HomeMy WebLinkAboutPetitions provided at the meeting regarding faculty changes This petetiQr� has co#lect�d 197 signafiures using the online fools at � ___ Printed ar� 2014-06-Q2 Page i of 17 Le� �. 1i�E�r �� Abaut this petition The Westlake Acaderny staff and cornmunity have recently been informed that Ms. Livia nlliiler wilf not be teaching NiYP classes in the 20i 4-2f}15 schooi year. She has been given the responsibility to monitor the Study Hall periods instead, Ner#eaching experience and her proven success as an educator has been ciisregarded and disrespected. She has made her mark on sa many lives and is beloved by her pasf students. She helps her students not only become more kna�vledgeabie, but also pre��res them fa�the res�af t4�eir��h�al caraers and beyo�d. Ms. i�il(er�oes not deserve tt�is bfatant lack o�well deserved respect from the Westiake �tcademy administration. The reasans for this change in staffing are uncfear and not v�arranting af her removal from her current position. The names on thfs petition are students who Ms Milier has positively impacted as an educatar ar any other person vuho beiieves that �lls. Livia �iller right�ully deserves to continue teaching and heiping the growth and develapment of students at Westlake P,cademy. Please sign this petition to fight for (�s. Miller and Ist our voice be heard by those in charge in the ac(ministration. LET NIS. NfILLER l"EACH± Page 2 of f 7 Signatures 1. Name:Tristan Maynard on 2014-05-22 19:23:18 Comments: 2. [�ame: Kat� DesHotels on 2014-0�-22 2Q:39:�3 Comments: 3. Name: Simon Perry on 2Q14-Q5-22 20:40:11 Comments: 4. Name:Anisse Sircar on 2014-05-22 20:47:54 Comments: 5. Name:Trey Lewis on 2Q14-05-22 21:14:51 Camments: 6. �Jame: Marcelo �ermudez on 2014-05-22 21:16:07 Comments: She is a fantastic teacher and is kind to every student. I have no interest in government, buf she motivates me to enjoy her subject. 1 can't wait until 4th period every A Day. 7. �lam�: Co!!ir �iegler on 2:}i�-f�5-22 2i:i 7:4�6 Comments: 8. Name: Brooke cassidy on 2014-05-22 21:i 9:58 �ommenfis: 9. Name: Cidney Odom on 2014-Q5-22 21:21:35 Comtr�ents: 1(3. Name: Regan Vttard an 201�-05-22 21:28:35 Comments: 11. i�aex�e: �atie iV1�,Ki�i�ey vr� 2�14-(3�-22 21:33:29 Camments: 12. Name: Hayden Cassidy on 2E��f 4-0�-22 2i:36:49 Ca�rrc;�ts. 13. Name: Avery Withers an 2014-05-22 21:38:1 Q Comments: Page 3 of 17 28. Name: Lisa Councilman on 2014-05-22 23:54:49 Comments: 29. Name: Conar Reed on 2014-05-22 23:57:45 Comments: 3Q. �Jame:Andres Martinez Murillo on 2Q14-05-22 23:57:37 �omments: �ompletely agree. I'd iike to know why these changes are occuring, fior she was an amazing influence in my education. 31. Name:Adarrf Aamer or► 2014-05-22 23:58:i 8 Comments: LET HER TEACH. (1�s. Miller is a great teacher and an even greater role modef. Not only do we fearn, but we also have fun! She is a great teacher and shauld not be fired. She enjoys teaching and she shoufd be aflawed to do so. Wesflake Academy Staff would lose such a powerful voice without Ms. Miller and an even more powerful teacher. Let her teach on, for the sake of al! thase wha need the knawledge and for all those who have received knowdecic�e€r�m Izer. 32. Name: Danny Ganesh on 2014-05-23 00:02:02 Comments: 33. Name: Rina Mitchell on 2014-05-23 00:02:05 Comments: Let Ms.Miller stay!She is amazingoo! 34. Name:A6ii DeMoss on 2014-05-23 00:02:24 Comments: 35. t�ame: Samantha on 2014-05-23 UO:Q3:29 Cc�mments: 36. Name: Sam Beauchamp on 2d14-45-23 OO:Q4:i7 Camments: Mrs. M':Iler always is focused on academics and she always has !B in mind. 37. Name:Alisha Sircar on 2014-05-23 00:06:00 Comments: 38. I�arr�e:Jenna Tews on 2�14-�5-23 (3a:Q7:46 Comments: 39. �Vame: Hunter �arnard on 2(714-05-23 00:12:28 Comments: Page 5 of 17 40. ��arr�:Jer�ifer �r 2{�14-(35-23 C0:16:34 Camments: 4i. Name: Aaran Pinto on 2014-05-23 00:18:27 Comments: 42. Name:Ann Dunlap on 2014-05-23 00:23:29 Comrnents: �3. Narne: Sara Eduelas on 20i 4-05-23 QQ:34:�2 Comments: 4�4. i�am�: cour�ney anderson on 20i 4-05-23 00:59:5� Comments: 45. Name: Giana Guizar on 2014�-05-23 01.01:22 voriments: LET F-6E�t T�,ciCH' 46. Narne: alex koretoff on 2014-05-23 01:04:56 Corriments: 47. Name:Trenton Barnes on 2014-05-23 01:05:56 Comments: 48. Name: Rachel duarf� an 2��4-05-23 Q�;Q6:Q3 Comments: 49. Name: Dominic on 2014-05-23 01:06:41 Comments: 50. Name: Keily Martin on 2014-05-23 01:09:50 Comments: 51, Name: Stratford small an 2014-05-23 01:09:55 Cornments: Mrs miller has been a teacher at tha school farever and had been a HUGE help ta my fainily and i school wise and in general. She has helped me grow as a student and as a person and she a great teacher. Her talent as a teacher can not be taught but bcrn with arad te be in the pcsifion she is at it�razy�. ���uemrsmill�r 52. Nams: Macy Magri on 2014-05-23 01:10:�7 Comments: Page E of i7 5L. fVame: �hann�n Smal! on 2��4-05-23 Q�:20:4� Comments: Ms. MiNer has taught both of my children and did an amazing job in the cPassroom both academicalfy and socialSy 5�. [�a�rte: Reece Ni�ho!v�n ��2Q14-Q�-23 01:2;?:�� Comments:she has been my favorite teacher since Pre-k 55. Name: Wayne Dawson on 2014-05-23 01:24:30 Cornrne�ts:AbsoiuteEy ri�icuious? Ar�azing vu�maniteacher and deserves be�t�� 56. Name: Victaria Kubyshko on 2Q14-05-23 01:25:18 Corrtments: 57. Name: Sean Griffith an 2014-05-23 01:34:52 Commenis: 58. �lame: alexandra wagner on 2014-05-23 01:38:46 �omrr►ents: 59. �lame: Beth chiids on 2014-05-23 01:40:34 �omments: 60. Name: allisan hendrix on 2014-05-23 Q1:41:39 Comments: 61. Name:allie woo on 2014-05-23 01:41:47 Comments: 62. Name: Reid �Is�n �n 2�?14-Q5-23 01:42:26 Comments:Yes 63. Name: sara manning on 2Q14-05-23 01:42:36 Cornm�nt�: 64. Name:jack Pittman on 2014-05-23 01:44:57 Comments: 65. Name: &Carina Eapen an 20�4-05-23 01:48:48 Comments: Sadiy, I have not ever had Ms. Miller as an English techer, but I have heard nothing but good things about her English classes. I have; however, had hsr as my Government teacher, and I ean positively say that she is a great teacher. She obviously enjays what she does and she pushes you to be your best. ! enjoyed my one semester with her, and wish i ould have been at tl�e schools in previous years and had her as my Page 7 of 17 English f�ach�r. I ��lieve she shaulci �e allc��n�ed ta teach. She is a great teacher and sh� truly cares- definitely one of the best our school has. 66, Name: Braden D�ras on 2014-05-23 01:52:15 Comments: Don`t fire her!s! 67. Name:Tessa an 2�14-05-23 01:52:37 Cotnments: 68. Name:Jen �pa(I on 2014-05-23 01:53:49 Comments: 69. Rlas�te: �riana sern� on 2414�-05-23 �2:06_�5 Comments: 74. Name: Make�zy on 2014-Q5-23 02:43:41 Ct�rnments: 71. Name: Daria on 2(�14-05-23 02:45:16 Cornrnents: 72. Nat�ne: Natasha Ganesh on 2014-Q5-23 02:5Q:03 Comments: 73. Name: Raven Archangel on 2014-05-23 03:13:57 Comments: 7�. Name:Sear{et on 2014�-(35-23 03:14:24 �ommer�ts: 75. Name: Kelsey on 2C3i 4-05-23 03:24:19 Comments: 76. �4ame:�udrey McQuietor on 2(314-05-23 Q3:46:48 Comments: 77. N�rr�e: ��mrn'se on 201�?-�5-23 �?�:�?:37 Comments: 78. N�me:Avery Reed on 2{}14-t}5-23 04:25:2Q Cot�rnents: Page 8 ot 77 ��. r�a�,e: ��a�y �e�,a��s�� a�, zo�4-a�-z� aa.:��:�s comments: 80. Name: Isaac Cavazas on 20�4-05-23 07:54:16 �'ornments: 81. Name:Tyler Simpson on 2014-45-23 11:19:57 Camrnents: 82. Name: Brooke Nicholson on 2014-05-23 12:29:18 Comments: 83. Name: Caroline �ioss on 201405-23 13:1�:57 Comments: 84. �lame:Janzen an 2Q14-(35-23 14:36:29 �c�rnm�nts: 85. Name: Garrison Luckett on 2014-Q5-23 14:57:26 Comments: 86. iVame:Tre Gray on 2014-05-23 15:12:42 Comments: 87. �Ja�e: �,�ars��lf c��t �#���-05-23 s 5:�8:44 Comments: 88. Name: Shawn Advani on 2014-05-23 15:29:10 �omments: 89. Name: Delaney Wood on 2014-Q5-23 16:28:37 Comments: 90. t�ame:Jack WoQds �n 2Q14-05-23 �6:43:49 Comments: 91. Narne: Eli�s Mitchell on 2014-05-23 18:06:�7 Comments: Ms, Miller is a fantastic educator. Not only did she provide me with the material infarrr�ation#hat I need, b�t she pravicled me with somethirg rolare: skills in ieadership, transferabPe ski9ls that can be carried outside of the classroom, a�d pravided me vUith perspective on fhe world around me, v�+hie� to my knowledge is the idea a�the I.B. curricufum. Page 9 of 17 9�. (�ame: Ethan VVoods on 2�1�-�5-�3 �8:�7:3� Comments: 93. Name: Sarah Mayhew on 2014-05-23 9 8:55:04 Comments: 94. Name: Darius Donatto on 2Q14-05-25 i 9:02:36 Comments: 95. Name: Lily Jacobs on 2014-05-23 20:05:46 Gommen$s: 96. Name: NIc91y I�terso!? on 2�14-45-23 2Q:3�:23 Camments: 97. Name: Madalin Spates on 2014-�5-23 20:4�:12 �omments: 98. Narne: Haley Nundley an 2014-05-23 21:27:27 Camments: Mrs. Miller is one af my favorite teachers that taught me more than just school and the facts. She taught us about life and was the best taacher anyone could ask for. She definitty should nof get fiired from her teaching position. Vllestlake has afready Iost a Ec�t af arna�ing teachers from the past that t��ve been fired. Keep the veter�n 1�lestlake teachers as they actually know the true foundation that the schoal is based off of. 99. Name:Avi Gupta on 2014-05-23 22:12:02 Comments: Let her teach! 1(l0. �lame: Ca!e FEuncfley Qn 2�1�-0�-23 22:31:13 Comments: 101. Name: Rameen Sarwarzad an 2014-05-23 22:38:54� C;c;mrrents: 1 t}2. Name:Giovanni Dominguez on 2014-05-23 22:58:25 Comments: 103. Name: Dack Nicholson on 2014-05-25 23:37:52 Comments: 104. Name:Caroline Rass on 2014-05-23 23:38:43 Comments: Page 10 of i7 105. [�arne: V�Ihitney �. on 2014-05-24 02:44:4�8 Cammer�ts: i06. ��ame: �taciisc�� Gc��le cr� 2Q�4-�5-24 C2°50:11 Corrtments: 107. �lame: �en Calz[ni on 20��-Q5-24 16_30:46 �omments: 10�. �ame: �ar�iel Ma�tinez �uri9lo o� 2014-05-24 21:12:39 Commer�ts: 109. Name: �ani M on 2(314-05-25 t}g:37:t�7 Gc�mrnents: '�'��. �c`iCil�: �t1(i� �``��Pi6i1@Z Cat°E ��'��-�a-�� ��:��$:�� Cornrne�ts: Ms. (Vlifi�r is a great t�acher and she dc�es not deserve to be "babysitting." �11. �ame:Jc�seph Kapphahn or� 201�--C1�-2� 16:Ct�:4� C�r�r���ts: Let �er��ac� �12. Na�e: 1(icky Goble t�n 2014-a5-25 i€3:a 3:33 �crmme�t�: 1�!3. Nam�:Tonya VVot�ds or� 2414n(�5�26 01:35:33 Comments: 1 i�. Rla�ne: G r�g G�rd�n o�i 2t�i�-Q�-c� t�3:�6:23 Cornments: ��5. Name:Tyf�r Ha�ilt�n c�s� 2�?�--��-2�a ��:i�.�a ���;m'�er��: 116. �at�ts:Austirt F�eed on 2014-05-26 15:27:26 ��mmen�s. 117. Name: 5ydney Hassell os� 2014�-�5-�6 �7:5a:37 �.omm�r��s: �e� her�each� 1��. Narrfe: ��arnai�� �€r��� o;a 2���-t}�-2� 1 F:�t}:�� �e�r�?�nts: Page 31 of 77 �i 9. Nam�: Mahesh Tharoor on 20#4-05-26 21:24:23 Comments: 120, M1lame:�my Griffith an 2014-05-26 2i:3 p:�6 Comments: 121. Name: Scott Griffith on 2014-05-26 21:35:32 C�:�ment�: 122. �lame: �ona Mitchell on 2014-05-27 0�:�1:22 Comments: 123. Name: Ofivia Gibbs on 2014-05-27 02:50:26 Comments: 1 z4. �ame:�iaron Finto an 2014-05-�7 i 4:t��:33 Comments: 125. Name: Zack Maik on 2(314-a5-27 16:(I�.07 Camments: (t�s. Nlilier is one ofi the greatest teachers I have ever had, and this is a complete disgrace to no�only herself, buf to ail of the students +�ith �rhom she has served. 126. �iame: �ic�hasteler on �0�4�-G5-27 16:09:18 Comments: fl,1s.Milier is one of the best English teachers thaf E know. 127. Rlame:Jona#han James on 2Q14-J�-27 16:(33:57 Ccr�m�nt�: She :s tl�� ���t er�glish t�acher�ver. �28. t�ame:Julian 5anders on 2014-05-27 i 6:14:01 Commenfs: �rs. h/Piller's ciasses were the most heipfui c6�sses 6 h�d ir� the eariy�YP �r�gr�rn. The�hel�ed me a!Qfi lat�r on. 129. Rlame: Michael Grover on 2014-05-27 16:14:07 �ornmErts:�his �s absalutely crazy that �/is. �liiller is tcaehir�g, she is an amazing t�acher �nd she des�rves better. This i�a t�rribEe d�cisiort bv�h� adr�inis�ratiar� 130. Name:Jacob Lamon an 201�-05-27 22:38:4� �omm�nts: i 31. Name: �tiargeaux V�right on 2014--05-28 Q1:39:28 Page 12 of f7 Camments: 132. Name: Graee Morena on 2014-05-28 01:49:34 Camments: i fee! like if westlake loses Mrs. filliller, It's like they're losing another Rosky. Why�vai�ld Westiake want that? Shes on�o�#he best teachers in the wh�le school. I don't feel like the kids in the up coming generations should iearn without a teacher like her. VVestlake ir� the past has made�he mistake of firing the best teacher because they'don't meet the internafional requirement or fit in school.' Let's not make that mistake again. 133, Narn�. Lisa 11l�righf �n 2Q14-05-2� 02:�4:�2 Comments: f 34. Name:James Sanders on 2Q14-(}5-28 02:33:53 �amrnents: 135. Name: Katie ruelas on 2014-05-28 03:03:Q9 Cornments: 136. Name: Na#asha Ganesh on 2014-Q5-28 4326:16 Comments: �37. Name:Anr��mar�E Dur�for� �r� 2�f�-f�5-2S f}4:�f3:33 Comments: i38. f�larrte:grant an 2014-05-28 13:15_46 Comments: 139. Name:Jude Perry on 2014-t�5-28 14:47:31 Comments: 140. Name:Aiden Mesa on 2014-05-28 14:47:51 Comments: Let her TEACH!!! 141. f�am2: ��an �'�rie� a� 2U14�-C35-2� 14:��:�G Camments:great teacher of life lessons 142. Name:Jahn Luke f�ilfer on 2014-05-28 1�:49:44 C�mrs�2nfs: �ii 143. Name: Issi Henderson c�n 2094-05-28 1�:51:53 C�rr�ments: Page 13 of 17 i 44. Narne:�aaen hutci�iscn a� 2�14-C?5-2� 14:r�:26 Comments: 1 A�5. Rlame: Ben Adams on 2014-05-28 i 4:55:22 �o€�nrrterats: 146. Name: Kennedy Donatto an 2014-05-28 14:55:29 Comments:She is an amazing teacher, the best I've ever had at Westlake Academy. I ��ant her#� stay in th� pc�sition she's i�, she is excPllent�nd is �zble to rela#e to#hs student in every aspect and not just English. it would be a shame far her teaching talent to go to waste in a study hall room. 147. Name: shannon on 20�4-05-28 14:56:27 Comrnents: i 48. Riame: Nesna Perdue on 2414-05-28 14:57:57 �ornm�nts: 149. Rlame: Kenned}r Fitzgerald on 2014-05-28 14:58:43 Comments: 150. Name:Anna DesHotels on 2014-05-28 14:59:30 Commer�ts: 151. Narrte: Zach Tucker on 2Q14-v5-28 15:47:32 Comments: 152. Name: [Vfichaef Brawn on 201�-05-28 15:48:06 �omments:stop making this schooi terrible you bumt�6ir�g idiots 153. Name: �adison Naonan on 2014-05-28 15:48:38 Comments: 154. Name: Daniel Crawford on 2014-05-28 15:A�9:25 Comments:She's another one of the best teachers in the schoof, �vhat what�vhat what what r u cain �55. �ame: �eecf �rim on �C�4-C15-28 15:5f:25 Comments: 156. I�ame: ,4mber As(am on 2014-05-�8 i 5:55:28 Comments: Page 14 oi 17 157. lVame: Ross B on 201�-05-28 �5:5u:�� Comments: 158. Name: Paul Thompson an 2014-Q5-28 16:01:�8 �o�ments: Nlrs. �ilBer�s a grea�teach�r. 159. Name: Noah Leatham on 2014-05-28 16:03:00 Comments: [ have been at!/Vestlake for the last severaE years. Mrs. Milfer should be al(owed to t�ach. Y�u are de�riving future students af her teachi�g abili�ies. 160. Name: Kaleigh Borge on 2014-05-28 16:Q6:11 Comments: Ms. Mifier is a fantasfic teacher. 161. Name: Madalin on 2014-05-28 16:11:23 Cammenfs: 162. �lame: Charlie Price on 2014-05-28 16:17:18 Camments: i 63. Name: Hunter Robichaux on 2014-05-28 17:Q5:49 Comments: Me miiler is the besf teacher af wesfilake 164. Name: Christina Barnard on 2Q14-05-28 17:08:49 Commsnts: 165. iVame:Amy Robichaux on 2014-05-28 17:28:Q5 Cc�mments: 166. N�ms:Alexa V�hiteis Qn 2Q14�-05-28 19:71:55 Commen#s: 167. Name: Parth Purahit on 2014-Q5-28 i 9:13:50 �ornrr��nt�: 168. Rlame:John withers on 2014-05-28 19:14:10 Comments: Keep mrs. Mil(er 169. Name:William Nibarger on 2014-Q5-28 19:15:Q0 Comments: 170. Name:Taryn Alexander on 2014-d5-28 19:1521 Comments: Page?5 ot 17 171. Name: Savannah Tucker on 2014-05-28 19:18:45 Comments: 172. Name:Alex Chen on 2014-05-28 20:Q3:31 Camments: Let Mrs. Miller back in English 173. Name: Vicky Goble on 2014-05-28 20:34:47 Comments: 174. Name: Riley Barnard on 2014-Q5-28 21:19:38 Camments: 175. Name:Austin Price on 2014-05-29 02:47:18 Comments: Leave Mrs. Miller where she is best!!! 176. Name:Jill Egli on 2014-05-29 14:49:03 Comments: 177. Name: Meredith Brown on 2014-05-29 14:50:07 Comments: Ms. Miller is queen 178. Name: Mackenzie Matthews on 2014-05-29 14:50:10 Comments: 179. Name: Amareesa Robinson on 2014-05-29 18:57:48 Comments: 180. Name: Cindy Withers an 2014-05-29 2i:36:27 Comments: 181. Name: Mitchefl Wifhers an 2014-05-29 21:39:11 Comments: 182. Name:Grant Gibbs on 2014-Q5-30 00:17:07 Comments: 183. Name: Karmen Clark on 2014-05-30 Q1:56:14 Comments: 184. Name: Lauren Clark on 2014-05-30 02:00:23 �carr�m�r�t�: I s�.�pp�rt tk�i� Page 16 af 17 185. Name: Cole Clark on 2014-05-30 02:28:56 Comments: 186. Name: Rachel depaalo on 2014-05-30 17:52:16 Comments: 187. Name:Jon Hampton on 2014-05-34 18:18:28 Comments: 188. Name:Josh Broadfield on 2014-05-30 18:21:52 Comments: 189. Name: Bilal on 2014-05-30 18:26:11 Comments: 190. Name: Danielle Fitzgerald on 2014-05-30 18:27:26 Comments: 191. Name:Joshua Hiii on 2014-05-30 18:29:06 Comments: 192. Na�rte: Christian Falcon on 2014-05-30 18:36:28 Comments: 193. Name: Nick Robinson on 2014-05-30 21:05:52 Comments: Why Dr. Barton,just why. 194. Name: Roslyn Crim an 2014-06-01 02:19:58 Comments: 195. Name: Osman Bukhari on 2014-06-01 02:47:52 Comments: 196. Name: Elizabeth McCartney on 2014-06-01 03:03:25 Comments: 197. Name: Rahu! Tharoor on 2014-06-01 22:28:56 Camments: Page 77 oi 17 `fhQ� p������r� h�s €(��t�d 67 �igr��t�r�� ��ir�g th��r�3i�����6s�t������������� Pr�r���d �� 20�4-06s02 f'age 9 of 7 � rr 1 ,�bc��st�hi� p�tit�car� l"hi� p���t��n ���r��ted t��hca�th����r�y p��pk�, i��ls�d�r�g stctd�rat� �r€c��dc�##�, ��ra� A�s, ��rr��er�� #�st�y�t ��tf�k���ad�rr�y. �. K��r��r�r h�� b��� �� ��tl�k�� d�r��fc����hel� ���. � kt��� �h�� p a�d cna����h�r s��d���� b�i���� s. ��rr���r�r h�s b��� �c�����h� b��$����h�r��� h�ve ���r had, �h�r���(�w�rafi� h�r�#�der�t�t�da��Ii trt h�������, ��d a6��y� �� p�s a� c�ff�r t� h��p� �t�d��g at�t. �h�t�+����r�b i��th� �� pr�fil� �s b�#�g ��rirag, � r��k-t�k�r, � �-rr�ir�d�d, ar�d r���h rr��r�. t��c��id b�� h€�g� I�s�if �. K��trr�er��h�d t�i���� e�t9�k�. E����h��gh s4ze ma� ��� b� t��chi�g r���y�f��st�d��#��nyrr��r�, �� k���h��F���pfc�{ �h���s t� ���r�d ���+�r���[� ��h�r ��b3��ti$��C1�X��PI�Ct�G$�3��L!$�$�E't{�fil� �����E"� �6'iC����C�E�C��i�'� �. ��C7"@tY1���F I�, � �1���$�� �dr�ir����r�td�� +nro€!�a���hr� p�titdc�� i�����r��id�r�t€�� ��d I�t �. �f�rr�rr��r�r�ta�and t���h! Page 2 of 7 �Eg�a��r�s 1. �r��: Rah�6 Thar r �rt 2Q1��05-�7 �3:�3e2� ��r�m��t�: �. ar��a �idr��y C3dc�� �r� 20�4�-�5-�7 2�056.57 ���€���ts: 3. ��€�°a�: ����h Pi�tc� �r� 2t#14����-2�23:59:11 �a��r�����: �. �€�€��� ���h �'� er �� 2�14�05�27 23:59:1� ���rar��r�t�: �. #��rr��: ��� �a�rc�h6t �r� 2�1�-QS��� Q0:�0:�0 ��rr�rr�e�t�: 6. t����e �il�y �Ji�h����r� ca� 201�-Q5-��Q€�:09:4�� ��r�r��r��s: �. C��r��: �tr���y c�r�r� ca� �014j6fl�-�� Ot�.12:�2 ���rr��r�t�: �. �6�th� b��t�a��t���h�r ! h�v��v�r h�d. �. ��r��: i[���m ���a�� �� 2�14-0�-2�OO.�II:56 ��r���r���: l"�k�1��.b��k 9. ar��e �r�r����r6� ��f�rd �n 2014�-0�-2� 406�4Q:24� ��r�r��rtt�: '�0, ��m�: C����n b€a�l�r �r� 201�a05-2� �1:Q6:�� �t��rs��r�t�: 11. �ar��: F��h��T�ar r �� 2014a45p2� 0�;1�:3� ��r�rr���tt�; �2. ��rr��; J���if�r ca� 2a1�4405-28 01:19;�3 ��rrar�����; �3. N�r��: �r����x right �� �01�-�}5-2� 01:2�;2� ��rr� �rtt�: �4. t��t��: �€����I �r��e� �� ��1�pC��m2�E��:30;�2 �age s of 7 ��r�rs���a��: bri�g b�ck�h� k ��. #��r��: ��� Gri�th �r� 2Q°!�-��-2�01:3�.52 ��r���nt�: 16. ����: L�t�r�r� �� �0�4�-0��-2� 0�:39:4�7 ��r�t��r�t�: ��. I��r��. �a�ir� �prir�g� �� 2�1�-05-2�01:�Q,3� ��s�rn��fi�: ��. €��r��: �,rtdr�� �r�a��� ��rilB� cs� 2(7�4��05tl2�02.°i�.27 ��r�rr���t�: �9. �arr��: L� r��h# �� 20�4�0�-2� 02.��.0� �c��r��r�t�: 20. a��: J�a��:� ��r�d�r� �t� 20i�-05-2� 02e32.�� G�r��s��t�: �1. N�rrs�: ��d� ��r� c�r� 201�-t��-2� 02e32:50 ��m�o�r���: �2. R��r��: gr��t �r� 2014�-0���� �3:16:2� ��������: 23. ��rr��; car�r��y��d�r��� �� 2t�14�905�2� �3:2�:21 ��rram��t�; 2�. ��rr��: Aid�� es� �� 201�-Q5¢�$ 1�:49:51 ���rr��r�t�: �5. �ra��: �it��a�r�€ �� �01�ffi���2� 14s53:�� ��r►�r�a�r���: �6. ar�c�. d�� ��tchi�c�� �� 2014�m��-2� �4e�3�4�� ��rr�m�r�t�: 27. ����� �r��d��t� �s� 20�4�a5-2� 1�: �5� ���€r���ts. 2�, �ar��: 6�����dy������ car� �Q14�-�5-2�# 1�:56:5� ����o�� ��Cl�Et'1�B1��: �. ��C�9tTi�C��6�$��C,�C����S$CYI���I �����i�P �g�� �1�� ��f�dS��jf. ��1� 1� ��r�r��Py helpf�l, �r�d rr��k�� ��r��h�fi�h��tcad�€��� �a�d�rst�r�d �h���k��rnp3�t�ly. �9. ����: ��r�� y�it�g�r�� ar� 2D14-05�2� 14�.59:16 �c�rx�rr��r�t�: 3Q. ��r��: ��r�� ��l����6� �t� 201��tD5-2� ��:El€?;25 �c�rx�s��t�ts: 31. �ra��: �d���� N ��r� �� 2Q��4-�35g2� 15.4�$:�� ��rr��'s�rt#se 32. �ia��: �h��r� Ad��t�i �rt 2���-05��� ��e�49:56 �c����r�t�: 33. ��rm��� Re�d �r�r�a �� 2014��05w2� 1��51:55 ��r�m�r���: 34�. �ar��: �����z�� c�r�g�rn�r ��20��-��a2� 15.53:3� ���r€rt�e���; �5, ��r��: A�b�r A�I�r� car� �01�-Q5-2� 15: :�0 ��€�or��r���: 36, �d�rrt�: �r��a �Cc��r�ar� �rt 201�-�5-2� 1�e5�:�9 ��rr�r��r�t�: 37. �#arr��: ���s c�t� 2�14���5-2� 1�:59:0� ��mm��t�a 3�. 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P��m�: Ff�rri��� ���i�� �� 201��5m2� 1�:4�0:�3 ��r��ra��t�: A�thc��gh it is ���h��g�abl��� h��� �.lC�t�y, �h�����ts!€�h� b����e�cher 1 h��� h�d �i��� ��r�i�g�c�����6ak� y��c�m 4��. �arrt��: S�v��r��h �`€��k�r t�r� 2014-Q542� 19:15:59 ��mr��r�fs: �. 8��r�r�z�r�r i�� ���d�r��a(t���h�r�hcs r��l�y k���s h��t�t���h�v�R�!� 45. �l�rn�: F��rkh P�ar�hit �� 2014��45-2� 19.��:59 �c�c�s�€��t�: 4��. ��r�a�: K�tff� �� 2�1��0�-2� 19:1�:36 ��rr�rrte�t�: gr�at t���h�r, d���r�'#d�s�r��fi� b��r�d �7. �lar�e: ���r��r E�ra�k� �s� 2�1A��05-2� �9:19s�� ��rr�rz���r#s: ��. f��r��:��n� ����o��l� �� 2Q�4-05-2��2:�5:1� ��r�r���tse �h��s��d�c� b� ��u��d�rfc�6 t���h�r��d S h�v� b��� 6��k6�g #�r�rd t� h�vir�g h�r a�a ���ch�r�� 6 �Id E��rr��reh�t 6 ���d t� i� rr���h. 49. ��rn�, �r4�r�� J�n�� �� 20�4�-05-�9 QO:Q�t�6 ��ra�cn��t�: 50. ����a F����r� T�grra�n �� 2Q14-05-2�00:3�:02 ��t�►���t�: 51. aa��: �r��a c��t 2Q14�05-29 04�;0�:�7 ��rr�r�a�s�t�: �2. 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Na : ��i�h� ��� r �� 2014-Q5�25 2�:04;06 ��ra�ra��nt�: 3. ��r►��� �h��t�ar� t�r� �Q�4�-05-2�22:0�4:�6 ��r�m����: ���� r�r. ���bi��t�►� 4�, �as�a�. ��r�a �r� 2�1�-��-25 22:13:�7 ��rra��t���: �. ����.1"r�d��Tr�s�bi�fi��d c�r� �0����5-25 22:13:2� ��rr����f�a �. �l�r��: L�I���gr��r�l�� �� 20��m05-25 2�:�7;�7 ��r�����: �. �I���. Er�iiy �r� �014�Q5-2�22.17:2� G�rrt�rt��r�t�; �. ��rra�: �`yl�r�ir�p��a� �r� 2(�14�0�-25 22:24�:33 ��s�r�€�r�t�: !S� � . PEE L��!� F�� is�r� i��r�dib��per��� �r�d����t°s�r�s�d [°rr� ���� tc� say t�� �� r�y f���c�rifi�. �16��t����s�$��d r�e�d h3rrr�t� k��p t���h�r�g at ��tl�k� 9. P��rt��: L�€�r�� �h��p�g�t� �r� 2014���5m2�22.4��.3Q ��r�r���t�: �0. �arra�: � orri� �r� 2��4-05a2�23:�7:�� ��r����t�: '31. �J�m��. ��r���r� �� 2�14�45-26 OOe�2:5`� ��r�ra��r���; r.p��bk�� ���h� b��t���ch�r °�2. E��rr��� ��r�ett �� 2�914-�5�26 �Q:13: ��r���€���: 13, ���ra�: �e��� a�tir��z �� 20�4�-�5m26 ��:3�;33 �c�rr��e�t�e HE I� T'�E ��T!�! #�� k���� h��t�#���h h���cs�y��d ��k��� ��J�'����'�"d ��s na�sof�2 14�, ��m�: A�dr�� t��r�i��� a�relE� ��a 2014�45-�6 02:4�3:13 ��rt�r��r�t�: 15. �larr��: ���r��� car�2014�W05-26 0�:29:33 ��rr€m�s�t�d �6. ��rr��, ��}�r��fi�h �r� 201�-05-26 2�:32:5� ��r���ra��: �7. �m�: ���ra �rif�"i�h �r� 2��4�-Q5-26 21:35:2� ��r�st't�r�#�: 1�. l����: S��r� �br�e�t �r� 20�4�-05-�6 �3:1�:55 �c�r�r�����: r. ���bi�� ��� gr��t t�:��h�r, � h�v� ���r��d r��r�y lif� 3�ss�r��fr�r� hi� '19. �r��: ���k����s�dy �ra 2�1�-05m�? �2:11:33 ��m��r��s: �0. ��rs��: �r��l� err€��td�� c�� 2Q14�-05m��22:1�:25 �orx���r�t�e 21, �rr��: Ft�g�� �rd �� 20��-05-2�' 22;��e33 C�rr�r���t�: �2. �l�rr►�: ��rr��r� ��rr� �n ��31�-(35-�7 22:20:�7 �c�r�m����. 23. �l�rr��a �r����ers�h��k �� 2Q1�-Q5-27 22:25:56 ��me��r�t�: ��. �t�r��: �r�����ri� �a�#�rd �� 2014-05-2� 22:3�:a� ���€��t�t�: 25. €��r��. yl������� �� 24�4��Q5-27 22;�4:2� ��srr�t��nt�: 26. ����: ryr�r� �r� 2��4�Q5�27 2�:4�4:5� ��rrar��rsts. !���E�h�t r. P��bl�����������t��ch�r! I th��k �r��t��d c�f gett€s�g r6d �� p��pl�9 th�y sh��t6d �r��o� �h��t t�a� �pli�h f�a�g��� ���he �ch��f. 27. i��rs��: L�3y �ig��r�ll€ c�r� 20�4�05�27 2�:�6:2� ���r��nt�: Page 4 of i2 2�. �1��rt�: ���r� �br6�� �ra 2Q�4�g05�27�2:�5:05 G�rt�rr��r�t�: �r��t f���her i#6�f� f��se�r�� 29. �c�t�: Jar�z�� ���#B �r� 2(��4�m05-27 22:55:3T ���rarr��r�t�: 3Q. ���t�a �er�� R�rd€�e �� 2�1�-C�5@27�2.5�:02 �c��r��r�#�: P���s� r� �a�id�r9 h�°� ar� �x �1���t��ch�r. Th� b��t��`�� h�d y��. 3�. N�ra��: �ha���n Qs� 2���-05-�7 220��:0� ��r�t��r�ts: 32. �r��: ������� �a��l�s �� 2(3°t��D5�27 �2.59: �c��m�€���: 33. �J�rrt�, ra�� �n 2014�-t?5��7 23:0�:26 �s�r�€��ra��: 3�. �ar��: �"yi�r�i�r��Bfi�� �� �0�4��05a27 23;15:4� ��r�sm���s: �5. �m�: �h�9 T'h�r��r �� 24�4���5-27 23:3�.1� ��r°r�m��t�. 36. h1���: �Zi��y�ir��err��r� �� 2014-05-27 23.5�a0$ ���rri�r�g�: 37. 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[��rr��: ��� �t�p�� c�� 2014�-Q5-�� �2:35:�� ��rr���r���: 61. i��r��: r�de� � �� �n 2�3 4405-�� 0�a41;°!6 �c�rrtr��n��> �c��°t��e reP�ebi��. J���d��'t. J�s� r��. 62. �a€��: 5ha�rae�r� ��€f�gh�r �� 201�-�5�2�02:4�2:51 ���r�t��t��: 63. ��r�s�: �€�� it�h�l� �r� 2014m05-2�02:�3:36 G�rr�r��r�t�: �4. �ar�s�: ��rr�#� �r� 243��-05-2�42:�9e27 ��r�r���tt�; 65. �a��: ,1��h 36�a�fS�r�� �ra 2014-p5�2� 02:50:2� ��rr�r���tt�: 66. �r��: ��r�th� o� �01��05a2�fl2.59;4�3 ��r�r��t���: 67. ��rr��: �i��� r�d�h�� �� 241��05�����:�0;4�1 �c��m�rs��: 6�. �r��: ��r��r���d �r� 2�1���3�-2� 03,5�.3� �c�r�rr�����: 69. ����a ���ry����� �� 2�°��-��-�� �4:32.�E� �om���t�: Page 7 e��9� 70. ���t�: �b�i � �r� 20���05-2� °t2e30.02 ��rr�rxa�r�t�: 71. ��t��: F���d Gr6rr� �r� 2014�-05a�8 �2e32,1� �e�r�tr��ra�s: �2. h���st�: �Il� �� ��� �r� 2014�05-2$ 13e22:25 ��r�r���t��: 73. ��rne: St�� 44ora��r� �� 20�4-05-2� �3;22:31 ���rar�a�r�t�: ���g���r�r�g ha� b��ra rr�y f���ret���a�h�r�� 7�� g��d���far, ��, i���rs�: `F��r��r�h��� �� 20�4�-05-2� 13:33:22 Go�rr���t�: 7�. f��r��: E��i�i T��I�r �s� �01�-05-Z� 14609: ���rtrr��r�t�; r, ���b3�s ��������a� 76. �1�r�t�: �tli�w �� 2�1�-�}5-2� 1�:2�:�46 ��rr�rr�er�t�: 77, �arr��: ���sidy s�n 2�14��05-2� 14�:39:4� ��rr�r��r�t�: �� 7�. ��rrt�: �r�r�a ��sFl���1� �r� 2��4-05-2� �4�.4��:22 ��eri�t�r�t�: 79. ��r��: t�����h �C�r�ke� c�� 201�-U5-�� 14�.43e30 ��rr����t�: �Oa ��r�a�: ��Adarrs� �� �014��p5-2� 1�;�5:�5 �c���ra����. hl�d���r�a�� � �����d �h����this �� hg��rst y��r; ���h�rr� �r�pr���. �1. ��rt�ee J�ht� L�sk� §Il�r ��t 20�4��Q562� 1�:��.42 ��r�r���t�: �2. �l�rr��: Jt�d� �� �r� 2C1�4�-��-2� 14�e51��6 ��rr�r��n ; �3. �4���: ��� �a�€��9�i��a� �� 2�����5a2� ��.�3a5� ��a�r��rsf�: Page�of T 2 �4�. ����, l�����dy ��r��ttca �� 2��4�-0�-2� 14�:�7a15 ��r�r��►���: �5. hia€��: ��r�r��dy��t�g����d ��r �01��05-�� 14:�9:35 ��r�°�rr�����: �6. �r��; �d���€� �lc��raa� �� 2Q14�-05-�� �5:49:4� �t�r�r���t�: �7. ��r��e �h��rr�Ad��r�i �r� 2014-�5-2� 15:50:2� �c�rt�r��r�t�: ��. ��m�. �c�i�l �r� �rd o� 2Q��-05�2� 15;�1:2� �c��€�a�r���: �9. idar�t�: Amb�r��la� �r� 201��05�2� �5:55:�� ��s�m����e 90. ��rrt�: ��� �r� 20°i�-0�-�� �5.�9:36 ���tr���t�: 9�. ����: ���� ��t 201�-�5��$ 15:��:4�� ��r��'a�r�ts: �2. ��r�a�; �d���r� c�€� �Q1Q�-05-2� �6:14�37 Cc�€�rr��r���: 9�. €����: �h�rla� Pri�� �� 20�4��U5-�� 16:16:57 �c� rn�r���: 94�. �t�m�: ��y��� ��g���t c�r� 2014�-�5-2� 1�P5�,32 ��r���r�ts: 95. ��r�a�: J�nn�f�r ��id� on 20�4�05-�� 17:39:1� ��rz�rr���t�: 96. P��rr��: �hr°r��s�rt �ib�rg�r �� 201�m0542� 1�:0�:02 ���rz��r�t�: 97. �l���: ����� �l����l��� �� 2Q��-��-2� 1�.1�:�� ��►�rr�����: p8�9 ot aa 9�. �3�r��: �i��r���r� ��k9�y �� 2Q1�605-�� 1�:42e�� �c��r�����: FI� i��ery ��ipf�i t�th�s��d��#s ��d s��k�� �as f��i Is��fr��nd�. �!� k��ps ���t���h�r���ade�t r�[��i���hip, b�a��n�k�� �����r� Eike ��r�. 99. ��m�: ��r�� P�r�h�� �� 20��-fl5�2� 19014:�1 ��r�tr��r�#�: 1 Q0. ����: ���r��r�Cr��k� c�r� 2�1�m05-�� 19:17a�3 ���"art���1tS: 10�. ��rra�: ��v�r���h �'��k�r �� 2014-�3�2� 19:�7:55 ���am����9 �42. �r��: �r�s�� ��Fl�t�i� �� �O���E�592� 2�:�fi:01 ��rt�ra��r�f�: 103. ���: ���h�l ��x �r� 2��4-a5-29 0�.��:19 ��m��r���: 1 f 4. �rt��. Er°sr� J�rr�ig�� ��t 201����-2914:55:�� �c��a���t�: ��EP P�� L�� 10�. ��m�: �b�r� E�zg��� Fi�g�r�ld �r. �� 20����5-�9 �4�:5�:Q4 ��mr���t��: ��6e ��t��: ���t�� ����rr��� or� 201�-Q5-29 ��.03;06 ��rt�ra��c�tsa .):�;}:�:�:�:):� 907. �ra��: i���1y �� �Q19�tl�5-29 �5;�7.25 ���rr��rat�: G� r, ���b���? 10�. �B�rr��. �.��i �2r� 2��4�5��9 15:°60:C3� ��rr�ra��r�t�: 109. �m�: ale g �t� 201�-05-29 15;�4:�6 ��c�r��r�t�: 1�0. i����: �r�g�r� L.orr�b�rd6 �� 2�1��0���9 �6.02�39 C�r�t��r���a �1�. �r��; �ek �b��s�r� �r� 201��05m29 �6.t�3.�2 Page 9Q vf 12 ��r�rt�����: 1°�2. N�r��: J�st��� ��r�d�rs a� 2014�05�29 �6:Q9:�7 �omr��r��sa ��3. P��rr��. �h�rry I���ck �� 20'��605-29 17e5�:45 �€�r�srr���t�e y gr��dd�ught�r��s� p��si���t��bt�c�#hE�����h�r�r�d hs���a�h'sr�� �bi���i��. !t���rrs��h���II �f the�th�r�ts�d�rats� 6#h���r��. �l� r����b� pr��y �����€��, �� r�y gr��dd��ght�r�a��id �ay, t�.h��� ��ray�t�ad�r�t�fg9�t�r�g ta k p !�€rt�. I h�p��h�t�he ��h���w�il ��r��t�sEy r� s���d�r th�ir de�i�i�rt t� l�t t�������h�r g�a. 1�4�. ���e Ar�ar���� �ezbi�s�� or� 20�4�m45��9 1�:59:15 ���rr��r���: 11�. �r��; �1��� res�d��ld �r� 20����5-30 03:�6:1� ��rrarrE�r�f�: ���p r�r������� 1�6. fi��m�: �h�r�r��€� �a���gh�r �� 2fl14���5�30 14�0�5:03 ��r€�rr���t�: 11�. ��rr�e: r�6 �a�l�gher �� 2�1�-0�-3f� �7:56;5� �s��re��ratse 1��. i��rr��e J�� Fi�rr�pt�� �n 2�1��05-30 1�:�9:�� ��rr�t��r�fi�: 11�. I��rn�: �����gh ��rg� �� 20�4��5-301�:��:0� ������t�: ��0. ���ra�. D�r���61� �i�g�r�Bd �� �01�4-0�-30 1�:2�e 1� ����t�;r�t�a ��1, ��rrt�e ���hc�� �i°sf� o� 2t3�4�-05-3Q 1��29:�2 ��r�rn�raf�: 122. �ar��: �r�r�a r�d�rt �� 2014���5�30 1�. :�� ��mr��r��; 123. �m�: J��tr�i��r �� �014-�06�01 00:07:1� ���er���t�. "�2�, �l�rt��e J�i1 �gli �r� �01���-�� �t�:��:�� �'age f 9 of 92 C��arr���t�: �25. f��ra°t�; �r��r �kh�rt �� 2�14�-06-0� 1�:0�:57 ��rr���€���, Page 92 of 1�