HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-11-13 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting October 11, 2013 Board Members in Attendance: Karen Stoltenberg, Zan Jones, Sean Shope, Kevin Hansen, Kelly Cox, Bill Greenwood, Jeff Watson, and Leah Rennhack Others in Attendance: Tom Brymer, Julie Kelly, Shelly Myers I. K. Stoltenberg called the meeting to order at 8:36 AM . II. Superintendent’s Report • T. Brymer updated on campus expansion plans. o Piers and concrete slabs will be installed over next two months . o Construction remains on schedule to be completed for 2014-15 school year. • Discussed preparations for increased enrollment to more than 800 students, with most additions occurring in Secondary, and to include G6 moving to the MYP beginning next school year. Grades G6 -G12 slated for 25 students per class. o K. Cox asked about how variances in Spanish language knowledge for newly enrol led students will be addressed. T. Brymer reported that Dr. Andra Barton is currently reviewing the K-12 curriculum alignment for Spanish and will continue to assist in preparation for next school year. • T. Brymer reported that Carney Sandoe, an educational recruitment firm, has been retained to assist in filling our new administrative positions. Interviews are slated to occur February and March 2014. III. Motion to approve minutes of September 13, 2013 meeting by B. Greenwood, second by J. Watson. Motion carried. IV. Financial Report • S. Shope reviewed Statement of Activities as of September 30 , 2013, noting that the format will continue to be fine-tuned. • K. Hansen reported that growth of the Endowment is on track. • Motion to approve financial report by K. Cox, second by B. Greenwood. Motion carried. V. Development Committee • Blacksmith Annual Fund (BAF) o K. Stoltenberg reported that donor gifts are being tracked for recognition efforts and thank-you calls. Grade Captains will begin contacting individual families within the next few weeks. o T. Brymer will email WA faculty and staff to encourage BAF participation. o Teachers that have benefited from Foundation grant s will provide testimonials at Baja event to also encourage BAF giving. • Baja VIP party was successful and received positive feedback from guests. S. Myers discussed new items for the live auction at the event on October 15, 2013. VI. Marketing Committee • Z. Jones reported that an eBlast with BAF updates will go out today and continue weekly for duration of the campaign. VII. Administrative Committee • No report. VIII. Grant Committee • International Student Leadership Symposium (Muscat, Oman): request for funds to support two (2) staff members’ attendance as chaperones/presenters. R equested amount of $3,200. • Motion to approve request by K. Cox, second by K. Hansen. Motion carried. IX. President’s Report • K. Stoltenberg thanked board for their strong support of the BAF and Baja initiatives. X. Executive Director’s Report • S. Myers requested input on administering the $2,500 available for student travel assistance through the Joe Bradley Endowment Fund. After discussion, applications will be due on Nov. 8 with decisions made by Nov. 15, 2013 in accordance with fund documents. • Discussed possibility of an all-school fundraiser for students to raise funds for their school trips. Board agreed this type of event is important, but perhaps would be more appropriate for Student Council or the HOC to sponsor . • S. Myers presented the offer from the Giant Scrabble B oard artist to purchase the piece at a discounted rate. Following discussion, the Foundation will advise that it would welcome the artist to donate the board and receive recognition for his generosity. • S. Myers asked if the Foundation would again like to participate in “Trunk or Treat ” at the HOC’s Monster Mash event. Board agreed to participate. • S. Myers updated the board on her participation in the Power of Self leadership seminar series . XI. Other business • J. Watson reported on the Town’s ongoing meetings regarding the Entrada development. Current p lans are to begin phased construction in January 2014, with possibility of a hotel or hotels being included in the development. Next Meeting: November 15, 2013 – 8:30 AM; A&S Conference Room, WA, Westlake B. Greenwood moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by J. Watson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:02 AM .