Areas No irrigation shall be required for undisturbed natural areas or undisturbed existing trees. Section 5.1 Landscaping Required Prior to Certificate of Occupancy Except as otherwise provided, all landscaping must be completed in accordance with an approved Landscape Plan prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Section 5.2 Performance Bond Notwithstanding Section 5.1 above, the property owner may provide the Town with a performance bond approved by the Town that ensures that the landscaping will be completed within nine months from the date of the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The bond shall be for an amount that would pay for the cost of completing the approved Landscape Plan if the property owner were to fail to comply within the nine-month period. Section 6.1 Owner Responsibility Property owners shall be responsible for maintaining all landscaping on their property, including the area between the property line and the curb line of any public street. Specifically, property owners will be responsible for: A. The regular maintenance of all required landscape areas and plant materials in a vigorous and healthy condition, free from weeds and litter. This maintenance shall include weeding, watering, fertilization, pruning, mowing, edging, mulching and other needed maintenance, in accordance with generally accepted horticultural practice; B. The regular maintenance, repair or replacement of landscape structures (walls, fences, etc.) to a structurally sound condition, and August 10, 1998 Article 111. Landscape Requirement Circle T PD Supplement Page 41 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:03 59104.11 C. The regular maintenance, repair or replacement of any screening or buffering required. Section 6.2 Enforcement Failure to regularly maintain in accordance with this PD Ordinance will constitute a violation of this PD Ordinance and will be subject to enforcement in accordance with the UDC. August 10, 1998 Article 111. Landscape Requirement Circle T PD Supplement Page 42 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 Section 1.1 Applicability The standards set forth below shall apply to all PD Districts except the Texas Town sub -area of Planning Area 4 - Texas Town and the mixed use sub -area of Planning Area 9 - North Commercial. Section 1.2 Standards All roadways shall be constructed in accordance with the standards established by Figures 30 through 35. Head -in and on -street parking shall be allowed in Planning Area 4, Texas Town, Planning Area 9, North Commercial, and the Resort sub -area of Planning Area 3, Resort. To the extent, if any, that the Applicable Town Ordinances are in conflict with the roadway design standards established by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (as modified by the Texas Department of Transportation) ("AASHTO"), the AASHTO standards shall control. Permitted Use: Park or Playground (passive) Park or Playground (active) Requirement: I for each 5,000 square feet of site area 1 for each 1,000 square feet of site area Space and route design standards shall comply with ADA and TADA standards. August 10, 1998 Article IV. Roadway Construction, Circle T PD Supplement Page 43 ORDINANCE Parking and Loading Standards 007510.00019:0359104.11 The following requirements apply to the identified sub -areas and permitted uses, to the extent such sub -areas are located in, or uses are permitted in, any of the PD Districts. The size and number of all other off-street loading spaces shall be determined on a case-by-case basis as part of the PD site plan Process. August 10, 1998 Article IV. Roadway Construction, Circle T PD Supplement Page 44 ORDNANCE Parking and Loading Standards 007510.00019:0359104.11 PD Concept Plan Sub -Areas Permitted Uses Gross Floor Area Restaurant/ Square Feet Office Retail Office/Ind. Hotel/Motel Cafe Minimum Required Loading Spaces 0 to 20,000 None None None None None 20,0001 to 40,000 1 1 1 1 1 40,001 to 100,000 1 2 2 1 1 100,001 to 160,000 2 2 2 2 N/A 160,001 to 260,000 2 3 3 2 N/A 260,001 to 360,000 3 3 3 3 NIA 360,001 to 460,000 3 4 4 3 N/A 460,001 to 600,000 3 5 5 3 N/A 600,001+ 4 Study Study 3 N/A August 10, 1998 Article IV. Roadway Construction, Circle T PD Supplement Page 44 ORDNANCE Parking and Loading Standards 007510.00019:0359104.11 A. The maximum height of any fence is seven feet, measured from the average grade level at the base of the fence. E. Chain link fences are prohibited unless they are completely screened from adjacent roadways, from public open space, and from golf courses. C. Solid wood fences are prohibited except on single family lots containing 30,000 square feet or less. When solid wood fences are used, they must comply with the following standards (as illustrated on Figure 38): 1. The fence cannot front on a roadway, public open space, or golf course; 2. The fence must be constructed of unpainted #1 grade Western Red cedar used in conjunction with metal posts or wood crete (or equivalent); and 3. The solid portion of the fence cannot exceed 80% of the total length of the fence. D. Split rail, steel pipe, wrought iron, cable with turn buckles, wood rail and living fences are encouraged. E. Solid fences (defined as any fence with more than 40% of its wall surface constructed of solid masonry) not more than 3.5 feet high are allowed within any front, side, or rear yard setbacks and within 10 feet of any roadway right of way or public open space. F. Solid fences (defined as any fence with more than 40% of its wall surface constructed of solid masonry) greater than 3.5 feet high may be placed (i) in the roadway landscape zone but must be a minimum of 10 feet from the right of way or public open space and (ii) within any front, side, or rear yard setback if the fence complies with the following standards: 1. The fence is a perimeter fence for a residential area or residential subdivision; 2. The wall area of the fence is comprised of at least 40% open fencing, including such materials as iron, split rail, steel pipe, wrought iron, cable with turnbuckle or wood rail; and 3. The remaining solid portion of the fence complies with the following standards (as illustrated on Figures 36 and 37): a. section lengths between columns shall not exceed 30 feet; b. if two 30 -foot sections are contiguous, the next section must be curved or otherwise offset so as to achieve at least a five foot articulation; August 10, 1998 Article V. Fencing Circle T PD Supplement Page 45 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.1 C. any segment of fence, regardless of construction materials, must be curved or offset so as to achieve at least a five foot articulation; d. no more than 60 feet of solid fencing will be permitted unless 20% of the length of the solid fence portion is screened by berms (with an average height of three feet) and plantings (with an average height of two feet); e. the solid portion of the fence shall have an average distance of 10 feet from roadway right of way and public open space; f. the fence shall be designed and constructed to avoid significant trees; 9. the fence shall not obstruct sight distance requirements at roadway intersections; and h. construction materials for the solid portion of the fence include stone, cast stone, brick, split -face concrete masonry units, or other masonry materials approved by the Board. August 10, 1998 Article V. Fencing Circle T PD Supplement Page 46 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 SECTION I Applicability The standards set forth below shall apply to all PD Districts except (a) Circle T Planning Area 4 - Texas Town; (b) the "mixed use" sub -area of Circle T Planning Area 9 - West Commercial; and (c) all single family sub areas. The following lighting elements are allowed within the "office" sub -area: A. Lighting to illuminate (1) building facades (both from above and below), (2) building entrances, (3) building loading and service areas, and (4) any other areas for security purposes. B. Lighting for all pedestrian areas including, but not limited to, courtyards, entryways, sidewalks, walkways, hike, bike and equestrian trails, and any areas that represent a hazard or include a change in elevation (such as ramps, curbs and curb cuts); C. Lighting for parking areas, access drives, and internal vehicular circulation; and D. Lighting for all landscaped areas. 7 1 �3*0#1101309=­ - FT I , , , I't, , Section 3.1 Illumination Illumination shall not exceed 0.2 foot candles per square foot at any single family property line. Section 3.2 Glare Fixture design and orientation shall minimize glare as viewed from roadways. All direct down lighting shall be accomplished with shielded lights with total cutoff above 80 degrees. All fixtures located at a site perimeter shall be equipped with a shield to reduce spill light outside the site. Section 3.3 Luminaire Height A. Luminaries used for building security or to illuminate building facades, entrances, and loading and service areas may be installed (i) on the building facade but not above the building roof line; and (ii) anywhere on the lot with a maximum height of 25 feet, but not higher than the building roof line. B. Luminaries used to illuminate pedestrian areas shall have a maximum height of 12 feet, and no pedestrian walkways are allowed between upright fixtures and a building. August 10, 1998 Article V1. Lighting Circle T PD Supplement Page 47 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 The following development standards shall govern development within the PD Districts notwithstanding provisions of other regulations and ordinances; provided, however, that all regulations pertaining to the same subject matter that are not expressly waived by the standards that follow shall be applied to development within the PD Districts. Except as otherwise provided in the PD Ordinances or this PD Supplement, variances and special exceptions may be granted in accordance with the Town's standard procedures. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, the Board (as part of a PD site plan) shall have the authority to approve variances with respect to height, landscaping, open space, and signs. Any denial by the Board of any action which requires Board approval shall be deemed a denial 91 '+ ice" unless + e 13D Ordinances or this PD Supplement expressly provides W iffiout prejudice I th I d I otherwise. SECTION 3 BOARD AND COMMISSION APPROVALS Except as otherwise provided by state law, all approvals of the Board or Commission required by the PD Ordinances, this PD Supplement, or the Applicable Town Ordinances shall be by simple majority vote. A specific use permit shall not be considered to terminate upon (i) the disconnection or discontinuance of water and/or electrical services to the specific use permit zoned structure, lease space, lot or tract if the period for which such disconnection or discontinuance occurs is less than 120 days and results from the sale of (or change in occupancy of) such structure, lease space, lot or tract or upon (ii) the vacation, surrender of occupancy, or cessation of operation or inhabitance of the specific use permit zoned structure, lease space, lot or tract if the vacation, surrender or cessation is less than 120 days and results from the sale of (or change in occupancy of) such structure, lease space, lot or tract. Survey monuments may be set using any accepted standard of practice; however, no survey monumentation shall be permanently buried. August 10, 1998 Article V11. Special Development Circle T PD Supplement Page 48 ORDINANCE Standards 007510.00019:0359104.11 When public infrastructure (e.g., roadways, storm drainage, water lines, and wastewater) has been completed and accepted by the Town, there shall be provided to the Town a bond (or other security acceptable to the Commission) that will provide for the maintenance of such infrastructure for a period of one (1) year after acceptance. If the PD Ordinances, this PD Supplement, or any of the Applicable Town Ordinances requires security for any obligation imposed by such ordinances, such security may be in the form of a cash deposit, letter of credit, performance bond, pledge of governmental securities, or other collateral reasonably acceptable to the Board. III 113M.,01101 klfm*141111:w� The finished first floor of any building must be 18 inches above the highest point in any septic system drain field. A boundary survey is not required with a preliminary plat. A general description of size and orientation of the development shall be adequate. SECTION 10 FOUNDATION AND FRAMING Foundation work and first floor framing may be completed before fire protection improvements must be completed. Any non single-family platted lot may contain multiple separate structures, and each structure may contain multiple uses that are permitted by right as principal uses (together with all uses that are accessory to such principal uses). Any lot with multiple "principal use" structures may be designated by the owner(s) as a "unified development site" (which site must be a platted lot) for purposes of complying with the provisions of the PD Ordinances, this PD Supplement, and the Applicable Town Ordinances. Any part of a unified development site (together with improvements located or to be constructed thereon) may, from time to time, be leased or sold (by metes and bounds or other legally sufficient description); and the part leased or sold may be developed, used, and occupied without having to be platted, and the remaining part of the unified development site may be developed, used, and occupied without having to be replatted. Regardless of ownership, the unified development site shall continue to be treated as one lot. A lot may be designated to the Town Planner as a unified development site at any time. Such designation must be in writing and must be signed by all owners of the lot; and such designation cannot be removed without the consent of all owners within the unified development site. August 10, 1998 Article V11. Special Development Circle T PD Supplement Page 49 ORDINANCE Standards 007510.00019:0359104.11 The PD Districts were created based on a traffic impact analysis for the entire Circle T Ranch that was approved by the Board and that included "levels of service" (for roadways and intersections shown on the PD Concept Plans) that were deemed acceptable by the Board. This PD Supplement requires updated traffic impact analyses from time to time(to determine the need for on-site or adjacent traffic improvements). The Commission may approve a PD site plan if it is consistent with the original analysis, updated as required by this PD Supplement (including consistent "levels of service"), and if the necessary on-site and adjacent traffic improvements will be provided. Utility casements may be located as necessary to adequately serve development. Utility easements are not required to follow street alignments and may be located on or adjacent to lot lines. SECTION 14 ADA STANDARDS To the extent, if any, that the Applicable Town Ordinances are in conflict with the design standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Texas Architectural Barrier Statute, the standards of such acts shall control. Construction phasing of multi -lane roadways shall be allowed if approved by the Town Engineer; however, if any portion of a roadway is constructed and terminates at a point other than as shown on the PD Thoroughfare Plan, a temporary asphalt cul-de-sac shall be constructed sufficient to accommodate emergency vehicles. Exposed surfaces of bridges (other than sidewalks and roadway surfaces) may (at the option of the developer) be constructed of imbedded stone, cast stone, or other material approved by the Board. Fire lanes shall be a minimum width of 20 feet and shall have a minimum inside radius of 50 feet. Dead-end water lines less than 600 feet shall be allowed. August 10, 1998 Article V11. Special Development Circle T PD Supplement Page 50 ORDINANCE Standards 007510.00019:0359104.11 SECTION 19 WATER LINES Water lines within residential subdivisions may be installed within rights of way or easements. The minimum depth of cover over water lines shall be 42 inches. Maximum fire hydrant spacing shall be 1,000 feet, and all parts of a building must be within 500 feet of a fire hydrant. Floodplain and drainage ways may be relocated provided the relocated floodplain or relocated drainage way (i) is consistent with the applicable PD Concept Plan, (ii) complies with applicable state and federal regulations, and (iii) retains a natural character. The maximum distance between manholes shall be 500 feet for all line sizes. Manhole steps shall not be required. The minimum size for sanitary sewer lines shall be six inches in diameter. The maximum depth for sanitary sewer lines (from finished grade to the bottom of the line) shall be 20 feet. Visual inspection of sanitary sewer lines shall occur prior to acceptance and prior to the expiration of the maintenance bond. ZRIZO Inspection fees shall be limited to water, sewer, street, storm drainage and other infrastructure to be dedicated to the Town, and such fees shall not exceed three percent (3%) of the accepted bid amount for the improvements. The Town's inspector shall visit the construction site at least three times a week during the course of construction. Except as provided below, parking lots for non-residential uses shall be constructed of concrete. Asphalt parking lots are allowed, however, within the (i) mall, entertainment retail, and entertainment office sub -areas of Circle T Planning Area 5 - Regional Retail; and (ii) all retail sub -areas of Circle T Planning Area 9 - North Commercial. August 10, 1998 Article V11. Special Development Circle T PD Supplement Page 51 Page ORDINANCE Standards 007510.00019:0359104.11 Private streets are allowed in (i) Circle T Planning Area I - East Residential; (ii) the Tract 3-1 (single family) and Tract 3-2 (single family) sub -areas of Circle T Planning Area 3 - Resort; and (iii) the Tract 6-7 (single family) sub -area of Circle T Planning Area 6 - Office/Retail. August 10, 1998 Article V11. Special Development Circle T PD Supplement Page 52 ORDINANCE Standards 007510.00019:0359104.11 In the event of any conflict between this Ordinance and the attached illustrations, the terms, provisions and intent of this Ordinance shall control. Figure 1: Circle T Ranch - Planning Areas (informational only) Figure 2: Circle T Ranch - Land Uses (informational only) Figure 3: Circle T Ranch - Open Space & Trail System (informational only) Figure 4 Circle T Ranch - Thoroughfares (informational only) Figure 5: Subdivision Monument Sign Figure 6: Subdivision Identification Sign Figure 7: Business Monument Sign (Type 1) Figure 8: Business Monument Sign (Type 2) Figure 9: Business Group Monument Sign Figure 10: Retail Facade Sign Figure 11: Big Box Retail Facade Signs Figure 12: Mall Identification Monument Signs Figure 13: Mall Entry Monument Signs Figure 14: Mall Facade Sign Figure 15: Mall Directional Signs Figure 16: Building Identification and Directory Signs Figure 17: Business Projecting Sign Figure 18: Business Awning Signs Business Awnings Signs (Alternate) Figure 19: Business Hanging Sign Business Hanging Sign (Alternate) Figure 20: Business Window Sign Business Window Sign (Alternate) Figure 21: General Directional Signs Figure 22: Circle T Identification Signs Figure 23: A. Town Edge Landscape Zone - six foot earth berm B. Town Edge Landscape Zone - three foot earth berm August 10, 1998 Article VIII Illustrations Circle T PD Supplement Page 53 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 C. Town Edge Landscape Zone - forested edge (3 illustrations) Figure 24: A. Roadway Landscape Zone - zone width B. Roadway Landscape Zone - tree planting requirements Figure 25: Roadway Median Landscaping Figure 26: A. Parking Lot Landscaping - alternative 1 (350 spaces) B. Parking Lot Landscaping - alternative 2 (350 spaces) C. Parking Lot Landscaping - alternative 3 (200 spaces) D. Parking Lot Landscaping - alternative 4 (200 spaces) E. Spot Islands (6'x 18' and 9'x 18') - minimum standards F. Spot Islands (5'x 5') - minimum standards G. Linear Islands - minimum standards Figure 27: A. Off -Street Parking Screening - planting B. Off -Street Parking Screening - wall fence C. Off -Street Parking Screening - berm D. Off -Street Parking Screening - rail fence with vines Figure 28: A. Off -Street Loading - landscape reserves for docks B. Off -Street Loading - methods of screening docks C. Off -Street Loading - screening of dumpsters Figure 29: A. Plant Material Sizes (2 pages) B. Tree Pits Figure 30: 50'R.O.W. Section, Local Residential Street Figure 31: 60'R.O.W. Section, Local Residential Street Figure 32: 90'R.O.W. Section, Undivided Collector Figure 33: 106'R.O.W. Section, Dove Road Figure 34: 120'R.O.W. Section, Secondary Entry Figure 35: 165R.O.W. Section, Lake Turner Parkway Figure 36: Fencing Plan Figure 37: Fencing Articulation Method Figure 38: Fencing Standards August 10, 1998 Article VIII Illustrations Circle T PD Supplement Page 54 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0359104.11 11 CIRCLE TRANCH -OPEN SPACE &TRAIL SYSTEM 11 Originals are in Color NOTE: Trail Symbols and Associated Open Space Are Diagrammatic Informational Only. Not Part of PD and Not Drawn To Scale Concept Plan or PD Ordinance. im 0 3A 700 1100 2100 F- Figure 3 LEGEND PUBLIC OPEN SPACE 280.8 AC. • includes Water Surfaces Contained Within Open Space PUBLIC GOLF 413.7 AC. aPRIVATE OPEN SPACE 47.2 AC. • Includes Water Surfaces Contained Within Open Space • Includes Neighborhood Parks - Locations to be Determined OPEN SPACE TOTAL 741.7 AC. Hike/Bike Trail Trail Links To Adjacent Land Use Equestrian Trail Owner To Provide R.O.W. Trail To Be Constructed By Town Equestrian Trail Links To Adjacent Land Use � PD District Boundary --m Town Edge Boundary Grade Separation T Circle T Ranch - 43 0 3W 500 1200 lam I i CIRCLE T RANCH LAND USES 1� PROJECT SUMMARY Informational Only. Not Part of PD Concept Plan or PD Ordinance. I S — 146.8 Lf MED) t Circle T Ranch WK S.F. Originals are in Color Mall: 99.9 Ac, Entertainment Retail: 18.8 Ac. Retail: 110.9 Ac. Entertainment Office: 1.8 Ac. Office: 227.5 Ac. Office /industrial: 111.8 Ac. Texas Town: 46.4 Ac. Mixed Use: 33.7 Ac. Resort Hotel: 22.4 Ac. Multi—Family: 12.7 Ac, Single Family: 25.3 Ac. Single Family: 95.2 Ac. Single Family: 329.2 Ac. Single Family: 212.6 Ac. Single Family: 76.3 Ac. Elementary School: 9.5 Ac. Public Golf: 413.7 Ac. Public Open Space: 280.8 Ac. Private Open Space: 47.2 Ac. Public Use: 4.0 Ac. R.O.W.: 135.7 Ac. PD District Boundaries Total: 2315.4+ Ac. Informational Only. Not Part of PD Concept Plan or PD Ordinance. I S — 146.8 Lf MED) t Circle T Ranch WK S.F. Originals are in Color 11 CIRCLE T RANCH - THOROUGHFARES LEGEND Proposed Thoroughfares 135.7+ Acres PD District Boundaries Informational Only. Not Part of PD Concept Plan or PD Ordinance. t Circle T Ranch I JLJ 1 Originals are in Color li H Figure 4 k § i �2-1 Jy ,i a CIRCLE T RANCID - PLANNING AREAS 00 Parcel z w � a yy a rte, tr a i T"�7 Informational Only. Not Part of PIS .----' Concept Plan or PI? Ordinance. , t Circle T Ranch J. i i I l i i i l I Originals are in Color OT IL90 6w I -M 21M Figure 1 ODM•t�SpD(tDrll Dl t590150TDTDTcaa. Dnt �� (n . PD District Boundaries LEGEND Area Acres + 1 451.9 3 516.0 4 181.5 5 200.0 6 193.3 7 392.3 8 222.6 9 157.8 Total 2315.4 00 Parcel z w � a yy a rte, tr a i T"�7 Informational Only. Not Part of PIS .----' Concept Plan or PI? Ordinance. , t Circle T Ranch J. i i I l i i i l I Originals are in Color OT IL90 6w I -M 21M Figure 1 ODM•t�SpD(tDrll Dl t590150TDTDTcaa. Dnt �� (n . PD District Boundaries Subdivision Monument Sign Figure 5 r-- BD --S bw1, d- c� , SU ' NAME Maximum Sign Area = 24 sf Maximum Monument Area = 40 sf Subdivision. Identification Sign ^� Figure 6 b -C c Business Monument Sign - Type 1 r Figure 7 1BUSINE99AM� L_N Maximum Sign Area = 20 sf Maximum Monument Area = 20 sf Building smaller than 20,000 st Maximum Sign P IRV Area = 24 sf �j BU S I S Si Maximum Monument � NAM E__� Area = 40 sf Building 20,000 -125,000 sf - C I ROLE , Maximum Sign � E r____� �------ Area = 36 sf LBUSINESS CENTER) Maximum Monument ------------------- Area = 60 sf Building e larger than 125,000 sf 0 Business Monument Sign - Type 2 ') Figure 8 61 I� Maximum Sign Area = 18 sf r / Maximum Monument r Area = 18 sf 9 Business Group Monument Sign t Figure 9 BUSItd�SS NAME 1 Maximum Sign Area = 24 sf Maximum Monument Area = 40 sf Building 20,000 -125,000 sf cCIRCLE , Maximum Sign E � L------ ----- Area = 36 sf CENTER! Maximum Monument ----------------------� Area = 60 sf Building - larger than 125,000 sf Retail Facade Sign Figure 10 Example: Facade Area = 1250 sf; 4% = 50 sf 4% of Facade area allowed for Signs 180 sf Maximum Aggregate 20 sf Minimum � Big Box Retail Facade Signs Figure 11 c Example: Facade = 3500 sf; 4% = 140 sf 4% of Facade area allowed for Signs 260 sf Maximum Each Sign g 40 sf Minimum 44W Mall Identification Monument Signs " Figure 12 • Maximum sign area is 200 sf • Maximum monument area is 200 sf 9 Mall Entry Monument Signs �I W, c Figure 13 NAME__� Maximum Sign Area = 24 sf Maximum Monument tArea = 40 sf Mall Facade Sign- Figure 14 Example: GLSF = 32,000 sf; ,5% = 160 sf Less than 25,000 gsf: No facade signs allowed Less than 25,000 gsf with an exterior entrance: 4% of facade area allowed for Signs 25,000 to 50,000 gsf: .5% of gross leaseable area for Signs not to exceed 200 sf 50,000 to 80,000 gsf: .4% of gross leaseable area for Signs not to exceed 240 sf More than 80,000 gsf: .3% of gross leaseable area for Signs not to exceed 300 sf Refer to written description for additional requirements c Mall Directional Signs Figure 15 � 9 sf Max. COTC� r IE t Bldg. Identification and Directory Signtj Figure 16 X24 sf max ' 2nd Floor Line! Front View Bldg. Identification Sign Directory Sign 6 sf maximum 7 c c Business Projecting Sign 2nd Floor Line Side View Figure 17 5' 12 sf Maximum Area Business Awning Signs I AN Figure 18 end Floor Line 8 sf M:�x. oo Front View 14N c c NJ Business Awning Signs Alternate Figure 18 Business Hanging Sign Figure 19 2nd Floor Line 405 sf Maximum Area Center in Walkway so Side View 3' 6] 11 c Business Hanging c c Alternate Figure 19 Sign Business Window Sign Figure 20 Al -- it 12 sf Maximum Business Window Sign Alternate Figure 20 General Directional Signs Figure 21 8sfMax, all OIN "ON � Circle T Identification Signs Figure 22 Accent in a building facade. t Accent on a monument sign. Fencing Detail t Figure23A Town Edge Landscape Zane - six foot earth berm 10,000 SF LANDSCAPE ZONE 15 7R_E5 MINIMUM - LARGE (60%) / SMALL (405 TONN EDGE -- LANDSCAPE ZONE- — (WIDTH vARIES) HIGHNAY R.D.W. SEE SECTION BELOW ,j RIDGE OF BERM (b ft J minimum height) HIGHWAY R.O.W. of 1 MAX ' 3 MAX STATE HIGH/4AY5 114 AND 110 TOWN EDGE BERM Al E J Not to Scale :1 C kw Figure 23B Town Edge Landscape Zone — three foot earth berm 10,000 5F LANDSGAPc ZONE 15 TREES MINIt-!UM- LARC7= (6096) 5Y -ALL (4096) TOWN EDGE LANDSCAPE ZONE — (WIDTH VARIF-5) HIGHWAY R.O.N. 5EE 5ECTION BELOW RIDGE OF BERM (5 ft Minimum Height) IL Cr, MAX U5 HIGHWAY 5-7-7 TOWN EDGE BERM Not to Scale 17 TREES MINIMUM LARGE (bOAS) / 5', Figure23C Town Edge Landscape Zone - forested edge TONN EDGE LANDSCAPE ZONE (NIDTH VARIES) HIGHNAY RON 80' TO s 143' 5HO;NN ® 80' STATE HIGHWAY 114 AND SOUTH 51DE OF STATE HIGHWAY 1'70 - FORESTED EDGE 10,000 SF LANDSCAPE ZONE Not to Scale i Il TREE5 MINIMUM - LARGE (60%) / SMALL (4056) t Town Edge Landscape Zone - forested edge (continued) TOWN EDGE LAND5GAPE ZONE f---- ----- (WIDTH VARIES) 5HO^N ® '10' US HIGHWAY 577 - FORESTED EDGE LANDSCAPE ZONE HIGHAAY ROW Not to Scale 17 TREES MINIMUM - LARGE (60%) / SMALL (40%) Town Edge Landscape Zone - forested edge (continued) TOM EDGE LANDSCAPE ZONE (WIDTH VARIES) SHOWN a 100' 1 100' TO 200' SHOWN a 100' NORTH SIDE OF STATE HIGHWAY 170 - FORESTED EDGE 10,000 5F LANDSCAPE ZONE Not to Scale c Figure 24A Roadway Landscape Zone zone width t UNOScitPG � (,�- PAYWr-9TgbCls TO R1;atu11� $1.1iL.D1kC� :Ef. T71GLIRE Z$ fW TF�Ee >Eagf �FEaamr:tA�AlS j Lmt)S Ary 5 0la- Figure 24B Roadway Landscape Zone - tree planting requirements s F6-4-W 0 1�l®EN.r1xL /,toP4e7, a dt UfYO ._ �' Z�D� PR�1YT�1G E ZZ X G TSS iCf,Q D. /3.2 TRfE'S O,C /3 / = YD' ° STC• La /. -CABGs Tacff /3 Xe -Of, - Xa 4K blame T=S �'O/ `SMALL 'wxS /3 X 40 y - g.2 GW, $SMALL 7xf S !3 TRIS 7'oTAL c c tv Figure 25 Roadway Median Landscaping Roadway Median - varur j?04duwy Median Requirements: • 13 trees per 10, 0001 F. of nudian area • 6096 freer minimum 3' cg&pen70 foot minimum hei& • 4096 tyres minimum 2'exUper/8 foot minimum height Figure 26A Parking Lot Landscape - Alternative 1 MI 10 e)itaL., MM, i a- tt _ e oil � Each puling space within 15' of a spot island 350 Parking Spaces with 1 tree required per 2.5 spaces =140 Trees 60 S.F. of landscape area per required off-street space = 21,000 S.F. of landscape area Total Parking Area: 133,120 S.F. Pavement: 107,904 S.F. Landscape Area: 25,216 S.F. Spot Islands: Type A (6'x 18') : 46 Type B (5'x 5') : 8 (15% of Total) Total: 54 Landscape Area Coverage: 19% Not to Scale Al b] c C, Figure 26B Parking Lot Landscape - Alternative 2 350 Parking Spaces with 1 tree required per 2.5 spaces =140 Trees 60 S.F. of landscape area per required off-street space = 21,000 S.F. of landscape area Total Parking Area: 134,080 S.F. Pavement: 98,972 S.F. Landscape Area: 35,108 S.F. Spot Islands: 54 x.15 = 8 Allowable @ 5'x5' Type A (6'x 18') : 18 (Perimeter Only) Type B (5'x 5') : 14 (23% of Total) Type C (9'x 18') : 32 Total: 62 Landscape Area Coverage: 26% Each parking space within 15' of a spot island 10' Parking Edge 20' Between Parking Areas Not to Scale Figure 26C Parking Lot Landscape - Alternative 3 15' of a spot island 10' Parking Edge 5'x5' Spot Islands 20' Between Parking Meas , �-- 6'x18' Spot Islands 200 Parking Spaces with 1 tree required per 2.5 spaces = 80 Trees 60 S.F. of landscape area per required off-street space = 12,000 S.F. of landscape area Total Parking Area: 78,162 S.F. Pavement: 63,733 S.F. Landscape Area: 14,429 S.F. Spot Islands: Type A (6'x 18') : 23 Type B (5'x 5') : 6 (21 % of Total) Total: 29 Landscape Area Coverage: 19% Not to Scale 'AN 7 c c Figure 26D Parking Lot Landscape - Alternative 4 200 Parking Spaces with 1 tree required per 2.5 spaces = 80 Trees 60 S.F. of landscape area per required off-street space = 12,000 S.F. of landscape area Total Parking Area: 82,880 S.F. Pavement: 65,491 S.F. Landscape Area: 17,389 S.F. Spot Islands: Type A (9'x 18') : 18 Type B (6'x 18') : 14 Type C (5' x 5') : 6 (21 % of Total) Total : 38 Landscape Area Coverage: 21% 15' of a spot island 10' Parking Edge 20' Between Parking Areas Not to Scale TVTU if 7JT (/- -q'�t IIv. 1' 1411VIM UN1 Figure 26E M Spot Islands - (6' x 16' and 9'x laJ - minimum standards Mc 5Nh15LAS -- l •18� MSN. Spot Islands (5'x5' A) Figure 26F. minimum standards a ''MAX:'MAX Ff4tMI ISMAV piM.�'NS"l. DIV . TYPE 'B'SPoT ISLAND . I c (W �w Figure 26G Linear Islands - minimum standards FAiZ IS14kND W WO VA995- 5 M/)J- Figure 27A PLANTING Figure 27B "<Mew 1 PRsY�,cr� R•o.w. s owi e*l t Figure 27C BERM .. ml,; RAIL FENCE WITH VINES -1.-. iV � s�'r "I. Figure 27D Figure 28A WwIA nEniNDEuT . u �oN SCREEN1N�i j�'1�Tflo D 1: • �•, CQ+IM�RC�itL ESIoE • w ®° e • ®r• ft . • ° � ° N Figure 28B METHODS OF SCREENING OFF-STREFT LOAOING DOCKS G mll c JD Wiifl./FF4,W6 . zCC'9. Pei 3o'fI�OKT.I��) WilLl/fENCt'W?N TicCErL�U1�7/n .,yxues fat sol./® N°Pt'tmmco. OEi/ WIlarl Ni U5 ff-lor/A/o �„ �'VER4,CEt'k TCEP PLANT/A�i • tT ;lMi4*5 7M A. G` MIN. HIN: r VER4&IN MS_. _...w kw Figure 28C Off -Street Loading - screening of dumpsters i tumpSTE17. IE WILC—C-U m �-AIZ4E e-vLw),90!U s9u 8S - 3 s rt>jEs Cr 3>u1 - - — -- Mau 4' DN ca - 63 t 11 Figure 29A Page 1 of 2 Plant Material Sizes -LAXQC MOS. i .. 0 A & )W /Z` /• 5,tS4wAt# , wvc Mtb. 5Mo-I.l rFr;�U. ofe,�r,�ME�rr�i. rRc�s. rigure cwr Page 2 of 2 Plant Material Sizes (continued) .i. e'I�iYS YYi: II I I �I�E �vEi�GREEJV womm.-Il j, l =d'1=- r 54Ma SHWAS. l GAS. • M 7701-1 p R *b -1 OIrVL/. c c Figure 296 f -figure ju r Q W z �ON W J W Q Q F Z Z W zo I -i�° 0 'v Cd U cn O O Val O J N In ui W OJ YS o o a� ms'On O V/ 0 a� a •� o.d� �vbik°,�• • y f -figure ju r Q W z �ON W J W Q Q F Z Z W zo I -i�° 0 'v Cd U cn O O Val O J N In ui W OJ a J LU 1]QW W in . -j O in 0 O V/ V j 9-4 N Figure 31 J S °Zi JNNLn 24 b h ° 3� bb d a�•� 8 8� � �b o3N�°�'�' '3ow�• o;.a� �1aid h v ca Figure 31 J S °Zi JNNLn 24 Figure 32 O oc c c mgure oo C- F .O U 111 LAW 3 0 z �I Q�s 0 A w 8 oaf st 7�iL®s • V1 Or7`n mgure oo C- F .O U 111 LAW 3 0 z �I riuuve .54 A: hfl 3 0 z 0 N Cd U cn O 3 t Figure M 0 • f '6 U 2 apo 'w w w a LL,o .a 2 Cd U L1 Figure M 0 • f '6 U 2 Figure 36 0 co 0 7 Figure 37 U » O v O_ 'NIW 'NIW NIW tL IL LL LU LL LL\ 1 LL 1 .oLL zx za \ Ll <�I I o a� cn m m 1� o P Li m ;_� b a 2 0 o o L a U. •° 'Cd IL W � Cl Figure 38 t I Zt _ I Zt