HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-14-14 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting February 14, 2014 Board Members in Attendance: Karen Stoltenberg, Kevin Hansen, Ken Gordon, Jeff Watson, Andy Sedino, Sean Shope, Zan Jones, Leah Rennhack, Shelly Myers Others in Attendance: Alan Burt I. K. Stoltenberg called the meeting to order at 8:41 AM . II. Superintendent’s Report • No report III. Motion to approve minutes of January 17, 2014 meeting by K. Gordon, second by A. Sedino. Motion carried. IV. Financial Report • S. Shope reviewed financials; month of January revenue was about $91,905.00. • Will continue efforts to collect Baja proceeds • Motion to approve financials by A. Sedino, second by K. Hansen. Motion carried. V. Development Committee • Gallery Night 2014 o VIP party is planned for March 28, 2014 at 7pm at Texas Motor Speedway. o Faculty will be invited as Foundation guests to Gallery Night on March 1st. o The three WA affiliate groups each committed $5,000 to the Health & Fitness Package for the Fund- An-Item gift, providing $15,000 toward the $75,000 goal. Staff will meet with Facilities and PE Teaching s taff on logistics of climbing wall. o Will ask if TMS has “general” security for event and will they be available. o Being able to display a seating chart would be a benefit. o Volunteer sign-up sheet was distributed to Directors to work a shift event night. It was suggested that the volunteering Board members wear “something” to identify themselves for guests needing help. • Run the Ranch o S. Myers reported that event will likely take place Saturday, May 3rd, 2014. She is currently working with Hillwood and Luke’s Locker. VI. Marketing Committee • Z. Jones reported the Gallery Night online registrations are in effect. • Weekly eBlasts continue to inform. • Z. Jones is working with Susan McFarland, new Town communications specialist, on press releases and external media opportunities. VII. Grants Committee • Grantee Report by Alan Burt re: $3,200 grant for International Student Leadership Symposium. • “After 3 -day snow delay, we had a great opportunity to connect with students, dis cuss culture we were about to explore….” • “…great mix of Westlake Academy students, both introverted and extroverted…” • “…we missed the team-building exercises, but it was great seeing our more introverted students leading discussions, sharing ideas….” • “…We stayed after the Symposium for just us to do the team-building. We slept in the desert and had great reflection time around the campfire….” • “…seminar covered world water challenges…” • “…The six students continue to meet each week to organize and form a ‘Leadership Club’ to teach leadership skills to other students. They’ll continue through the spring semester and over summer with plans to introduce club in the fall…” • “…Great eye-opening experience to learn and appreciate education and going to school in other countries, (e.g., China, Germany, Oman) to gain realistic view of ‘internationalism’….great exercise in overcoming stereotypes…” • Discussed that moving forward, the student selection process needs to be reworked. • A. Burt brought back great ideas from other IB schools to share with WA faculty. VIII. Administrative Committee • K. Gordon reported on convening a group to brainstorm and reach out to prospective new Board members. IX. President’s Report • K. Stoltenberg informed board that school expansion project is being reported as on time and within budget, thus naming campaign to raise additional capital will not be necessary. • WAF can explore engaging in an endowment campaign as part of the expansion. X. Executive Director’s Report • No report Next Meeting: March 21, 2014 – 8:30 AM; A&S Conference Room, WA, Westlake K. Gordon moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by A. Sedino. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:25 AM .