HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA Charter CURRENTTOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY CHARTER INTRODUCTION In 2003, the Town of Westlake was granted an open -enrollment charter (the "Charter") by the Texas Education Agency ("TEA") to operate Westlake Academy Charter School, a Texas public school. Subsequently, the Town of Westlake's open -enrollment charter was renewed by TEA in 2007 and again in 2016 for a ten-year term. School operations are governed by applicable federal and state law, rules adopted by the Texas Commissioner of Education for open -enrollment charter schools, local policies adopted by the charter holder, and the Charter contract. The contract between the Town of Westlake, as the Charter Holder, and TEA recognizes that the terms of the Charter are comprised from numerous sources that accumulate over time and include the following: the original Charter contract and subsequent renewals; applicable law or Administrative rule in effect, amended, enacted, or adopted during the term of the contract; the original Charter Application and subsequent renewal applications; any condition, amendment, modification, revision, or other change to the Charter adopted or ratified by the authorizing entity, including revisions based on contingency responses; and all statements, assurances, commitments, and representations by the Charter Holder in the original Charter Application and Renewal Application, attachments or related documents, to the extent consistent with the other aforementioned terms. There is no single document that exclusively describes the requirements for the operation of Westlake Academy Charter School. The following documents represent a historical collection of information submitted, revised, amended and/or approved by TEA for the operation of Westlake Academy Charter School. To the extent these documents include inconsistent or differing information, the most recent adopted and/or approved document controls. Over time, earlier documents or provisions may be superseded by amendments required or approved by TEA. Local policy, procedures and operations must be consistent with the most current Charter terms approved by TEA. Therefore, the information contained in the Charter document should not be taken out of context or reviewed as the sole source of direction from or authority granted by TEA to the Town of Westlake (as the Charter holder). Information may have changed or been updated as a result of each renewal, as the laws are amended through the legislative process, and new directives are given to Charter schools from the Texas Education Agency. WESTLAKE ACADEMY CHARTER DOCUMENTS TAB DOCUMENT 1 Original Application for Open -Enrollment Charter School (7th Generation) 2 External Review of Open -Enrollment Charter School Application 3 Notice of Interview with State Board of Education Planning Committee 4 Statements of Impact Submitted to TEA by School Districts 5 Letters of Support & Media re Charter School Application 6 TEA Application Review & Contingencies 7 July 2001 - State Board of Education Approval for Westlake Academy 8 General Application of Assurances for Federal Programs 9 Public Charter Schools Start -Up Grant 2002-2003 Application 10 Contract for Open -Enrollment Charter 2003 11 Application for Expedited and General State Waivers 2007 12 Open -Enrollment Charter Contract Renewal Application 2006 13 TEA Legal Review of Renewal Application 14 Charter Contract Renewal 2007 15 Charter Amendment to Expand Boundaries 2008 16 Charter Amendment Request to Increase Capacity & Statements of Impact 2012 17 Compliance Notice for Nepotism, Conflicts of Interest & Criminal History 2012 18 Approval for Amendment to Increase Enrollment Capacity 19 Open -Enrollment Charter Renewal Notice 2015 20 Open -Enrollment Charter Renewal Application 2016 21 Contract Renewal for Open -Enrollment Charter 2016 Westlake M We stlake Acade 'my ORIGINAL APPLICATION 000Q� Westlake Academy Application for an Open -Enrollment Charter School - Seventh Generation Coversheet, page I of 2 Crate of Submission: ype: Open Enrollment X Thursday, February 15, 2001 (check Only One) "76% Rule" 5:00 P.M. Central Time Name of Proposed School: Westlake Academy Maximum Grade Levels to be served: K -12 Estimated 1$` Year Enrollment: 400 Mane Enrollment: 800 Name of Sponsoring Entity: The Town of Westlake, Texas Check one: 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization SBOE District: Region 11 X Governmental Entity ESC: Region 11 College or University opening Crate: Fall, 2002 Chairperson of Board of Sponsoring Entity: Mr. Scott Bradley Chief Executive Officer of Sponsoring Entity: Mr. Scott Bradley Chief Executive Officer of School: Mr. Trent Petty Applicant Mailing Address: 3 village Circle, Suite 207 - Westlake, TX. 76262 Physical Address of Proposed Administrative offices (if different from above): SAME Contact Phone # 817-430-0941 Fax # 817-430-1812 ��. Contact Email Address: List below the physical address of the main school campus and any proposed satellite campus: Main Campus To be announced upon receipt of charter Satellite Campus Not applicable If necessary, attach additional satellite Information. Will the school require all teachers to be certified? No Will the school require that all teachers be degreed with at least a bachelor's degree? No Will the school allow an individual to serve as a paid employee of the school as well as member of the governing board? No Will the school allow members of the same family to serve on the governing board? No, as a public entity, this would be illegal. Will the school require the business manager to be certified? No, the Board will use discretion In the cross utilization of personnel. 001403 351 /02/15 /01-005 Westlake Academy Will the school require the accounting and/or business office personnel to be degreed with at least a bachelor's degree? No, the Board will exercise discretion in the cross utilization of employees. Application for an Open -Enrollment Charter School o Seventh Generation Coversheet, page 2 of 2 Has any member of the governing board or any professional person to be employed by the school- -No Seen convicted of a felony? If YES to any of these three areas, the applicant must give full No Seen convicted of a misdemeanor? disclosure and list all instances completely as required in other Yes Been involved in bankruptcy? portions of the application. State law forbids someone convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude from serving as an officer or member of the governing body of an open - enrollment charter school. Has the sponsoring entity been involved in Yes Litigation? No Sanctions from any state regulatory agency? If YES, explain completely as required in other portions of the application. If the sponsoring entity already holds charters, have these charters been timely and accurate in reporting NIA PEIMS information? N/A annual audit? ___N/A participating in required annual evaluation? i certify that I have the authority as the Chief Executive Officer of the sponsoring entity designated above to make application for an open-enroliment charter school. I further certify all Information contained In this application is complete and accurate, realizing that any misrepresentation could result in disqualification from the charter application process or revocation after award. I authorize the Texas Education Agency to investigate the references listed in this application. 6 of Chief Ex#t 0 e Of Application Officer Of Sponsoring Was this person 121 :2- 00t (BLUE, INK) tte iultins GM9p LLC (BLUE INK) Yes x No 00004 Table of Contents Westlake Academy page 1. Evidence of Eligibility of Sponsoring Entity 12 A. Statement describing sponsoring entity 12 B. Articles of Incorporation of sponsoring entity 12 C. Bylaws of sponsoring entity 13 D. Biographical Affidavits 13 E. History of sponsoring entity 13 11. Governance of the Sponsoring Entity 16 A. Profile of the Founding Board and/or Initial incorporators of the sponsoring entity, 15 B. Describe the organizing group of initial incorporators who are working together to apply for a charter. 15 C. Describe what role each person will play and why he/she has chosen to support the application. 16 D. Describe the following as pertains to the sponsoring entity: 16 1. The officer positions designated 16 2. The manner in which officers are selected and removed from office 16 3, The manner in which members of 1he governing body are selected and removed from office 17 4. The manner in which vacancies on the governing board are filled 17 5. The term for which members of the governing body served 17 6. Whether the terms are to be staggered 17 E. Include any plans for further recruitment of founders or organizers of the school. 17 F. Explain the manner in which the charter school will conduct textbook selection. 18 G. School Management Board 18 00 OU 5 3 MA a Community Support Westlake Academy ilE A. Provide information on the manner in which community groups are involved in the charter school planning process. 20 B. Provide copy of publication of notice of the meeting in a newspaper of general distribution in the geographic area, the meeting's registration log, and a synopsis of the public hearing held to discuss the proposed charter school plan. 20 C. Discuss any business arrangements of partnership with existing schools, educational program businesses, or non-profit organizations. 21 D. List five persons who are not directly involved with the school as employees or as board members, who will serve as references for the sponsoring entity. 21 E. Each applicant must publish a prescribed statement in a newspaper of general distribution the geographic area proposed for the school. The statement must also be mailed to the city council and commissioner's court with jurisdiction over the geographic area. 21 School Demographics 22 A. What are. the school's enrollment projections for the first 'five years? What is the school's maximum enrollment goal? What grades will be served? How many students are expected to be in each grade or grouping? What will be the maximum class size allowed? 22 B. Describe the community or region where the school will be located. 22 v. P&.y was this location selected? Are there other 1211.%0 LIV locations suitable to the needs and focus of the school? 23 Human Resource Information (Reviewed by Agency) 24 A. Describe your human resources policies governing salaries, contracts, hiring and dismissal, sick, and other leave and benefits. Provide salary schedules, sample contracts, and copies of policies on other issues. 24 1. Policy governing salaries 24 2. Policy governing contracts 24 3. Policy governing hiring 24 B. Administrators 25 1. Provide a biographical affidavit for each administrator of the school. 25 4 Westlake Academy 2. Explain the powers and duties of each administrator. 25 3. Who will be the school's Chief Executive Officer? 26 4. Describe the chain of command. 26 5. What experience has the proposed CEO had in managing a school and/or business? 26 6. What criteria will the founders use to choose the school's academic and financial leaders? 27 7. Provide a complete job description for the CEO, school academic director, financial director and other administrative personnel. 27 8. How will administrative personnel be evaluated? 33 9. What will be the salary range and benefits for administrative staff? 33 C. Faculty and Staff 33 1. Include a description of the qualifications to be required for all classroom teachers and staff. 33 2. Describe the targeted staff size and the teacher -to -student ratio. 38 3, Identify the proposed faculty and staff it possible. 38 4. Explain the method that will be used to evaluate the faculty and staff. 38 5. Provide complete job descriptions of all charter school faculty and staff, including instructional and non -instructional duties. 39 D. Rules of Conduct 42 1 Describe in detail.your school rules or guidelines governing student behavior. 42 2. Describe your school's policies regarding student expulsion and suspension. Include a description of procedures that satisfy due process requirements. 42 3. Describe your school's mandatory student attendance plan and its fit with the code of, conduct and the mission of the school. 43 VI. Business Plan (Reviewed by Agency) 45 A. Financial Management 45 1 Describe sources and projected amounts of start-up 45 2. Provide supporting letters of credit and documentation verifying private sources of funds. 45 3. Develop a preliminary startup budget covering 00V Westlake Academy only the planning and capital expenses necessary before school opening. Present a three-year budget covering all projected sources of revenue, both public and private and planned expenses. 45 4. Present a three-year cash flow projection showing monthly cash in flows from all sources by month, including loans, and all monthiv rAqh dispersals for all nurnoses. including loans. Discuss the school's projected revenues and expenditures identified in the cash -flow projection. 45 5. Discuss any fundraising efforts to generate capital or to supplement the per pupil allocations that are planned. 45 6. Discuss the ways that the school will address anticipated growth in the area of personnel, facility and equipment expenditures. 46 7- Provide a copy of the current and/or proposed business procedures handbook the school will be using, describe the policies, procedures, and the forms for the daily business operation. 46 S. Discus the way that the school will address any unanticipated expenditures or loss of revenue and any negative net asset balances. 46 9. Provide a copy of the current or proposed monthly budget status report to the Board of Directors that will be used. 47 10. Describe the financial accounting and payroll accounting systemV to k "e used and the systern's capacity to use the state mandated financial accounting system in PEIMS. 47 B. Facility Management 47 1. Description of and address for the physical facility. 47 2, Explain why this site would be a suitable facility for the proposed school. Address the necessity of renovation to the facility and compliance with applicable building codes. Describe the services of the facility. Describe how all federal, state, and local safety and health requirements will be met. 47 3. Describe special use areas of the facility. 48 4. Discuss any progress, partnership developments or future steps towards acquisition of a facility/land. 48 OCO C 8 1.1 Westlake Academy 5. Attach a copy of a lease agreement, deed to property or purchase agreement as applicable. 48 C. Student Attendance Accounting. 48 1. Describe your school attendance accounting procedures. 48 2. Attach a school calendar and identify the hours of school operation, including a description of teacher/student contact hours. 50 3. Provide a draft of a board policy providing for the admission of students eligible for a public education grant. 50 D. Transportation and Food Service 50 1. Describe provisions for transportation for students served by the charter school. 50 2. Describe provisions for food service, if any, for students served by the charter school, including plans for free or reduced lunch and breakfast programs. 50 VII. Geographic Boundaries and Statements of Impact (Reviewed by Agency) .1 51 A. Geographic Boundaries 51 1 Describe the geographic area to be served by the school. 51 2. Provide a list of all districts within the geographical area that may be affected by the charter school. 51 B. Statements of Impact 51 1 The sponsoring entity must send a copy of the form in Appendix IV, to the superintendents of all school districts that are likely to be affected by the establishment of the charter school, including those districts from which the charter school will accept transfers. 51 2. The charter school application must include a list of the districts to which a Statement of Impact form and application were sent. 52 3. The superintendent may complete the Statement of Impact form and submit it to the TEA by the date of submission of the application to the State Board of Education. 52 OOOC9 Westlake Academy Vill. Statement of Need (Scored by Review Committee) 53 A. Why is there a need of this type of school? What evidence exists that there is a sufficient demand for the educational program you are proposing? 53 B. Explain why the charter school model is appropriate to address this need. 53 IY %r1&2.%n ^# +k,& fQ.1^rftA hO 0,MlifliAl Art T AVNwmv W. --a—wo kwVwf Now WY A. Describe the long-range vision of the school specifically addressing how that vision supports student learning of the TEKS. 55 B. In succinct terms, describe the educational philosophy or pedagogy of the proposed school. 55 C. Discuss the educational innovation that will distinguish this school from other schools. 55 X. Student Goals: Improvement and Attainment (Scored by Review Committee) 59 A. What are the school's academic goals for student learning for the first 5 years? 59 B. What are the measurable school performance objectives for each goal listed above? 59 C. Clearly state how progress will be measured relative to each of these objectives. 59 D. Clearly state when and how annual progress in meeting objective will be reported to the SBOE, agency, and the public. 59 X1. School Goals (Scored by the Review Committee) 63 A. Describe the goals of the school as an entity for the next five years. 63 B. List measurable performance objectives for each goal listed above. 63 C. Clearly state how progress will be measured relative To each of these objectives. 63 D. Clearly state when and how annual progress in meeting objectives will be reported to the SBOE, agency, and the public. 63 I 0014, � U a Westlake Academy XII. Educational Plan (Scored by the Review Committee) 65 A. Describe the education program planned for the school. Indicate clearly how these areas will be strengthened over time. 65 1 Tell how the program will incorporate the required minimum curriculum. Describe the scope and sequence of the curriculum. 65 2. Describe any unique curricular experiences to be offered by the charter school that will enhance student success beyond the minimum curriculum. 65 3. Describe how the program will incorporate the TEKS into the curriculum and address goals, objectives, and content in all subject areas and grade levels, 66 4. Describe the connections between the TEKS, classroom instruction and assessing student progress. , 67 5. Describe how the program will prepare students to meet state graduation requirement. 68 5. Describe teaching methods to be used. 69 7. Describe the planned assessment of individual student performance in the core academic areas. 70 B. Describe the methods to be used to identify the educational strengths and needs of individual students. 71 9, Describe how student evaluation results will be used by the school to improve instructional programs. 72 10. Describe professional development opportunities that will be offered to support the mission of the school. 72 B. Special Needs Students/Programs 73 1. Describe.in detail how your school accommodates students with Special Education needs. 73 2. Describe how your school meets the needs of children who qualify for other federal programs. 80 3. Describe how your school meets the needs of children who qualify for other state programs. 82 4. Describe how your school identifies and provides educational support for students who are identified as being "at risk of dropping out of school." 84 5. Describe the programs offered for the charter school to support other student activities. 85 0001i 9 Westlake Academy C. Admissions Policy 86 1 Describe the timeline used for admitting students, Including the process for the admission lottery for students. 86 2. Explain how the policy furthers the mission of the school in a non-discriminatory fashion. 87 XIII. Governance Structures and Processes (Scored by the Review Committee) 88 A. What steps will be taken to maintain continuity between the founding coalitions' vision and future governing boards? 88 B. Describe the roles and responsibilities of the Board(s). 89 G. Describe the procedures for receiving and responding to complaints from both parents and employees. 89 D. What steps will be taken to facilitate a productive relationship between administrators and teachers? 90 E. Discuss the nature of parental and student involvement in decision -making matters. 90 F. Specify the extent to which any private entity will be involved in the operation of your charter school. 91 Attachments I Instrumentality A- 1 2. Articles of incorporation A - 5 3. Bylaws A - 13 4. Affidavits A - 18 5. Credit Report A - 37 6. IRS Filing A - 38 7. Notice of Publication A - 39 8. Attendance Rosters A - 45 9. Synopsis of Meeting A - 50 10. Business Arrangements A - 53 11. Notice of Intent A - 56 OWL to 12. Verification of Mailing 13. Schedule of Salaries 14. Sample Employment Contract 15. Employment Policies 16. Administrator's Affidavit 17. Organizational Chart 18. Sources of Private Funds 19. Start-up Budget 20. Three-year Budget 21. Cash Flow Projection 22. Business Manual 23. Budget Status Report 24. Lease Agreement 25, School Calendar 26, Peg Draft 27. Area Map 28. Verification of Impact Statement Mailing Westlake Academy A - 59 A - 70 A- 72 A- 73 A - 74 A - 78 A - 80 A - 83 A - 85 A-117 A -121 A -162 A -154 A -167 A-169 A -171 A -173 00013 11 Westlake Academy 11. Evidence of Eligibility of Sponsoring Entity G. Statement describing sponsoring entity The town of Westlake was founded in 1956 by a handful of oilmen and ranchers in order to protect themselves from encroachment by the MidCifies. In 1992 the Town adopted a comprehensive plan providing for future office campuses, limited retail, and residential uses compatible with of Westlake is home to Solana, which was designed by world famous Mexican architect Ricardo Legoretto. It is an environmentally sensitive development of the type contemplated by the Westlake plan. Hundreds of acres of native trees and wildflowers have been preserved for the enjoyment of residents and visitors. Major tenants in Solana include IBM Corporation, Marriott Hotel, Mercedes Benz Credit Corporation, Wells Fargo and Prime Co. Solana also offers these tenants and surrounding communities a full -service health and fitness club, an education center and a child development center. The 1993 purchase of the 2,000 acre Circle T Ranch by Alliance Development Company is expected to contribute to Westlake's future as a village where commercial, retail and residential uses enhance rather than destroy the natural beauty of the landscape. As a governmental entity, the Town of Westlake found that it was in the public interest that a non-profit corporation, the Westlake Academy Corporation, be created under the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act to act on behalf of the Town as it duly constituted authority and instrumentality, within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for the purpose of providing educational services and facilities. In lieu of 501 c 3 status, see Attachment #1 for the instrumentality resolution, H. Articles of Incorporation of sponsoring entity For a copy of the Articles of Incorporation of the sponsoring entity, see the Town of Westlake, see Attachment #2. 12 Westlake Academy I. Bylaws of sponsoring entity As a governmental entity, Westlake does not have Bylaws; however, the Bylaws for Westlake Academy Corporation, the instrumentality is included in Attachment #3. J. Biographical Affidavits for each member of the governing Board of the sponsoring entity For biographical affidavits for each member of the Governing Board of the Town of Westlake, see Attachment #41. K. History of sponsoring entity 1. Financial history of the entity The town of Westlake is debt free, and consequently has unfettered bonding capacity. Because of the Town's exercise of fiscal discipline, there has not yet been need to assess an ad valorem tax or to issue any debt instrument. However, it may become necessary to finance capital improvements that would be leased by the Westlake Academy. 2. Credit report As a governmental entity, the Town of Westlake does not have a credit report. Therefore Attachment #5 is not applicable. 3. Most recent IRS filing As a governmental entity, the Town of Westlake does not file with the Internal Revenue Service; therefore, Attachment #6 is not applicable. 4. Disclosure of any lions As a governmental entity, the Town of Westlake does not have any liens. S. Litigation History About 1982, a developer whose request for a zoning change was denied sued the Town. The suit, filed in a district court in Tarrant County, alleged that the Town had not been validly incorporated. 00015 13 Westlake Academy The judgment found as a matter of law and fact that the Town had been duly and validly incorporated in 1956. About 1992, the trustee of the Bankruptcy Estate of Nelson Bunker Hunt sued the Town alleging conspiracy by the Town, its mayor and its aldermen to deny his alleged right to obtain zoning changes to his liking. The Town, the mayor and the alden-nen won all aspects of the lawsuit except for minor relief granted to the trustee. In 1997, Ross Perot, Jr.'s Hillwood Development Company initiated a scheme to dismantle the Town. Several lawsuits involving the Town, its mayor, its aldermen, its officers and several residents ensued in which, depending on the form; these parties became plaintiff, defendant or cross plaintiffs. All of the lawsuits were resolved or settled in favor of the Town, its mayor, the aldermen, the Town's officers and the residents. The litigation culminated in a landmark 9-0 decision by the Texas Supreme Court upholding the Town's position. As a town, Westlake is routinely involved in litigation of civil matters including code of ordinance violations, land disputes and any other matter typical of municipal regulatory objection. 6. Sanctions from any state regulatory agency There are no sanctions from any state regulatory agency. 14 Westlake Academy I If. Governance of the Sponsoring Entity A. Profile of the Founding Board and/or Initial Incorporators of the sponsoring entity. The Town of Westlake is a -governmental entity; thus, this is not applicable. B. Describe the organizing group of initial incorporators who are working together to apply for a charter, including the names of the organizer, their backgrounds and experiences, and three references for each. A group of interested individuals who serve as Aldermen for the Town of Westlake have envisioned for some time having a school in their community. This focus has resulted in the development of an open enrollment charter school in Westlake, Texas. The background and experience of each of the Aldermen is reflected in the Biographical Affidavits, (See Attachment #4). Scott Bradley Fred Held Don Redding Larry Sparrow Buddy Brown Bill Frey The following individuals will serve as references for each of the Board members: Honorable Vicki Truitt State Representative P.O. Box 2910 Austin, TX 78768 Commissioner James P. Carter Courthouse on the Square 110 West Hickory Denton, TX 76201 Wanda Haskins t00' 7 is Westlake Academy C. Describe what role each person will play and why he/she has chosen to support the application. Each and every member of the organizing groups of initial incorporators has performed essential roles and duties in the planning and organizing of the proposed charter school. These roles, although not limited to, have ranged from visionary leadership to guidance and direction in the early stages of planning the school to advocacy for the success of the new school. D. Describe the following as pertains to the sponsoring entity: 1. The officer positions designated Mayor The responsibilities of the Mayor of the governing Board are all inclusive. The Mayor leads the members of the Board in setting policy for the operations of the Town of Westlake. The Mayor conducts Board meetings so that all parties involved are given a fair opportunity to present their concerns. Mayor Pro-Tem The duties and responsibilities are prescribed such that in the absence of the Mayor, the Mayor Pro Tem of the Board shall perform all duties of the Mayor. Secretary of the Board of Aldermen The Secretary of the Board shall see that all notices are duly given as required by law. The Secretary shall act as custodian of the the meetings, its C.01—rate OCCO-4 - + minutes Of the III "'w 11% I%A 3 ook, and ally Y W^ L h e Ir records. In general, the Secretary will perform all duties incidental to the office of Secretary, and other duties such that may be required by the Board. 2. The manner in which officers are selected and removed from office Each office shall be appointed by the Board for a term of two years and shall continue to serve until his/her successor is appointed and assumes office. Each officer is subject to removal from office (with or without cause) at any time by the vote of a two-thirds majority of the Directors in office. A vacancy in any office shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment for the unexpired term thereof. 0 0 0 18- 16 Westlake Academy 3. The manner in which members of the governing body are selected and removed from office The Board of Aldermen consists of six (6) members elected to two (2) year terms. They are removed from office during the election process. 4. The manner in which vacancies on the governing board are filled Depending on the timeline of the vacancy a special election may be called. 6. The term for which members of the governing body serve Aldermen are elected to serve a two-year term. 6. Whether the terms are to be staggered The terms are staggered with three aldermen being elected in one year and the other three aldermen positions being elected the following year. E. Include any plans for further recruitment of founders or organizers of the school; The Hoard will actively investigate the possibility of bringing additional individuals to the Board. Specific individuals with a working knowledge of charter schools and educational law will be considered as well as those individuals with strong community ties. Additionally, plans will be implemented for an Advisory Board, non -voting members, which will consist of Westlake Academy employees, students, and volunteers, representing the diverse community of the school. The following committees will be staffed: a Admissions and Community Relations ■ Compliance and Evaluation ■ Curriculum • Finance and Fundraising Marketing Personnel 00015 17 Westlake Academy F. Explain the manner in which the charter school will conduct textbook selection. Three employees of Westlake Academy will be designated as Textbook Coordinators, one in elementary school, one in middle school, and one in high school. These individuals will chair the respective textbook committees, comprised of faculty, parent, and community representatives. The Director and Principal will serve as advisory members of each committee. The books will be on review for a ten-day period for parent viewing prior to presentation to the Board. The committees will make their recommendations to the Board at its regularly scheduled February meeting. The public may make comments on textbooks under consideration at this meeting. Research indicates that more challenging books — those that are Written at or just above the student's level — lead to better reading achievement. Reading expert Jeanne S. Chall has found that students who use more demanding textbooks tend to score higher on their college entrance exams. Furthermore, books used in the first few years of school seem to make the greatest difference, With this research in mind, the textbook committee will focus on challenging books for all students. G. School Management Board (if different from sponsoring entity Board) The officer positions designated for the Westlake Academy Corporation are: President The president shall preside at all meetings of the Board. The president is the chief executive officer of the Corporation and, subject to the control of the Board, shall have general charge and supervision of the management of the affairs of the Corporation. The president shall cause all orders and resolutions of the Board to be put into effect. The president shall sign and execute all legal documents and instruments in the name of the Corporation when authorized to do so by the Board, except when the signing and execution thereof is delegated by the Board to some other officer or to an agent of the Corporation. The responsibilities of the President of the governing Board of the charter school are all inclusive. The President is responsible to the state and the parents for the safety and well being of all students and employees of the school. The President leads the members of 0 0 0 'I 18 Westlake Academy the Board in setting policy for the operation of the school and with the assistance of the Executive Director, sets the monthly board meeting agenda. The President conducts Board meetings so that all parties involved in the school are given a fair opportunity to present their concerns. Vice -President The Vice -President shall, in the event of the absence or disability of the President; discharge the powers and duties of the President, and the Vice -President shall perform such additional duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Board. Secretary The Secretary of the Board shall see that all notices are duly given as required by law. The Secretary shall act as custodian of the minutes of the meetings, As Corporate Record Book, and any other records. In general, the Secretary will perform all duties incidental to the office of Secretary, and other duties such that may be required by the Board. 19 Westlake Academy Ill. Community Support A. Provide information on the manner in which community groups are involved in the charter school planning process. After the Westlake Aldermen meeting on December 11, letters were sent to individuals who expressed an interest in being actively involved in the charter school process. Additionally_ , a web page, designed to provide information to interested individuals, is available for concerned citizens to notify the founding fathers of their willingness to serve on various committees. After being publicized in local newspapers, an organizing committee meeting was held on January 9, 2001. During this meeting subcommittees were established to assist in the charter school planning process. The established committees were: Curriculum Facilities Parent Volunteer Publicity Technology Individuals volunteered to chair each of these committees and these individuals, in turn, solicited members to serve on their respective committees. Committee meetings will be --arranged and scheduled by the Committee chair. B. Provide copy of publication of notice- of the meeting in a newspaper of general distribution in the geographic area, the meeting's registration log, and a synopsis of the public hearing held to discuss the proposed charter school plan. The synopsis must identify presenters, a summary of their comments, and a list of questions from participants with responses provided by the presenters. For the notice of publication, see Attachment #7. For the registration log, see Attachment #8. For the synopsis of the meeting, see Attachment #9. 0002 20 Westlake Academy C. Discuss any business arrangements or partnerships with existing schools, educational programs, businesses, or non-profit organizations (include letter from each entity represented). Identify individuals who are affiliated with any of the other organizations AND serve on the school's board. Identify individuals who are affiliated with any of the other organizations AND are employed by the school.. For resolutions of support between the Town of Westlake and Westlake Academy, see Attachment #10. D. List five persons who are not directly involved with the school as employees or as board members, who will serve as references for the sponsoring entity. Provide phone numbers, addresses, and nature of experience with the sponsoring entity. Name Address City, State Phone Relationship Bill Greenwood 40 Wyck Hill Ln. Westlake, TX 817-3797 Resident 76262 9696 Annette Bush 203 Oak Hill Trophy Club, TX 817-491- Texas Student 76262 1445 Housing Board Dr. Forrest Watson 1009 Adonis Dr. Keller, TX 76248 817-595- Texas Student 0919 Housing Board Dr. Patsy Sharp 416 Oak Haven Keller, TX 76248 817-431. Texas Student 3829 Housing Board Worth Blake 244 Oak Hill Trophy Club, TX 817-491- Texas Student 76262 1 1445 1 Housing Board E. Each applicant must publish a prescribed statement in a newspaper of general distribution in the geographic area proposed for the school. The statement must also be mailed to the city council and commissioner's court with jurisdiction over the geographic area. Notice of intent was published in Tuesday, January 30, 2001. For original notice, see Attachment #11. Since the Town of Westlake is the sponsoring entity, notice was not mailed to the city council with jurisdiction over the geographic area. Notice to the individual members of the commissioner's court was mailed on Tuesday, January 30, 2001. For verification of mailing, see Attachment #12. 00023 21 Westlake Academy Vl. School Demographics A. What are the school's enrollment projections for the first five years? What is the school's maximum enrollment goal? What grades will be served? How many students are expected to be in each grade or grouping? What will be the maximum class size allowed? The maximum class size allowed will be 25 students. The charter school's maximum enrollment goal is 800. Westlake Academy will open in the Fall 2002 serving grades 1 through E. Additional grade levels will be added each year. The projected enrollment for the first five years is reflected in the following chart: 2202-2203 2003.2004 2004-2006 2006-2006 200 -2 0 Kindergarten 60 60 60 60 First 65 65 65 65 65 Second 65 65 65 65 65 Third 65 65 65 65 65 Fourth 65 65 65 65 65 Fifth 65 65 65 65 65 Sixth 65 65 65 65 65 Seventh 1 165 166 165 65 Eighth 1 1-65 165 65 Ninth 165 65 Tenth 65 Eleventh Twelfth Total 390 516 560 645 710 B. Describe the community or region where the school will be located. The town of Westlake is a small rural community with an approximate population of 250. The children of the Westlake community are split between three school districts: Northwest ISD, Carroll ISD, and Keller ISD. With the boundaries of the town lying along the fringes of each of the respective school districts, there is no hope of the town ever having a school located in its boundaries. The purposed charter school would provide a keen sense of community and camaraderie among the citizens of Westlake. 00024 22 Westlake Academy C. Why was this location selected? Are there other alternative locations suitable to the needs and focus of the school? There has been demonstrated a keen desire for a rigorous curriculum school in the area; however, no one has stepped forth. The Town of Westlake has taken the initiative to bring a school of choice, grounded in high academics, to the citizens of the area. 00025 23 Westlake Academy IV. Human Resource Information (Reviewed by Agency) A. Describe your human resources policies governing salaries, contracts, hiring, and dismissal, sick and other leave, and benefits. Provide salary schedules, sample contracts, and copies of policies on other issues. 1. 1 Policy governing salaries Westlake Academy will hire and maintain high quality staff and teachersleducators by providing salary levels comparable with other school programs with the same type of job responsibility. Ail new -hire positions, including contractors, will be advertised in the local newspaper and other appropriate media. Job descriptions for each position will be in writing. Westlake Academy will pay salaries that are at minimum competitive with other public schools. To achieve and maintain salaries that are motivational and equitable, an individual's performance and experience will be considered in the establishment of salaries. For salary schedules, see Attachment #13. 2. Policy governing contracts All employees of Westlake Academy will maintain 'at will" contracts and will be subject to evaluation based on criteria established by the Board of Trustees. All educational staff will be awarded 10 month (207 days) "at will" contracts. The Board will design an appeals process to be followed in case of conflicts concerning employees based on Texas Workforce criteria and the Office of Civil Rights, 3. Policy governing hiring To provide uniform employment practices throughout the organization and to conform to the Affirmative Action Polices and Equal Employment Opportunity, Westlake Academy will adopt a written pre -employment process and uniformly implement this process in searching for job applicants, Westlake Academy will use both internal and external search mechanisms in the employment process. 00U6 24 Westlake Academy Westlake Academy will hire and maintain the appropriate number of employees to insure that students attending the charter school receive maximum educational and social benefits. All program personnel, including teachers/educators, must pass a criminal background check prior to beginning work. A criminal check will be run through the Region Service Center on each applicant hired by the proposed new school. The Region Service Center will also conduct criminal background checks for all school volunteers. For a sample contract, see Attachment #14. A thorough and complete Faculty/Staff Handbook will be compiled for distribution to all faculty and staff. The handbook will be reviewed during staff initiation. Therefore, Attachment #16 is not applicable at this time. B. Administrators 1 Provide a biographical affidavit for each administrator of the school. Mr. Trent Petty will serve as the Executive Director of Westlake Academy. His biographical affidavit is in Attachment #16. 2. Explain the powers and duties of each administrator. Superintendent's (Executive Director)_ powers and duties: Coordinates a program of instruction that supports the philosophy and goals of the school district Displays effective personal leadership attributes and effectively delegates authority and responsibility Plans district programs and services to meet identified needs Provides for personnel practices that promote high quality staffing and job performance Initiates and promotes an effective employee relations program ♦ Directs the preparation and expenditure of the district's budget within the district's fiscal capabilities ♦ Anticipates the district's needs for facilities and materials and establishes an effective system for their use Oversees a system of student services and student discipline that is effective and equitable • Promotes positive community relations through effective communication with and involvement of community members Seeks opportunities for continued professional growth 25 + Maintains a positive and productive working board + Assists in the development of and effective board policy Principal's powers and duties: Westlake Academy relationship with administration of Provide input to the Board concerning course and academic UlMring of the school ♦ Report of school progress to the Board on a monthly basis Supervise the development of needed courses of study, insuring that all developed courses met all course requirements set forth in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills ♦ Assist parents and guardians and other community members in identifying volunteer opportunities Responsible for the day-to-day leadership of Westlake Academy ♦ Supervise all staff Implement and maintain school policy Ensure that background checks are made for all school volunteers + Receive suggestions from parents and guardians with respect to school operation and school policy 3. Who will be the school's Chief Executive Officer? Mr. Trent Petty 4. Describe the chain of command. For an nrnani7!2fi^n-n1 chart, cmiz Attachment #17. 5. What experience has the proposed CEO had in managing a school and/or business? Mr. Petty, who holds a Master's degree in Public Administration, has 17 years of experience in public sector management, finance and budget. He has past board membership on the Grapevine-Colleyville Education Foundation and served as Fundraising Chairman for the first Grapevine-Colleyville Education Foundation Campaign. Additionally, Mr, Petty has served as GCISD financial consultant during the Tax Increment Finance analysis with the City of Grapevine, as well as consulted for Carroll ISD on the same topic in a different TIF. Mr. Petty has been Chairman of the Board of Faith Christian School during a time of set up and establishing permanent headmaster 26 Westlake Academy leadership, curriculum stability, enrollment growth and financial milepost planning. In this capacity Mr. Petty has run the board meetings, set the agenda in coordination with the Headmaster and routinely represented the school to parents and city leaders. & What criteria will the founders use to choose the school's academic and financial leaders? The founders of Westlake Academy will use the following criteria to choose the school's academic and financial leaders: Education All academic staff will possess a minimum of a bachelor's degree. Teachers must be qualified to execute instructional strategies, strategies for student growth and development, strategies for classroom management and organization, strategies for policy implementation, and possess good communication skills. All financial leaders will possess a bachelor's degree or higher with a major in business administration, finance or accounting. Experience All teaching staff will provide evidence of success with experience in the teaching field. All financial leaders must have a least one year's experience in the field of accounting or finance. Certification All teaching staff will be encouraged to seek Texas Teacher Certification during employment if they lack certification upon initial employment. 7. Provide a complete job description for the CEO, school academic director, financial director and other administrative personnel. 000,19 27 Westlake Academy Reports directly to the Board of Directors Compensation Range $60,000 - $90,000 The Executive Director will be an __.___• partner and TfUli par-ticipant in t1he teaching -learning process of the Westlake Academy. In general this individual will facilitate and oversee that implementation, hiring, training, policy development of Westlake Academy. This individual has the following areas of responsibility and duties: Establishes with the faculty the goals and objectives of the instructional program in accordance with school policy and in keeping with the stated philosophy of the school Develops with the staff the mission and school plan of action, based on identified vision of the school Communicates and promotes high expectations for student performance in an enabling, supportive way; provides proper recognition of excellence and achievement Assumes responsibility for overall administration of Staffing Initiation and preparation of budget proposal Applications Grants 4 Conducts required Training sessions Agency and program development < Monitors all agency and program components < Coordinates and implements work at a professional and independent level Assumes the responsibility for formulation and coordination of technical detail and phases of the planning and the operation of all agency programs OeM 28 Westlake Academy Remains continually cognizant of program and project options as reflected in the monitoring and evaluation reports Serves as public relations representative in fostering a cooperative relationship with the community Insures and/or prepares required internal/eternal proficiency reports and statistical data within specified time frames Qualifications < Doctoral Degree in Education preferred, but Masters Degree is required < Experience as a school administrator is preferred 4 Experience developing, organizing and implementing project goals and objectives Ability to form constructive, mutually beneficial working relationship with other service providers and interested parties within the community required < Ability to problemsolve, work independently, and to provide positive leadership to staff and co-workers < Ability to identify and plan for both short and long range goals < Ability to provide sound fiscal and personnel management < Excellent verbal and written communication skills, along with strong interpersonal skills < Ability to understand and complete component needs and to develop and revise project proposals to best meet component priorities 00031 29 Westlake Academy Reports to the Chief Executive Officer Compensation Range $50,000 - $80,000 This individual will function uniquely as the facilitator of instruction ensuring that all instructional staff has sufficient training, materials, curriculum, and supports necessary to ensure that the goals and objectives of the school are achieved by the students. This individual will have the following responsibilities and duties: Q Implement the vision and mission statement of the charter Q Manage the day-to-day affairs of the school focusing on curriculum < Manage human resources of the school C Negotiate and make contract recommendations to Executive Director and Staff C Provide Professional Development in identified areas of need < Participate with the Executive Director in personnel issues regarding hiring and firing < Participate with the Executive Director in preparing necessary reports Q Coordinate substitutes, textbooks, and ether operations required by the school to provide quality education services Q Assist with student recruitment and retention < Coordinate with school and community personnel to bring together resources of students Qualifications: Q Master's Degree in Education preferred, but Bachelor's Degree in Education required Q Experience as a school administrator is preferred 90032 30 Westlake Academy < Ability to problem solve, work independently, and to provide positive leadership to staff and community resources < Ability to provide sound fiscal and personnel management < Ability to express ideas effectively and deal with people tactfully < Ability to demonstrate success in working with diverse groups 06013 3 31 Westlake Academy Compensation Range; $35,000 - $66,000 This individual will have immediate responsibility of the school's accounting practices, the maintenance of Its fiscal records, and the preparation of its ,11- - 'a! I&Q.. 14inand I repors This individual will have the following responsibilities and duties: < Administers and monitors day-to-day activities of the business office < Develops and implements accounting policies and procedures < Setting up and maintaining charts of accounts < Performs accounts payable, accounts receivable and cost disbursement duties Manages the automated accounting system from an operational perspective, including monthly closings, data control, and systems accounting support Examines a variety of financial statements for completeness, accuracy, and conformance with established procedure Qualifications < BBA in accounting or BA in accounting plus five years of governmental accounting experience. < Knowledge of fund accounting < Non-profit experience < Excellent communication/interpersonal skills < Ability to exercise discretion < Capable of working independently DO 6-3 4 32 Westlake Academy 8. Now will administrative personnel be evaluated? All Administrative personnel will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of Subchapter BB issued under the Texas Education Code, §21.354 and §39.054, and the commissioner's recommended or established standards under the Code. Westlake Academy will accept the commissioner's recommendations as its method of evaluation for administrative personnel which includes the following domains: ♦ Instructional management ♦ School or organization morale School or organization improvement ♦ Personnel management ♦ Management of administrative, fiscal and facilities ♦ Student management ♦ School or community relations ♦ Professional growth and development ♦ Academic excellence indicators and campus performance ♦ School board relations (for school superintendents only) ♦ A student performance domain shall be included in the appraisal of the Principal and the Superintendent 9. What will be the salary range and benefits for administrative staff? The actual salaries from within the ranges will be set and a finalized benefit package will be established once the school has received its charter. Benefits available to all administrative staff include: ♦ Educators and other staff members will receive the same benefits (i.e., sick days, professional days, etc) as teachers employed by the state in a public school ♦ All staff members will have a choice about participating in the Teacher Retirement System or an alternative retirement system B. Faculty and Staff 1. Include a description of the qualifications to be required for all classroom teachers and staff. All teaching staff will possess a minimum of a bachelor's degree and will be encouraged to seek Texas Teachers Certification during employment. It is anticipated that all teaching staff will be 05035 33 Westlake Academy experts in the field of education and will provide evidence of success in the field of teaching. Qualifications for non -teaching administrators and staff include possession of the appropriate education and/or certifications and special knowledge and skills in their particular job position. Experience in the field may also be required as necessary. 111 34 Westlake Academy Supervised by the Principal Compensation Range $35,000 - $56,000 This individual will have the following areas of responsibilities and duties: Q Provide guidance to prospective families and students Q Provide guidance to students on education, career, and personal plans Q Coordinate and supervise the compiling and maintenance of reports, records, and other required documents Q Coordinate an effective information and referral process to help students utilize special programs and services Q Assist students in course selection to meet graduation requirements and/or needs < Communicate with colleges and universities e Assist in coordination of an at -risk program and Section 504 referrals Qualifications Q Master's Degree in Counseling preferred, but Bachelor's Degree is required • Three years work experience in student related counseling Q Excellent communication and organizational skills Q Knowledge of IDEA and 504 requirement to meet individual student's needs • Previous experience in educational and achievement testing Q Ability to initiate evaluations and reports 00037 35 Westlake Academy Supervised by Principal Compensation Range $35,000 - $56,000 Consideration given to experience and educational level The teachers will function as an instructional leader in each of their individual classrooms, directing instruction for all students, assessing abilities and strengths, developing goals and learning programs to meet the unique needs of each student and ensuring that parents have access to their children and the classroom. This individual's areas of responsibilities and duties are: Q Employees appropriate instructional/learning strategies, activities, and materials that accommodate all students` differences, gifts, and talents < Presents the subject matter according to guidelines established by TEA and Board of Directors < Demonstrates current knowledge, understanding and skill in teaching strategies and the learning process Q Creates a learning environment conducive to learning Q Provides authentic assessment activities < Establishes and maintains open lines of communication with students and their parents Q Demonstrates interest and initiative in professional improvements Q Maintains a professional relationship with all colleagues Q Demonstrates behavior that is professional, ethical and responsible Q Maintains accurate and complete records 4 Obtains a minimum of 50 hours of in-service, training and meeting hours each year 36 Westlake Academy < Accepts responsibility for extracurricular activities as assigned < Assists in public relation development of the school < Attends and participates in all meetings Qualifications < TEA State Certified preferred, but graduate of an accredited institution of higher learning required with work experience in related field < Demonstrates knowledge, understanding, and skill in the subject areas taught < Sensitivity to the needs of all students < Ability to problem solve and work independently < Excellent verbal and written communication skills, along with strong interpersonal skills < Ability to express ideas effectively and deal with people tactfully Possess strong organizational, planning, and facilitation skills < Capable of showing students how academics is applied to aspect of life 00035 37 Westlake Academy 2. Describe the targeted staff size and the teacher -to -student ratio. A low student/teacher ratio of 1:15 will be maintained at all grade levels. 3. Identify the proposed faculty and staff if possible. With the exception of the position of Superintendent/ Executive Director, all faculty and staff will be new hires and cannot be identified at this time. 4. Explain the method that will be used to evaluate the faculty and staff. The Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS), recommended by the Texas Education Commission, will be used to evaluate teachers. The PDAS appraisal framework is considered especially appropriate for teachers because the PDAS criteria acknowledge broad -based tasks that teachers routinely perform that are beyond classroom teaching duties. Each teacher will be appraised each school year. Domains of the PDAS for teacher evaluation include. • Active, Successful Student Participation in the Learning Process • Learner -Centered Instruction • Evaluation and Feedback on Student Progress • Management of Student Discipline, Instructional Strategies, Time and Materials • Professional Communication • Professional Development • Compliance with Policies, Operating Procedures and Requirements • Improvement of Academic Performance of All Students on the Campus Once the state implements the TexBESS appraisal system, the school administration will utilize this system Non -teaching, administrative staff members will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of Subchapter BB issued under the Texas Education Code, §21.345 and §39.054, and the 000-10 38 Westlake Academy commissioner's recommended or established standards under the Code. 5. Provide complete job descriptions of all charter school faculty and staff, including Instructional and non -instructional duties. One of the most important goals of administering the charter school will be to provide leadership and support for the instructional staff. The administration will value and encourage staff collaboration and professional development, and provide opportunities for teachers to assume leadership roles. The leadership style will be conducive for the inclusion of every one in the shared decision -making process, the empowerment of teachers and administrators for the accountability of learning, and the facilitation of all aspects of governing the school. 40041 39 Westlake Academy Supervised by Principal Compensation Range $30,000 $46,000 Consideration given for experience and educational level This individual will have the following responsibilities: . < Enters student enrollment data into database system < Maintains student cumulative files < Verifies student enrollment forms and documents, recognizes discrepancies and takes corrective action < Collects datairecords required to maintain system support < Updates students cumulative folders with new information < Processes graduation documents and transcripts Assists counselor Q u I i -11-1 -W a- ti o n s < Experience equivalent to two years as Registrar or other duties related to: Data controller Attendance secretary Record keeper/secretary < Familiar with Windows 98/ Microsoft Word and Excel < Ability to work with and without supervision < Able to handle multiple tasks < Detail oriented with strong organizational skills 00042 40 Westlake Academy Reports directly to the Executive Director Compensation Range $25,000 - $30,000 This individual will have the following responsibilities and duties: < Attends training for PENS Responsible for data entry of all PENS information < Responsible for reports and analysis of PEIMS information < Works with CPA auditing PEIMS information and provides all data need to properly audit information < Handles all tasks associated with PENS as they are identified < Collects data and enters all information for new and existing students Qualifications < Bachelor's degree preferred, but High School diploma required < Minimum two years experience involving data entry work, preferably with PEIMS < Two years experience in non-profit organization or knowledgeable of non- profit organization < Ability to problem solve and work independently < Type at least 40 wpm 00043 41 Westlake Academy D. Code of Conduct 1. Describe in detail your school rules or guidelines governing student behavior. Westlake Academy's goal is to ensure that all students have a safe, nurturing and challenging environment in which to learn and grow. Additionally, the rules are so designed to incorporate the entire I :- " - - -A Z_ 141� . learning tearin — student, L.Olavival, allu la"UILY — III LIM PIU%,000 VI teaching appropriate school -related behaviors. Westlake Academy will use a commendation/infraction based system. Instead of only documenting inappropriate behavior, Westlake Academy will reward and reinforce appropriate behavior on a regular basis. Positive reinforcement will not be limited to academic, but will also include appropriate life skills such as flexibility, cooperation, and respect for others. Westlake Academy believes discipline is another opportunity to teach children what they need to know and practice in order to live happy, productive lives. The infraction -based discipline system is based on this value. Teaching interactions regarding inappropriate behavior will center upon providing students with many opportunities to correct their behavior escalating consequences when they do not, and incorporating the students' families throughout the process. 2. Describe your school's policies regarding student expulsion and suspension. include a description of procedures, that satisfy due process requirements. Westlake Academy will use an infraction based discipline system. This discipline system's aim is to stop inappropriate behavior prior to student expulsion or suspension by modeling, teaching and reteaching appropriate behavior. The school's policies will be disseminated to all students and parents regarding offensives that qualify for immediate expulsion. Due process requirements will be satisfied by including families throughout the process by providing documentation and by the availability of informal and formal appeals procedures. Dangerous, threatening, and other extreme behavior can lead to immediate suspension or expulsion. 00044 42 Westlake Academy 3. Describe your school's mandatory student attendance plan and its fit with the code of conduct and the mission of the school. Westlake Academy's philosophy will be to provide students with a safe, supportive, and challenging environment so that students will have a strong desire to come to school on a daily basis. Westlake Academy's mandatory attendance policy will be incorporated into the student's code of conduct and will further the mission of the school. Regular and punctual attendance is unequivocally the single greatest factor in school success. Compulsory attendance now applies to all students who are less than 18 years of age (TEC 25.085). The law requires a student to attend public school until the student's 18 1h birthday, unless the student is exempt from attendance under Section 25.086. Westlake Academy will utilize a system that tracks excused and unexcused absences. If a student is absent due to illness, a parent must call the attendance office between the hours of 8-45 A.M. and 9:30 A.M. Additionally, a note, which includes the student's full names, date(s) of absence, a daytime phone number for verification and a brief statement giving the reason for the absence, must be submitted within 48 hours to the attendance clerk. Once a student has missed five school days, a note to verify illness must be provided by a certified physician. Appeals to this policy can be made to the attendance committee. Absences are considered excused for the following reasons: + Illness + Family illness — immediate family only, subject to approval * Death in the family + Religious holiday — must have prior school approval + Doctor's appointment — must provide doctor's note Unexcused absences can be due to numerous reasons. The following are some examples of unexcused absences: * Vacation. * Babysitting + Oversleeping + Car trouble + Traffic delays 0 0 (J 4 5 43 Westlake Academy Regardless of the nature of the absence, the student must make up his or her work. Points will be deducted due to unexcused absences. A student has one day for each day missed to complete and turn in make-up work. Westlake Academy's philosophy, mission and student code of conduct are based upon the belief that education of young people is solidified by the relationship they develop with school personnel tknA +k.=ir Anoornonfno AA/ka+knr +kgn, o+itAnn+ to I=-nbrninn th noW — I—., ValGL.4-4 1641V ..... I. — 1 F41,4,W - ..— academic skill or acquiring improved social skills, regular attendance is essential. 00046 44 Westlake Academy Business Plan (Reviewed by Agency) A. Financial Management 1. Describe sources and projected amounts of start-up funding. 2. Provide supporting letters of credit and documentation verifying private sources of funds. (include as ATTACHMENT#18) For resolutions from the Town of Westlake, see Attachment # Is. 3. Develop a preliminary startup budget, covering only the planning and capital expenses necessary before school opening (Attachment 19). Present a three (3)-year budget (Attachment 20) covering all projected sources of revenue, both public and private, and planned expenses (BUDGETS MUST BE COMPLETED ON STATE -PROVIDED TEMPLATE IN APPENDIX VI and found at http:/Awiw.tes.state.tx.us./school.financelaudit/budgetcs.xls.) NOTE: The estimate of State Aid (ESA) for budget purposes should be based on Average Daily Attendance (ADA). ADA is equal to average daily enrollment multiplied by the percent of attendance. ESA=ADA X $4000. A realistic estimate for rate of attendance for at risk students would be 85%. For the preliminary startup budget, see Attachment #19. For the three-year budget, see Attachment #20. 4. Present a three-year cash flow projection (Attachment 21) showing monthly cash in flows from all sources by month, including loans and all monthly cash outgoes for all purposes, including loans. Discuss the school's projected revenues and expenditures identified in the cash•flow projection. For the three-year cash flow, see Attachment #21. 5. Discuss any fundraising efforts to generate capital or to supplement the per pupil allocations (ADA) that are planned. A yearly capital fundraising campaign will be conducted in association with the Parent Teacher Organization/Booster Club fundraising activities. 00947 45 Westlake Academy The mission for fundraising at Westlake Academy will promote internal and external constituencies and create a climate with external constituencies that will generate maximum financial support for the new school. The development function at the school will be organized as follows to better fulfill its mission: # Special Events * Grant Writing Through a comprehensive process of identification, solicitation and stewardship, the development staff will secure financial support for the proposed school's programs and provide opportunities for involvement with the school's overall leadership, programs, fundraising activities and special events. Under no circumstances will children ever be asked to participate in door-to-door fundraising activities. All Federal, state, and local laws and regulation regarding fundraising will be followed. 6. Discuss the ways that the school will address anticipated growth in the areas of personnel, facility and equipment expenditures. increase in enrollment, up to 800 students, will drive the growth in expenses related to personnel, facility and equipment. Allowable related expenditures will be guided by the per pupil funding rate. At any appropriate time, additional funding can be obtained through cooperate and private fundraising, or even the letting of bonds. 7. Provide a copy of the current and/or proposed business procedures handbook (Attachment 22) the school will be using, describe the policies, procedures, and forms for the daily business operation. For a copy of the proposed business procedures handbook, see Attachment #22. 8. Discuss the way that the school will address any unanticipated expenditures or loss of revenue and any negative net asset balances. As demonstrated in the proposed three year budget fiscal responsibility is demonstrated in a surplus of $39,435 is projected for the first year, a surplus of $86,903 (cumulative $126,338) is projected for the second year, and a surplus of $51,870 (cumulative 00048 46 Westlake Academy The mission for fundraising at Westlake Academy will promote internal and external constituencies and create a climate with external constituencies that will generate maximum financial support for the new school. The development function at the school will be organized as follows to better fulfill its mission: * Special Events • Grant Writing Through a comprehensive process of identification, solicitation and stewardship, the development staff will secure financial support for the proposed school's programs and provide opportunities for involvement with the school's overall leadership, programs, fundraising activities and special events. Under no circumstances will children ever be asked to participate in door-to-door fundraising activities. All Federal, state, and local laws and regulation regarding fundraising will be followed. 6. Discuss the ways that the school will address anticipated growth in the areas of personnel, facility and equipment expenditures. Increase in enrollment, up to 800 students, will drive the growth in expenses related to personnel, facility and equipment. Allowable related expenditures will be guided by the per pupil funding rate. At any appropriate time, additional funding can be obtained through cooperate and private fundraising, or even the letting of bonds. 7. Provide a copy of the current and/or proposed business procedures handbook (Attachment 22) the school will be using, describe the policies, procedures, and forms for the daily business operation. For a copy of the proposed business procedures handbook, see Attachment #22. 8. Discuss the way that the school will address any unanticipated expenditures or loss of revenue and any negative net asset balances. As demonstrated in the proposed three year budget fiscal responsibility is demonstrated in a surplus of $39,435 is projected for the first year, a surplus of $86,903 (cumulative $126,338) is projected for the second year, and a surplus of $51,870 (cumulative 00049 Ertl Westlake Academy $178,208) is projected for the third year. This fund balance allows for any fiscal exigency. 9. Provide a copy of the current or proposed monthly budget status report (Attachment 23) to the Board of Directors that will be used. For the proposed monthly budget status report, see Attachment "^ft VrILQ. 10. Describe the financial accounting and payroll accounting system to be used and the system's capacity to use the state mandated financial accounting system in the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS). Westlake Academy is investigating a plan proposed by the Region Service Center, which requires an initial outlay of approximately $5,000,00, to purchase andset-up compatible software that has the capacity to use the state adopted financial accounting system in PEIMS. Additionally, this system will effectively allow the Service Center to manage the financial accounting and payroll accounting system of Westlake Academy. Another viable option is that many accounting duties will be performed by a clerk shared with the Town of Westlake. Westlake Academy will follow the required delivery schedule and record format in accordance to the Region Service Center specification. All records will be stored in a secured environment to insure confidentiality of records and files. B. Facility Management 1. Description of and address for the physical facility. Due to the sensitivity of negotiations, the exact site of the facilities cannot be divulged until such time and the charter has been granted. 2. Explain why this site would be a suitable facility for the proposed school. Address the necessity of renovation to the facility and compliance with applicable building codes. Describe the services of the facility Including heating, ventilation, and lighting, sanitary conditions and water supply. 0 0 05 U- 47 C. Westlake Academy Describe how all federal, state, and local safety and health requirements will be met The site will encompass several acres of land. Construction on the facilities will begin quickly. In the unlikely event that construction of permanent facilities cannot be completed by the start of school, Fall 2002, an agreement for interim housing is also being negotiated. There will be more than adequate land for extensive athletic/playground facilities. 3. Describe special use areas of the facility, including playgroundlathletic areas, cafeteria, laboratories, general assembly areas, etc. The long-range vision of the Board of Aldermen is that the entire campus of Westlake Academy will be innovatively cross utilized with the Town of Westlake. Through an extensive collaboration the Westlake Academy Library will serve as the town's public library, the Westlake Academy Auditorium will serve as the town's civic auditorium: the Westlake Academy playground, gymnasium, and athletic facilities will serve as the Town of Westlake's recreational facilities; and the Westlake Academy offices will be housed with the Town of Westlake's administration. 4. Discuss any progress, partnership developments or future steps towards acquisition of a facility/land. As addressed previously, the Town of Westlake is in ongoing negotiations for the property on which to build Westlake Academy. Details of this negotiation must remain confidential until such time as the charter is granted. 5. Attach a copy of a lease agreement deed to property or purchase agreement as applicable (Attachment 24). A lease agreement with the Town of Westlake will be executed upon the granting of the charter, The Town of Westlake's resolution to provide space and facilities for Westlake Academy is in Attachment #24. Student Attendance Accounting I Describe your school attendance accounting procedures. The TEA Student Attendance Accounting Handbook must be followed. (Copies of this handbook can be obtained from 00051 48 Westlake Academy publications department of TEA). Indicate name of computer program to be used for student accounting purposes and describe the capacity of that program to keep track of student related data required in PEIMS. The charter school attendance accounting procedures will follow the TEA Student Attendance Accounting Handbook with attendance tracked daily per class and recorded using software provided by Dr..iohn Anderson, which is PC based and capable of tracking all necessary student related data required in PEIMS. These accounting procedures are currently in use as required by the TEA regulations. Additionally, Westlake Academy will comply with the following responsibilities: ♦ Ensure that the basis used to record and process attendance accounting data meets this standard through an approved automated system. 19 TEC §129.21(e) ♦ Adopt an attendance accounting system, both manual and automated, which includes procedures that ensure the accurate taking, recording, and reporting of attendance accounting data. TEC §42.006 (b) ♦ Report attendance and contract hours on the student level for the entire school year through the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) ♦ Be responsible for the safekeeping of all attendance records and reports and certify these documents upon submission to PEIMS ♦ Determine how to properly store records to be readily available for audit by the School Financial Audit Division of the Texas Education Agency TEC §42.255, 19 TAC §129.21(m) ♦ Contract with a reputable automated system or a Regional ESC that will provide error free submissions to PEIMS ♦ Include attendance accounting in the annual audit to be reported to TEA ♦ Maintain records to reflect the average daily attendance (ADA) for the allocation of FSP funds and other funds allocated by the TEA. 19 TAC §129.21(a) ♦ Report all eligible students that are entitled to the benefits of the FSP. All eligible attendance will be reported according to provisions established by the TEA and only those students who are eligible for special funding will be included in the ADA report. TEC §42.006 00052 49 Westlake Academy 2. Attach a school calendar (Attachment 25) and identify the hours of school operation, including a description of teacher/student contact hours. The school's hours of operation will be from 8:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. daily. These hours provide for a ratio of 1:6.5 hours of teacher/student contract hours. For a school calendar, see Attachment #25. 3. Provide a draft of a board policy (Attachment 26) providing for the admission of students eligible for a public education grant (PEG) under Texas Education Code, Chapter 29, Subchapter G. Describe how the school will implement the policy. For a statement of Board policy, see Attachment #26. D. Transportation and Food Service 1. Describe provision for transportation for students served by the charter school. Pursuant to federal law, the school must provide transportation to students eligible for special education services as required by their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Westlake Academy will provide transportation for students as mandated by federal law. Specifically, Westlake Academy will provide transportation to students eligible for special education services as required by their Individualized Education Plan. 2. Describe provisions for food service, if any, for students served by the charter school, including plans for free or reduced lunch and breakfast programs. (If 10% of your students qualify for free or reduced lunch, you are required to provide a breakfast program for those students.) Westlake Academy will follow all applicable provisions in providing free and reduced lunches and breakfasts. If 10% of the student population qualifies for free or reduced lunch, a breakfast program will be provided for them by contracting for these services. 0005.E m Westlake Academy VII. Geographic Boundaries and Statements of Impact (Reviewed by Agency) A. Geographic Boundaries 1. Describe the geographic area to be served by the school. Include a map (ATTACHMENT 27) showing boundaries clearly marked. Include a written description that clearly explains the iLam. J area 10 10-6 Star -We i. N%j 1 G. 1 filu Uluzuript1wi (TSUbT Utr zipwU111b and definite. For example, descriptions such as "southwest portion of the city" or "the greater metropolitan area" are insufficient. Acceptable definitions include those identifying the area in terms of city or county limits, street names, and boundaries of school districts or zip codes. The boundaries of Westlake Academy will be concurrent with the boundaries of the Town of Westlake. The area is bounded on the west by Highway 377, on the north by Highway 114, on the east by the town of Southlake and on the south by the city of Keller. The Tarrant/Denton County line runs through the center of the town. A map of the area is in Attachment #27. 2. Provide a list of all districts within the geographical area that may be affected by the charter school, including those districts from which the charter school will accept transfers. Argyle ISD Keller ISO Carroll !SO Northwest ISO Denton iSD B. Statements of Impact 1. The sponsoring entity must send a copy of the form in Appendix IV, Statement of fmpact, to the superintendents of all school districts that are likely to be affected by the establishment of the charter school, including those districts from which the charter school will accept transfers. The purpose of the form is to document any adverse impact on the affected district or any potential enrollment shift that may impede a district's ability to comply with a court order affecting the district. The form must be sent to all districts In the geographic area from which the school will draw students. 9004 51 Westlake Academy. A copy of the charter school application and a letter from the sponsoring entity roust accompany the form, requesting the superintendent of the affected district to submit the signed and completed form to the Texas Education Agency. (A sample letter is also included in Appendix IV of this document.) The Statement of Impact form and the completed application (excluding only Attachment 28) should be sent to all affected districts no later than the date the application is submitted to TEA. The Statement of Impact will be sent to the following school districts on Wednesday, February 14, 2001: Argyle ISD P. 0. Box 989 Argyle, TX 76226-0989 Carroll ISD 1201 North Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092-9405 Denton ISD P. 0. Box 2387 Denton, TX 76202-2387 Northwest ISD 1800 State Hwy.114 Justin, TX 76247-8700 Keller ISD 350 Keller Parkway Keller, TX 76248-3447 2. The charter school application must include a list of the districts to which a Statement of. Impact form and application were sent. Submit with your application a copy of the return receipt (Attachment 28) from the post office showing the date the forms were sent to the districts. The return receipt forms for the post office are in Attachment #28. 3. The superintendent may complete the Statement of Impact form and submit it to the Texas Education Agency by the date of submission of the application to the State Board of Education. Upon receipt of each charter school application, Agency staff will determine whether all districts likely to be affected by the establishment of the proposed charter school received a Statement of Impact. ill M Westlake Academy VIII. Statement of Need (Scored by Review Committee) A. Why is there a need of this type of school? What evidence exists that there is a sufficient demand for the educational program you are proposing? After careful consideration of the educational goals of this diverse c u rn rn u ruity*, the Board condudeed that the program developued by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) would best match the needs of this area and, therefore, will be adopted by the Westlake Academy. This program, offered throughout the world, promotes academic achievement and responsible citizenship. The International Baccalaureate (IB) program was originally developed in Switzerland thirty years ago as a rigorous course of study for motivated secondary students. Recently, the International Baccalaureate Organization (180) developed and endorsed a Middle Years Program (MYP), which fulfills and enhances the mission identified for the Westlake Academy. The IB program is the perfect program to be offered in the backyard of the Alliance Airport corridor international community where many international corporations have established their corporate offices. B.' Explain why the charter school model is the appropriate vehicle to address this need. The primary reason why the charter school model is the appropriate vehicle to address this need is to ensure that all young people, regardless of their socioeconomic background, have the opportunity to participate. While there are several private schools in the area, the tuition causes the schools to be cost prohibited to many families. According to local parents, the problems faced by families who desire a rigorous, international language curriculum are deep and the academic gap is wide. Although there are many, many excellent teachers, they are so pulled to address all the needs of the varied instructional levels found in the classrooms of inclusions. Students and parents are fearful that students are at great risk for not reaching their true potentials —they are lost in the cracks of today's educational system. Accelerated academic education indeed faces a quiet crisis as educational reform movements focus on cosmetic administrative change rather than teachers, students and the material to be learned. Parents can join organizations; they can serve on school committees; they can volunteer endless hours in their child school, and still the students' needs are not 00056 53 Westlake Academy met. The parents are weary. Charter schools were envisioned to precisely meet the needs of these families and their precious children. Many schools, due to associated financial benefits, place great emphasis on athletics. Often the situation occurs where, to accommodate coaching staff, academics become secondary. Westlake Academy is committed to have individuals in specialized areas work in their specific domain, i.e., music instructors will teach in music related courses; coaches will be responsible for athletic activities. Westlake Academy will guarantee each parent that academics will not be compromised. The Westlake Board firmly believes a viable academic program must be open to all children. Westlake Academy will ensure students, regardless of sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic or athletic ability, will have a choice in education. There is indeed a strong need for this type of school and the charter school model will ensure that its doors are open to all qualifying children. OH-5 i M, Westlake Academy IX, Vision of the School (Scored by Review Committee) A. Describe the long-range vision of the school specifically addressing how that .vision supports student learning of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, Mission Statement t t-salal. A.....i�r.. r Ti'.ar Uil ara r%ugluGllly The Westlake Academy will provide a rigorous curriculum that is international in scope with high expectations by sharing the responsibility of educational development between teachers, parents, community, and students. This will be achieved by providing an innovative approach to education that focuses on each student's needs to develop a thirst for knowledge, produce positive esteem, encourage good citizenship and maximize their individual potential. This will prepare students for a rapidly changing environment that Is global in scope. The vision of Westlake Academy is to create an international, interactive learning community composed of families and engaged learners, linked with a high quality instructional team. The school will provide a rigorous curriculum and guidance to challenge all students to reach their greatest academic achievement. Westlake Academy will continually reach out to families whose students' educational needs are not being met in more traditional settings. The school will provide a supportive environment for young people who possess the desire to reach their fullest potential through a more formalized, international study based on a rigorous curriculum. With the incorporation of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills into every aspect of the core curriculum, each student will be supported by the curriculum in all areas of instruction. B. In succinct terms, describe the educational philosophy or pedagogy of the proposed school. The educational philosophy of Westlake Academy centers on unity of purpose where all stakeholders, including community members, parents, students, staff, and administrators, work collectively on all aspects of providing each student with an exceptional education. All members of the school community share a dream for the school and work together toward a common set of goals that will benefit all studer. Additionally, all 00053 55 Westlake Academy existing knowledge, gifts and talents are valued, recognized and utilized in order for each student to reach his/her maximum potential, Westlake Academy's education plan is more than the assimilation of facts. Proficiency in a discipline means that an individual becomes a capable practitioner and has a sufficient foundation to pursue advanced study. The curriculum defines the knowledge, skills, and achievement levels commensurate with proficiency. The traditional core curriculum areas — language arts, math, science, and social studies — remain strongly emphasized. The curriculum will be augmented with music, theatre, art, physical education, environmental education, and foreign languages. Westlake Academy's emphasis on academics is balanced by an equal emphasis on creativity. It is not enough in a democracy for people to simply inquire. It is also necessary to take the fruits of one's inquiry and make something of them. A school that professes to address the needs of its students must enable children to express the American tradition of experiment and invention. The curriculum will be structured to link inquiry with invention and creativity, whether it is painting, sculpture, photographs, compositions, theatre, speaking, etc. One of the tenants of Westlake Academy is that the student's ability to do science and mathematics is improved when they are encouraged to develop their artistic sides, especially if they do so in ways that link back to their science and mathematic studies. Westlake Academy's curriculum is designed as a comprehensive program that allows its graduates to fulfill requirements of various national systems of education. It provides the intellectual, social, and attitudinal perspective necessary for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead of them in a contemporary, international society. While insisting upon a thorough study of the various disciplines, the interrelatedness of the courses will be accentuated. By emphasizing the dynamic combination of knowledge skills, experience and critical thinking, academic achievement, coupled with active and responsible citizenship, is promoted. An accelerated, international curriculum and extensive parental involvement will create a leaming environment that will be conducive and compatible to each student overcoming any and all obstacles in their educational journey that might place the realization of achieving their full educational potential at risk. Darting -Hammond (1996) noted that teaching and education have suffered from decades of neglect. A lack of standards and schools organized better 00053 56 Westlake Academy for the I gth century than the 21't century has caused a substantial call for reform. As Darling -Hammond argues, "Children can reap the benefits of current knowledge about teaching and learning only if schools and schools of education are dramatically redesigned. Westlake Academy is making a sincere effort to redesign program. Critically needed efforts are being implemented with the school context to meet those challenges. Westlake Academy is dedicated to leaving no student behind. C. Discuss the educational innovations that will distinguish this school from other schools. The curriculum is designed as a comprehensive program that allows its graduates to fulfill requirements of various national systems of education. 1130 is based on the pattern of no single country. It provides students of different linguistic cultures, and educational backgrounds with the intellectual social and attitudinal perspectives necessary for the challenged and opportunities that lie ahead of them in a contemporary, international society. The Middle School curriculum has the same commitment and rigor to a holistic view of knowledge that is found throughout the world in the highly successful high school program. The success of the high school program has been demonstrated at approximately 200 schools in the United States and over 500 schools throughout the world, ninety percent of which are public school. The 113 curriculum stresses rigorous academic study and the equally important development of life skills, disciplines and a sense of social responsibility. The intent is that students should learn how to learn, how to analyze, how to reach considered conclusion about people, their language and literature, their ways in society, and the scientific forces of the environment. At the beginning of each new course or topic of study, students will be given clear class/course objectives and the methods by which they will be accessed. The 113 program is a deliberate compromise between the preference for specialization in some countries and the emphasis on breadth often preferred in others. The educational aim of the International Baccalaureate Organization is to awaken the intelligence of student and teach them to relate the content of the classroom to the realities of the world outside. By emphasizing the dynamic combination of knowledge, skills, experience and critical thinking, the 1130 promotes academic achievement, coupled with active and responsible citizenship. The program addresses the challenge of educating the whole person in preparation for life, engendering respect for 0006 J 57 Westlake Academy the physical life of the body and delight in the life of the mind as it engages the world in all its fullness and complexity. This program offers an approach to teaching and learning that embraces yet transcends the focus of traditional school subjects. While insisting upon thorough study of the various disciplines, the program accentuates the interrelatedness of them and so advances a holistic view of knowledge. This interdisciplinary perspective asks the student to consider issue ' s and problems in their wide scope, and to realize that good solutions often draw upon insights one has acquired from many sources. Put another way, the program shuns the fragmentation of knowledge that so often results when students move from biology to history to mathematics to technology as if the classes had nothing to do with each other. The education of the "whole person" takes on a special significance as we proceed into the twenty-first century; when knowledge continues to expand dramatically; when advanced technologies and global economics have tied together vastly different cultures; when the world is bound too closely for provincial ideologies to guide political thought; when to exist in a world community requires appreciation and understanding of cultural diversity; and when cooperation alone will solve global problems. It is essential that academic training provides students with the values and opportunities that enable them to succeed in the competitive, modem world. Westlake Academy will utilize the campus and its facilities to offer summer academic camps to area children, Westlake Academy students, as well as those students in surrounding public schools. The summer academic camps will focus heavily on the languages to provide a continuum of language immersion. Scholarships will be available, with nominations for such scholarships coming from area ISD Superintendents. Additionally, an optional semester study abroad program will be available for students. This facet of the high school program would be incorporated into the 1130 program to allow the student the benefit of total emersion in their second language and culture. Funds for this activity will be raised by the students during their high school years and placed in interest -bearing accounts; however, scholarship and financial aid will be available to ensure that no student is denied opportunity nor left behind. Finally, in an effort to provide a holistic approach between community and school, the Town of Westlake will form alliances with sister cities throughout Europe. Beginning with young pen pals, to collaborative research via the Internet, to an extensive exchange program, the fabric for strong strategic international alliancep will be woven. 0 0 0 6 1 58 Westlake Academy X. Student Goals: Improvement and Attainment (Scored by Review Committee) A. What are the school's academic goals for student learning for the first 5 years? This section should convey how the charter school addresses requirements relative to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. NOTE: The goals must Identify performance standards +i�n4 e�nan* n� nvt•nnre the Invne of Q4e�ei®n4 rtinrfnrmannn ran»irntl ��ntiaN b. If.b ...VVb v vifvva.� b. .s lFtV. b.. VbMMVi.i eliw. b/l R..Rl.MD .il b,M..MM ....�••• the state accountability system (i.e. TAAS; the school may also identify goals for preipost testing, passing rates, courses passed, end -of -course exams, and other measures). TAAS goals should also be expressed in terms of TLI (Texas Learner Index) improvements. Goals for student performance that are unique to the charter school should also be described. B. What are the measurable school performance objectives for each goal listed above? C. Clearly state how progress will be measured relative to each of these. objectives. Name assessment instruments to be used. C. Clearly state when and how annual progress in meeting objectives will be reported to the SBOE, agency, and the public. It q6'1, M Westlake Academy Student Goals 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- Progress 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Measurement Academia -Overall • Exceed performance standards for student teaming for the first five years ♦ Obtain a status as a state exemplary school ♦ Have a minimum of 50% of high school graduates achieve the Distinguished Achievement Program — Advanced High School Program as describes in TEA Chapter 74 Students will pass the appropriate TAAS with TLI of 70% of 75% of 80% of 85% of 90% of Spring TARS 80% students students students students students • TEKS incorporated into curriculum • Pre -test, administered the second week of school, identifies individual areas of weakness • Test taking strategies reviewed prior to test date Timeline for reporting: Year-end SBOE report Students will score above grade level in reading, 70% of 75% of 80°/a of 850ro of 90% of Pre -test and math, language, science, and social studies students students students students students Post-test Stanford • Broad based core curriculum utilized by all Achievement teachers Test of the • Low student teacher ratio implemented Gates-McGinite • Various teaching styles incorporated into assessment test instruction • Comprehensive reading program offered to all students Timeline for reporting: Year-end SBOE report 60 Westlake Academy XI. School Goals (Scored by Review Committee) A. Describe the goals of the school as an entity for the next five years. (growth, facilities development, etc.). B. List measurable performance objectives for each goal listed above, C. Clearly state how progress will be measured relative to each of these objectives. Name assessment instruments to be used. D. Clearly state when and how annual progress in meeting objectives will be reported to the SBOE, agency, and the public. 0*066 63 Westlake Academy Goals of the School 1 grant Grants Grants Grants Grants Quarterly report Apply for financial grants of of of of of to Director $1,000 $3,000 $5,000 $10,000 $25,000 • Part-time or full-time individual recruited for this position • Grant writer attend instructional seminar Timeline for reporting: Year-end SBOE report 4 Bus. 8 Bus. 10 Bus. 12 Bus. 15 Bus. Quarterly report Develop partnerships with community businesses to Director • Meet monthly with businesses • Establish campus visits • Parent volunteer coordinate partnerships Timeline for reporting: Year-end SBOE report 340 420 500 580 650 Yearly Increase enrollment students students students students students enrollment reports • Hold public meetings • Distribute filers • Conduct tours Timeline for reporting: Year-end SBOE report 70% of 75% of 80°to- of 85% of 90% of Quarterly report Parental involvement parents parents parents parents parents to Director • Offer various hours of involvement • Provide board selection of participation activities Timeline for reporting: Year-end SBOE report 64 Westlake Academy P X11. Educational Plan (Scored by Review Committee) A. Describe the educational program planned for the school. Indicate clearly how these areas will be strengthened over time. 1 Tell how the program will incorporate the required minimum curriculum as provided by Section 28.002, Texas Education Code. Describe the scope and sequence of the curriculum as delivered by the charter school with particular attention to the core curriculum, i.e., reading, mathematics, science and social studies. The foundation of the Westlake Academy will be based on Section 28.002 of the Texas Education Code. Westlake Academy will offer all grade levels a foundation curriculum that includes English, language arts, mathematics, science and social studies, consisting of Texas, United States and world history, government and geography. With Section 28.002 as the minimum curriculum guide, a balanced curriculum designed to meet individual needs of all students will be implemented. Additionally, Westlake Academy will provide an enrichment curriculum that includes health, physical education, fine arts, economics, career, technology education and applications and languages other than English. Each of these curricular areas -- both foundation and enrichment - will offer instruction in the essential knowledge and skills at appropriate levels. 2. Describe any unique curricular experiences to be offered by the charter school that will enhance student success beyond the minimum curriculum. One way of understanding the fundamental perspective of the International Baccalaureate Organization is to remember the phrase, "and more." Students are expected to be well Versed in traditional subject areas of the curriculum, and more — they are encouraged to appreciate the traditions of other people and other places. Students are expected to have a firm command of language as a means of communication, and more — they are encouraged to develop admiration for the elegance and richness of human expression. Above all, the hope is that students will acquire a genuine love of learning and disciplined habit of mind and body that will guide their young adulthood and be a source of strength and enjoyment throughout the whole of their lives. Westlake Academy To achieve this end, courses will be offered in larger blocks of time to improve the delivery of the curriculum. This will allow for greater depth of study and integration of different disciplines, as well as providing the opportunity for students to be more actively engaged in their learning. Students will be challenged to make connections and discover relationships between what they are studying and current conditions and events occurring locally, nationally and around the world, and how it fits into their lives. The educational program will take advantage of the location of numerous national and international corporations in the area to provide students with the chance to learn about various career paths. Students will have age and interest appropriate opportunities for shadowing, mentoring, and interning with employees at various levels of the corporations. Corporate experts from a variety of fields will be invited to share their expertise with students in the classroom. Students will be expected to participate in age appropriate community service both in and outside of school. 3. Describe how the program will incorporate the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) into the curriculum and address goals, objectives, and content in all subject areas and grade levels. Westlake Academy's framework for academic excellence will reflect alignment to the TEKS. These standards are a living document subject to continuous improvement. The TEKS will serve as the basis for the academic program. Core curriculum courses will be offered which will include the required foundation curriculum of English language arts with a very strong emphasis on reading, mathematics, science, social studies consisting of Texas, United Sates and world history, government and geography. The scope and sequence of the curriculum will develop in a manner that will enable students to enter the program from a traditional school and any grade level. With the use of a variety of assessment instruments, students will be placed at an appropriate entry level without regard to age. Students also will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of enrichment courses and related learning opportunities in addition to core courses. Course and learning opportunities in health, physical education, fine arts, and economics will be offered according to the Texas Education Code §28.002. DUQ65 M Westlake Academy Westlake Academy is committed to ensuring that all students receive a challenging curriculum and instruction based on a commitment to an accelerated, integrated, core curriculum. The integration is designed to promote leaming among the individual disciplines and is based on the following: ♦ Motivated learning by making learning relevant to the students lives ♦ Adds coherence to vast amounts of information by making connections among disciplines ♦ Addresses the curriculum by viewing content as a `means' not an 'end' ♦ Acknowledges reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and the use of numbers as enabling skills within the thinking processes Promotes the fine arts in all aspects of learning ♦ Fosters collaboration among students and teachers. 4. Describe the connection between the TEKS, classroom instruction, and assessing student progress. The goals, objectives, and definitions of content areas are intended to promote skill development and raise the standards of student achievement. Westlake Academy will embrace all the state's goals and objectives related to curriculum. Educational programs will mirror and support the state's aims through: ♦ Selecting textbooks and other instructional materials that are aligned to the TEKS curriculum + Maintaining updated information provided by TEA related to the TEKS curriculum requirements ♦ Requiring curriculum for each content area and grade level that is consistent with the state's TEKS curriculum ♦ Ensuring rigor in the school's curriculum ♦ Articulating to parents, students and others in the community what students should know and be able to demonstrate at each grade level ♦ Providing professional development to teachers and others related to the state's TEKS curriculum (from resources provided by the regional ESC, the Texas Center for Reading and Language Arts, and other appropriate sources) ♦ Ensuring student assessment measures that are aligned with the TEKS 000 IJU 67 Westlake Academy 5. Describe how the program will prepare students to meet state graduation requirements. All students attending Westlake Academy must complete at least 22 credits to receive a minimum high school program diploma. To receive a high school diploma, a student must complete the requirements of the minimum high school program, as specified by statutory law, the recommended high school program, or the distinguished achievement program, as well as the testing requirements for graduation. Additionally, those students electing to participate in the International Baccalaureate Program must complete the course sequence and requirements of the international program, including a 4,000 word essay, community service and foreign language. The Diploma Programme is a two-year course of study. The diploma candidate of the IS program is required to complete six subjects, each normally studied over the period of two years: at least three and not more than four subjects must be offered at higher level and the others at standard level. The six subj6cts must normally be chosen by selecting one from each of the six subject groups (First Language, Second Modem Language, Individuals and Societies, Experimental Sciences, Mathematics, and Arts and Electives). International baccalaureate diploma holders gain admission to colleges and universities throughout the worid. These include well- known European and American institutions such as Oxford, Yale and the Sorbonne, prestigious universities in Latin American and the Asia/Pacific, and more recently established centers in developing parts of the world. Formal agreements exist between the ISO and many ministries of education and private institutions. Some college and universities may offer advanced standing or course credit to students with strong IS examination results. The sequence of courses established by Westlake Academy will ensure that every student has received instruction in the areas that state law requires to be covered in the upcoming I Vh grade exit - level test. Beginning in the 2002-2003 school year, the exit -level test will be administered in the 1 Ith grade instead of the 10tt' grade and will assess a broader range and depth of subjects. In addition to the above graduation requirements, the SBOE now mandates that students pass the 11 th grade exR-level test, along with their courses, to receive a high school diploma. If students do 0007i M Westlake Academy not pass one or more parts of the test the first time taken, the students can take that part of the test again whenever it is given. Westlake Academy will comply with all statutory and/or regulatory authority with respect to determining that an individual student has satisfied the requirements for graduation. Such compliance includes, but is not limited to, Subchapter B issued under the Texas Education Code, §7.102, 28.002 28.023, 28.025, 28.054, and 38.003_ or as these cede sections may be amended in the future. - ----•-----------------------J ---------------------- -'- 6" Describe teaching methods to be used. Tell how this pedagogy enhances student learning, include information about materials, strategies, techniques and procedures to be used to meet the needs of the student population. Westlake Academy will begin a tradition of supporting children. The programs will enable parents to become active partners and jointly responsible for the education and nurturing of their children. Parents participating with a highly qualified instructional team will work to emphasize the core curriculum to ensure each child: ♦ Effectively applies communication and quantitative skills ♦ Learns to set goals, solve problems, make responsible decisions, and analyze and apply results ♦ Demonstrates the ability to access, evaluate, synthesize and present information using a variety of technologies ♦ Exhibits a variety of critical thinking skills as they relate to current and future concerns ♦ Demonstrates an appreciation and understanding of community service. Interdisciplinary curriculum planning and implementation will encourage students to see the relevance of and connections between content areas. Subjects are related to one another, and learning one subject implements and facilitates another. This program "gives birth to the joy in learning" (Armstrong 1998) and awakens students" genius and individuality. The curriculum is indeed more interdisciplinary than in the' traditional school. The teaching is more collaborative. The students are served through a variety of options and attematives rather than the traditional rigid, regimented focus of many schools. Westlake Academy 7. Describe the planned assessment of individual student performance in the core academic areas. Describe the instruments to be used and instructional planning that will result from early assessment of reading in grades K-2, if applicable. Include the process to be used to determine the baseline of achievement levels of students, the results to be achieved, and the methods of measurement to be used. Westlake Academy will utilize the following types of assessment instruments: ♦ State Mandated Testing (TARS, RPTE, and End of Course exams) Curriculum Testing (based on the TEKS) + Standardized Testing (i.e., SAT9) Westlake Academy will use the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TARS) test and end -of -course examinations to assess individual student performance in the core academic areas. The goal of TARS is to measure student progress toward achieving academic excellence. Its purpose is to provide: an accurate measure of student achievement in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, social studies, and science. Test results are used as a gauge for institutional accountability. Westlake Academy will use a standardized group instrument, such as the TABS, to determine baseline data and academic growth. Students will be tested upon entrance to the school and annually thereafter. The Academy will track mastery of TEKs curriculum objectives throughout the student's school career. Westlake Academy's plan to assess individual student performance in core academic areas is based upon several guiding principles. • Assessment should serve as an ongoing guide through the process of learning not simply as a pass/fail measurement ♦ Teachers are the managers of the assessment procedures Assessment techniques are matched to the curriculum taught and the instructional techniques used Assessment techniques are to be applied consistently without bias A nine -week evaluation and assessment system will be incorporated to serve multiple needs: OU 73 Z+7 Westlake Academy ♦ To clarify goals ♦ To monitor progress ♦ To support the improvement of teaching and learning ♦ To inform the public ♦ To influence education policy Student assessment is the process of measuring the extent to which a school has improved the quality of student performance. Thim cite-(-Pc-m of t-hwtar crhnnk uhil ha hirinarl nrim2rilv nn their ability to demonstrate progress toward the student outcomes specified in their charters. Westlake Academy will utilize multiple means of assessing students to ensure the most accurate evaluation. Components of authentic and performance -based assessments in combination with standardized assessments will form the basis of the assessment process. Westlake Academy recognizes that teachers are the key components in the assessment process, and it is the aim of Westlake Academy to provide the instruction team with workable tools. The baseline of student achievement will be to set standards of student performance based upon student progress throughout the year on the central concepts and skills in the curriculum, Describe the methods to be used to identify the educational strengths and needs of individual .- Westlake Academy will utilize multiple methods to identify the educational strengths and needs of 'Individual students. As previously described, assessment will be an integral part of daily classroom activities. While testing will play a key role in assessing students' performance teachers will assess growth toward achievement of goals and areas of need on a daily basis. Tools to be used will consist of multiple forms of authentic assessment. ♦ Direct observation of performance ♦ Directed small group activities ♦ Student led instruction ♦ Other embedded assessment techniques 000-74 71 Westlake Academy 9. Describe how student evaluation results will be used by the school to improve Instructional programs. It is essential to use an array of different assessment tools ("multiple measures") in the evaluation process. Important questions to be considered in the selection of assessment tools are: + Are the objectives measured the truly important ones? + Is the assessment tool(s) the most efficient means of determining the achievement of the desired objectives? + What is the effect of the assessment tool(s) on its user? + What is the effect of accountability practices on the student? Additionally, Westlake Academy will offer each family the opportunity to evaluate the charter school program. These summative assessments will be used in the critical decision -making process. 10. Describe professional development opportunities that will be offered to support the mission of the school. Faculty members will be required to attend weekly professional development activities during the first year. Staff will evaluate sessions for effectiveness and applicability. Development activities will be designed to meet the needs of the staff as curriculum is developed and as additional skills are needed to serve the students enrolled at the new school. Program evaluation results will provide the basis for designing professional development activities for succeeding years. The budget provides for contractual resources and supplies for staff development. Westlake Academy will encourage faculty and staff members to make recommendations for future development activities. Consultants will provide initial activities in the following areas: • Developmentally appropriate practices Learning stylesfinstructional strategies Technology and the integration into curriculum and instruction + Conflict resolution/parent conferences # Curriculum development + Authentic assessment/portfolio development Professional development on TEKS will be provided to teachers by Region 11 Education Service Center. The Center provides workshops, consultations, and materials, and can answer faculty questions. MIJ 72 Westlake Academy Westlake Academy believes that an extensive and inclusive staff - development program must be implemented each year. Teaching strategies, collaborative teaming, and thoughtful curriculum design will be continually addressed. a. Special Needs Students/Programs 9. Describe in detail how your school accommodates students with SPECIAL EDUCATION needs. Address the followina: A I fflit IMMI As the state's educational agency, TEA is responsible for ensuring that a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) is provided to all students with disabilities residing in the state of Texas and that all requirements of IDEA, Part B are met, pursuant to 35 CFR, §300.600. A FAPE means special education and related services that are provided at public expense under pubic supervision and which meet the state standards, which include the requirements of IDEA, Part B; include preschool, elementary, and secondary school education, and which are provided in conformity with an individual's education plan pursuant to 20 USC, § 1401 (a)(1 8). In general, local school districts in Texas have the direct responsibility of providing FAPE to students with disabilities who the schools are obligated to serve under Texas Education Code, §25/00. TEA is responsible for ensuring that schools comply with all state and federal requirements concerning the provision of FAPE. Within this general responsibility to assure FAPE, TEA specifically assures that each child with a disability, r, A residing within n -1 emar less of severY t$ '- jr,"Y school's jurisdiction will be identified, located, and evaluated in accordance with IDEA and its implementing regulation. To meet this responsibility, TEA requires schools to establish policies and procedures to identify, locate, and evaluate students with disabilities residing within their jurisdictions. Activities done pursuant to these polices and procedures are commonly referred to as 'Child find' activities because schools actively search for students with disabilities residing within their jurisdiction. In accordance with the rules and responsibilities identified, and with any and all TEA rules and/or regulations, Westlake Academy will adopt and implement policies and practices that affirmatively seek out, identify, locate and evaluate children with disabilities enrolled in the charter school or contacting the charter school regarding enrollment. 0 0 0 7 U` 73 Westlake Academy Confidentiality Westlake Academy will adhere to all state confidentiality requirements, including, but not limited to, the following: Student Records — student records are confidential and protected from unauthorized inspection or use. A cumulative record will be maintained for each student beginning when he/she enters the school until the student withdraws. By law, both parents, whether married, separated, or divorced, have access to the records of a student who is under 18 or a dependent for tax purposes. A parent whose rights have been legally terminated will be denied access to the records if the school is provided a copy of the court order terminating these rights. Parents of a student who is a minor, or of a student who is a dependent for tax purposes, and school officials with legitimate education interests are the only persons who have general access to a student's records. "School officials with legitimate educational interests" include any employee, agent, or Trustee of the charter school, or cooperative of which the charter school is a member, or facilities with which the charter school contracts for the placement of students with disabilities. Parents of minor students enrolled in Westlake Academy may inspect their student's records and request a correction if the records are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student's privacy or other rights. If the school refuses the request to amend the records, the requestor has the right to a hearing. Although improperly recorded, grades may be challenged; parents and the students are not allowed to contest a student's grade in a course through this process. Parents or the student has the right to file a compliant with the U. S. Department of Education if they believe the school is not in compliance with the law regarding student records. The school will maintain a record of disclosure of personally identifiable information and make this available for the parent's inspection. Some items of information are directory in nature and may be released to anyone, without consent, unless the parent objects to its release in writing within ten (10) school days after the issuance of such notice. With respect to special education students, the ability to share information between parties involved in special education services and local education agencies (LEAS) is 00077 74 Westlake Academy vitally important to improve efficiency and to minimize duplication of efforts. To accomplish this sharing, the proposed school campuses will develop and use a standard consent form. Procedural safeguards Westlake Academy's Handbook of Policies and Procedures (to be developed) will! fuiiy address procedural safeguards for students, parents, and all other school stakeholders. Westlake Academy will adhere to all required procedural safeguards required by the state including, but not limited to, those described below: In accordance with the requirements of 34 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), §300.504 and §30.505, the school will give a written notice that includes a full explanation of all procedural safeguards to the parents a reasonable time before the school conducts an assessment for special education services. The Explanation of Rights and Procedural Safeguards of a Parent with a Child with Disabilities in School will be provided to each parent explaining the fights as outlined in federal and state law. Certified staff will review this document with parents and additional information will be made available upon request in the parents' native language in writing or through an interpreter. Westlake Academy will provide information for parents for the following purposes: • Upon initial referral for evaluation • Upon each notification of an admission, review, and dismissal committee (ARD) ■ Upon each reevaluation • Upon a school district's request for a "due process hearing" about their child • When any information that specifically identifies the student is no longer needed Notice of Admission. Review and Dismissal (ARD) Committee Meeting Parents/legal guardians will be given notice of any and all ARD meetings early enough to ensure that they will have the 00078 75 Westlake Academy opportunity to attend. Unless the parentAegal guardian agrees otherwise, at least ten days notice will be given. Assessment of children to determine eligibility Students with disabilities are students with educational disabilities (physical disability, mental retardation, emotional disturbance, leaming disability, speech impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, deaf/blind, or multiple disabilities); and students with an auditory impairment or visual impairment, whose disabilities are so limiting as to ensure the provisions of special services in place of, or in addition to, instruction in the regular classroom. To be eligible to receive special education services, a student must have been determined to have one or more of the areas of disabilities listed in the federal regulation or in state law or in both. Specified criteria in the state and federal regulations will be used in determining whether a student's conditions meet the eligibility requirements. When a student is suspected of having a disability, the assessment process will be initiated. Written notice and consent must be given and received. An evaluation by qualified personnel will then be conducted. If indicated, a comprehensive individual assessment will be performed. Once eligibility has been determined, the parents and/or adult student will be invited to participate in an ARID meeting to review the results and to develop an Individual Education Plan, Development and Implementation of the Individual Education Plan J[EP Westlake Academy will use the following guidelines for development and implementation of a student's IEP: Timeline The Comprehensive Individual Assessment and a written report will be formulated within 60 calendar days of the date of the initiation of the referral to special education. The ARID committee shall make its decision regarding students referred for the first time within 30 calendar days from the date of the Cl 0 (D 7 J 76 Westlake Academy completion of the written assessment report. If the 301h day occurs during the summer when school is not in session, the ARD committee shall have until the first day of classes in the fall to have made the IEP decisions and the placement, unless the assessment indicated the student will need extended year services during the summer. For students already placed in special education, the ARD r-ommiftAA shall rnppt nt 1pqqt nnnijaliv in review each student's program and recommend appropriate services based upon the student's individual needs, documented in a newly developed IEP. The committee must meet within the same month, or prior to the month, in which the previous annual ARD meeting was held. Function The ARD committee shall perform the following functions: + Review all data from the comprehensive assessment, including information from parents, school personnel, or other sources + Ensure that national origin minority students (or linguistically different students) are not assigned to special education on the basis of criteria, which were developed solely based on command of the English language + Ensure that students are not placed in special education if the only deficiencies identified are directly attributable to a different cultural lifestyle or to not.having the adequate educational opportunities + Establish the eligibility for special education services + Identify the content areas in which the student's disability significantly interferes with the student's ability to meet regular academic mastery level standards (determine educational needs) Documentation Each IEP must include: ♦ Information, in addition to the requirements of 34 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), §300.346, and Part 300, Appendix C, including (1) information to allow for determining the student's eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities; and (2) a statement addressing nonexemption, 77 Westlake Academy modification/accommodation, or exemption from some or all of the basic skills assessment instruments, as appropriate + Mod ifications/accommodations of regular classroom procedures which are provided for students by the charter school as specified in the student's IEP will be provided during the testing process and goals and objectives will be specified if extended year services are included in the IEP + For students with visual impairments, the IEP will also meet the requirements of TEC, §30.002 (e) Least restrictive environment (LRE) placement In providing programs, services, and activities, Westlake Academy will first use those resources made available to all students. When appropriate, students receiving special education services shall: + Remain in the general education program with special education support services, supplementary aids, or other special arrangements, if needed * Be educated to the maximum extent appropriate with students who are not receiving special education services • Be provided opportunities to participate in school activities on the same basis as students who are not receiving speciW education services + Be offered an opportunity for interaction on a regular basis with students who are not receiving special education services Transition planning The AR© committee has the authority to dismiss students from special education services when the ARID committee agrees that there is not longer an educational need for the services. No student can be dismissed from special education without assessment that supports the decision to dismiss, If parents request dismissal based on the fact that they are providing the needed services privately, update assessment, document request, update the IEP if needed, and make a statement that the district is prepared to provide FAPE. State that the parent is choosing dismissal. The student can re-enter the special education program as long as the eligibility data is current. If data is more than one year old, updated assessment may be required 78 Westlake Academy • All dismissals from services/programs should be documented on the ARID report ♦ In addition,. ARD may recommend movement to less restrictive arrangements: • When such movement changes the instructional arrangement, the Notice of Change of Placement should be sent to the parent, unless the parent is in attendance at theADr1 isohorak fidl nnfir= h-ne jj�, r111W, • When a more restrictive placement is considered, the ARID committee shall ensure that current assessment is completed and carefully reviewed • The ARD committee must document reasons for any change in placement or services + Graduation also constitutes change in placement and Notice should be sent, if parent is not in attendance at the ARD + The ARD' committee shall dismiss students from homebound services. A doctor's release statement is necessary for the student to return to school. Certified personnel for the provision of services to children with special needs All special education personnel shall be certified, endorsed, or licensed in the area or areas of assignment in accordance with provisions relating to teacher certification. If a staff member does have the skills and knowledge needed for the assignment, Westlake Academy will make provisions for the person to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge. Services to expelled students The principal or designee is responsible for tracking the number of days of emergency removal, suspension, or in -school suspension for the purpose of ARD action within the required number of days. Updated records on discipline reports for special education student shall be kept. These records will include: ♦ The infraction ♦ The consequence ♦ The number of days out of placement 79 Westlake Academy Short-term removals totaling less than 10 days in a school year do not result in a change of placement and an ARD is not required. Short-term removals totaling more than 10 days in a school year requires the following: ♦ ARD meeting is convened not later than 10 school days after the student is first removed for more than 20- days in a school year (or when the 1 1th day is assigned). ♦ ARD committee conducts/plans a functional behavior assessment (FBA) and, as soon as possible after the FBA is completed, develops a behavior intervention plan (BIP) to address the necessary behavior(s), if the FBA and BIP are not already in place ♦ If the student currently has a BIP, and ARD committee meets to review it and its implementation ♦ If subsequent short-term removals occur (after the first 10 day removal during the school year), members of the ARD committee review the BIP and its implementation to determine if modifications are necessary ♦ If one or more members of the ARD committee believe that modifications are needed, an ARD meeting is held to modify the BIP and its implementation ♦ For any days of removal of a student for more than 10 days in a school year, the student is provided with the necessary services to progress appropriately in the general curriculum and toward achieving his/her IEP goals. ♦ When expelling a student, the Notice of Change of Placement form (to comply with procedural safeguards required in federal law) will be sent to the parents ♦ If the current IEP cannot be implemented while the student is on expulsion, then the IEP should be revised during this time in such a manner that it can be implemented, Whenever possible, the IEP that was in place should be implemented. Document justification for any change in the IEP is required. 2. Describe how your school meets the needs of children who qualify for other federal programs such as: Title I Part A — Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Education Agencies Title I Part C — Migrant Education Title I Pad D, Subpart 2 — Local Agency Programs for Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At -Risk of Dropping Out Westlake Academy Title 11 Part B — Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Program Title IV — Safe and Drug -Free Schools and Communities Program Title VI - Innovative Education Program Strategies Title VI Class -Size Reduction Program Section 504 Westlake Academy will conduct a needs assessment and develop 7 nl-mn f^r #kn nnn.-1; l-44 A ­n of hn4h n#-+— ­4 Fn'Iia.- 1 f A. .a 10 "1I wI au*� VV{UQ%-o v1 `svau Atcatu- PI IV 1GtIGl QI IWO 9%JQ. Such a plan shall be determined in consultation with a task force, including, but not limited to, parents of participants, teachers, the Principal or other administrators, and community members. The plan shall include: e How students shall be identified • Planned services and activities A plan for annual evaluation (performance objectives) • Record -keeping procedure The Board will adopt a comprehensive plan that utilizes all available resources to provide programs that utilize skills and knowledge and promotes academic achievement. Title i Part A In compliance with Title 1 Part A regulation, the school shall convene an annual public meeting for parents of children eligible for Title 1 Part A assistance. Service will be provided through the basic education program and will be supplemental to the basic services provided by the Foundation School funding. Supplemental services may include additional parent training, after school enrichment activities, supplemental learning materials, technology enrichment, etc. Title I Part C - Migrant Education Program This area of focus for the Migrant Education Program (MEP) seeks to ensure that migrant students and their families have their needs for educational and support services met, and are able to access all services for which they are eligible from entry in the MEP's early childhood program for three year olds through transition into post Secondary education or employment. When migrant students are identified, Westlake Academy will utilize the Internet -based new Generation System (NGS), which is an 81 Westlake Academy innovative data transfer system. NGS communicates educational and health data on migrant students to educators throughout the nation. The NGS system will enhance the process of educating migrant students as well as be an interstate information network for Migrant Education. Title I Part D Westlake Academy does not anticipate being eligible for funding under Tittle I Part D. Titles 11. IV, and VI Westlake Academy will enter into shared service agreements (SSA) with the Region Service Center during the first year for Titles 11, IV, and VI. Title VI (Classroom Reduction) will be examined at the end of the first year to determine if there is a need for this funding. At the conclusion of the first year, services provided by the ESC will be evaluated to determine impact of the program.. If positive results are indicated, then Westlake Academy will continue to contract with the ESC for their services. Section 504 Any student who has a physical or mental impairment that substaritially limits one or more major life activities will be evaluated for placement in this program. An IEP will be formulated for Section 504 student. 3. Describe how your school meats the needs of children who qualify for other state programs such as: Bilingual/English as a Second Language (ESL), State Compensatory Education, Dyslexia, and Gifted and Talented. Bilingual/English as a Second Language (ESL} Students If a student indicates a home language other than English, the school will administer a mastery test to assure that the student can comprehend the material in the educational programs. An interpreter will be available to school staff to interpret ARD's testing and translate forms for parents. 06085 82 Westlake Acaderny To be prepared to effectively and fully implement the ESL program, Westlake Academy will initiate the following process to insure compliance: + Review all permanent record folders for students to ensure that each folder contains a signed and dated home language survey + Join the ESUBIlingual Co-op offered by the Region Service Center ♦ Send a faculty member to training offered by the Region Service Center relating to administering the oral language/writing proficiency test Meet with the BilinguaVESL Co-op to design intervention services for the students identified on the survey until certification and test protocols can be obtained ♦ Design an individual leaming prescription to accommodate the education needs of LEP students State Compensatory Education State Compensatory Education as defined in Section 42.152 (c) is a program designed to improve and enhance the regular education program for students in at -risk situations. The purpose of state compensatory education is to increase the achievement and reduce the dropout rate of identified students in at -risk situations. In accordance with the requirement of the TEC §11.252, Westlake Academy will develop a school improvement plan. This plan will identify measurable school performance obiectives for all student populations, strategies to improve student p6iformance, recourse allocations, staff responsible for ensuring the accomplishment of each strategy, timelines for ongoing monitoring of the implementation of each strategy and the formative evaluation criteria for determining periodically whether strategies are resulting in the intended student performance. Dyslexia Westlake Academy will have procedures for identifying a student with dyslexia or a related disorder. Procedures will be implemented in accord with the SBOE approved strategies for screening and techniques for treating dyslexia and related disorders described in "Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorder," a set of flexible guidelines available to local schools. Screening for dyslexia students will only be accomplished by 00086 83 Westlake Academy individuals/professional who are trained to assess students for dyslexia and related disorders. Westlake Academy will either purchase a reading program or develop its own reading program for students with dyslexia and related disorders. Teachers who screen and treat these students will be trained in instructional strategies that utilize individualized, intensive, multi -sensor, phonetic methods and a variety of writing and spelling components. Gifted and Talented Westlake Academy will develop written policies on student identification of gifted and talented and such policies will be disseminated to parents, The policies will include: ♦ Provisions for ongoing screening and selection of students who perform or show potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment in the areas defined in the TEC §29.121 ♦ Assessment measures collected from multiple sources according to each area defined in the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students Data and procedures designed to ensure that students from all populations enrolled in the school have access to assessment and, if identified, services for the gifted/talented program Provisions for final selection of students to be made by a committee of at least three educators from the proposed school who have received training in the nature of need of gifted students Provisions regarding furloughs, reassessment, exiting of students from program services, transfer students, and appeals of the school's decisions regarding program placement. 4. Describe how your school identifies and provides educational support for students who are identified as being "at risk of dropping out of school" as defined in TEC §29.081(d) (see Appendix 1). Westlake Academy will conduct a folder review at the beginning of the school year to determine eligibility for this program based on the factors identified in TEC §29,081. To address the needs of students in at -risk situations that may lead to education failure, Westlake Academy will: U '16087 84 Wesdakc Academy • Implement strategies, including ongoing teacher and staff development and development of appropriately rigorous curriculum, that will help raise expectations for all students • Provide students and their parents or guardians with early information about college opinions, required courses, and financial aid • Provide students and their parents or guardians with information and other age -appropriate services to increase early career awareness • Promote strategies, including how to help with homework, that increase parental involvement in preparing students to succeed in the middle and high school years • Promote strategies that increase parental knowledge and involvement in their student's career choice and preparations. • Ensure that all students have access to rigorous academic course work that meets state standards • Promote equal access to education and educational excellence through concerted partnership efforts on behalf of low-income students • Provide intensive, individualized and coordinated support to students that include mentoring, counseling, and tutoring • Establish strong partnerships that involve long-term commitment and a meaningful role for each partner in improving student readiness for career training or post -secondary education • Identify and implement effective practices that include careful evaluation to enable continuous improvement in students' academic and non-academic performance • Ascertain and document the appropriate documentation needed to identi ;j an abused student and report possible child abuse (sexual, physical, or psychological abuse) to the appropriate agency according to Texas law. 5. Describe the programs offered for the charter school to support other student activities (athletics, publications, clubs, and organizations). Describe whether any agreements have been entered into or plans developed with other public or private agencies for the provision of student activities. Westlake Academy believes that extra -curricular programs are an integral part of a well-rounded education. Students will be given numerous opportunities in which to showcase their abilities in extracurricular activities. An extracurricular activity is defined as an activity sponsored by the University Interscholastic League (UIL), the Westlake Academy Board, or an organization sanctioned by resolution of the Westlake Board, 10666a 85 Westlake Academy Parents and students will be provided opportunities to offer input as to the most desired programs. Activities will range from fine arts (orchestra, chorus, drama, visual arts), athletics (golf, tennis, volleyball, track and field), and clubs (math and science, language, chess, journalism, and technology). C. Admissions Policy Describe the timeline used for admitting students, including the process for the admission lottery for students. Westlake Academy will admit students regardless of sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic or athletic ability, or the district the child would otherwise attend in accordance with TEA regulations. Appropriate accommodations for students with special needs will be made. Westlake Academy will comply with the individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and related regulations and legislation. Westlake Academy will utilize a "first come, first served" enrollment policy. Upon being granted the charter, public meetings will be held to inform parents of the school choice. Availability of application packets will be disseminated via area newspapers, cable, T.V., fliers, and word of mouth. Once the student application is completed, it will be returned to Westlake Academy via U. S. mail along with required documentation: • Birth certificate • Social security card Most recent report card • Up-to-date Immunization record • TAAS or standardized tests results • Essay or portfolio The application is numbered and parents are notified to set up a Pre - Admission conference. After the Pre -Admission conference is conducted, the parents are asked to sign a letter of intent for the student to attend Westlake Academy. Finally, the parents are notified of student's enrollment status. Through the interview process, Westlake Academy will ensure that all families are aware of the school's policies, procedures, and philosophies regarding student achievement and school governance before 00089 86 Westlake Academy enrollment occurs. To assist the families, parents will be provided information regarding transferring their student(s) into Westlake Academy. All potential students in the identified geographical boundaries will be accepted into the school once the interviewing process has been completed and the commitment forms have been signed. Sihlinns of WPstlakP Anaclpmv students will rPCPivP first nrinrity in the year of their initial application. All non -geographical, out -of -boundary, qualified applications after the interview process, will be given a waiting list number to ensure the "first come" is the "first served. - Westlake Academy will exclude from admission any student who has a documented history of criminal offense, juvenile court adjudication, or discipline problems under TEC, Chapter 37., Subchapter A. 2. Explain how these policies further the mission of the school in a non-discriminatory fashion. Westlake Academy is committed to ensuring equity in education and obtaining and maintaining a diversified student and staff population. Westlake Academy's mission is based upon helping children reach their fullest potentials while enhancing the international climate of the entire community. These admissions policies are student -centered with the aim of reaching more children in need of this unique program regardless of their background: ♦ The policy offering services on a 'first come, first served` basis serves Westlake Academy's mission of equally respecting the rights of all people in its service area ♦ The policy of offering a lottery system once the school has reached its capacity, likewise, serves the mission of respecting and treating people fairly and opening the school to students from diverse family circumstances ♦ The policy of excluding students who have a documented history of criminal offense, juvenile court adjudication, or discipline problems supports the school's mission of expecting all students to follow school behavioral guidelines. 87 Westlake Academy I X111. Governance Structures and Processes (Scored by Review Committee) A. What steps will be taken to maintain continuity between the founding coalition's vision and future governing boards? Due to the fact that the founding coalition will be the future governing board, maintaining continuity of the founder's vision will not be an issue. The Board of Director's terms of office are staggered which will ensure that the new community leaders will be able to contribute and that there will a continuity of the founding coalition's vision as described in the application. To ensure consistency the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory suggested the following guidelines: Roles and Responsibilities of the Board • Determine and uphold the school's mission and vision • Select the Executive Director • Support the Director and review his or her performance • Ensure effective organizational planning ■ Ensure adequate resources • Manage resources effectively ■ Determine and monitor the organization's programs and services • Enhance the organization's public image • Serve as a court of appeals • Assess its own performance and recruit new members Traits and characteristics of a good board member ■ A board member should have three of these in any combination: • Industry willingness to commit the time and energy to the work that needs to be done • Intellect — intelligent people who understand education, including the "big picture' of education • Expertise — individuals with experience in real estate, law, or other skilled practitioners • Affluence — individuals or corporations can contribute funds as well as in -kind donations (NOTE: This characteristic alone is no reason to include someone on the board) • Influence — political, social, economic ■ Leadership — proven skills in more than one setting • Time — available time and willingness to commit that time to the board U9651 88 Westlake Academy B. Describe the roles and responsibilities of the board(s). If the governance structure includes more than one board, e.g., a school board that is separate from the board of the sponsoring entity, articulate the responsibilities assigned to each of the boards. Remain cognizant of the fact, that the sponsoring entity is ultimately responsible for the school's compliance with the charter. The Board of Trustees is aware that upon granting of the charter that they ..III ha 74.Ii 4.....++Ir.. school r..-t:�.. . +L...+ +ham. of YVIn1 ue responsivle nvi acting school poll y, Gn�uriin� anat une n11-411— i. -- the school is upheld and governing the school in accordance with its bylaws, charter, and state and federal statutes. The Board will immediately establish and appoint the following committees to effectively address charter school related issues: ■ School district and Regional Service Center Relations ■ Curriculum ■ Public information The central theme of governance will be based on the Accelerated School Model where parents, learners, community members, and Board Members, along with the school staff, have decision -making power in the learning activities, management and governance of the school. This governance/organizational reform model was developed by Dr. Henry M. Levin, of Cornell University. The most powerful aspect of the Accelerated School Model as a governing Model is that of shared decision -making with all stakeholders. C. Describe the procedures for receiving and responding to complaints from both parents and employees. The policies will be provided in both the Student and Faculty/Staff Handbook. Parents If a parent has a complaint about an incident in the classroom, he/she should first attempt to resolve the situation by speaking with the teacher. If an amicable resolution cannot be reached, the parent should set an appointment to speak with the Principal. If satisfaction is still not achieved, the parent may set a meeting with the Director. The next level of complaint resolution is to present the situation to the Board of Trustees at the next regularly scheduled meeting and request action. If the parent is still not satisfied, he/she may contact the Charter Schools Division of the Texas Education Agency andfor the State Board of Education. 0G09Z 89 Westlake Academy Employee If an employee has a complaint about anything occurring at the school or regarding his/her employment, he/she should first appeal to resolve the situation by speaking with the Principal. If satisfaction is not achieved, the employee may set a meeting with the Director. The next level for complaint resolution is to present the situation to the Board of Trustees at the next regularly scheduled meeting and request action. If the employee is still not satisfied, he/she may contact the Charter Schools Division of the Texas Education Agency and/or the State Board of Education. D. What steps will be taken to facilitate a productive relationship between administrators and teachers? Westlake Academy will be committed to providing a pleasant and safe work environment. Salaries will be paid commensurate with the related responsibilities. Westlake Academy will provide teachers/staff with clear and exact job descriptions, which specify job requirements. Teachers will be advised periodically as to their level of performance and developmental needs. Opportunities for in-service and other training will be provided to encourage professional growth. The administration will invite all staff members to report and discuss potential work -related problems, ideas, and improvement, and any actions contrary to policy of a regular basis through the use of formal and informal staff meetings. Lines of two-way communication will remain open at all times. Bi-monthly faculty meetings and weekly updates will ensure that each employee is a valuable and integral part of the school. The leadership style will be one conducive to collaboration between all stakeholders at Westlake Academy. Creative, out -of -the -box thinking will be encouraged. A recognition program to promote facilitation of ideas will be implemented. E. Discuss the nature of parental and student involvement in decision - making matters. The governance structure of Westlake Academy will consist of the Board of Directors. The Board will provide guidance on management and on the integrity of the educational programs consistent with Westlake Academy's vision and goals. The president and vice-president of the Parents Club will serve as advisory members of the Board of Directors. These individuals, who will be elected by their peers, will represent the families' interest. The Parent 06093 90 Westlake Academy Club officers will be responsible for bringing to the Board's attention those issues, concerns and questions expressed by the parentistudent community related to the instruction and education of their children. Westlake Academy will provide parents and students with the opportunity to be active members in the decision -making process. The Parent Club will avail families with the opportunity to participate, and the Student Council will provide the same for students of all grade levels. A campus leadership team will also be implemented. The team will consist of. ♦ Three faculty representatives — one from the elementary school, one from the middle school, and one from the high school ♦ Three parent representatives — one from the elementary school, one from the middle school, and one from the high school ♦ Three students — one from the elementary school, one from the middle school, and one from the high school Two community representatives ♦ The leadership team meeting will be attended by the Principal and Executive Director F. Specify the extent to which any private entity will be involved in the operation of your charter school. Identify any members of the governing board or officers of the charter school who are affiliated with the entity. There are no private entities involved in the operation of Westlake Academy. DEW 91 Attachments 90095 Page 1 of Diann Rozeli - RE: Charter application From: "Perry, Mary" <MPerryf@tea sMte.bc.us> To, "'Diann Rozer <Ro2ell*mers.coe.unt.edu> Date: 02/05/20017:50 AM Subject R.E. Charter application ycru do not need to krclrxk kttera d FIM MMAdadon. f AmvUtp Is the mponw that 2 rco*.*d from Chades Moody, MA attorney (522• 463.9720) about your kcal question- `m not farroUr with letters of Irmtru r tamy, but 2 assume M1iom the description that they are what munlclpalkles use to document that they art tax-exbnpt is lrtmmentalbes d the RM. 2 cerW* do not think that provtding that aystead of a 501(c)(3) Is a protlWn; goovnmental entities are one of the types of enttdiks e00be to be charter hoieera w4er 22.101. You'n right that much or 5ectioh t of the applUtion (`Fvldenee of 091WIty of spon5oriny entlW) is premised an the idea or a nonpriA corporzdon. But i drink that a mu icipallty would Ault have to provide whatever canes closest to the description, for example, they must have by-laws or same equivalent dotvmem than defines Uw duties of municipal affiouL And they could provide biNraphial affidavits of the aldermen. They w uld not really need a oedk report or resent IRS ffl v. rm not sure haw beipNi that Is. Please tell Diann to feel tree to cai me Y they have mom wecu questions. --Original Message--, From: Diann Rozell J=i to:RozeI)Qcoefs.coe.unt.edu] Sent„ Friday, February 02, 2001 1:53 PM To: mperry0trnait.tea,state.ix.us Subject Charter application Mary. 2 never heard back from you or legal regarding" 5p1c3 , but on to other areas of the application. since V* Geneaaw a apphcataan is moat speafiic in regards to attazrnents, am t to believe that letters of reeemrnendat7on are rat to be induded? Tnan ks for your feetaaadk. Darn 194 �it- 4ile-//C:\WINDOW5\TEMP"\GWI00017.MTM 02/05/2001m-:> TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 01-05 A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE CREATION OF A NONPROFIT CORPORATION PURSUANT TO THE TEXAS NON-PROFIT CORPORATION ACT, APPROVING ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BYLAWS FOR, AND APPOINTING THE INITIAL DIRECTORS OF, THE CORPORATION, APPOINTING CERTAIN CONSULTANTS, AND RESOLVING RELATED MATTERS WHEREAS, this Board of Aldermen (the "Board"), as the governing body of the Town of Westlake, Texas (the "Town"), hereby find that it is in the public interest that a non-profit corporation (the "Corporation") be created under the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act (the "Act") to act on behalf of the Town as its duly constituted authority and instrumentality, within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for the purpose of providing educational services and facilities; WHEREAS, the Act empowers, among other things, the Corporation to acquire a charter, pursuant to Chapter 12, Subchapter D of the Education Code (the "Education Code"), provide education services, and acquire, finance, and operate educational facilities and facilities related thereto, as contemplated by the Education Code and/or other law; WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Board that the Corporation shall have all powers authorized under the Act and other law to enable it to apply for and obtain a charter under the Education Code and provide education services and acquire, finance, and operate educational facilities and facilities related thereto, as contemplated by the Education Code, the Act, and/or other law, WHEREAS, the Act authorizes the Corporation to issue revenue bonds ("Bonds") and/or to enter into other obligations ("Obligations") that, among other things, will facilitate providing education services and facilities and facilities related thereto; WHEREAS, no Bonds or Obligations of the Corporation will constitute obligations (whether special, general, or moral) of the Town; WHEREAS, the Act provides that the directors of the Corporation are to be appointed by the Board; WHEREAS, the Articles of Incorporation (the "Articles") of the Corporation shall provide that no modification of the Articles or the Bylaws (the "Bylaws") of the Corporation shall take effect unless approved by this Board; 00093 A-3 WHEREAS, this Board intends, by the adoption of this Resolution, to take all action necessary to order the creation of the Corporation with all of the corporate powers and authority granted under the Act and other law; WHEREAS,, the meeting at which this Resolution has been considered was open to the public as required by law, and public notice of the time, place, and subject of the meeting has been given in accordance with Chapter 551, Government Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTL.AKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The findings and declarations contained in the preamble of this Resolution are hereby incorporated as part of this Resolution. SECTION 2. This Board hereby finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the Town and its inhabitants that the Corporation, to be named as specified in the articles, be created pursuant to the Act to act on behalf of the Town as its duly constituted authority and instrumentality for the purposes and with the powers and authority prescribed by the Act and other law. SECTION 3. This Board hereby orders the creation of the Corporation and approves the Articles in substantially the form attached to this Resolution as an exhibit, and hereby authorizes the incorporators of the Corporation (as identified in such Articles) to file the Articles with the Secretary of State in accordance with law. In the event that the name for the Corporation specified in the Articles is not available, the incorporators are hereby authorized to change the Corporation's name in the Articles without the further approval of the Town. SECTION 44. This Board hereby appoints the persons identified in the Articles to serve as the initial Board of Directors of the Corporation. SECTION 5: This Board hereby approves the initial Bylaws of the Corporation in substantially the forth attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A. SECTION 6: It is intended that the Corporation be a duly constituted authority and instrumentality of the Town within the meaning of regulations and/or revenue rulings of the Treasury Department and/or the Internal Revenue Service of the United States promulgated under Section 115 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. SECTION 7: With respect to the Town and its instrumentalities, the Board of Aldermen hereby appoints Larry Williamson as financial advisor, Thomas Allen Moon as finance counsel, and Jenkens & Gilchrist, P.C. as special finance counsel. passage. SECTION S: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its H 0 5J �= 4 PASSED. AND APPROVED ON THIS t 2� DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2001. ATTEST: iTg Crosswy, Secretary Trent Petty, To anager APPROVED AS TO DOI a TOWN OF WE.STLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 01-06 A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE CREATION OF A NONPROFIT CORPORATION PURSUANT TO THE TEXAS NON-PROFIT CORPORATION ACT, APPROVING ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BYLAWS FOR, AND APPOINTING THE INITIAL DIRECTORS OF, THE CORPORATION, APPOINTING CERTAIN CONSULTANTS, AND RESOLVING RELATED MATTERS WHEREAS, this Board of Aldermen (the "Board"), as the governing body of the Town of Westlake, Texas (the "Town"), hereby find that it is in the public interest that a non-profit corporation (the "Corporation") be created under the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act (the "Act") to act on behalf of the Town as its duly constituted authority and instrumentality, within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code of 1996, as amended,- for the purpose of providing civic facilities; WHEREAS, the Act empowers, among other things, the Corporation to acquire, finance, operate, and lease facilities ("Civic Facilities") that will contribute to the economic development, civic improvement, and educational, cultural, and recreational enhancement of the Town; WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Board that the Corporation shall have all powers authorized under the Act and other law to enable it to acquire, finance, operate, and lease Civic Facilities; WHEREAS, the Act authorizes the Corporation to issue revenue bonds ("Bonds") and/or to enter into other obligations ("Obligations") that, among other things, will facilitate providing Civic Facilities; WHEREAS, no Bonds or Obligations of the Corporation will constitute obligations (whether special, general, or moral) of the Town. WHEREAS, the Act provides that the directors of the Corporation are to be appointed by the Board; WHEREAS, the Articles of Incorporation (the "Articles") of the Corporation shall provide that no modification of the Articles or the Bylaws (the "Bylaws") of the Corporation shall take effect unless approved by this Board; WHEREAS, this Board intends, by the adoption of this Resolution, to take all action necessary to order the creation of the Corporation with all of the corporate powers and authority granted under the Act and other law; WHEREAS, the meeting at which this Resolution has been considered was open to the public as required by law, and public notice of the time, place, and subject of the meeting has been given in accordance with Chapter 551, Government Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION- 1. The findings and declarations contained in the preamble of this Res -A t-Jon s«r here -by i..nnrm..—+-A oc --t of *%—e� RA%,--h ; a.v✓v...uvu anti uvawv.7 auwa�rvaccrti.r a s F. %tires Saar✓—W....... SECQON 2. This Board hereby finds and detenvines that it is in the best interest of the Town and its inhabitants that the Corporation, to be named as specified in the Articles, be created pursuant to the Act to act on behalf of the Town as its duly constituted authority and instrumentality for the purposes and with the powers and authority prescribed by the Act and other law. SECTION 3. This Board hereby orders the creation of the Corporation and approves the Articles in substantially the form attached to this Resolution as an exhibit, and hereby authorizes the incorporators of the Corporation (as identified in such Articles) to file the Articles with the Secretary of State in accordance with law. In the event that the name for the Corporation specified in the Articles is not available, the incorporators are hereby authorized to change the Corporation's name in the Articles without the further approval of the Town. SECTION 4. This Board hereby appoints the persons identified in the Articles to serve as the initial Board of Directors of the Corporation. SECTION 5: This Board hereby approves the initial Bylaws of the Corporation in substantially the form attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A. SECTION 5: It is intended that the Corporation be a duly constituted authority and instrumentality of the Town within the meaning of regulations and/or revenue rulings of the Treasury Department and/or the Internal Revenue Service of the United States promulgated under Section 115 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. SEMO 7:7: With respect to the Town and its instrumentalities, the Board of Aldermen hereby appoints Larry Williamson as financial advisor, Thomas Allen Moon as finance counsel, and Jenkens &, Gilchrist, P.C. as special finance counsel. SECTION 8: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND .APPROVED ON THIS 12r" DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2001. J6l02 A - q-c r ATI: EST: ing CMSSWy�� u�a SeCMtary Tmat Petty, Ta a APPROVED AS TO )" 09103 A-4A EXHIBIT "A" December 13, 1956 FIELD NOTES OF PROPOSED INCORPOILATION OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE IN TARRANT AND DENTON COUNTIES, TEXAS Tract No. I 1.99 Square Miles Situated in the Counties of Tarrant and Denton, State of Texas, being a tract of land out of the following; Surveys: J. Eads A-39Z. R. Eads A.393, J. Gibson A-493, J. Bacon A-1565, J. Sutton A-1154, C. Medlin A-QZ3. W. H. Pea A-1145, J. Henry A-528. W. Medlin A-1958, Bra., of C.'Wi. Throop A.1510, Hre.-f C. )Aare A-2003. W. H. Martin A-1068, M. Hunt A-7a6, G. B. Hendricks A-680, Jesse/Gibson A-59Z. Wni. 11uff A-648. BZGINNING in Denton County at the intersection of the west lint of R. Eads Survey A-393 with the south line of Dallas Street-(a'rtreat leaving the town of Roanoke) said point being the most northerly northwest corner of the herein described tract; THENCE cast following along the south line of Dallas Street eroeaid'g State Highway No. 114 at 1100' and continuing on a distance of 4625' to a point for corner in the J. Sutton Survey A-1154; THENCE north and crossing County Road a distance of 700 feet to a point for corner in the J. Eads Survey A-39Z; THENCC ea"st 660 feet to a point for corner in the cast line of said Eade Survey; THENCE south with the east line of Eads Survey and the J. Sutton Survey A-1154 a distance of 1600 feet to a point for corner; THENCE southeasterly and at all times 600 feet from and parallel to the northeast line of State Highway No. 114 to a point far corner Isa the cant line of the J. Glenn Turner 12 9. 18 acre tract in the C. Medlin Survey; THENCE south with said Turner's cast line 420 feet to point for corner; THENCE southeasterly and all times 200 feet from and parallel Co the northeast line a distance of 2600 feet to a point for corner lh the east line of the Irene Nesbitt 4 acre tract in the W. H. Pea Survey A-) 145; THENCE aoutbweoterly with said Nesbitt tract a dis- tance of 200 feet to a point for corner in the northeast line of State Highway No. 114; THENCE southeasterly with northeast line of said highway a distance 950 feet to a point for corner; THENCE south crossing said highway to a point for corner in the southwest line of highway and the Intersection of the _ northwest corner of the Earl E. Ellis 26.8 acre tract in the W. H. Pea Survey A- 1145; THENCE southeasterly with the southwest line of said high. way and crossing the Denton -Tarrant County line and continuing on to a point for corner at the Intcrsection of southwest line of highway with west lint of County Road No. 3098 in Tarrant County; THENCE south with west line of said county road a distance of 1450 feet to a point for corner; THENCE west a distance of 800 feet to a point for corner; THENCE north a distance of 2200 feet to a point for corner in the north line of Firs. of C. M. Throop Sur- vey A-2510; THENCE west with north line of said Throop Survey to a point for corner; said point being the northeast corner of the Earl E. Ellis 35-3 acre tract; 111ENC£ south with the cast line of Paid Ellis tract and east A[I< line of John A. McGuire 20.86 acre and 83.474tracts to a point for corner in the north fine County Rdad No. 30&0, said point also being the southeast corner of said McGuire 83.47 acre tract; THENCE easterly and following the north line of said county road to a point for corner; said point being C . rl pate 2 Exhibit "A" in the cast line of lira, of C. M. Throop Survey A-1510; THENCE south and, crossing said county road and following the west line of County Road No. 3068 a distance of 640 feet to a point for corner; THENCE west a distance of 200 feat to a point for corner; THENCE north and at all times 200 feet from and parallel to the west tine of county road No. 3088 to a point for corner in the south line of County Rnncl No. 3080; THENCE west and northwesterly following the south line of said county road to a point for corner at its intersection with the cast line of the A. M. Tate 11. 32 acre tract in the Hrs. of C. M. Throop Survey A-1510; THENCE south with cast line of said Tate 11. 32 acre tract to a point for corner; said point being the southeast corner of said Tate tract and in the south line of said Throop Survey; TIiENCE west with the south line of said Tate tract and Throop Survey to a point for earner in the west line of County Road No. 3035; THENCE south and southwest follow- ing said west line of county road to a point for corner, said point being the southeast corner of the E. H. Reeder 103.64 acre tract in the W. H. Martin Survey A-1068; THENCE west 4vith south lint of said Reeder tract a distance of 20TS feet to a point for corner; said point being the southwest corner of said Reeder tract and in the west line of W. H. Martin Survey A-1068; THENCE north with the west line of said Martin Survey and Reeder tract to a point for +corner, said pairs being at the southeast corner of the 1,f. Hunt Survey A-756; THENCE west with the south line of said M. Hunt Survey to a point for corner; said point being the south- west corner of said Hunt Survey; THENCE north with west line of said Hunt Survey to a point for corner, oaid point being 200, feet south of south line of County Road No. 40130; THENCE; west and at all time@ 200 feet south of and parallel to the south line of said County Road No. 4080 to a point for corner, said point being 300 feet cast of east line of County Road No. 4041; 'THENCE south and at all titres 300 feet east of and parallel to said east line of said County Road No. 4041 to a point for corner; said point being in the. south line of the H. S. Thrasher 40 acre tract in the G. B. Hendricks Survey A-660; THENCE went with south line of said Thrasher tract a distance of 300 feet to a point for corner. said point being in,the east line of County Road No. 4041; THENCE south with cast line of said county road a distance of 660 feet to a point for corner; THENCE cast a distance of 300 feet to a point for corner. THENCE south and all times 300 feet cast of and parallel to tht cast line of County Road No. 4041 adistance of 660 feet to a point for corner, said point being in the south line of G. B. Hendricks Survey A-690; THENCE west with said south line of Hendricks Survey and cross- ing County Road No. 4041 to a point for corner, said point being in the went line of said county road; THENCE. -north with the west line of said county road to a point for corder. said point being the southeast corner of the J. A. Medford 20 acre tract out of the Cr. H. Hendricks Survey; THENCE west with south line of said Medford tract a distance of 200 feet to a point for corner; TNENCjl; north and at all times Z00 feet west of and parallel to west line of County Road No. 4041 to a point for corner, said point being in the south line of County Road No. 4080; THENCE west with south line of said county road to a point for corner, srid point being 600 fact from the east line of County Road No. 4057, T14ENCE south a distance of 1300 foot to a point for corner, said point being in the south line of the W. T. Sharpies* 40 acre tract in the Jcsac Gibson Survey A-592; THENCE west with the south line of said Sharplaas tract to a point for corner, said point being in the cast line of County Road No. 4057; THENCE south with this east line of said county road to a point for corner, said point being the northwest corner of the Margie Wood 6 acre tract in the Jcaae Gibson Survey A-592; THENCE east with north line of said Wood DulC61 Past 3 Exhibit "A" tract a distance of 200 feet to a point for corner; THENCE south and at all times 200 feet from and parallel to the east line of County Road' No. 4057 to a point for: corner. said point being in the south line of the Margie Wood 6 acre tract; THENCE west with the south line of said Margie Wood tract and crossing said County Road No. 4057 to a point fo= corner, said point being in the west line of said county road; MNCE north with the west line of said county road to a point for corner, said point being the southeast corner of the 14. C. Winterbauer 40 acre tract is the Jesse Gibson Survey; THENCE west with south line of said Winterbauer tract a distance of 200 feet; THE14CE north to a point for corner, said point being in the north line of said Witterbauer tract; THENCE cast with north line of said Winterbauer tract to a point for corner, said point being the northeast corner of Paid Winterbauer tract and in the west line of County Road No. 4057; THENCE north with the west line of said county road to a point for corner, said point being the, southeast corner of the J. Glenn Turner 40 acre tract in the Jesse Gibson Survey A-592; THENCE west with the south line of said Turner 40 acre tract to a point for corner, said point being the southwest corner'of said Turner 40 acre tract and in the east line of the J. Glenn Turner 81. 3 acre tract; THENCE south with the east line of said 81. 3 acre tract a distance of 290 fact to a point for corner; THENCE west with an cast prolongation of the south line of the J. Glenn Turner 98. B acre* tract in the Won. Huif Survey A-646 and continuipw with south line of said tract to a point for corner. said point being 400 feet east of the east line of County Road No. 4060; THENCE south anti at all times 400 feet from and parallel to the east tine of said county road to a point for corner, said point being in the south line of the Gunnels 40 acre tract in the Wm. Huff Survey; THENCE west with south line of Paid Gunnels tract a distance of 400 feet to a Point for corner, said point being the southwest corner of said 40 acre tract and in the cast line of County Road'No. 4060; THENCE north with cast line of said county road and the west line of said Gunnels tract to a point for corner, said point being 200 feet from south line of the J. Glenn Turner 96. 8 acre tract; THENCE east and 200 feet north of and parallel to the south line of said Turner tract and an east prolongation of said south line to a point for corner, said point being 200 feet west of the cast line of J. Glenn Turner 61, 3 acre tract in the Jesse Gibson Survey A-592; THENCE east 200 feet north of and at all times parallel to the south line of the J. Glenn Turner 40 acre tract to a point for corner, said point being in the west line of County Road No. 4057; THENCE north and northwest with the west line of said county road to a point for corner, said point being in the north line of the Jesse Gibson Survey A-592; THENCE west with the north line of said Gibson Survey a distance of 200 feet to a point for corner; THENCE north and•crossing the J. Bacon Survey A-1565 and the Tarrant -Denton County line to a point for corner, said point toeing in the north line of the Frank Wright 2 acre tract in the R. Eads Survey A•393; 'THENCE east with the north line of said Wright tract a distance of 300 feet to a point for corner, said point being the Northeast Corner of said Wright tract and in the west line of County Road to Roanoke; THENCE northwest and northwesterly following the west lint and south line of said county road to a point for corner, said point being 350 feet east of and at right angles to the west line of R. Eads Survey; THENCE southwesterly a distance of 150 feet to a point for ccraor; THENCE northwesterly 150 legit from and at all times parallel to the southwest line of county road to Roanoke to a point for corner, said point being in the west line of tht J. Bacon Survey A-1565; THENCE north Mi of Page 4 Exhibit "A" with the west line of said J. Bacon Survey and the center line of a county road to a point for corner, said paint being the northwest corner of the J. Glenn Turner 6.5 acre tract in the J. Bacon Survey; THENCE cast with north line of said 6. 5 acre tract to an inner corner of said tract, said cornsr being in the cast line of J. Bacon Survey; THENCE south with east line of said Bacon Survey to a point for eornor, said point being the southeast corner of said 6.5 acre tract and in the northeast line of county road ieavinrr Roanoke., THENCE aautlieaat east and south with the northeast, north and east line of county road and crossing the Denton-Tarr:cnt County line to a point for corner, said point being in the east litr. of County Road No. 4057 and the Northwest corner of the R. 0. Carpenter 20 acre tract in the Jesse Gibson Survey A-54Z; THENCE east with North line of said Carpenter tract a distance of 300 feet to a point for corner; THENCE south and at all times 300 feet from and parallel to the cant line of County Road No. 4057 to a point tot corner, said point being in the south line of said Carpenter tract; THENCE -cot with south line of said Carpenter tract to a point for corner, said point being the southwest corner of said Carpenter tract and in the east tine of County Road No. 4057; THENCE south with east line of maid county road and continuing on to a point for earner, said point being in the southeast corner of the R. A. Carpenter t0 acre tract; THENCE east with mouth line of maid Carpenter tract and continuing on with the north line of county road No. 4080 to a point for corner, said point being 700 feet from the southeast earner of the A. H. Wilde Land In the G. B. Hendrick Survey A-680; THENCE north and parallel to the . east line of said Wilde Tract a distance of 1000 feet to a point for corner, ll+cmcr.,l said point being in the coat line of said Wilde tract; THENCE south with 'r: a f—pe`�, east line of said Wilde tract a distance of I0nO feti to a point for Corner. said point being the moutheaet corner of said Wilde tract and in the north line of County Road No. 4690; THENCE notheast and cast with the north lin-s of paid county road to a point for corner, said point being 1400 ivet west of ens,t line of County Road No. 40Z6; THENCE north a distance of 1600 Not to a point for corner; THENCE cast and crossing said county road at 1200 feet and continuing on to a point for corner, said point being 200 feet east of the east line of said county road; THENCE south and at all times 200 feet from and parallel to the east line of said county road to a point for corner. said point being In the south line of the M. L. Roberts 40 acre tract in the Hrs. of C. Lt. Throop Survey Ad510; THENCE west with south line of said Roberts tract a distance of 201 feet to a point for corner, said point being the mouthveaut - corner of maid Roberts tract and in the east line of County Road No. 4026; THENCE south with the east line of said county road and the cant with the north line of County Road No, 3080 to a point for corner; THENCE south with east line of said county road to a point for corner. said point being the Northwest corner of the John McGuire Land; THENCE tart with the north line of the said McGuire tract to a point for corner, said point being the southeast corner of the B. A. Zwald 136-1/3 acre tract; THENCE north with the cast line of said Zwald tract to a point for corner. - acid point being 400 feet from the north line of Nra. of C. M. Throop Survey, 'THENCE vfost and 400 feet south of and parallel to the north Iine of said Throop Survey to a point for corner, said point being a,south prolongation,of the cant line of the A. C. Heath land in the W. H. Pea Survey A-1145; THENCE north to a point for corner, said point being the southeast corner sf raid Heath tract and in the south line of W. H. 001G3 A- ro Page 5 Exhibit "An Pea Survey, THENCE we at with south line of said W« H. Pea Survey a distance of 600 feet to a point for corner; THENCE north 600 feet went of and parallel to the cast line of A. C. Heath tract to a point for corner, paid point being in ti,c southwaat line of State Highway No. 114; THENCE northwest with the southwest tine of said highway to a point for corner. said point being the north cast corner of the B. K. Heath 4 acre tract in the W. H. Pea Survey; THENCE south with east line of said Heath tract to a point for corner in the southeast corner of said tract. THENCE west with south line of said tract and continuing acroso county road to a point for corner; THENCE south with west line of said county road to a point for corner, raid point being in the southeast corner of the Max Cohen 63.43 acre tract in the C. Medlin Survey A-823; THENCE weat with south line of said Cohen tract and continuing along the the south line of the J. Glenn Turner 243.52 acre tract to a point for corner in the couthweat corner of the said Turner tract and the C. Medlin survey; THENCE north with 0%. weot line of said Turner tract and Medlin survey to a }point for corner, raid point being in the aouth%ycst line of State Highway No. 114; THENCE northwest with the southwest line of said highway to a point for corner, said point bting 200 feet south and measured parpendlcWar from the south Jina of county road leaving Roanoke; THENCE west and at all times 200 feet from and parallel to the south line of said road to a point for corner, said point being in the west lint of the R. Ends Survey A-393; THENCE north with the west line of raid Eads survey to the point of beginning, and covering a tract of land containing 1.99 square miler. r_ t E j o m a� _ - � 0 CD f � 0 2 . BYLAWS of WESTLAKE ACADEMY CORPORATION ARTICLE I POWERS AND OPERATIONS IN GENERAL SECTION 1.1. Powers of Corporation. The Westlake Academy Corporation (the "Corporation") shall have all of the powers and authority granted to non-profit corporations under the "Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. Art. 1396 (Vernon 1997), as amended (the "Act"). SECTION 1.2, Records. The Corporation shall keep complete corporate and financial records and minutes of the proceedings of its board of directors (the "Board") and of committees (if any) of the Board in accordance with applicable law, The records and minutes shall be made available for inspection at all reasonable times by any member of the Board (any member, a "Director") or by the Director's authorized agent or by any authorized representative of the Town of Westlake (the "Town"). SECTION 1.3. Regulations. The Corporation, by action of the Board, may promulgate regulations (the "Regulations") governing the Corporation's operation. The Regulations shall not conflict with, and shall be subject to, these Bylaws and the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation (the "Articles"). SECTION 1.4. Staffing Functions. Staff functions of the Corporation may be performed by employees of the Town, under the direction of the Town Manager, subject to payment by the Corporation of the actual costs of the staff functions to be performed, as from time to time may be billed to the Corporation by the Town. The Corporation shall pay the bills upon receipt (or as promptly thereafter as practicable) from any of its funds available for such payment. :• •a • 263 NJ AM SECTION 2.1. Management of Corporation. The Board is responsible for the management of the Corporation, SECTION 2.2. Number, Atmointment,jerm, Disqualifications, and Removal of Directors. The Board shall consist of seven Directors. The Directors constituting the initial Board are those specified in the Articles. Subsequent Directors (including Directors filling vacancies) shall be appointed by the governing body of the Town. The term of each.. Director is two years, provided that a Director shall continue to serve until his/her successor is appointed and assumes office, Any Director may be removed at any time (with or without cause) by the governing body of the Town. SECTION 2.3, Meetings of Directors. (a) The Board may hold its meetings at any place designated (from time to time) by the Board. to the absence of any designation, meetings shall be held at the principal office of the Corporation. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held at such times and places as designated by resolution of the Board. A special meeting of the Board shall be held whenever called by the president or the secretary of the Corporation or by the Board at the time and place specified by the authority calling the special meeting. Unless otherwise indicated in the notice of a special meeting, any matter that may be acted upon by the Board at a regular meeting may be acted upon at a special meeting. (b) Except as otherwise provided by law, notice to Directors of a regular meeting is not required. Notice of the time and place of each special meeting shall be given to each Director (either by personal delivery, United States mail, telephone, or telecopy) not later than two hours in advance of the meeting. Notice of BYLAWS — Page 1 0011,16) any Board meeting to persons other than Directors shall be given if and to the extent required by law. (c) Attendance of a Director at a meeting shall constitute a waiver by the Director of any notice of meeting, unless the Director attends the meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business on the grounds that the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. A waiver of a notice in writing, signed by any person entitled to notice (whether before or after the time for giving the notice) shall be deemed to be the equivalent to the giving of notice. SECTION 2.4. Quorum. A majority of the number of Directors fixed by these bylaws as constituting the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transacting of the business of the Corporation. The act of a majority of the Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is in attendance shall constitute the act of the Board except as otherwise required by law or by these Bylaws or the Articles. SECTION 2.5. Order of $usiness. The Board shall consider the matters before it in such order as the Board may determine. SECTION 2.6. Committees. The Board, by resolution adopted by a majority of the Directors in office, may designate one or more committees that, to the extent provided in the resolution, shall have the authority of the Board in the management of the Corporation. Each committee shall consist of two or more Directors. Committees that do not have the authority of the Board in the management of the Corporation may be designated by resolution of the Board or by the president of the Corporation, and membership on any committee need not be limited to Directors. SECTION 2.7 Compensation of Directors. Directors are not entitled to receive any compensation for their services as Directors, except for reimbursement of their actual expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties. ARTICLE III OFFICERS SECTION M. Office Titles. The officers of the Corporation shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary, a treasurer, and such other officers as the Board may from time to time appoint. The same person may hold more than one office, except that the president shall not hold the office of secretary. SECTION 31. Appointment, Tenn. Removal, Vacancy of Offices. Each officer shall be appointed by the Board for a term of two years and shall continue to serve until his/her successor is appointed and assumes office. Each officer is subject to removal from office (with or without cause) at any time by the vote of a two-thirds majority of the Directors in office. A vacancy in any office shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment for the unexpired term thereof. SECTION 3.3 President. The president shall preside at all meetings of the Board. The president is the chief executive officer of the Corporation and, subject to the control of the Board, shall have general charge and supervision of the management of the affairs of the Corporation. The president shall cause all orders and resolutions of the Board to be put into effect. The president shall sign and execute all legal documents and instruments in the name of the Corporation when authorized to do so by the Board except when the signing and execution thereof is delegated by the Board to some other officer or to an agent of the Corporation. SECTION 3.4. Vice -President. The vice-president shall, in the event of the absence or disability of the president, discharge the powers and duties of the president, and the vice-president shall perform such additional duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Board. BYLAWS — Page 2 00113 A- % S SECTION 3.5. Secretary. The secretary shall have charge of the records and correspondence of the Corporation under the direction of the president. The secretary is responsible for the giving of notice of meetings of the Board, and the secretary shall attend the Board meetings and shall take and keep minutes of. and record all votes cast at. the meetings. The secretary shalt discharge such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the president or the Board. SECTION 3.6. Treasurer. (a) To the extent not otherwise provided in any resolution of the Board relating to the issuance of bonds or other obligations of the Corporation or to instruments authorized by A. L2 peril an ,:Ar �:a.. al.- r` .. 4ue a.. eL.nll ke r a{,r .... �.a..A.l ...0 ..11 al.r fi...,in ...� Ll1V Yv4iY LV F.V's �, .rl4c YLILJ L/i VrVIVI, %IsLr Y4SLaLrel Jl1YlI IIILVu 41L. 44JILVU' Vl WII LIIV AYIIYP YIiV ♦lec Y/iLLY.I of the Corporation and shall deposit them to the credit of the Corporation in such banks or other depositories as the Board may designate. (b) The treasurer shall keep proper books of account and other records showing at all times the amount of the funds and other property belonging to the Corporation and of all receipts and disbursements of the Corporation. The treasurer shall, under the direction of the Board, disburse all money and sign all checks and other instruments drawn on or payable out of the funds of the Corporation and shall also make such transfers and other dispositions of the securities of the Corporation as may be ordered by the Board. (c) The treasurer shall also discharge such additional duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Board. The treasurer shall give bond only if required to do so by the Board. The treasurer shall render to the president and to the Directors an account of all transactions of the treasurer and of the financial condition of the Corporation upon request. SECTION 3.7. Compensation of Officers. Officers are not entitled to receive any compensation for their services as officers, except for reimbursement of their actual expenses incurred In the performance of their official duties; provided that, the secretary shall be compensated for services rendered. ARTICLE rV MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SECTON 4.1. Time for Taking Effect. These Bylaws shalt take effect upen their adoption by the Board. SECTION 4.2. Resignation. Any Director or any officer of the Corporation may resign at any time. A resignation shall be made by written instrument and shall take effect at the time specified therein or, if no time is so specified, at the time of its receipt by the president or the secretary of the Corporation. The acceptance of a resignation is not necessary to make it effective unless expressly so provided in the instrument of resignation. SECTION 4.3. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Corporation shall be the annual period determined by resolution of the Board. SECTION 4.4. Seal. The official seal of the Corporation shall be as determined by the Board. The seal shall not be necessary to the proper execution by the officers of the Corporation of any document or instrument unless otherwise specified by the Board. SECTION 4.5. Special Requirements. The Corporation shall comply with the following special requirements: (a) The Corporation shall maintain its books and records separate and apart from any other legal entity. (b) The Corporation shall not commingle its assets with the assets of any other legal entity, BYLAWS — Page 3 00114 4 - % %^ (c) The Corporation shall maintain financial records separate from any other legal entity. (d) The Corporation shall maintain an "arm -length" relationship with all other legal entities except as it otherwise required by law. (e) The Corporation shall pay the salaries of its own employees. SECI"ION 44 Amendments. These Bylaws may be amended at any time, and from time to time, by resolution of the Board, which amendment shall not take effect until approved by the governing body of the Town. SECTION 4.7. Interpretation. These Bylaws shall be liberally construed to effect the purposes of the Corporation. if any part of these Bylaws is ruled invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of these Bylaws shall remain in effect to the fullest extent possible under the application of such ruling. References in these Bylaws to the singular number shall include the plural and vice versa (unless the context otherwise requires). BYLAWS — Page 4 A-1'l Attachment 4 Affidavits DOI I r% _ to TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER SCHOOL APPLICANT BIOGRAPHICAL AFFIDAVIT (MUST BE TYPED and NOTARIZED) Check all that apply: Member of the governing board of the'sponsoring entity Member of the managing board for the darter school It should be understood that a beard rnember's resignation is not effective until a replacement is duly appointed by the board and a board member may be personally liable for any actions taken by the board. (] School administrator Full Name of Sponsoring Entity and Name of Proposed Charter School: TOWN OF WESTLAKE In connection 'Kith the above -named organization and charter school application, I herewith make representations and supply information about myself as hereinafter set forth, (Attach addendum or separate sheet if space hereon is insufficient to answer any questions fully.) IF ANSWER IS "NO' OR "NONE", SO STATE. 1. Full Name (in*dWs Not Acceptable): 2. have you ever had your name If yes, give reason for the b.Maiden Name (if female) c.Other names used at anytime rkra.�i t�rs73 3 Y fa i 1 art , „ Rnk-d fw i o CQ1 142-ge 3. Social Security Number�� 4. pate and Place of Birth: 5. Business Address: 1256 Main Street, Ste.252, Southlake, Texas 76092 Business Telephone: {817) 442-5523 6. List your residences for the last ten (10) years starting with your current address, DATES ASS CM ANQ MU ZIP CQQ.9 67 RFA 701-01-W4 SAS-A511 00117 b,IR 7. Education: Dates, Names, Locations and Degrees 1476 Southern Methodist University (LIM in Taxation) M S. test Membership in Professional Societies and Associations: Texas Bar Association; American Aar Association; 9. Life e ou. Texas Bar ounoation 10. List complete employment record (up to and including present jobs, positions, directorates or officerships) for the past twenty (20) years: DATES EMPLOYER ADDRESS TITLE 11, P'resent employer may be contacted: Yes No (Circle One) Farmer employers may be contacted: Yes No (Circle One) 12. a) Have you ever been in a position which required a fidelity bond? ms _ _ If any claims were made on the bond, give details: NONE b) Have you ever been denied an individual or position -schedule fidelity bond, or had a bond cancelled or revoked? No If yes, give details: 13. List any professional. occupational or vocational licenses issued by any public or governmental licensing agency or regulatory authority which you presently hold or have held in the past. (State date license was issued, issuer of license, date terminated, reasons for terrnlnafjon):n-g121 64 - Tp-xasPar No _ n _a�000.- ai /15/19 5 - United States District Court for the Northern District; 12/23/1965 - United States Court of Appea 11/06,/1972 United States Supreme Court; 11/19/1975 United States Tax Court 14. During the last ten (10) years. have you ever been refused a professional, occupational or vocational license by any public or govemmental licensing agency or regulatory authority, or has such license held by you ever been suspended or revoked?yD_ If yes, give details: 69 RF'A 701-01-004 SAS-A611 1 S. Wig you or members of your immediate family be employed by (directly or through contract) or receive remuneration from the proposed charter school? NO If yes, give details: 16. Have you ever been adjudged bankrupt? NO, BL" SEE EXHIBIT B 17. Have you ever been convicted or had a sentence imposed or suspended or had pronouncement of a sentence suspended or been pardoned for conviction of or pleaded guilty or nolo contenders to any information or indictment charging any felony, or charging a felony or misdernimnor involving moral turpitude, or have you been the subject of any disciplinary proceedings of any federal or state regulatory agency? ivn If yes, give details: 18. Have you ever been an officer, director, trustee, investment committee member, key employee, or controlling stockholder of any business, which, while you occupied any such position or capacity with respect to it, became insolvent or was placed under supervision or in receivership, rehabilitation, liquidation or conservatorship?yM,Sn EXHIBIT B 19. Are you now, or have you been, within the past five years, a plaintiff or defendant in any lawsuit? YES . If so, please fumish details: SEE EXHIBIT C Dated and signed this 13th day of FEBRUARY 20ol _._, at SourMLAKE TEAS I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am acting on my own behalf, and that the foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my I�w�dge a belief. State of T'E W (Signature of Affiant) County of T Personally appeared before me the above named c & .�f" lea personally known to me, who, being duly swum, deposes and says that he/s executed the above instrument and that the statements and answers contained therein are true and correct to the best of his/her kntrMedge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13t __ day of FEBRUARY 20O1 (Notary Public) SEAL My commission expires_�r. isAW L PEROW rrwNnbr21, a0g4 69 RFA 701-01404 001 J 3SAS-Ml.i A -z 1 Employment Record Scott Bradley 1994 to Present Mayor, Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, Ste. 207, Westlake, Texas 76202 Title: Mayor 1988 to Present Bradley & Bradley, P.C., 1256 Main Street, Ste.252, Southlake, Texas 76092 Title: President 1986--1968 Baker & McKenzie, 4500 Trammell Crow Center, 2001 Ross Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75201-2916 Title: Partner 1974-1966 Jenkens & Gilchrist, 1445 Ross Avenue, Ste. 3200, Dallas, Texas 75202 Title: Partner 0012.) A- Al it EXHIBIT B In February 1985, my wife Kelly Pace Bradley and 1. dba Paigebrooke Development Company, purchased 200 acres near Roanoke. Texas, which we developed into a residential subdivision. We borrowed almost $6 million from Seguin Savings Association (SSA) to fund the acquisition and development costs. 00121 A-21� tXN11311 C: UQ t 22 A -age, TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER SCHOOL APPLICANT BIOGRAPHICAL AFFIDAVIT (MUST BE TYPED and NOTARIZED) Check all that apptyt ❑ Member of the governing board of the sponsoring entity ❑ Member of the managing board for the charter school it should be understood that a board member's resignation is not effective until a replacement is duly appointed by the board and a board member may be personalty liable for any actions taken by the board.. ❑ School administrator Full Name of Sponsoring Entity and Name of Proposed Charter School: es In connection with the above -named organization and charter school application, i herewith make representations and supply information about myself as hereinafter set torth. (Attach addendum or separate sheet it space hereon is insufficient to answer any questions fully.) IF ANSWER IS "NO" OR "NONE-, SO STATE.. 1. Full Name (initials Not Acceptable): Tru' tt< ?'eT ee Brown II 2. Have you ever had your name changed? F0 If yes, give reason for the change: b.Maiden Name (if female) c.Other names used at any time 3. Social Security Number. 4. Date and Place of Birth: 5. Business Address: E200 Denton F?wy. Watauga, - . 7FI48 Business Telephone: 817-83 a- 27n 7 6. List your residences for the last ten (10) years starting with your current address, giving: QATES ADDRESS CtTY AND STATE ZIP COD 19 0- nreser.t 00123 67 RFA 701-01-ON SAS-A511 R-2_2 b 7. Education: Dates, Names, Locations and Degrees College Graduate Studies Others AAA school of Aeronautics, ".eac am Field., Ft. Worth, _x. Comercial Pilots Degree ircra t and PowerplantDegree 8. Ust Membership in Professional Societies and Associations: bld-erMan for town of tees lake 9. Co -Chairman of economics development l:�oard 10. List complete employment record (up to and including present jobs, positions, directorates or officerships) for the past twenty (20) years: In o present Brovrns P..uto ugp ys enton .7y. a auga, Tx. 7F149 roa way Ft. PortF, :x. ItII17 11. Present employer may be contacted: Yes__ ' No (Circle One) Former employers may be contacted: ,/Yes , No (Circle One) 12. a) Have you ever been in a position which required a fidelity bond? �c It any claims were made on the bond, give details: b) Have you ever been denied an individual or position scheduie fidelity bond, or had a bond cancelled or revoked? No If yes, give details: 13. List any professional. occupational or vocational licenses issued by any public or governmental licensing agency or regulatory authority which you presently hold or have held in the past. (State date license was issued, issuer of license, date terminated, reasons for termination): A/P 11-16-89 Federal Aviation P.dministration Airplane Single & multiengine lane. & Centerline '.!"gust & mmercial Dated 03-14-88 by Federal l.viation s nstrument F: tion 14. During the last ten (10) years, have you ever been refused a prof esslonal, occupational or vocational license by any public or governmental licensing agency or regulatory authority, or has such license held by you ever been suspended or revoked? No if yes, give details: 68 00124 RFA 701-01.004 SAS-A511 ' �� 15. Will you or members of your immediate family be employed by (directly or through contract) or receive remuneration from the proposed charter school? non If yes, give details: 16. Have you ever been adjudged bankrupt? 140 17. Have you ever been convicted or had a sentence imposed or suspended or had pronouncement of a sentence suspended or been pardoned for conviction of or pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to any information or indictment charging any felony, or charging a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, or have you been the subject of any disciplinary proceedings of any federal or state regulatory agency? NO If yes, give details: 18. Have you ever been an officer, director, trustee, investment committee member, key employee, or controlling stockholder of any business, which, while you occupied any such position or capacity with respect to it, became insolvent or was placed under NO supervision or in receivership, rehabilitation, liquidation or conservatorship? 19. Are you now, or have you been, within the past five years, a plaintiff or defendant in any lawsuit? If so, please furnish details: Dated and signed this "�Q— day of * e , 20 -0- j_, at V I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am acting on my own behalf, and that the foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my kn o e qn 9iief.� ,! (Signature of Affiant) State of County of�'� Personally appeared before me the above named 1 personally known to me, who, being duly swam, deposes and says that he/she executed the above instrument and that the statements and answers contained therein are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2-day of 20,6I �. (Notary Public) (SEAL) My commission expires �f�z EGINGER GROSSI' Y Notary Pubk STATE OF 7t0UtS My Comm. Exp. 04JP2"% 69 RFA 701-01-004A�' SAS-AS11 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER SCHOOL APPLICANT BIOGRAPHICAL AFFIDAVIT (MUST BE TYPED and NOTARIZED) Check all that apply. ® Member of the governing board of the sponsoring entity ❑ Member of the managing board for the charter school t4 c•k-ulA F%- I n.-lard^net that n E'fA'sri nae,e..ML 0....ue+:nnnF:nn is nn4 n#4n 4; <a iln.i:l e \!14 V.+ 4J.LaMI VL4*./u L.u. uvulV IllclliVGF! v vQ004�!!v\IVII IV IIV\ a.l.a4LIs\n ..11\N replacement is duly appointed by the board and a board member may be personally liable for any actions taken by the board. ❑ School administrator Full Name of Sponsoring Entity and Name of Proposed Charier School: ?oats of Westlake Westlake Academy In connection with the above -named organization and charter school application, I herewith make representations and supply information about myself as hereinafter set forth. (Attach addendum or separate sheet it space hereon is insufficient to answer any questions fully.) IF ANSWER IS "NO" OR "NONE`, SO STATE. 1. Full Name (Initials Not Acceptable): Francis William rev= 7r, 2. Have you ever had your name changed? No if yes, give reason for the change: b,Maiden Name (d female) c.Cther names used at any time _ 3. Social Security Number, 4. Date and Place of Birth: S- Business Address: Business Telephone: 6. List your residences for the last ten (10) years starting with your current address, giving: DATES AUpRESS CITY AND STATTEc�tC ZIP COPE 1QA ` i n 'Prwc ant %CDL.Icuc-er TA 76212---- 00126 67 RFA 701-01-004 SAS-A511 7. Education, Dates, Names, Locations and Degrees College 1950-1954 Westminster College New Wikmington,.Ph BEA Graduate Studies Others Gannon University Erie, PA Management Course KicOigan State University- E. Lansing, Mich. Engineering Rarvafd UniVerg-Ity as on, MA Fairketing 8. List Membership in Professional Societies and Associations: - None 10. List complete employment record (up to and including present jobs, positions, directorates or officerships) for the past twenty (20) years, DATES EMPLOYER ADDRESS TITLE 1985-1987 General Telephone Co. of ii. Bloomington, IL. State VP - General Manager 1961-1985 = Telephone Operations Ho Stamford, CT/Irving,TX Asst. VP Business Relati( 1979-1981 General Telephone Co. of KY Lexington, KY VP Revenue Requirements 1977-1979 General Telephone Co. of Southwest Texarkana, TX Area Operations Manager 19*73-1917 General Telephone co of Southwest SanANgelo, Tx BUsiness iiiTIIsons Director 11. Present employer may be contacted: Yes No (Circle One) N/A Former employers may be contacted: SS No (Circle One) 12. a) Have you ever been in a position which required a fidelity bond? No If any claims were made on the bond, give details: b) Have you ever been denied an individual or position schedule fidelity bond, or had a bond cancelled or revoked? No It Yes, give details: 13. List any professional, occupational or vocational licenses issued by any public or governmental licensing agency or regulatory authority which you presently hold or have held in the past, (State date license was issued, issuer of license, date terminated, reasons for termination): mnnj- 14. During the last ten (10) years, have you ever been refused a professional, occupational or vocational license by any public or governmental licensing agency or regulatory authority, or has such license held by you ever been suspended or revoked? No._ , if yes, give details: 0012-1 68 RFA 701-01-004 SAS-Asil 15. Will you or members of your immediate family be employed by (directly or through contract) or receive remuneration from the proposed charter school? It yes, give details: 16. Have you ever been adjudged bankrupt? u,, 17. Have -au ever been mez rnnyiMarf mr hnrl a cantomrp innarl or ti grtnenciorl nr hart J- ------ pronouncement of a sentence suspended or been pardoned for conviction of or pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to any information or indictment charging any felony, or charging a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, or have you been the subject of any disciplinary proceedings of any federal or state regulatory agency? No ..... ...... If yes, give details* 1 B. Have you ever been an officer, director, trustee, investment committee member. key employee, or controlling stockholder of any business, which, while you occupied any such position or capacity with respect to it, became insolvent or was placed under supervision or in receivership, rehabilitation, liquidation or conservatorship? No 19. Are you now, or have you been, within the past We years, a plaintiff or defendant in any lawsuit? -nn--. If so, please furnish details: Dated and signed this day of 20 0 —1, at I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am acting on my own behalf, and that the foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my gwledge ave� (Signature of Affiant) State of County of A 4-4-- — Personally appeared before me the above named personally known to me, who, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she executed L);J the above instrument and that the statements and answers contained therein are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. scribed and swom to before me this day of (Notary Public) GINGER CROSSWY My commission expires Z.L/ 0 Y FC9* Notary Public OF TEXAS 161Y Comm. Ev. D=DD4 I 69 RFA 701-01-004,m.-2,— SAS-A511" r) TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER SCHOOL APPLICANT BIOGRAPHICAL AFFIDAVIT (MUST BE TYPED and NOTARIZED) Check all that apply: 0 Member of the governing board of the sponsoring entity ❑ Member of the managing board for the charter school It should be understood that a board member's resignation is not effective until a replacement is duly appointed by the board and a board member may be personally liable for any actions taken by the board. Q Sch000ll administrator Full Name of Sponsoring Entity and Name of Proposed Charter School: Town of Westlake Westlake Academy_ In connection with the above -named organization and charter school application, I herewith make representations and supply information about myself as hereinafter set forth. (Attach addendum or separate sheet if space hereon is insufficient to answer any questions fully.) IF ANSWER IS "NO" OR "NONE", So STATE 1. Full Name (initials Not Acceptable': Fred Ehrman Held 2. Have you ever had your name changed?t3Q_ If yes, give reason for the change: b.Maiden Name (if female)_ c.Other names used at any time 3. Social Security Number: 4. Date and Place of Birth: 5: Business Address: Retired Business Telephone: 6. List your residences for the last ten (10) years starting with your current address, giving: DATES Qn AND STATE zip CQD 0ID123 67 RFA 701.01-004R � C'AV ACt9 7. Education: Dates, Names, Locations and Degrees College Graduate Studies Others 1956-1957 USAFI Courses - Retail Principle 6 Practices 8. List Membership in Professional Societies and Associations: Member Keller Lions Club 9, 10. List complete employment record (up to and including present jobs, positions, directorates or otficerships) for the past twenty (20) years: DATES EMPLOYER ADDRESS TITLE 196I 199 lid t' a HArdvarp 1]rpcielvnr 44M MAn1P avp. P]a11ae,, TAYaG 11. Present employer may be contacted: Yes No (Circle One) Former employers may be contacted: Yes � No (Circle One) 12. a) Have you ever been in a position which required a fidelity bond? Mn__ If any claims were made on the frond, give details: b) Have you ever been denied an individual or position schedule fidelity bond, or had a bond cancelled or revoked? No It yes, give details: 13, List any professional. occupational or vocational licenses issued by any public or governmental licensing agency or regulatory authority which you presently hold or have held in the past. (State date license was issued, issuer of license, date terminated, reasons for termination): 14. During the last ten (10) years, have you ever been refused a professional, occupational or vocational license by any public or governmental licensing agency or regulatory authority, or has such license held by you ever been suspended or revoked?_U ,._ if yes, give details: " � 13 C, 58 RFA 701-01-W4 SAS-AS11 A- , --Q 15. Will you or members of your immediate family be employed by (directly or through contract) or receive remuneration from the proposed charter school? No 1f yes, give details: 16. Have you ever been adjudged bankrupt? Na 17. Have you ever been convicted or had a sentence imposed or suspended or had pronouncement of a sentence suspended or been pardoned for conviction of or pleaded guilty or polo contendere to any information or indictment charging any felony, or charging a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, or have you been the subject of any disciplinary proceedings of any federal or state regulatory agency? No It yes, give details: 18. Have you ever been an officer, director, trustee, investment committee member, key employee, or controlling stockholder of any business, which, while you occupied any such position or capacity with respect to it, became insolvent or was placed under supervision or in receivership, rehabilitation, liquidation or conservatorship? No 19. Are you now, or have you been, within the past five years, a plaintiff or defendant in any lawsuit? Yes . If so, please furnish detallssuits that have been resolved Dated and signed this a!�N day of T a _ + 1 20 C - , at i hereby certify under penafty of perjury that I am acting on my own behalf, foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge aK that the (Signature of Affiant) Stale of '� a�.�•i �-, County of - -ram t- •�� Personally appeared before me the above named V;rt e::K E. personally known to me, who, being duly sworn, deposes and says that helshe executed the above instrument and that the statements and answers contained therein are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this cID day of (Notary Public) (SEAL) My commission expiresS, HOW Mr ccMusss+o►r rs wra,20 DOI31 69 R.FA'701-01-004 SAS-A511,A . P. TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER SCHOOL APPUCANT BIOGRAPHICAL AFFIDAVIT (MUST BE TYPED and NOTARIZED) Check all that apply* Member of the governing board of the sponsoring entity Member of the managing board for the charter school It should be understood that a board mernber's resignation is not effective until a replacement is duly appointed by the board and a board member may be personally liable for any actions taken by the board. [] School administrator Full Name of Sponsoring Entity and Name of Proposed Charter School: Town of Westlake Westlake Academy In connection with the above -named organization and charter school application, I herewith make representations and supply information about myself as hereinafter set forth. (Attach addendum or separate sheet H space hereon is insufficient to answer any questions fully.) IF ANSWER IS ONO" OR -NONE-, SO STATE. 1. Full Name (initials Not 2. Have you ever had your name changed? No If yes, give reason for the change: b.Maiden Name (it female)_ c.0ther names used at any fine 3. Social Security Number 4. Date and Place of Birth: 5. Business Address: 4035 Aspen LAne Westlake, TX 76262 Business Telephone: 117t431-462Q 6. List your residences for the last ten (10) years starting with your current address, giving: & 2 OADDRESS CITY AND STATE ZIP CODE ATAli - present 00132 67 RFA 701-01-0" 7. Education: Dates, Names, Locations and Degrees College university of Illinois - CHampaign, 211inoise MBA 1983 Graduate Studies Others S. List Membership in Professional Societies and Associations: 9. 10. List complete empfoyment record (up to and including present jobs, positions, directorates or officerships) for the past twenty, (20) years: DATgS EMPLOYER AMRES$ TITLE 12/67 - 8/00 GTE President wholesale MArkets 11. Present employer may be contacted: Yes No (Circle One) Former employers may be contacted.: ,Ye! No (Circle One) 12. a) Have you ever been in a position which required a fidelity bond? No If any claims were made on the bond, give details: b) Have you ever been denied an individual or position schedule fidelity bond, or had a bond cancelled or revoked? No If yes, give details: 13. List any professional, occupational or vocational licenses issued by any public or governmental licensing agency or regulatory authority which you presently hold or have held in the past. (State date license was issued, issuer of license, date terminated, reasons for termination): Npne 14. During the last ten (10) years, have you ever been refused a professional, occupational or vocational license by any public or governmental licensing agency or regulatory authority, or has such license held by you ever been suspended or revoked?-xg If yes. give details: 05133 68 iRFA 701-01-004 SAS-A511 O 15. Will you or members of your immediate family be employed by (directly or through contract) or receive remuneration from the proposed charter school? No If yes, give details: 16. Have you ever been adjudged bankrupt? mn 17 Have vnii guar hPpn mn%A&PH nr hnd n aan94anno imnnePri nr -,i►saPndo-el nr harl pronouncement of a sentence suspended or been pardoned for conviction of or pleaded guilty or polo contendere to any information or indictment charging any felony, or charging a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, or have you been the subject of any disciplinary proceedings of any federal or state regulatory agency? No If yes, give details: 1 a. Have you ever been an officer, director, trustee, investment committee member, key employee, or controlling stockholder of any business, which, while you occupied any such position or capacity with respect to it, became insolvent or was placed under supervision or in receivership, rehabilitation, liquidation or conservatorship? No 1 S. Are you now, or have you been, within the past five years, a plaintiff or defendant in any lawsuit? mn . If so, please fumish details: Gated and signed this day of 20 6 1 , at I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I ant acting on foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of m5 State of County of own that the Personally appeared before me the above named r /AN ,a �.. personally known to rne, who, being duly swom, deposes and says thhe/s a executed the above instrument and that the statements and answers contained therein are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. gibed and sworn to before me this day of 20 n t —. (Notary Public) IaMy commission: expires GING RNavy pwft CRO SWY «`fly J STATE OF TOCAS � Mpg Comrn �. �'112112Qt?I Ma L1, r' - m-'4 001314 RFA 701-01-004 SAS-A511 A -3 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER SCHOOL APPLICANT BIOGRAPHICAL AFFIDAVIT (MUST BE TYPED and NOTARIZED) Check all that apply: 91 Member of the governing board of the sponsoring entity El Member of the managing board for the charter school It should be understood that a board members resignation is not effective unto a replacement is duty appointed by the board and a board member may be personally liable for any actions taken by the board. [] Sdml administrator Full Name of Sponsoring Entity and Name of Proposed Charter School: Wr- �'#O-RVVIRM"- In connection with the above -named organization and charter school application, I herewith make representations and supply information about myself as hereinafter set forth. (Attach- addendum or separate sheet K space hereon is insufficient to answer any questions fully.) IF ANSWER IS *NO" OR "NONE", SO STATE. 1. Full Name (initials Not Acceptable): Donald Robert Redding 2. Have you ever had your name changed? No If yes, give reason for the change: b.Maiden Name (if female) c.01her names used at any time 3. Social Security Number 4. Date and Place of Birth: S. Business Address: N/A Business Telephone: 6. List your residences for the last ten (10) years starting with your current address, DAES QAAVNy 19ETU - Present 10� Ss 62 ZlP-!90[) 67 RFA 701.01-OU SAS-A511 0013a Q _ ►A4 7. Education: Dates. Names, locations and Degrees College nsas State University, Kansas: - BA Electrical Engineering/Business Admin Graduate Studies Others 8. list Membership in Professional Societies and Associations: N/A 10. List complete employment record (up to and Including present jobs, positions, directorates or officerships) for the past twenty (24) years: DATES EMPLOYER_ ADDRESS _ TITLE 1961-1 91 IBM Corp various various Engineering 6-sales Mngmt. 1991-1994 IBM Corp Ft. Worth, 2X Marketing Consultant currently Retire 11. Present employer may be contacted: Yes No (Circle One) N/A Former employers may be contacted: Yes No (Circle One) 12. a) Have you ever been in a position which required a fidelity Mond? No If any claims were made on the bond, give details: b) Have you ever bee€mdenied an individual or position schedule fidelity bond, or had a bond cancelled or revoked? N iA if yes, give details: 13. List any professional. occupational or vocational licenses issued by any public or governmental licensing agency or regulatory authority which you presently hold or have held in the past. (State date license was issued, issuer of license, date terminated, reasons for termination): 1975 Federal Aviation Administra ion i o s er i a etcurrenti - 14. During the last ten (10) years. have you ever been refused a professional, occupational or vocational license by any public or governmental licensing agency or regulator jythority, or has such license held by you ever been suspended or revoked't _ If yes, give details: 68 RFA 701-01-004 SAS-AS11 �fllati t2,- Z S 15. Will you or members of your immediate family be employed by (directly or through contract) or reserve remuneration from the proposed darter school? No If yes, give details: 16. Have you ever been adjudged bankrupt? no 17. Have you ever been convicted or had a sentence imposed or suspended or had pronouncement of a sentence suspended or been pardoned for conviction of or pleaded guilty or nolo contenders to any information or indictment charging any felony, or charging a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude. or have you been the subject of any disciplinary proceedings of any federal or state regulatory agency? Ysg - If yes. give details: 1 B. Have you ever been an officer, director, trustee, investment committee member, key employee, or controlling stockholder of any business, which, while you occupied any such position or capacity with respect to it, became insolvent or was placed under supervision or in receivership, rehabilitation, liquidation or conservatorship? No 19. Are you now, or have you been, within the past five years, a plaintiff or defendant in any lawsuit? Yes If so, please fumish details: Plaintiff Redding vs. Town of Westlake, Defendant Aillwood core. vs. Scott: Sradlet Etal, Plaint C untersui' to above Dated and signed this day of , 20 , at I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am acting on my o , t the foregoing statements are true and correct to the beat of my kno a ref. ' State of � ex County of Personally appeared before me the above named personalty known to me, who, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she executed the above instrument and that the statements and answers contained therein are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Subs d and sworn to before me this 'ZkLs day of (Nota(y Public) (SEAL) My commission expires rN..r...n uxa t avaNc ►ar cqWA6tor+ WoW 69 RFA 701.01d104 SAS-A511 001?7 A- 36 Attachment 3 Credit Report As a governmental entity the Town of Westlake doe not have a credit report. 00133 (:N- �51 rown of Wesdake, Texas hupJ/www.westlake-tx.org/ Welcome to the online home of the Town of Where's "resTake ..........._.rya Westlake, Texas. .TheBjgrBreajjgp News for the Town's residents: Headline News Around ffesdaake 111tual TOFM Tour T1je Tones ffa11 MecdnXA,gendas 1 Westlake fffsrory Westlake 5th grade students are encouraged to participate inti:e Arbor Day National Poster Contest. The national first place winner will receive a V000 savings bond and other rewards at the National Awards Weekend in Nebraska City, Nebraska. Click hcre for more information on the contest. There will be a meeting of the Westlake Academy organizational team on Tuesday, January 23, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. in the South Dining Room on Campus Circle. Everyone is invited to attend. The section of Dove Road between Pearson Lane and Precinct Line Road will be closed for approximately four months. We are in the process of rebuilding all of our streets beginning with this section. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. The timing is not the best but could not be helped. Be aware that there are people working in Westlake who are after your money. See Headline News at the left for more information. f j7hr?lt `S banged I There are new pictures of the Fidelity Investments campus construction progress under the Virtual Town Tour tab on the left. SearGllThlsSite Trophy Club 4 Westlake Department of Public Safety For anyone who would like to assist in police, fire and emergency 1110re 1'Veh LA1*S. I medical services operations, a DPS Auxiliary is bcing formed. Call David Brown at 817-431-2879 if you are interested in the auxiliary. And for those of you wishing more participation, the DPS is looking for volunteer fire fighters. Call the Trophy Club/'Westlake fire chief at 917-430-1911, ext. 204 if you would like to learn more about this. Do you have a high school student looking for a college scholarship? Texas Student Housing 2zoration may have an answer for you. Please explore this site and learn about Westlake, its past, present, 0014-J C-,1 F o 01f24t2001 3:01 iVIC EOP ►� �, t Tkuraday, Fe4ruaryy, 21ii Of001,ik0alu tuts. x 411asews.rar leer � ....... Officials keep fingers crossed in charter,school bid. wr wr ..w By Jaime Jordan State CO2nmIttCC [CVII'Wing original �Ei faCtlitlC9 we.rl.te��a 6ecsta'e"a"1it1my robe".Me wftlae rmaer,esd Imo tut rerotlry .pne cnwm w list wenlske � pceto th }o. eon•t lraw e,A Town tlReisIS w —6..ly awaiting yanr chas the cows world apply for its own will tore a Sha4 the eoasep became one a two.of Mom Ike Custom Off Sole boded of wwotion duteet School to open in 1002 with 400 to oddition, the roan is lobbying here failed," k4. Petry sold. "WVre not occa nkoe's review of 11 origbW charter Students, sgiwt a kokkiiva pods calling fw a sgsimt the ptwGiou in the report. The; schaels Tlsrsday and Friday. Chsntr Schools sic publicly loaded nwtstarium on new shut« Schools. A only thing we does's Support IS pouting s out she tam wat'S bin shearing on the scMwoh that are (teed rim a sasnber of Will kgtslative smnsnite mpor telased moratorium on ix. 7be oer,cepl is good, rebook up for isaowsl. In fact, they'll be nplaiiom for kadltional public schools n lax Oecanber pointed did awmroutt- hopny ante «hood want make the cot. in ado to esxow.ge huwvative ad... psoblems with elusion srheolc. Nepicicrtali.a hem the dace's fine "We would Nks r Is... s cfiw«, and bonne .ppoachcs. "Wei. watching it, ..d Woe lobby- Ig chuaet Schools, shoved in 199f, met whether to's anew one or one that's been But the meta, which lihsRt open smolt• a g" against the moratusium, said Town with the clan, in Silly January Sad tossed out doesn't shake a dlifttenee to menl Sharers la 120, has its fill. Mneg« Tmnt Patsy. "We'tt right in the pat," Wa0ake Mayo, Scow Bradley said. Town lad«. are counting on the call middle of it." None set TOWN, 2N. v , Town hopes for charter school C-11-4 ham rage IN. $207,376 deficit I. its financial .o8iw. wwmnu, Ms. Culbemoa.aid, • Naana will gates ar this paint wow pine. a list of Rena to nor. Macy Schools ItW bent able how txae schools re got.$ W fare rece bc(we chit we*. mid OcEa s toexplain a coned piebleme in the review process,"Its aid. "So Co kisson, a r.ot Education with chair Chinni. Ont school's wi'kierewailwact." Agency spokawomsa 191,000 deficit was cleared tip, It's top to She sanuesitla fit do -When 0. chaser sehoab tad R a ap«ring I. tM black, Bide meter sin do wit, ,drools that .sic appiwred in I"ll, they caste Ms. Culbertson Said. Anther fell to nuke thin anac/iaot. issued . dun« sir was good fro school's deficit rewlicd (soma ry• "t►k is tic fiat rand of is fire yenta;' Ms. Culbertson aid. popaphical war. aew.k," Mo. Colbequosr Said. "At As the it, the ptoaa in plat is "Man of them urns able tom. wish evaylkkg ayptiseed with to wnew w ant renew tare shot. awn to she board In to what the this process, everything is lewd seta" probl«M wen," de aid. In the neudin t, WA"c A Noblesse ringed tram late its. bha &oaks, a cauoltsrd with elate said dity are Slinking Pali dos, finncW gwukns, deficlas Millennium Education Co"whiag sively and Insufficient data vilkvion, Group, which was hired to help "Ifs a prat eppomstiry, od Ma.C.16crt.onaid. Weailake with iu chartist School thialsitarea awady for achoose "All of them had awxthng sppliwio4 aidoneof iWstekai gdook" oldamsn Buddy Itran .it. that they media to gq filed rt«sg.M is ■ M"t; financial S.W. "So if we g« an oppwtunn) before they could gin it. charter bicki.g. —'t take is." rentw il,n, Ma. Cslbensoa aid. Mr. Brooks W.a I. Ausiie abit ji4wYttar Sane problems were otow Sin- week as pen of aa0t1« confer-, the raxhd a 'it— 7be Medics cenaetamour net. but be look the opportunity Rows... ..ter d a96o: S'l..d i't Ilosatnn Srcwded a to visit that mete $ chuter school .1.4967. Strategic Planning Session Page 1 of 1 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS NOTICE OF INFORMATIONAL MEETING W29 TO THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: Notice is hereby given that there will be an informational meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 in the Marriott Hotel, 5 Village Circle, in the Town of Westlake, Texas. The agenda is as r_eil 1aiavws. 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Discuss creating a Charter School in the Town. 3. Adjournment. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the front door of the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, Suite 207, Westlake, Texas, on Friday, January 12, 2001 at 5.00 p.m., under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary 00142 (_-A - Aq2 http;/'/www.Westlake-tx.org/agendas/wa0I 1701.h1m 02t09t2001 Strategic Planning Session Page 1 of 1 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS NOTICE OF INFORMATIONAL MEETING W �7 L,� TO THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: Notice is hereby given that there will be an informational meeting at 7.00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 in the South Dining Room, Campus Circle, in the Town of Westlake, Texas. The agenda is as follows. l . Meeting called to order. 2. Discuss creating a Charter School in the Town, 3. Adjournment CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the front door of the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, Suite 207, Westlake, Texas, on Friday, January 19, 2001 at 5:00 p.m., under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Govemment Code. Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary 00143 hm://www.westiake-tx.oreJaszendas/waOl2301.htm 02/09/200 P -4 Strategic Planning Session Page 1 of 1 TOWN OF WESTLAKE9 TEXAS a ,. NOTICE OF STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION TO THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Strategic Planning Meeting at 7:00 p.m, on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 in Suite 207, 3 Village Circle, in the Town of Westlake, Texas. The agenda is as follows: 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Discuss creating a Charter School in the Town. 3. Adjournment CERTIFICATION 1 certify that the above notice was posted on the front door of the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, Suite 207, Westlake, Texas, on Friday, January 5, 2001 at 1:00 p.m., under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Governraent Code. 1 Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary 03144 hm,•tlwww.wectlekc-tx.oretaeendaslwaQi090l.htm 02109l2001R` "4 Attachment 8 Public Hearing Registration Log Wesdake Academy Informational Meeting January 23, 2001 - 7:OOPM Please print your name and the other requested information if you desire to be added to the mailing list of people interested in the creation of Westlake .4 cademy. Name Address Phone Fax E-mail Ue Z 4 C A-'-19 Westlake Academy Informational Meeting January 17, 2001 - 7:OOPM Please print your name and the other requested information if you desire to be added to the mailing list of people interested in the creation IV of Westlake Academy. Name Address Phone# Fax # E-mail i (A L S) 7 62 Orr BRAD 41, Z-11-M no1 , 4, 0 v Westlake Academy Informational Meeting ep January-M. 2001 - 7:04PM r ��r Please print your name and the other requested information if you desire to be added to the mailing list of people interested in the creation of Westlake Academy. L cs"-�.nll fA t�JIC10 L a a i�.ih lot-z�� i y E ZQaY� { G-trait ,10147 ,•-, - 41 f-r Westlake Academy Informational Meeting January,11, 2001 - 7:OOPM "j Please print your name and the other requested information if you desire to be added to the mailing list of people interested in the creation of Westlake Academy. Name Address Phone # Fax # E-mail x�_ �IA4,6( lG�sRG�rs� lilac Aer r 6 C-K4mu.t'� ? 01 el u ca - A• j to Synopsis of Meeting Informational public hearings were conducted on January 9, 2001 7:00 p.m. Town Hall Solana Westlake, TX January 16, 2001 7:00 p.m. Solana Marriot Westlake, TX January 22, 2001 7:00 p.m. IBM Cafeteria Westlake, TX The presentation, at each informational meeting, was conducted by three members of the Millennium Education Consulting Group. Each presentation was an extensive overview of the charter school concept which included: History of charter schools in the United States and in Texas. History of Westlake Academy Application Process Proposed curriculum Financing of the charter school After the hour and half presentation, time was made available for a period of questions and answers. Q. If I work on a charter committee, will my child be guaranteed a place in the school? A. No, an open -enrollment charter accepts students on a first come, first served basis. Q. - VVII students with special needs be accommodated? A. Absolutely, an open -enrollment charter school is a public school and does not discriminate on any basis. Q. Is there tuition? A. No, as other public schools, there is not cost associated with attending an open enrollment charter school. MINZE Q. Will the students wear uniforms? A. This is a decision to be -made by the Board and committee members. Q. Where will the school be housed? & The City Manger is currently in negotiations for the property. As soon as the town is at liberty to release this information, it will be made available to the public. 0 Ti �-' ft - 9 _05' A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE CREATION OF A NONPROFIT CORPORATION PURSUANT TO THE TEXAS NON-PROFIT CORPORATION ACT, APPROVING ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BYLAWS FOR, AND APPOINTING THE IMTIAL DIRECTORS OF, THE CORPORATION, APPOINTING CERTAIN CONSULTANTS, AND RESOLVING RELATED MATTERS WHEREAS, this Board of Aldermen (the "Board"), as the governing body of the Town of Westlake, Texas (the "Town"), hereby find that it is in the public interest that a non-profit corporation (the "Corporation") be created under the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act (the "Act" j to act on behalf of the Town as its duly constituted authority and instrumentality, within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for the purpose of providing educational services and facilities; WHEREAS, the Act empowers, among other things, the Corporation to acquire a charter, pursuant to Chapter 12, Subchapter D of the Education Code (the "Education Code"), provide education services, and acquire, finance, and operate educational facilities and facilities related thereto, as contemplated by the Education Code and/or other law; WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Board that the Corporation shall have all powers authorized under the Act and other Jaw to enable it to apply for and obtain a charter under the Education Code and provide education services and acquire, finance, and operate educational facilities and facilities related thereto, as contemplated by the Education Code, the Act, and/or other law; WHEREAS, the Act authorizes the Corporation to issue. revenue bonds ("Bonds") and/or to enter into other obligations ("Obligations") that, among other things, will facilitate providing education services and facilities and facilities related thereto; WHEREAS, no Bonds or Obligations of the Corporation will constitute obligations (whether special, general, or moral) of the Town; WHEREAS, the Act provides that the directors of the Corporation are to be appointed by the Board; WHEREAS, the Articles of Incorporation (the "Articles") of the Corporation shall provide that no modification of the Articles or the Bylaws (the "Bylaws"} of the Corporation shall take effect unless approved by this Board; WHEREAS, this Board intends, by the adoption of this Resolution, to take all action necessary to order the creation of the Corporation with all of the corporate powers and authority granted under the Act and other law; WHEREAS, the meeting at which this Resolution has been considered was open to the public as required by law, and public notice of the time, place, and subject of the meeting has been given in accordance with Chapter 551, Government Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The findings and declarations contained in the preamble of this Resolution are hereby incorporated as part of this Resolution. 0415It TAM 1l2012001 vt -.% SECTION 2. This Board hereby finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the Town and its inhabitants that the Corporation, to be named as specified in the Articles, be created pursuant to the Act to act on behalf of the Town as its duty constituted authority and instrumentality for the purposes and with the powers and authority prescribed by the Act and other law. SECTION 3. This Board hereby orders the creation of the Corporation and approves the Articles in substantially the form attached to this Resolution as an exhibit, and hereby authorizes the incorporators of the Corporation (as identified in such Articles) to file the Articles with the Secretary of State in accordance with law. In the event that the name for the Corporation specified in the Articles is not available, the incorporators art hereby authorized to change the Corporation's name in the Articles without the further approval of the Town. SECTION 4. This Board hereby appoints the persons identified in the Articles to serve as the initial members of the board of directors of the Corporation. SECTION 5. This Board hereby approves the initial Bylaws of the Corporation in substantially the form attached to this Resolution as an exhibit» SECTION 6. It is intended that the Corporation be a duly constituted authority and instrumentality of the Town within the meaning of regulations and/or revenue rulings of the Treasury Department and/or the Internal Revenue Service of the United States promulgated under Section 115 of the Internal Revenue Cade of 1986. SECTION 7. With respect to the Town and its instrumentalities, the Board of Aldermen hereby appoints Larry Williamson as financial advisor, Thomas Allen Moon as finance counsel, and 3enkens & Gilchrist, P. C. as special finance counsel. SECTION S. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. 00155 PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 127 DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2001. ATTEST: Scott Brdley, Mayor dinWcxusswy, lom Secretary Trent Petty, TON235wanager APPROVED AS TO PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT I solemnly swear that a true and correct copy of the Notice of Intent to Apply for Open Enrollment Charter was published in THE 1KEUER CITIZEN, a newspaper having general circulation in the counties of Denton and Tarrant, and that the dates that said issues of the newspaper bore in which such notice was published were January 30, 2001. A copy of the notice as published, clipped from the newspaper is attached hereto. Pam Nolte, Classified Ad Manager THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME Pam Nolte this 6th day of February, 2001, to certify which witness my Rand and seat of office. 4- - /—, N ao Notary Public, State of Texas Printed Name of Notary My commission expires 00153 2 SENDER: t3CO"Odt"l Rwm I W'*br2kwddWmWm,,. 10 C-VWLG 9-4 3,44. and 4b. " you' r'on* "address an tale War" Of Ifill loan so the " can f*wn this "m w You, o Attach Um 14mm to tho Ir" of the malok", or on " back if "ON OOM nm WIMIL 0 W" *Relwm R-00 ROW01111111cr On Ih$ ma OwA below to ands Nfflbw. C The PALUM P*C*'Pt w'g W)Ow w -twn OW .ratio was d*wwod &W an astirdelivilwad 3. Article Addressed w; 48. Article N, E I also wish to receive the foUow- ft Services (for an extra fee); C Addressee's Address 2. C3 Restridim! Dekwry 6171 --V. %;Iw "'ce , ype 0 Registered zm�ied 19 u;,. �AI,69 0 Express Mail Q Insured F49um ReeW um Memrionam 0 COD 7. Dole of Delivery S.Reft Od—B'r(Prin� —8. Addressee's s Address(Only-— it requested" is pad) 6.8a"(Aad lA�wj) PS r0cm 3811, December 1994 10MG549.84= Domestic Rejum RG ti rat coff4d F" rr P44LVII RICE0 Fee rO (EndwumWPwq—d) eq Fk"rttod Oafiwry Fee anum"WA Requ-60) C= Total Poet " A f• fteo"t' N (As in Cr -------- Sww 1=3 fli 0016 1 m - I- r% 'aalNa$ ldlaaekj umley bulsn +ol noA 4uetU ID p ■ � .a• Y Q C3 � n: m y Z s o a s e Y L N, � a TWO to a .a cnLL cry a A a 0 ❑ � aa.. APIs MOAOJ ayt u0 Polalduaon'tCMjdhV'UGMM moll sl 'aOlnaag idl000W uanloki 6ulsit jot POA xuepl t,apis esj"oj oil; uo pweld aeo® ru a INjl�lA� m ti ru r --,a Postage f h V. R1 Ceruliea Fee f �tt. M Camfea Fee Retum Recetpl Fee - Z e > Rpum F.ecNp( Fee fEAft ar'"I Aea ow) �r c cQ t��aone�s�em Recurred) � Resmciep Qeliul�� Pee r-S '7�y r's� Ae=enetea tJr+-vfry fN (EAOgrartMM Arw�tw� "'j I CQ "1 ��� IEnomssme�t Readredi C1 To4t Postage 8 Feet ( / O Total Postage & Fees ' Raap f (Y a It A!.•j-C C +! r1P es Ccff$ rrra V! mMkr1 S k ! lVamr fr1 � JVI 1 �........................................- R' . t5 61.. a sc+aet Aat, nw.' p PO Pe SO Aal. No.: Or ox tr a- Alp- � ... ��..-�.- -- �. ��� �.. .................. cr .. lz r ca cat C4 a"'° ... ® c�iG'S" ;; 1 7099 3400 0018 9377 6256 P. (Ull .3-IUU UULU 'a1 r u� r 3 SENDER: I also Wish to receive the follow- ing serAces (for an extra fee): q �pvrMirN M✓m !, 4e, N+d 16. i' n PMt you rwne ene atldrerr an sa rwene of eia rxm a Itut wv can return Mils c rardmyau. ' bnn bacw Napwa daaand i. p Addressee's Address n (Aihk erne kax olY»mHYr.ca. or onfM p.ORusiikled Delivery ULM. lklwn firKYrly FkQueareU'on the mupaae barow ine xsae axm.v. 0 Rxaip wN ahOw w rAmm IM xlide waa deavxod aM xlo dde ,n 0* d. ddiv4rW. }Lp 3. Article Addressed to: 4s. Article Ntunbe � E /J 4b. Servfca T O Registered �eniged e/ d Express Mail (I Insured g rer MercMndlae OC6D 7, ateona Ov 7, Date of 9eGvery ` — x (a Is paid) B.57 aid) A i ^ PS Fntm 3 1 i r Qecember Ie94 imava.es.a.oxat Dornaslic Relurn Recelpi n SENDER: t also wish to receive the follow- u OCnrw(aeta Yuma 1 uvd'a 21or eddlUm4r aer,ncea. irtg 6eWICea (for an extra tee): ComeNte exro a, aa, and 40. U thax to rnxmt ena eaYlnue as 1M rxrona a Ms lam ao a ai we can ramn wa u C.C.rw t.Oaddreseae•sAddress M-1h tambNt.k-M dlM m00-1 o+en e»wcYauuca mnrwr o 2. C1 Resldclod Delivery nwroa 'pMun necaWr Rearrerr+d'rx Nre meepbw baow tM anida VM del . p the RNurn Recgiq wfa show to when xre erode was dowered tvi rM dew 3. Article Addressed io: 4a, Article Number ' 4b. Ser*e Type S YKI1/Ja loh-5- 4,p O Registered �edlllad Ji ! O Express Mail U Insured �1 ORatum axepl wr MercnerMMae OCQD p x` �f 7. veto of ve T 5, Ived Qy: ( r Mane 9. Addiessea's Address (drily( or4e reasred and r.w i (aa is paid) 5 SI nature ( ossea or Apant) ro PS Form 3911, t}ecetilbet 1994 tszsn Ye.auzza iFOI7tB61k RBfWn Receip! SENDER: i also wish to receive the follow - a ❑ caaw*e items i ands 2 for adaitionai winces. ing services (fox an extra fee): (ACompote4nrnt3,4a,"4b. ❑ Pr" your rime aril adoreSS at the revotme of tnir forth tw tnat we Can ralum this ffi s Dud to you, - t. C Addressee's Address m p Anach this form to the from of the maifp oce, cr on th# that it s{Cp dose rtrk RBSIr'ICied Deii 2, a very a wore 'Rerum Receipt Aaouatred' on the maiipece below the amide number. t: M Thy Retum Rotoot will thaw to vA'rom the arume wes delivered and the data p delivered. � -'.. d 3, R E 0 c 5. 0 PS Form 3811, Article Addrmed to: Me of, 994 0 Registered Ocerlified ❑ Express Mail 16 insured ❑ Reium Receipt for Merchandise 0 COD 7. Date of Delivery tee is paid) tp2595-99-5-02M -4 -- a >•`' Peetsge 15 � tr Refu.n PVC0, 1 Fee � tEnDacement PequirYs/t � AeitnrtM t)ofwery Fee � •"" C3 (Lndom" I ftequaedi 4 �' 1 F Y Ci Tatel Postage 6 Foes• Q >• m RecipenrS Name (?tpa:e Pnp. Gee: g•, be c^ntnrerb�• ttlave,J !Y/ Q. rr Street. Apc,No.; or PQ ELOX ND. ....._.._..z GAL° L` ... �. ca M1 Gry. lase.SP«a err kr m 9 SENDER: as p Complete Awns 1 anCrar 2 for additional serwoes. Complete hems 3. ita, and 4b. . U Print you name ano adaress on the ravine of thia form so Met we can ntvtn this o card to yesu. C3 Attaot this form to the from of the mailpiece. el op the back it apace does riot 13Wntts 'Rerum AtlCftipt Requested on the mlaitpiace betowthe arWill nord r. CC a the RatUM Rageipt rtti snow to whom ttw abide was delivered and the data Q defrcered• 0 3. Article dressed W 4a. Article Nur a � } a / d/, , i S �j T i also wish to receive ft tallow- ing services (for an extra tee): t, [} Addre 3see'S Address 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery E 4b. $eMCO y� $ / �^ /^ CI Registeredertifted % pi% �' El Express Mail O Insured ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ COD S. Received By: (Prin( Name 8- Addressee' i � x tee is paid) a8. Sigrat(Addressee arAgent) T b FIB Form 3811, to2sa �3 U1 rs ru r'- Postage rn Cenitieti Fee tT' Retwr- Receipt fee 40 (Endorsement Rea.uedj eq = Resinctee Delver! Fee C3 (Endorsement Rq:'red), Cm Total Postage 6 Fees Q ? am AeaiaieR rY o (-03W 1101. Sy�ri.Atol. CA}p. ZfA.; 'Srate. it Realm Pt - 46 ,LA O � SENDER: 1 also vng}t to receive the follow- tal it a Canpe Kona t a,dror 2 for addnf" ear• icxf_ frig services (tor an extra fee). M ComgNe Kama S. ♦a, end Alb, O Prim your name aw addrees on Me reverse of Vie form so that we can murn this y and to You. 1. 0 Addressee's Address m R Anach Yue torte to a* front of Kw rnailpwmc or on the back it EPaoa ddaa not 2. O Restncted Delivery Par*Mi- 'A"M n Write Receipt Requeatad' on tlw Moosce below she utisk number. p The Return Rmipf wig slow to Worn die anfde was delivered and the date Q __QetlVared.__. _ a6. Signattwe (Address&@ atAgarx) M PS Form 81311, December,1994 e4 r-4 ru .a T� m Ir 'C fEndorier ant Fur r9 L7t fieancfad DNwery Fee {7 to $0 aamenf Aegvwdt fM a TOtat POSWO & Fees � Asti,A(�t�//�Nttame (r'iM� CrStreit, gp(r,}Na; pr�yr�gp g Cr O P` 4s. Article Number � t 4b. Service Type/p O Registeredcertified O Express Mail ❑ insured 0 Return Receipt for mschsr4" ❑ COO 7. Date of Delivery Addressee's Address ( y if requested and Ue is paid) 102sos-9943 tr22a Domestic Return Recaipt R. 0016u A • 66 SENDER: k also wish to receive the follow- 0 C*Toda hams 1 aruyor Z Mr acediorwJ semces. ing services (for an extra fee): Ganplera items 9, ta, oW tb, p I ma your tome and adaass on the "me or this to" so that we can retum trig ctm to yoo 1, [I Addressee's Address o Attach atu ram to the trwU of 14 maiO000, or cn than back d apece does not 2• C) Restricted 00very perrttit. 'Rarum y G Write Raanpl Ratruasred' on the maitoieaa Delow Ile anlBe nu nbot, o The Satan Racapt %a show to wntom one smirk was deli.ered and the date dNrvelvd. u 3. Article Addressed to: 4a_ Arttcie Number 'a �� 2 c aw /QiAlb. Service Type0Reglstered e;Wied a c�a 0 Express Mail QInsured —7ZP r [I Reium Receipt to MeccnanCise 0coo7. Date ttf Delivery � a. 5. Received By: (Pnn ame) S. Addressee's Address tt?nty it requdsfGd and ee is paidt 6. Sionature 00dress" or RoentJ PS Form 3811, December a 0 nu r' PaetaQa M1 Cr ra RttIv- Receipt Fh rFno"Svnenl Aaquhepl r9 Q d Respictea Deb.ery F� IEndotaamant Raquaaq� Ca f9 Total Postage a pets M, to Reeipia vs Nrmevp4 P Cr U_ _ (� 0 Gip.,, ir. 'l�j 42595-4s•b•= C-:1, - &P b SENDER: I also wish to receive the tollow- a 0 CMOM demo t andlw 2 kv afttimnal services. I ing services (tor an extra iae): o Cmipiew Gems 3. ta, and Ab. 4 a Drop Your name end eddress on the reverse of IN% ton to that we can return this card to you. 7 D Addressee's Address 6 Attach this form to me hoM of the maitpiacs, or on the bed 0 space does not p.mit, I f 2. D Restricted Delivery 0 Weft "Retwn Reee pi Rerrueslee on the maitpww below the article number. D The Retum Receipt will srrow to *Horn the *,We +Yes detwmil and the dice IL u 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number 4b. Service Type m D Registered X(Certified ¢ ° ❑ Express Mail C)Insured a 1t 624f ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ COE) a 7. Date of Delivery O 5. Receiv By_ (Print N me) „ 8. Addressee's Address (tartly it requested and M tee is paid) r t- 0 6. Signal a ddrassae or Agent) a PS Form 3811, December 1994 tp25W9Q-8-02a3 Domestic Relum Receipt rn ru t` m Cr cc a C3 n a a x m Ir rr- 0 r` 00163 SENDER: i also wish to receive the follow- 0 Cott pWo item i t W&M z for adottlbnal eervkc". ing services (tot an extra tee). Complete item 3. 40. and 4b. 0 Parr lVur nofft W ad**Ss on the +eve+sr or this form so that we CaO tartan rtis cardlogou. 1. ❑ Addressee's Address O9 t� this krm to"ft m of me marlpieco, mr on the bad* it space doe nor 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery p Write 'Armen A-4tor R"L*Wrd' on the mailpiecs below the amide mmoet. d The Retrm RmW " craw to w %om ihr dnoo was aatnyred and the data 3. Article Addressed to'. ` " L �i f 4a. Article Nurtl w JC 4b. BerviCe iYpe [j Registeredariilied a Express Mail Q insured Q Ratifor Mc chanafsa Q COD T. datee Delat Delivery is paid) u7 LT - I'm Cr WI tewrn Receipt ,J `3 10 .7 • w; I SENDER: I also wish to receive the follow- 0 Campo. ttame 1 aruft 2 tor addtw-at sammm. ing services (far an extra fee): Compete NWM 3. 4a, and 4t+ 0 Pert! your rmm and a"ess on the mverea of etie $Wm to that we can Min+ 04 4i cam to you. t Addressee's Address 0 Attach INS farm go the trortt of Ow maitpieca. or on the Daa* 8 space doe notDOFIWL y, (D Restricted Delivery 0 Wftr Awwn Racso Reatiyred' on the mailpiem below the anide nuntwr. 0 The Return Rrcaipt will show to whom Ow artide was dokvw*d and dx dais ,¢ "Overact. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number .,./ t YL1 t. iG f� 77 4b, Service Type f a M % t'.sr �! ❑ Registered Certified ❑Express Mail O Insured m 0 Retum Reee pl tot Metchlin0im ❑ COD � ?, Date of Delivery/"� rr a eived 9y: Ornnt N I B. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and C I" is paid) ture fAdd essarr at Aaontl PS Form 3811 r December 1994 s r cc h Po4u" rrl ar CMt(wtl Fee b (Entla semen eca,pt Foe kaqueatl) � G Reswictad DWIW Fee Ga I&KW ement RatxvsO C CI TOW Po'W" 4 Fey MReciaenr s ,ypn,. fAkaN CrCr ScrwL qaf rJC.: Ori40 aY 17` ta2595,9D4l-= Domestic Metum 00173 M - to Ct Attachment 13 Schedule of Salaries 00171 assim Attachment 16 Administrator's Affidavit ft�: 1 "l I-D A- "1114 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER SCHOOL. APPLICANT BIOGRAPHICAL AFFIDAVIT (MUST BE TYPED and NOTARIZED) Check all that apply: Member of the governing board of the sponsoring entity Q Member of the managing beard for the charter school It should be understood that a board membees resignation is not effective unfit a replacement is duly appointed by the board and a board member may be personally liable for any actions taken by the board. School administrator Full Name of Sponsoring Entity and Name of Proposed Chatler School: Town of Westlake Westlake Academy In connection with the above -named organization and charter school application, I herewith make representations and supply information about myself as hereinafter set forth. (Attach addendum or separate sheet if space hereon is insufficient to answer any questions fully.) IF ANSWER IS "NO" OR "NONE-, SO STATE. 1. Full Name (Initials Not Acceptable): p� r igtr A 2. Have you ever had your name changed? No if yes, give reason for the change: c.Other names used at any time 3. Social Security Number, 4. Date and Place of Birth: 5. Business Address: __3 Village Circle Suite 207 _Westlake, _ TX 76262 Business Telephone:817-430-4857 — S. List your residences for the last ten (10) years starting with your current address, giving: DATES PY p-resent 9 S-ris 67 RFA 701.01-004 RATS-AS11 F N r� 7. Education: Dates. Names, Locations and degrees College- Texas Tech University - MPA City Management 1986 University of Texas o The Permian Rasln - 9A To13-ti-cal Science 1984 Graduate Studies Others 8. List Membership in Professional Societies and Associations: 10. List complete employment record (up to and including present jobs, positions, directorates or officerships) for the past twenty. (20) years. 1998 - Present Petty & Associates, Inc. Keller# TX President 1997-1999.? CMPA,Inc Grapevine, M Presi3ent 1992 - 1997 City of grapevine Grapevine, i y Manager City of grapevine Z23pevine, TX ASSISMt City 01 Lubbock, 11. Present employer may be contacted: Ye—i No (Circle One) Former employers may be contacted: a No (Circle One) 12. a) Have you ever been in a position which required a fidelity bond? mn If any claims were made on the bond, give details: b) Have you ever been denied an individual or position schedule fidelity bond, or had a bond cancelled or revoked? kio If yes, give details: 13. List any professional, occupational or vocational licenses issued by any public or governmental licensing agency or regulatory authority which you presently hold or have held in the past. (State date license was issued, issuer of license, date terminated, reasons for termination): 14. During the last ten (10) years, have you ever been refused a professional, occupational or vocational license by any public or governmental licensing agency or regulatory authority, or has such license held by you ever been suspended or revoked? rao if yes, give details: ' � a .: 9. RFA 701.01404 SAS-A511 'N b Ir. 15. Will you or members of your immediate family be employed by (directly or through contract) or receive remuneration from the proposed charter school? No. It yes, give details: 16. Have you ever been adjudged bankrupt? 17. Have you ever been convicted or had a sentence imposed or suspended or had pronouncement of a sentence suspended or been pardoned for conviction of or pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to any information or indictment charging any felony, or charging a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, or have you been the subject of any disciplinary proceedings of any federal or state regulatory agency?NO " If yes, give details: 18. Have you ever been an officer, director, trustee, investment committee member, key employee, or controlling stockholder of any business, which, while you occupied any such position or capacity with respect to it, became insolvent or was placed under supervision or in receivership, rehabilitation, liquidation or conservatorship? No 19. Are you now, or have you been, within the past five years, a plaintiff or defendant in any lawsuit?No If so, please furnish details: Dated and signed this day of --To-c� tj ei Z,­ 2n n. - at I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am acting on my own behalf, and that the foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief._.-, (Signature of State of County of M:a t-,=a -4r Personally appeared before me the above named 77-v-ecA personally known to me, who, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he/shexecuted the above instrument and that the statements and answers contained therein are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this --- day of 20 01 (Notary Public) (SEAL) My commission expires LM L HM WY cowks" F wylx. WYCOMMOODYM 69 RFA 701-01.004 SAS-A511 I% _ Attachment 17 Organizational Chart 00173 Illiesdake Academy Organizational Chart Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Executive Director Teachers ' I staff ' j PENS Clerk Counselor Pr -I q A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE CREATION OF A NONPROFIT CORPORATION PURSUANT TO THE TEXAS NON-PROFIT CORPORATION ACT, APPROVING ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BYLAWS FOR, AND APPOINTING THE INITIAL DIRECTORS OF, THE CORPORATION, APPOINTING CERTAIN CONSULTANTS, AND RESOLVING RELATED MATTERS WHEREAS, this Board of Aldermen (the "Board"), as the governing body of the Town of Westlake, Texas (the "Town"), hereby find that it is in the public interest that a non-profit corporation (the "Corporation") be created under the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act (the "Act") to act on behalf of the Town as its duly constituted authority and instrumentality, within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for the purpose of providing educational services and facilities; WTIEREAS, the Act empowers, among other things, the Corporation to acquire a charter, pursuant to Chapter 12, Subchapter D of the Education Code (the "Education Code"), provide education services, and acquire, finance, and operate educational facilities and facilities related thereto, as contemplated by the Education Code and/or other law; WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Board that the Corporation shall have all powers authorized under the Act and other law to enable it to apply for and obtain a charter under the Education Code and provide education services and acquire, finance, and operate educational facilities and facilities related thereto, as contemplated by the Education Code, the Act, and/or other law; WHEREAS, the Act authorizes the Corporation to issue revenue bonds ("Bonds") and/or to enter into other obligations ("Obligations") that, among other things, will facilitate providing education services and facilities and facilities related thereto; WHEREAS, no Bonds or Obligations of the Corporation will constitute obligations (whether special, general, or moral) of the Town; WHEREAS, the Act provides that the directors of the Corporation are to be appointed by the Board; WHEREAS, the Articles of Incorporation (the "Articles"} of the Corporation shall provide that no modification of the Articles or the Bylaws (the `Bylaws") of the Corporation shall take effect unless approved by this Board, WHEREAS, this Board intends, by the adoption of this Resolution, to take all action necessary to order the creation of the Corporation with all of the corporate powers and authority granted under the Act and other law; WHEREAS, the meeting at which this Resolution has been considered was open to the public as required by law, and public notice of the time, place, and subject of the meeting has been given in accordance with Chapter SS 1, Government Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The findings and declarations contained in the preamble of this Resolution are hereby incorporated as part of this Resolution. TAM 1/20ftWI r6 N 0018» r`T SECTION 2, This Board hereby finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the Town and its inhabitants that the Corporation, to be named as specified in the Articles, be created pursuant to the Act to act on behalf of the Town as its duly constituted authority and instrumentality for the purposes and with the powers and authority prescribed by the Act and other law. SECTION 3. This Board hereby orders the creation of the Corporation and approves the Articles in substantially the form attached to this Resolution as an exhibit, and hereby authorizes the incorporators of the Corporation (as identified in such Articles) to file the Articles with the Secretary of State in accordance with law. In the event that the name for the Corporation specified in the Articles is not available, the incorporators are hereby authorized to change the Corporation's name in the Articles without the further approval of the Town. SECTION 4. This Board hereby appoints the persons identified in the Articles to serve as the initial members of the board of directors of the Corporation. SECTION 5. This Board hereby approves the initial Bylaws of the Corporation in substantially the form attached to this Resolution as an exhibit. SECTION 6. It is intended that the Corporation be a duly constituted authority and instrumentality of the Town within the meaning of regulations and/or revenue rulings of the Treasury Department and/or the Internal Revenue Service of the United States promulgated under Section 115 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. SECTION 7. With respect to the Town and its instrumentalities, the Board of Aldermen hereby appoints Larry Williamson as financial advisor, Thomas Allen Moon as finance counsel, and ]enkens & Gilchrist, P. C. as special finance counsel. SECTION S. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. 1)0*83 TAM 1=001 A PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 12m DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2001. ATTEST: N_ Mile ♦ i i diiw OY, lown Secrctary Trcut Petty, To er APPROVED AS TO f) r {, r v j1 A-sz-CL Attachment 19 Start-up Budget 8�ii obi Startup Budget for Westlake Academy 2001-2002 Charter School Budget Categories Net Assets at Beginning of Year Estimated Revenues: Local Sources State Sources Federal Sources Other Sources Total Estimated Revenues Estimated Expenses: Payroll Costs Professional and Contracted Services Supplies and Materials Other Operating Costs Debt Expense Total Estimated Expenses Gains Losses Change In Net Assets Net Assets at End of Year Texas Education Agency June 96 Page 1 Temporarily Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Net Assets Net Assets $0 5700 $150,000 5800 $0 5900 $0 7900 $0 $0 $0 $150. 6100 $100,000 6200 $50,000 6300 $0 6400 1 $0 6500 $0 $0 $0 $150,000 7950 $0 8950 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Attachment 20 Three-year Budget Charter School Westlake Academy For the Fiscal Year Ended August 31, Year I Charter School, Budge Ca-wgorWs - Not Assets at Beginning of Year Estimated Revenues: Local Sources State Sources Federal Sources Other Sources Total Estimated Revenues Estimated Expenses: Temporarily Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Net Assets Net As -sets $0 5700 $140,000 5800 $1,613,935 5900 $40,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,793,935 Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and -Contracted SeMw. 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Other Operating Costs, 840D Debt Expense 6500 Total Estimated Expenses Gains Losses Change In Net Assets Not Assets at End of Year Texas Education Agency June 99 7950 8950 $1,130,000 f. $412,000 $180,500 $32,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,754,500 1 Of V1 $39,435 $0 $0 $0 $39,435 $0 $0 M3,435 cl - ';�' I, Charter School Westlake Academy Page 2 For the Fiscal Year Ended August 31, Year 1 Charter School Budget Categories (Continued) Temporarily Function Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Code Net Assets Net Assets Instruction 11 Payroll Costs 6.10o ! $945,000 Professional and Contracted Service. 6200 $10,000 Supplies and Materials 630D $120.000 Other Operating Costs 5400 $20,000 Debt Expense 6500 ! $0 Total Instruction $0 $0 $1,095,000 Instructional Resources and 12 Media Services Payroll Costs 6100 $25,000 PraFessional and-C=tracted Service: 6200 $4,000 Supplies and Materials 6300 $40,000 Other Operating Casts 6400 � $1,000 Debt Expense 6500 $0 Total. Instructional Resources and . Media Services Curriculum Development and lnstructionai Staff 13 Development Payroll Costs 6100 Professional -and Contracted Service: 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Other Operating.Costs, 6400 Debt Expense 65500. Total Curriculum and.Instrucijoiml Staff . Development Texas Education Agency June 99 2 of Yt $0 $0 $70,000 $0 $16,000 $3.000 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 $24,000 Charter School Westlake Academy Page 3 For the Fiscal Year Ended August 31, Year 1 Charter Schoint Budget -Categories (Contirwed) Temporarily Function Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Code Net Assets Net Assets Instructional Leadership: 21 Payroll Costs 6100 $20,000 Professional andContracted Service., 6200 $6,000 Supplies and Materials 630G. $1,500 Other Operating Costs $1,000 Debt Interest 6500 $0 Total Instructional Leadership $0 $0 $28,500 School Leadership: n Payroll Costs $85,000 Professional and Contracted Service: 6200, $3,000 d Suppfies anMaterials 6300 $4,000 Other Operating Costs 6400 $3,000 Debt Interest 6500 $0 ToW School leadership $0 $0 $96,000 Guidance, Counseling and Evaluation Services 3.1 Payroll Costs 6100 Professional. and Contracted Services 6200 Suppk-s and Mateiials, 630& Other Operating Costs 6400 Dea kite res 6500 Total Guidance, Counseling and. Evaluation Services Texas Education Aaenc)L 1UDA.99 ad VL $55,000 $4,000 $12,000 $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $72,000 T �► charter School Westlake Academy Page 4 For the Fiscat Year Ended August 31, Year 1 Charter School BudqetCat&qorie3 (Continued} Temporarily Function Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Code Net Assets Net Assets Social Work Se-rvtcec 32 Payroll Costs 6100. Professional, and Contracted Servicet. 6200. Supplies and Maleiriafs 6300 Other Operating Costs. 6400, Debt Expense. 6500 Total Social Work Services $0 $0 $0 $0 $o 4eafth Services: 33 Payroll Casts etoo $0 Professional and Contracted Service., 6200 $20,000 Supplies and Materials 6300 $0 Other Operating Costs 6400 $0 Debt Expense 6500$0 Total Health Services. $o $0 $20,000 Student Transportation 34 Payroll -Costs woo $0 Professional and Contracted Services . 6200 $0 Supplies and Materials 6300 $o Other OperatingCosts 65400 $0 Debt Expense 6500 $0 Total Student Transportation $0 $0 $0 Texas Education Agency June 99 4 Of VI 2MN Charter School Westlake Academy For the Fiscal Year Ended August 31, . Year I Charter School Budget Categories (Continued) Page 5 Temporarily Function Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Code Net Assets Filet; Assets Food SeLrvices, 35 Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and Contracted Service.- 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Other Operating Costs 6400 Debt Expense 65Do Total Foed.Services, Cocurricular/Extracurricular 36 Activities. Payroll Costs J6100 Professional and Cardr=ted Services- 6200 Supplies and Materials 63W Other Operating Costs 6400 Debt. Expense. 6500 Total CocurricularlExtracurricular Activities: General Administration: 41 Payroll Costs .6100 Professional andContractedServices 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Other Operating Costs 6400 Debt Expense 6500 Total General Administration Texas Education Agency June 99 5 Of VI $0 $140,000 $0 $0 $0 $o $0 $140,000 $0 $0 $0 so $o $0 $0 $0 so $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,000 004,92" 1;4 - N00 ;harter School Westlake Academy Page 6 For the Fiscal Year Ended August 31, Year 1 Chang School Budget Categories (Continued) Temporarily Function Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Code Net Assets Net Assets Plant Maintenance and Operations: 51 Payroll Costs 6100 $0 Professional and Contracted Service: 6200 $150,000 Sapp}ies and Materials 6300 � $0 Other Operating Costs 6400, $0 Debt Expense 6500 $0 Total Plant Maintenance $0 $0 $150,000 and Operations ,ecurity and Monitoring 52 Services: Payroll Casts 6100 S0 Professional and Contracted -Service: 6200 t $15,000 SLq*ies and Materie ds 6300 i$0 Other Operating Costs 6400 $0 Debt Expense 6500 $0 Total Security and Monitoring $0 $Q $15,000 Services: Data Processing Services: 53 Payroti Costs 6100 Professional and Contracted Service; 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Other Operating .Casts 6400 Debt Expense 6600 Total Data Processing Services Texas Education Agency June 99 e Of VI $0 $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,000 $0193 pi - t 01 Charter School Westlake Academy Page 7 For the Fiscal Year Endpd August 31, Year I Charter School Budget Categories (Continued) Temporarily Function Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Code Net Assets Net Assets Community Services: 61 Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and Contracted Services 6200 Supplies and Materiais 6300 Other Operating Costs 6400 Debt Expense 6500 Total Community Services Fund Raising: 81 Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and. Contracted Services - 5200 Supplies, and Materials 15300 Other Operating Costs 6400 Debt Expense 6500 Total Fund Raising Texas Education Agency June 98 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $o $0 00194 7 of VI A - k 0 2 10harter School Westlake Academy ,.:or the Fiscal Year Ended AUgUSt 31, _ Year 2 Charter School Budget Categories Net Assets at Beginning of Year Estimated Revenues., Local Sources State Sources Federal Sources. Other Sources Total.Estimated Revenues Estimated Expenses: Page I Temporarily Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Net Assets NetAssets $39,435 $210,000 $2,4ZO,903 $40,000 $0 $0 $0 $2.670,903 Payroll Costs 6100 $1,710,000 Professional and Contracted Service,, 6200 $592,000 Supplies and Materials e300 1 $208,000 Other Operating, Costs 6400 E $74,000 DebtExpense 6500 $0 Total E"mated Expenses so $0 S2,584,000 Gains 795(1 $86,903 Losses 8950 $0 Change in Net Assets $0 $0 $86,903 Net Assets at End of Year $0 $o $126,336 Texas Education Agency June 99 8 of VI Charter School Westlake Academy Wage 2 For the Fiscal Year Ended August.31, , Year 2 Charter School Budget Categories (Continued) Temporarily Function Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Code Net Assets. Net Assets Instruction 11 Paymll Costs 6100 $1,517,000 Professional and Contracted Service: 6200. $30,000 Supplies and Materials 6300 $120,000 Other Operating Costs 6400 $46,000 Debt Expense 6500 $0 Total Instruction $0 $0 $1,712,000 Instructional Resources and 12 Media Services Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and Contracted Services 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Other Operating Casts 6400 Debt Expense 6500 iota! Instructional Resources and Media Services Curriculum Development $0 $0 $94,000 and Instructional Staff 13 Development Payroll Casts 6100 $0 Professional and Contracted Service: 6200 $20,000 Supplies anti Materials 6300 $3,000 Other Operating Costs 6400 $23,000 Debt Expense 6500 $0 Total Curriculum and Instructional .Staff $0 $0 $46,OOO Development Texas Education Agency June 99 9 Of Yl D0 9u" t-:k - 1 0 &t -1harter School Westlake Academy Page 3 For the Fiscal Year Einded August 31, Yearn — Charter School Budget Categories (Continued) . Temporarily Function Object Unrestricted Restricted Total f-^Ar^tig, Alert Aecata IN t Aacp+e Instructional Leadership: 21 Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and C ontracted. Servicat 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Other Operating Costs 6400 Debt Interest 6500 Total Instructional Leadership So $0 $30,000 School Leadership: 23 Payroll Costs 6100 $88,000 Professional and. Contracted Service,-. 6200. $4,000 Supplies and Materials 6300 $5,000 Other Operating Costs 6400 $3,000 Debt Interest 6500 $0 Total School Leadership 40 $0 $100,000 Guidance, Counseling and Evaluation Services 31 Payroll Costs roloo $57,000 Professional and Contracted Service., 6200. $6,000 Supplies and Materials 6300 $18,000 Other Operating Costs 6400 $1,000 Debt Interest 6500 $o Total Guidance, Counseling and, Evaluation Services Texas Education Agency June 99 10 Of V1 $0 $a $82,000 0 0 -t (I-% It If a- tOH Charter School Westlake Academy For the Fiscal Year Ended August 31, _ Year 2 Charter School Budget Categories (Continued) Page 4 Temporarily Function Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Code Nc-t Assets Net -Assets Social Work Services: 32 Payroll Costs 61,00 $0 Professional and Contracted. Service! 6200. $0 Supplies and Materials 6300 $o Other Operating Costs 6400 $0 Debt Expense 6500 1 $0 Total Social Work Services $0 $0 $0 Health Services: 33 Payroll Costs 6100 $0 Professionaf and Contracted Service; 6200 $30,000 Supplies and Materials 6300 $0 Other Operating Costs 6400 $0 Debt Expense 6530 $0 Total Health Services Student Transportation 34 Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and Contracted Service,- - 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Other Operating Costs 6400 Debt Expense 6500 Total Student Transportation Texas Education Agency June 99 1-1 ct Vt $0 $0 $30,000 $0 so $0 $0 $0 so $0 $0 0 0 il "I's azEKIME Charter School Westlake Academy Page 5 For the Fiscal Year Ended August 31, Year 2 — Garter School Budget Categories (Continued) Temporarily Function Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Code Net Assets Net Assets Food Services: 35 Payroll Costs 6100 $0 Professional and Contracted Service,, 6200 $210,000 Sttppk,s and Materials 6300 j $0 Other Operating Costs 6400 f $0 Debt Expense 6500 $o Total Food Services $0 $0 $210,000 Cocurricular/Exlra curricular 36 Activities: Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and Contracted Service,., 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Other Operating Costs 6400 Debt Expense 6500 Total Cocui7icutarlExtracurricular Activities: General Administration: 41 Payroll Costs 6100 $0 Professional and Contracted Servicez, 6200 $40,000 Supplies and Materials 6300 $0 Other Operating Costs 6400 $0 Debt Expense 6500 $0 Total General Administration $0 -$0 .$40,000 001 D Toms Education Agency June 99 12 of VI .-% . r-% M Charter School Westlake Academy Page 5 For the Fiscal Year Ended August 31,. Year 2. Charter School Budget Categories (Continued) Temporarily Function Object Unrestricted Restricted Total C040 Code- NatAs".b NetAssets Plant Maintenance and Operations: 51 Payroll Costs $0 6100 Professional and Contracted Service: 6200 $200,000 Supplies and Materials 6300 $0 Other Operating Costs 6400 $0 Debt Expense 8500 $0 Total Plant Maintenance $0 $0 $200,000 and Operations, Security and Monitoring 52 Services: Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and Contracted Services 6200 Supplies and Materiais 6300 Other Operating Costs 6400 Debt Expense 6500 Total Security, and Monitoring Servim: Data Processing Services: 53 Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and Contracted Service; 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Other Operating Costs 6400 Debt Expense 6500 Total Data Processing Services Texas Education Aa&-4y June 99 13 of VI $0 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 $0 $0 $20,000 A. k 09� Charter School Westlake Academy Page 7 For the Fiscal Year Ended August 31, Year 2 Charter School Budget Categories (Continued} - Temporarily Function Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Code Net Assets Nat Assets Community Services:. 61 Payroll Costs 6100 $0 Professional and Contracted. Service,, 6200 $0 SLpplies and Materials 6300- $0 Other Operating Costs 6400 $0 Debt Expense 6500 $0 Totat Community Services . $0 $0 $0 Fund Raising: 81 Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and Co-ritracted Servke! 6200 SuWies and Materials, 630O Other Operating Costs 6400 Debt Expense 6500 Total Fund Raising Texas Education Agency June 99 14 of VI $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $o t ZIQII ':harter School Westlake Academy r""or the Fiscal Year Ended August 31, Year 3 Charter School Budget Categories Net Assets at Beginning of Year Page 1 Temporarily Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Net Assets Net Assets $126,338 j Estimated Revenues: Local Sources $2W,000 State Sources $3,227,870 Federal Sources $40,000 Other Sources $0 Total Estimated Revenues $0 $0 $3,547,870 estimated Expenses: Payroll Costs 6100 $2,355,000 Professional and Contracted Servicet 6200 $753,600 Supplies and Materials 6300 i $291,500 Other Operating Costs 6400 1 $96,000 Debt Expense 6500 $0 Total Estimated Expenses $0 $0 $3,496,000 Gains 7950 $51,870 Losses 8950 $0 Change in Net Assets $o $a $51,870 Net Assets at End of Year $0 $0 $178,208 Texas Educatim AGency June 99 15 Of Vt 'R - 1 � tia Charter' School Westlake Academes Page 2 Feat the Fiscal Year Ended August 31, , Year 3 Charter School Budget Categories (Continued) Temporarily Function Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Code. NetAssets Net Assets Instruction 11 Payroll Costs 6100 $2,145,000 Professional and. Contracted Service: - 6200. $40,000 Supplies and Materials 6300- 1 $180,000 Other Operating Costs 6400 $75,000 Debt Expense 6500 $0 Total Instruction $0 $0 82,440,000 Instructional Resources and 12 Media Services Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and Contracted Service,, 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Other Operating Costs 6400 Debt Expense 6500 Total Instructional Resources and. Media Services Curriculum Development and Instructional Staff 13 Development Payroll Costs Professional and Contracted Service; SUPp1iO3 and Materials Other Operating Costs Debt Expense Total Curriculum and Instructional Staff Development $30,000 $8,000 $75,000 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $115,000 6100 $0 6200 i $20,000 6300 1 $4,000 5400 $14,000 6500 $o $0 $Q $38,000 Texas Education Agency Juno 99 is Of V1 Charter School Westlake Academy Page 3 For the Fiscal Year Ended. August 31, Year 3 Charter School. Budget Categories (Continued) Temporarily Function Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Code Net Assets Net Assets Instructional, Leadership: 21 Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and Contracted .Service: 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Otter Operating Costs 6400 Debt Interest 6500 Total Instructional Leadership School Leadership: 23 Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and.Contracted Servic.et 6200 Supplies arrd Materials 6300 Other Operating Costs 6400 Debt Interest 6500 Totat School Leadership Guidance, Counseling and Evaluation Services 31 Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and Contracted Service; 62M Supplies and Materials 63M Other Operating Costs 6400 DeW Interest 6600 Total Guidance, Counseling and Evaluation Services Texas Education Aged June 99 17 41.Vt $22,000 $7,500 $2,500 $1,000 s0 $0 $0 $33,000 $0 so $106,000 $66,000 $8,000 $24,000 $1,000 $0 Charter School Westlake Academy Page 4 For the Fiscal Year -Ended August 31, Year 3 Charter School Budget Categories (Continued} Temporarily Function Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code- Code- Ne-tAssets Net -Assets SociaLl VVQ&Services; 32 Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and Contracted Service! 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Other Operating Costs 6400 Debt Expense 6500 Total Social Work Services Health Services: 33 Payroll Costs 6100- Professional and Contracted Service, 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 other Operating Costs 6400 Debt Expense 6500 Total Health Services Student Transportation 34 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 so $0 4 4 M.11 wit $0 $0 $40,000 Payroll Costs 6100 $0 Protessiorml and Contracted Service, 6200 $o Supplies and Materials 6300 1 $0 Other Operating Costs 6400 $0 Debt Expense 5500 $0 Tout Student Transportation so $0 $0 Texats Education Agency June 99 is Of VI Charter School Westlake Academy Page 5 For the Fiscal Year Ended August 31, Year 3 Charter School Budget Categories (Continued) Function Object Unrestricted Code Code. Nef Assets. Food Semke$L 35 Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and Contracted Services 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Other Operating Costs 5400 Debt Expense 6500 Total Food Services Cocurricular/Extracurricular 36 Activities: Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and Contracted Servicet 6200 Supplies and Materiahs 6300 Other Operating Costs 64m0 Debt Expense 6500 Totat Cocumcular/Extracurricular Activities: General Administration: 41 Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and Contracted Service: 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Other Operating Costs 6400 Debi Expense 6600 Total General Administration Temporarily Restricted Total tltetAssets $0 $280,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0. $280,000. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $45,000 i $0 $0 $0 $0 $45,000 0020 i Texas Education Agency June 99 19 of VI Charter School Westlake Academy Page 6 For the Fiscal Year Ended August 31, _ Year 3 Charter School Budget Categories (Continued.) Temporarily Function Object Unrestricted Restricted Total Code Code Net Assets, NetAssets Plant Maintenance and Operations: 51 Payroll Costs 6100 $0 Professional and Contracted Service,, ozw $250,000 Supplies and Materials 6300 $0 Other Operating Costs 64M i�i$0 Deist Expense 6500 i so Total Plant Maintenance. $0 $250,000 and Operations security and. Monitoring 52 Services: Payroll Costs 6100 $0 Professional and Contracted Service., 6200 $25,000 Supplies and Materials 6300 f $0 Other Operating Costs. 6400 $0 Debt Expense 6500 $0 Total Security and Monitoring $0 $0 $25,000 Services: Data Processing Services. 53 Payroll Costs 6100 $0 Professional and Contracted Services 6200 $25,000 Supplies and Materials 6300 $0 Other Operating Costs 6400 $0 Debt Expense 5500 k $0 Total DaIaPr=e—ssing Services 40 so $25,000 00207 Texas Education Agency Jurle, go 20 of VI (2t- 1 1 6 Charter School Westlake Academy Page 7 For the Fiscal Year Ended August 31, Year 3 Charter School Budget Categories (Continued) Function Object Unrestricted Code. Code Net Assets Community Services: 61 Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and. Contracted Sexvices 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Other C oerating Costs 6400 Debt Expense 6500 Total Community Services Temporarily Restricted Total Netkssets $0 $0 $0- $0 $0 Fund Raising: 81 Payroll Costs 6100 $0 Pf'Ofessionat and Contracted Service; 6200 ? $0 Supplies and Materials 63ce ' $0 Other Operating Costs 6400 $0 Debt Expense 6500 j $0 Total Fund Raising $0 $0 $0 Teams Education Agency June 99 21 of vt 00210a C1- t 1 in Attachment 21 Cash -flaw 00209 r-% - % 1 N Attachment 22 Business Procedures Handbook 00213 P�- %;Lt BUSINESS OFFICE 002I� A - t 2 2- 00215 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section A 1. PURCHASING Purchasing Authority Purchase Orders/Purchase Requisition Order Completion Back Orders Charge Purchases Receipts Payment Policy Guidelines - Section B 1. EMPLOYEE TRAVEL Authorization Travel Arrangements Travel Expenses Travel Reimbursement II. STMENT TRAVEL Section C Meals Guidelines U. INVENTORY Guidelines 00216 Section D I. EQUIPMENT REPAIR Guidelines 11. WORK ORDERS Guidelines Section E I. PAYROLL PROCEDURES Check Issuance Payroll Cycles Enrollment Deduction Changes W4 Information 11, SUPPLEMENTAL PAY/0VERTrME Guidelines Section F 1. LEAVES AND ABSENCES Pre -approved Not pre -approved VACATION REGULATIONS Schedules Regulations Vacation Requests G. 0; 2, 1 Section G MISCELLANEOUS Mail Processing Faxing Supplies Insurance Fames Damaged or Lost Property Injury Reporting Heab4Cooling Requests 00213 M- k 2-1,!% 00215 R— c a-q Section A I. PURCHASING The employee must have verbal or written approval of the Superintendent, business manager, or campus principal before purchasing or charging supplies or materials. Purchase requisition procedures as outlined in this manual will be followed for all District purchases. Students are not allowed to purchase or charge items for the District_ Purchase rd W l ch Se ReQuisitigns All purchases for which the District is responsible will be made through the following process: I . Payments will be made through the business office by purchase order (Exhibit E) only. 2. Submit requests for supplies or materials on requisition forms (Exhibit A) to the campus principal or supervisor. These forms are available at each campus or through the business office. After approval, the requisition is to be forwarded to the business office for authorization and processing. 3. Requisitions must be filled out completely and must be coded for budgetary account distribution. Signatures of the employee and campus principal or supervisor must appear at the bottom of the form. Information concerning whether the purchase order & requisition is to be mailed, faxed, or returned to the employee for phone ordering should also be included. The yellow copy of the requisition will be returned to the employee with the purchase order number recorded at the top. This copy should be retained by the employee until the order is complete. On completion of the order the yellow copy, with all packing slips attached and the completion date noted, will be forwarded to the business office for payment processing. Back Orders Sufficient time needs to be allowed for delivery of supplies or materials within the school year. The employee is responsible for notifying the vendor concerning back orders or reordering. Charge Llzchases 0022-1}j Ft • ! 'D—S2 Periodically it is necessary to charge supplies or materials at local businesses. Verbal approval from the campus principal or supervisor must be obtained prior to any charge purchases being made. It is the responsibility of the employee to forward receipts for all charge purchases to the business office within 3 days. Payment procedures will be as follows: I . Vendors will be paid for goods purchased by the District only after the business office has received a proper invoice, all pertinent receipts, and the yellow copy of the purchase requisition from the employee with the order completion date noted. 2. All payments will be approved by the Superintendent and/or business manager. 3. All payments will be submitted to the Board for final approval at the regular meeting on the second Tuesday of each month_ Checks will be issued the next day. II. REQUEST FOR R£DqBURSE ENT District purchases made by an employee with personal f�nds can be reimbursed through the following process: I. Retain all receipts. 2. Obtain a reimbursement of expenditures form (Exhibit C) from the business office. 3. Complete and ren rn the reimbursement of expenditures form to the business office for approval along with all receipts. The request will not be processed without valid receipts. 4. The request will be processed for payment during the next accounts payable cycle. 2 gm,. t 7 Q SECTION B 00222 A- k S Section B EMPLOYEE TRAVEL District employees must obtain verbal, approval from the Superintendent, campus principal, or supervisor before travel arrangements are made. Travel }=Eements Employees may request the business office to make travel arrangements. All necessary information concerning the trip will be submitted to the business office with ample time for arrangements to be made. Travel arrangements may also be made by the employee. A credit card nwnber can be obtained from the business office for use when making arrangements. The most economical means should always be taken into consideration when malting any arrangements for which the District will be responsible. Arrangements for travel by school vehicle are to be made by e-mailing the maintenance department. Except in emergency situations, requests should be made at least 3 days prior to the trip. Travel Exp==, Employees may request cash for travel expenses. Cash advance procedures are as follows: 1. Obtain a cash advance request form (Exha`bit D) from the business office. 2. Completed form will be retumed to the business office no later than 3 days prior to needed cash advance. Obtain a cash advance verification form (Exhibit E) after returning from trip. 4. Completed form will be returned to the business office along with all receipts and any cash remaining within 5 nays upon returning from trip. Receipts must equal the arnount of money spent. District credit cards can be issued to employees when cash is not preferred, Receipts for such expenses and credit cards will be turned in to the business office within 3 days upon returning from trip. WIFOR04 ++ 7;7TMI7# fJJ_923 es - t "A% t Travel expenses paid for by an employee with personal finds can be reimbursed by following these procedures: Retain all receipts. 2. Obtain a reimbursement of expenses form (Exhibit C) from the business office. Completed form along with valid receipts attached will be returned to the business office within 5 days upon returning from trip. The form will not be processed without receipts. 4. The reimbursement will be processed for payment during the next accounts payable cycle, IL STUDENT TRAVEL Recommended student meal prices are $6.50 at the district level, $8.04 at the regional level, and $10.00 at the state level for each meal including tip. Meals for overnight trips may average this amount. Employees must obtain a purchase order (Exhibit B) from the business office for student meals for which the District is responsible. Requests must be made at least 3 days prior to trip. Employees will be responsible for selecting places to eat and determining if the establishment will accept a purchase order for payment. Receipts for student meals will be forwarded to the business office within 3 days upon returning from trip. All other questions concerning student travel are addressed in the Travel section. 4 0022 cep - % 3 2 SECTION C I. FIXED ASSETS II. INVENTORY 00225 VAl Section C FDCED ASSETS A fixed asset is an item purchased by the District and will remain fixed in one location. These are items that will have a lifetime use of at least S years and value of $500.00 or more. Such items are desks, chairs, tables, computers, etc. All fixed assets purchased by the District are assigned an inventory number for tracing purposes. A black adhesive backed sticker, with the assigned inventory number indicated on it, is affixed to the item after payment has been made. In cases when it is not possible for the adhesive sticker to be affixed to the item, the assigned inventory number will be written on the item with a permanent marker, and kept on file by the fixed assets coordinator, When an item is moved from one location to another, an inventory receipVtransfer record form (Exhibit F) will be completed by the employee and returned to the fined assets coordinator. If an item is damaged beyond repair or lost, an inventory removal form (Exhibit G) will be completed by the employee and retumed along with the adhesive sticker, when available, to the fixed assets coordinator. An annual inventory of school property will be conducted each spring and District employees are responsible for verifying and accounting for all fixed assets assigned to the employee. 00220 e-, -t•1A SECTION D is I 0022 77 ck-kss Section D EQUIPMENT REPAIRS All employees must have verbal or written approval of the Superintendent, business manager, or campus principal before any equipment is scheduled for repair. Employees will be responsible for selecting a vendor to repair the equipment and determining if the vendor will accept a purchase order for payment. The most economical means should always be taken into consideration when making, repair arrangements for which the District will be responsible. II. WORD ORDERS Work order procedures will be as follows: 1. Submit a work order request (Exhibit H) to the Superintendent. These forms are available at each campus or through the administration office. After prioritizing, the request will be forwarded to the maintenance super isor by the Superintendent. 2. On completion of the job, the work order, with the completion date noted, will be forwarded to the Superintendent by the maintenance supervisor for final approval. 3. The work order will be forwarded to the employee initiating the work order by the Superintendent for signature of approval. 4. The work order should be resubmitted until the work is satisfactory. 6 00228 A - % —1610 SECTION E 00229 Section E PAYROLL PROCEDURES Payroll checks will be issued on the 2$th of each month. Should this day fall on a weekend or during a school holiday, checks will be issued on Friday or the last day of school before the holiday. Payroll checks will be issued early only when an employee will be out of town on the scheduled pay date. Verbal approval will be given by the Superintendent and/or business manager, The annual pay cycles will be as follows: Professional Personal 12-month employees July 1-June 30 11-month employees August 1-July 31 10-month employees Sept. 1-August 31 Secretaries, Clerics, Aides 12-month employees July 1-June 30 11-month employees August I -July 31 10-month employees Sept. 1-August 31 Maintenance and Food Service 12-month employees Sept 1-August 31 9- month employees Sept 1- May 31 Enrollment for payroll deductions occurs during teacher inservice in August. Deduction Chants Payroll deduction change procedures will be as follows: 1. Obtain a payroll deduction change form (Exhibit 1) from the business office. 2. Complete and return the payroll deduction change form to the business office by the fast of 7 00230 Fh-r-5f the month. This is necessary in order for the change to be effective for the current pay period. Deduction changes for the Winkler County Credit Union should be handled directly through that i=itution. Employees will complete a new W-4 during teacher iriservice in August each year. This information may be updated as needed during the year by obtaining a new W-4 from the business office. The new form must be submitted to the business office by the 15th day of the month in order for the change to be effective for the current pay period. 11. SUPPLEMENTAL PAY/OVERTIME 1--V— MOR a Supplemental pay and/or overtime procedures will be as follows: Obtain a supplemental pay request form or time card (Exhibit J & K) from the business office. 2. Complete and return the supplemental pay request form or time card to the business office. The request will not be processed without the signature of the campus principal or supervisor. 3. All requests for supplemental pay and/or overtime must be submitted to the business office by the 15th day of the month in order to receive payment during the current pay period. Shouldthis day fall on a weekend, the employee will have until noon on the following Monday to submit the request 00233 SECTION F I. LEAVES AND ABSENCES II. VACATION REGULATIONS 00232 'A-%4+ z Section F 1. LEAVES AND ABSENCES Pre -approved absence procedures will be as follows: l . Obtain a pre -approved personal leave request form (Exhibit L) from the administration office, campus principal, or supervisor. 2. Complete and return the pre -approved personal leave request form to the campus principal or supervisor at least 3 days prior to date of request for approval. Once approved, submit the pre -approved personal leave request form to the Superintendent for final approval. Procedures for absences not pre -approved will be as follows: 1. Notify the campus principal or supervisor by 7,00 a.m. on the day of absence so that arrangements for a substitute can be made, if necessary. 2. Obtain an absence from duty form (Exhibit K from the administration office, campus principal or supervisor upon returning to work. 3. Complete and return the absence from duty form immediately to the campus principal or supervisor for approval. 4. Once approved, submit the absence from duty form to the Superintendent for final approval. H. VACATION REGULATIONS VaCation Schedules All employees in positions requiriazg 12 months of service per year, who have one or more years of service with the District, shall be eligible for a paid vacation. The vacation schedule will be as follows: Years of Service Vacation 1-5 2 weeks 6-10 3 weeks 11-19 4 weeks 20 or more S weeks 9 0049...3J —\4t VacatiLn RegulatioM Vacation regulations will be as follows. 1. Vacation days are earned July i to June 30. 2. Ten carryover days are permitted each year. All other vacation days not taken by June 30 will be lost. 3. Vacation schedules must have prior approval and be placed on the calendar so that adequate staff is available to operate the District. 4. A formal request for vacation must be submitted to the Superintendent and/or supervisor on a District request for vacation form. Vacation Requests Vacation request procedures will be as follows. l . Obtain a request for vacation form (Exhibit N) from the administration office or supervisor. 2. Complete and return the request for vacation form to the supervisor for approval. 3. Once approved, submit the request for vacation form to the Superintendent for final. approval. A record of accrued leave benefits will be kept in the administration office. Current leave SECTION G I. MISCELLANEOUS 00235 Cx -..A Section G L MISCELLANEOUS Mail Procca All parcels to be mailed must be separated into local and out of town stacks and delivered to the administration office by 2:30 p.m. each day for processing. Parcels delivered after that time will be mailed the following day. Faxing All items to be faxed are the responsibility of the employee. Employees may use the fax machine in the administration office during regular office hours. Students will not be allowed to fax items for the District or its employees. Suppligs Miscellaneous supplies such as chalk, pens, pencils, file folders, tape, etc., can be obtained through the administration office. ln�umce Fo= Insurance claim forms can be obtained through the business office. Darnag:d Qr Lost P-rop= In the event of burglary, vandalism, or any activity that results in damaged or lost District property, employees shall report the incident to the campus principal or supervisor. The principal or supervisor shall notify the police and the Superintendent's office. The Superintendent and/or business manager shall notify the District's insurance claims handler of the damage or loss. InJua R=rliu An employee injured on the job shall notify the campus principal or supervisor by the end of the work day. The injury shall be reported to the business manager within 3 days for the purpose of completing workers' compensation reports. The business manager will complete and -sign the report and a copy of the report will be provided to the employee. An injury not considered minor by the campus principal or supervisor should be referred immediately to a doctor or medical facility. An employee absent from work due to an on the job injury, and receiving workers' compensation 11 0 0 2 3 E = - x 1-4 1 benefits, must have weekly contact with the campus principal or supervisor unless other arrangements are made. Periodically it is necessary for the heating or cooling system to be extended beyond normal school hours. Extended hour heating or cooling request procedures will be as follows: Obtain a request for extended hours heating/cooling form (Exhibit 0) from the Superintendent's secretary in the administration office. 2. Completed form will be returned to the Superintendent's secretary no later than 3 days prior to date of request. Incomplete forms will be returned. 12 00 2 3 7 A - \ -As r 00236 a -�`atic EXHIBITS A. REQUISITION B. PURCHASE ORDER C. REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURES D. CASH ADVANCE REQUEST E. CASH ADVANCE VERIFICATION F. INVENTORY RECEIPTfnIANSFER RECORD G. WENTORY REMOVAL H. WORK ORDER REQUEST I. PAYROLL DEDUCTION CHANGE J. SUPPLEMENTAL PAY REQUEST K. TRvfE CARD L. PERSONAL LEAVE REQUEST M. ABSENCE FROM DUTY REPORT N. REQUEST FOR VACATION O. REQUEST FOR EXTENDED HOURS EXHIBIT A PURCHASE REOUiSITIOIN (MOT TO BE USED AS A SUBSTITV E FOR A PURCHASE ORDER} I� THE R£DUISMON MUST 6E COKVLEiED_ SIGNED, AND APPROVED PRIOR TO ISSUING A PURCHASE ORDER. COMMENDED SOURCE l6F6ANtZAn0N TO RECEIVE GOQOS WE- - - ----- ---- - - DRESS: ' SUBJECT4RAQE LEVEL: Y: STATE: ZIP: ; F1.M 000E- i E PAGE TOTAL GRAND TOTAL. PREPARED 6Y I PRINCIPAL OA AM-MCED E Y FINAL APPROVAL FOR PURcKASE ORDEF I a DATIE i DATE DATE 0624 6 ORIGINAL - PURCHASE ORDER DUPL CAT>E - PREPARERS COPY TRIPLICATE - FILE COPY A-1`i$ VENDOR NO. P. O. DATE DELIVER BY VENDOR NdTE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT ASSUMES NO LLASHJT Y PURCHASES NOT INCLUDED ON THIS FORM. SCHOOL DISTRICT IS EXEMPT FROM UNITED SALES. EXCISE AND USE PART I - VENDOR EXHIBIT C REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURES NAME: DATE: MEAL REIMBURSE ENT EMPLOYEE MEALS STUDENT MEALS s TOTAL MEAL REIMBURSEMENT $ OTHER MhOURSEh2ha REGISTRATION FEE $ PAR KINIG, TA)G, ETC. s SUPPLIES $ GAS s MISCELLANEOUS s TOTAL OTHER REIMBURSEMENT s TOTAL REIMBURSEMENT DUE $ REASON FOR EXPENDITURE EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE BUSMSS OFFICE APPROVAL Z 4('- A-t66 PAY TO: CASH ADVANCE REQUEST ACTIVITY: PLACE: DEPARTURE: RETURN: MEALS EMPLOYEE MEALS @ s 10.00 =s_ STUDENT MEALS @ s 6.50 -s @ $ 8.00 =s @ s 10.00 =s TOTAL ADVANCE REQUEST FOR MEALS S QUMP, ADVANCE ZEQUFFSTS REGISTRATION FEE PARKING, TAM, ETC. KSCELLANEOUS TOTAL OTHER ADVANCE REQUESTS TOTAL CASH ADVANCE REQUESTED SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE s EXHIBIT 0 BUSINESS OFFICE APPROVAL 65411,43 EXHIBIT E CASH ADVANCE VERIFICATION NAME: DATE: MEAL EXPENDITUU.S EMPLOYEE MEALS s STUDENT MEALS s TOTAL MEAL EXPENDITURES s REGISTRATION FEE s PARKING, TAXI, ETC. s MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES s CASH ADVANCE RECEIVED s TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL CASH RETURNED $ TOTAL DIFFERENCE DUE TO EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE BUSINESS OFFICE APPROVAL 0024,14 9-%t - % Q_- '% INVENTORY RECEIPT/TRANSFER RECORD Return to Administration 011106 Fixed Assets Coordinstor DATE: .o, TRAHMN "FROM" ARIA "TO' AREA AOTHOWATION: tiONATURE: P ,„ AIONATUR/: _� _ EXHIBIT G INVENTORY REMOVAL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT STOLEN, DESTROYED, DAMAGED, OR LOST rTE NAME AND STOLEN DESTROYED DAMAGED PURCH. DESCRIPTION PRICE & OF ITEM I YEAR ... EMPLOYEE SIGNATURFE SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE FDMD ASSET COORDINATOR DATE DATE 00246 m. �-N4 WORK ORDER REQUEST BUILDING & ROOM NO. DATE WORK NEEDED AS FOLLOWS: REPORTED BY: APPROVAL: SUPERINTENDENT MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR EMPLOYEE EXHIBIT H 00247 ch, - % MJ:r PAYROLL DEDUCTION CHANGE FORM NAME: DATE: Please stop the following payroll deductions effective this pay period. COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE PRINT NAME SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER BUSINESS OFFICE APPROVAL AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT EXHIBIT I 0 0 2`4 8. C-% , % at I- DATE SUPPLEMENTAL PAY REQUEST REASON FOR REQUEST EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE EXHIBIT J 0 5 f'-'4 � EXHIBIT K MAMt ^NO *QCtAL DCC• MumI'to ds <YlMATtt a Now a no 0 m � m m a m d 0 a m Mimi= I m m I I= m mimill 111mmimmommimmill MINIM own o ....s ed u. ra...�r.i. S,—naisrr Dora .tj to - I SS PERSONAL LEAVE REQUEST NAME DATE OF REQUESTED LEAVE REASON FOR ABSENCE: EWLOYEE SIGNATURE imms, raft-f= 123 WIRMI all a 4-5 12 1 IS a 0132 1 NAME Of SLrBSTffUTE(s) CAMPUS DATE EXHIBIT L 00251 % at ABSENCE FROM DUTY REPORT EMPLOYEE NAME CAMPUS CAUSE OF ABSENCE: DATE(s) OF ABSENCE: NUMBER OF DAYS ABSENT: EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE SI 4:82iiMIGHM MHA-A-n DAYS STA7#:Wrl—i,440.W NONDISCRETIONARY PERSONAL ILLNESS DISCRETIONARY ILLNESS OR DEATH IN IMNZDIATE FAMILY FAMILY EMERGENCY NATURAL DISASTER TOTAL DAYS TOTAL DAYS LOCAI, I.EA—VE DAY a SICK LEAVE PERSONAL LEAVE OTHER TOTAL DAYS NAME OF SUBSTITUTE(s): SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR DATES: DATES: EXHIBIT M =1 451- I R—tto REQUEST FOR VACATION I request that my vacation time be approved for the following dates: I understand that vacation time may not be taken until it is earned and only 10 days are cumulative from year to year. EWLOYEE SIGNATURE APPROVAL: 1 MCW-1111221MMI DATE CAMPUS EXHIBIT N 0 0 2 5 3" Westlake Academy Westlake Texas Combined Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance For Month Ended September, 2000 General Operating Funds Code Description Amended Budget Actual Variance Percentage Revenues: 5700 Lac4 Intermediate and Out-olState 5800 State Program Revenues 5900 Federal Program Revenues 0.00% 0.00% Total Revenues $ $ $ 0.00% Expendttsrres: 1 t iftstrtrCAidit - - $ - 0.00% 12 1nghuction Resources & Media $ervioes - - - 0.00% 13 CunicUum & Instructional Staff Nvelm - - - 0.00% 21 Instructional Leadership - 0.00% 23 School Leadership - - - 0.00% 31 Guidance 8 Cmre*V Services - - - 0.00% 32 Atterxlanca - - - 0.00% 33 Health Services - - ODD% 34 NO TranspoRaWn _ - - 0.00% 35 Food Services _ _ - 0.00% 36 Exmc uffic riar Activities - - 0.00% 41 Ger7erat Administration - - - 0.00% 31 Mairdenance & Operations - - - 0.00% 52 Sei.-u^ttlr Services _ - - 0.00% 53 Data Processing Service - - 0.00% 61 Community Services - - 0.00% 71 Debt Service - - - 0.00% 81 Facilities Acquisition & Construction - - - 0.00% rotor Expe>xoiis,ras $ $ $ 0.00% Other sourees/usea: Other Sources $ - - $ - 0.00% Onset Uses 0.00% 76tal Other sourcesNser S S $ 0.00% Excess (Deficiency) of Reverwes & Other Sources Over Egwiditures & Other Uses $ Estimated Beeh ring Fund Balance $ - - E.sVrnated Endlr►4 Fund Sstamce $ $ 052 4a Gls '1:�5 T1ws lC4MY /ryo t d t IV IMwe Mw�M1A M��111e IWt BEM, i6YDM� IY�yr Ma 1 i.. t4 Westlake Academy �( FEB - 6 20C9 Charter Schools This contract is executed between the Texas State Board of Education (the "Board") and Westlake Academy ("Charter Holder") for an open -enrollment charter to operate a Texas public school. General Definitions. As used in this contract: "Charter" means the open -enrollment charter, as provided by Subchapter D, Chapter 12, Texas Education Code (TEC), granted by this contract. "Charter Holder" means the sponsoring entity identified in the charter application. "Charter school" means the open -enrollment charter school. Charter Holder agrees to operate as provided in this contract. The charter school is a Texas public school and a charter school within the meaning of 24 U.S.C. §8066 . "Agency" means the Texas Education Agency. 2. The: Charier. This contract grants to Charter Holder an open -enrollment charter under Subchapter D, Chapter 12, TEC. The terms of the charter include: (a) this contract; (b) applicable law; (c) Request for Application #701-01-004; (d) any condition, amendment, modification, revision or other change to the charter adopted or ratified by the Board; (e) all statements, assurances, commitments and representations trade by Charter Holder in its application for charter, attachments or related documents, to the extent consistent with (a) through (d); and (f) assurance by Charter Holder, evidenced by execution of this contract, that no false information was submitted to the Agency or the Board by Charter Holder, its agents or employees in support of its application for charter. Authority Granted by Charter. The charter authorizes Charter Holder to operate a charter school subject to the terms of the charter. Action inconsistent with the terms of the charter shall constitute a material violation of the charter. 4. Alienation of Charier. The charter may not be assigned, encumbered, pledged or in any way alienated for the benefit of creditors or otherwise. Charter Holder may not delegate, assign, subcontract or otherwise alienate any of its rights or responsibilities under the charter. Any attempt to do so shall be null and void and of no force or effect; provided, however, that Charter Holder may contract at fair market value for services necessary to carry out policies adopted by Charter Holder or the governing body of the charter school. Charter Holder may not engage or modify the terms of the engagement of a private management company without approval by the Board in accordance with Paragraph 7 of this contract. 00256 Term of Charter. The charter shall be in effect from the date of execution through August 1, 2006, unless renewed or terminated. 6. Renewal of Charter. On timely application by Charter Holder in a manner prescribed by the Board, the charter may be renewed for an additional period determined by the Board. The charter may be renewed only by written amendment approved by vote of the Board and properly executed by its chair. Revision by Agreement. The terms of the charter may be revised with the consent of Charter Holder by written amendment approved by vote of the Board. For purposes of this paragraph, the terns of the charter include, among other provisions, specifications concerning the school's governance structure, characteristics of the educational program to be offered, and the location, type and number of facilities at which the school will operate. The commissioner of education ("the commissioner") may revise the charter on a -provisional basis during an interim between Board meetings; however, such action shall expire unless ratified by the Board at its next regular meeting. Nothing in this paragraph limits the authority of the Board or the commissioner to act in accordance with other provisions of this contract. Students S. Upen Enrollment. Admission and enrollment of students shall be open to any person who resides within the geographic boundaries stated in the charter and who is eligible for admission based on lawful criteria identified in the charter. Total enrollment shall not exceed the maximum number of students approved by the State Board of Education. The charter school's admission policy shall prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic or athletic ability, or the district the student would otherwise attend. Students who reside outside the geographic boundaries stated in the charter shall not be admitted to the charter school until all eligible applicants who reside within the boundaries have been enrolled. Students will be admitted on the basis of a lottery if more students apply for admission than can be accommodated. 9. Public Education Grant Students. Charter Holder shall adopt an express policy providing for the admission of, and shall admit under such policy, students eligible for a public education grant, including those students who reside outside the geographic area identified in the charter application, under Subchapter G, Chapter 29, TEC. to. Non-discrimination. The charter school shall not discriminate against any student or employee on the basis of race, creed, sex, national origin, religion, disability or need for special education services. it. Non -religious instruction and affiliation. The charter school shall not conduct religious instruction. The charter school, the sponsoring entity, and any entity that owns or controls the sponsoring entitiy in whole or in part (including by the power to select a.5w5 s Westlake Academy 2 of 9 1/25/2002 officers or directors) shall be nonsectarian in its programs, admissions policies, employment practices, and all other operations. 12. Children with Disabilities. The charter school is a "local educational agency" as defined by federal law. Charter Holder must comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 20 U.S.C. §1401, et seq., and implementing regulations; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ("Section 504"), 29 U.S.C.§794, and implementing regulations; Title lI of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. § I2131-12165, and implementing regulations; Chapter 29, TEC, and implementing rules; and the many court cases applying these laws. For example., (a) Child Find. Charter Holder must adopt and implement policies and practices that affirmatively seek out, identify, locate, and evaluate children with disabilities enrolled in the charter school or contacting the charter school regarding enrollment, and must develop and implement a practical method to determine which children with disabilities are currently receiving needed special education and related services. For each eligible child, Charter Holder must develop and offer an individualized education plan appropriate to the needs of that student. (b) Free Appropriate Public Education. Charter Holder must provide a free appropriate public education to all children including children with disabilities otherwise eligible to enroll in the charter school. If the program, staff or facilities of the charter school are not capable of meeting the needs of a particular child, Charter Holder must implement changes necessary to accommodate the child at the charter school. If reasonable accommodations would be insufficient to enable the child to benefit from the charter school's program, Charter Holder must, at its own expense, place the child at an appropriate school. (c) Services to Expelled Students. Charter Holder must continue to provide a free appropriate public education to a child with disabilities even after expelling or suspending the child for valid disciplinary reasons. This obligation to serve the child continues until the end of the school year. (d) Monitoring. The charter school's implementation of the laws governing education of children with disabilities will be monitored for compliance by the United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs; the United States Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights; the Texas Education Agency; and others. This monitoring activity includes responding to complaints, random on -site inspections and other investigations by the enforcing agencies, and will result in corrective actions imposed on Charter Holder by these agencies for all discrepancies found. The charter school shall also be monitored for effectiveness and compliance in implementing all applicable federal programs. (e) Due Process Hearings. The charter school's implementation of the laws governing education of children with disabilities will, in addition, be subject to court supervision via litigation against Charter Holder brought by individuals affected by the actions of the charter school. The cost of this litigation can be substantial. 0025d Westlake Academy 3 of 9 1/25/2002 Notice. These are only a few of the charter school's legal responsibilities in this area, included here for illustrative purposes only. 13. Student Performance and Accountability. Charter Holder shall satisfy Subchapters B, C, D, and G of Chapter 39 of the TEC, and related Agency rules, as well as the student performance accountability criteria stated in its application for charter. Charter Holder shall annually provide in a manner and form defined by the commissioner a written evaluation of the charter school's compliance with the statements, assurances, comrnitments and representations made by Charter Holder in its application for a charter, attachments, and related documents. 14. Criminal History. Charter Holder shall take prompt and appropriate measures if Charter Holder or the charter school, or any of their employees or agents, obtains information that an employee or volunteer of the charter school or an employee, officer, or board member of a management company contracting with the charter school has a reported criminal history that bears directly on the duties and responsibilities of the employee, volunteer, or management company at the school. Charter Holder further represents that the Board and the Agency shall be notified immediately of such information and the measures taken. IS. Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect. Charter Holder shall adopt and disseminate to all charter school staff and volunteers a policy governing child abuse reports required by Chapter 261, Texas Family Code. The policy shall require that employees, volunteers or agents of Charter Holder or the charter school report child abuse or neglect directly to an appropriate entity listed in Chapter 261, Texas Family Code. 16. Notice to District. Charter Holder shall notify the school district in which the student resides within three business days of any actions expelling or withdrawing a student from the charter school. 17, School Year. Charter Holder shall adopt a school year with fixed beginning and ending dates. Financial Managment 18. Fiscal Year. Charter Holder shall adopt a fiscal year beginning September I and ending August 31. 19. Financial Accounting. Unless otherwise notified by the Agency, Charter Holder shall comply fully with generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") and the Financial Accountability System Resource Guide, Bulletin 679 or its successor ("Bulletin 679") published by the Agency in the management and operation of the charter school. Charter Holder shall also comply with the standards for financial management systems outlined in 34 CFR § 80.20. 20. Federal Withhoidine RCquireme . Failure to comply with Internal Revenue Service withholding regulations shall constitute a material violation of the charter. G 0 2 u j Westlake Academy 4 of 9 1/25/2002 21. Workers' Compensation. Charter Holder shall extend workers' compensation benefits to charter school employees by (1) becoming a self -insurer; (2) providing insurance under a workers' compensation 'insurance policy; or (3) entering into an agreement with other entities providing for self-insurance. 22. Annual Audit. Charter Holder shall at its own expense have the financial and programmatic operations of the charter school audited annually by a certified public accountant holding a permit from the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy. Charter Holder shall file a copy of the annual audit report, approved by Charter Holder, with the Agency not later than the 120'h day after the end of the fiscal year for which the audit was made. The audit must comply with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards and must include an audit of the accuracy of the fiscal information provided by the charter school through PEIMS. Financial statements in the audit must comply with Government Auditing Standards and the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133. 23, Attendance Accounting. To the extent required by the commissioner, Charter Holder shall comply with the "Student Attendance Accounting Handbook" published by the Agency; provided, however, that Charter Holder shall report attendance data to the Agency at six -week intervals or as directed by the Agency. 24. Foundation School Program. Distribution of funds to the charter school under Section 12.106, TEC, is contingent upon Charter Holder's compliance with the terms of the charter. Charter Holder is ineligible to receive Foundation School Program funds prior to execution of this contract by the Board. Within 30 days of receiving notice of overallocation and request for refund under Section 42.258, TEC, Charter Holder shall transmit to the Agency an amount equal to the requested refund. If Charter Holder fails to make the requested refund, the Agency may recover the overallocation by any means pernutted by law, including but not limited to the process set forth in Section 42.258, TEC 25, Tuition and Fees. Charter Holder shall not charge tuition and shall not charge a fee except that it may charge a fee listed in Subsection 11.158(a), TEC. 26. Assets of Charter. Charter Holder shall not apply, hold, credit, transfer or otherwise make use of funds, assets or resources of the charter school for any purpose other than operation of the charter school described in the charter. 27. lndebtedness of. Charter. Charter Holder shall not incur a debt, secure an obligation, extend credit, or otherwise make use of the credit or assets of the charter school for any purpose other than operation of the charter school described in the charter. 28. Interested Transactions. All financial transactions between the charter school and (a) Charter Holder; (b) an officer, director, or employee of Charter Holder or of the charter school; or (c) a person or entity having partial or complete control over Charter Holder or the charter school shall be separately and clearly reflected in the accounting, auditing, budgeting, reporting, and record keeping systems of the charter school. Charter Holder shall not transfer any asset of the charter or incur any debt except in return for goods or services provided for the benefit of the charter school at fair market value. n� �fyu Westlake Academy 5 of 9 1/25/2002 29. Non -Charter Activities. Charter Holder shall keep separate and distinct accounting, auditing, budgeting, reporting, and record keeping systems for the management and operation of the charter school. Any business activities of Charter Holder not directly related to the management and operation of the charter school shall be kept in separate and distinct accounting, auditing,, budgeting, reporting, and record keeping systems from those reflecting activities under the charter. Any commingling of chatter and non -charter business in these systems shall be a material violation of the charter. Governance and Operations 30. Non -Profit Status, Charter Holder shall take and refrain from all acts necessary to be and remain in good standing as an organization exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code. If Charter Holder is incorporated, it shall in addition comply with all applicable laws governing its corporate status. Failure to comply with this paragraph is a material violation of the charter, and the Board may act on the violation even if the Internal Revenue Service, Secretary of State, or other body with jurisdiction has failed to act. 31. Records Retention and Management. Charter Holder shall implement a records management system that conforms to the system required of school districts under the Local Government Records Act, Section 201.001, et seq., Local Government Code, and rules adopted thereunder; provided, however, that records subject to audit shall be retained and available for audit for a period of not less than five (5) years from the latter of the date of termination or renewal of the charter. 32. PE1MS Reporting. Charter Holder shalt report timely and accurate information to the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS), as required by the commissioner. 33. Conflict of Interest. Charter Holder shall comply with any applicable prohibition, restriction or requirement relating to conflicts of interest or fiduciary duties. if an officer or board member of Charter Holder or of the charter school has a substantial interest, within the meaning of Chapter 171, Local Government Code, in a transaction, such interest shall be disclosed in public session at a duty called meeting of the governing body prior to any action on the transaction. 34. Disclosure of Carnpaigri C ntriblitions. Charter Holder shall adopt policies that will ensure compliance with the disclosure requirements of State Board of Education Operating Rule 4.3 or its successor. 35. Indemnification. Charter Holder shall hold the Board and Agency harmless from and shall indemnify the Board and Agency against any and all claims, demands, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature asserted by any third party and occurring or in any way incident to, arising out of, or in connection with wrongful acts of Charter Holder, its agents, employees, and subcontractors. td u r- Westlake Academy 6 of 9 1/25/2002 36. Failure to Operate. Charter Holder shall operate the charter school for the full school term as described in the charter application in each year of the charter contract. Charter Holder may not suspend operation for longer than 21 days without a revision to its charter, adopted by the Board, stating that the charter school is dormant and setting forth the date on which operations shall resume and any applicable conditions. Charter Holder may not suspend operation of the school for a period of more than three days without mailing written notice to the parent or guardian of each student and to the Agency at least 14 days in advance of the suspension. Suspension of operations in violation of this paragraph shall constitute abandonment of this contract and of the charter. 37. Charter School Facility, Charter Holder shall have and maintain throughout the term of the charter a lease agreement, title or other legal instrument granting to Charter Holder the right to occupy and use one or more facilities suitable for use as the charter school facilities described by the charter. During any period of dormancy granted by the Board, this requirement may be waived by the Board. Facilities occupied and used as charter school facilities shall comply with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, the Texas Architectural Barriers Act, Article 9102, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes. The charter school shall not change location of its instructional facilities or administrative offices from those listed in the charter application or in a subsequent charter amendment without prior approval Board. When approved by the Board for a new location for an instructional facility, the charter Holder shall, prior to commencing school operations at that loacation, submit to the Charter Schools Division a certificate of occupancy or equivalent certificate for use of the facility at the new location as a public school, as required in the charter application. 38. Access by the Handicapped. Facilities occupied and used by charter schools shall comply with the Americans with Disabilites Act (ADA) and the Americans with Disabilites Act Accessibility Guidelines; 28 CFR Part 35 (Non disc rir nadou on the Basis of Disability in State and Local Government Services); the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards required by the federal Architectural Barriers Act of 1968, as amended; and other applicable federal requirements. In addition, the charter Holder shall require the facility to comply with the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) of the Texas Architectural Barriers Act, Article 9201, Texas Civil Statutes, promulgated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. The charter Holder shall be responsible for conducting inspections to ensure compliance with these specifications. Enforcement 39. Agency Investtiations. The commissioner may in his sound discretion direct the Agency to conduct investigations of the charter school to determine compliance with the terms of the charter or as authorized in the Texas Education Code or other law. Charter Holder, its employees and agents shall fully cooperate with such investigations. Failure to timely comply with reasonable requests for access to sites, personnel, documents or things is a material violation of the charter. J 0 ;1 6 Westlake Academy 7 of 9 1/25/2002 40. Commissioner Authority. The commissioner in his sole discretion may take any action authorized by Section 39.131, TEC , Chapter 29, TEC, or Chapter 42. TEC relating to the charter school. Such action is not "adverse action" as used in this contract. Charter Holder, its employees and agents shall fully cooperate with such actions. Failure to timely comply with any action authorized by Section 39.131, TEC or Chapter 29, TEC is a material violation of the charter. 41. Adverse Action, The Board in its sole discretion may modify, place on probation, revoke or deny timely renewal of the charter for cause ("adverse action"). Each of the following shall be cause for adverse action on the charter: (a) any material violation of the terms of the charter listed in paragraphs 2, 3, and 20; (b) failure to satisfy generally accepted accounting standards of fiscal management; or (c) failure to comply with an applicable law or rule. This Agreement 42. Entire Agreement. This contract, including all referenced attachments and terms incorporated by reference, contains the entire agreement of the parties. All prior representations, understandings and discussions are merged into, superseded by and canceled by this contract, 43. Severability. If any provision of this contract is determined by a court or other tribunal to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason, the remainder of the contract shall remain in full force and effect, so as to give effect to the intent of the parties to the extent valid and enforceable. 44. Conditions of Contract. Execution of this contract by the Board is conditioned on full and timely compliance by Charter Holder with: (a) the terms, required assurances and conditions of Request for Application ##701-01-004; (b) applicable law; and (c) all commitments and representations made in Charter Holder's application and any supporting documents (to the extent such commitments and representations are consistent with the terms of this contract). 45. No Waiver of Breach. No assent, express or implied, to any breach of any of the covenants or agreements herein shall waive any succeeding or other breach. 46. 'Venue. Any suit arising under this contract shall be brought in Travis County, Texas. 47. Governing Law, In any suit arising under this contract, Texas law shall apply. 48. AuthoriLy. By executing this contract, Charter Holder represents that it is an "eligible entity" within the meaning of Section 12.101 (a), TEC. Charter Holder shall immediately notify the Hoard of any legal change in its status, which would disqualify it from holding the charter, of any violation of the terms and conditions of this contract, or of any change in the chief operating officer of the Charter Holder. Charter Holder further represents that the person signing this contract has been properly delegated _ authority to do so. 0 0 2 6 � Westlake. Academy 8 of 9 1/25/2002 Entered into this — day of January 2002. Texas State Board of Education Charter Holder Ausj Y B Grace Shore, Chairman (signature/dal) Scott Bradley Chairperson, Governing Board of Charter Holder (signature/date) Trent Petty Chief operating Officer of Charter School 09 --- b Westlake Academy 9 of 9 1(25/2002 ao1 ##� TX REPORT *xx *�xasxsx�sxsx:sx*xxxxx TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO 1376 CONNECTION TEL 98174301812 SUBADDRESS CONNECTION ID ST. TIME 02/19 12:30 USAGE T ao'25 PGS. SENT i RESULT UK 'Entered into this .._. day of January 2002. Texas State. Baard of Frlucatia C(mtter Bolder � � � � � � .� ..-- �°'`` y (signattirclda �y Grace Shure, Chairstan Q,.cott Bradley Chairpersott, Gomcru3n6 Bocird Of Char Holder (szgn�iureldam) Trent NttY Chief Operating Officer of Charter School 0024 6u A RESOLUTION ORDERING TEE CREATION OF A NONPROFIT CORPORATION PURSUANT TO THE TEXAS NON-PROFIT CORPORATION ACT, APPROVING ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BYLAWS FOR, AND APPOINTING THE INITIAL DIRECTORS OF, THE CORPORATION, APPOINTING CERTAIN] CONSULTANTS, AND RESOLVING RELATED MATTERS WHEREAS, this Board of Aldermen (the "Board"), as the governing body of the Town of Westlake, Texas (the "Town"), hereby find that it is in the public interest that a non-profit corporation (the "Corporation") be created under the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act (the "Act") to act on behalf of the Town as its duly constituted authority and instrumentality, within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for the purpose of providing educational services and facilities; WHEREAS, the Act empowers, among other things, the Corporation to acquire a charter, pursuant to Chapter 12, Subchapter D of the Education Code (the "Education Code"), provide education services, and acquire, finance, and operate educational facilities and facilities related thereto, as contemplated by the Education Code and/or other law; WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Board that the Corporation shall have all powers authorized under the Act and other law to enable it to apply for and obtain a charter under the Education Code and provide education services and acquire, finance, and operate educational facilities and facilities related thereto, as contemplated by the Education Code, the Act, and/or other law; WHEREAS, the Act authorizes the Corporation to issue revenue bonds ('Bonds") and/or to enter into other obligations ("Obligations") that, among other things, will facilitate providing education services and facilities and facilities related thereto; WHEREAS, no Bonds or Obligations of the Corporation will constitute obligations (whether special, general, or moral) of the Town; WHEREAS, the Act provides that the directors of the Corporation are to be appointed by the Board; WHEREAS, the Articles of Incorporation (the "Articles") of the Corporation shall provide that no modification of the Articles or the Bylaws (the "Bylaws") of the Corporation shall take effect unless approved by this Board; WIMREAS, this Board intends, by the adoption of this Resolution, to take all action necessary to order the creation of the Corporation with all of the corporate powers and authority granted under the Act and other law; WHEREAS, the meeting at which this Resolution has been considered was open to the public as required by law, and public notice of the time, place, and subject of the meeting has been given in accordance with Chapter 55I, Government Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN' OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The findings and declarations contained in the preamble of this Resolution are hereby incorporated as part of this Resolution. t �0'26 V w TAM 1=001 yr SECTION 2. This Board hereby finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the Town and its inhabitants that the Corporation, to be named as specified in the Articles, be created pursuant to the Act to act on behalf of the Town as its duly constituted authority and instrumentality for the purposes and with the powers and authority prescribed by the Act and other law. SECTION 3. This Board hereby orders the creation of the Corporation and approves the Articles in substantially the form attached to this Resolution as an exhibit, and hereby authorizes the incorporators of the Corporation (as identified in such Articles) to file the Articles with the Secretary of State in accordance with law. In the event that the name for the Corporation specified in the Articles is not available, the incorporators are hereby authorized to change the Corporation's name in the Articles without the further approval of the Town. SECTION 4. This Board Hereby appoints the persons identified in the Articles to serve as the initial members of the board of directors of the Corporation. SECTION S. This Board hereby approves the initial Bylaws of the Corporation in substantially the form attached to this Resolution as an exhibit. SEC7I0N 6. It is intended that the Corporation be a duly constituted authority and instrumentality of the Town within the meaning of regulations and/or revenue rulings of the Treasury Department and/or the Internal Revenue Service of the United States promulgated under Section 1 IS of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. SEC77ON 7. With respect to the Town and its instrumentalities, the Board of Aldermen hereby appoints Larry Williamson as financial advisor, Thomas Allen Moon as finance counsel, and lenkens & Gilchrist, P. C. as special finance counsel. - SECTION 8. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. TAM I/YO MI vl 00169 =4—A"Ia If, PASSER AND APPROVED ON TMS lim DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2001. ISM 00270 Attachment 25 Schaal Calendar 0027, August SMTWTFS 4 S 6 7 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 11 12 19 20 21 22 2) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 September 02 SMTWTFS i 4 l0 it i2 15 14 1} 16 11 12 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 19 10-- October 02 S MTWT F S 6 1 6 9 10 I1 12 13 14 1$ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 24 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 November 02 SMTWTFS 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )0 i1 12 13 14 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2, 2S 26 27 21 29 30 Decem er 0 SMTWTF S i 9 10 tf r2 tJ 14 15 i6 12 t1 19 20 21 = 23 24 25 26 27 22 29 10 31 January 03 S M T WT F S S 6 7 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 In 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 28 29 J9 31 Westlake Academy 2002-2003 School Calendar fteponin Periods egirt/End) Days Taught I' Reporting Period 311 ! - 9127/ 29 eportmg tied 950102 . 1118102. cporting Period 117 11/0 1 — 0 Reporting 1/ - 14 3 Repo Period Reporting Period 413 - 5R ow Days I Zug t Holiday Q Dam Labor Day September 2, 2002 an giving November Christmas December 23 —January Martin ing January 20, 2003 Spring rz h 1 —11. 2003 aster April 20, Staff Development 0 ,o q: 14. 2002 February 17, 1003 Bad Weather Make Up days pn i,2003 May Teacher Work Days August 14, 2002 August I rZO-2 August 16, 2002 Mary 31 December Legend Begin Attendance Relporting Period j j End Attendance Reporting period J Holiday O Staff Development d Sad Weather Make Up days Teacher Work Days is s February 03 S MT WT F S 2 1 4 5 6 7 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 11 19 20 It 22 2J 24 23 26 27 21 Match 03 S MT WT F S 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1't 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2} 26 27 22 29 30 51 AIMI 03 S MT WT F S 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 1} 16 17 11 19 20 21 z2 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 May 03 S MT WT F S 4 S 6 7 1 9 1; II Ix 13 14 Is 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 Z7 21 29 30 31 June 03 S MT WT F S 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 12 19 20 21 22 23 2A 25 26 21 22 - 29 30 )U1Y 03 SMTWTFS 6 7 2 9 t0 11 12 11 14 16 16 17 t1 19 20 21 22 ZS 24 23 26 27 22 29 30 31 00272 A,.,.t4 Attachment 26 PEG Draft Peg Draft Westlake Academy will adhere to the guidelines for the admission of students eligible for a public education grant (PEG) as set forth in the Texas Education Code. Under the guidelines set forth in the Pubic Education grant program a parent of a student enrolled in any of the districts listed may make application to attend Westlake Academy during the school year. The charter school or public school chosen by a student's parents under this statue is entitled to accept or reject the application for the student to attend school in the charter school, but may not use criteria that discriminates on the basis of a student's race, ethnicity, academic achievement, athletic abilities, language proficiency, sex or socioeconomic status. Westlake Academy reserves the right to reject students based on criteria described within the charter application. A student enrolled in a school identified under the PEG program has the right to request a transfer to another school in his/her current district or in a charter school. Students seeking reenrollment in Westlake Academy shall follow the same procedures for enrollment as other applicants and will be considered on a first -come, first -served basis. When the capacity for the facility has been met, students will be placed on a waiting list and a lottery will be conducted for future openings. Mfl d Attachment 27 Area Map 002., f:) oq—ti-71, Attachment 2E Return Receipts For Statement of Impact 0U f f ens -taI I WESTLAKE February 14, 2001 Keller ISD 350 Keller Parkway Keller, Texas 76248-3447 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the Town of Westlake intends to submit an application to the State Hoard of Education for consideration for approval of an open enrollment charter school. As part of the application process, entities applying for approval are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the establishment or amendment of an open -enrollment charter school. Specifically, the guidelines approved by the State Board of Education require that the enclosed from, entitled Statement of Impact, and copy of the application for the proposed open -enrollment charter school be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is required if the proposed open -enrollment charter may adversely impact a district financially, or if the proposed charter may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Document Control Center, Room 6-108, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78701. It should be received no later than April 20, 2001 for the information to be considered by the State Board of Fducation. It is requested that you review the enclosed application, and complete the State of Impact form, and submit it to the Texas Education Agency. If you have questions about the process for approval of open -enrollment charter schools, please contact the Division of Charter Schools at (512) 463-9575. If you have questions about the enclosed application for approval of an open -enrollment charter school affecting your school district, please contact Trent Petty at 917-430-M1. Sincerely, 1 Scott Bradley Mayor u . 3 Village Circle a Suite 207 Solana e Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro; 817 430-0941 • Fax: 817 430-1812 • www.westlake-tx.org A-1 73 SA M'-P« Statement of Impact Open -Enrollment Charter School Purpose of this form: The sponsoring entity entered below is submitting an application to the State Board of Education for approval to operate or amend an open -enrollment charter school. The name and location of the proposed charter school is provided: Westlake Academy #3 Village Circle Suite 207 Westlake, TX 76262 In accordance with Texas Education Code, Section 12.110(d)(2), this form must be provided to any school district likely to be affected by the open -enrollment charter school. That school district may then submit this form to the State Board of Education information relating to any financial difficulty that a loss in enrollment may have on the district, information pertaining to any impact on student enrollment that may impair a district's ability to comply with a court order affecting the district, and any other information it wishes to share with the board. For more detailed information about the proposed charter, contact the sponsoring entity indicated above. Note: under Texas Education Code 12.106, an approved open -enrollment charter school is entitled to the distribution of the available school fund for a student attending the charter school to which the district in which the student resides -would be entitled This would include any benefits and any transportation allotment for which the student is eligible under Chapter 42. An approved open- enrollment charter is also entitled to a portion of the tax revenue collected by the school district for maintenance and operation as provided in Texas Education Code 12.107. Instructions- Submit the completed form signed by the district superintendent and board president to; The Texas Education Agency Division of Charter Schools 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78701 The farm should be received by the agency by April 20, 2001 for consideration by the State Board of Education with respect to approval of the proposed open--eenroament charter school. For information about the procedures for approval of open -enrollment charter schools, please contact Division of Charter Schools at (512) 463.9575. 0 0 24 7 J r SA MPS E Statement of Impact For Charter Application Name of Proposed Charter School: Westlake Academy Check the appropriate response below: The proposed open enrollment charter school is not expected to adversely impact the school district to a significant degree The proposed open --enrollment charter school (amendment) is expected to impact the school district in the following manner: (Describe the impact in the space below and/or attach any supporting documentation.) (District Name) (County -District Identification Number) (District Address) (Signature of Board President) (Signature of Superintendent) (Date) (Print Board President's Name) (Print Superintendent's Name) (Phone Number) 00`,80 A-1-736 ru Ln 01 POSWO 4 C3 dIG COWwd Fag ru Return Fiftma F" M iE-1 %mw" EM -A L- --------- -- - ----------- .... .... . . .......... . cc Owufmd ry fu Seltsm Receipt Fee C3 (Efidbmerftnt FNQ4,rsdl 0 C3 r- Total postall. & Fe" M riOL Alm: c6rPO 6 Ln ftiage 4 ca cart9imi F" ru "lum Receipt Fee Req^-Om MI r- Tate! Postage A FIMS -3 14 1 Sent TO A AW. cit rn ftslaqe cO Coli"d F" ru mum P.W&m F" OxJo�ni Raqumd) C3 P.Stm[w Dewwy Fee O [ErKlomwent FWq,.-dl LI Toud ft&T#w A, Fw" -sent To 7-1- ca I [f --)> -- - ---------- ...... 1,5 . ........... p Fro 1-7 .... ........ A t,ft- ?I ..x -4 -- ru Ln s FQSUTaAN ru r3 FWLVO Receipt foe (Eoc-.wwt Ptaclutred) 4 Rerancred Dt6wy fee E= (Endc.a mired) Total POSM96 8 Fees V-4 ....... j�2.1* ..................... ................ ........ .. .................. -------------- -- - ------------ or., �, 8 k A - 113c OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER SCHOOL APPLICATION EVALUATION Name of Applicant Please rate each section of the application as indicated. Statement of need Need for the school How does the charter school model address need? Award 0-5 points. Vision of the school The long range vision of the school / The educational philosophy or pedagogy of the proposed school Award 0-15 points. The educational innovations that will distinguish this school from others RECEIVED APR p32001 Goals for the students Academic goals for student learning Measurable objectives for each academic goal Methods for measuring progress Timeline for reporting progress Award 0-15 points. Evaluation, page 1 of 4 Goals for the school --� Goals for school as an entity Measurable objectives for each goal Award 0-5 points. Educational program to be offered Curriculum meets state minimum course offerings Unique experiences offered to enhance student success beyond the minimum curriculum TEKS covered in curriculum Appropriate graduation requirements or program in early grades to lead to graduation �y Pedagogy that enhances student learning Awar 0-70 points. Methods to assess strengths and needs of students Use of evaluation to improve instruction dmissions process and timeline Professional development opportunities relevant to mission Student Assessment Individual assessment in core areas Use of assessment data in programs Assessment of individual learning goals Award 0-15 points. Use of assessment data to improve programs Evaluation, page 2 of 4 Special Needs Students/Programs Special education Title programs and Section 504 Bilingual/ESL State compensatory education Dyslexia Gifted and talented "At Risk" Student activities Goverance Structures and Processes Continuity in the future Board roles and responsibilities Complaint management procedures Board role in administrator/teacher relationships Parent and student roles in decision making Award 0-20 points. 2Z Award 0-25 points. /t.CG .107t,x-o� �lkea,0Xe..1e-. OVERALL RATINGS ALL SECTIONS OF THE APPLICATION ARE TO BE CONSIDERED. 1. Clarity (of ideas and of language) 0 . M segments into the whole) 30 .rall application and concept) Award 0-30 points. 0.05 + 0°14 + u•13 + 0.05 + i) .33 + 0.15 + 0. I 9 + TOTAL POINTS AWARDED 0 2 + •30 + (Maximum points possible is 200.) � Evaluation, page 3 of 4 OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER SCHOOL APPLICATION EVALUATION i Name of Applicant Please rate each section of the application as indicated. Statement of need Need for the school How does the charter school model address need? Award 0-5 points. RECE/ VED _, o Vision of the school The long range vision of the school The educational philosophy or pedagogy of the proposed school Award 0-15 points. 3 The educational innovations that will distinguish this school from others Goals for the students Academic goals for student learning Measurable objectives for each academic goal Methods for measuring progress Timeline for reporting progress Award 0-15 points. Evaluation, page 1 of 4 Goals for the school Goals for school as an entity Measurable objectives for each goal Award 0-5 points. Educational program to be offered b Curriculum meets state minimum course offerings t, Unique experiences offered to enhance student success beyond the minimum curriculum S TEKS covered in curriculum g Appropriate graduation requirements or program in early grades to lead to graduation th Pedagogy that enhances student learning Award 0-70 points. 4 Methods to assess strengths and needs of students y Use of evaluation to improve instruction Admissions process and timeline b Professional development opportunities relevant to mission Student Assessment Individual assessment in core areas Use of assessment data in programs Assessment of individual learning goals Award 0-15 points. Use of assessment data to improve programs Evaluation, page 2 of 4 Special Needs Students/Programs Special education Title programs and Section 504 Bilingual/ESL State compensatory education Dyslexia Award 0-20 points. Gifted and talented "At Risk" Student activities Goverance Structures and Processes Continuity in the future Board roles and responsibilities Complaint management procedures Board role in administrator/teacher relationships Award 0-25 points. Parent and student roles in decision making OVERALL RATINGS ALL SECTIONS OF THE APPLICATION ARE TO BE CONSIDERED. 1. Clarity (of ideas and of language) I / 2. Intearation (of segments into the whole)_ 0 • m y (of overall application and concept) Award 0-30 points. leteness 0-03 + 0.08 T 0.03 + 0.01 + 0- IZ U + 0.0113 + 0. 15 + TOTAL POINTS AWARDED t 2) 0 - ) `; + (Maximum points possible is 200.) U-22 + 1.21 * Evaluation, page 3 of 4 OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER SCHOOL APPLICATION EVALUATION WEST LAKE ACADEMY Name of Applicant Please rate each section of the application as indicated. Statement of need Need for the school 0 How does the charter school model address need? Award 0-5 points. Unclear as to exactly what is the'IB Program is and the needs it addresses. Vision of the school The long range vision of the school 15 The educational philosophy or pedagogy of the proposed school Award 0-15 points. The educational innovations that will distinguish this school from others The educational philosophy of the proposed program supports -the long range vision of the school. RecE/ �� D Goals for the students Academic goals for student learning Measurable objectives for each academic goal 15 Methods for measuring progress Timeline for reporting progress Award 0-15 points. Measurable objectives, methods for measuring progress and timelines for reporting progress clearly addressed the academic goals for student learning. Evaluation, page 1 of 4 Goals for the school Goals for school as an entity U Measurable objectives for each goal Award 0-5 points. Objectives for school goals were not written in measurable terms. Educational program to be offered Curriculum meets state minimum course offerings Unique experiences offered to enhance student success beyond the minimum curriculum TEKS covered in curriculum Appropriate graduation requirements or program in early grades to lead to graduation Pedagogy that enhances student learning Methods to assess strengths and needs of students Use of evaluation to improve instruction Admissions process and timeline Professional development opportunities relevant to mission 65 Award 0-70 points. The educational program offered will provide a challenging curriculum which will be aligned to the TEKS and meet state graduation requirements. Student Assessment Individual assessment in core areas Use of assessment data in programs Assessment of individual learning goals Use of assessment data to improve programs 15 Award 0-15 points. Assessment results will be used to chart student progress and to ensure that student needs are being met. Evaluation, page 2 of 4 Special Needs Students/Programs Special education Title programs and Section 504 Bilingual/ESL State compensatory education Dyslexia Gifted and talented "At Risk" Student activities 20 Award 0-20 points. Provisions for special needs students have been addressed. Goverance Structures and Processes Continuity in the future Board roles and responsibilities Complaint management procedures 20 Board role in administrator/teacher relationships Award 0-25 points. Parent and student roles in decision making Board responsibilities are well defined. Decision making includes staff, parents and students. OVERALL RATINGS ALL SECTIONS OF THE APPLICATION ARE TO BE CONSIDERED. 1. Clarity (of ideas and of language) 30 2. Integration (of segments into the whole) 3. Oiaafity (,of overall application and concept) Award 0-30 points. 0 • :eness �;•'I5 + 0.15 + 0.65 + 0.15 + C•i'J + U ° TOTAL POINTS AWARDED 130 0. 3 i; + (Maximum points possible is 200.) 1•30 Evaluation, page 3 of 4 MAY-15--2001 11:14 ESC REGION XIII 512 919 5205 P.06 OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER SCHOOL APPLICATION EVALUAT11ON �iL%e % / ✓ C �� Please rate each section Name of Applicant of the application as Indicated. Staternent of need Need for the school How does the charter school mode[ address need, Award 0-5 points. Vision of the school The long range vision of the school O The educational philosophy or pedagogy of the proposed school Award 0-1 S points. The educational innovations that will distinguish this school from others Goals for the students Academic goals for student learning Measurable objectives for each academic goal Methods for measuring progress Timeline for reporting progress Award OAS points. Evaluation, page 1 of 4 0 05/16/01 WED 14:24 [TX/RX NO 69561 MAY-15-2001 11:14 ESC REGION XIII 512 _919 5205 P.07 Goals for the school Goals for school as an entity Maasurable objectives for each goal Award 0-5 points. Educational program to be offered Curriculum meets state minimum course offerings Unique experiences offered to enhance student success beyond the minimum curriculum TEKS covered in curriculum Appropriate graduation requirements or program in early grades to lead to graduation Pedagogy that enhances student learning Methods to assess strengths and needs of students Use of evaluation to improve instruction Admissions process and timeline Professional development opportunities relevant to mission Student Assessment bo Award 0-70 points. Individual assessment in core areas Use of assessment data in programs Assessment of individual learning goals Award 0-15 points. Use of assessment data to improve programs Evaluation, page 2 of 4 05/16/01 WED 14:24 [TX/RX NO 69561 NRY-15-2001 11:15 ESC REGION XIII 512 919 5205 PP..09 Special Needs Students/Programs Special education Title programs and Section 504 Bilingual/ESL State compensatory education Dyslexia Award 0-20 points. Gifted and talented "At Risk" Student activities Goverance Structures and Processes Continuity in the future Board roles and responsibilities Complaint management procedures is — Board role in administrator/teacher relationships Award 0-25 points. Parent and student roles in decision making OVERALL RATINGS '" ' SECTIONS OF THE APPLICATION ARE TO BE CONSIDERED. 0.02 + �• 1t7 + II lJ°03 f 0•!�S + i� • J t� + �J•�c' + u 14 15 + U Clarity (of ideas and of language) Integration (of segments into the whole) Quality (of overall application and concept) Completeness 1:) & Award 0-30 points. TOTAL POINTS AWARDED I cf (Maximum points possible is 200.) Evaluation, page 3 of 4 05/16/01 WED 14:24 [TX/RX NO 69561 MAY-15-2001 11'15 ESC REGION XIII 512 919 5205 P.09 Reviewer/bate Evaluation, page 4 of 4 TOTAL P.09 05/16/01 WED 14:24 [TX/RX NO 69561 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 701 Nortlt Conoress Ave.* Austin, Texas 7970I-1 F9d * 512/ 463-973d * FAX: 5131463 9838 * Itttp://www.teastate.M.us Jim Nelson Commissioner of Education May 18, 2001 Trent Petty Westlake Academy 3 Village Circle, Suite 207 Westlake, TX 76262 Dear Mr. Petty: I am pleased to inform you that your application for a charter school received the necessary average of 150 points or higher when evaluated by external reviewers. Therefore, you are scheduled for an interview with the Planning Committee of the State Board of Education on Thursday, June 28, 2001, at 10:30 A.M. in Room 1-104 of the William B. Travis Building, 1701 N. Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701. Be prepared to give a 10-minute overview of your application and to answer questions related to your application. It is important for your overview to be no longer than 10 minutes in order to allow time for committee members to ask questions. An overhead projector and screen will be provided. Mrs. Strickland, chairman of the Planning Committee, has requested that each applicant provide tabbed notebooks for the committee to use during the interview. While this was not a requirement contained in the RFA, the tabbed notebooks will be very helpful to the committee as it reviews your application. Please bring to the interview seven copies of your complete application. These copies should be in three-ring binders so that you can provide one to each of the five planning committee members, one to me, and one to another TEA staff member. The application should be arranged as follows: Coversheet TAB 1 — Information Reviewed by Agency and Considered in Overall Ratings Items 1-7 as indicated in the application TAB 2 — Statement of Need TAB 3 — Vision of the School TAB 4 — Student Goals TAB 5 — School Goals TAB 6 — Educational Plan TAB 7 — Governance Structures and Processes TAB 8 — Attachments Attachments 1-28 as indicated in the application The copies should be duplicates of those previously submitted. The application already on file is your official application, and although we are sending with this letter the scores sheets for the application from the external reviewers, no changes to the filed copy can be made without direction from the Planning Committee. You will receive notes from TEA internal reviewers at the end of your interview. The SBOE Planning plans to consider applications on July 12, and the full board plans to vote on new charters on July 13. Although there are no presentations from applicants at the July meetings, you are expected to attend these meetings to answer any questions from board members, Should you have any questions, please call Linda Freeman or Mary Perry at 512-463-9575. Sincerely, Susan Barnes Managing Director, Division of Charter Schools Enclosures Preparing Children, Profnoting Excellence Statement of Impact For Charter Application Name of Proposed Charter School: Westlake Academy Check the appropriate response below: y The proposed open enrollment charter school is not expected to adversely impact the school district to a significant degree The proposed open -enrollment charter school (amendment) is expected to impact the school district in the following manner: (Describe the impact in the space below and/or attach any supporting documentation.) D"_, -V\ VO v\ -17' (District Name) 130-) Q, L (District Address) c,(01. � 0 1 (County -District Identification Number) �-C�J C AJ zx-ro, C-AL,, rJ E (JANS r ture of Board President) (Print Board President's Name) ( '7 tA r,Cti Ct �JMS c 1� (Signattq of Superinten ent) (Print Superintendent's Name is _ � � �., .940 his (Date) (Phone Number) OBI21./01 THU 10:57 FAX 512 463 A732 01"OuekDo 1 00A ?.015 TR CHAHIIN SCHOOLS Z014 Name of Proposed Charter School: Westlake Academy :heck the appropriate response below: The proposed open enrollment charter school id not expected to adversely impact the school district to a significant degee x The proposed open -enrollment charter school (amendment] is expected to impact the school district in the following man=: (Describe the impact in the sptu:e below and/or attach any supporting documentation.) SE'E ATTACHED. R y„ Kellee ISD (District Name) 350 Keller Parkway, Keller., Tokas (District Address) Signature of D d President) 1 �) R�� (Signature of Superintendent) 6/18/01 (Date) DECEIVED 220 907 (County -District Idcntification Number) 75248 Jac Irvine ;pri it Board President's Name) Charles K. Sradberry (Print Superintendent's Namc) (817)337-7506 (Phone Number) 01"00/00 12:00H P.011H: c[Si21/01 7HU 10:57 FAX 512 4UJ 9732 TF.A CHARTER SCHOOLS 191015 350 KCLLWR PARKWAY ICELLBR. Taxws 7624e PHONE: ai7"337.7500 FAX; 317.337-3264 0 swirlCB OF TM Q' $UwY_it(NTENDC NT Or S-GM0nL!j KMLLr,.R INDEPtwNDEi<T SCHOOL, DISTRICT STATEMENT OF IMPACT Keller ISO does not support the granting of a Charter to the Westlake Academy, The Westlake Academy will have a significant negative impact on the Keller Independent School District. The impact includes, but is not limited to, an impact on the financial resources, fiscal stability, bond ratings, contractual obligations, infrastructure, program design, and estimating for all planned activities of the Keller Independent School District. Keller ISO is committed to becoming one of the top school districts in the state. The Keller School District encompasses nine cities. Currently, there are 27 students who live in Westlake that are attending Keller ISO schools, 3 who are attending Carroll ISO schools. and 0 students attending Northwest ISO schools. The Town of Westlake does not have a student population to support a Charter School in its community. Westlake Academy has the potential of diverting a number of Keller ISO's quality students. The Keller Independent School District offers students who reside in Westlake the opportunity to attend Texas Education Agency Er amplary elementary, intermediate, middle and high schools. The elementary as well as the high school that Westlake students attend have been recagnixed as a National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education. The SAT scores for KISD students are among the highest in the area. Every teacher in the Keller Independent School District is trained in the thirty (30) hour gifted and talented training required by the Texas Education Agency. This training affords all students the opportunity to partake of a curriculum, which is enhanced for their needs. Recent survey results indicate that parents give high marks to the instructional strategies offered through the gifted and talented training. Keller students may participate in a variety of programs which enhance learning: middle school students may compete yearly in the Duke Talent search for outstanding middle school students, high school students participate yearly in the Academic Decathlon Competition. Both high school teams have placed in the top 10 in the state large school competition over the last three years. 01100f00 12:00A P.017 06!21/01 THU 10158 FAX 512 483 9792 TEA CBARTM SCHOOLS Z 015 Keller is presently planning a Fine Arts Magnet High School that will serve students in the Westlake area. A Keller Independent School district high school student may take advantage of a strong Advanced Placement program in math, language arts, science, and social studies which can gamer as much as 12 hours of college credit per subject. In addition, students may enroll in Dual Enrollment classes in language arts, which will garner as much as three college credits. Through these programs, students can graduate with enough college credit to be granted sophomore status. in fact, the 1999 Keller High School Valedictorian graduated with over 40 hours of college credit prior to entering Texas A & M University, KISD hosts an elementary UIL meet in which surrounding districts' schools and KISD elementary school students participate. Students in elementary grades have opportunities to be active in Odyssey of the Mind or Destination ImagInatlon competition, intermediate and secondary students may participate in a variety of academic and fine arts UIL cornpetition. 1� Statement of.Impact Opel; Enrollmeht Charter School Pu rpose of this form:. The sponsoring entity entered below is submitting an application to the State Board of Education for approval to operate or amend an open -enrollment charter school. The name and location of the proposed charter school is provided: Westlake Academy 43 tillage Circle Suite 207 Westlake, TX 76262 In accordance with Texas Education Code, Section 12.110(d)(2), this form must be provided to any school district likely to be affected by the open -enrollment charter school. That school district may then submit this form to the State Board of Education information relating to any financial difficulty that a loss in enrollment may have on the district, information pertaining to any impact on student enrollment that may impair a district's ability to comply with a court order affecting the district, and any other information it wishes to share with the board. For more detailed information about the proposed charter, contact the sponsoring entity indicated above. Note: under Texas Education Code 12.106, an approved open -enrollment charter school is entitled to the distribution of the available school fund for a student attending the charter school to which the district in which the student resides would be entitled. This would include"any benefits and any transportation allotment for which the student is eligible under Chapter 42. An approved open -enrollment charter is also entitled to a portion of the tax revenue collected by the school district for maintenance and operation as provided in Texas Education Code 12.107. Instructions: Submit the completed form signed by the district superintendent and board president to: The Texas Education Agency Division of Charter Schools 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78701 'Ii��►d.i:��, ���deo! peg+ 5usea.e7 ,�n�s Cal-��-� The form should be received by the agency by z$ @°for consideration by the State Board of Educations with respect to approval ofthe proposed open -enrollment charter school: For information about the procedures for annroval of open -enrollment charter schools, please contact Division of Charter Schools at (512) 463-9575. . Name of Proposed Charter School: Westlake Academy Check the appropriate response below: The proposed open enrollment charter school is not expected to adversely impact the school district to a significant degree _X The proposed open -enrollment charter school (amendment) is expected to impact the school district in the following manner: (Describe the impact in the space below and/or attach any supporting documentation.) See Attached Statement. NorthwP,sfi `1nOpendPnt School Di s rict 061 -91 1 (District Name) (County -District Identification Number) (District Address) ;4111 ident) of Superintendent) May 22, 2001 (Date) Danny Simpson (Print Board President's Name) Keith Sockwell (Print Superintendent's Name) 817-215-0030 (Phone Number) Tearnwork Northwest tDistrict Pride Independent SchooExcellence STATEMENT OF IMPACT Northwest ISD does not support the granting of a Charter to the Westlake Academy. The Westlake Academy will have a significant negative impact on the Northwest Independent School District. The impact includes, but is not limited to, an impact on the financial resources, fiscal stability, bond ratings, contractual obligations, infrastructure, program design, accurate forecasting, and estimating for all planned activities of the Northwest ISD. y Northwest ISD is committed to becoming one of the top school districts in the state. The Town of Westlake is located in three school districts, Northwest ISD, Carroll ISD, and Keller ISD: Currently, there are no students who live in Westlake who are attending Northwest ISD schools, and only twenty-six students who are attending Keller ISD schools and three who are attending Carroll ISD schools. The Town of_Westlake does not have a student population to support a Charter School in its community. Westlake Academy has the potential of diverting a number of Northwest ISD's quality students due to its proximity to the Town of Trophy Club, the largest community in the Northwest ISD and the location of two Northwest ISD TEA Exemplary and two Recognized schools. Northwest ISD reached Chapter 41 status in 2000 and passed a $182 million bond election in February 2001. The loss of students will have a definite impact on the district's financial resources, program design, and accurate enrollment forecasting. Since Northwest ISD is a Chapter 41 district, the loss of students will reduce the district's Weighted Average Daily Attendance (WADA). The district's recapture payment will also increase as a result of the loss in WADA. Financially, the district will lose a portion of the available school fund. If one-third of the projected 400-student enrollment for Westlake Academy is from Northwest ISD, the district will pay $684,300 in Recapture Tax and will lose $32,984 from the Available School Fund. The district has the potential of losing $6.5 million in operating funds over the next five years (See attachment A-1). As enrollment increases for the Westlake Academy, Northwest ISD, a rapidly growing Chapter 41 district, will be forced to evaluate a variety of budget scenarios, all of which may result in the reduction of teaching positions, staff, programs and essential services to its students. This will adversely affect the district's goal to provide a quality education program. In Westlake Academy's application, it implies that there is a need for a school that offers a rigorous curriculum. The Northwest ISD Board of Trustees`rvision is for the NISD to become a top school district in the state. Based upon TEA evaluative data, student performance, staff evaluation, and community input, the district is well underway to achieving this goal. Northwest ISD offers a rigorous curriculum with sixteen (16) Advanced Placement courses, Pre -AP courses, advanced technology and college concurrent credit courses. Northwest ISD is committed to offering its students a quality and challenging educational program. Losing any of the district's top students would be extremely detrimental. The district emphasizes that there is not a necessity to create a Charter School in this area. In support of its position, the district requests the State Board of Education to note the opposition submitted by Carroll ISD and Keller ISD, the other affected districts by the Westlake Academy application. Therefore, the Northwest Independent School District requests the open enrollment charter school application for Westlake Academy be denied. Northwest ADistrict !Excellence mwork Pride Independent Sch DATE: April 17, 2001 TO: Keith Sockwell, Superintendent of Schools FROM: Jon Graswich, Assistant Superintendent for Finance_- RE: Five -Year Financial Forecast - Charter School Impact The Five -Year Financial Forecast reflects the potential impact opening a charter school would have upon the District. This forecast is based on one-third of the projected 400 student enrollment for Westlake Academy is from Northwest ISD the first year. A projected loss of 267 students from Northwest ISD is estimated for each year thereafter. Charter School Impact: The Revenue Projection Summary projects a potential $6.5 million loss in operating funds over the next five years. The Available School Fund is set on an annual basis by the State Board of Education (SBOE). This amount is not subject to Chapter 41 recapture. At the September, 2000, meeting the SBOE set the 2000 - 2001 rate at $248 per capita. This current rate was carried forward in the projection. CHARTER SCHOOL IMPACT CHAPTER 41 RECAPTURE AND AVAILABLE SCHOOL FUND Chapter 41 Available School Year Recapture Tax School Fund Total Impact 0 2001-02 1 684,300 $ 32,984 $ 717,284 0 2002-03 $ 1,394,912 $ 66,216 $ 1,461,128 0 2003-04 $ 1,399,084 $ 66,216 $ 1,465,300 0 2004-05 $ 1,398,676 $ 66,216 $ lA64,892 0 2005-06 $ 1,400,693 $ 66,216 $ 1,466,909 1800 State Hwy 114, Justin, TX 76247-8700 (817) 215-0025 (817) 215-0170 FAX THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS P.O. BOX 12068 CAPITOL BUILDING AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 512/463.0109 FAX: 5121463-0923 TOO 1.800.735.2989 pISTRICT OFFICE 900 PARKER SQUARE, SUITE 200 FLOWER MOUND, TEXAS 75028 972/724.0066 FAX 972f724-0750 EMAIL jane.neison0senate.sla+e.N.Us February 8, 2001 Texas Education Agency Division of Charter Schools 1701 N. Congress Ave. Austin, TX 78701 To whom it may concern: SENATOR JANE NELSON Committees: NOMINATIONS, CHAIR EDUCATION HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES RECEIVED i_F1 Please give your utmost consideration to the Town of Westlake's application for a charter school. As a strong supporter of charter schools, I am encouraged by preliminary plans for the Westlake Academy, a proposed multi -aged, self -paced learning institution with a particular focus on international business and foreign language. Students interested in pursuing this career path would have a unique opportunity to gain experience through relationships the town has forged with international corporations located in and around Westlake. This charter request is unique in that the applicant is a municipality. In my view this would be desirable arrangement because municipalities are already subject to public accountability and have access to reliable financial support. Also construction and maintenance costs could be shared between the school and the town. Alliance Corridor would be a wonderful home to a charter school. I hope you will strongly consider the Town of Westlake's application. Ve truly yours, Sen or Jane Nelson FROM : BILL FRX NO. : Jun. 22 2001 03:01PM PI mr. & Mrs. William A. Spies 9 Woodlands Ct. Trophy Club, Tx 76262 TEA Charter School Division Austin, Tx Dear Members: We would like to add our support to others for the proposed open enrollment charter school in Westlake, Tx. : We have lived In Trophy Club (adjacent to Westlake) for thirteen years and have a I 0-year old son. We have seen the area grow commercially, but there are still few choices for our children's academic needs. We would like to see the opportunity of choice that this proposed charter school could offer the families of this area. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ,4.,. 4;� Diane Meier Spies, CPA 1, -William A. Spies �.T 06/22/01 FRI 16:00 [TX/RX NO 71691 h4UM Hink BJI'rd - - Am "Ia Zeal il.e�F79 P June 281h, tool TEA, Charter School ivisla" Austin, Taxes To wharn It may concern, Pion" approve our application. Warmest regards, A4kz T 06/26/01 TUE 13:54 [Tx/Rx NO 71871 Tuesday, January 16, 2001, THE KELLER CITIZEN, rocuding with `. s oin Us P e Z, -sc o (P V11ca pen,charter. b ol 49, .Board of Education committee to review charters frorffl 18 oldest schools . r,.,J y SI,EVE_r.`t.... "�PASCHAL accept students from Westlake first, wbuld have gone to the transferring `After a public meeting last Tuesday • then open its doors to students primar- --.'student's district, the money will only afwhich more than a dozen people ily in the Keller; Northwest and Car- cover the cost of educating the stu- • :� vorced their.suppoit for the plan, •.roll, school districts. He added that :dent. Money for facilities and to run Westlake is proceeding with its appli- - there are plans to start an International' the schooI•would have to come from cation. tocreaieacharter school within Baccalaureate program with college;-,, private and corporate donations, he its boundaries. based curriculum and emphasis "ori'`said. Under state law, charter schools :. Despite a lack of assurances that the .foreign languages. International Bac- .•.rnay not charge tuition. state'will grant its application, in - "` " calaureate programs, ..Bradley ;-Last Tuesday, about 25 people be a"ineetina at Westlake City December Westlake s board of alder- . . man authorized Town Manager Trent attended explained, require students to pro-; ;;y:. ficieni. in three' languages, 'including, -tHall to supporta plan to operi a charter Petty submit an application to the state ". English That would help lure'oversees`�"slc ool..If the state approves the char - to start a K-12 school. However, sup- businesses to Westlake, he said.. a.fer, Westlakeplans.to open the'school porters have not "determined if enough `By opening a charter school, West-",' _ gi,the fall of 2002. However, until a school is built, the school parents in Westlake and nearby school lake hopes to become even more permanent have to lease space or purchase* districts will send their children to the school to justify its existence. That attractive to international corpora- may lions," Bradley explained.'.`A charter" an. existing building. In addition, the decision must be made before the Feb. school would allow executives work- _` school may not cover all grades K-12 :15 filing'deadline for new charters.. ing in the United States for a couple of :in its first year. .. Last the State Board of Edu- -: In addition, there are no assurances, thestatewillgrantWestlake'srequest. years to.bring their families to. Texas : week; withoutworrying about. interrupting7= cation's.Committee on Planning The state has already granted the max- their children's education" :. ': :` :announced that it would meet with �M.;.... mum of l20opm-enrollment charters . ,Another reason the town..wants to _ .officials from Texas' 18 oldest charter And the only way Westlake's applica- • : open its own school; Bradley said, ;is" schools to determine whether or not to tion can be approved is if the state rais- . because of the town's location on ttie` 'enew their charters. The first-gener- es the limit or if an existing school sur- outskirts' of three school districts.._ . afion charters were approved to oper- renders its charter... While students from Westlake attend ' ateas public schools in 1995 and they ",Westlake is not a place, historical- 'school in either the Keller, Northwest- ,must seek renewal of their charter this ly, where people are easily deterred," or Carroll district's, because of the low" .year if they wish to continue to oper- `said Petty. "our strategy is to do what- .number of students coming from the' ate. ever it takes to get that school built...' . town of 250 residents, none of the dis- �hdon't care if we inherit someone• else's old charter or if we're granted a trict's is Ekely.to"build'a school' in Westlake. ,new one:' 'Mayor There is also the problem of fund. Scott Bradley said the pro- ing, Bradley pointed out. While the posed Westlake Academy_would school would receive state money that cz •� 3 U O•U [0 0 _ cl o tn. O In p F N y y w cz O �� p C p. 4ei U U �. 4•a O '•' rA 3� 4 G.H eD V1 .O Qi G'sCA N.�•i- 4'• Q� Q� �+ . N Ln 04 cz •� O+q.+ ""� U r1 y .N - to ••Zy- ++ r•' Fi 40 • fN3 U U aUr U N ..a .. .._" � ccY O .p U U -cif � N �o+vl� o.. uo'� toto q c o > - YC p a 61 c3 ,vi O 0 U ctY q 'F . . pC;i to - ' cif �O ;'�- ':� � '[r,A•a:, :� _ `A :c' L c3 t4 d p u c` O O i.-� mac' G' U v' cS a .0 �� U Oa O e3 C) O w ago °�• oQ Uoou.1-4 w� U W a „ o N 3 3 Z° o o 'ado o 1.4 p U O a •. V, � y EN='. �fl0'a. cs �oU o oA .0 °o � Z 4 •o i) ai _e C •k ' . i' .'3 • �° C4 .3 f�/] Cp �"'1' b `Cpi e"• 40 y cS +�•' �+•t �+ 0Q.. vo cdn iiD � pcYA�N U O to N 0ayclO O-O gc3 w`� Q yyi �•�1`�•i+O 1-4R}br�Cy U U L.'• �'°+7�.. cz _ •3 w y �' C) ^ c3 C3 O : O' e + O to �+ 0 0..s C• tu O C2 i"0 o a.+ y .".S ' GCi aci 0 tlQ'� Fd 'ou cn o N ° °°�°w WESTLAKE — The town of Westlake is "Westlake Academy wilt be eligible to forming a development committee to receive that portion of the funds that found a charter school for the town, with would be used for operational expenses the goal of having the first students in by the school district which the student the classroom by next September. The would normally attend," Petty adde& committee, to be composed of Westlake ' The district would keep the portion of ils ; citizens, is schedule_ d to begin work in tax base used for other expenses. Ienuary, according to Trent Perty, town ' ' Ibis is really a good deal for the manager. school districts," Petty claimed. "They The September target date is based on get to keep much of the tax money and 7. Westlake being granted a charter by the dart i have to educate the student." State ofTexas and on finding'a suitable Portions of Westlake lie in three dif- location for the school, Petty said. ferent school districts —Northwest, If either of these conditions cannot be Carroll and Keller. Petty said that Carroll met, the school probably would not be has so far been cordial but uncommitted able to open until. September 2002.. ' but :hat Northwest has shown some The first problem, attaining a charter opposition to the idea Keller has not yet from the state, will likely be decided been briefed on the new school. early in the year. The state is limited to Also, charter schools do not have to the number of charters it can grant each meet state requirements for teacher certi- year and applications already are in place for more than the maximum 120 fication. "I would anticipate that most of the allowed, teachers will be state certified, but we As to a location for the school, tem- aren't limited to that," Petty Said. `We porary quarters could likely'be found in canbring in experts in various'fnelds to existing buildings in.Westlake, but a per- supplement the teaching staff." manent home would take donations from He added that, in order to attract top individuals or corporations. A permanent teachers, the school will have to provide home for the school is probably several above average pay and benefits, possibly . years away, even if it obtains a charter including admission for the teachers' this year. State education officials are watching children. Without a large tax base and without the effort with some.interrs4 Petty said, the ability to charge tuition, the school since this will be the first municipally will, to a degree, depend on private gifts operated charter school in the state. ' "Charter schools are designed to provide and private fund-raising activities. One possibility, Petty noted, is for an existing an cducation'altemative for students organization or company to build the ' whose parents feel they are not getting school's facility and lease it to the town. Size of the student body also is still to an adequate education in their present school," Petty said. be determined, but Petty said he doubted Most existing charter schools in Texas it would ever be more than about 800 have been organized and operated by and probably would begin with 400 or parents. Petty said that Westlake's fewer students. involvement would bring a degree of sta. "That's another of the questions the bility and credibility to the new school, committee will have to answer when it which has been named The Westlake meets," Petry added. `But with an antici- Academy., paled 4,000 households in the town, Among the questions still to be about 800 students would be the most ' answered is the area in which the school we could expect." • will operate. It probably will be only the One of the initial goals of the school ' town of Westlake, Petty said This is will be to offer the International important because the school will be eli- Baccalaureate degree, a high-school . gible for state funding and all students level program which is accepted for living in its designated area will have the entrance by most universities around the . right to attend.. Students from other areas can apply world'¢ "Public schools by law have to try to for admission, but it will not be guar an- be everything to everybody," Petty said. teed. "Charter schools can focus on a more As a public school, The Westlake narrow educational curriculum, designed Academy will be eligible for limited for a specific student population. We . state financial support, but it will not be anticipate this will help attract imema- able to charge tuition. flonal businesses to Westlake." A_,naner QUA itoume "'Texas senators are considering a faulty fix for a school program. There is real danger in the end - of -session fever that grips Austin every two years. Difficult deci- sions on important issues get delayed until the last days before the Legislature adjourns, and the resulting pressure to take action can result in bad law. That's what's happening in the effort to bring order to Texas' chaotic experiment with charter ;�--schools. A Senate bill, drafted in i response to a House -approved, two-year moratorium on new charters, would instead give r charter -granting power to the state's universities, counties and cities. So Instead of the State Board of. Education deciding which charter applicants will get tax- i payer money, that decision would be made by any of the governing boards of more .than 30 public universities, 254 counties or 1,186 incorporated municipalities in the state. That is not a good idea. + . The House Committee on Pub- ? lie Education got, this ball rolling a last December with a scathing report on problems in the charter school program .that the Legisla- ture started in 1995..The report cited repeated examples of char- ter schools closing suddenly, a owing thousands of dollars to the state and leaving hundreds of stu- dents to find new schools virtual- .. •ly overnight. The committee delivered.30 'recommendations for charter school program improvements and said the Texas Education Agency should be given, the `resources to adequately supervise `t-charter schools. It recommended a moratorium on °hew ' charters ° -,vhile the prob- lems are brought under control. The Senate bill incorporates " many of the sug- gested improve- ' "ments. But some -powerful state `-'officials, includ- ing Gov. .Rick Perry, object to a moratorium. So the idea was born ;46 allow what the 5eriate bill calls "-_nvernmentaI entir; charter schools." For the next two years. Texas cities, counties and universities would have exclusive power to issue open -enrollment charters and would be given some over- sight responsibilities over the schools that they start. If compromise is essential here — and it is required- endlessly in the process of passing public law — perhaps public universities could be allowed to start charter schools. These institutions at least have a track record in the field of education. But counties and cities? The legions of governing boards rep- resented in these two categories have no educational expertise. Texas taxpayershave no reason to trust their judgment as to which charter applicants should be entrusted with tax money. There's a feeling among some legislators that local government officials can be trusted to make the right decisions in this area. Call it blind faith. In the bill approved by a Sen- ate committee last week, there is not even a requirement that the ,proposed "governmental entity charter schools" be in the same county or city as the governing body that approves them, nor is there any requirement that objec- tions be given a proper indepen dent hearing before a charter is granted. Less than two weeks are left before the Legislature's scheduled May 28 adjournment. The charter school program in Texas is still broken, and strong measures are still needed to make it right. But bad law would only open the door to more problems. Giv- ing cities and counties the author- ity to grant charters would be bad law. The Associated PresSIHARRY CAOLUC` The Texas Senate, presided over by Acting Texas Lt Gov. Bill Ratliff, is considering a bill that would give char ter -granting powers to the state's universities, counties and citiae itself, but what if it someday that policy? What Wit sells its i3nlpanies, for example" What ainlenance organization then lay your medical bills for can- ause you purchase too many es each week? ig wrong with it little infonna- tt why not study the product which items are selling and y are our vital statistics need- ng prices to force customers with a cardjust so a company oration on you is a bites well, o u There is something wrong I seeks to penalize customers with its plan. o is that we are losing our pri- without our knowledge and e we don't care to protect it. sident assured me that if 1 felt caling my personal informa- card without giving my name hat option isn't written any - cation fool. In fact, the form driver's license number and s."They want everything. e willing to give up, life more willing to take. Eventually, Wing left, no privacy, northing already known. lockout counter question of is about as personal as I want We is it fire -la ice wriler Irdson. ;Y �0.11as Movntvu3 News 6-19-01 � _f,, • u �M1, � 'j I : ' ,i �. In Texas, where, our current president has assured its, no child is left behind, a significant number do seem to have been left holding the bag. Currently in Houston, education ex- perts are watching in a kind of awe as the state educational bureaucracy struggles to come to grips rfa with Prepared Ta- "`s bit, a very large and financially shaky charter school that a)- I pears to be edu- cating children under conditions — that very closely GAIL resemble a disas- COLLINS �terreliefcenter. A local 'ry station recently ran pictures of kids crannned in- to a church, where several classes were running simultaneously as the students slept, talked or sat on the floor so they could use the pews as tables. "file school's administration never re- ally has responded to charges that a siz- able slice of the stafris composed ofcon- victed felons and that some faculty members haven't graduated from high school, let alone college. Actually, the slate's charter school law doesn't require that teachers have either it diploma or a clean record. But it does help explain why only about a fifth of the students passed the state's basic achievement tests in 2000. George W Bush has taken the charter school message to Washington with hint, while Texas is left to dig itself out of the hole that the P rid et ' es I ut s enthusiasm for ubliel financed nonpublic P Y schools cre- ated back I e \ n o a i n. More than 200 charter n er schools were authorized in the past few years, all of fliem receiving state stipends of about $5,000 a child under a system that was supposed to encourage experi- mentation by imposing virtually no st;m- dards. 'Pile legislators presumably envi- sioned schools pioneering new methods of teaching reading, writing and connput- er skills. What Texas taxpayers now are subsidizing, among many other innova- tions, are a gymnastics school and an ice skating school, in which academies in- fringe only a very few hours each day, and the parents are charged an extra $90 a week so their kids can learn to do the death spiral. "I tried to get a lot of protections in the beginning," said state Rep. Scott Ilochberg, D-Ilouston, an early charter school advocate. "The governor's posi- tion basically was that we should have no rules." lie added, "They wanted to elimi- nate the requirement that kids have im- munizations." The state Ilouse of Representatives has passed a bill calling for a two-year moratorium on new charter schools and a host bf additional regulations, but Gov. Rick'I'erry doesn't want to do anything that might be seen asa repudiation of th c movement. "IIe doesn't believe therec should be it moratorium on charter schools," said the governor's spokeswoman, Killity Walt. "Ile thinks they provide a necessary choice for people whose kids are in fail- ing schools." There are, in fact, very few Texas Public schools that are failing as spectac- ularly as the charter schools. 'file slate has a system of rating public schools on Factors like dropout rates and test scores, and last summer a quarter of the charter schools got the bottom-of=the-barrel rat- ing. In t999-2000, 80 percent of the chil- dren in public schools passer[ the Texas academic achievement tests -- scores that led sonic cynics to question whether the tests really were all that tough. But only 37 percent of the charter school lads passed. There are, of course, charter school suce"s stories. But there is no evi&n� that they can be mass-produced. Anti it talk of accountability seems to conic to screeching hall. Only a haudlul of th schools have had their licenses revoke (A number, however, have bee❑ shmhTC when school leaders either ran out (. money or fled town,) This week, the Ifc publican-dontinaled state senate rcjcclo a motion that charter schools t r Is I e ruI uire� to get an "acceptable" academic ev;Wu;u tion to get continued financing. The governor's spolieswoutmt sai, Mr. Petry thought that charier school "were set up so they could be tine ol'nui, state regulations, and he doesn't hr.liet, Texas should be putting them tm,lrr tit requirements public schools ire under." The argument — made by dic govcr nor and the senators who opposed scitinl achievement standards -- is that it ChAl ter school that is struggling 1+idt dil'l'i cult -to -teach students from poor I uuilic: slinuldn't be held to the sonic snul&lld as schools in tha public system. H.1, l during the campaign, that was 6uuun a: "the bigotry of soft expccun ions," au, myrecollec(ion isthal Mr. Rush d:aindo ly was against it. Gail Collins wriles fin ilre tica Yat1. Times. BY FoeT�rEOEAU1 IL Whatis immoral� about on',rig POD 0 _- Where is it written, "Thou shalt not clone hu- mans"? By what standard is cloning human beings immoral or unethical? People continue to say there are moral and eth- ical questions, but they don't delineate them, if a majority of people in a democracy vote to outlaw a - — something, they don't need a moral explanation; they Ji 4,0 ,in it Amn,���..� Granted, there are dangers in Inman cloning. Tluc whole idea may turn out to he it bust, produc- ing only malformed infants. If so, it han would he necessary. But until lye find out, outlawing scien- tific research would be using the same medieval reasoning That nurtured the Dark Ages. So far, on- ly government -funded research is prevented by law. life than we are when we conceivc and hear , I'l l- dren or when we use advanced gene diciopy. Our crealor is the maker of mood laws. II't Iod chooses to prevent human cloning, it ju,t won't happen. Millions ofpotentially aduplablc American ba- bies are being lost to abortion. Cuupl" ycnuuug for children are spending small lommes it) uaiJ INFORMATION SHEET FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW CHARTER SCHOOL WESTLAKE ACADEMY DATE PROPOSED FOR OPENING: Fall, 2002 OPEN or75% AT -RISK: OPEN NEW or CONVERSION: NEW NEW CHARTER SCHOOL NAME: WESTLAKE ACADEMY COUNTY: TARRANT MAILING ADDRESS: 3 VILLAGE CIRCLE, SUITE 207, WESTLAKE, TX 76262 SITE ADDRESS: SAME CONTACT PERSON: TRENT PETTY TELEPHONE NUMBER: 817-430-0941 FAX NUMBER: 817-430-1812 MAXIMUM GRADES SERVED: K-12 MAXIMUM ENROLLMENT: 800 CORPORATE CHARTER NUM13ER FROM SECRETARY OF STATE: NOT IN APPLICATION NINE -DIGIT EMPLOYER ID NUMBER FROM IRS: NOT IN APPLICATION PLANS FOR FIRST FIVE YEARS OF OPERATIONS AS INDICATED IN CHAPTER APPLICATION: 0. . I III I I I'll 1.5 !11 F�JI D1 N:0#121 I III TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY Division of School Financial Audits IU_00�• 1 To: Mary Perry, Manager Division of Charter Schools From: Ramon Medina, Senior Audit Manager Charter School Audits Section Date: June 9, 2001 Subject: Charter Application for Westlake Academy Auditors reviewed the Application for an Open -Enrollment Charter School for Westlake Academy and noted the following: Statement describing sponsoring; entity, page 12 1. The applicant stated "As a governmental entity, the Town of Westlake found that it was in the public interest that a non-profit corporation, the'Westlake_Academy Corporation, be created under the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act to act on behalf of the Town as it duly constituted authority and instrumentality, within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for the purpose of providing educational services and facilities." However, the applicant identified the sponsoring entity as the Town of Westlake, Texas on the coversheet. The applicant should clearly identify the entity that applied for the charter? Student attendance (excused and unexcused absences), page 43 For official attendance accounting and Foundation School Program (FSP) funding purposes, auditors will use the requirements discussed in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook and other applicable state and federal regulations to determine if a student was present or absent and, consequently, if the charter school was entitled to FSP funds. Should you have any questions, I may be contacted at 3-9131. Special Education Westlake 11 GENERATION 7 CHARTER SCHOOL APPLICATION REVIEW Please list and explain any issues that need clarification in the interview process. EQ IRI ly R N X. Child Find Any reference or assurance to follow NOTE 34 CFR 300.125 Application cited the state's 34 CFR 300.125 obligation to Child Find. Applicant's primary responsibility (including referral The charter school is systems) is to identify, locate, and evaluate all defined as a local education children with disabilities. agency, therefore, a system of child find is the responsibility of the charter school INFORMATION REQUESTED NONE Confidentiality INFORMATION REQUESTED NONE Procedural INFORMATION REQUESTED Safeguards NONE Prior notice INFORMATION REQUESTED by agency; content of notice NONE Observation Any reference or assurance to follow INFORMATION REQUESTED (assessment/ 34 CFR 300,531- 300.543, TEC 29.004, and evaluation) 19 TAC 89,1015, 89.1040 ® Evaluation procedures ® Initial evaluation ® Determination of needed 34 CFR 300.531 — ® Evaluation procedures evaluation data 300.543; ® Determination of needed evaluation data ® Reevaluation TEC 29.004; ® Determination of eligibility ® Additional team members 19 TAC 89.1015; ® Procedures for determinipg eligibility ® Observation 89.1040 & placement 0 Written report 0 Reevaluation ® Additional team members ® Criteria for determining the existence of specific learning disabilities ® Observation ® Written report Development & Any reference or assurance to follow INFORMATION REQUESTED implementation of 34 CFR 300.342-350,- and 19 TAC 89.1050, the IEP 69.1055 ®When IEPs must be in ® When IEPs must be in effect effect 34 CFR 300.342 — ® IEP / ARD meetings 0 IEP / ARD team 300.350; 1 " IEP I ARD team * Content of the IEP 6/26/2001 Special Education Westlake 19 TAC 89.1050; ® Parent participation ■ Agency responsibilities for 89.1055 ® Development, review, and revision transition services of the IEP (TAC 89A050) ® IEP accountability ® Content of the IEP • Agency responsibilities for transition services ® IEP accountability Least Restrictive Any reference or assurance to follow NOTE Environment 34 CFR 300.550-553 ➢ The Student Service (LRE) Placement ■ General LRE requirements ■ All placements are made on an individual INFORMATION REQUESTED 34 CFR 300.550- basis 553 . Continuum of alternative placements (special Continuum of alternative education continuum) placements (special • Placements education continuum) ■ Annual placement decisions are determined by an ARD committee ® Nonacademic settings Transitional Any reference or assurance to follow NOTE Planning 34 CFR 300.29, TEC 29.011; TAC 89.1110, and ➢ The response is too vague the Transition MOU to determine charter 34 CFR 300.29, knowledge of special TEC 29.011; education procedures. 19 TAC 89.1110; Transition MOU INFORMATION REQUESTED Any reference or assurance to follow ® 34 CFR 300.29, TEC 29.011; TAC 89.1110, and the Transition MOU Certified Any reference or assurance to follow NOTE Personnel 34 CFR 300.23, 300.136, TAG 89.1131, and ➢ The response is too vague SBEC certification guidelines to determine charter 34 CFR 30d.23, knowledge of special 300,136; 0 Qualified Personnel education procedures. 19 TAC 89.11.31; ® Professionals SBEC guidelines ® Paraprofessionals INFORMATION REQUESTED ® Personnel standards Qualified Personnel A f a Professionals ■ Paraprofessionals ■ Personnel standards Services to INFORMATION REQUESTED Expelled Students NONE 6/26/2001 Special Education Westlake Please list and explain any areas of concern that need to be raised before the State Board of Education. Charter could be at -risk for potential: ® Due process hearings ® FAPE violations ® Compliance issues Will the proposed charter submit documentation of knowledge in the specific contingencies requested above (third column — CONTINGENCIES PENDING)? tT 6/26/2001 3 7°i Generation Charter App. Review Legal Services Division Charles Moody WESTLAKE CRAWFER SCHOOL Evidence of Nonprofit Status: N/A. The charter holder will be the Town of Westlake. Governmental entities are eligible to hold charters pursuant to TEC § 12.101(a)(4). Westlake has established a nonprofit corporation to act on its behalf in establishing and operating the Westlake Academy (Resolutions, Attachment 1). The exemption of this corporation from federal income tax is a separate question,' but whether it is exempt or not, the State Board of Education still has statutory authority under the Education Code to grant a charter to the Town of Westlake. From TEA's standpoint, the nonprofit corporation will occupy basically the position of a school management board, with ultimate accountability for compliance with the charter resting with the Town of Westlake. The resolutions provide that no bonds or obligations of the nonprofit corporation constitute obligations of the Town of Westlake (Attachment 1). If the corporation has authority under the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act to issue revenue bonds that by their terms are payable only from revenues of the school, and that do not otherwise bind the Town of Westlake, the exercise of that authority presents no problem for TEA. However, the applicant should recognize that nothing in the Resolutions .wilI keep the charter holder (Town of Westlake) from being obligated for ordinary debts of its charter school. The contract for charter, which will need to be signed by the Mayor on behalf of the Town of Westlake and not just by the board chair and CEO of the Westlake Academy Corporation, provides in part: "Charterholder may not delegate, assign, subcontract or otherwise alienate any of its rights or responsibilities under the charter." Therefore, for example: ➢ If an attendance audit reveals that Foundation School Program (FSP) funds have been overpaid to the school, and TEA needs to reclaim funds, the amount of the overpayment will be an obligation of the Town of Westlake; ➢ When the school contracts for educational materials or services, those debts will be obligations of the Town of Westlake; ➢ If the school fails to make the proper contributions to the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) for its employees, and TRS places a warrant hold on payments of state money to the charter holder, that warrant hold would include any amounts payable to the Town of Westlake, including FSP funds paid by TEA. The Town of Westlake will berthe payee for FSP funds from TEA. Public Notice: OK (Attachments 7-9, 11-12). Facilities: The exact location and nature of the proposed facilities are not described. The application says that facilities will be "innovatively cross -utilized" between the Westlake Academy and the Town of Westlake (p. 48). Does this mean that existing ' As an instrumentality of the Town of Westlake, the corporation should be exempt from federal taxation under I.R.C. § 115 as long as it is serving an "essential governmental function." See, e.g., Rev. Rul. 77- 261; PLR 200022028. a D 8 7`h Generation Charter App. Review TOWN OF WESTLAKE — p. 2 Legal Services Division Charles Moody municipal facilities will be made available to the school, or does it mean that school facilities constructed with state funds will be used more generally for municipal purposes?, Note that newly enacted TEC § 12.128 provides that property purchased or leased with state funds "may be used only for a purpose for which a school district may use school district property." The reason for raising the question is that although the application says that "[t]he Town of Westlake's resolution to provide space and facilities for Westlake Academy is in Attachment 24" (p. 48), in fact Attachment 24 authorizes the creation of a nonprofit corporation to issue revenue bonds that will help provide educational facilities "and facilities related thereto," but specifies that no such bonds or obligations will be obligations of the Town of Westlake. Geographic Boundaries: OK (p. 51 & Attachment 27). Impact Statement: OK (pp. 51-52 & Attachment 28). Admissions: The application describes a first -come, first -served system (pp. 86-87). Instead, to be consistent with federal guidelines and the charter contract, the school should designate an application period, and at the end of that period conduct a lottery of all applicants in any grade level for which applications exceed available space. Siblings of Westlake Academy students may be exempted from the lottery according to federal guidelines. Governance Structure: (pp. 15-19, 89-91 & Attachments 2-3). We received bylaws but not articles of incorporation for the Westlake Academy Corporation. Also, the application on pages 18-19 describes the officer positions of the Westlake Academy Corporation but does not answer the other application prompts concerning the corporation's board of directors (the manner in which they are selected and removed from office, how vacancies on the board are filled, etc.). The bylaws included as Attachment 3 answer these questions to some extent. JUL--20-01 02737 PM TOWN OF WESTLAKE 817 4901822 P.01 Contingencies WESTLAHE 6 July 2001 Texas Education Agency Board Charter School Division Ms. Susan Barnes Via Facsimile S 12 463-9732 Re: The Westlake Academy Charter School, Generation 7 Application Ocar Ms. Barnes and Members of the State Board of Education: During the Westlake Academy Clurter School, Generation 7 Application Hearing on ,tune 28.2001. the Board asked questions and made suggestions concerning the Town's application. Please accept the following information to satisfy die comments and cancems ralsed by the Board Admission Policy: The Town was notified that in order to receive Federal funds, the application process would have to be a lottery. The town will comply with all State and Federal gutdclincs that will allow us to access the Federal funds and still comply with State taw. Curriculum: The applicatipn states that the Westlake Academy would be an lntematioaal Baccalaureate QB) curriculum, however, as members: of the Board pointed out, the Acadany trust be la existence for three years before it can implement that program. It is the intention of the Academy to put in place the cuff iculum components that will lead to being ceRilied In the International Baccalaureate program and the Academy embraces the idea of ruing Advance Placement (AP) curriculum to bridge that three years. Moreover. rho Academy will strongly consider using the AP on a continuing basis even after the 18 Curriculum is put into place. Teacher Qualifications: The Board wanted clarification on the issue of teachers being required to have bachelor degreus and certifications. The Town agreed that all teachers would have at least a Bachelor's degree. Certification will be also required in all cases unless unique experiential learning special short -tern conditions dictate otherwise. Length of School Days: The Westlake Academy will order a school day commensurate with curriculum certification demands. age of students and elective opportunities. in no casts will the school day be shorter than the neighboring ISD's in any grade. we appreciate the opportunity to clarify these questions on the application and look forward to answering questions ofyou or the Hoard later this week. Sincer►:ly. C Trcn- Petty, Town Mans 3 Village Circle • Suite 207 Solana • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro:817-430.0941 • Fax:817-430-1812 • www.westlake-bt.org 07/10/01 TUS 14:35 ITX/RX 'r0 72321 Contingencies On &(ay 12, 2000, the State Board of Education (SBOE) adopted changes to Policy 4.3. Disclosure of Campaign Contributions and Gifts. These chamzes require expanded reporting_ from those who wish to enter into a contract, grant, or charter with the SBOE. A continuing duty to report exists after the grant, charter, or contract is issued. NITIAL REPORT OF BENEFITS OR CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTTIOitS CONFERRED ON MEMBERS OF OR CANDIDATES FOR THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION For the period ivlay 12, 2000, to the present Individual making report: �re^�" p • �� �"� Employer or Company represented: Position: Scrvices rendered to SBOE or contract, grant, or charter issue by SBOE; A1��E DATE: ANNIOUNT: NAME OF PERSON(S) RECEIVING BENEFIT OR CONTRIBUTION: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE: ------------------------------- ----------- �-- ------------------------ ---------------- ------- ---------- Transaction 2. DATE: i` AMOUNT: NAME OF PERSON(S) RECEIti;ING BENEFIT OR CONTRIBUTION; DETAILED DESCRJPTI03G OF EXPENDITURE: DATE: - A140UNT: NAI IE OF PERSON(S) RECEIVING BENEFIT OR CONTRIBUTION: ` DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE: AUTOMATIC COVER SHEET DATE : NO -05-01 0 :25 Pr-1 TO H U . 15124639838 FROM : TOWN OF WE TLA E FAX U: 817 4+01812 9 PAGES WERE SENT (INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET It/05/OL VON 20:'23 (TC/R.0 NO 63-Stil Cjtlu:t NOV—OS—O 1 Oa$ :22 PM TOWN OF WESTLAKE 317 do`o 1 0 t 2 P. �a t Contingencies WESTLAKE ACADEMY F.AXS a ILZ TR.%N*$,NCTT,%L S}s'c ET I)cr:ty NIa;V;(tdgC^C TI :A Division of Charter Schools r ;x""moI.R 312-463-9838 $ .::1 �.f. v; t•rr:'t i! >.,:::CS t:::•�.:'.%t;:' vl N?I•.1 Ch,lrer:r-sponsc YtK*%t Fr•.4t tea.:.nC,nura C:hanes Appliattion Auc.it Response ❑ L'R(il;ti'I' El FDIC Hl:vlltt< © :': I"AS;. it 1.11.: i W lti �, Pt1Ai X! V't :� `la:y, bescvc you and Ur. John Bxu-16 have ciiscusscd :ilia lette: via phone cotiversaconi I icrc is tac fi a: %'=bl n, sipcd, : tc. Would You plcaso give me a call and ict me kmow what :he ^car step is X. requesu:g dhe ammuion ter opening that we discussed earlier in the year. I believe that this lette: is ax last iter.. you treed Fur—., us before issuing t:•1c charter contract. I: J1ere is 2nv&ing further, piease do not hcs;m c to cau arc. 1*';u nk you for your help in this matte: p) Vt1.1..,GH f:Iitt;l.J. SU1'1'Ii '20 W:i�Tt.AKIi,'{'ICXA�'6262 1':!ttNE e17•4.1 Q-U9s1 Y.\X S:'•4)U-IHII lI/05/lit MON �q:'23 (T\•RX \11 6-141il ?Jnt" NOIV-©S-a l es :2'< PM TOWN OF WESTLAKE $ 17 4ZO1812 P. -J.: 7*105r WESTLABE October 24, 2001 `1s. Mary Petry, Managtcr Division of Charter Schools Texas Education Agency 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin. Texas 78701-1494 Dear Ms. Perry: Contingencies In Response to the Memorandum to you from the Charter School Audits Section dated Jane 9, 2001, concarning Elie Charter Appl:cation for Westlakkc Acadctny, The Tow•r: of Westlake wishes to respond to the concerns pointed out in the following manner: FINANCE REVIEW-. �- Statement 4escribingsRonsorint{ entity. gage 12 The 'Down of Westlake applied for and received the charter. For organizational purposes. the Town elected to create a new division, much like any other city department by organizing and appointing the "Westlake Academy" as described in Attachment 91. Resolution 01.05 of the application. To eliminate any doubt as to the Town's intentions and organizing structur:., the Board of Aldermen appointed themselves acting in thrrr elected capacity and responsibility to the Town of Westlake as the Directors of the Academy. Furthermore, they appointed the Town Manager, acting in his capacity as Town. Manager, as the Executive Director; and the Mayor as Chainnan of the Board of Directors. By cresting tht: "Westlake Academy" and structuring the organization under the control of the elected Board of Aldermen and the Town Manager, the Board insured the Town's ability to sell bonds identified for the school, as well as provide permanent ownership. (nat:ag,:mcnt and control of the school by the Town. �- dent attendance (excused and uncxcused absences), page 43 The School aeknowladges that we will be governed by the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook and other applicable state and federal regulations in determining if a student is present or absent and, consequently, if the charter school is entitled to Foundation School Program funds. 3 Vil!age Circle • Suite 207 Solana 4 Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro:817-430-0941 • Fax:817-430.1612 • www.westlake-tx.org 11/05/01 1IQN; 21):23 (1:VI" Nu,tisrt;t znn: NQV_UD-b1 ULI:.:s ISM TOWN 4F WESTLAKE 317 43301812 F•. ��: Contingencies SPECIAI. EDUCATION REVIEW; Ch::dl Find W.-stlake Academy accepts the resronsibili:v to imp;enient a systern of Child Find a: 2 chafer school / local education agency of the State as stated o:, page 73 o!' uur applictllior.. onfi(lcntialitx ti0 infbrination was requested. ; - Procedural 5af4rzuards No information was requested. Prior notice by atze=r carte::; of notice No information was requested. Observation lassessmcnt,'evaluat;nn) 34CF11300.531-300.5443; TEC 29.004: 19 TAC 89.10 15;89,1040 Westlake Acadctny will provide for the Evaluation -Procedures, Determination of Needed Evaluation Data, Reevaluation, Additional Team (Members, Observation, and Written Reports in cornpliarce with 34CFR 300.531.300.5443; TEC 29.004; 19 & TAC 89.1015; 89.1040. When the professional staff is hired and can participate in the development process of these procedures. The rules of [lie Texas Education Agency and Federal Regulations (as illustrated in the Sidc by Si(tc document produced by ,he Special Education Division of the Texas Education Agency dated August 2001) will be fol!owcd. . - Development and Implementation of the IEP Westlake Academy will designate that IEPs must be in effect at least within 90 clays of initial referral. The Individual Education Plans w:I1 be prepared by the ARD meeting, which must occur no later than 90 days from the initial referral. The Admission Review & Dismissal committees are to meet once a year and within 90 days of the initial referral. The content of IEPs, Our responsibility for Transition Services, and the accountability for IEPs; will be designated as the profossional staff is hired and can participate in the development process of these procedures. The rules oflhe Texas Education Agency and Federal Regulations (as illustrated in the Side by Side document produced by the Special Education Division of the Texas Education Agency dated August 2001) will be followed. �- Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Placement LL/03/01 Sttlti 20:2:1 I ICIt(1 \11 wisn1 j11L. NOV-05-01 03:23 PM TOWN OF WMST"AKE SST 430IS12 F•,....a Contingencies The c.^.r inuum of altornative placaments wtl: use as a g-:I de; he zndcs ci Education Agency and Federal Regulations (as illustrated it,. the Side by Jl.ia document produced by Cne Spacial Education Division of the Texas EJucation .agency dated August 2001) (pages i49 -192). Centrally, all LREs will be made ui: an individual basis, using the total continuum of services discussed aho%c. Placements will be made annually by the ARD committee. Students will be ti't,cn opportunities in roraeadenic settings to be mainstr car~cd with reSu!ar students. Transitional Planning Westlake Academy will follow 34 CFR 300.29, TEC 29.011: TAC 59M 110, and the Transition M©U, This ii stipulated in the Side by Side document produced by the Special Education Division of the Texas Education Agency dated Augr.tst 2001. an pages 23 - 35. Y Ccrtirled Rn-sonnal Westlake Academy will follow 334 CFR 300.23. 300.136, TAC 89.1131 and SBEC certification guidelines where appropriately applied to Charter'Sclicols. The rubs a, the Texas Education Agency and Federal Regulations (as illustrated in the Sidc by Side document produced by the Special Education Division of the Texas Education Agency dated August 2001)(pages 15 - 19) will be "allowed. Services to Expelled Students No information was requested. LEGAL REVIEW: ' - Evidence of Nonprofit Status The Mayor will sign We contract for charter and the Town of Westlake will be ultimateiy responsible for all legal obligations of the school. :- Public Notice No information was requested :- Facilities St3tc funds will not be used to construct the Academy. By cieatino the "Westlake Academy" and structuring the organization under the control of the elected Board of Aldermen and the Town Manager, the Beard insured the Town's ability to sel! bonds idcntiried fur the school, as well as provide permanent ownership, manaScinent and ! ! 45 �) �ii. _+1 _ .'S ii t �.:� 'i:. +•i i _. HOY-05-01 08 :24 PM TOWN OF WEST AKA 817 4001812 P. }S Contingencies cortrol of the school by the Town. Areas such as a library, performing arts center. rec:eatiorai areas, and service t:taintenance facilities will serve both the Town _r.4 the School. The obligation to pav the bonds off will rest with Elie Town of Westlake. i Geographic Boundaries No inrormation was requested. i Impact Statement No infon:7ation was requested �► Admissions Studcnt from outside the Academy's boundaries as established in the charter, will be subject to an application procem to be consistent with federal guidelines and the charter contract. The Academy will designate an application period, and at the end of that period it wilt conduct a lottery of all applicants in any grade level for which applications exccc� available space. Siblings of Westlake Academy students, children of etnployecs and Charter School Founders will be exempted from the lottery. }- Governance Structure: Articles of Incorporation for the Westlake Academy Corporation are attached Eo :his letter, and will serve to answer the manner in which Westlake Academy Corporation's Board of Directots is selected and removed from office, how the vacancies on the baa d are filled, etc. f hope that this will serve to address each or the questions pointed out by the Agency Internal Review Team. If there is additional information needed, I will be glad to provid:: it. We appreciate the opportunity to create an environment that challenges stadent. educators and our corimuni:y. We are building a truly great Acadc:t.y which all Texas may be proud of. Dili-05-01 04:24 PM TOWN OF WESTLAKE 81 . 4301eiz F,. 0 Contingencies C G D� AxrtcLEs of rticoxPORarzoN WE ti; L X F AC.kDE.,IY Wc. the undersigned ratsral persons, of the asc of eighteen. (18) y:ars or .more, acting on behs!f of any as directed by the Town of Westlake, Texas (the "Town"), as the incorporators of a nonprolit corporation (',he "Corporation") created under the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act, TEX. REV, CIV, STAT. ANN. Art. 1396 (Vernon 1997), as amended (the "Texas Non-Pru:it Corporation Act"), do hereby adopt the following Articles of Incorporation for the corporatior. ("Corn, oration"y ARTICLE I The na-;e of the Corporation is "Westlake Acadcmy." ARTICLE Il Inn Corpora:on is a nonprofit corporator, created under the Texas \on -Profit Corporation !tit. ARTICLE III 1 ne duration of the Corporation is pe-pctua! (su ;pet to dissolution according to law as provided in thtrsc Aricics of Incorporation). ARTICLE IV The purpose of the Corporation is to act on behalf of the Town as its d ,Iy constituted autsuricy and ins—awnc ;taUty ard, it cornect:o:t CIwewith, to exercise all powers and authority granied' under the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act and other applicable taw, ARTICLE V The Corporation shall have no members and is a nonstock corporation. ARTICLE VI The: street address of the initial registered office of the Corporation is 3 Village Circle, Suitt 207. Westlake, Texas 76262, and the name of the initial registered agent at that address is Scot: Arad Icy. ARTICLE VII All powers and authority of the Corporation shall, be vested in a board of directors (:he "Board"), subject to :irritations imposed by law or otherwise- each member of which shall be appointed by resolution or the governing body of the Town. Tht; number of directors and their terms of oftic:e shall be fixed by tkc bylaws of the Corporation consistent with the Texas Non-Proflt Corporation Act. The directors shall serve without compensation, except that tlliey shall be entitled to reitnhursente .t for the actual expenses they incur in the performance of their official duties. 11/oval 110V 21t:2:1 1'rx%11V %0 ':11ul an•; I-- v, 1 1...- .., 14-14 ur-=*I6HNM 44, 4-MwAbld F..',7 Contingencies (C no r'-F Y ARTICLE VIII ennstirat.i �g ;; • :t:;cia ?aa:� s::a1! be stx. The respe.tive aa.R es and aedmsscs of L. c inivai d:rectors, arc asVfollows: _�_ ► Name of Initial Director i Andress 1 i Scott Bradley 10 Paigebrooke Lane s� Westlake. TX 76262 3 Fred Hc}d d 103 Aspen Lane Westlake, TX 76262 i 3`4Don Redding 15923 Janet Court f Westlake. TX 76262 ' 4 j Lary Sparrow 4035 Aspen Lane 1 Westlake, TX 76262 • 5 1 Buddy Brown j 13298 Thornton Drive 6 Wesdakc, TX 76262 Hill Frey 5924 Janet Court I _ Westlake, TX 76262 ARTICLE LAC the r xpc=;ve c.arnes and strew addresses of the mcorpora:ors. c2ch of whoa is a c.t:zcc of ix Stacy of Texas and at least 18 years of age, are as follows: I 'Name of Incorporator Address 1 c Scott Bradley 10 Paigebrooke Lane I Westlake, TX 76262 2 ± Fred IIe!d 14105 Aspen Lare J Wostlake, TX 76262 r ' rDon Redding 15925 Janet Cow'.. I Westlake, TX 76262 s Larry Sparrow 4033 Aspen lane i Westlake. TX 76262 5 Buddy Brown 13298 Thora:on Dr.'ve i Westlake. TX 76262 6 Bill Frey { 5924 Janet Coun i Westlake, TX 76262 ARTICLE X On February 12. 2001 the govcrting body of the Town duly adopted a resolution ordering the creation of the Corporation, authorizing the Corporar'on to act on beha!f of :he Town as its duly constituted authority and instrumentality, and approving the form of these Articles of Incorporation. 2 I l/05 Ot NUN 20:23 IT.0 N,C Ott S:1461 Contingencies � Py �0 ARTICLE XI e5c ^;aeS of Lnco pora-ion a^ `o-tl: ?y:BwSJt C4_YCratiOP. I:Sv be 01`C1;GC3'con..t:r.,t to isnte by a majority vote of the entirc me:::aershio of the Board with the approva of tht bovcming boc:y of the Towns. Neither the Cor-roraiwr.'a initial bylaws nor any a.- crdmcat '&,ercai shall take effect until approved by the governing body of the Town. ARTIM XII No dividends shall be paid by the Corporation and no part of its earnings *.ali be disc: ib:ited to or inure to the benefit of the Corporation's directors or officers or to any private person, firm, coup oration, o; association except in reasonable amounts for service" rcndcred. ARTICLE XIII To the extent penrotted by luw, the governing body of the Town, in its discrctior, and withoct ary action by the Board, may at any titre change the structure. organization, programs, or actrvitlzs of the Corporation or May dissolve chic Corperztlon. If :he Eoa.d detenrtnes %hat the Cor;cra:ion's purposes have been substantially accorepiishcd, and all of the Corporation's debts and claims he" been satisfied, or sads:actier. thereof has been provided for, the Board shall, upon approval by the gaverntng body of the'iovvn, dissolve the Corporation. kny dissokdon of the Corporation shell be subject to any limitations on the impairment of contracts prescribed by the respec:ive constitutions and other applicable law of the United States o: America and the Siatc of Tcxas. If the Corporation is dissolved when it has. or is entitled to, any interest in any funds or other property of any kind (neat, persona:, or mixed), the interes: shall not be warsferred to private ovwnersNp but shall be trar:sferred and delivered to the Town (after satisfaction or provision for satisfaction of the Corporation's debts and claims has been made), ARTICLE XIV Regardless of any other provisions of these Articles of Incorporation or the laws of the State of Texas. the Corporation shall not: (1) permit any part of the net earnings of Lice Cotper9tior to inure to the bcrc:st of any prtvatc Individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for personal smices rendered to or for the Corporation affecting one or more of its purposes); (2) devote more than an insubstantial part of its actiAries to attempting to influence legislation by propaganda or otherwise; or (3) participate in, or in;ervere in (including the publication or distribution of statements), any political campai}m on behalf of any candidate for public office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, w•e have executed these ."icles of Incorporation an tlas 12th day of l-*cbruary. 2001. 11/0$i01 ION M21 ru.,im No filyfic �i�uss5 t Transmission Report Contingencies Pate/Time 11-29-01; 9;27AM Local IQ 812.463 8298 Local Name -CA LEGa:._ SERVICES COmpan/ LOGO PAX REPLY TO 812-476-3662 This document Was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and details beioW) Document Size Letter-S Tan 1!49 u ,.tt,er. :x; N*%NCaa,n.. s.+e LlLt. 4aw-x -'WM FAX Ma�Nta(?i}v M:lakta+wSw[ Rai: , d•nwlarw I. pb-- tlID,?11iQ antAlu $ q vqPW "1-- a 1.tr— 0 71m.ocu„1 -a. WWLxe, TCtal Pages Scanned 3 Toral Pages Confirmed . 3 No. OOC Remo to Stat.On Start '-.me Ou r 0 t l On Pa Goa made comment.^, RHsUI t5 1 21 818174301612 11-25t-01: 3:2.3�M "al. g/ 3 cc � CP 9600 Nato* CC: Error Correct RE: ReeenU PD: -01100 Oy omoi:e we: Receive :O Ma IOOx EEC: OrrlaOCESt Sang MP: k4ultr-Poll GG: PC1l lrp a aemOte PI; Power in:e,ruotion OP: Como.etev RM: Rece,ve t0 Memor7 OR: Document Aem.0v60 TM; Tarminated Oy uSO- H3: MOSt Scan HP: HOSt Pr nt FO: -crced Outp't -NT! Waiting Tran$i2r Hoist FOX HP; Host Rece.ve FM: Fo-wara MaliOoll DOC. WS: Wa,t,n9 Send Texas Education Agency 1701 North Congress . Suite 2-150. Austin TX 73701 r Contingencies FAX' - To: Fax phone: CC: REMARKS: 0 Urgent 01-�ror your review a:WESrLAKE ,A&&MEM-1 Date: Number of pages inc uding cover sheet: From: OMce of Lepl Services Phone: (512) 463-9720 Pax phone: (512) 475.3662 l3 Reply ASAP 0 Please comment Am - 10 CwxznA000iez Jim Nelson November 28.2OD1 Mr. I -rent Petty VIA FACSIMILE Town Manager, Town o/Weodake 3Village Circle, Suite207 Westlake, TK7G2G2 Fax (817)43O'1812 Re: Legal Cont.ricencies forWestlake Academy Dear Mr. Pety: } have reviewed the information that you submitted adonsssiog Ihe legal contingencies of which you were previously inhznnad Though the infunnadon reflects that you have resolved most ufthe conhnQeno|eo.triersare several met4kors thatmust be corrected Your letter states that the Town ofWestlake will be responsible hott�e legal obligations of 'ha charter sohcmi, including the obligation to pay off, any revenue bonds that are sold. The three February 12. 20OI resolutions in Artuuhments 1 and 241, homever, conflict with these statements inthat they states eafollows: 'VVHERE4S.noBonds o/Obligations oy the Corporation wi] conodtu�e obligations (whether special, general, or moral) oftne Town.^ It would seem tha' formal action by the Board of Aldermen is needed to dmdfy 1he issue of �ho Tmxn cfYVes|eke'S responsibility for the obligations of the corporation and tho»ohoo[ In oddh;on. you provideo a copy ctVVesJake Academy's Articles uf Incorporation that consists of tnroe paceo but does not ino|ude any oigneVunas� It appears that 'he lastpeQeo[,hedocvmentismiseing. Please provide the missing page oothat we\AiU�avo ecomplete document Finally, House Pill G. whi.-h bnxuma effective on September 1. 2001. added naquiremewa Una1oU charters granted: (1)prohibit dinchminodonin admissions based on arfiutoobi|hy and (2) specify the mariner in *nion u school will distribute to parents hformahon related to the quoUfinaho each professional employee. (See Texas Education Code section 12.111(8). Accordingly, you need to amend your application by providing an appropriate non-discrimination statement and a statement regarding how you will inform parent,, of' each projessional employee's qualifications. Once these matters are resolved, | wiU notify the Charter School Division that all |ega| contingencies have been corrected- Please contact me at (512) 475'3432 if you have any questions. Ymuod/\u Children, p/oom/b�IExoe/Lr/ue Condngencies �� � 0 ����/� �� �����T�� ��`����� 4����������� .=���o`��`� ������z��u���� ^ =�������� � JimlNcllsou Mr. Trent Petly Town Manager, TowrofWestlake JVillage Circle, Suite 207 Westlake, TX7G2G2 Fox(817)43O'1812 Re: Legal Contingencies for Westlake Academy Dear Mr, Petty: Di Charter Schools kyj | have reviewed the information tha(you submitted eddreasng the legal cnrhngondesof which you were pneviouafy infonned. Though the information reflects that you have resolved most of the contingencies, there are several matters that must be corrected, Your letter states 'that the Town ofVVoaUoka will be responsible "or the |ega/ obligationsof|hecharteraohon|.indudingtheobligobonmpaynffonyree venubundathatnnauold. The three February 12. 2801 resolutions in8#aohmontu 1 ond24. however, conflict with these statements (nthat they states eetoHows� ~VVHEREAS.nuBonds orObligations m| the Corporation wiU constitute obligations (whether special, general, or moral) of1he Town-^ It would seem that horma| action by the Board of A|dermon is needed to clarify the issue of the Town ofVVesUake's responsibility for the obligations of the corporation and the oonuoi /n addition, you provided a copy ofVVesdahoAcademy's Articles of Incorporation that consists of three pages but does not include any signatures. It appears that the last page of the document is missing. Please provide the missing paga so tho*wu will have ucomplete document. Finally, House EVU 8, wnich became eMeowa on September 1. 2001. added requirements thelall charters granted'. (1)prohibit dischmmation in admissions based on artistic ability and (2) specify the manner in which u school will distribute to panen!u information related to the qualifications of each professional employee. (Sae Texas Education Code section 12111(6). (11)). Ac«ondiog|y, you need to amend you., application by providing an appropriate non'diaohmination utp'oment sno a statement regarding how you will inform, parents of each professional employee's qualtfications. Once these matters arc resolved, | will notify ;he Charter School Division that a|/ |egu| contingencies have been corrected, Please contact me at (512) 475-3432ifyou have any questions. P1,epa/ills,Ghild"en'ymmutineExcellence IMPORTANT MESSAGE, i ! FOR :. •; _ M. ? r�A71'a t1M "AD P.M. PHONE AMACOOC a FAX NWO ASBR GXTOK N . I a MOBILE AREA Coos NUMBER TMW M QVA.L 1 TaBwNED PLEASE CALL f 1 CAME M SEE YOU ►11 wtLL CALL AGaro E WANTS TO BE YOU RASH RETURNED YOUR CALL WILL FAX M YOU t� • MES G SIGNED IMPS 15 ROAM 4005 LgWO IN U.S.A. i _"`,T� WESTLAHE Margaret Baker Senior Counsel Texas Education Agency Division of Legal Services 1701 N. Congress Ave. Austin, Texas 78701 Dear Ms. Baker Contingencies ..-V .t i t... December 10, 2001 Thank you for the time you have spent reviewing the Westlake Academy Charter School application. I appreciate your patience and diligence as we seek to answer all the questions and correct any errors or oversights still existing in our application. I am glad to provide the following response concerning the issues discussed in your letter and more specifically in our telephone conversation. In order to attempt to clarify the outstanding issues, I am referring directly to a Texas Education Agency, Division of School Financial Audits Memorandum sent to Mary Petry, Manager of the Division of Charter Schools by Ramon Medina, Senior Audit Manager, Charter School Audits Section on June 9, 2001. The memorandum noted the following under subheading Statement Descn'bin oohs troll Entity, page 12: 1. The applicant stated "As a government entity, The Town of Westlake found that it was in the public interest that a non-profit corporation, The Westlake Academy Corporation, be created under the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act to act on behalf of the Town as its duly constituted authority and instrumentality, within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for the purpose of providing educational services and facilities." however, the applicant identified the sponsoring entity as the Town of Westlake, Texas on the coversheet. The applicant should clearly identify the entity that applied for the charter" ANSWER The sponsoring entity for the charter school application is The Town of Westlake. The idea, the vision, the planning and implementation of the Westlake Academy are all direct results of the Board of Alderman of the Town of Westlake directing the staff to hire the consultants, retain the lawyers and submit the application for the Westlake Academy. Structurally, the Town received input ftom legal staff, our consultants and TEA concerning the creation of the non -profit corporation to operate and manage the school. This entity is the Westlake Academy Corporation (see application Section I, part G. p.12), which was created as an instrumentality of the Town of Westlake, As the resolution indicates, the Town maintains 100% responsibility, ownership and control of the Westlake Academy through its instrumentality, the Westlake Academy Corporation. Accordingly, Tb_Qwestlake Academy_Corporation must i>4 the charter held r. It is the Town s intent to issue debt, build, own and operate the facilities which house the Westlake Academy. The Town of Westlake will then lease that portion of the facilities used by the school to the Westlake Academy Corporation to operate the school in accordance with the application. We believe this arrangement makes the best use of tax revenues by focusing them oa teaching, curriculum and operation rather than debt service. The Westlake Academy Corporation, like any non-profit corporation created under Chapter 12, Subchapter D of the Education Code, is authorized to issue debt. While it is not contemplated 3 Village Circle • Suite 207 Solana • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro:817-430.0941 • Fax 817-430-1812 • www.westiake-tx.org Contingencies that the Corporation will ever have to issue debt, the fact remains that if it did, then the Corporation would be responsible for issuing and supporting that debt, not the Town of Westlake. The separation of these entities would not only be practically necessary for municipal finance purposes but legally necessary for a Type A General Law City. Therefore, as stated in the application and cited in your letter, no Bonds or Obligations of the Corporation will constitute obligations of the Town. The Town of Westlake will jointly use the Westlake Academy facilities. All administrative functions of the Town and the Academy will be housed under one roof in the facilities built by the Town of Westlake. The unified management and control of the school and the Town are one of the unique features that we believe will lead to a more efficient and effective organization structure for the school. The vision for the school is for many of the sane classrooms that house children during the day be available for adult continuing education programs and corporate training at night These classes and uses would be offered and maintained by the Town of Westlake as owner of the facility. Appropriate proportioning of expcurses and separaaun of funds brtweeu the Town orwtt lake and the Westlake Academy Corporation will be strictly maintained and accounted for as required by municipal GAAP and standard municipal financial reporting and disclosure. The structure of the Westlake Academy Corporation as described in the Resolution clearly demonstrates the Town's commitment to oversee and govern the Westlake Academy. Specific steps taken by the Town to illustrate this corrunitment to TEA and the Board of Education include the Town owning, supervising and controlling the facilities; the Town appointed the Town Manager as CEO of the School and the Mayor as Chairman of the Board; and finally, the Town appointed each of the elected Alderman to fill all school board positions. This organization structure should clearly demonstrate the control and accountability required by the Legislature, instructed by the State Board of Education and sought by TEA. The Westlake Academy _ not and will not or otherwise This provision is fully understood and agreed to. I apologize for any confusion that may have resulted from subsequent communications regarding the Town's role in the management and daily operation of the school You also cited the need to amend the application to provide appropriate non-discrimination statement and a statement regarding how we will inform parents of each professional employee's qualifications. These amendments have been made and are attached for your review. While we are more than happy to illustrate onr r_nn-Aisrrimination poNcy, I 1 ird it curious that TEA world add .*his regktirement when the legislantre passed it after the application deadline had already passed. Is this a retroactive requirement? If so, we will be happy to comply, or if it will be simpler, we can send the statement without having to necessarily amend the application. I will await your direction one-way or the other. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (817) 4304857. We appreciate your help and patience as we continue toward building a unique and very special school that will open a new door to excellence in Public Education for the State of Texas. Sincerely, Trent �Opctty� Town Manager Contingencies Westlake Academy will prohibit discrimination in admissions based on artistic ability and we will inform the parents of the qualifications of the professional employees that teach their children. This information will be disseminated in a brochure that will be published each year that gives a brief vita of the staff of the school. There will be current records about each teacher's qualifications, which will be readily available in the office and throughout the year for parents to view whenever they wish. With regard to the non-discrimination statement, we assert that in its enrollment procedures Westlake Academy will not discriminate on the basis of artistic or athletic ability. Contingencies V6 Generation Chuncr App. Review Lc,,al Services Division Charles Moody WF.STLAKE CHARTER SCHOOL Evidence of Nonprofit Status: N/A. The charter holder will be the Town of Westlake. Governmental entities are eligible to hold charters pursuant to TEC § 12.101(a)(4). Westlake has established a nonprofit corporation to act on its behalf in establishing and operating the Westlake Academy (Resolutions, Attachment 1). The exemption of this corporation from federal income tax is a separate question,' but whether it is exempt or not, the State Board of Education still has statutory authority under the Education Code to grant a charter to the Town of Westlake. From TEA's standpoint, the nonprofit corporation will occupy basically the position of a school management board, with ultimate accountability for compliance with the charter resting with the Town of Westlake. The resolutions provide that no bonds or obligations of the nonprofit corporation constitute 9bligationse Attac men' . 15 corporation has authority under the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act toRsssue revenue bonds that by their terms are payable only from revenues of the school, and that do not otherwise bind the Town of Westlake, the exercise of that authority presents no problem for TEA. However, the applicant should recognize that nothing in the Resolutions will keep the charter holder (Town of Westlake) from being obligated for ordinary debts of its charter school. The contract for charter, which will need to be signed by the Mayor on behalf of the Town of Westlake and not just by the board chair and CEO of the Westlake Academy Corporation, provides in part: "Charterholder may not delegate, assign, subcontract or otherwise alienate any of its rights or responsibilities under the charter." Therefore, for example: i If an attendance audit reveals that foundation School Program (FSP) funds have been overpaid to the school, and TEA needs to reclaim funds, the amount of the overpayment will be an obligation of the Town of Westlake; r When the school contracts for educational materials or services, those debts will be obligations of the Town of Westlake; > If the school fails to make the proper contributions to the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) for its employees, and TRS places a warrant hold on payments of state money to the charter holder, that warrant hold would include any amounts payable to the Town of Westlake, including FSP funds paid by TEA. The Town of Westlake will be the payee for FSP funds from TEA. Publie Notice: OK (Attachments 7-9, 11-12). Facilities: The exact location and nature of the proposed facilities are not described. The application says that facilities will be "innovatively cross -utilized" between the LC Westlake Academy and the Town of Westlake (p. 48). Does this mean that existing ' As an instrumentality of the Town of Westlake, the corporation should be exempt from federal taxation under I.R.C. § 115 as long as it is serving an "essential governmental function:' See, e.g., Rev. Rul. 77- 26t . PLR 200022028. ` 7t6 Generation Charter App. Review Contingencies Lcgat Services Division Charles Moixly TOwty' OF WESTLAKE — p. 2 - municipal facilities will be made available to the school, or does it mean that school facilities constructed with state funds will be used more generally for municipal purposes? Note that newly enacted TEC § 12.128 provides that property purchased or leased with state funds "may be used only for a purpose for which a school district may use school district property." The reason for raising the question is that although the application says that "((]he Town of Westlake's resolution to provide space and facilities for Westlake Academy is in Attachment 24" (p. 48), in fact Attachment 24 authorizes the creation of a nonprofit corporation to issue revenue bonds that will help provide educational facilities "and facilities related thereto," but specifies that no such bonds or obligations_ will be obligations of the Town of Westlake. Geographic Boundaries: OK (p. 51 & Attachment 27). Impact Statement: OK (pp. 51-52 & Attachment 28). Admissions: The application describes a first -come, first -served system (pp. 86-87). Instead, to be consistent with federal guidelines and the charter contract, the school should designate an application period, and at the end of that period conduct a lottery of all applicants in any grade level for which applications exceed available space. Siblings of Westlake Academy students may be exempted from the lottery according to federal guidelines. Governance Structure: (pp. 15-19, 89-91 & Attachments 2-3). We received bylaws but not articles of incorporation for the Westlake Academy Corporation. Also, the application on pages 18-19 describes the officer positions of the Westlake Academy Corporation but does not answer the other application prompts concerning the corporation's board of directors (the manner in which they are selected and removed from office, how vacancies on the board are filled, etc.). The bylaws included as Attachment 3 answer these questions to some extent. Transmission Report Contingencies 1 Dete/Time t- 3-02:10:15AM Ldcal ID St2. 453 9298 LOcal Name TEA LEGAL SERVICES COMPany LOyO FAX REPLY TO S12-475-2662 TM i s document Was con+ i rmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY om an onagm earylit" 1701 Worm GdIWM Av2MMk eWn 2.150 A=9KT*xn TaM bat'L44�. NlA1JWarMQs V4tWMQCdW MQd-L To: f,,,,►►L•�^^� t From: llary{•1vt E Bakw IlJ A/ Flog (67475.3M TM: (312J C0.MM F•c Toll.; cmndenuapp. moved Tho hlo"Tlilo bunaelt*afon MW In Ccoonpawnp dodirrl*rin may contain cmffdcMtl Infennabea that to prateond ay ant* w4W fadhral law or a ttorrteycU•Itt prlaf"So. The Mdla m•uoh in od•ttdetl oaV for UM uaa of th• lndlvkfaa8att ar •nuty namW seer•. If you an rot tlta fdolwod nolfxonl, yotl Mn nu'aby rWAW et•t My dEMlM^ Coffin 1. dlaetlbutfoa, ar lt1• owns ar sty eWm d1 rdl•at• an e1• CtultNtla d this IrlhtrMmtton n tfndry prohlblt•d. Ifyw haw roco vod this tramall•ron In MW. 01"" fntlledfately ally w by owlect tau*ahon• Canto wrens for the rehun of tho documents. Total P6265 scanned 3 rota: Gapes COni.rrntld _ 3 NO. Doc Pe.O to 5teCI::n Star': TITr OUf Jt on PQaa5 "AOGe CommC:n tS GeSUl C5 1 574 91a1743016'2 1- 3-O^.: 1C: 13AMj t'2o" 3/ 31 EC CP ileoc Notes . EC: Error Correct PE: Peserd PO: POI eC by Pemore V..i3: Reaol.o to loaf IoQx EC: Srr.a;iC,�it- nQnC UP; MiltI-Poll PG: Pol:.np a opmote Pl-. Powar Interruot.on CIO: COmolfrted AV: RecmlvQ to rsemoey CM! DOcumQnt C.emOoed TN: TerTinated oy Jser NS: most Schn MP: 1.OSt Print PO: Forced Outo•jt wT: wa.tlno Trans+er -lost Pax MP: Most Recd. vN PM: For Word Mailbox DOC. wS: wa.tln4Send Contingencies TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY Division of Legal Services 1701 North Congress Avenue, Suite 2-150 Austin, Texas 78701 Facsimile Transmission Sheet Date: 4�— Number of pages including cover sheet., From, Margaret E. Baker Senior Counsel Fax: (512) 475-3662 Tel.: (512) 463-9720 Fax' 17- q36 —142 Tel.. Remarks: �1��5�'LAKI✓ i`�i�/ Confidentialitv Notice This facsimile transmission and its accompanying documents may contain confidential information that is protected by state and/or federal law or attorney -client privilege. The information is intended only for the use of the individuation or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking or any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please Immediately notify us by collect telephone call to arrange for the return of the documents. Jim Nelson cvmm.w�ic,n/emcnna Mr. Trent Petty Town Manage[Town ofWestlake 3Viiage Cinde, SuiVa2O7 Westlake, TX762G2 Fax (817)430'1G12 Re. Legal Contingencies crWest!ake Ac��demy Dear Mr, Petty: contingencies VIA FACSIMILE | have reviewed your letter dated December 10.2OO1.regarding the legal contingencies of which you were previously informed. There are two matters thu, must be addressed to resolve all legal contingencies, First, statements in your letter reflect that you are confused about the meaning ofthe terms ^npormohnQ entity" and `charter holder' ano about the role$ of the Town o( Westlake ar-d the Westlake Academy Corporation. Both ^sponauhogentity" and ^oharterholcer"refer hzthe entity that iseligible horeceive a charter Under Texas Education Code Chapter12. Subchapter O (i.e., e governmental entity or 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation). The application for cniarterschool that was approved by the State Board of Education listed the Town of VVesUake as the sponsoring endly for the proposed chai7ec Thus. the Town of Westlake, not the Westlake Academy Coqporednn, will be 0�e entity that holds the ch, arter, orthe chotter holder. From TEA'a standpoint, the Westlake Academy Corporation is essentially a managing school board. Acco/ding|y. the statements in your letter that the Westlake Academy Corporation "must be the charter holder" and ''wU| operate the school oomp|ete|y^ are incorrect. The Town ofVYenUake wi|! be the charter holder and will be ultimately responsible for the operabonofthe chane/schooi. Thechsr-terco-itrmrtvvhich will be entered into vfith the Town of Westlake will provide in part that tne Tnam of VVesUake, as the charter holder, 'may not de|agahy, assign, subcontract or uUhem�se alienate any of its rights or responsibilities underthecha�ec` Please acknowledge that yun derstand Second, please provide the missing page from the Articles of Incorporation for the VVeoUahe Academy Corporation. Once these matters are reao|ved. I will notify the Charier School Division that all legal conUngenceahave been coneced, Please contact me at (512) 475-3432 if you have any additional questions. Thank you for your cooperation. prcoari/,yCh/Wren,Promoting B/ceQmcc JAM-15-02 02:49 Ph TOWN OF WESTLAKE 817 4301822 P.01 facsillile %iansnuttaf a: Fat: From: Oatc. CC: O UnBcrit • O Forftwicw d Pk=tcomntN%t O Please Reply O Pta+se RAoyu ^: ^�n:.j!;� °1::�.�•��T ;fir. _9'�'•d._'� �'�1i �i.Cf^� •�r•:�YA•�'(•F•�; �' '� i •� : i 4 : $ Al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • i�ilrq[Sn..rt'I�za.Mr�.. 9L7C1� 1.�•r lTM••L� :s�i�,w�;'!:,t JAM-15-02 02250 PM TOWN OF WESTLAKE 817 4301812 P.02 Contingencies r Scott Audi incorporove ARTICL3:S OF INCORPORATION — Pap 4 .TAN-13-07 82:31 PM TOWN OP NCSTLAKE BIT 4301612 P.03 ... Contingencies STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT ! the underslgn',d, a Notary Public of the State of Texas, certify dwt on this 12°i y of February, SOO is PcrsonaW appeared before me SCM T BRADLEY. FILED FIELD, r)ON REDDING, LARRY SPARROW, BUDDY BROWN. and BILL, VRFY who, being hY mr llt a duty it-0 ►, severalty declared that drey arc the Pemns vAip signed the foregoing document as i itns orppretors and that the slat6tlteni$ tenein contained ara true. IN WITNESS WHIAEUF, I have herounto set my hand and sea, the date and year above written. Notary Public, State o r�cu (SEAL) G_iing'er erog'.vy sty Commission Expires: ac s.�,er ' GIRGER CAOSSle WY r 6 TP.T YQr T'Z S F �. 54 b1•' r.71tlTi. Ev. ozaviiC'1 ARTIC.L" OF 1NCORpopATION - p4ec 5 Transmission Report Conwsgencies Date/'+me t-i6-02: 4:tSPM LOCal I D 512•• 463 8298 LOCO, Name TCA LGOAt- SCAVIC6S COMOany Lo90 FAx RCPLY TO Bt2-476-3862 This document was confirmed - (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S TEXAS E13UCATION AGENCY oldaloa of Loud Oerwase 17e/ Nw0.lwwraaa Arwtut. hallo 2.160 Austltt. Taos 797i11 OeRN--.� NunMrdtrvQ�alnoWdtrpeowrOhOat3 TO: ,/ ice`+ice . _— FMM: swavret @. Dow .. Bader 6oulwel F= MU) 47"662 Td: (512) 48"M0 Fac W7-430 /B2 Tat.: 0. �1VCXt+ttl6Af/101J!( Thin facelmdo IrartamtasloneW No &WWMftJav doarnatb may coMatl 00rd1daa w Irdarmatteh that IL prof ' ' toy sraes tt WW lttdaat law a atsaraayWtant wlvt C The Indormolk a M mn tad 0rty tar the trite at We Ind 613UNO n or awry named abore. N you are not the hUwWsd reovWM% 700 we hdrow heft W ow aty 01se1oaure. 00ft, d4tHbutioaor ft tseYlp or any aettal Intdwtoa on M0 ow tilts of this WWW'mtl0O is zb* y ProMtMbd. If you have nuked Mile timmm+edoa In WTOr. Ptaaae tmWdW* notify to by wileet tetWaft Calf to arrange far the MUM ntthe decunieF . Total Pages Scanned 1. 3 Total Pages ConflrMao • 3 NO. GOO =*MOte Sta:.On S^.art Time OUrat,cm Pages NOOe GOKmen LS ROsvit9 1 ass 91S174301812 1-iS-02: :16MA 1•24" 3/ 3 EC I co 9600 Notea . EC: Error Correct RE: Pesend PO: Polled Oy Rumor" M8: pace. ve to Mal lbox BC: Broadcast Sena Ham: Mult -Poll PO: Polling a Ralmate Pt: POWer interrvotlOn CP: COmoleted PM: ROCO.ve to Memory OR: Document Removed *TV: Terminated by Veer NS: "Oat Scan HP: - os t Pr.rt FO: FOrCed O•atOut WT: waiting r-ansfer Hr Host Fax HR: lost neCo.Ve FM: Forward Mo..00x Doc, WS: Woltlno Send Contingencies TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY Division of Legal Services 1701 North Congress Avenue, Suite 2-150 Austin, Texas 78701 Facsimile Transmission Sheet Date: Number of pages including cover sheet 3 To: From: Margaret E. Baker Senior Counsel Fax: (512) 475-3662 Fax: !R17-g30 igf2. Tel.. s: Tel.: (512) 463-9720 Confidentiality Notice This facsimile transmission and its accompanying documents may contain confidential information that is protected by state andlor federal law or attorney -client privilege. The information is intended only for the use of the individuation or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking or any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately notify us by collect telephone call to arrange for the return of the documents. JAN-1e-e2 12:39 PM TOWN OF WESTLAKE WES LANE Margaret ii. Baker ticnim counsel Divisirm of 1 Cgal semiems 1701 N . C ongm% Ave. Austin.'I'tY3% 79701.1494 IX -at his. Duker: 01T 4301012 P.(31 Contingencies Ianuary 16, 2002 1 appreciate yew kRrr of latntrry 3. 2002 eanvcying the autuattding t:nnditiuns to cutt:plete the Town of westtaic's icgul contingencies. Fir your inclnrclions, on hchalf of the Town of Wasttake and the Ilnarti of Aldcrtnan, I wont to Convey ot:r undmialu ing that the TuNn of Wcvilake will hold ttx rharter awarded by the Sutc BOOM of M- chitin• I )wvC veriCexl that tttc missing page front the Arlutles of tnWrpnrativu for tho Wesdake Academy Carporition hat kwmo provided to yom In additinn, I received a wlephtrnc voice immosage frvm Ms. Fartha Patti& at T!A leiling tm that the TF4 staff has 0eared wtratever accounting euotineencin may have existed. The Town of Westlake is cum:rdy in rho architectural scla:tion phase of the project. It is our uadervanding that once the ic-,1al cnrtingeitetes have boon uddremcd to TF.A's satisfaction that we may -,PM our CI%3ncr 'Contract. Pleas,- nobly us as snnn as pussihie it -we are concnted about the next «ep ill the prucem to tbat wr: ,rt y rcawdy any prohlcmv immediatmly. Sinreniy '1':ent pd;tl3r' / 1'nwn %lival;v 3 Village Circle • Suite 207 Solana - Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro:817-430•0941 • Fax:817-430-1812 • www.weatiake-tx.org P.02 Contingencies AUTOMATIC COVER SHEET DATE : JAN- 1 S-O2 12 :4O FM TO : FAX 4: 15124753662 FROM : TOWN OF WESTLAKE FAX 4: 817 4301812 ..2 PAGES WERE SENT (INCLUDING THIS COVED SHEET) 08/13/0.1 NON 10:28 FAX 512 463 9732 TEA CHARTER SCHOOLS 0002 Jim Nelson Commissioner of E&C.Rtion TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 1701 North Congress Ave.*Austin.Texas73701-1494* 5121463-9734* FAX: 512/46 -983$* http//���v�+.tea.su:Ic,tx.n NOTIFICATION OF STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION ACTIOl TO: Trent Petty Westlake Academy FROM: Dr. Susan Barnes, Assistant Commissioner Charter Schools Division RE: July 2001 State Board of Education Action DATE: August 9, 2001 At the regular meeting of the State Board of Education on July 12, 2001, the board approved awarding an open -enrollment charter school to the sponsoring entity for Westlake Academy. Final approval will be contingent upon meeting all conditions enumerated and addressing all deficiencies. Please feel free to call (512) 463-9575 or fax (512) 463-9732 if you have questions. The agency staff looks forward to working with you. Preparing Cizildt•en, Promoting Excellence 08!13 01 HON M 28 FAX 512 463 9732 TEA CHARTER SCHOOLS Z 001 Texas Education agency CHANTER SCHOOLS DIVISION William B. Travis Building 1701 N. Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78701-1494 (512) 463-9575 FAX: (512) 463-9732 DATE: August 13, 2001 TO: Mary Midget FAX: 817-430-1812 Page(s): 2 (including cover sheet) FROM: Mary Perry, Charter Schools Division, TEA ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MESSAGE: 1V V.11\L'i'.n.7 Lp-j VV"/VV4 Westlake Academy District/Institution Name Counry-District No. TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY Division ofContracts and Grants Administration QePcra!Appiicatinn of Assurances for Federil Proerains Administered by the U.S• department of Education Authority for Data Collection: 20 USC Section 1232e. Planned Use of Dana: The requirements established in United States Code Annotated, Titl.: 20, Education, Chapter 31, Subchapter I1I, Section 1232(e) stipulaft that "Each local education agency which participates in an applicable program under which federal funds are made available to such agency through a State agency shall submik to such agency or board, a general application containing the assurances set fottl, in subsection (b) of this section,." The application shall cover the participation by the local education agency in all federal program administered by the U.S. Department of Education. Instructions This general application will be in effect for the duration of participation in fedml programs until such time as the requirements change. The superintendent or other atthorized oMcer must sign the certification and return to the address below. Payment for fedamlly funded applications and contracts cannot be made by this Agency until the general application is received. For further information, contact the Division of Contracts and Grants Adminim- rion at (512) 463-9259_ Ccitificariotr 1, the undcmigncd authorized official for the above named local educational agency, in accordance with 20 USC Section 123% hereby apply for participation in federally funded education programs. I certify that the local educational agancy will adhere to the ass:tiariCM $taxed on page 2 of this form. Typed Name of Authorized Official Date 8/30/01 Telephone 430-094 Signature (must be original) _ — Trent Petty817 TypedTitleofAuthorl, oi7tcial Chief Executive Officer G Return original to: Texas Education Agency William B. Travis Bldg, Attention: Cynthia Hernandez Division of Charter Schools 170I North Congress Austin, Texas'78701 DF/GA-00 i 1Lo0 u:s :su/L001 11:10 FAX 5128109281 SCHOOL TO ClREERS 11G52.004 TEXAS EDUCATION AGEN CY 170 L is orth Co ngreSa Ave;.* Austin, Texas 78701-1494 * 5131463.9734* PAX: 5111463-M S * http //www•,tca.statc.tx,tts CHARTER SCHOOL DIVISION Jim Nelson commissioner of Education DATE: August 15, 2001 TO: Generation 7 Schools RE: General Application of Assurances for Federal Programs The General -application of Assurances far Federal Progni"Is form is being faxed to you. Please complete and return the form. Although you are asked for your county -district number in the right corner of the form, it is understood that you have not yet received a contract or been issued a county - district number. Agency staff will add the county -district number to the form once it is assigned. This form is significant because you arc ineligible for any federal monies including the Title X start-up funds without theses assurances. The contract will be issued when all contingencies are cleared. If you have questions regarding the contingencies, please advise Ertha Patrick at (5 12) 93 6-2624. It is imperative that the form contain an original signature. Therefore, you must mail the document to the address below. Texas Education Agency William B, Travis Bldg, Attention_: Cynthia Hernandez Division of Charter Schools 1701 North Congress Austin, Texas 78701 Preparing Children, Promoting Excellence .1,16 JUlyUU1 11:11 r•:AA 5(,'tiUUL '!U c::1.Kr;t;rtb t�jL V()4;'UU4 Section 1232e, United States Code, Title 20, Educatinn ASSURANCES Assurance is hereby given that: 1 . the local educational agency will administer each program covered by the application in accordance with all applicable s+taWtes, regulations, program plans, and applications; 2, the control of funds provided to the local educational agency under each program, and title to property acquired with those funds, will be in a public agency and a public agency will admir=isterthose funds and property; 3. the local educational agency will use fiscal control and fund accountins procedures that will ansure proper disbursement of, and accounting for, Fcdcral funds paid to that agency under each program; 4. the local educational agency will make reports to the Texas Education Agency or State Board of Education and to the Secretary of Education as may reasonably be necessary to enable the Texas Education Agency or State Board of Education and the Secretary of Education to perform their duties and the local educational agency Will maintain such records, including the records required under section 1232f * of this title, and provide access to those records, as the Texas Education Agency or State Board of Education or the Secretary of Education deem necessary to perform their duties; 5. the local educational agency wi is provide reasonable opportunir,"es for the participation by teachers, parents, and other interested agencies, organirntions, and individuals in the planning for and operation of each program; 6, any application, evaluation, periodic program plan or report relating to each program will be made readily available to parents and other members of the general public; 7. in the case of any project involving construction - (A) the project Is not inconsistent with overall State plans for the construction of school facilities, and (a) in developing plans far consn-uction, due consideration will be given to excellence of architecture and design and to compliance with standards prescribed by the Secretary of Education under section 194 of Title 29 in order to ensure that facilities constructed with the use of Federal funds are accessible to and usable by Individuals with disabilities; A. the local educational agency has adopted effective procedures for a;quiring and disseminating to teachers and administrators participating in each program significant information from educational research, demonstrations, and similar projects, and for adopting, where appropriate, promising educational practices developed through such projects; and 9. none of the funds cxuonded under any swuticable uroEmun will be used to acouire eouiornent (inciuding computer sortwarc) in 3R,y instance In which such acquisition results in a direct fmancial benefit to any organization represerAting rho interests of the purchasing entity or its employees or any affiliate of such an organi2ution. * Section 1232r, United Stites Code, Title 20, Education RECORDS Each recipient of Feder-&! funds under any applicable pr r.—am through any grant subgran:, cooperative agreement, loan, or other arrzagernent shall keep records which fui;y disclose the amount and disposition by the recipient of those funds, and the total cost of the activity For which th;- fonds are used, the share of that cost provided from other scurces, and such other records as will facilitate an effective financial or programmatic audit. DFiGA-001 R00 For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments and/or annotations made Standard Application System (SAS) County -District No. on this (page) have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start -Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 ' XI Region by telephone/FAX on by of TEA. SCHEDULE #1--General Information NOGA ID/Project No. (Assigned by TFA1 1. Charter Holder: 2. Charter School: 3. Applicant Contact Person: 4.Purpose of Application: (Name, Address, City, State, Zip) (Name, Address, City, State, Zip) (Name, Title, Address [if different]): Application Town of Westlake Westlake Academy #3 Village Circle #3 Village Circle Trent Petty Suite 207 Solana Suite 207 Solana ❑ Amendment No. Westlake, TX 76262 Westlake, TX 76262 Phone ( 817 ) 430-0941 FAX ( 817 ) 430-1812 RFA 701-02-038 E-Mail tpefty@westiake-b(.org 5. To be completed only for Campus or Program Charters: The following have been included in the application: ❑ Copy of minutes verifying ❑ Statement of assurance signed by the superintendent of the ❑ This box is checked to confirm that approval of campus charter district and stating that the campus charter is in compliance the campus charter is designated by local school board. with Texas Education Code 12.051.12,055, Subchapter C. as a charter in Texas Education Agency organizational database, AskTED. 6. Use of the Standard Application System: This system provides a series of standard schedules to be used as formats by applicants who apply for funds administered by the Texas Education Agency. If additional clarification is needed, please call Esther Murguia Garcia463-9575. 7. Program Authority: P.L. 103-382. Title X, Part c, Public Charter Schools 8. Project Beginning Date: February 1, 2003 Project Ending Date: Jut 31, 2003 9. Index to this Application: An X has been placed in the New Application column to indicate each schedule that must be submitted as a part of the application. The applicant must place an X in this column for each additional schedule submitted to complete the application. For amendments, the a plicant must place an X in the Amendment Application column next to the schedules being submitted as part of the amendment. Sc New Amend Sch New Amend.Applic. h Schedule Name Applic. Applic. No. Schedule Name Applic. No. 1 General Information X X 4A Program Abstract X 2 Certification for Shared Services NIA N/A 4B Program Description X Arrangements 3 Budget Summary X X 4C Program Evaluation Requirements X 3A Purpose of Amendment Support Schedules for— N/A X 4D Equitable Access and Participation X 4E (Other Program Schedules) 3B Payroll Costs 6100 X 3C Professional and Contracted Services 6200 X 3D Supplies and Materials 6300 X 5A (Other Supplemental Schedules NIA N/A Specify) 3E Other Operatinq Costs 6400 X 6A Provisions and Assurances X 3F Debt Service 6500 NIA NIA 6B Debarment and Suspension X Certification 3G Capital Outlay 6600 6C Lobbying Certification X Exclusive of 6619 and 6629 6D Disclosure of Lobbying Activities 3H Building Purchase, Construction or N/A N/A 6E Special Provisions and Assurances X Im rovements 6629 Certification and Incorporation 10.1 hereby certify that the information contained in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the local education agency named above has authorized me as its representative to obligate this agency. I further certify that any ensuing program and activity will be conducted in accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, application guidelines and instructions, the Provisions and Assurances, Debarment and Suspension, lobbying requirements, Special Provisions and Assurances, and the schedules attached as applicable. It is understood by the applicant that this application constitutes an offer and, if accepted by Agency or renegotiated to acceptance, will form a binding agreement. Typed Name of Authorized Official of the Telephone Number Date Signed Charter Holder ( 817 ) 430-0941 Trent Petty Title of Authorized Official of the Charter Holder President Original Authorized Signature (blue ink preferred) Three sets of the application with an original signature on each set must be received by 5:00 p.m., November 21, 2002 in: Texas Education Agency William B. Travis Bldg. Document Control Center, Room 6-108 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701-1494 TEA DOCUMENT CONTROL NO. SAS-A527 For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY Adjustments and/or annotations made Standard Application System (SAS) on this (page) have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start -Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 by telephone/FAX on SCHEDULE #3-Budget Summary by of TEA. Program Authority: P L 103-382 Title X Part C Public Charter Schools Fund Code: 258 Project Period: February 1, 2003, through July 31, 2003 220810 County District No. Amendment No. Line No. Class/Object Description Schedule Number C/Object Code Budgeted Expenditures 01 Payroll Costs 3B 6100 $17, 500 02 Professional and Contracted Services 3C 6200 18,200 03 Supplies and Materials 3D 6300 56,800 04 Other Operating Costs 3E 6400 7,500 05 Debt Service 3F 6500 06 Capital Outlay —(Exclusive of 6619 and 6629) 3G 6600 07 Building Purchase, Construction or Improvements 3H 6629 08 Total Direct Costs Sum of lines 1-7 $100, 000 09 Indirect Costs % 10 Total Costs $100,000 For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY Adjustments and/or annotations made Standard Application System (SAS) on this (page) have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start -Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 by telephone/FAX on SUPPORT SCHEDULE #3B—Payroll Costs 6100 by of TEA. Amendment No. Estimated Line Description of Payroll Costs Number of Percent of Time Total Payroll No. (Include gross salaries, wages, and benefits) Positions Charged to Costs._ Grant 5 100% 5,000 01 Classroom Teachers, (representing grades 1-6). Initial (for'/ Months) Cadre of experienced instructors to work with Head in - early curriculum design. The requested amount reflects the average pay rate of teachers in the surrounding districts (Northwest Carroll and Keller) with Annual salary averages greater than $35,000 for first year instructors. 1 100% 11,000 02 ;Staff Administrative Assistant/ Secrets for 4 Months 03 04 05 06 07 Substitutes for Charter School Personnel 08 (6112) ~ (Explain purpose:) f Extra-DuN Pay/Beyond Normal Work.i. 12 100% 1,500 09C__ ,-Hours (6119/6,1�21)�(Explain purpose:)--- New teachers will be asked to attend a PYP Workshop held by TEA in Carrollton, TX in July, not during contract day. • - $17,500 10 TOTAL COSTS 220810 County -District No. For federally -funded projects, charges to payroll must be documented according to the requirements in OMB Circular A-87. Refer to the SAS instructions for Schedule #3B for a summary of these requirements. For TEA Use Only Adjustments and/or annotations made on this (page) have been confirmed with by telephone/FAX on by of TEA. TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY Standard Application System (SAS) Public Charter Schools Start -Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 SUPPORT SCHEDULE #3C-- Professional and Contracted Services 6200 220810 County District No. Amendment No. Line No. Description of Expense Items AMOUNTS Contracted Services provided by ESC (6230) (Specify type(s) of services): $8,000 01 Professional Development, Training Services, Financial and Accounting Setup (PEIMS), Technology Integration Professional/Consulting Services (6210): (Include travel costs for consultants and 02 materials provided by consultants in the budgeted amount. Travel costs include reasonable airfare, lodging, meals, mileage not to exceed 35 cents per mile, etc. Attach separate page if more space is needed.) ..:) - _ $7,000 A. Consultant A Topic: International Baccalaureate Educational Implementation (Enter the total B. Consultant B Topic: amount for Educational Technology Implementation professional/ C. Consultant C Topic: consulting Financial Accountinq and Business Setup. NOT for audit purposes. } Services. It is not necessary to D. Consultant D Topic: break Out Costs L1 by individual E. Consultant E Topic: consultant.) F. Consultant F Topic: 03 Contracted maintenance and repair of equipment purchased with grant funds (6240) 1,500 04 Utilities (6250), including telephone, FAX charges, and telecommunication services. Also includes water, electricity, and gas for heating/cooling for grant activities conducted before school, after school, or during the summer 05 Rental or lease of equipment or building space (6260) (specify type and purpose): Attach a copy of the lease agreement if building space is requested. 06 Printing. School informational material including applications, parent information, and �)1 700 student handbook. 07 JV 08 Tuition Services (6220) (Explain purpose:) 09 10 TOTAL COSTS $18,200 All contracted services must be provided by persons not employed by the applicant. The applicant shall not use or pay any consultant if the services could have been rendered by applicant's employees. "Honorariums" are not allowable expenditures. See instructions. For TEA Use Only Adjustments and/or annotations made on this (page) have been confirmed with by telephone/FAX on by of TEA. TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY Standard Application System (SAS) Public Charter Schools Start -Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 SUPPORT SCHEDULE #3D-- Supplies and Materials 6300 220810 County District No. Amendment No. Line No. Description of Expense Items AMOUNTS $36,000 01 General supplies and materials (6390), including consumable teaching and office supplies; workbooks; audio-visual aids, such as filmstrips, VCR tapes, CD -Rom disks, diskettes, computer tapes, and software; and supplies for technology 12,000 02 Textbooks and other reading materials (6320) (includes textbooks and magazines, periodicals, newspapers and.: -reference books placed in the classroom or in an office i e ; not placed in the I'ibrary`) (subscnptions to periodicals/magazines must be in the name-ofthe-organization and not in -the name of an individual) ._....... _______....___-.. -..- 03 Testing materials (6330) (does not include scoring of tests) 5,300 04 Computer hardware (not capitalized) (List hardware requested and the estimated quantity. Attach an additional page if necessary.) An amendment is required if the use/purpose of the hardware changes, if, .<:f the estimated quantity increases by more than 20 percent, or if a new-%° item is requested. Administrative Computer Workstation including printer, scanner, and monitor. (2)' Network server for Student Administration Software (1) 05 Other equipment not capitalized (List equipment requested and the estimated quantity. Attach an additional page if necessary.) An 3,500 amendment is required if the use/purpose of the equipment changes, if the estimated quantity increases by more than 20 percent, or if a new item is requested. Overhead projector (1). LCD data projector for group meetings (1) 06 Supplies/materials for maintenance and/or operations (6310), including gasoline/fuel for transportation, janitorial supplies, building maintenance supplies, and supplies for upkeep of equipment 07 08 $56,800 09 TOTAL COSTS All costs include shipping and handling costs. For TEA Use Only Adjustments and/or annotations made on this (page) have been confirmed with by telephone/FAX on by of TEA. TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY Standard Application System (SAS) Public Charter Schools Start -Up Grant School Year2002-2003 SUPPORT SCHEDULE #3E-- Other Operating Costs 6400 220810 County District No. Amendment No. Line No. Description of Expense Items AMOUNTS 01 Travel Costs for Employees. Students, and Non -Employees (6410), $ 6,400 including: (Enter the total amount a. In -State Travel, which includes lowest available airfare; actual cost for lodging not requested for travel. Do not to exceed $80/day (not including tax) and meals not to exceed $30/day or local policy, split out the costs among whichever is less; and mileage not to exceed 35 cents per mile or local policy, whichever sub -items.) is less. b. Out -of -State Travel, which includes lowest available airfare; actual cost of lodging and meals not to exceed maximum allowable federal government rates for the locale or local policy, whichever is less; and reimbursement for mileage not to exceed 35 ads= cents per mile or local policy, whichever is less. C. conferenceNVorkshop/Seminar Registration Fees (The PYP Workshop in July which all Teachers will be requested to attend costs $385 per participant) 02 Membership Dues (6499) in Professional Organizations (membership musts ~ 500 be in the name of the grantee organization and not in the name of an individual). 1 _ 03 Awards/Incentives for Participation (6499) (nominal in cost). Identify types of awards/incentives to be provided: 04 Educational Field Trips (6494) (includes transportation costs, entrance fees, etc.) Identify destination(s) and obiective(s): 05 Reimbursement of tuition (6499) and fees for staff completing university/college courses directly related to grant 06 Insurance (6420). Identify purpose. 07 Classified Advertising (6499) $600 In Teacher's journals and local news papers to announce open Teaching positions. 08 09 Food Costs (not provided by the district food service program) (6499). Refer to instructions for allowable food costs. Explain purpose: 10 Stipends to Non -employees (6413). Explain purpose: 11 TOTAL COSTS $7,500 For TEA Use Only Adjustments and/or annotations made on this (page) have been confirmed with by telephone/FAX on by of TEA. TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY Standard Application System (SAS) Public Charter Schools Start -Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 SCHEDULE #4A-- Program Abstract (Including Needs and Objectives) 220810 County District No. Amendment No. Primary Target Population and Number to be Served: Number of Staff 17 Number of Campuses 1 Number of Students by Grade Level: (indicate #s on chart) GRADE LEVEL PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL 32 1 32 32 1 32 32 32 192 TOTAL: 192 1. Use of Funds/Budget Narrative: Describe in narrative bullet form how grant funds will be used to plan (post award), design, and implement the charter school. Be sure to describe the use of funds for each item requested in the budget Schedules #3 — 3G as described in Part I, of the RFA. Provide the rational for using the funds (Attach additional pages as needed and number pages 9a, 9b, etc.) The Town of Westlake, the Charter Holder, is committed to the success of Westlake Academy and has secured appropriate local funds to support the design, construction of a purpose built facility and much of the initial FF&E for the Academy during 2002. While the Charter Holder will continue to contribute local funds to the project to ensure success, funding from this grant will permit an extended planning, design, staff development and program set -tip phase in the first half of 2003 and will allow local funds to be used for desired enhancements to the FF&E budget. It is the Town's intention to fiend payroll via grant funds for only this startup period; these positions are permanent, and will be funded on an on -going basis out of general funds. • [3B.01] Payroll for Classroom Teachers: A Cadre of teachers will work closely with the Head/Principal for two intensive weeks during the months prior to school opening to plan for the implementation of the 1130 Primary Years Program and design the instructional Unit Planners to be used in the program. This Cadre will work with the balance of the teachers in further preparation prior to the opening of school, and will mentor as the PYP is implemented throughout the school year. • [3B.02] Payroll for Staff. An Administrative Assistant/Secretary will be hired to assist the Head/Principal in a variety of areas including collecting, collating and filing accountability documentation. • [3B.09] Extra -Duty Pay: All teachers will be asked to attend a PYP Workshop in duly held during non -contract days. • [3C.01, 02.C]Professional and Contract Services: The Region Xl ESC and other appropriate consultants will help plan and design an efficient business office framework including the selection of and staff development for the Financial Accounting and PEIMS systems as required by this Grant. Region XI ESC will provide staff development to ensure all Teachers have a thorough understanding of the TEKS, and to ensure that staff have proper training on the Financial Accountability (PEIMS) System. • [3C.01, 02.13] Professional and Contract Services: Should in-house skills be insufficient, Region XI ESC and/or other professional consulting services will help Westlake Academy plan and design the educational technology model to be utilized in the classroom and throughout the school. • [3C.02.A] Professional and Contract Services: Funds may be used to bring certified 130 trainer(s) to Westlake Academy for on -site PYP training to meet the requirements of the International Baccalaureate Organization for Primary Years Program (PYP) certification. • [3C.04] Utilities: A budget has been provided for telephone expenses and operational utilities expenses associated with the grant period. • [3C.061 Printing: Materials to inform parents and students of the Westlake Academy educational program, and to provide for applications to the program are anticipated. • [313.01, 021 General Supplies and Materials. To meet the grant requirement for a Financial Accountability System, software and appropriate modules will be obtained through the Region XI ESC. Grant monies will also be used to purchase key classroom supplies, books and media appropriate for the implementation of the PYP. • [3D.04, 051 Computer hardware and Other equipment: Workstations for the Head/Principal and Secretary and a network server for Student Administration software are necessary to establish proper accountability for the School, and overhead and LCD projectors will be used for group meetings. • [3E.01, 02, 071 A budget has been established to accommodate travel for training and planning, and membership in an international school organization, and for the advertisement of open Teaching positions in appropriate publications. 2. Include a description of how these start-up funds will be used in conjunction with other federal programs funds. • No additional federal program funds are anticipated during the Grant Period. 3. Include a description of how the authorizing public chartering agency will provide for continued operation of the public charter school once the federal grant has expired. The ongoing viability of Westlake Academy Charter School in ensured by the stability and the administrative and physical resources of the charter holder, The Town of Westlake, Texas. Many existing and planned Town resources can effectively serve both the Town and the Academy specifically. The operational leverage achieved by synergies in Town/Academy facilities and administration will create an environment where ADA based State funding (available starting in September, 2003) will be sufficient to fund the bulk of the Westlake Academy operating budget. Additional, local funds will be contributed as necessary to insure project success. 0 All Arnim For TEA Use Only Adjustments and/or annotations Adjustments and/or annotations made on this (page) have been confirmed with by telephone/FAX on of TEA. TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY Standard Application System (SAS) Public Charter Schools Start -Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 SCHEDULE #14B-- Program Description - Program Requirements 220810 County District No. Amendment No. The following requirements were addressed by the applicant in the charter approved by SBOE. Incorporated by reference is the charter and any amendments approved by the SBOE, which include the following federal requirements. Federal Requirements 1. a description of the educational program to be implemented by the charter, including a. how the program will enable all students to meet challenging state student performance standards; b. the grade levels or ages of children to be served, and c. the curriculum and instructional practices to be used; 2. a description of how the charter will be managed; 3. a description of the objectives of the charter and the methods by which the charter will determine its progress toward achieving those objectives; 4. a description of the administrative relationship between the charter and the authorizing public chartering agency (i.e., the local board of trustees); 5. a description of how parents and other members of the community will be involved in the design and implementation of the charter; 6. a description of how students in the community will be informed about the charter and given an equal opportunity to attend the public charter school, No response to this schedule is required; however, it must be included, unaltered, in the grant application. Charter schools are reminded to follow the appropriate procedures for amending the charter approved by the SBOE. Incorporated by reference for campus and program charters are the requirements in TEC 12, Subchapter C. n AO 11 -r For TEA Use Adjustments and/or annotations made on this (page) have been confirmed with by telephone/FAX on of TEA. TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY Standard Application System (SAS) Public Charter Schools Start -Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 SCHEDULE #4C Program Evaluation Requirements 220810 County -District No. Amendment No. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO SUBMIT A FINAL EVALUATION REPORT WITHIN THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE ENDING DATE OF THE GRANT. This schedule must be completed as part of the grant application. 1. Specifically, how will the grant funds be used to plan, design, and implement the charter school? The Westlake Academy has selected to follow programs of instruction defined by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). The Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Program (MYP) and the Diploma Years Programme (DYP) provide a philosophical framework for instruction, yet leave specific scope and sequence decisions to the local educators. Westlake Academy will open fall 2003 grades 1-6 implementing the Primary Years Program. Every effort will be made to hire teachers with PYP experience, but as this program is relatively new, we anticipate many teachers will require appropriate training to become familiar with this model. Funds received from this grant will provide (Payroll) for advertising open positions [3E.07], planning and program design by a Cadre of carefully selected teachers [3B.011 during the months preceding opening of Westlake Academy, fall 2003. Planning and design effort is instrumental to successful implementation of the PYP in the classroom and the eventual success measured by the TAKS later in the school year. The Secretary (3B.021 will assemble informational materials for the program to be professionally printed for distribution [3C.061. The PYP model also relies on every teacher's involvement as part of grade -level teams involved in unit and lesson planning for the school year. Funds from this grant will provide certified IBO PYP staff development (contracted service [3C.02.A1. and travel to workshops) to insure that the Westlake Academy can properly implement the PYP model, and to satisfy certification requirements of the IBO. Where staff must attend workshops on non- contract days, extra -duty pay [3h.091 will be paid Westlake is committed to implementing a program where educational technology is infused in the learning process. Funds from this grant will provide design assistance (ESC X1 and/or professional services) in refining the technology implementation plan [3C.02.B], and will provide end -user staff development in the proper implementation of selected technologies. In addition to the educational program, grant monies have been budgeted for contracted services to help plan and design an operational model for the business office and Financial Accountability Systems [3C.01, 02.C]. The Region XI ESC will provide the actual computer software [3C.011 for the in- house accountability system and will also provide staff development to ensure successful accountability (PEIMS) reporting as the program is implemented. A budget has been established for any utility costs [3C.04](including long distance telephone charges and telecommunication services, and potentially water, electricity, and gas for grant activities conducted before school, after school, or during the summer. A budget for supplies and materials [3D.011 and classroom books/reading materials [3D.021 has been established to allow the I{ead/Principal and teachers to select additional teaching resources to augment textbooks provided by TEA, and significant classroom resources provided by local funds. Computer workstations and a network server [3D.04] will be necessary to implement Student Administration software at the Academy, and an overhead projector and LCD data projector [3D.051 will allow presentations in group planning meetings. A budget has been established to accommodate travel for training and planning, [3E.011, and membership in an international school organization [3e.02]. 2. Specifically, what impact will the charter school start-up grant have on the implementation and operation of the charter school? The Charter School Start-up Grant will have a very significant impact on the implementation and operation of Westlake Academy as it will fund payroll expenses, professional services, and key supplies and materials during the critical period of program planning prior to the availability of State funding. The Town of Westlake, the Charter Holder, is committed to the success of Westlake Academy and has secured appropriate local funds to support the design, construction of a purpose built facility and the initial FF&E for the Academy during 2002. While the Charter Holder will continue to contribute local funds to the project to ensure success, funding from this grant will permit an extended planning, design, staff development and program set-up phase in the first half of 2003 and will allow local funds to be used for desired enhancements to the FF&E budget. The following two (2) questions must be answered to fulfill the requirements of the Program Evaluation Report. The Program Evaluation Report is due within thirty (30) days after the ending date of the grant period: It is agreed that the Final Program Evaluation Report will be submitted within 30 days after the ending date of this grant. L Specifically, how were the grant funds be used to plan, design, and implement the charter? 2. Specifically, what impact did the charter school start-up grant have on the implementation and operation of the charter school? 0 A n A rn^ TEXAS EDUCATIONAGENCY 1701 North Congress Ave.* Austin, Texas 78701-1494 * 512/463-9734 * FAX: 512/463-9838*http://www.tea.state.tx.us December 3, 2003 Scott Bradley Town of Westlake 3 Village Circle, Ste 207 Westlake, TX 76262 Dear Mr. Bradley: Enclosed is a signed contract for the Westlake Academy Charter School. This one is for your school files, and the other original has been placed in your files at the Texas Education Agency. I look forward to working with you and your school. Sincerely, il�--7 Ertha Patrick, Division Manager Division of Charter Schools CC: Trent Petty Enclosure Fulfilling the Promise for All Texas Children "?CONTRACT FOR OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER This contract is executed between the Texas State Board of Education (the `Board") and Town of Westlake ("Charter Holder") for a Seventh Generation open -enrollment charter to operate Westlake Academy Charter School, a Texas public school. General 1. Definitions. As used in this contract: "Charter" means the Seventh Generation open - enrollment charter, as provided by, Chapter 12, Subchapter D, Texas Education Code, granted by this contract. "Charter Holder" means the sponsoring entity identified in the charter application and the entity to which a charter is granted by this contract. "Charter school" means the Seventh Generation open -enrollment charter school. The charter school is part of the public school system of Texas and is a charter school within the meaning of 20 U.S.C. § 8066. "Agency" means the Texas Education Agency "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Education. 2. The Charter. This contract grants to Charter Holder a Seventh Generation open - enrollment charter under Texas Education Code Chapter 12, Subchapter D. The terms of the charter include: (a) this contract; (b) applicable law; (c) Request for Application RFA 701-01-004 (d) any condition, amendment, modification, revision or other change to the charter adopted or ratified by the Board or the Commissioner; (e) all statements, assurances, commitments and representations made by Charter Holder in its application for charter, attachments or related documents, to the extent consistent with the aforementioned (a) through (d); and (f) assurance by Charter Holder, evidenced by execution of this contract, that no false information was submitted to the Agency or the Board by Charter Holder, its agents, or its employees in support of its application for charter. Action inconsistent with the terms of the charter shall constitute a material violation of the charter. 3. Term of Charter. The charter shall be in effect from the date of execution through unless renewed or terminated. The grant of this charter does not create an e i - a renewal of the charter. The charter may be renewed for an additional gernod de aaj gd by the Commissioner. 4. evi�bn A ro harter Hol , Qp N W L cement. The terms of the charter may be revised with the consent of written amendment approved by the Commissioner. i SEP Students 5. Open -enrollment. Admission and enrollment of students shall be open to any person who resides within the geographic boundaries stated in the charter application and who is eligible for admission based on lawful criteria identified in the charter application. Total enrollment shall not exceed the maximum number of students set out in the charter application. The charter school's admission policy shall prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic, artistic, or athletic ability, or the district the student would otherwise attend. 6. Non -religious Instruction and Affiliation. The charter school shall not conduct religious instruction. The charter school, the sponsoring entity, and any entity that owns or controls the sponsoring entity in whole or in part (including by the power to select officers or directors) shall be nonsectarian in its programs, policies, employment practices, and all other operations. 7. Children with Disabilities. The charter school is a "local educational agency" as defined by federal law. Charter Holder must comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 20 U.S.C. § 1401, et seq., and implementing regulations; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), 29 U.S.C. § 794, and implementing regulations; Title 11 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 12131- 12165, and implementing regulations; Chapter 29, Texas Education Code, and implementing rules; and court cases applying these laws. Among the charter school's legal responsibilities in this area are the following: (a) Child Find. Charter Holder must adopt and implement policies and practices that affirmatively seek out, identify, locate, and evaluate children with disabilities enrolled in the charter school or who contact the charter school regarding enrollment. (b) Free Appropriate Public Education. Charter Holder must provide a free appropriate public education to all children including children with disabilities otherwise eligible to enroll in the charter school. If the program, staff, or facilities of the charter school are not capable of meeting the needs of a particular child, Charter Holder must implement changes necessary to accommodate the child at the charter school. If reasonable accommodations would be insufficient to enable the child to benefit from the charter school's program, Charter Holder must, at its own expense, place the child at an appropriate school. (c) Services to Expelled Students. Charter Holder must continue to provide a free appropriate public education to a child with disabilities even after expelling or suspending the child for valid disciplinary reasons. (d) Monitoring. The charter school's implementation of the laws education of children with disabilities will be monitored for compliance by the United States Department of Education, .Office of Special Education Programs; the United States Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights; the Agency; and others. (e) Due Process Hearings. The charter school's implementation of the laws governing education of children with disabilities will also be subject to scrutiny by 2 the courts if litigation against Charter Holder is brought by individuals affected by the actions of the charter school. 8. Student Performance and Accountability. Charter Holder shall satisfy Chapter 39, Subchapters B, C, D, and G of the Texas Education Code, and related Agency rules, as well as the student performance accountability criteria stated in its application for charter. Financial Management 9. Federal Withholding Requirements. Failure to comply with Internal Revenue Service withholding regulations shall constitute a material violation of the charter. 10. Workers' Compensation. Charter Holder shall extend workers' compensation benefits to charter school employees by (1) becoming a self -insurer; (2) providing insurance under a workers' compensation insurance policy; or (3) entering into an agreement with other entities providing for self-insurance. Governance and Operations 11. Indemnification. Charter Holder shall hold the Board and Agency harmless from and shall indemnify the Board and Agency against any and all claims, demands, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature asserted by any third party and occurring or in any way incident to, arising out of, or in connection with wrongful acts of Charter Holder, its agents, employees, and subcontractors. This Agreement 12. Entire Agreement. This contract, including all referenced attachments and terms incorporated by reference, contains the entire agreement of they- parties. All prior representations, understandings, and discussions are superseded by this contract. 13. Severability. If any provision of this contract is determined by a court or other tribunal to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason, the remainder of the contract shall remain in full force and effect, so as to give effect to the intent of the parties to the extent valid and enforceable. 14. Conditions of Contract. Execution of this contract by the Board is conditioned on full and timely compliance by Charter Holder with: (a) the terms, required assurances, and conditions of Request for Application RFA 701-01-004; (b) applicable law; and (c) all commitments and representations made in Charter Holder's application and any supporting documents (to the extent such commitments and representations are consistent with the terms of this contract). 15. No Waiver of Breach. No assent, express or implied, to any breach of any of the covenants or agreements herein shall waive any succeeding or other breach. 16. Venue. Any suit arising under this contract shall be brought in Travis County, Texas. 17. Governing Law. In any suit arising under this contract, Texas law shall apply. 3 18. Laws and Rules Applicable. By executing this contract, the undersigned representatives of Charter Holder represent that they have read and understand the rules adopted by the Board and the Commissioner pursuant to Texas Education Code Chapter 12, Subchapter D and that they have had full opportunity to consult with their own legal counsel concerning said rules prior to executing this agreement. The undersigned representatives further understand and agree that: (a) the terms of this contract, and of the Seventh Generation open -enrollment charter created by this contract, include all applicable state and federal laws, including all applicable rules and regulations; (b) the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to state and federal law may be adopted, amended or repealed from time to time; and (c) all such changes to the rules and regulations applicable to Charter Holder shall become an essential part of this contract and of the open -enrollment charter created by this contract, as of the effective date provided in the rule or regulation. 19. Eligibility and Authority. By executing this contract, Charter Holder represents that it is an "eligible entity" within the meaning of Section 12.101 (a), Texas Education Code. Charter Holder shall immediately notify the Commissioner of any legal change in its status, which would disqualify it from holding the charter, of any violation of the terms and conditions of this contract, or of any change in the chief operating officer of the Charter Holder. Charter Holder further represents that the person signing this contract has been properly delegated authority to do so. Entered into t+?'L day o 2003. 4Gra7dUine State Board duc tion: Town of Westlake: e 1 6 9xo3 Miller, Ch it Date Scott Br dley, Chair Date Westlake Academy Charter School: C S ze Trent Petty, Date Chief Operating Officer 4 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY STATE WAIVERS APPLICATION FOR EXPEDITED AND GENERAL STATE WAIVERS General Instructions. For Expedited Waivers, please complete Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4. For General State Waivers, please complete Sections 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7. Bolded items in Section 2 and Section 3 must be completed. Please direct questions to the State Waiver Unit at (512) 463-9630 or www.tea.state.tx.us/waivE SECTION 1. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR ALL WAIVERS. District Name: Westlake Academy County/District No. 220 - 810 Address: 2600 Ottinger Road Telephone No. 817 - 491- 5157 City, State, Zip Westlake, Texas 76262 Fax No. (81Z) -Ag4 - 5758 Contact Person: Darcy McFarlane Telephone No. 8( 17) - 490 - 5757 SECTION 2. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR ALL WAIVERS. i Superintendent: Barbara Brizuela� Typed Name (62 nature -- Board President: Scott Bradley Typed Name Signature Date Board Approva : /'r r' 9 yh c2667 Board Vote —For t Against n Abstain _ Absent SECTION 3. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR ALL WAIVERS. Comments of appropriate Site -Based Decision Making Committee: SBDM Committee Chairperson Signature SECTION 4. EXPEDITED WAIVERS. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. ❑ Staff Development Waiver, pursuant to Texas Education Code (TEC) §25.081. This waiver allows the district or charter school to train staff on various educational strategies designed to improve student performance in lieu of a maximum of three days of student instruction. Please state the number of days requested. Please check the years requested: 02006-2007 02007-2008 02008-2009 ❑ Reading/English Language Arts; Mathematics; Science; and/or Social Studies Staff Development Waiver, pursuant to TEC §25.081. This waiver allows the district or charter school to conduct additional staff training for reading/english language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies strategies aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills in lieu of a maximum of two days of student instruction. Please check no more than two subject areas for only one day each: ❑ Reading/English Language Arts ! ❑ Mathematics , ❑Science _ ❑ Social Studies. — Please check the years requested: ❑2006-2007 02007-2008 ❑2008-2009 ❑ Staff Development through Participation in Eligible Conferences Waiver, pursuant to TEC §25.081. This waiver allows the district or charter school to send staff to eligible conferences for staff development to improve student performance in lieu of one day of student instruction. Please check the years requested: 02006-2007 ❑2007-2008 02008-2009 ❑ Early Release Waiver, pursuant to TEC §25.082. This waiver allows the district or charter school to conduct school for less than seven (7) hours for a total of six (6) days of student instruction to provide additional training in educational methodologies and/or to provide time to meet the needs of students and local communities. Please state the number of days requested. Please check the years requested: ❑2006-2007 ❑2007-2008 02008-2009 ❑ Modified SchedulerfAKS Testing Days Waiver, pursuant to TEC §25.082. This waiver allows the district or charter school to modify the schedule of classes on TAKS testing days during the current school year to reduce interruptions during testing periods. This waiver is approved yearly. CDD-106R07 SECTION 4. EXPEDITED WAIVERS. ❑ Textbooks for Photojournalism, Astronomy, (AP) Environmental Science, and (AP} Human Geography, pursuant to TEC §7.056. This waiver allows the district or charter school reimbursement for the purchase of non -state adopted textbooks used in Photojournalism, Astronomy, (AP) Environmental Science, and (AP) Human Geography courses for which no textbooks were adopted by the state. Reimbursement is equal to the state maximum cost or the cost of the textbook, whichever is lower. Please check the years requested: ❑2006-2007 ❑2007-2008 02008-2009 ❑ Textbooks under Proclamation 2001 and Proclamation 2002 in Business Education, Technology Education/industrial Technology Education, Trade and Industrial Education, Languages Other Than English, and Fine Arts, pursuant to TEC §7.056. This waiver allows the district or charter school reimbursement for the purchase of non -state adopted textbook used in Business Education, Technology Education/industrial Technology Education, Trade and Industrial Education, Languages Other Than English, and Fine Arts courses for which no textbooks were adopted by the state. Reimbursement is equal to the state maximum cost or the cost in the textbook, whichever is lower. Please check the years requested: 02006-2007 ❑2007-2008 02008-2009 ❑ Foreign Exchange Student Waiver, pursuant to TEC §25.001(e). This waiver allows the district to limit the number of foreign exchange students to _ (state number of students) per district, The waiver will be issued if it is determined that admission of a foreign exchange student will (check all that apply): ❑ (1) create a financial or staffing hardship for the district; ❑ (2) diminish the district's ability to provide high quality educational services for the district's domestic students; or ❑ (3) require domestic students to compete with foreign exchange students for educational resources. Please check the years requested: 02006-2007 _ ❑2007-2008 ❑2008-2009 SECTION 5. GENERAL WAIVER. Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs, pursuant to TEC 37.008(g). This waiver allows the district to use more than 18% of the district's SCE allotment to provide basic services for disciplinary alternative education programs established under Section 37.008. The school district is required to state the reason for needing to exceed the 18% limit and to report the number of students in each grade level, by demographic subgroup, not making satisfactory progress under the state's assessment system. This waiver is granted for one year and the waiver must be renewed in writing prior to the start of the school year through the Texas Education Agency waiver office for each subsequent year, in accordance with TEA policies and deadlines for filing. Please state the total percentage of the district's SCE allotment that is being requested to provide basic services at the DAEP. SECTION 6. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR GENERAL WAIVERS. Please check one: ❑ ❑Course Requirement Pregnancy Related Services On -Campus CEHI ❑Disciplinary Alternative Education Campus ❑Study of Electronic Courses ®Other Specify Extension of deadline for Charter SECTION 7. COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR ALL WAIVERS OTHER THAN EXPEDITED WAIVERS. PLEASE USE SEPARATE PAGE, 1. Give a brief narrative description of the requested waiver, 2. Does the district or campus plan reflect the need for this waiver? If yes, what is the specific objective impacted by the waiver? 3. Cite the Texas Education Code or the Texas Administration Code that the district or campus wishes to waive? 4. Describe the plan to be implemented, if the waiver is granted. 5. How will granting this waiver help achieve the district or campus's objective? 6. Please explain how the school district or campus will evaluate the impact of the waiver towards meeting the district or campus's goal. 7. Please specify the school years for which the waiver is requested, to a maximum of three years. 02006-2007 E2007-2008 E2008-2009 All applications should be mailed or faxed. The tax numoer is toizjifw»-s000. State Waiver Unit Texas Education Agency 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78701-1494 COD-106R07 OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER CONTRACT RENEWAL APPLICATION Section I. Current Information in Charter School Tracking System Charter Holder Name: Town of Westlake Charter School Name: WESTLAKE ACADEMY CHARTER SCI100L Charter School County/District4: 220-810 Generation: 07 Muximum Approvcd Enrollment: 800 Grades Approved; K,1,2,3,4,;,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Campuses: 220810001 WESTLAKE ACADEMY 2600 Oninger Road Wcstlakc, TX 76262 Grade Levcls Currently Served: KG,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08 Geographical boundary: The original charter application and amendment history reflects that the following district(s) comprise the charter school's geographic boundary: ARGYLE ISD CARROLLISD DENTONISD KELLER 1SD NORTHWEST ISD w 'L 00001 Section II. Superintendent and Board Chair Contact Information The school superintendent and/or the charter holder board chair will be contacted by agency staff if there are issues to be resolved in any of the sections. Superintendent Contact Information: Superintendent's Name: Barbara Brizuela, Head of Schoel Telephone Number: 817.490-5757 Fax Number: 817-490-5758 E-mail Address: bbrizuelaowestlakeacademy.ort; Charter Rolder Board Chair Contact Information: Charter Holder Board Chair's Name: Scott Bradle Telephone Number; 917-337-556S Fax Number: 817-337-5334 F;-mail Address; Intentionally left Blank 00f)rY2 Section III. Governance Structure and Procedures Before completing; the following items, please review TEC, §12.121 and 19 TAC-' §100,1033(c)(6)(('1(i) and also relevant portions of 19 TAC §§100.1101-100.1159-, these laws and rules area vai lab le on the on-line resource page. A. In the table below, please fill in the information requested concerning the members of the governing; body of the charter holder. Please note the following: ■ The column Concerning compensation requires the charter holder to report the total amount o1 annual compensation that each board member receives front the charter holder or charter school for any purpose (i.e., salary, contract work, etc.). ■ A "relative within the third degree of consanguiniat or affinity. " refers to a hoard member 's .ry)ouse, or the board trrernber's or his' or her spouse s: parents, children, f randc•hildren. siblings, grandparents, great-grandpar riLS, r/leCc'S, nCphL'i1',S, UUi1LS. uncles, and great-grandchildren. Charter Holder Board Member's Name Office Held Amount of Compensation, Per Year, Received from Charterf Holder or Charter School Relativei s) Within the Third Degree of Consanguinity or Affinity (see definition >above) Also Serving on the Governing Body Charter Holder -- Yes/No No No No — Relation to Board Member (use the space provided below to list additional relatives) Scott Bradley Board Chair $0 - -- ----- Fred Held 'Pruitt Brown 11 Board Member $0 $0 --- Board Member - ---- - - Francis Frey Board Member $0 No — Donald Redding Board Member $0 No Larry Corson Board Member $0 No -- ----- Click Here $ Click Her Click Here $ Click Here -- - Click Here $ Click Here— Click Here $ Click Her ---- Click Here $ Click Here — i Use the area above if additional sl)ace is deeded. i 00003 B. If any charter holder board member has a relative within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity (see definition in subsection A) who is receiving or will receive any compensation from the charter holder or the charter school for any purpose, please fill in the information requested in the table below. Charter Holder Board Member's Name Relative's Name Relative's Employment Position or Basis for Compensation C. If the charter holder governing body has created a secondary governing body, commonly I,nown as a "governing body of the charter school" or "charter school board," to perform some of its duties with respect to the charter school, please fill in the information requested in the table below. 00004 D. If any charter school board member has a relative within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity (see definition in subsection A) who is receiving or will receive any compensation from the charter holder or charter school for any purpose, please fill in the information requested in the table below. Charter School Board Member's Name Relative's Name Relative's Employment Position or Basis for Compensation Use the box below r1'additional space is needed E. If a separate governing body of the charter school exists, please describe the roles and responsibilities that the governing; body of the charter holder has delegated to the governing body of the charter school. If there is only one governing body, no response is required. Type Below: F. Submit, • as Attachment 1, the charter holders organizational chart that illustrates all of the charter holder's operations, including the charter school's organizational structure; and • as Attachment 2, a biographical affidavit for each member of the governing body of the charter holder and of the governing body of the charter school, if applicable. The biographical affidavit must he completed online, printed and notarized. The online version of the biographical affidavit is available on the on-line resource page, Section IV. Instructional Facilities 19 TAC §100.1 S12 requires, an7ong other things, that a charter {7older c°otnply with all state and local luws and ordinances applicable to the occupation and use ref the facilities it occupies, including any special standards upl)licuble to the instruction ref public school students in the facilities. Submit, • as Attachment 3, a certificate of occupancy or equivalent certificate for each site used as an instructional facility, and • as Attachment 4, a completed Instructional Facilities Form(s) for each site that is operated under the charter. The online version of the Instructional Facilities Form(s) is located on the on-line resource page, Intentionally Left Blank 0 0 0 0 G Section V. Teacher Qualifications The requirements for certain teachers changed in 2002 with the passage of the No Child Lett Behind Act (NCLB), The NCLB requires charter school teachers assigned to teach core academic subject areas (i.e., English, reading or language arts, mathematics, science, foreign languages, civics and government, economics, arts, history, and geography) to be "highly qualified." To be "highly qualified," a teacher assigned to teach a core academic subject area must hold a bachelor's degree and demonstrate competency in each area of assignment. (For more information about required teacher qualifications, please sec the publications of the NCLB Bulletia, available via (lie on -,line resource page). Charter school teachers assigned to teach subjects that are not considered core academic subject areas under the NCLB must meet the state law requirement of a high school diploma. Furthermore, state law and rule require charter school teachers assigned to teach special education, bilingual education. and English as a second language to he certified. Many charter schools require their teachers to have additional qualifications beyond the minimum requirements of federal and/or state law. A. In the space below, please set forth the qualifications that the charter school requires for teachers assigned to teach core academic subject areas (i.e., English, reading or language arts, mathematics, science, foreign languages, civics and government, economics, arts, history, and geography). Type Below: All teaching staff will possess a minimum of a bachelor's degree and will be encouraged to seek Mesas Teachers's Certification during employment. Those teachers assigned to teach core academic subject areas will be expected to have a university degree in that subject area or possess a teaching certificate to teach that subject. B. In the space below, please set forth the qualifications that the charter school requires for teachers assigned to teach subjects that are not considered core academic subject areas under the NCLB. Type Below: All teaching staff will possess a minimum of a bachelor's degree and will be encouraged to seek Texas Teachers Certification during employment. 00007 H1 C. In the space below, please set forth the qualifications that the charter school requires for teachers assigned to teach special education. Type Below: Teachers assigned to teach Special Education must hold degrees and certification for Special Education, D. In the space below, please set forth the qualifications that the charter school requires for teachers assigned to teach bilingual education and/or English as a second language, Type Below: Tcachers assigned to teach bilingual and.or ESL must have the necessary certification to do so. Imenlionally Lgft Blank OooloB Section VI. Compliance with Complaint Procedures The charter holder board chair must sign below to acknowledge that; (1) the governing body(ies) and school officers are aware that 14 TAC §100. 1033(c)(6)(C)(i) states that the governing body of a charter holder shall not delegate final authority to hear or decide employee grievances, citizen complaints, or parental concerns; and (2) the governing body of the charter holder is in compliance with the above requirement. -- Sj5 arter Hol Board Chair g Ca (rmsst .ciKn in blue irr ...._ cep - - - 2 G a--;� p ------------------- Date Intentionally Left ,Blank CIO n04 12 —REVISED DURING CONTINGENCY PROCESS. Section VII. Admissions roucy A. Specify the period during which applications for admission are accepted. TEC, SS12.117, requires that a charter school establish a reasonable application deadline for the submission gf'applications lbr admission. Beginning of Period j End of Period ongoing, 1 /31 ( Mon (h(Dap) (Month/Day) 13. If the school admits stLxents by lottery when the number of admissions applications ceived exceeds the number of available spaces, describ the procedures followed in conducting the lottery. Type Below: See attached page for Lottery P cedure C. If the school utilizes a lottery when over bscribed, are any cat ories of applicants exempted from the lottery? Check one: ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not applicable (because lotteries are not utiliz d) 11 "Yes" was indicated in C above, state the categor' s fapplicants that are exempted. Type Below: -Residents of the Town of Westlake Academy -Siblings of present Westlake Academy studer -Children of Employees -Children and Grandchildren of Founders J D, If the school utilizes a lottery when o/ersubscribed. specify the approxi%ate date on which a lottery will be conducted. Approximate Date of Lotter) 02/10 ( Month / Day) E. If the school does not u ize a lottery when oversubscribed, but rather fills the avails e positions in the order in which applications were rece' ed before the expiration of the application deadline (i.e., a "firs come. first -served" admission process), describe thV manner in which the school notifies the community of the opportut 'ty to apply for admission. TEC, §12.117, requiresleer charter school that uses a first -come, first -served admission process tit en oversubscribed to publish u wsp notice in a neof general circulation not later- than the seventh day before the applic ion deadline. Type Below: 00010 13 06/05/2007 09_09 _ 82749@5758 G APPROVED DURING CONTINGENCY PROCESS ■ ■ Section Vu. Admissions Policy A. Specify the period during which applications for admission are accepted. TEC, ,§11.117. requires that a charter gchool establish a reasonable application deadline, for the submission of applications for admission, Beginning of Period End of Period 12/01 (Month/Day) P31 (Mon"ay) 13. If the school admits students by lottery when the number of admissions applications mceived exceeds the number of available spaces, describe the procedures followed in conducting the lottery. Type Below: A public lottery, advertised in local newspapers, is held in February each year. All names are drawn at random and positions are filed in the order drawn. The remaining names are placed on the wait list in the order drawn. C_ If the school utilizes a lottery when oversubscribed, are any categories of applicants exempted from the lottery? Check one: N Yes [� No Not applicable (because lotteries are not utili;,ed) If "Yes" was indicated in C above, state the categories of applicants that are exempted. Type Below. Retuming students, siblings, sons/daughter of founders, shall be exempt fram the lottery, I D, If the school utilizes a lottery when oversubscribed, specify the approximate date on which a lottery will be conducted. Approximate Date of Lottery 02/10 (Month / Day) E. If the school does not utilize a lottery when oversubscribed, but rather Ells the available positions in the order in which applications were received before the expiration of the application deadline (i,e,, a "first -come, .first -served" admission process), describe the manner in which the school notifies the community of the opportunity to apply for admission. T,EC, ,$12,117, requires a charter school that uses Uftirst-come, , first -served admission process when oversubscribed to publish a notice ill a newspaper ofgeneral circulation not later than the seventh day before the application deadline. Type Below: 00011 13 Lottery Procedure A public lottery advertised in local newspapers was held for all grades before the first class year. All family names were embossed on balls which were placed in a hopper, Names were drawn at random until all balls were withdrawn, Positions Ncere filled in the order drawn. As positions filled, the remaining names were placed in order on the wait list. Applicants applying thereafter were placed at the end of the wait list on a "first come -first served" basis. Following the first year, the lottery has been conducted only for Kindergarten, utilizing the same method. 0001.2 Page 13 cont. —REVISED DURING CONTINGENCY PROCESS, — Describe the information that an applicant must provide in order to oe consuaerea ror aomusion. nppucants tnoy not he required to provide copies of trunscripts or other academic records until After they are nffereil admission and ore enrolling.Furtherm tnore, a student ay not he precluded front enrolling due to the charter school's f tilure, to receive infortnation required ji)r enrollment from the student 's parent or guardian or previous school. See TEC, yS'25.002 Type Below: The waiting [is lottery application is the same application that we use for enrollment; however only the top two sections are required for the a lication process. Information required: name, SS#, age, grade level. birth date, sex, district student is zoned for and guar ' n contact. C. The charter holder certifies' tat the non-discrimination statement required by TEC, § 12.1 1 1(a)(6) is rated in the sell ool"s admission policy. TEC, §72.1 I(6) requires that a charter school's admissions policy include u st entent that the school will not discriminate in uclntissi r.s bused on gender, nationul origin, ethnicity, religion, disahi ' y. ac•udetnic. urtistic, or athletic ability, or the district the e iild would otherwise attend. rr' Check one: ' ®Yes ❑ No H. Does the admissions policy either require r permit the school to exclude f m admission all students with documented histories of a criminal offense, a juvenile co t adjudication, or discipline roblems under TFC Chapter 37, Subchapter A as authorized by TEC, § 12.1 1 1(a)(6)? Check one: Z Yes (The school excludes such students or ❑ No (The school does not deny admission to I. Submit. the righ o exclude such students from admissions) dents ased on their documented histories of misconduct,) as Attachment 5, a current copy of the admissions licy tha incorporates the information provided in the above ansv,ers to questions A through H and any other relevant i onnation; as Attachment 6, a blank copy of the current '-I issions applica\'oni.e., the information requested when the student first seeks admission); and as Attachment 7, a blank copy of the curre enrollment form(s)the information required once an applicant has been offered admission and is registering fore oddment). Intentionally Left Blank M 04/95/2007 09:50 8174905758 _ 6 APPROVED DURING CONTINGENCY PROCESS F. Describe the information that an applicant must provide in order to be considered for admission_ Applicants may not he required ro provide copies of transcripts or other academic records until after they are of admLcsinn and are enrolling. ,Furthermore, a student may not he precluded fratn enrolling due to the charter school `s',failrva xo receive information required for enrollment from the student's parent or guardian or previous scihoot See TEC, §25.002. Type Below - The waiting list/lottery application requires the student to provide us with the data of application, grade level, date of girth, full name, guardian and contact name and residential school district and school, G. The charter holder certifies that the non-discrimination statement required by TEC, § 12.11 l(a)(b) is printed in the school's admission policy- TEC, § 12. J 11(6) requires that a charter school :s admissions policy include a statement that the school will not discriminate in admissions based on gender, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic, artistic, or athletic ability. or the district the child would otherwise attend, Cheep one: Eyes ❑ No H. Does the admissions policy either require or permit the school to exclude from admission all students with documented histories of a criminal offense, a juvenile court adjudication, or discipline problems under TEC Chapter 377 Subchapter A as authorized by TEC, § 12.111(a)(6)? Check one: ® Yes (The school excludes such students or reserves the right to exclude such students from admissions.) ❑ No (The school does not deny admission to such students based on their documented histories of misconduct,) 1_ Submit, • as Attachment 5, a current copy of the admissions policy that incorporates the information provided in the above answers to questions A through H and any other relevant information; • as Attachment 6, a blank copy of the current admissions application (i.e., the information requested when the student first seeks admission); and • as Attachment 7, a blank copy of the current enrollment form(,) (i.e_, the information required once an applicant has been offered admission and is registering for enrollment), Intentionally Left Blank 000J.4 14 Section VIII. Special Education Assurances The charter holder certifies that it has policies and procedures in place that ensure implementation of all federal laws and regulations, Texas laws, State Board of Education (SBOE) and commissioner rules related to students with disabilities and further certifies that any future amendments to the laws, regulations, and rules will be incorporated and implemented. --- --- ---------------- -- -------------- Signature of Charter Holde oard Chair (must ,sign in blue in (x------------ Date Intentionally Left Blank (100,15 15 Section IX. Bilingual Education/ESL, Section 504, and Dyslexia Assurances TFC, Chapter 29. Subchapter R, TEC §12.104(b)(2)(G), and 19 TAC §§89.1201-.1265 require charter schools to identify limited English proficient students based on state criteria and to provide an appropriate bilingual education or English as a second language program conducted by teachers certified for such courses. A.The charter holder certifies that it has policies and procedures in place that ensure that it complies with the legal and regulatory requirements concerning identifying and providing appropriate educational services to limited English proficient students. Check one: f Yes No Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. §794, prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in any program receiving federal financial assistance. A recipient that operates a public education program or activity shall provide a free, appropriate public education to qualified individuals. B. The charter holder certifies that it has policies and procedures in place that ensure that it complies vvith the legal and regulatory requirements concerning identifying and providing appropriate educational services to students protected by Section 504. Check one: Z Yes Fj No TEC §38.003, TEC ¢12.104(b)(2)(K), 19 TAC ¢74.28 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. §794, require charter schools to identify students with dyslexia or related disorders and to provide appropriate educational services. C. The charter holder certifies that it has policies and procedures in place that ensure that it complies with the legal and regulatory requirements concerning identifying and providing appropriate educational services to students with dyslexia or related disorders. Check one: Yes ❑ No I the undersigned hereby certify that the information contained in this document is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the governing body of the charter holder has authorized me to provide these assurances. - --------- -- -------------------- Signature of Charter Hold Board Chair (must sign in.blue ink) re ------- , U4Z-- 44, 2oa,f--------- Date 00n16. Section X. Certificate of Acknowledgement This section requires at least a majority of the governing body of the charter holder to certify that it has had an opportunity to review the completed renewal application and has authorized, during an open meeting, submission of the application to the commissioner for consideration of renewal of the charter. CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The undersigned members of the governing body of the charter holder hereby acknowledge that they have had an opportunity to review the completed renewal application and have authorized Its submission, during all open lneetlt1g, to the commissioner for consideration of the renewal of the charter: *Members are to sign the acln7oialedgenrenl during an omen meeting therefore, the date next to each signature should he the same Typed Name (type name next to corresponding signature) Signature (must sign in blue ink) Date* Scott Bradle Fred Held y —_ Truitt Brown It Francis Frey Donald Reddin --- -- � �._._ ^' - „��, -Oir, _--� Larry Corson Donald Redding is out of town for an extended time and Larry Corson had to excuse himself from the meeting early to catch a plane, therefore they were unable to sign the Certificate of Acknowledgement. We will have both of these Board members sign another copy when they return to town and we will forward it to you at that time. 17 Dr. Shirley J. Neeley Commissioner of Education Dr. Ernest Zamora Associate Commissioner for Support Services & School Finance Mary Perry Director, Division of Charter Schools For further information contact Monica Sena -Martinez at: Division of Charter Schools Texas Education Agency 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701 (512)463-9575 (512) 463-9732 fax Or visit our website. http:// Www.tea.state,tx. Lis/charter C►0018 18 Attachment 1 Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Head of School ��rvic es Shared with the Town of Westlake Administrative Town Manager 4 Assistant to Head of School School Secretary Finance Manager Facilities Manager Human Resources Special Services (School Counselor, Special Education) Outsourced Specialists (Occupational, Speech Therapist; Diagnostician. PYP (Elementary) ( MYP (Middle School) Diploma (High School) Coordinator t Coordinator Coordinator PYP classroom teachers MYP classroom teachers Diploma teachers and and specialists I and specialists specialists ('10 0 2 0 Attachment 1 Attachment 2 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY RENEWAL. APPLICANT BIOGRAPHICAL AFFIDAVIT (Mast complete this verion, print, notarize, and submit it with your Generation 7 Renewal Application Check all that apply: Q Member of the governing board of the charter holder ❑ Member of the governing board of the charter school (if a separate secondary board exists) "if Name of Charter Holder (i.e., rnonprofit corporation, institution of higher education, or V_overnmental entity) of Westlake, Texas Name of Charter School in connection with the above -named organization and charter school renewal application, I make representations and supply information about myself as hereinafter setforth. (Attach addendum or separate sheet if space hereon is insufficient to answer any questions fully.) IF ANSWER IS "NO" OR "NONE", SO STATE. I. Full Name (Initials Not Acceptable):�cott Floyd Bradley 2. Have you ever had your name changed or used another name? eyes C No If yes, give reason for the change: IDid not like given name Maiden Name (if female): Other names used at any time; Melvin Floyd Bradley (given name) 3. If in addition to being a charter holder or charter school board member, you serve or are employed as an "officer of an open -enrollment charter school" as the term is defined in TES" § 12.1012(6), state your school officer position: 4. If you expect to receive any compensation for any purpose from the charter holder, the charter school, or a management company of the charter school, provide the information requested below: Amount of annual compensation $ 020 CGriS011 lUl Attachment 2A 00022 5. CurrentEmployer: Bradley Luce Bradley, RLLP Occupation: jAttorney 6. List all previous experience with charter schools. Include open -enrollment schools and/or campus or program charters: DATES CHARTER SCHOOL ADDRESS TITLE From Founding to current date: President of the Board of Directors of Westlake Academy 2600 Ottinger Road Westlake, Texas 76262 7. List all previous experience with any charter school management company: DATES MANAGEMENT CO. ADDRESS _ TITLE None 8. Is any relative within the third degree of consanguinity (i.e., your parent, grandparent, great- grandparent, child, grandchild, great-grandchild, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew) or within the third degree of affinity (i.e., your spouse or your spouse's parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, child grandchild, great-grandchild, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew) also a member of the charter holder governing body or charter school governing body? (2)Yes (F)No If yes, give details: NIA 9. Will any relative(s) within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity (see de rnitiorts in Question 7 above) be employed by or receive any compensation or remuneration from the charter holder or the charter school? ()Yes @No If yes, give details: Attachment 2B 10. Have ou ever be convtded of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or any felony? Yes &No details: AA Dated and signed this i l TV day of MA y 2046 I herby certify tinder penalty of perjwy that ]an; acting on my own behalf, and that the foregoing statements are true and cornea to the best of my knowledge and belief. VERIFICATION State of '%XA 5 County of -MARP.AAr On this day, c &Ajw Fy (name of affiant) appeared before me the undersigned notary public and deposed that he/she executed the above instrument and that the statements and answers contained therein are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this /1 TN day of ,4 y , 20 O 6 JEAN OWI ELL Notary Aubk Stets of Texa s MY( -) o6-1r m Attachment 2C Oj IN aryPublic)�u My commission expires b 1 b 0O024 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY RENEWAL APPLICANT BIOGRAPHICAL AFFIDAVIT (Must complete this verion, print, notarize, and submit it with your Generation 7 Renewal Application ) Check all that apply: Member of the governing board of the charter holder ❑ Member of the governing board of the charter school (if a separate secondary board exists) Full Name of Charter Holder (i.e., nonprofit corporation, institution of higher Mucation; or governmental entity) Town of Westlake, Texas —� Full Name of Charter School _ Westlake Academy In connection with the above -named organization and charter school renewal application, I make representations and supply information about myself as hereinafter set forth. (Attach addendum or separate sheet if space hereon is insufficient to answer any questions fully.) IF ANSWER IS "NO" OR "NONE", SO STATE. 1. Full Name (initials Not Acceptable): Donald Robert Redding 2. Have you ever had your name changed or used another name? Oyes CI230 If yes, give reason for the change: Maiden Name (if female): 1 Other names used at any time: 3. If in addition to being a charter holder or charter school board member, you serve or are employed as an`officer of an open -enrollment charter school" as the term is defined in TEC § 12.1012(6), state your school officer position. 4. If you expect to receive any compensation for any purpose from the charter holder, the charter school, or a management company of the charter school, provide the information requested below: Amount of annual compensation S E== teason Tor NIA Attachment 2D a ? 5, 5, Current Employer: I Retired Occupation: 6, List all previous experience with charter schools, Include open -enrollment schools and/or campus or program charters: 1JK1hZ5 t;riIV` lIb ;Y-Jil1UL TITLE None 7, List all previous experience with any charter school management company: DATES MANAGEMENT CO, ADDRESS T777T. 8. Is any relative within the third degree of consanguinity (i.e., your parent, grandparent, great- grandparent, child, grandchild, great-grandchild, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephcv) or within the third degree of affinity (i.e., your spouse or your spouse's parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, child, grandchild, great-grandchild, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew) also a member of the charter holder governing body or charter school governing body? (:)Yes (F) No f yes, give details: NIA 9. Will any relative(s) within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity (see ddfinitions in Qw-stion 7 above) be employed by or receive any compensation or remuneration from the charter holder or the charter school? ()Yes (+)No If yes, give details: N/A Attachment 2E 0 Q 0 ? 6 MAY-15-2006(MON) 15:38 CITY OF SKAGWAY 05/15/2006 15.23 81743DOS67 (FAX)907 963 2151 TOWN OF WESTLAKE 1t3. Have u ever be convicted of misdemeanor involving momi tuMitudo or any felony'? felony'?( Yes o aotaa►s: Jlamdand,d med this %: dZY of l herby certify underP Y oflerju"y tiaat f mn aa�ii ng en my own behalf, mad th i rh¢ fn -•, afetenaerdrm�e true and correct to the 6Gsi of* latowiedge ani belirf ,t ViMg (Sign re of Iwy) W�CATION State of[ �� of b On this day, (name of affiant) gpcacd before me the undersigned,notary public snddeposcdtl hctsho rxccutcd the abovt tnstmmtnt and that tht statements and m wefs contalacd thcrtin are true and carrel to the best of hisvbcr knowledge ondbeliet Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of ((itatyFitbl'1c) (SEAL) Attachment 2T P. 003/003 PAGE 04 My cortlmission cxpirts,7_, 0002,7 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY RENEWAL APPLICANT BIOGRAPHICAL AFFIDAVIT (Must complete this verion, print, notarize, and subnilt it with your Generation 7 Renewal Application Check all that apply: 0 Member of the governing board of the charter holder Member of the governing board of the charter school (if a separate secondary board exists) Mill Name of Charter Holder (i.e., nonprofit corporation, institution of higher education, or own of Westlake, Texas Name of Charter School In connection with the above -named organization and charter school renewal application, I make representations and supply information about myself as hereinafter set forth. (Attach addendum or separate sheet if space hereon is insufficient to answer any questions fully.) IF ANSWER IS "NO" OR "NONE.", SO STATE. 1. Full Name (Initials Not Acceptable); Francis William Frey 2. Have you ever had your name clanged or used another name? O Yes C-No If yes, give reason for the change: Maiden Name (if female):E.~ Other names used at any time: 3. If in addition to being a charter holder or charter school board member, you serve or are employed as an "officer of an open -enrollment charter school" as the term is defined in TEC & 12.1012(6). state your school officer position: 4. If you expect to receive any compensation for any purpose from the charter holder, the charter school, or a management company of the charter school, provide the information requested below: Amount of annual compensation $ O.DD_ 1 teason for N(A Attachment 2G 0 0 O P 8 5. Current Employer: I Retired Occupation: L. 6. List all previous experience with charter schools. Include open -enrollment schools and/or campus or program charters: DATES CHARTER SCHOOL ADDRESS TTTLE 7. List all previous experience with any charter school management company: DATES MANAGEMENT CO. ADDRESS TITLE N one S. Is any relative within the third degree of consanguinity (i.e., your parent, grandparent, great- grandparent, child, grandchild, great-grandchild, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew) or within the third degree of affinity (i.e., your spouse or your spouse's parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, child, grandchild, great-grandchild, sibling, aunt, uncle, uiece, nephew) also amember of the charter holder governing body or charter school governing body? Oyes QNo f yes, give details: NIA 9. Will any relative(s) within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity (see &finrtions in Question 7 above) be employed by or receive any compensation or remuneration from the charter holder or the charter school? C)Yes @No If yes, give details: NIA Attachment 2H 00029 10. Have ou ever been convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or any felony? C) Yes ONO details: Dated and signed this A;? nga day of _ M Q Y _ , 20 0 (" _, I herby certify under penalty ofperjwy that I am acting on my own behalf, and that the joregdng statements are true and correct to the best ojmy knowledge and belief. A(Uig®rpR—a-n—t) VERIFICATION State of Countyof bzr7r&&1L On this day, _ -Bk� Frec (name of affiant) appeared before me the undersigned notary public and dep sed that helshe executed the above instrument and that the statements and answers contained therein are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22i day of 20 014 �lrprr JEAN DWINNELL Notary Public * State of Texas �fi°Ft My COM(618.M Attachment 2I G, 94A ILt�4'4- otary Public) My commission expires j (o 60030 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY RENEWAL APPLICANT BIOGRAPHICAL AFFIDAVIT (Must complete this verion, print, notarize, and submit it with your Generation 7 Renewal Application ) Check all that apply: [✓] Member of the governing board of the charter holder Member of the governing board of the charter school (if a separate secondary board exists) Full Name of Charter Holder (i.e., nonprofit corporation, institution of higher education, or governmental entity) Town ot:Westlake, Texas Full Name of Charter School Westlake Academy In connection with the above -named organization and charter school renewal application, I make representations and supply information about myself as hereinafter set forth. (Attach addendum or separate sheet if space hereon is insufficient to answer any questions fully.) IF ANSWER IS "NO" OR "NONE", SO STATE. 1. Full Name (Initials Not Acceptable): Truitt Delee Brown II 2. Have you ever had your name changed or used another name? Oyes QNo If yes, give reason for the change - Maiden Name (if female): Other names used at any time: 3. If in addition to being a charter holder or charter school board member, you serve or are employed as an "officer of an open -enrollment charter school" as the term is defined in TEC § 12.1012(6), state your school officer position: 4. If you expect to receive any compensation for any purpose from the charter holder, the charter school, or a management company of the charter school, provide the information requested below: Amount of annual compensation $ 0.00 reason ror N/A Attachment 2J 00031 S. C urrentEmployer: A11 Out Daars Occupation_ 1 Fishing 6. List all previous experience with charter schools. Include open -enrollment schoots and/or campus or program charters; DATES CHARTER SCHOOL ADDRESS TITLE N one 7, List all previous experience with any charter school management company: DATES MANAGEMENT CO. ADDRESS TITLE Vane 8. Is any relative within the third degree of consanguinity (i.e,, your parent, grandparent, great- grandparent, child, grandchild, great-grandchild, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew) or within the third degree of affinity (i.e., your spouse or your spouse's parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, child, grandchild, great-grandchild, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew) also a member of the charter holder governing body or charter school governing body? QYes QNo f yes, give details: WA 9. WilI any relative(s) within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity (see &fiinitions in Qwstion 7 above) be employed by or receive any compensation or remuneration from the charter holder or the charter school? }Yes QNo If yes, give details: Attachment 2K 000,12 10. Have ou ever bee onvicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or any felony? () Yes QlJo YG Uf;LWIS: Anted and signed this fla day of _�t1 C�- _,1 0 © (, , I herfiy ceriify under pienalty of perjury that lam actin n my own behalf, and that the foregoing statements are true and correct to the bes7 of my knowledge and belief. t (Signature o Affiant} J VERIFICATION State of j Q Y. a 5 County of rrgY] On this day,`1ru;9 b ,BYpaen:5 (name of affiant) appeared before me the undersigned notary public and deposed that he/she executed the above instrument and that the swetnents and answers contained therein are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Subscribed and swom to before me this 22N �,tiMYp JEAN OWINNELL t Notary a Texas Texas �q�FOF .,.=_qqW,=11112011 day of ALA4 20 0 kz otary Public) My commission expires 000,13 Attachment 2L TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY RENEWAL APPLICANT BIOGRAPHICAL AFFIDAVIT (Must complete this verion, print, notarize, and submit It with your Generation 7 Renewal Application ) Check all that apply: 0 Member of the governing board of the charter holder Member of the governing board of the charter school (if a separate secondary boars! exists) Full Name of Charter Holder (i.e., nonprofit corporation, institution of higher education, or governmental entity) ToNron of Westlake, Texas Full Name of Charter School _ Westlake Academy In connection with the above -named organization and charter school renewal application, I make representations and supply information about myself as hereinafter set forth. (Attach addendum or separate sheet if space hereon is insufficient to answer any questions fully.) IF ANSWER IS "NO" OR "NONE", SO STATE.,. 1. Full Name (Initials Not Acceptable): Fred Ehrman Held 2, Have you ever had your name changed or used another name? C Yes (F)No If yes, give reason for the change: Maiden Name (if female): Other names used at any time. 3. If in addition to being a charter holder or charter school board member, you seRre or are employed as an "officer of an open -enrollment charter school" as the term is defined in TEC & 12.1012(6), state vour school officer position: 4. If you expect to receive any compensation for any purpose from the charter holder, the charter school, or a management company of the charter school, provide the information requested below: Amount of annual compensation S o.00 season for NIA Attachment 2M 0Q0-3Q 5. Current Employer I Retired Occupation: 6. last all previous experience with charter schools. Include open -enrollment schools and/or campus or prograin charters. - DATES CHARTER SCHOOL ADDRESS TITLE N one 7. List all previous experience with any charter school management company: DATES MANAGEMENT CO. ADDRESS TTTLE None S. Is any relative within the third degree of consanguinity (i.e., your parent, grandparent, great- grandparent, child, grandc ild, great-grandchild, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nq)he ) or within the third degree of affinity (i.e., your spouse or your spouse's parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, child, grandchild, great-grandchild, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew) also a member of the charter holder governing body or charter school governing body? QYes eNo If yes, give details: 4. Will any relative(s) within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity (see definitions in Question 7 above) be employed by or receive any compensation or remuneration from the charter holder or the charter school? /)Yes @No If yes, give details: N!A Attachment 2N 6 0 u 5 10. Have ou ever been convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or any felony? U Yes Q(No UGrldlln. Dated and signed this __z day of_ 20.�_ 1 herby certify under penalty of perjwy that I acting on my own behalf, cmd fhgw the foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signature of Affiant) YERIFICAnON State of County of /air On this day, l�td. C. 6( (name of affiant) appeared before me the undersigned notary public and deposed that he/she executed the above instrument and that the statements and answers contained therein are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of �tiµ�YPu� JEAN DWINNELL Notary PU61 * * SWe of Texas ntv r o 1�,t W 6.2aog Attachment 20 2D p �o (Notary Public) My commission expires (r 000,16 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY RENEWAL APPLICANT BCOGRAPMCALAF,IDAVIT (Must complete this verion, print, notarize, and submit it with your Generation 7 Renewal Application Check all that apply: Q Member of the governing board of the charter holder Member of the governing board of the charter school (if a separate secondary board exists) Full Name of Charter Holder (i.e., nonprofit corporation, institution or higher education, or governmental entity) Town of Westlake, Texas Full Name of Charter School Westiake Academy In connection with the above -named organization and charter school renewal application, I make representations and supply information about myself as hereinafter set forth. (Attach addendum or separate sheet if space hereon is insufficient to answer any questions fully.) IF ANSWER IS "NO" OR "NONE", SO STATE. 1. Full Name (Initials Not Acceptable): Lawrence Alan Corson 2. Have you ever had your name changed or used another name? Oyes !,,'ro If yes, give reason for the change: Maiden Name (if female): Other names used at any time. 3. If in addition to being a charter holder or charter school board member, you serve or are employed as an `officer of an open -enrollment charter school" as the term is defined in TEC § I2.1012(6), state your school officer position: 4. If you expect to receive any compensation for any purpose from the charter holder, the charter school, or a management company of the charter school, provide the information requested below: Amount of annual compensation $ 16.00, Keason tor Attachment 2P odo:0 5. Current Employer: Hunt Realty Corporation Occupation: Real Estate 6. List all previous experience with charter schools. Inclnde open -enrollment schools and/or campus or program charters: DATES CHARTER SCHOOL ADDRESS TITLE NIA 7. List all previous experience with any charter school management company: DATES . MANAGEMENT CO. ADDRESS TITLE NIA — 8. Is any relative within the third degree of consanguinity (i.e., your parent, grandparent, great- grandparent, child, grandchild, great-grandchild, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew) or within the third degree of affinity (i.e., your spouse or your spouse's parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, child, grandchild, great-grandchild, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew) also a member of the charter holder governing body or charter school governing body? OYes (FNo f yes, give details: 9. Will any relative(s) within the third degree of consanguinity or affluity (see definitions in Question 7 above) be employed by or receive any compensation or remuneration from the charter holder or the charter school? E)Yes QNo If yes, give details: Attachment ZQ 10. Have ou ever been convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or any felony? 8 Yes (F)No Ue1.7 is1 Dated and signed this % day of -70 rl e_ 20 e l I herby certify under penalty of perjwy that I am acting on my awn behalf, and that the, foregoing statements are true and cor»ect to the best of my knowledge and belief r • , . � (Signature of Affiant) VERIFICATION State of �_�$ / County ofk �tf On this day, L Wffj- • e lt�o,-1 (name of affiant) appeared before me the undersigned notary public and deposed that he/she executed the above instrument and that the statements and answers contained therein are true and correct to the best of hislher knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this = day of _414_ E JEANOWINNELLNotary Pubk state of Taxes Attachment 2R 90"t-A- My commission expires 000,39 Attachment 3 cl Attachment 4 00042 Instructional Facilities Form Must complete this version, print, and submit it with your Gen. 7 Renewal Application Please provide the following information concerning the local agency that issues certificates of occupancy, or their equivalent, in the jurisdiction in which each campuses is located. Please attach one form per campus. Campus Name: JWestlake Academy Nine -Digit Campus Number: (g digit number, without dashes; Address of Campus; 12606 Ottinger Rd., Westlake, Texas 76262 _ Name of Local Agency: Town of Westlake Name of Contact Person at Local Agency: JJim Taylor - Building Inspector -178 Telephone No. for Contact Person at Local Agency: 817 - 490 - 7. Address of Local Agency: 2s;o Ottinger ad., Westlake, Texas 76262 List any other pertinent information. 00043 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 000414 -REVISED DURING CONTINGENCY PROCESS, — ADMISSION The Westlake .Academy is an open -enrollment Charter School operating under a Charter awarded to the 'Town of V'estlakc by the Texas State Board of Education, with oversight by the Tc:zas Education .Agency (1'l i_ ), Charter School Division. An open -enrollment Charter School may not deny admission to a student based on sex, national origin, ethnicity-, religion, disability, academic ability, attis6c ability, athletic ability, or based on the school district that the child would otherwise attend. The Aca emu• is cotntnitted to obtaining; and maintaining a diversified student and s . ff population. ti Definitions: ` Initial Primary Geographic Boundary Family is a family that resided `v-'esdake and whose Student u as enrolled. in \Westlake Acadcmr on )unc 4'` , 2004 or tas enrolled in hindcrgarten on \Ia} 30, 3005* Lottery means a publicly posted ani�public]% conducted random d wing from names of qualified Transfer Students desiring oaTission to the Westla/el'cdetntLottery Application Deadline is the lastof )anuarr alendar year of desired entn-. \ Primary Geographic Boundary Student means a c ' d of school nge: (a) living with his/her parent or legal guardian who is a residettr Westlake, or (b) whose parent or grandparent is listed in the �f•1�•.� Charter _lpplicat' as a Founder or Officer of the Westlake Academy, or (c) whose parent or legal tardi is Implored by the '1"own of W-estlake or the Westlake Academy - In order to be considered a Prunarc Geo aphic 13oundan 'tudetzt, parents or legal guardians with whom the student resides m st reside iu t�'estlakc hay e on file with the Town of Westlake an approved residenui Building Permit prior to eptcmber 1" of the school rear in which admission is sou t. Elil,ibitin• for students a fitted under this provision will be «tithdrawn if, ui t opinion of the CFO, there is o satisfactory demonstration of intent to lire in R'cs ake by September 1" of the following yc. t. Sibling means the brother or si er of a student enrolled in Wo-,,tlake .kcadc Chis definition includes adopted bro lers and/or sisters, and chiidreu resicling in the ame household Nx ith their parcnt(s) c legal guazdian(s). f Transfer Student means a `- child of school age that does not tnect the definition of Primary Geographic Bout dary Strident. ;;Cptctrtt7er, 2005 1pnl. 2005 Attachment 5A 00045 -REVISED DURING CONTINGENCY PROCESS. Pr IN-qFp Waiting List means a list of applicants desiring admission when space becomes available. Waiting List applicants are admitted in the order they appear. Eligibility: All eligible Primary Geographic Boundary Students and Initial Primary Geographic Boundary Family students will be admitted to the school. The burden for proving eligib1rj• rests with the family of the applicant for admission. Legal verificatiop'.of residency mal• be required at any time. For eligibility purposes, residency of the cl?iid of divorced parents is considered to be that of the sole managing consen•ator or tYc joint managing conservator with whom the smdcnt lives for the maiorin- of the school )veek. Transfer Stu is ate eligible for admission based on available s ace. Transfer Students may be admitte after all eligible Primary Geographic B ndary Students, Initial Primary Geograph' Boundary Family students, and Sib ' gs of students enrolled in Westlake Academy, are dmitted. If more Transfer Studen seek enroIIrncnt than space is available, then a Lottery" ill determine admission order; of the Transfer Students. No Lottcry will be conducted fbi,anr grade that has a Waiti� List. Transfer Students desiring admission after the Lotter) lias'6 een conducted will bg placed at the bottom of the NVaiting List and may be admitted as space becomes mailable, The _academy reserves the right to dduY admission to any student regardless of residency-. \Y.estlakc _Academy will not enroll any sti gent w4io has been subject to expulsion or who is awaiting expulsion from any educational M'N' tuiion. _admission rules may be changed or modi�e' d a� 1n� time by the Board of Directors of the Westlake Academy, or as may be rcquired'b} apple ble laws, rules or regulations. Applic-ation Procedures. All parents wishing to enroll their Students in the Wes ake Academy must complete an Application for Enrollment. Appycations are available a the \Westlake Academy, 2000 Ottinger Road, Westlake, "Texas, �detween the hours of 9 a.m. nd 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. -Applications should brr picked up in person and retu_ ed in person. Parents of enrolled students must complq t a new application form each vea in order to assure that school files are accurate antra up to date. Falsification of inform .'on provided on the application form is grounds �or immediate and permanent removal from e school, The .Academy may request a pre -admission intcn�iew to ensure that all famil\dite f the school's policies, procedures and philosophy.` i _\ class roster wi11 be/oubirshed by March 1" of each near. An applicant ae roster i will he acimittId unless he/she fails to meet eligibility requirements ons began. �! Scpte nber, 200) \prtl, 2005 Attachment SB 00046 -REVISED DURING CONTINGENCY PROCESS. Admission Order: FIRST ADMITTED Primary Geographic Boundary Students and Initial Primary Geographic Boundary Family Students SECOND ADMITTED BASED ON AVAILABLE SPACE Siblings of students enrolled in Westlake Academy. THIRD ADMITTED BASED ON AVAILABLE SPACE "Transfer Students No student wil be admitted unless the Westlake Academy has r eived a completed application. Ap 'cations must be resubmitted each year to nable the Westlake Academy to inaint 'n accurate and current information.' Sihfings The Sibling of an enrollcd•,student may be admitted as s . cc becomes available according to the order in which the fikt continuously -enrolled si ig was admitted to the \Westlake Academy. Year to Year Admission Once admitted to the school, an eligible studen automatically qualifies for enrollment in subsequent years without being subject to a ottcry. If, however, a student leaves the school, then that student must reapply and wi be moved to the bottom of the Waiting List. V Cst';ake Acaderriy will not enroll any stude k w-ho has been subject to expulsion or who is awaiting expulsion from any school. If a Primaiv Geographic Boundary St ent (or the arents or guardians with whom he/she resides), who is not a member of an nitial Prinion L ojg*raphic Boundary Family, removes his/her residcncl from NK'estlnk , then dint student nci•ertheless will be eligible fix envollinent if on rite date the re deny is removed, the s dent or at least one of Iris/her Siblings has completed . least e academic ears in Gl'estlak .\cadcmI A student of a Town of vX•' stlake or y\'estlake Academy employee eligible for ,,ear -to -year admission so long as his er parent or guardian remains employed by c Town of �N'cstlake or \Vestlake Academy- A student of a Town of %Westlake or 'Westlake . cadetnc employee whose employment t rminates before the employee has completed Five co tinuous years of service will no lonier be eligble for admission and will be tnoe ed to the ttom of the Waiting List. Except is pro/,ided above, a sradent will be allowed to remain in the school only anvil, end of the spinster in which his/her parents' or guardian's residcncy or employment (as case may bed is terminated. 00047 Attachment 5C --REVISED DURING CONTINGENCYPROCESS, — IF tu:<i or snore sil)lmgs tie for an aeailablc posmon h; virtuc nE their positions on rho waiting list, the order of admission will be dcrermitwd bs T,om-r� . A1 1 4 :; Attachment 5D 04/05/2007 09:50 8174905758 WESTLAKE ACADEMY PAGE 07 APPROVED DURING CONTINGENCY PROCESS Westlake Academy Charter Application Resubmission In response to the adrnimions policy in Attachment S please see the revised Admissions Policy below. Admissions 1PoliM Applications from new students are accepted from December I" through January 31". A lottery is held in February to determine the in -coming Kindergarten class and the order for the waiting list for all other grades. If the number of eligible applicants does not exceed the number of vacancies, then all applicants who timely applied are offered admission. If, there are more eligible applicants than available spaces in a class, then a name is drawn for each vacancy that exists, and each applicant whose name is drawn is offered admission. The remaining names are then drawn. and placed on a waiting list in the order they were drawn, if a vacancy arises before the commencement of the school year or during the school year, the individual on the waiting list with the lowest number assi,gt ment will be offered admission and then removed from. the waiting list. Currently enrol led students receive a Notice of Intent to Retm form the first week of January. This form asks students to state whether they intend to return the following school year and to identify if any of their siblings wish to attend the school the following year. This form must be returned by January 31 `t. Currently enrolled students expressing a desire to return are automatically enrolled for the following school year upon timely receipt of the Notice of Intent to Return form. Vacancies in each class are then, determined, and the siblings of returning students are given priority in admission. Applicants are not required to provide copies of transcripts or other academic records prior to enrollment. in addition, a student will not be precluded from, enrolling due to Westlake Academy Charter School's failure to receive the information required for ersresllment from the student's parent and/or previous school_ Westlake Academy Charter School does not discriminate in adatissioas based on gender, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic, artistic_ or athletic ability or the district the child would otherwise attetld. Westlake Academy will not enroll any student with documented histories of criminal offense, juvenile court adjudication, or discipline problems under TEC Chapter 37, Subchapter A. 0004g Attachment 6 �tt1 � Westlake Student P PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT --REVISED DURING CONTINGENCY PROCESS. • Student Social Security # _ _ App. Date % /2006 Gmda Level Sept. 1,2006 First Name Middle Name Last Name Date of Birth Mo /Day Near Age 'Sex M / F Place of B' (City, State, Country) Primary Language �. Additional Languages School student is zoned to attend according to address Last School Attended Rela7 tionship Primary Guardians) (With Whom Stu&-m Liven) Street Address City, State , TX Zip Country Day Phone Evening o e Cell/Pager E-mail Address Fax Relationship Other Guardian Street Address ' City, State Zip _. ------- Country Day Phone Evening Phone Cell/Pager E-mail Address f' Fax FII• r .• Contact (Relative/Neigh46r) Relh onship Street I dress 'ity, State '- A TX Zip Country Day Phone Evening Phone Cell/Pager Email Address Fax ■ Attachment 6A 04/05/2007 09:50 8174905758 WESTLAKE ACADEMY PAGE 08 APPROVED DURING CONTINGENCY PROCESS f M Westlake Academy Studdnt Application 00052 Westlake Academy Student Application (Page 2) Previous Schools Attended District School City/ST Yrs Attended Grades Attended Were you ever retained? If so, what Grade ti.;.�-„cw: �iai,:.S�.P^.7.:;.•e:.:a.;•.-.'°`r.d:,rn,r.�te?nS.F!+�Y'.*n�,...,�•s...�.+R�,,,Y'y,a.;�;'�-n'l��'�� .i7�M+"��.,ti«'�a^ I/We understand that Westlake Academy, as a "school of choice", is designed to provide an alternative learning Initial to Accept environment separate from other schools or school districts. I understand that Westlake Academy provides a creative but challenging educational environment designed for students who are willing to become serious learners. I/We understand that by enrolling my child in Westlake Academy I am agreeing to abide by and support the Initial to Accept Westlake Academy community, procedures and policies. t/We understand that Westlake Academy reserves the right to dismiss my child from the school for reasons listed and Initial to Accept explained in the Code of Conduct. I/We understand that Westlake Academy reserves the right to send my child home for a variety of reasons, including Initial to Accept but not limited to: failing to be in an appropriate school uniform and or failing to act in accordance with the school's code of conduct. Absences due to being sent home are unexcused, meaning students are not guaranteed credit for missed assiimments and the absences count toward the State's 90% Attendance Rule. I/We understand that I am a valued member of the Westlake Academy community and that my active participation Initial to Accept and involvement is openly encouraged and expected. (Please note that choosing Westlake Academy means a commitment on your part to the Westlake Academy Community.) Me understand that I am expected to support the reasonable and professional decisions of the Westlake Academy Initial to Accept faculty, staff and administration. If [ have a grievance or complaint, I understand that I am expected to follow the school's protocol for resolving it, and I will try to resolve thin sin a timely, firiendly and cooperative manner. _ I/We understand that Westlake Academy is an open -enrollment charter school and may not deny admission to a Initial to Accept student based on sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic ability, artistic ability, athletic ability, or based on the school district that the child would otherwise attend. /We understand that Westlake Academy is a school ofchoice. Therefore, I know that I am under no obligation to Initial to Accept keep my child enrolled at Westlake Academy if 1 am dissatisfied with services, policies or procedures provided by the school. Does Student have a documented history of criminal offense, a juvenile court adjudication or discipline problems under Subchapter A, Chapter 37 of the Texas Public Education Code, Yes NO Relating to Discipline; Law and Order, including but not limited to suspension from school, school reassignment, or any other school related or [coal disciplinary action? By signing this enrollment form, you affirm that the information provided on this form is true and correct. False information provided on this enrollment form can result in Signature of Legal Guardian Head of School Approval dismissal from Westlake Academy. Date Date Attachment 6B Westlake Academy Home Language Survey PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT _ _ R / /2a06 Grade Level Sept. 1, 2006 Student Social Security # App. Date First Name Middle Name Last Name What Language is spoken in the Home Most of the Time? What Language does the Student Speak Most of the Time? By signing you affirm that the information provided on this form is true and correct. Signature of Legal Guardian Date 00054 Attachment 6C Westlake Academy Student Records Release PLFANF_ TYPFOR PRINT 1 s 1 Student Social Security N First Middle Last Name Name Name To Whom It May Concern: My child, identified above, has submitted an enrollment application to The Westlake Academy Charter School for the school year . By signing this form, I give the parental consent necessary for (Previous School District) to Supply copies of the following information related to my child: ■ All discipline Records ■ All TAAS, ITSBS and any other similar other test scores ■ The student's transcript • The student's report cards ■ The student's shot records • Any psychological educational assessment ■ Any emotional educational assessment ■ Any comprehensive individual assessments • Any special education evaluations or assessments ■ Any individual education plans • Any behavior management plan Thank you for your assistance. Signature of Legal Guardian Date Recipient: Please send this documentation at your Attn: Westlake Academy Registrar earliest convenience to the following school address: 2600 Ottinger Rd. Westlake, Texas 76262 817.490.5757 For Office Use Only: Date application recv'd by Date application entered by Date faxed for school records by 00055 Attachment 6D Attachment 7 ENROLLMENT PACKET FOR YOURNEW STUDENT TO Westlake Academy Please return a copy of the following with your registration packet: IMMUNIZATION RECORDS BIRTH CERTIFICATE STUDENT'S SOCIAL SECURITY CARD PARENT DRIVER'S LICENSE (We can make copies of these items at the school.) 00057 Attachment 7A Westlake Academy Student Records Release PLEASE UPC OR PRINT Student Social Security # First Middle Last Name Name Name To Whom It May Concern: My child, identified above, has submitted an enrollment application to The Westlake Academy Charter School for the school year By signing this form, I give the parental consent necessary for (Previou!s School District) to Supply copies of the following information related to my child: ■ All discipline Records It All TAAS,ITSBS and any other similar other test scores • The student's transcript ■ The student's report cards • The student's shot records ■ Any psychological educational assessment ■ Any emotional educational assessment ■ Any comprehensive individual assessments ■ Any special education evaluations or assessments ■ Any individual education plans ■ Any behavior management plan Thank you for your assistance. Signature of Legal Guardian Date Recipient; Please send this documentation at your Attn: Westlake Academy Registrar earliest convenience to the following school address: 2600 Ottinger Rd. Westlake, Texas 76262 817.490.5757 _ For Office Use Only: Date application recv'd by Date application entered by Date faxed for school records by 00058 Attachment 7B Westlake Academy Student Application PLEASE nPE oR PRINr Pill IN, i oil - Student Social Security # - App. Date /2006 Grade Level Sept. 1, 2006 First Name Middle Name I TLast Name Date of Birth Mo /Day /Year Age Sex M / F Place of Birth (City, State, Country) Primary Language Additional Languages School student is zoned to attend according to address Last School Attended Relationship Primary Guardian(s) (With Whom studara Liras Street Address City, State TX Zip Country Day Phone Evening Phone COLTager E-mail Address Fax Other Guardian Rclationship Street Address City, State Zip Country Day Phone Evening Phone Cell/Pager E-mail Address Fax Contact (Relative/Neighbor) Relationship Street Address City, State TX Zip Country Day Phone Evening Phone Cell/Pager E-mail Address Fax Attachment X 0005.9 Westlake Academy Student Application Previous Schools Attended District School City/ST Yrs Attended Grades Attended Were you ever retained? If so, what Grade I/We understand that Westlake Academy, as a "school of choice", is designed to provide an alternative learning Initial to Accept environment separate from other schools or school districts. I understand that Westlake Academy provides a creative but challenging educational environment designed for students who are willing to become serious learners. I/We understand that by enrolling my child in Westlake Academy I am agreeing to abide by and support the Initial to Accept Westlake Academy community, procedures and policies. I/We understand that Westlake Academy reserves the right to dismiss my child from the school for reasons listed and Initial to Accept explained in the Code of Conduct. I/ We understand that Westlake Academy reserves the right to send my child home for a variety of ritasons, including Initial to Accept but not limited to: failing to be in an appropriate school uniform and or failing to act in accordance with the school's code of conduct. Absences due to being sent home are unexcused, meaning students are not guaranteed credit for missed assignments and the absences count toward the State's 90%Attendance Rule. 1/We understand that I am a valued member of the Westlake Academy community and that my active participation Initial to Accept and involvement is openly encouraged and expected. (Please note that choosing Westlake Academv means a commitment on your part to the Westlake Academy Community) 1/We understand that I am expected to support the reasonable and professional decisions of the Westlake Academy Initial to Accept faculty, staff and administration. If I have a grievance or complaint, I understand that I am expected to follow the school's protocol for resolving it, and I will try to resolve things in a timely, friendly and cooperative manner. 1/We understand that Westlake Academy is an open -enrollment charter school and may not deny admission to a Initial to Accept student based on sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic ability, artistic ability, athletic ability, or based on the school district that the child would otherwise attend. _ Me understand that Westlake Academy is a school of choice. Therefore, I know that I am under no obligation to Initial to Accept keep my child enrolled at Westlake Academy if I am dissatisfied with services, policies or procedures provided by the school. Does Student have a documented history of criminal offense, a juvenile court adjudication or discipline problems under Subchapter A, Chapter 37 of the Texas Public Education Code, yes (NO Relating to Discipline; Law and Order, including but not limited to suspension from school, school reassignment, or any other school related or le -al disciplinary action? By signing this enrollment form, you affirm that the information provided on this form is true and correct. False information provided on this enrollment form can result in Signature of Legal Guardian C.E.O. Approval dismissal from Westlake Academy. to Date 00060 Attachment 7D Westlake Academy Home Language Survey PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ' M ! Student Social Security # - _ App. Date / 12006 Grade Level Sept. 1, 2006 First Middle Last Name Name Name What Language is spoken in What Language does the Student the Home Most of the Time? Speak Most of the Time? By signing you affirm that the information provided on this form is true and correct. Signature of Legal Guardian Date Attachment 7E GRADE Dear Parent/Guardian: E-mail and Fax are becoming an increasingly popular and efrective Bray for parents to communicate with school personnel. For your convenience, NVestlake Academy has published the school Fax number and the E-mail address on the school's Nveb site However, in order to comply Avith federal regulations regarding the confidentiality or personally identifiable student records, parents must sign the consent form below before a school cmployee can correspond via E-mail or Fax regarding a student's behavior, academic progress, disability and/or medical condition. Although the risk of obserVation by an outside party may he minimal, the district must have this signed consent form in order to participate;.? these types rrf E-mail and Fax rorrecpondences. Thank you for your assistance. I, WESTLAKE ACADEMY Parental/Guardian E-mail / Fax Consent Form give / do not give (please circle one) (.full name of parent/guardian) permission for the following student information about my child/ren: to be sent tome electronically by the staff of Westlake Academe. Please check those that are Permissible to E-mail or Fax: academic progress/trades behavior medical condition/disability other (specify below) I understand that the transmittal of this ntnterial may not be available by entirely secure methods and may be capable of observation, interception, or monitoring by others. Furihermore,l understand the school cannot enarantee the records Avill be received only by the requester at the E-mail address provided. I request the student information about mychild be sent to the followina: E-mail address Fax # Parent/Guardian 5irnature Date Signed (please print CLEARLY) This Consent is valid through the end of the school year, unless otherwise rated, cc Attachment 7F NOTICE Photograph/Video/Sound Release 06-07 Westlake Academy, Westlake Academy Foundation, and its representatives ("W.A.") on occasion take photographs of students and school events for use in print and electronic publications, i.e., yearbook, promotional materials, brochures, videos, school web -site, newsletters, etc. This serves as notice of W.A's intent to do so and as a release to W.A. of permission to use such images as it deems fit. However, if you should object to the use of your child's photograph or name in any medium, you have the right to withhold its release by returning the completed form below to the School Office, Barbara Brizuela Head of School Photograph/Video/Sound Release Form I] 1 hereby grant Westlake Academy, Westlake Academy Foundation, and their respective representatives permission to publish the image/name(s) of my child(ren), C} 1 refuse to have the image/name(s) of my children) published. Parent/Guardian: Date: [printed name] __ "• Name of child: Grade: Name of child: Grade: Name of child: Grade: Name of child: Grade: Address: City: State li Phone: E-mail- [Parent/'Guardian Siuna[Ure] This consent is valid through the end of the school year, unless otherwise noted 00063 Attachment 76 History of Chickenpox Illness Student: Date of Birth: This is to verify that the student named above had chickenpox illness on or about and does not need the varicella vaccine. Parent signature: Date: Attachment 7H Westlake Academy 2600 Oninger Road Westlake, Texas 76262 Child's Name: Grade: Date: SPECIAL SERVICES FORM (if none, please mark through, sign, and return) My child has received the following services: Resource Speech Other Special Education Services Counseling ESL Bilingual Title 1 Dyslexia Chapter l Pre1K Early Childhood Other specify: I give my permission to have my child placed in the appropriate Special Education class prior to the Transfer ARD, as verified by the student's previous school. Parent Signature: Date: TO BE FILLED IN BY THE ADMINISTRATION Verification of Special Education services: Date: Person contacted: Position: Eligible for: Subject or subjects and time: Attachment 71 WESTLAKEACADEMY ETHNICITY FORM Student Record Information Student Nane: Westlake Academy is required by state law to register our students with their ethnicity indicated. Please circle the appropriate ethnic category for your student. Thank you. White, not of Hispanic Origin Asian or Pacific Islander Hispanic Native American/Alaskan Native African American, not of Hispanic Origin 00066 Attachment 7J Student Name; Westlake Academy Enrollment Record PARFNTS: PLEASE PRINT IN PENCIL AND COMPLETE BOTH SIDES Last Name First MI Nickname Generation Code (Jr,, I1,111 etc.): Sex; Grade: Social Security #: (Office Only: Pierns alternate ID 4): Copy of SS card provided? Y^ N _ Copy of Birth Certificate? Y— N ____ Copy of Immunizations? Y— N Date of Birth: Birthplace; City State CC3 aw Horne Phone #: ❑ UNLISTED Circle the grades your child has attended in the United States PK3 PK4 K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 If 12 Student resides with: O Father ❑ Mother ❑ Legal ❑ Guardian ❑ Other: Home address: City: Zip Code: Father/ Guardians Name: Employer: Legal Guardia tnY_ N — Work Phone: Pager #: Cell Phone #: Other #: Mother/ Guardians Name: Legal Guardim nY_ N Employer: Work Phone: Pager #: Cell Phone C Other C School District student iszoned for: School student is zoned for: Last school attended: Date: Grades: Address: Phone #! City State Zip (Of}ice 0 nly: Last report card/Withdramal received: Date records requested: 0 U 67 ? Attachment 7K Name of siblings in family: School Attending Any person who knowingly falsifies information on a form required for the enrollment of a'student in the Westlake Academy commits an offense under section 37, 10 of the Texas Penal Code, which offense is a class A misdemeanor unless the person's intent is to defraud or harm another, in which event the offense is a felony of the third degree. My signature below confirms that I have read and understand the above information and accept the responsibility for any false information concerning the enrollment of the student, Parent/ Guardian Signature: Attachment X WESTLAKE A C A D E M Y STATE OF TEXAS § § AFFIDAVIT OF SCHOOL VOLUNTEER COUNTY OF TARRANT § Before me, the undersigned notary, on this day personally appeared , a person whose identity is proved to me through (describe the identifying document). After I administered an oath to him and upon his oath he said: My name is , I am over 18 years of age, of sound mind, and capable of making this affidavit. The identifying document listed above is correct and authentic. The facts stated in this affidavit are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct. 2. 1 have voluntarily authorized a check of my criminal background history by the Town of Westlake and the Westlake Academy. 3. 1 authorize the Town of Westlake and the Westlake Academy to terminate my status as a volunteer at any time and with or without cause. 4. 1 agree to save, indemnify, release, and hold harmless the Town of Westlake and The Westlake Academy, their officers, employees, representatives, agents, and attorneys from and against any and all loss, claim, causes of action, including any loss or claim of loss for bodily injury or death. It is the intent and agreement of the affiant that this indemnity include acts, damages, or loss caused by the negligence, or alleged negligence. 5. 1 do not now and 1 have not at any time, either as an adult or as a juvenile, been charged, investigated, convicted, terminated, forced to resign, treated for, institutionalized, sued, settled a claim before suit, lost a state license, been refused a volunteer position, violated a court order, had a report of child abuse or neglect made and substantiated against me, or have any pending criminal charges against me in this or any other jurisdiction due to any conduct, matter, or thing (irrespective of formal name thereof) constituting, relating to, or involving (whether under criminal or civil law of any jurisdiction) a minor, juvenile, child, lewdness, indecency, a felony, obscenity, pornography, sexual assault, rape, or incest. '1i1.• Attachment 7M Signed: Print Name: Date SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, the undersigned notary, on this day of Notary Public in and for the Stale of Texas Address: Driver's License Number and State: Date of Birth: SS#: H:Toyle-Lowry\West Lake\wl-affidvit\wl-affidavit-school volunteer -simple form,doc Attachment 7N Page 8 WESTLAKE A C A D E M Y Volunteer Program Confidentiality Statement 1 understand and agree that in the performance of my duties as a volunteer in the Westlake Academy Volunteer Program, 1 must hold in strictest confidence any observations 1 may make or hear regarding students, students' families, school staff or school business, I understand that intentional or involuntary violation of confidentiality may result in disciplinary action including termination by the Westlake Academy Volunteer Program and/or legal action by others (i.e., students, families of students, school staff, school administration, etc.) Volunteer Signature Please Print Your Name Date 00071 Attachment 70 AGREEMENT OF SUPPORT Parent /Guardian As a Parent/ guardian of a child attending Westlake Academy, I agree to support the school in carn•ing out policies and procedures as indicated in the Parent / Student Handbook. I recognize that Westlake Academy is a public Charter School and I have voluntarily chosen to enroll. Student Name In return for supporting the school policies and procedures, I expect the fkulh• and staff of Westlake Academy to provide my child u-ith the type of education stated and implied in the Parent /Student Handbook. N2mc of Parent / Guardian Relationship to Student Signature of Parent / Guardian Date Student I am aware that Westlake Academy is a school of choice. After talking with m` parents/guardians, I hati-e chosen to attend Westlake Academy. As a student at Westlake Academy, I agree to accept responsibilih, for following the policies andprocedures as described in the Parent/Student Handbook. Student's Signature: Lem 00072 Attachment 7P m Y 0 v 0 c 0 0 0 t U N L �i o S' t O a) > OU U 5 C N C O C_-C }0 0 Q t C s L Cp 0= O O C O O} U N U N U E O C 0 Q o) Q �, c EE .O p .V U 3 ,C O U Q E s 0 >, U a) O O a) c C v U ® Q + U c } o+ a O D U 0 U Q> C U� 1- E O L O a) � Q Q) �= _� U C Q D •� Q Q) a) a) C a) i ., 9)- � Q U =o"' 0 D o �, 3 a o p o Q..a) � E.c O' � °� c C� o 0 c Cl)c� �o�CX Co�a�°�zou 'oC) ; e oU Cr o UQ=o .S CLc UQ CvnYc ® a). C 'i Q 3 OE C 0) C E U-C O N Q U Q E O a) C) 00 -0� '0 0 a) U Ci 0 Q Q L q) U O Q= C— U 0)Q)LL - E 0 >,C.NtF C �� p� O O 0C) U v=�id C �' � +_ Q) c C 0 'U7 Zc O N U-0 c ) U y c a) L E U)a a�O QE CO C De C -a V) 7) 't t 0 aC) E QU D�IIL�wJ=Qz�0-0 C NU a a) 1- c c U vQm �Q)Q"Q =C c� ) -0 a Q)CU L U�'EcEEj�+-+_O C a)Oc C E aO +U- o X_L - o a)Q'Or. U C — O Y OOp) ) C)Q> p U p L > C14 C 0 O U C C O 0- L N -0.-c O � E .U—U)O U �c„ C U Q 0 0 0 0 0 C= i U E N c C a) p N _ U 0 0 U Q U N D_ a) > >Q O O aa)) C-0 O U U U L N O c p� C c Q) U0•) O U c0 p j zi c0 = U} •-' 0 a) .N 0 Q) s } O+ t+ 0 Q U Q fL U Q- Q) Lt .CocC2 EU N.0 aC O 0 p�� aQ. c}C L ° CO o >, N o o N C a) } U O C2 O O U p U 1- p C L >- o v } L }.� o ? - aQjuooO �N E �oda -a- 42ooc E o cz 0oa) b-"a 0u- E < Z 0)c °p'-c O C c.= Z) 0) 0-p O E "U 00 co �tz 0o o oc�C 0mU ooc CU a) o E O Q Q O p a N O c cn + N >, C EO p `O c-0� o� amaO Oap � U O Q) 0 O cn o��ao a00 IOZ C a�.U E���C U E aio ' C 70 c c vs w O > u V Q W E O Q) c C C O N Q O aro �° °EW a�6 ° O �vQ C) E o Q� m m y vO O c c c_ C LU �L~ O O C r Q) O + O N o E O C L O O U D Q- O O ° Col) O mac°Q °0-s4- c: ° �COO. oQ`z�O -3�c w�p av�zo Q > `c Q 4y U } a o� OCR NQ cE�oc� y O Q) 0 +�_ L O Q) cn � O O >U .� c a O �} . '� Lu � Q) O O Q� 3 Q) > � c o s c > DO 0) O>- O O _ C U C O O O 7 i3 O Q O Q-C O c p yy a 'U 'O -0 0 c Q a Q) t �' c U U 0 c -0 N p l c° U ;' 3> O v cn � a Q. O .0 O O 0 +`- -C C Q D1 Q O C+ Q) r C C N d C O p RS Q C U �= C N Q) C Q) U N L7 'S O O O C O V C) -C }O C p 3 Q Q) UQ) c O c x Q) O Q� N O a) o c p >� O�QNO QIIOOz��U_���0_�� 6 O O U U L N t7 -� N= N O N C N C Q c C � c co 0 0 O O j Q O U Q) LL Q <„ � O x O O n Q O Q) + U Q O O co O) } C QCj C _� Q) 0 C v 7 O v C)� O � O C -O -c O Q7 ? c D Q) 5 O Q. c aa) o m� O C Q) O O L-C L Q L N N Q) o Q) Q. x Q) x O O w L -C Q) U- ° ri Y t Q) Ln+ i- + lS in L h-0 co t Q) Q Q) .� o O O U O �.Q ce-n �4-O p N O'S 0 0 0 t Q) ?: O Q) X LC) O N U +- + O - (n O C O - -a O -0 cp Cl) vi Q) 0 C)N O Q) O O O Q t O a O Q N U p �,N CT C + n Q) Q O C D - Oa N .0 > O Q) >, ° > Q O Q) O Q > ii �_ � � D O C OC U i off= a �' �'a c C 3 Qc N o ° °' Q N C O .� Q) + O 0 -0h U O U 0) U 0 -0 .Q O p Q += Q) C .0 E .� Q) N •Q 0 0 0 o O }- a) O Q) O d D- OOx TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 1701 North Congress Ave.* Austin, 'rexas78701-1494 * 512/463-9734 *FAX: 512/463-9838 * http://www.tea,state.tx.us Charter Renewal November 27, 2007 Scott F. Bradley, Chair Town of Westlake One Paigebrooke Ln Westlake, TX 76262 Re: Charter Renewal for Westlake Academy Charter School (CDN 220810) Dear Scott F. Bradley: I am pleased to inform you that the charter renewal is approved for Westlake Academy Charter School with a contract ending date of July 31, 2016. After renewal, the charter contract shall consist of the following: • the representations and assurances made by the charter holder in the original request for application under the standard application system; • the original contract for charter, as signed by the charter holder and the State Board of Education; • any condition, amendment, modification, revision, or other change to the charter approved by the State Board of Education or the commissioner of education; • the final renewal application, on file with the Division of Charter Schools, including any revisions required by the agency and any amendments to the charter made through the renewal application; and • all statements, assurances, commitments and representations made by the charter holder in its application for charter renewal and its attachments or related documents, to the extent that these documents are consistent with those listed above. Note that this contract is contingent upon legislative authorization and that the contract and the funding under state and federal law may be modified or even terminated by future legislative act. Furthermore, state and federal taws and rules may periodically be adopted, amended, or repealed and all such changes applicable to the charter holder or its charter school(s) may modify this contract, as of the effective date provided in the law or rule. Nothing in this contract shall be construed to entitle the charter holder to any privilege or benefit, including any funding, but in accordance with state and federal laws in effect and as they may in the future be amended. A contract term that conflicts with any state or federal law or rule is superseded by the law or rule to the extent that the law or rule conflicts with the contract term. Scott F. Bradley, Chair Town of Westlake Page 2 To acknowledge acceptance of this renewed contract, the chair of the charter holder board must sign below and return the entire original document to: Texas Education Agency Division of Charter Schools William B. Travis Building, Room 5-107 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701-1494 The charter holder should keep a copy of the document for its files. Please contact the Division of Charter Schools at (512) 463-9575 with any questions. Sincerely, Robert Scott Commissioner of Education cc: Barbara Brizuela, Superintendent rs MAR 3 I the undersigned hereby certify that the governing body of the charter holder has accepted and agreed to the charter renewal agreement for Westlake Academy Charter School as outlined in the foregoing letter and has authorized me to sign below. Agreed and Accepted: Scott F. Bradley Date Chair, Town of Westlake CHARTER AMENDMENT REQUEST FORM ° Texas Education Agency ° Charter Schools Division ° Phone (512) 463-9575 • Fax (512) 463-9732 Westlake Academy 220-810 Name of Charter School County -District Number All amendment requests must be made in or attached to a written resolution adopted by the governing body of the charter holder and signed by the members voting in favor. In addition, all amendment requests should include the text and page number, or a photocopy, of the current charter language to be changed, and the text proposed as the new charter language. Expansion amendments, numbers 1-4, must be submitted by February 1 of the year preceding the school year during which the amendment would become effective. 1. Add Grade Levels (Expansion Amendment) - Requested effective date: Currently approved grade levels: • Requested new grade levels: Attach the written board resolution as described at the top of the page; Attach an education plan for each new grade level to be served,- Attach evidence that impact statements have been sent to school districts and charter schools within the geographic boundary of the requesting school. ❑ 2. Add a Site (Expansion Amendment) - Requested effective date: • New Address (if available): • Is the proposed campus within the currently approved geographic boundary? () No 0 Yes If not, see request below to Change Geographic Boundary. • If the amendment is approved, is a campus number requested? ® No C) Yes • If the amendment is approved, should a campus name different from the charter name be used? 0 No ®Yes • If the amendment is approved, should mail be sent to the campus? ® No 0 Yes Attach the written board resolution as described at the top of the page; Attach evidence that impact statements have been sent to school districts and charter schools within the geographic boundary of the requesting school; Attach a certificate of occupancy, or equivalent certificate, appropriate for the proposed use of the facility at the new site; If the specific location is not identified at the time of the amendment request, this information shall be submitted prior to commencing any operations at that site. ® 3. Change Geographic Boundary (Expansion Amendment) - Requested effective date: -As soon as approved • School districts and charter schools in currently approved boundary:- See Attached • Proposed new school districts and charter schools: See Attached Attach the written board resolution, with the required language (see instructions), as described at the top of the page; Attach evidence that impact statements have been sent to school districts and charter schools within the geographic boundary of the requesting school; Attach another sheet of paper to describe the request, if necessary. ❑ 4. Increase ]Maximum Enrollment (Expansion Amendment) - Requested effective date: • Currently approved maximurn enrollment: • Requested new total maximum enrollment: Attach a board resolution with the required language (see instructions); .The amendment will not be considered b r the he commissioner without the avpropriate board resolution. ]Vote that the resolution required for this Owe ofamendment is different f•om that used for Other h.pes ofamendrnents Attach evidence that impact statements have been sent to school districts and charter schools within the geographic boundary of the requesting school. S. Relocate Campus or Site - Requested effective date: • County District Number: • Current Address: • Proposed Address (if available): • Is the proposed relocation within the currently approved geographic boundary? C) No C) Yes If not, see request above to Change Geographic Boundary. • If the amendment is approved, should mail be sent to the campus? Q No Q Yes Attach the written board resolution as described at the top of the page; Note that the proposed site must be within the currently approved geographic boundary. If it is not, you must also submit an amendment request to extend the geographic boundary. ❑ 6. Other Amendment to Charter - Requested effective date: Description: ___ Attach another sheet of paper to describe the request, if necessary. 817-490-5757 4'S,iguatu2re��,_fC arter School CEO Phone Number Barbara Briruela 1/14/08 Printed Name of Charter School CEO Date 817-490-5762 Fax Number Charter Amendment Request Form Addendum #3 Change Geographic Boundary (Expansion Amendment) — Requested effective date: 1/14/08 • School district and charter schools in currently approved boundary_ Birdville, Carroll, Grapevine- Colleyville, Keller Lewisville Northwest • Proposed new school district and charter schools: HEB, Decatur Paradise Boyd Weatherford, Krum, Ponder, Denton Little Elm Argyle Frisco Carrollton Grand Prairie Duncanville, Lake Dallas, Springtown Azle Coppell Irving, Arlington Fort Worth Eagle Mountain Saginaw Highland Park Garland McKinney. Westlake Academy Charter Amendment Request Current Charter (with approved revision dated August 15, 2007) reads: Section I Cover Page Geographical Boundary: The original charter application and amendment history reflects that the following district(s) comprise the charter school's geographic boundary: Birdville ISD Carroll ISD Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Keller ISD Lewisville ISD Northwest ISD Requested amendment would read: Geographical Boundary: The original charter application and amendment history reflects that the following district(s) comprise the charter school's geographic boundary: Argyle ISD Arlington ISD Azle ISD Birdville ISD Boyd ISD Carroll ISD Carrollton ISD Coppell ISD Decatur ISD Denton ISD Duncanville ISD Eagle Mountain -Saginaw ISD Fort Worth ISD Frisco ISD Garland ISD Grand Prairie ISD Grapevine-Colleyville ISD HEB ISD Highland Park ISD Irving ISD Keller ISD Krum ISD Lake Dallas ISD Lewisville ISD Little Elm ISD McKinney ISD Northwest ISD Paradise ISD Ponder ISD Springtown ISD Weatherford ISD WESTLAKE ACADEMY MEMO TO: Board of Trustees, Westlake Academy FROM: Barbara Brizuela, Head of School DATE: January 7, 2008 SUBJECT: Meeting on January 14, 2008 ITEM: Consider a resolution to approve an application for an expansion amendment to the Westlake Academy Charter that would add additional geographic boundaries for transfer students. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND: In reviewing the TEA approved boundaries for students of Westlake Academy, the school districts in which our students reside and in comparison to other charter school's approved boundaries the staff feels that it would be in our best interest to increase the number of school districts from which the Academy can accept transfer students. The approval of this Resolution will allow the Academy to apply for an expansion amendment which would allow the school to accept transfer students for enrollment from a wider expanse of locations. The approval of this amendment is in the best interest of the Academy, its present and future students and staff members. This amendment would allow a more diverse location for Academy and Town staff. In our research we discovered that many charter schools include a great number of ISDs in their transfer boundaries, e.g. North Hills has over 60; Arlington over 40: Honors over 100. Our present expansion would bring Westlake Academy's total to 31. School districts that would be requested for inclusion in the transfer student boundaries are: HER, Decatur, Paradise, Boyd, Weatherford, Krum, Ponder, Denton, Little Elm, Argyle, Frisco, Carrollton, Grand Prairie, Duncanville, Lake Dallas, Springtown, Azle, Coppell, Irving, Arlington, Fort Worth, Eagle Mountain -Saginaw, Highland Park, Garland, McKinney. These are in addition Birdville, Carroll, Grapevine-ColleyviIle, Keller, Lewisville and Northwest which are already approved districts. Upon approval of this Resolution, the school will submit a Charter Expansion Amendment Application to the Texas Education Agency. The deadline for this application is February 1", 2008. IRESOLI,,�YION NO08-04 A RESOLMON OF THE DWARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKI,'. ACADEAVV WTIMRIZIM, EXPANSION WEINDNIEN"J''I'O T111;: VVESTLAKE ACADF!VVV CHARTER 11) INCREME '11111 GECKRAPHIC HOUNDARY Fm rRANSFER STUDENTS. kVHEREA,1.,,. of IWO, deskes to c\p �jf,,d, , d,c , rt�ol Cro�m which it �ge<a q, an.d flllllh�,,, Ehmrd of bumm Auls that Sc, passagu of this Resolubmt is iri 111C NOW 1111YEFORE, BE J'j' jZj,s0j,'VED BY T11Y 11R)A011) OF I .US TEES V� FS FLAKE ACA I)EM Y, the AM Of PUSICON of Nbmthkc Acfie ony hemby Q)Ms the aumhed hum AM& V11, SeCIA, N Gwgraph&- Munchmics. Patugimph 2. w add the idlo"i, n,� � 011 - 1,'Vhlich szuuden",-� C��chok,�l distric" tfi- in ampled: MR. Decawr, 11Pamuwlu,"e, Matherihnf, Krum JW&L Denumh Kide Elm, -Argyle. Primun Carmilmn Gnuid lVairk. lNuivanvilk. lake Wim. btringhmm AM (Qpc& hymp AdOgmni. t.bjq. 1,,1WL floe Whape up"I to &W of A pmap" zfic I �A 2-0 " �\ND, Al"PRM;T111) Y () J,AN1..RV, - 0,8 ... . .. ... . d C(,m z u w 1 k Od 6f S60ol o Signature of Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy who approved the Charter Amendment Request to add the pre -mentioned school districts to Westlake Academy's geographic boundary /for rttransfer students. Board Members V inpC a inlfavor of �r�.cnlf�tinn OR -Oa - Pete Steger Kevin Maynarc Bob Timme= Don Redding Anachment A I N k-IF Aqvil 18. 2OU8 Mrhara BRuck klv'estlakc Academy (liarter Sclioo[ i600 Ottirger Of W'eithikt,% TX 76262 lklr Ms' llri�uela: Ise cmn"WAwl. 11;lsopprm �:d the amcO&Awn request MAN) lo M Ow kdbwkg shmd dOWN w gcogriphk houndwy Rmn "llh wanthr sludelas %\AI he ac"pth: I at-100spHadAn! I'-;U. D"mur ISI). fl;1radisv l'sD, 13o-d ISK Wcatherl'ord M), Krum Poildel lsl)Denton 1-SI), kiltL FIM ISD Argy1c 1--0.1, Frisco 13rZMCII ISI). 61-;Uld ISD, DLHlC,!HN':IIc 15)U' Lakw t1ullas M. Springto"m ISD. AW ISIX COpl-1-011 ISD- lrs iln-U ISD, Ailill,!10fl ISD, FOrt V\';-,Lil ISD, I,itdil:md i'mi 101 WNW TD. and 41044mv IM) MaNc jmw i. No— llafv(: min tau vmAmz Pon, smims th, DkIshin Wlumcr Salmol Unikinwirl at (512).463.95 ys. Pc!ry' Dir-'dklr r w .t �H 00 L7 N m w m o r- rn a r, t -' w Ln N m w N m�D m o I- r l0 n M 0 ri N (q C}' U) w w l31 O r-i N m d' Ln LD r Lb m (D ,-i N M et U) lD y, 0 0 0 r-I ri c-7 .-I i-1 r•1 ri r-I c-i c-i N N N N N N N (� N N m m M M m m m Q Ln Ln m Ln U) Ln U) U) U) U) Ln Ln Ln Ln U) Ln Lr) Ln Ln U) Lr Lt) L!) U) U) Lr) Lr, Ln L!) 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Q Q L i_ U L L L L m @ •1`� m L T L (a p (>) Y L Ln 0 0 D O m 0 0 oe 0 0 0 0 0 0 lJ O J D Y om 0 0 a � 0 Ln c 3; n m m - L c Q m m a 0 TLn 0 — n m o p Y Ln p 0 n Ln Qov)—O> p vv a �(AOwLn@O C 0 m�� m YT �vN �n ° Q v oN0 N—> V) o O c —0 m_— CL v 0 •y+aLiO• o a U o m en LL v c o o o a v I Q Q Q m V V D D O w LL. LL (7 z S X x J J J G Z D_ D_ Ln v) V C Charter Amendment Request Form -MAXIMUM ENROLLMENT INCREASE Texas Education Agency *Division of Charter School Administration *Phone (512) 463-9575 *Fax (512) 463-9732 Westlake Academy Name of Charter School .20-b10 County -District Number Requested effective date: July 1 _ This should be July 1 unless specific circumstances warrant the request of a different date. Current maximum enrollment Soo Requested maximum enrollment 1,450 If the amendment is approved, what sites wih be impacted by the increase in enrollment? Our single campus located i.n Westlake, Texas. If the amendment is approved, what is the minimum number of instructional hours per day to be provided students at the sites impacted by the inaease in enrullrntnt7 7 hours Maximum Enrollment Expansion Amendment Request Checklist The following must be submitted in the order listed below with an expansion amendment request for an increase in maximum enrollment: 1. Charter Amendment Request Form - MAXIMUM ENROLLMENT INCREASE (if multiple amendment requests are being made, include all request foirns together,i X 2. Charter holder hoard resolution A written resolution adopted by the governing body of the charter holder and signed by the members voting in favor of amending the charter must he submitted. A grinnum of the memhers must have voted in favor of amending flip rhartpr. Include printed names as well as signatures of the board members. The names should match information on the most recent Annual Governance Reporting, Forms submitted to TEA. Otherwise, documentation explaining any differences must be included. The board resolution for a maximum enrollment increase must include a special board resolution that includes a statement that the board has considered a business plan containing the following elements: • a statement discussingthe need for an increase in the maximum enrollment; • a statement discussing the current and projected financial condition of the charter holder and/or the charter school; • an unaudited statement of financial position for the current fiscal year • an unaudited statement of activities for the current fiscal year; • an unaudited statement of cash flows for the current fiscal year, • a pro forma budget that includes the costs of operating the charter school, including the implementation of the expansion amendment; • a .statement or schedule that identifies the assumptions used to calculate the charter school's estimated Foundation School Program revenues; • a statement discussing the use of debt instruments to finance part or all of the charter school's incremental costs; • a statement discussing the incremental cost of acquiring additional facilities, furnihn'e, and equipment to accommodate the anticipated increase in student enrollment; and • a statement discussing the incremental cost of additional on site personnel and identifying the additional number of full-time equivalents that will be employed. The business plan must be submitted to I LA within five bus nes.s days if requested (I(rnuhiple amendment requests ore being made, include all board resolutions together.) X 3. A list, in alphabetical order, of the school districts in the approved geographic boundary that may be impacted should the commissioner approve the- amendment requosf X 4. Evidence, in alphabetical order by district, that Impact statements have been sent to each school district that may be affected by the expansion. X 5. Compliance information as required 19 Texas Administrative Code §100.1035 to include the following: • Documentation that indentifies a board member's substantial interest in a business entity or in real property that relates to any charter business; • Documentation board members' aostentions from voting in cases of potential conflicts of interest; Documents, other than Annual Governance Reporting Forms, identifying family members within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity who serve as board members and/or employees and/or contractors of the charter holder or charter school; and • Documentation that board members or employees wl•ose criminal history checks revealed them ineligible to serve were removed from service as is required by Texas Education Code §12,120; OR • A signed statement attesting that within the last three years there have been no instances of nepotism, conflicts of interest, or revelations in criminal history checks that deemed any board member or employee ineliVible to serve. As the CEO/superintendent of the charter school, I understand that an expansion amendment is not a right or entitlement and that in determining if a change in the contract for charter is appropriate, the commissionerof education will review and consider specific Issues including, but not limited to, charter performance data (e.g., accountability ratings, FIRST ratings, accreditation statuses, and underlying data) and compliance. I also understand that prior to approving an expansion amendment request, staff In the following divisions and program areas will be consulted to determine if any potential problems or concerns exist with the charter holder or charter school: Performance Reporting, Charter School Administration, Child Nutrition, Financial Audits, Grants Administration, Legal Services, PEIMS Data Reporting, Program Monitoring and Interventions, NCLB and IDEA Programs, Student Assessment, Governance and Waivers, General Inquiries, and Complaints. I further understand that incomplete submissions will not be processed and that there will be a delay in processing submissions that are not submitted in the correct order. t � jjjjsjhjlr 81'7 490 5V20 tbrymer•` Westlake-tx.org 1 a'� F_ gn lure of CI'rartrr cho C -p/Superintendent Phone Number Email Address Thomas E. Brymer 01-23-2012 Printed Narne of Charter School CEO/Superintendent Date WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 12-03 A RESOLL110N OF THL; BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM STUDENT ENROLLMENT FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy desires to increase the maximum enrollment at Westlake Academy to 1,450 students; and WHEREAS, the current charter granted to Westlake Academy by the State Board ol- Education limits the maximum enrollment to 800 students; and WHEREAS, Title ly Texas Administrative Code Section 100,1033 allows the terms of an open-enrollnnent charter to be revised with the consent of the charter holder by written amendment approved by the commissioner of education; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy has, reviewed and considered a business plan that includes the following Components: a. statement discussing the need for an increase in the maxinu.un enrollment; a statement discussing the current and projected Financial condition of the charter holder andr"or the charter school; an unaudited statement of financial position for the current fiscal year; an unaudited statement of activities for the current fiscal year; an unaudited stafetnent. ofcash flows ten• the current fiscal year; m a pro lbrma budget that includes the costs of operating the charter school, including the imptenaentation of the expansion amendment; a. statement or schedule that identifies the assumptions used to calculate the charter school's estimated Foundation School Program revenues; a statement discussing the use of debt instruments to finance pars: or all of the charter school's incremental costs; a statement discussing the incremental cost of acquiring additional facilities, furniture, and equipment to accommodate the anticipated increase in student enrollnicnt; and ® a statement discussing the increuicsntal cost of additional on site personnel and identifying the additional number of full-time equivalents that will be employed; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy has determined that Westlake Academy meets all eligibility criteria for approval of an expansion amendment; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of Westlake Academy. WA Resolution I:'-03 Page 1 of 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD 01, TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY, TEXAS: SEC 1'tON 1: That all matters stated in the recitals above are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as ifcopied in their entirety. SECTION 2: The Board of Trustees of the Westlake Academy hereby approves an amendment to the Westlake Academy charter to increase maximum enrollment to 1,450 students, subject to approval by the Texas Cormiiissioner of Education. SECTION 3: if any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining, provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED 3Y THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WES`I'LAKl ACADEMY, A CHARTER SCHOOL OF THE SUAt'E OF TEXAS, ON `l'l-1E 9th DAY OF JANUARY 2012. ATTEST: Kell Eclwar s, 13oa1•d Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: lan Hubert, School Attorney Laura Wheat, President �l Thomas E. Br'}`rtT e ' Perin . ndent WA Resolution 12-03 Pagc 2 or2 Statement of Impact AMENDMENT Westlake Academy Charter School 220-810 County -District # The charter school above plans to submit the following amendment or amendments to its open -enrollment charter for consideration by the commissioner of education: ❑ 1. Expand grade levels served Currently approved grade levels: Requested change: X 2. Increase maximum enrollment Currently approved maximum enrollment: 800 Requested change: 1,450 ❑ 3. Add a campus Proposed new address, if available: If the campus address has not yet been secured, the school districts within the currently approved geographic boundary are listed here: 4. Expand geographic boundary The proposed new school districts/area to include are listed here: District Staff. Check the appropriate response below. ❑ The proposed change for the open -enrollment charter school is not expected to impact the school district to a significant degree. ❑ The proposed change for the open -enrollment charter school is. expected to have a major impact on the school district in the following manner: District Name District Address Signature of Board President Print Board President's Name Date Received by District County -District # Phone Number Signature of Superintendent Print Superintendent's Name Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Argyle ISD Dr. Telena Wright 800 Eagle Drive Argyle, Texas 76226 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, % ». Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • wWW.westlakeacademy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Arlington ISD Jerry McCullough 1203 W. Pioneer Pkwy Arlington, Texas 76013 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Z7 Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Otdnger Road + Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • www.westlakeacademy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Azle ISD Dr. Ray Lea 300 Roe St Azle, Texas 76020 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 J 1 Ottinger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 81.7-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 + www.westlakeacademy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Birdville ISD Darrell G. Brown, Ph.D. 6125 East Belknap Street Haltom City, Texas 76117 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road + Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro; 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5 7 58 + www.westlakeacadeniy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Carrollton -Farmers Branch ISD Dr. Bobby C. Burns 1445 N. Perry Rd. Carrollton, Texas 75006 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • WWWAVestlakeacademy.org Westlake Academv January 11, 2012 Coppell ISD Dr. Jeff Turner 200 S. Denton Tap Coppell, Texas 75019 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 Jr OWnger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 . Fax: 817-490-5758 + WMV.Wesrlakeacademy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Decatur ISD Robert Townsend 501 East Collins Decatur, Texas 76234 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT OL011ger Road • VVeAlake, 'Texas 76262 Meuro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • wwVV.wesL1akeacademy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Denton ISD Dr. Ray Braswell 1307 N. Locust Denton, Texas 76201 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 ,JT Ottinger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Meuro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • www.west(akeacademy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Duncanville ISD Dr. Alfred L. Ray 802 South Main Street Duncanville, Texas 75137 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Winger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • wWWMestlakeacademy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Eagle Mountain -Saginaw ISD Jim Chadwell Ed.D. 1200 Old Decatur Road Fort Worth, Texas 76179 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, CKr Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 ,JT Ottinger Road • Westlake. Texas 76262 Tvletro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • www.westlakeacadeni org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Fort Worth ISD Walter Dansby 100 N University Dr. Forth Worth, Texas 76107 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro; 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • WWNA%westiakeacademy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Frisco ISD Rick Reedy 5515 Ohio Dr. Frisco, Texas 75035 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • wwwmestlakeacademy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Garland ISD Curtis Culwell, Ed.D. 501 S. Jupiter Garland, Texas 75042 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT' Ottinger Road • Westlake, 'Texas 76262 McLro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • WWW.WeSdakeae_ademy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Grand Prairie ISD Dr. Susan Simpson 2602 South Belt Line Road Grand Prarie, Texas 75052 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT OtbrIger Road • N'VeSdake, 'Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • WMN.West akeacademy,org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Grapevine-ColleyviIle ISD Dr. Robin Ryan 3051 Ira E. Woods Avenue Grapevine, Texas 76051 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • www.westlakeacaderny.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Highland Park ISD Dr. Dawson Orr 7015 Westchester Drive Dallas, Texas 75205 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • P'ax: 817-490-5758 • www.westlakeacadeiny.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 H-E-B ISD Dr. Gene Buinger 1849 Central Dr. Bedford, Texas 76022 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road • Westlake,'Fexas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • www.westiakeacadeniy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Irving ISD Dana Bedden, Ed.D. 2621 West Airport Freeway Irving, Texas 75062 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road + Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro; 8 7-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 + WWW.westlakeacadenry.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Keller ISD Veitenheimer, James 350 Keller Parkway Keller, Texas 76248 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road • Westlake. Texas 76262 Metro: 81.7-490-5757 • Fax: 81.7-490-5758 • WwwV.Westlakeacaclemy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Krum ISD Mike Davis 1200 Bobcat Blvd. Krum, Texas 76249 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 81.7-490-5758 • WWW.westlakeacademy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Lake Dallas ISD Gayle Stinson P.O. Box 548 Lake Dallas, Texas 75065 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • WWW.Westlakeacademy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Lewisville ISD Dr. Stephen F. Waddell 1800 Timber Creek Road Flower Mound, Texas 75028 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 + www.westlakeacademy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Little Elm ISD Lynne Leuthard PO Box 6000 Little Elm, Texas 75068 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, C 2 \," Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • wWV=.westlakeacadeniy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 McKinney ISD Dr. J.D. Kennedy One Duvall Street McKinney, Texas 75069 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 . Pax: 817-490-5758 0 WWW.westlakeacademy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Northwest ISD Karen G. Rue 2001 Texan Dr. Justin, Texas 76247 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road • WesLlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • wW"'.westlakeacademy.org Westlake Academv January 11, 2012 Paradise ISD Monty Chapman 338 School House Road Paradise, Texas 76073 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 j"I' Otcinger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 + Fax: 817-490-5758 • WWW.WeSLIakeacadeiiiy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 PonderlSD Bruce Yeager 400 West Bailey Street Ponder, Texas 76259 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Otciilger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • WWVV.Westlakeacademy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Southla ke-Carrol I ISD David Faltys 3051 Dove Road Grapevine, Texas 76051 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road • Westlake. Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Pax: 817-490-5758 • www,westtakeacademy.org Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Springtown ISD Mike Kelley 301 East 5th Street Springtown, Texas 76082 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817-490-5758 • WWW.Westlakeacademy.urg Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Weatherford ISD Dr. Jeffrey Hanks 1100 Longhorn Drive Weatherford, Texas 76086 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# - 220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically, Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, rKf.. Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Winger Road • WesOake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 * Fax: 817-490-5758 • WWW.wesclakeacadeniy.org Westlake Academy 2600,JT Ottiilger Road • Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 81.7-490-5758 • WWW.Westlakeacadeniy.org ISD Argyle ISD Arlington ISD Azle ISD Birdville ISD Carrollton -Farmers Branch ISD Coppell ISD Decatur ISD Denton ISD Duncanville ISD Eagle Mountain -Saginaw ISD Fort Worth ISD Frisco ISD Garland ISD Grand Prairie ISD Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Highland Park ISD H-E-B ISD Irving ISD Keller ISD Krum ISD Lake Dallas ISD Lewisville ISD Little Elm ISD McKinney ISD Northwest ISD Paradise ISD Ponder ISD Southlake-Carroll ISD Springtown ISD Weatherford ISD Superintendant Dr. Telena Wright Jerry McCullough Dr. Ray Lea Darrell G. Brown, Ph.D. Dr. Bobby C. Burns Dr. Jeff Turner Robert Townsend Dr. Ray Braswell Dr. Alfred L. Ray Jim Chadwell Ed.D. Walter Dansby Rick Reedy Curtis Culwell, Ed.D. Dr. Susan Simpson Dr. Robin Ryan Dr. Dawson Orr Dr. Gene Buinger Dana Bedden, Ed.D. James Veitenheimer Mike Davis Gayle Stinson Dr. Stephen F. Waddell Lynne Leuthard Dr. J.D. Kennedy Karen G. Rue Monty Chapman Bruce Yeager David Faltys Mike Kelley Dr. Jeffrey Hanks Address 800 Eagle Drive 1203 W. Pioneer Pkwy 300 Roe St 6125 East Belknap Street 1445 N. Perry Rd. 200 S. Denton Tap 501 East Collins 1307 N. Locust 802 South Main Street 1200 Old Decatur Road 100 N University Dr. 5515 Ohio Dr. 501 S. Jupiter 2602 South Belt Line Road 3051 Ira E. Woods Avenue 7015 Westchester Drive 1849 Central Dr. 2621 West Airport Freeway 350 Keller Parkway 1200 Bobcat Blvd. P.O. Box 548 1800 Timber Creek Road PO Box 6000 One Duvall Street 2001 Texan Dr. 338 School House Road 400 West Bailey Street 3051 Dove Road 301 East 5th Street 1100 Longhorn Drive City Argyle Arlington Azle Haltom City Carrollton Coppell Decatur Denton Duncanville Fort Worth Forth Worth Frisco Garland Grand Prarie Grapevine Dallas Bedford Irving Keller Krum Lake Dallas Flower Mound Little Elm McKinney Justin Paradise Ponder Grapevine Springtown Weatherford State Zip Code Main Telephone # Texas 76226 940-464-7241 Texas 76013 682-867-4611 Texas 76020 817-444-3235 Texas 76117 817-547-5700 Texas 75006 972-968-6100 Texas 75019 214-496-6000 Texas 76234 940-393-7100 Texas 76201940-369-0000 Texas 75137 972-708-2000 Texas 76179 817-232-0880 Texas 76107 817-871-2000 Texas 75035 469-633-6000 Texas 75042 (972) 494-8201 Texas 75052 972.264.6141 Texas 76051 817-488-9588 Texas 75205 (214) 780-3002 Texas 76022 817.283.4461 Texas 75062 972-600-5001 Texas 76248 817.744.1000 Texas 76249 940-482-6000 Texas 75065 (940) 497-4039 Texas 75028 (469) 713-5200 Texas 75068 972-292-1847 Texas 75069 469.742.4000 Texas 76247 817-215-0000 Texas 76073 940-969-2501 Texas 76259 940-479-8200 Texas 76051817-949-8222 Texas 76082 817-220-7243 Texas 76086 817-598-2808 Westlake Acadeniv Texas Education Agency Charter Schools Division 17O1North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 787O1'1494 Commissioner Scott: We have one instance of a secondary principal who is within the first degree of affinity with a primary school teacher. Otherwise, please accept this letter as a statement attesting that, within the last three years, the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees has had no instances of nepotism, conflicts of interest, or revelations in criminal history checks that deemed any board member or employee ineligible to serve. Sincerely, Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body State ofTexas County of Tarrant / Superintendent \/ Beforeme,` -�� on this day personally appeared known zome(or proved nomeonthe oath o or through (description ofidentity card orother document) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this d a v o f (y e a r). 'Iy COMMISSION EXPIRES (Persona|i������--�-- / Nc4ai�Pub|ic'sGgnaL� z*x.xou/og, mnu°u�nuk,.r,uxr'�^z x=Am� mr4vos7xr"nx� n/r+x s/m^"a~n�c u�em*emx,.r» CDN�22O-81U Mr. Thomas E.Brymnr Westlake Academy Charter S:hod 28000#ingerRoad Westlake, Texas 76262 Dear Mr. The commissioner has approved the following amendment request: � (O0812/1)VVEGTLAKEACADEMY CHARTER SCHOOL bzincrease the maximum enrollment from 800 to 1,450, effective July 1, 2012, Ifyou have any questions, contact Nina G.Gonzalez inthe Division nfCharter School Administration by phone at (512) 463-9575 or by email at n ina..qo nza lez(a-)-te a. state. tx. us. Sincerely, Mary Perry, Director Charter So'col Adnn|:ioiradion TE AL* - Texas Education Agency North Congress Avenue - Austin, Texas 787+01-1494. 512 463-9734. 512 463-9838 FAX - tea,texas.gov CommissionerMichael Williams December 1, 2015 Mrs. Laura Wheat, Board Chair TOWN OF WESTLAKE 3 Village Circle Suite 202 Westlake, TX 76262 RE: WESTLAKE ACADEMY CHARTER SCHOOL (220810) 2015 Open -Enrollment Charter Renewal Notice - Discretionary Dear Mrs. Wheat: The Division of Charter School Administration is contacting you in regards to WESTLAKE ACADEMY CHARTER SCHOOL charter contract renewal. The renewal of a charter is a matter of consideration taken up by the commissioner of education at the end of a charter term. Charters are granted initially for a five-year term. At the end of the initial five-year term and every ten-year renewal term thereafter, charters are required to submit a renewal petition. Subsequent terms of a charter renewal are for a period of ten years from the original renewal date. If approved, this charter renewal will expire on July 31, 2026, Texas Education Code (TEC) §12.1141 provides three distinct designations for the consideration of the renewal of a charter. After the review of student performance data, financial performance data, and other criteria relating to the operation of the charter, the agency shall assign the renewal designation of the charter to reflect one of the following: expedited consideration, discretionary consideration, or mandatory expiration of a charter. The purpose of this letter is to notify you of your current charter contract expiration date of July 31, 2016 and the charter's discretionary renewal designation. Enclosed please find the spring 2016 Open -Enrollment Charter Renewal Petition and associated resources. A coversheet, entitled OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER PETITION COVERSHEET (Attachment A), is to be used as the petition coversheet as instructed in Section I of the petition. Completed petitions must be received by the agency no later than Tuesday, January 5, 2016. To complete the petition, please type your answers in the corresponding fields and print the petition for signature and mailing to the Texas Education Agency. Specific instructions for completing the petition can be found on Page 5 of the document. Before a discretionary renewal decision can be issued by the commissioner of education, the petition must receive clearance from the following areas of the agency: Charter School Administration, Child Nutrition, Complaints, Educator Standards and Certification, Enforcement Spring 2016 Open -Enrollment Charter Renewal Petition Notice - Discretionary Page 2 of 2 Coordination and Governance, Financial Accountability and Reporting, General Inquiries, Grants Administration, Legal Services, NCLB and IDEA Programs, PEIMS Data Reporting, Performance Reporting, Program Monitoring and Interventions, and Student Assessment. The charter must also have a status of Accredited as defined in 19 Texas Administrative Code JAC) §97.1055. Provided the charter holder submits its renewal petition by Tuesday, January 5, 2016, charters qualifying for the discretionary renewal process will be notified of their status by April 4, 2016. The accountability data used to determine that the charter meets the discretionary criteria is enclosed (Attachment B). If you disagree with the renewal designation under which you will be renewed, you may request a designation assessment by sending a written request to: Brandon Spenrath, Program Specialist Charter School Administration Texas Education Agency 1701 North Congress Ave. Austin, Texas 78701 Fax (512) 936-9281 brandon. s pen rath (@tea.texas. gov The agency must receive your request for a designation assessment no later than Tuesday, December 8, 2015 in which you must identify the designation change you are requesting, the reasons for your request, and the documentation to support your request. Approved renewal designation changes will be communicated on or before December 22, 2015. If your request for designation assessment is not received before the deadline, the agency will proceed with the discretionary determination of your 2016 Open -Enrollment Charter Renewal Petition without further review. If you have questions regarding the renewal petition process, please contact the Division of Charter School Administration at (512) 463-9575. Sincerely, i Heather Mauze, Director Division of Charter School Administration cc: Mr. Brymer, Superintendent Enclosures Attachment A Attachment B TE A'*', Texas Education Agency 1701 North Congress Avenue - Austin, Texas 78701-1494 - 512 463-9734 - 512 463-9838 FAX • tealexas,gov Michael Williams Cornmissioner December 1, 2015 Mrs. Laura Wheat TOWN OF WESTLAKE 3 Village Circle Suite 202 Westlake, TX 76262 Mrs. Wheat: I emailed the enclosed 2016 Open -Enrollment Charter Renewal notification letter to you and Mr. Brymer on Tuesday, December 1, 2015. This hardcopy is for your records. In addition, the 2016 renewal petition, petition coversheet, and respective accountability data used to determine your renewal designation (expedited, discretionary, or mandatory expiration) were included in the email. These documents are not being mailed to you in hardcopy but are available electronically should you need them. If you did not receive the aforementioned email, please call or email me using the contact information below so that I may forward the appropriate documents to you for completion by the petition due date of January 5, 2016. Sincerely, Brandon Spenrath Ri-andon.Speni-atli(@tea.texas.gov 512.463.4047 N 2 mal v, �61 4 4 SM va "Pas -a 1"I I 0 Contract end date: July 31, 201� ',#Ietition due date: January 5, 2011, TE A�wq` Texas Education Agency Westlake demy C arter School - 2208.10 2015-201 Explanation of Renewal Process .................................. .-........ --........ ................................................ -................. 4 Application Instructions.................. ...................................... -................ ....... ............................................... ...... ......................... 5 SelectedDefinitions .............. _........................... ..... .......................... ~---........................................................... 6 Application Sections: Section |.Coversneet(Attachment A) ....... ... ....... ........ ... -............................ .......................................... —7 This boprintout ofcurrent charter holder information from the TEA Division of Charter School Administration database, the CSTS, and must be attached as the application coversheet (Attachment A). SectionII. Contact information. ... ......... ............................................ ................................. ............. ..... .... ..8 Requires the charter holder to provide the current contact information for the superintendent, the charter holder board chair, and the person who prepared the application. SectionIll. VVebdtePostings .............. ......... ................ .................. ................. ....-... -............... ......... ....... ] Requires the charter holder Loprovide the hmmepaQeweb address where the names ofthe members of the governing body are listed; the web address where the superintendent's salary |sposted; and web address where the charter financial statements are continuously posted as required by Local Government Code 0140.O0G. SectionIV. Organizational Charts .............. ............. .......... -......... ............................................. ................ 1O Requires the charter holder to provide the organizational chart of the charter school as well as a chart showing other entities and programs managodbythecharte/hdder This section requires the submission cf attachments 1and 2. SectionV.Admission Policy ............... ............................. ...... ..... --........ ....... .............. ....... .................. 11 Requires the charter holder to provide details concerning the charter school's admission policy and practices. In addition, this section requires the submission of attachments 3, 4, and 5. SectionVI. Special Education Assurances ... ............ .................. ......... ........................ ...... ............................. l4 Requires the charter holder to certify that hhas policies and procedures in place that ensure implementation of all federal laws and regulations, Texas laws, State Board of Education rules, and commissioner rules related tostudents with disabilities, and further assures that any future amendments tothe regulations, laws, and rules will be incorporated and implemented. This section must be signed by the charter holder board chair. Section N|.Serving Students atResidential Facilities Assurances ------------------.....—.—.l5 This section is required only when the charter educates students at a residential facility. Requires the charter holder to certify that it has policies and procedures in place that ensure implementation of all federal laws and regulations, Texas laws, State Board of Education rules, and commissioner rules related to charter schools serving students at residential h*d|ides and further certifies that any future amendments to the laws, regulations, and rules will be Incorporated and implemented. If required, this section must be signed by the charter holder board chair. Section NU,Bmn0uaVESLSection SO4 and Dyslexia Assurances ..... .................... ............ ............................ 17 Requires the charter holder to certify that it has policies and procedures in place ensuring that it complies with the legal and regulatory requirements concerning identifying education services to limited English proficient students, students protected by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and students with dyslexia or related disorders. This section must be completed and signed by the charter holder board chair. i, -Westlake Academy Charter School - 220810 Pacie 2 of 21 Section IX. Fingerprinting and Criminal Record Check Assurance ...................... ......... ...................... ............ 18 Requires the charter holder to certify that it isincompliance with TEC§12.12l and confirms that no individual Is serving in any capacity if he or she has been convicted of misdemeanor Involving moral torpitu6e/a he|omG an offense listed (nTE[g37.O07(a);o,onoffense listed inArticle 8].001(5)Code of Criminal Procedures; unless the individual is eligible to be employed /n a position in a school d[atd¢ under TEC§12.1%0(a-1). Section X.Certificate ofAcknowledgement. ................. .... ...... .......... ...... ....... -.......... .-........... ..... .-19 Requires at least a majority of the governing body of the charter holder to certify that it has had an opportunity to review the completed renewal application and has authorized, during an open meeting, submission of the opp|buthzn to the commissioner ofeducation for consideration of the renewal of the charter. Texas Education Agency Contact Information ... _......................................................... ............ ....... ......... ]0 Renewal Process Flowchart ....... -.......... ............. ................... ..................... .......... ............. ............ 21 Attachments Required of Applicant: Charter School Organizational Chart (Attachment1) Charter Holder Organizational Chart (Attachment Z) Admission Policy (Attachment 3) Admission Application (Attachment 4) Enrollment Form (Attachment 5) 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §100.1031 contains additional information about charter renewal. The renewal process is separate from the charter amendment process, 5ignificantchan0eufromtheorigina|charter should not bemade |nthe renewal application unless echarter amendment has been previously approved. As authorized in To/ox Education Code /TEI1§2I1142, the commissioner's procedures for renewal must include three distinct processes: expedited renewal, discretionary renewal, and expiration. Definitions ofthe three renewal processes: if in the precedingl-yg-ars: *Highest cxsecond highest academic performance rating -Satisfactory orhigher financial rating; and ,,No campus has been assigned the lowest rating or such a campus has been closed _among others o ° Academic Ratings �����2012-2013, 2013-2013, 2014-2015(no ratings issued in 2021-2012) ^ Financial Ratings Z01O-2011,Z011-2012,Z013-2O13,%013-2O14,2O14-2O1S • Performance Framework (TEC §12,1181) 0%1/ -Lowest academic performance rating " Lower than satisfactory financial rating *The charter was assigned any combination ofratings, or *Acampus has been assigned the lowest performance rating for the 3 preceding school years and has not been closed The due date for charters tusubmit the completed renewal application tothe Texas Education Agency (TEA)is TuesdaY, January S. 2016, You may request an assessment of the renewal designation ascribed to your charter above (indicated with check mark) by sending a written request to: Brandon Spenmt4Program Specialist Charter School Administration ITexas Education Agency 1701North Congress Ave. Austin, Texas 787D1 Fax (S1J)936'92O1 bra ndon.spenrnth@tea.(oxao.Qov The request must bereceived nulater than Y�rreque�mm��m��wh���gn�km you are requesting, the reasons for your request, and documentation tosupport your request. |[wedonot receive your [ Westlake Academy Charter School - 220810 The renewal application contains ten sections to be completed electronically, printed into hardcopy form for required signatures and dates, and submitted on or before the due date to the Division of Charter School Administration. 1. Deadline: The completed application must be returned by mail to the Division of Charter School Administration by: 2. Typing Requirement: All of the responses to the application sections, with the exception of signatures and dates of signatures, must betyped. 3. Printing Requirement: The application must be printed on one-sided 8 1/2" x 11" white paper, 4. Signature Requirement: Where signatures and dates of signatures are required, they must be in blue ink. S. Submission of Original Document and One Copy: The completed and unbound (rubber bands or clips are acceptable) original renewal application, including fiUab|eforms and attachments, and one additional copy must besubmitted as Texas Education Agency Division of Charter School Administration 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701 Please review TEC§12.1G1Z and 19 7AC §100107 for definitions of terms which are ovoUmWe at the eclq��� @Dd-rAgjpage. Listed below are selected terms and definitions: ° Charter holder ' the entity towhich acharter isgranted under 7EC, Chnpte`1J • Charter school - a Texas public school operated by a charter holder under an open -enrollment charter granted hythe commissioner pursuant toTEC§1l1O1 ^5pvern/ng body ufucharter holder ' the board oydirectors, board uf trustees, orother governing body ofacharter holder °Governingbodyqfmchmrterschom-deboard ofdirectors, board oftrustees, orother governing body ofanopen- enrollment obarterschnol;thetenm|ndude*thegovemingbodyofaoharter holder if that body acts aythe governing body of the open -enrollment charter school " Management company - a person or entity, other than a charter holder, that provides management services for an open -enrollment charter school °Oyficerofmcharter school ' the principal, director, prother chief operating officer ufmnopen-enrollment charter school; on assistant principal m/assistant director ofan open -enrollment charter school; or a person charged with managing the finances nf anopen-enrollment charter school • Board chair or chairperson - generally the board president or presiding officer of the governing board Westlake Academy Charter School - 220810 Page 6 of 21 ATTACHMENT A: OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER CONTRACT RENEWAL EmaUed to you was m document entitled ATrACHKx[NTA_RENEVVAL C0V[R5HEETwhich will serve as the c*ve,dneo when the application bcompleted and submitted. It includes current information (based on October 2U15snapshot data) in the Charter School Tracking System, Verify the accuracy of the information on the gpygLsheet and, if updates to the information are needed, create o separate skeet detailing your corrections and |o6d the sheet "Update to Data Provided by TEA", and include it in the renewal packet immediately following the preprinted coversheet. The coverdheet and corrections document (if applicable) should he printed and included in the application just before page 8when submitting. SAMPuCOVERSHEET OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER CONTRACT RENEWAL COVERSHEET -NeWake Academy Charter School - 22081 a Page 7 0 Attachment A OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER CONTRACT RENEWAL PETITION Section 1. Current Information in Charter School Tracking System Charter Holder Name: TOWN OF WESTLAKE Charter School Name: WESTLAKE ACADEMY CHARTER SCHOOL Mission/Vision: The Westlake Academy will provide a rigorous curriculum that is international in scope with high expectations by sharing the responsibility of educational development between teachers, parents, community, and students. This will be achieved by providing an innovative approach to education that focuses on each student's needs to develop a thirst for knowledge, produce positive esteem, encourage good citizenship and maximize their individual potential. This will prepare students for a rapidly changing environment that is global in scope. Charter School County/District t 220-810 Generation: 07 Maximum Approved Enrollment: 1,450 Grades Approved: K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Campuses/Additional Sites: ill 220810001 WESTLAKE ACADEMY 2600 J T OTTINGER RD WESTLAKE, TX 76262 Grade Levels Currently Served: 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12 220810001-Site 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY 828 Harwood Rd Hurst, TX 76064 Grade Levels Currently Served: KG 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12 Geographical Boundary: The original charter application and amendment history reflects that the following district(s) comprise the charter school's geographic boundary: ARLINGTON ISD AZLE ISD BIRDVILLE ISD BOYD ISD CARROLL ISD CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCHISD COPPELL ISD DECATUR ISD DENTON ISD DUNCANVILLE ISD EAGLE MT-SAGINAW ISD FORT WORTH ISD FRISCO ISD GARLAND ISD GRAND PRAIRIE ISD HURST-EULESS-BEDFORD ISD IRVING ISD KELLER ISD KRUM ISD LAKE DALLAS ISD LEWISVILLE ISD LITTLE ELM ISD MCKINNEY ISD NORTHWEST ISD PARADISE ISD PONDER ISD SPRINGTOWN ISD WEATHERFORD ISD Attachment A Update to Data Provided by TEA Update #1 - Westlake Academy no longer holds any school related business or activities at "Site 2" (828 Harwood Road Hurst, TX 76054). Please update our campuses/additional sites to indicate this change. Update #2 - Per communication with the Commissioner of Education on April 18, 2008, Westlake Academy's geographical boundary changed to also include Argyle ISD and Highland Park ISD. Additionally, Grapevine- Col leyvil I e ISD was listed in our original charter but is not listed on the cover sheet. - - I I I .. - I . 1. Attachment A TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 1701Noah CQOgmsAVc.*AU&6n,'ftXm 79701-1494 * 51V03-9734 SIV461.9838 * hnp)/wwW1tUL$1OtOAX1U9 August 7, 2007 Ms. Barbara Brizuela, Head of School Westlake Academy 2600 Ottinger Road Westlake, Texas 76262 Dear Ms. Brizuels: Waiver ID# 24507 1. received .your correspondence dated June 25, 2007, pertaining to the denial of your waiver request. After careful review of this Individual case, I would like to inform you that your request fors waiver has been granted. In addition, your request to change your geographic boundaries to- include only the school districts of Birdville, Carroll, Grapevine-Colleyville, Keller, Lewisville, and Northwest has also been granted by the Chief Deputy Commissioner. This amendment is offe'ctive August 15, 2007. Adrain o son, Ed.D. Associ Commissioner Cc: Robert Scott Judith De to Garza Mary Perry Jim Davis Attachment A 1YE,STLAKE AC'ADEMl ' RESOLUTION NO, 08-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WF,STLAKE ACADEMY AUTHORIZING AN EXPANSION AINIENDNIEN'C TO THE WESE"LAKE: ACADEMY C UTARTER TO INCREASE THE GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY FOR TRANS E14 STUDENTS. WHEREAS. the Board of Truste s desires to expand the geographic area fry m which it will accept student transfers: and WHEREAS, the: Board ol"hrustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the Academy. ,NOW, 'I HERFFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WE STLAKE AC`ADE'4fY: SI'.C"ll()' 1, 'I'liat the ll and rat' Trustees of Westlake Acu&mv hereby adopts the Application fior Charter Amc:ndmcm attached hereto. Article V11. `section A C.ieographic Boundaries. Pa agraph 2. to add the following school districts from which transfer students %viil be accepled: l-lEB, Decatur. Paradise. Boyd. Weatherford. Krum. Ponder. Denton, Little Elm. Arpic. Frisco. C'arrolltan. Grand Prairie. Duncanville. lake Dallas. Springtomi, Azle. Coppell. Irving. ;Arlington. Fort Worth. l?tttgle %Iciuntain-Saginaw. Ffighland Park. Garland. McKinrleY. Sl'hlt..?L 2. that this ReSOlUlit�rt Shilil ElecOMe cf'f'cctiv'C upOat the elate of its passaoc but contingent Capon approval by the ITA. PASSED AND APPRC VED ON 1'1-11ti 14"' DAYOF 1ANU ARY. 2008. AT ITST: r F:iftt �uttc:I~ SecrGtstrl APPItli,1�'"1) AS [C 11ORM: St �lLltra�(resident - . t trbarat l3riztlela. IleI,(i of School Attachment A Westlake Academy Charter Amendment Request Current Charter (with approved revision dated August 15, 2007) reads: Section I Cover Page Geographical Boundary: The original charter application and amendment history reflects that the following district(s) comprise the charter school's geographic boundary: Birdville ISD Carroll ISD Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Keller ISD Lewisville ISD Northwest ISD Requested amendment would read: Geographical Boundary: The original charter application and amendment history reflects that the following district(s) comprise the charter school's geographic boundary: Argyle ISD Arlington ISD Azle ISD Birdville ISD Boyd ISD Carroll ISD Carrollton ISD Coppell, ISD Decatur ISD Denton ISD Duncanville ISD Eagle Mountain -Saginaw ISD Fort Worth ISD Frisco ISD Garland ISD Grand Prairie ISD Grapev ine-Colleyvi Ile ISD HEB ISD Highland Park ISD Irving ISD Keller ISD Krum ISD Lake Dallas ISD Lewisville ISD Little Elm ISD McKinney ISD Northwest ISD Paradise ISD Ponder ISD Springtown ISD Weatherford ISD Attachment A TEXAS :EDUCATION AGENCY 1701 Ni it Ili Conyrvv, A% e.* 78701.1-194 * 5121463-97.Ll * FAXI 512M(,3-9ON * lilt j �m� Robert Scott Commissioner April 18. 2008 Barbara Biiztiela Westlake Academy Chanter School 2600 Ottinger Rd WcstIake,'I*X 76262 Dear N'Is, Brizuela: The commissioner has approved the amendment request (047-08) to add the following, school districts to the charter's geographic boundary 1'roill Which transfer students will he accepted: I Itirst-Euless-Bedford ISD. Decatur ISI), Paradise ISI), Boyd ISD, Weatherford ISD, Krum ISD, Ponder ISD, Denton ISD. Little [,:It)) ISD. Argyle ISD. Frisco ISD, Carrollton -Farmers Branch ISD. 0-and Prairic ISD, Dmicanville ISD, Like Dallas ISD, Springlown ISD, Azle ISD. Coppell ISD, Irving ISD, Arlington ISD, Fort \Vorlh ISD, Eagle Mt -Saginaw ISD, I I ighland Park ISD, Garland ISD, and McKinney ISD OTective.lunc 1, 2008. II'VOU 1111VC any (ILICStiOlIS, please contact the Division of'Charter School Administration at (5 12) 463-9575. Sincerely, Mary Perry, Director Charter School Administration The persons listed below will becontacted byagency staff If there are issues to be resolved in any ofthe renewal application sections. Note that any contact informadon, including email addresses, provided with the renewal application will hepublic information. Superintendent's Name: Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: ITBrymer@westiake-tx.org Board Chair's Name: Telephone Number: 1817-430-0941 Fax Number: E-mail Address: [T�eat(@westIa1e-tx.o_rq Contact Name: jJennifer Furnish Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: lakeacademy.org Web Address: In accordance with the requirements of TI[§12,2211, an open -enrollment charter school shall list the names of the members of the governing body on the home page of the school's inUnrne{websbe. Provide the exact intcrnet URL address where the names nfthe members ofthe governing body are listed. ndexJ pYuREC_0=318\ 50 In accordance with the requirements of 7E[§12.236, an open -enrollment charter school shall post the salary o/the school's superintendent or CEO on the school's |ntemnet wetoite. Provide the exact hnteroet URL address where the superintendent's salary isposted. Please see Attachment B-directly behind this page |naccordance with Local Government Code §248006 anopen-enrollment charter school shall post continuously onthe school's internet website the annual financials of the school. Provide the pKart internet URL addresswhere the annual financial statements o/the charter school are continuously posted. I— Westlake Academy Charter School -220810 Page 9 of 21 Attachment Question regarding 'TECsubsection 1J.136 Jennifer Furnish Student Services Administrator for Westlake Academy, spoke with Mr. Brandon SpenraLh regarding the posting ofthe Superintendent's salary. The superintendent for the Academy does not receive any monetary compensation for his duties inthis position. The Charter isheld bythe Town of Westlake and in his capacity as the Town Manager, he also serves as the superintendent for the school, Per the conversation with Mr. Spenrath, he advised that we vvouN not need to post the superintendent's salary on the website as long as none of his compensation is paid via state funding and his compensation is not dependent on his duties asthe superintendent, but rather his duties as the Submit, as Attachment 1 the organizational chart for the charter school that specifies the administrative positions including the title and name of the Individual currently in each position. Submit, auAttachment 2,ochart that identifies all other entities under the direction of the char -ter holder. This would include entities and/or programs thotdhecharterholdergoverns/manageoinaddidontothechaMa,»choo.(fU`eon|y entity under the direction of the charter holder Is the charter school, submit this attachment as an explanation of such a scenario, Submit each attachment behind this page ofthe application. Attachment 1 I ITIEi1LS 1 amwillan ory Committees AdvisBoards A td'o I r I TexasStudent Town Housing Attorney Assistant TCi Executive Pa Court Administrator I Deputy Clerk marshal Part Time Court Clerks court judge Human Resources - i Hit Generalist ! f Information Technology WA Technician Police Services (contracted thn, 14 City of Keller) intern Communications I i Communication Specialist Fire Chief 3 Lieutenants r- 7 FTE Firefighter Paramedics 1,50 PT Firefighter Paramedics Finance Customer service Coordinator I I Customer service Representative Supervisor Municipal Academic Town Secretary Part time Clerk Facilities Maintenance I Parks & Recreation WATectinkiiiii Part Time Clerk Planning & Development Building Inspector Public Works Technician Executive Director W.A. Foundation Assistant Exemplary Governance Town Officials, Both Elected and Appointed, Exhibit Respect, Stewardship, Vision, and Transparency Service Excellence Public Service that is Responsive and Professional, while balancing Efficiency, Effectiveness and Financial Stewardship Asst Principal I Athletic Director Student Services Administrator Administrative Staff Nurse PYP Primary Principal PYP Coordinator Primary Counselor Primary Teachers M, - W. I MYP Principal MYP Coordinator Academic Dean MYP Teachers DP Principal Coordinator Diploma Teachers College Counselor AttaChmetlt i_ CITIZENS OF 'ESTL.AKE WA SUPFRINUNDE r ssistant Town �xrcutive Firtt ctpa "' Court _ Arkriuistrator Deputy Clerk Marshal Part Time Court Clerks Court Judge Human Resources NR Generalist '-L--- Information Technology WATechnkian Police Services {contracted tluu tho eny or KeRed i Town Secretary Int=}rn ` Asst Principal / Athletic Dire€;tor Communications Pan Time Clerk Student Services Communication Administrator Specialist Facilities Maintenance Parks Administrative & Recreation i Staff E Fire Chief Nurse WATechnkian Part Time Clerk 3 Lieutenants PYP Primary r . - - - - Planning & Principal Development / PYR 7 FTC Firefighter ! Building Inspector Coordinator Paramedics? Primary 1.50 PT Firefighter Counselor Paramedics --------- _.....__.....-- Public Works Primary Teachers �~ Finance Librarian Technician Customer Service -- - — - Coordinator Executive Director MYP Principal j W.A. Foundation Customer service MYP Representative Caaedinatar Assistant Supervisor Academic Dean MYP Teachers Municipal Academic ^ �DP Principal Coordinator Exemplary Governance Diploma Town Officials, Both Elected and Appointed, Exhibit Respect, Teachers Stewardship, Vision, and Transparency Cagegc Counselor Service Excellence Public Service that is Responsive and Professional, while balancing Efficiency, Effectiveness and Financial St^Wardship Please be aware that any change to the terms of an open -enrollment charter that relates to the following subjects: • grade levels, • maximum enrollment, • geographic boundaries, • approved campus(es), • approved sites, • relocation of campus, • charter holder name, • charter school (district) name, • charter campus name, • charter holder governance, • articles of incorporation, • corporate bylaws, • management company, • admission policy, or • the educational program of the school requires the commissioner of education's approval of an flment. (See §100.1033(b) Types of amendments, 19 TAC Chapter 100.) A. Specify the period during which applications for admission are accepted. 1EC, §12.117, requires that a charter school establish a reasonable application deadline for the submission of applications for admission. Beginning of Period (Month/Day) End of Period (Month/Day) 1131 B. If the school admits students by lottery when the number of admissions applications received exceeds the number of available spaces, describe the procedures followed in conducting the lottery. [-] tottery not utilized If there are more eligible applicants than available spaces in a grade, admission shall first be offered to eligible applicants residing within the primary geographic boundary. After consideration of all eligible applicants from primary geographic boundary, the Academy may admit eligible transfer applicants residing within secondary geographic boundary. If the number of applicants from this boundary exceeds available space, all eligible transfer applicants will be placed in the lottery. A name will be drawn for each vacancy that exists, and each drawn applicant will be offered admissions. The remaining names will be drawn and placed on a waiting list for each grade level in the order they are drawn. C. if the school utilizes a lottery when oversubscribed, are any categories of applicants exempted from the lottery? (: Yes C No C Not applicable (because lotteries are not utilized) If "Yes" was indicated in C above, state the categories of applicants that are exempted. Please see the attachment Board policy (No. 1.02 - page 2) for details regarding each group: 1. the children of the Town of Westlake employees (with percentage (imitations} 2. the children of the Founders of Westlake Academy (with percentage limitations) 3. siblings of admitted or returning students [-Westlake Academy Charter'Schoa - 2 0810 Pa'Je D. If the school utilizes a lottery when oversubscribed, specify the approximate date on which a lottery will be conducted. Approximate Date of Lottery (Month/Day) 1 02/18 E. If the school does not utilize a lottery when oversubscribed, but rather fills the available positions In the order in which applications were received before the expiration of the application deadline (i.e., a "first -come, first -served" admission process), describe the manner In which the school notifies the community of the opportunity to apply for admission. TEC, §12.117, requires a charter school that uses a first -come, first -served admission process when oversubscribed to publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation not later than the seventh day before the application deadline. F. If the school has a separate process for re -enrollment, state the process and the timeline to be used. Intent to re -enroll is sent out to all families in late February/early March, Registration takes place in August. For re -enrollment, families complete part of the enrollment process online and then have several days to attend registration where they can meet with a Westlake staff member to complete the registration process. G. State the procedures for processing applications received once the application deadline has passed. ations for participation in the lottery are accepted from December I through January 31 each year. If an application is etecl after the deadline of January 31, the student will be placed at the bottom of the wait list that is established for the grade in February In the date order the application is received. H. Describe the information that an applicant must provide in order to be considered for admission. Applicants may not be required to provide copies of transcripts or other academic records until after they are offered admission and are enrolling. Furthermore, a student may not be precluded from enrolling due to the charter school's failure to receive information required for enrollment from the student's parent or guardian or previous school, See TEC, §25,002. Applicants must provide: current grade level, name, date of birth, school district to which student is zoned, guardian Information, physical address, email address, and proof of residency. An applicant seeking admission based on a grandparent's after school care must submit additional documentation regarding the amount of after school care, EWestlake ACademy Charter- PacIe 12'o, Wool - 220810 1. The charter holder certifies that the non-discrimination statement required by TEC, §12.111 (a)(5) is printed in the school's admission policy. TEC, §12.111 (a)(5) requires that a charter school's admission policy include a statement that the school will not discriminate in admissions based on gender, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic, artistic, or athletic ability, or the district the child would otherwise attend. (: Yes C No S. Does the admission policy either require or permit the school to exclude from admission all students with documented histories of a criminal offense, a juvenile court adjudication, or discipline problems under TEC Chapter 37, Subchapter A as authorized by TEC, § 12.111 (a)(5)(8)? (: Yes (The school excludes such students or reserves the right to exclude such students from admissions.) C No (The school does not deny admission to such students based on their documented histories of misconduct.) Submit • A current copy of the admission policy that incorporates the information provided in the above answers to questions A through N and any other relevant information (Attachment 3); • A blank copy of the current admission application, i.e., the information requested when the student first seeks admission (Attachment 4); and • A blank copy of the current enrollment forms), i.e., the information required once an applicant has been offered admission and is registering for enrollment (Attachment 5) Attachment 3 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 1.02: Date Board Adopted: May 4, 2009 Date Board Amended: June 1, 2015 Effective Date: June 1, 2015; contingent upon TEA approval Policy Category: Admissions Policy Name: Westlake Acadniny Admissions Policy Policy Goal: Communication/Transparency of student and parent requirements for admission into Westlake Academy; Engagement of stakeholders and fiscal stewardship Policy Description: Applications from new students are accepted from December 15E through January 315t. Currently enrolled students receive a (Notice of Intent to Return form the first week of January, This form asks students to state whether they intend to return to Westlake Academy the following school year and to identify any siblings who wish to attend Westlake Academy the following year. This form must be returned by January 31st Currently -enrolled students, admitted after August 1,2015, expressing a desire to return and who continue to reside within an approved geographical boundary are automatically enrolled for the following school year upon timely receipt of the Notice of Intent to Return form, subject to the following limitations: (1) a currently -enrolled student who originally obtained admission to the Academy based on the student's residency in the primary geographic boundary; and (2) a currently -enrolled student who obtains admission as the child of a full-time Town of Westlake employee retains the right to re - enrollment only if the student's parent continues to be employed by the Town of Westlake on a full-time basis. Vacancies in each class are then determined. If the number of eligible applicants does not exceed the number of vacancies, then all eligible applicants who timely applied will be offered admission. If there are more eligible applicants than available spaces in a class, then admission shall first be offered to eligible applicants residing within the geographic boundaries of the Town of Westlake (primary geographic boundary). After consideration of all eligible applicants from the primary geographic boundary, Westlake Academy may admit eligible transfer applicants residing within the secondary geographic boundary. If the number of eligible transfer applications exceeds the number of vacancies, the admission of transfer applicants from the secondary boundary shall be determined by lottery, except that the following applicants are exempt from the lottery and may be given priority in admission, subject to the limitations identified. Exempt transfer applicants will be admitted in the following order: (1) the children of Town of Westlake employees, so long as the total number of students admitted under this exemption as the children of employees assigned to municipal duties constitutes only a small percentage of the total school enrollment and the number of students admitted as the children of employees assigned to Westlake Academy constitutes only a small percentage of the total school enrollment; and (2) the children of Founders of Westlake Academy, so long as the total number of students admitted under this exception constitutes only a small percentage of the total school enrollment; and (3) siblings of admitted or returning students. All eligible transfer applicants will be placed in the lottery. A name will be drawn for each vacancy that exists, and each applicant whose name is drawn will be offered admission. The remaining names will be drawn and placed on a waiting list for each grade level in the order they are drawn. If a vacancy arises, the individual on the waiting list with the lowest number assignment will be offered admission. Applicants are not required to provide copies of transcripts or other academic records prior to enrollment. In addition, a student will not be precluded from enrolling due to Westlake Academy Charter School's failure to receive the information required for enrollment from the student's parent and/or previous school. Westlake Academy Charter School does not discriminate in admissions based on gender, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic, artistic, or athletic ability or the district the child would otherwise attend, 12/10/2015 Screen Shot 2015-12-10at 8,05-12 AWpng Attachment 4 11itV%://miliI.googic.com/itiail/ti/O/#iiihoxi151ge3gi54.ld4O,3e'?pr(licclor--I 1/1 12110/2015 Screen Shot 20 15-12- 1 Oat 8.05.28 AM.png !,.,'i-n,,,-y (unrdian 4- i . Su t I',-,- d Pr,*!al,)ry Gt - i.,Xarnple: )'I Ottincler Road C: L. example: Wesilake, TX 'V U� I I: exampk-!: 000-000-0000 en,rnple: 000-0()O�.0000 Contact Name AddliJ(�nal CLmroiari Caril,,;ot Naive Attachment 4 htips://mail.googic.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/151gc381543d4O3c?projcctor=l 1211012015 Screen Shot 2015-12-10 at 8.04.32 AM.png Attachment 4 Academy S'Ludvt AD)pllc-ation foi- 2016- 20" ,"n[ ...n nn for parMpation kite Way are accept j in. n mb:v K! I wL . yu onvone aa n pplic'mai'ler, 6. `J,0111 Of oCH;,st �- that is eubii,-11:id for yc'ur �A)Nu" W ampt applicition- for !3tudcn"'"vho arc, onimmly Kindnnj,!", _; ': r 'I IIIrj;-t:y' Y"'5':' nvr-,! Kv 5 yews of age byMpernber 1, 2016 to unroP A 4MV- , !. • !,n!y nub= orn apNxmion pnr shAm. Slud -h r?h 04 o ot i n A.vok, A � A v k� him, iarrmln- V X ioutfordhkhcn"�n M' a Tnq shMants are ph.- 1 *RequTed "A, Data NOWAY Ron, DO YOU currLj%y, bava sdbi ng ci-u i d Gt ',,Vt5U:nkc_ Acatjlmp I Yes zwo Lore MI MMUMM 25% compleled lit ip.0/mai Lgoogle.corni'mail/u/Min box/ 15 1 8c38l543d403c?prqjec(or-- I I it 1211012015 Screen Shot 2015-12- 10 at 8.05.40 AM,png Attachment 4 LA 1 • ,, Back Continue 15 1 8c381543d4O3c?prqjcctor-- I Attachment 4 Westlake Academy Student Application Ploase Nno or PNnt for 2015-16 School Year 9o,'rill rill Application Me /Day /Year Grade Level as of St1, 2015 Date of Birth Mo /Day /Year First Name Middle Name Last Name School istnct student is zoned to attend according to addres School student is zoned to attend according to address Primary Guardian (s) (With Whom Student lives Relationship Street Address City, state Zip Day Phone Cell Phone Email address Fax 4��t(ni�t,19fG]�ti Other Guardian Relationship Street Address City, State Zip Day Phone Cell Phone Email address Fax Date Application Received Mo fltay /Your Accepted by Grade verified Yea._ No Notes Entered in Computer Yes„_ No_ Siblings enrolled at Westlake Academy CEO of Westlake Academy X NOTES: Westlake Residents will be notified when approval process is complete in order to receive registration materials. Your child must be 5 by September 1 at to enroll In Kindergarten at Westlake Academy. Attachment 5 Enrollinent Checklist Complete Steps 1 and 2 prior to Registration Week This will help speed up the process at registration. Step 1: > Update all student and parent contact information in the Parent Portal; please follow directions in the email to set up access. Step 2: > Print out forms for each individual student and complete, • Enrollment Form • FERPA Notice • Residency Affidavit (Westlake Residents Only) • Medical Form for the School Nurse • TEA Ethnicity Form • Home Language Survey • Parking Sticker Form (for high school drivers) > Print out a set of family forms and complete. • IPad agreement and insurance waiver • Back to School Supply Fee Form (optional) • Volunteer Forms (it is recommended to have one completed at the start of the school year for each parent) • HOC (House of Common) donation and volunteer form > Gather all supporting documents for registration verification. • A copy of your ID with your current address ■ If you recently moved, your ID must be updated before it can be accepted as proof of residence, NO INCOMPLETE paperwork will be accepted. If all documentation is not submitted prior to the first day of school, students will not be permitted to start. ® A copy of a current utility bill with your current address. ■ The combination of ID and utility bill is used as proof of residency that your family lives in an approved primary or extended boundary to attend Westlake Academy. All families are required to provide this at registration. • Students Documents that are required * Current immunization record. Attachment 5 • Birth Certificate (If a child is under the age of 11 an official birth certificate must be presented at the time of enrollment, a copy will be made for your student's permanent records) • Copy of their social security card o For students Grades 8-12, please provide a copy of their transcript and last report card. Do NOT forget the checkbook, all Westlake Academy Fees (athletic fees, after school activities, school supplies, i-Pad insurance, etc) may be paid with one check this year. Step 3: ➢ Plan to attend registration days August 4th, 501, and 6th > Be sure to bring all paperwork and payment, no incomplete packets will be excepted. Special Enrollment Items ➢ If enrollment is due to a Grandparent's after school care, we will need a new Grandparent Affidavit submitted, along with a copy of the Grandparent's ID and utility bill. > If you currently lease a property in Westlake, a current lease agreement must be received showing the property is leased through the end of the school year. > Families under a building permit exemption will need to provide a copy of their current residency utility bill and matching photo ID as proof they live in an approved extended boundary. > For any other special circumstances please contact the Registrar directly. Attachment 5 Student Name: Last, First Enrollment Form Grade: — For 2015-2016 school year School District / School Information School District student is zoned for based on home address and grade for 2015-2016 school year. ISD NAME: What campus in the ISD would your student attend for the 2015-2016 school year? CAMPUS NAME: What school did your student attend last year for the 2014-2015 school year? CAMPUS NAME: New Kindergarten Students leave blank, unless they attend Kindergarten in the previous year. Email / Electronic Correspondence Consent Yes, I would like to communicate via the email address I provided in Parent Portal. No, I would not like to communicate via the email address I provided in the Parent Portal. Agreement of Support: 0 Yes, I agree as a parent/guardian of a child attending Westlake Academy to abide by rules, policies, and uniform standards as outlined in the Parent Student Handbook, 0 No, I do not agree as a parent/guardian of a child attending Westlake Academy to abide by rules, policies, and uniform standards as outlined in the Parent Student Handbook. Technology Agreement of Support: 0 Yes, I have read and agree as a parent/guardian of a child attending Westlake Academy to the technology agreement. 0 No, I do not agree as a parent/guardian of a child attending Westlake Academy to the technology agreement. Attachment 5 lPad Insurance: Yes, I have opted into the IPad insurance and have read the conditions and terms. I have submitted payment for insurance, and understand that insurance is not valid until the payment Is received. No, I do not want lPad insurance and except full financial responsibility for any costs associated with damage or loss of the lPad, Volunteer Program Confidentiality Statement: Yes, I agree to abide by all Westlake Academy Confidentiality rules as outlined in the agreement document. No, I do not agree to abide by all Westlake Academy Confidentiality rules as outlined in the agreement document. I have read acid reviewed with iiiy child all information coiltained oil this eurolhiient form, and agi-ee to abide by it, Parent Signature Special Services Questionnaire: My Child HAS RECEIVED the following services: Dyslexia Speech Resource Other Special Education Services Counseling ESL Bilingual Title 1 Chapter 1 504 Pre-K/Early Childhood Special Services Other Date Parent Signature Date Attachment 5 Welcome to Westlake Academy TxConnect application! Here you will have access to current school -related information about your students, including registration paperwork and during the school year attendance. Step I: At this point you have set up your username and password. You may have entered the ** for each of your students. If you see each student listed to the left than you are ready to select the Button. Step 2: Select the Edit Student Settings Button, here you will select to have the Registration Key sent to your email to complete the initial set up. Please pay attention to the email that the Key is being sent to.* Step 3: Once you have entered the Registration Key, on the main page you will see a new button under your student's names. , this is were you will access your Fail Registration Forms. Please do so for each student. **If you do not see their names listed please go to MY ACCOUNT to enter Portal IDs, select the button to add each student. *Attention Hotmail users: At this time some families are not receiving the Registration Key email, even though is states it has been sent. We are currently working on the issue. Attachment 5 STUDENT NAME GRADE ----ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-2016 WESTLAKE ACADEMY FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT (FERPA) SIGNATURE PAGE STUDENT DIRECTORY INFORMATION -LEGISLATIVE UPDATE (SEC. 26.013) Westlake Academy provides to the parent of each student at the beginning of each school year: (1) A written explanation of the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.S. Sec. 1232g), regarding the release of directory information about the student and (2) Written notice of the right of the parent to object to the release of directory information about the student Linder the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g). NOTICE According to state and federal law, certain information about district students is considered "directory information" and will be released to anyone who follows the procedures for requesting the information unless the parent or guardian objects to the release of the directory information. If you do not want Westlake Academy to disclose directory information from your child's education records without your prior written consent, you must notify the district in writing within 10days. Westlake Academy encourages parents to use this form for the written consent notification. Westlake Academy has designated the following information as "directory information": 0 Student's name, address, telephone listing, email address, photograph, date and place of birth. 0 Student's major field of study, degrees, honors, awards, dates of attendance, grade level, most recent school previously attended, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height (if a member of an athletic team), and enrollment status. A parent is allowed to record their objections to the release of all information or one or more specific categories of the directory information, Westlake Academy has my permission to use directory information for school -related communications and publicity ONLY. I understand this may include the use of directory information for: yearbook, newsletters, Westlake Academy website, videos, HOC, WRAC, Town of Westlake, Westlake Academy Foundation, etc.) Westlake Academy should NOT release my child's student directory information for ANY reason, Example: If you check this box, your student's name will NOT appear in school publications or local newspapers if he/she wins an award. NOTE: If you check this box, your student will not be included in the school yearbook. Parent Signature: Parent Name (Please Print): Attachment 5 Texas Education Agency Texas Public School Student/Staff Ethnicity and Race Data Questionnaire The United States Department of Education (USDE) requires all state and local education Institutions to collect data on ethnicity and race for students and staff. This Information is used for state and federal accountability reporting as well as for reporting to the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). School district staff and parents or guardians of students enrolling in school are requested to provide this information. If you decline to provide this Information, please be aware that the USDE requires school districts to use observer identification as a last resort for collecting the data for federal reporting. Please answer both parts of the following questions on the student's or staff member's ethnicity and race. United States Federal Register (71 FR 44866) Part 1. Ethnicity: Is the person Hispanic/Latino? (Choose only one) ❑ Hispanic/Latino - A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or 0 entrai American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. F-1 Not Hispanic/Latino Part 2. Race: What is the person's race? (Choose one or more) El American Indian or Alaska Native - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains a tribal affiliation or community attachment. El Asian - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far E:ast, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. F1 Black or African American - A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. D Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. ❑ White - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. 'Student/Staff Name (please print) I (Parent/Guardian)/(Staft) Signature Student/Staff Identification Number I Date Texas Education Agency— March 2010 Attachment 5 wEs,rLAKF ACAI)EMY IiOMI, LANGUAGE SURVEY TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT OR GUARDIAN (OR STUDENT IF GRADES 9-12): The state of Texas requires that the following information for each student that enrolls for the first time in Texas public schools. This information shall be kept in each student's permanent record folder. TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY, BILINGUAL EDUCATION REQUIREME-Wr PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE STUDENT SOCIAL SECURITY # FULL LEGAL NAME GRADE LEVEL AS OF SEPT 1, 2015 WHAT LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN IN THE HOME MOST OF THE TIME? WHAT LANGUAGE DOES THE STUDENT SPEAK MOST OF THE TIME? BY SIGNING YOU AFFIRM THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM IS TRUE AND CORRECT. SIGNATURE OF LEGAL GUARDIAN DATE Attachment S 2015-2016 Grade WESTLAKE ACADEMY EMERGENCY INFORMATION FOR TH SCHOOL HEALTH CLINIC. Student's Legal Last Name Student's Legal First Name Student's Legal Middle Name M/F Birthdate EMERGENCY CONTACTS: THE PARENT WILL BE CALLED FIRST. If parent cannot be reached, emergency contacts will be called. Please note that contacts should be local, as they may need to pick up your child in case of illness. Parent Name(s): Mom's Daytime Phone: Mom's Cell: )— Emergency Contact Name: Home Phone: (_) Doctor's Name: Home Phone (^) Dad's Daytime Phone: ( ] Dad's Cell Phone: (_.._._.) Relationship to Student: Cell Phone: Doctor's Phone: ( ) MEDICAL. RELEASE AUTHORIZATION In case of accident or serious Illness, I request the school to contact me. If the school is unable to reach me,1 hereby authorize the person(s) listed as emergency Contacts and Doctor to be notified at the school's discretion and do authorize the named doctor/emergency doctor to render such treatment as may be deemed necessary in an emergency, for the health of said child. If It Is Impossible got the school to contact the physician, the school may make whatever arrangements necessary with the medical professional(s) available to give all necessary treatment to my child. I further assume the responsibility for payment of any professional emergency services required. •ME GI NCY PERTINEN'P IN RMATI N Allergfe , Dlsab ittfes, Mgdirat on ,a List all allergies: Reactions: Has your child used an EPI-PEN for any of these rxns? If yes, how long since it was necessary? PLEASE BRING AT LEAST ONE EPI-PEN INTO NURSE'S OFFICE IF YOUR CHILD REQUIRES ONE FOR SEVERE REACTION List any health conditions or concerns (include seizures, asthma, diabetes, frequent headaches, etc.): Recommended treatment at school for above health conditions: If student will need an inhaler for rescue or maintenance of asthma, please send it to Nurse's Office List current medications (include non-prescription and herbal): HISTORY Ol CHICKEN PQX LI LNE$ Has your child had the chicken pox illness and does not need the Varicella Vaccine? On or about what date? Has your child NOT had the chickenpox illness but HAS BEEN vaccinated with the Varicella Vaccine? The staff of Westlake Academy has my permission to administer the following medications as needed for the temporary relief of appropriate symptoms for those students ages five and older. Please note that NO MEDICATION WILL BE GIVEN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. If you want your child to receive medications without a phone call each time, this form MUST be signed and returned. Please circleyes gr no for each medication OR CIRCLE HERE for all a_porov_ed,below YES NO Acetaminophen (Tylenol) YES NO Antibiotic Topical Ointment (Neosporin) YES NO Ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) YES NO Topical Oral Anesthetic YES NO Naproxin Sodium (Aleve) YES NO Pepto Bismol YES NO Decongestant (Sudafed PE) YES NO Tunis YES NO Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) YES NO Cough Drops YES NO Hydrocortisone anti -itch cream YES NO Loratadine (Claritin) By my signature below, I consent to and give authorization for all areas detailed above on behalf of my child and that all information provided above is correct. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: The charter holder certifies it has policies and procedures in place that ensure implementation of all federal laws and regulations, Texas laws, State Board of Education (SBOE) and commissioner of education mks related to students with disabilities and further certifies any future amendments to the laws, regulations, and rules will be incorporated and Signature ofCharter Holder Board Chair ILaura Wheat Printed Narne of Charter Holder Board Chair if the charter school is DmtuurrenWy =pp,m"e6 to serve students at residential facilities, 6o not provide a signature and indicate N/A nnthe signature line. If operating a charter school campus on the site of a residential facility (RF) or serving students residing in or receiving services from onRF, the charter holder chair certifies bysigning the assurance that: Compliance with Special Education Requirements. The charter holder assures that it will comply with all of the requirements for the provision of educational services to students with disabilities as mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, as amended, the Texas Education Code, and federal and state special education regulations. The char -ter holder acknowledges that state and federal special education requirements require, among other things, it provide a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE) Co students with disabilities residing in Us. The charter holder further assures that it will prov|de, or seek the provision of, u FAPEto students with diaabi|ihey, which may require it tocontract with outside service providers or another local educational agency to provide necessary services and supports tustudents with disabilities, Geographic Boundaries, The charter holder assures that it will accept students who reside in the school district(s) that are within each campuy'u geographic boundaries regardless of the presence or absence of a disability or admission to or participation inunRFprogram, Admissions Criteria: The charter holder assures that its admissions criteria will not be based on the presence or the absence of adisability; orongender; national origin; ethnicity; religion; academic; artistic or athletic ability; or the home district the child would otherwise attend. School Choice: The charter holder assures that parents/legal guardians (or adult students) will beadvised that they may choose toenroll their child bneither the charter school or the local public school district and that the elected choice will be documented in writing and filed for purposes of review or audit by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), an external auditor, or another entity, Residential Facilities Monitoring (RfM) System: The charter holder assures that it understands that, pursuant to 19 (TA{) §97107I there is a specific system for monitoring school districts and charter schools serving students with disabilities who reside in Us. The charter holder further assures that /t understands it will be required to report data related to students with disabilities residing in RFs in TEA's data collection system known as RF Tracker and it may be subject ,o KFyW intervention activities and on -site visits based upon a review of the data reported on a random selection or other means of selection. Training: The charter holder assures that all personnel involved with serving students with disabilities residing in a RF and personnel involved with reporting data in RF Tracker will receive training on the RF&4 system. P{ma»m contact your regional Educational Service Center for information regarding the required RFM system training. The charter holder assures this document has been shared with, and understood by, the RF board and that the RF board has acknowledged its understanding of all federal laws and regulations, Texas laws, State Board of Education (SBUE) and commissioner of education rules related to charter schools serving students at residential facilities and further certifies that any future amendments to the laws, regulations, and rules will be incorporated and implemented. Signature of Charter Holder Board Chair (Must sign in blue ink) ILaura Wheat Printed Name of Charter Holder Board Chair Texas Education Code, Chapter 29, Subchapter8, TEC §12.z04(bl(2)(G),and 19 TAC §§89,1201-89.2265 require charter schools to identify limited English proficient students based on state criteria and uoprovide an appropriate bilingual education or A. The charter holder certifies k has policies and procedures in place Uoensure kcomplies with the legal and regulatory requirements concerning identifying and providing appropriate educational services to limited English proficient students. �Yes No SectionSO4 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,39U�C. §794, prohibits discrimination on the basis ofdisability |nany program receiving federal financial assistance Arecipient that operates a public education program or activity shall provide a free appropriate public education toqualified individuals. g.The charter holder certifies hhas policies and procedures |nplace toensure bcomplies with the legal and regulatory requirements concerning identifying and providing appropriate educational services to students protected bySection 6O4. �Yes �No Texas Education Code §38UO3,7EC§2I.2C4(b)(2)/K), 197AC§742Dand Section SD4cfthe Rehabilitation Act of197l29(lS,C §794, require charter schools to identify students with dyslexia or related disorders and to provide appropriate educational C. The charter holder certifies it has policies and procedures in place to ensure it complies with the legal and regulatory requirements concerning identifying and providing appropriate educational services to students with dyslexia or related disorders. (—*#y FNo | further certify that any future amendments tmthe laws, regulations, and rules will baincorporated and implemented. Signature ofCharter Holder Board Chair (Must sign in blue ink) ILaura Wheat I Printed Name of Charter Holder Board Chair The charter holder certifies bis in compliance with DZ§12.120, and confirms that npIndividual bserving in any capacity if he or she has been convicted of e misdemeanor involving nnmm| turpitude; o hy|on\x an offense listed in 7EC §37,007(a); or an offense listed In Article 62.001(5) Code of Criminal Procedures; unless the individual is eligible to be employed in a position in a school district under 7EC §22.120/o'1/. Additionally, the charter holder confirms all current fingerprinting and criminal record checks are evaUoLde for all employees, including contract employees; volunteers who indicated |nwriting their intention toserve; board members; and officers nfthe charter holder who are not onthe board, incompliance with 7E[§§12.JOSS\22.0832-23.0K3f. Signature cfCharter Holder Board Chair Laura Wheat --71 I*Irinted Name of Charter Holder Board Chair This section requires at least a majority of the governing body of the charter holder to certify it has had an opportunity to review the completed renewal application and has authorized, during an open meeting, submission ofthe application tothe commissioner of education for consideration of renewal of the charter. CERTIFICATE OFACKNOWLEDGEMENT The undersigned members of the governing body of the charter holder hereby acknowledge that they have had anopportunity to review the completed renewal application and have authorized its submission, during an open meeting, to the commissioner ofeducation for consideration ofthe renewal ofthe charter: Typed Name Signature Date* (Type name next to corresponding signature) (Must sign in blue ink)) Lau ra Wheat Belvedere *Metnbers are to sign the acknowledgement during anopen meeting, therefore, the date next to each signature must reflect the —Wemv Charter School -=410 Michael Williams Commissioner ufEducation LizzetteC.Gonz6ksReynolds Chief Deputy Commissioner Michael Berry Deputy Commissioner, Policy and Programs Sally Partridge Associate Commissioner, Accreditation and School improvement Hoathe/nWpuzO Director, Division of Charter School Administration For further information contact the Division ofCharter School Administration at: Texas Education Agency 170lNorth Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 787O1 (512)463-987S (512)4G3-B73Zfax EmaU-ChurterSchoob@»tea.kexas.gov Or visit thewehxite: htiplYtea.texas.gov/Texox_Schoo|s/CherteLSchom|a/[harter_Suhoo|y/ :veKrs. y4um. t 2E.1 thaaamaa EbeMM aM w4 Pq^o-Y S. Pean=un OCSRro FY Ctv+w �� 0.eemna•M,3ats EvMdY< tMa"acmaY a*4.Fm � "✓u` 3tteq Mne•nAmna CVagav;n aanarn.ex .ba.•+enecn RRroFnt axv emd nap..w.w ' MlQNff11t11t WGi/IOM1i £rrtY+w . � ce�F.a. r�mYu: tr..e °""`""'a au,..m+rei4"•u _ :9i1 � � IMcwf�tt Y} Nti a E nay 2056 Open -Enrollment Charter Renewal Flowchart qua !� u�yS Altfl RK+ueRlT6�'/ 1 � PM+9.'H abbm S,Saxatvn beeJae tuvdp- Jmaarc fi. lQvn �y\i 4yrcxan.(Mtnmw EmnpF aarwl Ja.:vu - tx+1M rYx v4aon .. €hnMeD -F ep.as. �-# AM+ra,t J`t v _ ._`_-_ Decision a - tF tq prv� .a £:ppaan uMry. ar..w�ce: M.rota F.spaAMC (ZO os}eF iq '� otb�ak+"mt avaiwa.nuke*s-a y B.MW.ary e.W ssnat at's Ii Jn+:b tc r W O�ebnPT '. Preaarf �Flk+�e.J. Vtea+9C(Ytr � M+ia 1k�8 .. u a.�ax:..n cvtmm.w tNnP Rm.z� Pe.me [kn0.+wrY taem aNa pH4ub pr� _y, tia lae Wr nF:rr ox,"- »nau m t+v*�r.. aaJ a xvei mtst z Jmfcq.. �an«Ftrvea y{�,,.� .w Or.wawwGrer sta l � Fw.�s EStO� " „�wnt«a�e� tao a+r•t rrty„nyn: mpti.4�w.ac KMrtrfl t9lr�m+v ' ,•9ia Nt! �¢.qv¢.!f }E•t'S Mvt t' ]OtY `a week.wanv Frnaa.-.t tt@C 1tJ ltata ` canaaaat tw Garet tlbnk3dxvalcx Van#.rynf L'I..iffa9lw�CFVYs-.tncsr#'M tastex;erva 4V�cu.erq ♦' Or�v Crc�rvS�R� f,"uuflJ Y RovieW 09cisiOn RNznw.*.rp 4S•.t E.Y�wN Ho tCet man t5 wyt M«.xnnn rq :a VtBi s.+e'c» Deev �.@"'tt @e Lw+Aft�Nv'4+1e«f3 iYYv 29M1.ac 1Y'la+A M. .Mean arwc. j iCa•m.N »asaJ tMyn ftVM C nN YC }t2 erY(46' Attachment B WESTLAKE ACADEMY CHARTER SCHOOL (220810) Ratings Year Accountability Ratings Charter FIRST Rating Accreditation Status 2014-2016 Met Standard Pass Campuses Met Standard 1 2013-2014 Met Standard Superior Achievement Campuses Met Standard 1 2012-2013 Met Standard Substandard Achievement Ciunpu;;es Met Standard 1 2011-2012 No Ratings Issued Superior Achievement No Ratings Issued 1 2010-2011 Exemplary Standard Achievement G;iti7pU�es Exemplary 1 2009-2010 Exemplary Standard Achievement Cumpit'ses Exemplary 1 ACCREDITED ACCREDITED No Statuses Issued ACCREDITED ACCREDITED Friday, November 06, 2015 Generation 07 CDN 220810 ' CONTRACT ,S FOR RENEWAL OF \ OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER THIS AGREEMENT, made this 5 day of _July_, 2016, is executed between the Texas Education Agency (the "Agency"), the authority, and Town of Westlake ("Charter Holder") to operate Westlake Academy Charter School, a Generation 07 Open -Enrollment Charter School. THE PURPOSE of this agreement is to renew terms and conditions between the Agency and the Charter Holder. Whereby the following terms shall enable the Commissioner of Education (the "Commissioner"), as vested agent, to maintain an active commitment to the award and regulation of high -quality charter schools within the state of Texas. To such end, the Agency and Charter Holder, for the consideration hereunder named, agree as follows: GENERAL Article I. Definitions, as used in this contract: "Charter" shall mean the Open -Enrollment Charter as granted by the State Board of Education, and renewed by this contract under the authority of the Commissioner. "Charter Application" shall mean all information proposed and approved by the State Board of Education in response to the original Request for Application. "Charter Holder" shall refer to the sponsoring entity identified in the Charter Application and any entity to which a charter is renewed by this contract. "Charter School" shall mean the Open -Enrollment Charter School governed by Charter Holder and identified by the six digit County District Number (CDN) 220810. The Charter School is part of the public school system of Texas and shall operate as a "Charter School" within the meaning of 20 U.S.C. § 8066. "Request for Application" shall refer to all documents approved and published as SAS A511. "Renewal Term" shall refer to the number of years granted by the Commissioner to renew operations under the Charter. 1 of 7 Generation 07 CDN 220810 Article II. The Charter. This contract hereby renews the Charter to «Charter Holder» under Subchapter- A Chapter 12, TEC. The terms of the Charter shall include: (a) this renewal contract; (b) the original contract for charter, as signed by the Charter Holder and the State Board of Education; (c) applicable law or Administrative rule in effect, amended, enacted or adopted during the term of the contract; (d) Request for Application; (e) any condition, amendment, modification, revision, or other change to the Charter adopted or ratified by the authorizing entity, including any prior renewal documents with revisions based on contingency responses; (f) final renewal application received in spring 2015, including any amendments to the Charter made through the renewal application; and (g) all statements, assurances, commitments and representations made by Charter Holder in the original Charter Application and Renewal Application, attachments or related documents, to the extent consistent with the aforementioned (a) through (f). Article III. Material Violation(s). Upon any and all determinations of material violation(s), the contract for the charter shall be subject to revocation under TEC § 12.115(a). Actions that may constitute a material violation are, but not limited to, specific references hereunder. Additional illustrative examples include the failure to procure valid: (a) certificate(s) of occupancy; (b) fingerprinting; and (c) criminal background checks. Charter Holder affirms its understanding that the Charter School be in compliance with TAC § 100.1032 concerning the majority of its student population being in state -tested grade levels throughout the entire Renewal Term. Unless Charter Holder submits and subsequently receives Commissioner approval to waive this threshold. Article IV. Term of Charter. The Renewal Term for the Charter shall be for a period of ten (10) years beginning August 1, 2016. The Charter shall automatically expire on July 31, 2026, unless otherwise subject to forfeiture for failure to meet criteria under TEC § 12.101 or revocation. A failure to perform under this Article shall constitute a material violation. Article V. Renewal(s) of Term. This Agreement does not vest Charter Holder with a right of automatic renewal. All requests for renewal shall be determined by a timely application in the form prescribed by the Commissioner, with subsequent determination by the Commissioner. The Charter shall not be renewed on or before July 31, 2026. No Renewal of Term shall exceed ten (10) years. Article VI. Alienation of Charter. The Charter may not be assigned, encumbered, pledged or in any way alienated for the benefit of creditors or otherwise. Charter Holder may not delegate, assign, subcontract or otherwise alienate any of its rights or responsibilities under the Charter. Any attempt to do so shall be null and void and hold no force or effect. Breach under this section shall constitute a material violation. Article VII. Revision by Agreement. The terms of the Charter may be revised with the consent of Charter Holder by written amendment approved by the Commissioner. 2of7 Generation 07 CDN 220810 STUDENTS Article VIII. Open -Enrollment. Admission and enrollment shall be open to any person(s) who resides within the approved geographic boundary stated in charter application and who is eligible for admission based on lawful criteria as identified in the Charter Application and all applicable and approved amendments to the Charter. Total enrollment shall not exceed the maximum number of students approved in the Charter Application and all applicable and approved amendments to the Charter. Article IX. Non -Discrimination. The Charter School's educational program shall comply with TEC § 12.111(a)(5). Article X. Children with Disabilities. A charter school is a "local educational agency" as defined by federal law. Charter Holder must comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as amended by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, 20 U.S.C. § 1401, et seq., and implementing regulations; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), 29 U.S.C. § 794, and implementing regulations; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 12131-12165, and implementing regulations; Chapter 29, Texas Education Code, and implementing rules; and court cases applying these laws. Article XI. Non -Religious Instruction and Affiliation. Charter School shall not conduct religious instruction or religious activities. Charter Holder and Charter School shall be nonsectarian in their programs, policies, employment practices, and all other operations. Article XII. Educational Program. Continued authority to operate under the Charter during the Renewal Term is contingent upon all approved campus(s) actively providing the specific educational program(s) as proposed in the Charter Application. Any and all changes to the proposed educational program(s) and (or) specific demographic population(s) without approval of the Commissioner shall constitute a material violation. Article XIII. Student Performance and Accountability. Charter Holder shall satisfy Chapter 39, Subchapters B, C, E, F, G, and J of the Texas Education Code, and related Administrative rules, as well as the student performance accountability criteria stated in the Charter Application and all applicable and approved amendments to the Charter. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Article XIV. Financial Management and Accountability. Charter Holder shall satisfy (a) Chapter 39 Subchapter D; and (b) Chapter 12, Sections 12.104, 12.106, 12.107 and 12.111 of the Texas Education Code, and (c) related Administrative rules regarding financial management accountability. Article XV. Annual Audit. Charter Holder shall at its own expense have the financial and programmatic operations of the Charter School independently audited annually by a certified public accountant holding a valid permit from the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy. Charter Holder shall file a copy of the annual audit report, approved by Charter Holder, with the Agency not later than the 150`h day after the end of the fiscal year for which the audit was made. 3 of 7 Generation 07 CDN 220810 The audit must comply with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards and must include an audit of the accuracy of the fiscal information provided by the Charter School through PEIMS. Financial statements in the audit must comply with Government Auditing Standards and the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133. Article XVI. Return of Property and Funds. It is understood that in accordance with TEC § § 12.128 and 12.107, a charter holder that ceases to operate for any reason, including revocation or expiration/non-renewal, shall return to the state all public property and public funds upon cessation of operation. This includes any and all property purchased or leased with state funds under TEC § 12.106 and all unspent funds held in trust for the benefit of the students pursuant to TEC § 12.106 and 12.107. Article XVII. Indebtedness of Charter. Charter Holder shall not incur a debt, secure an obligation, extend credit, or otherwise make use of the credit or assets of the Charter School for any purpose other than operations as approved in the Charter. Article XVIII. Non -Charter Activities. Charter Holder shall keep separate and distinct accounting, audits, budgeting, reporting, and record keeping systems for the management and operation of the Charter School. Any business activities of Charter Holder not directly related to the management and operation of the charter school shall be kept in separate and distinct accounting, auditing, budgeting, reporting, and record keeping systems from those reflecting activities under the Charter. Failure to perform under this article shall constitute a material violation. GOVERNANCE AND OPERATIONS Article XIX. Organizational Mission. Charter Holder shall govern and operate in strict accordance with the proposed organizational mission as presented in the Charter Application and all applicable and approved amendments to the Charter. Article XX. Non -Profit Status. Charter Holder shall take and refrain from all acts necessary to maintain good standing as an organization exempt from taxation under 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code. If Charter Holder is incorporated, it shall comply with all applicable laws governing its corporate status. Failure to perform under this article shall constitute a material violation. Article XXI. Records Retention and Management. Charter Holder shall implement a records management system that conforms to the system required of school districts under the Local Government Records Act, Section 201.001 et seq., Local Government Code, and rules adopted thereunder; provided, however, that records subject to audit shall be retained and available for audit for a period of not less than five (5) years from the latter of the date of termination or renewal of the Charter. Charter Holder shall maintain all student records. A charter holder that ceases to operate for any reason, including revocation or expiration/non-renewal, shall return to the state all student and staff records within 30 days of closure, per TEC 12.1052 (d), in the manner specified by the commissioner to a custodian designated by the commissioner. 4 of 7 Generation 07 CDN 220810 Article XXII. Failure to Operate. Charter Holder shall operate the Charter School for the full school term as proposed in the Charter Application and all applicable and approved amendments to the Charter for each year authorized by this Agreement. Charter Holder may not suspend operation for longer than twenty-one (21) days without a revision to the Charter, adopted by the Charter Holder Board, and approved by the Commissioner prior to the suspension of operations, stating that the Charter School is dormant and setting forth the date on which operations shall resume and any applicable conditions. Failure to comply under this article shall constitute a material violation. Article XXIII. Charter School Facility. Charter Holder shall possess and maintain, for the entire Term of Charter: (a) lease agreement(s); or (b) lawful title; or (c) other legal instrument granting a lawful right of occupancy and use. All facilities and(or) other real property procured by Charter Holder must be of suitable use as proposed in the Charter Application and all applicable and approved amendments to the Charter. The term `facility', under this Article, shall constitute any of the following: as defined in Chapter 100, Texas Administrative Code (a) campus; and (b) facility; and (c) site that is procured by state and(or) federal funding. Charter Holder affirms that it shall govern and maintain operations in all facilities throughout the entire Renewal Term. The term 'operations', under this Article, shall constitute an open facility that is currently serving lawfully enrolled students. Without prior approval by the Commissioner, failure to comply under this article shall constitute a material violation. Article XXIV. Indemnification. Charter Holder shall hold the Agency harmless from and shall indemnify the Agency against any and all claims, demands, and causes of action of whatever kind of nature asserted by any third -party and occurring or in any way incident to, arising out of, or in connection with any acts of Charter Holder, its agents, employees, and subcontractors in performance of this Agreement. THIS AGREEMENT Article XXV. Entire Agreement. This contract, including all referenced attachments and terms incorporated by reference, contains the entire agreement of the parties. All prior representations, understandings, and discussions are superseded by this contract. Article XXVI. Severability. If any provision of this contract is determined by a court or other tribunal to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason, the remainder of the contract shall remain in full force and effect, so as to give effect to the intent of the parties to the extent valid and enforceable. Article XXVII. Conditions of Contract. Execution of this contract by the Commissioner is conditioned on full and timely compliance by Charter Holder with: (a) the terms, required assurances, and conditions of RFA; (b) applicable law; and (c) all commitments and 5 of 7 Generation 07 CDN 220810 representations made in the original Charter Application, approved amendments, and Renewal Application, and any supporting documents (to the extent such commitments and representations are consistent with the terms of this contract). By executing this contract, the Charter Holder represents that it understands that the Charter Holder, including any and all governance, at whatever level whether appointed or elected, employees, agents, and volunteers shall fully cooperate with every Texas Education Agency investigation and/or sanction deemed necessary by the Commissioner based on authority and responsibility vested by state or federal law. Agency staff may conduct confidential interviews of Charter School personnel and contractors outside the presence of representatives of the Charter School's administration and Board, and that failure to timely reply with reasonable requests for access to site, personnel, documents, or other materials and/or items shall constitute a material violation. Article XXVIII. No Waiver of Breach. No assent, express or implied, to any breach of any of the covenants or agreements herein shall waive any succeeding or other breach. Article XXIX. Governing Law. In any suit arising under this contract, Texas law shall apply. Article XXX. Laws and Rules Applicable. By executing this contract, the undersigned representatives of Charter Holder represent that they have read and understand the rules adopted by the Commissioner pursuant to Texas Education Code Chapter 12, Subchapter D and that they have had full opportunity to consult with their own legal counsel concerning said rules prior to executing this Agreement. The undersigned representatives further understand and agree that: (a) this contract is contingent upon legislative authorization and the contract and the funding under it may be modified or even terminated by future legislative act; (b) the terms of this contract, and of the Renewed Open -Enrollment Charter created by this contract, include all applicable state and federal laws and all applicable rules and regulations; (c) state and federal laws, rules, and regulations may be adopted, amended or repealed from time to time; (d) all such changes to state and federal laws, rules, and regulations applicable to Charter Holder or to its Charter School may modify this contract, as of the effective date provided in the law, rule, or regulation; and (e) a contract term that conflicts with any state or federal law, rule, or regulation is superseded by the law, rule, or regulation to the extent that the law, rule, or regulation conflicts with the contract term. Notwithstanding the granting of this renewal, it is understood by the parties, that the Charter continues to be subject to future actions by the Commissioner including, but not limited to, possible revocation under TEC 12.115(c). Article XXXI. Eligibility and Authority. By executing this contract, Charter Holder represents that it is an "eligible entity" within the meaning of Section 12.101(a), Texas Education Code, and it is understood by all parties that if the Charter Holder loses its 501(c)(3) tax exempt status at any time through action of the Internal Revenue Service for any reason or any other action which renders the Charter Holder no longer an "eligible entity" within the meaning of TEC § 12.101(a), the charter contract shall be rendered null and void, and it shall automatically return without any 6of7 Generation 07 CDN 220810 further action having to be taken by the Commissioner. Subsequent reinstatement of the 501(c)(3) tax exempt status does not reinstate the Charter. The Charter Holder shall immediately notify the Commissioner of any legal change in its status, which would disqualify it from holding the Charter, of any violation of the terms and conditions of this contract, or of any change in the Chief Operating Officer of the Charter Holder. Charter Holder further represents that the person signing this contract has been properly delegated authority to do so. Entered into this 5 day of July, 2016 Commissioner of Education: .40 7/5/2016 Mike Morath Date 7 of 7 Town of Westlake: Laura Wheat, Chair Date Thomas Brym Date Superintendent/ of Operating Officer