HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-16-14 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting May 16, 2014 Board Members in Attendance: Karen Stoltenberg, Kelly Cox, Jeff Watson, Ken Gordon, Zan Jones, Leah Rennhack, Rebecca Neidich, Shelly Myers (E.D.) I. K. Stoltenberg called the meeting to order at 8:43 AM . II. Superintendent’s Report None III. Motion to approve minutes of April 11, 2014 meeting by J. Watson, second by Z. Jones . Motion carried. IV. Financial Report • Motion to approve financials by K. Cox , second by K. Gordon. Motion carried. • Review of the WAF 2014-15 operational budget. Discussions included increasing administrative assistant salary, if some marketing duties assigned, and to consider increasing budgeted amount for credit card fees. V. Development Committee • Gallery Night VIP party o Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. TMS may be a possible venue for our “Grand VIP Party” next year (i.e., combined Baja and Gallery Night VIP events). • FY 14 -15 WA Budget Request o WAF is offering to commit $1.1 million for Academy operations. o Budgeted items need to come in more as grant requests, not as operations. o Solicitations for “Above & Beyond” gifts will dilute our BAF contributions, so will not consider asking for until the official BAF campaign ends (i.e., Oct. 31). o Plan to ask WA for prioritized list of needs as possible granting requests. o K. Stoltenberg, S. Myers and any other board member will meet with Tom to discuss. VI. Marketing Committee • Working on school-year -end thank you postcard to mail week of June 2, 2014. • Working on coordinated marketing campaign through monthly postcards for the 2014-15 school year. • Working on 2013-14 Year-in-Review newsletter for Aug/September mailing. VII. Grants Committee • No report VIII. Administrative Committee • Reviewed application from D. Kraska. Motion to approve application by K. Gordon, second by Z. Jones. Motion carried. S. Myers will forward to Town Council. IX. President’s Report • Will survey Board for days available for monthly meetings in 2014-15. X. Executive Director’s Report • No report Other business: • None. Next Meeting: TBA K. Gordon moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by R. Neidich. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 AM.