HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA Res 24-01 Adopting Year End Operating Budget Amendment FY 23WA Resolution 24-013 Page 1 of 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 24-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY ADOPTING THE YEAR-END OPERATING BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2023, INCLUDING ASSIGNED FUND BALANCES; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 44.002 of the Education Code of the Texas Education Agency Texas School Law Bulletin states the budget must be prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles, and WHEREAS, the budget was approved by the Board of Trustees on August 8, 2022, according to Texas Education Agency’s Financial Accountability System Resource Guide, Section 2.6.2 – TEA Legal Requirements; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees held a Public Hearing on August 8, 2022, as advertised; and WHEREAS, it is desired to amend the Westlake Academy operating budget for fiscal year ending August 31, 2023, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty and staff of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy hereby approves the Amended Westlake Academy Operating Budget for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2023, and appropriates the funds contained therein attached to this resolution as Exhibit “A”. SECTION 3: That a copy of the official Amended Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget shall be kept on file in the office of the Town Secretary. SECTION 4: If any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage as the law in such case provides. WA Resolution 24-013 Page 2 of 2 PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 5TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2024. ___________________________________ Sean Kilbride, President ATTEST: ________________________________ Amy Piukana, Board Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ Stan Lowry, Town Attorney FY 2022‐2023 General Fund Budget‐to‐Actuals for period ending August 31, 2023 Revenue Recap ‐ Budget to Actuals  Original Budget   Proposed  Amended Budget   YTD Actuals (Ascender)   YTD Actuals (eFP)   YTD Actuals TOTAL   Balance (over)/under % Received Blacksmith 1,100,000                 1,198,915            (1,193,104)               (5,812)                       (1,198,916)               (1)                     100% Transportation 10,500                      14,645                 (13,460)                     (1,189)                       (14,649)                     (4)                     100% Parking 15,000                      23,045                 (12,891)                     (10,155)                     (23,046)                     (1)                     100% Athletics 100,850                    157,700               (128,401)                   (29,307)                     (157,708)                   (8)                     100% Interest 5,000                         34,500                 (30,815)                     (3,691)                       (34,506)                     (6)                     100% Salary Reimb 145,978                    145,978                ‐                                 (145,978)                   (145,978)                    ‐                       100% TOW Operating Contribution 405,234                    405,234               (337,695)                   (67,539)                     (405,234)                    ‐                       100% Misc Revenue 36,100                      58,110                 (47,488)                     (10,625)                     (58,113)                     (3)                     100% Food Services 7,931                         7,931                   (7,931)                        ‐                                 (7,931)                        ‐                       100% Local Revenue 1,826,593                 2,046,058            (1,771,784)               (274,296)                   (2,046,080)               (22)                   100% Available School Fund 529,927                    533,120               (488,771)                   (44,352)                     (533,123)                   (3)                     100% Foundation School Fund 6,397,807                 6,405,740            (5,354,254)               (1,051,487)               (6,405,741)               (1)                     100% CTE Funding 456,511                    456,515               (380,430)                   (76,086)                     (456,516)                   (1)                     100% Facilities Allotment 148,624                    148,620               (123,850)                   (24,770)                     (148,620)                    ‐                       100% Advanced Placement Training 6,750                          ‐                             ‐                                  ‐                                  ‐                                  ‐                       0% TRS On‐Behalf 487,924                    352,714               (352,714)                    ‐                                 (352,714)                   (0)                     100% Medicare Pt D On‐Behalf (EOY) 34,600                      33,940                  ‐                                 (33,941)                     (33,941)                     (1)                     100% State Revenue 8,062,143                 7,930,649            (6,700,019)               (1,230,636)               (7,930,655)               (6)                     100% Total Revenue 9,888,736                 9,976,707            (8,471,803)               (1,504,932)               (9,976,735)               (28)                   100% Function Recap ‐ Budget to Actuals  Original Budget   Proposed  Amended Budget   YTD Actuals (Ascender)   YTD Actuals (eFP)   YTD Actuals TOTAL   Balance Over/(under)  % Expended of Amended 11 (5,231,405)               (5,090,735)          4,402,636                 688,097                    5,090,733                 (2)                     100% 12 (175,488)                   (158,245)              143,726                    14,517                      158,243                    (2)                     100% 13 (81,200)                     (76,650)                67,064                      9,584                         76,648                      (2)                     100% 21 (235,897)                   (250,160)              217,613                    32,546                      250,159                    (1)                     100% 23 (1,349,981)               (1,236,005)          1,079,876                 156,125                    1,236,001                 (4)                     100% 31 (551,771)                   (578,940)              505,624                    73,314                      578,938                    (2)                     100% 33 (77,038)                     (58,095)                47,975                      10,118                      58,093                      (2)                     100% 36 (341,047)                   (373,475)              330,212                    43,261                      373,473                    (2)                     100% 41 (193,950)                   (710,625)              666,942                    43,681                      710,623                    (2)                     100% 51 (967,327)                   (1,214,256)          964,597                    249,658                    1,214,255                 (1)                     100% 52 Security & Monitoring (28,500)                     (48,010)                44,866                      3,142                         48,008                      (2)                     100% 53 (283,666)                   (376,550)              307,206                    69,340                      376,545                    (5)                     100% 61 (145,978)                   (162,955)              141,674                    21,277                      162,951                    (4)                     100% 71 (225,488)                   (208,355)              190,992                    17,363                      208,355                    (0)                     100% Total Expenditures (9,888,736)               (10,543,056)        9,111,003                 1,432,024                 10,543,027               (29)                   100% Estimated Fund Balance Calculation  Original Budget   Proposed  Amended Budget    Total YTD Actuals Variance Local/State Revenue 9,888,736                 9,976,707            9,976,735                 28                     Less: Expenditures 9,888,736                 10,543,056         10,543,027               (29)                    Net Revenues Over/(Under) Exp ‐                                 (566,349)              (566,292)                   57                     Beginning Balance (from FY22 audit) 1,718,580                 1,718,580            1,718,580                  ‐                        Ending Fund Balance 1,718,580                 1,152,231            1,152,288                 57                     Less: Unassigned Fund Balance 106,943                    106,943               106,943                     ‐                        Fund Balance (unassigned)1,611,637                 1,045,288            1,045,345                 57                     Daily Operating Cost (exp budget/365) 27,092                      28,885                 28,885                       ‐                        Operating Days (unassgn FB/daily op cost) 59                              36                         36                              1                       WA FB policy: will strive for 45 days TEA FIRST Rating: 40 days Community Services Debt Service Guidance/Counseling Health Services Extra‐/Co‐Curricular Administration Maintenance & Operations Data Processing Sch Leadership Instruction Media Resources Curr/Staff Development Instr Leadership Fund 199 Consolidated General Fund 2020-2021 Audited Actuals 2021-2022 Audited Actuals 2022-2023 Adopted Budget 2022-2023 Amended Budget Variance Incr/(Decr) Revenues: 197-5700 Local Sources (Transportation) 24,600$ 23,580$ 25,500$ 37,690$ 12,190$ 198-5700 Local Sources (Athletics) 87,319 128,217 100,850 157,700 56,850 199-5700 Local Sources (General Fund) 150,107 126,912 600,243 651,753 51,510 199-5700 Local Sources (WA Foundation) 989,392 1,159,868 1,100,000 1,198,915 98,915 5800 State Foundation School Programs 8,402,685 8,125,843 8,062,143 7,930,649 (131,494) Total Revenues 9,654,103$ 9,564,419$ 9,888,736$ 9,976,707$ 87,971$ Expenditures (by function) 11 Instructional 5,058,617 5,602,228 5,231,405 5,090,735 (140,670) 12 Resources & Media 65,974 150,924 175,488 158,245 (17,243) 13 Staff Development 30,932 83,414 81,200 76,650 (4,550) 21 Instructional Leadership 177,682 243,020 235,897 250,160 14,263 23 School Leadership 1,132,111 1,377,222 1,349,981 1,236,005 (113,976) 31 Guidance & Counseling 604,122 555,561 551,771 578,940 27,169 33 Health Services 91,520 73,468 77,038 58,095 (18,943) 36 Co-curricular & Extracurricular Activities 253,837 248,241 341,047 373,475 32,428 41 Administrative 260,237 270,313 193,950 710,625 516,675 51 Maintenance & Operations 1,066,798 1,110,044 967,327 1,214,256 246,929 52 Security & Monitoring 15,542 5,793 28,500 48,010 19,510 53 Data Processing 223,856 320,052 283,666 376,550 92,884 61 Community Services 137,299 151,461 145,978 162,955 16,977 71 Debt Service 207,922 314,647 225,488 208,355 (17,133) Total Expenditures 9,326,447 10,506,388 9,888,736 10,543,056 654,320 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 327,656 (941,969) - (566,349) (566,349) Lease Proceeds - 581,716 - - - FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 1,751,177$ 2,078,833$ 1,718,580$ 1,718,580$ - Net Change in Fund Balances 327,656 (360,253) - (566,349) (566,349) FUND BALANCE, ENDING 2,078,833 1,718,580 1,718,580 1,152,231 (566,349) Assigned - Bus Maintenance (17,000) (16,150) (16,150) (16,150) - Assigned - Tech/FF&E Replacement (79,782) (75,793) (75,793) (75,793) - Assigned - Uniforms/Equip Rep (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) - FUND BALANCE, UNASSIGNED 1,967,051$ 1,611,637$ 1,611,637$ 1,045,288$ (566,349)$ Daily Operating Cost 25,552 28,785 27,092 28,885 Operating Days 77 56 59 36 WESTLAKE ACADEMY 2022- 2023 Amended Budget for Period Ending August 31, 2023