HomeMy WebLinkAboutFiscal Year 2014-2015 Budget Workshop1 E XECUTIVE 2 G ENERAL F UND 3 S PECIAL R EVENUE F UNDS 4 D EBT S ERVICE F UND 5 E NTERPRISE F UNDS 6 I NTERNAL S ERVICE F UNDS 7 W ESTLAKE A CADEMY 8 C APITAL P ROJECT F UNDS 9 L ONG T ERM P LANNING 10 C APITAL I MPROVEMENTS TRANSMITTAL LETTER August 8, 2014 Honorable Mayor and Town Council: I. INTRODUCTION: BUDGET APPROACH, FORMAT, AND METHODOLOGY On behalf of the Town of Westlake’s Senior Leadership Team, it is my pleasure to submit for your consideration the Proposed FY 2014-15 Budget. This year’s budget theme is “Community Growth on the Horizon”. Our community is growing through the addition of a new housing development, potential mixed-use project, and the completion of expansion at Westlake Academy. We are also experiencing organization growth with the high performance organization framework and our strategic visioning with the Balanced Scorecard. Budget Approach As required by State law, the Town’s Proposed FY 2014-15 municipal budget has been prepared with the base assumption that the Town’s first priority is to have a balanced budget. The budget has also been prepared according to these criteria: • It is our priority to fund and deliver high quality core municipal services along with academic services for our citizens, students and stakeholders. • Service levels are in alignment with residential feedback regarding priorities from our most recent 2013 Direction Finders (citizens’) survey results and the Town’s strategic planning efforts through our comprehensive work in identifying strategic themes, outcome objectives, and staff initiatives. Budget Format: Governing & Managing for Outcomes As our community has grown our organization has developed a comprehensive governance system through the use of our citizen survey results, policy development by the governing board, and our strategic framework with a strategy map to help guide staff efforts to achieve our mission and vision for the Town. Our system also integrates the following elements: • Five (5) year financial, personnel, and equipment forecasting, budgeting, and performance measurement linked to strategic priorities, objectives, and outcomes to ensure a long term approach that provides financial sustainability • Aligning resources to prioritized outcomes • Reporting to monitor progress in outcome achievement and accountability for results • Utilizing citizen surveys to gauge service satisfaction levels with Town services and resident willingness to pay for those services • Maintaining core services • Funding and implementing a Five (5) Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and major maintenance and replacement Budget Methodology Certain assumptions, parameters, and approaches were utilized as the budget document was prepared, which are consistent with our overall Town philosophy of focusing on fiscal stewardship and responsibility while providing services for our community. These include: • Readily identifying and tracking cost increases as they relate to maintaining or increasing services • Identifying the use of fund balance(s), inter-fund transfers, employee compensation increases 1 TRANSMITTAL LETTER • Adherence to the Council’s financial policies • Maintaining minimum fund balances that exceed the Council policy requirements (90 day fund balance) • Conservative revenue estimating that identifies one-time and on-going revenues • Review of all base budgets, as well as service level adjustments due to cost increase and/or inflation. Programs of service were analyzed and ‘scrubbed’ during budget review sessions with the Senior Leadership Team. • Estimated expenditures for current levels of service in FY 2014-15 were achieved by: o Adjusting for actual spending in FY 2013-14 o Deducting one-time FY 2013-14 expenditures to create the base budget for the coming fiscal year. Any anticipated cost increases (due to inflation or program cost escalations) were identified and separated from the current base budget in the form of Service Level Adjustments (SLA’s). II. INVESTMENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Over the previous fiscal year, the Town has achieved and/or is continuing to work toward important initiatives and projects that will allow us to balance our “distinctive development, trails, and quality of life amenities amidst an ever expanding urban landscape.” These include: • Achievement and recognition for our transparency efforts and our fiscal stewardship through receipt of the following: o Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Governmental Finance Officers Association (GFOA) marking the 7th year in a row that we have received this honor for our municipal budget and the 5th year for our educational services budget (Westlake Academy). o International Award for Budget Excellence from the Association of School Business Officials International for the past five years. o Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for our Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), also known as the annual audit which has also been recognized through GFOA for the last six years. o Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting (PAFR), by converting much of the CAFR document into an easy-to-read format for our residents. This was the Town’s second year to achieve this award. • Invested in an update of our current Comprehensive Planning document as we began working with the Town Council, residents, and appointed steering committee members to memorialize our community vision in the new document. Our current version was compiled in 1992 and many changes have occurred since that time. Progress continues through the facilitation efforts of an outside consultant and the committee with the final completion planned for FY 2014-15. • Invested in the 3rd iteration of our strategic plan through the use of the Balanced Scorecard system. Council members worked with an outside consultant to create strategic themes and updated our vision, mission, and values statements for Westlake. Staff then identified outcome objectives, created a Tier One Strategy Map, and developed performance measures for Council adoption. • Invested in the Town’s open enrollment charter school as Westlake Academy, completed its 11th year of operation and graduated our 5th class of seniors with 53 students. We continue to have excellent academic and extra-curricular results. • Achievements as Westlake Academy continues to be ranked among the best high schools in America: o Washington Post ranked us as 36th out of 1,900 schools across the nation. 2 TRANSMITTAL LETTER • Invested in the Town’s CIP ($10.5M) mainly through focus on the expansion of our physical plant at Westlake Academy ($8.2). o Invested approximately $1.6M in streetscape improvements on FM 1938 (Davis Blvd) with median plantings and sidewalk installation, which is now in its final stages of completion. o Invested a total of $500K in the Town’s infrastructure through enhancements on SH 114/170 in partnership with our surrounding communities for bridge and overpass paintings, plantings in medians and entry monuments. III. BUDGET THEMES, TRENDS, & OVERVIEW As stated previously, the theme for the proposed budget is “Community Growth on the Horizon”. In 2010-11, the Council set an ad valorem tax rate to address our financial sustainability, and also began investing in our infrastructure through our Capital Improvement Plan to help maintain the sense of place for Westlake. We have also experienced growth in residential developments, a potential mixed-use project, physical plant expansion at the Academy and multiple avenues of organizational growth. Prior Fiscal Year’s Budget Theme Over the last several years, we have incorporated a ‘theme’ into our budget document identifying the current trends or issues facing our community and as a method to focus our service provision levels for our community. The last few themes are shown below: • FY 2011-12 ~ “Investing in Our Future” (ad valorem property tax implemented to stabilize our revenue streams and provide for financial sustainability) • FY 2012-13 ~ “Driving Service Excellence” (focused on our ability to deliver excellent customer service) • FY 2013-14 ~ “Moving Forward Together: A Growing Community, A Growing School” (expansion at the Academy and infrastructure reinvestment) Proposed Fiscal Year’s Budget Theme Over the past year, our community has had the opportunity to invest in our growth through the approval of zoning for a new single family housing development and potentially a mixed-use project. This type of growth pattern will provide for another 82 homes in Granada, at the corner of Solana Blvd. and FM 1938/Davis Blvd., with substantial exterior public open-space, trails and water amenities. The proposed Entrada mixed-use development, along SH 114, is planned to be constructed over the next several years. It would include both commercial and residential components and feature a Spanish village theme. At Westlake Academy, we are in the final stages of completing approximately 35,000 square feet of academic space to allow for decompression in the school, multi-use space for the primary students, and a field house for athletic instruction/events. We are also expanding student enrollment by approximately 100 students for SY 14-15. Our staff team development has also experienced substantial growth with the high performance organization (HPO) model and strategic visioning strides with the Balanced Scorecard system. The implementation of the HPO processes has resulted in extensive team building opportunities, expanded collaboration in service delivery methods, and the encourage of leadership at all levels of our organization. As a result, we restructured our customer service staff members to streamline their efforts in the main municipal lobby, 3 TRANSMITTAL LETTER developed a staff driven mission ‘tag line’, and are working toward creating team centered value statements. The HPO method allows us to convey the importance of leadership and customer centered service delivery for our residents. As a component of these efforts, the Balanced Scorecard has been deployed as a lever to enhance our HPO development. A comprehensive strategic plan is an important system within the HPO framework. Both of these organizational growth and professional development efforts will help to focus our staff initiatives in the stated direction of our vision for the community. The selection of any budget theme is intended to bring into focus how resources are recommended to be prioritized and used in order to take the next step in achieving or creating our vision, mission and community values for Westlake. These significant growth opportunities lend itself to our proposed budget theme for FY 14-15: “Community Growth on the Horizon” FY 2014-15 Short Term Trends and Planning Related to the Proposed Budget Over the history of our Town, municipal budgets have been prepared with an eye toward being fiscally conservative, while providing the high quality customer service that our residents have come to expect in Westlake. As a component of our budgets, we also identify current trends to be stewards of our community. Some of these factors can be found below: • Reinvestment in our community through the replacement of our fire pumper truck during the coming fiscal year. As our rolling stock continues to age, we will need to reinvest in our assets in order to maintain the exceptional levels of service we strive to deliver. The replacement truck will allow us to rotate the current vehicle to a back-up status as it is experiencing multiple repair events. • Housing Start Increases: Westlake is expecting continued single family residential construction as a result of Granada. This is depicted in the side-chart – prerecession starts were at 38 per year and we are estimating 50 for the coming fiscal year. • Permanent Population Growth: The North Central Council of Governments has updated Westlake’s 2010 Census from 992 to 1,051. This is the portion of our population that is considered to be our permanent residence. An increase in population of 210 in 1990 to the present 1,051 represents a 400% increase. • Daytime Population: Because Westlake is the home of many major corporate office campuses, its Monday-Friday daytime population swells to approximately 10,000 - 12,000 individuals. These office complexes are comprised of notable corporate clients that include Deloitte LLP, Core Logic and Fidelity Investments. Staff will continue to monitor our corporate stakeholders and attempt to identify avenues to strengthen these relationships and assist in drawing new corporations to Westlake. 4 TRANSMITTAL LETTER 128 165 153 164 215 254 FY 08/09FY 09/10FY 10/11FY 11/12FY 12/13FY 13/14 Number of Westlake Students in Westlake Academy • Continued Impact of Westlake Academy on Residential Growth: The number of Westlake residents who are selecting Westlake Academy as the educational choice for the students has doubled in the past five years. Resident surveys indicate that the Academy is one of the main reasons they moved to Westlake, and why they plan to remain in our community. • Increase in Westlake Academy Overall Enrollment: The Academy has experienced steady enrollment growth from 491 in SY 2009-10 to a projected 822 in SY 2014-15. The current increase of student population is a result of the Phase I expansion efforts on the Academy campus. We are completing the construction of three buildings that will accommodate the new students. The lottery waiting list for admissions continues to grow from 700 in 2010 to over 2,100 students for this coming school year. • Completion of Phase I Facility Improvements: Construction will be complete and operational for the fall school year. The approximately 36,000 sq. ft. of new facilities comprised of a secondary classroom building, field house, and primary years’ multi-use building will allow for decompression of our current facilities. • Continued work on the Comprehensive Plan: The Town’s current 1992 Comprehensive Plan is in the process of review and updating. The Comprehensive Plan serves as the “blue print” for planning and growth. We have convened a steering committee and held public meetings to discuss the plan elements and expect to be complete within the current fiscal year. • Sales Tax Growth: Sales tax for FY 2014-15 indicates an increase of $101,250 (3%) compared to FY 2013-14 estimated levels. Long Term Visioning for FY 2014-2015 and Beyond Long range planning and visioning is vital to the sustainability of any community and Westlake has a bright outlook for our future – much of this based on our governing board, residential commitment to our Town and the diligence of our staff members. The following trends will be important to our growth and development: • Continued Permanent Population Growth - We anticipate the trend toward growth will continue as our existing lot inventory continues to be a scarce commodity. In addition, the aforementioned residential and mixed-use developments have the potential to significantly increase our permanent population. • Management of Development – As the economy and the surrounding cities in the Metroplex experience commercial development and the influx of individuals continues to make the North Texas Region their home, we will need to manage our distinctive housing developments to ensure we maintain our community as an ‘oasis of natural beauty’ as contained in our Vision statement. 5 TRANSMITTAL LETTER • Implementation of the Comprehensive Plan – As mentioned in the short term trends, the Town will complete the updating of our Comp Plan and will transition into the application phase of the recommendations and feedback from our Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee, residents and stakeholders, Planning & Zoning Committee Members, and our Town Council. This will include the update of the applicable ordinance documents that will help guide our future developments and all the corresponding plan elements. • Oversight of Enrollment Demands at Westlake Academy – As it becomes necessary, the rollout of Phase II of the Facility Master Plan, staff and the Council will plan for our long term visioning of the school to ensure each child reaches their ‘highest individual potential’ as a student at Westlake Academy. The impact of new housing developments and population growth will continue to drive our capital projects in the future. Budget Overview On behalf of the Senior Leadership Team and all Westlake staff members, I am presenting the Proposed FY 2014-15 budget document for the Council’s consideration as follows: • The FY 2014-15 budgeted amount totals $33,217,559 for all funds (including $3,343,650 transfers in from fund balance for capital projects ($1.1 M) and operating needs). The majority of this fund balance use results in the anticipated receipt of $3.3M in bond proceeds in FY 2014-15 with the majority of the funds being used to purchase land as future sites for municipal service buildings. • This represents a 22% fund balance decrease from the FY 2013-14 estimated budget. • If only municipal operating expenses were taken into consideration (removal of all expenses related to capital projects/outlay, Westlake Academy and inter-fund transfers), the FY 2014-15 proposed budget would show an increase of $1,521,222 (14%) in municipal expenditures from the FY 2013-14 estimates. • The major reasons for this increase are the following: o Increase of $761K in Operating Expenditures  $100K for finalization of the 2014 Comprehensive Plan and $200K in contingency for Ordinance revisions/codifications, maps, and other recommended updates  $300K for future Westlake resident enrollment capacity  $214K increased payments for debt service obligations. Payment for the 2014 General Obligation Refunding Bonds for FY 2014/2015 will be $260,510. The Town took advantage of the low interest rates and refunded a portion of the 2003 Certificates of Obligation (CO) which reduced our overall payments; saving the Town approximately $15K annually. The principal payment of the refunded CO’s was rolled into the refunding; therefore, no principal payment was made in FY 2013-14. o Increase of $759K in Payroll Expenditures  This includes an increase in base costs of $71,394 to maintain our current staff levels along with $65,000 in market pay adjustments (inclusive of taxes and insurance) for work force attraction and $54K in performance based pay, and a newly recommended allocation of $8K for cell phone reimbursement of various staff members (Directors and on-call technicians). A portion of this increased expenditure is subsidized by transfers in from the Utility Fund ($30K) and the Visitors Association Fund ($92K) 6 TRANSMITTAL LETTER  This increase also includes the following personnel changes o $35,753 – transition of part-time Communication Specialist to full-time o $77,987 – addition of one full-time Firefighter / Paramedic o $19,592 – replacement of part-time Deputy Court Clerk  Transition of shared services employees to municipal budget o $68,503 – Accounting Technician o $120,860 – IT Director  $130,144 increase relating to medical, dental and life Insurance costs (40%)  $16,931 increase for social security and Medicare taxes (08%)  $89,840 increase for ICMA and TMRS costs (46%) Three years ago, in order to provide a more holistic and comprehensive overview of all of our financial obligations, revenue sources, and program of services that fall under the umbrella of the Town of Westlake, we began including the operational costs for Westlake Academy in the municipal budget. A summary of the changes in Fund Balance from the ending fund balances to the projected FY 2014-15 fund balances are as follows: FY 14/15 Revision 5 Revision 5 FY 14/15 Projected Total Total Projected Beginning Revenues Expenditures Ending FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Fund and Other and Other Fund Percent Change Change Fund Type Balance Sources Uses Balance of Total Amount Percent General Fund 5,896,631 7,935,456 8,661,111 5,170,976 43% (725,655) -12% Special Revenue 1,069,684 2,533,603 2,689,602 913,685 8% (155,999) -15% Debt Service (11,865) 2,306,523 2,294,658 - 0% 11,865 0% Enterprise Funds 4,501,767 3,476,624 3,803,059 4,175,332 35% (326,435) -7% Internal Services 1,183,176 728,875 1,467,000 445,051 4% (738,125) -62% Capital Funds 1,661,420 5,292,400 6,453,805 500,015 4% (1,161,405) -70% Westlake Academy 1,060,425 7,612,293 7,848,324 824,394 7% 71,367 0% TOTAL 15,361,238 29,885,774 33,217,559 12,029,453 100% (3,331,785) -22% As can be seen above, the FY 2014-15 proposed budget indicates a decrease in fund balance in the amount of ($3,331,785) for all Town funds. The Capital Project Fund balance reduction of $1.161M is a direct reflection of the construction of the following projects: • FM1938 Streetscape Project $1M • Sam School, E. Dove, and Roanoke Road Reconstruction and Drainage $819K • Park Improvements $100K • Land Cost Allocations for Fire station and Town Hall facilities $3.375M to be offset with bond proceeds The Internal Service Funds have a reduction in fund balance related specifically to the purchase of a replacement engine/pumper truck, totaling ($730K). • We currently deploy a 2003 engine/pumper truck which has been in for repairs on a routine basis. The General Fund’s fund balance will decrease by $725K • The Town is anticipating an increase in revenues over the prior year by $864K 7 TRANSMITTAL LETTER o increased sales tax revenue $101K o Permits and fees related to the Granada development $450K o Transfers in from Utility Fund for repayment of Ground Storage Water Tank $256K • Increase of $557K in Payroll Expenditures o This includes an increase in base costs of $71,394 to maintain our current staff levels along with $65,000 in market pay adjustments (inclusive of taxes and insurance) for work force attraction and $54K in performance based pay, and a newly recommended allocation of $8K for cell phone reimbursement of various staff members (Directors and on-call technicians). A portion of this increased expenditure is subsidized by transfers in from the Utility Fund ($30K) and the Visitors Association Fund ($92K) o This increase also includes the following personnel changes  $35,753 – transition of part-time Communication Specialist to full-time  $77,987 – addition of one full-time Firefighter / Paramedic  $19,592 – replacement of part-time Deputy Court Clerk o Transition of shared services employees to municipal budget  $68,503 – Accounting Technician  $120,860 – IT Director o $130,144 increase for medical, dental and life Insurance costs (40%) o $16,931 increase for social security and Medicare taxes (08%) o $89,840 increase for ICMA and TMRS costs (46%) • Operating expenditures increased $443K o $300K – future Westlake resident enrollment capacity o $100K – mandated bunker gear for part time fire/ems employees o $200K – updates to Ordinances, etc. as a result of Comp Plan recommendations o $ 42K – increase to Keller Police contract services o $520K – transfers out to Capital Projects Fund IV. “EXPANSIVE LOOK” INTO THE FY 2014-15 BUDGET AND STRATEGIC DIRECTIVES Keeping our current year theme in mind, this budget has been prepared with the following four– fold strategic focus of achieving the outcome objectives identified in our Strategy Map of “Preserving Desirability & Quality of Life” and “Increasing our Citizen, Student, and Stakeholder Satisfaction”: • Continued investment and long term visioning in the Town’s infrastructure helping to “Encourage Westlake’s Unique Sense of Place” • Investing in our employees, our most important resource for achieving our Mission Tag Line as a “One-of-a-kind community; natural oasis - providing an exceptional level of service.” • Maintaining our position as a premiere knowledge based community as educational leaders, as well as a community recognized both statewide and nationally for our innovative approaches to local government service delivery • Dealing with growth “that maintains our open spaces in balance with distinctive development, trails, and quality of life amenities” found in our vision statement, both in Westlake and at Westlake Academy Service Level Adjustments The Town utilizes “service level adjustments” to create an organizational outcome of being fiscal stewards and tracking our cost increases or decreases. A service level adjustment (SLA) is a 8 TRANSMITTAL LETTER request for any dollars in excess of the baseline/target budget. (FY 2013-14 adopted budget, adjusted for year-end estimates, less one-time purchases). There are 2 types of “Service Level Adjustments”. • Maintain - same level of service as previous year, but increased due to inflation, etc. o Activities that require additional resources to maintain the current level of service due to growth, new equipment, etc. are considered additions to the baseline/target budget and are included in the “SLA”. • New or expanded level of service. o All requests for new personnel, programs or equipment that represent a new addition to the current operation are considered additions to the baseline/target budget and are included in the new costs. o Show any revenues or reduction in current expenses these new or expanded levels of service will create o Designate if item represents an “Unfunded Mandate”. An unfunded mandate is a statute or regulation that requires a state or local government to perform certain actions, yet provides no money for fulfilling the requirements. Staff recommends continued monitoring and implementation of our financial policy as it relates to remaining competitive in the marketplace. We are fortunate to have engaged, long-term employees (with a wealth of institutional knowledge) who help to create the type of environment that our residents enjoy - one that focuses on the creation of the personal relationship with as many of our stakeholders as possible and an organization that is committed to being accessible and responsive to our community. Our current financial policy directs us to aim for a target of being within 3% of the median of the market for our various municipal positions. As we are a multi-faceted service delivery unit – through both municipal and academic service delivery – the ability to remain competitive in the marketplace is important to our long term success. The incremental, consistent approach helps us to retain (and when necessary to attract) the type of candidates that are committed to servant leadership in service delivery without experiencing a large increase due to a lag in our compensation allocations. In support of this process, the current fiscal year contains a performance based pay package of $54,000. To support our theme of “Community Growth on the Horizon” the proposed FY 2014-15 budget reflects a total of $4,073,637 in service level adjustments which is invested in major areas of emphasis through service level adjustments as follows: SLA SUMMARY of CHANGES SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSMENT TYPE TOTAL AMOUNT ONE-TIME COSTS ON-GOING COSTS Operating Supplies/Service 815,513 136,020 679,493 Payroll and Related 543,211 0 543,211 Total Operating SLA Costs 1,358,724 136,020 1,222,704 Capital Improvement 7,828,789 7,715,305 113,484 Debt Service 259,114 0 259,114 Transfers Out 2,295,750 1,846,245 449,505 Total All SLA Costs 11,742,377 9,697,570 2,044,807 percentage 83% 17% Increased Revenues 7,668,740 5,281,245 2,387,495 percentage 69% 31% 9 TRANSMITTAL LETTER VI. AD VALOREM TAX ANALYSIS Ad valorem taxes account for 16% of General Fund revenue and 10% of our overall revenues. This will be the fifth year the Town has assessed a property tax. The ad valorem tax rate for the Town of Westlake continues to be the lowest for municipalities in the immediate area. The proposed ad valorem tax rate per $100 of assessed valuation will be the calculated effective rate of $.15634 for FY 2014-15. This is less than the FY 2013-2014 tax rate of $.15684 by $.00005. As a reminder, the effective tax rate is the total tax rate calculated to raise the same amount of property tax revenue for the Town from the same properties in both the 2013 tax year and the 2014 tax year. The variance in the revenues received with the current rate and the proposed rate is only $4K. This year’s property tax levy will raise more revenue from property taxes than in the preceding year by $36,595 or 2.73%, and of that amount, $43,951 is tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll for the current year. The ad valorem tax rate used in this proposed FY 2014-15 budget compared to the prior year rate is noted in the table to the right. Based on our July certified values, the Town’s “net taxable value” increased by $27,356,210 (3.1%) over September’s supplemental information for FY 13-14. A large portion of the increase was attributable to a 5.3% increase in Residential but offset by a 3.7% decrease in commercial property values. Below is a table noting our prior year tax information as well as the estimated rate and revenue for FY 2014-15: V. PROPOSED BUDGET IN A MULTI-YEAR CONTEXT Evaluating the budget within the context of a longer term forecast is important as it shows whether we are on the right road financially in FY 2014-15. This excerpt from the updated Financial Forecast for the Town’s General Fund illustrates the trend for the next seven years: FORECAST FOR ESTIMATED PROPOSED SEVEN YEAR PROJECTION GENERAL FUND ONLY FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 20-21 Beginning Fund Balance 5,812,583 5,896,631 5,170,976 4,885,362 5,278,259 4,778,220 4,417,938 4,446,211 3,555,819 Revenues & Transfers In 7,070,981 7,935,456 8,097,685 8,611,266 7,625,476 8,067,518 9,282,362 8,502,034 9,067,332 Expenditures & Transfers Out (6,986,933) (8,661,111) (8,383,298) (8,218,368) (8,125,516) (8,427,800) (9,254,089) (9,392,427) (9,623,073) Net Total $5,896,631 $5,170,976 $4,885,362 $5,278,259 $4,778,220 $4,417,938 $4,446,211 $3,555,819 $3,000,077 Total Restricted Funds 265,126 255,079 260,181 265,384 270,692 276,106 281,628 287,260 293,006 Ending Balance (projected) $5,631,505 $4,915,897 $4,625,182 $5,012,875 $4,507,528 $4,141,832 $4,164,583 $3,268,558 $2,707,071 Operating Days 323 239 220 239 202 179 164 127 103 FY 13-14 Adopted Tax Rate FY 14-15 Proposed Tax Rate Variance M&O $0.13907 $0.13710 ($0.00197) I&S $0.01777 $0.01924 $0.00147 Total $0.15684 $0.15634 ($0.0005) Fiscal Year Net Taxable Value Total Tax Rate Total Tax Revenue 2015 Proposed $ 880,173,223 0.15634 $ 1,376,063 2014 Estimated $ 853,297,597 0.15684 $ 1,339,468 2013 Actual $ 864,452,946 0.15684 $ 1,355,808 2012 Actual $ 913,119,313 0.15684 $ 1,432,136 2011 Actual $ 880,169,946 0.16010 $ 1,409,152 10 TRANSMITTAL LETTER VII. CLOSING THOUGHTS The development of a comprehensive budget document, such as this, is the result of a high performing team focused on the overall goals and objectives established by the Council: customer service, excellent service delivery, financial stewardship and organizational and personal development. As mentioned above, we are extremely fortunate to have a staff team and governance structure, focused on developing Westlake into a truly unique community. We have worked with Council to refine our strategic direction for municipal services and communicate this through the organization. This type of investment will produce relationships that sustain our community and ensure the responsible use of the public funds that have been entrusted to us for our Town. Our community has recently faced many decisions which have helped to shape our future and guide our growth. We have expanded our capacity as an organization through: • Strategic professional development with a consultant from the Balanced Scorecard Institute for both the Council and staff members. • Re-development of the Balanced Scorecard system and Strategy Map, with comprehensive performance measures for our municipal operations. • Elected official governance and professional development sessions to improve our proficiency in those areas. • Short and long-term focus on fiscal management that involves responsible budgeting and transparency for our citizens. • Communication and outreach efforts to our stakeholders via the continued use of personalized neighborhood meetings, social media outreach, corporate partnerships, and our website information. • Physical plant expansion on the Academy campus with a Fieldhouse, Multi-purpose building and Secondary educational classrooms. • Recruitment of an Executive Principal / Director of Education for Westlake Academy and an MYP Principal. • Increased enrollment and new course offerings - emphasizing high student achievement and student expansion at Westlake Academy. • Installation of a secondary ground storage water tank for future sustainability and service provision levels. • Approval of a new 84 home residential development and zoning for an 84 acre mixed-use development. All of these efforts are necessary to create the one-of-a-kind community that Westlake residents cherish and enjoy, one that allows us to focus in the coming fiscal year on growth and responsible development. We exist as a municipal corporation for one reason and one reason only: to prioritize and deliver the best services possible with the resources provided to achieve an exceptional quality of life. The staff members remain committed to this challenge and pursue this goal each day. High praise is due to the Senior Leadership Team for their work on this budget. Additional recognition and thanks are due to our Director of Finance Debbie Piper, and Finance Supervisor Jaymi Ford, for their efforts in assembling the budget document. It takes long hours and attention to detail to assimilate all the various factors that may affect our community into a comprehensive financial and policy document that is ‘user friendly’. I appreciate their dedication and the effort they have invested in this process. Finally, on behalf of myself and the entire Town Staff, I would like to extend thanks and appreciation to the Westlake Town Council. Your countless volunteer hours, invested in the governance of and leadership for Westlake, 11 TRANSMITTAL LETTER make it a true honor to serve the community, and your dedication is foundational to any success we achieve. Sincerely yours, Thomas E. Brymer Town Manager/Superintendent Westlake Academy 12 TRANSMITTAL LETTER EXCERPT FROM THE 2013 CITIZEN SURVEY RESULTS Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2013 – Westlake, TX) 13 TRANSMITTAL LETTER 14 FY 12/13 vs FY 13/14 FY 14/15 vs FY 13/14 Revision 3 Actual Estimated Proposed Estimated FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 change change change change Description Actual Estimated Proposed Amount Percent Amount Percent REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES General Sales Tax 1 4,375,397 ##4,500,000 ##4,635,000 ##124,603 3%135,000 3% Property Tax 2 1,366,542 4%1,330,346 6%1,376,063 5%(36,196)-3%45,717 3% Beverage Tax 3 39,727 0%50,000 0%50,500 0%10,273 26%500 1% Franchise Fees 4 734,935 2%787,508 3%795,383 3%52,573 7%7,875 1% Permits & Fees 5 969,735 3%1,008,500 4%1,460,500 5%38,765 4%452,000 45% Fines & Forfeits 6 695,167 2%645,000 3%670,000 2%(50,167)-7%25,000 4% Investment Earnings 7 29,177 0%32,915 0%27,490 0%3,738 13%(5,425)-16% Misc Income 8 321,568 1%485,813 2%270,748 1%164,244 51%(215,065)-44% Charge for Services 9 3,160,859 8%2,822,960 ##3,278,520 ##(337,899)-11%455,560 16% Contributions 10 5,908,550 ##82,500 0%760,000 3%(5,826,050)-99%677,500 821% Hotel Tax Revenues 11 709,578 2%770,000 3%777,000 3%60,422 9%7,000 1% TOTAL REVENUES 12 18,311,233 ##12,515,542 ##14,101,204 ##(5,795,691)-32%1,585,662 13% Transfers In 13 2,654,929 7%3,379,774 ##4,797,277 ##724,845 27%1,417,503 42% Other Sources 14 10,823,210 ##466,775 2%3,375,000 ##(10,356,435)-96%2,908,225 623% Transfers/Other Sources 15 13,478,140 ##3,846,549 ##8,172,277 ##(9,631,590)-71%4,325,728 112% WA-Revenues 16 5,936,538 ##7,036,474 ##7,567,293 ##1,099,936 19%530,819 8% WA-Other Sources 17 40,959 0%331,266 1%45,000 0%290,307 709%(286,266)-86% Westlake Academy 18 5,977,497 ##7,367,740 ##7,612,293 ##1,390,243 23%244,553 3% TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 19 19,455,637 11,214,289 15,784,570 (8,241,347)-42%4,570,281 41% TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES 20 37,766,869$ 23,729,831$ 29,885,774$ (14,037,038)$ -37%6,155,943$ 26% EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES Payroll Salaries 21 2,067,557 7%2,339,745 7%2,862,360 9%272,188 13%522,615 22% Insurance 22 274,528 1%325,884 1%456,028 1%51,356 19%130,144 40% Taxes 23 171,800 1%209,783 1%226,713 1%37,983 22%16,931 8% Retirement 24 174,016 1%193,291 1%283,131 1%19,275 11%89,840 46% Total Payroll & Related 25 2,687,901 9%3,068,704 9%3,828,232 ##380,802 14%759,529 25% Supplies 26 198,760 1%246,926 1%225,796 1%48,165 24%(21,130)-9% Service 27 2,516,521 9%3,001,498 9%3,408,111 ##484,978 19%406,613 14% Insurance 28 32,924 0%35,310 0%36,404 0%2,386 7%1,094 3% Maintenance 29 203,212 1%299,827 1%314,675 1%96,615 48%14,848 5% Rent & Utilities 30 532,803 2%468,782 1%468,812 1%(64,021)-12%30 0% Interfund Advance 31 296,565 1%205,758 1%205,758 1%(90,807)-31%0 0% Debt 32 4,493,957 ##2,343,746 7%2,557,984 8%(2,150,211)-48%214,238 9% Water Purchases 33 965,192 3%1,134,600 3%1,280,600 4%169,408 18%146,000 13% Total Expenditures 34 9,239,934 ##7,736,447 ##8,498,140 ##(1,503,487)-16%761,693 10% TOTAL OPERATIONS 35 11,927,835 10,805,151 12,326,373 (1,122,685)-9%1,521,222 14% Capital Outlay 35 50,770 0%46,700 0%36,280 0%(4,070)-8%(10,420)-22% Capital Projects 36 8,046,108 ##12,039,809 ##8,209,305 ##3,993,701 50%(3,830,504)-32% Total Capital 37 8,096,878 ##12,086,509 ##8,245,585 ##3,989,631 49%(3,840,924)-32% Transfers Out 38 2,654,929 9%3,379,774 ##4,797,277 ##724,845 27%1,417,503 42% Other Uses 39 0 0%0 0%0 0%0 0%0 0% Transfers/Other Uses 40 2,654,929 9%3,379,774 ##4,797,277 ##724,845 27%1,417,503 42% WA - Expenditures 41 5,763,616 ##6,968,063 ##7,803,324 ##1,204,447 21%835,261 12% WA-Other Uses 42 40,959 0%331,266 1%45,000 0%290,307 709%(286,266)-86% Westlake Academy 43 5,804,575 ##7,299,329 ##7,848,324 ##1,494,754 26%548,995 8% TOTAL OTHER USES 44 16,556,382 22,765,612 20,891,186 6,209,230 38%(1,874,426)-8% TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES 45 28,484,217$ 33,570,763$ 33,217,559$ 5,086,546$ 18%(353,204)$ -1% Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 46 9,282,652$ (9,840,932)$ (3,331,785)$ (19,123,584)$ -206%6,509,147$ -66% BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 47 15,919,518$ 25,202,170$ 15,361,238$ 9,282,652$ 58%(9,840,932)$ -39% ENDING FUND BALANCE 48 25,202,170$ 15,361,238$ 12,029,453$ (9,840,932)$ -39%(3,331,785)$ -22% THREE YEAR ANALYSIS COMPARISON REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, FUND BALANCE ALL SOURCES FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 15 CURRENT YEAR ANALYSIS REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, FUND BALANCE ALL SOURCES FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 General Fund Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds Capital Project Funds Westlake Academy 27%8%8%12%2%18%25% FY 14/15 % of FY 13/14 of total revenue of total revenue of total revenue of total revenue of total revenue of total revenue of total revenue Proposed Total Estimated Chg $ Chg % 1 General Sales Tax 3,376,250 1,258,750 - - - - - 4,635,000 16% 4,500,000 135,000 3% 2 Property Tax 1,209,094 - 166,969 - - - - 1,376,063 5% 1,330,346 45,717 3% 3 Beverage Tax 50,500 - - - - - - 50,500 0% 50,000 500 1% 4 Franchise Fees 795,383 - - - - - - 795,383 3% 787,508 7,875 1% 5 Permits/Fees 1,458,500 - - - 2,000 - - 1,460,500 5% 1,008,500 452,000 45% 6 Fines/Forfeits 670,000 - - - - - - 670,000 2% 645,000 25,000 4% 7 Interest 8,670 3,445 - 6,100 1,875 7,400 - 27,490 0% 32,915 (5,425)-16% 8 Misc Income 60,094 18,650 - 192,004 - - - 270,748 1% 485,813 (215,065)-44% 9 Charge for Services - - - 3,278,520 - - - 3,278,520 11% 2,822,960 455,560 16% 10 Contributions - 440,000 - - - 320,000 - 760,000 3% 82,500 677,500 821% 11 Hotel Tax - 777,000 - - - - - 777,000 3% 770,000 7,000 1% 12 Total Revenues $7,628,491 $2,497,845 $166,969 $3,476,624 $3,875 $327,400 $0 $14,101,204 47%$12,515,542 $1,585,662 13% 13 Transfers In 306,965 35,758 2,139,554 - 725,000 1,590,000 - 4,797,277 16% 3,379,774 1,417,503 42% 14 Other Sources - - - - - 3,375,000 - 3,375,000 11% 466,775 2,908,225 623% 15 Total Other Sources $306,965 $35,758 $2,139,554 $0 $725,000 $4,965,000 $0 $8,172,277 27%$3,846,549 $4,325,728 112% 16 WA Revenues - - - - - - 7,567,293 7,567,293 25% 7,036,474 530,819 8% 17 WA Others Sources - - - - - - 45,000 45,000 0% 331,266 (286,266)-86% 18 Westlake Academy $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,612,293 $7,612,293 25%$7,367,740 $244,553 3% 19 20 TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 7,935,456 $ 2,533,603 $ 2,306,523 $ 3,476,624 $ 728,875 $ 5,292,400 $ 7,612,293 $ 29,885,774 100% $ 23,729,831 $ 6,155,943 26% 26%8%7%11%4%19%24% FY 14/15 % of FY 13/14 of total expenses of total expenses of total expenses of total expenses of total expenses of total expenses of total expenses Proposed Total Estimated Chg Amt Percent 21 Payroll Salaries 2,862,360 - - - - - - 2,862,360 9% 2,339,745 522,615 22% 22 Payroll Transfers (809,308) 457,110 - 352,198 - - - (0)0% (0) (0)0% 23 Insurance 456,028 - - - - - - 456,028 1% 325,884 130,144 40% 24 Taxes 226,713 - - - - - - 226,713 1% 209,783 16,931 8% 25 Retirement 283,131 - - - - - - 283,131 1% 193,291 89,840 46% 26 Total Payroll & Related $3,018,925 $457,110 $0 $352,198 $0 $0 $0 $3,828,232 12%$3,068,704 $759,529 25% 27 Supplies 213,041 4,155 - 8,600 - - - 225,796 1% 246,926 (21,130)-9% 28 Services 2,627,399 209,224 2,000 569,489 - - - 3,408,111 10% 3,001,498 406,613 14% 29 Insurance 31,614 - - 4,790 - - - 36,404 0% 35,310 1,094 3% 30 Maintenance 159,060 - - 155,615 - - - 314,675 1% 299,827 14,848 5% 31 Rent & Utilities 299,842 36,435 - 132,535 - - - 468,812 1% 468,782 30 0% 32 Interfund Advance - 205,758 - - - - - 205,758 1% 205,758 - 0% 33 Debt 18,339 - 2,292,658 246,987 - - - 2,557,984 8% 2,343,746 214,238 9% 34 Water Purchases - - - 1,280,600 - - - 1,280,600 4% 1,134,600 146,000 13% 35 Total Expenditures $3,349,294 $455,572 $2,294,658 $2,398,616 $0 $0 $0 $8,498,140 26%$7,736,447 $761,693 10% 36 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES $6,368,219 $912,682 $2,294,658 $2,750,814 $0 $0 $0 $12,326,373 16%$10,805,151 $1,521,222 14% 37 Capital Outlay 16,280 - - 20,000 - - - 36,280 0% 46,700 (10,420)-22% 38 Capital Projects - - - 288,500 1,467,000 6,453,805 - 8,209,305 25% 12,039,809 (3,830,504)-32% 39 Total Capital $16,280 $0 $0 $308,500 $1,467,000 $6,453,805 $0 $8,245,585 25%$12,086,509 -$3,840,924 -32% 40 Transfers Out 2,276,612 1,776,920 - 743,745 - - - 4,797,277 14% 3,379,774 1,417,503 42% 41 Other Uses - - - - - - - - 0% - - 0% 42 Total Other Uses $2,276,612 $1,776,920 $0 $743,745 $0 $0 $0 $4,797,277 14%$3,379,774 $1,417,503 42% 43 WA Expenses - - - - - - 7,803,324 7,803,324 23% 6,968,063 835,261 12% 44 WA Others Uses - - - - - - 45,000 45,000 0% 331,266 (286,266)-86% 45 Westlake Academy $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,848,324 $7,848,324 24%$7,299,329 $548,995 8% 46 TOTAL OTHER USES $2,292,892 $1,776,920 $0 $1,052,245 $1,467,000 $6,453,805 $7,848,324 $20,891,186 25%$22,765,612 -$1,874,426 -8% 47 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES $ 8,661,111 $ 2,689,602 $ 2,294,658 $ 3,803,059 $ 1,467,000 $ 6,453,805 $ 7,848,324 $ 33,217,559 100% $ 33,570,763 $ (353,204)-1% 48 EXCESS REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES $ (725,655) $ (155,999) $ 11,865 $ (326,435) $ (738,125) $ (1,161,405) $ (236,031) $ (3,331,785) $ (9,840,932) $ 6,509,147 -66% 49 $5,896,631 $1,069,684 -$11,865 $4,501,767 $1,183,176 $1,661,420 $1,060,425 $15,361,238 $25,202,170 -$9,840,932 -39% 50 $5,170,976 $913,685 $0 $4,175,332 $445,051 $500,015 $824,394 $12,029,453 $15,361,238 -$3,331,785 -22% 12/13 vs 13/14 12/13 vs 13/14 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE…………… ENDING FUND BALANCE…………… EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES 16 Revision Revision Fund Acct 2 3 Net Percent Fund #Name Type BASE BUDGET WITH SLA'S Change Change 1 100 R 7,069,327 7,935,456 866,128 12% 2 100 E 6,308,809 8,661,111 2,352,302 37% 3 760,519 (725,655) (1,486,174) 195% 4 220 R 721,550 728,550 7,000 1% 5 220 E 775,365 884,594 109,229 14% 6 (53,815) (156,044) (102,229) 190% 7 255 R 6,060 6,060 - 0% 8 255 E 11,440 13,940 2,500 22% 9 (5,380) (7,880) (2,500) -46% 10 418 R 45 45 - 0% 11 418 E - - - 0% 12 45 45 - 0% 13 500 R 2,905,604 3,470,564 564,960 19% 14 500 E 2,784,261 3,500,619 716,358 26% 15 500 CP - 288,500 288,500 100% 16 121,343 (318,555) (439,898) -363% 17 822,711 (1,208,089) (2,030,800)247% 18 19 510 R 263,655 450,125 186,470 71% 20 510 E 17,500 203,000 185,500 1060% 21 246,155 247,125 970 0% 22 600 R 278,750 278,750 - 0% 23 600 E 363,016 1,264,000 900,984 248% 24 (84,266) (985,250) (900,984) 1069% 25 161,889 (738,125) (900,014)-556% 26 27 410 R 7,400 4,852,400 4,845,000 65473% 28 410 E - 5,551,000 5,551,000 100% 29 7,400 (698,600) (706,000) 9541% 30 412 R - 440,000 440,000 0% 31 412 E - 902,805 902,805 100% 32 - (462,805) (462,805) 100% 33 7,400 (1,161,405) (1,168,805)15795% 34 35 200 R 1,125,500 1,159,250 33,750 3% 36 200 E 1,125,500 1,159,250 33,750 3% 37 - - - 0% 38 210 R 205,758 645,758 440,000 214% 39 210 E 205,758 645,758 440,000 214% 40 - - - 0% 41 300 R 2,021,092 2,306,523 285,431 14% 42 300 E 2,035,208 2,294,658 259,450 13% 43 (14,116) 11,865 25,981 0% 44 (14,116) 11,865 25,981 0% 45 46 47 14,604,741 22,273,481 7,668,740 53% 48 13,626,858 25,369,235 11,742,377 86% 49 977,884 (3,095,754) (4,073,638)417% 50 51 Total Revenues/Xfrs In Revision 2 Base vs Revision 3 Proposed Cemetery DS Fund CP Fund WA Expan LS Fund UMR Fund Negative Numbers = Expenses have been increased and/or revenues have been decreased Positive Numbers = Revenues have been increased and/or expenses have been decreased TOTAL ALL OTHER FUNDS ED Fund Visitor Fund GMR Fund TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL OPERATIONS Utility Fund TOTAL INTERNAL FUNDS General Fund All Funds Summary by Fund Total Expenditures/Xfrs Out NET 4B Fund Service Level Adjustments 17 Revision Revision 2 3 Net Percent Percent External Description BASE BUDGET WITH SLA'S Change Change of Total 1 Beverage Tax 50,000 50,500 500 1%0% 2 Charge for Service 2,713,560 3,278,520 564,960 21%11% 3 Contributions - 760,000 760,000 100%14% 4 Donation - - - 0%0% 5 Fines & Forfeitures 645,000 670,000 25,000 4%0% 6 Franchise Fees 787,508 795,383 7,875 1%0% 7 General Sales Tax 4,500,000 4,635,000 135,000 3%3% 8 Hotel Tax 770,000 777,000 7,000 1%0% 9 Interest 27,490 27,490 - 0%0% 10 Misc Income 268,810 270,748 1,938 1%0% 11 Other Sources - 3,375,000 3,375,000 100%63% 12 Permits and Fees 1,010,500 1,460,500 450,000 45%8% 13 Property Tax 1,330,346 1,376,063 45,717 3%1% 14 TOTAL REVENUES 12,103,214 17,476,204 5,372,990 44%100% 15 16 PR Wages 2,418,188 2,862,360 444,172 18% 17 PR Transfer Out 686,236 809,308 123,072 18% 18 PR Transfer In (686,236)(809,308)(123,072)18% 19 PR Taxes 215,864 226,713 10,849 5% 20 PR Retirement 270,146 283,131 12,984 5% 21 PR Insurance 380,822 456,028 75,206 20% 22 Total Payroll 3,285,021 3,828,232 543,211 17%6% 23 Debt 2,298,870 2,557,984 259,114 11% 24 Project 380,516 8,209,305 7,828,789 2057% 25 Total Capital & Debt 2,679,386 10,767,289 8,087,903 302%86% 26 Insurance 35,310 36,404 1,094 3% 27 Capital Outlay 25,980 36,280 10,300 40% 28 Eco Dev 205,758 205,758 0 0% 29 R&M 277,827 314,675 36,848 13% 30 Rent & Utilities 468,712 468,812 100 0% 31 Service 2,831,590 3,408,111 576,521 20% 32 Supplies 205,146 225,796 20,650 10% 33 Water Purchases 1,110,600 1,280,600 170,000 15% 34 Total Operations 5,160,923 5,976,436 815,513 16%9% 35 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 11,125,330 20,571,958 9,446,628 85%100% 36 37 NET BEFORE TRANSFERS 977,884 (3,095,754)(4,073,638)-417% 38 39 Transfer In 2,501,527 4,797,277 2,295,750 92% 40 Transfer Out 2,501,527 4,797,277 2,295,750 92% 41 NET TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0% 42 43 Total Revenues/Xfrs In 14,604,741 22,273,481 7,668,740 53% 44 Total Expenditures/Xfrs Out 13,626,858 25,369,235 11,742,377 86% 45 NET AFTER TRANSFERS 977,884 (3,095,754) (4,073,638)-417% All Funds Summary by Type Service Level Adjustments Revision 2 Base vs Revision 3 Proposed 18 . FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Actual Actual Actual Estimated Proposed Total Appraised Value 1,025,535,296$ 1,090,892,532$ 1,213,602,021$ 1,277,898,971$ 1,258,429,958$ percent change 6.37%11.25%1.63%0.00% Net Taxable Value 880,169,946$ 913,119,313$ 864,452,946$ 865,771,389$ 880,173,223$ percent change 3.74%-5.33%0.15%1.66% Tax Rate Distribution General Fund (M&O)0.15620 0.13835 0.14197 0.13907 0.13710 Debt Service Fund (I&S)0.00390 0.01849 0.01487 0.01777 0.01924 TOTAL 0.16010 0.15684 0.15684 0.15684 0.15634 percent change -2.04%0.00%0.00%-0.32% Percentage Distribution General Fund (M&O)97.56%88.21%90.52%88.67%87.69% Debt Service Fund (I&S)2.44%11.79%9.48%11.33%12.31% TOTAL 100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00% APPRAISED AND TAXABLE VALUES TAX RATE DISTRIBUTION Fiscal Year 2014/2015 FIVE YEAR ANALYSIS AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAX $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 Total Appraised Value Net Taxable Value $1,026 $880 $1,091 $913 $1,214 $864 $1,233 $866 $1,233 $880 Mi l l i o n s FY 10/11 Actual FY 11/12 Actual FY 12/13 Actual FY 13/14 Estimated FY 14/15 Proposed 19 Dept Position FY 10/11 Actual FY 11/12 Actual FY 12/13 Actual FY 13/14 Estimated FY 14/15 Proposed change 11 Town Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Assistant Town Manager - - - 0.75 0.90 0.15 Assistant to the Town Manager 1.00 0.75 0.75 - - - Part-Time Interns 0.75 0.75 1.00 0.50 0.50 - Administrative Assistant - - - 0.25 - (0.25) 12 Planning & Development Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Administrative Assistant 0.33 0.33 0.33 - - - Customer Service Coordinator - - - 0.25 0.33 0.08 Customer Service Representative - - - 0.33 0.33 - 13 Town Secretary 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 14 Fire Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Lt. Firefighter/Paramedics 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 - Fire Marshal part-time - - - 0.75 0.75 - Firefighter/Paramedics FTE 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 1.00 Firefighter/Paramedics part-time 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 15 Court Administrator 1.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10 (0.15) Supervisor - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Deputy Clerk (1)1.00 - - - - - Deputy Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Judge 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Marshal 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Part-Time Clerk 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.50 16 Public Works Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Utility Technician 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Part-Time Utility Billing Clerk - - 0.75 - - - Customer Service Coordinator - - - 0.25 0.33 0.08 Customer Service Representative - - - 0.33 0.33 - 17 Facilities Maintenance Director 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 - Building Technician 0.25 - - - - - Part-Time Technicians - 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 - Administrative Assistant 0.33 0.33 0.33 - - - Customer Service Coordinator - - - 0.13 0.17 0.04 Customer Service Representative - - - 0.17 0.17 - 18 Finance Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Finance Supervisor - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Finance Assistant 1.00 1.00 - - - - Accounting Technicians 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 Customer Service Coordinator - - - 0.25 - (0.25) 19 Parks & Recreation Director 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 - Park Technician 0.25 - - - - - Customer Service Coordinator - - - 0.13 0.17 0.04 Customer Service Representative - - - 0.17 0.17 - 20 Information Technology Director - 0.50 0.25 - 1.00 1.00 21 Human Resources Director 1.00 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.00 - Part-Time Clerk - 0.50 0.50 - - - Administrative Assistant 0.34 0.34 0.34 - - - HR Generalist - - - 1.00 1.00 - 22 Communications Director - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Part-Time Intern (1)- - - 0.25 1.00 0.75 99 Westlake Academy 60.44 69.53 73.07 76.18 91.18 15.00 Grand Total All Positions 89.19 99.03 103.57 109.18 128.18 19.00 Municipal Academy Total RECLASS - Dept 12-15-17-18-19 - FY 10/11 28.75 60.44 89.19 TRANSFER FROM WA Dept 18-20 2.00 FY 11/12 29.50 69.53 99.03 NEW EMPLOYEES - Dept 14-15 16.50 FY 12/13 30.50 73.07 103.57 STATUS CHANGE - Dept 22 0.50 FY 13/14 33.00 76.18 109.18 Total Changes 19.00 FY 14/15 37.00 91.18 128.18 Personnel Position Summary All Years 20 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 change Percent Dept #Department Name Estimated Proposed Amount of total 11 Town Manager 2.50 2.40 (0.10) 2% 12 Planning & Development 1.58 1.67 0.08 1% 13 Town Secretary 1.00 1.00 - 1% 14 Emergency Services 12.25 13.25 1.00 10% 15 Municipal Court 4.75 5.10 0.35 4% 16 Public Works 2.58 2.67 0.08 2% 17 Facilities Maintenance 1.04 1.08 0.04 1% 18 Finance Dept 3.25 4.00 0.75 3% 19 Park & Recreation 0.79 0.83 0.04 1% 20 Information Technology - 1.00 1.00 1% 21 Human Resources 2.00 2.00 - 2% 22 Communications 1.25 2.00 0.75 2% 99 Westlake Academy 76.18 91.18 15.00 71% Total Employees 109.18 128.18 19.00 100% Personnel Position Summary FY 2014/2015 Town Manager Planning & Development Town Secretary Emergency Services Municipal Court Public Works Facilities Maintenance Finance Dept Park & Recreation Information Technology Human Resources Communications Westlake Academy 21 General Fund Program Summary Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Adopted Estimated Proposed Proposed FY 14/15 Actual Budget Budget Budget FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 13/14 1 REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 1 2 General Sales Tax On-going 2,683,971 2,800,000 2,925,000 3,026,250 3%101,250 2 3 General Sales Tax One-time 377,976 350,000 350,000 350,000 0%- 3 4 Property Tax 1,236,978 1,189,825 1,189,825 1,209,094 2%19,269 4 5 Hotel Tax - - - - 0%- 5 6 Charge for Services - - - - 0%- 6 7 Donations - - - - 0%- 7 8 Beverage Tax 39,727 50,000 50,000 50,500 1%500 8 9 Franchise Fees 734,935 650,388 787,508 795,383 1%7,875 9 10 Permits & Fees 967,735 786,000 1,008,500 1,458,500 45%450,000 10 11 Fines & Forfeitures 695,167 570,000 645,000 670,000 4%25,000 11 12 Investment Earnings 7,491 8,670 8,670 8,670 0%- 12 13 Contributions 11,094 - - - 0%- 13 14 Misc Income 78,014 51,759 55,959 60,094 7%4,135 14 15 Total Revenues 6,833,087 6,456,641 7,020,461 7,628,491 9%608,030 15 16 Transfers In 59,826 50,520 50,520 306,965 508%256,445 16 17 Other Sources - - - - 0%- 17 18 Total Other Sources 59,826 50,520 50,520 306,965 1711%864,475 18 19 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 6,892,914 6,507,161 7,070,981 7,935,456 12%864,475 19 20 EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 20 21 Payroll Salaries 1,536,422 1,732,085 1,732,085 2,053,052 19%320,968 21 22 Payroll Insurance 274,528 325,884 325,884 456,028 40%130,144 22 23 Payroll Taxes 171,800 209,783 209,783 226,713 8%16,931 23 24 Payroll Retirement 174,016 193,291 193,291 283,131 46%89,840 24 25 Total Payroll and Related 2,156,767 2,461,043 2,461,043 3,018,925 23%557,882 25 26 Supplies 168,558 231,571 235,921 213,041 -10%(22,880) 26 27 Services 1,486,875 2,013,162 2,194,112 2,627,399 20%433,287 27 28 Insurance 28,144 30,520 30,520 31,614 4%1,094 28 29 Repair & Maintenance 105,268 123,262 126,962 159,060 25%32,098 29 30 Rent & Utilities 397,680 299,812 299,812 299,842 0%30 30 31 Interfund Advance - - - - 0%- 31 32 Debt - - 18,339 18,339 100%- 32 33 Total Operating Expenditures 2,186,524 2,698,326 2,905,665 3,349,294 15%443,629 33 34 Capital Outlay 30,039 31,700 31,700 16,280 -49%(15,420) 34 35 Capital Projects - - - - 0%- 35 36 Total Capital 30,039 31,700 31,700 16,280 -49%(15,420) 36 37 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,373,329 5,191,069 5,398,408 6,384,499 18.5%986,091 37 38 Transfers Out - Operating (DS/ED/GMR)590,392 1,216,531 958,524 1,126,612 18%168,088 38 39 Transfers Out - Non Operating (CP)500,000 500,000 630,000 1,150,000 83%520,000 39 40 Total Other Uses 1,090,392 1,716,531 1,588,524 2,276,612 43%688,088 40 41 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 5,463,721 6,907,600 6,986,933 8,661,111 24%1,674,179 41 42 EXCESS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 1,429,193 (400,439) 84,048 (725,655) 963%(809,704) 42 43 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 4,383,390 5,812,583 5,812,583 5,896,631 1%84,048 43 44 FUND BALANCE, ENDING 5,812,583 5,412,143 5,896,631 5,170,976 -12%(725,655) 44 45 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 269,363 197,800 265,126 274,360 3%9,234 45 46 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE, ENDING 5,543,220 5,214,343 5,631,505 4,896,616 -13%(734,890) 46 47 # Days Operating (without non-operating transfers)408 297 323 238 -26%(85) 47 48 Daily Operating Expense 13,599$ 17,555$ 17,416$ 20,578$ 48 49 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 49 50 C Court Technology 100 10112 00 000 78,244 66,000 78,357 82,275 5%3,918 50 51 C Court Security 100 10113 00 000 109,191 89,000 99,333 104,299 5%4,967 51 52 C Court Efficiency 100 10116 00 000 6,987 2,800 6,994 7,344 5%350 52 53 R Reforestation 100 10110 00 101 45,794 16,000 51,294 51,294 0%- 53 54 R Street Escrow (TB/RA)100 10110 00 102 29,147 24,000 29,147 29,147 0%- 54 55 TOTAL RESTRICTED/ASSIGNED/COMMITTED FUNDS 269,363 197,800 265,126 274,360 3%9,234 55 vs 22 Revision Revision Acct 2 3 Net percent Fund #Dept Type BASE BUDGET WITH SLA'S Change change 1 100 10 R 5,328,293 5,457,187 128,894 2.4% 2 100 10 E 587,202 1,029,494 442,292 75.3% 3 4,741,091 4,427,693 (313,398) -6.6% 4 100 11 R - - - 0.0% 5 100 11 E 319,614 323,527 3,912 1.2% 6 (319,614) (323,527) (3,912) 1.2% 7 100 12 R 859,990 1,309,990 450,000 52.3% 8 100 12 E 668,435 680,403 11,968 1.8% 9 191,555 629,587 438,032 228.7% 10 100 13 R 38,656 40,594 1,938 5.0% 11 100 13 E 139,390 151,553 12,162 8.7% 12 (100,734) (110,959) (10,224) 10.1% 13 100 14 R 136,000 136,000 - 0.0% 14 100 14 E 1,462,114 1,588,558 126,444 8.6% 15 (1,326,114) (1,452,558) (126,444) 9.5% 16 100 15 R 655,270 680,270 25,000 3.8% 17 100 15 E 421,583 465,772 44,190 10.5% 18 233,687 214,497 (19,190) -8.2% 19 100 16 R - - - 0.0% 20 100 16 E 231,338 239,590 8,251 3.6% 21 (231,338) (239,590) (8,251) 3.6% 22 100 17 R 4,450 4,450 - 0.0% 23 100 17 E 97,213 115,448 18,235 18.8% 24 (92,763) (110,998) (18,235) 19.7% 25 100 18 R - - - 0.0% 26 100 18 E 200,340 288,272 87,931 43.9% 27 (200,340) (288,272) (87,931) 43.9% 28 100 19 R - - - 0.0% 29 100 19 E 139,391 184,602 45,211 32.4% 30 (139,391) (184,602) (45,211) 32.4% 31 100 20 R - - - 0.0% 32 100 20 E 95,500 216,360 120,860 126.6% 33 (95,500) (216,360) (120,860) 126.6% 34 100 21 R - - - 0.0% 35 100 21 E 197,644 218,740 21,095 10.7% 36 (197,644) (218,740) (21,095) 10.7% 37 100 22 R - - - 0.0% 38 100 22 E 9,169 14,020 4,851 52.9% 39 (9,169) (14,020) (4,851) 52.9% 40 100 23 R - - - 0.0% 41 100 23 E 825,745 868,161 42,416 5.1% 42 (825,745) (868,161) (42,416) 5.1% 43 1,627,978 1,243,992 (383,986) -23.6% 44 100 88 R 46,669 306,965 260,296 557.7% 45 100 99 E 914,128 2,276,612 1,362,484 149.0% 46 (867,459) (1,969,647) (1,102,188) -127.1% 47 48 49 7,069,327 7,935,456 866,128 12.3% 50 6,308,809 8,661,111 2,352,302 37.3% 51 760,519$ (725,655)$ (1,486,174)$ -195% 52 53 NET Negative Numbers = Expenses have been increased and/or revenues have been decreased Positive Numbers = Revenues have been increased and/or expenses have been decreased Parks/Rec Info Tech HR Community Police TOTAL OPERATIONS Transfers TOTAL TRANSFERS IN/OUT Total Revenues / Transfers In Total Expenditures/Transfers Out Finance General Services Admin Services Planning Secretary Fire/EMS Court Public Works Facilities Service Level Adjustments Fund Summary by Dept Revision 2 Base vs Revision 3 Proposed 23 Revision Revision 2 3 Net percent Percent External Description BASE BUDGET WITH SLA'S Change change of Total 1 Beverage Tax 50,000 50,500 500 1%0% 2 Contributions - - - 0%0% 3 Donation - - - 0%0% 4 Fines & Forfeitures 645,000 670,000 25,000 4%4% 5 Franchise Fees 787,508 795,383 7,875 1%1% 6 General Sales Tax 3,275,000 3,376,250 101,250 3%17% 7 Interest 8,670 8,670 - 0%0% 8 Misc Income 58,156 60,094 1,938 3%0% 9 Other Sources - - - 0%0% 10 Permits and Fees 1,008,500 1,458,500 450,000 45%74% 11 Property Tax 1,189,825 1,209,094 19,269 2%3% 12 TOTAL REVENUES 7,022,658 7,628,491 605,832 9%100% 13 14 PR Wages 2,418,188 2,862,360 444,172 18% 15 PR Transfer In (686,236) (809,308) (123,072) 18% 16 PR Taxes 215,864 226,713 10,849 5% 17 PR Retirement 270,146 283,131 12,984 5% 18 PR Insurance 380,822 456,028 75,206 20% 19 Total Payroll 2,598,785 3,018,925 420,139 16%42% 20 Capital Outlay 10,980 16,280 5,300 48% 21 Debt 18,339 18,339 - 0% 22 Insurance 30,520 31,614 1,094 4% 23 R&M 126,962 159,060 32,098 25% 24 Rent & Utilities 299,742 299,842 100 0% 25 Service 2,116,462 2,627,399 510,937 24% 26 Supplies 192,891 213,041 20,150 10% 27 Total Operational 2,795,895 3,365,574 569,679 20%58% 28 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,394,680 6,384,499 989,819 18%100% 29 30 NET BEFORE TRANSFERS 1,627,978 4,262,917 36,153 2% 31 32 Transfer In 46,669 306,965 260,296 558% 33 Transfer Out 914,128 2,276,612 1,362,484 149% 34 NET TRANSFERS (867,459) (1,969,647) (1,102,188) 127% 35 36 Total Revenues/Xfrs In 7,069,327 7,935,456 866,128 12% 37 Total Expenditures/Xfrs Out 6,308,809 8,661,111 2,352,302 37% 38 NET AFTER TRANSFERS $ 760,519 $ (725,655) $ (1,486,174)-195% - Service Level Adjustments Fund Summary by Type Revision 2 Base vs Revision 3 Proposed 24 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 E P IR GF 100% 2 E P IR GF 100% 3 E P IR GF 100% 4 E O FB GF 100% 5 N O FB GF 100% 6 E O FB GF 100% 7 M P FB GF 100% 8 M P FB GF 100% 9 N O FB GF 100%100-47900-10-000 Westlake Academy Expense 10 E O FB GF 100% 11 E O FB GF 100% 11 12 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Increaased Sales Tax Revenue 6.3% Increaased Property Tax Revenue 7.0% Increaased Franchise Fee Revenue 1.0% $25K renewal cost for TOW & WA Laserfiche plus $15K Scanning Services for Town Secretary plus $35K for Scanning Services for all other town depts Pay Plan Market Study LF workflows for HR & WA $9K plus $1200 LF license plus $2000 Balance Scorecard Software 5% increase for Liability, Auto, Property Insurance STW annual support - moved to dept 18 Westlake Academy Reserve 5 slots x $4500 each - for LEAD training in Virginia DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $1,029,493.91 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: $38,998.00 31430 thru 31828 $8,375.08 100-43241-10-000 $19,500.00 Approved Date: EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:10100 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:General Fund Fiscal Year: REVISION 2 REVISION $5,328,292.70 $587,201.73 $4,741,090.97 $5,457,187.08 100-31310-10-000 ACCOUNT NUMBER STATUS (for finance department use only) 100-49999-10-000 NEW BUDGET AMT 5% increase for Liability, Auto, Property Insurance Increased Sales Tax Revenue $313,397.80TOTAL 100-43244-10-000 Feasibility Studies $50,000.00 Pay Plan Market Study 100-43405-10-000 Computer Eqpmt/Software $12,200.00 STW annual support - moved to dept 18 Impact to Opeartional Expense as a result of Capital Projects Application Software Maint. Capital Project Operations Impact 45209 hru 45215 Insurance LF workflows for HR/WA/AP $9K plus $1200 LF license $300,000.00 Date: $4,427,693.17 MINUS 08/05/14Finance Dept CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE 100-31315-10-000 Property Tax Revenue $19,269.30 Increased Property Tax Revenue Department Name: $128,894.38 $442,292.18 $313,397.80 Contact Name:Today's Date: $1,094.18 ADD EQUALS General Services BASE BUDGET AMT TOTAL REVENUE CHANGES Increased Franchise Fee Revenue Laserfische Westlake Academy Reserve 5 slots x $4500 each - for LEAD training in Virginia $442,292.18 TOTAL REVENUE CHANGES 100-45829-10-000 LEAD HPO Training $22,500.00 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Sales Tax Revenue Franchise Fee Revenues Records Management $101,250.00 CHANGE AMT $128,894.38 100-44310-10-000 -$2,000.00 SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 25 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 M P FB VA 100% 2 E P FB VA 100% 3 M P FB GF 100%100-42698-11-000 Operating Xfr in for PR Costs 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Payroll and Related $7,953.89 Increase cost of current staff Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benefits/taxes $3,912.45TOTAL Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $323,526.72 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: -$9,524.20 ADD Increase 3% - Performance Pay - Cell phone - Increased Insurance & TMRS costs Increased Payroll Transfers in from VA/UF Date: -$323,526.72 EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:11100 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:General Fund Fiscal Year: DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: 41110 thru 42610 08/05/14Jaymi Ford CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION Approved Date: REVISION 2 REVISION $319,614.27 -$319,614.27 ACCOUNT NUMBER STATUS (for finance department use only) ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CHANGE AMT MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE Department Name: $0.00 $3,912.45 $3,912.45 Contact Name:Today's Date: 41110 thru 42610 Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benenfits/taxesPayroll and Related $5,482.76 Increased Payroll Transfers in from Visitor and Utility Fund MINUS EQUALS Administrative BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 26 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 E O IR GF 100% 2 E O IR GF 100% 3 M P FB GF 100% 4 E P FB GF 100% 5 N O FB GF 100% 6 N O FB GF 100% 8 M P FB GF 100% 9 M P FB GF 100% 10 11 12 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 41110 thru 42610 Payroll and Related $9,787.93 Increase cost of current staff 41110 thru 42610 Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benenfits/taxesPayroll and Related $6,179.66 TOTAL REVENUE CHANGES 100-43336-12-000 Department Name: $450,000.00 $11,967.59 -$438,032.41 Contact Name:Today's Date: MINUS EQUALS Planning and Development BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT 08/05/14Eddie Edwards CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION -$450,000.00 Avg value home is $1.2M - estimate 50 homes at $20K per permit Inspection and Plan reviews are approxmately 20% of permit ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Building Permits Inspection/Plan Reviews CHANGE AMT MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE Approved Date: REVISION 2 REVISION $859,990.00 $668,435.25 $191,554.75 $1,309,990.00 ACCOUNT NUMBER STATUS (for finance department use only) $11,967.59 Date: $629,587.16 EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:12100 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:General Fund Fiscal Year: DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $680,402.84 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: 100-32210-12-000 -$400,000.00 100-32211-12-000 -$50,000.00 ADD Inspection and Plan reviews are approxmately 20% of permit Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benenfits/taxes Contract Services -$248,950.00 Reduce comp plan expenditures move to contingency 100-43520-12-000 Contingency $248,950.00 reclassed from comp plan contract services Avg value home is $1.2M - estimate 50 homes at $20K per permit -$438,032.41TOTAL 100-46215-12-000 Vehicle Fuel -$3,500.00 Decreased Vehicle R&M Decreased Vehicle Fuel TOTAL EXPENSE CHANGES 100-46216-12-000 Increase 3% - Performance Pay - Cell phone - Increased Insurance & TMRS costs Reduce comp plan expenditures move to contingency reclassed from comp plan contract services -$500.00Vehicle R&M SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 27 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 M P IR GF 100% 2 M P FB GF 100% 3 E P FB GF 100% 4 E P FB GF 100% 5 E P FB GF 100%100-46105-13-000 Office Supplies 6 E P FB GF 100%100-46185-13-000 Codification 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 $151,552.62 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: 100-45405-13-000 $2,800.00 ADD Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benefits/taxes Increase 3% - Performance Pay - Cell phone - Increased Insurance & TMRS costs Approved Date: Increased reimbursement for Texas Student Housing DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: 41110 thru 42610 Payroll and Related $4,619.82 Increase cost of current staff Publications have increase with development and as we make revisions (updating) our code of ordinances Need for supplies have increased; cotton paper and folders needed for ordinance, resolutions, minutes, and furniture to improve office ergonomics Increased to cover the increase cost of revising and updating the current code. Currently need to send updates for chpts (38, 2-102, 36) proposed - (chapts 2, 26, 34) $12,162.37 $10,224.29TOTAL $500.00 $3,325.00 EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:13100 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:General Fund Fiscal Year: REVISION 2 REVISION $38,655.93 $139,390.25 -$100,734.32 $40,594.01 ACCOUNT NUMBER STATUS (for finance department use only) MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE Advertising Public Notices CHANGE AMT 41110 thru 42610 Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benenfits/taxesPayroll and Related $917.55 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Kelly Edwards CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION Misc Revenues Increase the cost of supplies; office ergonomics Increase the cost of current codification Increase the cost of advertising and publications -$1,938.08 Date: -$110,958.61 Department Name: $1,938.08 $12,162.37 $10,224.29 Contact Name:Today's Date: MINUS EQUALS Town Secretary BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT 08/05/14 TOTAL REVENUE CHANGES TOTAL EXPENDITURES CHANGES 100-39400-13-000 -$1,938.08 Increased reimbursement for Texas Student Housing SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 28 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 M P FB GF 100% 2 E P FB GF 100% 3 N P FB GF 100% 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $1,588,557.90 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benenfits/taxes Increase 3% - Performance Pay - Cell phone - Increased Insurance & TMRS costs One full time fire fighter paramedic Approved Date: EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:14100 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:General Fund Fiscal Year: REVISION 2 REVISION $136,000.00 $1,462,114.05 -$1,326,114.05 $136,000.00 ACCOUNT NUMBER STATUS (for finance department use only) Date: -$1,452,557.90 ADD 08/05/14Richard Whitten CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE Department Name: $0.00 $126,443.85 $126,443.85 Contact Name:Today's Date: MINUS EQUALS Fire Department BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CHANGE AMT $126,443.85TOTAL 100-42699-14 $77,987.00 41110 thru 42610 Payroll and Related $34,367.46 Increase cost of current staff 41110 thru 42610 One full time fire fighter paramedicProspective Employee PR&R Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benenfits/taxesPayroll and Related $14,089.39 SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 29 Position Title:X New Position Replacement Reclassification Other Hourly Rate x Hourly Salaried Expenditure Reduction percent: Premium Rate X Full Time Part Time Increased Revenues percent: Overtime Rate x Permanent Temporary X Fund Balance percent: Regular Hours Regular Hours Premium Hours Premium Hours Overtime Hours Overtime Hours PAYROLL SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT Fiscal Year:2014 2015 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:Fund #:100 Dept #: / General BUDGET IMPACT 14 Department Name:Contact Name:Richard Whitten EMPLOYEE POSITION INFORMATION FUNDING SOURCE FUNDS IMPACTED JUSTIFICATION The Town’s current staffing plan outlines three new firefighter positions over the next three years. This request is the first of three firefighters that are needed in the Fire Department. Adding three firefighters will ensure that a minimum of two firefighters are always on the engine. Current staffing levels only ensures that one firefighter (the Lieutenant) is always on the engine. When the ambulance transports a patient to the hospital, currently the Lieutenant is left on the engine. Meaning that we have one firefighter left in the Town. During the day, there are only two firefighters on the engine. Our current staffing can only ensure one firefighter on the engine 24 hours a day. $16.02 $8.01 $24.03 RATE OF PAY EMPLOYMENT STATUS 24.3333 Pay Period26 6 0 Base Annual Salary $47,948 $0 0 Date: Comments: Approved Date:Not Approved Date:Pending Account Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $738 $783 $3,154 $50,868 42220 1.45%$695 $716 $760 $53,966 42210 6.20%$2,973 $3,062 $3,248 $3,346 41110 $47,948 $49,386 $52,394 42110 per year $18,544 $19,100 $19,673 $20,263 per year $103 $106 $109 $113 $116 $1,240 $1,277 42130 per year $530 $546 $562 $579 $596 42111 per year $1,135 $1,169 $1,204 42510 1.03 $77,987 $80,327 $82,736 $85,219 $87,775 42610 per year $1,169 $1,204 $1,240 $20,871 42310 10.20%$4,891 $5,037 Base Annual Salary $0 FIRE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES ONLY BASE $ $0 $0 $0 ALL OTHER DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES Annual 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pay Period Annual 2,920 146 BASE $ $46,778 $1,169 120 $90,408 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 $3,446 $806 $5,670 $21,497 $1,316 $614 $1,277 $1,316 $5,344 $5,504 $119 $1,355 Year 6 $55,585 $5,189 46190 per year $0 $0 $0 per year $1,000 $1,030 $1,061 46105 45830 46115 46115 43405 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,093 $1,126 $1,159 per year $150 $155 $159 $164 $169 $174 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,898 $80,487 $82,902 $85,389 $87,950 $90,589 $93,306 1.02 $2,500 $2,575 $2,652 $2,732 $2,814 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 Payroll SLA Form - revised 05.21.13 Base Annual Salary Social Security Medicare TMRS Medical Insurance Dental Insurance Life Insurance Unemployment Workers Compensation Total Payroll and Related Expenditures TOTAL OPERATING IMPACT TO THE BUDGET Total Expenditure Reductions/Revenue Enhancements Total Payroll & Related Computer Equip/Software Office Supplies $0 $80,487 $82,902 $85,389 $87,950 $90,589 $93,306 $0 Fire Department 08/05/14Today's Date: Training Dues Subscriptions Uniforms Misc Total Expenditures Firefighter/Paramedic $406 per year $1,000 $1,030 $1,061 $1,093 $1,126 $1,159 per year $350 $361 $371 $382 $394 General Fund 100.0% STATUS (for accounting use only) Description $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 E P IR GF 100% 2 M P FB GF 100% 3 E P FB GF 100%Payroll and Related 4 N P IR GF 100%Prospective Employee PR&R Exp Cost to add part time court clerk 5 E P FB GF 100%Judge Services/Fees Increase 3% for judge services 6 M P FB GF 100%Training, Seminars, & Meetings Additional costs for court clerk certification program 7 M P FB GF 100%Mileage Additional costs for mileage to attend certification programs 8 N O FB GF 100%Furniture & Fixtures Desk for new employee 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 $1,000.00 41110 thru 42610 100-42699-15-000 100-43330-15-000 100-45830-15-000 100-45825-15-000 100-47415-15-000 Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $465,772.48 REVISION 2 REVISION BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Increase cost of current staff Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: Maintain cost of current staff (chg Amanda's from 25% to 10%) Increase 3% - Performance Pay - Cell phone - Increased Insurance & TMRS costs Cost to add part time court clerk As we continue to invest in our staff learning options, the court administrator and deputy clerk will need to pursue the next level of certification for their clerk's designation - S. Wilson will be working toward her final certification level of Certified Court Clerk and M. Solis will begin the processes of studying for Level I. Approved Date: STATUS (for finance department use only) Clerks will be driving to the training for the certification courses and the observations for Level III designation. Increaased revenues as a result of additional part time court clerk TOTAL EXPENDITURE CHANGES Increase 3% for judge services $421,582.90 $233,686.79 $680,269.69 100-35110-15-000 ACCOUNT NUMBER $1,000.00 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Citation Revenue $25,000.00 CHANGE AMT $15,353.52 $19,592.00 EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015Fiscal Year: Fund #:Dept #:15100 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:General Fund Date: $214,497.21 $1,000.00 $19,189.58TOTAL $1,008.00 $25,000.00 $44,189.58 08/05/14Sharon Wilson CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE 41110 thru 42610 Payroll and Related $5,236.06 Maintain cost of current staff (chg Amanda's from 25% to 10%) Department Name: $25,000.00 $44,189.58 $19,189.58 Contact Name:Today's Date: Increased revenues as a result of additional part time court clerk Municipal Court ADD MINUS EQUALS TOTAL REVENUE CHANGES $655,269.69 SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 31 Position Title:X New Position Replacement Reclassification Other Hourly Rate X Hourly Salaried Expenditure Reduction percent: Premium Rate Full Time X Part Time X Increased Revenues percent: Overtime Rate X Permanent Temporary Fund Balance percent: Regular Hours Regular Hours Premium Hours Premium Hours Overtime Hours Overtime Hours General Fund 100.0% STATUS (for accounting use only) Description $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Municipal Court 08/05/14Today's Date: Training Dues Subscriptions Uniforms Misc Total Expenditures Deputy Court Clerk $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Payroll SLA Form - revised 05.21.13 Base Annual Salary Social Security Medicare TMRS Medical Insurance Dental Insurance Life Insurance Unemployment Workers Compensation Total Payroll and Related Expenditures TOTAL OPERATING IMPACT TO THE BUDGET Total Expenditure Reductions/Revenue Enhancements Total Payroll & Related Computer Equip/Software Office Supplies $0 $19,592 $20,180 $20,785 $21,409 $22,051 $22,713 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $19,592 $20,180 $20,785 $21,409 $22,051 $22,713 1.02 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $21,099 $0 46190 per year $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 46105 45830 46115 46115 43405 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 BASE $ $0 $0 0 $22,713 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 $1,308 $306 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Year 6 $0 42310 0.00%$0 $0 Base Annual Salary $0 FIRE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES ONLY BASE $ $18,200 $0 $0 ALL OTHER DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES Annual 50 1,300 0 0 0 0 Pay Period Annual 0 0 1.03 $19,592 $20,180 $20,785 $21,409 $22,051 42610 per year $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 42130 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 42111 per year $0 $0 $0 42510 $18,200 $18,746 $19,888 42110 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 Account Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $280 $297 $1,197 $19,308 42220 1.45%$264 $272 $288 $20,484 42210 6.20%$1,128 $1,162 $1,233 $1,270 41110 Date: Comments: Approved Date:Not Approved Date:Pending BUDGET IMPACT 15 Department Name:Contact Name:Sharon Wilson EMPLOYEE POSITION INFORMATION FUNDING SOURCE FUNDS IMPACTED JUSTIFICATION As we transitioned and realigned personnel three (3) years ago, court operations have functioned with a reduced staffing level to determine if the current case load could be handled by the equivalent of two (2) full-time deputy clerks. The case load was trending in a slightly downward manner (from an average of approximately 700 cases per month to approximately 570 per month) and the decision was made to monitor the filings before adding any new staff members. We have currently stabilized at a rate of 630 cases per month (on average) and continue to experience certain backlogs in warrant issuance, case settings, trial dockets, and show cause hearings, which can be attributed to the decreased staffing level. In light of the stabilized case load data, a part-time person is necessary to handle the remaining work duties. The position would be self-funded with a corresponding increase in our projected base revenue. $14.00 $7.00 $21.00 RATE OF PAY EMPLOYMENT STATUS 24.3333 Pay Period26.00 0 0 Base Annual Salary $0 $18,200 0 PAYROLL SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT Fiscal Year:2014 2015 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:Fund #:100 Dept #: / General Fund 32 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 M P FB GF 100% 2 E P FB GF 100% 3 M P FB UF 100% 4 E O FB GF 100% 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CHANGE AMT EQUALS Public Works $8,251.07TOTAL Road Repair & Maintenance Approved Date: REVISION 2 REVISION $231,338.44 -$231,338.44 ACCOUNT NUMBER STATUS (for finance department use only) Date: -$239,589.51 EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:16100 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:General Fund DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: 100-42698-16-000 -$16,220.92 41110 thru 42610 Payroll and Related $12,725.75 Increase cost of current staff Increased Payroll Transfers in from Utility FundOperating Xfr in for PR Costs 100-44306-16-000 BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT Fiscal Year: 41110 thru 42610 Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benenfits/taxesPayroll and Related $6,746.24 08/05/14Jarrod Greenwood CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE Department Name: $0.00 $8,251.07 $8,251.07 Contact Name:Today's Date: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Ottinger Road Pavement Repairs Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $239,589.51 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: $5,000.00 ADD MINUS Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benenfits/taxes Increase 3% - Performance Pay - Cell phone - Increased Insurance & TMRS costs Increased Payroll Transfers in from Utility Fund Ottinger Road Pavement Repairs SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 33 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 M P FB GF 100% 2 E P FB GF 100% 3 M P FB GF 100% 4 E P FB GF 100% 5 E O FB GF 100% 6 E P FB GF 100% 7 E P FB GF 100% 8 E P FB GF 100% 9 E P FB GF 100% 10 E P FB GF 100% 11 E P FB GF 100% 12 M P FB GF 100% 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Increase due to the purchase of a new F350 in 13-14 Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $115,448.11 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: $1,200.00 43405 $1,500.00 Vehicle R&M Fire Station R&M Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benefits/taxes To ensure carpet is maintained to Town standards Approved Date: Update Tony's PC and purchase project software (Academy) $8,557.41 Monthly fee increase BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015Fiscal Year: Fund #:Dept #:17100 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:General Fund Increase cost of current staff 100-42698-17 Operating Xfr in for PR Costs -$5,736.03 Increased Payroll Transfers In from Visitor Assoc Attendance at annual pest control, master facility training $18,235.02TOTAL Increase due to the purchase of a new F350 in 13-14 Increased Payroll Transfers In from Visitor Assoc Increase cost of current staff Monthly fee increase Attendance at annual trainings for Facility Tech. Increase due to the purchase of a new F350 in 13-14 REVISION 2 REVISION $4,450.00 $97,213.09 -$92,763.09 $4,450.00 41110 thru 42610 ACCOUNT NUMBER 45810 Travel Car rental/parking $400.00 Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benefits/taxes Update Tony's PC and purchase project software ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Payroll and Related Computer eqpmt/software $2,915.64 CHANGE AMT 41110 thru 42610 Payroll and Related 45315 Internet expense $100.00 MINUS EQUALS Facilities Maintenance STATUS (for finance department use only) 45913 $5,500.00 46216 $3,500.00 45820 $200.00 45830 Increase due to the purchase of a new F350 in 13-14 decreased fire station R&M Travel meals Training/Meeting Vehicle fuel 45913 -$902.00 Decreased fire station R&M DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Attendance at annual pest control, master facility training Attendance at annual trainings for Facility Tech. Attendance at annual pest control, master facility training Date: -$110,998.11 08/05/14Troy J. Meyer CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE 43342 Contract carpet cleaning $1,000.00 To ensure carpet is maintained to Town standards Department Name: $0.00 $18,235.02 $18,235.02 Contact Name:Today's Date: ADD Attendance at annual pest control, master facility training SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 34 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 M P FB GF 100% 2 E P FB GF 100% 3 M P FB GF 100%100-42698-18-000 Operating Xfr in for PR Costs 4 N P FB GF 100%100-42699-18-000 Prospective Employee PR&R Exp 5 M P FB GF 100%100-44310-18-000 Application Software Maint. 5 N O FB GF 100%100-44310-18-000 Application Software Maint. 6 N O FB GF 100%100-47413-18-000 Computer Hardware/Software 7 N O FB GF 100%100-47413-18-000 Computer Hardware/Software 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Increase cost of current staff Increased Payroll Transfers in from Visitor & Utility Fund Payroll and Related $4,470.00 Add $4,470 fixed asset module -$10,158.39 Current laptop is several years old and outdated and not able to handle current finance workflow. New laptop with keyboard plus warranty = $1800. Current printer is several years old and has been serviced many times but continues to work improperly. New color laser printer = $1000. 41110 thru 42610 $13,612.34 TOTAL 3 $288,271.87 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: ADD MINUS EQUALS -$288,271.87 Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benenfits/taxes Increase 3% - Performance Pay - Cell phone - Increased Insurance & TMRS costs Increased Payroll Transfers in from Visitor & Utility Fund Move Accounting Technician (Daniela White) from Academy payroll to Municipal payroll Move $2K from Dept 10 - add $4,470 to cover purchase cost of Fixed Asset Module. Currently Finance is keeping the fixed asset and depreciation schedule on an excel spreadsheet. We feel this would be a good time to get everything moved to a fixed asset software while it would be manageable to convert. Payroll and Related Contact Name:Today's Date: NEW BUDGET AMT Finance Dept 08/05/14Jaymi Ford BUDGET INFORMATION Department Name: $0.00 BASE BUDGET AMT CHANGE AMOUNT EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:18100 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:General Fund Fiscal Year: Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benenfits/taxes$8,454.53 $87,931.48 $87,931.48 $66,753.00 Move Acct Tech 1 (Daniela) from Academy to Municipal payroll $2,000.00 Add $2K from Dept 10 Purchase new finance laptop Purchase new finance printer 41110 thru 42610 Approved Date: REVISION 2 REVISION $200,340.39 -$200,340.39 ACCOUNT NUMBER STATUS (for finance department use only) $1,000.00 $1,800.00 Date: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CHANGE AMT MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE $87,931.48 SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues 35 Position Title:X New Position x Replacement Reclassification Other Hourly Rate X Hourly Salaried Expenditure Reduction percent: Premium Rate X Full Time Part Time Increased Revenues percent: Overtime Rate X Permanent Temporary X Fund Balance percent: Regular Hours Regular Hours Premium Hours Premium Hours Overtime Hours Overtime Hours General Fund 100.0% STATUS (for accounting use only) Description $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Finance Dept 08/05/14Today's Date: Training Dues Subscriptions Uniforms Misc Total Expenditures Accounting Technician (Westlake Academy) $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Payroll SLA Form - revised 05.21.13 Base Annual Salary Social Security Medicare TMRS Medical Insurance Dental Insurance Life Insurance Unemployment Workers Compensation Total Payroll and Related Expenditures TOTAL OPERATING IMPACT TO THE BUDGET Total Expenditure Reductions/Revenue Enhancements Total Payroll & Related Computer Equip/Software Office Supplies $0 $66,753 $68,756 $70,818 $72,943 $75,131 $77,385 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $66,753 $68,756 $70,818 $72,943 $75,131 $77,385 1.02 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51,008 $4,761 46190 per year $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 46105 45830 46115 46115 43405 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 BASE $ $0 $0 0 $77,385 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 $3,162 $740 $5,203 $15,139 $923 $962 $122 $126 $4,904 $5,051 $119 $130 Year 6 $14,698 42310 10.20%$4,488 $4,623 Base Annual Salary $0 FIRE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES ONLY BASE $ $44,000 $0 $0 ALL OTHER DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES Annual 80 2,080 0 0 0 0 Pay Period Annual 0 0 1.03 $66,753 $68,756 $70,818 $72,943 $75,131 42610 per year $112 $115 $119 per year $103 $106 $109 $113 $116 $870 $896 42130 per year $830 $855 $880 $907 $934 42111 per year $796 $820 $844 42510 $44,000 $45,320 $48,080 42110 per year $13,059 $13,451 $13,854 $14,270 Account Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $677 $718 $2,894 $46,680 42220 1.45%$638 $657 $697 $49,522 42210 6.20%$2,728 $2,810 $2,981 $3,070 41110 Date: Comments: Approved Date:Not Approved Date:Pending BUDGET IMPACT 18 Department Name:Contact Name:Jaymi Ford EMPLOYEE POSITION INFORMATION FUNDING SOURCE FUNDS IMPACTED JUSTIFICATION Transfer Accounting Technician, Daniela White, from Westlake Academy Payroll to Municipal Payroll. All Shared Service Personnel will be paid from the Municipal Payroll Budget and added to the indirect cost allocation sheet. $21.15 $10.58 $31.73 RATE OF PAY EMPLOYMENT STATUS 24.3333 Pay Period26.00 0 0 Base Annual Salary $0 $44,000 0 PAYROLL SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT Fiscal Year:2014 2015 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:Fund #:100 Dept #: / General Fund 36 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 M P FB GF 100% 2 E P FB GF 100% 4 M P FB GF 100% 5 E O FB GF 100% 6 E P FB GF 100% 7 E P FB GF 100% 8 E O FB GF 100% 9 E O FB GF 100% 10 11 12 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $184,602.43 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: 100-43349-19 $6,220.00 Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benenfits/taxes Approved Date: -$139,391.10 $0.00 41110 thru 42610 ACCOUNT NUMBER MINUS EQUALS Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benefits/taxes Seasonal planting Dove & Randol Mill /mowing at Dove & Ottinger Payroll and Related EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015Fiscal Year: Fund #:Dept #:19100 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:General Fund STATUS (for finance department use only) Increase 3% - Performance Pay - Cell phone - Increased Insurance & TMRS costs Increased Payroll Transfers In from Visitor Assoc Clean up the two acre open space which includes removing under brash, planting trees and installing a drip irrigation system Provide seasonal color in the median at Dove & Randall Mill and weekly mowing at Dove & JT Ottinger Rd. If the new playground equipment is approved it will need to be inspected monthly and mulch replacement annually New tiller and blower - replace weed trimmer Update Dove Road/FM1938 median, increase in mowing Date: -$184,602.43 Troy J. Meyer CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE 100-43343-19 Contract Trail R & M $15,000.00 Clean up of the 2 acre open spaces on Roanoke Rd. Department Name: $0.00 $45,211.33 $45,211.33 Contact Name:Today's Date: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CHANGE AMT ADD REVISION 2 REVISION $0.00 $139,391.10 Parks and Recreation BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT $45,211.33TOTAL 100-44306-19 Ground R & M $10,000.00 Monthly inspections for proposed new play ground 100-47411-19 Mechanical Equipment $1,500.00 New tiller and blower - replace weed trimmer 08/05/14 100-43344-19 Contract Median R&M Update Dove Road/FM1938 median, increase in mowing$6,800.00 Contract Landscape $2,824.36 41110 thru 42610 Payroll and Related $8,557.41 Increase cost of current staff 100-42698-19 Operating Xfr in for PR Costs -$5,690.44 Increased Payroll Transfers In from Visitor Assoc SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 37 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 E P FB GF 100%100-41641-20-000 Cell Phone Allowance Proposed Cell Phone Allowance ($65 a month) 2 E P FB GF 100%100-41647-20-000 Incentive/Performance Pay Possible Incentive Performance Pay 3 N P FB GF 100%100-42699-15-000 Prospective Employee PR&R Exp Transfer Jason Power from WA to Municipal Payroll 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Proposed Incentive Performance Pay Transfer Jason Power from WA to Municipal Payroll 3 $216,360.00 $118,150.00 ADD MINUS EQUALS $120,860.00TOTAL Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date:Approved Date:Date: EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:20100 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:General Fund Fiscal Year: STATUS (for finance department use only) DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Proposed Cell Phone Allowance Finance Dept CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE $1,750.00 Department Name: $0.00 $120,860.00 $120,860.00 Contact Name:Today's Date: REVISION 2 REVISION $95,500.00 -$95,500.00 ACCOUNT NUMBER -$216,360.00 Information Technology BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT 08/05/14 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION $960.00 CHANGE AMT SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues 38 Position Title:X New Position X Replacement Reclassification Other Hourly Rate Hourly X Salaried Expenditure Reduction percent: Premium Rate X Full Time Part Time Increased Revenues percent: Overtime Rate X Permanent Temporary X Fund Balance percent: Regular Hours Regular Hours Premium Hours Premium Hours Overtime Hours Overtime Hours STATUS (for accounting use only) Description $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Payroll SLA Form - revised 05.21.13 Base Annual Salary Social Security Medicare TMRS Medical Insurance Dental Insurance Life Insurance Unemployment Workers Compensation Total Payroll and Related Expenditures TOTAL OPERATING IMPACT TO THE BUDGET Total Expenditure Reductions/Revenue Enhancements Total Payroll & Related Computer Equip/Software Office Supplies $0 $118,150 $121,694 $125,345 $129,105 $132,978 $136,968 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $118,150 $121,694 $125,345 $129,105 $132,978 $136,968 1.02 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Total Expenditures $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 46190 per year $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 46105 45830 46115 46115 43405 Training Dues Subscriptions Uniforms Misc $0 $136,968 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 $6,290 $1,471 $10,349 $15,139 $923 $962 $243 $250 $9,755 $10,047 $119 $258 Year 6 $101,457 $9,470 $14,698 $87,518 Base Annual Salary $0 FIRE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES ONLY BASE $ $87,518 $0 $0 ALL OTHER DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES Annual 80 2,080 0 0 0 0 Pay Period Annual 0 0 1.03 $118,150 $121,694 $125,345 $129,105 $132,978 42610 per year $222 $229 $236 per year $103 $106 $109 $113 $116 $870 $896 42130 per year $830 $855 $880 $907 $934 42111 per year $796 $820 $844 42510 42110 per year $13,059 $13,451 $13,854 $14,270 Account Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 42310 10.20%$8,927 $9,195 Year 5 $1,346 $1,428 $5,757 $92,848 42220 1.45%$1,269 $1,307 $1,387 $98,502 42210 6.20%$5,426 $5,589 $5,929 $6,107 41110 $90,144 $95,633 Date: Comments: Approved Date:Not Approved Date:Pending BUDGET IMPACT 20 Department Name:Contact Name:Jason Power EMPLOYEE POSITION INFORMATION FUNDING SOURCE FUNDS IMPACTED JUSTIFICATION Convert Information Technology Director, Jason Power, from Westlake Academy 11 month payroll employee to Municipal 12 month payroll employee. All Shared Service Personnel will be paid from the Municipal Payroll Budget and added to the indirect cost allocation sheet. $42.08 $21.04 $63.11 RATE OF PAY EMPLOYMENT STATUS 24.3333 Pay Period26.00 0 0 Base Annual Salary $0 $87,518 0 PAYROLL SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT Fiscal Year:2014 2015 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:Fund #:100 Dept #: / General Fund BASE $ $0 $0 0 Information Technology 08/05/14Today's Date: IT Director General Fund 100.0% 39 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 M P FB GF 100% 2 E P FB GF 100% 3 M P FB GF 100% 4 M P FB GF 100% 5 N O FB GF 100% 6 E P FB GF 100% 7 E P FB GF 100% 8 E P FB GF 100% 9 E P FB GF 100% 10 M P FB GF 100% 11 E P FB GF 100% 12 E P FB GF 100% 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 100-46115-21-000 Dues & Subscriptions Professional dues for HR Generalist 100-46130-21-000 Books & Printed Materials Additional resources to maintain legal & regulatory compliance Increase 3% - Performance Pay - Cell phone - Increased Insurance & TMRS costs Increased Payroll Transfers In from Visitor Assoc & Utility Fund 100-45825-21-000 Travel Mileage To support additional training costs for the department 100-45830-21-000 Training/Seminars/Meeting To support additional training costs for the department 100-46105-21-000 Office Supplies Supplies for HR Generalist & support for additional employees Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benenfits/taxes $3,750.00 $200.00 41110 thru 42610 Payroll and Related 41110 thru 42610 Operating Xfr in for PR Costs $8,659.23 -$731.32 Increase cost of current staff Increased Payroll Transfers In from Visitor Assoc & Utility Fund 100-45820-21-000 Travel Meals New computer/software for HR Director To support additional training costs for the department To support additional training costs for the department Computer Equip/Software Advertising Public Notices These funds will be used for pre-employment testing (if necessary) for unanticipated vacancies if they occur during the fiscal year Replacement of the HR Director's computer in Spring/summer 2015. The computer being replaced will be nearly five years old when replaced. These funds will be used for advertising (if necessary) for unanticipated vacancies if they occur during the fiscal year, and insurance RFPs Additional funding is requested to support travel costs associated with necessary HR training for the two department staff Additional funding is requested to support travel costs associated with necessary HR training for the two department staff Additional office supplies are needed to support the HR Generalist, as well as the increased number of employees served by the department Dues for professional memberships for the HR Generalist $2,500 online training platform that allows all Town and Academy staff to complete sexual harrassment training, ethics, training, and other cources at a flat fee. An additional $1,250 has been requested to support HR recertification training for the department. To maintain legal and regulatory compliance, additional funds are requested for the department for books and other publications in response to changing laws and best practices. DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $218,739.52 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: $225.00 100-43405-21-000 $1,000.00 100-45405-21-000 $775.00 MINUS EQUALS EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015Fiscal Year: Fund #:Dept #:21100 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:General Fund Human Resources BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT Approved Date: REVISION 2 REVISION $0.00 $197,644.34 -$197,644.34 $0.00 41110 thru 42610 ACCOUNT NUMBER STATUS (for finance department use only) $250.00 $450.00 Date: -$218,739.52 $21,095.18TOTAL $150.00 08/05/14Todd Wood CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE 100-43135-21-000 Pre-Employment Testing $400.00 Additional pre-employment testing for unanticipated vacancies Department Name: $0.00 $21,095.18 $21,095.18 Contact Name:Today's Date: Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benenfits/taxes ADD ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Payroll and Related $5,967.27 CHANGE AMT SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 40 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 M P FB VA 100% 2 E P FB VA 100% 3 M P FB VA 100% 4 N P FB VA 100% 5 N O FB VA 100%Computer Equipment 6 E P FB VA 100%100-45805-22-000 Travel Airfare 7 E P FB VA 100%100-45815-22-000 Travel Lodging 8 E P FB VA 100%100-45820-22-000 Travel Meals 9 E P FB VA 100%100-45825-22-000 Travel Mileage 10 E P FB VA 100%100-45830-22-000 Training/Seminars/Meetings 11 E P FB VA 100%100-46105-22-000 Office Supplies 12 E P FB VA 100%100-46115-22-000 Dues & Subscriptions 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 $0.00 41110 thru 42610 ACCOUNT NUMBER BASE BUDGET AMT Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $14,020.00 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: $300.00 100-42698-22-000 -$45,206.46 100-42699-15-000 $35,753.00 Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benefits/taxes Increased Payroll Transfers in from Visitor Assoc ($9453 to maintain plus $35753 to add Susan) Approved Changes existing part-time empoyee .50 to full time 08/05/14Ginger Awtry CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE 41110 thru 42610 Payroll and Related $6,636.46 Increase cost of current staff Department Name: $0.00 $4,850.51 $4,850.51 Contact Name:Today's Date:Communications and Community Affairs NEW BUDGET AMT Maintain cost of current staff at current salaries/benenfits/taxes ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Payroll and Related $2,817.51 CHANGE AMT REVISION 2 REVISION EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:22100 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:General Fund Fiscal Year: Date: -$14,020.00 ADD MINUS EQUALS $4,850.51TOTAL $2,000.00 $400.00 $250.00 Date: $0.00 $9,169.49 -$9,169.49 Operating Xfr in for PR Costs Prospective Employee PR&R Membership into professional orgs for Susan $400.00 Increased Payroll Transfers in from Visitor Assoc Changes existing part-time empoyee .50 to full time STATUS (for finance department use only) $1,000.00 $250.00 $250.00 DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Meals for Susan to attend TAMIO, 3CMA, other seminars. Replacement computer for Susan & new printer for Ginger Airfare for Susan to attend TAMIO, 3CMA, other seminars. Lodging for Susan to attend TAMIO, 3CMA, other seminars. Mileage for Susan to cover events, local training, etc. Training for Susan to attend add'l training, prof. events, etc. Add'l office supplies for Susan Increase 3% - Performance Pay - Cell phone - Increased Insurance & TMRS costs Replacement computer for Susan & new printer for Ginger Airfare for Susan to attend TAMIO, 3CMA, other seminars. Lodging for Susan to attend TAMIO, 3CMA, other seminars. Meals for Susan to attend TAMIO, 3CMA, other seminars. Mileage for Susan to cover events, local training, etc. Training for Susan to attend add'l training, prof. events, etc. Add'l office supplies for Susan Membership into professional orgs for Susan 100-43405-22-000 SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 41 Position Title:New Position Replacement X Reclassification Other Hourly Rate X Hourly Salaried Expenditure Reduction percent: Premium Rate X Full Time Part Time Increased Revenues percent: Overtime Rate X Permanent Temporary X Fund Balance percent: Regular Hours Regular Hours Premium Hours Premium Hours Overtime Hours Overtime Hours PAYROLL SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT Fiscal Year:2014 2015 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:Fund #:100 Dept #: / General Fund BUDGET IMPACT 22 Department Name:Contact Name:Ginger Awtry EMPLOYEE POSITION INFORMATION FUNDING SOURCE FUNDS IMPACTED JUSTIFICATION ~As our community continues to grow with changing demographics and more students at WA, our communication needs continue to grow as well. Since the development of this department two years ago, it has become very clear that with both municipal and academic services – a one person shop is no longer able to keep up with the community’s needs. Earlier this past year a part-time communications specialist was added to help launch our municipal social media efforts, help increase the timeliness and number of press release/media contacts for both municipal and academic services, and to help provide more coverage of WA student and staff achievements/news. Additionally, this part-time employee was to help the Town Manager’s office as needed with administrative assistance and thus each department contained 25% of one FTE. Approval is requested to increase this part-time position to a full-time position (one FTE) to be split between the same two departments- 75% Communication; 25% Town Manager’s office. ~While the part-time employee hired was able to quickly assimilate due to journalist and media experience, the communication work continues to increase and provide more than enough work for two full time employees. This department is also responsible for keeping the municipal website fresh, and assisting with the academic website as well as, both academic and municipal communications/email blasts, managing the Simply Westlake resident magazine, coordinating annual neighborhood, business partner, and Academy parent meetings, creating ads for both Municipal and Academic exposure at 1-2 times a year in all applicable, major regional and national publications (would like to add international as well), provide economic development work and events with local chambers, marketing and assistance with all community events, chair/coordination of WA graduation , and serves as board liaison, providing heavy support to the town’s historical society. ~ As other town employees also carry extremely heavy loads in their department, they have not been able to keep up with the content and freshness needed of their particular website pages, thus losing the opportunity to inform and engage our residents of their departments’ stories. The increase from a part-time employee to a FTE in communications will not only allow help to the communication director with all of the tasks mentioned but also help progress the content and freshness of both the municipal and academic websites, relieving some of the burden to other departments. Our website serves as the first point of contact for most citizens and thus serves as a very important marketing tool. In addition, this proposed FTE (from part-time) will be able to timely post on a consistent and regular basis to all social media accounts as noted in best practices thus, increasing our cross promotion, our exposure of the Westlake community, and better educate and engage with our citizens. *** $18.51 $9.25 $27.76 RATE OF PAY EMPLOYMENT STATUS 0.00 Pay Period26 0 0 BASE $ $0 $0 80 Base Annual Salary $0 $38,500 0 Date: Comments: Approved Date:Not Approved Date:Pending Account Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $592 $628422201.45%$558 $575 $610 $43,332 42210 6.20%$2,387 $2,459 $2,608 $2,687 41110 $38,500 $39,655 $42,070 42110 per year $8,719 $8,980 $9,250 $9,527 per year $103 $106 $109 $113 $563 42130 per year $540 $556 $573 $590 $608 42111 per year $515 $531 $547 1.03 $55,347 $57,007 $58,717 $60,479 $62,293 42610 per year $98 $101 $104 42510 42310 10.20%$3,927 $4,045 Base Annual Salary $0 FIRE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES ONLY BASE $ $38,500 $0 $0 ALL OTHER DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES Annual 80 2,080 0 0 0 0 Pay Period Annual 0 0 $2,532 46105 45830 $64,162 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 $2,767 $647 $4,552 $10,107 $597 $626 $107 $110 $4,291 $4,420 $119 $113 Year 6 $44,632 $4,166 46115 43405 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 per year $9,797 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $55,347 $57,007 $58,717 $60,479 $62,293 $64,162 1.02 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $9,797 $0 $0 $025% to Dept 22 Maintain Cost Payroll SLA Form - revised 05.21.13 Base Annual Salary Social Security Medicare TMRS Medical Insurance Dental Insurance Life Insurance Unemployment Workers Compensation Total Payroll and Related Expenditures TOTAL OPERATING IMPACT TO THE BUDGET Total Expenditure Reductions/Revenue Enhancements Total Payroll & Related Computer Equip/Software Office Supplies $0$19,594 Communications 08/05/14Today's Date: Training Dues Subscriptions Total Expenditures 25% to Dept 11 Maintain Cost Communications Specialist & Admin Asst Visitor Fund 100.0% $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $9,813 $116 $580 $40,845 STATUS (for accounting use only) Description $0 $0 $0 $0 per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,753 $57,007 $58,717 $60,479 $62,293 $64,162 42 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 M P FB GF 100% 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Payroll, Insurance related costs increases (estimated) ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Keller Police Contract $42,416.00 CHANGE AMT $42,416.00TOTAL 08/05/14Amanda DeGan CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE Department Name: $0.00 $42,416.00 $42,416.00 Contact Name:Today's Date: Approved Date: REVISION 2 REVISION $0.00 $825,745.00 -$825,745.00 100-43255-23-000 ACCOUNT NUMBER STATUS (for finance department use only) Date: -$868,161.00 MINUS EQUALS EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015Fiscal Year: Fund #:Dept #:23100 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:General Fund Police Services BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $868,161.00 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: ADD Per our contract partner, they anticipate a 5.14% increase due to payroll, personnel, and insurance costs. SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 43 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 N O IR GF 100% 2 M P FB GF 100% 3 M P FB GF 100% 4 E O FB GF 100% 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 $2,276,612.19 ACCOUNT NUMBER 100-62590-99-000 Transfer Out to CP $1,150,000.00 Increase transfers out to Capital Projects Fund Increased Transfers in from Visitor Fund for Dept 22 expenses Increase transfers out to Debt Service Fund Increase transfers out to Debt Service Fund Increase transfers out to Capital Projects Fund $1,102,187.80 100-52560-88-000 Transfer in from UF $256,245.00 UF Repayment for Ground Storage Tank UF Repayment for Ground Storage Tank $260,296.00 TOTAL REVENUE CHANGES TOTAL Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Approved Date:Date: STATUS (for finance department use only) Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: Increased Transfers in from Visitor Fund for Dept 22 expenses EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015Fiscal Year: Fund #:Dept #:88/99100 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:General Fund 08/05/14Finance Dept CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE Department Name: $260,296.00 $1,362,483.80 $1,102,187.80 Contact Name:Today's Date: ADD MINUS EQUALS Transfers In and Out BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT REVISION 2 REVISION $46,669.00 $914,128.39 -$867,459.39 $306,965.00 -$1,969,647.19 TOTAL EXPENSE CHANGES ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CHANGE AMT $1,362,483.80 100-52550-88-000 Transfer in from VA $4,051.00 100-62580-99-000 Transfer Out to DS $212,483.80 SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 44 4B Economic Development Fund Program Summary Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Adopted Estimated Proposed Proposed FY 14/15 Actual Budget Budget Budget FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 13/14 1 REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 1 2 General Sales Tax 1,093,849 1,100,000 1,125,000 1,158,750 3%33,750 2 3 Property Tax - - - - 0%- 3 4 Hotel Tax - - - - 0%- 4 5 Charges for Services - - - - 0%- 5 6 Donations - - - - 0%- 6 7 Beverage Tax - - - - 0%- 7 8 Franchise Fees - - - - 0%- 8 9 Permits & Fees - - - - 0%- 9 10 Fines & Forfeitures - - - - 0%- 10 11 Investment Earnings 335 500 500 500 0%- 11 12 Contributions - - - - 0%- 12 13 Misc Income - - - - 0%- 13 14 Total Revenues 1,094,184 1,100,500 1,125,500 1,159,250 3%33,750 14 15 Transfers In - - - - 0%- 15 16 Other Sources - - - - 0%- 16 17 Total Other Sources - - - - 0%- 17 18 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 1,094,184 1,100,500 1,125,500 1,159,250 3%33,750 18 19 EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 19 20 Payroll Salaries - - - - 0%- 20 21 Payroll Insurance - - - - 0%- 21 22 Payroll Taxes - - - - 0%- 22 23 Payroll Retirement - - - - 0%- 23 24 Payroll Transfers - - - - 0%- 24 25 Total Payroll and Related - - - - 0%- 25 26 Supplies - - - - 0%- 26 27 Services - - - - 0%- 27 28 Insurance - - - - 0%- 28 29 Repair & Maintenance - - - - 0%- 29 30 Rent & Utilities - - - - 0%- 30 31 Interfund Advances - - - - 0%- 31 32 Debt - - - - 0%- 32 33 Total Operating Expenditures - - - - 0%- 33 34 Capital Outlay - - - - 0%- 34 35 Capital Projects - - - - 0%- 35 36 Total Capital - - - - 0%- 36 37 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - 0%- 37 37 Transfers Out 1,272,568 1,100,500 1,125,500 1,159,250 3%33,750 37 38 Total Other Uses 1,272,568 1,100,500 1,125,500 1,159,250 3%33,750 38 39 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 1,272,568 1,100,500 1,125,500 1,159,250 3%33,750 39 40 EXCESS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES (178,384) - - - 0%- 40 41 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 178,384 - - - 0%- 41 42 FUND BALANCE, ENDING - - - - 0%- 42 43 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds - - - - 0%- 43 44 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE, ENDING - - - - 0%- 44 45 45 46 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 46 47 A Cash 200 10110 00 000 - - - - 0%- 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 TOTAL RESTRICTED/ASSIGNED/COMMITTED FUNDS - - - - 0%- 52 vs 45 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 R O IR DS 100% 2 R O FB DS 100% 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $1,159,250.00 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:00200 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:4B Economic Development Fund Fiscal Year: Approved Date: REVISION 2 REVISION $1,125,500.00 $1,125,500.00 $0.00 $1,159,250.00 200-31310-00-000 ACCOUNT NUMBER STATUS (for finance department use only) Date: $0.00 MINUS Finance Dept CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE 200-62580-99-00 Transfers Out to DS300 $33,750.00 Increased Transfers Out to Debt Service Fund Department Name: $33,750.00 $33,750.00 $0.00 Contact Name:Today's Date: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Sales Tax Revenue -$33,750.00 CHANGE AMT ADD EQUALS Administrative BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT 08/05/14 $0.00TOTAL Increased Sales Tax Revenue SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 46 Economic Development Fund Program Summary Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Adopted Estimated Proposed Proposed FY 14/15 Actual Budget Budget Budget FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 13/14 1 REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 1 2 General Sales Tax 219,600 150,000 100,000 100,000 0%- 2 3 Property Tax - - - - 0%- 3 4 Hotel Tax 41,207 - 70,000 70,000 0%- 4 5 Charges for Services - - - - 0%- 5 6 Beverage Tax - - - - 0%- 6 7 Franchise Fees - - - - 0%- 7 8 Permits & Fees - - - - 0%- 8 9 Fines & Forfeitures - - - - 0%- 9 10 Investment Earnings - - - - 0%- 10 11 Contributions - - - 440,000 100%440,000 11 12 Misc Income - - - - 0%- 11 13 Total Revenues 260,807 150,000 170,000 610,000 259%440,000 12 14 Transfers In 35,758 35,758 35,758 35,758 0%- 13 15 Total Other Sources 35,758 35,758 35,758 35,758 0%- 14 16 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 296,565 185,758 205,758 645,758 214%440,000 15 17 EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 16 18 Payroll Salaries - - - - 0%- 17 19 Payroll Insurance - - - - 0%- 18 20 Payroll Taxes - - - - 0%- 19 21 Payroll Retirement - - - - 0%- 20 22 Payroll Transfers - - - - 0%- 21 23 Total Payroll and Related - - - - 0%- 22 24 Supplies - - - - 0%- 23 25 Services - - - - 0%- 24 26 Insurance - - - - 0%- 25 27 Repair & Maintenance - - - - 0%- 26 28 Rent & Utilities - - - - 0%- 27 29 Interfund Advances - - - - 0%- 28 30 Debt - - - - 0%- 29 32 Economic Development Incentives 296,565 185,758 205,758 205,758 0%- 31 33 Total Operating Expenditures 296,565 185,758 205,758 205,758 0%- 32 31 Capital Outlay - - - - 0%- 30 33 Capital Projects - - - - 0%- 32 34 Total Capital - - - - 0%- 33 35 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 296,565 185,758 205,758 205,758 0%- 34 35 Transfers Out - - - 440,000 100%440,000 34 36 Total Other Uses - - - 440,000 100%440,000 35 37 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 296,565 185,758 205,758 645,758 214%440,000 36 38 EXCESS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES - - - - 0%- 37 39 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING - - - - 0%- 38 40 FUND BALANCE, ENDING - - - - 0%- 39 41 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds - - - - 0%- 40 42 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE, ENDING - - - - 0%- 41 43 42 44 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 43 45 A Cash 210 10110 00 000 - - - - 0%- 44 46 - - - - 0%- 45 47 0%- 46 48 0%- 47 49 0%- 48 50 TOTAL RESTRICTED/ASSIGNED/COMMITTED FUNDS - - - - 0%- 49 vs 47 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 E O IR ED 100% 2 E O FB ED 100% 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $645,758.24 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:00210 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:Economic Development Fund Fiscal Year: Approved Date: REVISION 2 REVISION $205,758.24 $205,758.24 $0.00 $645,758.24 210-52510-88-00 ACCOUNT NUMBER STATUS (for finance department use only) Date: $0.00 MINUS Finance Dept CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE 210-62581-99-00 Transfer Out to WA Expansion $440,000.00 Department Name: $440,000.00 $440,000.00 $0.00 Contact Name:Today's Date: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Transfer in from GF -$440,000.00 CHANGE AMT ADD EQUALS Administrative BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT 08/05/14 Granada Revenue (44 lots x $10,000 each) $0.00TOTAL SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 48 Lone Star Public Fund Program Summary Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Adopted Estimated Proposed Proposed FY 14/15 Actual Budget Budget Budget FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 13/14 1 REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 1 2 General Sales Tax - - - - 0%- 2 3 Property Tax - - - - 0%- 3 4 Hotel Tax - - - - 0%- 4 5 Charges for Services - - - - 0%- 5 6 Donations - - - - 0%- 6 7 Beverage Tax - - - - 0%- 7 8 Franchise Fees - - - - 0%- 8 9 Permits & Fees - - - - 0%- 9 10 Fines & Forfeitures - - - - 0%- 10 11 Investment Earnings 24 45 45 45 0%- 11 12 Contributions - - - - 0%- 12 13 Misc Income - - - - 0%- 13 14 Total Revenues 24 45 45 45 0%- 14 15 Transfers In - - - - 0%- 15 16 Total Other Sources - - - - 0%- 16 17 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 24 45 45 45 0%- 17 18 EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 18 19 Payroll Salaries - - - - 0%- 19 20 Payroll Insurance - - - - 0%- 20 21 Payroll Taxes - - - - 0%- 21 22 Payroll Retirement - - - - 0%- 22 23 Payroll Transfers - - - - 0%- 23 24 Total Payroll and Related - - - - 0%- 24 25 Supplies - - - - 0%- 25 26 Services - - - - 0%- 26 27 Insurance - - - - 0%- 27 28 Repair & Maintenance - - - - 0%- 28 29 Rent & Utilities - - - - 0%- 29 30 Interfund Advances - - - - 0%- 30 31 Debt - - - - 0%- 31 32 Total Operating Expenditures - - - - 0%- 32 33 Capital Outlay - - - - 0%- 33 34 Capital Projects - - - - 0%- 34 35 Total Capital - - - - 0%- 35 36 TOTAL EXPENDITURS - - - - 0%- 36 37 Transfers Out - - - - 0%- 37 38 Total Other Uses - - - - 0%- 38 39 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES - - - - 0%- 39 40 EXCESS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 24 45 45 45 0%- 40 41 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 13,576 13,599 13,599 13,644 0%45 41 42 FUND BALANCE, ENDING 13,599 13,644 13,644 13,689 0%45 42 43 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 13,599 13,644 13,644 13,689 0%45 43 44 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE, ENDING - - - - 0%- 44 45 45 46 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 46 47 A Cash 418 10110 00 000 13,599 13,644 13,644 13,689 0%45 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 TOTAL RESTRICTED/ASSIGNED/COMMITTED FUNDS 13,599 13,644 13,644 13,689 0%45 52 vs 49 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $0.00 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:00418 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:Lone Star Public Funds Fiscal Year: Approved Date: REVISION 2 REVISION $45.00 $0.00 $45.00 $45.00 ACCOUNT NUMBER STATUS (for finance department use only) Date: $45.00 MINUS Finance Dept CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE Department Name: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Contact Name:Today's Date: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CHANGE AMT ADD EQUALS Administrative BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT 08/05/14 $0.00TOTAL SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 50 Visitors Association Fund Program Summary Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Adopted Estimated Proposed Proposed FY 14/15 Actual Budget Budget Budget FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 13/14 1 REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 1 2 General Sales Tax - - - - 0%- 2 3 Property Tax - - - - 0%- 3 4 Hotel Tax 668,371 700,000 700,000 707,000 1%7,000 4 5 Charges for Services - - - - 0%- 5 6 Beverage Tax - - - - 0%- 6 7 Franchise Fees - - - - 0%- 7 8 Permits & Fees - - - - 0%- 8 9 Fines & Forfeitures - - - - 0%- 9 10 Investment Earnings 1,828 2,900 2,900 2,900 0%- 10 11 Contributions - - - - 0%- 11 12 Misc Income arbor whps wpas 16,575 18,650 18,650 18,650 0%- 12 13 Total Revenues 686,774 721,550 721,550 728,550 1%7,000 13 14 Transfers In - - - - 0%- 14 15 Total Other Sources - - - - 0%- 15 16 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 686,774 721,550 721,550 728,550 1%7,000 16 17 EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 17 18 Payroll Salaries - - - - 0%- 18 19 Payroll Insurance - - - - 0%- 19 20 Payroll Taxes - - - - 0%- 20 21 Payroll Retirement - - - - 0%- 21 22 Payroll Transfers 255,225 286,107 286,107 457,110 60%171,003 22 23 Total Payroll and Related 255,225 286,107 286,107 457,110 60%171,003 23 24 Supplies 25,158.49 4,080 2,905 4,155 43%1,250 24 25 Services 204,745 208,430 201,982 209,224 4%7,242 25 26 Insurance - - - - 0%- 26 27 Repair & Maintenance - - - - 0%- 27 28 Rent & Utilities 36,390 36,435 36,435 36,435 0%- 28 29 Interfund Advances - - - - 0%- 29 30 Debt - - - - 0%- 30 31 Total Operating Expenditures 266,294 248,945 241,322 249,814 4%8,492 31 32 Capital Outlay - - - - 0%- 32 33 Capital Projects - - - - 0%- 33 34 Total Capital - - - - 0%- 34 35 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 521,519 535,052 527,429 706,924 1.61%8,492 35 36 Transfers Out 191,162 164,720 164,720 177,670 8%12,950 36 37 Total Other Uses 191,162 164,720 164,720 177,670 8%12,950 37 38 TOTAL EXPENDITURS & OTHER USES 712,681 699,772 692,149 884,594 27.80%192,445 38 39 EXCESS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES (25,908) 21,778 29,401 (156,044) -631%(185,445) 39 40 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 1,052,547 1,026,639 1,026,639 1,056,040 3%29,401 40 41 FUND BALANCE, ENDING 1,026,639 1,048,417 1,056,040 899,996 -15%(156,044) 41 42 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 182,143 151,700 151,700 164,450 8%12,750 42 43 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE, ENDING 844,496 896,717 904,340 735,546 -19%(168,794) 43 44 # Days Operating 433 468 477 304 -36%(173) 44 45 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 45 46 Debt Service Payments 182,143 151,700 151,700 164,450 8%12,750 46 47 - - 47 48 - - 48 49 - - 49 50 - - 50 51 TOTAL RESTRICTED/ASSIGNED/COMMITED FUNDS 182,143 151,700 151,700 164,450 8%12,750 51 vs 51 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 R P IR VA 100% 2 M P FB VA 100% 3 N P FB VA 100% 4 E P FB VA 100% 5 M P FB VA 100% 6 R P FB VA 100% 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 should match change amount noted above 1 2 345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 $775,365.14 -$53,815.14 $728,550.00 220-31320-10-00 ACCOUNT NUMBER -$156,043.82 Various CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE 220-42699-10-00 Operating Payroll Transfers $35,041.26 Transfers To Maintain Payroll - Dept 11-17-18-19-21-22 Department Name: $7,000.00 $109,228.68 $102,228.68 Contact Name:Today's Date: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Hotel Occupancy Tax Various BASE BUDGET AMT 08/05/14 $7,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE CHANGES REVISION 2 REVISION $721,550.00 $7,000.00 CHANGE AMT ADD EQUALS Increase Arbor Day Hospitality Increase Arbor Day Postage Decrease Arbor Day Misc Supplies Transfer Out to GF for Communication Dept Expenses Date: $102,228.68TOTAL Transfer Out to GF for Communication Dept Expenses Transfer Out to Debt Service Fund (A&S Center) TOTAL EXPENDITURE CHANGES Transfer Out to Debt Service Fund (A&S Center) DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: MINUS EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:ALL220 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:Visitor Association Fund Fiscal Year: 3 $884,593.82 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: Transfer Out to DS Increased Hotel Tax Revenue Approved Date: Anticipated PR Transfers - change susan to full timeProposed Increase/Performance- Dept 11-17-18-19-21-22Public Art Expense (Per Tom) Increase Arbor Day Marketing Increase Arbor Day Advertising NEW BUDGET AMT Increased Hotel Tax Revenue STATUS (for finance department use only) Anticipated PR Transfers - change susan to full timeOperating Payroll Transfers220-42699-10-00 $35,753.00 Transfers To Maintain Payroll - Dept 11-17-18-19-21-22 $21,633.42 Proposed Increase/Performance- Dept 11-17-18-19-21-22220-42699-10-00 Operating Payroll Transfers 220-62510-99-00 $4,051.00 220-62580-99-00 $12,750.00 Transfer Out to GF $109,228.68 SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 52 Debt Service Fund Program Summary Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Adopted Estimated Proposed Proposed FY 14/15 Actual Budget Budget Budget FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 13/14 1 REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 1 2 General Sales Tax - - - - 0%- 2 3 Property Tax 129,565 153,868 140,522 166,969 19%26,447 3 4 Hotel Tax - - - - 0%- 4 5 Charges for Services - - - - 0%- 5 6 Beverage Tax - - - - 0%- 6 7 Franchise Fees - - - - 0%- 7 8 Permits & Fees - - - - 0%- 8 9 Fines & Forfeitures - - - - 0%- 9 10 Investment Earnings - - - - 0%- 10 11 Contributions - - - - 0%- 11 12 Misc Income (0) - - - 0%- 12 13 Total Revenues 129,564 153,868 140,522 166,969 19%26,447 13 14 Transfers In GF/4B/VA 1,459,344 1,936,358 1,924,966 2,139,554 11%214,588 14 15 Other Sources Bond Refunding 2011 GORB 2,237,723 - - - 0%- 15 16 Total Other Sources 3,697,067 1,936,358 1,924,966 2,139,554 11%214,588 16 17 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 3,826,632 2,090,226 2,065,488 2,306,523 12%241,035 17 18 EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 18 19 Payroll Salaries - - - - 0%- 19 20 Payroll Insurance - - - - 0%- 20 21 Payroll Taxes - - - - 0%- 21 22 Payroll Retirement - - - - 0%- 22 23 Payroll Tranfsers - - - - 0%- 23 24 Total Payroll and Related - - - - 0%- 24 25 Supplies - - - - 0%- 25 26 Services 63,813 907 1,677 2,000 19%323 26 27 Insurance - - - - 0%- 27 28 Repair & Maintenance - - - - 0%- 28 29 Rent & Utilities - - - - 0%- 29 30 Interfund Advances - - - - 0%- 30 31 Debt 3,783,994 2,089,319 2,077,157 2,292,658 10%215,501 31 32 Total Operating Expenditures 3,847,807 2,090,226 2,078,834 2,294,658 10%215,824 32 33 Capital Outlay - - - - 0%- 33 34 Capital Projects - - - - 0%- 34 35 Total Capital - - - - 0%- 35 36 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,847,807 2,090,226 2,078,834 2,294,658 10%215,501 36 37 Transfers Out - - - - 0%- 37 38 Other Uses Bond Refunding - - - - 0%- 38 39 Total Other Uses - - - - 0%- 39 40 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 3,847,807 2,090,226 2,078,834 2,294,658 10%215,824 40 41 EXCESS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES (21,175) - (13,346) 11,865 100%25,211 41 42 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 22,657 1,481 1,481.29 (11,865) -901%(13,346) 42 43 FUND BALANCE, ENDING 1,481 1,481 (11,865) (0) 0%11,865 43 44 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 7,504 7,504 (11,865) (0) 0%11,865 44 45 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE, ENDING - - - - 0%- 45 46 46 47 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 47 48 - - - - 0%- 48 49 - - - - 0%- 49 50 - - - - 0%- 50 51 - - - - 0%- 51 52 - - - - 0%- 52 53 TOTAL RESTRICTED/ASSIGNED/COMMITTED FUNDS - - - - 0%- 53 vs 53 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 R P IR DS 100% 2 R P IR DS 100% 3 R P IR DS 100% 4 R P IR DS 100% 5 R P FB DS 100% 6 R P FB DS 100% 7 R P FB DS 100% 8 R P FB DS 100% 9 R P FB DS 100% 10 R P FB DS 100% 11 R P FB DS 100% 12 R P FB DS 100% should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MINUS -$25,981.29 48840 and 48850 - 13 DS2014 GORB $260,510.00 Partial refunding of series 2003 Department Name: $285,431.09 $259,449.80 ADD EQUALS Administrative BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT REVISION 2 REVISION $2,021,091.86 $2,035,208.15 -$14,116.29 $2,306,522.95 Today's Date: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Property Tax CY $26,447.29 $11,865.00 Decreased transfers in from General Fund 48840 and 48850 - 13 Current levy property tax increase DS2011 GORB DS2007 GORB $12,750.00 TOTAL REVENUE CHANGES Original construction at Westlake Academy (2nd phase 2003) -$1,313.00 TOTAL DS PAYMENT CHANGES MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE 300-52510-88-00 Transfer in from GF $212,483.80 Increased transfers in from General Fund 300-31315-00-00 CHANGE AMT DS2011 CO $12,750.00 48840 and 48850 - 02 48840 and 48850 - 03 48840 and 48850 - 07 48840 and 48850 - 11 48840 and 48850 - 10 $334,600.00 $1,236.00 ACCOUNT NUMBER Increased transfers in from 4B Fund$33,750.00 Increased transfers in from Visitor FundTransfer in from VA Transfer in from 4B 300-52550-88-00 300-52560-88-00 Partial refunding of series 2002 DS2002 CO BUDGET INFORMATION EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:ALL220 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:Debt Service Fund Fiscal Year: Date: Increased transfers in from Visitor Fund Increased transfers in from 4B Fund -$351,450.00 Original construction at Westlake Academy (1st phase 2002) DS2003 CO $3,219.00 Various street projects Partial refunding of series 2002/2003 Westlake Academy Expansion Phase 1 Partial refunding of series 2003/2008 48840 and 48850 - 12 Partial refunding of series 2003/2008 Original construction at Westlake Academy (1st phase 2002) Original construction at Westlake Academy (2nd phase 2003) Partial refunding of series 2002 $259,449.80 -$25,981.29TOTAL STATUS (for finance department use only) -$102.20 Date: DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Partial refunding of series 2002/2003 Various street projects Westlake Academy Expansion Phase 1 Contact Name:08/05/14Various CHANGE AMOUNT Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $2,294,657.95 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: $285,431.09 DS2013 CO DS2013 GORB Current levy property tax increase Approved SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 54 Debt Service Fund Long-Term Debt Summary Pymt Fiscal 300.48840.00. 014 300.48850.00. 14 300.48840.00. 13 300.48850.00. 13 300.48840.00. 12 300.48850.00. 12 500-48840-16- 00 500-48850-16- 00 300.48840.00. 11 300.48850.00. 11 300.48840.00. 10 300.48850.00. 10 300.48840.00. 07 300.48850.00. 07 300.48840.00. 03 300.48850.00. 03 No.Year Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Total Debt 1 2015 195,000 65,510 260,510 120,000 44,450 164,450 173,550 277,719 451,269 21,450 34,325 55,775 97,000 57,704 154,704 440,000 217,800 657,800 35,000 293,295 328,295 185,000 90,630 275,630 1,267,000 1,081,433 2,348,433 2 2016 200,000 61,560 261,560 100,000 42,250 142,250 173,550 274,248 447,798 21,450 33,896 55,346 100,000 54,503 154,503 100,000 212,400 312,400 410,000 291,983 701,983 190,000 83,230 273,230 1,295,000 1,054,069 2,349,069 3 2017 5,000 59,470 64,470 130,000 39,950 169,950 178,000 270,732 448,732 22,000 33,461 55,461 75,000 79,475 154,475 275,000 207,275 482,275 425,000 276,608 701,608 - 75,250 75,250 1,110,000 1,042,221 2,152,221 4 2018 5,000 59,290 64,290 125,000 37,400 162,400 178,000 267,172 445,172 22,000 33,021 55,021 79,000 75,625 154,625 700,000 192,650 892,650 40,000 259,608 299,608 - 75,250 75,250 1,149,000 1,000,016 2,149,016 5 2019 5,000 59,110 64,110 135,000 34,463 169,463 182,450 263,568 446,018 22,550 32,576 55,126 83,000 71,575 154,575 715,000 171,425 886,425 40,000 258,008 298,008 - 75,250 75,250 1,183,000 965,974 2,148,974 6 2020 5,000 58,930 63,930 140,000 31,025 171,025 191,350 259,830 451,180 23,650 32,114 55,764 87,000 67,325 154,325 730,000 149,750 879,750 45,000 256,408 301,408 - 75,250 75,250 1,222,000 930,631 2,152,631 7 2021 5,000 58,750 63,750 145,000 27,463 172,463 191,350 255,525 446,875 23,650 31,582 55,232 91,000 62,875 153,875 750,000 127,550 877,550 50,000 254,608 304,608 - 75,250 75,250 1,256,000 893,601 2,149,601 8 2022 5,000 58,570 63,570 145,000 23,838 168,838 200,250 250,630 450,880 24,750 30,977 55,727 96,000 58,200 154,200 770,000 104,750 874,750 55,000 252,608 307,608 - 75,250 75,250 1,296,000 854,821 2,150,821 9 2023 5,000 58,390 63,390 150,000 20,375 170,375 204,700 245,056 449,756 25,300 30,288 55,588 101,000 53,275 154,275 790,000 81,350 871,350 60,000 250,408 310,408 - 75,250 75,250 1,336,000 814,391 2,150,391 10 2024 5,000 58,210 63,210 145,000 17,130 162,130 213,600 238,781 452,381 26,400 29,512 55,912 106,000 48,100 154,100 820,000 55,150 875,150 65,000 248,008 313,008 - 75,250 75,250 1,381,000 770,141 2,151,141 11 2025 5,000 58,030 63,030 155,000 13,830 168,830 213,600 232,373 445,973 26,400 28,720 55,120 111,000 42,675 153,675 260,000 36,250 296,250 645,000 245,408 890,408 - 75,250 75,250 1,416,000 732,536 2,148,536 12 2026 5,000 57,850 62,850 165,000 10,063 175,063 226,950 225,765 452,715 28,050 27,904 55,954 117,000 36,975 153,975 260,000 27,150 287,150 670,000 219,608 889,608 - 75,250 75,250 1,472,000 680,564 2,152,564 13 2027 5,000 57,490 62,490 160,000 6,000 166,000 231,400 218,601 450,001 28,600 27,018 55,618 123,000 30,975 153,975 275,000 17,100 292,100 700,000 192,808 892,808 - 75,250 75,250 1,523,000 625,241 2,148,241 14 2028 5,000 57,580 62,580 160,000 2,000 162,000 240,300 210,936 451,236 29,700 26,071 55,771 129,000 24,675 153,675 290,000 5,800 295,800 730,000 164,808 894,808 - 75,250 75,250 1,584,000 567,119 2,151,119 15 2029 360,000 52,000 412,000 - - - 347,100 200,956 548,056 42,900 24,837 67,737 136,000 18,050 154,050 - - - 760,000 134,695 894,695 350,000 75,250 425,250 1,996,000 505,789 2,501,789 16 2030 370,000 39,200 409,200 - - - 360,450 188,574 549,024 44,550 23,307 67,857 143,000 11,075 154,075 - - - 790,000 103,345 893,345 365,000 57,750 422,750 2,073,000 423,251 2,496,251 17 2031 390,000 24,000 414,000 - - - 369,350 175,803 545,153 45,650 21,728 67,378 150,000 3,750 153,750 - - - 825,000 70,560 895,560 385,000 39,500 424,500 2,165,000 335,341 2,500,341 18 2032 405,000 8,100 413,100 - - - 529,550 158,748 688,298 65,450 19,621 85,071 - - - - - - 855,000 35,910 890,910 405,000 20,250 425,250 2,260,000 242,629 2,502,629 19 2033 - - - - - - 280,350 142,550 422,900 34,650 17,619 52,269 - - - - - - - - - - - - 315,000 160,169 475,169 20 2034 - - - - - - 293,700 131,069 424,769 36,300 16,200 52,500 - - - - - - - - - - - - 330,000 147,269 477,269 21 2035 - - - - - - 307,050 119,054 426,104 37,950 14,715 52,665 - - - - - - - - - - - - 345,000 133,769 478,769 22 2036 - - - - - - 320,400 106,505 426,905 39,600 13,164 52,764 - - - - - - - - - - - - 360,000 119,669 479,669 23 2037 - - - - - - 329,300 94,129 423,429 40,700 11,634 52,334 - - - - - - - - - - - - 370,000 105,763 475,763 24 2038 - - - - - - 342,650 81,950 424,600 42,350 10,129 52,479 - - - - - - - - - - - - 385,000 92,078 477,078 25 2039 - - - - - - 356,000 69,287 425,287 44,000 8,564 52,564 - - - - - - - - - - - - 400,000 77,850 477,850 26 2040 - - - - - - 369,350 55,447 424,797 45,650 6,853 52,503 - - - - - - - - - - - - 415,000 62,300 477,300 27 2041 - - - - - - 382,700 40,406 423,106 47,300 4,994 52,294 - - - - - - - - - - - - 430,000 45,400 475,400 28 2042 - - - - - - 400,500 24,742 425,242 49,500 3,058 52,558 - - - - - - - - - - - - 450,000 27,800 477,800 29 2043 - - - - - - 418,300 8,366 426,666 51,700 1,034 52,734 - - - - - - - - - - - - 470,000 9,400 479,400 $1,980,000 $952,040 $2,932,040 $1,975,000 $350,235 $2,325,235 $8,205,800 $5,088,522 $13,294,322 $1,014,200 $628,918 $1,643,118 $1,824,000 $796,831 $2,620,831 $7,175,000 $1,606,400 $8,781,400 $7,200,000 $3,808,678 $11,008,678 $1,880,000 $1,269,610 $3,149,610 $31,254,000 $14,501,235 $45,755,235 `` Rate:3.74%2.23%4.12%2.58%4.19%4.77% April 2013 3.42% $9,500,000 $9M WA Expansion and $1.5M Ground Storage Tank SERIES 2007 GO-Refunding SERIES 2003 COSERIES 2013 COSeriesSERIES 2013 GO-Refunding SERIES 2011 CO SERIES 2011 GO-Refunding Type *refunding of 2008 Certificates of Obligation *partial refunding of 2002/2003 *partial refunding of 2002 Certificates of ObligationCertificates of Obligation Funded by Visitors Association Fund 4B Fund & General Fund DS 300 Property Tax 4B Fund & General Fund 4B Fund & General Fund 4B Fund 200Utility Fund GRAND TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTALTOTAL March 15, 2007 June 23, 2003 TOTAL Original Issue:$2,200,000 Issue Date:April 2013 March 29, 2011 $2,095,000 $7,375,000$1,980,000 Issued By: US Bank Independent Bank Various street projectsUse:Refunding of 2008 (A&S Building) US Bank US Bank US Bank Bank of New York Partial refunding of 2002 & 2003 Partial refunding of Series 2002 2nd phase construction of WA $7,465,000 $6,410,000 December 29, 2011January 2014 Partial Refunding of 2003 US Bank SERIES 2014 GO-Refunding * partial refunding of 2003 4B Fund & General Fund TOTAL 55 Cemetery Fund Program Summary Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Adopted Estimated Proposed Proposed FY 14/15 Actual Budget Budget Budget FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 13/14 1 REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 1 2 General Sales Tax - - - - 0%- 2 3 Property Tax - - - - 0%- 3 4 Hotel Tax - - - - 0%- 4 5 Charges for Services 5,510 5,960 5,960 5,960 0%- 5 6 Beverage Tax - - - - 0%- 6 7 Franchise Fees - - - - 0%- 7 8 Permits & Fees - - - - 0%- 8 9 Fines & Forfeitures - - - - 0%- 9 10 Investment Earnings 87 100 100 100 0%- 10 11 Contributions - - - - 0%- 11 11 Misc Income - - - - 0%- 11 12 Total Revenues 5,597 6,060 6,060 6,060 0%- 12 13 Transfers In - - - - 0%- 13 14 Total Other Sources - - - - 0%- 14 15 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 5,597 6,060 6,060 6,060 0%- 15 16 EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 16 17 Payroll Salaries - - - - 0%- 17 18 Payroll Insurance - - - - 0%- 18 19 Payroll Taxes - - - - 0%- 19 20 Payroll Retirement - - - - 0%- 20 21 Payroll Transfers - - - - 0%- 21 22 Total Payroll and Related - - - - 0%- 22 23 Supplies - - - 500 #DIV/0!500 23 24 Services 2,769 4,225 4,225 6,225 47%2,000 24 25 Insurance - - - - 0%- 25 26 Repair & Maintenance 2,560 7,215 2,215 7,215 226%5,000 26 27 Rent & Utilities - - - - 0%- 27 28 Interfund Advances - - - - 0%- 28 29 Debt - - - - 0%- 29 30 Total Operating Expenditures 5,329 11,440 6,440 13,940 116%7,500 30 31 Capital Outlay - - - - 0%- 31 32 Capital Projects - - - - 0%- 32 33 Total Capital - - - - 0%- 33 34 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,329 11,440 6,440 13,940 116%7,500 34 34 Transfers Out - - - - 0%- 34 35 Total Other Uses - - - - 0%- 35 36 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 5,329 11,440 6,440 13,940 116%7,500 36 37 EXCESS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 268 (5,380) (380) (7,880) 1974%(7,500) 37 38 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 147,353 147,621 147,621 147,241 0%(380) 38 39 FUND BALANCE, ENDING 147,621 142,241 147,241 139,361 -5%(7,880) 39 40 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 148,096 147,528 150,904 134,162 -11%(16,742) 40 41 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE, ENDING (475) (5,287) (3,663) 5,199 -242%8,862 41 42 42 43 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 43 44 A Cash 255 10110 00 000 50,215 49,349 53,819 37,375 -31%(16,444) 44 45 A Open Cemetery Lots 255 15100 00 000 97,881 98,179 97,085 96,787 0%(298) 45 46 0%- 46 47 0%- 47 48 0%- 48 49 TOTAL RESTRICTED/ASSIGNED/COMMITTED FUNDS 148,096 147,528 150,904 134,162 -11%(16,742) 49 vs 56 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 E O FB CF 100% 2 E P FB CF 100% 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 if the water well is approved this will cover additional plant landscaping and mowing Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $13,940.00 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: Upgradet to annual Cemetery support and maintenance software Approved Date: EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:ALL220 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:Cemetery Fund Fiscal Year: STATUS (for finance department use only) Date: $2,500.00TOTAL DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Department Name: $0.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 Contact Name:Today's Date: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Contract Landscaping $500.00 CHANGE AMT ADD EQUALS Administrative BASE BUDGET AMT 08/05/14 Upgrade for annual support and maintenance software MINUS Troy Meyer CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE REVISION 2 REVISION $6,060.00 $11,440.00 -$5,380.00 $6,060.00 255-43348-00-00 ACCOUNT NUMBER -$7,880.00 NEW BUDGET AMT 255-43348-00-00 Contract Landscaping $2,000.00 additional plant landscaping and mowing SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 57 Utility Fund Program Summary Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Adopted Estimated Proposed Proposed FY 14/15 Actual Budget Budget Budget FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 13/14 1 REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 1 2 Charges for Services Water 2,322,249 2,112,000 2,112,000 2,510,544 19%398,544 2 3 Charges for Services Sewer 751,092 529,800 629,800 696,216 11%66,416 3 4 Charges for Services Trash 5,293 5,050 5,050 5,050 0%- 4 5 Charges for Services Other 76,714 60,750 70,150 60,750 -13%(9,400) 5 6 Franchise Fees - - - - 0%- 6 7 Permits & Fees - - - - 0%- 7 8 Fines & Forfeitures - - - - 0%- 8 9 Investment Earnings 6,325 6,000 6,425 6,000 -7%(425) 9 10 Contributions - - - - 0%- 10 11 Misc Income 226,980 192,004 402,704 192,004 -52%(210,700) 11 12 Total Revenues 3,388,653 2,905,604 3,226,129 3,470,564 8%244,435 12 13 Transfers In 500,000 - - - 0%- 13 14 Other Sources - - - - 0%- 14 15 Total Other Sources 500,000 - - - 0%- 15 16 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 3,888,653 2,905,604 3,226,129 3,470,564 8%244,435 16 17 EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 17 18 Payroll Salaries 119 - - - 0%- 18 19 Payroll Insurance - - - - 0%- 19 20 Payroll Taxes - - - - 0%- 20 21 Payroll Retirement - - - - 0%- 21 22 Payroll Transfers 275,791 321,554 321,554 352,198 10%30,644 22 23 Total Payroll and Related 275,910 321,554 321,554 352,198 10%30,644 23 24 Supplies 5,044 8,100 8,100 8,100 0%- 24 25 Services 635,003 523,028 599,503 563,264 -6%(36,239) 25 26 Insurance 4,780 4,790 4,790 4,790 0%- 26 27 Repair & Maintenance 95,384 122,400 170,650 148,400 -13%(22,250) 27 28 Rent & Utilities 98,733 130,760 132,535 132,535 0%- 28 29 Debt 709,962 191,212 248,250 246,987 -1%(1,263) 29 30 Water Purchases 965,192 1,110,600 1,134,600 1,280,600 13%146,000 30 31 Total Operating Expenses 2,514,098 2,090,890 2,298,428 2,384,676 4%86,248 31 32 Capital Projects 211,407 1,521,880 1,486,164 288,500 -81%(1,197,664) 32 33 Capital Outlay 20,731 15,000 15,000 20,000 33%5,000 33 34 Total Capital 232,138 1,536,880 1,501,164 308,500 -79%(1,192,664) 34 35 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,022,146 3,949,324 4,121,145 3,045,374 -27%(1,106,416) 35 36 Transfers Out 64,409 140,885 301,030 743,745 147%442,715 36 37 Total Other Uses 64,409 140,885 301,030 743,745 147%442,715 37 38 TOTAL EXPENSES & OTHER USES 3,086,555 4,090,209 4,422,175 3,789,119 -14%(633,056) 38 39 EXCESS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES 802,098 (1,184,605) (1,196,046) (318,555) -73%877,491 39 40 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 4,963,625 5,765,723 5,765,723 4,569,677 -21%(1,196,046) 40 41 FUND BALANCE, ENDING 5,765,723 4,581,118 4,569,677 4,251,122 -7%(318,555) 41 42 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 171,802 186,657 186,657 188,524 1%1,867 42 43 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE, ENDING 5,593,921 4,394,461 4,383,019 4,062,598 -7%(320,421) 43 44 Operating Expenses 2,810,739 2,427,444 2,634,981 2,756,874 5%121,893 44 45 # Days Operating 726 661 607 538 -11%(69) 45 46 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 46 47 R Water/Sewer Deposits 171,802 186,657 186,657 188,524 1%1,867 47 48 - - - - 0%- 48 49 - - - - 0%- 49 50 - - - - 0%- 50 51 - - - - 0%- 51 52 TOTAL RESTRICTED/ASSIGNED/COMMITTED FUNDS 171,802 186,657 186,657 188,524 1%1,867 52 10112 vs 58 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 R P IR UF 100% 2 R P IR UF 100% 3 M P FB UF 100% 4 M P ER UF 100% 5 R P IR UF 100% 6 R P IR UF 100% 7 R P IR UF 100% 8 E P FB UF 100% 9 E P FB UF 100% 10 E P FB UF 100% 11 M P FB UF 100% 12 R P IR UF 100% 13 E O FB UF 100% 14 M P ER UF 100% 15 R P FB UF 100% 16 R P FB UF 100% 17 M P FB UF 100% 18 N O FB UF 100% 19 N P FB UF 100% 20 M O FB UF 100% 21 N O FB UF 100% TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT CHANGES should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Capital Project N1 Sewer Line Transfer Capital Project N1 Sewer Line Transfer Capital Project Meter Reading Equipment 500-16600-00-00-000038-01 Capital Project $38,500.00 Capital Project Meter Reading Equipment $288,500.00 provide for testing of the two emergency generators that has not been performed to date. This will insure that the generators are performing as they were designed and that they will provide the expected electrical supply to Maintain adequate water supplies. This expense increase will provide for the planned/scheduled replacement of old/inaccurate water meters. Anticipate replacing 10% of meters per year. This expense increase is for the purchase of new meters for new service accounts associated with the anticipated increase of new homes/buildings. Replacement of the existing galvanized bolts with stainless steel bolts on the 20" water line valves. Some of the galvanized bolts have corroded to a point of catastrophic failure if not replaced. Anticipate reduction in instrument r&m Increased transfers out to Utility Maintenance Fund Principal change - Ground Storage Tank Interest change - Ground Storage Tank Increased sewer revenue based on projected water sales and rate increase effective January 2015 Expenditures reduced due to reduced litigation Increased costs are based on the new rates from City of Fort Worth and the projected volume of water sales Increased costs are based on the new rates from City of Fort Worth and the projected volume of water sales Increased costs are based on the new rates from Trinity River Authority and the projected wastewater volume to be treated. Start performing systemic preventative line cleaning that is currently being done on emergencies and hot spots. Anticipate preventative maintenance cleaning 10% of system each year. 500-44105-16 Water Purchases $145,000.00 Based on new rates from wholesale provider & increased water sales 500-42699-10 Operating Payroll Transfers $30,644.17 Increased Transfers Out to General Fund 500-16600-00-00-000030-01 Capital Project 500-44118-16 Instrument R&M -$5,000.00 Anticipate reduction in instrument r&m 500-62620-99 Transfers Out to UMR $186,470.00 Increased transfers out to Utility Maintenance Fund 500-44110-16 Peak Payment $25,000.00 Based on new rates from wholesale provider & increased water sales Sewer line cleaning 300 meters x $3/meter/month chg to upgrade meter reading system 500-44112-16 $5,000.00 $68,805.00 $439,897.53TOTAL $250,000.00 500-48840-16 DS-Principal $10,450.00 500-48850-16 DS-Interest -$10,462.64 $716,357.53 500-47420-16 500-62510-99-00 500-49999-10-00 New cellular/cloud based meter reading system/technology. Current reading system is unsupported and needed to be replaced, however the manufacturer has transitioned to the cellular system as our only viable option. The new system incurs a $3/meter/month charge that will be passed along to the customer. Increased Transfers Out to General Fund DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $3,789,118.89 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: $10,000.00 500-34420-16 -$166,416.00 500-43336-16 -$28,644.00 Meter Repair & Replacement Water Meters/Equipment Water Main R&M ADD MINUS EQUALS EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015Fiscal Year: Fund #:Dept #:ALL500 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:Utility Fund NEW BUDGET AMT Sewer Main R&M Utility Billing Generator Maintenance 500-44115-16 TRA-Wastewater Treatment Based on new rates from wholesale provider & increased water sales 08/05/14Jarrod Greenwood CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE 500-34410-16 Water Revenue Increased revenue based on projected water sales and rate increase Department Name: $564,960.00 $1,004,857.53 $439,897.53 Contact Name:Today's Date:Public Works BASE BUDGET AMT -$318,554.89 Approved Date: REVISION 2 REVISION $2,905,604.00 $2,784,261.36 $121,342.64 $3,470,564.00 ACCOUNT NUMBER STATUS (for finance department use only) 500-44121-16 $2,000.00 500-44130-16 $7,750.00 500-44114-16 -$5,000.00 500-44135-16 Date: -$398,544.00 Increased water revenue based on projected water sales and rate increase effective January 2015 UF Repayment to GF for Ground Storage Tank Capital Projects Operational Impact Increased revenue based on projected water sales and rate increase Anticipate reduction in technical support for litigation ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Sewer Revenue Contract Services CHANGE AMT -$564,960.00 TOTAL REVENUE CHANGES TOTAL EXPENSE CHANGES Perform load testing on generators Replacement of old meters Based on meters for increase in new home starts Replacing bolts on water valves Principal change - Ground Storage Tank Interest change - Ground Storage Tank $5,000.00 Transfers Out to GF UF Repayment to GF for Ground Storage Tank$256,245.00 Capital Project Oper Impact $13,100.00 Capital Projects Operational Impact SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 59 Utility Maintenance & Replacement Fund Program Summary Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Adopted Estimated Proposed Proposed FY 14/15 Actual Budget Budget Budget FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 13/14 1 REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 1 2 General Sales Tax - - - - 0%- 2 3 Property Tax - - - - 0%- 3 4 Hotel Tax - - - - 0%- 4 5 Charges for Services - - - - 0%- 5 6 Beverage Tax - - - - 0%- 6 7 Franchise Fees - - - - 0%- 7 8 Permits & Fees - - - - 0%- 8 9 Fines & Forfeitures - - - - 0%- 9 10 Investment Earnings 141 125 125 125 0%- 10 11 Contributions - - - - 0%- 11 12 Misc Income - - - - 0%- 12 13 Total Revenues 141 125 125 125 0%- 13 14 Transfers In 50,000 50,000 263,530 450,000 71%186,470 14 15 Total Other Sources 50,000 50,000 263,530 450,000 71%186,470 15 16 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 50,141 50,125 263,655 450,125 71%186,470 16 17 EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 0%- 17 18 Payroll Salaries - - - - 0%- 18 19 Payroll Insurance - - - - 0%- 19 20 Payroll Taxes - - - - 0%- 20 21 Payroll Retirement - - - - 0%- 21 22 Payroll Transfers - - - - 0%- 22 23 Total Payroll and Related - - - - 100%- 23 24 Supplies - - - - 0%- 24 25 Services - - - - 0%- 25 26 Insurance - - - - 0%- 26 27 Repair & Maintenance - - - - 0%- 27 28 Rent & Utilities - - - - 0%- 28 29 Interfund Advances - - - - 0%- 29 30 Debt - - - - 0%- 30 31 Total Expenditures - - - - 100%- 31 32 Capital Outlay - - - - 0%- 32 33 Capital Projects 81,672 88,000 296,530 203,000 100%(93,530) 33 34 Total Capital 81,672 88,000 296,530 203,000 100%(93,530) 34 35 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 81,672 88,000 296,530 203,000 100%(93,530)35 36 Transfers Out - - - - 0%- 36 37 Total Other Uses - - - - 0%- 37 38 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 81,672 88,000 296,530 203,000 100%(93,530)38 39 EXCESS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES (31,531)(37,875) (32,875)247,125 -852%280,000 39 40 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 92,829 61,298 61,298 28,423 -54%(32,875)40 41 FUND BALANCE, ENDING 61,298 23,423 28,423 275,548 869%247,125 41 42 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 61,298 23,423 28,423 275,548 869%247,125 42 43 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE, ENDING - - - - 0%- 43 44 44 45 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 45 46 A Cash 510 10110 00 000 61,298 23,423 28,423 275,548 869%247,125 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 TOTAL RESTRICTED/ASSIGNED/COMMITTED FUNDS 61,298 23,423 28,423 275,548 869%247,125 51 vs 60 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 E O IR UMR 100% 2 R O ER UMR 100% 3 R O ER UMR 100%Pump Station R&M Pump station repairs 4 N O FB UMR 100%510-47410-16 Motor Vehicles Replacement Chevy Utility Truck 5 M O FB UMR 100% 6 M O FB UMR 100% 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Balance of Scada Project One time costs associated with water line repair not anticipated to extend into future FY Cost of replacement utility truck - based on actual cost of Facilites recent vehicle purchase. Upgrade to Vaquero lift station pump DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $203,000.00 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: 510-44112-16 $12,500.00 $80,000.00 increase to budgeted transfers in from Utility Fund One time costs associated with pumpstation repair not anticipated to extend into future FY Approved Upgrade to Vaquero lift station pump Increase to budgeted transfers in from Utility Fund Water line repair ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015Fiscal Year: Fund #:Dept #:16510 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:Utility Major Maintenance & Replacement TOTAL PROJECT CHANGES Date: Public Works BASE BUDGET AMT NEW BUDGET AMT Transfer In from UF Water Main Repair $186,470.00 CHANGE AMT $45,000.00 REVISION 2 REVISION $263,655.00 $17,500.00 $246,155.00 $450,125.00 510-52550-88 ACCOUNT NUMBER 510-44123-16-00-000005 MINUS EQUALS 510-44117-16-00-000010 Lift Station Pump Repairs $20,000.00 $185,500.00 510-47410-16-00-000007 Scada Replacement $28,000.00 -$970.00TOTAL Date: $247,125.00 08/05/14Jarrod Greenwood CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE $186,470.00 TOTAL REVENUE CHANGES Department Name: $186,470.00 $185,500.00 -$970.00 Contact Name:Today's Date: ADD STATUS (for finance department use only) SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 61 Actuals Estimated Proposed Description 2003 - 2013 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 TOTALS TOTALS REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES Interest Income 470 125 125 125 125 125 125 500 1,220 Transfer in from GF - - - - - - - - - Transfer in from GMR - - - - - - - - - Transfer in from UF 163,864 263,530 450,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,200,000 2,077,394 Transfer in from PTR 10,000 - - - - - - - 10,000 TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES 174,334 263,655 450,125 300,125 300,125 300,125 300,125 1,200,500 2,088,614 UTILITY MAINTENANCE/REPLACEMENT PROJECTS Water Main R&M 0 - 17,500 30,000 - - - - - 47,500 Pump Station R&M 0 - 5,500 - - - - - - 5,500 Vaquero Lift Station Pump Upgrade 0 - - - - - - - - Sewer R&M - SS I&I 1 23,864 - - - - - - - 23,864 Pump Station Gate Retro-Fit 2 7,500 - - - - - - - 7,500 Pump/Motor Repair/Replacement 4 27,225 - - - - - - - 27,225 Pump Station Equipment 5 - - 80,000 82,500 87,500 - - 170,000 250,000 SCADA Replacement 6 - 60,000 28,000 - - - - - 88,000 Chevy Utility Truck 7 - - 45,000 - - - - - 45,000 Lift Station Pump Repairs 10 16,371 - 20,000 - - - - - 36,371 Water Main R&M 11 38,076 - - - - - - - 38,076 114 Lift Station Discharge 12 - 213,530 - - - - - - 213,530 GRAND TOTAL PROJECTS 113,036 296,530 203,000 82,500 87,500 0.00 0.00 170,000 782,566 NET REVENUES OVER (UNDER) PROJECTS 61,298$ (32,875)$ 247,125$ 217,625$ 212,625$ 300,125$ 300,125$ 1,030,500$ ` - 61,298 28,423 275,548 493,173 705,798 1,005,923 61,298 28,423 275,548 493,173 705,798 1,005,923 1,306,048 Fund Balance Ending 5 Year Projection Utility - Maintenance and Replacement Fund Projection Fund Balance Beginning 62 General Maintenance & Replacement Fund Program Summary Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Adopted Estimated Proposed Proposed FY 14/15 Actual Budget Budget Budget FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 13/14 1 REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 0%- 1 2 General Sales Tax - - - - 0%- 2 3 Property Tax - - - - 0%- 3 4 Hotel Tax - - - - 0%- 4 5 Charges for Services - - - - 0%- 5 6 Beverage Tax - - - - 0%- 6 7 Franchise Fees - - - - 0%- 7 8 Permits & Fees 2,000 - - 2,000 0%2,000 8 9 Fines & Forfeitures - - - - 0%- 9 10 Investment Earnings 1,795 1,750 1,750 1,750 0%- 10 11 Contributions - - - - 0%- 11 12 Misc Income - - - - 0%- 12 13 Total Revenues 3,795 1,750 1,750 3,750 114%2,000 13 14 Transfers In 550,000 550,000 275,000 275,000 0%- 14 15 Other Sources 6,250 - - - 0%- 15 16 Total Other Sources 556,250 550,000 275,000 275,000 0%- 16 17 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 560,045 551,750 276,750 278,750 1%2,000 17 18 EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 0%- 18 19 Payroll / Salaries - - - - 0%- 19 20 Payroll Related & Benefits - - - - 0%- 20 21 Payroll Transfers In - - - - 0%- 21 22 Payroll Transfers Out - - - - 0%- 22 23 Total Payroll and Related - - - - 0%- 23 24 Supplies - - - - 0%- 24 25 Services - - - - 0%- 25 26 Insurance - - - - 0%- 26 27 Repair & Maintenance - - - - 0%- 27 28 Rent & Utilities - - - - 0%- 28 29 Interfund Advances - - - - 0%- 29 30 Debt - - - - 0%- 30 31 Total Operating Expenditures - - - - 0%- 31 32 Capital Outlay - - - - 0%- 32 33 Capital Projects 201,412 519,726 361,045 1,264,000 250%902,955 33 34 Total Capital 201,412 519,726 361,045 1,264,000 250%902,955 34 35 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 201,412 519,726 361,045 1,264,000 250%902,955 35 36 Transfers Out - - - - 0%- 36 37 Total Other Uses - - - - 0%- 37 38 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 201,412 519,726 361,045 1,264,000 250%902,955 38 39 EXCESS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 358,633 32,024 (84,295) (985,250) 1069%(900,955) 39 40 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 880,415 1,239,048 1,239,048 1,154,753 -7%(84,295)40 41 FUND BALANCE, ENDING 1,239,048 1,271,072 1,154,753 169,503 -85%(985,250)41 42 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 1,239,048 1,271,072 1,154,753 169,503 -85%(985,250)42 43 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE, ENDING - - - - 43 44 44 45 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 45 46 A Cash 600 10110 00 000 1,239,048 1,271,072 1,132,753 147,503 -87%(985,250)46 47 A Cash EMS 600 10110 14 101 0 0 22,000 22,000 0%0 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 TOTAL RESTRICTED/ASSIGNED/COMMITTED FUNDS 1,239,048 1,271,072 1,154,753 169,503 -85%(985,250) 51 vs 63 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 N O FB GMR 100% 2 N O FB GMR 100% 3 M P FB GMR 100% 4 N O FB GMR 100%various Dept 17 - Troy 5 E O FB GMR 100%various Dept 19 - Troy 6 M P FB GMR 100%various Dept 20 - Jason 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Westlake Academy Interior/Exterior Repair & MaintenanceDept 17 - Troy Lawn mower replacement $30,000.00 various Dept 16 - Jarrod $14,000.00 Balance of Illuminated Street Name Signs Dept 14 - Richardvarious $12,000.00 $1,500.00 Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $1,264,000.00 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: various $113,484.00 $700K Engine Pumper and $30K building addition Approved Date: Balance of Illuminated Street Name Signs Westlake Academy Interior/Exterior Repair & Maintenance Lawn mower replacement Parks R&M and Trails R&M Network Equipment Network Equipment EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:ALL600 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:General Major Maintenance and Replacement Fiscal Year: 08/05/14 MINUS REVISION $278,750.00 $363,016.00 -$84,266.00 $278,750.00 ACCOUNT NUMBER -$985,250.00 NEW BUDGET AMTBASE BUDGET AMT CHANGE AMT ADD EQUALS REVISION 2 $700K Engine Pumper and $30K building addition$730,000.00 Parks R&M and Trails R&M STATUS (for finance department use only) DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: Various CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE Department Name: $0.00 $900,984.00 $900,984.00 Contact Name:Today's Date: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Various Date: $900,984.00TOTAL SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 64 Actuals Estimated Proposed Description 2003 - 2013 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 TOTALS TOTALS REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES Environmental Upgrade Grant 6,250 - - - - - - - 6,250 Firefighter Equipment Fees 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 8,000 12,000 Interest Income 4,584 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 7,000 15,084 Transfer in from GF 1,765,738 275,000 275,000 275,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 950,000 3,265,738 Transfer in from V&E 129,374 - - - - - - - 129,374 Transfer in from UF 10,000 - - - - - - - 10,000 Transfer in from PTR 64,274 - - - - - - - 64,274 TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES 1,982,220$ 276,750$ 278,750$ 278,750$ 228,750$ 228,750$ 228,750$ 965,000$ 3,502,720$ GENERAL MAINTENANCE/REPLACEMENT PROJECTS Ambulance Box, Chassis and Equipment 200,000 - - - - - - - 200,000 Fire Chief Vehicle 49,084 - - - - - - - 49,084 Ladder/Pumper - - 700,000 - - - - - 700,000 Fire Dept Building Addition - - 30,000 - - - - - 30,000 Dept 14 - Total Fire/EMS 249,084 - 730,000 - - - - - 979,084 Illuminated Street Signs 3,900 10,000 38,000 - - - - - 51,900 Wyck Hill Pavement Resurface - - - - 54,450 - - 54,450 54,450 Dept 16 - Total Public Works 3,900 10,000 38,000 - 54,450 - - 54,450 106,350 WA-Irrigation System 15,607 15,250 15,000 3,000 - 10,000 - 13,000 58,857 WA-Carpet/VCT Flooring 3,445 15,000 15,000 15,000 - 10,000 5,000 30,000 63,445 WA-Ext Environmental Improvements Irrig 8,112 5,000 30,000 - 7,000 - - 7,000 50,112 WA-Envrnmt Bldg UG light/water 25,899 2,500 10,000 10,000 - 5,000 10,000 25,000 63,399 WA-Exterior Paint & Wood R&M 32,818 10,000 11,000 5,000 - 8,000 8,000 21,000 74,818 WA-Painting/Cloth Wall R&M 4,325 10,000 15,000 10,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 36,000 65,325 WA-Roof Repairs 10,936 5,000 10,000 8,000 - 5,000 9,000 22,000 47,936 WA-Parking Lot 17,282 - 28,000 - 10,000 - - 10,000 55,282 WA-Refurbish Classrooms 75,204 23,795 25,000 25,000 30,000 25,000 30,000 110,000 233,999 WA-Update Security System 15,370 25,000 10,000 - 5,000 5,000 25,000 35,000 85,370 WA-Update Security Cameras 7,857 - 5,000 - 6,000 10,000 - 16,000 28,857 Interior Building R&M 2,800 5,000 10,000 - 12,000 8,000 - 20,000 37,800 WA-15 Ton Split HVAC System 14,399 10,000 15,000 - 12,000 - 15,000 27,000 66,399 WA-2 Ton Roof Top Units 11,903 15,000 40,000 5,000 - 10,000 5,000 20,000 86,903 WA-AC ton/7.5 ton server room - - - 6,000 - - 5,000 11,000 11,000 WA-Heater Boilers 23,870 22,000 10,000 - 7,000 5,000 - 12,000 67,870 WA-HVAC System Replacement - 4,000 5,000 5,000 13,000 - 10,000 28,000 37,000 WA-Plumbing Repair/Replacement - 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 - 9,000 19,000 29,000 Contribution Exp to WA - Facilities - 40,000 - - - - - - 40,000 Contribution Exp to WA - Technology - 50,000 - - - - - - 50,000 Facilities Maintenance Vehicle - 45,000 12,000 - - - 45,000 45,000 102,000 WA Playground Equipment - - 145,000 - - - - - 145,000 Park R&M - - 25,000 - - - - - 25,000 Dept 17 - Total Facilities & Grounds Maintenance 269,828 307,545 441,000 97,000 115,000 111,000 184,000 507,000 1,525,373 Trail Repairs 4,900 5,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 64,900 Dept 19 - Total Parks and Recreation 4,900 5,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 64,900 Servers & Network Storage 33,250 5,000 - - - 7,500 - 7,500 45,750 Network Printers/Peripheal Dev 630 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 - 20,000 30,630 Network Equipment 6,028 18,500 20,000 20,000 20,000 30,000 - 70,000 114,528 Server Replacements 8,763 - 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 - 30,000 48,763 Phone System/Peripheal Devices 9,651 10,000 5,000 7,500 10,000 15,000 - 32,500 57,151 Dept 20 - Total Information Technology 58,322 38,500 40,000 42,500 45,000 72,500 - 160,000 296,822 GRAND TOTAL PROJECTS 586,034$ 361,045$ 1,264,000$ 149,500$ 224,450$ 193,500$ 194,000$ 761,450$ 2,972,529$ NET REVENUES OVER (UNDER) PROJECTS 1,396,186$ (84,295)$ (985,250)$ 129,250$ 4,300$ 35,250$ 34,750$ 203,550$ 530,191$ Fund Balance Beginning (157,138) 1,239,048 1,154,753 169,503 298,753 303,053 338,303 Fund Balance Ending 1,239,048 1,154,753 169,503 298,753 303,053 338,303 373,053 5 Year Projection General - Maintenance and Replacement Fund Projection 65 Westlake Academy Program Summary Fiscal Year Adopted Estimated Proposed Proposed FY 12/13 Actual Budget Budget Budget FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 11/12 1 REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 1 2 Federal Program Revenues 81,958 67,722 80,008 73,896 -8%(6,112) 2 3 State Program Revenues 4,648,649 4,855,506 5,034,023 5,782,092 15%748,069 3 4 Local Revenues 1,205,931 1,538,434 1,922,443 1,711,305 -11%(211,138) 4 5 0%- 5 6 0%- 6 7 0%- 7 8 0%- 8 9 0%- 9 10 0%- 10 11 0%- 11 12 0%- 12 13 0%- 13 14 0%- 14 15 0%- 15 16 Total Revenues 5,936,538 6,461,662 7,036,474 7,567,293 8%530,819 16 17 Other Sources 40,959 45,000 331,266 45,000 -86%(286,266) 17 18 Total Other Sources 40,959 45,000 331,266 45,000 -86%(286,266)18 19 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 5,977,497 6,506,662 7,367,740 7,612,293 3%244,553 19 20 EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 20 21 61 Payroll Related & Benefits 4,339,742 4,832,464 5,196,595 5,618,025 8%421,430 21 22 62 Professional & Contracted Services 865,171 882,229 935,779 1,064,256 14%128,477 22 23 63 Supplies and Materials 268,069 385,613 503,367 672,890 34%169,523 23 24 64 Other Operating Costs 290,634 289,989 325,917 363,967 12%38,050 24 25 65 Debt Service - 6,405 84,186 1214%77,781 25 26 Operating Expenses 0%- 26 27 0%- 27 28 0%- 28 29 0%- 29 30 0%- 30 31 0%- 31 32 0%- 32 33 0%- 33 34 0%- 34 35 Total Expenditures 5,763,616 6,390,295 6,968,063 7,803,324 12%835,261 35 36 Other Uses 40,959 45,000 331,266 45,000 -86%(286,266) 36 37 Total Other Uses 40,959 45,000 331,266 45,000 -86%(286,266)37 38 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 5,804,575 6,435,295 7,299,329 7,848,324 8%548,995 38 39 EXCESS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 172,923 71,367 68,411 (236,031)-445%(304,442)39 40 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 819,090 992,012 992,012 1,060,425 7%68,413 40 41 FUND BALANCE, ENDING 992,012 1,063,379 1,060,425 824,394 -22%(236,031)41 42 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds - - - - 0%- 42 43 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE, ENDING 992,012 1,063,379 1,060,425 824,394 -22%(236,031)43 44 # of Operating Days 63 61 56 39 -32%(18) 44 45 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 45 46 A Technology/FFE - - - - 0%- 46 47 A Uniform/Equipment Replacement - - - - 0%- 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 50 TOTAL RESTRICTED/ASSIGNED/COMMITTED FUNDS 0 0 0 0 0%0 50 vs 2014/2015 66 Capital Projects Fund Program Summary Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Adopted Estimated Proposed Proposed FY 14/15 Actual Budget Budget Budget FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 13/14 1 REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 1 2 General Sales Tax - - - - 0%- 2 3 Property Tax - - - - 0%- 3 4 Hotel Tax - - - - 0%- 4 5 Charges for Services - - - - 0%- 5 6 Beverage Tax - - - - 0%- 6 7 Franchise Fees - - - - 0%- 7 8 Permits & Fees - - - - 0%- 8 9 Fines & Forfeitures - - - - 0%- 9 10 Investment Earnings 5,503 7,400 7,400 7,400 0%- 10 11 Contributions 4,897,456 256,500 16,500 320,000 1839%303,500 11 12 Misc Income - - - - 0%- 12 13 Total Revenues 4,902,959 263,900 23,900 327,400 1270%303,500 13 14 Transfers In - - - 1,150,000 100%1,150,000 14 15 Other Sources Bond Proceeds PROPOSED - - - 3,375,000 100%3,375,000 15 16 Total Other Sources - - - 4,525,000 100%4,525,000 16 17 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 4,902,959 263,900 23,900 4,852,400 20203%4,828,500 17 18 EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 18 19 Payroll Salaries - - - - 0%- 19 20 Payroll Insurance - - - - 0%- 20 21 Payroll Taxes - - - - 0%- 21 22 Payroll Retirement - - - - 0%- 22 23 Payroll Transfers - - - - 0%- 23 24 Total Payroll and Related - - - - 0%- 24 25 Supplies - - - - 0%- 25 26 Services - - - - 0%- 26 27 Insurance - - - - 0%- 27 28 Repair & Maintenance - - - - 0%- 28 29 Rent & Utilities - - - - 0%- 29 30 Interfund Advances - - - - 0%- 30 31 Debt - - - - 0%- 31 32 Total Expenditures - - - - 0%- 32 33 Capital Outlay - - - - 0%- 33 34 Capital Projects 5,844,927 1,838,484 1,704,120 5,551,000 226%3,846,880 34 35 Total Capital 5,844,927 1,838,484 1,704,120 5,551,000 226%3,846,880 35 36 TOTAL OPERATING AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 5,844,927 1,838,484 1,704,120 5,551,000 226%3,846,880 36 37 Transfer Out - - 200,000 - -100%(200,000) 37 38 Total Other Uses - - 200,000 - -100%(200,000) 38 39 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 5,844,927 1,838,484 1,904,120 5,551,000 192%3,646,880 39 40 EXCESS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES (941,967) (1,574,584) (1,880,220) (698,600) -63%1,181,620 40 41 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 3,580,803 2,638,835 2,638,835 758,615 -71%(1,880,220) 41 42 FUND BALANCE, ENDING 2,638,835 1,064,251 758,616 60,015 -92%(698,601) 42 43 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 2,638,835 1,064,251 758,616 60,015 -92%(698,601) 43 44 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE, ENDING - - - - 0%- 44 45 45 46 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 46 47 C Cash/CD's 410 10110 00 000 2,638,835 1,064,251 758,616 60,015 -92%(698,601) 47 48 0%- 48 49 0%- 49 50 0%- 50 51 0%- 51 52 TOTAL RESTRICTED/ASSIGNED/COMMITTED FUNDS 2,638,835 1,064,251 758,616 60,015 -92%(698,601) 52 vs 67 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 N O bonds IR 100% 2 N O bonds IR 100% 3 N O cash IR 100% 4 E O cash IR 100% 5 N O bonds CP 100%410-72000-00-000-000063 Municipal Building 6 N O bonds CP 100% 7 N O bonds CP 100% 8 N O cash CP 100%410-73000-00-000-000040 Sam School Rd Recon/Drainage 9 N O cash CP 100%410-73000-00-000-000041 E. Dove Rd Recon/Drain Vaq-TB 10 N O cash CP 100%410-73000-00-000-000020 FM1938 Streetscaping 11 N O cash CP 100% 12 N O cash CP 100% 13 N O cash CP 100%410-74400-00-000-000062 Water Line & Well Improvements 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ADD EQUALS $7,400.00 $0.00 $7,400.00 MINUS $4,845,000.00 $5,551,000.00 $706,000.00 Contact Name:Today's Date: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CHANGE AMT $1,125,000.00 Administrative BASE BUDGET AMT 08/05/14 REVISION 2 REVISION ACCOUNT NUMBER -$698,600.00 NEW BUDGET AMT $4,852,400.00 EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:ALL410 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:Capital Projects Fund Fiscal Year: Various CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE $2,250,000.00 Department Name: Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $5,551,000.00 Comments: PendingNot Approved Date: Please refere to the Capital Improvement Plan 2015-2019 for detailed information on the projects listed above Approved Date: STATUS (for finance department use only) Date: $453,000.00 $266,000.00 $195,000.00 $63,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $706,000.00TOTAL DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: $100,000.00 410-74400-00-000-000050 Glenwyck Farms Park Improvemen $5,551,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT CHANGES 410-73000-00-000-000034 Roanoke Road Recon/Drain South 410-74400-00-000-000055 Outdoor Warning System $99,000.00 410-33501-00-000-000063 Municipal Building $2,250,000.00 410-72000-00-000-000064 Fire Station Complex $4,845,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE CHANGES 410-33501-00-000-000064 Fire Station Complex $1,125,000.00 410-33700-00-000-000020 Town Improvements $320,000.00 410-52510-88-000 Transfer in from GF $1,150,000.00 SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 68 Estimated PROPOSED Proj No.Description FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 TOTALS TOTALS REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES CP20 Town Improvements - 320,000 - - - - - 402,016 CP30 Contributions 114/170 Enhancements - - - 160,000 - - 160,000 309,622 CP34 Bond Proceeds - Roanoke Road R&D South - - - - - - - - CP47 Hwy 377 Westport Parkway Sign 16,500 - - - - - - 16,500 Contributions - TSH Proceeds - - - - - - - 400,000 Interest Income 7,400 7,400 4,000 3,500 - - 7,500 65,520 Transfer in from GF - 1,150,000 600,000 480,000 - - 1,080,000 5,749,714 CP63 Bond Proceeds - Municipal Building - 2,250,000 - - - - - 2,250,000 CP64 Bond Proceeds - Fire Station Complex - 1,125,000 - - - - - 1,125,000 Bond Proceeds - - 13,513,360 2,600,000 - - 16,113,360 16,113,360 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 2,095,000 TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES 23,900$ 4,852,400$ 14,117,360$ 3,243,500$ -$ -$ 17,360,860$ 35,417,812$ CAPITAL PROJECTS Transfer out to WA Exp 200,000 - - - - - - 200,000 CP20 FM 1938 Streetscape/Wayfinding 1,687,600 1,000,000 - - - - - 3,747,955 CP30 SH 114/Hwy 170 Enhancements 7,500 - - 840,467 - - 840,467 1,079,900 CP31 Stagecoach Hills Street Reconstruction & Drainage 9,020 - - - - - - 498,900 CP34 S. Roanoke Road Reconstruction & Drainage - 453,000 - - - - - 455,900 CP40 Sam School Road Reconstruction & Drainage - 266,000 - - - - - 266,000 CP41 E. Dove Road Reconstruction & Drainage (Vaq - TB)- 100,000 414,945 - - - 414,945 514,945 CP50 Glenwyck Farms Park Improvemen - 195,000 - - - - - 195,000 CP52 Trail - Westlake Academy to Cemetery - - - - 276,100 - 276,100 276,100 CP53 Trail - Dove/Pearson/Aspen - - - 273,600 - - 273,600 273,600 CP55 Outdoor Warning System - 99,000 - - - - - 99,000 CP57 Ottinger Road Bridge Creek Crossing - - - - 330,000 - 330,000 330,000 CP58 Ottinger Road Recon/Drainage - - - - 572,710 - 572,710 572,710 CP60 Pearson Lane Recon/Drainage - - - 381,250 - - 381,250 381,250 CP62 Water Line & Well Improvements - 63,000 - - - - - 63,000 CP63 Municipal Building - 2,250,000 7,765,000 - - - 7,765,000 10,015,000 CP64 Fire Station Complex - 1,125,000 5,748,600 - - - 5,748,600 6,873,600 CP65 Maintenance & Storage Facility - - 20,000 - - - 20,000 20,000 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT EXPENSE 1,904,120$ 5,551,000$ 13,948,545$ 1,495,317$ 1,178,810$ -$ 16,622,672$ 34,679,608$ NET (1,880,220)$ (698,600)$ 168,815$ 1,748,183$ (1,178,810)$ -$ 738,188$ 738,204$ Fund Balance Beginning 2,638,835 758,616 60,015 228,830 1,977,013 798,203 Fund Balance Ending 758,616 60,016 228,830 1,977,013 798,203 798,203 5 Year Projection Capital Projects Fund Projection 69 Westlake Academy Expansion Fund Program Summary Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Adopted Estimated Proposed Proposed FY 14/15 Actual Budget Budget Budget FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 13/14 1 REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 1 2 General Sales Tax - - - - 0%- 2 3 Property Tax - - - - 0%- 3 4 Hotel Tax - - - - 0%- 4 5 Charges for Services - - - - 0%- 5 6 Beverage Tax - - - - 0%- 6 7 Franchise Fees - - - - 0%- 7 8 Permits & Fees - - - - 0%- 8 9 Fines & Forfeitures - - - - 0%- 9 10 Investment Earnings 5,647 5,000 5,000 - -100%(5,000) 10 11 Contributions 1,000,000 - 66,000 - -100%(66,000) 11 11 Misc Income - - 8,500 - -100%(8,500) 11 12 Total Revenues 1,005,647 5,000 79,500 - -100%(79,500) 12 13 Transfers In - 500,000 830,000 440,000 100%(390,000) 13 14 Other Sources Bond Proceeds 8,579,237 - 466,775 - 100%(466,775) 14 15 Total Other Sources 8,579,237 500,000 1,296,775 440,000 -66%(856,775) 15 16 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 9,584,885 505,000 1,376,275 440,000 -68%(936,275) 16 17 EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 17 18 Payroll Salaries - - - - 0%- 18 19 Payroll Insurance - - - - 0%- 19 20 Payroll Taxes - - - - 0%- 20 21 Payroll Retirement - - - - 0%- 21 22 Payroll Transfers - - - - 0%- 22 23 Total Payroll and Related - - - - 0%- 23 24 Supplies - - - - 0%- 24 25 Services 123,316 - - - 0%- 25 26 Insurance - - - - 0%- 26 27 Repair & Maintenance - - - - 0%- 27 28 Rent & Utilities - - - - 0%- 28 29 Interfund Advances - - - - 0%- 29 30 Debt - - - - 0%- 30 31 Total Expenditures 123,316 - - - 0%- 31 32 Capital Outlay - - - - 0%- 32 33 Capital Projects 1,706,690 7,795,950 8,191,950 902,805 -89%(7,289,145) 33 34 Total Capital 1,706,690 7,795,950 8,191,950 902,805 -89%(7,289,145) 34 35 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND CAPITAL 1,830,006 7,795,950 8,191,950 902,805 -89%(7,289,145) 35 35 Transfer Out 36,398 - - - 0%- 35 36 Total Other Uses 36,398 - - - 0%- 36 37 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES 1,866,405 7,795,950 8,191,950 902,805 -89%(7,289,145) 37 38 EXCESS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 7,718,480 (7,290,950) (6,815,675) (462,805) -93%6,352,870 38 39 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING - 7,718,480 7,718,480 902,805 100%(6,815,675) 39 40 FUND BALANCE, ENDING 7,718,480 427,530 902,805 440,000 -51%(462,805) 40 41 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 7,718,480 427,530 902,805 440,000 -51%(462,805) 41 42 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE, ENDING - - - - 0%- 42 43 43 44 Restricted/Assigned/Committed Funds 44 45 C Cash/CD's 410 10110 00 000 7,718,480 427,530 902,805 440,000 -51%(462,805) 45 46 0%- 46 47 0%- 47 48 0%- 48 49 0%- 49 50 TOTAL RESTRICTED/ASSIGNED/COMMITTED FUNDS 7,718,480 427,530 902,805 440,000 -51%(462,805) 50 vs 70 / ACCOUNT TYPE Revenues, Transfers In & Other Sources:++ Expenses, Transfers Out & Other Uses:-- Net Budget Impact:==* * positive number requires SLA Funding Fund Fund Rank Type Recur Sources Impact %BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COST INCREASE 1 N O cash WAE 100%412-52523-88-00 Transfer in from ED balance of Phase 1 construction expense 2 N O bonds WAE 100%412-46195-00-00 Construction Expense Granada (44 lots x $10,000 each) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 should match change amount noted above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CHANGE AMT ADD EQUALS Administrative BASE BUDGET AMT 08/05/14 REVISION 2 REVISION $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $440,000.00 ACCOUNT NUMBER -$462,805.00 NEW BUDGET AMT DETAILED JUSTIFICATION FOR INCREASE: MINUS Troy Meyer CHANGE AMOUNT BUDGET INFORMATION MAJOR ACCOUNTS CAUSING INCREASE VARIANCE $902,805.00 Department Name: $440,000.00 $902,805.00 $462,805.00 Contact Name:Today's Date: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION -$440,000.00 EXPENSE SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 2014 2015 Fund #:Dept #:ALL412 FUND INFORMATION Fund Name:Westlake Academy Expansion Fiscal Year: Comments: PendingNot Approved Date:Approved Date: STATUS (for finance department use only) Expense SLA Form - revised 04.11.2014 3 $902,805.00 Date: $462,805.00TOTAL SLA TYPE: Maintain Expanded Required New RECURRENCE: One-Time Permanent FUNDING SOURCE: ER expense reduction IR increased revenues FB fund balance 71 Actuals Adopted Estimated PROPOSED Description 2003 - 2013 FY 13-14 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 TOTALS TOTALS Revenues and Other Sources Contributions 1,000,000 - 66,000 - - - - - - 1,066,000 Interest Earned 3,519 5,000 - - - - - - - 3,519 Interest Earned Bonds 2,129 - 5,000 - - - - - - 7,129 Misc Revenue - - 8,500 - - - - - - 8,500 Transfer in from GF100 36,398 500,000 630,000 - - - - - - 666,398 Transfer in from CP410 - - 200,000 - - - - - - 200,000 Other Sources - - 466,775 - - - - - - 466,775 Bond Proceeds - 2013 CO 8,294,800 - - - - - - - - 8,294,800 Bond Premiums - 2013 CO 284,437 - - - - - - - - 284,437 TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES 9,621,283$ 505,000$ 1,376,275$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 10,997,558$ Capital Project Detail Engineering 38,338 45,060 45,060 - - - - - - 83,398 Design Fees 483,982 198,600 198,600 - - - - - - 682,582 Misc. Legal 4,788 - - - - - - - - 4,788 Irrigation R&M 4,766 - - - - - - - - 4,766 Landscape - A&S Center 20,324 - - - - - - - - 20,324 Contingency - 115,200 115,200 - - - - - - 115,200 Utility Relocations (W/S/E)49,344 - - - - - - - - 49,344 Advertising 520 - - - - - - - - 520 Audio Visual 3,740 - - - - - - - - 3,740 Printing - - - - - - - - - - Courier Service 422 - - - - - - - - 422 Security Expense - - - - - - - - - - Misc. Expense 3,243 - - - - - - - - 3,243 Construction Expense 780,517 6,962,881 7,162,881 902,805 - - - - - 8,846,203 Water Service 197 - - - - - - - - 197 Furniture & Fixtures 6,268 474,209 670,209 - - - - - - 676,477 Bond Issuance Costs - 2013 CO 123,316 - - - - - - - - 123,316 Transfer Out to GF 36,398 - - - - - - - - 36,398 Portable Buildings 346,639 - - - - - - - - 346,639 TOTAL PROJECT EXPENSE 1,902,803$ 7,795,950$ 8,191,950$ 902,805$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 10,997,558$ NET 7,718,480$ (7,290,950)$ (6,815,675)$ (902,805)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ (0)$ Fund Balance Beginning - 7,718,480 7,718,480 902,805 (0) (0) (0) (0) Fund Balance Ending 7,718,480 427,530 902,805 (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 5 Year Projection Westlake Academy Expansion Fund Projection 72 SCENARIO 1 Includes Delayed CIP (Fire Station and Town Hall Land only 14-15) (Construction in 18-19) ESTIMATED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 20-21 GENERAL FUND 100 1 Sales Tax (ongoing 100% minus one time)3.0%4,100,000 4,535,000 4,671,050 4,811,182 4,955,517 5,104,182 5,257,308 5,415,027 5,577,478 2 Sales Tax (audit/one-time)0.0%400,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 3 Sales Tax - additional due to commercial 50,000 51,500 53,045 103,045 4 Sales Tax Allocation to 4B linked (1,125,000) (1,158,750) (1,192,763) (1,227,795) (1,263,879) (1,301,046) (1,339,327) (1,378,757) (1,419,369) 5 Sales Tax Allocation to ED 2.0%(100,000) (100,000) (102,000) (104,040) (106,121) (108,243) (110,408) (112,616) (114,869) 6 Sales Tax Subtotal 3,275,000 3,376,250 3,476,288 3,579,346 3,685,517 3,844,894 3,959,073 4,076,699 4,246,285 7 Property Tax 2.0%1,189,825 1,209,094 1,233,276 1,257,941 1,283,100 1,308,762 1,334,937 1,361,636 1,388,869 8 Estimated Additional Property Tax - per schedule - 83,328 166,656 383,310 416,640 450,000 650,000 9 Property Tax (Fidelity abatement ends 20/21)0.02 125,647 10 Property Tax Subtotal 1,189,825 1,209,094 1,233,276 1,341,269 1,449,756 1,692,072 1,751,577 1,811,636 2,164,516 11 Permits and Fees (FD/MC/Other)2.0%148,510 148,510 151,480 154,510 157,600 160,752 163,967 167,246 170,591 12 Permits and Fees (Bldg Other Fees)2.0%109,990 109,990 112,190 114,434 116,722 119,057 121,438 123,867 126,344 13 Permits and Fees (Bldg Permits/Insp)2.0%750,000 480,000 480,000 144,000 480,000 480,000 480,000 480,000 480,000 14 Permits and Fees (Commercial)- 1,000,000 - - 1,000,000 - - 15 Estimated increased permits/fees for Granada 720,000 720,000 576,000 - - - - - 16 Total Permits and Fees 1,008,500 1,458,500 1,463,670 1,988,943 754,322 759,809 1,765,405 771,113 776,935 17 Beverage Tax 2.0%50,000 50,500 51,510 52,540 53,591 54,663 55,756 56,871 58,009 18 Franchise Fees 2.0%787,508 795,383 811,291 827,517 844,067 860,948 878,167 895,731 913,645 19 Fines & Forfeitures 2.0%645,000 670,000 683,400 697,068 711,009 725,229 739,734 754,528 769,619 20 Interest 2.0%8,670 8,670 8,843 9,020 9,201 9,385 9,572 9,764 9,959 21 Misc Income 2.0%55,959 60,094 61,296 62,522 63,772 65,048 66,349 67,676 69,029 22 Other Revenues 1,547,136 1,584,647 1,616,340 1,648,667 1,681,640 1,715,273 1,749,578 1,784,570 1,820,261 23 Transfer In - UF 500 Impact linked 37,500 37,500 38,250 39,015 39,795 40,591 41,403 42,231 43,076 24 Transfer In - UF (IF loan repymt of $500K plus int )- 256,245 256,245 - - - - - - 25 Transfer In - VA 220 Dept 22 3.0%13,020 13,220 13,617 14,025 14,446 14,879 15,326 15,785 16,259 26 Transfers In 50,520 306,965 308,112 53,040 54,241 55,470 56,729 58,016 59,335 27 Total Revenues & Transfers In 7,070,981 7,935,456 8,097,685 8,611,266 7,625,476 8,067,518 9,282,362 8,502,034 9,067,332 28 Payroll Salaries 3.0%(2,339,745) (2,862,360) (2,948,231) (3,036,678) (3,127,778) (3,221,612) (3,318,260) (3,417,808) (3,520,342) 29 Payroll Insurance (Health/Dental/Life)10.0%(325,884) (456,028) (501,631) (551,794) (606,974) (667,671) (734,438) (807,882) (888,670) 30 Payroll Taxes (SSM/WC/TWC)3.0%(209,783) (226,713) (233,515) (240,520) (247,736) (255,168) (262,823) (270,708) (278,829) 31 Payroll Retirement (TMRS/ICMA)3.0%(193,291) (283,131) (291,625) (300,373) (309,385) (318,666) (328,226) (338,073) (348,215) 34 Payroll Transfers In 3.0%607,660 809,308 833,587 858,595 884,352 910,883 938,209 966,356 995,346 33 5-yr Personnel Forecast (ONLY Fire thru 18-19)0 - (78,000) (158,340) (246,090) (253,473) (261,077) (268,909) (276,977) 34 Total Payroll and Related (2,461,043) (3,018,925) (3,219,415) (3,429,111) (3,653,610) (3,805,707) (3,966,615) (4,137,024) (4,317,686) 35 Supplies 3.0%(235,921) (213,041) (219,432) (226,015) (232,795) (239,779) (246,973) (254,382) (262,013) 36 Service (inc CP operational impact for 14-15)3.0%(2,194,112) (2,273,399) (1,902,872) (1,959,958) (2,018,757) (2,079,320) (2,141,699) (2,205,950) (2,272,129) 37 Service(K-5 Westlake reserve slots)fixed - (300,000) (300,000) (300,000) (300,000) (300,000) (300,000) (300,000) (300,000) 38 Insurance 3.0%(30,520) (31,614) (32,562) (33,539) (34,545) (35,582) (36,649) (37,749) (38,881) 39 R&M 3.0%(126,962) (159,060) (163,832) (168,747) (173,809) (179,023) (184,394) (189,926) (195,624) 40 Rent & Utilities 3.0%(299,812) (299,842) (308,837) (318,102) (327,645) (337,475) (347,599) (358,027) (368,768) 41 Debt (repayment to BBP)3.0%(18,339) (18,339) (18,339) (18,339) (18,339) (18,339) (18,339) (18,339) (18,339) 42 Reduce Solana rent (General Fund portion)3.0% 154,296 158,925 163,693 43 Reduce Fire Station utilities 3.0% 15,298 15,757 16,230 44 Park/Well Improvement impact to budget Project - (7,570) (9,737) (10,029) (10,330) (10,330) (10,640) (10,853) 45 Fire Station/Maint. Bldg/Warning system Project - (1,600) 1,930 (1,988) (2,048) (136,799) (166,076) (171,058) 46 Street/Trails CIP impact to budget Project - (111,305) (148,739) (166,417) (171,409) (176,551) (181,848) (187,303) 47 Total Operating Expenditures (2,905,665) (3,295,294) (3,066,349) (3,181,246) (3,284,325) (3,373,305) (3,121,357) (3,205,448) (3,292,061) 48 Capital Outlay 3.0%(31,700) (16,280) (16,768) (17,271) (17,790) (18,323) (18,873) (19,439) (20,022) 49 Capital Project 3.0%- - - - - - - - - 50 IT Forecast - (54,000) (56,500) (55,500) (60,000) (65,000) (65,000) (65,000) (65,000) 51 Total Capital (31,700) (70,280) (73,268) (72,771) (77,790) (83,323) (83,873) (84,439) (85,022) 52 Transfer Out - ED 210 (35,758) (35,758) (35,758) - - - - - - 53 Transfer Out - GMR 600 fixed (275,000) (275,000) (275,000) (225,000) (225,000) (225,000) (225,000) (225,000) (225,000) 54 Transfer Out - DS (Debt for Academy Exp $8.5M) linked - - (447,798) (448,732) (445,172) (446,018) (451,180) (446,875) (450,880) 55 Transfer Out - VA for debt service (100,000) (171,025) (172,463) (168,838) 56 Transfer Out - DS 300 (Including 5-year CIP)linked (647,766) (815,854) (545,710) (285,507) (439,618) (394,447) (1,235,039) (1,121,179) (1,083,586) 57 Transfers Out - Operating (958,524) (1,126,612) (1,304,266) (959,240) (1,109,791) (1,165,465) (2,082,244) (1,965,517) (1,928,304) 58 Transfer Out - CP 410 linked - (430,000) - - - - - - - 59 Transfer Out - WAE 412 (630,000) - - - - - - - - 60 Transfer out - Capital Projects -one time $$(720,000) (720,000) (576,000) - - - - - 61 Transfers Out - Non Operating (630,000) (1,150,000) (720,000) (576,000) - - - - - 62 Total Expenditures & Transfers Out (6,986,933) (8,661,111) (8,383,298) (8,218,368) (8,125,516) (8,427,800) (9,254,089) (9,392,427) (9,623,073) 63 NET R&TI Over(Under) E&TO 84,048 (725,655) (285,613) 392,897 (500,039) (360,282) 28,273 (890,393) (555,742) 64 Beginning Fund Balance 5,812,583 5,896,631 5,170,976 4,885,362 5,278,259 4,778,220 4,417,938 4,446,211 3,555,819 65 Ending Fund Balance 5,896,631 5,170,976 4,885,362 5,278,259 4,778,220 4,417,938 4,446,211 3,555,819 3,000,077 66 Restricted/Committed/Assigned 2.0%265,126 255,079 260,181 265,384 270,692 276,106 281,628 287,260 293,006 67 Restricted/Committed/Assigned (portion of 1 time fees)- - - - - 68 Unassigned Ending Balance 5,631,505 4,915,897 4,625,182 5,012,875 4,507,528 4,141,832 4,164,583 3,268,558 2,707,071 69 Operating Days 323 239 220 239 202 179 164 127 103 TOWN OF WESTLAKE Includes Granada revenue only All Municipal Funds EIGHT YEAR FORECAST DESCRIPTION 73 SCENARIO 1 Includes Delayed CIP (Fire Station and Town Hall Land only 14-15) (Construction in 18-19) ESTIMATED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 20-21 TOWN OF WESTLAKE Includes Granada revenue only All Municipal Funds EIGHT YEAR FORECAST DESCRIPTION DEBT SERVICE FUND 70 Property Tax ref 2011 CO 140,522 166,969 154,903 154,475 154,625 154,575 154,325 153,875 154,200 71 Transfer in - GF 100- including 5-year CIP 647,766 364,407 545,710 285,507 439,618 394,447 1,235,039 1,121,179 1,083,586 72 Transfer in - GF 100 - Phase I - 451,447 447,798 448,732 445,172 446,018 451,180 446,875 450,880 73 Transfer In - VA 220 linked 151,700 164,450 142,250 169,950 162,400 169,463 171,025 172,463 168,838 74 Transfer In - 4B 200 linked 1,125,500 1,159,250 1,193,263 1,228,295 1,264,379 1,301,546 1,339,827 1,379,257 1,419,869 75 Total Revenues & Transfers In 2,065,488 2,306,523 2,483,923 2,286,960 2,466,195 2,466,048 3,351,396 3,273,648 3,277,374 76 77 DS Principal - Issue 2002 CO Phase I (330,000) - - - - - - - - 78 DS Interest - Issue 2002 CO (21,450) - - - - - - - - 79 Bank Charge - 2002 CO - - - - - - - - - 80 81 DS Principal - Issue 2003 CO Phase II (175,000) (185,000) (190,000) - - - - - - 82 DS Interest - Issue 2003 CO (97,411) (90,630) (83,230) (75,250) (75,250) (75,250) (75,250) - - 83 Bank Charge - 2003 CO - - - - - - - - - 84 85 DS Principal - Issue 2007 GORB Refunding (35,000) (35,000) (410,000) (425,000) (40,000) (40,000) (45,000) (50,000) (55,000) 86 DS Interest - Issue 2007 GORB (294,608) (293,295) (291,983) (276,608) (259,608) (258,008) (256,408) (254,608) (252,608) 87 Bank Charge - 2007 GORB (400) (400) (400) (400) (400) (400) (400) (400) (400) 88 89 DS Principal - Issue 2011 GORB Refunding (100,000) (440,000) (100,000) (275,000) (700,000) (715,000) (730,000) (750,000) (770,000) 90 DS Interest - Issue 2011 GORB (223,200) (217,800) (212,400) (207,275) (192,650) (171,425) (149,750) (127,550) (107,750) 91 Bond Issue Cost 2011 GORB - - 92 Bond Issue Cost 2011 GORB - - 93 Bank Charge - 2011 GORB (400) (400) (400) (400) (400) (400) (400) (400) (400) 94 95 DS Principal - Issue 2011 CO Taxes (93,000) (97,000) (100,000) (75,000) (79,000) (83,000) (87,000) (91,000) (96,000) 96 DS Interest - Issue 2011 CO (60,791) (57,704) (54,503) (79,475) (75,625) (71,575) (67,325) (62,875) (58,200) 97 Bank Charge - 2011 CO (77) (400) (400) (400) (400) (400) (400) (400) (400) 98 99 DS Principal - Issue 2013 GORB Ref 2008 (105,000) (120,000) (100,000) (130,000) (125,000) (135,000) (140,000) (145,000) (145,000) 100 DS Interest - Issue 2013 GORB A&S (46,700) (44,450) (42,250) (39,950) (37,400) (34,463) (31,025) (27,463) (23,838) 95 Bank Charge - 2013 GORB (400) (400) - - - - - - - 96 Bond Issue Cost 2013 GORB - - - - - - - - - 97 98 DS Principal - Issue 2013 CO WA (89,000) (173,550) (173,550) (178,000) (178,000) (182,450) (191,350) (191,350) (200,250) 99 DS Interest - Issue 2013 CO Expansion (362,371) (277,719) (274,248) (270,732) (267,172) (263,568) (259,830) (255,525) (250,630) 100 Bank Charge - 2013 CO (400) (400) - - - - - - - 107 108 DS Principal - Issue 2014 GORB Refunding - (195,000) (200,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) 109 DS Interest - Issue 2014 GORB (43,626) (65,510) (61,560) (59,470) (59,290) (59,110) (58,930) (58,750) (58,570) 110 Bank Charge - 2014 GORB - - - - - - - - - 111 112 2014-15 CO (TH and FS LAND only ($56K per $1M) (3.375M) (30yr) (189,000) (189,000) (189,000) (189,000) (189,000) (189,000) (189,000) 113 114 2016-17 CO$2.69M Roads/trails $70K per $1M) (20 Yrs)- - (182,000) (182,000) (182,000) (182,000) (182,000) 115 116 2018-19 (TH and FS (Construction) ($15.786M) (30 yrs)- - - - (882,328) (882,328) (882,328) 117 118 Total Expenditures & Transfers Out (2,078,834) (2,294,658) (2,483,923) (2,286,960) (2,466,195) (2,466,048) (3,351,396) (3,273,648) (3,277,374) 119 NET R&TI Over(Under) E&TO (13,346)11,865 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 Beginning Fund Balance 1,481 (11,865) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 121 Ending Fund Balance (11,865) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 122 Restricted/Committed/Assigned - - - - - - - - - 123 Unassigned Ending Balance (11,865) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 74 SCENARIO 1 Includes Delayed CIP (Fire Station and Town Hall Land only 14-15) (Construction in 18-19) ESTIMATED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 20-21 TOWN OF WESTLAKE Includes Granada revenue only All Municipal Funds EIGHT YEAR FORECAST DESCRIPTION UTILITY FUND 124 Water/Sewer/Waste Revenues 2.0%2,746,850 3,211,810 3,276,046 3,341,567 3,408,398 3,476,566 3,546,098 3,617,020 3,689,360 125 Water/Sewer Tap Fees 2.0%31,350 23,250 23,715 24,189 24,673 25,167 25,670 26,183 26,707 126 Fort Worth Impact Fees 2.0%38,800 37,500 38,250 39,015 39,795 40,591 41,403 42,231 43,076 127 Misc Income 2.0%402,704 192,004 195,844 199,761 203,756 207,831 211,988 216,228 220,552 128 Interest 2.0%6,425 6,000 6,120 6,242 6,367 6,495 6,624 6,757 6,892 131 Total Revenues & Transfers In 3,226,129 3,470,564 3,539,975 3,610,775 3,682,990 3,756,650 3,831,783 3,908,419 3,986,587 132 Expenditures 3.0%(930,578) (877,089) (903,402) (930,504) (958,419) (987,171) (1,016,786) (1,047,290) (1,078,709) 133 Solana Expense - 31,613 31,613 31,613 31,613 31,613 31,613 134 Water Purchases 3.0%(1,134,600) (1,280,600) (1,319,018) (1,358,589) (1,399,346) (1,441,327) (1,484,566) (1,529,103) (1,574,976) 136 Payroll Transfers to GF new acct 3.0%(321,554) (352,198) (362,764) (373,647) (384,856) (396,402) (408,294) (420,543) (433,159) 138 Funded/Proposed Capital Projects Impact to Operations - (13,100) (25,730) (26,501) (27,295) (27,295) (27,295) (27,295) 139 Total Operating Expense (2,386,732) (2,509,887) (2,598,283) (2,656,856) (2,737,509) (2,820,582) (2,905,329) (2,992,618) (3,082,526) 140 Transfer Out - UMR 510 fixed (263,530) (450,000) (300,000) (300,000) (300,000) (300,000) (300,000) (300,000) (300,000) 141 Transfer Out - GF 100 Loan Repayment linked - (256,245) (256,245) - - - - - - 142 Transfer Out - GF 100 Impact Fees linked (37,500) (37,500) (38,250) (39,015) (39,795) (40,591) (41,403) (42,231) (43,076) 145 Total Transfers Out (301,030) (743,745) (594,495) (339,015) (339,795) (340,591) (341,403) (342,231) (343,076) 146 N1 Sewer Line Transfer 0.0%(82,967) (250,000) - - - - - - - 149 Ground Storage Tank 0.0%(1,403,197) - - - - - - - - 151 METER READING EQUIPMENT NEW PROJECT 0.0%- (38,500) (35,000) - - - - - - 152 Total Capital Projects (1,486,164) (288,500) (35,000) - - - - - - 153 Debt Service (Hillwood)3.0%(73,000) (73,000) (75,190) (77,446) (79,769) (82,162) (84,627) (87,166) (89,781) 154 Debt Service (Keller OH Storage)ends fy2020 linked (119,462) (118,212) (118,949) (119,879) (120,538) (120,936) (121,149) (122,688) - 155 DS Principal - Issue 2013 CO Ground Storage Tank $1.025M (11,000) (21,450) (21,450) (22,000) (22,000) (22,550) (23,650) (23,650) (24,750) 156 DS Interest - Issue 2013 CO Ground Storage Tank (44,787) (34,325) (33,896) (33,461) (33,021) (32,576) (32,114) (31,582) (30,977) 157 Total Debt (248,250) (246,987) (249,485) (252,786) (255,328) (258,224) (261,540) (265,086) (145,507) 158 Total Expenditures & Transfers Out (4,422,175) (3,789,119) (3,477,264) (3,248,656) (3,332,632) (3,419,397) (3,508,272) (3,599,935) (3,571,109) 159 NET R&TI Over(Under) E&TO (1,196,046) (318,555) 62,712 362,118 350,358 337,253 323,511 308,484 415,478 160 Beginning Fund Balance 5,550,572 4,354,526 4,035,971 4,098,682 4,460,801 4,811,159 5,148,412 5,471,923 5,780,407 161 Ending Fund Balance 4,354,526 4,035,971 4,098,682 4,460,801 4,811,159 5,148,412 5,471,923 5,780,407 6,195,885 162 Restricted/Committed/Assigned 2.0%159,802 153,522 156,592 159,724 162,919 166,177 169,501 172,891 176,349 163 Unassigned Ending Balance 4,194,724 3,882,449 3,942,090 4,301,076 4,648,240 4,982,235 5,302,423 5,607,516 6,019,536 164 Total Operating Expenditures 2,634,981 2,756,874 2,847,769 2,909,641 2,992,837 3,078,806 3,166,869 3,257,704 3,228,034 165 Operating Days 581 514 505 540 567 591 611 628 681 UTILITY MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT FUND 213 Revenues 1.0%125 125 126 128 129 130 131 133 134 214 Transfers In - UF 500 linked 263,530 450,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 215 Total Revenues & Transfers In 263,655 450,125 300,126 300,128 300,129 300,130 300,131 300,133 300,134 216 Expenditures linked (296,530) (203,000) (82,500) (87,500) (90,000) (90,000) (90,000) (90,000) (90,000) 217 REPAINT EXISTING STORAGE TANK NEW - (160,000) - - - - - - 218 Total Expenditures & Transfers Out (296,530) (203,000) (242,500) (87,500) (90,000) (90,000) (90,000) (90,000) (90,000) 219 NET R&TI Over(Under) E&TO (32,875) 247,125 57,626 212,628 210,129 210,130 210,131 210,133 210,134 220 Beginning Fund Balance 61,298 28,423 275,548 333,174 545,802 755,931 966,061 1,176,192 1,386,325 221 Ending Fund Balance 28,423 275,548 333,174 545,802 755,931 966,061 1,176,192 1,386,325 1,596,459 222 Restricted/Committed/Assigned 28,423 275,548 333,174 545,802 755,931 966,061 1,176,192 1,386,325 1,596,459 223 Assigned Ending Balance (projected)- - - - - - - - - 75 SCENARIO 1 Includes Delayed CIP (Fire Station and Town Hall Land only 14-15) (Construction in 18-19) ESTIMATED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 20-21 TOWN OF WESTLAKE Includes Granada revenue only All Municipal Funds EIGHT YEAR FORECAST DESCRIPTION CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 224 FM1938 Streetscape/Wayfinding Contribution - 320,000 - - - - - - - 225 Hwy 377 Westport Parkway Signal 16,500 - - - - - - - - 226 Contributions 114/170 Enhance - - - 160,000 - - - - - 227 Interest Income 7,400 7,400 4,000 3,500 - - - - 228 Transfer in from GF linked - 430,000 - - - - - - - 229 Transfer in from GF (Addl permits)linked 720,000 720,000 576,000 - - 230 Other Sources - Bond Proceeds 3,375,000 - 2,600,000 - 15,755,855 231 Other Sources - Bond Proceeds (trails, etc)- - - - - - - - - 232 Total Revenues & Transfers In 23,900 4,852,400 724,000 3,339,500 - 15,755,855 - - - 233 WATERLINE & WELL IMPROVEMENTS NEW - (63,000) - - - - - - - 234 MUNICIPAL BUILDING NEW - (2,250,000)- - - (9,047,710) - - - 235 FIRE STATION COMPLEX NEW - (1,125,000)- - - (6,688,145) - - - 236 MAINTENANCE & STORAGE FACILITY NEW - - - - - (20,000) - - - 237 FM 1938 Streetscape/Wayfinding (Cash)(1,687,600) (637,267) - - - - - - - 238 FM 1938 Streetscape/Wayfinding (Bonds)(42,733) 239 FM 1938 Streetscape/Wayfinding (Contribution)(320,000) 240 SH 114/Hwy 170 Enhancements (7,500) - - - - - - - 241 SH 114/Hwy 170 Enhancements (Cash)-Contribution - (160,000) 242 SH 114/Hwy 170 Enhancements (Cash)(680,467) 243 S. Roanoke Road Reconstruction & Drainage - (453,000) - - - - - - - 244 Sam School Road Reconstruction & Drainage - (266,000) - - - - - - 245 E. Dove Road Reconstruction & Drainage (Vaq - TB)- (100,000) (414,945) - - - - - - 246 Trail and Parks Improvements - (195,000) - - - - - - - 247 Transfer out to WA Expansion parking lot (200,000) - - - - - - - - 248 Outdoor Warning System - (99,000) - - - - - - - 249 HWY 377 Landscape Improvements - - - - - - - - - 250 One Project - - - (381,250) - - - - - 251 Trail - Dove/Pearson/Aspen - - - (273,600) - - - - - 252 Ottinger Road - Creek Bridge - - - - (330,000) - - - - 253 Ottinger Road Recon/Drain One Project - - - - (572,710) - - - - 254 Trail - WA to Cemetery - - - (276,100) - - - - 255 Total Expenditures & Transfers Out (1,904,120) (5,551,000) (414,945) (1,495,317) (1,178,810) (15,755,855) - - - 256 NET R&TI Over(Under) E&TO (1,880,220) (698,600) 309,055 1,844,183 (1,178,810) - - - - 257 Beginning Fund Balance 2,638,835 758,616 60,015 369,070 2,213,253 1,034,443 1,034,443 1,034,443 1,034,443 258 Ending Fund Balance 758,616 60,016 369,070 2,213,253 1,034,443 1,034,443 1,034,443 1,034,443 1,034,443 259 Restricted/Committed/Assigned 758,616 60,016 369,070 2,213,253 1,034,443 1,034,443 1,034,443 1,034,443 1,034,443 260 Unassigned Ending Balance - - - - - - - - - WESTLAKE ACADEMY EXPANSION 261 Contributions 66,000 - - - - - - - - 262 Interest Earned Bonds 5,000 - 263 Misc Revenue 8,500 - 264 Transfer in from GF 630,000 - - - - - - - - 265 Transfer in from CP 200,000 - - - - - - 266 Transfer in from ED Fund 440,000 400,000 - - - - - - 267 Other Sources 466,775 - - - - - - - - 268 Total Revenues & Transfers In 1,376,275 440,000 400,000 - - - - - - 269 Expenditures (8,191,950) (902,805) - - - - - - - 275 Total Expenditures & Transfers Out (8,191,950) (902,805) - - - - - - - 276 NET R&TI Over(Under) E&TO (6,815,675) (462,805) 400,000 - - - - - - 277 Beginning Fund Balance 7,718,480 902,805 440,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 278 Ending Fund Balance 902,805 440,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 279 Restricted Funds 902,805 - - - - - - - - 280 Unassigned Ending Balance (projected)- 440,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 GENERAL MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT 281 Revenues 1.0%1,750 3,750 3,788 3,825 3,864 3,902 3,941 3,981 4,021 282 Transfers In - GF 100 linked 275,000 275,000 275,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 283 Total Revenues & Transfers In 276,750 278,750 278,788 228,825 228,864 228,902 228,941 228,981 229,021 284 Expenditures (361,045) (1,264,000) (149,500) (224,450) (193,500) (194,000) (200,000) (200,000) (200,000) 285 Transfers Out - - - - - - - - - 286 Total Expenditures & Transfers Out (361,045) (1,264,000) (149,500) (224,450) (193,500) (194,000) (200,000) (200,000) (200,000) 287 NET R&TI Over(Under) E&TO (84,295) (985,250) 129,288 4,375 35,364 34,902 28,941 28,981 29,021 288 Beginning Fund Balance 1,239,048 1,154,753 169,503 298,790 303,166 338,529 373,432 402,373 431,354 289 Ending Fund Balance 1,154,753 169,503 298,790 303,166 338,529 373,432 402,373 431,354 460,374 290 Restricted/Committed/Assigned 1,154,753 169,503 298,790 303,166 338,529 373,432 402,373 431,354 460,374 291 Unassigned Ending Balance - - - - - - - - - Pearson Lane Recon/Drain 76 SCENARIO 1 Includes Delayed CIP (Fire Station and Town Hall Land only 14-15) (Construction in 18-19) ESTIMATED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 20-21 TOWN OF WESTLAKE Includes Granada revenue only All Municipal Funds EIGHT YEAR FORECAST DESCRIPTION VISITORS ASSOCIATION FUND 292 Hotel Tax 2.0%700,000 707,000 721,140 735,563 750,274 765,280 780,585 796,197 812,121 293 Other Revenues 2.0%21,550 21,550 21,981 22,421 22,869 23,326 23,793 24,269 24,754 294 Transfers In - GF for Debt Service - - - - - 100,000 171,025 172,463 168,838 295 Total Revenues & Transfers In 721,550 728,550 743,121 757,983 773,143 888,606 975,403 992,929 1,005,713 296 Expenditures 3.0%(241,322) (249,814) (257,308) (265,028) (272,979) (281,168) (289,603) (298,291) (307,240) 297 Solana Expense - 31,612 31,612 31,612 31,612 31,612 31,612 298 Payroll Transfers to GF 3.0%(286,107) (457,110) (470,823) (484,948) (499,496) (514,481) (529,916) (545,813) (562,187) 299 Transfer Out - GF 100 Dept 22 linked (13,020) (13,220) (13,617) (14,025) (14,446) (14,879) (15,326) (15,785) (16,259) 300 Transfer Out - DS 300 Schedule (151,700) (164,450) (142,250) (169,950) (162,400) (169,463) (171,025) (172,463) (168,838) 301 Total Expenditures & Transfers Out (692,149) (884,594) (883,998) (902,339) (917,709) (948,379) (974,257) (1,000,740) (1,022,912) 302 NET R&TI Over(Under) E&TO 29,401 (156,044) (140,877) (144,355) (144,566) (59,773) 1,146 (7,812) (17,199) 303 Beginning Fund Balance 1,026,639 1,056,040 899,996 759,119 614,764 470,198 410,425 411,571 403,760 304 Ending Fund Balance 1,056,040 899,996 759,119 614,764 470,198 410,425 411,571 403,760 386,561 305 Restricted/Committed/Assigned 151,700 164,450 142,250 169,950 162,400 169,463 171,025 172,463 168,838 306 Unassigned Ending Balance 904,340 735,546 616,869 444,814 307,798 240,963 240,546 231,297 217,723 307 Operating Days 477 304 255 180 122 93 90 84 78 4B ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 308 Sales tax (on-going)linked 1,025,000 1,146,250 1,092,763 1,127,795 1,163,879 1,201,046 1,314,327 1,353,757 1,394,369 309 Sales tax (one-time)fixed 100,000 12,500 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 310 Interest fixed 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 311 Total Revenues & Transfers In 1,125,500 1,159,250 1,193,263 1,228,295 1,264,379 1,301,546 1,339,827 1,379,257 1,419,869 312 Expendures - - - - - - - - - 313 Transfer Out (1,125,500) (1,159,250) (1,193,263) (1,228,295) (1,264,379) (1,301,546) (1,339,827) (1,379,257) (1,419,869) 314 Total Expenditures & Transfers Out (1,125,500) (1,159,250) (1,193,263) (1,228,295) (1,264,379) (1,301,546) (1,339,827) (1,379,257) (1,419,869) 315 NET R&TI Over(Under) E&TO - - - - - - - - - 316 Beginning Fund Balance - - - - - - - - - 317 Ending Fund Balance - - - - - - - - - 318 Restricted/Committed/Assigned - - - - - - - - - 319 Unassigned Ending Balance - - - - - - - - - 320 General Sales Tax linked to GF alloc to EDlinked 100,000 100,000 102,000 104,040 106,121 108,243 110,408 112,616 114,869 321 Hotel/Motel Tax 2.0%70,000 70,000 71,400 72,828 74,285 75,770 77,286 78,831 80,408 322 Granada/Entrada $10K/lot 440,000 400,000 323 Transfers In End FY2016 fixed 35,758 35,758 35,758 - - - - - - 324 Total Revenues & Transfers In 205,758 645,758 609,158 176,868 180,405 184,013 187,694 191,448 195,277 325 Expendures (205,758) 234,242 (209,158) (176,868) (180,405) (184,013) (187,694) (191,448) (195,277) 326 Transfers Out - (440,000) - - - - - - - 327 Transfer out to Debt Service Fund - - - - - 328 Transfer out to CP - Academy Expansion (440,000) (400,000) - - - - - - 329 Total Expenditures & Transfers Out (205,758) (645,758) (609,158) (176,868) (180,405) (184,013) (187,694) (191,448) (195,277) 330 NET R&TI Over(Under) E&TO - - - - - - - - - 331 Beginning Fund Balance - - - - - - - - - 332 Ending Fund Balance - - - - - - - - - 333 Restricted/Committed/Assigned - - - - - - - - - 334 Unassigned Ending Balance - - - - - - - - - CEMETERY FUND 345 Revenues 2.0%6,060 6,060 6,181 6,305 6,431 6,560 6,691 6,825 6,961 346 Transfers In 2.0%- - - - - - - - - 347 Total Revenues & Transfers In 6,060 6,060 6,181 6,305 6,431 6,560 6,691 6,825 6,961 348 Expenditures 3.0%(6,440) (13,940) (14,358) (14,789) (15,233) (15,690) (16,160) (16,645) (17,144) 349 Transfers Out 3.0%- - - - - - - - - 350 Total Expenditures & Transfers Out (6,440) (13,940) (14,358) (14,789) (15,233) (15,690) (16,160) (16,645) (17,144) 351 NET R&TI Over(Under) E&TO (380) (7,880) (8,177) (8,484) (8,802) (9,130) (9,470) (9,821) (10,183) 352 Beginning Fund Balance 147,621 - (7,880) (16,057) (24,541) (33,343) (42,473) (51,942) (61,763) 353 Ending Fund Balance 147,241 (7,880) (16,057) (24,541) (33,343) (42,473) (51,942) (61,763) (71,946) 354 Restricted/Committed/Assigned 147,241 (7,880) (16,057) (24,541) (33,343) (42,473) (51,942) (61,763) (71,946) 355 Unassigned Ending Balance - - - - - - - - - LONE STAR FUND 356 Revenues 3.0%45 45 46 48 49 51 52 54 55 357 Transfers In 3.0%- - - - - - - - - 358 Total Revenues & Transfers In 45 45 46 48 49 51 52 54 55 359 Expenditures 3.0%- - - - - - - - - 360 Transfers Out 3.0%- - - - - - - - - 361 Total Expenditures & Transfers Out - - - - - - - - - 362 NET R&TI Over(Under) E&TO 45 45 46 48 49 51 52 54 55 363 Beginning Fund Balance 13,599 13,644 13,689 13,736 13,784 13,833 13,883 13,936 13,989 364 Ending Fund Balance 13,644 13,689 13,736 13,784 13,833 13,883 13,936 13,989 14,045 365 Restricted/Committed/Assigned 13,644 13,689 13,736 13,784 13,833 13,883 13,936 13,989 14,045 366 Unassigned Ending Balance - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY 367 Total Revenues & Transfers in 16,362,091 22,273,481 18,376,266 20,546,953 16,528,062 32,955,879 19,504,280 18,783,726 19,488,323 368 Total Expenditures & Transfers Out (26,271,434) (25,369,235) (17,852,206) (17,883,543) (17,764,379) (32,802,728) (18,921,694) (19,144,101) (19,416,759) 369 NET R&TI Over(Under) E&TO (9,909,343) (3,095,754) 524,059 2,663,410 (1,236,317) 153,151 582,586 (360,374) 71,563 370 Beginning Fund Balance 24,210,156 14,153,572 11,057,818 11,581,877 14,245,287 13,008,970 13,162,121 13,744,707 13,384,333 371 Ending Fund Balance 14,300,813 11,057,818 11,581,877 14,245,287 13,008,970 13,162,121 13,744,707 13,384,333 13,455,897 372 Restricted/Committed/Assigned 3,582,110 1,083,927 1,557,737 3,646,522 2,705,404 2,957,092 3,197,155 3,436,962 3,671,567 373 Unassigned Ending Balance 10,718,703 9,973,891 10,024,140 10,598,765 10,303,566 10,205,030 10,547,552 9,947,371 9,784,330 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 77 ASSUMPTIONS FOR 8 YEAR FORECAST ASSUMPTIONS: Revenues •Permits and fees per 8 year forecast •Granada $10K/lot - 44 in FY 14-15; 40 in FY 15-16 •3% - Sales Tax •2% - All remaining revenue Taxes •Av erage home value $1,200,000 •Taxes assessed 2 years from year of permit Bonds •20 year bonds - 2.977% - $70K per $1M •30 year bonds - 3.468% - $56K per $1M •FY 2014-15 CO = $3,375,000 - Purchase of land only for Town Hall and Fire House •FY 2016-17 CO = $2,600,000 - Street/Trail improvements •FY 2018-19 CO = $15,755,855 - Completion of Town Hall and Fire House Expenditures •Includes impact to budget regarding all proposed CIP •Reduces Solana and Fire Department current expenditure (rent and/or utilities) •Prior year - IT forecast •Westlake Academy reserve - $300K/annually •Payroll - increase by fire department personnel only until there are 4 per shift •3% - All expenditures Transfers •Transfer from GF to CPF of $2.1M receipts in one-time permits from Granada for FY 14/15, FY 15-16 and FY 16-17 (Based on forecast ) •Granada lot fees of $10K/lot transferred to Westlake Academy Expansion for future construction •Annual transfers to Maintenance and Replacement Funds 78 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Introduction This document provides a comprehensive plan of capital improvements that are to be undertaken by the Town over the next five (5) years. Cost estimates and financing methods for the improvements are included and are referenced by individual project. The development of the Town’s Capital Improvement Plan is one of the more complex and multi-faceted processes of the Town. Striking a balance between the needs and interests of the residents and the financial capacity of the Town is a challenging proposition. For this community vision to have meaning, it must be accompanied by deliberate planning that leads the organization and community to its desired future. This requires clearly defined goals, proactive strategies, committed leadership, effective management and above all, the resources to carry out these plans and objectives. What is a CIP? First, what it is not; a CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) is not a wish list, rather it is a realistic plan designed to fulfill the strategic goals and objectives necessary to achieve the mission and vision of the community. A CIP is a multi-year document that summarizes the capital needs of a community over a specific time period. It outlines the individual capital projects, their strategic value and relationship to the community’s long-term goals and objectives as well as the fiscal impact that they pose to the community. Why have a CIP? • Informs the employees, departments, elected officials and the public of an entity’s intent to invest in its infrastructure and community • Represents a long-term financial plan and identifies resources or financing strategies that an entity plans to use to fund the plan • Establishes priorities and serves as a planning document or blueprint for an organization’s investment in capital infrastructure both short-term and long-term • Provides a breakdown of major project costs and phasing as necessary • DOES NOT appropriate money CIP Prioritization Strategy – Preserve * Protect * Plan • Preserve the past by investing in the continued upgrade of town assets and infrastructure • Protect the present with improvements and/or additions to facilities, roads, and capital investments • Plan for the future of the organization 79 Land, $11,896,663 29% Capital Improvements, 20% Machinery & Equipment, $594,715 1% Buildings & Improvements, $17,611,891 43% Construction in Progress, $2,834,092 7% Capital Assets By Major Category $41,121,883 (per the FY2013 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) Buildings, $17,611,889 47% Road Improvements, $7,563,485 20% Improvements Other Than Buildings, $621,038 2% Vehicles, $478,201 1% Utility Machinery & Equipment, $1,948,388 5% Utility Improvements, $9,614,902 25% Capital Assets By Type $37,837,904 (per the FY2013 Fixed Asset Depreciation Schedule) What is a Capital Project? Capital includes all long-lived infrastructures such as water facilities, sewers, streets, parks and buildings along with major equipment like fire trucks, radio systems, vehicles, computers and fixtures. Capital projects are the individual action plans that make up a Capital Improvement Plan. The capital projects in this CIP have been categorized into the following groups: Parks & Recreation, Facilities, Transportation, Vehicles and Utilities. Capital Assets by Category and Type When most people think of the Town’s capital assets, they automatically think of the Westlake Academy campus. While the campus is certainly a very important and visible asset owned by the Town, it is but one of many. Included in the assets of the Town are all of the Town’s infrastructure such as its streets, water and sewer mains, vehicles and other equipment. In preparing this year’s CIP, the staff utilized our annual audit to determine value of the Town’s assets. The chart to the right depicts the Town’s capital assets from the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (page 12) as of Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2013. Funding Considerations In all communities the cost associated with capital projects far outweighs the available resources necessary to pay for them; in short there is not enough money. This requires prioritization of the projects based upon their perceived impact on the community. Due to the vast number of individual desires it is near impossible to satisfy everyone and requires a collaborative effort to create situations where the benefits are shared equitably with community stakeholders. In addition, dedicated revenues will, in most cases, determine which projects get funded. For example, the Utility Fund may only contribute towards capital projects that improve water and wastewater projects. 80 Parks, Trails & Cemetery, $258,000 Municipal Facilities, $3,474,000 Academy Facilities, $902,806 Transporation Improvements ,$1,819,000 Utility Improvements $288,500 FY 2014-2015 Funded Projects by Major Category $6,742,306 Sources of Funding There are four primary funding sources for capital improvements: 1. Cash Funding (revenue sources such as sales, hotel/motel and property taxes) 2. State/Federal funding (public grants) 3. Private Funding (developmental impact fees or charitable donations) 4. Bond Issuance The proposed projects in this CIP rely on bond proceeds and other revenues in the Governmental and Enterprise Funds as well as contributions from corporate partners for funding. There are two types of bonds: General Obligation (GO) bonds which require voter approval and Certificates of Obligation (CO) bonds which do not require voter approval. The current CIP is funded primarily from four sources: Capital Projects & Utility funds (cash on hand), Contributions and CO bonds. How Inflation Impacts the CIP Inflation is defined as a rise in the price of all goods and services over time. This implies that the purchasing power, or value, of currency will decline in the future relative to costs. Therefore, more money will be required to fund CIP related expenditures and must be accounted for. This data is important in calculating the Town’s future liability; by utilizing inflation trends to calculate future capital replacement costs, we can determine how ‘waiting’ a year or more impacts the total project cost. Most are aware of the benefits of compounding when it comes to investing. Unfortunately, this same principle works in reverse as inflation causes costs to compound higher over time. Overview On September 16, 2013, the Town Council adopted the third annual plan (FY13/14 – FY17/18). These original projects as well as additional staff recommended projects are included in this plan. The Capital Improvement Plan for FY14/15 through FY18/19 presents the Town’s plan for infrastructure development and improvements. The Capital Improvement Plan is evaluated annually by the Town leadership to determine the financial availability of resources for design, construction, operations, and maintenance. The following chart provides a graphical comparison of the previous capital improvement plans. In prior years, the majority of capital improvements in Westlake have been unfunded. These projects represent capital needs that are subject to more discussion and are included to convey to the Town leaders and other interested parties the general 81 $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 FY 14/15FY 15/16FY 16/17FY 17/18FY 18/19 $6.742 $0.453 $1.495 $1.179 $15.756 $0.000 $4.206 $2.935 $1.462 $15.287 Funded vs Unfunded CIP Funded Unfunded parameters and breadth of those capital needs. These projects may be moved to the “Funded” section of this CIP in future years, depending on priorities, funding availability, and other considerations. Several of these projects such as the permanent fire station and municipal complex are multi-million dollar projects that have been carried forward since the Academy Complex was established. Balancing these priorities, while at the same time being cognizant of the fiscal challenges of our Town, has become a difficult task. Funded vs Unfunded (Under Discussion) Capital Improvements The chart to the right depicts the current adopted Capital Improvement Plan funded vs unfunded CIP. This multi-year capital plan will provide Council with a guide that communicates the program need or deficiency, as well as the funding requirements. It is important to note that projects which do not receive funding in a given year are moved out to the future years in order to communicate to those with decision making responsibility the need to provide necessary funding, or through evaluation, eliminate the project entirely. Funding of Previously Adopted and Current Proposed Projects This proposed Capital Improvement Plan anticipates additional revenues related to permits and fees and the use of two bond issuances to complete Phase II of Westlake Academy, the Fire Station Complex and the Municipal Building. The majority of the streets/trails projects will be funded with cash from the one-time revenues related to permits and fees as well as previously adopted transfers and contributions. Conclusions Capital Improvement Plans play an integral role in helping a municipality reach its stated strategic objectives. Equally important to the capital project development process are funding and economic considerations. Prudent financial stewardship should be based on cost minimization and long-range strategic capital preservation. While there are many methods for funding capital projects, consideration to who benefits from the project, the life of the capital asset and the affordability of the funding method are all important factors to consider. 82 ALL FUNDED AND PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS FIVE YEAR PROJECTION new project added or moved from unfunded (under consideration) this year TOTAL Page Proj Totals Thru FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FIVE YEAR PROJECTS No.No.Project Description FY 12/13 Estimated TOTAL COST CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 14 CP50 Trail and Park Improvements $ - -$ 195,000$ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 195,000 $ 195,000 15 CP62 Water line and Well improvements - - 63,000 - - - - 63,000 63,000 - - 258,000 - - - - 258,000 258,000 20 CP55 Outdoor Warning System - - 99,000 - - - - 99,000 99,000 22 CP63 Municipal Building - - 2,250,000 - - - 9,047,710 11,297,710 11,297,710 23 CP64 Fire Station Complex - - 1,125,000 - - - 6,688,145 7,813,145 7,813,145 24 CP65 Maintenance & Storage Facility - - - - - - 20,000 20,000 20,000 Sub-Total - Municipal - - 3,474,000 - - - 15,755,855 19,229,855 19,229,855 21 WA WA Expansion 902,803 7,712,832 - - - - - - 8,615,635 21 WA WA Expansion (Contribution) 1,000,000 66,000 - - - - - - 1,066,000 21 WA WA Expansion (Cash)- 413,118 902,806 - - - - 902,806 1,315,924 Sub-Total - Academy 1,902,803 8,191,950 902,806 - - - - 902,806 10,997,559 1,902,803 8,191,950 4,376,806 - - - 15,755,855 20,132,661 30,227,414 30 CP20 FM1938 Streetscape Improvements 1,060,355 1,688,000 637,267 - - - - 637,267 3,385,622 30 CP20 FM1938 Streetscape Improvements (Bonds)- - 42,733 - - - - 42,733 42,733 30 CP20 FM1938 Streetscape Improvements (Contribution)- - 320,000 - - - - 320,000 320,000 31 CP30 SH114/170 Enhancements 231,933 7,500 - - - - - - 239,433 31 CP30 SH114/170 Enhancements (Bonds)- - - 680,467 - - 680,467 680,467 31 CP30 SH114/170 Enhancements (Contribution)- - - 160,000 - - 160,000 160,000 PY CP31 Stagecoach Hills Recon/Drain 489,880 9,020 - - - - - - 498,900 32 CP34 Roanoke Road Recon/Drain South 2,900 - 453,000 - - - - 453,000 455,900 33 CP40 Sam School Rd Recon/Drainage - - 266,000 - - - - 266,000 266,000 34 CP41 Dove Rd Recon/Drain (Vaq/TB)- - 100,000 414,945 - - - 514,945 514,945 35 CP60 Pearson Lane Recon/Drainage - - - - 381,250 - - 381,250 381,250 35 CP53 Trail - Dove/Pearson/Aspen - - - - 273,600 - - 273,600 273,600 36 CP57 Ottinger Road Bridge Creek Crossing - - - - 330,000 - 330,000 330,000 36 CP58 Ottinger Road Recon/Drainage - - - - - 572,710 - 572,710 572,710 36 CP52 Trail - Westlake Academy to Cemetery - - - - - 276,100 - 276,100 276,100 1,785,068 1,704,520 1,819,000 414,945 1,495,317 1,178,810 - 4,908,072 8,397,660 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS 3,687,871 9,896,470 6,453,806 414,945 1,495,317 1,178,810 15,755,855 25,298,733 38,883,074 UTILITY FUND 500 48 UF30 TRA Assumption of N-1 Sewer Line - 82,967 250,000 - - - - 250,000 332,967 49 UF36 Ground Storage Tank (Bonds)96,803 903,197 - - - - - - 1,000,001 49 UF36 Ground Storage Tank (Cash)- 500,000 - - - - - - 500,000 50 UF38 Meter Reading & Equipment - - 38,500 38,500 - - - 77,000 77,000 TOTAL UTILITY FUND 96,803 1,486,164 288,500 38,500 - - - 327,000 1,909,967 $ 3,784,675 $ 11,382,634 $ 6,742,306 $ 453,445 $1,495,317 $ 1,178,810 $ 15,755,855 $ 25,625,733 $ 40,793,041 Totals Thru FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FIVE YEAR FY 12/13 Estimated TOTAL TOTAL Previously Adopted Projects - Cash 1,060,355$ 2,684,085$ 2,287,073$ 414,945$ -$ -$ -$ 2,702,018$ 6,446,458$ New Projects - Cash 351,500 38,500 390,000 390,000 Contributions - FM1938 - - 320,000 - - - - 320,000 320,000 Contributions - WA Expansion 1,000,000 66,000 - - - - - 1,066,000 Contributions - SH 114/370 Enhacement - 160,000 160,000 160,000 FY 10/11 - $2.09M Bonds ($932,819 on prev. projects)724,713 16,520 408,733 - - - - 408,733 1,149,966 FY 12/13 - $9.500M Bonds previously issued 999,606 8,616,029 - - - - - - 9,615,636 FY 14/15 Fire House & Town Hall Land -30 yr Bonds - - 3,375,000 - - - - 3,375,000 3,375,000 FY 16/17 Street/Trail - 20 yr Bonds - - 1,335,317 1,178,810 - 2,514,127 2,514,127 FY 18/19 Fire House & Town Hall- 30 yr Bonds - - 15,755,855 15,755,855 15,755,855 TOTAL $ 3,784,675 $ 11,382,634 $ 6,742,306 $ 453,445 $1,495,317 $ 1,178,810 $ 15,755,855 $ 25,625,733 $ 40,793,041 Cash % 28%24%39%100%0%0%0%12%17% Contributions %26%1%5%0%11%0%0%2%4% Bonds %46%76%56%0%89%100%100%86%79% TOTAL FUNDED CAPITAL PROJECTS - - - - - - - - - - - - Five Year Projection - - - - - - - - - - - Sub-Total - Park/Cemetery Sub-Total - Road/Street Improvements/Trails Sub-Total - Facilities Improvements - - - - - - - - - - - - Five Year Projection - - - - - - - - - - - 83 ALL UNFUNDED (UNDER DISCUSSION) CAPITAL PROJECTS FIVE YEAR PROJECTION Totals Thru FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 GRAND Project Description FY 12/13 Estimated TOTAL Cemetery Improvements - - - 75,750 61,800 63,654 65,564 266,768 15-30 Acre Community Park - - - 4,129,999 2,623,600 - - 6,753,599 Roanoke Road Open Space - - - - - 43,600 84,000 127,600 Total Parks/Cemetery - - - 4,205,749 2,685,400 107,254 149,564 7,147,967 WA Phase II - 15 Classroom Secondary Addition - - - - - - 4,550,620 4,550,620 WA Phase II - 4 Classroom Kindergarten Addition - - - - - - 2,442,500 2,442,500 WA Phase III - Art & Science Classrooms - - - - - - 1,878,080 1,878,080 WA Phase III - Performing Arts Center - - - - - - 5,234,600 5,234,600 Total Facilities Improvements - - - - - - 14,105,800 14,105,800 Hwy 377 Landscape Improvements - - - - - 700,000 - 700,000 Dove & Randol Mill Traffic Circle - - - - - 654,600 721,000 1,375,600 Trail - Fidelity Campus to Westlake Parkway on 114 - - - - - - 294,000 294,000 Trail Connection at 114/Solana - - - - - - 16,840 16,840 Signalization - - - - 250,000 - - 250,000 Total Road/Street Improvements/Trails - - - - 250,000 1,354,600 1,031,840 2,636,440 TOTALUNFUNDED (UNDER DISCUSSION) CAPITAL PROJECTS -$ -$ -$ 4,205,749$ 2,935,400$ 1,461,854$ 15,287,204$ 23,890,207$ new project added this year - - - - - - - - - - - - Five Year Projection - - - - - - - - - - - 84 PARKS/CEMETERY OVERVIEW The Parks & Recreation Department is responsible for maintaining the Town’s parks and trails. The Town of Westlake provides residents with one Town Park which is located near the Glenwyck subdivision. The trees along roadways and the cemetery are maintained to ensure the safety of drivers and pedestrians. The Town also maintains several trails located near the Glenwyck and Vaquero subdivisions. While additional trails have been discussed, no funding has been provided in recent years. In resident surveys, parks and trails have consistently rated as high priority/low satisfaction items suggesting a need for improvement. One of the goals of the current CIP is to begin creating the trails that will provide connectivity from the Town’s West side to its Eastern limits as well as interconnectivity with neighboring jurisdiction’s trail systems. Trails have been moved to the Streets/Road Improvements/Trails section of this CIP. ADOPTED PROJECTS – CIP FY 2014-2018 PROJECTS TO BE COMPLETED IN FY 13/14 o No Projects PROPOSED PROJECTS - FY14/15 THRU FY18/19 o Trail and Park Improvements  Water Line and Well Improvements UNFUNDED/UNDER DISCUSSION PROJECTS - FY14/15 THRU FY18/19 o Cemetery Improvements o 15-30 Acre Community Park  Roanoke Road Open Space 85 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - 10,000 - - - - 10,000 Construction - - 175,000 - - - - 175,000 Design - - - - - - - - Contingency - - - - - - - - Consultant - - 10,000 - - - - 10,000 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - 195,000 - - - - 195,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - 195,000 - - - - 195,000 Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bonds 2014/15 CO $4.1M - - - - - - - - Unfunded - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - 195,000 - - - - 195,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - 1,030 1,061 1,093 1,126 1,159 5,468 Services - - 1,030 1,061 1,093 1,126 1,159 5,468 Insurance - - 258 266 274 282 290 1,370 Repair & Maintenance - - 1,030 1,061 1,093 1,126 1,159 5,468 Rent & Utilities - - 2,060 2,122 2,185 2,251 2,319 10,937 Debt Service - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - 5,408 5,570 5,737 5,909 6,087 28,712 FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Trail and Park Improvements 5 Year Projection 5 Year Projection 5 Year Projection PROJECT EXPENSE PROJECT FUNDING IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Purchase of playground equipment, benches and ammmenities to be located along the current Glenwyck Farms and Terra Bella trail systems. This project would include mile markers, lighting and way finding signs etc. 86 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - 5,000 - - - - 5,000 Construction - - 45,000 - - - - 45,000 Design - - 5,000 - - - - 5,000 Contingency (trees) - - 3,000 - - - - 3,000 Other (ground scan) - - 5,000 - - - - 5,000 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - 63,000 - - - - 63,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - 63,000 - - - - 63,000 Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bonds 2017/18 CO $2.58M - - - - - - - - Unfunded - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - 63,000 - - - - 63,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - 1,000 2,000 2,060 2,122 7,182 Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - 1,000 2,000 2,060 2,122 7,182 Rent & Utilities - - - - - - - - Debt Service - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - 2,000 4,000 4,120 4,244 14,364 PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 5 Year Projection NEW CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REQUEST Water Line and Well Improvements This project includes a 2" irrigation line and the update of the water well by adding a 2,500 gallon water tank and upgrade to the current well pump at the white house across from the Cemetery and the 5 acre tract to water trees and landscaping. The project would also include surveying and scanning two sections. PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection 87 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - - - - - - Construction - - - 60,000 61,800 63,654 65,564 251,018 Design - - - 15,750 - - - 15,750 Contingency - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - 75,750 61,800 63,654 65,564 266,768 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bond Issuance - - - - - - - - Unfunded - - - 75,750 61,800 63,654 65,564 266,768 Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - 75,750 61,800 63,654 65,564 266,768 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - - 5,450 5,614 5,782 16,845 Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - - 16,350 16,841 17,346 50,536 Rent & Utilities - - - - - - - - Debt Service - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - - 21,800 22,454 23,128 67,382 UNFUNDED (UNDER DISCUSSION) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 5 Year Projection Cemetery Improvements PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET These improvements will consist of section markers, roadways and landscaping. The project also anticipates a future trail head with rest facilities that will accomodate the future cemetery/academy trail. Based on current funding sources, this project will be dependent upon the future sale of plots. The project would be completed in four phases. Phase I & II road improvemants, Phase III & IV landscape and trailer improvements. 88 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - 60,000 61,800 - - 121,800 Construction - - - - 2,500,000 - - 2,500,000 Design - - - 60,000 61,800 - - 121,800 Contingency - - - 9,999 - - - 9,999 Other - land purchase - - - 4,000,000 - - - 4,000,000 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - 4,129,999 2,623,600 - - 6,753,599 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bond Issuance - - - - - - - - Unfunded - - - 4,129,999 2,623,600 - - 6,753,599 Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - 4,129,999 2,623,600 - - 6,753,599 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - 2,725 2,807 2,891 8,423 Services - - - - 16,350 16,841 17,346 50,536 Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - - 2,725 2,807 2,891 8,423 Rent & Utilities - - - - 8,720 8,982 9,251 26,953 Debt Service - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - - 30,520 31,436 32,379 94,334 PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 5 Year Projection UNFUNDED (UNDER DISCUSSION) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 15-30 Acre Community Park This project would include the purchase of 15 to 30 acres of open space with the ability to add amenities such as small covered pavilions, trail head, playground stations, sports fields, general use open spaces, dog park, restroom, football field, running track, cross country trail, outdoor tennis and basketball courts, baseball and softball fields. The project would include restrooms, concession area with outdoor eating area and parking. This facility would provide programs and activities to the Westlake Community and Westlake Academy. PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection 89 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - - - - - - Construction - - - - - 32,700 84,000 116,700 Design - - - - - 10,900 - 10,900 Contingency - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - - - 43,600 84,000 127,600 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bonds 2017/18 CO $2.6M - - - - - - - - Unfunded - - - - - 43,600 84,000 127,600 Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - - 43,600 84,000 127,600 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - - - - - - Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - - - - - - Rent & Utilities - - - - - - - - Debt Service - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - - - - - - PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 5 Year Projection 5 Year Projection UNFUNDED (UNDER DISCUSSION) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Roanoke Road Open Space The town owns two acres of undeveloped open space located south of HWY 170. This project would be completed in two phase, Phase I includes adding an irrigation system, removal of all the brush and mesquite trees, park benches and planting trees. Phase II would include adding a trail head with a five to six space parking area. PROJECT EXPENSE 90 FACILITIES OVERVIEW Currently, The Town of Westlake owns and operates three facilities: the Westlake Academy, the temporary buildings that house our emergency services personnel and equipment, and the Parchman house which is currently being utilized for storage. The Town also leases approximately 12,000 square feet of office space. This Capital Improvement Plan proposes increasing the number of buildings on the Westlake Academy campus as well as providing new municipal buildings for staff and community events. ADOPTED PROJECTS – CIP FY 2014-2018 PROJECTS TO BE COMPLETED IN FY 14/15 o Westlake Academy Phase I Expansion including West Parking Improvements PROPOSED PROJECTS - FY14/15 THRU FY18/19  Municipal Building  Fire Station Complex  Outdoor Warning System  Maintenance and Storage Facility UNFUNDED/UNDER DISCUSSION PROJECTS – FY 14/15 THRU FY 18/19 o WA Phase II – 15 Classroom Secondary Addition o WA Phase II – 4 classroom Kindergarten Addition o Westlake Academy - Phase III – Arts & Science Classroom Addition o Westlake Academy – Phase III – Performing Arts Center 91 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - Design - - - - - - - - Contingency - - - - - - - - Other (Equipment) - - 99,000 - - - - 99,000 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - 99,000 - - - - 99,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - 99,000 - - - - 99,000 Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bond Issuance - - - - - - - - Unfunded - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - 99,000 - - - - 99,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - - - - - - Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - 1,000 1,030 1,061 1,093 1,126 5,309 Rent & Utilities - 300 600 900 927 955 983 4,665 Debt Service - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - 300 1,600 1,930 1,988 2,048 2,109 9,974 PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 5 Year Projection FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Outdoor Warning System Promote Community Health, Safety, and Welfare is a focus point in the Strategic Plan. Within that focus point is the Strategic Issue "Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness" The strategy is to provide a safe community for our residents and business partners. Building an effective Emergency Warning Notification System will enhance the Town's ability to ensure the safety of the community. An Outdoor Warning System will provide notification of approaching severe storms to the active outdoor population such as school children, joggers, golfers, workers, citizens engaged in outdoor activities around their homes, etc. PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection 92 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering 43215 54,940 45,060 - - - - - 100,000 Construction 46195 974,576 6,962,881 845,660 - - - - 8,783,117 FF&E 47415 6,268 670,209 - - - - - 676,477 Design 43248 483,982 198,600 19,942 - - - - 702,524 Contingency 43520 - 115,200 37,204 - - - - 152,404 West Parking Improvements 200,000 200,000 Portables 73000 346,639 - - - - - - 346,639 Transfers Out 36,398 - - - - - - 36,398 EXPENDITURES TOTAL 1,902,803 8,191,950 902,806 - - - - 10,997,559 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers 37,204 830,000 - - - - - 867,204 Contributions/Grants 1,000,000 66,000 - - - - - 1,066,000 BB&P Master Plan Correction - 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 BB&P Note Payable - 366,774 - - - - - 366,774 Bond Issuance Costs - 8,500 - - - - - 8,500 Bond Proceeds $8.5M 8,579,237 - - - - - - 8,579,237 Interest Earned 5,647 4,197 - - - - - 9,844 FUNDING TOTAL 9,622,088 1,375,471 - - - - - 10,997,559 - Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - 10,000 10,300 10,609 10,927 11,255 11,593 64,684 Services - 5,000 5,150 5,305 5,464 5,628 5,796 32,342 Insurance - - 1,000 1,030 1,061 1,093 1,126 5,309 Repair & Maintenance - 8,000 8,240 8,487 8,742 9,004 9,274 51,747 Rent & Utilities - - 20,000 20,600 21,218 21,855 22,510 106,183 Misc - 10,000 10,300 10,609 10,927 11,255 11,593 64,684 OPERATING IMPACT - 33,000 54,990 56,640 58,339 60,089 61,892 324,949 PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET (ACADEMY) 5 Year Projection FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Westlake Academy - Phase I Expansion PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection This project consists of the construction of three buildings: 1) Multi-purpose hall, portable stage, storage and catering kitchen for dining and general purposes at approx. 8,600 sf. 2) Three story Secondary School at apprx. 19,400 sf. Includes 12 classrooms, flex and office space. Designed to allow for future addition if needed. 3) Fieldhouse at approx. 8,600 sf. which will house locker rooms to be used for both athletics and PE, storage for equipment, offices, classrooms and space to be used for the PE program. Also, because the west parking area that was constructed in the summer of 2006 as a temporary asphalt parking lot for pick-up and drop-off of students does not meet the required Town development standards for new construction, the parking lot will be improved with curbs, lighting, landscaping, additional two inch of asphalt, striping and marking. 93 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - - - - 430,000 430,000 Construction (inc 10% inflation) - - - - - - 6,767,710 6,767,710 Design - - - - - - 550,000 550,000 FF&E - - - - - - 400,000 400,000 IT/Security - - - - - - 250,000 250,000 Contingency - - - - - - 250,000 250,000 Other (Foundation) - - - - - - 300,000 300,000 Land (5 acres/$450K) - - 2,250,000 - - - - 2,250,000 Other Admin cost - - - - - - 100,000 100,000 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - 2,250,000 - - - 9,047,710 11,297,710 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bonds 2014/15 CO - - 2,250,000 - - - - 2,250,000 Bonds 2015/16 CO - - - - - - 9,047,710 9,047,710 Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - 2,250,000 - - - 9,047,710 11,297,710 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - 2,500 2,575 2,652 2,732 10,459 Services - - 5,000 6,250 6,438 6,631 6,830 31,148 Insurance - - 644 663 683 704 2,694 Repair & Maintenance - - - 30,475 31,389 32,331 33,301 127,496 Rent & Utilities - - 5,150 26,500 27,295 28,114 28,957 116,016 Debt Service - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - 10,150 66,369 68,360 70,411 72,523 287,813 PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 5 Year Projection NEW CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REQUEST Municipal Building This project consists of the construction of a new Town Hall that will serve both current and future staffing and community needs. The Town Hall would also provide space for the court functions and staff for the Westlake Academy administration staff. The building will be 2 stories and approximately 20,000 square feet in size containing all municipal functions located on five acres of land. Land acquisition is included in this project. PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection 94 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - - - - 73,600 73,600 Construction inc. inflation - - - - - - 5,317,545 5,317,545 Design - - - - - - 534,500 534,500 FF&E - - - - - - 200,000 200,000 IT/Security - - - - - - 212,500 212,500 Contingency - - - - - - 100,000 100,000 Other (Foundation) - - - - - - 250,000 250,000 Land Purchase (2.5 ac @ $450K) - - 1,125,000 - - 1,125,000 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - 1,125,000 - - - 6,688,145 7,813,145 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bonds 2014/15 CO - - 1,125,000 - - - - 1,125,000 Bonds 2018/19 - 6,688,145 6,688,145 Unfunded - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - 1,125,000 - - - 6,688,145 7,813,145 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - 4,000 4,120 4,244 4,371 16,735 Services - - - 6,000 6,180 6,365 6,556 25,102 Insurance - - - 1,000 1,030 1,061 1,093 4,184 Repair & Maintenance - - - 25,000 50,923 52,451 54,024 182,398 Rent & Utilities - - - 15,000 15,450 15,914 16,391 62,754 Debt Service - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - 51,000 77,703 80,034 82,435 291,172 5 Year Projection PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET NEW CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REQUEST Fire Station Complex This project will provide a 14,000 square foot fire station including four bays, sleeping area, meeting room, kitchen, storage and two offices. ($300/sq ft) This project would also include the Town's EOC with back-up generator. The project includes the the acquisition of land and foundation upgrades. It does not include any costs for new vehicles or training facility. PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection 95 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - - - - - - Construction - - - - - - 2,000 2,000 Design - - - - - - - - Contingency - - - - - - - - Building retrofit - - - - - 18,000 18,000 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - - - - 20,000 20,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bonds 2018/19 - - - - - - 20,000 20,000 Unfunded - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - - - 20,000 20,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - 5,000 5,150 5,305 5,464 20,918 Services - - - 5,000 5,150 5,305 5,464 20,918 Insurance - - - 500 515 530 546 2,092 Repair & Maintenance - - - 2,000 2,060 2,122 2,185 8,367 Rent & Utilities - - - 5,000 5,150 5,305 5,464 20,918 Debt Service - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - 17,500 18,025 18,566 19,123 73,213 PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 5 Year Projection NEW CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REQUEST Maintenance & Storage Facility The proposed Maintenance and Public Works facility would utilize the existing Fire Department engine bay once new permanent Fire Station has been constructed. The building would provide storage space for weather event supplies event supplies, small equipment, and pumps. It will also serve as a work area to make repairs on equipment, etc. PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection 96 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - - - - 334,145 334,145 Construction - - - - - - 3,341,475 3,341,475 Design - - - - - - 175,000 175,000 FF&E - - - - - - 250,000 250,000 IT/Security - - - - - - 150,000 150,000 Contingency - - - - - - 150,000 150,000 Other (Foundation) - - - - - - 100,000 100,000 Other Admin costs - - - - - - 50,000 50,000 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - - - - 4,550,620 4,550,620 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bonds 2014/15 CO - - - - - - - - Developer Contribution - - - - - - 4,550,620 4,550,620 Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - - - 4,550,620 4,550,620 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - 2,000 6,000 6,500 7,000 21,500 Services - - - 2,000 3,500 3,500 4,000 13,000 Insurance - - - 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 5,500 Repair & Maintenance - - - 2,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 24,000 Rent & Utilities - - - 5,000 10,300 10,500 10,500 36,300 OPERATING IMPACT - - - 12,000 27,300 30,000 31,000 100,300 PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET (ACADEMY) 5 Year Projection UNFUNDED (UNDER DISCUSSION) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Westlake Academy - Phase II - 15 Classroom Secondary Addition As part of Phase II of the Westlake Academy Master Plan, this project includes a 15 classroom addition to the Secondary School. The building will total approximately 11,000 sq. feet and will be attached onto the north side of the existing building. The adopted Master Plan shows 12 classrooms for Phase II. The additional 3 classrooms are due to value engineering when Phase I was bid. Phase II will bring an additional 276 students to total 1,098. K-5 = 18 students and 6-12 = 24 students. PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection 97 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - - - - 23,500 23,500 Construction - - - - - - 1,748,000 1,748,000 Design - - - - - - 11,000 11,000 FF&E - - - - - - 125,000 125,000 IT/Security - - - - - - 80,000 80,000 Contingency - - - - - - 100,000 100,000 Other (Foundation) - - - - - - 300,000 300,000 Other Admin costs - - - - - - 55,000 55,000 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - - - - 2,442,500 2,442,500 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bonds 2014-15 CO - - - - - - - - Developer Contribution - - - - - - 2,442,500 2,442,500 Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - - - 2,442,500 2,442,500 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - 1,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 8,000 Services - - - 1,000 1,800 1,800 2,000 6,600 Insurance - - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 4,000 Repair & Maintenance - - - 1,000 3,000 4,000 4,000 12,000 Rent & Utilities - - - 2,000 5,000 5,600 5,600 18,200 OPERATING IMPACT - - - 6,000 12,800 14,900 15,100 48,800 PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET (ACADEMY) 5 Year Projection UNFUNDED (UNDER DISCUSSION) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Westlake Academy - Phase II - 4 Classroom Kindergarten Addition Per the Master Plan this project is part of Phase II. The Kindergarten addition would be located east of the original primary building. This would include: 4 classrooms with individual restrooms in each room for a total of 4,600 square feet that will match existing exterior building features. Phase II will bring an additional 276 students to total 1,098. K-5 grades = 18 students and 6-12 grades = 24 students. PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection 98 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - - - - 16,800 16,800 Construction - - - - - - 1,555,680 1,555,680 Design - - - - - - 155,600 155,600 Contingency - - - - - - - - Other (FF&E) - - - - - - 150,000 150,000 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - - - - 1,878,080 1,878,080 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bond Issuance - - - - - - - - Unfunded/Developer Contribution? - - - - - - 1,878,080 1,878,080 Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - - - 1,878,080 1,878,080 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - 4,614 4,614 Services - - - - - - 11,536 11,536 Insurance - - - - - - 1,154 1,154 Repair & Maintenance - - - - - - 2,307 2,307 Rent & Utilities - - - - - - 4,614 4,614 Debt Service - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - - - - 24,225 24,225 UNFUNDED (UNDER DISCUSSION) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 5 Year Projection Westlake Academy - Phase III - Arts & Science Classroom Addition PROJECT EXPENSE PROJECT FUNDING IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET (ACADEMY) 5 Year Projection 5 Year Projection As part of Phase III of the WA Master Plan. This would be an additional 5,200 square foot single-story building attached to the existing Sam & Margret Lee Arts and Sciences Center. This addition would include 3 classrooms, labs and offices. 99 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - - - - 28,000 28,000 Construction - - - - - - 4,256,000 4,256,000 Design - - - - - - 425,600 425,600 Contingency - - - - - - 100,000 100,000 Other - - - - - - 425,000 425,000 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - - - - 5,234,600 5,234,600 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - 1,120,000 1,120,000 Bond Issuance - - - - - - - - Unfunded - - - - - - 4,114,600 4,114,600 Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - - - 5,234,600 5,234,600 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - - - - 5,768 5,768 Insurance - - - - - - 1,154 1,154 Repair & Maintenance - - - - - - - - Rent & Utilities - - - - - - 4,614 4,614 Debt Service - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - - - - 11,536 11,536 UNFUNDED (UNDER DISCUSSION) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 5 Year Projection Westlake Academy - Phase III - Performing Arts Center PROJECT EXPENSE PROJECT FUNDING IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET (ACADEMY) 5 Year Projection 5 Year Projection In the Phase III of the Westlake Academy Master Plan a new 16,000 square feet auditorium is constructed with raised stage, fixed seating, dressing rooms, lighting, restroom, offices, and lobby. This building would be located to the west of the Sam and Margaret Lee Art's & Sciences Building. We anticipate the cost of the interior ammenities to be provided through contributions/grants. 100 ROADS/STREET IMPROVEMENTS/TRAILS One of the major concerns for any municipality is its infrastructure of streets. With the approval of the previous year’s CIP and accompanying bond issuance, the Council recently addressed many of the most pressing street maintenance concerns in Westlake; this type of commitment is essential to maintain these valuable Town assets Trails are not being consolidated with this section. The Town maintains several trails located near the Glenwyck and Vaquero subdivisions. While additional trails have been discussed, no funding has been provided in recent years. In resident surveys, parks and trails have consistently rated as high priority/low satisfaction items suggesting a need for improvement. One of the goals of the current CIP is to begin creating the trails that will provide connectivity from the Town’s West side to its Eastern limits as well as interconnectivity with neighboring jurisdiction’s trail systems. ADOPTED PROJECTS – CIP FY 2014-2018 PROJECTS TO BE COMPLETED IN FUTURE YEARS o Roanoke Road Reconstruction & Drainage South o Sam School Road Reconstruction & Drainage o Dove Road Reconstruction & Drainage (Vaquero/Terra Bella) o SH 114/170 Enhancements o Pearson Lane Reconstruction & Drainage with Trail Improvements o Ottinger Road Bridge, Reconstruction & Drainage with Trail Improvements UNFUNDED/UNDER DISCUSSION PROJECTS - FY14/15 THRU FY18/19 o Hwy 377 Landscape Improvements (moved from Funded) o Dove & Randol Mill Traffic Circle o Trail Connection at 114/Solana (moved from Funded) o Trail – Fidelity Campus to Westlake Parkway on 114 (moved from Funded) o Signalization 101 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering 127,980 - - - - - - 127,980 Construction 932,375 1,688,000 - - - - - 2,620,375 Design - - - - - - - - Contingency - - - - - - - - Granada Development Agreement - - 1,000,000 - - - - 1,000,000 EXPENDITURES TOTAL 1,060,355 1,688,000 1,000,000 - - - - 3,748,355 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers 972,355 1,325,267 1,000,000 - - - - 3,297,622 Contributions (Fidelity) 88,000 - 320,000 - - - - 408,000 Bonds 2013/14 CO - - 42,733 - - - - 42,733 Unfunded - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL 1,060,355 1,325,267 1,362,733 - - - 3,748,355 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - - - - - - Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - - - - - - Rent & Utilities (water only) - 5,000 5,150 5,305 5,464 5,628 5,796 32,342 Debt Service - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - 5,000 5,150 5,305 5,464 5,628 5,796 32,342 5 Year Projection PROJECT FUNDING PROJECT EXPENSE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FM 1938 Streetscape/Wayfinding 5 Year Projection 5 Year Projection Project consist of the design and construction of landscape and hardscape improvements to the FM 1938 corridor from SH 114 south to Randol Mill Road, including sidewalks, trailheads, signage, rest areas, plantings, entry monuments. Per developer's agreements: Fidelity is to provide funding for landscape enhancements to the median and ROW (est. $322K). The Town is required to install sidewalk on the west side of FM 1938 from Dove to SH 114 per the Fidelity developer's agreement at our cost. Utility cost is for irrigation only. A reduction to the total project cost of $670,000 is due to a direct payment to the contractor from TxDot in the form of a grant. Project also includes the cost for streetscaping along FM 1938 between Dove and Solana at the Granada development 102 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering 231,933 200,000 - - - - - 431,933 Construction - 311,967 - - 840,467 - - 1,152,434 Design - - - - - - - - Contingency - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL 231,933 511,967 - - 840,467 - - 1,584,367 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - 160,000 - - 160,000 - - 320,000 Bonds 2011 CO $2.095M 231,933 351,967 - - - - - 583,900 Bonds 2015/16 - - - - 680,467 - - 680,467 Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL 231,933 511,967 - - 160,000 - - 1,584,367 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - 53,000 54,590 56,228 57,915 221,732 Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - - - - - - Rent & Utilities - - - 53,000 54,590 56,228 57,915 221,732 Debt Service - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - 106,000 109,180 112,455 115,829 443,464 FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT SH114/170 Enhancements 5 Year Projection 5 Year Projection PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET This project would be a cooperative effort between Westlake, Trophy Club, and Roanoke consisting of the design and construction of landscape and hardscape improvements to the SH 170 & Hwy 114 interchange to include plantings, painting, and entry monuments. Maintenance is for irrigation only. Project costs are estimated to be $3,000,000 for construction and $200,000 for engineering design. Funding participation is anticipated to be 1/3 from each party. This project will be submitted for a TxDot grant (Green Ribbon). PROJECT EXPENSE 103 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering 2,900 - 50,000 - - - - 52,900 Construction - - 403,000 - - - - 403,000 Design - - - - - - - - Contingency - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL 2,900 - 453,000 - - - - 455,900 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - 453,000 - - - - 453,000 Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bonds 2011 CO $2.095M 2,900 - - - - - - 2,900 Bonds 2014/15 CO - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL 2,900 - 453,000 - - - - 455,900 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - - - - - - Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - - 4,796 4,940 5,088 14,824 Rent & Utilities - - - - - - - - Debt Service - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - - 4,796 4,940 5,088 14,824 PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET The project will provide stabilization of road subgrade and 6" of asphalt to approximately 4,000 LF of Roanoke Road and replace/improve culverts and ditches, consistent with 2011 Graham Pavement Evaluation Study. Project improvements will be from Highway 170 south to the Town Limits. Foresee crack sealing during the 2nd year after completion. FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Roanoke Road Reconstruction and Drainage South (Highway 170 south to Town limits) PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection 104 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - 41,800 - - - - 41,800 Construction - - 224,200 - - - - 224,200 Design - - - - - - - - Contingency - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - 266,000 - - - - 266,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bonds 2014/15 CO - - 260,000 - - - - 260,000 Unfunded - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - 260,000 - - - - 260,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - - - - - - Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - - - - - - Rent & Utilities - - - - - - - - Debt Service - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - - - - - - 5 Year Projection 5 Year Projection PROJECT FUNDING IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Sam School Road Reconstruction and Drainage (Solana to Town limits) PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection The project will provide stabilization of road subgrade and 6" of asphalt to approximately 2,000 LF of Sam School Road and replace/improve culverts and ditches, consistent with 2011 Graham Pavement Evaluation Study. Anticipate crack sealing 2nd year from completion. Includes 150 linear feet of sidewalk. Staff is working with the Southlake developer to include the Westlake section of Sam School Road reconstruction when the Southlake portion is realigned and reconstructed in 2014/2015. 105 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - 105,000 - - - 105,000 Construction - - 100,000 309,945 - - - 409,945 Design - - - - - - - - Contingency - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - 100,000 414,945 - - - 514,945 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - 414,945 - - - 414,945 Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bonds 2014/15 CO - - 100,000 - - - - 100,000 Unfunded - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - 100,000 414,945 - - - 514,945 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - - 4,047 4,168 4,293 12,509 Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - - - - - - Rent & Utilities - - - - 11,564 11,911 12,268 35,743 Debt Service - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - - 15,611 16,079 16,562 48,252 PROJECT FUNDING The project will provide stabilization of road subgrade and 6" of asphalt to approximately 6,500 LF of Dove Road and replace/improve culverts and ditches, consistent with 2011 Graham Pavement Evaluation Study. Anticipate crack sealing 2nd year from completion. Staff is working with the Southlake developer to include a portion of this project when the Southlake portion is realighed and reconstructed in 2014/2015. 5 Year Projection 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Dove Road Reconstruction and Drainage (Vaquero to Terra Bella) PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection 106 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Trail - Engineering - - - - 21,000 - - 21,000 Trail - Construction - - - - 210,000 - - 210,000 Trail - Contingency - - - - 42,600 - - 42,600 Road - Engineering - - - - 54,250 - - 54,250 Road - Construction - - - - 327,000 - - 327,000 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - - 654,850 - - 654,850 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bonds 2016/17 CO - - - - 654,850 - - 654,850 Unfunded - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - 654,850 - - 654,850 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Trail - Services - - - - 924 952 980 2,856 Insurance - - - - - - - - Trail - Repair & Maintenance - - - - 4,044 4,165 4,290 12,500 Trail - Rent & Utilities - - - - 8,720 8,982 9,251 26,953 Debt Service - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - - 13,688 14,099 14,522 42,308 FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 5 Year Projection PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection Pearson Lane Reconstruction/Drainage & Trail - Dove Road / Pearson Road / Aspen Lane PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET This project will provide connectivity from Aspen Lane north to Dove Road along the east side of Pearson Road. This will include crosswalk devices at the corner of Dove and Pearson. In addition the project will provide stabilization of raod subgrade and 5" of asphalt to approximately 1,300 LF of Pearson Lane and replace/improve culverts and ditches, cinsistent with 2011 Graham Pavement Evaluation Study. Foresee crack sealing during the 2nd year after completion. 107 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Trail- Engineering/Design - - - - - 21,100 - 21,100 Trail - Construction - - - - - 212,000 - 212,000 Trail - Design - - - - - 43,000 - 43,000 Road/Bridge - Engineering - - - - - 188,060 - 188,060 Road/Bridge - Construction - - - - - 714,650 - 714,650 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - - - 1,178,810 - 1,178,810 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bonds 2016/17 CO - - - - - 1,178,810 - 1,178,810 Unfunded - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - - 1,178,810 - 1,178,810 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Trail - Services - - - - - 3,360 3,461 6,821 Insurance - - - - - - - - Trail - Repair & Maintenance - - - - - 896 923 1,819 Trail - Rent & Utilities - - - - - 8,960 9,229 18,189 Debt Service - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - - - 13,216 13,612 26,828 FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 5 Year Projection 5 Year Projection 5 Year Projection PROJECT EXPENSE PROJECT FUNDING IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET This project will include provide stabilization of road subgrade and 7" asphalt to approximately 4,000 LF of Ottinger Road (from Westlake Academy to SH 170) and replace/improve culverts and ditches, consistent with 2011 Graham Pavement Evaluation Study. Anticipate crack sealing during the 2nd year after completion. In conjunction with this project, the existing Ottinger Road bridge will be replaced with new box culvert, much like the Dove Road improvements. Staff will determine through engineering design analysis the final design criteria including horizontal and vertical alignment. A trail will provide East to West interconnectivity within the Westlake trail system. Includes a primitive trail head on the Southeast corner of the cemetery property (primitive parking, restroom and water fountain). Ottinger Road Reconstruction/Drainage & Trail (North of Westlake Academy) 108 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - - - 100,000 - 100,000 Construction - - - - - 600,000 - 600,000 Design - - - - - - - - Contingency - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - - - 700,000 - 700,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - 25,000 - 25,000 Bonds 2016/17 CO $2.58M - - - - - - - - Unfunded - - - - - 675,000 - 675,000 Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - - 700,000 - 700,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - - - - - - Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - - - 5,000 5,150 5,150 Rent & Utilities - - - - - 10,000 10,300 10,300 Debt Service - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - - - 15,000 15,450 15,450 PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 5 Year Projection UNFUNDED (UNDER DISCUSSION) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Hwy 377 Landscape Improvements The project will include streetscape enhancements (hardscape, landscape) along US Hwy 377 starting at Westport Parkway stretching north for 3/4 mile. The enhancements will only be located in the median and consist of native and naturalized plantings, trees, plant bed preparations, drip irrigation, and concrete edging/mowstrip. Since the project will be within state ROW, the Town will submit this project to TxDOT for potential grant funding opportunities similar to the FM 1938 median landscape project. PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection 109 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - - - - 103,000 103,000 Construction - - - - - - 618,000 618,000 Design - - - - - 35,000 - 35,000 Contingency - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - 619,600 - 619,600 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - - - 654,600 721,000 1,375,600 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bond Issuance - - - - - - - - UnFunded - - - - - 654,600 721,000 1,375,600 Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - - 654,600 721,000 1,375,600 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - - - - - - Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - - - 2,800 2,884 5,684 Rent & Utilities - - - - - 5,600 5,768 11,368 Debt Service - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - - - 8,400 8,652 17,052 PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 5 Year Projection UNFUNDED (UNDER DISCUSSION) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Dove Road & Randol Mill Traffic Circle Reconstruction and reconfiguration of Dove Road and Randol Mill from a 3-way stop intersection to a traffic circle to improve traffic safety. Pavement construction will be consistent with 2011 Graham Pavement Evaluation Study. PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection 110 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - 22,500 22,500 Construction - - 228,250 228,250 Design - - 43,250 43,250 Contingency - - - - Other - - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - - - - 294,000 294,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bonds 2014/15 CO $2.035M - - - - - - - - Unfunded - - - - - - 294,000 294,000 Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - - - 294,000 294,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - Insurance - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - Rent & Utilities - - - Debt Service - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - - - - - - PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 5 Year Projection UNFUNDED (UNDER DISCUSSION) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Trail - Fidelity Campus to Westlake Parkway on 114 PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection This project will provide connectivity from Hwy 114 to Capital Parkway along the east side of Westlake Parkway. 111 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - - - - - - Construction - - - - - - 16,840 16,840 Design - - - - - - - - Contingency - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - - - - 16,840 16,840 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bonds 2011 CO $2.095M - - - - - - - - Unfunded - - - - - - 16,840 16,840 Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - - - 16,840 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - - - - - - Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - - - - - - Rent & Utilities - - - - - - - - Debt Service - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - - - - - PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 5 Year Projection 5 Year Projection UNFUNDED (UNDER DISCUSSION) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Trail Connection at 114/Solana This project will be a cooperative effort between Westlake, Trophy Club, and Southlake consisting of the design and engineering of an intra-city trail system. The engineering/design costs will be shared with all cities. Construction and landscaping are estimated costs until engineering and design are completed. The Town continues to work with Cassidy Turley to construct the trail between Sam School Road and Hwy 114. PROJECT EXPENSE 112 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - - - - - - Construction - - - - 250,000 - - 250,000 Design - - - - - - - - Contingency - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - - 250,000 - - 250,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - - - - - - - Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bonds 2011 CO $2.095M - - - - - - - - Unfunded - - - - 250,000 - - 250,000 Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - - - 250,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - - - - - - Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - - - - - - Rent & Utilities - - - - - - - - Debt Service - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - - - - - PROJECT EXPENSE UNFUNDED (UNDER DISCUSSION) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Signalization This project will be a cooperative effort between Westlake, Trophy Club, and Southlake consisting of the design and engineering of an intra-city trail system. The engineering/design costs will be shared with all cities. Construction and landscaping are estimated costs until engineering and design are completed. The Town continues to work with Cassidy Turley to construct the trail between Sam School Road and Hwy 114. 5 Year Projection PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 5 Year Projection 113 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT OVERVIEW Vehicles and equipment represent approximately 6% of the Town’s assets or roughly $3.4M. While the current CIP does not contain any proposals for vehicles, it is important to note that of the seven vehicles (including a utility truck) the Town currently owns, three are completely depreciated and three more will become completely depreciated within the next five years. Similarly, of the fourteen FF&E asset groups, eight are currently fully depreciated and the remainder will be within the next five years. Whether or not an asset has been fully depreciated does not by itself warrant the need to replace it, however, depreciation does serve as an indicator that the likelihood the asset will need to be replaced in the near future is fairly high. The Town maintains a General Maintenance & Replacement Fund and is working towards funding annually for any replacement items needed in subsequent years. We anticipate a replacement vehicle for the Parks and Recreation Department to be paid from the funds that have been transferred to this fund for just this purpose. Date Remaining placed Annual Useful life @ in service Vehicle Make Vehcile Description Dept Cost Depreciation Life 09/30/13 2005 Chevy Silverado Building Inspection Building $15,704 $3,141 5 0 2007 Dodge Charger Marshal's vehicle Court $23,000 $4,600 5 0 2005 Ford Ranger Public Works Truck Public Works $21,519 $4,304 5 0 2008 Chevy Silverado Public Works Truck Public Works $11,105 $2,221 5 0 2010 Startrans Senator II School Bus Academy $41,625 $8,325 5 2 2010 Girardin 18 Passenger Bus Academy $41,625 $8,325 5 2 2003 Ford 450 Ambulance Fire Dept $144,981 $14,498 10 0 2003 Spartan Fire Truck Fire Dept $236,423 $15,762 15 4 2004 Chevy Tahoe Fire Marshal Fire Dept $41,108 $8,222 5 0 2012 Ford 450 Ambulance Fire Dept $200,000 $20,000 10 9 2012 Ford 550 Attack Truck Fire Dept $169,746 $16,975 10 9 2013 Chevy Suburban Fire Chief Fire Dept $49,084 $9,817 5 5 $995,920 $116,188 114 Capital Maintenance and Replacement The Town recognizes that deferred maintenance and not anticipating capital replacement needs increases future capital costs. Annually, available funds will be evaluated during the budget process and a percentage of each operating fund’s budget will be recommended to the Council for transfer. Upon approval by the Council, the recommended amount will be transferred to the appropriate funds (General or Utility Maintenance Replacement Fund) for major maintenance/ replacement of street, building roof, flooring, air conditioning, equipment, etc. The Town of Westlake owns, operates, and maintains a number of vehicles. To provide a fiscally responsible vehicle and equipment replacement policy that enables the Town to maximize vehicle and equipment utilization, while maintaining the Town’s desired public image and high quality program of services for our residents. Therefore, the Town of Westlake will maintain a Vehicle and Equipment Replacement and Depreciation Schedule; said schedule will be maintained by the Finance Department. Vehicle and equipment replacement criteria will be developed according to each items anticipated useful service life. Typically, this is based upon the type or “category” of the vehicle/equipment and its usage. Each item will be surveyed annually and assigned a score based upon the Point Range and Guideline document. A vehicle will be replaced according to the established criteria unless the Department Head(s) and the Town Manager’s office determine that: 1) mechanical failure or vehicle damage warrants earlier replacement, or 2) the vehicle is still serviceable and may serve additional years beyond its original anticipated service life. Funding for vehicle/equipment replacement should be incrementally allocated from department operating funds to a restricted Capital Maintenance and Replacement Fund, subject to funding availability on an annual basis. Future vehicle/equipment replacements should be funded from this restricted fund, which receives accumulated operating fund transfers based upon the Vehicle and Equipment Depreciation Schedule. Funding will consist of an annual set-aside based upon a straight-line depreciation for each vehicle over the course of its useful life and budgeted as part of the annual budget development process. Depreciation fees should commence the same fiscal year of each new and replacement vehicle/equipment purchase. Likewise, depreciation expenses should be expensed from the respective department operating budget and deposited into the Capital Maintenance and Replacement Fund. Depreciation expenses shall continue through the service life of the new vehicle/equipment and shall cease upon retirement of said vehicle/equipment. 115 Vehicle and Equipment Replacement and Depreciation Guidelines Purpose: To provide a fiscally responsible vehicle and equipment replacement and depreciation policy, which will enable the Town of Westlake to maximize asset utilization while maintaining a positive public image and being fiscally responsible in our budgeting and fleet replacement programs. Policy: Replacement criteria for Town-owned vehicles and equipment will depend primarily on a point system, which is based upon the following factors: • Age • Miles/Hour Usage • Type of Service • Reliability • Maintenance and Repair Costs (not to include incident repairs) • Condition Point Range Chart Note: The Town may decide to retain a vehicle beyond the stated criteria after an evaluation of anticipated usage, repairs and operating costs. Each Town vehicle and small equipment have been placed in a specific category (as listed below) in order to allow for uniformity in our replacement standards. Category "A" This category consists of the one (1) 18-passenger and one (1) 20-passenger school bus. The life span for school bus is 10 years. The Fire Department which includes engines, ladder truck, ambulances, and attack truck which are used primarily as a front-line response vehicle. The front-line life-span of the Engine is 15 years and has a reserve life-span for additional five years. The ambulance front-line life-span is seven years and has a reserve vehicle life-span for additional seven. The Town currently has one (1) Engine, one (1) Attack Truck and two (2) Ambulances. Category "B" This category consists of Maintenances and Public Works vehicles which are used to serve the public on a day-to-day basis and pull trailers. Due to the heavy use, these vehicles may be scheduled for replacement at 100,000 miles provided the maintenance cost is considerably higher than vehicles of the same type. The Town currently has two (2) Public Works trucks. Category "C" This category consists of all other cars and pickups, which include administration pool car, building inspection truck, warrant officer public safety vehicle. These vehicles are generally assigned to a designated staff member and should not be replaced earlier than 100,000 miles provided the maintenance cost is considerably higher than vehicles of the same type. 116 Category "D" This category consists of other off-road equipment (mule and mowers) that are used to serve the public on an "as needed" basis. Replacement of this category may be made after 2,500 operating hours, or provided the maintenance cost is considerably higher than equipment of the same type. The Town currently has one (1) Kawasaki utility vehicle and (1) mower. Category "E" This category consists of light equipment (weed-eaters, chain saw and pumps, generators, trailers, and other small hand-operated equipment) which are used to serve the public on an "as needed" basis. Replacements in this category may be made after the total maintenance cost exceeds the original purchase price of a particular piece of equipment. The cost of upgrading a piece of equipment will be the responsibility of the operating division. The Town currently has one weed-trimmer, chain saw, blower, small generator and a trailer. Guide for Early Replacement of Town-Owned Vehicles Early Replacement The consideration of early replacement of a vehicle often arises when major expenditures are necessary to restore it to a safe operating condition (e.g., major component failure or incident damage). The economic effect of such repairs cannot be avoided because the cost to the Town is normally about the same whether the vehicle is sold in un-repaired condition or restored to repaired condition. However, replacement prior to the normal criteria for vehicles will result in an acceleration of all future replacement cost cycles required to satisfy a continuing vehicle need. This acceleration of cost cycles causes a sizable increase in the total present value cost of all fixture cycles and should be avoided whenever possible. Major vehicle repairs should always be made, with two exceptions: 1. Major expenditures for repair should not be made when the cost of the repair plus the vehicle salvage in un-repaired condition exceeds its wholesale value in repaired condition. 2. Major deferrable expenditures should not be made when a vehicle is in the final six months of its retention cycle. During this period the penalty for early replacement is small and, therefore, the vehicle should be replaced rather than repaired. Depreciation Formula Current acquisition price of each vehicle divided by the utilization cycle mileage or total maintenance cost) will provide the yearly depreciation allowance. EXAMPLE A – Vehicles Mileage: $30,000.00 vehicle divided by the target replacement cycle of 100,000 miles will give you a depreciation cost of $.30 per mile. $0.30 times the number of miles (20,000) the vehicle was driven the previous year will give you the yearly depreciation amount $6,000.00. 117 EXAMPLE B – Small Equipment Maintenance Cost: depreciate the original purchase price by 15% per year, for power hand tools, trailers, etc. Replace the item only when the maintenance cost reaches the original purchase price. Point Ranges for Replacement Consideration Point Scale Condition Description 20 points & under Excellent Do not replace 21 to 25 points Very Good Re-evaluate for the following year's budget 26 to 31 points Fair Qualifies for replacement if M/R cost exceed 60% of cost 32 to 37 point Poor Replacement if budget allows Above 38 points failed Needs priority replacement Below are two examples on how the point range and guidelines for Category "B" and “C” would work with current town vehicles. Example: Pool Vehicle Data Description Points Year 1999 26 points Type Crown Victoria Passenger Car 1 point Mileage 64,000 6 points Maintenance Repair driver side window motor 2 points Condition Poor paint and body condition, hail damage, rust spots, small dents, interior - rips, tears, stains, cracking on seat covers 5 points Total Points 40 points Staff recommendation = Replacement this year Data Description Points Year 2005 14 points Type Silverado F150 extended cab truck 1 point Mileage 35,000 3 points Maintenance low 1 points Condition Very good exterior and interior condition 1 points Total Points 20 points Staff recommendation = Include the replacement cost in the five year forecast 118 Point range and guidelines for Category "B" and “C” Factor Points Description Age Usage Type of Service 1 Each 10,000 miles of usage 1 Standard sedans, SUV’s and pickups 2 Each year of chronological age 3 Any vehicle that pulls trailer, hauls heavy loads and continued off- road usage 4 Any vehicle involved in ice or snow removal or road treatment Reliability Preventive Maintenance Work Not Included 1 In shop one time within three month time period, no major breakdowns/road side assistance call with 3 month period 2 In shop one time within three month time period, 1 breakdown/ road side assistance call within 3 month period 3 In shop more than once within 3 month time period, 1 or more breakdown/road side assistance call within same period 4 In shop more than twice within one month time period, 1 or more breakdowns/road side assistance call in same time period 5 Two or more breakdowns within one month time period M&R Cost Incident Repair Not Include 1 Maintenance cost are less than or equal to 20% of replacement 2 Maintenance cost are 21-40% of replacement cost 3 Maintenance cost are 41-60% of replacement cost 4 Maintenance cost are 61-80% of replacement cost 5 Maintenance cost are greater than or equal to 81% of replacement cost Condition 1 No visual damage or rust 2 Minor imperfections in body and paint, interior fair (no rips, tears, burn) 3 Noticeable imperfections in body and paint surface, minor rust, minor damage for add-on equipment, won interior (one or more rips, tears, burns). 4 Poor paint and body condition, rust (holes), interior (rips, tears, burns, cracked dash) and major damage for add-on equipment 5 Previous accident damage, poor paint and body condition, rust (holes), interior (rips, tears, burns, cracked dash) and major damage for add-on equipment Point Ranges Condition Description 0-20 Excellent Do not replace 21-25 Very Good Re-evaluate for next year’ budget (5 year forecast) 26-31 Good Qualifies for replacement this year if M/R cost exceed 60% of cost 32-37 Fair Qualities for replacement this if budget allows 38+ Poor Needs priority 119 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW Whether or not an asset has been fully depreciated does not by itself warrant the need to replace it, however, depreciation does serve as an indicator that the likelihood the asset will need to be replaced in the near future is fairly high. The Town is working towards funding annually for any replacement items needed in subsequent years. 120 Actual Estimated Proposed Status FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 TOTAL Lifecycle Maintenance & Replacement Server replacements Capital - 2,500 2,500 5,000 5,000 15,000 iPad/Tablet Replacements Capital - 30,000 - 30,000 - 60,000 Laptop/iMac Replacements Capital 90,000 60,000 25,000 70,000 20,000 265,000 PC Replacements Capital - 2,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 7,000 Telephone System Replacements Capital 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 12,000 Network Hardware replacements Capital 3,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 23,000 $ 95,000 $ 102,500 $ 36,500 $ 114,000 $ 34,000 $ 382,000 Ongoing Technology Programs Information Technology Training Operational 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 12,500 Campus security system/upgrades Capital 12,000 6,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 45,000 Hardware & software support contracts Operational 5,000 6,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 38,000 Website Hosting, Maintenance, Upgrades Operational 1,500 1,500 15,000 3,000 2,000 23,000 Email service & archival Operational 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,600 2,800 12,000 Internet and Network Service & Support Operational 15,000 16,000 17,000 18,500 20,000 86,500 Security/Disaster Recovery Equipment & Support Operational 5,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 35,000 $ 43,000 $ 41,700 $ 60,400 $ 52,100 $ 54,800 $ 252,000 Growth Expand network infrastucture to accompdate Capital 7,000 7,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 50,000 Network Monitoring & Management Sysytem Capital - 1,500 1,500 2,000 2,000 7,000 Procure additional end-user and educational Capital 10,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 110,000 $ 17,000 $ 33,500 $ 38,500 $ 39,000 $ 39,000 $ 167,000 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 TOTAL 155,000 177,700 135,400 205,100 127,800 801,000 31,000 35,700 52,400 43,100 44,800 207,000 124,000 142,000 83,000 162,000 83,000 594,000 Capital Budget Town of Westlake Academy Five Year Technology Forecast Projection Total Year Budget Operational Budget 12 1 Actual Estimated Proposed Status FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 TOTAL Lifecycle Maintenance & Replacement Server replacements Capital 7,000 7,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 44,000 iPad/Tablet Replacements Capital - 4,000 2,000 4,000 2,000 12,000 PC/Printer Replacements Capital 7,500 7,500 8,000 8,000 8,500 39,500 Security System upgrades/replacements Capital - 2,000 2,000 - - 4,000 Telephone System Replacements Capital 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 Network Hardware replacements Capital 7,000 7,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 44,000 $ 26,500 $ 32,500 $ 37,000 $ 37,000 $ 35,500 $ 168,500 Strategic Initiatives/Project Implementation Laserfiche Implementation/Licensing/Support Capital 53,000 11,500 13,000 15,000 15,000 107,500 Online Utility Billing Payment System & Support Operational 7,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 13,500 Security system upgrades/support Operational 2,000 2,000 - - 1,000 5,000 GIS service for Public safety dispatch Operational 3,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 31,000 $ 65,500 $ 22,000 $ 21,500 $ 23,500 $ 24,500 $ 157,000 Ongoing Technology Programs Information Technology Training Operational 2,500 2,500 3,500 3,500 4,000 16,000 Email service & archival Operational 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 30,000 Website Hosting, Maintenance, Upgrades Operational 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 Hardware & software support contracts Operational 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 7,500 37,500 Application software service & Support Operational 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000 70,000 Internet and Network Service & Support Operational 15,000 16,000 17,000 18,500 20,000 86,500 Security/Disaster Recovery Equipment & Support Operational 5,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 35,000 $ 50,500 $ 55,000 $ 58,000 $ 70,500 $ 66,000 $ 300,000 Growth Network Monitoring & Management Sysytem Operational - 1,500 1,500 2,000 2,000 7,000 Procure additional PCs/laptops/tablets Capital 4,500 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 21,500 $ 4,500 $ 5,000 $ 5,500 $ 6,500 $ 7,000 $ 28,500 Status FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 TOTAL 147,000 114,500 122,000 137,500 133,000 654,000 63,000 67,000 68,000 81,000 77,500 356,500 84,000 47,500 54,000 56,500 55,500 297,500 Capital Budget Town of Westlake Municipal Five Year Technology Forecast Projection Total Year Budget Operational Budget 12 2 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS OVERVIEW The Town of Westlake currently owns a minimum of approximately $24M of utility fixed assets. These take the form of water, sewer and telecommunications duct bank lines. These assets are initially installed through development and later transferred to the Town for upkeep and maintenance. With the recent completion of the Stagecoach Hills water main, the Town’s utility infrastructure is in relatively good shape with no known deficiencies. The five items that are fully depreciated are water lines that were transferred from the City of Keller which may need replacement in the near future but are fully operational now. It should also be noted that the Town is currently engineering a GIS system that will map all infrastructure; this project provides us the opportunity to review the condition of these assets and their values which will be revised as necessary. ADOPTED PROJECTS – CIP FY 2014-2018 PROJECTS TO BE COMPLETED IN FY 13/14 o Ground Storage Tank PROJECTS TO BE COMPLETED IN FUTURE YEARS o TRA Assumption of N-1 Sewer Line PROPOSED PROJECTS – CIP FY 2015-2019  Meter Reading and Equipment 123 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - 12,467 - - - - 12,467 Construction - 70,500 250,000 - - - - 320,500 Design - - - - - - - - Contingency - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - 82,967 250,000 - - - - 332,967 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - 82,967 250,000 - - - - 332,967 Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bond Issuance - - - - - - - - UnFunded - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - 82,967 250,000 - - - - 332,967 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - - - - - - Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - - - - - - Rent & Utilities - - - - - - - - Debt Service - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - - - - - - FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TRA Assumption of N-1 Sewer Line PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection PROJECT FUNDING This project is intended to transfer ownership of a section of sewer line from Westlake and Southlake to TRA. It includes the design and construction of a metering station with SCADA equipment at the proposed Town of Westlake "Point of Entry." Westlake will be required to conduct an extensive inflow and infiltration study and perform repairs (separate capital improvement). 5 Year Projection 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 124 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering 96,803 1,403,197 - - - - - 1,500,000 Construction - - - - - - - - Design - - - - - - - - Contingency - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL 96,803 1,403,197 - - - - - 1,500,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - 500,000 - - - - - 500,000 Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bond Issuance $1.0M 96,803 903,197 - - - - - 1,000,000 UnFunded - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL 96,803 1,403,197 - - - - - 1,500,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - - - - - - Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - 500 515 530 546 563 2,155 Rent & Utilities - - - - - - - - Debt Service - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - 500 515 530 546 563 2,155 FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Ground Storage Tank PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection PROJECT FUNDING This project will consist of designing and constructing a new ground storage tank at the existing pump station. We anticipate this tank will be a 1,000,000 gallon tank and will be needed to augment services once Deloitte has become fully staffed. Maintenance (consisting of inspection and cleaning) would not be expected until year two. Total amount = $1,558,500; Debt service payments = approximately $170k/yr for 10 years. 5 Year Projection 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 125 Project Description: Totals Thru Estimated Project EXPENDITURE TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Engineering - - - - - - - - Construction - - 38,500 38,500 - - - 77,000 Design - - - - - - - - Contingency - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - 38,500 38,500 - - - 77,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project FUNDING TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Cash/Transfers - - 38,500 38,500 - - - 77,000 Contributions/Grants - - - - - - - - Bond Issuance - - - - - - - - UnFunded - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - 38,500 38,500 - - - 77,000 Totals Thru Estimated Project IMPACT TYPE FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Total Supplies - - - - - - - - Services - - - - - - - - Insurance - - - - - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - 12,600 25,200 25,956 26,735 27,537 118,027 Rent & Utilities - - - - - - - - Debt Service - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT - - 12,600 25,200 25,956 26,735 27,537 118,027 PROJECT FUNDING 5 Year Projection IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 5 Year Projection NEW CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REQUEST Meter Reading & Equipment The Town currently utilizes a drive by radio frequency method to read water meters. This requires the Town to purchase a laptop and proprietary reading software from the meter company and is only supported for 5 years. The Town's system is 6 years old and is in need of being upgraded/replaced. This project will consist of replacing all radio read meters within the Town with the next generation system that would allow for instantaneous, remote meter readingcleaning; increased customer service, and a customer web portal that would allow customers to view their water consumption. The new system would require a monthly charge of $3 per meter. PROJECT EXPENSE 5 Year Projection 126