HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-13-13 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting December 13, 2013 Board Members in Attendance: Karen Stoltenberg, Zan Jones, Rebecca Neidich, Kevin Hansen, Ken Gordon, Jeff Watson, Shelly Myers Others in Attendance: Tom Brymer, Julie Kelly I. K. Stoltenberg called the meeting to order at 8:37 AM. II. Superintendent’s Report • T. Brymer discussed Phase 1 building expansion. o Construction is currently 2 weeks behind due to recent inclement weather , but contractors will be working longer hours to recover lost time. • Discussed recent Math curriculum review and enhancements due to TEKS mandates and IB and STARR test requirements. Plans include an additional staff member to assist with G7 and G8. • Reviewed recruitment process for Executive Principal position. • Town of Westlake is currently working on its Long Term Plan, and is inviting residents , Academy families and other stakeholders to participate in public workshops/discussions. The first meeting will take place January 15, 2014 at 6pm in the Performance Hall on WA campus. • Shared current Town developments. o Plans for the Granada development are still in the approval process currently. o The Entrada development is awaiting public financing for infrastructure enhancements. III. Motion to approve minutes of November 15, 2013 meeting by K. Gordon, second by J. Watson. Motion carried. IV. Financial Report • S. Myers reported that financials are tracking as expected. • Baja expenses at Vaquero totaled $35,000; the event was budget at $40,000. • Discussed timing to transfer 10% of Baja event proceeds to the endowment. Will initiate transfer on 1/31/14, with possible additional transfer on 7/31/14 with Gallery Night endowment transfer. o K. Hansen moved to approve the endowment transfer plans, second by K. Gordon. Motion carried. • $1M goal for endowment was discussed and need for a subcommittee to focus solicitation efforts. • Motion to approve financials by K. Gordon, second by K. Hansen. Motion carried. V. Development Committee • Blacksmith Annual Fund (BAF) o K. Stoltenberg reported that BAF giving has reached $948,762 from 78% of families to date. o Average per student is $1,363, and average per student of donor families is $1,731. o S. Myers reported plan to contact families that have verbally pledged, but not yet completed a pledge form. • Gallery Night 2014 o R. Neidich reported that the band, Jam Wows, has been reserved for the March 1, 2014 event. o The theme/tagline is in process and the committee will be meeting next week at the venue, Texas Motor Speedway. • Run the Ranch o S. Myers reported that Luke’s Locker will be involved with the production of the event. o Prospective date for the event is May 24, 2014, but has not been finalized. VI. Marketing Committee • Z. Jones reported on success of Grandparents/Special Friends Day that took place on November 22, 2013. Request will be made that this day remains a half day on the Academy calendar going forward. VII. Grants Review • T. Brymer presented background on grant to request a Support Mathematics Teacher specifically to focus on the G7 and G8 math programs. • Motion to approve grant up to $25,000 by K. Gordon, second by J. Watson. Motion carried. VIII. President’s Report • K. Stoltenberg reported that she and S. Myers attended the last Westlake Board of Trustees meeting to present the Foundation’s 2012-13 year in review. IX. Executive Director’s Report • S. Myers discussed possibility of this year’s Gallery Night Fund-An-Item to fund weight room equipment for the new Field House. Next Meeting: January 10, 2014 – 8:30 AM; A&S Conference Room, WA, Westlake K. Hansen moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by K. Gordon. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 AM .