HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.18.23 WAF MinutesWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting May 18, 2023 Board Members in Attendance: Patty Pinsonnault, Tiffany Hernandez, Sean Shope, Ahu Primeaux, Debbie Kraska, Christine Ross, Heather Kilgore, Rob Fitzgerald and Meghan Dorr Others in Attendance: Marlene Rutledge, Cayce Lay Lamas, Wade Carroll – Town of Westlake Town Manager, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:30AM at the Town of Westlake, Town Hall. Wade Carroll, new Town of Westlake Town Manager was introduced. II. Motion to approve minutes of April 20, 2023 meeting by D. Kraska, seconded by P. Pinsonnault. Motion carried. III. Financial Statements Report • S. Shope reported on Financial status for period ending April 30, 2023, including Gala revenue of $35,184 from Sponsorships and Gala expenses including $29,425 in catering expenses. Total Net Assets as of end of month were $2,911,399. • Monthly Activities included Gala revenue of $95,186. Year to date revenue collected from BAF totaled $1,163,632. Total revenue for the month was $108,938 • S. Myers reported that Investment Committee will examine need for a policy regarding the function and use(s) for the Unrestricted Endowment Fund and revenue. • S. Myers informed Board that in reviewing the Baja financial report, it was discovered that funds for the Coach/Club Advisor Stipends were mistakenly coded to the wrong account. The correction has been made, but Board will need to decide how these additional funds totaling $31,125 should be allocated to the Athletics Dept. and to Club Advisor activities. Staff will collect more information for discussion at next meeting. • S. Myers noted that $21,588 remains in the Legacy Teacher Fund account for Teacher Projects & Initiatives (“professional passions”). Discussion regarding how to use these funds will be on future agenda. • Motion to approve Financials by R. Fitzgerald, seconded by D. Kraska. Motion carried and Financials approved. IV. Grants Review ● S. Myers introduced grant request for “The Social Institute” for grades 6-11. D. Kraska inquired as to reason for not including G12 and staff will follow-up with counselors. Motion to approve the grant up to partial amount of $4,790, with remainder funded through the Counseling Department budget, by H. Kilgore and A. Primeaux, seconded by M. Dorr. Motion carried. ● S. Myers introduced grant request for “Teacher of the Year Awards including Staff Blacksmith Award.” Motion to approve the grant of $8,500 and to not cover cost of income tax withholding gross-up by R. Fitzgerald, seconded by H. Kilgore. Motion carried. ● S. Myers presented “ATTF-French Teacher Conference” grant request in the amount of $1,551, which was approved by C. Ross and S. Myers. Approval to provide additional $567 to cover hotel expenses by motion from M. Dorr, seconded by A. Primeaux. Motion carried. ● S. Myers presented “TI-84 Graphing Calculators” grant request in the amount of $4,400. The Quinn Fund approved using its remaining 2022-23 grant funds toward this project (approx. $2,920) with the balance of $1,480 approved by C. Ross and S. Myers for funding by WAF. V. Marketing ● T. Hernandez reported that primary Marketing Committee focus over last month has been WA Gala promotion. W. Greenwood provided most marketing functions. ● WAF website will be updated in coming months. VI. Development Committee ● WA Gala o P. Pinsonnault reported that WA Gala was a success, raising over $419k. o Feedback thus far has included that the new location setting was positively received, live auction was successful, food and drink were hailed, but long food lines will need to be improved upon for future events. ● Blacksmith Annual Fund o A. Primeaux reported that BAF gifts/pledges as of today is $1.48m with 71% parent participation and 56% of new families. o A. Primeaux will email non-donors one last time before end of school year. VII. Foundation Business • WAF independent of Town o Due to Academy restructuring, this topic will be examined and discussed at future meetings. • Future of Gift Card Initiative o S. Myers introduced possibility of revamping the Teacher Gift Card initiative, which currently would require raising over $117k per year to support. Item tabled for future discussion. • Decide new Grant approval process o S. Myers discussed potential change to Grant approval process to allow Grants to be approved and signed off on by Academy Principals. All in agreement. VIII. President’s Report ● C. Ross thanked Directors for support and assistance provided with WA Gala. IX. Executive Director • No report Other Business None P. Pinsonnault moved to adjourn the Board meeting, seconded by D. Kraska. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10AM. Next Meeting: Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 8:30 AM, at Town of Westlake Town Hall (if needed) Signed by: ____________________________________ Christine Ross, WAF Board President Attested by: ____________________________________ _____________________________________, ________________________________ Witness name Title