HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-21-14 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting March 21, 2014 Board Members in Attendance: Bill Greenwood, Sean Shope, Leah Rennhack, Kevin Hansen, Karen Stoltenberg, Rebecca Neidich, Kelly Cox, Jeff Watson; Shelly Myers, Executive Director Others in Attendance: Tom Brymer, Debbie Piper, Greg Shropshire, Dr. Mechelle Bryson, Dr. Andra Barton I. K. Stoltenberg called the meeting to order at 8:34 AM. II. Superintendent’s Report • T. Brymer introduced Dr. Mechelle Bryson, new Executive Principal/Director of Education. She discussed the interview and selection process for her position as well as her philosophy and plans for th e remainder of the school year. • Expansion construction is approximately three weeks behind due to inclement weather. • The pre-enrollment process is currently underway for potential new 2014-15 students. • The 2014-15 budget process is also underway. A representative group of F oundation board members will be invited to participate in these discussions. • The T own is considering soliciting a new financial auditor through an RFP process soon. • Dr. Andra Barton, new MYP principal, was introduced. She shared the positive response to the new Math Support personnel assisting with G7, funded by the Foundation. She also discussed her approach to the MYP and plans to make improvements with curriculum alignment. III. Motion to approve minutes of February 14, 2014 meeting by L. Rennhack, second by K. Hansen. Motion carried. IV. Financial Report • Greg Shropshire of Pattillo, Brown & Hill, LLP, presented the Foundation’s “Annual Financial Report” for FY12-13. The Foundation received an “unqualified report ,” which is the highest level of assurance. • A question was raised regarding the report’s statement, “Fund 100 contributed $9,713 to Westlake Baja.” D. Piper will research and report back. • Motion to approve and accept the Audit report pending the response regarding Baja proceeds by B. Greenwood, second by K. Hansen. Motion carried. • S. Shope reviewed the monthly financials ending February 28, 2014. • Endowment deposit transfer from Baja and Gallery Night proceeds will take place on March 31, 2014. • Joe Bradley Endowment Fund contributions are expected to be received, and will be reported. • Motion to approve financials by K. Cox, second by B. Greenwood. Motion carried. V. Development Committee • Gallery Night 2014 o S. Myers reported that a record-setting $292,219 was rais ed as follows: $118,500 in sponsorships, $100,969 through the auction, and $72,750 for the Fund-an-Item. o Expenses went over budget by approximately $8,000. o S. Myers and R. Neidich thanked Board members for volunteering and helping during the event. o S. Myers reported that Texas Motor Speedway will plan to reserve their ballroom the day before Gallery Night next year to allow sufficient time for set up. o J. Watson questioned the sharing of sponsorships between companies or individuals. This will be examined prior to next year’s planning. o The VIP Party will need to be postponed due to the date conflicting with the PYP K-G3 concert. S. Myers will check with TMS to determine if May 2nd, 3rd or 9th are available dates. o A. Sedino’s company has graciously volunteered to donate catering for the VIP party. • Run the Ranch o S. Myers reported that after meeting with Luke’s Locker, the May 3rd race date will need to be postponed to 2014-15 to allow for the extensive planning and volunteer requirements needed. It was discussed to potentially involve the Westlake Athletic Association Committee in planning. VI. Marketing Committee • No report. VII. Grants Committee • S. Myers presented grant proposal for up to $7,500 to fund a Second Language Acquisition External Tool. The tool would be used to assess G5-G11 students for the purpose of identifying the current foreign language proficiency of each, so that students can be placed in the appropriate “phase” of study based on language ability, not grade. • S. Shope asked if the request would be for ongoing funding or would be budgeted by the Academy. S. Myers to inquire and report back. • Motion to approve by K. Cox; second by B. Greenwood. Motion carried and grant approved. VIII. Administrative Committee • No report. IX. President’s Report • K. Stoltenberg reiterated thanks to the Board members that attended and assisted with Gallery Night. X. Executive Director’s Report • No report Other business: • K. Cox reported that she will be leaving her board position upon completion of this school year in June. Board members expressed appreciation for Kelly and all of her work on the Foundation board and commitment to the goals of the Board and the Academy. • J. Watson reported that new Westlake development, Entrada, is progressing slowly due to the process of obtaining Public Development District funds for infrastructure by the developer. He also stated that he will send a report to the Board that inc ludes planned class sizes and projected number of open positions by grade for the 2014-15 school year. Next Meeting: April 11, 2014 – 8:30 AM; A&S Conference Room, WA, Westlake B. Greenwood moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by J. Watson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:43 AM .