HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-14-13 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting June 14, 2013 Board Members in Attendance: Kelly Cox, Leah Rennhack, Charlotte Ryan, Andy Sedino, Zan Jones, Sean Shope, and Jeff Watson. Others in Attendance: Shelly Myers. I. K. Cox called the meeting to order at 8:42 AM. II. Motion to approve minutes of May 28, 2013 meeting by A. Sedino, second by C. Ryan. Motion carried. III. Financial Report • S. Shope reviewed financial position and balance statement through May 31, 2013. • Expenses included $1,900 for newsletter printing and mailing along with usual monthly expenses. • Motion to approve financial report by L. Rennhack, second by J. Watson. Motion carried. • Reviewed the Foundation’s draft FY13 -14 budget to fund the School’s requested $1,129,000 for operational expenses as well as $50,000 in discretionary grants. Faculty requests will have funding priority. IV. Development Committee • C. Ryan presented update on the Arts & Sciences recognition display. S. Myers will confirm donors listed at level corresponding to contribution received. • Work has begun on the Blacksmith Annual Fund video to launch at the Back-to-School events. Board has confirmed the increased request to $2,500/student. V. Administrative Committee • J. Watson presented the 2013-14 slate of officers: o President – Karen Stoltenberg o Vice President – Leah Rennhack o Secretary – Ken Gordon o Treasurer – Sean Shope • Motion to approve 2013-14 slate of officers by C. Ryan, second by A. Sedino. Motion carried. • Boar d expressed many sincere thanks to outgoing President Kelly Cox for her leadership and dedicated service. • Charlotte Ryan announced her resignation from the Board. Directors expressed much appreciation for her years of generous support and service. • J. Watson provided update on the nominating process that the Committee has adopted to review prospective directors. VI. Marketing Committee • Z. Jones reported our continued posts on “Bubble Life.” • Next print piece will be the 2012-13 “Year in Review.” • Appreciation video will be sent to corporate sponsors and the WA community. VII. Executive Director’s Report • S. Myers reported that the office has secured eTapestry donor management software. J. Kelly will work on data conversion over the summer to be ready for start of 2013-14 school year. VIII. Other Business • J. Watson provided update on the school’s Admission Policy and process discussed at recent Board of Trustees meeting. Next Meeting: August 16 , 2013 – 8:30 AM; Arts & Sciences Conference Room, Westlake Academy A. Sedino moved to adjourn the Board meeting. Second by L. Rennhack. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:42AM.