HomeMy WebLinkAboutWHPS Presentation document Westlake Historical Preservation Board Presentation e Town of Westlake October 6, 2008 Introduction: Sharon Sanden, WHPS President Status of History Book: Joyce Gibson Roach, Editor of the Pathfinder, the series of seven Historical Journals for Westlake and Author of The Little Town that Could, Westlake's "First Fifty Years" History Book Table of Contents: 1. Town of Westlake Resolution 00-02 Town Official Document, Year 2000 2. WHPS Board Completed Goals and Objectives, 2000-2008 Prepared by Kelly Bradley, WHPS Board President 2000-2008 And Joyce Gibson Roach, WHPS Editor/Author, 2000-2008 3. History Book Financial Status Prepared by Kristi Layton, WHPS Treasurer 4. History Book Order Information Prepared by Judy Thomason, WHPS Volunteer Office Assistant 5. History Book Marketing Plan Prepared by Lisa Councilman, WHPS History Book Marketing Chair TOWN OF WESTLAKE SOLUTION 00-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS,S, ESTABLISHING `THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION BOARD-, PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT PROCEDURES, TERMS OF OFFICE, RESPONSIBILITIES, REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the history of the Town of Westlake is rich with pride and tradition; and WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake was founded in 1956 by a handful of oilmen and ranchers in order to protect themselves from encroachment; and WHEREAS, among the historic residents of the Town of Westlake are some of the nation's most powerful and influential families;and WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake was one of the earliest and most important Stage Coach stops in North Texas; and WHEREAS, the residents of the past and present day Westlake represent people of courage and honor who have taken much pride in their community and demonstrated their commitment to preserve the Town; and WHEREAS, the `Down of Westlake Board of Aldermen recognize the importance of the preservation of the history of Westlake. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS- SECTION 1: That the "Town of Westlake Historical Preservation Board" (the "Rnard")`ic nPrmanently f-ctahlichPd ac a reornInr ctandina Rngrd ofthe. Town of Westlake for the purpose of recording and preserving the rich history of the Town of Westlake. SECTION 2: That the Board of Aldermen are now calling for applications from residents and/or property owners in Westlake to volunteer to serve on the Board. SECTION 3: That the Board of Aldermen will review applications and appoint members to the Board during the regularly scheduled Board of Aldermen meeting scheduled for March 27,2000. SECTION 4: That once appointed, the Board will immediately set about the task of researching and compiling information necessary to write and publish a book on the history of Westlake. SECTION 5: That the Board of Aldermen will consider necessary funds and/or other support for the Board if necessary at such time the Board has formulated appropriate requests. SECTION 6: That there will be ten members who will serve staggered terms as follow: 4 terms of 3 years, 3 terms of 2 years and 3 terms of I year. Terms will be selected based on drawing straws. Members are eligible for reappointment for an indefinite number of terms and all members will serve three year terms following completion of each of the staggered terms. Unexpired terms and all vacancies will be filled by the Board of Aldermen. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 14th DAY OF FEBRUARY,2000. Scott Bradley,Mayor ATTEST: (r 6'inge&rosswy, To,,m S etary Trent O. Petty, To anager APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. pd� (Lant T � oA homey 2 Westlake Historical Preservation Board Completed Goals and Objectives 2000-2008 • Published six historical journals of The PathFinder beginning in 2002, and one student publication, The Trailblazer, in 2004 for Westlake Academy. • Established a historical society under the umbrella of Westlake Historical Preservation Board, 2003. • Established an annual Decoration Day each memorial Day in 2004— planting oak trees given by Jack Wiesman, participating in maintenance and preserving the grounds of the cemetery under the direction of Troy Meyer, honoring citizens and veterans in meaningful ceremonies, making the I.®.®.F. Cemetery the historical focal point of Westlake, including Boy Scouts and Westlake Academy students in the program that now serves as the center of Patriotism, Love of Country and Community in Westlake. • Established WFIPS Annual Meeting and Awards in 2004. (Cross Timbers Legacy Award, Volunteer of the Year Award, Citizen of the heart Award to a non-resident of Westlake making significant contributions to the Town and Society. • Established Westlake History Museum in Solana Complex, 2007, through the generosity of Tom Allen and MaguirePartners. • Co-chaired 501h Year Celebration with the Town of Westlake that included Time Capsule. • Published The Little Town That Could, Westlake, Texas: Origins and Legacies, 2008. • Encouraged and supported the establishment of Texas Junior Historians through Westlake Academy that highlights WHPS's recognition of the Academy as the heart of the Town. • Participated in activities with Gallery Night, Bandana Bonanza, Town of Westlake activities such as receptions, meetings of other groups, securing music and speakers for various occasions, making in-kind donations too numerous to list and value, amount unknown. • Organized database and membership renewals, sent reports, requests, and information to members, answered inquiries, supported other historical societies, held monthly business meetings, and ran the Society in a professional and orderly way in accordance with the Town's high standards. Solicited sponsorships of over $96,000: Fidelity Investments, $30,000, First American, $20,000, MaguirePartners $1,500 (plus in-kind rental for the Museum through the end of 2008 in amount of $29,500), Discovery Land (Vaquero), $7,500. Daimler Chrysler $500, Manhattan Construction $1,000, Kaleidoscope $500, Hart Howerton Architects $1,000, Wells Fargo estimated at over $1,000 in providing postage for numerous mailings for WHPS including The Pathfinder. *These amounts do not include PathFinder subscriptions, membership dues,or book sales. Without the dedication, service, gifts of time, energy, facilities, and benefits received from citizens, businesses, leaders, and the Westlake Board of Aldermen, the Westlake Historical Preservation Society would not exist. Because of the generosity, heart, and spirit of each, the humanities in all its forms will continue to be a force in Westlake—the little town that Did. PS C DE TG DONNING COMP N PUBLISHERS S Over Material Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Padded Bonded Leather 1,150 $ 42.20 $ 48,530.00 Top-Grain Leather 100 $ 61.73 6,173.00 Sub-Total 1,250 54,703.00 Estimated Shipping 1,000.00 Total $ 55,703.00 Initial Down Payment Made (12107) (13,000.00) - 2nd Installment Made (09/08) (20,000.00) Balance Due at Delivery $ 22,703.00 JPRE-O DERS OF THE WESTLAKE HISTORY BOOK Payment Cover Material Cost per Book Status Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Top-Grain Leather @$100 each (Fully Paid) 40 $ 100 $ 4,000.00 Padded Bonded Leather @$50 each (Fully Paid) 44 $ 50 2,200.00 Padded Bonded Leather @$50 each (Ordered) 36 $ 50 1,800.00 120 $ 8,000.00 Mission E9 of The Little Town That Could: Embrace the origins and legacies of our unique past. Eternalize our precious heritage in tangible chronicle and rich substance. Educate, Engage and Entertain our illustrious present. Emanate pride of community and Embody dreams that live. Empower our youth with courage and inspiration to Evolve this indelible legend of place . . . Westlake. Goals bjectives Primary Objective: Achieve our"Mission" by placing The Little Town That Could in all minds, hands, homes, and businesses that touch the Westlake community. Chief Goal: Communicate past and present culture & story, encouraging appreciation of Westlake's unique geography and place in Texas and U.S. history. SecondM Goal: Achieve break-even stand-alone economic success by December 2009 for the Westlake History Book through multidimensional sales and marketing techniques. Manage toward minimal impact to 2008 &2009 operating funds. Stretch Goal: Achieve pre-order sales in excess of one-quarter of original order. Notes & Modifications Strate & Finance Chief Strategy: Create both organic and commercial demand through written, verbal, visual and virtual communication of our unique value. SecondM Strategy: Utilize unique assets as marketing channels, including Westlake Academy, residential & commercial real estate interests, access and availability of Joyce Gibson Roach. TertiM Strategy: Use multiple channels simultaneously and some channels repetitively, including E9 word-of-mouth, to build excitement and"must have first edition"response. Other: Promote Book for recognition, commendation, welcome, award, and other achievements. Financials: 1. Build a financial sensitivity model to capture progress toward our goal to break-even by December, 2009. 2. Estimate real cost of marketing, shipping, etc. and viability of break-even goals. 3. Develop contingency plan to seek additional funding 4. Investigate incremental sponsorship funding for history-related student activities. 5. Understand impact of selling top-grain and opportunity to modify order Notes and Modifications Tareet Markets • Residents • Employees (staff,teachers, town officials) • Students • Extended Family (grandparents, relatives) • Corporate executives (Maguire, Fidelity, First American) • Clubs (help ??) • Professional Societies(Public Arts Society, help??) • Neighbor Cities • Museum Sales • Westlake Chamber/Information Center • Real Estate Professionals • Libraries • Bookstores Obstacles to Overcome • Time • Personnel • Order Management • Web Expertise • Marketing Budget • Printing of marketing materials • Press—Ads in local publications • Refreshments for Book Signings & Events • Shipping(Pre-Ordered& Bulk) • Storage • Commissions • Sponsorships/Benefactor for Projects related to history (e.g. Some proceeds will benefit 8"'grade trip to Washington, I .C.) • Payment for Joyce? • Payment for Judy Dotes and Modifications ig Level Action Plans 1. Telephone orders—Identify Number for Publishing 2. Web-based orders a. Town of Westlake site b. Westlake Historical Preservation Society Site 3. Confirm General Release Date 4. Schedule "Early" Interview with Westlake First News 5. Determine shipping arrangements for pre-ordered books 6. Determine &account for shipping budget 7. Seek and identify student marketing team(Westlake Academy - Kloempken) g. Marketing Pieces a. Decide on marketing pieces to be ordered b. Decide on printing budget—DIY or order from Donning or Combo c. Identify Donors for recognition d. Gain approval from Donors for recognition("Dade Possible By") 9. Photograph of Cover 10. Prototype Book 11. Determine nature of contract for name-stamped copies 12. Create "Trailer" & "It's Coming this Fall" phrases 13. Create &place Neighborhood"awareness" signs; Change often. 14. Launch initial press release a. Identify press outlets for release (Ask Darcy McFarlane) b. Contact publications c. Provide story and phone number/web site to order fIih Level Action Plan, continued 15. Schedule Speaking calendar for Joyce Gibson Roach for 3Q/4Q a. Wheat Auction Dinner($1000) b. Public Book Signing 16. Events a. Solana Spring Performances i. Seek approval to market the Book(from whom?) ii. Book Prototype iii. Marketing Piece iv. Order forms v. Booth preparation vi. Booth representation b. Decoration Day i. Book Prototype ii. Marketing Piece iii. Order forms iv. Booth preparation v. Booth representation c. Bandana Bonanza i. Book Prototype ii. Marketing Piece iii. Order Forms iv. Booth Preparation v. Booth Representation 17. Christmas 2008 Pre-Order a. Address all Target Markets with Gift Suggestion b. Suggest leather with name inscription 18. Utility Stuffers a. Tag along reduces postage b. Mater c. Power& Electric d. OneSource (maybe they'll give a history book to those who stay!) e. Verizon f. Other? ip -Level Action Plan continue 19. Door-to-Door a. Stagecoach b. Vaquero c. Glenwyck d. Wyck Hill e. Terra Bella i In Between 20. Lobby Sales a. Gain approval from Fidelity, Solana, First American, IBM, ???? b. Seek and identify volunteers—students & Young Historians of WLA