HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-14-14 BOT Agenda PacketThe Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees will begin immediately following the conclusion of the Board of Trustees Workshop but not prior to the posted start time. Mission Statement Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an internationally minded education of the highest quality so they are well-balanced and respectful life-long learners. Page 1 of 3 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Vision Statement Westlake Academy inspires students to achieve their highest individual potential in a nurturing environment that fosters the traits found in the IB Learner Profile. Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-Minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced and Reflective BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING AGENDA April 14, 2014 WESTLAKE TOWN HALL 3 VILLAGE CIRCLE – 2ND FLOOR WESTLAKE, TX 76262 COUNCIL CHAMBERS/MUNICIPAL COURT ROOM Workshop Session 5:00 p.m. Regular Session 6:00 p.m. Page 2 of 3 Work Session 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FOR THE APRIL 14, 2014, TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. 4. REPORTS Reports are prepared for informational purposes and will be accepted as presented. (there will be no presentations associated with the report items) There will be no separate discussion unless a Board Member requests that report be removed and considered separately. a. Report of the Quarterly Financial “Dashboard” report for the quarter ended February 28, 2014. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Presentation and Discussion of IBO PYP Self-study Oral Report (5 year evaluation). (15 min) b. Presentation and Discussion of the Language B Recommendations for the 2014/2015 School Year. (20 min) c. Presentation and Discussion of the HB5 Update and Proposed High School Foundation Program with Endorsements for Westlake Academy. (20 min) d. Presentation and Discussion of Options for Approval of Speech Credit by Examination as a Result of the Implementation of HB5 Graduation Requirements. (15 min) e. Update and discussion regarding Westlake Academy Phase I expansion project and enrollment projections. Standing Item (15 min) 6. BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION 7. ADJOURNMENT Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. Page 3 of 3 3. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the minutes from the March 3, 2014, meeting. b. Consider approval of Resolution 14-04, Adopting Westlake Academy’s High School Foundation Program with Proposed Endorsements pursuant to HB5. c. Consider approval of Resolution 14-05, Approval of Speech Credit by Examination as a Result of the Implementation of HB5 Graduation Requirements. 4. BOARD CALENDAR 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under “Future Agenda Item Requests”, an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the Superintendent with the requested item and the Superintendent will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item’s relationship to the Board’s strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the Superintendent will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. 6. ADJOURNMENT ANY ITEM ON THIS POSTED AGENDA COULD BE DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION AS LONG AS IT IS WITHIN ONE OF THE PERMITTED CATEGORIES UNDER SECTIONS 551.071 THROUGH 551.076 AND SECTION 551.087 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, on April 10, 2014, by 5:00 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. _____________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. Westlake Academy Item # 2 – Pledge of Allegiance Texas Pledge: "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible." REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS a. Consider approval of the minutes from the March 3, 2014, meeting. b. Consider approval of Resolution 14-04, Adopting Westlake Academy’s High School Foundation Program with Proposed Endorsements pursuant to HB5. c. Consider approval of Resolution 14-05, Approval of Speech Credit by Examination as a Result of the Implementation of HB5 Graduation Requirements. Westlake Academy Item # 3 – Review of Consent Agenda Items REPORTS Reports are prepared for informational purposes and will be accepted as presented. (there will no presentations associated with the report items) There will be no separate discussion unless a Board Member requests that report be removed and considered separately. a. Report of the Quarterly Financial “Dashboard” report for the quarter ended February 28, 2014. Westlake Academy Item # 4– Reports Page 1 of 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY AGENDA ITEM Curriculum: Finance Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 Staff Contact: Debbie Piper Report Finance Director Subject: Report of the Quarterly Financial “Dashboard” report for the quarter ended February 28, 2014 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2nd t quarter “Dashboard” report for the FY 2013-2014 is attached. Our goal is to have a concise and easy to understand document regarding the financials of our Academy operating fund – General Fund. The remaining funds are grant funds related to federal, state and local funds with specific requirements as to the expenditures. The columns represent: (1) Prior Year (3 month actual amounts) (2) Adopted Budget with (3) a 3 month YTD calculated column and (4) the “Actual YTD” as of February 28, 2014. This actual number is compared to the calculated column (3) giving you the (5) percentage variances. A summary is presented at the bottom of the page indicating the net revenues over (under) expenditures along with the projected ending fund balance for the Adopted Budget and the Actual YTD. The operating days remaining in Fund Balance have been calculated using operating expenditures. Please note the “Analysis” is color coded and corresponds to the specific line-item on the “Dashboard” report. All “cautionary” and “critical” items are detailed with explanations of the variances. Beside each major category or function on the analysis report, you will find a number that reflects the exact variance in that function/line-item that corresponds to the percentage on the “Dashboard”. PLAN DESIRED OUTCOMES High Student Achievement Strong Parent & Community Connections Financial Stewardship & Sustainability ACADEMY VALUES Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Personal Responsibility Compassion and Understanding Effective Educators & Staff GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK The quarterly report relates directly to one of our desired outcomes, Financial Stewardship & Sustainability by ensuring that sufficient, well-managed resources are provided to support and advance the mission of Westlake Academy. Page 2 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT Funded Not Funded N/A RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED/ OPTIONS No action required ATTACHMENTS: • Quarterly Financial Dashboard – Quarter Ended 02/28/14 • Analysis of Dashboard for Quarter Ended 02/28/14 • Local Grants – Through 03/30/14 PRIOR YEAR ACTUAL ADOPTED 6 months Annual 6 months YTD Actual Budget YTD 02/28/14 Dashboard Local Interest Earned 873$ 2,500$ 1,250$ 730$ 58.4% Local WAF Salary Reimbursement 19,661 47,600 23,800 23,706 99.6% Local Gifts and Donations-BS 579,647 1,079,000 539,500 726,237 134.6% Local WAF Fund-an-Item - 50,000 - - 100.0% Local Other Local Revenue 6,525 20,000 10,000 920 9.2% Local Athletics 27,637 67,350 33,675 32,966 97.9% Local Transportation Fees 3,875 30,000 15,000 3,675 24.5% Local Parking Fees 12,121 20,000 10,000 12,233 122.3% Local Food/Beverage 2,040 3,000 1,500 2,000 133.3% Local Town Contribution - 90,000 45,000 45,000 100.0% State State Foundation Revenue 2,146,447 4,542,811 2,271,406 2,378,886 104.7% State TRS On-behalf - 259,796 - - 100.0% TOTAL 2,798,826$ 6,212,057$ 2,951,131$ 3,226,353$ 109.3% Positive Cautious Negative >95%75% - 95%< 75% PRIOR YEAR ACTUAL ADOPTED 6 months Annual 6 months YTD Actual Budget YTD 02/28/14 Dashboard Instructional 11 1,590,467$ 3,513,062$ 2,083,825$ 1,960,071$ 94.06% Resources & Media 12 31,094 60,785 35,496 38,236 107.72% Curriculum and Staff Dev 13 17,075 75,170 37,585 25,990 69.15% Instructional Leadership 21 50,504 185,339 92,669 92,568 99.89% School Leadership 23 161,862 456,515 228,257 222,872 97.64% Guidance & Counseling 31 120,907 238,786 127,598 150,970 118.32% Health Services 33 31,395 58,620 35,022 35,275 100.72% Food Services 35 5,942 15,116 3,904 - 0.00% CoCurricular Activities 36 99,655 161,087 85,335 77,392 90.69% Administration 41 179,732 362,289 181,144 224,673 124.03% Maintenance & Operations 51 289,588 674,112 337,056 287,933 85.43% Data Processing 53 77,082 247,719 123,860 92,486 74.67% Community Services 61 36,347 92,091 46,045 47,043 102.17% Facility Acquisition/Construction 81 17,955 - - - 100.00% TOTAL 2,709,603$ 6,140,689$ 3,417,797$ 3,255,510$ 95.25% Payroll & Related 61xx 2,120,092$ 4,695,758$ 2,695,331$ 2,511,046$ 93.16% Prof & Contracted Srv 62xx 400,420 822,229 411,114 424,395 103.23% Supplies & Materials 63xx 97,573 332,214 166,107 196,446 118.26% Other Operating Costs 64xx 91,608 290,489 145,244 123,623 85.11% TOTAL 2,709,693$ 6,140,689$ 3,417,797$ 3,255,510$ 95.25% Positive Cautious Negative < 100%101%-110%>111% PRIOR YEAR Adopted Adopted YTD 6 months Annual YTD Actuals Actual Budget Budget 02/28/14 89,133$ 71,368$ (466,666)$ (29,157)$ - 45,000 45,000 - - (45,000) (45,000) - Beginning Fund Balance (Audited)**814,487 959,240 959,240 959,240 Ending Fund Balance 903,620 1,030,608 582,574 930,083 Assigned Fund Balance 103,684 3,684 3,684 Ending Fund Balance (Unassigned)799,936$ 1,026,924$ 582,574 926,399 # of Operating Days 52 61 55 Daily Operating Cost $15,417 $16,824 $16,824 Expenditure Legend: SUMMARY Net Revenues Over (Under) Exp Other Resources Other Uses WESTLAKE ACADEMYGeneral Fund Quarter Ended 2/28/14 OBJECT CODES REVENUES ADOPTED BUDGET Revenue Legend: EXPENDITURES ADOPTED BUDGET FUNCTION 1 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Analysis of Dashboard for Quarter Ended 02/28/14 GENERAL FUND REVENUES Interest Earned – 58.4% - (-$520) • The actual interest earned has been lower than anticipated. We don’t believe these revenues will reach our budgeted revenue and may require a budget amendment. Other Local Revenue – 9.2% - (-$9,080) • A large portion of these revenues are derived from Back-to-School fees, which are collected during registration week in August of each year. We will collect the bulk of the additional revenue during August 2014. Transportation Fees – 24.5% - (-$11,325) • Similar to the Other Local Revenue, the majority of these revenues are collected with the Back-to-School fees. We will collect the bulk of the additional revenue during August 2014. EXPENDITURES – Function Code Resources & Media – 107.72% ($2,741) • The resource and media personnel purchase more resources earlier in the year in order to be utilized throughout the school year. As the year progresses, these expenditures will even out. Guidance & Counseling - 118.32% ($23,372) • The majority of the overage is related to students being assessed for special education needs or 504 disabilities (i.e. Dyslexia). These assessments typically include the contracted services of a number of different professionals, e.g. Psychologist, Diagnostician, Speech Therapist, etc. The majority of initial assessments (introduction into one of these categories) are conducted early in the year, but follow-up meetings including an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) occurs annually, but may be requested by a parent at any time. Student assessments are based upon a three- year review period. We had an increased number of assessments conducted this year. In addition, the Academy has been involved in an ongoing ARD process regarding a student this year. Based on expenditures to-date, the contracted services of Guidance & Counseling will need to be amended. Health Services - 100.72% ($253) • The supplies are purchased earlier in the year in order to be utilized throughout the school year. As the year progresses, these expenditures will even out. 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Analysis of Dashboard for Quarter Ended 02/28/14 GENERAL FUND Administration - 124.03% ($43,529) • The Academy contracts with the Region 11 Education Service Center for business services ($43,307). The payment for services is paid in the first quarter. As the year progresses this amount will average out. There are also overages in the “Contracted Services” code resulting from increased usage of legal fees, primarily due to visa related activities as well as the expenditures related to the executive search consultant. Community Services - 102.17% ($997) • Dr. Myers is attending the LEAD program this spring but funds were not budgeted. Will need to amend by $3,500 or determine who will be responsible for this payment. The offset of $2,503 which nets to the $997 is due to timing with payroll that should clear out by the end of the year. EXPENDITURES – Object Code Professional and Contracted Services - 103.23% ($13,280) • Variances are explained in the above comments (by function code) Supplies & Materials - 118.26% ($30,339) • Purchased large portion of technology equipment in September and October. Majority of expense was for iPad Mini’s for the 4th-6th grade students/staff and MacBook Pro computers for staff. 3 UPDATED 1/2/2014 Grant Total Total Total Total Fund Number Received From Description of Grant Grant Amount Grant Funds Rec'd Expended FY 12/13 Expended FY 13/14 Remaining Balance Notes/Comments 481 Hudson Foundation Support and promote the success of the Director of Curriculum & Instruction role. Funds to be used for the support of staff development, presenters, and lead educator expenses. (supervised by Dr. Barton) $ 36,000.00 $ 36,000.00 $ - $ 12,266.70 $ 23,733.30 498 Hudson Foundation Support of Director of Curriculum & Instruction (Salary) $ 68,984.00 $ 68,984.00 $ 5,236.50 $ 33,413.64 $ 30,333.86 Sub-Total $ 204,984.00 $ 104,984.00 $ 5,236.50 $ 45,680.34 $ 54,067.16 484 HOC Audio Visual Technology Equipment $ 11,573.31 $ 11,573.31 $ - $ 11,573.31 $ - 483 HOC International Student Leadership Symposium (Registration for Academy) $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ - $ 500.00 $ - 484 HOC JSTOR Database $ 1,332.00 $ 1,332.00 $ 1,332.00 $ - Sub-Total $ 13,405.31 $ 13,405.31 $ - $ 13,405.31 $ - 483 WA Foundation International Student Leadership Symposium (Airfare for two staff members to attend) $ 3,200.00 $ 3,200.00 $ - $ 2,991.94 $ 208.06 $2,991.94 to be requested 000 WA Foundation Art Display Case for A&S Center $ 1,975.00 $ - $ - $ 1,959.92 $ 15.08 $1,959.92 to be requested 497 WA Foundation Financial Assistance Grant $ 2,500.00 $ - $ 1,350.00 $ 1,150.00 $1,350 to be requested Sub-Total $ 7,675.00 $ 3,200.00 $ - $ 6,301.86 $ 1,373.14 $ 226,064.31 $ 121,589.31 $ 5,236.50 $ 65,387.51 $ 55,440.30 WESTLAKE ACADEMY FY 2013-2014 GRANT SUMMARY THROUGH MARCH 31, 2014 4 DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Presentation and Discussion of IBO PYP Self-study Oral Report (5 year evaluation). (15 min) b. Presentation and Discussion of the Language B Recommendations for the 2014/2015 School Year. (20 min) c. Presentation and Discussion of the HB5 Update and Proposed High School Foundation Program with Endorsements for Westlake Academy. (20 min) d. Presentation and Discussion of Options for Approval of Speech Credit by Examination as a Result of the Implementation of HB5 Graduation Requirements. (15 min) e. Update and discussion regarding Westlake Academy Phase I expansion project and enrollment projections. Standing Item (15 min) Westlake Academy Item # 5– Discussion Items Page 1 of 1 WESTLAKE ACADEMY AGENDA ITEM Curriculum: PYP Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 Staff Contact: Rod Harding Workshop Discussion Item PYP Principal Subject: Presentation and Discussion of IBO PYP Self-study Oral Report (5 year evaluation) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY At the January, 2014 Board of Trustees meeting, Staff presented the Primary Years Programme (PYP) Self-study for the five-year evaluation visit that was conduct on the 6th & 7th of March. The main purpose of the Self-study was to: • assess the implementation of the PYP programme • assist administration and faculty in continuous improvement of the programme philosophy and the standards and practices of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). The IBO evaluation team (two evaluators) met with students, parents, administrators and Board of Trustee representatives over two days of interviews and classroom observations. The official report from IBO will be sent to the school in June 2014, however Dr. Mechelle Bryson, Executive Principal/Director of Education, Ms. Alison Schneider, PYP coordinator and Mr. Rod Harding, PYP principal received an oral report at the end of the visit. While there may be additional information in the written report, the administration is confident that the overall outcome was congratulatory in nature. The attached oral report provides the Board of Trustees with the main findings of the visiting team and it is important to note that there were no major recommendations in the preliminary oral report (attached). PLAN DESIRED OUTCOMES High Student Achievement Strong Parent & Community Connections Financial Stewardship & Sustainability ACADEMY VALUES Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Personal Responsibility Compassion and Understanding Effective Educators & Staff GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK This report relates directly to Westlake Academy’s Vision of inspiring “students to achieve their highest individual potential…” and the Mission of “an internationally minded education in the highest quality…” FISCAL IMPACT Funded Based on proposed budget Not Funded N/A RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED/ OPTIONS ATTACHMENTS IBO PYP Self-study Oral Report Oral Report BY IBO Visiting Team for PYP Self-study March 6 & 7, 2014 The oral report is divided in to the International Baccalaureate Organization’s three main standards , Philosophy, Organization and Curriculum. STANDARD A: PHILOSOPHY Commendations  The Board of Trustees for their implementation of the Mission, Vision, and Values. The visiting team congratulates board members and PYP staff for this implementation and describes this leadership as “immaculate”.  The visiting team considers the PYP to be an advocate for other charter schools in Texas by providing a history and continued solution for reforming education.  PYP administration and staff for their “immaculate and readable” self-study. The visiting team was very impressed with the time devoted in preparation and how input was gathered by all stakeholders. The collection and analysis of evidence speaks of the credibility of the school and where it is going in the future. The visiting team wishes to extend a “thank you” to students and stated that they were, without exception, courteous and respectful. The visiting team appreciated watching them work and they universally exhibit the Learner Profile. STANDARD B: ORGRANIZATION Commendations  Teachers have established a “nest”- a working atmosphere where they are comfortable and collegial; seems to be a warm family.  ALL TEACHERS were enthusiastic and expressed a desire to learn more about the IB. They want to continue to grow more professionally. WA provides more than adequate IB training. The Visiting Team Recommends  Continu ing with the provision of resources for the library. Investigate the integration and usage of the library. There should be a free-flow of students using the library and media center.  Providing more routine and structured parent education opportunities. STANDARD C: CURRICULUM Commendations  The staff for their diverse experiences, honesty, friendliness, and desire to seek answers.  The teachers for the ‘good stance’ of inquiry among staff. The Visiting Team Recommends  Specialist collaboration with grade level teachers in the planning and reflection on each unit of inquiry. They must be collaborators- not supporters.  Consideration is given in releasing specialist teachers for push-in, especially in language.  Ensuring the transdisciplinary nature of the central ideas. It should be written conceptually without an identifying subject or theme in the statement.  Administration and staff to find ways for students to articulate how they were being successful. They need to know WHY am I doing this and HOW can I be successful; which is the complete cycle of learning.  Students being pulled in more to plan for assessment.  Reviewing the assessment policy to address the school’s stance on peer and self- assessment.  Consideration of putting student goals in portfolios with written parent feedback.  Consistency of science, social studies, and PSPE needs addressing. Moderation of these assessments can help teachers see “what is good enough”. Page 1 of 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY AGENDA ITEM Curriculum: Language B Report Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 Staff Contact: Dr. Andra Barton Workshop Discussion MYP Principal Subject: Presentation and Discussion of t he Language B Recommendations for the 2014/2015 School Year EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Trustees has been routinely briefed on committee work under the direction of Dr. Andra Barton during recent workshop meetings. This work is in response to our parent survey, which directed Staff to reexamine our Language B services for Westlake Academy. After extensive work on the development of curriculum documents, with vertical alignment being a focus, the Language B team began examining structures in place when teaching language acquisition. This examination of systems combined with new information from the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) required a change in the delivery of services, specifically within the MYP programme of study. Attached in this memo is the MYP Plan for Language Phase programming along with an overview of the recommended assessment tool for students in Grade 5-11. This proposal is recommended to begin at the start of the 2014-15 school year, with implementation of the AAPPLL (Assessment of Performance towards Proficiency in Languages) assessment instrument in May of 2014. The on-going work this team has created demonstrates the example of staff thinking “outside the box” in an effort to make educational decisions for Language B services going forward at Westlake Academy. This model will not require additional staffing but rather is an approach to reutilization of existing staff. PLAN DESIRED OUTCOMES High Student Achievement Strong Parent & Community Connections Financial Stewardship & Sustainability ACADEMY VALUES Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Personal Responsibility Compassion and Understanding Effective Educators & Staff GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK The report relates directly to Westlake Academy’s Vision of inspiring “…students to achieve their highest individual potential…” by maximizing programs within the Language B services for Westlake Academy”. FISCAL IMPACT Funded Not Funded N/A (Only funding required, Dr. Barton Page 2 of 2 submitted a grant to WAF for testing and it was approved for external assessment) RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED/ OPTIONSa This report is intended for information to the Board of Trustees ATTACHMENTS MYP Plan for Language Phase Programming Recommended Assessment Tool 1 MYP Plan for Language Phase Programming 2014-2015 The Language B team proposes a schedule that reflects teaching by language phases in accordance with IB requirements. Phases in language learning Teaching and learning in the language acquisition subject group is organized into six phases. The phases do not correspond to particular age groups or MYP years. A phase is a level of development in the language by a student at a given time. The purposes and targets for learning language engage students in various productive, receptive and interactive processes of oral, visual and written communication. Teachers will need to decide the most suitable phase in which to place individual students (MYP Language Acquisition Guide, p18). The Language B Team are recommending that: - All students from Grades 5-11 be given a placement test to determine which phase students should be placed in. This test would be an external tool from AAPPL (ACTFL Assessment of Performance Toward Proficiency in Languages) - Students are grouped by phase development (Table 1) and individual teachers take up to six classes highlighted below - Students with no prior knowledge of the language should be placed in phase 1 - Students be given the option to take French in Grade 7 (Table 2) - Phase name aligns with credit labels for academic transcripts (Table 3) 2 Table 1: Scheduling of Spanish teachers by phase development MYP Yr 1 (Gr6) 1 1 1 Martha Barraza MYP Yr 2 1 2 2 1 MYP Yr 3 1 2 2 2 2 MYP Yr 4 2 2 3 3 MYP Yr 5 3 3 4/5 Andrea Ragnow Veronica Covarrubias Pattie Salazar Table 2: Scheduling of French teacher by phase development and predictions to end of academic year in 2016 MYP Yr2 1 MYP Yr3 1 2 MYP Yr4 2 3 MYP Yr5 3 4 Table 3: Credit labeling alignment with phases Credit Phase Spanish 1 1/2 3 Spanish 2 3 Spanish 3 4/5 Spanish 4 DP1 Spanish 5 DP2 Placement in phases Taken from the Language Acquisition Guide, p21 The Placement is informed by knowledge of the student’s language profile. The language acquisition continuums are: ● listening and speaking, ● viewing and interpreting, ● reading comprehension and ● writing This information, in tandum with the MYP language acquisition global proficiency table (with the results from the AAPPL) test will help teachers group students in their appropriate phase. 4 Once students are grouped in phases, teachers will use their vertical documents and assessment criteria rubrics to ensure units of work enable students to: - realize the aims of learning in the target language - reach the objectives for each phase - achieve the proficiency levels required by the phase at the point of exit from the MYP Pathways to language learning If a student reaches the outcomes of phase 4 in Language Acquisition, they are supported in the study of a third language. Students who have taken Spanish throughout MYP and have reached phase 4 at the end of Gr10 have the choice to take IB Diploma French ab initio in Gr 11. MYP DP Phase 1 Ab Initio Phase 2 Ab initio Language B SL Phase 3 Language B SL Phase 4 Language B HL/SL OR can move to Ab initio in a third language Phase 5 Language B HL/SL Language A: Literature SL Language A: Language and Literature SL Phase 6 Language A: Literature SL/HL Language A: Language and Literature SL/HL Appendix 1: The AAPPL test is composed of four parts which last 30 minutes each and is completed online. 5 Performance Level Interpersonal – Listening/Speaking Presentational Writing Interpretative Listening Interpretative Reading Novice About self, school, time Email about self, activities, time Picture symbols, classroom jobs, weather Apps related to food, family, jobs Intermediate About the music, places, activities Email the school day, making introductions Houses and homes, famous people, Headings, candidates, promoting a museum Advanced About school, holidays Wiki building about summer, outside activities Folk music, podcasts Social problems, DVDs Test can be taken three times a year (October, February, April) ● The test takes two weeks to score ● The cost is $20 per student per year = roughly $7500.00, with the Westlake Academy Foundation submission of a grant from Dr. Andra Barton that was approved. ● After the test is given we need to align the results with the learning expectations at the end of each phase. ● We are working to develop a technology program that will track student alignment throughout the process. 1 Recommended Assessment Tool Student instruction will involve a four areas reviews that will assist staff in determining placement for phase development. This process will assist staff in tracking student progress and achievement within each phase of Language Acquisition. The use of this collective data will be particularly helpful in determining the IB Diploma pathway at the end of Grade 10, when students will are entering the IB Diploma Programme of Study. WA Global Proficiency Table The purpose of the proficiency table is to provide teachers with statements indicating the competencies expected of students in each phase of the MYP language acquisition subject group. The table provides six holistic statements describing student's achievement against the MYP course objectives towards being an emergent communicator, capable communicator and a proficient communicator. Each statement indicates what a student should be able to do by the end of each phase. Westlake Academy will use this document as a tool to: - determine placement for each year of the MYP, identify which phase a student should start their language acquisition course and identify an exit phase for a student by the final year of MYP; - interpret and report on students achievements in their language acquisition course. IB Continuums The purpose of continuums is to provide visual representations of developmental stages in students learning. They show a progression of achievement and can identify what a student has achieved in relation to the learning process. Westlake Academy will use this document as a tool to: - assist teachers in planning language learning experiences and in placement of students - a formative assessment tool, to monitor and assess students' language process; - a planning tool, to refer to when designing a unit of work. 2 The three areas of communication (oral, visual and written) are represented by four continuums: Listening and Speaking Viewing and Interpr etation Reading Comprehension Writing AAPPL test The ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) is a performance-based assessment of standards-based language learning across the three modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretative and presentational). These three modes of communication align as closely as possible to the three areas of communication defined by the International Baccalaureate Organization in the MYP language acquisition guide. Westlake Academy will use this external assessment tool to help determine phase placement for each student through grades 5-11. A grant was submitted to Westlake Academy Foundation in the amount of $7,500 and was approved at their regularly scheduled meeting. Language Acquisition Criteria Each MYP objective strand has a corresponding strand for assessment criteria. Assessment is criterion-related based on four equally weighted assessment criteria. Criterion A : Comprehending spoken and visual text (receptive skill) Criterion B: Comprehending written and visual text (receptive skill) Criterion C: Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text (productive skill) Criterion D: Using language in spoken and written form (productive skill) There are rubrics for each criteria and each phase has its own rubric. Teachers create summative assessment tasks and assess using the relevant rubric for each phase. Taken  from  the  IB  Language  B  Guide,  2012,  on  page  9.   Westlake  Academy  Language  Acquision  (Language  B)     Global  Proficiency  Table       Emergent  communicator     Capable  communicator     Proficient  communicator           Phase  1       Emergent  communicators  in  phase  1  understand  and  respond  to  simple  phrases,  statements  and   questions.  They  identify  basic  messages;  facts,  opinions,  feelings  and  ideas  presented  in  oral,  visual   and  written  language,  and  demonstrate  their  comprehension  in  simple  oral  and  written  phrases.   They  convey  basic  information  in  a  limited  range  of  everyday  situations,  using  oral  and  written   language  appropriate  to  a  very  limited  range  of  interpersonal  and  cultural  contexts.  They  begin  to   be  aware  that  language  use  is  connected  to  a  purpose  and  an  audience.   Phase  2       Emergent  communicators  in  phase  2  understand  and  respond  to  simple  spoken  and  written  texts.   They  identify  basic  messages,  facts,  opinions,  feelings  and  ideas  presented  in  oral,  visual  and   written  language,  and  demonstrate  their  comprehension  in  short  oral  and  written  form.  They   interact  to  share  information  in  a  limited  range  of  familiar  situations,  using  basic  language   appropriate  to  a  limited  range  of  interpersonal  and  cultural  contexts.  They  are  aware  that  language   varies  according  to  purpose  and  audience.                                               Phase  3         Capable  communicators  in  phase  3  understand  and  respond  to  a  limited  variety  of  spoken  and   written  texts.  They  understand  specific  information,  main  ideas  and  some  details  presented  in  oral,   visual  and  written  language,  and  demonstrate  their  comprehension  in  a  limited  range  of  oral  and   written  forms.  They  engage  in  conversation  and  write  structured  text  to  express  their  ideas,   opinions  and  experiences  on  a  range  of  familiar  and  some  unfamiliar  situations,  in  a  limited  range   of  interpersonal  and  cultural  contexts.    They  understand  that  they  can  speak  and  write  in  different   ways  for  different  purposes  and  audiences   Phase  4             Capable  communicators  in  phase  4  understand  and  respond  to  a  variety  of  spoken  and  written   texts.  They  interpret  specific  information,  main  ideas  and  some  details  presented  in  complex  oral,   visual  and  written  language,  draw  conclusions  and  recognize  implied  opinions  and  attitudes  in   texts  read  and  viewed.  They  engage  in  conversation  and  write  structured  texts  to  share  informative   and  organized  ideas  on  topics  of  personal  interest  and  global  significance,  in  a  range  of   interpersonal  and  cultural  contexts.  They  can  communicate  substantial  information  containing   relevant  and  developed  ideas  and  justified  opinions  on  events,  experiences  and  some  concepts   explored  in  class.  They  identify  aspects  of  format  and  style,  and  speak  and  write  with  a  clear  sense   of  audience  and  purpose.   Phase  5               Proficient  communicators  in  phase  5  analyze  specific  information,  ideas,  opinions  and   attitudes  presented  in  oral,  visual  and  written  language.  They  draw  conclusions,  infer   information  and  recognize  implied  opinions  and  attitudes.  They  respond  and  react  to   questions  and  ideas  in  a  range  of  spoken,  visual  and  written  texts.  They  engage  actively  in   conversations  in  social  and  some  academic  situations  to  contribute  substantial   information  containing  relevant  and  focused  ideas  supported  by  examples  and   illustrations.  They  organize  information  and  ideas  into  a  clear  and  effective  structure  to   express  their  understanding  and  opinion  on  topics  of  personal  interest  and  global   significance.  They  interpret  aspects  of  format  and  style,  and  are  able  to  adapt  register  and   style  of  language  to  suit  the  context.   Phase  6         Proficient  communicators  in  phase  6  evaluate  the  important  information,  details  and  ideas   presented  in  spoken,  written  and  visual  language,  in  social  and  academic  contexts.  They  analyze  the   information  the  information,  draw  conclusions  and  make  inferences  about  ideas,  opinions  and   attitude  implied  in  a  wide  range  of  spoken,  visual  and  written  texts.  They  engage  actively  in   conversation  in  social  and  academic  situations  to  contribute  substantial  information  and  give   detailed  analysis  and  explanation.  They  organize  information  and  ideas  logically  and  effectively  to   communicate  their  understanding,  opinions  and  perspectives  to  a  wide  range  of  audiences,  and  for   a  variety  of  social  and  academic  purposes.   Page 1 of 1 1 WESTLAKE ACADEMY AGENDA ITEM Curriculum: MYP / DP Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 Staff Contact: Dr. Mechelle Bryson Workshop Discussion Director of Education / Executive Principal Subject: Presentation and Discussion of the HB5 Update and Proposed High School Foundation Program with Endorsements for Westlake Academy EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 83rd Legislative session passed HB5. This bill codified changes to the Texas Education Code (TEC) in the areas of Curriculum, Accountability, and Assessment . Curriculum changes included an increase in course options in the areas of Career and Technology (CTE) and Math. In addition, new graduation requirements were introduced mandating that schools systems adopt a high school foundation plan with endorsement pathways. In regards to assessment, the number of End of Course (EOC’s) exams were decreased from 15 to 5, while the accountability system was transformed, moving from AEIS (Academic Excellence Indicator System) to TAPR (Texas Academic Performance Report). This board report will provide an overview of HB5 and a deeper analysis of the graduation components. PLAN DESIRED OUTCOMES High Student Achievement Strong Parent & Community Connections Financial Stewardship & Sustainability ACADEMY VALUES Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Personal Responsibility Compassion and Understanding Effective Educators & Staff GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK Why do we need governance guidance? State regulations require that local school board adopt a high school foundation program and endorsement pathways. Which policy governs this? Graduation policy and authority of the Board of Trustees. What addit ional direction is necessary? Input and questions from the Board of Trustees. FISCAL IMPACT Funded Not Funded N/A RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED/ OPTIONS Recommend approval of proposed high school foundation plan with endorsement pathways. ATTACHMENTS • Westlake Academy Graduation Plan and Endorsement Pathways for 2014-2015 Westlake Academy Graduation Plan Hi g h Sc h o o l G r a d u a t i o n E n d o r s e m e n t P l a n FO U N D A T I O N H I G H SC H O O L P R O G R A M English Math Science Humanities Required Electives TO T A L F H S P C R E D I T S English I (EOC) English II (EOC) IB English I IB English II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Algebra I (EOC) Geometry Algebra II 1.0 1.0 1.0 Biology (EOC) Chemistry Physics 1.0 1.0 1.0 World/Human Geography U.S. Government Economics IB History of the Americas (EOC) 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 Phys Ed Fine Arts Language B 1.0 1.0 2.0 Electives World History 4.0 1.0 English 4.0 Math 3.0 Science 3.0 Humanities 3.0 Required 4.0 Electives 5.0 22.0 EN D O R S E M E N T S Foundation Credits Plus: TO T A L C R E D I T S Pre-Calculus 1.0 IB Science 1.0 Electives Specific to Endorsement 2.0 26.0 DI S T I N G U I S H E D LE V E L OF A C H I E V E M E N T Foundation Credits Plus: TO T A L C R E D I T S Credit Requirements Specific to Endorsement Four (4) Math Credits including Algebra II Four (4) Science Credits including one Advanced Science Course 26.0 IB D i p l o m a IB Math 1.0 IB Science 1.0 IB History of the Americas 1.0 TOK Speech Group 6 Selection Extended Essay Personal Project 1.5 0.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 TO T A L C R E D I T S 34.5 3 Endorsements: Arts & Humanities, STEM, and Multidisciplinary Group 6 Selection: IB Economics, IB Art, IB Theater, IB Math, IB Language B, IB Science, etc. STEM Endorsements Math •Meet all prerequisites: •Pre -Calculus •Choose IB Math Course: –Math Studies –Mathematics SL •Electives (TBD) Science •Meet all prerequisites •Choose one of the following tracks –IB Biology –IB Chemistry –IB Physics •Electives (TBD) Humanities Endorsements Social Studies •Five Social Studies Credits: –Human Geography (1) –World History (1) –Economics (.5) –Government (.5) –U.S. History (1) –IB History of the Americas (1) Language B •Four levels of the same language or two levels of two languages: –Spanish Track –French Track Multi-Disciplinary 4X4 •Four credits in each core subject: –English –Math –Science –Social Studies IB/AP •Four credits in IB or AP courses: –English –Mathematics –Science –Social Studies –Economics –Language B Page 1 of 1 WESTLAKE ACADEMY AGENDA ITEM Curriculum: MYP / DP Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 Staff Contact: Mechelle Bryson Workshop Discussion Director of Education / Executive Principal Subject: Presentation and Discussion of Options for Approval of Speech Credit by Examination as a Result of the Implementation of HB5 Graduation Requirements EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 83rd Legislative session passed HB5. This bill codified changes to the Texas Education Code (TEC) in the areas of Curriculum, Accountability, and Assessment. Whereas the assessment components of reducing the number of End of Course (EOCs) exams went into effect for the 2013-2014 school year, the curriculum and accountability components of the bill is scheduled to begin in the 2014 – 2015 school year. This board report will address graduation issues for current 9th, 11th and 12th graders due to early implementation of HB5 as well as a plan to resolve issues. PLAN DESIRED OUTCOMES High Student Achievement Strong Parent & Community Connections Financial Stewardship & Sustainability ACADEMY VALUES Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Personal Responsibility Compassion and Understanding Effective Educators & Staff GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK Why do we need governance guidance? State regulations require that our school board adopt loca lly developed Credit by Exams. Which policy governs this? Graduation policy and authority of the Board of Trustees. What addit ional direction is necessary? Input and questions from the Board of Trustees. FISCAL IMPACT Funded Not Funded N/A RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED/ OPTIONS Recommend approval of locally developed Credit by Exam. ATTACHMENTS • Westlake Academy Speech Credit by Exam Speech Communication Seminar Objective 1 – Communication Process Student demonstrates knowledge of various communication processes in professional and social contexts. Foundations of Communication • Define and describe the four components of the communication process. • Identify and define the four dimensions of communication. • Describe the elements of communication competence. • Define and describe active mindfulness. • Define and explain the process of attribution. • Describe some of the skills that facilitate accurate perceptions and attributions. Principles and Practices of Communication • Describe the relationship between words and perceptions. • Distinguish between denotative and connotative meanings. • Describe how language reflects cultural, group, and individual diversity. • Describe the relationship between power and words. • Create and use examples of inclusive and appropriate language. • Describe the characteristics of nonverbal communication that distinguish this type of communication from language. • Describe the functions of nonverbal behavior. • Describe how diversity influences nonverbal behavior. • State some of the ways you can increase nonverbal communication skills. Listening and Critical Thinking • Describe the differences between listening and hearing. • Explain the significant role of listening in communication. • Describe some misconceptions about listening. • Describe some common obstacles to listening. Objective 2 – Interpersonal Communication Student uses appropriate interpersonal communication strategies in professional and social contexts. Interpersonal Communication • Define and describe relational communication. • State the factors that influence relationship development. • Describe communication behaviors that characterize a developing relationship. • Describe communication behaviors that characterize a deteriorating relationship. • State the process and guidelines for self-disclosure. • State the difference between cultural, group, and individual diversity. • Explain how the dimensions of culture influence communication. • Define conflict. • State the differences between destructive and constructive conflict. • Describe five common sources of conflict. • Describe six skills in constructive conflict management. Objective 3 – Group Communication Student communicates effectively in groups in professional and social contexts. Interviewing • Know how to effectively prepare for an interview. • Know the parts of a resume and cover letter. • Describe the importance of appearance for an interview. • Describe the importance of good communication in an interview. Group Communication • Identify types of groups. • Describe the advantages and causes of groupthink. • Explain the importance of group composition in group functions. • Describe the phases of group development. • Describe the roles and functional behaviors in small groups. • Identify leadership styles and situations in which differing styles are appropriate. Objective 4 – Presentations Student makes and evaluates formal and informal professional presentations. Public Speaking, Part I • Analyze the basic features of a speech. • Identify the common purposes of public speaking. • Choose an appropriate topic for a speech. • Construct a specific purpose for a speech. • Organize a speech. • Describe the importance of audience learning styles in speech presentation. • Explain the requirements for an effective informative speech. • Describe the importance of using visual aids in a speech. • State the differences between informative and persuasive speaking. • Describe the importance of situation for persuasive speaking. • Describe the four goals of persuasive speeches. • Define ethos, logos, and pathos. • Describe how certain persuasive appeals connect, or link, to audience members. • Describe the variety of methods for speech delivery. Public Speaking, Part II • Recognize strategies to manage speech anxiety. • Describe the variety of methods for speech delivery. • Describe the relationship between delivery and nonverbal communication. • Display appropriate speech presentation behaviors. Performance Assessment: Part A: Interview • Students will participate an interview process. • Students will prepare a resume’ and cover letter for a job. • Students will participate in an interview. • Students will be given feedback Part B: Contemporary Rhetoric Speech • Students will deliver a contemporary rhetoric speech. • Students will choose a famous speech • Students will Analyze the following aspects o Speaker o Event/situation o Analysis of Speech o Historical Significance o Authenticity o Rhetorical Significance Standing agenda item during the construction project g. Update and discussion regarding Westlake Academy Phase I expansion project and enrollment projections. Westlake Academy Item # 5e – No Supporting documentation BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION Westlake Academy Item #6 Board Recap / Staff Direction Westlake Academy Item # 7 – Workshop Adjournment Back up material has not been provided for this item. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. Westlake Academy Item # 2 – Citizens’ Presentations and recognitions CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the minutes from the March 3, 2014, meeting. b. Consider approval of Resolution 14-04, Adopting Westlake Academy’s High School Foundation Program with Proposed Endorsements pursuant to HB5. c. Consider approval of Resolution 14-05, Approval of Speech Credit by Examination as a Result of the Implementation of HB5 Graduation Requirements. Westlake Academy Item # 3 - Consent Agenda BOT Minutes 03/03 /14 Page 1 of 4 WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING March 3, 2014 PRESENT: President Laura Wheat, Trustees: Clif Cox, Carol Langdon, and Rick Rennhack. ABSENT: Michael Barrett and Wayne Stoltenberg. OTHERS PRESENT: Superintendent Tom Brymer, Assistant to the Superintendent Amanda DeGan, Board Secretary Kelly Edwards, Executive Principal & Director of Education Dr. Mechelle Bryson, MYP Principal Dr. Andra Barton, Primary Principal Rod Harding, Administrative Coordinator Ben Nibarger, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, Director of HR & Administrative Services Todd Wood, Director of Communications & Community Affairs Director Ginger Awtry, Director of Information & Technology Jason Power and Communications Specialist Susan McFarland. Work Session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the work session to order at 5:19 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Wheat led the pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FOR THE MARCH 3, 2014, TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. President Wheat asked for clarification regarding the Missed Instructional Day Waiver. BOT Minutes 03/03 /14 Page 2 of 4 4. REPORTS a. Update on the progress of Spanish alignment at Westlake Academy. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Introduce Mechelle Bryson, Ed.D. as the Academy's Executive Principal/Director of Education. Superintendent Brymer introduced Dr. Bryson and provided an overview of the organization chart. b. Presentation and Discussion (annually) of the planned activities of the House of Commons. Mrs. Ashley Hansen, Speaker of the House of Commons, provided an overview of the board’s previous and upcoming events. c. Discussion of the expansion enrollment for the 2014-2015 school year and current student census. Assistant to the Superintendent DeGan provided an overview of the new student and parent on-boarding process, additional suggestions to engage parents and students, induction group meetings, and supporting teachers during the expansion. Coordinator Nibarger provided an overview of the current student enrollment, lottery and pre enrollment numbers and process. Discussion ensued regarding the number of lottery applications, the status of intent to re-enroll applications, number of new home starts, strategic curriculum planning and resident and non-resident donations. d. Update and discussion regarding Westlake Academy Phase I expansion project and enrollment projections. Standing Item Director Meyer stated that the Construction At-Risk Manager will be attending the March 24th meeting to discuss the status of the project. 6. BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION None. BOT Minutes 03/03 /14 Page 3 of 4 7. ADJOURNMENT President Wheat adjourned the work session at 6:23 p.m. Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the regular session to order at 6:43 p.m. 2. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS No one addressed the Board. 3. CONSENT AGENDA a. Consider approval of the minutes from the February 10, 2014, meeting. b. Consider approval of Resolution 14-02, Missed Instructional Day Waiver. c. Consider approval of Resolution 14-03, Amending the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual adding a Compensated Holidays policy. MOTION: Trustee Cox made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Trustee Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. 4. BOARD CALENDAR Principal Harding announced the IBO Self Study will be occurring on March 6-7, 2014. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. BOT Minutes 03/03 /14 Page 4 of 4 6. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Trustee Rennhack made a motion to adjourn the regular session. Trustee Cox seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. President Wheat adjourned the regular session at 6:49 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON APRIL 14, 2014. ATTEST: ____________________________ Laura Wheat, President _____________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Page 1 of 1 1 WESTLAKE ACADEMY AGENDA ITEM Curriculum: MYP / DP Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 Staff Contact: Dr. Mechelle Bryson Consent Item Director of Education / Executive Principal Subject: Consider a Resolution Adopting Westlake Academy’s High School Foundation Program with Proposed Endorsements pursuant to HB5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 83rd Legislative session passed HB5. This bill codified changes to the Texas Education Code (TEC) in the areas of Curriculum, Accountability, and Assessment. Curriculu m changes included an increase in course options in area of CTE and Math. In addition, these new graduation requirements mandate that schools systems adopt a high school foundation plan with endorsement pathways. In regards to assessment, the number of End of Course (EOCs) exams were decreased from 15 to 5, while the accountability system was transformed, moving from AEIS (Academic Excellence Indicator System) to TAPR (Texas Academic Performance Report). This resolution will provide a pathway to maintain our rigorous standards and comply with the requirements of HB5. PLAN DESIRED OUTCOMES High Student Achievement Strong Parent & Community Connections Financial Stewardship & Sustainability ACADEMY VALUES Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Personal Responsibility Compassion and Understanding Effective Educators & Staff GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK Why do we need governance guidance? State regulations require that local school board adopt a high school foundation program and endorsement pathways. Which policy governs this? Graduation policy and authority of the Board of Trustees. What addit ional direction is necessary? Input and questions from the Board of Trustees. FISCAL IMPACT Funded Not Funded N/A RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED/ OPTIONS Recommend approval of proposed high school foundation plan with endorsement pathways. ATTACHMENTS Resolution 14-XX Exhibit “A” Resolution 14-04 Page 1 of 4 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 14-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVING AND ADOPTING A GRADUATION HIGH SCHOOL FOUNDATION PLAN WITH ENDORSEMENT PATHWAYS. WHEREAS, the state legislature passed HB5 in the 83rd legislative sessio n mandating the adoption of a new graduation plan for incoming ninth graders of 2014-2015 and beyond; and, WHEREAS, Westlake Academy has researched, discussed and created a rigorous graduation plan that meets not only the state mandate, but also the Westlake Academy’s mission, vision and values, to prepare college bound students to meet the demands of a ever-changing global society; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That , all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That , the Board of Trustees Westlake Academy, hereby approves the new graduation plan with endorsement pathways for Westlake Academy to begin with the 2014-2015 freshman class attached to this resolution as Exhibit “A”. SECTION 3: If any portion of this resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. Resolution 14-04 Page 2 of 4 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 14th DAY OF April 2014. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President ATTEST: ________________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ Janet S. Bubert or L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Resolution 14-04 Page 3 of 4 Exhibit “A” STEM Endorsements Math • Meet all prerequisites: • Pre-Calculus • Choose IB Math Course: – Math Studies – Mathematics SL • Electives (TBD) Science • Meet all prerequisites • Choose one of the following tracks – IB Biology – IB Chemistry – IB Physics • Electives (TBD) Resolution 14-04 Page 4 of 4 Humanities Endorsements Language B • Four levels of the same language or two levels of two languages: – Spanish Track – French Track Social Studies • Five Social Studies Credits: – Human Geography (1) – World History (1) – Economics (.5) – Government (.5) – U.S. History (1) – IB History of the Americas (1) Multi-Disciplinary 4X4 • Four credits in each core subject: – English – Math – Science – Social Studies IB/AP • Four credits in IB or AP courses: – English – Mathematics – Science – Social Studies – Economics – Lan guage B Page 1 of 1 WESTLAKE ACADEMY AGENDA ITEM Curriculum: MYP / DP Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 Staff Contact: Dr. Mechelle Bryson Consent Item Director of Education / Executive Principal Subject: Consider a Resolution for Approval of Speech Credit by Examination as a Result of the Implementation of HB5 Graduation Requirements EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 83rd Legislative session passed HB5. This bill codified changes to the Texas Education Code (TEC) in the areas of Curriculum, Accountability, and Assessment. Whereas the assessment components of reducing the number of End of Course (EOCs) exams went into effect for the 2013-2014 school year, the curriculum and accountability components of the bill is scheduled to begin in the 2014 – 2015 school year. This plan will address graduation issues for current 9th, 11th and 12th graders due to early implementation of HB5. PLAN DESIRED OUTCOMES High Student Achievement Strong Parent & Community Connections Financial Stewardship & Sustainability ACADEMY VALUES Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Personal Responsibility Compassion and Understanding Effective Educators & Staff GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK Why do we need governance guidance? State regulations require that local school board adopt locally developed Credit by Exams. Which policy governs this? Gr aduation policy and authority of the Board of Trustees. What addit ional direction is necessary? Input and questions from the Board of Trustees. FISCAL IMPACT Funded Not Funded N/A RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED/ OPTIONS Recommend approval of locally developed Credit by Exam. ATTACHMENTS Resolution 14-XX Resolution 14-05 Page 1 of 5 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 14-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVING AND ADOPTING A CREDIT BY EXAM (CBE) PROGRAM FOR SPEECH. WHEREAS, the Texas state mandates require that the Board of Trustees approve locally developed Credit by Exams (CBEs); and, WHEREAS, Westlake Academy has researched, discussed and written a Credit by Exam (CBE) to be utilized to award Speech credit to Westlake Academy students; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That , all matters stated in t he recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That , the Board of Trustees Westlake Academy, hereby approves the new Credit by Exam (CBE) for Westlake Academy attached to this resolution as Exhibit “A”. SECTION 3: If any portion of this resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. Resolution 14-05 Page 2 of 5 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 14th DAY OF April 2014. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President ATTEST: ________________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ Janet S. Bubert or L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Resolution 14-05 Page 3 of 5 Exhibit “A” Speech Communication Seminar Objective 1 – Communication Process Student demonstrates knowledge of various communication processes in professional and social contexts. Foundations of Communication • Define and describe the four components of the communication process. • Identify and define the four dimensions of communication. • Describe the elements of communication competence. • Define and describe active mindfulness. • Define and explain the process of attribution. • Describe some of the skills that facilitate accurate perceptions and attributions. Principles and Practices of Communication • Describe the relationship between words and perceptions. • Distinguish between denotative and connotative meanings. • Describe how language reflects cultural, group, and individual diversity. • Describe the relationship between power and words. • Create and use examples of inclusive and appropriate language. • Describe the characteristics of nonverbal communication that distinguish this type of communication from language. • Describe the functions of nonverbal behavior. • Describe how diversity influences nonverbal behavior. • State some of the ways you can increase nonverbal communication skills. Listening and Critical Thinking • Describe the differences between listening and hearing. • Explain the significant role of listening in communication. • Describe some misconceptions about listening. • Describe some common obstacles to listening. Objective 2 – Interpersonal Communication Student uses appropriate interpersonal communication strategies in professional and social contexts. Interpersonal Communication • Define and describe relational communication. • State the factors that influence relationship development. • Describe communication behaviors that characterize a developing relationship. • Describe communication behaviors that characterize a deteriorating relationship. • State the process and guidelines for self-disclosure. • State the difference between cultural, group, and individual diversity. • Explain how the dimensions of culture influence communication. • Define conflict. Resolution 14-05 Page 4 of 5 • State the differences between destructive and constructive conflict. • Describe five common sources of conflict. • Describe six skills in constructive conflict management. Objective 3 – Group Communication Student communicates effectively in groups in professional and social contexts. Interviewing • Know how to effectively prepare for an interview. • Know the parts of a resume and cover letter. • Describe the importance of appearance for an interview. • Describe the importance of good communication in an interview. Group Communication • Identify types of groups. • Describe the advantages and causes of groupthink. • Explain the importance of group composition in group functions. • Describe the phases of group development. • Describe the roles and functional behaviors in small groups. • Identify leadership styles and situations in which differing styles are appropriate. Objective 4 – Presentations Student makes and evaluates formal and informal professional presentations. Public Speaking, Part I • Analyze the basic features of a speech. • Identify the common purposes of public speaking. • Choose an appropriate topic for a speech. • Construct a specific purpose for a speech. • Organize a speech. • Describe the importance of audience learning styles in speech presentation. • Explain the requirements for an effective informative speech. • Describe the importance of using visual aids in a speech. • State the differences between informative and persuasive speaking. • Describe the importance of situation for persuasive speaking. • Describe the four goals of persuasive speeches. • Define ethos, logos, and pathos. • Describe how certain persuasive appeals connect, or link, to audience members. • Describe the variety of methods for speech delivery. Public Speaking, Part II • Recognize strategies to manage speech anxiety. • Describe the variety of metho ds for speech delivery. • Describe the relationship between delivery and nonverbal communication. • Display appropriate speech presentation behaviors. Resolution 14-05 Page 5 of 5 Performance Assessment: Part A: Interview • Students will participate an interview process. • Students will prepare a resume’ and cover letter for a job. • Students will participate in an interview. • Students will be given feedback Part B: Contemporary Rhetoric Speech • Students will deliver a contemporary rhetoric speech. • Students will choose a famous speech • Students will Analyze the following aspects o Speaker o Event/situation o Analysis of Speech o Historical Significance o Authenticity o Rhetorical Significance BOARD CALENDAR  Board of Trustee Workshop & Meeting Monday, April 14, 2014  Comp Plan Steering Committee Meeting (not Public Input) Wednesday, April 16, 2014; 6:00 – 8:30 pm Town Council Chambers/Courtroom  Town Offices Closed in observance of Good Friday Friday, April 18, 2014  Westlake MasterWorks Free Concert: Live 80 (Premier 80s show band-the ULTIMATE 80s experience) Thursday, April 24, 2014; 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Solana Village Circle Courtyard  WHPS Historical Marker Dedication Day (Cross Timbers Region) Saturday, April 26, 2014; Time TBD WA Campus- Primary parking area overlooking southern vista  Town Council Workshop & Meeting Monday, April 28, 2014  General Election Early Voting - Northwest and Keller ISD Races April 28th – May 6, 2014; hours and locations vary Westlake Academy Item #4 Board Calendar BOARD CALENDAR CONT.  Comp Plan Public Input Workshop #3 Wednesday, May 7, 2014; 6:00 PM Westlake Academy – Performance Hall  General Election Day – Northwest and Keller ISD Races Saturday, May 10, 2014; 7:00 – 7:00 p.m.  Board of Trustee Workshop & Meeting Monday, May 12, 2014  Town Council Workshop & Meeting Monday, May 19, 2014  WHPS Annual Decoration Day Monday, May 26, 2015; 6:00 p.m. Westlake IOOF Cemetery; 36101 J.T. Ottinger Road  Town Council All-Day Retreat Monday, May 30, 2014; 9:00 – 5:00 p.m. Embassy Suites Outdoor World, Grapevine FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under “Future Agenda Item Requests”, an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the Superintendent with the requested item and the Superintendent will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item’s relationship to the Board’s strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the Superintendent will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. Westlake Academy Item # 5 – Future Agenda Items Westlake Academy Item # 6 – Adjournment Back up material has not been provided for this item.