HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.20.2024 TC BOT Minutes4 1 N E T O W N O F WESTLAKE Cl ii.:C i IVY CV 9F t.l p•, Town of Westlake 1500 Solana Blvd Building 7, Suite 7100 Westlake, TX 76262 Town Council/Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes WESTLAKE A C A D E M Y Monday, May 20, 2024 4:30 PM Council Chamber A. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE QUORUM Mayor Kim Greaves called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m, and announced a quorum present. PRESENT: Mayor Kim Greaves Council Member David Quint Council Member Tammy Reeves Council Member Mike Asselta ABSENT: Council Member Anna White STAFF PRESENT: Town Manager Wade Carroll Town Attorney Stan Lowery Academy Attorney Janet Bubert IT Director Jason Power Finance Director Cayce Lay Lamas Communications Director Jon Sasser Interim Town Secretary Dianna Buchanan Fire Chief John Ard Deputy Director of Public Works Kyle Flanagan B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Greaves led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the Texas Flag. C. CEREMONIAL ITEMS C.1. Present Certificates of Election, Administer Oaths of Office, Receive Acceptance Remarks from Newly Elected Officials (Judge Eric Ransleben) Judge Eric Ransleben administered the Oath of Office and presented Certificates of Election to newly elected Council Members David Quint, Tammy Reeves and Mike Asselta. Judge Ransleben then administered the Oath of Office and presented the Certificate of Election to newly elected Mayor Kim Greaves. Page 1 of 8 Town CounciVBoard of Trustees Meeting Minutes May 20, 2024 C.2. Present a Proclamation Recognizing the Metroport Rotary Club (Mayor Kim Greaves) Mayor Greaves read the proclamation recognizing the Metroport Rotary Club for service to the community and presented the proclamation to Metroport Rotary Club Representative Larry Darlage. D. WORK SESSION D.I. Discussion Regarding the Westlake Academy Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget (Director of Finance Cayce Lay Lamas) Finance Director Cayce Lay Lamas presented a high level overview of the FY24-25 Westlake Academy Budget and outlined the process and schedule for further consideration and approval. E. REGULAR MEETING - CALL TO ORDER Mayor Greaves called the Regular Meeting to order at 4:56 p.m, and invited newly elected officials to provide acceptance remarks (delayed from Item C.1.). All of Council in attendance and Mayor Greaves expressed gratitude for being elected. Mayor Greaves also briefly outlined his aspirations for the new council/board of trustees. F. CITIZEN/PARENT COMMENTS There were no citizen or parent comments at this time. G. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST Communications Director Jon Sasser reviewed upcoming items of community interest. H. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Council Member Asselta to Table Items H.3. and K.2. Council Member Quint would like to hear the presentation for Item H.3. Before considering to table the item. MOTION TO TABLE ITEM H.3. DIES FOR LACK OF SECOND. Mayor Greaves restated the Motion by Council Member Asselta to Table Item K2.Executive Session, Section 551.074(A)(1) Personnel Matters, Consideration of Employee Grievance related to Selection of Athletic Director. Council Member Quint seconds this motion, as long as the item can still be discussed In Executive Session. Legal Counsel confirmed the item can be discussed in Executive Session. Council Member Quint confirmed Motion Second. Mayor Greaves called for the vote. MOTION TO TABLE K.2. APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. The following items were removed from the Consent Agenda for individual discussion: H.1., H.3., H.B., H.10., and H.11. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS H.2. Consider approving Town Council Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes from the following meeting(s): February 5, 2024 Regular Meeting and April 1, 2024 Special Meeting (Dianna Buchanan, Interim Town Secretary) H.4. Consider adopting Ordinance 996, updating the Municipal Court Fees; and take appropriate action (Martha Solis, Court Administrator) H.S. Consider and act regarding a Resolution authorizing the Town Manager/Superintendent to execute an Interl-ocal Agreement with the Education Service Center Region 11 Page 2 of 8 Town Council/Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes May 20, 2024 renewing the Employee Benefits Cooperative Program for Academic staff.(Sandy Garza, Director of Human Resources) H.6. Consider Resolution 24-29 amending the authorized signers on depository accounts and take appropriate action (Cayce Lay Lamas, Director of Finance) H.7. Consider Resolution 24-31 amending the authorized trustees for the insurance trust account with First Financial Bank (Cayce Lay Lamas, Finance Director) H.9. Consider Resolution 24-33 to approve the Swagit annual renewal in the amount of $28,183.80 to broadcast live and record council, board and commission meetings for the period of June 2024 to June 2025; and take appropriate action (Dianna Buchanan, Interim Town Secretary) Motion by Council Member Asselta to approve Consent Agenda. Motion Second by Council Member Quint. Mayor Greaves called for the vote. MOTION TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA (ITEMS H.2., HA., H.S., H.6., AND H.9.) APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA H.1. Consider approving Resolution 24-26 ratifying an Independent Contractor Agreement for the position of Interim Town Secretary and appointing the Interim Town Secretary. (Wade Carroll, Town Manager) Council Member Quint pointed out that the resolution needs to be amended in all instances to read "Independent Contractor" in lieu of "Independent Employee". Council Member Quint made the Motion to Approve Resolution 24-26 as amended. Motion Second by Council Member Asselta. MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 24-26 APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. H.3. (TABLED 05/20/2024) Consider approving WA Resolution 24-12 authorizing the expenditure of funds to Accelerate Learning Inc. in the amount of $29,146.00 for Westlake Academy grades K-5 Science Resources (Rod Harding, PYP Principal - Grades KG-5 - Westlake Academy) Motion by Council Member Asselta and Motion Second by Council Member Reeves to Table Item H.3. to allow review and input by the new Head of School. Mayor Greaves called the vote. MOTION TO TABLE H.3. APPROVED 2-1 WITH COUNCIL MEMBER QUINT VOTING NAY. H.B. Consider and act regarding Resolution 24-30 to ratify purchases made over $20,000 (Cayce Lay Lamas, Finance Director) Motion by Council Member Quint to Approve Resolution 24-30 as presented and Motion Second by Council Member Tammy Reeves. Mayor Greaves called for the vote. MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 24-30 AS PRESENTED APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. H.10. Discuss and consider an Economic Development and Landscape Maintenance Agreement between the Town of Westlake and the Granada Home Owners Association; and take appropriate action (Wade Carroll, Town Manager) Page 3 of 8 Town Council/Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes May 20, 2024 Motion by Council Member Asselta and Motion Second by Council Member Quint to Approve the Economic Development and Landscape Agreement with Granada HOA as amended to pay one hundred percent (100%) of landscape maintenance expenses for publicly accessible land within Granada Block A Lot 85X being that land adjacent to Davis Blvd extending from Solana Blvd to Dove Road from the back of curb to base of the exterior wall of Granada and includes the following (as depicted in Exhibit A): Southern fountain/park with address of 2050 FM 1938 Davis Blvd; Middle fountain/park with address of 2100 FM 1938 Davis Blvd; Northern fountain/park with address of 2340 FM 1938 Davis Blvd. Mayor Greaves called for the vote. MOTION TO APPROVE THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT LANDSCAPE AGREEMENT AS AMENDED WITH GRANADA HOA APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. H.11. Discuss and consider an Economic Development and Landscape Maintenance Agreement between the Town of Westlake and the Vaquero and Quail Hollow Home Owner Associations; and take appropriate action (Wade Carroll, Town Manager) Motion by Council Member Reeves and Motion Second by Council Member Asselta to Approve the Economic Development and Landscape Agreement with Quail Hollow and Vaquero HOAs as presented, to pay one hundred percent (100%) of landscape maintenance expenses for the Town -owned right-of-way located in the center of Davis Boulevard between West Dove Road and Lakeshore Drive (as depicted in Exhibit A). Mayor Greaves called for the vote. MOTION TO APPROVE THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND LANDSCAPE AGREEMENT WITH QUAIL HOLLOW AND VAQUERO HOAs APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1.1. Conduct a public hearing and consider approving Resolution 24-27 approving a Preliminary Site Evaluation for the Solana Hills Addition (Wade Carroll, Town Manager) Town Council received the staff presentation from Helen -Eve Beadle, HE Planning Design, contracted Planning and Development Lead. The request is to approve a Preliminary Site Evaluation for the Solana Hills Addition. The applicant's representative, Adam Williams, gave a presentation in support of the request and answered Council questions. Mayor Greaves opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone present to speak. There being no one, Mayor Greaves closed the public hearing. Council discussion was held. Motion by Council Member Asselta to approve with conditions addressing Council concerns regarding sidewalks, drainage, noise and garage sightlines from SH 114. Motion Second by Council Member Tammy Reeves. Mayor Greaves called the vote. MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 24-27 THE PRELIMINARY SITE EVALUATION OF SOLANA HILLS ADDITION WITH CONDITIONS TO ADDRESS COUNCIL CONCERNS REGARDING SIDEWALKS, DRAINAGE, NOISE AND GARAGE SIGHTLINES FROM SH 114 APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. 1.2. Conduct a public hearing and consider adopting Ordinance 997, approving Page 4 of 8 Town Council/Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes May 20, 2024 amendments to Ordinance 720, as amended (which includes the development plan for the PD1-2 [Westlake Entrada] zoning district). The Westlake Entrada development includes 109.12 acres generally located east of Davis Blvd., south of State Highway 114, and north of Solana Blvd.; and take appropriate action (Wade Carroll, Town Manager) Town Council received the staff presentation from Helen -Eve Beadle, HE Planning Design, contracted Planning and Development Lead. The applicant is requesting approval to amend the current Entrada development plan to allow for residential and commercial uses on Block P. More specifically, the developer proposes a total of 18 single family residential units and two lots reserved for future office development. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the request subject to the following conditions:Only the commercial portions of the proposed Block P development plan amendment be approved, with the proposed mixed -use [residential] portions of Block P not approved at this time pending consideration as part of a review of entire Entrada development plan as proposed by the Entrada developer. The applicant representatives, Mike Beaty and Ray Mickens, spoke in support of the request and answered Council questions. Mayor Greaves opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone present to speak. There being no one, Mayor Greaves closed the public hearing. Council discussion was held. Motion by Council Member Asselta to Approve as presented. Motion Second by Council Member Reeves. Further discussion held. Council Member Asselta withdraws his Motion. Motion by Council Member Asselta to Adopt an amended Ordinance 997, to approve only Ray Mickens bank project portion. Council Member Quint wants to add the caveat that Council will bring this back as expeditiously as possible. Council Member Quint Seconds the Motion. Mayor Greaves called for the vote. MOTION TO ADOPT AN AMENDED ORDINANCE 997, TO APPROVE ONLY RAY MICKENS BANK PROJECT PORTION AND TO BRING BACK TO COUNCIL AS EXPEDITIOUSLY AS POSSIBLE APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. At 6:26 p.m., Mayor Greaves recessed the meeting for a break. Mayor Greaves reconvened the meeting at 6:37 p.m. J. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS J.1. Act to Nominate and Elect the Mayor Pro Tern for 2024-2025 Mayor Greaves nominated Tammy Reeves to be considered for appointment as Mayor Pro Tern for 2024-2025. Motion Second by Council Member Mike Asselta. Mayor Greaves called for the vote. MOTION TO NOMINATE TAMMY REEVES FOR APPOINTMENT AS MAYOR PRO TEM FOR 2024-2025 APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. J.2. Consideration of and action to accept the resignation of Council Member Tim Shiner from the Westlake Town Council Motion by Council Member Mike Asselta to accept the resignation of Tim Shiner from Westlake Town Council. Motion Second by Council Member Tammy Reeves. Mayor Greaves called for the vote. MOTION TO ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION OF TIM SHINER FROM WESTLAKE TOWN COUNCIL APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Page 5 of 8 Town Council/Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes May 20, 2024 J.3. Consider and act to hire Dr. Kelly Ritchie as the new Head of School for Westlake Academy and approve the Head of School's employment contract; and take appropriate action (Wade Carroll, Town Manager) Motion by Council Member Asselta to hire Dr. Kelly Ritchie as the new Head of School for Westlake Academy and approve the Head of School's employment contract. Motion Second by Council Member Tammy Reeves. Mayor Greaves called for the vote. MOTION TO HIRE DR. KELLY RITCHIE AS THE NEW HEAD OF SCHOOL FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY AND APPROVE THE EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. J.4. Consider approval of Resolution 24-28 to implement an Enterprise Resource Planning Software System and authorize the Town Manager to execute the contract (Cayce Lay Lamas, Director of Finance) Motion by Council Member Asselta to approve Resolution 24-28 to implement an Enterprise Resource Planning Software System and authorize the Town Manager to execute the contract. Motion Second by Council Member Tammy Reeves. Mayor Greaves called for the vote. MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 24-28 TO IMPLEMENT AN ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING SOFTWARE SYSTEM AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT BY TOWN MANAGER APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. J.S. Discuss, consider and act regarding Resolution 24-34 to amend the 2024 Town Council and Board of Trustees calendar through September 30, 2024 (Wade Carroll, Town Manager) Motion by Council Member Tammy Reeves and Motion Second by Council Member David Quint to approve Resolution 24-34 as amended, to amend the 2024 Town Council and Board of Trustees calendar through September 30, 2024 by scheduling Regular meeting to the first and third Mondays each month, excepting months with holidays falling on meeting dates, in which case meeting dates will be adjusted accordingly, and meeting start time to be 4 p.m. Mayor Greaves called the vote. MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 24-34, AS AMENDED, TO AMEND THE 2024 TOWN COUNCIL AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES CALENDAR THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 TO SCHEDULE MEETINGS ON THE FIRST AND THIRD MONDAYS TO BEGIN AT 4 P.M. APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. MAYOR GREAVES RECESSED REGULAR MEETING TO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 6:53 P.M. K. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Town Council will conduct a closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code, annotated, Chapter 551, Subchapter D for the following: K.1. Section 551.074(a)(1) Deliberation regarding Personnel Matters - to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, of a public officer or employee: Page 6 of 8 Town Council/Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes May 20, 2024 a Town Council Vacancy Term Expiring May 2025 b. Appointment to Finance Subcommittee K.2. Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney a. Public Arts Advisory Committee b. Economic Development Advisory Board L. RECONVENE THE OPEN MEETING AND TAKE ANY ACTION, IF NEEDED, FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAYOR GREAVES RECONVENED THE REGULAR MEETING AT 7:29 P.M. MOTION BY COUNCIL MEMBER QUINT AND MOTION SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER REEVES DIRECTING THE TOWN MANAGER AND TOWN SECRETARY TO ACT ACCORDINGLY TO ADVERTISE AND ACCEPT APPLICATIONS FOR THE TOWN COUNCIL VACANCY AND TO PROVIDE AN ITEM ON THE JUNE 3, 2024 AGENDA TO REVIEW AND CONSIDER THE APPLICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT. MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. M. STAFF RECAP OF COUNCIL DIRECTION Town Manager Wade Carroll briefly went over council direction for staff received during the meeting. N. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS N.1. Consider Items for Future Agenda Items Active List (Wade Carroll, Town Manager) Any Council Member may request an item to be considered for discussion at a future meeting. Items listed below require a second to be added to the Future Agenda Items List. Items that are not seconded will be removed from this list. 1. Discussion and give direction to the Town Manager to receive bids for future strategic planning for both Westlake Academy and the Town of Westlake. 2. Consider updating and editing our current Town Council Member (Board of Trustee) Governance and Ethics Policy. 3. Discussion and give direction to the Town Manager and Head of School to create and conduct a citizen and parent survey. 4. Discussion and give direction to the Town Manager and Head of School to create and conduct a staff survey including 360 degree evaluation for all supervisory positions. 5. Consider and take appropriate action to create a separate Economic Development Board made up of two council members and a group of qualified citizens. 6. Discussion and take appropriate action to create a parent action committee for Westlake Academy 7. Discussion and give direction to the Town Manager to schedule a joint P&Z/Council meeting to work with Entrada developers to discuss possible changes to the Entrada development standards and the development plan Town Manager Wade Carroll reviewed the list of items for consideration of confirmation to add to the Future Agenda Items Active List with Town Council and received Council direction regarding the same. All of the proposed items will move forward to the active list except Item 6. will be tabled until the new Head of School is on board. Mr. Carroll also reviewed items that are on the active list to update Council on the items. Page 7 of 8 Town Council/Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes Mayor Greaves adjourned the meeting at 8:08 p.m. ATTEST: f/1lGt Dianna Buchanan, Interim Town Secretary OF tvFST \AS".. Page 8 of 8 May 20, 2024 K m eav , Mayor