HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.28.23 WAF MinutesWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting September 28, 2023 Board Members in Attendance: Sean Shope, Meghan Dorr, Debbie Kraska, Heather Kilgore, Ahu Primeaux, Mike Colby, Christine Ross and Patty Pinsonnault Others in Attendance: Marlene Rutledge, Cayce Lay Lamas, Wade Carroll, Carolyn Anderson, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:30AM at the Westlake Fire Station. II. Motion to approve minutes of August 24, 2023 meeting, by P. Pinsonnault, seconded by A. Primeaux. Motion carried. III. Financial Statements Report • S. Shope reported that the Foundation’s FY22 Form 990 has been filed. • M. Rutledge reported that discretionary and designated grants totaled $157,411.36 for FY23. • Blacksmith Annual Fund transfer will be tabled until final approvals next month. • S. Shope reported that Investment Committee will be meeting to discuss possible funding sources for the Teacher Gift Card initiative. • S. Myers informed Board that meeting with Morris Accounting to take place tomorrow to continue progress toward complete transfer of financial management and reporting. • Morris Accounting will provide the WAF financial reports for the October meeting. IV. Development Committee ● Gala 2024 o Reviewed dates and option to return to Circle T Ranch as venue. o Discussed idea of inviting Gala bidders to “donor designate” and directly support various teacher/department grant projects in place of holding a silent auction this year. Board agreed and committee will work with school leadership to facilitate. V. Grants Review and Report ● “Biology & ESS Equipment” – motion to approve funding up to requested $12,831 by M. Dorr, seconded by M. Colby. Motion carried and grant approved. ● Discussed Academy budget process issues and need to increase budget for consumables, particularly within the Sciences. ● Considered adding an option to the WAF Grant application to indicate if an item is “IB essential” to designate priority for future addition to Academy budget. ● Discussed idea of grant requests being generated and reviewed at the beginning of the fiscal year versus throughout the year as needs arise. ● W. Carroll and C. Lay Lamas to provide details regarding state funding and cost of educating a WA student. This information can be used to communicate both to WA parents and Westlake residents, with messaging coming from both the Town and WAF. ● “Econ & Financial Literacy Refresh” grant request tabled until approval signatures secured. ● Hudson Foundation mini-grants - S. Myers reported that unspent funds from FY23 grant of $80K carried over to be added to this year’s $125K grant, resulting in more than a dozen “mini-grants” currently being tracked by the WAF. ● S. Myers will submit Board meeting recaps for the Communique and e-blast with information on WAF-funded and the work of WAF committees and volunteers. VI. Foundation Business • Student Advisory Council o S. Myers reported on this idea, initiated by a WA Senior student. o Discussed possibility of students attending Board meetings, investment committee and with RBC investment managers. ● Confirmed that new day/time for WAF meetings will be 3rd Tuesday of the month from 8am-9:30am, beginning October 17th. Some months will require the Board to meet on the 2nd Tuesday to accommodate school calendar or holidays. D. Kraska moved to adjourn the Board meeting, seconded by M. Dorr. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:48AM. Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 8:00 AM, at Westlake Fire Station Signed by: ____________________________________ Christine Ross, WAF Board President Attested by: ____________________________________ _____________________________________, ________________________________ Witness name Title