HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.24.23 WAF MinutesWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting August 24, 2023 Board Members in Attendance: Ahu Primeaux, Meghan Dorr, Heather Kilgore, Sean Shope, Christine Ross, Debbie Kraska and Patty Pinsonnault Others in Attendance: Marlene Rutledge, Cayce Lay Lamas, Wade Carroll, Carolyn Anderson – Acting Head of School, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:34AM at the Town of Westlake, Town Hall. II. Motion to approve minutes of May 18, 2023 meeting, with correction of typo, by D. Kraska, seconded by P. Pinsonnault. Motion carried. III. Financial Statements Report • S. Shope reported on financial status for period ending July 31, 2023, including new teacher grant funded through the Quinn Fund. Total Net Assets as of end of month were $3,170,476. • Monthly Activities included end of year collections toward BAF and the WA Gala. • S. Myers will coordinate with Finance Department for Grant expenditure details. • C. Ross introduced proposal to move fiscal year to July 1 through June 30, beginning with 2024. Motion to accept change in fiscal year by P. Pinsonnault, second by H. Kilgore. Motion approved and change accepted to begin with FY24. • Motion to transfer end of year funds tabled until next meeting. • Motion to approve July financials tabled until next meeting due to delayed receipt. IV. Development Committee ● Blacksmith Annual Fund o A. Primeaux reported that BAF amount raised as of today is $1.248m with 71% parent participation and 57% of new families. o Collections for BAF 22-23 after 8/31/23 will be attributed to BAF 23-24. o Most grade captains from last year have agreed to return for this year and still recruiting. o Currently WAF is awaiting details on funding gap for marketing of BAF 23-24 campaign. o Discussed ways to cultivate BAF donors through campus activities and tours. V. Foundation Business • BAF goal for 2023-24 o S. Myers reported goal requested by Academy is $1.250m and based on enrollment of 875 students. • Funding source and process for Gift Card Initiative o Discussed breakdown of number of employees and amount of funds remaining in Baja Legacy Teacher Fund - Gift Card Initiative totaling $31,056. o It was decided to purchase $100 gift cards using these remaining funds. • Baja designated funds o Discussed plans for remaining Athletic/Club Advisor stipend funds. o It was decided to split the funds to allow Athletics and Clubs to apply to use the funds as grants. • Review Morris Accounting proposal o Discussed proposal totaling $12k/yr. o H. Kilgore proposed 6-month trial to evaluate service, M. Dorr seconded. Motion carried. VI. President’s Report ● No report VII. Executive Director • No report Other Business None M. Dorr moved to adjourn the Board meeting, seconded by H. Kilgore. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:51AM. Next Meeting: Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 8:30 AM, at location TBD Signed by: ____________________________________ Christine Ross, WAF Board President Attested by: ____________________________________ _____________________________________, ________________________________ Witness name Title