HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM Box Insurance Westlake Academy School Board Memo To: Members of the School Board of Westlake Academy From: Trent Petty, CEO Subject: Meeting of August 11, 2003 Date: August 6, 2003 ITEM Consider a Resolution awarding bid on property/casualty insurance to Box Insurance. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND When requesting insurance information from our carrier, TML, we were told they would be able to cover the property owned by the Town and used by the Academy, but could not cover any other insurance needs related to the Academy such as teacher's liability. This led the Town to advertise `Request for Bids" on property/casualty insurance for Westlake Academy. We received one bid from Box Insurance acting as a broker, who obtained quotes from several carriers for the specific insurance requested. The total bid of$68,783 included property coverage for the entire Civic Campus as well as all requested liability, errors and omissions and worker's compensation coverage for employees and activities related to the Academy. Upon review of the bid amounts, the Town originally planned to stay with TML for the insurance coverage of all property owned by the Town and go with Box Insurance for all other Academy insurance needs. The bid we received from Box Insurance includes all property and liability coverage in one package that was not separated due to the fact that the cost to separate the coverage would be impossible to justify. After numerous conversations with Dustin Parker and Aaron Compton of Box Insurance, we found that it is nearly impossible to write only liability coverage on charter schools. Box indicated they had obtained a quote that was made for another charter school (for reference purposes only)that included only general liability insurance at a cost of$25,000. In questioning several charter schools, we found their coverage was with The Hartford Group. When asked, Dustin indicated they went to Hartford first but they would not insure a start-up school. We contacted Janice Blackmon with Universal Academy in Flower Mound and she confirmed the $25,000 was a reasonable quote for liability only for schools. Jay Waddell of TML contacted Marsh, Inc., the largest broker in the world and was told that they didn't have anyone that would write liability only for less than the $25,000 quoted above. The quote we received for general liability through the bid totaled only $650: an approximate savings of going with the combined coverage of $24,350. We computed the approximate premium on the property coverage for the Civic Campus using the current TML rate to be $28,417. The premium proposed by Box Insurance for property coverage is $38,273; a difference of $9,856. Using the previous calculations, the savings on the liability premium is offset by the larger amount for the building coverage. This bid amount is based on budgeted amounts at the time the insurance was advertised. There may be a small change in the quoted amount when actual numbers are used for final submission to Box Insurance. Attached is a summary of the premiums as quoted by Box Insurance and a scenario using TML's rate for the buildings and the $25,000 for general liability as quoted to another Charter School. As can be seen it is much more feasible to have all the products in one package as opposed to trying to get separate coverage for liability and property. In light of the fact we cannot have both the Academy and Town's insurance needs provided by TML, we recommend the Academy award this bid to Box Insurance. Attached is information provided by Box Insurance with detail of the coverage proposed. WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 03-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY AWARDING THE BID ON PROPERTY/CASUALTY INSURANCE TO BOX INSURANCE. E IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That the Board of Directors of Westlake Academy does hereby award the bid on property/casualty insurance to Box Insurance. SECTION 2: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 11TH DAY OF AUGUST 2003. ATTEST: Scott Bradley, Chairman Ginger Crosswy, Secretary Trent O. Petty, Chief Executive Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, Attorney Westlake Academy Premium Analysis Insurance Buildings Contents Commercial Crime Coverage Inland Marine(Electronic Equipment and Valuable Papers) Equipment Breakdown General Liabilty(|nc|udinQ Educators Professional & Hired/Non-Owned) Employee Benefits Liability Umbrella School Leaders' E&{) Workers' Compensation Box Insurance Quote $38.273 $3,039 $2,018 $2,791 $913 $65 $3'O00 $8.589 $9,210 TML Scenario $28,417 A $2. --, _ $913 $25 B $3,000 A This amount represents the same amount of coverage using TML's rates � B This is an amount quoted to another charter school our size for general liability only (not included in a package)