HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 99-05 Approving the Contract for Trophy Club/Westlake DPSRESOLUTION NO. 99-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS APPROVING THE CONTRACT FOR TROPHY CLUB/WESTLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE CONTRACT; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Towns of Trophy Club ("Trophy Club") and Westlake ("Westlake") are general law cities organized and operating pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas; and Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 ("TCMUD I") and Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 2 ("TCMUD2") are each municipal utility districts created and operating under the provisions of Article XVI, Section 59 of the Texas Constitution, and the general laws of the State of Texas, including particularly, Chapter 54 of the Texas Water Code, as amended; and WHEREAS, Trophy Club, Westlake, TCMUD 1 and TCMUD2 desire to enter into a contract to provide governmental functions and services relating to police protection, municipal court services, fire protection, and emergency medical services in a Trophy C1ubJWestlake Department of Public Safety for the mutual benefit of the parties to the agreement and their respective residents and customers; and WHEREAS, the parties believe that by cooperating and contracting with each other for the establishment of the Trophy Club/Westlake Department of Public Safety, their governmental functions and services relating to police protection, municipal court services, fire protection, and emergency medical services will be provided more efficiently, effectively, and economically; and WHEREAS, Chapter 791 (the Interlocal Cooperation Act) of the Texas Government Code authorizes governmental entities to enter into contracts to provide governmental functions and services jointly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The Contract for Trophy Club/Westlake Department of Public Safety attached hereto as Exhibit "1" and incorporated herein for all purposes is hereby approved, and the Mayor of the Town of Westlake is hereby authorized to execute the Contract on behalf of the Town of Westlake. SECTION 2: That this Resolution shall become effective from and after the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED this 24`' day of May, 1999. Resolution No. 99-05 Page 2 Fred Held, Mayor Pro -Tem ATTEST: 'Y 'L Q, Ging Crosswy, Town retary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Interim TohdAttorn RES 99-05 Contract for Trophy Club/Westlake Department of Public Safety Approved by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, May 24, 1999, as amended. Amendments are und rlined, Contract for Trophy Club/Westlake Department of Public Safety 1 Par-tie This Contract for Trophy Club/Westlake Department of Public Safety (the "Contract") is between the following parties: The Town of Trophy Club, Texas ("Trophy Club") 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 ("TCMUDl") 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 2 ("TCMUD2") 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 and The Town of Westlake, Texas ("Westlake") 3 Village Circle, Suite 207, Solana Westlake, Texas 76262 Trophy Club and Westlake are each general law municipalities, organized and operating pursuant to the Constitution and the laws of the State of Texas and located in Denton and Tarrant Counties. TCMUD1 and TCMUD2 are each municipal utility districts created and operating under provisions of Article XVI, section 59, of the Texas Constitution, and the general laws of the State of Texas including, particularly, Chapter 54 of the Texas Water Code, as amended, and located in Denton and Tarrant Counties. TCMUD1 and TCMUD2 are each authorized to provide fire protection services under Section 49.351 of the Texas Water Code. 2 Backaround and Purposes: A. Trophy Club provides police protection to residents of Trophy Club and now owns, operates and maintains facilities and equipment and employs personnel to provide such services. Trophy Club also has provided such services to Westlake pursuant to an Amended and Restated Law Enforcement Services Agreement effective September 1, 1993 and amended as of February 21 , 1995. B. Trophy Club provides emergency medical services to residents of Trophy Club and now owns, operates and maintains facilities and equipment and employs personnel and utilizes volunteers to provide such services. Trophy Club also has provided such services to Westlake pursuant to an Emergency Medical Services Agreement effective September 1, 1996. C. TCMUD1 provides fire protection services to residents and property within its boundaries and now owns, operates and maintains facilities and equipment and employs personnel and utilizes volunteers to provide such services. TCMUD1 also provides such services to TCMUD2 pursuant to a Contract for the Provision, Operation and Maintenance of Water Supply and Waste Disposal Facilities dated December 1 , 1982 as amended (commonly referred to as the "Master District Contract"). TCMUD1 also provides such services to Westlake pursuant to a Fire and Rescue Services agreement effective June 6, 1994. D.TCMUD2 provides fire protection services to residents and property within its boundaries pursuant to the agreement with TCMUD1 referred to in Paragraph 2.0 above. E. This Contract is to confirm the agreements of the parties to this Contract to provide governmental functions and services relating to police protection, municipal court services, fire protection and emergency medical services in a Trophy Club/Westlake Department of Public Safety (the "Department") for the mutual benefit of the parties to this Contract and their respective residents and customers. The parties believe that by cooperating and contracting with each other for the establishment of the Department, their governmental functions and services relating to police protection,municipal court services, fire protection and emergency medical services will be provided more efficiently, effectively and economically. F. This contract is executed by the parties as an interlocal contract among local governments under Chapter 791 (the Interlocal Cooperation Act) of the Texas Government Code to jointly provide governmental functions and services that the parties to the contract are authorized to perform individually, as allowed by Section 791 .011(c)(2) of the Texas Government Code. G. This Contract has been authorized by the governing body of each party to this Contract. The governing body of each party to this Contract has determined that the terms and provisions of the Contract are desirable, fair, and advantageous for that party. 3. Effective Date, This Contract is effective when signed by all parties to the Contract, but with service to begin pursuant to the Contract as of October 1 , 1999. 4 Term: Automatic Extension. Services will be provided under this Contract for a minimum term of five (5) fiscal years, starting on October 1 , 1999, and ending on September 30, 2004, but as of October 1 of each year, beginning in 2000, the expiration date of this Contract shall automatically be extended by one additional fiscal year, so that there is always a new minimum term of five years beginning each October 1 , unless and until this Contract is terminated as provided in Paragraph 14 below. 5. Service Area, This Contract will apply to all territory within the boundaries of Westlake, Trophy Club, TCMUD1 , TCMUD2 and other areas currently served by one or more of the parties to this Contract under County Mutual Aid Contracts with Denton County or Tarrant County, as though all such territories were a single entity and service area, including any territory legally annexed by one of the parties to this Contract subsequent to the effective date of this Contract. A map of the service area initially covered by this Contract is attached to and made a part of this Contract as Exhibit A. 6. Equipment and Facilities. Other than real estate assets, the equipment and facilities of the Trophy Club Fire Department and the Trophy Club Department of Public Safety existing as of the effective date of this Contract shall be dedicated to the Department under this Contract. The police station (DPS Building) and the fire station shall be leased to the Department for $1 per year. At such time as the DPS Board of Directors determines that these facilities are no longer necessary for the performance of the duties of the department, the facilities will revert to the appropriate Trophy Club entity. The remaining principal and interest payments on the police station will be totally funded by the Town of Trophy Club. The fire station is owned free and clear of debt. The annual operating costs of these facilities will be a cost to the Department. A list of assets dedicated to the Department by each party is attached to this Contract as�-Exhibit B, On and after the effective date of this Contract, any new equipment and facilities shall be acquired in the name of the Department with funds provided by the parties to this Contract as part of the annual budget or special capital contributions. 7. Employees and Volunteers. As of the effective date of this Contract, all employees of Trophy Club and TCMUD1 with job responsibilities primarily for police protection, municipal court services, fire protection and emergency medical services under the control of the Department shall initially be paid by and receive benefits administered by the Town of Trophy Club, subject to existing contracts. All volunteers shall be treated as volunteers to Trophy Club/Westlake. 8. DPS Boa—rd. The operation of the Department under this Contract shall be supervised by a Trophy Club/Westlake Department of Public Safety Board (the "DPS Board"). The DPS Board shall consist of six members, each serving a term of three years, with the terms to be staggered so that the terms of one member from Westlake and one member from the Trophy Club entities shall expire each year. Three members of the DPS Board shall be appointed by the Board of Aldermen of Westlake. The Town Council of Trophy Club, the Board of Directors of TCMUD1 and the Board of Directors of TCMUD2 shall each appoint one member of the DPS Board. At the initial meeting of the DPS Board, the members of the DPS Board shall draw straw or slips of paper to determine which appointments shall expire at the end of one year, at the end of two years and at the end of three years in order to establish the staggered terms of office. In the event that a member of the DPS Board resigns or is not able to complete his or her term for any reason, a successor shall be appointed by the same party to this Contract that had appointed the person resigning or vacating the DPS Board position, to fill that position for the remaining term that was vacated. The City Manager from the Town of Westlake, the City Manager from the Town of Trophy Club and the District Manager of the Trophy Club MUDS shall be non-voting ex-officio members of the DPS Board. The members of the DPS Board shall select one Board member to serve as Chairman, to serve for a one-year term. The chairmanship shall rotate between Westlake and the Trophy Club entities on an annual basis. The entity providing the chairmanship for the year shall also provide secretarial support for that year. In the event of a tie vote, the dispute will be submitted to binding arbitration by a single independent arbitrator selected through the Dallas Office of the American Arbitration Assn. and using the rules of commercial arbitration of the AAA and with the Westlake and Trophy Club entities each paying one- half of the expenses of the arbitration. The DPS Board shall have authority to set policies and procedures for the Department, subi!act to the review and approval ofthegoverning bodies of the parties to this Contract. Until such time as new policies and procedures are adopted by the DPS Board, the Department of Public Safety Standard Operating Procedures in effect for Trophy Club on the effective date of this Contract shall be in force for the Department. 9 Control, This Contract is intended to provide for the furnishing of governmental functions and services by the parties through the Department. Each party to this Contract retains all right, power and control that it has by law to set policies and to make decisions regarding the performance of work for the area of its jurisdiction. Nothing in this Contract shall be interpreted as an abdication by a party of its governmental rights, powers, and duties with regard to services provided by the Department. 10. Budged Fundin-, The DPS Board shall develop an annual budget for the operation, maintenance and proposed capital improvements and expenditures for the Department, and the share of the budget required by each party, and shall submit such budget and request funding to the governing Boards of the individual parties no later than August 1 of each year. The budget shall include all expenses arising from or relating to the maintenance and operation of the Department, including personnel costs, equipment and supplies, training, new facilities and administrative costs, as provided in Exhibit_C which is attached to and made a part of this Contract. The allocation of the budget to each party shall be based on the total valuation of property (both real and personal) within the respective parties to this Contract for ad valorem tax purposes on an annual basis, as follows. A. The budget for police protection, municipal court services and emergency medical services shall be based on the total valuation of property within Westlake and Trophy club, with each of those parties allocated its pro rata part of the budget based on its pro rata part of such total valuation. B. The budget for fire protection shall be based on the total valuation of property within Westlake, less that portion of Westlake within TCMUD1, and the total valuation of property within Trophy Club plus the portion of Westlake within TCMUD1 , with Westlake allocated its pro rata share of the budget based on its pro rata part of such total valuation, and the remainder of the budget allocated to TCMUD1 and TCMUD2 (to be divided between them as they may agree). Recognizing that Westlake and Trophy club include territory located in two counties with different tax appraisal procedures, the allocation for the budget shall include a methodology for equalizing appraisal variances and computation of the budget allocations of each party, as set forth in Exhibit -Q, which is attached to and made part of this Contract. Once the budgethasbeen approved by the governing bodies of the parties to this contract. and the share of the budget is allocated to each party as provided above, then each party to this Contract, acting through its government body, must make its payments from current revenues available to the paying party in the manner it deems best, which may include user fees, ad valorem taxes, sales taxes, voluntary contributions or other revenue sources. Payment from each party is due on January 1 of each year. However, the first year of this Contract shall consist of five quarters with the total funding equivalent to 125% of the approved Fiscal 1999-2000 budgets. Twenty per Cent (20%) of each party's total funding obligation will be due October 1 , 1999 with the balance, eighty per cent (80%) of total funding, due on Jan. 1, 2000. Thereafter, payment for each year shall be due each January 1. If the amount due from a party is not received by the Department by January 31 of the year for which the allocation is due, the amount due shall bear interest at the rate of 18 per cent per annum from February 1 until paid. To ensure that the budget allocation process -described earlier in this section continues to yield a fair and equitable distribution of the Department's expenses between Westlake and Trophy Club,lbaDIE-5- Board-will-review-and recommend ne essa anges to ach of the governing bodies of the parties to this contra ,fin change the method of determining those allocations at the end of the initial five year period. Consideration shall include, but not be limited to, population, assessed valuation and service consumption and usage. A review prior to the end of the initial five-year period may be conducted with the unanimous consent of the DPS Board. The Department of Public Safety Board shall not have any taxing authority as a separate entity. 11. Audit, Legal Cour -Advisors. A separate independent audit of the Department shall be performed following the close of each Fiscal Year of the Department by an auditing firm selected by the DPS Board. The DPS Board also may employ separate legal counsel or other professional advisors, within the limits set by the approved annual budget. 12. Liabilily Insurance, The DPS Board shall obtain insurance coverages as it deems appropriate and with an insurance carrier selected by the DPS Board to insure the work done by the employees and volunteers under this Contract, with all parties named as insured red parties under such insurance policies. As provided in Section 791.006 of the Texas Government Code, the government unit that would have been responsible for furnishing fire protection services in the absence of this Contract shall be responsible for any civil liability that arises from the furnishing of such fire protection services. No party to this Contract waives or shall be deemed by this Contract to waive any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims arising from the exercise of governmental powers and functions. 13. Further Cooperation. The parties to this Contract agree to cooperate to sign and deliver any other documents that may be necessary or appropriate to implement the provisions of this Contract. 14 Termination, This Contract may be terminated by any party as of Sept. 30 at the end of the initial term with one-year written notice. Following the initial five-year period, the contract may be terminated as of September 30 by any party with one year written notice. Termination by one party shall be occasion for reconsideration and amendment of this agreement. This contract may be terminated at any other time or upon shorter notice only upon the unanimous consent of all parties. Upon termination of this Contract, each asset dedicated to the Department pursuant to this contract shall be returned to the party that originally dedicated such asset to the Department. Assets acquired by the Department during the term of this contract shall be divided by the parties and conveyed to individual parties as they may agree among themselves, but on a prorate basis based upon the relative funding contributions during the five year period immediately preceding the termination of this Contract. 15. Entire Agreement; Amendments. This Contract represents the entire and integrated amendment among the parties relating to this matter and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and/or agreements, whether written or oral. This Contract may be amended only by written instrument signed by all parties to this Contract. 16. Applicable Law; Venue. The validity of this Contract and any of its terms or provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties to the Contract, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. This Contract is performable in Denton or Tarrant County, Texas, and venue of any dispute arising under or relating to this Contract shall be in either Denton or Tarrant County, Texas. 17. Partial Invalidity, I If any clause, paragraph, section or portion of this Contract is found to be illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional or void for any reason, the balance of the Contract remains in full force and effect and the parties shall be deemed to have contracted as if that clause, section, paragraph or portion had not been in the Contract. 18. Authorization of Contract. Each party hereby certifies to the other parties that the execution of this Contract has been authorized by the governing DPS Board of the certifying party in accordance with applicable law and the rules of such party and that the undersigned officers and/or agents of the certifying party are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Contract on behalf of such party. 19. Execution and Date, This Contract is signed by the parties in multiple counterparts This Contract is dated and effective as of the date of the last party to sign as indicated on their signature lines below, with the term and service to begin on October 1, 1999, as provided in Paragraphs 3 and 4 above. TROPHY CLUB MUNICIPAL UTILITY TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, DISTRICT NO. 1 TEXAS By: B T. A. Neidenberger Date Marshall Englebeck Date President, Board of Directors Mayor Attest: Attest: By: By: Dean Henry Diane Cockrell Secretary, Board of Directors Town Secretary TROPHY CLUB MUNICIPAL UTILITY TOWN OF WESTLAKE, DISTRICT NO. 2 TEXAS By: B James C. Thomas Date Scott Bradley Date President, Board of Directors Mayor Attest: Attest: By: By: Walter R. Fitzpatrick Ginger Crosswy Secretary, Board of Directors Town Secretary r �`a "EXHIBIT B" TROPHY CLUB DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE SERVICES DIVISION The Trophy Club Department of Public Safety is housed in a 6900 square foot facility accommodating all operations personnel, to include, the Director of Public Safety, Fire Chief, and administrative staff for Police and Fire Services. The facility is designed specifically for future expansion and growth. The facility currently has a designated training area that converts into an Emergency Operations Center, as well as workout facilities, showers, interview rooms, etc. The building also has designated expansion space for two 8 x 8 cells to house up to four inmates, and a separate Telecommunications area. Trophy Club DPS, Police Services Division, currently operates the following equipment: QTY YEAR MAKE MODEL EQUIPMENT 01* 1995 CHEVROLET CAPRICE POLICE PKG 01* 1994 FORD CROWN VICTORIA POLICE PKG 01* 1995 CHEVROLET CAPRICE POLICE PKG 01 1995 CHEVROLET CAPRICE POLICE PKG 01 1996 FORD CROWN VICTORIA INTERCEPTOR 01 1996 FORD CROWN VICTORIA INTERCEPTOR 01 1996 FORD CROWN VICTORIA INTERCEPTOR 01 1999 HARLEY DAV. MOTORCYCLE POLICE PKG *UNMARKED UNITS NOT USED FOR DAILY PATROL SERVICES. THE INTERCEPTORS ARE USED FOR DAILY PATROL FUNCTIONS AND ARE FULLY EQUPPED MARKED UNITS. SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT INCLUDES VIDEO RECORDING SYSTEMS, SHOTGUNS, RADAR UNITS, PRISONER TRANSPORT CAGES, AND COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT. TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FIREIEMS SERVICES DIVISION The Trophy Club Fire Department Facility is a 4,500 sq. foot facility accomodating the following personnel. There are six(6)certified Firefighter/Paramedics on 24 hour shift, one(1)certified Firefighter/Paramedic 8-5 weekdays,two certified Firefighter/EMT's 8-5 weekdays plus 14 additional Fire/EMS reserve personnel available evenings and weekends. Trophy Club DPS, Fire Department Division, currently operates the following equipment: QTY YEAR MAKE MODEL EQUIPMENT 01 1997 HME CHASSIS 3-D, Al LADDER QUINT 681 01 1988 SPARTAN CHASSIS 3-D ENGINE 681 01 1991 FORD E-350 ROAD RESCUE BOX 01 1984 DODGE 1-TON BRUSH 681 01 1989 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN COMMAND 680 Quint 681 is capable of functioning as a pumper, ladder truck with ventilation and rescue with equipment featuring a 75'Aerial Device, 1500 GPM Pump, 10 KW Power Unit, 450 gallon water tank,two(2) high rise packs, high angle rescue equipment, Ventilation equipment, salvage and overhaul equipment and 116'of ground ladders. Engine 681 is capable of functioning as a pumper, rescue, advanced life support unit with equipment featuring 1500 GPM pump, 10 KW power unit, 750 gallon water tank, extrication/rescue equipment, lifepack 5 EKG and advanced life support system. Medic 681 is capable of functioning as a medical intensive care unit providing the highest level of pre-hospital care available, lifepack 11-12 lead EKG technology and advanced cardiac life suuport. Brush 681 is primarily used for grass fires with 300 GPM pump and roll. L Percentage owned by whom at Inception of contract is listed below for the Department of Public Safety Apparatus and Equipment unless specified otherwise. *The following equipment is owned 100% by the Town of Trophy Club: TY YEAR MAKE MODEL EQUIPMENT 01* 1995 CHEVROLET CAPRICE POLICE PKG 01* 1994 FORD CROWN VICTORIA POLICE PKG 01* 1995 CHEVROLET CAPRICE POLICE PKG 01 1995 CHEVROLET CAPRICE POLICE PKG 01 1996 FORD CROWN VICTORIA INTERCEPTOR 01 1996 FORD CROWN VICTORIA INTERCEPTOR 01 1996 FORD CROWN VICTORIA INTERCEPTOR The Department of Public Safety Police Services building will be 75%Town of Trophy Club and 25%Town of Trophy Club/Westlake Department of Public Safety. The Fire Department building is owned 100% by Municipal Utilities District. *The Quint 681 has an outstanding balance of$384,000. *Engine 681 is owned 100% by Municipal Utilities District. *Medic 681 is owned 100%by Town of Trophy Club. *Brush 681 is owned 100% by Municipal Utilities District. Note-The 1999 Harley Davidson Motorcycle that is listed in the Police Services Division is a month by month lease. DPS EQUIPMENT SPREADSHEET °oiOWNED OUTSTANDIN.G::= a AKE {,.' MODEL =„ :: EG2UIPIVIENT ``. °lo;OWNED TC' �{, TCVII=DPS r- MtJD. BALANCE 1 1995 CHEVROLET CAPRICE POLICE PKG 100% 0 0 0 1 1994 FORD CROWN VICTORIA POLICE PKG 100% 0 0 0 1 1995 CHEVROLET CAPRICE POLICE PKG 100% 0 0 0 1 1995 CHEVROLET CAPRICE POLICE PKG 100% 0 0 0 1 1996 FORD CROWN VICTORIA POLICE PKG 100% 0 0 0 1 1996 FORD CROWN VICTORIA POLICE PKG 100% 0 0 0 1 1996 FORD CROWN VICTORIA POLICE PKG 100% 0 0 0 1 1997 HME CHASSIS 3-D, AI LADDER QUINT 681 0% 100% 0 $ 384,000.00 1 1988 SPARTAN CHASSIS 3-D ENGINE 681 0% 0 100% 0 1 1991 FORD E-350 AMBULANCE 100% 0 0 0 1 1984 DODGE 1-TON BRUSH 681 0% 0 100% 0 11 1989 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN BATTALION 680 0% 0 100% 0 *DPS BUILDING 100% 0% 0 $ 140,000.00 *FIRE BUILDING 0% 0% 100% 0 *NOTE ,HARCEY:,DAVIDSON,IS ON A'MONTH TO,MONTi LEASE *TC-TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB *TCW-DPS-TROPHY CLUB WESTLAKE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC SAFETY *MUD-MUNICIPAL UTILITIES DISTRICT *DPS & FIRE BUILDING WILL BE LEASED TO THE DEPARTMENT FOR $1.00 PER YEAR EXHIBIT C The method for equalizing the Denton and Tarrant Count appraisal processes shall be as follows. Given that both Tarrant and Denton County appraise the Solana properties, the comparative analysis shall be done on a sampling of only Solana properties. In the initial phase of this agreement, the properties selected will be: Campus Circle Nine Village Circle Seven Village Circle Marriott Real Property The DPS Board of Directors may add to, delete from, or change these properties at their discretion..The valuation as stated in the certified tax rolls published in July of each year will be used for these annual computations. The combined value for these properties from DCAD and TCAD will then be set equal based on the following algebraic formula: TCAD X Adjustment Factor = DCAD Adjustment Factor = DCAD/TCAD The adjustment factor will then be multiplied by the TCAD valuation for Westlake in order to arrive at the valuation for purposes of this agreement. This process will achieve the desired results even if DCAD appraisals are higher than TCAD. The attached spreadsheet accomplishes this computation and then computes the obligation of all parties to this agreement. U � Q EXHIBIT C TROPHY CLUB WESTLAKE PROPORTIONAL FUNDING OF DPS FUNCTION FOR FISCAL 99-00 . THE FUNDING OF THE POLICE,COURT AND EMS FUNCTION WILL BE ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: NET POLICE BUDGET NET EMS BUDGET NET COURT BUDGET ADJUSTED WESTLAKE VALUATION 227,640,000.46 TROPHY CLUB VALUATION 388,559,632.00 WESTLAKE SHARE WESTLAKE VALUATION/COMBINED VALUATION= 36.94% TROPHY CLUB SHARE TROPHY CLUB VALUATION/COMBINED VALUATION= 63.06% EXPENSE TO WESTLAKE EXPENSE TO TROPHY CLUB THE FUNDING OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: NET FIRE AND RESCUE BUDGET TCMUDI VALUATION= 415,667,516.00 TCMU02 VALUATION= 187,138,848.00 WESTLAKE VALUATION LESS SOLANA COMPLEX= 12,640,000.46 WESTLAKE SHARE WESTLAKE VALUATION/COMBINED VALUATION= 2.054% TROPHY CLUB MUD SHARE COMBINED TCMUD VALUATION/COMBINED VALUATION= 97.946% EXPENSES TO WESTLAKE EXPENSES TO TCMUDS EQUALIZATION OF TARRANT AND DENTON COUNTY VALUATION PROPERTY TOAD VALUATION DCAD VALUATION CAMPUS CIRCLE 101,221,165.00 96,008,275.00 NINE VILLAGE CIRCLE 14,077,164.00 13,352,190.00 SEVEN VILLAGE CIRCLE 15,296,244.00 14,508,487.00 MARRIOTT REAL PROPERTY 12,771,743.00 12,113,999.00 TOTAL 143,366,316.00 135,982,951.00 ADJUSTMENT FACTOR APPLIED TO WESTLAKE VALUATION 94.85% TCAD VALUATION FOR WESTLAKE TO BE MULTIPLIED BY CELL F56 TO EQUALIZE TO DCAD WESTLAKE VALUATION TCAD 240,000,000.00 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB VALUATION DCAD 388,559,632.00 TROPHY CLUB MU01 VALUATION DCAD 415,667,516.00 TROPHY CLUB MU02 VALUATION DCAD 187,138,848.00 SOLANA WESTLAKE VALUATION DCAD 215,000,000.00 POLICE BUDGET EMS BUDGET POLICE REVENUE EMS REVENUE NET POLICE BUDGET NET EMS BUD COURT BUDGET FIRE BUDGET COURT REVENUE FIRE REVENUE NET COURT BUDGET NET FIRE BUD