HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown of Westlake Incorporation ProceedingsIN M INCORPORATTON PROCEEDINGS: MM OP WESTLAKE9 TEXAS dTHE STATE OF TEXAS C6UNTY 0-F Tf RRANT ON this day came On to bo Considered the returns of a special, Oloction hold on December 26, 1956, pursQant to an order executed ;by, Yiio on the 13 daY of Dote mher , A. D. 1956, to dotermino whether �thn Town pf Westlake, Texasv should be Incorporated under the ,provisions of Chapter 11, Titlo 28, of tho Ravised Civil Statutes 1 of 1925, as amended, and followina the canvassing and consideration �or cold roturn8v it o:ppPar)_ng that the voto at said olootion was.* HCORP ORATION" 27 VOTES 2 ''NO CORPORATIOM VOTES 17 IS MEREFORE ORDBREDO ADJUDGED AND DICREED that tho Town off' Westlake, Texasp tte boundaries of which are as described in "A" and "B" attached haroto and mado a part hereof, be jand is hereby doolarod a duly Incorporated municipality under the �kprovlsioni of Chapte.r 11v Title 280 Revised Civil Statutes of 11921v as amended, and other laws pertinent to such obaraoter of Toin-i and that the inhabitants of suala Tourn of Wostlakep Texas oaro incorporated within the boundaries as ohown in said Exhibits is Attached heretoo IT 15 FURTHER ORDERED, AMIT1.)CIED AND DECREED that a,copy of KtA5 order be ontered upon the records of the Commissioners' Court; and that a certified copy of this ontryv including the plat and �jield notes of the Town of Westlsake t Texa8v stall beincarded in �the Deed Records of Tarrant Oountyo May, 11-�MATESS MY 11.11AIMD tlats ay of Dacomber, A. D. 1956. S/ / Z/d GUS BROWN COUNTY JUME, TARPANT COUNTY, TEXAS. jRecordcd: Book 46, Page 473, Et -Vol. 3065, Page 408 Deed Records, Tarrant County,Texas Vol. Q4 Page 76 Deed Records, Denton County, Texas. EXBIBIT "All December 13, 1956 FIELD NOTES OF PROPOSED INCORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE IN TARRANT AND DENTON' COUNTIES, TEXAS Tract No. I 1. 99 Square Miles Situa,ted in, the Counties of Tarrant and Denton, State of Texu-is, being a tract of land out of the following Surveys: J. Eads A-392, R. Eads A-393, J. Gibson A-493, J. Bacon A-1565, J. Sutton A-1154, C. Medlin A-823, W. H. Pea A-1145, J. Henry A-528, W. Medlin. A-1958, I-Irs.1,of C. !'M. Throop A-1510, I-Irs.-8f C. Dart -,-2003, W. H. Martin. A-1068, M. Aunt: A-756, G. B. 1-fendricks A-680, Jesse'/Gibson A-592, Wm. Huff A-648. 13EGINNING in Denton County at the intersection of the west line of R. Eads Survey A-393 with the sot.itli line of Dallas Street,(a'ctreet leaving the town of Roanoke) said point being the most northerly northv�est corner of th.e herein. described tract; THENCE cast following along the south line of Dallas Street crossirr� 114 at 11001 and continuing , State Highway No. on a di9tauice of 46251 to a point for corner in the J. Sutton -Survey A«-1154; THENCE north and crossing County Road a distance of 700 feet to a point for corner in the J. Eads Survey A-392; THENCE east 660 feet to a point for corner in the cast line of said Eads Survey; THENCE' south with the east line of Ead.s Survey and the J. Sutton Survey A--1154 a distance of 1600 feel: to a point for corner; THENCE southeasterly and at all times 600 feet from and parallel to the northeast line of State Highway No. 114 to a point for corner in the east line of the J. Glenn "Turner 119. 18 acre. tract in the C. Medlin Survey; THENCE south with said Turner's cast line 420 feet to point for corner; THENCE southeasterly and all times ZOO feet from and parallel to the northeast line a distance of 2600 feet to a point for corner it., the east line of the Irene Nesbitt 4 acre tract in the W. 11. Pea Survey A-1145; THENCE, southwesterly with said Nesbitt tract a dis- tance of ZOO feet to a point for corner in the no%rthcast line of State Highway No. 114; THENCE southea.sterly with northeast line of said highv,ay a distance 950 feet to a point for corner; THENCE south crossing said highway to a, point for corner in the southwest line of highway and the intersection of the,, northN%rest corner of the Earl E. Ellis 26. 8 acre tract in. the W. H. Pea, Survey A-11 5;;,THENCE southeasterly with the southwest line of said way and crossing the Denton -Tarrant County line and continuing on to a point for corner at the intersection of southwest line of highway with west line of County Road No. 3088 in Tarrant County; THENCE south with west line of said county road a distance of 1450 feet to a point for corner; THENCE west a distance of 800 feet to a point for corner; THENCE north a distance of 2200 feet to a point for corner in the north line of Hrs. of C. M. Throop Sur-- vey A-1510; THENCE west ,,irith north line of said Throop Survey to a point for corner; said point being the northeast corner of the Earl E. Ji-Jlis 35-3 acre tract; THENCE south with the cast line of said Ellis tract and ca9l, ACPA line of John A. McGuire 20. 86 acre and 83. 47, tracts to a point for corner in the north fine County Road Neo. 3080, said point also being the southea�at corner of said McGuire 83.47 acre tract; THENCE easterly and following the north line of said county road to a point for corner; said point being Page Z E,xhibit "'' in the east line of I-Irs. of C. M. Throop Survey 11-1510; THENCE south and crossing said county.road and following the wcot line of County Road No. 3088 a distaxice of 640 feet to a point for corner; THENCE %mcot. a distance of ZOO feet to a point for corner; THENCE, north and at all times 200 feet frorn and paral.1c). to the west line of county road No. 3088 to a, poirit for corner in the south line of County Road No. 308.0; THENCE west and northv-,,(--tstcrly following the south line of said county road to a. point for corner at its intersection with the cast line of the A. M. Tate Il. 3? acre tract in the Hr s. of C. M. Throop Survey A-1510; THENCE south with cast line of said Tate 11. 32 acre tract to a point for corner; said point being the southeast corner of said. Tate tract and in the south line of said Throop Survey; THENCE west with the south line of said Tate tract and Throop Survey to a point for corner in the west line of County Road No. 3035; THENCE south and soutIn"Yest follow- ing said west line of county road to a point for corner, said point being the southeast corner of th,e E. H. Reeder 103. 69 acre tract in the W. H. Martin Survey A-1068; THENCE ,vest with south line of said Reeder tract a distance of 2075 feet to a point for corner; said point being the southwest corner of said Reeder tract ax -ad in the west lister of W. 11. Martin Survey A-1.068, THENCE north with the west line of said Martin Survey and Reeder tract to a point for 'corner, said poiiI being at the southeast corner of the M. Hui -it Survey A-756; THENCE west vAth the south line of said M. Hunt Survey to a point for corner; said. point being the south - \vest corner of said I-lunt Survey; THENCE north with vest line of said hunt Survey to a point for corner, sa"d point being ZOO, feet south of ;I south line of County Road No. 4080; THEKNCL vvest and at all times ZOO feet south of and parallel to the south line of said County Road No. 4080 to a point for cornea-, said point being 300 feet east of east line of County Road No. 4041; THENCE south and at all times 300 feet east of and parallel to said east line of said County Road No. 4041 to a point for corner; said point being in the south line of the 11. S. Thrasher 40 acre tract in the G. l3. Hendricks Survey A-680; THENCE vvcst with south line of said Tktrashe.r tract a distance of 300 feet to a point for corner, said. point being in, the east line of County Road No. 4041; THENCE south with east line of said county road a distance of 660 feet to a point for corner; THENCE east a dit3tancc of 300 feet to a point for corner; THENCE south and all times 300 feet east of and parallel to the cast line of County Road. No. 4041. a. distance of 660 feet to a point, for corner, said point being in the south line of G. B. Hendricks Survey. 11-680; THENCE west vAth said south line of Hendriclu,) Survey and cross- ing, County Road No. 4041 to a point for corner, said point being in the. west line of said county road; THENCE --north mAth the wect line of said county road to a, point for corker, said point being the southeast corner of the J. A. Medford 20 acre tract out of the G. B. Hendricks Survey; THENCE west -,with south line of said Medford tract a distance of 200 feet to a point for corner; THENCE north and at all tunes ZOO feet of and parallel to we line of County Road No. 4041 to a point for corner, said point being in the south line of County Road No. 4080; THENCI.t N�',ent with south line. of said county road to a point for corner, said point being 600 feet from the east line of County Road No. 4057; 171JENCE noutlx a distance of 1300 feet to a point for corner, said point being in the south line of the W. T. Sharpless 40 acre tract in the JcOoe Gibson Survey A-592; THENCE west with the south line of said Sharpless tract to a point for corner, said point being in the cast line of County J11oad No. 4057; THENCE south mrith the cast line of said county road to a point for corner, Paid point being, the northwcst corner of the Margie Wood 6 acre tract in the Jesse Gibrion. Survey A --59Z; THENCE east with north linc, of said V-Vood Page 3 � f tract a diatance of 200 feet to a point for co gar :INCE south &-ad at all times 200 feet from and par el to the east lim of County Road No. 4057 to a point for corner. Maid point laeaing in the mouth line of the Margie Wood b acre tract; CE west with the imoutb linea of said Margie Wood tract and grossing said Co my Road No. 4057 tai a point for corner, said point being in the went line of said county road; THENCE north with the west 11ne of said county road to a point for corner, said Point being the southeast corner of the H. C. Winter"usr 40 acre tract in the Jesse Gibson Survey; THENCE west with south line of sa4d WWerbauer tract a dist!ne of 200 f wt0rLNCX: wartk to a point for earaer, a id point bein the north Una of said Wirlerbawr tract; THENCE east with north line of said Wintarbauer tract to a point for corner, said int being the northeast cornu of said i rbaua r tract and in e went line of County Road No. 4057m THENCE north with the west line of said county road to a poLut for corner, said point beiug the so east corner of the J. Glenn Tua,=er `40 acre tract in the Jesse sora Survey A-59Z; THENCE weist with the iout:h line of said Turner 40 acre tract to � a point .for corner, said point being the southwest corner of sald Turner 0 acre tract and in the east lige of the J. Glenn Turner 81. 3 acre tract; THENCE south with the east line of said 8I.» 3 acre tract a dig pace of 290 feet to a point for cnrner; ENCF, wopat th 'an rant priAnngstinn ftf thn soulla lime of the J. Glenn Turner 98. 8 acrd tract in the Wm. Buff Survey A-648 and continuing wIth south lues of said tract to s point for corner. saii peri. t haing 400 feet east of the east Use of County ReavL Nos. 40600 THENCE south and at all times 400 feet from and parallel to the cast Hime of said county road to a point for corner, said point beltRg W, the nouth line of the Gunnels 40 acre tract in the'Wro. Huffr ,ve r, THENCE ` wt with south line of said Gunnels tract a distance of 400 feet to a point for corner, maim point being the southwest corner of said 40 jcre tract and in the east line sof County Road No. 060; THENCE wrth widh east Ilue of said county road d the west line of said Gunnels tract to a lnt for corner, said point being ZOO feet from south Una of the. J. Glenn Turner 98® 8 acre tract-, T14ENCE east and 200 feet nortb of and parallel to the south; line of said Turner tract and an east prolongation of said so th line to a point for corner, said point being ZOO feet west of the east line of J. Glenn Turner 81. 3 acge tract in the. Jesse Gibson Survey -59Z; THENCE east 200 feet;north of arad at all times parallel to the south lints of the J. Glenn Turner 40 acre tract to a point for corner, said point being in the,; west lige of County ad Pito, 40 7, THENCE worth and - northwest with the west line of said county road to a point for corner, said point being in the north line of the Jesse Gibson Survey A.-592; NCE' est with the north line of sa$d Gibson Survey a distance of ZOO feet to a point for corner; THFNCL north and crossing the J. Bacoa Survey A-1565 and the Tarrant-Denton County line to a point for cornero said pointbeing in the north line of the. Frank Wright Z acre tract in the Rib Eads Survey .A,-3938 THENCE east with the nort line of said Wright tract a distance of 300 feet to a print for corner, said point beim the Northeast CoTner of said. Wright tract and to the west line of County Road to Roanoke; THENCE northwest and northwesterly following the west line and south line of said county road to a point for corner, said point being 350 feet east of and at right angles to the went line of R. i EadsSurvey: °T14ENCE southwesterly a distance of 150 Leet to a point for corner, THENCE northwesterly 150 feet from andavall tirnes'para.11el r, to the southwest line of county road to lCo"oke to A. pca+int' for corner, said point bring in the weimt lime of theJ. ai a-nn Survey A,.ffi 5,, THENCE narth i s i i Page 4 Exhibit "A" with the -,%,cst line of said J. Bacon Survey and the center line of a county road to a point for corner, said point being the nortlivzest corner of then J. GlennT-arner 6. 5 acre tract in the J. Bacon Survey; TI-JENCE cast: with noi.-th line of said 6. 5 acre tract to in Inner corner of said tract, said cornf�r being, in the vast line of J. Bacon Survey; THENCE, south vAth cast line oil said Btcon Survey to a, point for corner, niaid point be.ing the routheatit corner of said 6." acre tract and in the nort.hea,-t line of county roam leaving Roanoke; T1-IENCT2,, southeast eant and south with the northeast, north and cant line of county road and croosing the Denton -Tarrant County line, to a point for corner, said point being in the east lixo of County Road No. 4057 and the Northv.,rc6t corner of the R. D. Carpenter 20 acre tract in the Jenne Gibson Survey A-592; THENCE cant with North lino of said Carpenter tract -a distance of 300 fect to a point for corner; T1-1:F:NCF' south and at all time -0 300 feet from and parallel to the cast line of County Road No. 4057 to a point for corner, said point being in the south line of said Carpenter tract; THENCE west with south line, of said Carpenter tract to a point for corner, Paid point being the southwent corner of sold Carpenter tract and in the cast ).in(, of County Road No. 4057; THENCE south with cant. line, of said county road and continuing, on to --), point for corner, said point being in the southeast corn'er of the R. A. Carpenter 20 acre tract; THENTCE eaf-A with south line of said Carpenter tract and continuing on vAth the north line of county ro,,.'..d No. 4080 to a. point for corner, said point beiriF 700 feet frown the southeast corner of the A. H. Wilde Lztnd in the G. B. Hendrick Survey A-680; THENCE north and parallel to the east line of naid Wilde Tract a distance of 1000 feet to a point for corner, I CIO,? said. point beirq'Y' in the cast line of aa.id. Wilde tract; THENCE south Nvith foar6croCt east line of said Wilde tract a distance of 1000 feet to a point for corner, said point boing the. southeast corner of said Wilde tract a.-n.d in the north line of County Road No. 4080; THENCE no-theaSt and east with the north lino of said county road to a point for corner, said point being IZOO feet west of east line} of County Road No. 4-026; THENCE north a distance of 1600 feet to a. point for corner; THENCE cast and crossing said county road at IZOO feet and continuing on to a point for corner, said point being 200 feet cast of the east line of said county road; THENCE south and at all times 200 feet from and. paralle-4 to the cant line of said county road to a point for corner, said point being in the south line of the M. L. Roberts 40 acre tract In the Hrs. of C. M. Throop Survey A-1510; TIFIEDICE west with south line of said Roberts tract a distance of 200 feet to a point for corner, said point being the soutlrv-,{eet corner of said Roberts tract and in the east line of County Road No. 4026; THENCE rough vith the east line of said county road and the cast with the north line of County Road No. 3080 to a point for corner; THENCE south with east line of said county road to a point for corner, said point being the Northvvest corner of the John McGuire Land; THENCE east with the north line of the said McGuire tract to a point for corner, said point being the southeast corner of the B. A. Zvfald 136-1/3 acre tract; TI-IE14CE north with the east line of said Zwa.10, tract to a point for corner, n,aid point being 400 feet from the north line of HrB. of C. M. Throop Survey, TIAENTGE west and -1,00 feet south of and parallel to the north line of said Throop Survey to a point for corner, said point being a -south prolongation of I:bc cast line of the A. C. Heath land in the W. 1-1. Pea Survey A-1145; THENCE north to a point for corner, said point being the southeast corner of said Heath tract and in the south line of W. 1-1. Page 5 Exhibit "A" Pea Survey, THENCJmreat with aouth line of said W. H. Pea Survey a distance of 600 feet to a point for corner; THENCE north 600 fect Wet"t of and parallel to the east line of A. C. Heath tract to a point for corner, naid point being, in the soutliviest line of State Highway No. 114; THENCE north%vest with the south\vest line of said hif.'rhway to a point for corner, said point being the north caret corner of the B. K- Heath 4 acre tract in the W. 1-1. Pea Survey; THENCE south with cast line of said Heath tract to a, point for corner in the southeast corner of said tract; THENCE went with south line of naid tract and continuing across county road to a point for corner; THENCE, rjouth with west line of said county road to a point for corner, said point being in the southeast corner of the Max Cohen 83.43 acre tract in the C. Medlin Survey A-823; THENCE went with i3outh linc. of said Cohen tract and continuing along the the south line of the J. Glenn Turner Z43. 5Z, acre tract to a point for corner in the, aouth,,�,-cat corner of the said Turner tract and the C. Medlin survey; THENGE, north with the west lime of said Turner tract and Medlin aurvey to a point for corner, raid point being in the south\vest line of State Highvmy No. 114;- THENCE northvrcst the southweat line of caid hid Immy to a point for corner, said point being ZOO feet oouth and measured perpendicular from the mouth line of county road leaving Rozanolze; TFI.T,',NICE vrest and at all th-nes 200 feet from and parallel to the south line of said road to a. Point for corner, said point being, in the west line of the R. Eadr4 Survey A-393; THENCE north with the west lint: of r-,d.d. Eads survey to the point of beginning, and covering a tract of land containing 1. 99 square miles. J. HENRY A-528 A-1188--RTTURN OF SPECIAL ELECTION__ -(Ott Queetioas Submitted) (Arte. 111. 112 and 118 Held at % %`-R- 2f? cG 2 a r,r Election Precinct No ............................... County of ..... ------------------------State of Texas, on ..day of .... --- -- er ... 19_ .- for and against % r.- e..?_......_.. Co.,- -- ._ _ =? .�'--------------------------------------------------------------- - --A o� -- --_---- - •................•........---......-----..•..........•.._.......-----.........................-•---------•-----........•...............•....•.....-------•-•-.._......_..----•--•---_.. .....................................................................................•••.....----...--•-------•-----------•-------•-------•-----------•--..........-----•-••------- ---- TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES POLLED AT TRIS BOX' -Votes .... ............................ .........................................................................Received_........ ................. Votes Against _ �f . v r r i .............................................- ------------------------------------ . .......................... •--.....-•---•-•--•------....•--...---•---•-••------._._................--••----•--•..Received-•--•-------. ------...........Votes For....................................................................................................................... .....................•••--.._....---................._...._.•--._.••-------•-----__....._...._....•-------•---_.....Received------------....__...--•----•--...Votes Against............................ ................•-----..._....-•----------_..-----•-•--•---••----•-----..........-- --...•••......---•.......••-•-------•-•--•..........................••-••---......._......_...----•------•------------------. ..Received..................................Votes For.......................................................... --------------------------------------------------------- ..........................................•-......-----••---•-----------.........-------•--•-.........•--•............-•--..Received--•---•......------•.....---•-----Votes Against....................................................................•-----•-..............------•---.....--••-- ---------------------------------------------- ................................................•--••......--•------------.....................•--....---.....--•--•----_....Received................----.._..__.......Votes THE STATE OF TEXAS County of ....... ?.�U?.......................................... WE, the undersigned Managers of Election, for Elec- tion Precinct No ..................... of.......... 4'� e A -,.O:------------------------------------ County, Texas, at an election held on the ..... :9 42 ..... day of ... ....................19:4-A., hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a correct return, showing, as required by law, first: The total number of Votes polled at this Election Precinct; second, the number of Votes polled for .... �.�ieJy ��-`%' ... rr?... v n v Z4:/f:r............................................................................................................................................................ and the number of votes polled against.... ........ _. /-1 `t'• .... .--•-----...----••-•---••----•--......... at said Election. Witne our hands, this. _.. _ ........... day of...� '� .................19, ...- ..... j - •••--- - .L%�...A...... Presiding Officer.......... ..... .. .... . � ....Clerk. r = . ... Judge. Clerk. MANAGERS OF ...................................................................................................Clerk. ELECTION ................................................................Judge.....................................................................................Clerk. u�/ I'� F W • d �' t � u � ' V • m J hn • t