HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAAC Report WAAC Report 5.12.14 Our History Started informally in 2005 The WRAC stands for The Westlake Academy Athletic Club(formed 2005, incorp 9.1.07, 501c3 3.8.09) John Awtry, Patty Frey& I were founding members Who Is The WAAC Starting in 2007 we start accepting paid memberships Paid members are able to vote or serve on the board although all are welcome to events and meetings. Memberships start at$30 and go up to$1,500 per school year We currently have about 35 member families which is historically about average. We do have many volunteers who are not members who assist as well Current Board Michael Garabedian—President Julie Timmerman-VP Margo Hundley—Treasurer Kelly Lynch-Secretary Melissa Sircar-Past President Coach Burt—AD (nonvoting member) Amanda Ninh - Mona Smith - Shannon Small - Jeff Myers-non board member volunteer Next Year Board-TBI3 Julie Timmerman—President VP ® Treasurer Secretary Michael Garabedian- Past President Athletic director Why The WAAC Realized school did not have staff or resources to grow athletic program Serious items not attended to, i.e. physicals, registrations,waivers,etc... Knew that strong athletic program is important in rounding out education experience Knew that retention in High School would be in big trouble if we could not offer a full assortment of athletics Primary Fundraising Programs Memberships Concessions&admissions Spirit gear&mum sales Events Our Purpose&Philosophy **To support Westlake Athletics with our time,spirit and resources. WAAC funds should be used for capital products and not operational costs. Operational costs should be funded by the registration fees(pay to play) Athletics teaches life lessons and we want as many students as possible to participate Some Of Our Accomplishments We created the registration process (pay to play) and started the submission of physicals and waivers We processed all the paper work and collected registration fees for the first few years We created,organize and fund the athletic banquets—Started in 2006 We recruited volunteer coaches in the early years and provide essential support to staff We worked to insure we had Homecoming started for our first senior class We facilitated and helped fund startup of the letter jacket program Our participation on a athletic task force in 2006 led to football being brought to WA We facilitated,directed and funded the initiation of the football program We funded the initial uniform program for the school (approx. $9,000) We funded the scoring table, chairs, banners,soccer gear,the batting cage, etc... (total in past year over$14,500) We provide funding for verified hardships so they can play(approximate$5,000 over the past 4 years) We operate the mums program for homecoming We take all the coaches and athletic staff to dinner to kick off each school year We have a meet the coach's night with pizza at the beginning of the school year for the athletes We funded the scoreboard at the football field Reimburse school for lights at homecoming for the past two years (approx. $3,000) Goodie bags for state tourney teams Created and operate the concessions and admissions program which helps us raise funds for the athletes Recruit and provide volunteers to operate concessions, admissions,and special events Pancake breakfast, Homecoming picnic dinner&Chik Fil A nights High School Report Fielded 19 teams in 11 sports 7 Varsity teams played in State finals-4 teams were state champs(Girls Bktball, Men's Golf,Soccer,and Baseball) 3 JV teams won Regional titles(fielded 4 JV teams) highest honor JV can win 26 players earned all-State honors (14%of all athletes) 167 students in grade 9-12 participated in at least 1 sport&38 played at least 2 sports 69%of grade 9-12 students played at least 1 sport For grade 9-26 of the 33 (79%) students that earned a 90%average during the academic year played sports For grade 10- 19 of the 26 (73%) For grade 11-26 of 45 (58%) For grade 12-31 of 45 (69%) Junior High Report Fielded 15 teams in 8 sports 7 teams earned the highest honor of Regional Championships 66%of grade 6-8 students played at least one sport. Junior High does not have individual honors Upcoming Events May 16 HS banquet We hope to have an assimilation event for incoming students this spring/summer Welcome back dinner for all coaches&athletes in the fall Some Of Our Goals Grow the athletic program and increase participation of students Every family of all Westlake Athletes should be a WAAC member and volunteer High School Gym