HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublications 534-563iAnnouncements Announcements � f egad � i.ega!( � egai! i coat/ � I cosi/ 1 coal/ Z;egai/ laettces aubixc LoEises t'ubirc Pdot�res i'�pbiic Loticescibtic ioficestablic Latsces i"alblic TMdotiees violate any gxrovi- clause; ,and lrro� 32ibit °tlA" belp�a rAIFRANT" a~`OUN of the town of PASSED AND AP- Geed the maximum Own ch"I for Sale snail of this orda- viding for penalty roaring exhibit i"� 'TEXAS, MORE Westlake, Texas, PROVED AUGUST allowed by State " nance, and any clause; and pro- showing the area C 6 ➢v➢ loll 6 N L Y rezoning approxi- 27, 2007. Law and a separate p[�erson vaplataeig or viding for an ef- being rezonan�$Q¢mj� KNOWN AS 13297 mately 3.06 acres offense shea➢➢ be y� ➢d ltia Now for yin Easter faal➢rmg to comply fective date. ➢t and exhibit "'@d Roanoke Road; an Ste_gecdaeh fl ➢i➢ls TOF deemed cor@mrrmit- wath any poovisiop Sita➢➢ be unlawful for a le- established in Or- described as BE®E ted each°day dur- hal be she➢➢ be for easy person to e➢ description of dinaiace Now 53 ➢N A➢�p➢2OXIm ORDINANCE ing a� on which a €� fl tifi,@� Yellow hicks: �iraed, upqn con- vioi!ate any provi- •the prerty; pro- from 11111 ESTATE MATELY 1.06 NO. 566 violation occurs or victioap iia an Sion of this drain vidian or general RESIDENTIAL" TO ACRES OF LAND continues. This :lick Up Ong — No Shipping amour$ not to ex- nance, and any re u tions; ;pro- "RA RESIDENTIAL IN THE RUTR An Ordinance ordinance shall reed the rmmaxaiurxirerson violating or .aiming for a savings AIR�ARK"" use; BA 911 SE99J�Y® arnendira the become effective allowed by State ailing to comply clause; and pro @�aarovidin� an. Ex- ABSTRACT NO. C o rn p re t e n s i v e upon its passage r Law and a separate with any provision briding for penalty Imibit "A' being a 208 TRACT 1,c14, Zoning Ordinance by the Board of $1.50 0 l ��rir �t 9f aUiT offense shall be hereof shall be clause; and pro- zoning exhibit TAKRANT COUN- of the Town of .A ➢ d e r axm e n deemed commit- fined, upon con- viding for an ef- showing the Area TY TEXAS* MORE 4/Westlake, ' Texas,>PASS AND AP- ted each dayy dur- viction in an fective date. It being regonip c-� l'lu@ L Yrezdnimt approxi- PRO48 D AUGUSTQa 3O-`7099 o 0.648-01 ir;g or on wm ich a amount not to ex- shall be unlawful and exhibit '" l KNOWN AS 5933 innately .0'acres in 27, 2007. violation occurs or ceed the maxiitvum for any person to providing for a lea- Steve Court; <es- Stagecoach dills -- continues. a continues° This allowed by State violate any provi- gal description of tablished in Ordim described as BE- OF ordinance shall Lawand a separate slop of this ordi- the prerty; prow nance No. 253 fromIN0 APPROXI- WESTLAKE become effective offense shall be nance, and any viding Tor general 11111 ESTATE MATELY 2.0 ACRE ORDINANCE JustinTime Kennels and Hatcheryupon its passage deemed commit-raerson viollating or rer�. ulations; prom RESIDENTIAL" TO OF LAND, IN THENO. 559 Aythe board of ted each day dur- falling to comply vadingforasavings "RA RESIDENTIAL RUTIN BAKER A l d e r m e n . ➢ng oroat which a with any provision clause; and pro- aaAIRPARK'" use; SURVEY, AS- An Ordinance PASSED AND AP violation occurs or hereof shall be viding; for penalty providing an Ex- ST"RACT NO. 1.08, amending, the PROVED AUGUST continues. . This fined, upon con- clause, and pro- habit ""A, P being ;a TRACT 1c13, Comprehensive v a i ego;/ 27, 2007° ordinance shale viction in an viding for an ef- zoning exhibit T ARRANT COUPal9 onang Or - become effective amount not to ex fective date. It showing the area TY TEXAS, MORE sof the Town of upon its passage ceed the maximum shall be unlawful being rezonip C M N L Y Westlake, _Texas, t „ , 9ttr�;STLAKE iter the leas i C , Mlower] by State for away person to and exhibit °' KNOWN AS 13405 `rezonin ,« a proxi. " HEARING ORDINANCE A I d e r rn a ri ^`i Law anda separate violate any :provim providing. for a le- Roanoke load; mately d8 acres IinifeswwtofRhameont{ti° 7sk e Nos 554. MASSED ANIS AIP I offense shall be sion of this ordi- gal description of established in Or- inSta ecoach Hills Notice t hey',bA PROVED AUGUST' steered coviin'alt- nance, and any the pro erty; pro- dinance No. 253 descriied as BE- An Ordinance 27, 2007. ted each da dun erson violating or vidlri�g cr general from: R1 ESTATE ➢NG APPROX - 7e Radios i3< Electronics, ivEaa that the �ps =lry, Coins, Big Screen l"v. iaranis y and Zoe"€n_ amending the -- 8r;g or on which a failing` to comply r9�J am@.tions; erg- RESIDENTIAL" T i0 MATELY 1.18 are, Glassware CornmissionariiBhol Comprehensive T 4i'ifN OF violation occurs or with any provision vidingforasavings "RA RESIDENTIAL ACREs OF LAND a r'neeting at 6:30 @3WES'TLAKE ry PP syr„ _.. < t p m. on Monde onirag Ordinance continues. This hereof shall be clause; �rmd prod A@��?�l�@€ use; ➢N THE RUTH Monday of the Town of ordinance ___shall fined, upon con-, viding far penalty. providin an Ex® BAKER SURVEY, ay, lanuai• 28, 2008 ani l NO. 5Nq C become effective viction in an Clause, �mnd "bit; A 'bean a ABSTRACT NO. Westlake, e.�At4ti'm➢�°e" exd .�9, kF7S/+. 5,8� ° pro- i " P . atsau �Paa4 the @#y �.aiinCei Will rezoivin6 appproxi= upon its hold a meeting at rnately1309acres An Ordinance by the Board�of ceed the mge amount aximum to exp fective for to ef- :showinmg exhibit "108, race I 1c6a A ; : 7.QQ p.m; on Monday �axarrmmarrm fectave date. It showing the area and tract. 1c1b1a, y 18 2008: in Stagecoach Hills amending the A I d e r m•rm e n . allowed by State shall be unlawful being irez®rain ° TARRANT COUN- Food ebruar descri ed as Ruth Comprehensive PASSED AND AP- Law and a separate for any ,_person to and : exhibit- '" i Y TEXAS- N➢��� F��s1 sear Site. Soni meE#ings shall Baker Surrey, Aa- ortirm Ordinance PROVED AUGUST offense shall be violate any provi- providing fps" a le- c a°y➢; M N L Y cense #7216, Photo be held in the Com- stract No. 1.08 of the Town of 27, 2007. deemed commit- sion of this ordi- al description of KNOWN AS 13239 ,oin 214-755-4785 munityr Room at the Tract 1.C1E ani Westlake, T'exasr - = •ted each day, dur- nance, , and any ha pro ea°ty; pro- Roanoke load; -�-- City 1�ai1 105 Main Tract 1C3C, Tar- rezoning" TOWN OF Street,, Rasiet, Tex- property vWEST'LAKE ing ani sit wltmch a person violating or vidiat Eon general established arm Or '- ecoach avfbay playoff a5. A$'t these `meet- tickets rant County, Tex- 3n Stagecoach Mills violation a�ccurs or fai➢ing to comply regu ations; pro., dinance leo. 253 tickEts lowQr level epos the Planning as, more comm. descri ed as ,53En ORDINANCE continues. This with any provision vic➢ingforasavings from 11111 ESTATE mon, known as 9, NG LOT 2, BLOCK ordinance shall hereof shall be clause; and pro-RESIDENTIAL"TO (817) X96-8Q>7 and .7onin Com- ➢��. 573 n' _ - 1329 Roanoke 1 OF THE WATT'S become? effective Pitied, upon con- viding for penalty 'IRA RESIDENTIAL ?r, Cowboys playoff masses. ase the City Road; established & LANGER SUB- An Ordinance upon its passage viction in an clause; and pro- AIRPARK" use; n- tickets, Lower; L, blue 'Council will hold in- Ordinance Noe DIVISION RUTH amendingthe by the Board of amount not to Baca viding for :an ef- `rovidin an Ex- park. `817-401.844.4 Public hearings con- 25,3 from,®R1 ES. BAKER VEY, Comprehensive A I d e r me n ceed the maximum fective date. It ibit'"A''bein a _; Corning the following TAE RESIDEN. ,ABSTRACT N0, Zoning Ordinance PASSED AND Ake- allowed by State shall be unlawful zoning exhibit COWBOY PLAYOFF matter. TOAL" TO '"RA '1,08 TARRA19T of the Town of PROVED AUGUST Lawandase arate for an lis Tickets 600.00,817- " p y person to showing the area as Ticket n� Apps'aca#lase from R E S l D ,N T I A L COUNTY TEXAS; 4/Westlake, 'Texas, 27, 2007. offense shall ,be violate any provi- being rezone. ° de - :Southwr�stersi Gas AIRPARK use; Pr9@@O➢ - 09988f X rezoning a proxip deemed corrmrnafim slop of thin groan ed .exhibit "" �l Cowboy playoff . ° � rovidin an Ex� LY KNOWN AS mately 1.13 acres TOWN OF ted each da , dear® nance, and q any providing for a ➢e- ch Pipeline for a Spee yy he tkts SeC# 31 Row 16 civic Use Permit to Mbit '"A ° being a 601°rJ STAGE- in Ste ecoach Hills 4 ESTLAKE ing or on w@tach d person violating or al description of $850ea817-361-0509 allow a gas pipeline zoning exhibit COACH CIRCLE; descried as Ruth ORDINANCE violation occurs or faalang to comply Ila pro erty; ;prom t e aP! on the following showing the area established in Or- Maker Survey Ab- NO. 556 continues, This with -any provision vidin or general Cg properties: Origgins 9 being rezonin °° dinance No. 253 stract 1198, bract ordiotapce elle➢➢ hereof shell be Iu aalatidps; pro - IQ?, Latices at a gas weal pad and exhibit '" from -R1 ESTATE 1,C01,A or 1C1:A An Ordinance become , effective fined, upon coat- viding for a savings sae located in Ab- providing for a le- RESIDENTIAL TO (mapped) and amendingthe upon its passage viction in an clause; ;and pro- NOTICE OF stract 1902, Tract 1, fag description of 'IRA RESIDENTIAL; Tract IC03AA or Corn re.7mensive by the Board of amount nottd ex- viding for penalty PUBLIC HEARING and running along !re pro erty; pro- AIRPARK"' use; 10A (mapped), Zoning Ordinance A l d e r m e n „ ceed the maximum clause; ;and pro- the north border oi- vidiia frsr general pprov"idin an : Ex- Tarrant County, of the Town of @PASSED AND AP- allowed by State viding ,for an ef- TROPHY CLUB that tract and along reggu tions; pro- riibit ""AA " bearing a 'Texas; more coitm- Westlake, Texas, DROVED AUGUST' Law and a separate fective date, It TOWN COUNCIL the north border o� vidangfor asavings loaning exhibit moni known as rezoning approxi- 27, 2007. offense shall be shall be unlawful al Monday, January tract 1H of Abstract clause; and pro- showing the area 1;329 Roanoke' mate' 1°2 acres deemed commit- for any person to NE 21, 2008 1132_ The proposed . viding idin e°for penalty being rezionin Road; established in Stdgecoach'Hills TOWN LAKE ted each day duan violate any ,provi- spclines Beng#h as P sand pro- and exhibit " in Ordinance No. descralaed as BE� irsg o� on ano�rich a Sion of this ata°di� o be held @eaa ingT will 550„51 feet and viding for ;an ef- _ le- 2 3 from: RI ES- IND : APPROXI- ORDINANCE vis➢atiop occurs or iaance, and stay imrcavld➢rag for om be Council of the own �> fective date° It al desc,riptioiii of TATE RESIDEN- MAATELY 1°25 NO. 558 continue. This arson violating air lir2 of Trop of the Tawe aril@ be Bocaock shall be unlawful the property;;eget- `VIAL” T O am PIRA ACRES OF LAND ordinance shall a1ling to comply — of Trophy Club in the around the 25R block four any person to vada. An Ordinance Boardroom of the of Keller-Haslet 5 for geraerac R E S l D E N i a A-L ➢➢ THE RUTIN become effective with any provision ISS vianlate array. provi- re ulataon � •taco AIRPARK"' use; ®� amending ^ties p passage ;hereof shall be Bltiunici al tlti@it Road:f�lortli, r BAKER S@9➢T99EYP upon its a cion of this ordi- vi ing f Sar a sa@� mngs rovidin an Ex- ABSTRACT' NO° C o tri p re h T it s a ve by the Board of farmed, upon cones District Building, 10 All interested par- mance, and any clause, �armr➢ : ,pro= Itlbit "AQP being, a 1.08 TRACT 1c15, Zoning Ordinal A ➢ d e r m a n . viction i ?,Si Municipal € rive, at ties and citizens will arson violating or viding for perr,alty zoning exhibit •T KRANT COUN. of the Town of PA, AND �n an 00 p.rn Monday, t � a aJ4festiake, Texas, Ap amountnot to ex l ,Bae given an smppor- ailing cs a orra �ly clause;; and , roa showing ;the area TY TEXAS- MORE PROVED AUGUST' coed the maximum ° January 2�., 2008, to tunny to be heard at with ail Provision viding for ars zef- being rezon gn c -1 ' ➢4ii N l° Y rezoning-approxi® 27, 2007° allowed ' by State '3 review the east el- these meetings°,For hereof shall be fective , date, It and exhibit - KNOWN AS 5929 sttately 1.56 acres—Lawandase urate evation signage of further information felted° "Pon call- shall be unlawful providing for a le- Steve Court; es. in to� ecoach bails TOWN OF p 45 the Value Place too contact the office of vactionF amt are for any person to ° al description of tablished in Ordi- descra@aed as BE. WE STLAKE offense shall ; be located at 306 INS A�pRQX➢- d com mit- >f #iiE City SecrEtar ar'nao;arae not to ex. violate ^arty provi- he property^; prom nance No. 253 from ORDINANCE ted each',dayy dur- Jed Trophy Branch Dr. City of € lasSet '1.4 ceed the attaxaataizitt Sion of i,sais ria°di= viding for eleneral "R1 ESTATE MATELY 1.5b NO. 551 irtg or seat which a i NOTICE TO tUiairi S#a°EEt i i�slE#, allowed by State nance, and any regulations,,. pro- RESIDENTIAL" IAL TO ACRES OF LAN➢3 violation occurs or VENDORS Texas 760 2 817•• Lawandaseparate erson violating err vsi ingforasavings 'IRA RESIDENTIA L, IN THE RUT P� An Ordinance or INVITATION To 439-6911 ext 5). offense shall be •aal@rtg to coMply ,clause; and pro- Aa➢�PARK use; Ormgt@peace. This a rP BAKER SURVEY, amending the ordinance shall BID deemed waaat w�it- with any provision viding for penalty rovidin an Ex- ABSTRACT' NO. Comprehensive become ;effective Dated this 11th Day ted each da�r" dur- hereof shad be clause; and prop lmlbit ,PA P being, a 108 'TRACT 1c11 Zona^- Ordinance upon its passage ,ets The Northwest in- of January 2008, im)g tri err omni ch a Fined, upon conn vrid"ling for an of» zoning exhibit TAKRANT COON of tate `town of 5 bir, the Board of aloe dependent ° School Diane R.asor, TRMC vio.➢atio n occurs or v kation. in all fective date. It showing -the area T�f TEXAS° MORE Westlake, Texas, A ➢ de r rmt, e n . incl District will receive Cst, Secretary continues. ; This arrmoaaiat @not to ex- shall be " unlawful being razcrnin C ➢94 N L Y rezor►in a proxFd PASSED AND AP- Ty Requests for Pro-ordinance shall Geed the maximum for any person to and exhibit ,110 KNOWN AS 1.3358 mately .87 acres PROVED AUGUST prials (RFP) ire the TOWN OF becor°rre effective allowed by State violate any provi- providing for a le- Thornton Driven in Sta eeoachtlills 27, 2007. taurchasing Depart- d�ESTiwAKE upon its passage; Lawaa'ndaseparate worm of this orda al description of established in Or described as BE- card -Ent, by -sill. to by the Board of offense shall be stance, and any the pro erty; pro- dinance No. 253 IN , APPROXF TOWN Ole' a PD Box 77070 ort ORDINANCE A l d e r m as n deemed corm•nmit- �aerson violating or vidin or general from '"RI ESTATE MATELY :x.875 WESTLAKE 28 vflBGrthrTexas; 36177 l4lO. X34 AS cr9 AND Ali- ted each da$r;dur.m fan➢ing to cerrnply a°eggu .tions; pro RESIDENTIAL" TO ACREs Off° LAND ORDINANCE 1RI$ QQ70 or delivering pRS14lI IP AI9 UST aero cam on aniiaich a with any, provision vidingforasavings F RApRESI RESIDENTIAL IN THE. UT➢ NO. X63 25 2001 Texan Drive An Ordinance 27, 20 87° viol�tiort ocs:cars or hereof shall be clause;- and pro ilk .�12@i use; BAKER SURVEY, Justin, Texas 7624�d an'tmpre the -- — continues. This fined,. upon con- viding for penalty provid'in�P an° Ex- ABSTRACT NO. A n Ordinance for: Comprehensive TOWN N O� I lmlbat A bean a 108, TRACT IC2 amending Zoning Ordinance 4841ESTLAKE ordinance shall stiction in an clause; and pro 0 g 'the Days Laminating Film of the .Town of bm�corne effective amount not to exp viding leer an ef- zoning exhibit and tract 1c3a1, Comprehensive aa, 8k08010®01-002 ORDINANCE upon its passage steed the maximum fective i date. It showing tate area TARRANT COUN- Zoning Ordinance Westlake; Texas, Na.570 by the Bard of allowed by State shall be unlawful. being rezonin TY TEXAS, MORE of the own of 1 ebruar. 3 5, 2€D08 rTzonins approxi- A l d e "r rmt e n . Law and a separate for any person to and exhibit " 'f c flip rrfl N L Y Westlake, Texas, ,® @ 2a 0 p>M. rvmately e0 acres in An Ordinance m It y Stagecoach Hills amending the PASSED AND -Ai�p offense shall be violate any provi- providing for a le- ➢CNf�Ta�PN AS 13261 rezonin appr®xi- The District shall described as Ruth CornprTherasthe PROBED AUGUST deemed commit- sion of this ordi- ?al description of Roanoke Road; mately .57 acres receive the pro osals Baker Survey, Ab- P 2 t97° ted each dayy our- nance and any the pro arty; pro- established arm Or- in Ste ecoach dills p Zorn@rag Ordinance of TOWN OF lrsg or on w Ich a ,person violating or vidin�g Tor general dinance No. 253 descried as BE- Administration Northwest ISD strict No. 108, W the ,sawn o° rw violation occurs Or ta;ling _ to comply Gi- Administration CEn- `Tract �"COJ°B6A or " 484, i�STl�,.KE is y re uflataons; ,prow from '°621, ESTATE ;lNG ApI�RQX➢- ter, . 20Q1 Taxan erect c1➢36A Westlake, Texas, continues. This with any pravisiora va ing for a savings RESIDENTIAL"' TO MATELY ` 1,57A@ 3, rezonen a praix" ORDINANCE ordinance shall hereof shall be clause; and pro "RA RESIDENTIAL ACREs - OF LAND 129^ Drive Justin, TX (map9zed), 'Tarrant:.•mately .60 acres NO. 565 hecopt;� effective f#ped, upon con. viding °for; penalty AIRF RK use, ➢flV THE RUTIN 7624 , at the'sped- Couaa y, Texas, iia Sta ecoach ➢ills clause, and pro. rovidan are Ex- BAKER SURVEY, r fled time and date. more commonl i uporm its passage vection in an � T Proposals wail ° be known descri ed as Ruth An Ordinance by the Board of aattoean not to ex- viding for an of habit "'A' being ABSTRACT' NO. as 9H9 Baler Survey Ab- armmendin the rA ➢ :der-men . 'ceed the imaxrmaiitm fectave dote° l� zoniia exhibit 108 TRACT' 1.c5a3 opened as received Stagecoach Circle; stract 108 bract Coati re eiisive Q1 and, recorded. Pro- established in OrP " p PASSED AND AP allowed by State shall be unlawful showing the area and tract 1.c1b5b, __ posai packets maybe dinance No. 1 c0 aA1 or opt g Ordinance PROVED AUGUST 'Law and a separate for any person to being rezonlnja�mpv°^ TARRANT COUN- ts, posal a tem the din as "I�1: o. 2 3 1,C5A1(mI .ped), of t@te Town of 27, 2007. offense shall be violate ^any provim and a exhibit 11 TY TEXAS, MORE rP Tarrant Lounty, Westlake, Texas, deenned commit- pian of this orda- providing for le- C=6 fA N L row Purchasing Depart- -RESIDENTIAL TO Texas; more co m- rezoning property TOWN OF ted each da ,;dein nance, and any al description of ,➢ChSCmWN AS 5925 0Q/ ment by contacting RA RESIDENTIAL rno'a ° known as in Sta ecoach dills 4rWESTLAKE ergo or on w ecu e g p 41 Jo jce Polson, fax AAiRPARK"' use, p erson violate. or he pro erty, pro- Stagecoach Circle; _ $ �.215;0Q09 or rovid'an an Ex- 1334 'Thornt;on descry ed s BEP ORDINANCE violation occurs or falling to comply, vidin ffoi general established in Or p ,� C�rive, established llv a OT' 1, BLOCK NO. 552 continues. This with any_provision re Mations; pro- dinance No. '253 anal e-mail hibit A being, a in Ordinance No. 1 OF THE heffley hereof shall bT vi in ship 'poison@nisdtX.org. zoning exltabit .X53 from "R1 ES- S U B D l V I S l O N Amt Ordinance -ordinance shall fitted, upon . con- clause; and Pro- I NTIAL To become effective Northwest iSl3 re- showing rez area TRATE RESIDEN. RIdT�@ BAKE amending the upon its passage viction in an viding for penalty "'RA RESIDENTIAL — serves the right to being ro?zonin `TIAALPr TO PPR95R SURVEY AB- Comprehensive by the Board of amount not to ex. clause; and pro AlRl�9ARlC use; ar, d exhibit " °� R E S l N l I AS9L :STRACTA NO. log, `ronin Ordinance A l d e r in e n ° ceed the maximum viding for an ef- rovidin an Ex- ;175 reject any/or all providing for a IT� a rP °" g lx 405 proposals and to AIRPAR use; TARRANT -COUN- of the Town of ;MASSED AND AP- allowed by State fective date'. It habit "A I beano a Val description of rovidoo q an Ex- TY TEXAS- MORE Westlake, , Texas, PROVED AUGUST p accept aa44r proposal offense sh state sha➢➢ be unlawful zoning exhibit or coatabanatian of he pro arty, pro- obit A bcin� a C @481 l°Ar ht.L: Y rezonirr a Proxim 27 2007° offerees shall be for .ray person to showing the area grade. or enera@ Yoff Proposals deemed � zosniny exlt�it l�iw�a4��1 AS '5970 ltmately .12 acres deemed commit- violate any provi- being razonan�®°^ most advantageous ra iA ations, Pres- shorwing -the area STAGECOACH in Stagecoach Hills TOWN O� ted each da . dun sion of this ordi- and . exhibit °"N"® __ to the Northwest viing forasavangs being razonaiV CIRCLE; estab- descrsbTd as ;:8E- ESTLAKE ii�g or on which a` nance® and any providing; for a sle- ( independent School clause; and pro- and exhibits °' lisped in Ordinance 'ING APPROXI ORDlNA69lC violation occurs.or person violating or a➢ description of } District and to waive clause for penalty providing for a lea No, 253 front R3 MATELY 1.223 NO° 557 continues. `chis' ailing to co! nply the property; pro- 3 ala�rr informalities in clause; sato pros Fal descriptlotn of ESTATE REST- ACRES Off' LAND , ordinance sl4ar� with any prdvisiot vidin or Traeras. bir1ding. viding fog" an efa - he property, pro® DENTIAL11 TO'IR A IN THE RUTi° An Ordinance become effecfiave; hereof shall' be rle Mations; prom 1 , --- fective date. It viding for general R E S I D.E: N T I A l.. BAKER SURVEY, aa�mending ;the upon its ';passage fined, upon 'con- vi ing fora savings (tie's' OF �IASi.LI shall be emit➢avvfa�l regulations; pro- AIRPARG:i�= use; ABSTRACT' NO°ICompreoensive by: the ,.Board oaf viction an an clause; and Yds prop i NOINCE is G ter" PUBLIC f a° est„s Pei°scop to va iatg a air a savirmgs providing an Exm 108, TRAACT 1c01d, Zoning Ordinance A. I d e r m e n ° amount not to ex- viding for penalty