HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-15-13 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting November 15, 2013 Board Members in Attendance: Shelly Myers, Sean Shope, Zan Jones, Andy Sedino, Karen Stoltenberg, Bill Greenwood, Rebecca Neidich, Ken Gordon, Jeff Watson Others in Attendance: Julie Kelly I. K. Stoltenberg called the meeting to order at 8:31 AM. II. Superintendent’s Report • No report III. Motion to approve minutes of October 11, 2013 meeting by K. Gordon, second by B. Greenwood. Motion carried. IV. Financial Report • S. Shope reviewed Statement of Activities as of October 31, 2013. • S. Myers reported that Baja event raised $149,100, falling short of budget projections, but netting committee’s original goal of $100,000 annually. • Motion to approve financial report by A. Sedino, second by B. Greenwood. Motion carried. V. Development Committee • Blacksmith Annual Fund (BAF) o K. Stoltenberg reported that BAF gifts and pledges total $919,119 to date. The campaign has been extended to allow those who have pledged unspecified amounts to be counted. o Previous donors and new families are still being contacted and much progress has been made by grade captains. o S. Myers reported that the North Texas Giving Day bonus, which totaled $3,582, was less than expected due to credit card handling fees. She has provided feedback on this issue with the Giving Day coordinators o Discussed question of whether new families who come through the lottery system receive the message about the importance of the BAF. Due to the planned addition of approximately 130 students next fall, we will request to be present to speak at any pre-enrollment meetings with these new families. • Gallery Night 2014 o R. Neidich reported that the as-yet -untitled event will have a James Bond/Monte Carlo/Grand Prix theme to coordinat e with the first year of the event being held at Texas Motor Speedway. o Larry Kros hus will be the live auctioneer, seating will be greatly improved due to the additional space available at this venue, and T he Jam Wows have been reserved as the live band. o B. Greenwood reported that he is donating a large, handmade, children’s playhouse ($4,000 value) to the auction. The pla yhouse will be displayed at school and transported on a trailer to the event and then to the winner’s home. o Trish and Bryan Biddl e have also committed to donating Trish’s racetrack painting to the auction. • Run the Ranch o S. Myers reported that WA parent, Brooke Nicholson, has agreed to lead the planning of this new event budgeted to raise $20,000. VI. Marketing Committee • Z. Jones reported that the 2012-13 Year in Review newsletter was recently mailed. Regular eBlasts with BAF updates and latest Foundation news continue. VII. Administrative Committee • No report. VIII. President’s Report • K. Stoltenberg asked Board members to continue nurturing and building relationships with major donors and solicitors of major donations. IX. Executive Director’s Report • S. Myers reported that Grandparents & Special Friends Day is scheduled for Friday, November 22, 2013. Meat U Anywhere BBQ will cater the welcome break fast. The WAHOC will be co-hosting the event with Hammer Time Cheerleaders assisting. Next Meeting: December 13, 2013 – 8:30 AM; A&S Conference Room, WA, Westlake A. Sedino moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by Z. Jones . Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 AM .