HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.20.23 WAF Minutes WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting April 20, 2023 Board Members in Attendance: Ahu Primeaux, Meghan Dorr, Lilly Jimenez, Patty Pinsonnault, Sharan Sankaranarayanan, Michael Colby, Rob Fitzgerald, Debbie Kraska, Christine Ross and Heather Kilgore Others in Attendance: Marlene Rutledge, Cayce Lay Lamas-Town of Westlake Finance Director, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:33AM at the Town of Westlake, Town Hall. II. Motion to approve minutes of February 16, 2023 meeting by A. Primeaux, seconded by H. Kilgore. Motion carried. III. Financial Statements Report • M. Rutledge reported on Financial status for period ending March 31, 2023, including Gala revenue of $54,849 and Blacksmith Annual Fund (BAF) deposits of $14,733 for the period. • S. Shope noted External Grant of $80,000 received from the Hudson Foundation. Year to date revenue collected from BAF totaled $1,153,213. • M. Rutledge reviewed Grant Summary, noting that many grants have been completed and closed. • Motion to approve Financials by M. Colby, seconded by R. Fitzgerald. Motion carried and Financials approved. IV. Head of School Report No report. V. Grants Review ● S. Myers reported that the “Spa Afternoon and Lunch for Staff” event held during the recent March professional development day was co-funded by the Foundation and HOC. Lunch for the event ($1,215 total) was underwritten by the HOC, while WAF covered the cost of chair massages ($1,515), which was approved by S. Myers and C. Ross. ● Motion to formally approve the grant by M. Colby, seconded by D. Kraska. Motion carried. ● Directors discussed raising maximum monthly threshold by which the WAF Executive Director and Board President can approve grant requests outside of regular Board meetings. ● Board determined that an appropriate threshold would be up to $3,500 in cumulative grant requests per month. These approved grants would continue to be reported to the full Board on a monthly basis. ● Motion to approve this new process by M. Colby, seconded by S. Sankaranarayanan. Motion carried. VI. Marketing ● S. Myers reported that all marketing over the last month has focused on the upcoming WA Gala, including signage, social media and e-blasts. VII. Development Committee ● WA Gala o S. Myers reported on sponsorship and admission numbers thus far and listed confirmed and possible Live Auction items. She will ask administration for a 2nd VIP parking spot on campus should Live Auction bidding reach pre-approved minimum threshold. o P. Pinsonnault requested that Directors spread the word that the Silent Auction is open and to begin bidding. ● Blacksmith Annual Fund o A. Primeaux reported that BAF amount raised as of today is $1.294M with 70% parent participation and 56% of new families donating. o Grade Captains will reach out to non-donors after the Gala. o S. Sankaranarayanan suggested analysis of larger donors and volunteered to assist. Staff will follow-up. o Discussed potential BAF donor recognition options and will circle back for further. VIII. Foundation Business • WAF independent of Town o S. Myers introduced an issue that she had been asked about numerous times, namely that the Foundation is seeking to separate from the Town. o Following much discussion, M. Dorr suggested a task force/committee to examine workflow and responsibilities of WAF office. Staff will research and present workflow, responsibilities and any other processes to consider were the Foundation to become fully independent. o M. Rutledge informed of upcoming change of fiscal year dates for the Academy and changes in accounting software. • Endowment initiative to kick-off 20th anniversary o S. Myers discussed upcoming initiative to encourage endowment fund donations to “leave a legacy.” She asked directors to collect and share any endowment-related materials from other institutions as samples to assist our kick-off efforts. IX. President’s Report ● C. Ross encouraged Directors to attend the Gala and donate items as they are able. X. Executive Director • S. Myers reported that WAF office is currently transitioning to new donor management system, Bloomerang. • She reported that she will be participating in a 6-month national education foundation leadership training program. Other Business None H. Kilgore moved to adjourn the Board meeting, seconded by P. Pinsonnault. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:52AM. Next Meeting: Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 8:30 AM, at Town of Westlake Town Hall Signed by: ____________________________________ Christine Ross, WAF Board President Attested by: ____________________________________ _____________________________________, ________________________________ Witness name Title