HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 978 amending Chapter 36 Engineering StandardsOrdinance 978 Page 1 of 3 TOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 978 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE AMENDING THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 36 ENGINEERING STANDARDS; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake, Texas is a general law municipality; and WHEREAS, Chapter 36 contains the engineering standards for public infrastructure and development in the Town of Westlake; and WHEREAS, Ordinance 953, approved by the Town Council on September 26, 2022, amended Chapter 36 and resulted in the unintended deletion of key portions of Chapter 36; and WHEREAS, staff is proposing amendments to Chapter 36 to restore the portions of Chapter 36 that were deleted by Ordinance 953; and WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of staff to amend Chapter 36 Engineering Standards, Town of Westlake Code of Ordinances, the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas, is of the opinion that it is in the best interests of the town and its citizens that the amendments should be approved and adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: Chapter 36 Engineering Standards, Town of Westlake Code of Ordinances, is hereby amended in its entirety, repealed and replaced with the provisions contained in “Exhibit A – Articles 1 through 9”, “Exhibit B – Article 10”, and “Exhibit C – Article 11”. SECTION 3: That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other Town Ordinances and all other provisions of other Ordinances adopted by the Town which are inconsistent with the terms or provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 4: That any person violating any provision of this Chapter may be issued a citation and upon conviction thereof, the person shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as provided in subsection 1-9 of the Code of Ordinance of the Town of Westlake. Each 24-hour period of violation, and each separate act or condition in violation of this Chapter, shall constitute a separate offense. Ordinance 978 Page 2 of 3 SECTION 5: It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas, that sections, paragraphs, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance shall be declared legally invalid or unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such legal invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this Ordinance since the same would have been enacted by the Town Council of the Town of Westlake without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such legally invalid or unconstitutional, phrase, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage as the law in such case provides. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 11th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2023. _____________________________ ATTEST: Sean Kilbride, Mayor _________________________ Amy Piukana, Town Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney Ordinance 978 Page 3 of 3 EXHIBITS EXHIBIT A- Chapter 36 Engineering Standards – Articles One through Nine EXHIBIT B- Chapter 36 Engineering Standards – Article Ten – Standards Detail Sheets (2022) EXHIBIT C- Chapter 36 Engineering Standards – Article Eleven – Storm Water Design Manual Page 1 Chapter 36 - ENGINEERING STANDARDS ARTICLE I. - IN GENERAL Sec. 36-1. - General provisions. All improvements shall be in conformance with the town's construction standards and specifications except as may be otherwise provided. The town's specifications includes standards as well as special specifications. The town's construction standards consists of those various drawings identified as Town of Westlake Construction Standards and issued by the town. Public improvements, semi-public improvements, and private improvements constructed in public rights-of-way and easements shall be constructed in conformity with this standard. The requirements of these standards are considered minimum requirements and are not intended to replace sound engineering judgment or practices. Sec. 36-2. - Standard specifications. Standard specifications of the town are the "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction" as published under the authority of the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). This latest publication, latest edition, along with the amendments and special provisions to the document, approved or issued by the town, shall comprise the standard specifications. In the event of conflict the standard specifications shall be superseded by the provisions and requirements of this chapter. Only the item or items of conflict shall be affected. All other provisions and requirements shall stand. Sec. 36-3. - Construction specifications. Construction specifications are those construction specifications which are not covered by the standard specifications. Special specifications shall be required for all projects having items of construction not adequately covered by the standard specification. All special specifications shall be subject to review and approval by the town. Sec. 36-4. - Pre-construction meeting. The contractor for each project, or for any phase, shall notify the town of the intent to commence work. Sufficient notice shall be given so that a pre-construction conference may be held. No work shall commence except as specifically authorized at the preconstruction meeting. Sec. 36-5. - Construction inspection fee. Prior to the issuance of any public works construction permit, the town will collect all applicable fees in accordance with the Town of Westlake Fee Ordinance. Sec. 36-6. - Exception for utility companies. Utility companies are not required to secure a permit for repairs and day to day maintenance operations but shall notify the town prior to commencing construction. Utility companies will be required, by this chapter, to obtain a permit without fee for new developments and for all utility relocations. Sec. 36-7. - Tree survey. A survey locating the species and size of all trees six inches in caliper and above and also the limits of thickets shall be required with the preliminary plat submittal. Sec. 36-8. - Tree protection plan. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 2 Each set of construction plans submitted to the town for review and approval shall include a tree protection plan. The plan shall designate the trees to be preserved in accordance with the town's tree preservation ordinance. Protective fencing shall be installed around designated trees prior to the beginning of any construction and shall remain until all construction activities have been completed. The plan shall also incorporate the boring of utility lines as necessary to preserve trees. Sec. 36-9. - Erosion control plan. Each set of construction plans submitted to the town for review and approval shall include an erosion control plan in accordance with article VI of this chapter and the NCTCOG standards. The plan shall provide methods for reducing erosion and the entrance of sediment into streams and storm systems as a result of construction activities. Sec. 36-10. - Traffic control plan. Each set of construction plans submitted to the town for review and approval shall include a traffic control plan. The plan shall provide for the safe handling of traffic through and in the area of construction. Construction, signing, barricades, etc., shall be in conformance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices where applicable. Sec. 36-11. - Material testing. Testing is required to be performed by a geotechnical testing laboratory company approved by the town. The procedures and criteria for testing are generally outlined in NCTCOG Standard Specifications. A copy of the test results will be furnished to the town. The developer is responsible for obtaining the proper tests. Sec. 36-12. - Disposal of construction waste. Contractor shall be responsible for the appropriate disposal of waste generated by the construction activities. (1) Definitions. Waste. Garbage and other decayable, nondecayable, used up, broken, rejected or worthless materials. Rubbish. Trash, debris, rubble, stone, useless fragments of building materials and other miscellaneous useless wastes or rejected matter. (2) Refuse container required. Each building permit holder shall be required to provide a refuse container or enclosure for disposal of waster and rubbish upon construction sites. The size of such container or enclosure shall be approved by the building official and shall be of proper design and sufficiently large to hold the rubbish and waste in such a manner that will not blow out or spill over of waste. The location of the refuse container shall be approved by the chief building official. (3) Disposal of hazardous or toxic materials. Disposal of hazardous or toxic materials shall be in compliance with all state and federal regulations. (4) Container requirement waived. If the proposed improvement for which the permit has been issued is less than $5,000.00, the chief building official may, at this sole discretion, waive the requirement of a refuse container if he determines that it is not necessary and if other approved means of disposal exist. (5) Failure to maintain container. Upon determination by the chief building official that a permit holder has failed to maintain or use an approved refuse container, an order to correct the offending condition will be issued to the permit holder. Such an order shall be verbally communicated to the permit holder and confirmed by mailing a copy of the order by certified mail, return receipt requested. The order shall specifically describe the offending condition and suggest actions Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 3 necessary to correct the condition. Failure to properly correct the offending condition within three days after the mailing date of the order shall result in an order that the work be stopped immediately. (6) Debris and waste. Cut trees, debris, large rocks and stones, junk, rubbish and other waste materials of any kind shall not be buried in any land, or left or deposited on any lot or street at the time of final acceptance by the town engineer, and removal of those items and materials shall be required prior to acceptance unless otherwise approved by the engineer. No items and materials as herein described shall be left or deposited in any area of the subdivision or addition at the time of expiration of any improvement agreement or acceptance of dedication of public improvements, whichever is sooner. However, dirt or topsoil may be stockpiled on a property at a location approved by the town engineer. Sec. 36-13. - Final acceptance. Final acceptance is the formal approval of the improvements by the town. Final acceptance shall be made in writing based on the finding that the improvements have been satisfactorily installed and that all administrative requirements have been satisfied. Sec. 36-14. - Partial acceptance. The town may accept any part of any improvement prior to the completion and acceptance of the entire improvement when approved by the town manager. Sec. 36-15. - Conditional acceptance. The town may issue a letter of conditional acceptance upon the determination by the town that unusual conditions warrant such acceptance and that the town will not be adversely affected. Sec. 36-16. - Record drawings. Prior to final acceptance, the developer's engineer shall furnish to the town the original drawings, revised to depict existing conditions. The plans shall accurately reflect the work as actually constructed. The engineer will not be responsible for materials used in the construction or workmanship; only the geometrics and elevations of paving, drainage and sanitary sewer improvements, and the horizontal locations of water lines as evidenced by locations of water valves, vaults, fire hydrants, etc. The record plans shall include a certification that all lot, right-of-way, and easement lines have been marked as evidenced by the setting of iron rods; except that easement lines parallel to staked lot and right-of-way lines are not required to be marked by the iron rods. Sec. 36-17. - Maintenance bonds. Prior to final acceptance, the developer shall furnish the town an acceptance maintenance bond in compliance with the Unified Development Code (UDC). Sec. 36-18. - Roadway Engineering Standards and Thoroughfare Plan. Roadway and driveway requirements, cross-sections and design standards depicted in this chapter shall control over elements depicted in the Thoroughfare Plan. Sec. 36-19. - Planned developments and Engineering Standards/Thoroughfare Plan. In the event of a conflict between existing Planned Development (PD) amendments and the Engineering Standards and Thoroughfare Plan, PD amendments shall take precedence over the Engineering Standards and Thoroughfare Plan. Sec. 36-20. – Conflicts within Chapter 36. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 4 In the event of a conflict between Articles Ten and Eleven of this chapter, and Articles One through Nine, Articles Ten and Eleven shall take precedence over Articles One through Nine. Secs. 36-21—36-40. - Reserved. ARTICLE II. - ROADWAY FACILITIES Sec. 36-41. - Intent. The arrangement, character, extent, width and location of all streets shall be in conformity with the township's Thoroughfare Plan and Comprehensive Plan, and should be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, topographical considerations, scenic views and the land uses proposed to be served by such streets. It is the intent of these standards to assist in developing a transportation infrastructure that will result in minimizing through traffic, internalizing circulation of all but major streets, creating winding and scenic streets with minimal impact on existing topography, minimizing congestion on all Westlake roads, and preserving the rural atmosphere of the Town of Westlake. Any off-site street required by the platting process to provide adequate access to the development shall be the responsibility of the developer. These provisions shall apply in all cases including where there is an existing substandard street. Sec. 36-42. - Classification of streets. (a) The town recognizes the following classifications of public streets in the thoroughfare plan: • Freeway • Major Boulevard Arterial (165' average ROW) • Minor Arterial, (120' ROW) • Major Collector (106' ROW) • Minor Collector (90' ROW). • Local (60' ROW). • Residential (50' ROW). A description of these classifications is given in the town thoroughfare plan. (b) Typical cross-sections of these street classifications are illustrated in the town thoroughfare plan. (c) Please note that when swales or roadside ditches on either side of the paved road are used for drainage; the right-of-way shall be wide enough to contain the swales; due to this, additional right-of- way may be required in some cases as determined by the town council or the town engineer. (d) Right-of-way may vary by an additional 15 feet to reflect variations due to topography of the area, intersection design and whether a hike and bike trail runs parallel to the roadway system. Sec. 36-43. - Street design specifications. (a) Town edge open space zone and roadway landscape zones. The purpose of landscape buffers is to both reinforce the rural character of the town and to screen the view of developed areas from the street. Landscape buffers should be planted with hardy native species. Sidewalks or hiking/biking trails may be permitted in these areas with an approved site plan. Driveways are permitted if they are for purposes of crossing the buffer as stated in the town's access standards. Parking lots and buildings Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 5 are specifically prohibited within the buffer. Landscape buffers should be shown or otherwise called out on the preliminary plat and the site plan. Detention basins and retention ponds are specifically allowed within landscape buffers. Please refer to subsection 102-121(h) of this Code for restrictions on fences within landscape buffers. (1) Town edge open space. An average 150-foot-wide landscape buffer shall be provided along State Highways 114 and 170, in those areas south and east of SH 170. In those areas north and west of SH 170 and US Highway 377 this landscape buffer shall be 50 feet in width. (2) Roadway landscape zone. All arterial and collector streets shall have a ten-foot-wide landscape buffer in residential zoning (R-200, R-40, R-20, R-20C, and MF as described in UDC as may be amended), and a five-foot-wide landscape buffer in all other zonings. (3) All local streets shall have a five-foot-wide landscape buffer in both sides of their right-of-way. (b) Sidewalks and bikeways. (1) Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with standards set forth below for all lots adjoining dedicated streets, along major thoroughfares where lots do not adjoin the street, along power line easements and in other areas where pedestrian walkways are necessary. Sidewalks shall be identified on all plat submissions to the town. a. Residential district sidewalks. Sidewalks in residential districts shall be required to provide access to schools, local parks and retail centers. The criteria for the determination of sidewalks is as follows: Residential subdivision lot size (in square feet) Sidewalks required 12,000 or less Both sides of roadway 12,001—30,000 One side of roadway 30,001 and greater No sidewalks required Sidewalk construction may be delayed until development of lots, but in locations not adjacent to lots and across bridges and culverts, the sidewalks shall be constructed with the other improvements to the subdivision or addition. The final determination of the number and location of sidewalks shall be made by the town when approving a subdivision plat. b. Commercial sidewalk district. Sidewalks in commercial districts shall be required on both sides of the street. Other options may be considered for approval by the board of alderman. c. Sidewalk design standards. Sidewalks shall be laid out in a manner which minimizes straight lengths parallel to the roadway. In fact, gently curving sidewalks are encouraged. Sidewalks may be adjusted to clear poles, trees or other obstacles. Sidewalks shall be constructed of reinforced concrete and landscaped on both sides. Sidewalks, when required, shall meet the following width standards. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 6 Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 7 RECOMMENDED STANDARD ROADWAY CROSS SECTIONS Roadway type Sidewalk width Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 8 Local 4= Collector 6= Arterial 6= State Highway 6= Frontage Roads 0= (2) Pedestrian accesses. As stated in section 82-212, the board may require, in order to facilitate pedestrian access from the streets to schools, parks, playgrounds, open space corridors, or other nearby streets, perpetual access easements. In no case shall the easement be less than 15 feet in width. Easements shall be indicated on the plat. (3) Hike and bike trails. As stated in section 82-213, hike and bike sidewalks shall be constructed along streets designated for hike and bike trails. Such sidewalks shall be built by the owner at the time of site development. The hike and bike trails shall comply with the nationally accepted standards for the design and construction of trails published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the hike/bike trail design standards published by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) unless otherwise approved by the board of alderman. a. Trail width and structure. The primary hike and bike trails shall consist of concrete paving with a minimum of 12 feet in width unless otherwise approved by the board of alderman. Three-foot grass shoulders shall be constructed on either side of the concrete paving. Secondary and linking trails shall be constructed of concrete and be a minimum of eight feet in width and also have three-foot grass shoulders. The trail thickness for primary, trails shall be five inches of reinforced concrete with a non-skid broom and rock-salt finish. All trail surfaces shall be stained with two coats of Scofield Lithachrome stain, giving the trail a light black/walnut mottled color that helps to minimize reflection off the surface and helps to designate trail routes. The subgrade shall be based on recommendations, a certified geotechnical site investigation, and shall be approved by the town engineer. The three-foot- wide shoulders on each side of the trail are primarily for joggers, and to ensure proper sight distances to help avoid crashes. The shoulders also serve as a space for bicyclists to use when they are avoiding an accident. The shoulders shall be flush with the trail to help eliminate user safety hazards. The shoulders shall be mowed to keep them in a useful state. To provide interest, the expansion and control joint system shall be a random pattern. Where the trails run parallel with a linear obstacle, such as a street or drainage ditch, a minimum separation of five feet shall be placed between the trail's hard edge and the obstacle. All underpasses and bridges shall have a full trail width including space for shoulders, existing conditions permitting. Secondary, linking, and local trail may propose alternative paving sections subject to approval by the board of alderman. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 9 Warning devices must be used where the combined trail and shoulder cannot be full width. Reference the MUTCD (Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices) for signage to use where these exceptions occur. b. Trail curves. To ensure that the trail system is visually pleasing, accessible to all users, safe, and without abrupt turns, curves should be designed with wide and gentle radii. Wide, sweeping curves allow greater visibility and user security by increasing sight distances along trails. Such design also helps to ensure that overly steep slopes and other maneuvering difficulties are avoided, thus improving accessibility for wheelchair users, parents with strollers, older citizens, and bicyclists. In creating a trail system with such curves, design standards based on bicycle design speeds are commonly followed. While very few cyclists can ride at a speed more than 20 mph, a trail that is laid out for a design speed of 25 mph will establish even wider curves, greater sight lines, and reduced slopes. A design speed of 25 mph shall be used to establish the minimum curve radii, vertical curves, lateral clearance on horizontal curves, and stopping sight distances as per AASHTO standards, however, the trail shall be posted for 20 mph speed limit. Exceptions shall be made for topographical and physical constraints. c. Trail marking for primary trails. There are several acceptable ways to mark the hike and bike trail. A solid stripe shall be used to indicate a no-passing zone on steep hills, intersections and tight curves. A dashed yellow stripe down the center shall indicate two-way traffic. The paint used in marking the trail shall be non-skid and reflective for night-time riding visibility in accordance with AASHTO standards. This makes the paint reflective and gives it a sandpaper like non-skid surface. White stripes at the edges of the trail are not allowed because they have a tendency to visually narrow the usable trail space. Reflectorized tiles are also not allowed due to the fact that they create a hazard by acting as miniature speed bumps and are slippery when wet. d. Slopes. Trails shall have a cross-slope of two percent. Greater cross-slopes make it difficult for bicyclists and wheel chair users to maneuver on the trail. Smaller cross-slopes hinder trail drainage. The longitudinal slope on a primary trail shall not be greater than five percent. When a higher design speed is used and additional trail width is provided, grades greater than five percent and running less than 500 feet are acceptable on secondary trails. e. Drainage. To minimize stormwater run-off from flowing across the trail, drainage swales shall placed on the higher side. Swales are used where the sheet flow drainage across the trail surface might be great enough to increase trail maintenance. Using swales in this situation will also require culverts that are designed to handle the water flow, are safe (relative to the trail users), and have low maintenance. Water fountains, faucets, and other water sources shall be located on the downhill side of the trail. Placing these water sources on the downhill of the trail will help eliminate water flow across the trail which could create a slipping hazard. The hazard develops in the case where uphill drains become blocked and a regular water overflow results in a wet trail surface. A constantly wet trail surface is conducive to algae growth. f. Water fountains. Water fountains shall occur at rest areas and trailheads. The water fountains should be freeze-proof with a top spigot and a lower faucet for water bottles and animals. The lower faucet needs to be spring-loaded to ensure that it shuts off after use. g. Obstacle-free area. To provide a safer trail, an obstacle-free area shall be maintained. This zone shall have no signs, trees or light fixtures located within it. Any existing condition (e.g., an overpass) within the ten-foot vertical clear space must be signed as to its height. Typically, in any place where people will gather (e.g., parking lots, trail maps, bike parking areas, water fountains) should be set back from the trail edge 15 or more feet. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 10 h. Reserved. i. Lighting. Lighting the hike and bike trail shall be provided at areas where nighttime use is allowed. Generally, lighting shall only occur in selected commercial areas and shall not occur adjacent to residential areas. The horizontal illumination levels should maintain an average between 0.5 and two-foot candles. Where special security concerns exist (e.g., tunnels, underpasses), a higher illumination is recommended. The light pole and fixture should be in scale with bicyclists and joggers except at trail needed illumination. j. Railings. Railings for bridges, steep drop-offs, and separation from thoroughfare traffic shall be a minimum of 4.5 feet in height and have a smooth "rub rail" attached to it. The rub rail should be of two-inch by six-inch rectangular tubing (12-gauge steel) placed so the railing's center is 3.5 above the surface. The six-inch rub railing vertical dimension is a minimum. Chain-link fencing is prohibited. Alternative materials may be considered subject to approval of the town engineer. k. Signage. Adequate signage shall be required on hike and bike trails to indicate to trail users directional information for wayfinding to features such as particular trail routes, open space facilities, view overlooks, recreational features, parking, and nearby neighborhood centers. Signage is also critical in communicating appropriate regulatory messages and warnings of potential conflicts in areas such as trail intersections. Signage shall be sensitively and attractively designed to provide a unifying, maintainable element throughout the open space system. Signage colors, symbols, wording, and quality of materials of materials can greatly influence how successful the signage is in conveying the desired information. Enlightened decisions regarding these elements can also facilitate an image appropriate to Westlake's rural character. The following signage information is intended to describe the required messages and information regarding open space areas. Exact size and shape of sign blade, type and height of pole, and materials to be used are dependent on the circumstances existing at the sign location. There are five basic types of sign groups: 1. Warning signs. These signs alert trail users of safety concerns such as abrupt changes in slope that may be necessary, approaching intersections of trail routes, or upcoming trail bridges. 2. Directional markers. Directional markers use arrows or wording to indicate which direction to travel. These signs are important when multiple trails come together. 3. Informational signs. These signs can be in any form or style and typically provide the trail user with useful or important information. 4. Regulatory signs. These signs are usually white and rectangular with black lettering. Regulatory signs give instructions on trail use and etiquette. 5. Identification markers. These signs identify trails and roadway bridges that cross the trails. Where roadways are nearby, a sign identifying the street for trail users and a sign identifying the trail for road users can prove helpful. Overhead name plates should be located on bridge underpasses and should include the street name and block number. Trail maps and the name of the trail should be located at the beginning and end of each trail. Mile markers should be located every 0.25 miles. The identification markers are important to trail users, maintenance forces, police, and emergency personnel. l. Mow pads. To help minimize trimming during the mowing season, mow pads shall be placed around all signage, furniture and water fountains. The pads shall be designed so that a tractor can easily mow around these objects without hitting them. Mow pads shall be poured- in-place, reinforced concrete with a broom or non-skid finish. m. Road crossings. Where primary trails cross streets and thoroughfares, the crossing shall be a grade separated crossing with the trail beneath the road, whenever possible. n. Sight triangles. It is important to eliminate blind spots at intersections where multi-use paths intersect with streets. Clear zone sight line triangles must be defined to eliminate blind spots. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 11 Landscape improvements designed within this zone must be below 2.5 feet and above nine feet in height to provide unobstructed cross-visibility. o. Key trail spots. Trail map markers, rest stops, overlooks, and creek scenic areas are all examples of trail points of interest. These points shall be integrated into the trail. Trail maps and guides give users directions. Different materials and forms can be used on special areas such as overlooks and rest stops, depending on their function and location. Special historical and visual points of interest along the trail shall have spin-off trails for pedestrians and joggers, whenever appropriate. Cyclists should have parking for bicycles. Spin-off trails shall include appropriate signage to discourage bicycle use on them. p. Kiosks. Information bulletin boards or kiosks should be located near parking areas, water fountains, and restrooms where people have a reason to stop. Locating them at the beginning or end of the trail and adjacent to the parking areas are effective because people are stretching or unloading bicycles. These locations are also good for placing the trail guidelines (which should be brief and clearly posted). Informed trail users are more likely to be courteous and behave safely on multi-use trails. q. Water crossings. Where trails cross existing streams or in areas of low elevation, bridges are a better solution than low water crossings. Trail bridges are encouraged; however low water crossings may be considered. (c) Design requirements for streets. (1) Interpretation of street need classification shall be governed first by the approved Thoroughfare Plan. If outside the detail of the Thoroughfare Plan, street classification shall be interpreted on the basis of need as determined from the traffic impact analysis for the development. (2) It is recommended that street alignments should parallel existing contours as much as feasible. (3) Roadways should be placed in the center of right-of-way, but may be shifted to avoid tree groupings. (4) Roadways shall meet intersections at 90 degrees (with no more than ten degree variance) so that no street curvature is closer to the point of right-of-way lines by a distance of at least 150 feet. (5) Centerline curves shall be tangent to the street centerline at either end. (6) Where there is a natural edge to roadway paving associated with drainage swales, the roadway base shall extend past the edge of paving in accordance with specifications contained in this standard. (7) Where curbs are allowed, mountable curbs or other less conventional methods are encouraged. (8) In the case of existing topographic features which prohibit the reasonable use of the following specified design requirements, a variance should be requested. The procedure for seeking a variance is set out in the UDC. (9) Sidewalks associated with Thoroughfare Plan roadways, shall be constructed at the time of roadway construction, except where site construction will damage the sidewalk, in which case a bond shall be posted in accordance with the policies established in the town's Unified Development Code. (10) Landscaping associated with roadway medians must be provided at the time of construction of the roadway and consistent with the requirements of the town's Unified Development Code. (11) All required street improvements shall comply with the "street design specification" as contained in this standard. Right-of-way widths in excess of these specifications shall be required whenever additional width is required to fully contain drainage swales or roadside ditches, or, due to topography, additional width is necessary to provide adequate earthen slopes to existing grades. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 12 (12) Design requirements shall be in compliance with the latest edition of AASHTO standards. *Note that maximum straight length and centerline radii are recommended guidelines to assist in the curvilinear design of Westlake's streets, and may be exceeded as long as the curvilinear design standards are met. (13) When not shown in the town's Thoroughfare Plan, all proposed streets shall: a. Provide for the continuation or appropriate projection of existing streets with the exception of local residential streets. b. Conform to a plan for the neighborhood approved or adopted by the town to meet a particular situation where topographical or other conditions make continuation of, or conformance to existing streets impractical. c. Be laid out so that street right-of-way lines intersect at 90 degrees (with no more than ten- degree variance) and so that no street curvature is closer to the point of intersection of right- of-way lines than 35 feet on residential streets and 50 feet on collector and arterial streets. Right-of-way intersections with greater than ten-degree variance shall require approval of the town engineer and planner. d. Make use of existing median openings in the thoroughfares without any alterations to them and provide necessary minimum left-turn lanes for entry into subdivisions along both traveled ways, as necessary. (14) No residential and collector (two-lane) street intersection with arterial streets shall be allowed within 350 feet of a major street intersection (four-lane undivided and above) and/or within proposed right turn lane limits. (15) Residential streets shall be aligned in a manner to discourage use by through traffic. Jogs and offset at intersections measuring less than 135 feet in residential streets and 150 feet in undivided collector streets, measured between centerlines, are prohibited. This provision shall not apply if the intersecting street is divided and median opening is not provided for either street. Street right- of-way widths shall conform to subsection 36-43(b) of this standard. (16) Half streets shall be prohibited, as stated in subsection 82-183(e) of this Code unless otherwise approved by the board of alderman. (17) As stated in subsection 82-183(d), cul-de-sacs shall not be longer than 600 feet in length, measured from the intersecting centerline to the radius point of the cul-de-sac turnaround. All dead end streets shall terminate with an approved cul-de-sac pavement, having an outside minimum radius of 50 feet and an inside minimum radius of 30 feet. Islands in the cul-de-sac shall not be permitted in commercial and industrial areas. Alternative designs for cul-de-sac turnarounds such as "hammerheads" may be approved by the town planner and town engineer. Cul-de-sacs of up to 1,000 feet in length may be approved in low density residential areas, but an emergency access driveway shall be required and must be approved by the town planner and town engineer. Mailboxes, fire hydrants, and any other above ground structures must be set back a minimum of two feet from the pavement to accommodate emergency vehicles. (18) At the intersection of street right-of-way lines a triangular area for visibility shall be dedicated for right-of-way as established in subsection 36-44(e)(2) of this standard. In the event the streets intersect at other than 90 degrees (by more than ten degrees), as approved by the granting of a variance, the required dimensions may be increased as determined by the town. (19) Control of access lines, at street intersections, for driveways locations, to be shown on all plats and engineering site plans, and shall be in accordance with the guidelines shown in subsection 36-44(e)(2) of this standard. All dimensions are measured to the near radius point(s) of the driveways. (d) Turning lanes. Left turn lanes shall be provided on all approaches to intersections when four- or six- lane streets cross. Left turn lanes shall also be provided along all divided streets where median Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 13 openings provide access to streets. Left turn lanes may also be required by the town engineer at alleys or driveways. (1) Right turn/deceleration lanes shall be provided on all approaches to intersections where four- or six-lane streets cross. Right turn/deceleration lanes may also be required subject to the Traffic Impact Analysis. When multiple entries from different streets are proposed for a commercial development of five acres or more, and based on the projected traffic patterns of the site, town traffic engineer may waive this requirement at one or more driveways. (2) The length of left turn lanes, right turn lanes and deceleration lanes subject to the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA). (3) The developer shall be responsible for the dedication of all rights-of-way for the construction of all turning lanes. (4) Turn lanes and geometrics shall be designed for maximum safety and efficiency of the intersection. (e) Traffic signals. Traffic signal locations shall be based on a comprehensive traffic analysis and must be approved by the town. Preference will be given to street intersections for traffic signal location over private development driveways. (f) Median openings. Full median openings shall be at minimum spacings of one-quarter mile except where approved by the town based on an engineering study. Mid-block median openings shall be designed to restrict cross-access. (This allows for left turns along the thoroughfare, but not the cross street/driveway.) (g) Intersections. Right-turn lanes and traffic islands at intersections shall be provided and designed to allow traffic turning right to enter the cross street after yielding except where approved by the town based on an engineering study. (A yield sign would be installed and turning traffic would not go through the traffic signal). (h) Curvilinear design requirements. One of the objectives set forth in the town's Comprehensive Plan is the creation of winding and scenic streets. All new streets within the town shall meet these curvilinear street standards, except when the town determines that the shape or topography of the subdivision or the pattern of adjacent street systems would make the provision of such curvilinear streets unfeasible. The town's Engineering Standards shall also apply. (1) All non-residential cul-de-sacs with a length of 600 feet or less, regardless of centerline geometry, shall be considered to meet the curvilinear street standards, provided that the cul-de-sac terminates at the street end in a tee intersection (i.e., does not cross the intersection). (2) For residential streets, a total length of 1,320 feet or less, regardless of centerline geometry, shall be considered to meet the curvilinear street standards provided that the street terminates (i.e., cul-de-sac, tee intersection) at either end. (3) If less than 50 percent of the length of the centerline of the street (or less than 50 percent of the length of the centerline of the lane bundle for major arterial streets) is composed of straight sections then that street shall be considered to meet with the curvilinear street standards. (i) Vertical curves. The vertical design including curves shall comply with AASHTO standards as the minimum criteria. The minimum vertical curve length shall be 50 feet for each algebraic percent difference in grade. Lengths which are some multiple of 50 feet are preferred but not required. Intersections shall be on straight slope sections, or near the crest of vertical curves unless otherwise approved by the town engineer. (j) Coordination with surrounding streets. The street system for each development shall be coordinated with existing, proposed, and anticipated streets within and outside the development, and shall be extended outside the development when necessary, so as to provide for adequate access, the safe Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 14 and effective movement and circulation of traffic, or for other reasonable traffic considerations. However, thru traffic (i.e., traffic that does not originate or terminate in the town) shall be discouraged. (1) Streets shall be in alignment with existing or proposed streets of adjoining properties, except where the Thoroughfare Plan, topography, requirements for traffic circulation, or other planning considerations make it desirable to depart from the alignment. (2) The extension of residential or collector streets may be denied if it is determined that the extension would provide for an unacceptable use of the street or would encourage substantial through traffic. (3) Streets not required to be extended beyond the development, but that are to be connected with proposed or anticipated streets outside the development at a future date, shall be extended to the property line at the point where the connection is expected. If the street is a collector or boulevard, and the distance from the property line to the nearest intersecting street is more than 150 feet, or there is a building lot which fronts exclusively on the dead-end street, then a temporary turnaround cul-de-sac shall be provided. Otherwise, the street shall be barricaded at the property line until such time as it is extended or connected. (k) Street names and signs. Street names shall be in conformance with subsection 82-183(i) and section 82-185, and shall be assigned by the developer, subject to board of aldermen approval, by placing the name on the plat. Streets which are in alignment with or continuations of existing streets shall be given the same name. Names shall be sufficiently different in sound and spelling from existing or platted street names within the 911 Service area so as not to cause conflict or confusion. Street signs shall be subject to the approval of the town engineer. (l) Medians. When any development is required to provide one-half or more of the right-of-way of any street classification requiring a median, a full median shall be provided in accordance with these design standards. (1) All portions of the median less than four feet in width shall be installed with a low maintenance surface such as paving stones, living ground cover, or similar landscape material approved by the town engineer, but excluding concrete and asphalt. (2) The maximum cross-slope in a median shall be four horizontal to one vertical (4:1). The use of retaining walls within medians is prohibited unless approved by the town engineer. (3) Spacing between median openings should be at least 500 feet, measured from the centers of the openings unless otherwise approved by the town planner or transportation engineer. (m) Bridges. Bridge design shall accommodate below grade and at grade crossings of hike/bike trails and at grade sidewalks on each side of the bridge. Stone facing on all exposed surfaces and bridge lighting shall also be required. alternative facing and appurtenances may be submitted to the board for approval. Sec. 36-44. - Driveway design standards. (a) Purpose and intent. Driveway design standards to ensure that property shall be provided safe and efficient vehicular access to or from the public street system, to protect the capacity for handling peak traffic volumes of public streets, to maintain smooth traffic flow, and to maintain street right-of-way and drainage. The intent is to achieve the following: (1) Prohibit the indiscriminate location and spacing of driveways while maintaining reasonable vehicular access to and from the public street system. (2) Reduce conflicting turning movements and congestion thereby reducing vehicular accidents. (3) Maintain and enhance a positive image for the attraction of new, high quality, residential and non- residential development in the town. (b) Definitions. As a basis to discussion of driveway standards and design criteria, an overview of key terminology is presented to assist the reader in understanding concepts which will be discussed later. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 15 Acceleration lane. An auxiliary lane beyond a driveway or public or private street that allows vehicles time to accelerate before turning right to merge onto major street facility. Applicant. Any owner, authorized agent, lessee, contractor or developer who desires to construct, reconstruct, relocate or in any way alter the design or operation of one (1) or more driveways. Arterial. Any existing or future roadway classified as a principal or minor arterial in the Thoroughfare Plan, including major boulevard collector or major collector. Auxiliary lane. A separate lane, including transition areas, in addition to the general travel lanes intended to maintain the free flow of traffic. Examples include free right turn lane, free left turn lane, deceleration lane or acceleration lane. Board. Board of Alderman of the Town of Westlake. Collector. Any existing or future roadway classified as a major or minor collector in the Thoroughfare Plan. Continuous deceleration lane. A deceleration lane that serves two or more driveways, public streets or combination thereof. Deceleration lane. An auxiliary lane, including transition areas, in advance of a driveway or public or private street that allows vehicles time to slow before turning right from a major street facility. Design hour. The one-hour period of a typical week with the highest volume of traffic on the roadway. Driveway. Any approach or access that connects real property to the public street. The driveway is primarily located within public right-of-way but may be considered to extend onto private property when necessary to ensure safe operation of the driveway/street intersection. Driveway, commercial. A driveway providing access to commercial property or providing access to administrative or employee parking lots on industrial property. The principal use of commercial driveways will be automobile traffic with incidental use by truck traffic. Driveway, circular. A residential driveway that has two connections to public or private street. Driveway, common. A driveway constructed to provide access between two or more properties. Driveway, divided. A driveway having separate ingress and egress drives divided by a raised median. Driveway, industrial. A driveway providing access for substantial truck traffic to industrial property or commercial property. The principle use of industrial driveways will be truck movements to and from loading docks of a commercial or industrial facility. Driveway, multi-family. A driveway which provides access to multi-family property. Driveway, residential. A driveway which provides access to a single-family residence, to a duplex or to a multi-family building containing three or fewer dwelling units. Driveway throat width. The shortest distance between the parallel edges of a driveway measured edge of pavement to edge of pavement for driveways without curbs and measured face of curb to face of curb for driveways with curbs. Free right turn lane. An auxiliary lane. Free left turn lane. An auxiliary lane. Freeway frontage road. Driving lanes within State of Texas right-of-way. that parallel the principle freeway driving lanes and provide access to property adjacent to right-of-way. Internal driveway. A private road or access way on private property that connects buildings or abutting ground to the driveway. Major street facility. Any of the following: (1) S.H. 114, S.H. 170 and U.S. 377 and corresponding freeway frontage roads, (2) Kirkwood Blvd, Precinct Line Rd., Trophy Club Dr., Sam School Rd., Roanoke Rd., and Henrietta Creek Rd, (3) principal or minor arterial streets, or (4) major or minor collector streets. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 16 Parkway. The area of the right-of-way between edge of pavement and the corresponding right-of-way line. Property, commercial. Property, regardless of zoning district, which is used wholly or partially for offices or the wholesale or retail sale of goods and services. Property, industrial. Property, regardless of zoning district, other than commercial property, multi- family property or industrial property as defined in this chapter. Property, multi-family. Property, regardless of zoning district, that contains four or more dwelling units. Property, residential. Property, regardless of zoning district, that contains three or fewer dwelling units. Street classification. The functional classification of a street as defined in the Thoroughfare Plan or as defined by the transportation planner/engineer for those streets not shown in the Thoroughfare Plan. Town engineer. Person officially designated to serve as the town's engineer. Town planner. Person officially designated to serve as the town's planner. Town transportation planner/engineer. Person officially designated to serve as the town's transportation planner/engineer. Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA). A study prepared and signed by a registered professional engineer in the State of Texas that certifies the existing traffic conditions and determines the projected traffic to be generated by a proposed development. (c) Driveway permit required. (1) General. No person shall construct, reconstruct, relocate or in any way alter the design or operation of any driveway without a permit issued by the town engineer. No work shall be undertaken on a driveway until the executed permit has been received by the applicant. In no event shall a driveway be allowed or permitted if it is determined by the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer, to be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare. (2) Applicability. Driveway permits shall be issued only in compliance with this chapter and may include terms and conditions authorized by the ordinance. In no event shall a driveway be allowed or permitted if it is determined by the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer, to be detrimental to the public health, welfare and safety. (3) Street reconstruction. Where in the course of public street reconstruction by the town, county or state it becomes necessary to revise or eliminate an existing driveway to be in conformance with this chapter, the property owner shall be notified in writing of the required changes. Said changes shall be implemented at the cost of the appropriate public agency, and will not result in denial of reasonable access from the property to the general street system. (4) Traffic Impact Analysis required. For commercial, industrial or multi-family driveways on a major street facility, the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer, may require an applicant to submit a Traffic Impact Analysis as part of the permit application and review process. This requirement may be waived if the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer, determines that the driveway has been adequately analyzed in a previous traffic study. (5) Common access. A common access easement may be required between adjacent lots fronting on a major street facility in order to minimize the total number of access points along those streets and to facilitate traffic flow between lots. Lots with sufficient frontage to safely meet the design requirements of Section 5.0 may be permitted to have their own driveways. The owner or developer of property required to use common driveways shall be responsible for obtaining easements on adjacent property as necessary. The town may, but shall not be required to, assist in the acquisition of off-site easements if the owner is unable to acquire them. With a request for assistance, the owner shall provide the town with documentation of his efforts, including evidence of a reasonable offer made to the adjacent property owner. Upon such a written request for Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 17 assistance, the town may attempt to acquire these easements through negotiations. If the negotiations are unsuccessful, the request may be submitted to the board for consideration of acquisition through condemnation. In either case, the total cost of the acquisition and the cost of the easements shall be paid by the owner (developer). In the event the town elects not to acquire the property through condemnation, alternate driveway locations and designs in conformance with this chapter shall be required. (d) Revisions of existing driveways for conformance. Upon application for building permit or certificate of occupancy, existing driveways that are not in conformance with this chapter shall be brought into compliance at the expense of the applicant as a condition of the building permit or certificate of occupancy if one of the following conditions is met: (1) The existing use of the driveway is projected to increase in actual or proposed daily design hour volume by 20 percent or more. (2) The change in the use of the property or modifications to the property restricts the flow of vehicles entering or exiting the property in a manner which is anticipated to disrupt normal traffic flow in the public street, thereby creating a hazard. Change in property use may include but is not necessarily limited to change in type of business, expansion in an existing business, change in zoning, and subdivision which creates new parcels. It does not include modifications in advertising, landscaping, remodeling, general maintenance, or aesthetics that do not affect internal or external traffic flow or safety. (e) Design criteria. The following standards shall be followed in the design and construction of driveways within the town. (1) Design standards. The values of table (e)(1) represent minimum and/or maximum standards to be applied in designing and locating driveways on town streets. For each driveway, the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer, may require a specific combination of dimensions within these ranges based on the anticipated traffic flow and safety characteristics of the driveway and public street. _____ Table (e)(1)—Driveway Design Standards Criteria Street Classification Residential Driveway Commercial & Multi-Family Driveway Industrial Driveway Driveway Throat Width * State Highways & frontage roads N/A 30—36 ft. 30—48 ft. Arterials N/A 30—36 ft. 30—48 ft. Collectors N/A 24—36 ft. 30—48 ft. Local Streets N/A 24—36 ft. 30—48 ft. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 18 Residential Streets 10—20 ft. N/A N/A Driveway Curb Radius * State Highways & frontage roads N/A 20—30 ft. 20—40 ft. Arterials N/A 20—30 ft. 20—40 ft. Collectors N/A 20—30 ft. 20—30 ft. Local Streets N/A 20—30 ft. 20—30 ft. Residential Streets 5—10 ft. N/A N/A Minimum Centerline Driveway Spacing Along Roadway ** State Highways & frontage roads N/A 500 ft. 500 ft. Arterials N/A 250 ft. 250 ft. Collectors N/A 150 ft. 150 ft. Local Streets 20 ft. 100 ft. 100 ft. Residential Streets 30 ft. N/A N/A Minimum Distance to Intersection Along Roadway *** State Highways & frontage N/A 250 ft. /500 ft. 250 ft. /500 Arterials N/A 250 ft. /500 ft. 250 ft. /500 Collectors N/A 150 ft. /300 ft. 150 ft. /300 Local Streets 30 ft. 100 ft. 100 ft Residential Streets 60 ft. N/A N/A Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 19 * The requirements for driveway throat width and driveway curb radius are for standard undivided two- way operation and may be varied by the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer, if traffic volumes, truck usage, common driveways, and other factors warrant such. ** The minimum centerline spacing does not implicitly determine the number of driveways allowed. Driveways served by deceleration lanes may be spaced at closer intervals if approved by the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer. *** Distance measured from nearest edge of the driveway throat to the intersecting R.O.W. line. Note: Residential driveways shall be allowed on residential streets only. Residential driveways shall connect to local streets only. (2) General design criteria. a. Driveways on state and federal highways. Driveways along state highways, including S.H. 114, S.H. 170, and U.S. 377 (and future frontage roads), shall be located in accordance with Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) access control guidelines. Driveways will not be allowed within areas indicated as "access denied" as per Figures 1 and 2 of this section. The town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer, may, with the concurrence of TXDOT, allow driveways within the areas indicated as "access denied where practical" as per Figures 1 and 2. All other driveway access shall be provided in accordance with Figures 3 and 4 of this section. b. Driveways on arterial streets. Driveways on arterial streets with retail zoning within 1,000 feet of another arterial shall be designed in accordance with Figure 5 of this section. As per Figure 5, any driveway constructed within 250 feet of an intersection of an arterial with another arterial shall be right turn in and out only, and shall have signs placed at the applicant's expense indicating right turn in and out only. The minimum distance for a full access driveway is 500 feet from an arterial intersection with another arterial. Driveway access on arterials without retail zoning more than 1,000 feet from another arterial shall be located in accordance with subsection 36-43(f) median openings. At the intersection of an arterial with a collector street, the minimum distance on the arterial approach for a full access driveway shall be 500 feet. The minimum distance on the collector approach shall by 300 feet. The minimum distance for a driveway with minor access (right turn in and out only) on the arterial section shall be 250 feet from the intersection. The minimum distance for a driveway with minor access (right turn in and out only) on the collector section shall be 150 feet from the intersection. c. Driveways on collector streets. Driveways on collector streets with retail zoning within 1,000 of another collector shall be designed in accordance with Figure 6 of this section. As per Figure 6, any driveway constructed within 150 feet of an intersection of a collector with another collector shall be right turn in and out only, and shall have signs placed at the applicant's expense indicating right turn in and out only. The minimum distance for a full access driveway is 300 feet from the collector intersection with another collector street. Driveway access on collectors without retail zoning more than 1,000 from another collector shall be located in accordance with subsection 36-43(f) median openings. At the intersection of a collector with an arterial street, the minimum distance on the arterial approach for a full access driveway shall be 500 feet. The minimum distance on the collector approach shall by 300 feet. The minimum distance for a driveway with minor access (right turn in and out only) on the arterial section shall be 250 feet from the intersection. The minimum distance for a driveway with minor access (right turn in and out only) on the collector section shall be 150 feet from the intersection. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 20 d. Minimum throat length. The driveway for any multi-family, commercial, or industrial property that connects to a major street facility shall extend onto private property a minimum distance of 18 feet from the right-of-way line before intersecting any internal driveway. e. Common access easements. The use of common driveways shall require the dedication of a joint-use private access easement on each affected property. Said dedication shall be provided on the final plat of the subject properties, or be filed by separate instrument with the recorder of deeds for the county in which the property is located, with a copy forwarded to the town. The common access easement shall encompass the entire width of the planned driveway plus an additional width of one foot on both sides of the drive. At a minimum, the size of the access easement must be 12 feet wide and 15 feet deep for residential driveways or 26 feet wide and 42 feet deep for commercial and industrial driveways. When the center of the easement is offset from the common lot line, the easement must extend past the lot line a minimum distance of one foot. f. Radius return limit. For any driveway, the point of radius return tangency with the street curb shall not extend beyond the property line (projected perpendicular to the street centerline) except as provided in common driveway agreements and as approved by the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer. g. Curb leave-outs. If a street curb is to be left out for later installation of a driveway, the driveway shall be poured within six months of the issuance of a building permit, or the curb shall be replaced. h. Utility offset minimum. No portion of any driveway shall be located within four feet of any fire hydrant, electrical pole, or any other surface public utility. The applicant, at his expense, may have the surface utility moved, if the public utility agency determines that the move will not detrimentally affect the service. i. Curb inlet drainage offset. The driveway curb return at the point of tangency with the street curb shall not be located within (a) five feet of the downstream edge, nor ten feet of the upstream edge, of a straight curb inlet or inlet extension, nor (b) within ten feet of recessed inlet, without prior permission of the town engineer. j. Off-street maneuvering. All vehicle maneuvering on multifamily, commercial, and industrial properties into a parking space or up to a loading dock or into any other area shall be accomplished by off-street maneuvering areas and internal driveways. No back-in or back- out vehicle maneuvering from a driveway shall be allowed to occur on any public street or right-of-way with the exception of residential drives on local streets. k. Adequate sight distance. Driveways may be prohibited where adequate sight distance is not available for the established speed limit, or the design speed of a future street improvement, if higher. Sight distance easements at street and driveway intersections shall be determined in accordance with the following: 1. Applicability. No fence, wall, screen, sign, structure, or foliage of shrub or trees shall be erected, planted or maintained in such a manner as to obstruct of interfere with a clear line of sight for the drivers of approaching motor vehicles within the sight distance easement. 2. Sight easement. The sight easement shall be kept clear of visual obstructions except tree trunks and municipal or traffic sign posts between 30 inches and nine feet above the average grade of the street. 3. Dimensions. The sight distance easement shall be a minimum of five feet beyond the critical line of sight. The critical line of sight shall be defined as illustrated in Table (e)(2) and Figure 7 of this section. Values of "D" may be obtained from the table for controlled Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 21 intersections, or they may be calculated in accordance with AASHTO standards for the critical condition. Table (e)(2)—Intersection Sight Distance Requirements Design speed (mph) Two-lane roadway d=(feet) Four-lane roadway d=(feet) 30 0 0 40 610 820 50 760 1030 60 910 1230 If a field inspection indicates that driveway sight distance may be insufficient, the applicant will be required to submit vertical and horizontal information to the town that verifies adequate sight distance is available for the proposed driveway location. l. Site plan required. A site plan showing all existing right-of-way, easements, curbs, storm drain inlets, flumes, underground and overhead utilities, trees and sidewalks shall be required for each non-residential driveway permit applications. The proposed driveway grades shall also be shown for a minimum distance of 15 feet past the right-of-way line. All driveways and median openings within 150 feet of the subject property on both sides of each abutting street shall be shown on the site plan. If an adjacent street contains a raised median, showing driveway(s) on the opposite side of the street shall not be required unless a median opening is present or proposed. m. Temporary driveways. Temporary driveways shall only be permitted if the public street construction is an interim section and if approved by the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 22 Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 23 FIGURE 1—PREFERRED ACCESS CONTROL AT ENTRANCE RAMP JUNCTION Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 24 Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 25 FIGURE 2—PREFERRED ACCESS CONTROL AT EXIT RAMP JUNCTION Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 26 Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 27 FIGURE 3—TYPICAL FREEWAY INTERSECTION ACCESS Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 28 Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 29 FIGURE 4—TYPICAL ACCESS BETWEEN FREEWAY INTERSECTIONS Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 30 Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 31 FIGURE 5—TYPICAL ARTERIAL INTERSECTION ACCESS WITH RETAIL ZONING Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 32 Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 33 FIGURE 6—TYPICAL COLLECTOR INTERSECTION ACCESS WITH RETAIL ZONING Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 34 Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 35 FIGURE 7—LINE OF SIGHT REQUIREMENTS AT INTERSECTIONS (3) Residential standards. a. Circular drives. Circular drives are allowed on residential lots not fronting on arterial or collector thoroughfares. There shall be 25 feet minimum distance between the two interior Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 36 portions of the drives at the right-of-way line. The minimum lot frontage required to construct a circular drive is 100 feet. b. Common drive width. A residential driveway shared by two or more properties shall have a minimum throat width of 12 feet. A common access easement shall also be required as described in subsection 36-44(e)(5). Shared residential driveways may be required for adjoining residential lots on major street facilities to reduce the number of access points on those roadways. c. Access to major street facility. Driveway access to a residential lot from any major street facility shall not be permitted unless that lot has no other public access. If such a driveway is approved on a major street facility, an off-street maneuvering area approved by the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer, shall be provided to ensure that vehicles will not back into the public street. Driveway access to a residential lot from a minor collector street may be denied if either: 1. The lot has access to a local street; or 2. The proposed access would create a traffic flow or safety problem, unless there is no other access. (4) Auxiliary lanes. a. When required. As a condition of a driveway permit, the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer, may require the applicant to provide a deceleration lane for any driveway located on an arterial street if the right turn ingress volume exceeds 50 vehicles in the design hour (150 vehicles if the design hour occurs on a Sunday). If the existing or future speed limit on the street facility exceeds 40 mph, a deceleration lane may be required if 40 right turn ingress vehicles occur in the design hour (100 vehicles if the design hour occurs on a Sunday). Such calculation shall be made by the town transportation planner/engineer unless a Traffic Impact Analysis is provided by the applicant. b. Extension of right turn lane. When a driveway is approved within the separate right turn lane of a public street intersection, the lane shall be extended a minimum of 50 feet in advance of the driveway. No driveway shall be permitted within the transition area of any separate right turn or deceleration lane. c. Continuous deceleration lane. A continuous deceleration lane may be required as a condition of a driveway permit when two or more deceleration lanes are planned and their proximity necessitates that they be combined for proper traffic flow and safety. The transition taper for a continuous deceleration lane shall not extend into or beyond a public street intersection. d. Left turn on undivided roads. On undivided arterial roadways, a left turn lane and taper may be required as a condition of the driveway permit when the product of projected left turn ingress volume (50 minimum) and the opposing volume per lane exceeds 25,000 in any design hour. In such cases, the town transportation planner/engineer will analyze the present and future traffic volumes to verify that the left turn lane is necessary to maintain minimum levels of traffic flow and safety. e. Left turn on divided roads. On divided arterial roadways, the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer, may require, as a condition of the driveway permit, construction of a left turn lane at an existing public street median opening when the proposed driveway will be served by such median opening and no left turn lane exists in the median. f. Temporary auxiliary lane. The town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer, may require a temporary auxiliary lane to be constructed on existing arterial roadways that are planned for future improvement. If construction costs for the permanent auxiliary lane for the future street section is greater than that for the temporary auxiliary lane for the existing roadway, the property owner shall place escrow funds with the town for the difference in the costs. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 37 g. Deceleration lane extension. In the event the applicant is allowed to locate a driveway with deceleration lane within 100 feet of an arterial intersection, the applicant may be required to extend the deceleration lane to such intersection. The 100 feet shall be measured from the nearest edge of the driveway throat to the nearest right-of-way line of the intersection arterial. h. Construction costs. The applicant shall be responsible for the design, right-of-way adjustment of utilities, and construction costs of any auxiliary lane and street widening required as a condition of the driveway permit. If for any reason an auxiliary lane required under this chapter cannot be constructed in conjunction with the driveway by the applicant, the applicant may be required to place all necessary funds in escrow with the town. (5) Signalized driveways. a. Driveway analysis. As a condition of a driveway permit on a major street facility, the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer, may require the applicant to submit driveway volume and capacity information when signalization is requested or expected at the driveway intersection. If a signalized driveway is constructed on an arterial, or on the frontage roads of a state highway, it shall be no less than 1,000 feet from any adjacent signalized driveway or public street intersection, unless otherwise authorized by the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer. b. Signal construction. If the driveway analysis indicates a signal is required and an overall public benefit is shown, the town may require as a condition of the permit that the applicant pay for the traffic signal installation costs necessary to serve the subject driveway. c. Signal reconfiguration costs. If a driveway is permitted and installed at an existing signalized intersection, the applicant shall pay any costs necessary to modify the existing signal to accommodate the new driveway. (6) Special driveway designs. a. High volume drives. The town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer, may require the applicant to submit a Traffic Impact Analysis for any driveway on an arterial projected to serve 1,000 or more vehicles per day, or 100 ingress vehicles in the peak hour. Calculations of driveway ingress volumes will be based on land use type and square footage in accordance with the table in Appendix 4. Based on the need created by such a driveway, the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer, may require internal driveway improvements, turning movement prohibitions, auxiliary lanes, and traffic control devices to address safety and/or capacity problems with the property which may have a detrimental effect on the adjacent public street system. b. Left turn egress control median. All driveway on undivided arterial roadways having a projected existing left turn volume that will operate at a level-of-service "D" or worse as defined in the latest edition of the "Highway Capacity Manual", published by the Transportation Research Board, may be required to be constructed with a left turn egress control median. Likewise, any driveway having a projected ingress left turn volume that will have a level-of-service "D" or worse may be required to have a left turn ingress control median. If both are required, a right in/right out driveway design may be required by the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer. c. Required stacking for high volume drives. Driveways having a projected design volume of 5,000 or more vehicles per day shall have a minimum of 100 feet continuous approach length without adjacent parking stalls or vehicular cross flow. (7) Drainage design. In the vicinity of existing or future drainage structures, no driveway shall be permitted which may impair the effectiveness of the existing drainage facilities. Drainage in side ditches shall not be significantly altered or impeded by any driveway. (f) Modifications, variances and appeals. Modifications and variances are strongly discouraged. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 38 (1) Modifications. Modifications may be granted by the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer, for the particular area of responsibility controlled by such official under unique circumstances whenever needed to recognize extenuating circumstances or preserve the health, safety and welfare of the public, and provided that the modifications are in conformity with the intent and purpose of this chapter. The town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer, may defer any request by an applicant to the board for final determination. (2) Variances and appeals. Any applicant who desires a variance or elimination of the requirements herein, or who desires to appeal a decision of the town engineer, regarding modifications to this chapter shall file a written appeal to the town engineer, who shall place the request on the agenda for consideration by the board. The board shall have the authority to grant a variance to this chapter. In granting any variance, the board shall determine that: a. A literal enforcement of the regulations herein will create an unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty on the applicant. b. The situation causing unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self-imposed. c. The variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties. d. The granting of the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of this chapter. The decision of the board shall be final. (g) Enforcement. (1) Building permit. No permits for building construction or site work including grading and paving shall be issued for, multi-family, commercial or industrial driveways until a site plan meeting the requirements of this chapter has been approved by the town engineer, in consultation with the town transportation planner/engineer. No permits for residential construction shall be issued for residential driveways until a plot plan meeting the requirements of this chapter has been approved by the town engineer or his designee. (2) Certificate of occupancy. All drives, parking, auxiliary lanes, drainage work or other requirements of this chapter shall be completed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Sec. 36-45. - Engineering and supervision. (a) The owner or developer shall employ a civil engineer, experienced in street design and duly licensed to practice in the State of Texas, for the preparation of the street plans and profiles. These plans shall be subject to the review and acceptance of the town engineer or his authorized designee. Construction shall explicitly follow these approved plans unless specific written concurrence is obtained from the town engineer for deviations from said plans. (b) The owner or developer shall employ his own registered public surveyor or civil engineer to provide construction staking for the street facilities. The town shall provide inspection services during the construction; however, such inspection shall only be for the purpose of insuring that the town approved plans and specifications are compiled with and that the completed work is constructed as therein described. The owner and his engineer shall retain responsibility for the design and for insuring that construction is completed in accordance with the town approved plans and specifications. Sec. 36-46. - Contractors. All streets shall be constructed by contractor pre-approved by the town employed by the owner or developer. Eligibility shall be determined by the town engineer or his authorized designee, based on previous work history and other eligibility requirements as set forth by the board of aldermen. All eligibility Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 39 requirements shall be equally applicable to all contractors. Ineligibility may be appealed to the board of aldermen. (1) The contractor shall ensure that the town engineer is notified 48 hours in advance to the start of any construction on the street facilities. The contractor shall also insure that, when applicable, proper authorities of the Texas Department of Transportation, franchised utility companies, railroads or other affected interests are notified. (2) The paving contractor shall furnish to the town engineer, before beginning any of the paving operations, three executed sets of the payment, performance and maintenance bonds. Sec. 36-47. - Construction requirements. (a) Street excavation. The streets, including parkways, shall be excavated to the line and grade shown on the town approved construction plans. (b) Pavement widths and sections. Standard pavement widths and sections shall be constructed on prepared subgrade in accordance with the geotechnical report and the approved construction plans. (c) Soil conditions and paving design. (1) The developer shall employ the services of a Texas registered and qualified geotechnical engineer and laboratory who shall stipulate in his/her report the recommended subgrade preparation and minimum pavement thickness. The town engineer reserves the right to request additional test borings. (2) The design engineer, upon submitting plans for review, shall submit a copy of the geotechnical report and statement that the pavement design is based on the findings of the soil report. The pavement design shall in no case be less than the minimum as required by the Town of Westlake. (d) Excavation (NCTCOG Item 3.1 through Item 3.7): (1) Excavation within the paving right-of-way shall be performed full width in accordance with the improvements to be constructed. (2) Borrow materials shall be free from all foreign materials such as tree stumps, roots, grass or organic materials. (e) Subgrade treatments (NCTCOG Item 4.6): (1) A geotechnical investigation shall be performed to determine suitable subgrade treatment. (2) All pavement subgrade within designated rights-of-way and fire lane easements, where the plasticity index of the natural soil shall be treated with hydrated lime slurry (dry lime placement shall not be allowed). The amount of hydrated lime slurry shall be that which reduces the plasticity index of the treated soil to below 15. (3) When a satisfactory subgrade cannot be constructed in soils with a plasticity index below 15, cement stabilization may be required by the town engineer. (4) Where the plasticity index of the natural soil is less than 15, based on the geotechnical report, the subbase may be prepared without lime. (5) The subbase shall be shaped to conform to the typical cross sections and thoroughly scarified to a depth of six inches. Material shall not contain rocks with any dimension greater than four inches. (6) The material shall be brought to optimum moisture density and compacted to minimum of 95 percent of Standard Proctor. The town engineer may require recompaction if any density test is below 95 percent. (7) Areas requiring compacted fill shall be clear of all grass, roots, stumps, etc., to a depth of at least six inches below existing grade. This material shall be scarified to depth of six inches, sprinkled as required, and re-compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of Standard Proctor. Fill areas shall be brought to grade in not deeper than six-inch lifts. Fill material shall not contain rocks with any Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 40 dimension greater than four inches. Fill material may not contain roots, stumps, bricks, or other debris. (8) Areas requiring excavation shall be cleared of all grass, roots, stumps, etc. Over excavation may be required to remove said debris or to remove unsuitable material. If over excavation is required, the area shall be brought to grade with approved material as specified for compacted fills. (f) Hot mix asphaltic concrete (H.M.A.C.) pavement. The H.M.A.C. pavement shall comply with the standard specifications of the North Central Texas Council of Governments and the following specifications: (1) All asphalts, oils and emulsions shall conform to Item 300, Asphalts, Oils and Emulsions, of the Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways, Streets, and Bridges. (2) H.M.A.C. shall conform to Item 340, Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete pavement, of the Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways, Streets, and Bridges, and to the following requirements: a. The hot mix base courses shall be THD Type "C". b. The hot mix surface coat shall be THD Type "D". (3) The developer shall furnish the town engineer with a mix design prepared by an independent testing laboratory. The pavement design shall be prepared by an independent geotechnical engineer and shall be subject to the approval of the town engineer. (g) Concrete pavement. All concrete for paving of streets, alleys and fire lanes shall meet or exceed these minimum requirements for workability, strength, and finish. (1) All sampling and testing of materials shall be in accordance with applicable American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) test procedures and all required tests shall be paid by the contractor unless otherwise specified. (2) All concrete mix designs shall be generated by an independent testing laboratory. Concrete design mixes used successfully on recent projects that meet the specifications for use may be reviewed by a certified laboratory providing current testing data is available, as approved by the town engineer. (3) All concrete paving mix designs shall have a minimum cement content of 5½ sacks per cubic yard. Flyash substitution of 20 percent or less of cement content by weight, may be approved on a specific project basis by the town engineer if not specified in the project plans or contract. Concrete for all surfaces constructed by handwork shall have a minimum cement content of six sacks per cubic yard. (4) The use of air entraining admixtures shall conform to ASTM Designation C-260. (5) All concrete for paving shall include the use of water reducing admixtures conforming to ASTM Designation C-494, Types A, D, F, and G. (6) All concrete for paving shall be designed to meet or exceed the flexural strength requirement of 650 p.s.i. at 28 days as tested with center point loading of the test specimens as per ASTM standard testing procedures. If samples fail to meet the flexural strength specifications, the additional samples shall be tested for a compressive strength of 3,600 p.s.i. at 28 days. Samples are to be tested per ASTM standard testing procedures. (7) The maximum time interval between the addition of cement to the batch, and the placing of concrete in the forms shall not exceed the following: Air or concrete temperature (whichever is higher) Maximum time (addition of water or cement to placing in forms) Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 41 Non-agitated concrete Over 80° F 15 minutes 35° F to 79° F 30 minutes Agitated concrete *90° F 45 minutes 75° F to 89° F 60 minutes 35° F to 74° F 90 minutes The use of an approved retarding agent in the concrete will permit the extension of each of the above temperature-time maximums by 30 minutes for bridge decks, top slabs of direct traffic culverts and cased drilled shafts, and one hour for all other concrete except that the maximum time shall not exceed 30 minutes for non-agitated concrete. *The temperature for all concrete shall not exceed 95° Fahrenheit. Any concrete exceeding this temperature before placement will be rejected. (8) Reinforcing. a. The minimum reinforcing bar for all fire lanes and concrete paving within the town right-of- way shall be #3 bars and shall conform to ASTM Designation A-615, with the spacing to be a maximum spacing of 24 inches on center in each direction. b. Steel welded wire fabric (WWF) shall not be acceptable. Steel bar reinforcement shall be required in commercial, industrial and/or multi-family parking areas that are outside of the right-of-way areas and fire lanes. c. All reinforcing shall be supported on bar chairs or supports designed for the specific purpose of reinforcement support. d. All placement of reinforcing shall be in a good workmanlike manner and shall conform to current NCTCOG standards. All bars, laps, and splices shall be secured with ties at 50 percent of mat steel and 100 percent at all ends. All reinforcing in concrete which is in contact with the ground shall have a minimum clearance of three inches and two inches from any formed surface. All dimensions are clear dimensions. Reinforcing mat clearance shall comply with ACI-318. e. Only new billet steel will be acceptable for field bending, and rust or oil contamination will be cause for rejection. (h) Final grading. After all concrete work has been completed, final grading will be complete to elevations established on the approved engineering plans. The contractor shall hydromulch all areas behind the edge of pavement and the right-of-way line on all major thoroughfares and collectors. The contractor shall make the necessary arrangements to provide water to establish permanent bermuda turf. (i) Designated fire lanes. The fire lanes shall comply with the following standards: Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 42 (1) A twenty-four-foot clear width lane shall be paved in accordance with the concrete pavement specifications. All fire lanes shall have minimum inside radii of 20 feet. All street approaches to fire lanes shall have minimum radii of 20 feet. Thickness shall be six inches minimum. Pavement subgrade shall be treated in accordance with pavement subgrade specifications. (2) The maximum algebraic grade differential in percent, for fire lanes when vertical curves are not required shall be ten for crests and five for sags. (3) Fire lane pavement shall be marked with the appropriate striping and the following designation: Six-inch wide red stripe with four-inch high white letters stating "FIRE LANE - NO PARKING" at 15-foot spacings. (j) Designated trash receptacle sites. A ten-foot by ten-foot (10' × 10') area shall be designated as a trash receptacle site (when required). An additional area shall be provided for recycling bin with the size and location to be approved by the town engineer. The minimum thickness shall be six inches of reinforced concrete or, 12 inches of hot mix asphaltic concrete. Pavement subgrade shall be hydrated lime treated in accordance with the pavement subgrade specifications. (1) Trash receptacle sites shall be located at a 45-degree angle to and located off of the right of the traffic lane, and shall face the same direction when possible. (2) All trash receptacle sites shall be located and screened as per the Unified Development Code, and shall be outside of the building setback area. (3) Trash receptacle sites shall not contain any overhead obstruction impeding the safe emptying of the trash receptacle, nor within 30 feet in front of said pad. No pipes, curbs, or obstructions of any type is to be allowed within the ten-foot by ten-foot area. (4) Because of the numerous criteria associated with commercial establishments, each commercial account property plan will be evaluated on an individual basis. (k) Jointing of concrete surfaces, sawing, and sealing. The placement of concrete for paving shall be in accordance with the standard detail drawings, unless otherwise detailed on the approved project plans. (1) All construction joints shall run parallel to the driving lanes (all concrete placement shall end in an expansion joint of street header). (2) Expansion joints shall be installed a maximum distance of 400 feet apart, and at intersection radii and tie-ins to existing pavement. Expansion joints shall be as per standard details, full depth, and full width of the pavement cross section, and shall be perpendicular to the grade. Expansion joint materials shall be redwood strips with approved joint sealing compound and shall be free of open knots, splinters, or breaks or as otherwise approved by the town engineer. (3) Transverse and longitudinal sawn contraction joints shall be as in the standard detail drawings, and shall be performed within five to 12 hours following the placement of concrete. (4) Sealing of concrete pavement with hot poured rubber joint sealing compound shall be performed immediately following the cleaning of joints, and shall be performed prior to opening the pavement to any traffic. (l) Quality of workmanship and materials. Concrete pavement surfaces shall be thoroughly finished and straight edged with a ten-foot finishing tool prior to applying the final finish. The final finish shall consist of a rough broom (baker or astroturf) finish parallel with the edge of pavement. Inconsistent finish subject to spawning shall be grounds for removal. Finishing of the surface shall be performed without added water. The application of an acceptable curing compound (white in color), or wet curing process shall begin immediately following the dissipation of surface sheen, or in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. (m) Record drawings. The contractor shall be responsible for providing record drawings to the engineer for the project. The engineer will make the required corrections and submit the "as-builts" to the Town of Westlake. Record drawings shall be 24 inches by 36 inches in size and shall consist of one mylar Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 43 sepia, three mils in thickness or greater, and three blueline prints printed from said submitted mylar sepia prints shall be legible. The developer will be charged $1.00 per sheet of approved engineering plans for micro-fiche reproduction. (n) Testing procedures. See detailed testing procedures in the latest edition of the North Central Texas Council of Government's Standard Specifications. The contractor shall be responsible for the coordination of the testing. (o) Variance to location of median openings. Variances to the median opening standards may be considered by the town pursuant to the UDC. These variances may be considered under the following conditions: (1) Conditions where a physical impossibility prevents use of the median opening at its required location. (2) It can be demonstrated by the applicant that safety, based on the proper design speed of the roadway, is not compromised and that the average number of median openings is not exceeded. (3) Financial hardship shall not constitute physical impossibility. For those median openings located away from major intersections, safe design and the speeds along the given street segment shall be considered. Use of directional islands, elimination of turn lanes and left turn prohibitions and other reasonable restrictions related to the requested variance, may be required. (p) Concrete pavement. All testing associated with paving improvements will be conducted by an independent laboratory selected by the contractor, and approved by the town engineer. All tests performed will be paid for by the contractor unless noted on the plans and specifications. (1) Upon completion of the work and before final acceptance/final payment shall be made, pavement thickness tests will be conducted. The number of cores required for thickness verification will be based on three cores for every 2,000 square yards of pavement surface area. A minimum of three cores per project will be required, unless otherwise authorized by the town engineer or his appointed representative. Pavement deficient in thickness shall be governed by the NCTCOG standards. (2) During the progress of the work, the contractor shall cast test beams to maintain a check on the flexural strength of the concrete being placed. Sampling and molding of test specimens shall meet the applicable ASTM guidelines. Concrete paving testing shall comply with NCTCOG standards. Deficiency in pavement strength shall be governed by the NCTCOG standards. Sec. 36-48. - Temporary parking facilities. Temporary parking facilities may be considered by the board of aldermen subject to the following conditions: (1) Temporary parking facilities may be granted for a period not to exceed one year from the date of approval by the board of aldermen; (2) Temporary facilities must be completely removed and the area restored to its natural state at the end of one year or once the facility is no longer needed, whichever comes first; (3) The request for temporary facilities must be accompanied by a completed temporary parking facility permit form and a site plan to show the exact location of the proposed facility; and (4) The town manager or his designee must review and approve the plans and specifications to assure that the lot meets minimum requirements prior to consideration by the board. Secs. 36-49—36-70. - Reserved. ARTICLE III. - DRAINAGE FACILITIES Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 44 Sec. 36-71. - Intent. (a) The intent of these drainage policies and standards is to protect the general health, safety, and welfare of the public by reducing flooding potential; controlling excessive runoff; minimizing erosion and siltation problems; and eliminating damage to public facilities resulting from uncontrolled stormwater runoff. It is also the intent of these standards and policies that the rural character of the town be maintained by avoiding the necessity for hard surface erosion control such as concrete channel lining. (b) Hydraulic design in the town's environment requires an approach not normally encountered in urban development. Appearance must be an integral part of the design process, and the finished drainage structures must preserve the natural rural character of the town. (c) In an effort to maintain the natural, rural aesthetics of the existing creeks and floodplains, the town requires the preservation of these areas as open space greenbelt areas. The design of drop structures and other hydraulic structures shall blend with the natural surroundings as much as possible to maintain the aesthetics of the natural channel. The use of landscaped detention basins is encouraged. (d) These drainage policies shall not overwrite or super cede any requirements contained in the Storm Water Design Manual, Article XI of this chapter. In the event of a conflict between these drainage policies, and Article XI, Article XI shall take precedence. Sec. 36-72. - Submittal requirements. (a) Regional stormwater management. (1) The Town of Westlake's Comprehensive Plan and Article XIII, Westlake Unified Development Code (UDC) indicates that a regional approach to detention facilities is much preferred over a tract by tract method of controlling the changes in run-off patterns as development occurs. The Comprehensive Plan envisions a system of lakes and flood control measures incorporated into the open space plan which will function to mitigate adverse impacts to the drainage system that full development of Westlake may cause. (2) The developer shall submit with the preliminary plat, a site specific preliminary drainage study for the review and concurrence of the town engineer as required per the subdivision ordinance. The preliminary drainage design study will address in concept how the proposed development impacts the regional stormwater management system and outline what steps should be taken to eliminate any damage potential from development of the said project. (3) During the final plan process, a detailed hydraulic/hydrologic analysis of the entire drainage basin affected by the proposed development shall be provided. That portion of the drainage basin that is undeveloped land will be considered to be fully developed in accordance with the town's approved land-use plan and the floodplain analysis shall be based on that assumption. This detailed analysis shall show regional stormwater management facilities which will be needed to mitigate the adverse impacts of stormwater runoff due to development. Increases in peak flows may be allowed if appropriate freeboard to existing structures are maintained and runoff velocities remain at non-erosion levels. Fee in lieu of construction may be approved based on the results of the interim study. (4) Detention/retention facilities will be located and sized so that discharges from the facilities are at peak rates and durations to minimize stream bed erosion. (5) All drainage plans shall assume (1) fully developed conditions within the entire basin in which the proposed development is located; (2) that all portions of the basin that are located outside the proposed development but within the corporate limits or ETJ of the town will be required by the town to be developed in accordance with drainage policies that are at least as restrictive as the policies contained in this policy, and (3) that all portions of the basins that are located outside the proposed development and outside the corporate limits or ETJ of the town will discharge unattenuated peak flows into the basin (unless such portions of the basin are governed by drainage policies of another governmental entity, in which case such portions of the basin will be Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 45 assumed to be developed in accordance with the policies of such other governmental entity). If, for any reason, the anticipated uses of any land within the basin are unknown, the drainage plans shall assume a coefficient of runoff of 0.65 for such land. Except as hereinafter provided, all stormwater drainage improvements must be designed and constructed to consider and take into account stormwater runoff within the entire basin above such improvements. For the purposes of this policy, stormwater management facilities shall be defined as facilities (such as detention ponds, retention areas, and infiltration and sedimentation ponds) which provide temporary, long- term and/or permanent storage of stormwater runoff. Stormwater drainage improvements shall be defined as all stormwater drainage improvements through which, into which stormwater flows including, but not limited to, streets, alleys, storm sewers, channels, culverts, bridges, swales and any other similar land or facilities, but specifically not including stormwater management facilities. (6) This section shall not preclude the town from requiring regional detention facilities and the cost allocation shall be proportionate to the drainage impacts of the development. (b) Preliminary drainage study requirements. (1) General. The owner shall be required to provide, at owner's expense, a preliminary drainage study of the area proposed for development, in conjunction with any preliminary plat submittal. (2) Preparation. The study shall be prepared by a civil engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas. (3) Submittal. Three copies of the preliminary drainage study shall be submitted to the town engineer for review and concurrence prior to approval of the preliminary plat by the planning and zoning commission. (4) Required. The study shall include: a. Contour map. A contour map of the entire drainage area contributing runoff to the subdivision equivalent to the currently approved contour maps of the Town, and ten (10) foot contours for drainage area outside of the Town. Drainage areas greater than 400 acres may be shown on the map at the scale smaller than 1 inch = 200 feet, subject to the concurrence of the Town Engineer. b. Design calculations. Sufficient design calculations showing preliminary sizes and locations of drainage facilities. (c) Final plan requirements . (1) General. The owner shall, at the owner's expense, provide one reproducible copy and three complete sets of the final plans and specifications for the drainage facilities associated with a final plat. (2) Preparation. The plans and specifications shall be prepared by a civil engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas. (3) Submittal. The plans and specifications shall be submitted to the town engineer for review and concurrence prior to final plat approval. (d) Responsibility for plans and specifications. The owner and the owner's engineer shall be responsible for the accuracy of the information furnished in the design of the storm drainage facilities. Sec. 36-73. - Policies. (a) Design policies. (1) Development cannot produce any increase in five-, ten-, 50- or 100-year water surface elevations outside of the project boundaries. (2) If the peak discharge from any area proposed for development would increase downstream flooding from five-, ten-, 50- or 100-year storm, then such peak discharge must be regulated to the extent necessary to eliminate the increased flooding regulation of peak discharge may be Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 46 achieved using stormwater management facilities (either on-site or off-site) subject to the approval of the town engineer. (3) Development shall have no net loss in valley storage (100-year storm) as a result of the proposed development. The developer shall not be required to compensate for the loss of valley storage outside the corporate limits and extra territorial jurisdiction of the town. (4) Development shall not discharge erosive velocities downstream. (b) Types of drainage features. (1) Swales and other open channels, either improved or natural (preferably natural); (2) Closed systems, i.e., storm sewers; (3) Detention basins; (c) Swales and other open channels. (1) Swales are broad, shallow waterways lined with vegetation. Their use is preferred in the town over more conventional storm sewers as a runoff collections system. Swales are components of natural drainage systems which direct runoff out of developed areas by using existing topography as much as possible. Channel design techniques may be used in extreme conditions to carry peak flows. Lined channels or low-flow pilot channel lining of vegetative channels shall be permitted on a case-by-case basis when conditions are not suitable for vegetative-only channels. Concrete linings are prohibited except with the express approval of the board of aldermen. (2) Swales shall minimize the changes in runoff patterns that accompany development. The construction of swales rather than storm sewers shall reduce the volume and the velocity of runoff from developed areas. Volume is reduced because the swale allows percolation of runoff, and velocity is reduced due to the natural roughness of these vegetated channels. These reductions in velocity and capacity also benefit water quality by resulting in a reduction in pollutant load associated with erosion. (3) Swales also help preserve the rural character of the town. (4) Velocities in vegetation channels shall be kept below erosive velocities based on geotechnical investigation. A site specific geotechnical investigation performed by the developer shall determine the limit of the velocities the soil can withstand. (5) In general, if flows and velocities entering the existing floodway are not increased then no improvements shall be required. Conservation of existing channels in their natural condition is required, unless otherwise approved by the board of aldermen. (6) The following criteria shall be used in determining the nature of the open channel: a. An improved channel may be approved by the town engineer under the following conditions. 1. The channel shall reduce destruction to natural resources such as reducing impact to trees. 2. A diversion or bypass channel to reduce discharge in natural creek. 3. In areas where natural resources shall not be destroyed subject to the approval of the board of alderman. b. For channels with a contributing drainage area of less than 320 acres: 1. If the natural channel is to be replaced by an improvement channel, the flow from the 100-year return frequency storm must be contained within the improved channel while allowing for one foot of freeboard. 2. Improved channels with design velocities of less than six feet per second may be earthen (i.e. vegetative) if the channels have a natural form and are revegetated properly. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 47 3. Improved channels may be lined if the design velocity is greater than six feet per second. Linings shall consist of natural stone. Alternatives must be subject to approval of the town manager or his designee. 4. The developer or owner shall use low maintenance vegetation for vegetative cover, as approved by the board of aldermen prior to planting. c. For channels with a contributing drainage area of greater than 320 acres: 1. The channel may be left in its natural, unimproved state, and all land within the floodway and any required maintenance access shall be dedicated to the town as a permanent drainage right-of-way and open space corridor. An easement may be approved to accommodate localized drainage and other areas not part of the town's open space plan. 2. Alternatively, if the property owner so desires, the town may in its sole discretion allow an improved channel capable of carrying the 100-year return frequency flood while maintaining a freeboard of one foot. An improved channel draining more than 320 acres shall only be allowed if it is in conformance with the master drainage plan. (d) Closed conduit systems. (1) Stormwater runoff shall be carried in storm sewer pipe, only when approved by the town engineer, and when one of the following conditions exist: a. Where it is necessary for the protection of adjacent facilities that the stormwater be carried in an enclosed facility; or b. A culvert may be needed to pass stormwater from the upstream side of a roadway or driveway to the downstream side without submerging the roadway or driveway or causing excessive backwater and flooding of upstream property. (2) Headwalls and erosion protection shall be constructed at the outfall of all storm sewer systems where allowed, and shall be faced with natural stone or as approved by the town manager or his designee. (3) Culverts for driveways shall be designed for a five-year storm; and roadway culverts shall be designed for a 100-year storm. (e) Detention basins. Detention basins are encouraged to reduce the discharge, and allow diverse and multiple uses. Please refer to section 38-76, dealing with detention basins. Sec. 36-74. - Design standards of closed conduit system. (a) General provisions. Drainage and storm sewer systems shall be designed and constructed in conformance with the provisions of the North Central Texas Council of Governments Standard Specifications with the following additions: (1) The use of "valley gutters" or unusually warped pavement sections to convey stormwater runoff across a street intersection is prohibited unless otherwise approved by the town manager or his designee. (2) An adequate storm sewer system (five-year design frequency with positive overflow for 100-year storm at low points) consisting of inlets, pipes and/or excavated channels or natural creeks and other underground drainage structures with approved outlets shall be constructed where run-off of stormwater and the prevention of erosion cannot be accomplished satisfactorily by surface drainage facilities. Areas subject to flood conditions as established by the town will not be considered for development until adequate drainage has been provided. Any necessary drainage easements shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width. (3) If approved by the town manager or his designee, the developer may provide, at his own expense, a right-of-way easement of sufficient width to permit excavation and maintenance of an open Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 48 channel of satisfactory depth and width. The developer shall complete all necessary excavation on the channel and shall install erosion control geotextile fabric (if necessary) which does not deteriorate rapidly and permits or promotes the growth of grasses or sod. Any fabric meeting those requirements may be considered, if approved by the town manager or his designee. Unless the excavated channel bottom is in Austin chalk, limestone, or other similar acceptable rock, erosion protection shall be required by the town to prevent erosion. All weather driveway access shall be provided to the channel bottom with adequate surface texture to insure tire traction for maintenance vehicles. Location and type of construction of open channels shall be approved by the town manager or his designee. (4) Natural creeks shall remain in open natural condition when possible. Excavated channels shall be landscaped with flood compatible vegetation. Trees shall be provided along both sides of the channel at a minimum ratio of one tree for every 40 feet of length of channel/drainage way. Shrubs and ground cover should be incorporated into the landscaping design for this portion of the drainage way. Within this landscaped area, all headwalls for either pipe or box culverts shall be faced with stone. Unless the floodplain is dedicated to and accepted by the town, maintenance shall be performed by a landowner's or a homeowner's association where an owner's agreement has been approved by the board of aldermen during the subdivision plat approval process. Areas of floodplain dedicated to and approved by the town via approval of a subdivision plat, but not yet improved in compliance with the trail plan of the town, must be maintained by a landowner's or a homeowner's association until such time as the trail is improved and open for public use. (5) When a creek or excavated channel is to remain open, or in its natural condition, it shall meet one of the following requirements: a. Where creeks or excavated channels with side slopes of 4:1 or flatter from bottom of channel to top of bank may be platted as part of individual lots Adequate access, maintenance and drainage easements (minimum 15 feet in width) shall be provided to insure protection of these areas for maintenance purposes. b. Responsibility for maintenance shall be determined during the platting process. (6) Reserved. (7) Creeks or drainage ways in any areas which serve as private common areas shall have private maintenance provisions. However, the requirements of subsection (4) above, shall apply. The creek or drainage ways in these areas shall not be maintained by the town, but adequate access and drainage easements (minimum 15 feet in width) shall be provided to insure protection of these areas for maintenance purposes. (8) Lakes, detention ponds and retention ponds may be constructed in all areas provided they are approved by the town engineer. The town will not assume maintenance responsibilities for this type of facility; however, easements (minimum 15 feet in width) shall be provided to assure protection of these areas for maintenance purposes. (9) Other innovative drainage concepts shall be considered by the board of alderman if recommended by the town manager or his designee. (b) Engineering design. The engineering design shall conform to the criteria set forth in the City of Fort Worth Drainage Design Manual. The increase in runoff resulting from the development must be detained to result in no increase in runoff downstream of the project unless a regional detention basin is approved. In addition, no loss in valley storage based on the 100-year storm shall be allowed. Technical Paper 40 should be used to compute rainfall intensities. Upon approval of the town engineer, Technical Paper Hydro-35 may be used to compute rainfall intensities. The time of concentration used to compute rainfall intensity shall be as determined by an analysis of the proposed topography but shall not be less than ten minutes. (1) Minimum size. a. Mains. Mains are to be sized for full flow using Manning's Equation. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 49 b. Laterals. Minimum sizes of a lateral are to be: 1. Eighteen-inch diameter for eight-foot inlets 2. Twenty-one-inch diameter for ten inlet or larger, and all drop inlets. Engineer will verify flow capacity of all lateral lines. c. Minimum velocity. Minimum velocities in conduit shall be 2.5 feet per second. d. Maximum velocity. Maximum velocities shall not exceed the erosive levels as determined by the existing soil conditions upon exiting the developer's property. Sec. 36-75. - Construction standards. (a) General. All work and materials shall be in accordance with the Town of Westlake Engineering Standards and North Central Texas Council of Government's Standard Specifications. (b) Pipe materials, Reinforced Concrete (RCP) Pipe. (1) Pipe. Pipe shall conform to the following ASTM Designations: a. Circular Pipe ASTM Designation C76; b. Arch Pipe ASTM Designation C506. c. Elliptical Pipe ASTM Designation C507. (2) Fittings. The design and manufacture of all special fittings shall be governed by the same requirements as the connecting pipe. (3) Joint materials. a. Gasket material: ASTM C443. The polymer shall be synthetic rubber; natural rubber will not be acceptable. b. Flexible joint sealant: Performed butyl rubber sealant; Hamilton-Kent-Seal N. 2" Stik", or K.T. Snyder "RUB'R-NEK". c. Mastic: Trowel grade sewer sealing compound; J.P. Petroleum Products "Tex-Mastic 726" or Grahn "Anchor-Tite Plastic Mastic". d. Joints: Joints shall conform to ASTM Designation C76 and shall be suitable for the joint sealing material to be used. Joints with flexible sealant shall be positioned in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended adhesive, and the joint sealant shall be positioned in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Joints shall be pulled together with sufficient force to uniformly fill and seal the annular space in the joint. The application of mastic to the inside of the joint will not be considered to be acceptable joint sealing practice. Joints shall not be made when adverse weather conditions may prevent proper sealing, nor when temperature of the pipe and sealing materials is too low to achieve proper sealing. e. Lift holes: Lift holes will be allowed if they are precast into the pipe wall. All lift holes shall be plugged with precast concrete plugs and shall be sealed with elastic joint compound. f. Cause for rejection of pipe: Defective workmanship and materials will be a cause for rejection of delivered pipe and fittings. Broken pipe joints where the sealant is exposed on the spigot end of the last laid pipe joint will be cause for rejection. (c) Offsite installation. (1) All relative specifications for storm drain improvement materials shall apply to offsite installations. (2) Installation. As per approved drawings and specification. (3) Manhole markers. The contractor shall, at the direction of the town engineer or his appointed representatives, furnish and install two manhole markers at each off-site manhole. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 50 (d) Excavation. Excavation, in general, shall be made in open cut from the surface of the ground and shall be no greater in width and depth than necessary to permit the proper construction of the work. When the trench depth exceeds four feet in depth, a "trench safety" plan shall be prepared. The amount of trench excavation to grade shall not exceed 100 feet from the end of the pipe laying operations and no excavation shall be 300 feet in advance of the completed pipe operations (includes backfilling). At the end of the work day, all trench excavation shall be backfilled. (e) Installation. (1) Bedding. A compacted crushed stone or pea gravel cushion, three inches minimum in thickness, shall be required on the trench bottom unless otherwise stated on the project plans. (2) Embedment. All installations shall conform to the latest NCTCOG Specifications. (3) Backfill compaction. a. Mechanical method. Compaction and consolidation of the backfill materials shall meet NCTCOG Specification Item 6.2.9 for any utility trench under existing or proposed roadways and/or alley sections. Trenches will be either sand backfilled up to within two feet of the top of the subgrade and the remaining two feet will be compacted to 95 percent of Test Method TEX-113E in one-foot lifts at optimum moisture content (to plus four percent above optimum moisture content) using the native material or the entire trench will be compacted to 95 percent of Test Method TEX 113E in one foot lifts at optimum moisture content (to plus four percent above optimum moisture content) using the native material. b. Water jetting method. Water jetting will not be allowed for any trench within the existing or proposed right-of-way. During jetting operations, jets must be used at close intervals along the trench in such a manner that sufficient water to lubricate and consolidate the fill reaches all parts of the backfill, and all the backfill material is saturated. The jet pipe should be kept at least two feet away from the pipeline to prevent the eroding of the embedment. Only that amount of water should be used which is necessary to consolidate the backfill. The jet ordinarily will consist of a pipe to which a two-inch diameter hose is attached at its upper end, utilizing conventional pipe fittings or swivel fittings. The jet pipe should not be less than 1½-inch steel pipe and its length should be approximately two feet shorter than the depth of the lift of backfill to be compacted. It should be used with a continuous supply of water with a pressure sufficient to cause backfill displacement. (f) Miscellaneous appurtenances. (1) Manholes. Manholes shall be rectangular and as detailed in the Town of Westlake General Design Standards. Manholes shall be spaced at a maximum of 500 feet apart. (2) Storm drainage curb inlets. The size of drainage inlet shall be as shown on the approved engineering plans. Curb inlets shall be a minimum of eight feet in length. The type of inlet shall be as follows: a. For secondary and major street sections, a recessed type of inlet is to be used. b. For industrial and residential streets, a curb line inlet is to be used, unless otherwise approved by the town engineer. (3) Storm drainage inlet and junction boxes. The size and type of drainage inlet or junction box shall be as shown on the approved engineering plans in accordance with the Town of Westlake General Design Standards. (4) Storm drainage wyes. All storm sewer wyes shall be factory made unless authorized by the town engineer or his representative. (5) Stone-faced headwalls. Headwalls constructed in public road rights-of-way shall have stone facing unless otherwise approved by the town manager or his designee. Safety grates shall be provided on all storm sewers above 24 inches in diameter. Sloped headwalls (in conformance with AASHTO standards) using stone facing over a concrete base shall be encouraged, where Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 51 appropriate, for pipe culverts. Stone facings are required on box culverts and other drainage structures unless otherwise approved by the town manager or his designee. (g) Subsurface drainage systems. (1) Design criteria. Where a contractor encounters underground water, or the design engineer's subsurface investigations indicate the presence of underground water of a flow rate judged by the town engineer to be detrimental to the adjoining town maintained structures or property, a subsurface drainage system shall be installed. The minimum pipe diameter is to be six inches with cleanouts located at a maximum distance of 300 feet. (2) French drain system. A french drain system, composed of a minimum four-inch diameter perforated PVC pipe, will be installed between the back of curb and right-of-way line whenever adjoining lot elevations necessitate the use of retaining walls to maintain lot grades. French drain system shall be connected to the storm sewer system unless otherwise approved by the town engineer. (3) Pipe materials . The perforated pipe shall be Type PS 46, or approved equal, PVC pipe conforming to ASTM 758 and ASTM D-1784 with a minimum of four-hole rows of one-quarter- inch diameter perforations on four-inch maximum centers. The perforated pipe and conducting pipe shall be white in color. (4) Installation. Installation shall comply with NCTCOG specifications. (h) Record drawings. The contractor shall be responsible for providing "as-built" drawings to the engineer for the project. The engineer will make the required corrections and submit the "as-builts" to the town engineer. Record drawings shall be 24 inches by 36 inches in size and shall consist of one mylar sepia, three mils in thickness or greater, and three blueline prints printed from said submitted mylar sepia. All information on the submitted mylar sepia prints shall be legible. The developer will be charged $1.00 per sheet of approved engineering plans for micro-fiche reproduction. (i) Testing procedures. Testing shall be in accordance with the testing requirements outlined in the latest edition of the Public Works Specifications of the North Central Texas Council of Governments. The contractor shall be responsible for the cost and procurement of all required tests. Two copies of all test reports shall be submitted to the town. Sec. 36-76. - Detention facilities. (a) Intent. The town encourages the use of detention basins based on the multi-faceted benefits to the community outlined below: (1) Control of flood discharges. The intent of detention basin (storage) design shall be to reduce flood discharges for the ultimate watershed development conditions without increasing peak discharges above the peak discharges for undeveloped watershed conditions. This storage method serves as a key strategy for the stormwater management plan. (2) Environment. As development occurs, there is a loss of wildlife and bird life habitat. It is possible to create a natural micro-environment around ponds that can offset this loss of habitat. These "natural" environmental pockets in conjunction with natural open space areas can help maintain the rustic setting of the town. Detention ponds also benefit downstream water quality by allowing the sedimentation of pollutants. (3) Recreation. Detention basins offer many recreational opportunities in an urban setting; for example, a normally dry detention basin could be used for athletic fields or picnic areas, while the banks of the pond offer valuable park space. (4) Aesthetics. As an integral part of the town, a detention basin needs to blend into the landscape and into the community. Simple yet inexpensive measures, such as gentle side slopes, planting Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 52 of trees and shrubs, and other landscaping features can transform the detention facility into an attractive amenity for the neighborhood. (b) Requirements. (1) Detailed engineering studies of the entire basin utilizing the master drainage plan shall be required to evaluate the timing of hydrographs from regional and on-site facilities, as well as backwater calculations to determine the effect of the detention/retention facilities on upstream water surface elevations. (2) All detention facility designs shall be performed by a professional engineer registered in the State of Texas and shall meet the requirements of Permanent Rule 31, Texas Administration Code (TAC) Chapter 299, and other requirements, as applicable. (3) The minimum amount of storage volume of the detention basin shall be that volume required to reduce runoff rate to the undeveloped condition rate. Dedicated detention basins shall also include an additional one foot of freeboard and two feet of sediment storage. The volume of runoff storage for drainage areas greater than 160 acres shall be compared using unit hydrograph procedures. Acceptable unit hydrograph procedures include the Soil Conservation Service Dimension less Unit Hydrograph and Snyder's Unit Hydrograph. Manual methods or use of the computer programs TR20, HEC-1, and NUDALLAS are allowed for runoff hydrograph computation and flood routings. The criteria contained in this section shall serve as the minimum requirements for detention basin design. For drainage areas less than 160 acres, the above methods are recommended; however, an approximate routing method may be used subject to approval of the town engineer. (4) The maximum allowable release rate from any site shall be equal to the 100-year peak runoff rate prior to site development. The maximum design release rate may be less. (5) Where stormwater management improvements are required in the natural floodway or a permanent greenbelt or open space area, they should be incorporated into existing lakes, or they should be designed in as small an area as feasible to create natural contours. Note, however, that detention basins or retention ponds shall be a minimum of one acre in size to allow for proper maintenance, side slopes and outlet work operation. (6) Retention/detention ponds shall resemble natural ponds; in addition: a. The pond should expand gradually from the inlet towards the outlet, insuring that there are no "dead zones". That is, water entering the pond gradually spreads out and uniformly displaces the water already present in the pond. b. The length-to-width ratio should be three to one or greater, to provide a long flow path. c. The average permanent pond depth should be greater than five feet. d. A ten- to 20-foot-wide shallow bench shall be provided along the shores of the permanent pond for safety and to encourage the development of bottom growth in these areas. This vegetation will enhance the biologic treatment characteristics of the pond and also enhance the "natural" appearance of the pond. (7) If several ponds are required, they should vary in size and shape, and be separated by tree groves, vegetated berms, or similar screening of a natural appearance. (8) Landscape materials should enhance wildlife habitat where feasible. (9) Where slope erosion protection is needed for the side slopes of a pond, rock or geotextiles are required as approved by the town manager or his designee. Exposed concrete surfaces shall be faced with embedded rock or masonry. Bare concrete shall only be permitted with the express written permission of the board of aldermen. Side slopes should be no steeper than 4:1 where feasible for reasons of public safety and maintenance. (10) Detention facilities of less than ten-acre-feet of flood storage shall have outlet structures designed for the 100-year frequency storm. Facilities greater than ten-acre-feet of flood storage shall have Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 53 outlet structures designed for the ten-year and 100-year frequency storms. The release rates shall be such that the flows after land development are no larger than the flows before land development. (11) Outlets should be provided with a trash rack to prevent plugging with debris and to provide safety to the public. Due to unique design considerations, the town engineer may approve alternative outlet design. (12) All federal, state and county laws pertaining to the impoundment of surface water shall have been compiled with, including the design, construction and safety of the impounding structure. Copies of any federal, state or county permits issued for the proposed impoundments shall be submitted to the town engineer. (13) All detention/retention facilities shall include an additional one foot of freeboard and two feet of sediment in determining the design flood elevation. (14) Provisions (such as emergency spillways or reinforcing of embankments) shall be made for the occurrence of overtopping or failure of the outlet structure. Under no circumstances should the emergency overflow have a direct path to any buildings or other structures used for human occupancy, commerce, or industry. Details of these provisions shall be supplied to the town engineer for approval. (15) The flood storage volume of detention/retention facilities shall be designed to empty in a maximum of 12 hours if said facilities are to be considered an erosion/pollution control facility. (16) Consideration should be given to the stocking of retention ponds with fish to control algae growth. (17) Inlet structures shall be designed to both dissipate the flow energy and drop the inflow elevation to below that of the pond's water surface or basin's flowline. Sec. 36-77. - Minimum elevations. (a) Lots shall have a minimum finished floor elevation of two feet above the 100-year water surface elevation based on a fully developed watershed. (b) Streets or alleys in crossing or adjacent to the 100-year floodplain shall be designed with a top of curb (or crown) elevation not lower than two feet above the 100-year water surface elevation based on a fully developed watershed where possible. (c) Bridges shall be designed with the low point (bottom side of girders or stringers) being two feet above the water elevation of a design storm whose frequency is 100 years. Secs. 36-78—36-100. - Reserved. ARTICLE IV. - WATER UTILITY FACILITIES Sec. 36-101. - General requirements. (a) General provisions. This section deals with general requirements for water line construction in the town. All water lines shall be sized and designed in accordance with the town's master plan for water facilities. All construction shall be in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction published by the North Central Texas Council of Governments. all regulations of the Texas Department of Health, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, and the Environmental Protection Agency shall be complied with. (b) Water main categories. Water lines in the town are categorized as: (1) Distribution lines: Sizes six inches through 14 inches (nominal diameter). Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 54 (2) Transmission lines: Sizes 16 inches through 48 inches or over (nominal diameter). (3) Distribution lines shall be of sufficient size to provide adequate water for potable and fire protection needs. Transmission line sizes are as shown on the town water distribution master plan for water utilities. (4) The town water distribution system plan may be periodically revised to meet the current demands as well as future needs as development occurs. (c) Water line requirements. The waterline requirements table of this article provides the basic water line requirements. These requirements are considered minimum. (1) The owner/developer shall be required to install at his own expense, all water lines up to and including 12 inches size, including all engineering costs. It shall be the developer's responsibility to determine the demand of the subject development. All off-site water mains required to connect service to the subdivision shall be installed at the expense of the developer up to 12 inches. The owner shall also be responsible for obtaining easements, when required, from other property owners for off-site water main extensions and connections. (2) All water lines shall be designed to complete a looped system to avoid dead-end lines. Valves shall be placed at or near the ends of mains in such a manner that a shut down can be made for a future main extension without causing a loss of service on the existing main. (3) Valve and fire hydrant spacing as shown on the waterline requirements table is considered minimum. Additional valves and fire hydrants may be required as determined by the town. (4) All water lines shall be installed within rights-of-way or water line easements. All water lines shall be shown on plan and profile sheets to the same scales as required for paving improvements. Should a water line exist in an easement prior to rezoning of the property for residential use or prior to development of the property for residential use, then the existing line shall be either relocated to rights-of-way at the developer's cost or the existing easement shall be dedicated to the town as right-of-way. (5) Valves may be required at both ends at street crossings, if the crossing is utilized for both domestic service and fire protection needs. (6) Waterline crossings at existing streets in an established neighborhood would be required to be dry-bored with encasement requirements at street intersections and none at mid-block or between intersections. (7) All service lines shall be installed for each lot, with a suitable marker placed at the point of stubout for reference in advance of street paving, sidewalk construction or any other item of street or drainage construction. Service lines shall be provided with a corporation stop at the main and an angle meter stop at the property line. (8) Service connections will not be permitted on transmission mains or fire hydrant leads unless authorized by the town. (d) Water line materials. All water line materials (pipes and fittings) shall conform with American Waters Works Association (AWWA) standards. (1) Water lines of 12 inches (nominal) or less in diameter shall be one of the following: a. Ductile iron pipe, cement lines, bituminous coated, class 50 with polyethylene encasement. b. P.V.C. AWWA standard C900 class 150 (D.R. 18). (2) Water lines 14 inches nominal diameter or above shall be one of the following: a. Ductile iron pipe, cement lined, or bituminous coated, class 50, with polyethylene encasement. b. Reinforced concrete cylinder pipe (RCCP) AWWA standards C303. c. Pre-stressed concrete pressure pipe, AWWA standard C301. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 55 (3) Fittings shall be either gray or ductile cast iron and shall be cement lined inside and bituminous coated on the outside. Fittings for reinforced concrete cylinder pipe shall be specially manufactured in accordance with AWWA standards. (e) Backflow devices. Approved double check detector check valves must be installed on all privately maintained fire lines, at locations approved by the town. (f) Oversizing and extensions. (1) The town may elect to oversize certain mains as required or as depicted in the current Town's Master Plan for Water Utilities. Subject to the provisions of section 82-411 et seq., the town may participate on lines greater than 12 inches) if the demand of the project is less than or equal to a 12-inch lines capacity, and the line is depicted on the Town's Master Plan for Water Utilities. (2) Water extensions outside the town will not be granted to private entities. Water extensions outside the town may be granted to neighboring municipalities or governmental entities as approved by the board of alderman. (g) Meter requirements. Each connection to service individual or multiple spaces or structures shall be metered by an approved device. (1) Meters shall be purchased by the developer, builder, owner, or applicant and dedicated to the town. Installation of meters greater than two inches shall be approved by the town. (2) All meters shall be dedicated to the town except devices classified as private and utilized for sub- metering. (3) All meters, backflow device boxes, and valves shall must be and approved by the town engineer prior to installation. (4) All temporary water services shall be metered by a temporary meter, excluding the water necessary for flushing and disinfection purposes. WATERLINE REQUIREMENTS Water Line (inches) Minimum Depth of Cover (inches) Maximum Depth of Cover Minimum Domestic Tap Size (inches) Maximum Domestic Tap Size (inches) Maximum Valve Spacing (feet) Maximum Residential Hydrant Spacing (feet) Maximum Commercial Hydrant Spacing (feet) Fire Hydrant Paint (color) 6 42 * ¾ 1 500 500 N/A Red 8 42 * ¾ 2 500 500 300 Blue 10 42 * ¾ 3 500 500 300 Green 12 42 * ¾ 6 500 500 300 Green 14 42 * ¾ 6 500 500 300 Green Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 56 16 48 * 6 - 750 500 300 Yellow 20 48 * 6 - 750 500 300 Yellow 24 54 * 12 - 1,000 500 300 Yellow 30 54 * 12 - 2,000 500 300 Yellow 36 54 * 12 - 2,000 500 300 Yellow 42 or larger 54 * 12 - 2,000 500 300 Yellow *NOTE: Developer shall endeavor to maintain the water line as close to the minimum depth as possible. (i) Fire protection. The town will review all plans and specifications of all proposed commercial and residential developments in the town and will determine whether or not adequate fire protection may be afforded the building or buildings situated or proposed to be situated on such property with existing or proposed fire hydrants and water lines. If, in the opinion of town, adequate fire protection requires additional fire hydrants and water lines to serve proposed developments, the town manager or his designee shall direct the owner of the property, in writing, to locate at pre-designated positions on the property a fire hydrant or hydrants and adequate water lines to provide adequate fire protection at the owner's own expense. The location and number of fire hydrants and water lines shall be situated as to afford adequate fire protection to all buildings located or proposed to be located on the property. Such installation to be completed in such reasonable period of time as the fire chief may direct. (1) Fire hydrant specifications and coverage requirements are outlined in section 82-245 of this Code. All fire hydrants must meet required Town of Westlake Standard Fire Hydrant Specifications. a. All fire hydrants shall have one 4.5-inch pumper nozzle and two 2.5-inch hose nozzles; shall have a main barrel valve opening of not less than 5.25-inch; shall be placed on mains of not less than six inches in diameter. Six-inch gate valves shall be placed on all fire hydrant leads. All fire hydrants shall have a valve at the main with flange to flange fittings. b. All fire hydrants shall be of a "break-away" design approved by the town. c. See subsection 36-102(h)(5) for painting requirements. (2) Fire protection distribution systems. Water distribution systems shall be of sufficient size to provide adequate water for fire protection to the development and shall conform to the Town's Master Plan for Water Utilities. a. Residential. 1. Sizes and allowable dead end lengths. In residential areas the minimum water line size shall be six inches. Dead end lines over 300 feet and up to 600 feet in length shall be Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 57 eight inches minimum. Dead end lines over 600 feet in length will not be allowed. Dead end lines shall terminate at a fire hydrant which shall be installed for maintenance purposes and may not necessarily be considered for fire hydrant density as required. Flush hydrants may be installed in lieu of hydrants at terminating points of dead end lines for maintenance purposes only. 2. Valves. Additional isolation valves may be required to be installed depending upon the configuration of the system as determined by the town. 3. Construction standards. All water line construction shall conform to construction standards located elsewhere in this chapter. b. Commercial areas. 1. Sizes and allowable dead end lengths. In commercial areas the minimum water line size shall be eight inches. Dead end lines over 300 feet and up to 600 feet in length shall be ten inches minimum. Dead end lines over 600 feet in length will not be allowed. Dead end lines shall terminate at a fire hydrant which shall be installed for maintenance purposes and may not necessarily be considered for fire hydrant density as required. Flush hydrants may be installed in lieu of hydrants at terminating points of dead end lines for maintenance purposes only. 2. Crossings. Perpendicular crossings of underground public water lines may be allowed under driveways and sidewalks to provide protection/domestic service to the site. All crossings shall meet construction standards applicable with all provisions of this chapter. 3. Valves. Additional isolation valves may be required to be installed depending upon the configuration of the system as determined by the town. Sec. 36-102. - Construction standards. (a) General. All work and materials shall be in accordance with town standard specifications, general design standards, and North Central Texas Council of Government's Specifications. (b) Water pipe materials. (1) Ductile iron. a. Pipe. American Standard for ductile-iron AWWA Standard C151 (ANSI A21.51) Class 51. b. Fittings. ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11, except gaskets shall be neoprene or other synthetic rubber. Natural rubber will not be acceptable. c. Joints. 1. Push on joint. ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11, except gaskets shall be neoprene or other synthetic rubber. Natural rubber will not be acceptable. 2. Flanged joint. ANSI/AWWA C115/21.15. 3. Mechanical joints. ANSI/AWWA C11/A21.11 except gaskets shall be neoprene or other synthetic rubber. Natural rubber will not be acceptable. 4. Bolts and nuts. All bolts and nuts shall be ASTM A325 ASTM A325 Type III Enhanced Corrosion Resistant steel, or stainless steel Grade or 316. 5. Polyethylene tube wrap. ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5 ASTM Designation D1248. (2) Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipe. a. Pipe. American National Standard for PVC pipe, AWWA Standard C900, Class 200 (SDR 14). b. Color. Blue in color. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 58 c. Fittings. Cast iron ANSI/AWWA-C110/A21.10 and ANSI/AWWA-C111/A21.11 Standards. d. Joints. Push on joints, ASTM D-3139 e. Gaskets. ASTM F477 Standards. (c) Valves. (1) Gate valves, 12 inches and under (resilient seated). AWWA C509 standard a. General description. Valves shall be full opening, iron body, non-rising stem, resilient seated wedge type so designed to have insignificant leakage with flow in either direction at pressures up to 200 psi. The valves shall be designed for throttling if required. b. Coating. Valves shall have all internal ferrous metal surfaces coated with an approved epoxy coating to provide a corrosion resistant barrier. The epoxy coating shall be holiday free with a minimum thickness of not less than four mils. The coating shall be non-toxic after application and shall impart no taste to water. c. Operating stems. Valves shall have two "0" ring stem seals. Valves shall have the thrust collar and bearing surfaces isolated from the waterway and be provided with continuous lubrication, or they shall be provided with non-corrosive thrust bearings above and below the thrust collar. Where the operating nut exceeds 48 inches, in depth (below finish grade), a permanently attached extension shall be attached to the valve stem to bring it above the maximum depth of 48 inches. All valves shall open by turning to the left and shall have a two-inch operating nut or be handwheel operated as shown on the plans. d. Approved manufacturers. 1. Mueller 2. Waterous 3. Dresser M & H 4. Kennedy 5. American-Darling 6. Clow Corporation (2) Butterfly valves, greater than 12 inches. a. Approved manufacturers AWWA Standard C504, Class 150B, or approved equal. 1. Mueller 2. Pratt 3. Dresser Industries (d) Fittings. (1) Mechanical joint. ANWI/AWWA-C110/A21.10 Standards. (2) Flange joint. ANSI/AWWA-C111/A21.11 Standards. (3) Push-on joint. ANSI/AWWA-C11/A21.10 Standards. (e) Bolts, bolt-studs and "T" head bolts. (1) Length. Shall be such that the ends project one-quarter to one-half-inch beyond surface of nuts. (2) Ends. Chamfer or rounded. (3) Threading. ANSI B1.1 coarse thread series, class 2A Fit. Bolt-studs may be threaded full length. Studs for tapped holes shall be threaded to match threading in holes. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 59 (4) Materials. All bolts, bolt-studs and "T" head bolts (ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11-80) shall be either A242 high strength low allow steel with enhanced atmospheric corrosion resistance (ASTM A325 Type III) or Stainless Steel Grade 304 or 316 high strength bolts. All nuts are to be A563 carbon alloy steel. Grade and finish to be C3. Exception: All-thread rod to be used in a thrust harness only, shall be high strength, corrosion-resistant alloy (ASTM A325 Type II) with hexagonal nuts. Where all-thread rods, nuts and washers are used, they are to be painted with the following rubberized mastic coating. a. "ROYSTON ROSKOTE MASTIC R28" Rubberized mastic as manufactured by ROYSTON LABORATORIES, INC. of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. b. Or as approved by town engineer. (f) Reaction anchorage and blocking. (1) Anchorage and thrust blocking. All piping with mechanical coupling, push-on or mechanical joints or similar joints subject to internal pressure shall be blocked, anchored, or harnessed to preclude separation of joints. (g) Installation. (1) Excavation. a. Excavation in general, shall be made in open cut from the surface of the ground and shall be no greater in width and depth than is necessary to permit the proper construction of the work. When the trench depth exceeds four feet, a trench safety plan shall be prepared in compliance with applicable federal and state standards. At the end of the work day, all trench excavation shall be backfilled or properly protected as per OSHA standards. b. In order to protect existing mature trees, the town may require horizontal boring below the canopy of such trees. (2) Minimum bury depth. Minimum bury depth shall be 42 inches from finished grade to the top of the pipe. (3) North Central Texas Council of Governments. All installations shall conform to the latest NCTCOG Specifications, as amended by the town and as detailed under "embedments" in this manual. (4) Polyethylene tube wrap. Where ductile-iron pipe is to be used, the contractor shall furnish and install polyethylene tube wrap around the ductile-iron pipe and/or ductile iron fittings. The tube wrap shall be installed in accordance with AWWA C105, Method A as follows: The wrap shall be eight mil in thickness and seamless. Seams shall be wrapped and held in place by 2-inch wide (minimum) plastic adhesive backed tape, Polyken No. 900, Scotch wrap no. 50, or an approved equal with approximate two-foot laps on the polyethylene tube, allowing the film to shift with the soil. The wrap shall be installed without breaks, tears, or holes in the film. The cost of the polyethylene wrapping and complete installation shall be included in the unit price bid for the furnishing and the installation of ductile iron pipe and related fittings and valves. (5) Cathodic protection. A cathodic protection system must be provided and installed on any water main system composed of ductile iron pipe. It shall be the responsibility of the project design engineer to determine the size and type of anodes necessary for adequate protection of the system. (6) Backfill compaction. a. Mechanical method. Compaction and consolidation of the backfill materials shall meet the North Central Texas Council of Governments NCTCOG Specification Item 6.2.9 as amended by town for any utility trench under existing or proposed roadways and/or alley sections. Trenches will be and compacted to 95 percent of Test Method TEX-113E in one-foot lifts at optimum moisture content (to plus four percent above optimum moisture content) using the native material or the entire trench will be compacted to 95 percent of Test Method 113E in Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 60 one-foot lifts at optimum moisture content (to plus four percent above optimum moisture content) using the native material. b. Water jetting method. Water jetting will not be allowed for any trench within the existing or proposed right-of-way. During jetting operations, jets must be used at close intervals along the trench in such a manner that sufficient water to lubricate and consolidate the fill reaches all parts of the backfill, and all of the backfill material is saturated. The jet pipe should be kept at least two feet away from the pipeline to prevent the eroding of the embedment. Only that amount of water should be used which is necessary to consolidate the backfill. The jet ordinarily will consist of a pipe to which a two-inch diameter hose is attached at its upper end, utilizing conventional pipe fittings or swivel fittings. It should be used with a continuous supply of water with a pressure sufficient to cause backfill displacement. (h) Fire hydrants (installed at indicated locations). (1) Manufacturers and models or approved equal. a. Models shall comply with AWWA C-502. b. Approved manufacturers and models. 1. Mueller (Centurion) 2. Waterous (Pacer) 3. Dresser M & H (929 Reliant) 4. Kennedy (Guardian) 5. American-Darling (Model B-84-B) 6. Clow Corporation (Medallion) (2) Installation. a. Installation shall be a type as detailed in these standards. The usage of anchoring fittings shall be required as detailed. b. Spacing. 1. Non-residential and multifamily (apartment) zones, 300-foot centers. 2. One- and two-family residential zones, 600-foot centers. (3) Valves. a. All valves shall be resilient seat gate valves (restrained) AWWA Standard C509. (4) Markers. a. Approved manufacturers. 1. Stemonsite Model 88-SSA 2. Approved equal b. Location. Fire hydrant marker shall be placed by town. The location of the markers shall be perpendicular to the curb, and at the center of the driving lane closest to the fire hydrant. c. Installation. 1. As per manufacturer instructions. (5) Painting. All fire hydrants are to be painted with a base coat consisting of two coats of aluminum paint as specified below. When a color code other than aluminum is required, the top bonnet (from operating nut to underneath the uppermost flange) shall be painted two coats of the appropriate color in accordance with the color code. Nozzle caps are not to be color coded. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 61 a. Base undercoat (two coats required) all hydrants, Glidden Metalite Pure Aluminum #592. b. Overcoats (additional two coats required over undercoats). (i) Miscellaneous appurtenances. (1) Water services line. The utility contractor shall install the water service line at the center of the residential lot, terminating in a curb stop two feet behind the curb. See detail drawings for burial depths and types of materials for each particular service size. (2) Water meter box. A water meter box with locking lid shall be installed a clear distance of two feet behind the curb. All meter boxes shall be located within a right-of-way or dedicated easement and within a protected area. See detail drawings for type and size requirements. The meter box shall be furnished and installed by the contractor after the paving contractor has completed the fine grading back of the curb. (3) Location marking. a. Each individual service location shall be marked on the face of the curb with a four-inch high blue letters "W" painted by the utility contractor. b. Valves located within a right-of-way shall be indicated on the face of the curb, or where curbs do not exist, on a conspicuous location adjacent to the valve location. Markings are to be the cutting of a four-inch high letter "V" with the point of the "V" pointing towards the valve location. The "V" shall be cut into the curb or paving using an approved motor driven concrete saw. c. After cutting the letter "V" on the curb, it shall receive a coating of blue paint which shall coat the interior and exterior of the cut to a width of one inch. d. Offsite valve locations shall be marked by the installation of an "offsite utilities control marker." See standard detail drawing. (4) Double strap service clamps. Service clamps shall be installed on all PVC pipe taps as per standard detail drawing and material lists. Where traps are to be provided on ductile iron pipe, tapping saddles are to be used wherever wall thickness minus the foundry tolerance at the topped connection is less than that required for four-thread engagement as set forth in Table A. 1, Appendix A of ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51. (5) Three-piece adjustable valve boxes. Adjustable valve boxes shall be furnished and set on each valve in accordance with the detail drawings. After the final clean-up and alignment has been completed, the contractor shall cast in place a concrete block, 24 inches by 24 inches by six inches around all valve box tops at the finish grade. (j) Connections with existing lines. (1) Existing line connections. Where connections are to be made between new pipe and existing pipe, such connections shall be made using fittings suitable for the conditions encountered. Each connection with an existing pipe shall be made with mechanical joint tapping sleeve and resilient seat gate valve. The tapping sleeve shall be a ductile or cast iron casting of the split sleeve type. The gaskets shall be neoprene or other synthetic rubber, conforming to ASTM D2000 BA508. Natural rubber will not be acceptable Exception: In some cases where the size of the tap approaches the size of the main, as judged by the town engineer, the use of a cutting-in sleeve and tee will be required. (2) Alternative casting. An alternative to the ductile or cast iron casting will be a fabricated steel tapping sleeve with special corrosion protection as follows: a. Body. Shall be welded 3/8 -inch test plug and a flat-faced flange recessed for the tapping valve, conforming to AWWA C207 Class D-ANSI 150 pound drilling. b. Finish. Shall be fusion-applied epoxy coating approximately 12 mils thick. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 62 c. Bolts and nuts. All bolts shall be Grade 18-8, Type 304 Stainless steel with heavy hex nuts. Bolts will be fluorocarbon coated to prevent galling. d. Gasket. Shall be Buna-N rubber, conforming to ASTM D2000, BA508, with resistance to water, oil and hydrocarbon fluids. The gasket shall be of a hydraulically loaded design to provide a positive seal against the pipe surface. (3) Tapping. Tapping is to be accomplished with no interruption of service. Facilities shall be provided for proper dewatering and for disposal of all water removed from the dewatered lines and excavations without damage to adjacent property. Special care shall be taken to prevent contamination of the existing potable water line when dewatering, cutting into, and making connections with existing pipe. No trench water, mud, or other contaminating substances shall be permitted to enter into the existing lines. The interior of all tapping sleeves, tapping machine cutter assemblies, and tapping gate valves installed in such connections, and the surface of the existing pipe at these connections, shall be thoroughly cleaned and then swabbed with a solution having a chlorine content of 200 milligrams per liter. (k) Testing procedures. Testing shall be in accordance with NCTCOG specifications. (l) Record drawings. The contractor shall be responsible for providing "as-built" drawings to the engineer for the project. The engineer will make the required corrections and submit the "as-builts" to the town. "As-built" drawings shall be 24 inches by 36 inches in size and shall consist of one mylar sepia, three mils in thickness or greater, and three blueline prints printed from said submitted mylar sepia. All information on the submitted mylar sepia prints shall be legible. The developer will be charged $1.00 per sheet of approved Engineering plans for micro-fiche reproduction. Secs. 36-103—36-130. - Reserved. ARTICLE V. - WASTEWATER FACILITIES Sec. 36-131. - General requirements. (a) General provisions. The design, size, type and location of all sanitary sewer lines shall be in accordance with the Town's Master Plan for Wastewater Facilities. In addition, the design and construction methods shall meet or exceed Texas Department of Health, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission and Environmental Protection Agency regulations. All sanitary sewer lines shall be installed within rights-of-way or sanitary sewer easements. Sanitary sewer lines may not be located in easements in the yard of any residential lot. Should a line exist in an easement prior to the rezoning of the property for residential use or prior to development of the property for residential use, then the existing line shall be either relocated to Town right-of-way at developer expense, or the existing easement shall be dedicated to the town as right-of-way. (b) Materials. Sanitary sewer lines 12 inches in diameter and less shall be PVC SDR-35 or cement-lined ductile iron with polyethylene wrapping. Lines larger than 12 inches diameter shall be approved by the town engineer. Manholes shall be poured-in-place or pre-cast. (c) Manhole spacing. The maximum distance between manholes shall be 500 feet for line sizes up to 12 inches and 1,000 feet for line sizes greater than 12 inches. Manholes shall be provided at all points of directional change, including the P.C. and P.T. on horizontal curves. Manholes shall be provided at vertical points of intersection (vertical curve are generally not allowed). (d) Manhole size criteria. Wastewater manhole size criteria is established based on depth/diameter/maximum allowable pipe connection/pipe size relationship. The criteria is given in a table at the end of this article. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 63 (e) Minimum pipe size. The minimum size of sanitary sewer lines shall be six inches in diameter for lines which are to be maintained by the town. (f) Parallel wastewater collection systems. Residential or commercial wastewater collection lines shall be designed to not exceed maximum depths of 20 feet measured from finished grade to the bottom of the pipe. Depths greater than 20 feet will only be permitted when parallel wastewater collection lines to serve properties on both sides of the street are provided. The office of the town engineer shall be consulted to determine the location and design criteria of the parallel lines prior to final design. (g) Oversizing and extensions. The town may elect to oversize certain mains as required or as depicted in the most recent Master Plan for Wastewater Facilities. The town will participate on lines greater than 12 inches if, (1) the demand of the project is less than or equal to a twelve-inch line capacity; and, (2) the line is shown on the master plan for wastewater facilities. If a project involves town participation and if the town funds are available, the developer, owner, builder, or applicant shall design the project and submit the approved plans for bidding by the town. If the town funds are not available, the developer shall design and construct the project subject to an agreement for connection and reimbursement. If a development requires lines exceeding 12 inches to serve the area, the town will participate in the oversizing above the size needed to supply the development. During the process of development, the owner(s) of the subject property shall extend sanitary sewer mains by constructing the necessary sewer line within proper easements, at their sole expense, to serve the adjacent property, when the adjacent property or any portion thereof, are considered to be in the same sewer basin. The construction of the lines shall extend along the frontage or through the property to the furthest point possible, where the adjacent property can readily tie into the system. Sanitary sewer extensions outside the town will not be granted to private entities, but may be granted to neighboring municipalities or governmental entities as approved by the board of alderman. (h) Clean outs. All sanitary sewer lines shall terminate at a manhole except that a clean out may be approved on eight-inch lines when a manhole is located within 500 feet from the end of the line. A clean out, directed toward the main, shall be provided on all services at the property line or easement line unless the service line connects to the main at a manhole and the service line is no longer than 50 feet from the manhole to the property or the easement line. (i) Additional easements. If needed, additional easements for sanitary sewer lines shall be dedicated along state controlled routes and along other routes when the right-of-way is not sufficient to adequately provide for the orderly construction and maintenance of the sanitary sewer improvements. (j) Emergency maintenance. When conditions warrant, the town may perform maintenance operations during the warranty period. The cost of such maintenance shall be paid for by the developer/contractor. (k) Television inspection. (1) The developer or contractor shall, at its own expense, perform a television inspection of all sanitary sewer gravity lines prior to acceptance by the town. Repairs shall be made if required and the television inspection repeated as many times as needed until the line is deemed acceptable. (2) The developer or contractor shall use color video tape in all television inspections. (3) The developer or contractor may employ a firm qualified in the type of work to make the television inspections, or if qualified and acceptable to the town, he may perform the inspection himself. (4) The town inspector must be present during the television inspection, unless specifically otherwise authorized in writing. (5) The visual inspection by photographic means of the sanitary sewer mains shall commence after the backfill, the air test, and the mandrill test are completed. (6) The jet ball technique may be used to remove all foreign debris and silt, prior to photographic inspection. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 64 (7) A second visual inspection by the developer or contractor shall be made no sooner than the 10th month and no later than the 12th month after the date of the letter of acceptance of the subdivision by the town. Prior to final acceptance, the developer or its contractor shall escrow funds as specified in the Town of Westlake Fee Ordinance to cover the cost of a second television inspection. If the developer or its contractor performs the second television inspection in accordance with the terms stated hereinafter, the escrow shall be refunded less administrative costs. In the event the developer or contractor shall refuse or fail to complete the second inspection within time permitted, the town shall use the escrowed funds previously described to cause completion of the inspection. Such inspection shall be made no later than 11 months after acceptance of the subdivision. (8) All television equipment used shall have a minimum of 600 lines of horizontal resolution. (9) All information gathered must be legible, clearly understandable, and of good picture quality. (10) A run sheet shall be made, and it shall be compatible with the tape in noting deficiencies. (11) By audio on the tape, the operator must note the date and time the recording is made, note the developer or contractor's name, project name, and contract number, note the name of company performing the inspection, if other than the developer or contractor, and the operator's name, note the location, line, designation, main size, and direction of run, identify every 50-foot station, identify the station of each manhole and deficiency and include station number. (12) The sewer mains must be televised from manhole to manhole downstream and manhole to clean- out upstream. (13) All sanitary sewer mains must be laced with water. The television inspection must be done immediately following the lacing of the main with no water flow. (14) Two tapes per visual photographic inspection shall be furnished to the town. (15) Tapes must be VHS and shall be one-half-inch size. (16) All tapes and run sheets shall be submitted to the town inspector for storage and inspection by the town. All tapes and run sheets shall become the property of the town. (l) Criteria for repair. The developer shall make repairs if the town inspector notes problems, including but not limited to the following: (1) Pulled or slipped joints. (2) Water infiltration. (3) Cracked or damaged pipe. (4) If standing water is found in pipes of gradients equal to or greater 0.7 percent. (5) In pipes or gradients less than 0.7 percent, a maximum one-half-inch of standing water will be allowed in six inches through 12 inches diameter pipes; and a maximum ten percent of pipe size or three inches, whichever is less in pipes greater than 12 inches diameter. (6) Structural damage to pipe. The town engineer shall make the final determination for repairs and shall review the visual photographic tape for additional data. A letter must be transmitted to the developer or contractor for needed repairs within five working days after the inspection. (All verbal repair requests shall be valid and noted in the letter.) If repairs are required, another television inspection of the required area may be made after the repairs are complete if deemed necessary by the town inspector, at the developer or contractor's expense. Repairs shall be made to the satisfaction of the town. (m) Lift stations and force mains. The town will operate and maintain only those lift stations and force mains which serve the public. Lift stations and force mains serving private developments shall be privately maintained. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 65 (n) Sanitary sewer services. No private sanitary sewer service of less than four inches in diameter shall be connected to a town maintained sanitary sewer line. Private services of six inches in diameter or larger shall connect to sanitary sewer lines only at manholes. An "S" shall be cast, painted, or chiseled on the face of the curb to identify the exact location of the sanitary sewer service. A sanitary sewer service shall be stubbed out to all residential lots to a point five feet minimum within the lot. The elevation of all services shall be shown on the plans and shall be established such that the lot will be adequately served. Sec. 36-132. - Construction standards. (a) General. All work and materials shall be in accordance with town standard specifications, general design standards and NCTCOG's Specifications. (b) Design criteria. (1) Minimum size. a. Mains. Six inches in diameter. b. Service laterals. Four inches in diameter w/property line cleanouts. (2) Minimum flow velocity. Two feet per second. (3) Minimum depth. All sanitary sewer mains are to have a minimum cover of four feet from the top of the pipe to the top of ground or proposed pavement. Whenever a proposed sanitary sewer pipe crossing a channel or creek has less than four feet of cover between the top of pipe and flowline of the channel or creek, the proposed pipe will be supported by a pier system approved by the town. (c) Pipe materials. (1) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. Mains are to be a minimum six inches in diameter conforming to current ASTM designation D 3034, SDR 35 or ASTM Designation F 780 for four- through 15-inch diameter and ASTM designation F 679 or ASTM designation F 794 for greater than 15-inch diameter. All SDR 35 PVC pipe shall be green in color. (2) Reinforced concrete (RCP) pipe. a. Pipe. ASTM Designation C76, Wall "B". b. Fittings. The design and manufacture of all special fittings shall be governed by the same requirements as the connecting pipe. c. Gaskets. ASTM C443. The polymer shall be synthetic rubber; natural rubber will not be acceptable. (3) Lateral sewer services. a. Connect to tee or wye fitting to be installed on the main. b. Minimum of four inches in diameter, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe, SDR 35, green in color. c. Locate the lateral ten feet downstream of the water service for the lot (water service to be located at the centerline of the lot), at a maximum depth of six feet and plugged suitable for testing. Contractor shall install a cleanout at the property line for each lot. See standard details for required residential cleanout or other required assemblies. After curb and paving has been completed, contractor shall paint a four-inch high red letter "S" on the curb above the location of the sewer service. (d) Offsite installation. (1) Materials. All relative specifications for sanitary sewer improvements material shall apply to offsite installation. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 66 (2) Excavation. In general, all excavation shall be made in open cut from the surface of the ground and shall be no greater in width and depth than is necessary to permit the proper construction of the work. Where the trench exceeds four feet in depth see standard procedures section regarding "trench safety" requirements. The amount of excavation to grade shall not exceed 100 feet from the end of the pipe laying operations and no excavation shall be more than 300 feet in advance of the completed pipe operations (includes backfilling). At the end of the work day, all trench excavation shall be backfilled or protected as per OSHA standards. However, the town may require horizontal boring under the canopy of mature trees. (3) Installation. As per approved drawings. (4) Manhole markers. The contractor shall furnish and install two manhole location markers as per Town of Westlake Standard Specifications. (5) Testing. All relative specifications for sanitary sewer system improvement testing shall apply to offsite installations. See testing sections for details. (e) Installation. (1) All installations shall conform to the latest NCTCOG Specifications: (as amended by the town): See details under Embedments in the NCTCOG specifications. (2) Backfill compaction. a. Mechanical method. Compaction and consolidation of the backfill materials shall meet NCTCOG Specification Item 6.2.9 as amended by Town of Westlake for any utility trench under existing or proposed roadways and/or alley sections. Trenches will be compacted to 95 percent of Test Method TEX-113E in one foot lifts at optimum moisture content (to plus four percent above optimum moisture content) using the native material or the entire trench will be compacted to 95 percent of Test Method TEX 113E in one foot lifts at optimum moisture content (to plus four percent above optimum moisture content) using the native material. b. Water jetting method. Water jetting will not be allowed for any trench within the existing or proposed right-of-way. During jetting operations, jets must be used at close intervals along the trench in such a manner that sufficient water to lubricate and consolidate the fill reaches all parts of the backfill, and all of the backfill material is saturated. The jet pipe should be kept at least two feet away from the pipeline to prevent the eroding of the embedment. Only that amount of water should be used which is necessary to consolidate the backfill. The jet ordinarily will consist of a pipe to which a two-inch diameter hose is attached at its upper end, utilizing conventional pipe fittings or swivel fittings. It should be used with a continuous supply of water with a pressure sufficient to cause backfill displacement. (f) Testing procedures. Testing shall be in accordance with NCTCOG Specifications. (g) Miscellaneous appurtenances. (1) Manholes. a. Precast concrete shall conform to ASTM designation C 478 (C 478M) as amended by the NCTCOG Specifications. b. Poured-in-place concrete manholes shall conform to Town of Westlake Standard Details. c. No other manhole construction materials will be allowed without written permission of the town engineer. d. Manhole rings and covers as per Town of Westlake Standard Specifications. e. Manhole rings and covers shall be adjusted by the use of precast concrete grade rings only. Bricks and broken concrete are not acceptable. f. All manholes shall contain an internal manhole chimney seal as produced by Cretex Specialty Products or equal. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 67 g. Manholes shall be spaced at a maximum of 500 feet apart. A manhole is required when a six-inch or larger service line is connected to the main line. (2) Cleanouts. Cleanouts are to be located and installed as per approved drawings and Town of Westlake Standard Specifications. (h) Record drawings. The contractor shall be responsible for providing record drawings to the engineer for the project. The engineer will make the required corrections and submit the record to the town engineer. Record drawings shall be 24 inches by 36 inches in size and shall consist of one mylar sepia, three mils in thickness or greater, and three blueline prints printed from said submitted mylar sepia. All information on the submitted mylar sepia prints shall be legible. The developer will be charged $1.00 per sheet of approved engineering plans for micro-fiche reproduction. _____ SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SIZE Pipe size (inches) Depth of cover (average in feet) Diameter of manhole (feet) Construction options Maximum number of pipe connections allowed in manhole 12 and under 5—6 4 Cast-in-place or pre-cast 3 7—10 4 Cast-in-place or pre-cast 3 11—15 5 Cast-in-place or pre-cast 4 15—21 5—9 5 Cast-in-place or pre-cast 3 10—15 6 Pre-cast only 4 (see footnote 1 below) 24—36 5—9 5 Cast-in-place or pre-cast 3 (24"—27") 10—20 6 Pre-cast only 2 (30"—36") (see footnote 1 below) 3 (24"—27") Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 68 2 (30"—36") 39—48 5—9 6 Pre-cast only 2 10—20 7 Pre-cast only 2 (see footnote 1 below) _____ NOTES: 1. If the proposed system design requires lines to be constructed to depths greater than shown above, the town engineer shall be consulted for additional requirements. 2. Where the above requirements cannot be met, a junction structure may be utilized. 3. Where drop connections are proposed, the town engineer shall be consulted for proper sizing. Secs. 36-133—36-160. - Reserved. ARTICLE VI. - EROSION CONTROL Sec. 36-161. - General provisions. (a) Any person responsible for activity which results in erosion of a measurable accumulation of sedimentation deeper than one inch on adjacent property, in dedicated streets, alleys or rights-of-way shall be in violation of this article. (b) Private property owners, developers, builders or any person responsible for activity which could result in erosion shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local regulations and be accountable for any erosion of property or construction site which results in accumulation of sedimentation on adjacent property or in dedicated streets, alleys or rights-of-way. (c) The following steps shall be taken to control erosion: (1) Maximum use shall be made of vegetation to minimize soil loss. (2) Natural vegetation should be retained wherever possible. (3) Where inadequate natural vegetation exists, or where it becomes necessary to remove existing natural vegetation, temporary controls should be installed promptly to minimize soil loss and insure that erosion and sedimentation does not occur. (4) Erosion control plan shall be submitted to town engineer for approval prior to actual construction. (5) Wastes or disposal areas and construction roads should be located and constructed in a manner that will minimize the amount of sediment entering streams and town storm sewers. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 69 (6) When work areas or material sources are located in or adjacent to streams, such area shall be separated from the stream by a dike or other barrier to keep sediment from entering a stream. Care shall be taken during the construction and removal of such barriers to minimize the sediment transport into a stream. (7) Should preventative measures fail to function effectively, the applicant shall act immediately to bring the erosion and/or siltation under control by whatever additional means are necessary. (8) Runoff shall be diverted away from construction areas as much as possible. (9) Developers, builders, or owners of property shall permanently stabilize all disturbed areas prior to final acceptance of the subdivision, project, and/or structure. Stabilization shall be accomplished through the use of perennial vegetative cover or other permanent means, such as channel lining, retaining wall, etc. (10) An erosion control inspection fee as set forth in the town's fees and use schedule in section 2- 181 shall be charged for each construction project. Sec. 36-162. - Performance. Erosion from construction sites can be a significant water quality problem. Developing areas are cleared of vegetation during construction leaving the soil exposed and susceptible to erosion. Runoff then transports eroded sediment from these areas and deposit it downstream. The accumulation of silt in streams and ponds is a form of water pollution that is unattractive and impedes drainage. (1) Prevention is a key aspect of erosion control. Many of the control methods presented herein can be placed in a manner that will protect highly erodible areas such as steep slopes. The prevention of erosion requires prior planning to ascertain the placement of selected control methods. The rewards of this planning will be significant reduction in soil loss. Not only can soil loss be prevented, but eroded soil can be recovered on the construction site and used for fill. (2) The particulate material in construction site runoff is generally heavier and larger than particulates in urban runoff. These attributes facilitate the removal of the material whether the removal is by setting in a sediment trap or by filtration through a filter fence. Temporary sediment traps, filters, and routing devices can effectively control erosion for construction sites if properly applied. These methods are used in an effort to control temporary increases in sediment loads. (3) A quantifiable assessment of performance is difficult because the nature of erosion control is more preventative than corrective. A rough assessment of performance can be conducted by comparing the soil loss from a site with controls to the loss from a comparable site without controls. Sec. 36-163. - Permanent erosion control. Permanent erosion controls are installed at or near end of the construction project when no further disturbance of the area will occur. The purpose of these controls is to permanently minimize soil loss by such methods as restoring ground cover, building retaining walls for steep slopes, or reducing the effects of wave or water action by geotextiles, vegetation, or similar materials. Examples of typical permanent measures are vegetation cover using perennial plants, headwalls, stilling basins, tree wells, lakes, terracing, and retaining walls. Sec. 36-164. - Temporary erosion control. Temporary erosion control methods are used to abate sediment runoff from construction sites. The application of control devices can yield significant water quality and drainage benefits at a minimal cost to the developer. The erosion control measures can be grouped as barriers, filter devices, or routing devices. (1) Temporary of erosion control barriers. The temporary erosion control methods that can be classified as barriers include: • Straw bale sediment barrier Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 70 • Sandbag sediment barrier • Check dam • Sediment trap These measures trap sediment and prevent high runoff velocities which cause erosion. The straw bale and the sandbag sediment barriers can reduce sediment loads significantly. A sandbag barrier is more durable and should be used to withstand more intense storm events. (2) Temporary of erosion control filters. Filtering methods can be used in place of barriers. Filter devices allow runoff to pass through but retain sediment by filtration. The types of filters available are: • Filter berm • Filter fence • Filter inlet • Vegetation filter strip Excellent sediment removal can be achieved using a filter berm; fence, or inlet. The filter beam is constructed of rock and therefore is capable of withstanding heavier storm events than the filter fence or filter inlet. In general, the vegetation filter strip will operate less effectively than the other devices. (3) Temporary of routing devices. Only one method, the flexible downdrain, is classified strictly as a routing device. The purpose of the device is to convey waters down steep slopes or across highly erodible soils. Some of the methods classified under erosion control barriers can be used as routing devices to protect erodible areas. Sandbag sediment barriers and straw bale sediment barriers are both suitable for this purpose. A routing device is an erosion prevention tool that can eliminate erosion problems on steep slopes and other critical areas. It is not designed to capture any solids already moving with the water. Sec. 36-165. - Design considerations. Sediment traps and flexible drains are flow collection devices that will require hydraulic design. An estimate of the peak design flow rate and runoff volume is necessary for proper sizing of these management methods. Runoff volume and peak flow are calculate based on the design storm. Design storms for temporary erosion control structures shall be used on the ten-year return frequency. The design storm frequency for construction sites should consider several factors including: (1) The length of time and size of construction activity; (2) The severity of damage that could result to downstream waters if the design storm is exceeded; and, (3) Local concerns toward environmental protection. Sec. 36-166. - Enforcement. Should proper erosion controls fail or become inoperative, the town shall notify the owner, builder, or developer of the violation in writing. The person responsible for activity that could result in erosion, owner, builder, or developer has five business days after being notified to correct the problems; provided, however, Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 71 any person responsible for activity that could result in erosion may be cited immediately for failure to obtain a permit. If no corrections are completed within five business days of being notified, the town may revoke the development permit, building permit, or withhold issuance of a certificate of issue a citation, occupancy or final accept. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this article shall be fined not more than $500.00 for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Secs. 36-167—36-190. - Reserved. ARTICLE VII. - GRADING Sec. 36-191. - Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to provide for grading/excavation activities with due regard to topography and existing vegetation with the objective being that the natural beauty of the land shall be preserved as far as is feasible. Furthermore, the grading shall avoid creating drainage problems, floods, erosion, landslides, or other menaces to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. Sec. 36-192. - Specifications. Grading and excavation shall be in accordance with the NCTCOG Standard Specifications of the North Central Texas Council of Governments substantially contained in division 3. Sec. 36-193. - Administration. A completed application form and review fee must be submitted to the town for approval prior to any grading or excavation activities. The permit shall be reviewed by the town engineer for approval. The contractor shall notify the town and franchise utility companies 48 hours prior to commencement of construction. (1) The grading contractor shall apply for a grading/excavation permit at the town hall. The applicant shall complete the application and submit the following: a. Proof of insurance meeting the town's requirements. b. Three copies of the contractor's contract applicable to the work being released and three copies of the cost estimate of the work to be performed; and c. Payment of the inspection fee (three percent of the cost of grading). Sec. 36-194. - Enforcement. The town shall not allow any grading and/or tree removal until the developer has (1) an approved site plan for non-single family project; or (2) an approved preliminary plat for a single family project and the grading/excavation permit is approved. Violators shall be subject to fines and/or restoration of site to the original condition. The town shall inspect the site for conformance with the permit. Sec. 36-195. - Requirements of permit application. [An application for permit shall contain the following:] (1) Completed application form. (2) Scaled drawings showing location, dimensions, elevations of existing and proposed topographic alterations, existing and proposed structures, location relative to floodplain area (if floodplain exists on project site). Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 72 (3) Extent to which watercourse of natural drainage will be altered or relocated. (4) Erosion control plan. (5) Excavation safety plan prepared by a registered professional engineer, for excavation exceeding a four-foot depth. (6) Traffic control plan if working in street right-of-way. (7) Tree protection plan including scaled drawing showing location, thickets, caliper and species of all existing trees above six-inch caliper within project limits, proposed tree protection and preservation in accordance with the Tree Preservation Ordinance. TOWN OF WESTLAKE APPLICATION FOR GRADING/EXCAVATION PERMIT IN RIGHT-OF-WAY/EASEMENT/PRIVATE PROPERTY Date: ____________ Name: _____ Address of Owner: _____ Telephone No.: _____ Name of Applicant: _____ Address of Applicant: _____ Relationship to Owner: _____ Telephone No.: _____ Project Name: _____ Location of Work (location map required): _____ _____ Brief description of type of work (provide a copy of grading plan): _____ _____ Contact made with Town and/or franchise utility to locate existing utilities? Yes ____________ No ____________ Is any excavation of pavement in street, alley or sidewalk necessary? Yes ____________ No ____________ If yes, briefly explain extent and why? _____ _____ Attach three sets of the following if applicable: Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 73 1) Scaled drawings showing location, dimensions, elevations of existing and proposed topographic alterations, existing and proposed structures, location relative to floodplain area (if floodplain exists on project site). 2) Extent to which watercourse of natural drainage will be altered or relocated. 3) Erosion Control Plan. 4) Excavation safety plan prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer, for excavation exceeding a five foot depth. 5) Traffic Control Plan if working in street right-of-way. 6) Tree Protection Plan including scaled drawing showing location, limits of thickets, caliper and species of all trees above six (6) inch caliper within project limits, proposed tree protection and preservation in accordance with the Tree Preservation Ordinance. NOTE: A grading/excavation permit shall not be granted until approval of the site plan. GRADING/EXCAVATION PERMIT The Town of Westlake's Grading/Excavation Permit is authorized by Article ____________ , Section ____________ of Town Ordinance No. ____________ adopted ____________ . This Permit is required for all grading/excavation being performed whether prior to or without site plan or construction plans that have been approved by the Town. Representatives of the Contractor shall adhere to all construction standards and specifications of the Town of Westlake, the NCTCOG specifications, and all applicable state and federal regulations. Area(s) affected shall be restored to as good of a condition as before the commencement of work specifically in regard to grading, drainage, vegetation, and erosion control. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I hereby certify that I am familiar with the information contained on this application and to the best of my knowledge such information is true and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activity. I further certify to indemnify and forever hold harmless against each and every claim, demand or cause of action that may be made or come against it by reason of or if any way arising out of the closure, blocking, excavating, cutting, tunneling, or other work by the applicant under permit from the Town, if such permit is granted. Signature of Applicant Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 74 OFFICE USE ONLY Secs. 36-196—36-220. - Reserved. ARTICLE VIII. - UTILITY DUCT BANK FACILITIES Sec. 36-221. - General requirements. (a) General provisions. This article deals with general requirements for duct bank construction to be used for electric, cables, traffic, communications, water and sewer metering, low-watt lighting, telephone, Internet, "smart house" facilities serving any subdivision, development or addition which may be located within the town's utility duct bank. The utility duct banks placed within the private or public street rights-of-way or public utility easements shall be sized and located as per the Town's Master Plan for Utility Duct Banks and in accordance with this article, and as shown on the illustration below, or as approved by the town engineer. All construction shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Work Construction published by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). All applicable stated and federal regulations shall be complied with. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 75 Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 76 UTILITY ZONE DESIGNATIONS (b) Utility duct bank requirements. The following requirements are considered minimum: Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 77 (1) The owner/developer of a subdivision, development or addition shall be required to install the utility duct bank at its own expense including engineering costs. The owner/developer shall also be responsible for obtaining all utility easements, if required. (2) The owner/developer may be required by the town to perform a study to determine the specific size and location of the duct bank based on the proposed subdivision, development or addition. (3) All utility duct banks shall be shown on plan and profile sheets to the same scales as required for paving improvements. Proposed and existing utility crossings shall be shown on the plans along with adjacent road profile, if applicable. The plans shall be prepared by a registered engineer in the State of Texas. (4) The owner/developer shall extend all utility duct banks necessary to connect the subdivision, development or addition with the town's utility duct bank system. The developer shall also extend utility duct banks to all property lines of the subdivision, development or addition to allow connection to these facilities by adjacent property owners in accordance with approved plans. (5) The construction for all utility duct banks must be reviewed and approved by the town engineer to assure compliance with these requirements prior to receiving permits and commencing construction. Sec. 36-222. - Duct bank material. (a) All duct bank materials (pipes and fittings) shall conform with the latest edition of the public works specifications as published by the NCTCOG. (b) The duct bank materials shall be poly vinyl chloride (PVC). The pipe and fittings shall meet the requirements of ASTM D1785 and D2466, schedule 40, of the nominal size shown on the plans. The pipe shall conform to UL 651.ANSI/NEMA T-2 specification. The pipe shall be 90-degree wire rated and sunlight resistant. (c) The owner/developer shall furnish the town engineer a manufacturer's certification that the material was manufactured, sampled, tested and inspected in accordance with and meets the requirements of the pertinent ASTM specification. (d) Pipe and fittings shall be free from defects. (e) The dimensions of the PVC pipe shall be as shown on the plans. The fittings shall properly fit the pipe supplied. Sec. 36-223. - Construction methods. The duct bank materials shall be installed at the locations and to the line grades and dimensions as shown on the plans or as revised by the town engineer. (1) The utility duct bank shall have a minimum cover of 36 inches from the ground level to the top of the pipe. (2) The backfill shall comply with Class B+ as shown in the specifications published by NCTCOG. (3) The installation of the duct bank shall comply with Item 6.7.3, Underground conduit construction of the NCTCOG specifications. (4) The construction shall be inspected by the town. The owner/developer is responsible for coordination with the town for inspection. (5) The owner/developer shall be responsible for providing "as-built" drawings to the engineer for the project. "As-built" drawings shall be 24 inches by 36 inches in size and consist of one mylar and an electronic file of the drawings in the DXF format. The duct bank must be vertically and horizontally tied to the town's GPS monuments as it is constructed. This information shall be shown on the "as-built" plans. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 78 Note— The base duct bank horizontal will be reviewed according to the illustration below. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 79 Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 80 TYPICAL DUCTBANK SECTION Sec. 36-224. - Duct bank system. (a) Coordination. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 81 (1) General conditions. The duct bank is fully within the public right-of-way or designated duct bank easement ("ROW"), and is subject to all regulations adopted by the Town of Westlake, Texas ("Westlake"). The infrastructure of the duct bank system including ducts, manholes, other access points, and other associated appurtenances are referred to as the system. The system is indexed for location coordination. The location coordination consists of vertical control, horizontal control, and includes major crossings of other utilities indexed by type. (2) General responsibilities. Each user of the system is hereafter referred to as a "tenant". Tenant shall include all employees, officers, owners, officials, agents, affiliates, contractors and subcontractors of the tenant. Each tenant is required to fully comply with the regulations, policies, and standard operating procedures (SOPs) of the system. Each tenant is responsible to tag and otherwise identify that medium (i.e., fiber, coax, etc.) pulled through the system. (b) Access. (1) Each tenant will be required to file an access request with the town each and every time entrance to a system access point is required, including emergency conditions. The purpose of the access request is not to cause a time delay to the users of the system but to log and manage access. All access requests and access requirements will be controlled by the town's network operations center (NOC). The access request form shall include the following: a. Name and company of requestor; b. Name and company representing if requestor is a subcontractor; c. Authorizing contact for tenant; d. Date and time of request; e. Date and time access is needed f. Reason for access; g. Traffic control plan where access points are in or near roadways; and h. Where there is restricted entry, a safety and emergency plan shall be included. (2) All access by a tenant will be under the supervision of the NOC, including on site presence of a town representative. Under no circumstances will any tenant have authorized single access without on site presence of a town representative. This includes emergency access requirements. (3) All tenants have access to the system at any time provided tenant shall comply with provisions of subsection (b)(1) above. Emergency access is available 24 hours per day, seven days per week, unless inclement weather and/or other catastrophic condition prevents such access. (4) The following access procedures shall be followed: a. Town personnel are not authorized to enter manholes. Town personnel will monitor work in manholes from the surface. b. Tenant's representatives may enter manholes and handholes with only those tools necessary to un-rack cable and bring it to the surface. Work on cables such as splicing, repairing, etc., may not be performed in manholes. Repair work may be performed in handholes as long as the town's representative can clearly observe the work. c. Upon bringing to the surface, the town' representative shall identify the cable, log the cable information, and authorize work. A cable work log shall be filled in and filed at the NOC. d. Upon completion of the work, the tenant's representative shall return the cable to the racking system within the manhole or handhole. e. The town's representative shall log all personnel involved, start time, end time and any other information that may be deemed necessary. (c) Security. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 82 (1) The town is committed to providing for the physical security and maintenance of the system. The system will be controlled similar to other right-of-way utilities, with assurance of service as the top priority. This assurance is partially dependent upon each tenant's compliance with the regulations, policies, and procedures governing the system. (2) Physical security: Basic physical protection measures are inherent in the design of the system. These measures include geographic positioning, vertical depth, width and type of cover (i.e., encasement), slope profile, and other information including proximity to other utilities. (3) Tenant medium security: Each tenant is required to furnish metal tags attached to the medium at all required points per specifications (attached) as discussed above. All tenant information is considered confidential to include the name of the tenant, except for the physical location of the tenant's medium. (4) Restricted entry: In accordance with state and federal occupational and safety laws, access to manholes within the system is considered restricted entry. As such, tenants representatives shall follow all state and federal requirements for restricted entry. The granting of access by the town also grants restricted access. However, the town does not assume responsibility or liability for tenant's representative's health and welfare. Job safety is the responsibility of the tenant's representative. (d) Liability. Notwithstanding the above, the town is not responsible or liable for damages caused to any tenant, tenant's facilities, or tenant's customers, as a result of the operation and ownership of the system. Sec. 36-225. - Smart house technology infrastructure requirements. (a) General provisions. The infrastructure described herein and shown on Figures 1 and 2 of this section, are the minimum requirements to be used in the construction of new residential structures by the property owner or building contractor. All required appurtenances and associated hardware shall also be included for a complete and functioning system. The smart house infrastructure requirements are designed to allow maximum flexibility with minimum aesthetic impact for telecommunications access to newly-constructed residential structures. The basic infrastructure requirements apply to each newly constructed residential structure even though service providers may not utilize each and every component at each location. (b) Smart house requirements. The following requirements are considered minimum: (1) A three-foot by three-foot by four-inch depth (3' x 3' x 4" depth) concrete housekeeping pad (the "pad") shall be attached to the newly-constructed residential structure, preferably in the rear portions of the structures nearest to public utility easements. The pad shall be complete and integral to the associated residential structure slab. (2) Two four-inch low-voltage and one four-inch 250 V conduits (the "conduits") shall be stubbed up to heights as shown on Figure 1 of this section. The conduits shall be securely strapped to the newly-constructed residential structure's exterior as required by the National Electrical Code. (3) The empty low-voltage four-inch conduit with multi duct shall be capped at a minimum six inches above the finished residential structure slab. (4) The four-inch conduit with multi duct and low-voltage/fiber optic cables shall be stubbed up to the associated pull box. The pull box shall be nominally sized at 18 inches wide by 24 inches tall by 12 inches deep (18" W x 24" T x 12" deep), and shall be secured to newly-constructed residential structure's exterior. (5) One 120V/20A duplex receptacle (wp/gfci) shall be mounted between pull box and adjacent electrical power disconnect. The source of power to the duplex shall be from an independent system specific to the residential subdivision. The source of power shall not be from the residential system, and shall be labeled as such. This shall be coordinated with all service providers. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 83 (6) The four-inch 250V conduit shall be extended to height required by the electrical contractor for connection to the newly-constructed residential structure's electrical distribution system. The electrical contractor shall terminate conduit inside service entrance disconnect. (7) The property owner or general contractor shall coordinate installation of the pad with the electrical contractor to insure a nominal two-inch sleeve is provided for the National Electric Code required ground rod. The ground rod shall be adjacent to the service entrance disconnect, and driven to a nominal depth of ten feet. (8) The property owner or general contractor shall bond the telecommunications pull box to the ground rod with minimum #6 AWG insulated (green/THHN) conductor. Bonding from the service entrance disconnect to the ground rod shall be as shown on specific residential plans. (9) At each pad there will be an assortment of active and passive devices furnished and installed by telecommunication service providers. Active devices may include but are not limited to: amplifiers, transceivers, and local power supplies. Passive devices may include but are not limited to: couplers, ports, splitters, line-powered amplifiers, pedestals, and bridges. Each residential subdivision shall have a specific telecommunications distribution system which will further define specific requirements at each residential location. The property owner or general contractor shall submit plans to the town for coordination to site-specific design prior to installing any equipment. (10) The developer shall coordinate all utility easements to allow service provider access to the pad. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 84 Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 85 FIGURE 1—TYPICAL ELEVATION VIEW Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 86 Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 87 FIGURE 2—TYPICAL PLAN VIEW Secs. 36-226—36-250. - Reserved. ARTICLE IX. - RESIDENTIAL LOT GRADING Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Page 88 Sec. 36-251. - Purpose. The purpose of this article is to provide for grading/elevation activities that are in compliance with the overall subdivision grading and drainage plans. Furthermore, the grading shall avoid creating drainage problems on the lot or adjoining properties. Sec. 36-252. - Requirements. (a) Drawing. A scaled drawing shall be prepared showing the house footprint, driveways, sidewalks, existing and proposed contours, finish floor elevations, and flowline grades on driveway and sidewalk crossings. (1) The proposed lot grading shall be in compliance with the grading and drainage plan for the overall subdivision approved by the town. (2) The proposed grading shall not impede or destroy any drainage swales or any other existing drainage features. (b) Tree survey. A tree survey of the lot along with a tree preservation and protection plan in accordance with town standards shall be submitted with the site plan. (c) Contractor survey. Prior to laying the foundation, the contractor shall provide a survey, certified by a licensed professional surveyor, of the location of the concrete forms and showing existing and proposed grades at the building edges and property lines. (d) As-built survey. An as-built topographic survey of the lot, certified by a licensed professional surveyor, shall be submitted to the town prior to a certificate of occupancy being issued by the town. Sec. 36-253. - Administration. (a) Permit approval. A completed site plan, tree survey, and tree protection plan and review fee must be submitted to the town for approval prior to any grading or excavation activities. The permit shall be reviewed by the town engineer for approval. The contractor shall notify the town and franchise utility companies 48 hours prior to commencement of construction. (b) Application. The grading contractor shall apply for a grading/excavation permit at the town hall. The applicant shall complete the application and submit the following: (1) Proof of insurance meeting the town's requirements. (2) Three copies of the contractors contract applicable to the work being released and three copies of the cost estimate of the work to be performed; and (3) Payment of the inspection fee (three percent of the cost of grading). Sec. 36-254. - Enforcement. The town shall not allow any grading and/or tree removal until the developer or builder has (1) an approved site plan for the single family project; or (2) an approved tree protection plan. Violators shall be subject to fines and/or restoration of site to the original condition. The town shall inspect the site for conformance with the permit. Exhibit A - Articles 1 through 9 - Engineering Standards Chapter 36 - ENGINEERING STANDARDS ARTICLE X. – STANDARD DETAIL SHEETS Sec. 36-255. - Compliance. All construction regulated by this chapter shall comply with the detail sheets contained in this article where applicable. In the event of a conflict between this article, and Articles One through Nine, this article shall take precedence over Articles One through Nine. Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets V T W T A 3-# 4 BARS (4' & 5'M.H.) OR #5 BARS (6' M.H.) AT OPENING AS SHOWN. 0wmwm© mmwmm® mwmw mmmm® TABLE OF DIMENSIONS N.T.S. NON SHRINK GROUT 1:2 USE PRECAST CONCRETE — GRADE RINGS AS REQUIRED TO RAISE TO GRADE 4 BARS AT 18"— CLASS "A" CONCRETE A PLAN N.T.S. BASS & HAYS BH-VRM-30 MANHOLE COVER DIA. ' 4 BARS AT 18" T 0 TOP OF PIPE CO U U aa Q FAOQ 0 Ofm m o z Lo STEEL T o FINISH T 4 BARS AT 6" C- C (4' M.H.) OR 5 BARS AT 8" C- C (5" & 6"M.H.) EACH WAY. HOOK EACH END PRECAST CONCRETE GRADE RINGS TO TOP SLAB 23 PAVING SURFACE---,, 4 BARS AT 6" C-C 4' M.H.), OR #5 BARS AT 8" C- C (5' & 6' M.H.) EACH WAY. w VERTICAL BARS Q 4 BARS AT 18" > IF WALL HEIGHT IS OVER 4'( 4' & 5' M.H.), OR 6'( 6' M.H.) USE STEEL REBAR SPACERS) SLOPE 3/ 8" TO DRAIN 2" X 4" KEYWAY OR 4 BARS AT 8" C-C (4' & 5' M.H.) #4 BARS AT 6" C- C (4' M.H.) OR 5 BARS AT 8" C-C (6' M.H.) #5 BARS AT 8" C- C (5' & 6' M.H.) IN LIEU OF KEYWAY EACH WAY SECTION B-B N.T.S. TOWN OF WESTLAKE STORM WATER SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD MANHOLE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200WESTLAKE WSD-01 IS „11, Bi ,, GN WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets U cc v c U D I O C.) V) 00 m N U N Q N cVQ I Jam\ IY Q LJ wmWU)Q m mW m O o 2Q J N U w J W cn Z a Oo LL a- 0 22 Q cn o zZ Ofi CDw m m IUm oV) w Q0 a- m00Q Q m cn Q LLJLjz Q 0 x I W jt mm nN\ O 2 0 ZZ U X Q Q0= Ow m cn o m r- ME Z bi wmo a 0JmwLLI m X Z LL O O~ 00 4o W z iv U 0- Of W J J Qm Z Q I O I Z J of W Q aU O W F— W O O J m m m mO O IU )0 nQ m n Q a_ I 2 JLdQ L m M z Z o v; Z W 0O W Z Q U Z Q LJ Z U U J mZ I Z~ LLJ o Q Z m Qw w H E N c,o z o zw w Z o of oQa 02Z 0 S Q mooweII OQLLJ U) M I fir) W U J QZ^ 00 w U o J H1aIM 0 311 no w cwn caeano Cf)v I Z « 9 „0-,Z LI Q WCD Q: m w H O OZ B LLLJ 0 0 5, O O C) Z oI0L = CD w Ym U (r Z 9 Z W 0 LLIco L QF- O Q Of W Z O J 7 O W Qm Q 00 J CD Omz WpJ J m N Z L LL N O IrU5QOfLio J ofw ta w 0- El X Q11) 0 N a- 0 W:2 OZW N w Ztp Z Q WLL_ I z mLLJ 0 N U) Q H W cl: F-- U WQ Lr) m Z z o w U) z W Z Q D Q O m W Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets 9 g Ldr") oZ Z Ld o XdW m 0 0F\ 9) d),i „9-,-V) m Hld3a UN + Z W 0C)N Q Q NLdCtf N nco 0aN I Q 9 W C H O= Z Q oZ W J 0 0 r 0LdI Z W MCO Z I Y O Z Q W 2 F z F- zZ Z o g;Y CD0C I oo LLJ 0 z N-g C:) M QLLI Lo3 m N v v v X Q O m J t_ LU Q Q I QO U vi 0 Ps m « Z m U I OU a. o Z Lj Ld J U) Q\ U\ m O Z 0 z F- mr- mr C) C) 0 w oz N W 6C;w 0 Q N O 92Z0 04 Ld0aV' Of zm N 0 Q I J pz W LLJ0 OLL 06 W YWU 0mF— U) v QU QUY I 1 U 3 co cn of J F— MOfF— cn mc0» cn a N of a to w i W m 01 NtD't W 0 o' \ mQ z Z W O O U W O0 W 0 LL N N 0 m r- a- U J W C) 0 Ld 0 W m Q fO uii' obi c U) wma 00 iD 0.. p :0.. o Ld. na FZ-0a0= N 3 da N m 00 wW>- o0 0 cn a m C) Q (H1d34 VIV38) i' U X° m U Q V 0 V) 0 m m-0z1 o QNcnU m QN 0a\ Zv Qz="Uw 0 0- 30 I9 Z cn0Z a- F— o Z am - = lo a O z cNnV)zmWcn a LwZZa m Q Q LL D o z ;.° U F mo 0 V) W m CO w o 0 Z U m Q Q D O m J w Z>- m n O J Z I M ' o a m w^ v, J= w J W Z Z Q 2 ZZOLLJ 0 0 \ o p. O.. o p .. o Q F- O 2 W W m cn ncnN e Q QQwJ of LL O W Z0m w 0 F m 0 J Z F— oUH mLLI Z OJ N Q a CO H U N U w F- U U Z Z WO w O D O Z Z U I Qd OZ 00(nLL Z 0 QO O N L U U U NJ J Z Q W J WO W Z_ m n N Q Of m U O L Of H Q cn , m QF— Q Q m I Q mr- I I NP'") CO ma Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets z J za w —I o z o o ti oUZ U 00 0 z 00 o Q Z w o o cv W o co v w LUw o- cy w m N wLL- z l ~ O oLLI Y z Nag OQ Q00 0 Ld z O r O to I LLJ OLLJ OJ ,dofO v) > 2 Q Q = Q mmm -ui 00 0 ' Y - I 1 0 6 -d 0 CD- Z Z w - W LJ ( n DO o m 0 U) Z + QZ 00 cn J J M m _0 vi N c) o + Q N U) cn 00 z O a Q N m m L LLJ m LL- : 2 Ld V m ao 0o a0 vi I I 1 M in m z (n I o vi i') io 0 o W Q z (/) M U) w In 0- m z O m z w J Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets W LnJ z mC) mm U w W C,ON wZ QNN z OuiO(n wQ W mNX cn O w OOY m,:, z Nag LLI 0U Lnm i r" 7 O w O w uj oY W 3J m w f- > j W ` (A W Z C7Z r zQ W z LLJ w Uaw N cn Z N J o OoF N w m O 0OfC) w a > g m ZwQ Z = w Ld zC m w Wcnm o J m Z Q Ww O w w in 0 mwQ Z J U O ZW_ V) W Z W = Z O W OOF- U w Z O O = Z w F- J 8 B9BB8B8B8B80B08B8BB8B8B8B0 8 00090000808000000000080800 8 B8BB8B8B8B0 B08B0BB9B0B0B0 ooaaeeeeeaaaaaaaeeeeeeaaaaaa goo aooa a a a a a a a a a a oeeeeaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aa aaa Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets W J ui LLJ O Cfl Lfl QI 00 CO CO Ln O 00 OD O 6) Lf) CON) O Cfl Mn Qz v, NWNLf_ to U W DON LLJ QL r^ LLJ r`T, W m = Z o O O Y CD wJ z Nmg LE Q w Cn O LoLJLo Q dLLJ m 0 Z LJ W (.`W m O o L. W W - O O (n LL W w ZcoZ ~ LLJ Q W c N N OO Z < N O a VCrLJ r Q W LMIJ Q Z W LLJJ Q m W N w LLJLLJ LLJ f. f m L'.L^i Q W V J Z W W Z = W Z CD 0 — W mV) J CO Z Q W O W W m O Q m QW Z J U O Z = W_ L J Z W W n O U W F- Z Q — O O = Z IL F- J CD CO N 0 0 iA I O O M m N CO m M Cfl m J O 0 0 N N N M M M 11") Ll7 lf) lIJ Cfl CO CO I O_ UZ M O N M OI MN I n O M I CO N6) O COW N c0M OCO o0 00 O NM c0Ln O00 O N U U Oi O) m ai Oi 0 0 0 0 N N N N M M M M U U' Z Z O J W O QOi M COLf) OI 00 M 00I COO MN 00Lf') N I M M CO OO N O n O O OM Mc0 OO N W I m 0 0 0 N N N M M M M LfJ Lf7 t0 tD 0 p H U M 00 00 O N OLf7 MI I O) ON M COCo O) o0 N M O) Nop LnO 00N I I O N t0 M U oo ao ao eo of ai ai rn rn o 0 0 0 ci N N N N ri ri ri b N O W N O N a0 O) LL7 O O M O M N LCJ 00 O n O I m pp O 0 0 0 N N N M M M M M M n Hp UZ } ON N Cfl I 00 OIO M MLC7 c0I 00O ON N CO I OD O M M I a0O) ON N CO I o0 O) O M M a0O) i I c0 00 00 00 00 of O N I DCO CD N 00M MCO M61 Ll7O ODN I O 00 M LC) M Ll7t0 0101 J pMp 0 0 0 0 0 M M M Z } O OM O 01tD 00o0 I O N c0 t0c0 i1') 00 i1') O N M MCo N00 NO N OD 00 M I i U I n n n W W W c0 W O pi O O> Oi O O O O O O CV U Z Z O J W N I 00 M O) O I Lf) O M Mc0 O00 O O) O) O O N O00 N W I m^^ 0O pp 00 0O 0 0 0 N N N M O p H p UZ } O ODLf') n I O NM LC7 rnc0 00CO n O N Nc0 OD rnm 00 O In M N O rn N c0Cfl 00 N I i U c0 c0 t0 CO I CO CO 00 CO 00 W m O O O O O O O O O J W m COc0 a0 m N OI O 00 N M I 0000 00O M NO CO O O) CO 01 a0 O Ln01 N I J c0 c0 I 00 00 00 CO m O p O O O ih H p UZ} rn O a0 u O NN O I M u7n MO apN McD 00 aprn co MM I co t0a0 O N rnr? c0 I Nrn N U ti co ca cri ri n n n ri n o0 0o ao 00 00 rn of rn ai rn ai o O JWW m Cfl OI O O cDM CO N O M I iA MI I O COO M co OCO Om OO Lf) 00M N00 OO N I J L[) Lf7 Cfl CO CO CO c0 I n 00 00 00 00 00 OD O O O) O O O O i17 n Z } O N M O t0 QII 01 mO MN 00 M 00CO Map I 6? N I N N I I tDa0 D c0 Oc0 LnI LnO C. j co cocD ri ri ri ri r a0 00 00 oO o0 00 Oi U Z JW Cfl Ln M I O W N O N OD 6) I M O O O N O O W W m J NL[) MLl7 COLl7 I Lf) OCO CO NCfl LnCfl OCfl OCO OI M I 00 O00 NW M^ OD 00 00 00 W O NO U') O I m O O p Z c 0 O O ON M c0 a0 O r M a0 O coN Lf) a 0 OI 3 v co co co co co 000 JW Q 00 CO 00 CO O 00 iA CO OD CD N N O N 00 00 O I W mJ m Ll7 N Ll7 Ll'7Lf7 tD Lf7 I U7 OCO OCO MCO CO CO O ODO N D I n ODn O00 W OD LC) OD I OD OO M U) H U N N opM c0 I I O01 MO co rnN N opcD OO O> I O ON MM co 6 I W I O O MN rn U In In In In In D D D D D CO CO CO p JW M M O D 00 LC7 LL7 N i1') Ll7 N I O O M N M N 00 I pJ I M M OM O M M c0 I O Oi1') Ln MLf) M CD CDM I M OLn OO tD M to tD CflCfl I Cfl Ot0 OI N Hp UZ} a0N OM O O O) c0 O) I Orn OO o 0N 0M M Mc0 MI Mrn U M M Ih M M M M Ln Lf> Lf> Lf) Lf) L[) Ln Ln Ln U' O J N O O c0 O O O co O O co O H O 6> CO CO LL'J O 11') ZW I W mJ MM M OM I M OIM N M CO I OO 6) N LCJ Lf> Lf> LC> I L[) 00L[) Oc0 CO MO CO d M O Z O) O M N NM OCfl rnCfl a0I a000 n cD O N M M M NCO I O00 OO) rnO) a0O n cDM I U N M M M M M M M M M M M Ln Ln Ln in I JW UjWm c0O 01O 00N M c0 O I ca McO O) o0 O N M I Oco co I I O OO O O WN u") 00cO NW J M M M M M M M M M Lf> Lf) Lf) L() Ln Ln Ln M n 2 Z r N Cfl 0I 00 I 00 MQI M O N ON 00N I M MLn N CO OI 00 CO00 O MO N ON 00N I M M MLn NCfl 00I i U N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M M M io rn o ih in a o ih io rn O ih rn o ih in o o ih in o o i io O Iwp p " I I'7 I Ih I I I I I Lf7 I in I i1 I iA I CO I CO I CO I CO I I I I I I I I I OD I OD I 00 I 00 I I I Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets Li J Oz can I wo D:f wCl) Z D J U bey . iC Of Of WD OYM o Li W OOCV Woo W o 0 n( 0 m0 I 0 W o O J m LY m D c) m o W mNX o CD. J Z ZOf I LL o z~ g w O02w o OOY N0g IzOf 0 o0 z 0 CJ W o zz0 Q w C W NLY W W OWN W Z Z O e A i.. WW,= JZQQ0- Z Q z D J z w Z o 0Zzw Q Q w 11000N Lo U U 0 9 N CD 9NIW ,SL'Z „9 07 N w c W w O J w'^ U N Z ZV J d J 0 W W W m Z U 0HJp m j= W Z 0 LLJ Jw O Ln F- t n O n Q J W L LI W Z I ZJHY ULYC7 ZOfW H W Z= H LY J H Z 0 I LL pwd w 000Z0W W LYOJ Q m W J Z Z Z Z zZ N H101M 8311no o8 8bf10 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets i— z NOISN3NIG 3 OVI?JVA19 0 00 H„ 19 J 00 CznL)] LnZ0= o m m m u LLJp 2. w 0 Q U LLJ w o Z z I of p pwoQ O w ^ Q JzULnUJ w w N Z W a_ Li Woo0UwOc~n 040LLI Z OZ z r-(0 a=Lj J o U LU JLLJ Uz m LLJ OH W mNx N Z Z o :5 NOYagz 0mw m J if Ofa OD L z V) I O (d) of pLLJ Q w w z w z w3:Z w J 0' O J LJ- am w Ln U 0 LLJ A uj - Cf) Z Q w M O 3O cn w Oa0 U 0CDmm N LLJ N w w O p U) N a a Ld n O Y m m m I N m m C> W p Z ZUJ L1J Z O W o: OD O U I LL z z co I LJJ LLJ if wCDC' 200 N zU' m z o O z m m Lzj C'4 Q Li Lj p 14JwwZ0- Z E-L O JJ w m 00 w m 0 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets LJ C) O-) J LLJ w z ui O Cl) I wo Ov w ti u zz g g w W 00N W ao o z W o co 04r- (D CD LL J LLJ H N mNx z~ z o g • Y m w LLJ oLoLd oQ 0 o a, U Iw o w V) I z aza d m m m: I- e 0 w cn Y m 0 of w G: m N mvoN6OC N N 11 N 8 D • O w ao o p. 9 Ld Q N N in N a U) I ao 9 9 0 O F— of w w m p. L. LJ J D 00 0 o Z cD w(10 C/) 9 w w m elf. a_ o o . D wm 0 CD o. U o D Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets GENERAL NOTES: 1. IN GENERAL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE #4 BARS ON 12" CENTERS BOTH WAYS FOR GUTTER, BOTTOM SLAB ENDS, FRONT AND BACK WALLS, AND #4 BARS ON 6" CENTERS BOTH WAYS FOR TOP SLAB. AN ADDITIONAL #6 BAR SHALL BE PLACED IN THE FRONT EDGE OF THE TOP SLAB IN THE INLETS AND ADDITIONAL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE PLACED AROUND MANHOLES AS SHOWN. 2. ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE GRADE 60. 3. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS "A". ALL EXPOSED CORNERS HALL BE CHAMFERED 3/ 4". 4. ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 2" TO THE CENTERS OF THE BARS. 5. 10'-0" OF EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER UPSTREAM AND 10'-0" OF EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER DOWNSTREAM SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPOURED INTEGRALLY WITH EACH INLET. 6. ALL BACK FILLING SHALL BE PERFORMED BY MECHANICAL TAMPING TO 90% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. TOWN OF WESTLAKE CURB INLET SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD RECESSED BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200wEsraKE WESTLAKE TEXAS 76262 WSD— 0 DISTINCTIVE or frtslcM ,,,, f Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets 4" 4'-0" TOOLED EDGES - STONE CLAD SLOPE, TOP AND SIDES 1 \( O CONSTRUCTION JOINT AT CORNERS' 3'-0" #4 BARS 18" C-C W T STONE CLAD SLOPE, TOP AND SIDES — T 5 BENT BARS TOOLED EDGES To n. o. 3" FILLET IN 4, OPENING 10„ # 4 at 18" C-C o BOTH WAYS CONSTRUCTION JOINT AT CORNERS SECTION $$A - A" N.T.S. TOOLED EDGES n INLET SIZE T W 2' SQUARE 7" 2'-0" 4' SQUARE 7" 4'-0" 5' SQUARE 8" 5'-0" 6' SQUARE 9" W-0" NOTES: 1. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL CONFORM WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF NCTCOG STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STANDARD CONCRETE MANHOLES. 2. LAYERS OF REINFORCING STEEL NEAREST THE INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SURFACES SHALL HAVE A COVER OF 2" TO THE CENTER OF BARS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. MINIMUM CLASS "A" CONCRETE. 3. FOR DETAILS OF REINFORCING OF LOWER PORTIONS OF INLET SEE APPROPRIATE SQUARE MANHOLE DETAILS. 4. DEPTH OF DROP INLET FROM FINISHED GRADE TO FLOW LINE OF INLET IS VARIABLE. APPROXIMATE DEPTH WILL BE SHOWN ON PLANS AT LOCATION OF INLET. 5. ALL STANDARD DROP INLETS SHALL HAVE ONE OPENING ON EACH SIDE UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS. 6. DECK MAY BE REINFORCED SAME AS 4' SQUARE MANHOLE. 7. ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE SHALL BE FACED WITH STONE (COLOR TO BE DETERMINED BY THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD DROP INLET E° W " BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 WS D —1 1 WSTLAKE DISTINCTIVE o, M IG, " WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets TOP OF HEADWALL 00 12" 3 BARS AT 18" C - C BOTH WAYS 2D+2. 0' on Itto o STONE CLADDING ON ALL EXPOSED SURFACES MAX. SLOPE 2:1 s' 0 G-. D+2.0' SECTION "B-B" MAX. SLOPE 2:1 at12"C— C 5 L 4'- 0 3 BARS at 18" SEE C - C BOTH WAYS DETAIL "D" SECTION $$A - A" N.T.S. B ji A N FLOW o PLAN N.T.S. N.T.S. 3 BARS at 18" C — C BOTH WAYS 4 at 12" C—C O .a s.A AvJ.I *. V 1 CONST. JT. DETAIL "D" N.T.S. 4 at 12" C-CAIVARIES STONE CLADDING ON ALL Ir'n EXTERIOR SURFACES BAR DETAIL a- C CONCRETE CRADLE (SEE SECTION "C- C") B N.T.S. 3 BARS at 18" C - C BOTH WAYS O D MINUS 4" SECTION "C- C" N.T.S. NOTES: 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS "A" 2. ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE SHALL BE FACED WITH STONE (COLOR TO BE DETERMINED BY THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE) TOWN OF WESTLAKE CONC. APRON SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD VERTICALHEADWALLBLDG. 7, SUITE 7200WESTLAKE WSD-12SJ;NC7;y °„E,„ WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets I STONE CALDDING STONE CLADDING ON ALL EXTERIOR SURFACES P91 A A 1 N.T.S. 2D + 2.0' MAX. SLOPE 2:1 F-13CBOTHWAYS BARS. AT 18"1 F * 12" io I 4'-0» N AF 5" 3 BARS at 18" C — C BOTH WAYS 3 BARS at 18" SECTION A- A C — C BOTH WAYS N.T.S. TOP OF HEADWALL O ` o STONE CLADDING 00 MAX. SLOPE 2:1 D MINUS 4" 2 SECTION C- C N.T.S. 3 BARS AT 18" fF7 o a ff7 C — C BOTH WAYS s;;.:..a 5" NOTE: 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS "A". 2. ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE SHALL BE FACED STONE 0 BE SECTION B—B DETERM NIED BY THE(TOWN OF N.T.S. WESTLAKE) TOWN OF WESTLAKE CONC. APRON SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD SLOPING BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 HEADWALL WESTLAKE p„J;N 7;y o ,;; WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 WS D 13 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets z LLJ CD 12 1 Y C U ULLJ a m cl:f m Z_ pCN cc Li O:f of w O U Z Z O \ r) cD w OON W p Q i\ 04LLJ m U o C/) Q < 101 II O LU H a W U OOf m Q m (f) W Sao QNHCn C Z Q O J J J O J Y c)c c Z v0i gzz m o ov o0 O m WO V) C/) Z Li Li 0 to Wgo O LLJ W Q = U 0- Ctf ftf 7 Q U ry r`w pLLJ U / Q _ (A a- LLJ W uj CD - O o U N N O N m m o C/i Ld o\ Z Z o z o z zLd oo Ld U C D O J O WF- Qt>J U C f O U-) p LLJ LLJ M (n Q O O LLJn OC) LLJ 0pmPm U ~ p CD LLJLLJ. .. LLJ Q a_ Oo r zm m U OfN O W a z J m z z O D O U O Z ril 0 WUZLLJ m 0 0U O m W Z X W QLLJ p_ OLLJW (!)Z UMmUg()p J Lj U-) — Z Q W p Z LLJ W LLJW LLJ O U p LO O Z LLJI LC) LLJ LLJ -co O a- LLj W p s 0 Of cn II w L w II II z L niz x II U a O w m 0 W LLJ a_ m m U O Z N P) LC) Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets No o Ld O K 20 W U S w 2 o a m U2 == w Ld a+a22OfV) n o CO W0Oq L04 r- J w CD/ 2W 5? E 2 Ctf CD U O O Y LjxgOOuuV) In O ? K G o z_ a y; g w G ) ) Of k oK (A m w a a 2LU L/) m N 2 C k llCD N 2 0 b< ILd Of LAga m Ld 2qERWmW C/) Kk Q C) @ 2 Q ® LLJ 2 2 e w o m w a a o m Lli C/) R 2ƒ cn C::> mui a yc u 0 w ock o' 0 22 Q z 1w k® 3 F— E® Aƒ\3 2Eƒ c 00% m mV 23 O LLJ 2 o . . . z a Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets z Ld a I ULd Ld W DON r-(0 W w LLJ OH 9) Oj W mN z r- ~ O o i Y z Nag 0° O 0° cn O L 3 z r o w z N U a-Z a_ Of :2 w N W - m m m Z N N Q O m U N W w Ld J m L. C LLd O W Z m W Z O OLn w Q o w OU U = cr- U7 U W L. O Of w Q 0 0 w = U F- LW O FY II IIU cn m m LLJ O Z N Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets z wo I ULLJ LLJ W 0ON Woo ancNo LU r- J UJ 0 W mNx LI z ~ l O 0 w Y z Nog or_Z omcn Q oZZ 0 LO w 2 W ( A uj Y> N 7 m C/-) a N a. O LLJ w w _ wm Ld m m z a ao m O w z w W Yw a Qmw W cn o wQo i moU/) a N J wQ p LLJ U LZm Q u C) F-- ) m Z Of 00 O \ c> v w O Z — N r Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets z In wo Of L U LLJ Z m O m Z Z Q LLJ 00 w z cni 2 W OON woco QN04 LU Q D LLJ O= c cn Cf W m N z c CO Q m Q H Z I O OOY w Z Nag Q J 0m U O Lo 3ZLLJ CC) W_ LLJ O cn Q €`w m CD af Q =Q U cr- CD p -(A - W W w J Q U J Z m Z U O mvn cn N C3 m o N oop CD N w O N J L. Of m mu W Z L (V w Cf(n m Z Q m C) O a :2 Ld m LdwLd o w Y o 0 0 D' D U Lli O m Q .D ° ° D U-) Lw U a U °' w Uj CD Z V) 0 p m L Z ° ( Z _ W W0 w g O 0°. D Y p im a- LLJ Z ° o D' D C Q Q D CD Ll Y W O a ;':wmo W J U p W :Lc p W Q >w O mph Q pm U JoLLJ2pL ULLJ Z O m (n LZ p Z p Lr V) O m II II gOfmII D C-)-0 cn W —mmp W O Z N n Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets 3 BARS AT 18" C/ C EACH WAY UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY OWNER FIRM TRENCH WALL SAWED BREAKOUT GROOVE (DEPTH = 2" f) VARIES REPLACED CONCRETE TO BE 6" THICK MINIMUM; CLASS "A" COMPACTED EMBEDMENT AS SPECIFIED ON PLANS FIRM TRENCH WALL AAAVIAAIIAA IAllnTW ASPHALT PAVEMENT N.T.S. MAXIMUM WIDTH SEE NOTE BELOW) 1 1 /2" HOT MIX ASPHALT WEARING SURFACE ON TACK COAT EXISTING ASPHALT SURFACE SAWED JOINT (TYPICAL) 6" CLASS "A" CONCRETE (MINIMUM) FIRM TRENCH WALL COMPACTED EMBEDMENT AS SPECIFIED ON PLANS 1'-0" UNLESS WITHIN 3' OF JOINT CONDUIT CONCRETE PAVEMENT SAWED BREAKOUT GROOVE (DEPTH = 2"f) EXISTING REINFORCEMENT FIRM TRENCH WALL NOTES: N.T.S. 1. PAYMENT TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR REPLACEMENT OF PAVEMENT AND/OR DRIVEWAYS WILL BE BASED ON ACTUAL MEASUREMENTS UP TO A MAXIMUM WIDTH EQUAL TO THE SPECIFIED MAXIMUM TRENCH WIDTH (PER STD. SPEC. ITEM 6.2.) PLUS 2 FEET. ANY EXISTING PAVEMENT DAMAGED OR REMOVED IN EXCESS OF THE MAXIMUM LIMITS SHALL BE AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR. 2. WHEN REMOVING CONCRETE PAVEMENT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENDEAVOR TO LIMIT DAMAGE TO EXISTING REINFORCEMENT SO IT MAY BE EMPLOYED IN THE REPLACEMENT OPERATION. IF ORIGINAL REINFORCEMENT IS CUT OR BROKEN, REPLACEMENT BARS OF THE SAME SIZE SHALL BE INSTALLED BY DRILLING AND DOWELING AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER. TOWN OF WESTLAKE PAVEMENT CUT SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD REMOVAL AND WESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 REPLACEMENT WESTLAKEDISTINCTIVE °I [ I°'I f TEXAS 76262 W U C- 0 f/ V Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets zz O p O w I U LZ O U a m xvW „Z L W 0 0 CV NIW „t QWoon04LUr- o00. 'o 0 0 0 0 O LLJOz ° .. . D J °. O O O J W m N X FLI O Q Z LO ° m O OO Y 0. .0 O p V) LLJ g O J O m (n O m Lo00 < cn NIW „Z l ° ° p J z W 0.. O -Lu U o z =Q N z O o = a o W L>U J 7 - U w J m r ~ Y III m Q ° 0 QOQ °° o 0 x = N a- LL w Lij N.I . , Z OQ J O' Q N p O ZO 0 O' ° w m U o E ULJ wO Q J Ld 0.* o L (/) Z Y O' LJ U m Q o ° O p m LLI m p O O O LJN LJ +y L`' z J o 0 m Q p o c~n 0 of cD 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 JU Z YWU a m Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets z W 00 a- :2 1 Of U C) U w LLJ cn J m z LL LLJCD of LLJ Ln O J U YC)C W 0ON Qom a0404 m F- c waz1:2 Z) (- V)iLLJ c~n m m W mNw Z I ~ O oWY Nag 0M O Lo Ld 3 W W m T Z Of N O Q Z p CD W U') _WI Z Y ma0of CD Q.m UWUU `F- C-) LA p C- Z LL LU Of C-D LLJ p W W Z W V) N N O U') Nz W p 0 Ln o Ld J 0-) U N m o Ld m W 0 U of m UQp C" Ld LLJ W w (D a C) -0 ( n U (n m 14, m O W O WZ CD m p W W Of _ Li ofi Li U Qp = [if a Z LL J U W S W Q p Z X Q 0 if L- LJ p O O U rn a 0 Q LO Li p O LLJ w II II LLJ U Of X U C/) Li W m m W O Z N rl) Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets IJJ z w I U U W W W 00N Woo aC4 C*4 U O 2 Wp Q O O Q mOd W m NUUUO U V W Q m a Qao a¢ o(7 ZU z r- 6 U N a N a6 w O C)0Y z Nag 0 w J Zo oY, - o H 3 3J Z O pp QZ L I) o W J UJ Y OR K W W Z Q o H maa J m za N U N i N N O NJ Q NWW U mwwo N O z J mZmU W Z w 3 w J Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets Y z cn Q J I m < m U W CYuj omo NNE MID „0-,L CD cV 0 N o 0'Q iOpZ Q(/') F W O W ar-(0 T T=rT LU mU)X a Z OOY I zo Z cnm00o o i. Ld wN oLo w Z d.......... , CD Q d... L... ...I> s4LIJ n o LU e Cl0OxumN N N N N CD N N ifZU) O w U II ^^ 1J uO L O N NN L-f_ ioozNzvS o Q Ld mo m w J W z- b o w wz V) o o § J E E LIJ J ~ J w H H H O O w N O Z U O wO w ww— oC6= Z N Q 0 Uw Lu 0 0 0 m O Q O e I to j H O O x c3 3 II w O Oa¢w J Z O Owx } mO QNE/ Qd 0- Q I O O N Q mNyj oZ cif x = OUpX Q ZCD N N N U vi W U! z Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets O W O U W UY m Z F Q Q p O m A3R I_L_I O J Q J O Z N W U ~ O N J w O 0 2 0 Q U 3 w m z r U _ W O w O Z O Z N OO oU W W Xw Q(DOUZ Q m O' d' O W w ^O Q Q z c33 w wmJ FRF w zd ¢ w M. w m C-) J 00 m 0 m x mm rrnvWwr WO v m F-m D' 00 x ?j CJ' c oL+, iR z0 WU w-w m z & 3H z O Z W W wmm '_ wN ohm wmm "Qm a m¢ Q Q I - Z W = Z C0 m r o N o¢ m BMW N N m w o ' m W O I m LLJ N = W = w wO a Q pw i W I OONPN ¢? w 2 m ZS JJ UOC) W o Y W 'zd c ic~1. F 3 = v! Ja p L Cif x Z O_ zY xy Uhow z¢ _ L+m c o p U z X o z Q m2t 00 17, =, mw coin mo 0 z w x p O I W Jm3 o w wm rn m wc l o o' za Ww 0_ U O aoz_ < ozwQw mom~ z 0 3 ni rim aamuow3 i dk' ad aim u coi p R W m m in z W O Z U O N LLJ N Q m Z O W N_ Z a o J W W m O mZ0 Qc-, OOfO O to Z2 rp O U Q p LL O Z W L+1 O Y O L v) z C 3N m w 2 o HOJ ZOO UO> djz x U WU' U J Q U Z U: O^ O ma pU C)Uw O~ Q d Q o Z O 00 y w w HOOZ - Of Q G F 3 i O w m m m< L Lj Q p9p Km O d m J m m J O QH Q 6 m m N NNJv) wO m WQ L oN U t N U N N Z OOU m m a 0N O O W w m CN N z ro ro m ro rz Uo c i r-i U a m 6 U ro N n L'i a M M N O r7 N N M w X Q U JK W WO J Z m i..7 J H m O pz U U 0 J Q Y O w F O Zm lQ Zw OWO w ¢ WI j J e KO QU U W Y O HUZ om mOW mQw 3x JJ zm E C 0 O Z m0i w= wwwm Z O F o m o uj m cYi N O jj oz c> mrnzc wz mw xm X U U v)O w YzJp wJw 3riw oN x I Z fTl U Q oar m p0 CiwF- m m pUwd 3 OWz zoOUW l V Z Z Z Zak Zoc w J mo 8w OZ ow aIzo N Zw30S 3 6 C O U m Z v) m O cFiG wwN w d J mm zo6 oaN= 6 w Ni V) xw a H0tz ui wUn 0 z Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets Y z cn r QJ I mQm 0 wQ 0o U Q W OON a i aO LU J W U) wa D Q m(nW LLI r y is F- a O goc Y o °° cn 0 yMa BN m NIM ZO N N 4 I'f!M I Ny j J O U. W J L l U O 0 m N r0 83A00 .9£ 'NIVI ,4 w c a x X W N W z U J¢W mmW QO Q LLJ LLJ s O O dd' Vf xZ r W DO xW ti o acri ! Yi ^^ J m po OU OOO QO V/ Z O S 2 = i W W N OJ = O J fin— cox BitW U = W W Z r r W n< _zCW 30 m NIW W N CZ U L;zcoain p O C9 — CK O D W U v w a rOzac tif w Y I, I ti1,Mf r `OJ"Ow¢ wJw=o 3 o O J¢ m J 2 OJ Z6 LLJ x O V) L J N L J cn Y J W N ft U OO Oa OQ WcnrO N 1 ?J3A00 ,9£ 'NIYY ,4 z O rr0 rQUQO OL lumW) Z DMZ Z Z ZZ JO W 'Ellm3CoOOUIOpOQUD z wU p W J J W W d' d3 Q r Q r J i r x W Q U l¢i U fn r W WZj N M -4: to tC 1 C. Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets STEEL T-POSTS SHALL HAVE A SAFETY CAP PLACED ON TOP TO PREVENT INJURIES. SILT FENCE (MIN HEIGHT 24" ABOVE EXISTING GROUND COMPACTED EARTH OR ROCK BACKFILL POST - BACKFILL & MECHANICALLY TAMP 6' 3' MIN 2' MIN, FABRIC T E-IN CROSS SECTI N A - A V MIN 6' MIN TRENCH WIDTH 1- 1/2" FILTER STONE WRAPPED IN GALVANIZED OR PVC COATED WIRING 4' MIN. STEEL T-POST OR WOOD POSTS SPACED 6' MAX. SOFTWOOD POSTS SHALL HAVE A NOMINAL CROSS SECTION OF 2"X4" AND 2"X2" FOR HARDWOOD POSTS LLLLL A FASTEN FABRIC TO THE TOP LLLLLL STRAND OF THE WIRE USING LLI I I LLUHOG RINGS OR CORD AT A LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL L MAX. SPACING OF 15". LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL L LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL L LLLLLLLLLLLLL WIRE MESH BACKING. LLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLL LLLLL L L PLACE 6" OF FABRIC AGAINST THE TRENCH SIDE AND 6" ACROSS THE TRENCH BOTTOM TRENCH IN THE UPSTREAM DIRECTION. 8' STONE OVERLAP OF FENCE ON EACH SIDE H SILT FENCE EXAMPLE N. T.S. 8' MAX SILT FENCE 6' MIN TOP OF STONE, EACH SIDE OF SILT FENCE STONE OVERFLOW STRUCTURE EXAMPLE N. T.S. TOWN OF WESTLAKE SILT FENCE SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD WEC-01 A WESTLAKE W " BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 r;NCT;V ° MICA WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets SILT FENCE GENERAL NOTES: POSTS WHICH SUPPORT THE SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON A SLIGHT ANGLE TOWARD THE ANTICIPATED RUNOFF SOURCE. POST MUST BE EMBEDDED A MINIMUM OF ONE FOOT. 2. THE TOE OF THE SILT FENCE SHALL BE TRENCHED IN WITH A SPADE OR MECHANICAL TRENCHER, SO THAT THE DOWNSLOPE FACE OF THE TRENCH IS FLAT AND PERPENDICULAR TO THE LINE OF FLOW. WHERE FENCE CANNOT BE TRENCHED IN (e.g. PAVEMENT), WEIGHT FABRIC FLAP WITH ROCK ON UPHILL SIDE TO PREVENT FLOW FROM SEEPING UNDER FENCE. 3. THE TRENCH MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES DEEP AND 6 INCHES WIDE TO ALLOW FOR THE SILT FENCE FABRIC TO BE LAID IN THE GROUND AND BACKFILLED WITH COMPACTED MATERIAL. 4. SILT FENCE SHOULD BE SECURELY FASTENED TO EACH STEEL SUPPORT POST OR TO WIRE BACKING, WHICH IN TURN IS ATTACHED TO THE STEEL FENCE POST. THERE SHALL BE A 3 FOOT OVERLAP, SECURELY FASTENED WHERE ENDS OF FABRIC MEET. 5. INSPECTION SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN THE SWPPP. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHALL BE MADE PROMPTLY AS NEEDED. 6. SILT FENCE SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN FINAL STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED OR ANOTHER EROSION OR SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICE IS EMPLOYED. 7. ACCUMULATED SILT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN IT REACHES A DEPTH OF HALF THE HEIGHT OF THE FENCE. THE SILT SHALL BE DISPOSED OF AT AN APPROVED SITE AND IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO NOT CONTRIBUTE TO ADDITIONAL SILTATION. 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE SILT FENCE SEPTEMBER 2022 , 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD WEC-01 B WESTLAKE IT BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200WESTLAKE DISTINCTIVE o, M IG, " WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets CROSS—SECTION PLAN VIEW N.T.S. CHANNEL WIDTH (PER PLANS) TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT OR ' A LAYER OF CRUSHED STONE CROSS SECTION OR RIPRAP IS REQUIRED WHEN N.T.S. VELOCITIES EXCEED 6 FPS OR SLOPE EXCEEDS 2.0% TOWN OF WESTLAKE INTERCEPTOR SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD SWALE WESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 WEC-02 DST MY o ,;; WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets INTERCEPTOR SWALE GENERAL NOTES: ALL TREES, BRUSH, STUMPS, OBSTRUCTIONS AND OTHER MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH THE PROPER FUNCTIONING OF THE SWALE. 2. THE SWALE SHALL BE EXCAVATED OR SHAPED TO LINE, GRADE AND CROSS-SECTION AS REQUIRED TO MEET CRITERIA SPECIFIED HEREIN AND BE FREE OF BANK PROJECTIONS OR OTHER IRREGULARITIES WHICH WILL IMPEDE NORMAL FLOW. 3. ALL EARTH REMOVED AND NOT NEEDED IN CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN AN APPROVED SPOILS SITE SO THAT IT WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE FUNCTIONING OF THE SWALE. 4. DIVERTED RUNOFF FROM A DISTURBED OR EXPOSED UPLAND AREA SHALL BE CONVEYED TO A SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE. 5. THE ON -SITE LOCATION MAY NEED TO BE ADJUSTED TO MEET FIELD CONDITIONS IN ORDER TO UTILIZE THE MOST SUITABLE OUTLET. 6. FOR GRADES LESS THAN 2 PERCENT AND VELOCITIES LESS THAN 6 FEET PER SECOND, THE MINIMUM REQUIRED CHANNEL STABILIZATION SHALL BE GRASS, EROSION CONTROL MATS OR MULCHING. FOR GRADES IN EXCESS OF 2 PERCENT OR VELOCITIES EXCEEDING 6 FEET PER SECOND, STABILIZATION IS REQUIRED IN THE FORM OF TURF REINFORCEMENT MATS (OR A LAYER OF CRUSHED STONE OR RIP -RAP WITH APPROPRIATE SIZE, GRADATION, AND THICKNESS AS SPECIFIED IN THE SWPPP). 7. MINIMUM COMPACTION FOR THE SWALE SHALL BE 90 PERCENT STANDARD PROCTOR. 8. INSPECTION SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN THE SWPPP. 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE INTERCEPTOR SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD SWALE IT° W " BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200WESTLAKE WEC-03 DISTINCTIVE o, MIG, WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets 3:1 SLOPE OR FLATTER 1 RUNOFF FLOW 1 PLAN VIEW 24" MIN DIKE TO BE PLACED IN 8" LIFTS, COMPACTED TO 95% STD. PROCTOR DENSITY 18" MIN v — 8" MIN=1I1= 1I1= 1I1=1I I II 111;,III III,;,II' T MIMIMI1 I1' 7'- 0" MIN TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT OR A LAYER OF EXISTING GROUND CRUSHED STONE OR RIPRAP IS REQUIRED WHEN VELOCITIES EXCEED 6 FPS OR SLOPE EXCEEDS 2% CROSS SECTION 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE DIVERSION SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD DIKE IT° W " BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200wEsraKE WEC-04 WESTLAKE TEXAS 76262DISTINCTIVEor [ ic i f Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets DIVERSION DIKE GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DIKES SHALL BE PLACED IN 8" LIFTS OR LESS AND COMPACTED TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. 2. ALL DIVERSION DIKES SHALL HAVE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO A CONTROLLED OUTLET. 3. DIVERTED RUNOFF FROM A PROTECTED OR STABILIZED AREA SHALL HAVE ITS OUTLET FLOW DIRECTED TO AN UNDISTURBED STABILIZED AREA OR INTO A LEVEL SPREADER OR GRADE STABILIZATION STRUCTURE. 4. DIVERTED RUNOFF FROM A DISTURBED OR EXPOSED AREA SHALL BE CONVEYED TO SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE. 5. FOR GRADES LESS THAN 2 PERCENT AND VELOCITIES LESS THAN 6 FEET PER SECOND, THE MINIMUM REQUIRED CHANNEL STABILIZATION SHALL BE GRASS, EROSION CONTROL MATS OR MULCHING. FOR GRADES IN EXCESS OF 2 PERCENT OR VELOCITIES EXCEEDING 6 FEET PER SECOND, STABILIZATION IS REQUIRED IN THE FORM OF TURF REINFORCEMENT MATS (OR A LAYER OF CRUSHED STONE OR RIP -RAP WITH APPROPRIATE SIZE, GRADATION, AND THICKNESS AS SPECIFIED IN THE SWPPP). 6. INSPECTION SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN THE SWPPP. 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE DIVERSION SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD DIKE IT° W " BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200WESTLAKE WEC-05 DISTINCTIVE o, MIG, WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets O FLOW 18" 18" FABRIC TOE -IN EARTH In. zi 6"X6" WELDED MESH STRUCI O FLOW OPEN GRADED ROCK 3"-5" PAVEMENT OR h' STABILIZED SOIL 18" noI-, 12" O TRENCHED l N 4" 1 _ T 4" EARTH CROSS SECTION OF INSTALLATION OPTIONS 1. TOE -IN 6" MIN 2. FABRIC SKIRT WEIGHTED WITH ROCK 3. TRENCHED IN 4" ISOMETRIC PLAN VIEW nrnrrvrii r a C SKIRT N 2) 1"X6" ANCHORS r-vLRY TWO FEET OPTION 2) TOWN OF WESTLAKE TRIANGULAR SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD SEDIMENT W IESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 FILTER DIKE p„T MY o MCA WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 W EC - 0 6 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets TRIANGULAR SEDIMENT FILTER DIKE GENERAL NOTES: 1. DIKES SHALL BE PLACED IN A ROW WITH ENDS TIGHTLY ABUTTING THE ADJACENT DIKE. 2. THE FABRIC COVER AND SKIRT SHALL BE A CONTINUOUS EXTENSION OF THE FABRIC ON THE UPSTREAM FACE, AND FABRIC SHALL BE OVERLAPPED A MINIMUM OF 12". 3. THE SKIRT SHALL BE WEIGHTED WITH A CONTINUOUS LAYER OF TYPE 'A' RIP RAP, OR TOED -IN 6" WITH MECHANICALLY COMPACTED MATERIAL. OTHERWISE, THE ENTIRE STRUCTURE SHALL BE TRENCHED TO A DEPTH OF 4 INCHES. 4. DIKES AND SKIRT SHALL BE SECURELY ANCHORED IN PLACE USING 6-INCH WIRE STAPLES ON 2-FOOT CENTERS ON BOTH EDGES AND SKIRTS. 5. FILTER MATERIAL SHALL BE LAPPED OVER ENDS 6" TO COVER DIKE TO DIKE JOINTS. JOINTS SHALL BE FASTENED WITH GALVANIZED SHOAT RINGS. 6. THE DIKE STRUCTURE SHALL BE 6 GA. 6" X 6" WIRE MESH, 18" ON A SIDE. 7. INSPECTION SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN THE SWPPP. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHALL BE MADE PROMPTLY AS NEEDED BY THE CONTRACTOR. 8. THE FILTER DIKE SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN FINAL STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED OR ANOTHER EROSION OR SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICE IS EMPLOYED. 9. ACCUMULATED SILT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN IT REACHES APPROXIMATELY 6-INCHES IN DEPTH. THE SILT SHALL BE DISPOSED OF AT AN APPROVED SITE AND IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO NOT CONTRIBUTE TO ADDITIONAL SILTATION. TOWN OF WESTLAKE TRIANGULAR SEPTEMBER 2022 4 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD SEDIMENT IT WESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 FILTER DIKE DISTINCTIVE °, MIWESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 W EC - 0 7 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets ROCK CHECK DAM GENERAL NOTES: 1. STONE SHALL BE WELL GRADED WITH SIZE RANGE FROM 1Y TO 3Y INCHES IN DIAMETER DEPENDING ON EXPECTED FLOWS. 2. THE CHECK DAM SHALL BE INSPECTED AS SPECIFIED IN THE SWPPP AND SHALL BE REPLACED WHEN THE STRUCTURE CEASES TO FUNCTION AS INTENDED DUE TO SILT ACCUMULATION AMONG THE ROCKS, WASHOUT, CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC DAMAGE, ETC. 3. WHEN SILT REACHES A DEPTH EQUAL TO ONE—THIRD OF THE HEIGHT OF THE CHECK DAM OR ONE FOOT, WHICHEVER IS LESS, THE SILT SHALL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. 4. WHEN THE SITE HAS ACHIEVED FINAL STABILIZATION OR ANOTHER EROSION OR SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICE IS EMPLOYED, THE CHECK DAM AND ACCUMULATED SILT SHALL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF IN AN APPROVED MANNER. 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE ROCK CHECK SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD DAM IT° W " BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200wEsraKE WEC-08WESTLAKETEXAS76262DISTINCTIVEorfrtslcM ,,,, f Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets LENGTH AS SHOWN ON PLANS COARSE AGGREGATE STONE (3.5" DIA.) GRADE TO PREVENT RUNOFF FROM LEAVING SITE EXISITING GRADE PROFILE VIEW N.T.S. RADIUS = 5' MIN LENGTH AS SHOWN ON PLANS - GRADE TO DRAIN AWAY FROM STABILIZATION AND STREET PAVED SURFACE 25' MIN. I !\VLV JVI\I !\\,L COURSE STONE AGGREGATE 3"-5" DIA.) TRANSITION TO --j PAVED SURFACE ENTRANCE MUST BE SLOPED SO DRAINAGE MUST FLOW THAT STORM WATER IS NOT ALLOWED AWAY FROM ENTRANCE TO LEAVE THE SITE AND ENTER ROADWAYS. PLAN VIEW N.T.S. 0 a 0 c z cn XI w. ICI TOWN OF WESTLAKE STABILIZED SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD CONSTRUCTION BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 ENTRANCE WESTLAKE msnucnv[or [ ic WESTLAKE-,,,, f TEXAS 76262 WEC-09 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE GENERAL NOTES: 1. STONE SHALL BE 3 TO 5 INCH DIAMETER COARSE AGGREGATE. 2. LENGTH SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN THE SWPPP. 3. THE THICKNESS SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 12 INCHES. 4. THE WIDTH SHALL BE NO LESS THAN THE FULL WIDTH OF ALL POINTS OF INGRESS OR EGRESS. 5. WHEN NECESSARY, VEHICLES SHALL BE CLEANED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO A PUBLIC ROADWAY. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE WITH DRAINAGE FLOWING AWAY FROM BOTH THE STREET AND THE STABILIZED ENTRANCE. ALL SEDIMENT SHALL BE PREVENTED FROM ENTERING ANY STORM DRAIN, DITCH OR WATERCOURSE USING APPROVED METHODS. 6. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PAVED SURFACES. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL STONE AS CONDITIONS DEMAND. ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED, OR TRACKED ONTO PAVED SURFACES MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. 7. THE ENTRANCE MUST BE PROPERLY GRADED OR INCORPORATE A DRAINAGE SWALE TO PREVENT RUNOFF FROM LEAVING THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. 8. PREVENT SHORTCUTTING OF THE FULL LENGTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE BY INSTALLING BARRIERS AS NECESSARY. 9. INSPECTION SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN THE SWPPP. TOWN OF WESTLAKE STABILIZED SEPTEMBER 20224 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD CONSTRUCTION f ` `° W" BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 ENTRANCE WESTLAKE DISTINCTIVE or [ ic WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 WEC-10 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets 16" MIN FLOW 4" PVC PIPE FOR DRAINAGE DEPENDING ON FIELD CONDITIONS 48" MIN CROSS SECTION N.T.S. 24" MIN PROFILE VIEW N.T.S. 4" PVC PIPE 18" MIN f WOVEN FABRIC SANDBAG FILLED W/ COARSE SAND MIN WEIGHT 40 LBS NOTE: SAND BAG CHECK DAM CONSTRUCTION AND PLACEMENT SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPACING, CROSS—SECTION, AND PROFILE VIEWS OF THE ROCK CHECK DAM IN DRAWING WEC-09. 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE SAND BAG SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD CHECK DAM WESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 WEC-1 1 DISTINCTIVE o, M IG, " WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets SAND BAG DAM GENERAL NOTES: 1. WHEN A SANDBAG IS FILLED WITH MATERIAL, THE OPEN END OF THE SANDBAG SHOULD BE STAPLED OR TIED WITH NYLON OR POLY CORD. 2. SANDBAGS SHOULD BE STACKED IN AT LEAST THREE ROWS ABUTTING EACH OTHER, AND IN STAGGERED ARRANGEMENT. 3. THE BASE OF THE CHECK DAM SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST 3 SANDBAGS. THESE CAN BE REDUCED TO 2 AND 1 BAG IN THE SECOND AND THIRD ROWS RESPECTIVELY. 4. FOR EACH ADDITIONAL 6" OF HEIGHT, AN ADDITIONAL SANDBAG MUST BE ADDED TO EACH ROW WIDTH. 5. THE SANDBAG CHECK DAM SHALL BE INSPECTED AS SPECIFIED IN THE SWPPP AND SHALL BE RESHAPED OR REPLACED AS NEEDED. REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE FOR WASHOUT, CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC DAMAGE, ETC. 6. WHEN SILT REACHES A DEPTH EQUAL TO ONE-THIRD OF THE HEIGHT OF THE CHECK DAM OR ONE FOOT, WHICHEVER IS LESS, THE SILT SHALL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF AT AN APPROVED SITE AND IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO NOT CREATE A SILTATION PROBLEM. 7. WHEN THE SITE HAS ACHIEVED FINAL STABILIZATION OR ANOTHER EROSION OR SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICE IS EMPLOYED, THE CHECK DAM AND ACCUMULATED SILT SHALL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF IN AN APPROVED MANNER. 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE SAND BAG SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD CHECK DAM WESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 WEC-12 DISTINMY o ,;; "" WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets HIGH FLOW OUTLET DESIGN HIGH WATER 1 MAX. DESIGN CAPACITY 1' MAX. NOTE: ANCHOR BLOCK DO NOT LOCATE EMERGENCY SPILLWAY ON EARTH BERM CROSS SECTION N.T.S. EMERGENCY SPILLWAY 1' MIN. ELEVATION COMPACTED EARTH BERM OUTLET PIPE DEWATERING OUTLET STABILIZATION RIP RAP, EMERGENCY SPILLWAY MATTINGS EXCAVATED AREA OR OTHER FOR STORAGE AS NECESSARY, ACCEPTABLE SHAPE MAY VARY MATERIAL m DEWATERING OUTLET PLAN VIEW N.T.S. OUTLET PIPE EARTH BERM ENERGY DISSAPATION CONCRETE BLOCKS TOWN OF WESTLAKE PIPE OUTLET SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD SEDIMENT WESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 BASIN WESTLAKE TEXAS 76262rNr °, ,, W EC -13 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets SLOPE TO BE PROTECTED SECURE PIPE WITH ANCHORS MAXIMUM 10' ON CENTER IC: 1\II 1\!\I !11 1\VI4 ISOMETRIC PLAN VIEW N.T.S. ri norn E'ND SECTION RAL TOE PLATE SECTION THRU PIPE N.T.S. RIPRAP SHALL CONSIST OF 50 TO 150 POUND STONES PLACED IN A LAYER OF NOT LESS THAN 12 INCHES. THE DEPTH OF THE APRON SHALL EQUAL THE PIPE DIAMETER BUT IN NO CASE SHALL IT BE LESS THAN 12 INCHES. 12" DIVERSION DIKE D- DRAIN PIPE 6 D 3D RIPRAP APRON PLAN VIEW N.T.S. 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE PIPE SLOPE SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD DRAIN IT° W " BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200wEsraKE WEC-14WESTLAKETEXAS76262DISTINCTIVEor [Sidi f Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets SILT FENCE FABRIC WITH WIRE MESH BACKING L L L L L PERSPECTIVE VIEW C`T A I/ C ELEVATION OF STAKE AND FABRIC ORIENTATION DROP INLET WITH GRATE PERSPECTIVE VIEW 2"X2" WOOD STAKE OR STEEL T-POST FABRIC ANCHORED IN 6"X6" TRENCH BACK -FILLED L WITH COMPACTED EARTH L 12 MIN L I. STANDARD INSTALLATION DETAIL A FRAME GATHER EXCESS AT CORNERS 2"X2" WOOD STAKE OR STEEL T-POST I PERSPECTIVE VIEW SPECIFIC APPLICATION: THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE THE INLET DRAINS A RELATIVELY FLAT AREA SLOPE NO GREATER THAN 5%) WHERE THE INLET SHEET OR OVER -LAND FLOWS (NOT TO EXCEED 1 C.F.S.) ARE TYPICAL. THE METHOD SHALL NOT APPLY TO INLETS RECEIVING CONCENTRATED FLOWS SUCH AS IN STREETS OR HIGHWAY MEDIANS. II. ALTERNATE INSTALLATION TOWN OF WESTLAKE INLET SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD PROTECTION LRIESOWR BLDG. 7, SUITE 720o FILTER BARRIER wEsr aKE WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 WEC-15LinNOiIVoCI,,l,• Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets SIDESLOPE 2:1 OR FLATTER INLET GRATE - A FILTER STONE (1/2"X1/2") FOR COVERING WEEP HOLES ISOMETRIC PLAN VIEW N.T.S. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE I MIN. 2 MAX. FILTER STONE (1 /2"X 1 /2") v— FOR COVERING WEEP HOLES 1" DIA. WEEP HOLES, TO BE FILLED WITH GROUT PRIOR TO BACKFILLING OF STORAGE AREA SECTION A -A N.T.S. 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE INLET SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD PROTECTION BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200WESTLAKE WEC-16 DISTINCTIVE o,,„ IG„ WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets 2' MIN. ANCHOR SLOT DETAIL BURY THE UP -CHANNEL END OF THE MATTING IN A 6" DEEP TRENCH EROSION CONTROL MATTING PROTECTING EXPOSED SURFACE OR SLOPE TOWN OF WESTLAKE EROSION SEPTEMBER 2022 4 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD CONTROL IT° W " WESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 BLANKETS DISTINCTIVE °, MIWESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 WEC-1 7 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS GENERAL NOTES: PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF ANY EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS, ALL ROCKS, DIRT CLODS, STUMPS, ROOTS, TRASH AND ANY OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS THAT WOULD PREVENT THE BLANKET FROM LYING IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE SOIL SHALL BE REMOVED. ANCHOR TRENCHING SHALL BE LOCATED ALONG THE ENTIRE PERIMETER OF THE INSTALLATION AREA, EXCEPT FOR SMALL AREAS WITH LESS THAN 2% SLOPE. 2. INSTALLATION AND ANCHORING SHALL CONFORM TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS SHOWN WITHIN THE MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED LITERATURE FOR THE APPROVED EROSION CONTROL BLANKET. PARTICULAR ATTENTION MUST BE PAID TO JOINTS AND OVERLAPPING MATERIAL. 3. AFTER APPROPRIATE INSTALLATION, THE BLANKETS SHOULD BE CHECKED FOR UNIFORM CONTACT WITH THE SOIL, SECURITY OF THE LAP JOINTS, AND FLUSHNESS OF THE STAPLES WITH THE GROUND. 4. INSPECTION SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN THE SWPPP. TOWN OF WESTLAKE EROSION SEPTEMBER 202214 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD CONTROL r f ° W N BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 BLANKETS WESTLAKE WESTLAKEDISTINCTIVE °r M i°a f TEXAS 76262 W EC -18 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets FIRE LANE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS Designated Fire Lanes: To meet the requirements of the Westlake Fire Department for adequate horizontal emergency access, all parts of ALL buildings must be within one hundred fifty feet (150) feet of a public street or a designated fire lane. 1. FIRE LANE WIDTH: Minimum fire lane width shall be at least twenty—four (24) feet clear (face to face of curbs) without horizontal obstructions. 2. FIRE LANE VERTICAL CLEARANCE: Minimum fire lane vertical clearance shall be at least fourteen feet zero inches (14'-0") 3. INTERSECTION: The fire lane must intersect with a dedicated street r.o.w. In addition if the fire lane exceeds one hundred fifty (150) feet in length, it must intersect with a dedicated street r.o.w. at each end of the lane or terminate in a configuration as detailed in the following standard details. 4. PAVING SURFACE; The fire lane shall be paved in accordance with the Town of Westlake standards as herein detailed. 5. MARKING; The designated fire lane shall be marked as detailed in the following standard details. TOWN OF WESTLAKE FIRE LANE SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD DESIGN W E, ESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 SPECIFICATIONS p„TMY o MICA WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 FID-01 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets L LL- CD bi CD Of cn FIRELANE MINIMUM WIDTH 24'-0" 0 rn M u cf) L J CD Ln >- ctf Ln cn w bj UJ (DLd n cn Of Of of Of Ld LLJ Ld (if > Ld LL. Ld Ld F— LLJ Llia_ 0- C) 6" —#4 LONGITUDINAL 6" of Of a_ Lli BARS AT 18" O.C. Lli Of Lli c) Of C)f I a- c) C> xx #4 TRANSVERSENx BARS AT 18" O.C. T/2 7" MINIMUM THICKNESS SUBGRADE SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95% STD PROCTOR DENSITY MIN. 6" DEPTH) N.T.S. GENERAL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE PAVING SHALL BE A MINIMUM SOX (6) SACK PER CUBIC YARD MIX WITH A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 4000 P.S.I. AT 28 DAYS AND A MINIMUM SLUMP OF 3 INCHES. 2.REINFORCING SHALL BE NEW BILLET STEEL ASTM A615 GRADE 60 REINFORCING BARS WHICH SHALL BE FREE OF RUST, LOOSE SCALE, PAINT, OIL OR OTHER FOREIGN SUBSTANCES WHICH SHALL PREVENT BONDING OF THE CONCRETE AND REINFORCING BARS. 3.EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE R.O.W. LINE OF THE FIRE LANE APPROACH AND AT A MAXIMUM OF 200 FOOT SPACINGS. 4.WHERE A CURB IS USED, THE REQUIRED CLEARANCE SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE CURB FACE TO ANY PERMANENT TRAFFIC OBSTACLE. TOWN OF WESTLAKE FIRE LANE SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD PAVING BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 D ETAI LSWESTLAKE DISTINCTIVE Bi MIWESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 FD-02 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets 50.0' RADIUS MINIMUM W z Q W W 35.0' RADIUS MINIMUM LL- 0 0 aWW UXW z NOTE: 24 0' ALL DIMENSIONS ARE z MINIMUM FACE TO FACE OF CURB 0 U Wcr- 2 20.0' RADIUS MINIMUM TURNAROUND GEOMETRY N.T.S. TOWN OF WESTLAKE FIRE LANE SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD TURNAROUND BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200wESTaKE FD-03 WESTLAKE TEXAS 76262DISTINCTIVEor [ ic i f Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets TURNAROUND GEOMETRY TYPE "A" N.T.S. TOWN OF WESTLAKE FIRE LANE SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD TURNAROUND W ESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 TYP E "A" DST ;NMY o E GI.. WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 FD-04 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets w m U) O m J a U_ I Z O cf) Z W 0 1 TO 95% STD PROCTOR DENSITY MIN. 6" DEPTH) STRIPING DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS PAINT: 1. STRIPE SHALL BE SIX (6) INCHES WIDE PAINTED WITH AN EXTERIOR ACRYLIC LATEX PAINT. 2. LETTERS SHALL BE FOUR (4) INCHES HIGH PAINTED WITH AN EXTERIOR ACRYLIC LATEX PAINT. COLOR SHALL BE "TRAFFIC WHITE" GLIDDEN No. 563245 OR EQUAL. APPLICATION: 1. PAVEMENT SHALL BE PREPARED BY SAND BLASTING OR GRINDING FOLLOWED BY HIGH PRESSURE AIR TO BLOW OFF DEBRIS. ALL CURE SHALL BE REMOVED FROM NEW PAVEMENT TO ALLOW PROPER BONDING OF PAINT. 2. STRIPE MAY BE BRUSHED OR SPRAYED, ONE COAT TO FINISH. 3. LETTERS SHALL BE STENCIL FORMED, BRUSH APPLIED AND SPACES AS DETAILED ON THIS SHEET. 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE FIRE LANE SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD STRIPING BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200wEsraKE FD-05 WESTLAKE TEXAS 76262DISTINCTIVEor [ ic i f Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets kk @a E k 9® D E@ k bBS w Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets 24" NO. 6 SMOOTH DOWEL 16" DOWEL COATING 3/4" 2 MIN COLD POURED RUBBERFt'JOINT SEALING COMPOUND T/2 BAR STOP I 5" 2° MIN T/1 L DOWEL SLEEVE TO FIT 6"R DOWEL AND BE SECURED 2 CLOSED END EXPANSION JOINT FILLER DOWEL SUPPORT EXPANSION JOINT NOT TO EXCEED 300' ALONG PAVEMENT CENTERLINE 3/16" SAWED GROOVE---_________ COLD POURED RUBBERSAWEDGROOVE1:,,JOINT SEALING COMPOUND JTJ/3 T/2 FIRST POURSECOND POUR T/1 • • • LAP BARS 40 DIA. & TIE NO. 4 BARS ON 18" CTRS. BOTH WAYS CONSTRUCTION JOINT VERTICAL SAW —CUT COLD POURED RUBBER Ya" TO %6" WIDE JOINT SEALING COMPOUND 3 T/2 FIRST POUR T/ SECOND POUR T/1 • • • LAP BARS 40 DIA. & TIE NO. 4 BARS ON 18" CTRS. BOTH WAYS SAWED CONTRACTION JOINT NOTE: T= PAVEMENT THICKNESS TOWN OF WESTLAKE C0NC. PAVE. SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD JOINT DETAIL BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200WESTLAKE WPD-01 DISTINCTIVEo,,„ IG„ WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets CONCRETE PAVEMENT JOINT SPACING TRANSVERSE SAWED CONTRACTION JOINT @ 15' C-C EXPANSION JOI TRANSVERSE SAWED CONTRACTION JOINT @ 15' C-C BACK OF CURB/ EDGE OF PAVEMENT W/2 -w- W/2 W CONSTRUCTION JOINT OR SAWED CONTRACTION JOINT W/2 W R W/2 20'- 30' ADDITIONAL CONTRACTION JOINT FOR R=25'-30' BACK OF CURB/ EDGE OF PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION JOINT OR SAWED CONTRACTION JOINT NOTES: 1. EXPANSION JOINTS NOT TO EXCEED 300' ALONG PAVEMENT. 2. W=PAVEMENT WIDTH. 3. R=RADIUS OF CURB RETURN. TOWN OF WESTLAKE CONCRETE SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD PAVEMENT BLDG. 7, SUITE 720o JOINT SPACING WESTLAKE ounuanv o Ei,^i WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 W D P- 0 2 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets 1/2 MOUNTABLE CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER ASPHALT STREET 12" 12" R 7"R T/2 d 3„ 7 x 24" #4 L" REBAR 18" O.C. NOTES: 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS "A" 91 3 ASPHALT PAVEMENT TOWN OF WESTLAKE CONCRETE SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD CURB AND WESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 GUTTER DISTINCTIVE °, MIWESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 WPD-03 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets w>ro mo Of O of iw UJ 00U a Ud N W 00N Woo o a (, J r- s CD9) ojaCNovo' v. ° cnc W MU)X zr F " CO :5 c Y o a m 0 a. a.. 0 LO 3:1 V V e o uj w w b ' 's. •'J m J F-- . • ... v.. ` f` y! 1Lu ry irk l o Q Newoo= n- n U=>U) °.. a. O CD U Q e N v o w p. • v L v. v 00 ° w W v ° a' o e a a a' • y v a • V in o, a LLJ a Ua a° a .. o . .. . v v mvo.' o Q 41, LLJ CD U O 00 CV (J) U LJ r7 O Z Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets COLD POURED JOINT 5 BARS 30 SEALING COMPOUND 18" O.C. 8" # 4 BAR 18" O.C. FUTURE 4 6" PAVEMENT 4 BARS j 4 18" O.C. 3/ 4" DRILLED HOLES BLOWN CLEAN & DOWELS COATED WITH EPDXY RESIN REIF. CONC. PVMT. 2" 16" STREET HEADER FOR FUTURE PAVEMENT N.T.S. EXISTING PAVEMENT 1 NEW PAVEMENT 12„ # 4 X 24" DEFORMED DOWEL AT SAME SPACING AS PAVEMENT REINFORCEMENT Q v o try 12" a 0 NO FORM NO FORM 9) STREET HEADER AT EXISTING PAVEMENT N.T.S. 4 BARS _ A18" O.C. ALL WORK BETWEEN HEADERS TO BE DONE BY OTHERS UNLESS I_ OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 2'-0" 4 BARS 14.4 18" O.C. 91,1~1~ NOTES: STREET HEADER AT RAILROAD JIIVILII\Il L 1. PAVEMENT BARS TO BE BENT DOWN INTO HEADER. N.T.S. ABOUT 2. HEADER AND PAVEMENT TO BE MONOLITHIC. CENTER LINE 3. REINFORCING STEEL TO BE DETERMINED BY RECOMMENDATION OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PROVIDED BY DEVELOPER TOWN OF WESTLAKE REINFORCED SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD CONCRETE WESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 PAVEMENT DISTINCTIVE °, MIWESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 W P D — 0 4 ROUNDED TO 1/4" RAD. Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets zF- O Lz zF_ x 0° w Q o Qw o p, W CD I 2 J LLJ Z O BRIDGE APPROACH SLAB 20'-0" CENTERLINE OF BRIDGE NO. 4 BARS ON 6" CENTERS —TOP AND BOTTOM 1 1 /2" CLEAR Q N Q o o Zo C7 M z w o of v o w U d U G) Q = W cm 1 1 /2 CLEAR N0. TRANSITION 1 /2"2 4 BARS ON 9" CENTERS —TOP AND BOTTOM CLEAR INTEGRAL CURB —FROM 9" TO HEIGHT OF ROADWAY CURB PLAN AMORING N.T.S. SEE SHEET 1" HOT POURED RUBBER WPS-03—A JOINT SEALING COMPOUND FOR DETAIL 1 1 /2" CLEAR 9" THICK 1 1 /2" CLEAR a z cn 11*\. fl 0 Y e 40. LLJ BRIDGE ABUTMENT 9 NO. 4 BARS ON 9$$ 9„ d.': INSET 9" CENTERS ° 17" NO. 4 BARS ON 6" CENTERS SECTION N.T.S. TOWN OF WESTLAKE REINFORCED SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD CONCRETE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 PAVEMENT WESTLAKE DISTINCTIVE °r [ i° WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 WPD-05 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets ARMOR PLATE P1 BRUSHED CONCRETE OR STAINED AND STAMPED CONCRETE PAVEMENT 18" MIN. c L' Of 00 1 o 1 O 5 @ 12 O.C. EAC H WAY o XT COMPACTED PVM'T 12" WIDE FILTER FABRIC BASE OR SUBGRADE ( PROPEX GEOTEX 1001 4" 4" OR APPROVED EQUAL) L, 5/8" Lo N 5/8" STUDS 1/2" A36PLATE @ 6" O.C. G60 GALVANIZED ALTERNATE STUDS GENERAL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE f'c=4000 PSI AT 28 DAYS. 2. PROVIDE 48" x BAR DIAMETER MIN. LAP SPLICE LENGTH. 3. ALL REINFORCING STEEL BE GRADE 60, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 4. PROVIDE 1.5" REINFORCEMENT CLEAR COVER U.N.O. TOWN OF WESTLAKE AMORING JOINT SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD DETAIL T ° W" ° 'BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 WPD-06WESTLAKE WESTLAKE TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets 1 /2" DOWELED EXPANSION JOIN WITH EXPANSION JOINT FILLER EVERY 40' g'--—g'--[—g' A 8' B B MARK A PLAN N.T.S. USE EDGER — BOTH SIDES MATCH ROUNDED EDGE RADIUS ON CURB 4» RUBBER CAULK 8„ 4» y. 8 4» f 2" WASHED SAND 3/4" DRILLED HOLES CUSHION FOR SOILS BLOWN CLEAN & DOWELS JOINT LUG DETAIL FOR MEDIAN PAVEMENT WITH P.I. OF 15 COATED WITH EPDXY RESIN OR SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO CURB OR MORE N.T.S. 4 X 24'$ SMOOTH 1 /2" NON —EXTRUDED ROUND BAR 24" O.C. PRE —FORMED EXPANSION 3 BARS 18" MATERIAL O.C. BOTH WAYS 3/8"R LIGHT BRUSH 3/8"R 3" MIN FINISH 1" MIN W N 4» 3/8"R #3 BARS 18" O.C. BOTH WAYS 1°° 2'-1/2" TRANSLUCENT PVC 4» EXPANSION CAP THIS HALF OF 1 1/2" 3/8"R DOWEL TO BE SECTION "A -A" SECTION "B-B" COATED WITH GREASE N.T.S. N.T.S. NOTE: 1. CROSS SLOPE OF SIDEWALK SHALL BE 2% MAX. 2. OTHER THAN 8' SIDEWALK WIDTH MAY BE SPECIFIED BY OWNER. 3. SIDEWALK SHALL BE CLASS "A" CONCRETE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY OWNER. 4. ALL HONEYCOMB IN BACK OF CURB TO BE TROWEL —PLASTERED BEFORE POURING SIDEWALK. 5. LUG MAY BE FORMED BY SHAPING SUBGRADE TO APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS SHOWN. TOWN OF WESTLAKE REINFORCED SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD CONCRETE T ° W " BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 SIDEWALKS WESTLAKE s„„ r,l[ WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 W P S- 01 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets U z U N z Oz JU o oZQ Of a zE5oo o - zw a- zaa wacnz LLJ wCnUowU) ax o c nN¢ UgzC14QQ Q C w N OZOLLJ U CD CD Of X W 0ON w0to o Q u) w CD Q r-co o Z z Cr LLJ C J W JQxOf J U Z Ctf m OfQU) wm wo Q QzzO 2iC/) WL oo QQ 0=X W mNO rnLOW N mmCD ZIP LLJ O DAY mQ Nogz0oLo3:: o a a pCnz o w o a o zQWw Lil Z OLLJu- z m j O Q 0LLJ U Q CDw Z Q J I Q D CD w ~LLJ Q z i w mc~ n z O omQ oo J J ZQ ww wow u Z- _ F- o w LLJ U m w IQ z W mUw oMw m X_ Zo I U w C/") ZwZ v w JQ- w c in n a QWWCD r) N j no XO~ m J LLJ w W n CV d' C6 ~ Z o a Z m C/)Li w C14z o o V o0 oo 000000 O J Cn Cn w Q o Q> Q LLJ mom= O cn I; r = o of N w O Itzz Ul LUO Cr m aCL u' 2mc— XbW 5 ftf o w SINVA H c-) C mE a Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, METHODS, AND PLACEMENT NOT DETAILED SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS OF THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS, LATEST EDITION UNLESS SUPERSEDED BY TOWN OF WESTLAKE STANDARDS OR TESTING POLICIES. 2. ALL CONCRETE FOR PAVING SHALL BE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 4,000 AT 28 DAYS. 3. REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT: A. ALL CURBS SHALL BE PLACED INTEGRAL WITH PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE OWNER. B. CURBS SHALL MEET THE SAME COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AS SPECIFIED FOR THE PAVEMENT. C. BAR LAPS SHALL BE 30 DIAMETERS. D. REINFORCING BARS SHALL BE SUPPORTED BY CHAIRS OR OTHER DEVICES APPROVED BY THE OWNER. 4. SUBGRADE: (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY OWNER) A. SUBGRADE UNDER ALL PAVEMENTS SHALL BE STABILIZED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 8" WITH HYDRATED LIME OR CEMENT WHEN THE P.I. OF THE INPLACE MATERIAL IS GREATER THAN 15. LABORATORY TESTS MUST BE PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THE AMOUNT OF LIME OR CEMENT REQUIRED TO LOWER THE P.I. TO 15 OR BELOW. SATURATION P.I. (PH > 12.4) WILL BE THE LIMIT WHEN A SOIL'S P.I. CANNOT BE BROUGHT TO 15 OR LOWER. B. WHERE THE INPLACE MATERIAL HAS A P.I. OF LESS THAN 15, THE SUBGRADE SHALL BE SCARIFIED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 8" AND RECOMPACTED. 5. IF THE ROADWAY IS A DESIGNATED BIKE ROUTE OR BIKE USAGE IS ANTICIPATED, REFER TO NCTCOG'S REGIONAL BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES DESIGN MANUAL FOR DESIGN GUIDANCE. 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE PAVEMENT SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD SYSTEMS WESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 WPS-03 WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets NEAT LINES OF PIPE SECTION N.T.S. LIMITS OF EXCAVATION DIST. IN FT. OUTSIDE NEAT LINES OF PIPE DEPTH OF TRENCH SUBDRAIN FT.) 0 TO 6 1.00 6 TO 10 1.50 10 TO 15 2.00 OVER 15 2.50 TYPES OF PIPE ACCEPTABLE FOR USE AS SUBDRAIN 1. PERFORATED 6" SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE. 2. PERFORATED 6" POLYETHYLENE PIPE. 1 1)" AAIAI FILTER MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS PERCENTAGE RETAINED SIEVE SIZE ON SIEVE TYPE A TYPE B 1 1 /2 0 - 10 3/4 0 - 10 20 - 40 3/8 15 - 35 NO. 4 35 - 55 40 - 60 MATERIAL FINER THAN NO. 4 SIEVE 4 --- 20 35 - 65 50 75 - 100 TOWN OF WESTLAKE PAVEMENT SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD SUBGRADE W " 0 1 BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 SUBDRAIN WESTLAKE s„„Tll[1)[,,II WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 WPS-04 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets t w U " O lOm01UV) y d V I I w O" O m M W Ln O NOOONRmOwUO m O) O Z O m m U Q N LLNOcOmOO m 0 ap W (. 41 .• ~ 0O cc c0 c0 v N N m O O N w Qoa := , 1^ CO c N y 'm V xo-------- 00 m— m a ° c " W OONxcUN? o oM -cc QNNQ >cfl n LuW o I La [/ F- N U rVL O2:1M U' Q \_ tD UQ ^ W mN .o M m ' r Irl N ----, QMNU r- Q M w Z U o a a og Yaa ' oM z NagUmo U O Oo io 0 V) Q. p Ld N m m O U) M p o « O O U W21 p 0 L 7 c O U m `W O Y M = QOa M m M w'D 3 J C r O r c W W - m ^ x M Z O NooUolmoMQNm Q J O JLLIN o J Q c----, U w M „l a04 H I r') M W I io Ld Z U Ld H [IfLdO 0 M W U Of F- Q o p O O ao Qw zo 0 oQ o JQ'O (n o ----, w= U H m w 0 Z T c N W W 0 aM LdLdN ? W ( n m ) N_OO ()O c m c Z m = Q J W H W Q m O N w x N Q' J O QJW jO=O(nw a) o QU' (nU D0 U a LLI n F- O — N Z Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets bi U W Z N m J n Q W Q 0 W aON Q N L C LU J w 0> OHN0) 0Ld 0) a O1 oy3 LLJ p W Z I- L O o C a) N L C N N U V g o 3 c NO4Y L+ VO+) 0 m pC 0O E a) a) U -aU CE ° O in U O U U-) c0)- O aL O Q p N U a V1 Oa) U) a wE 7 a LO) - L 7 O U) 1 C a°z U) O O c N U) 0-0 a°'Eo 6 Q) Q) U c E O v Lu 3 m a o c g D " C E a Q N 3 L o o° E c N w or-) 3 o O .3 o N O. U) 0 0 V O) Q a.- _ O 0 - O O 3NCU1La) a) C: O C N , •6 Q) 7 v L Uaj Q o~ o O cO` r c 0 0) 01-6 c w Q) O N N 0c 3 a) w 57 E L O N U U> L Q) 3 U 0 Xw U L C 2O OL L N pU) 2.O U) V) L H O p 0 a° C E wL 0) co CO ° C0 c 0— a N 0D O OL a) U) L U LU N O U) n U e U) E C Q) 7 O c N N 0Q) O Oa O NL-I_ aNi En O Q) Q)EO N OO°a) 0 °— o2 LyLJLCT TL C U) C 0 a 0 o a mNO U) a U) N FE E T° O O a) N O O O 3+ C Q) C O W U) z L U C E N In a) N U UCc a) O C ++ XN j 7 0 NO U) fL.LfW Q Ui L- 3 U L 0 T t!) V T N 0.. O r -°° N N Y UO 0 V J o O E U) U) °) O E N Q) V LLJ c U O O O 0 O 0 -0 O 6 0 a- L a) C U) U a U (D 0 0) U) 1CDc r ° r N a) a°. o a2 U) E a>° a cn Q w e LU) c L 0 a a U) C) a D C i v i 4 0 4 r Qo 0) o Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets w U W Ly m Li- Ld Jcn UF- Q wp of 0 00 C LLJ JMO NF W 0ON wQU Worn O m L U_ m m Q O N OW 0 Q 0 O m X L X m O N L= L p O Z s a 3 3 Z L. ai xO x N VI O UO p x N UN X s to U7ON2iZOLx J 0 X X LL S x L6 L JX J X= 3: O N CO CO CD CO N 00 00 00 q- q- q- LL pp 00 00 00 LO LO 0 n r7 n r, 0 W N 0 0 0 0 0 0O C C. CD C C O C) Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets o w U W LLJmLn U w O Q of F Qinin LLJ Z0 W D 00 oQ <F- CD w= w o F—m F W 0ON eo NLLJ W C) H ( If W wOcO 04Q CO o Eo U 10 N00 > W J111 a a m a' Z0-a_ C)0 J ch OHS OQ LLJ Ld L N Q c W O N Q 1 Q r 2S U'J0 J W q L a._ Q°' Z W JD20 (/)W 0 r C,7 Y Nog xow z) wQ /U z SOJJDA 3asb10 W _ m ( 1) O o 3m W N 0 Z W0 O Ln 7n r 0 2 0 Z0 W yl w2 Q_ w........... 0-1' Y r d 0-1 i+ C w a 0 0 a 0 z T 0 a N 0 CD N U o O L C a N 0 a W mm E c 0 a 0 aiw o rn W L m W JV v C9 m O c3 m V O +L O cr X O E m m d 0 om`oo d v v `0" c c 0 C 0 0 rnoUVc— y 0 C Ulfn OSi0z Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets 2 W U Sz A-V m W Ld Z Ln m oO z m w ZC, Hof J Q W 0 0 QOf ro U o WU QH J Q Y o Qp Z0 Q m w0o cn~ U` 0 0ONcaW=U m M CL o OHS F- Woo w of Ld Q 0 JQMXmV) QNH M M Ca' Q O Z J g W JOo -jD=WjY m 0cnw V)0 xQ U m= L;j ON g - 0 „ 9Z " O O - N O U-) 3:: O Q z [~ r Q Z y 0 0 - LU o W a ' H V Ln- o w a 0 0O NCD— N rn 0 0 W a 0 i F 0 N w N o J 0 . cn 'Cc Q cn rn r CO aM 0Co L.IJ o N O ° CDO sNW_ F- i o IL L1J Ld r 0 m CO CO V7 L U5 O 0MN 0 O N O,— O L N Ld 0+ N Cy co0 0 Z O N a_ C O o c i ca o a 0_ Ld 0 in N Ln U n 0 En ors v o rn a M o a 00 m rn a # o L L. LJ 0 Q OL J I I Q IQU 00 OD L. I J if ' Q J W Q m 0 0 0 0 n a}oId }o a co o+o do} o} Ig oMMN0N OONU m N Q Z N m N X 0 0 0 r o m Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets EXPANSION MATERIAL REQUIRED @ R-O-W LINE R.O.W. LINE PROPERTY LINE 2' 2' R = 5'-10' TYP) no 8" FULL DEPTH ASPHALT WITH 6" FLEX BASE TRANSITION PAVEMENT 1/2" REDWOOD EXPANSION JOINT (TYPICAL) RESIDENTIAL CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACH 10'-20' A A ASPHALT PAVEMENT PLAN VIEW R.O.W. LINE DRIVEWAY APPROACH VARIES 4SIDEWALK DRIVEIN 2% MAX. SLOPE SLOPE AS REQUIRED PROPOSED DRIVE 6" CONCRETE DRIVE W/ 4 BARS Q 18" CCEW EXISTING L.T. SUB - GRADE SECTION A -A in 8' STD TOWN OF WESTLAKE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY WITH 6" FLEX BASE WITH GEOTEXTILE FABRIC BETWEEN CONCRETE AND FLEX BASE NO CURB IN IN HIGHWAY R.O.W. 5" MAINTAIN LOWEST POINT OF GUTTER SAWCUT EXISTING PAVEMENT FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION NG ASPHALT SEAL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESIDENTIAL SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD DRIVEWAY WESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 APPROACH DISTINCTIVE Bi M'IN'"; WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 WST-01 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets COMMERCIAL CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 24'-36' XPANSION MATERIAL JOINT (TYPICAL) R.O.W. LINE DRIVEWAY APPROACH VARIES 4' SIDEWALK DRIVEW 2% MAX. SLOPE SLOPE AS REQUIRED r n MAINTAIN LOWEST POINT OF GUTTER SAWCUT EXISTING PAVEMENT FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION ISTING CONCRETE PROPOSED DRIVE EXISTING L.T. SEAL CONSTRUCTION SUB -GRADE JOINTS SECTION A - A DRILL DOWEL &EPDXY N0. 3 6" CONCRETE DRIVE W/ BARS (24"LONG) ON C-C INTO 4 BARS EXISTING CONCRETE (MIN. 12") 18" CCEW AND TIE TO REINFORCING IN PROPOSED CONCRETE ON DOWEL BASKETS TOWN OF WESTLAKE COMMERCIAL SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD CONCRETE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 DRIVEWAY WESTLAKE DISTINCTIVE °, MIWESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 WST-02 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets 1 /4"/FT. SLOPE SLOPE- 1/4"/Fr. 3/ 8" R. TYPICAL 1/2" PREFORMED EXPANSION JOINT COMPACTED J DOWEL 3 BAR 0 18" SUBGRADE INTO CURB O.C. BOTH WAYS TOOL JOINTS TO MATCH SIDEWALK WIDTH STANDARD ABUTTING SIDEWALK SECTION N.T.S. 4" 3 BAR 0 18" O.C. BOTH WAYS 6' LANDING RAMP 12:1 MAX SLOPE o . RAMP 12:1 F- CURB WALK 1/4" LIP MAX. 6' RAMP & CURB TRANSITION MID -BLOCK RAMP FOR ABUTTING CURB N.T.S. SLOPE — 1/4'/FT. 8'" STANDARD TRAIL SECTION za01 1' 3/ 8" R. TYPICAL 3 SLOPE 1/4"/FT. SLOPE 1 /4"/FT. 77777 T144" 3 BAR 0 18" COMPACTED O.C. BOTH WAYS SUBGRADE STANDARD SIDEWALK SECTION N.T.S. 3/8" R. TYPICAL 1/4"/FT. SLOPE COMPACTED SUBGRADE TOOLED JOINTS, NOT SAWED W SIDEWALK JOINTS SHALL BE R.O.W. GROOVED J" DEEP - - W/ REDWOOD — - - EXPANSION JOINTS EVERY 40' MAX. W/ 24"-#4 CURESMOOTHDOWELS 0 12" CENTERS. VARIES STANDARD SIDEWALK PLAN N.T.S. 5' LANDING 1/4" LIP MAX 4' CURB LANDING 2% MAX SLOPE 6" LANDING 3/ 8" R. TYPICAL TRANSITION 1' TYP. 0 EXPANSION RAMP 12:1 MAX SLOPE R.0 .W. JOINT R.O.W. 2% RAMP 12:1 MAX VARIES MAX SLOPE RAMP 12:1 MAX SLOPE I EXPANSION JOINT I CURB 1' TYP. LIP MAX. R.O.W. W" MID -BLOCK RAMP FOR STANDARD WALK STANDARD INTERSECTION RAMP N.T.S. N.T.S. 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE SIDEWALK & SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD RAMP DETAILS WESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 WPS-01 DISTINCTIVE o, M IG, " WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets WALK EXPANSION JOINT m ZU P= RAMP 12:1 z MAX. SLOPE ma< LANDING 2% MAX. SLOPE DURALAST DETECTABLE 1'RCASTIRONWARNING SURFACE OR APPROVED EQUAL 1/4" LIP MAX PARALLEL CURB RAMP FOR WALK ABUTTING CURB 36" MINIMUM WIDTH N.T.S. TYP. W" Ki DURALAST DETECTABLE CAST IRON WARNING SURFACE OR APPROVED EQUAL 1/4" LIP MAX. EXPANSION 1' R JOINT TYPICAL JQ c RAMP l 1 DURALAST DETECTABLE CAST IRON WARNING SURFACE OR 1/4" LIP MAX APPROVED EQUAL SPLIT RAMPS (STREET RADIUS < 15') N.T.S. EXPANSION JOINT RAMP 12:1 MAX. SLOPE LANDING 2% MAX. SLOPE 1' R STANDARD PARALLEL CURB RAMP N.T.S. 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE SIDEWALK & SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD RAMP DETAILS BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200WESTLAKE WESTLAKE TEXAS 76262 WPS-02 DISTINCTIVE or [ ic i f Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets 6" VARIES NATURAL GROUND 4 BAR 6" 24" BAR ADOWELINTO — BACK OF CURB 3/4" CHAMFER 2% MAX 1/2" PREFORMED EXPANSION JOINT 4" 4 BAR 6" to 2'-6" 6" 0 12" O.C. COMPACTED VARIES BOTH WAYS SUB —GRADE 14 BARS 0 12" ON CENTER BOTH WAYS SIDEWALK WITH CURB AND TOEWALL N.T.S. 8" VARIES 6'-0" NATURAL 3/4" CHAMFER 1/2" PREFORMED EXPANSION JOINT GROUND #4 BARS @ 12" ON CENTER DOWEL INTO BOTH WAYS BACK OF CURB 2% MAX y 6" to 2'-6" VARIES 4" 4 BARS @ 12" j COMPACTED ON CENTER SUB —GRADE BOTH WAYS NOTES: 1. INSTALL 1" DIA. PVC WEEP HOLE ON 10' CENTERS. 2. SIDEWALK JOINTING TO BE CONTINUOUS UP FACE OF WALL WITH CHAMFER. 3. INSTALL GRAVEL POCKET BEHIND WALL PER DETAIL WPS-07 SIDEWALK WITH RETAINING WALL N.T.S. V TOWN OF WESTLAKE SIDEWALK & SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD RAMP DETAILS W " 0 FBLDG. 7, SUITE 7200WESTLAKE WPS-03 DST MY o ,;; .. WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets SIDEWALK GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, METHODS AND PLACEMENT NOT DETAILED BELOW SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS OF THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS, LATEST EDITION, UNLESS SUPERSEDED BY THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS OR TESTING POLICIES. 2. CONCRETE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES THICK, CLASS "A", (303.3.4.2) CONTAINING A MINIMUM OF 50% CRUSHED STONE (1" MAX.). ALL CONCRETE PLACED SHALL CONTAIN SUFFICIENT AGENT TO YIELD 5% (±1%) AIR CONTENT. 3. CHAMFER ALL EXPOSED EDGES OF CONCRETE WALLS 3/4 INCH. 4. ALL REINFORCED STEEL SHALL BE DEFORMED BARS CONFORMING TO ASTM A-615 GRADE 60. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE PLACED WITH A MINIMUM OF 1-1/2 INCH OF COVER FOR #5 BARS OR SMALLER. WHERE REINFORCING BARS ARE SPLICED, A 30 DIAMETER LAP SHALL BE USED. REINFORCED STEEL MUST BE PLACED ON CHAIRS OR STOOLS. 5. SUBGRADE SHALL CONSIST OF NATIVE SOIL COMPACTED TO A DENSITY NOT LESS THAN 95% ASTM DD698, OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT OR ABOVE. 6. SIDEWALKS SHALL BE FINISHED BY LIGHTLY BROOMING SURFACE TRANSVERSE TO THE DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC, WHERE ADJACENT SIDEWALKS DIFFER FROM THIS STANDARD, NEW SIDEWALKS SHALL CONFORM TO ADJACENT SIDEWALK. 7. AN APPROVED WHITE PIGMENT CURING COMPOUND SHALL BE APPLIED EVENLY WITH A SPRAYER TO THE SURFACE OF THE PAVEMENT AS SOON AS IT IS HAS BEEN PLACED AND FINISHED. 8. RETAINING WALLS TO HAVE REDWOOD EXPANSION JOINTS @ 40' MAX. W/24" #4 DOWELS @ 12" CENTERS 9. SIDEWALK JOINTS SHALL BE TOOLED AND NOT SAWED. GENERAL NOTES: HANDICAP RAMPS AND SIDEWALKS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MOST RECENT STANDARDS OF THE TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS" (TAS) AND THE "UNIFORM FEDERAL ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS" ESTABLISHED BY THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) OF 1990. 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE SIDEWALK & SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD RAMP DETAILS BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200WESTLAKE WPS-04WESTLAKETEXAS76262DISTINCTIVEor [ ic i f Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets EXPANSION 1' R JOINT TYPICAL J U 8' WALK DETECTABLE 2' (TYPICAL) WARNING RAMP 12:1 MAX. SLOPE J DURALAST DETECTABLE CAST IRON WARNING 1/4" UP MAX SURFACE OR APPROVED EQUAL SPLIT RAMPS (STREET RADIUS < 15') 21161, N -Id- m ZUO c;dN F- F- ED DURAL CAST SURFA EQUAL TAINED ONCRETE IANDING TYPICAL I PLACES) 2% PE N SIDEWALK BANDING PARALLEL CURB RAMP FOR WALK ABUTTING CURB 36" MINIMUM WIDTH N.T.S. STAINED CONCRETE BAND NOTES: BOMANITE COLOR HARDENER: CH-00047-60 (CARMEL) RELEASE AGENT: CH-00093-60 (FOREST BROWN) CH-00119-60 (HARVEST AMBER) PAVING PATTERN: SLATE REGULAR 8' TYP. I I 2' (TYPICAL) STAINED CONCRETE BANDING TYPICAL 4 PLACES) ANSION NT P 12:1 SLOPE IRALAST DETECTABLE ST IRON WARNING IRFACE OR PROVED EQUAL D STANDARD PARALLEL CURB RAMP N.T.S. V TOWN OF WESTLAKE SIDEWALK & SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD RAMP DETAILS BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200WESTLAKE WPS-05 U, „NIV ,°WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets STAINED CONCRETE BANDING TYPICAL 2' 4 PLACES) TYPICAL) 10' 12' (TYP) 8' TRAIL DURALAST DETECTABLE (TYPICAL) CAST IRON WARNING SURFACE OR APPROVED EQUAL STANDARD 8' TRAIL DETAIL N.T.S. STAINED CONCRETE BAND NOTES: BOMANITE COLOR HARDENER: CH-00047-60 (CARMEL) RELEASE AGENT: CH-00093-60 (FOREST BROWN) CH-00119-60 (HARVEST AMBER) PAVING PATTERN: SLATE REGULAR 8' TRAIL STRAIGHTEN SIDEWALK BEFORE INTERSECTION J 2' TYP) DURALAST DETECTABLE CAST IRON WARNING SURFACE OR APPROVED EQUAL TRAIL INTERSECTION DETAIL N.T.S. TOWN OF WESTLAKE TRAIL & RAMP SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD DETAILS BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200WESTLAKE WPS-06 o,;,,N;_ o WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit B - Article 10 - Standard Detail Sheets Chapter 36 - ENGINEERING STANDARDS ARTICLE XI. – STORMWATER DESIGN MANUAL Sec. 36-256. - Compliance. All construction regulated by this chapter shall comply with the strict provisions contained within this article where applicable. In the event of a conflict between this article, and Articles One through Nine, this article shall take precedence over Articles One through Nine. In the event of a conflict between the standard detail sheets contained in this article, and the standard detail sheets contained within Article Ten, then Article Ten shall take precedence over this article. Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Town of Westlake r x e T o w x o f WESTLAKE DISTINCTIVE BY DESIGN STORM WATER DESIGN MANUAL Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Table of Contents 11 11 11 0 [) C I 10111 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 GOX S N 0 1 C V S °7 U II CYS II A U A "v6N )),,AG ll,ll,II/"II IIIl,ll,I `I..II' J II IP J G 1 11" S ( . . . . ....... S,,""" c t 01, 1, , I . ....... laininhng ........................................................................................... W 1-1-2 U,", . .. . . . . . . . ,, I"r I 1-1,3 an &U"" ,,Iain 2 S,""" c I, 1, f I, , ,(, ,,',5 c a l G . . . .. 11, 1, f 1, 1, fINa; """(01,fll l U"t f", t " )" 11' I' f g If f 1, 11, " )" cI, I' f a I' f f", 0 """( 11' a "t I' 2 c t o i f li, 2 ,,,Iaini,d no ainf"'I, ....................................... 13 c t o i, 1, 2, 2 c t o i, 1, 2, 3 01")"ahltv J, J, c i, 1, 2, 5 Fbod, Coinhrf,"'d J, 6", S,""" c 1, 1, 1, 2, 6 111 , t " ii" a 1, 1, 1, J, WW, 11 1C, S,,,,,cfloin 'L3 S U ................................................................................. ('14 J, c1, . ....... ............................................................................. U II A "`][" 111 111 Z',, 2 Y)II ,Z',,U OG'IC A II )Ifin. ...Y&S I (I! cI. o i, 2, 1 . ....... ......................................................................................................... 16 S, cflon 2,"(.,"( Se'dJon 2 2 SYnIbd(,, ) ed:rdlJon(,, Se'dJon 2 J, Method c 1, 21, 6 S i""f y d e i"" s Ji'dt c 1, 21,7 Iafloina c o 1, 2, li, 8 J S G S a i, V`x 0 c 1, 21, 9 c 1, 2,110 Qj"), ahily mint, a k" F f,','),V"v c It o1, 2, li, I I S I, iir'I"" a I, n a 1, f k" ,, 11, cl,Lk.b1, V t lbI, rl, II,na 1, c 1, 2,112 20 U A 3 S A ) 11) QI..O&]) CU U S 21 c I. o i, f 3, 1 . ....... SII11, I, a 1, 1, g I0 11' ",,/, k"', v"v .................................... 21 li, I . ....... SYSU""In 2 c t o1, 3, li, 2 y in 2 c t o 1, 3, li, 3 S1gin Storr'n 2 c I. 1 f 3,2 On U"" Fbo"I" coinitiirf,'tl SYSU""I"'n ..................................................................... 22 c 1, 3, 2, 2 S y I, 'n 0. S a I' I' 1' 22 c 1, 3, 2, 3 ainfrl 22 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual SecCon :12A-. Stori,ri %Pdl'all""Ilr ink i2 2 SecCon 12A Grate Wdet DeAn 22 SecCon 31.A2 -- CuM Kets n Sumps 2 SecCon 123- Com bNabon Wts , z SecCon 12A - Cbsed Con&t Svsu "'n s z S e c 1,10 n :13 -- G e n e r a HD e M g n a n d C o 1, 1, 11' "), c 1, i, f S 1, a i, f d w" Is ...................... 26 SecCon 01- Easements for Cbsed CondWt Systems .......................... 27 C F! AP If R. 4 Yl/r',Z'AWC S 11,11,J)" 0 c u v S, S, 0 N ) l ) ) , `]- , 28 SecC on A I . ....... Stoiri,n Open Charmek, CuNerls, Bodges, and Ovuvww. . 2,',B SecCon All Stoii,i,y,i SYSU""In r SecCon 4A2 Ney kssues n Stcarm Water System DeQn 28 SecC on 4A3 SI,'k,/,",ii'm RecommendaCons 28 SecCon02 -- WNW DeMgn . .......................................................................................................... 2,,'3/, SecCon 021 c t o i, 11k 2,2 Symbds and DernnMons ........ 28 SecCon 022 - DeMgn COte0a ....... 2, S e c C o n A 2,6 - D e M g n P ii, fl,'i j,,),, f o r 13 tov e ke d - El I g e d 1 n e M ..................... 29 SecCon 023 - RoW RoAkny; and CuNurt DeMgn ...... ,2ri SecCon4. 3 -dUkkoe Desbn . ........................................................................................................... 29 SecCon AM Overlew -- ---- 2 S e c C o n 4. & 2 S y m b d s a n d M,,,, 1 1i, fl"l r 2 SecCon AM - DeMan COte0a ....... 2 S e c C on 4. & 4 - D e M g n P ii, fl,'/2 SecCon 04 -- Open ChannekmWuln .............................................................................................. Sri cCon 4.11 -- Overlew Sec== 2 - Symbds and Si cCon 4.13 -- Desn;n CrqeOa ...... SecCon 005 Jin lbiiri,n Fk"I"),v"v S,""" c 1, fl"L I, f 14, 14, u6 SecCon 017 Vegetabve SecCon 4.4A Stone PI prNa DeQn .......... SecCon 009 GaWon DesQn ....... 41, SecCon05 Staraq;e DeQn . . . . . . . . . ........................................................................................ 34 SecCon AM M,,,,in,i,,,,iiraSll'fl"IIlraf", SecCon 402 Symbds and M,,,Jhn flolns S e c C o n A 5, 3 G e n u a PS t w Ica e IN',; s I & 1, f '11, fl", llr,"" S e c C o n 4. 04 - [h e H Rd n wry U"', 1, f 1, I fl,'l i, [ a ju, a C o n s ....... ......................... N SecCon AS -- Met Sbawhwes SecCon 07 -- Eineraw Wshaabon . . . .. . . . . ........................................................................... SecCon 401 Overlew -- ---- SecCon 402 Symbds and M 1II 1, I fl"l rSecCon 072 - DeMan GuMN rms S,""" c 1, fl"L 1, ll,,T 5 BasKs SecCon 406- Baffled 7 SecCon 407 Chade ControkMwhwes ......... ........... 7 SecCon OR -- Easements for Open CharMan and DetenCo[Woruds 37 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual U / 5 . s U1?11,1"v6Wl 1 ca ), -1I- Zl, 0 I s MYTM MAD E I" [) 11 C llJto 2 I I 2 on Ushlq Recornmended HydroAQ Method,,, 6 b e, 2 J, 2 ° I I no 1: 1: 1: hc e, n t,,, 7 Fyi,:)OKSheet SecUons and Stun Sewer 22 2 8 "") :or storin 1 2 41 AM :140 Chsed CandHA Ebsenmnl . . . . . . 2 7 Ire, 2 f (""", ("; oin ipi she'e't _ by I but Hydropaph Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A8 Rpqe AAW MhAnan Emsbn CoMAA SeMack ......... "") 2 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual INTRODUCTION This design criteria is needed to update the policies and criteria for storm water facilities within the Town of Westlake and its extraterritorial jurisdiction. New policies and criteria are needed to reflect the changes that have occurred in community standards, technology and environmental regulations that impact storm water management. The primary motivation for this new manual is to guide the community in drainage policy and criteria so that new development does not increase flooding, erosion, and water quality problems. This drainage design criteria is intended to provide a guideline for the most commonly encountered storm water or flood control designs in the Town of Westlake. It can also be used as a guide for watershed master plans and f o r design of remedial measures for existing facilities. This criteria was developed for users with knowledge and experience in the applications of standard engineering principles and practices of storm water design and management. There will be situations not completely addressed or covered by this design criteria manual. Any variations from the practices established herein must have the acceptance of the Town Engineer or designee. Close coordination with the staff of the Town is recommended and encouraged during the planning, design and construction of all storm water facilities. Relationship of Town of Westlake to the Regional integrated Storm Water Management (iSWM) Manual The Town of Westlake design criteria is the regional iSWM manual updated in 2021, developed bythe North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) with clarifications and modifications indicated in this Local Criteria Section." The Town of Westlake is adopting the iSWM manual in its entirety with the exception of those sections specifically modified herein. Precedence of Town of Westlake Local Criteria The requirements contained within this Town of Westlake Local Criteria shall take precedence over conflicting provisions that may be contained in the integrated Storm Water Management Manual approved by the North Central Council of Governments. Contact Informatin Contacts for the Town of Westlake Storm Water Management Design Manual can be reached at the Town of Westlake. ( website: https://www.westlake-tx.org). For information on the iSWM regional manual and program, contact the NCTCOG at 817-695-9191 or at the website: http://iswm.nctcog.org. Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 1. Establish and implement drainage policy and criteria so that new development does not create or increase flooding problems, cause erosion or pollute downstream water bodies. 2. Facilitate the continuation of comprehensive watershed planning that promotes orderly growth and results in an integrated system of public and private storm water infrastructure. 3. Minimize flood risks to citizens and properties, and stabilize or decrease streambank and channel erosion on creeks, channels, and streams. 4. Improve storm water quality in creeks, rivers, and other water bodies, remove pollutants, enhance the environment and mimic the natural drainage system, to the extent practicable, in conformance with the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) permit requirements. 5. Support multi -use functions of storm water facilities for trails, green space, parks, greenways or corridors, storm water quality treatment, and other recreational and natural features, provided they are compatible with the primary functions of the storm water facility. 6. Encourage a more standardized, integrated land development process by bringing storm water planning into the conceptual stages of land development. P" Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual TOWN OF WESTLAKE STORM WATER POLICY STATEMENTS 1. All development within the Town of Westlake Town Limits shall include planning, design, and construction of storm drainage systems in accordance with this Storm Water Management Design Manual, and Planning Commission Rules and Regulations. 2. Conceptual, Preliminary and Final Drainage Studies and Plans may be required for proposed developments within the Town of Westlake, in conformance with this Storm Water Management Design Manual. Specific submittal requirements depend on the complexity of the project and requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance. The checklists for each stage of this three-tier process are included in the iSWM Manual. 3. All drainage related plans and studies shall be prepared and sealed by a Licensed Professional Engineer with a valid license from the State of Texas. The Engineer shall attest that the design was conducted in accordance with this Storm Water Management Design Manual. 4. For currently developed areas within the Town of Westlake with planned re -development, storm water discharges and velocities from the project should not exceed discharges established by procedures presented in this manual but also shall not exceed discharges and velocities from current (existing) developed conditions, unless the downstream storm drainage system is designed (or adequate) to convey the future (increased) discharges and velocities. 5. All drainage studies and design plans shall be formulated and based upon ultimate, fully developed watershed or drainage area runoff conditions. In certain circumstances where regional detention is in place or a master plan has been adopted, a development may plan to receive less than ultimate developed flow from upstream areas with the approval of the Town Engineer, or Designee. The rainfall frequency criteria for storm water facilities, as enumerated within this Storm Water Management Design Manual, shall be utilized for all drainage studies and design plans. 6. Proposed storm water discharge rates and velocities from a development shall not exceed the runoff from existing, pre -development conditions, unless a detailed study is prepared that demonstrates that no unacceptable adverse impacts shall be created. Adverse impacts include: new or increased flooding of existing structures, significant increases in flood elevations over existing roadways, unacceptable rises in base flood elevations or velocities, and new or increased stream bank erosion or increased occurrence of nuisance flows. 7. If a proposed development drains into an improved channel or storm water drainage system designed under a previous Town of Westlake drainage policy, then the hydraulic capacities of downstream facilities must be checked to verify that increased flows, caused by the new development, shall not exceed the capacity of the existing system or cause increased downstream structure flooding. If there is not sufficient capacity to prevent increased downstream flooding, then detention or other acceptable measures must be adopted to accommodate the increase in runoff due to the proposed development. 8. Storm water runoff may be stored in detention and retention basins to mitigate potential downstream problems caused by a proposed development. Proposed detention or retention basins shall be analyzed both individually and as a part of the watershed system, to assure compatibility with one another and with the Town's storm water management master plans for that watershed (if available). Storage of storm water runoff, near points of rainfall occurrence, such as the use of parking lots, ball fields, property line swales, parks, road embankments, borrow pits and on -site ponds is desirable and encouraged. 9. Alternatives to detention or retention for mitigation of potential downstream problems caused by proposed development include: acquisition of expanded drainage easements, ROW, or property owner agreements; downstream channel and/or roadway bridge/culvert improvements or stream bank erosion protection; and financial contributions to the Town Storm Water Program for future 3 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual 10. improvements. These alternatives shall be considered by the Town Engineer, or designee, on a case - by -case basis. 11. All proposed developments within the Town of Westlake City Limits shall comply with all local, county, state and federal regulations and all required permits or approvals shall be obtained by the developer. 12. The policy of the Town is to avoid substantial or significant re-routing or transfer of storm water runoff from one basin to another and to maintain historical drainage paths whenever possible. However, the re- routing or transfer of storm water from basin to basin may be necessary in certain instances and shall be reviewed and a variance can be made by the TOWN ENGINEER or designee, in accordance with established variance procedures. 13. Town Maintenance - The Town shall provide for perpetual maintenance, in accordance with adopted Town maintenance standards, of all public drainage structures located within dedicated easements and constructed to the Town's standards. Access shall be provided and dedicated by the developer to all public storm water facilities in developments for maintenance and inspection by the Town. The Town does not generally provide maintenance of vegetative cover inside subdivision or other private properties, even within public drainage easements. 14. Private Maintenance - Private drainage facilities include those drainage improvements which are located on private property and which handle only private water. Private drainage facilities may also include detention or retention ponds, dams, and other storm water controls which collect public water, as well as drainage ways not constructed to Town standards, but which convey public water. Such facilities must be designed in accordance with sound engineering practices and reviewed and inspected by the Town. An agreement for perpetual maintenance of private drainage facilities serving public water shall be executed with the Town prior to acceptance of the final plat. The title and ownership agreement shall run with the land and can be tied to commercial property or to an owner's association, but not to individual residential lots. Access shall be provided by the developer/owner to all private drainage facilities where there may be a public safety concern for inspection by the Town. The Town does not generally provide maintenance of vegetative cover inside subdivision or other private properties, even within public drainage easements. However, if a determination is made by the Town Engineer or designee that the Town needs emergency access to any private improvement or private waters, it has the right to enter the private property for corrective actions. While the Town has the right to this access and actions, it is never under any obligation to do so. rd Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual SECTION 1 — STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PLANNING AND DESIGN Chapter 1 of the iSWM Manual provides a foundation for integrated Storm Water Management in terms of basic philosophy, principles, definitions, and land development site planning and design practices, and should therefore be utilized for general guidance throughout the development process. In general, the Town of Westlake currently follows the flood control and streambank protection components of the integrated planning and design approach. Streambank protection is a requirement in Westlake, but there is not a standard requirement to provide extended detention for the streambank protection volume. To comply with TCEQ permit TXR040000, the MS4 Phase II permit, the Town of Westlake requires the use of best management practices (BMPs) to address post construction water quality for all new development and redevelopment projects. The NCTCOG iSWM Manual identifies the use of certain site design practices and structural measures as BMPs to address post construction water quality. It is expected some use of both site design and structural measures shall be used in development projects to meet this requirement. Other modifications are summarized below. Section 1.1 — Storm Water Site Planning Depending on the complexity of the project or submittal requirements as dictated in the Code of Ordinances, storm water management plans may be prepared and submitted to the Town of Westlake in the progressive planning stages of a land development project with the Conceptual Site Plan and Preliminary Site Evaluation and Final Plat. The Conceptual Site Plan is an important consideration in that it allows the developer and their design engineer to propose a potential site layout and gives Town staff the opportunity to comment on a storm water management plan concept prior to significant planning and design effort on the part of the design engineer. Conceptual Storm Water Management Plan (iSWM 1.1.3. 5) In general, the engineer and planner shall follow the conceptual storm water management plan guidelines as presented in Section 1. 1.3.5 of the iSWM Manual, as applicable to the Town of Westlake. Preliminary Storm Water Management Plan (iSWM A preliminary drainage study and storm water management plan shall accompany a preliminary site evaluation submitted for development review, and shall generally include the information listed in Section 1. 1.3.6 of the iSWM manual as applicable to the Town of Westlake. The study shall include a downstream assessment of properties that could be impacted by the development. These studies shall include adequate hydrologic analysis to determine the existing, proposed, and fully -developed runoff for the drainage area that is affected by the proposed development and shall include hydraulic studies that define the adequate outfall". The development storm water management plan shall address existing downstream, off -site drainage conveyance system(s); and shall define the discharge path from the outlet of the on -site storm water facilities to the off -site drainage system(s) and/or appropriate receiving waters. See Section 2.1.9 of the iSWM Manual ("Downstream Hydrologic Assessment") for guidance on the details of this downstream assessment. As a minimum, the Town of Westlake requires assessment of the 2-, 10-, 25- and 100- year 24- hour events. This preliminary drainage study and storm water management plan shall include: A topographical map of the entire watershed (not just the area of the proposed development) generally not smaller than 1 "=200' (or other such scale approved by the Town Engineer or designee), delineating the watershed boundary(s) and runoff design 5 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual point(s), existing and proposed land use and zoning, and the size and description of the outfall drainage facilities and receiving streams. Computation tables showing drainage areas, runoff coefficients, time of concentration, rainfall intensities and peak discharge for the required design storms, for both existing and proposed (ultimate development) conditions, at all design points for each component of the storm water system (streets, pipes, channels, detention ponds, etc.). Any proposed changes to watershed boundaries (i.e. by re -grading, where permissible by Texas Water Code). If significant changes to watershed boundary are made, more extensive analyses of downstream impact and mitigating detention shall be required and a variance obtained from the Town Engineer or designee. 4. FEMA Flood Hazard Areas - if applicable. 5. In addition any required Corps of Engineer's Section 404 permits, Conditional Letters of Map Revision (CLOMR), Letters of Map Revision (LOMR) or other permits relating to lakes and streams required by any federal, state or local authorities. These must be documented in the Drainage Study. 6. Detailed off -site outfall information. This shall include the presence of existing or proposed drainage structures, bridges or systems; documentation of existing versus proposed developed site as well as ultimate runoff, identification of downstream properties which might be impacted by increased runoff, and proposed detention or other means of mitigation. Downstream impacts shall generally be delineated to a point where the drainage from the proposed development has no impact on the receiving stream or on any downstream drainage systems within the "zone of influence". 7. Report with technical documentation. Final Storm Water Management Plan (iSWM 1. 1.3. 7) A Final Drainage Study and Storm Water Management Plan for development of all or a portion (i.e. phase one or phase two, etc.) of the overall development shall be prepared and submitted to the Town of Westlake. This submittal shall generally include the information listed in Section of the iSWM manual as applicable to Westlake, including: 1. Conformance with the Preliminary Storm Water Management Plan and Study. 2. Submission of detailed drainage calculations and detailed design plans. 3. The submission of a cover sheet signed by the Town Engineer or designee indicating the approval of the detailed construction drawings for the proposed development is sufficient to clear a plat drainage study comment. 4. Final drainage studies shall be approved based on the submission of a signed cover sheet and drainage map with calculations from the accepted engineering construction drawings. Where Town acceptance of construction plans is not required, the above information required for preliminary drainage studies, as well as construction plans for any drainage improvements, prepared according to criteria in the current Town of Westlake plan review checklists, shall be submitted. 5. Note that unless specifically approved in a Floodplain Development Permit issued through the TOWN ENGINEER or DESIGNEE, no work may be performed in the FEMA regulatory floodway without a FEMA- approved Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR). No development activities may occur in the FEMA regulatory floodplain without an accepted Floodplain Development Permit. C.1 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Section 1.1.2 — integrated Storm Water Management (iSWM) Site Plans ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS In general, the Town of Westlake currently follows the flood control and streambank protection components (corrected spelling) of the integrated planning and design approach. Streambank protection is a requirement in Mansfield, but there is not a standard requirement to provide extended release detention for the streambank protection volume. To comply with TCEQ permit TXR040000, the MS4 Phase II permit, the Town of Westlake requires the use of best management practices BMPs) to address post construction water quality for all new development and redevelopment projects. The NCTCOG iSWM Manual identifies the use of certain site design practices and structural measures as BMPs to address post construction water quality. It is expected some use of both site design and structural measures shall be used in development projects to meet this requirement. These BMPs shall be identified in development site plans, with design criteria and calculations when necessary, at conceptual, preliminary and final submittal stages. Section 1.1.2. 2 — Applicability ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Storm Water Management plans are required for development or within the Town of Westlake, of0.5 acres or more unless exempted by the Town Engineer, or designee. Section 1.1.3 — Developer Steps to Prepare an iSWM Site Plan ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS See Local Criteria Section 1. 1 for a description of Town of Westlake requirements. Section 1.1.4 — Local Community Plan Review Responsibilities FOR GUIDANCE Section 1.1.5 — Local Government Responsibilities during Construction and Operation ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS The Town of Westlake Process includes: Construction Phase 1. Pre -construction Meeting - Where possible, a pre -construction meeting shall occur before any clearing or grading is initiated on the site. This step ensures that the owner -developer, contractor, engineer, inspector, and plan reviewer can be sure that each party understands how the plan shall be implemented on the site. 2. Periodic Inspections - Periodic inspections during construction by Town of Westlake representatives. Inspection frequency may vary with regard to site size and location. 3. Final Inspection -A final inspection is needed to ensure that the construction conforms to the intent of the approved design. Prior to accepting the infrastructure components, issuing an occupancy permit, and releasing any applicable bonds, the owner -developer and contractor shall ensure that: a) erosion control measures have been removed; (b) storm water controls are unobstructed and in good working order; (c) permanent vegetative cover has been established in exposed areas; (d) any damage to natural feature protection and conservation areas have been mitigated; (e) conservation areas and buffers have been adequately marked or signed; and (f) any other applicable conditions have been met. 4. Record Drawings -Record drawings of the structural storm water controls, drainage facilities, and other infrastructure components shall be provided to the Town of Westlake by the developer in accordance with the Town of Westlake ordinance. Maintenance 7 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual 1. Maintenance Plan - If private maintenance is planned, a maintenance plan, prepared by the developer, shall outline the scope of activities, schedule, costs, funding source, and responsible parties. Vegetation, sediment management, access, and safety issues shall be addressed. 2. Notification of Property Owners - If applicable, the Town of Westlake shall notify property owners of any maintenance responsibilities, through a legal disclosure, upon sale or transfer of property. Ideally, preparation of maintenance plans should be a requirement of the iSWM Site Plan preparation and review process. 3. Ongoing Maintenance — it shall be clearly detailed in the Final Storm Water Management Plan which entity has responsibility for operation and maintenance of all structural storm water controls and drainage facilities (see Town of Westlake Policy Statements regarding maintenance). 4. Annual Inspections -Annual inspections of private storm water management facilities shall be conducted by the owner and the results shall be provided to the Town of Westlake. Section 1. 1.6 - iSWM Site Plan Design Tools FOR GUIDANCE Section 1.2 - integrated Planning and Design Approach ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS In general, the Town of Westlake currently follows the flood control and streambank protection components of the integrated planning and design approach. Streambank protection is a requirement in the Town of Westlake, but there is not a standard requirement to provide extended release detention for the streambank protection volume. To comply with TCEQ permit TXR040000, the MS4 Phase II permit, the Town of Westlake requires the use of best management practices BMPs) to address post construction water quality for all new development and redevelopment projects. The NCTCOG iSWM Manual identifies the use of certain site design practices and structural measures as BMPs to address post construction water quality. It is expected some use of both site design and structural measures shall be used in development projects to meet this requirement. Section 1.2.1- Introduction ADOPTED Section 1.2.2 - Downstream Assessment ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS. The downstream assessment described in Section 2.1.9 of the iSWM Manual shall include the necessary hydrologic and hydraulic analyses to clearly demonstrate that the limits of the Zone of Influence have been identified, and that along the drainage route to that location, these parameters are met: 1. No new or increased flooding of existing structures. 2. Assume fully -developed upstream conditions based upon the land uses in the Comprehensive Plan. If any area is unknown, the minimum runoff coefficient of c = 0.65 shall be used. 3. No significant increases in flood elevations over existing roadways for the 2-, 25-, and 100-year floods. 4. No significant rise in 100-year flood elevations, unless contained in existing channel, roadway, drainage easement and/or R.O.W. 5. No significant increases in channel velocities for the 2-, 10-, 25-, and 100-year floods. Post - development channel velocities cannot be increased above pre -development velocities, if they exceed the applicable maximum permissible velocity shown in iSWM Table 4. 4-2. Exceptions to these criteria shall require certified geotechnical/geomorphologic studies that provide documentation those higher velocities shall not create additional erosion. 6. No increases in downstream discharges caused by the proposed development that, in combination with existing discharges, exceeds the existing capacity of the downstream storm drainage system. E;3 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Section 1.2.3 — Water Quality Protection ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATION The Town of Westlake shall consider proposals for development that implement site design practices and secondary control measures (as defined in the iSWM Manual) as a means of achieving compliance with the MS4 Permit. If these proposals are not sufficient to effectively achieve post construction water quality goals then primary structural post - construction control measures shall be used in conjunction with, or in lieu of, site design practices. The water quality protection volume calculation may only be required if primary structural post -construction control measures are employed. Section 1.2.4 — Stream Bank Protection ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Streambank protection is a requirement in the Town of Westlake, but there is not a standard requirement to provide extended release detention for the streambank protection volume. Section 1.2.5 — Flood Control ADOPTED Section 1.2.6 — integrated Watershed Planning ADOPTED Section 1.3 — integrated Site Design Practices ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS This section provides general guidance for potentially reducing costs of storm water infrastructure construction and the negative impacts of development on flooding, stream stability and water quality. Numerous examples of integrated site design practices are included. These are examples of site design BMPs that may assist a project in meeting the post -construction water quality requirements of the MS4 Permit. Section 1.3.1 — integrated Site Design Credits FOR GUIDANCE The Town of Westlake has not adopted a point or credit system at this time. Each development shall be evaluated on the merits of the proposed design practices and post - construction structural control measures. Section 1.4 — integrated Storm Water Controls ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS This section contains a list of broad categories of structural post -construction control measures that are considered BMPs and can be implemented in land development to meet the goals of protecting water quality, minimizing streambank erosion, and reducing flood volumes. Many of the listed storm water control features and techniques enhance the aesthetics and value of land developments, as well as providing a drainage function. The Town of Westlake requires the removal of at least 80% T.S. S. These BMPs generally fall into a primary or secondary treatment category based on efficiency of removing TSS. Many secondary control measures are also considered site design practices discussed in Section 1.3. Most primary control measures are structural in nature, require the calculation of the water quality protection volume and have a detailed design criteria and procedures discussed in detail in Chapter 5 of the iSWM Manual. M Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Some proprietary systems may qualify as primary control structures. Evidence of treatment efficiency shall be submitted when these systems are proposed. It is strongly recommended that proprietary systems meet TAPE (Technology Assistance Protocol) or TARP (Technology Acceptance Reciprocity Partnership) approval. 10 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual SECTION 2 — HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS Section 2.1 — Estimating Runoff Section 2.1.1 — Introduction to Hydrologic Methods ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Water quality volume and stream bank protection volume applications are encouraged by the Town of Westlake but not specifically required at this time. USGS and TxDOT equations are only allowed with the approval of the Town Engineer, or designee. Table 2.1.1-2 — See modified version of Table 2.1. 1-2 below (differences from iSWM Manual are in bold type. Table 2.1.1-2 Constraints on Using Recommended Hydrologic Methods Method Size Limitations' Comments Rational' 0 — 200 acres Method for estimating peak flows and the design of small site or subdivision storm sewer systems. Method can be used for detention planning in drainage areas Modified Rational', 0 — 25 acres up to 200 acres and for final design in single basins. However, modified rational method is not allowed for basins in series. Unit Hydrograph (SCS) Any Size Method can be used for estimating peak flows and hydrographs for all design applications. Unit Hydrograph (Snyder's) 100 acres and Method can be used for estimating peak flows and larger hydrographs for all design applications. TXDOT 10 to 100 miz Method can be used for estimating peak flows for rural design Regression applications. USGS Regression 3 — 40 miz Method can be used for comparison with other methods MRM Methodology shall be as defined in Section 1.5.2 of the iSWM Hydrology Technical Manual. Section 2.1.2 — Symbols and Definitions ADOPTED Section 2.1.3 — Rainfall Estimation ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS The rainfall intensities listed in the iSWM Manual for Tarrant County shall be used throughout the Town of Westlake Section 2.1.4 — Rational Method ADOPTED Section — Equations ADOPTED Section — Time of Concentration ADOPTED. 11 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Section - Runoff Coefficient (C) ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Table 2.1.4-2 presents the nominal Rational Formula Runoff "C" Coefficients for the Town of Westlake. Other coefficients are presented in Table 2.1.4-2 of the iSWM Manual. Table 2.1.4-2 Runoff Coefficients Runoff Description of Land Use Impervious Coefficient "C" Residential"RY 35 0.51 Residential "R2" 37 0.52 Residential "R1" 49 0.59 Residential "R0.5 55 0.63 Multi -family 93 0.86 Commercial/Industrial/House of Worship/School 4% Open Space (Default if no site plan) 96 0.88 10% Open Space (Site plan required) 90 0.84 20% Open Space (Site plan required) 80 0.78 Parks, Cemeteries 7 0.34 Streets: Asphalt, Concrete and Brick 100 0.90 Drives, Walks, and Roofs 100 0.90 Gravel Areas 43 0.56 Unimproved Areas 0 0.30 Assumptions: 1) For Residential Calculations: 1. Current CFW development standards for minimum lot size and maximum lot coverage (structure) for each classification 2. Assumed 10.5' Parkway and 18' driveway 3. Assumed 29' B-B street dimension 4. Calculated by applying 90% runoff from impervious areas and 30% runoff from pervious areas 2 Calculated from desi nated set -backs Section - Example Problem ADOPTED Section 2.1.5 - SCS Hydrologic Method ADOPTED Section - Application ADOPTED 12 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual 0! n W ui LL T X- 00 0 x z LLI w T 0 o Illlllllllpllllll LL Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Section 2.1.6 — Snyder's Unit Hydrograph Method Section — Introduction ADOPTED Figure 2.1.6-1 —presents a sample computation sheet for presentation of unit hydrograph method results. This form should be completed even if the computations are performed on acceptable computer programs HEC-1 or HEC-HMS. Section — Application ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Sections 2.1.6. 3 through ADOPTED Section 2.1.7 — Modified Rational Method Section — Introduction ADOPTED Section - Design Equations ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS An exception to the iSWM Method is that only "C" coefficients presented in Local Criteria Table 2.1.4-2 and iSWM Table 2.1.4-2 (Not sure if or why these shall remain the same once I get electronic versions.) are allowed for use in the Modified Rational Method. The remaining methodology is allowed. Section — Example Problem ADOPTED Section 2.1.8 — USGS and TxDOT Regression Methods ADOPTED Section 2.1.9 — Downstream Hydrologic Assessment ADOPTED Section 2.1.10 — Water Quality Protection Volume and Peak Flow ADOPTED Section 2.1.11 — Streambank Protection Volume Estimation ADOPTED Section 2.1.12 — Water Balance Calculations ADOPTED References ADOPTED CM-14 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Section 3 — HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF STREETS AND CLOSED CONDUITS Section 3.1 — Storm Water Street and Closed Conduit Design Overview Section 3.1.1 — Storm Water System Design ADOPTED Section 3.1.2 — Key Issues in Storm Water System Design For Guidance Section 3.1.3 — Design Storm Recommendations ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS The design storms presented in iSWM are replaced by the design storms required by Town of Westlake as follows: Storm Sewer System The Town of Westlake utilizes additional criteria to improve capacity and levels of protection to adjacent properties to both open flow and closed conduit drainage systems. a. Unless otherwise directed by the Town Engineer or designee, the 100-year storm is the design storm for closed conduit systems. The closed conduit hydraulic grade line HGL) must be one and one-half (1.5) feet or more below the top of curb. b. In addition to the HGL computations, the design engineer shall also verify that the inlet depth is sufficient to provide a height of at least 1.2 HW/D to ensure the system functions as an "entrance/inlet control' system and not a "tailwater control" system. At an HW/D depth of 1.2 or greater, inlets and culverts shall function under sub -critical flow at the entrance/inlet. Most open channels systems flow under super -critical depths, a hydraulic jump can be expected at the entrance to most culverts. The design engineer shall estimate the location and height of this hydraulic jump to know how high to raise any channel or erosion protection features, headwalls finished floor elevations on adjacent lots, etc. Section 3.2 — On -Site Flood Control System Section 3.2.1 — Overview Street capacities shall be designed for the 100-year frequency storm. For streets with a raised curb and gutter, one (1) lane of traffic in each direction shall be maintained during the 100-year frequency storm. At no time shall the depth of flow exceed curb height. For streets with no curb and gutter, and open bar ditches for conveying stormwater flows, the 100-year frequency storm flows must be contained within the bar ditches. Inlets shall be placed upstream of all intersections with streets with raised curb and gutter to minimize bypass flow across the intersection. No stormwater flow shall be allowed to bypass inlets at the intersection of two thoroughfares. Residential and collector road intersections shall be designed such that flow across a valley gutter shall not exceed two (2) inches in the design frequency storm. CM-15 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Section 3.2.2 — Symbols and Definitions ADOPTED Section 3.2.3 — Street and Roadway Gutters ADOPTED Section 3.2.4 — Storm Water Inlets ADOPTED Section 3.2. 5- Grate Inlet Design ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Section 3.2.6 — Curb Inlet Design ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Curb inlets on grade without a gutterline depression are not permitted by the Town of Westlake. Section — Curb Inlets in Sumps ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS In order to accommodate the standard curb inlet configuration presented in Mansfield's Standard Construction Details", the following supplement to Section of iSWM from Hydraulic Engineering Circular 22 by FHA (August, 2001) is presented. The weir for a depressed curb -opening inlet is at the edge of the gutter, and the effective weir length is dependent on the width of the depressed gutter and the length of the curb opening. The weir location for a curb -opening inlet that is not depressed is at the lip of the curb opening, and its length is equal to that of the inlet. The equation for the interception capacity of a depressed curb -opening inlet operating as a weir is: where: Qj = CW (L + 1.8 W) d1.5 CW = 1.25 (2.3 In English Units) L = length of curb opening (ft) W = lateral width of depression (ft) D = depth at curb measured from the normal cross slope (ft), i.e., d = T S, The weir equation is applicable to depths at the curb approximately equal to the height of the opening plus the depth of the depression. Thus, the limitation on the use of the above equation for a depressed curb -opening inlet is: d <_ h + a /(1000) (d <_ h + a/12, in English units) where: h = height of curb -opening inlet, (ft) a = depth of depression, (in) CM-16 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Section 3.2. 7 - Combination Inlets ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Combination inlets on grade are not permitted by the Town of Westlake. Section 3.2. 8 - Closed Conduit Systems ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Materials Only reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) is allowed in public Right(s)-of-way and/or Easements. Wye and tee (T) connections supplied by the pipe manufacturer are required. Radial pipe can also be fabricated by the pipe manufacturer and shall be used through all curved alignments. However, the design engineer shall be use bends or large radii curves where practical. When field connections or field radii must be used, all joints and gaps must be fully grouted with a concrete collar to prevent voids or long- term cave-ins caused by material washout into the storm sewer system by substandard field connections. Minimum allowable size shall be 18 inches, and driveway permits shall be required from the Development Services Division. HDPE/ CPVC pipe may be allowed for certain off -pavement applications only as approved by the Town Engineer or designee on a case -by -case basis. In no case shall HDPE/CPVC pipe be approved for installation under publicly maintained pavement. HDPE/ CPVC storm drain shall be installed in accordance with all manufacturer's specifications and shall meet or exceed ASTM D- 2321, Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity -Flow Applications. Furthermore, Class I aggregate (NCTCOG Aggregate Grade 4) shall be required for pipe embedment (to a minimum of 6" above the top of pipe). In selecting roughness coefficients for concrete pipe, consideration shall be given to the average conditions at the site during the useful life of the structure. The `n' value of 0.015 for concrete pipe shall be used primarily in analyzing old sewers where alignment is poor and joints have become rough. If, for example, concrete pipe is being designed at a location where it is considered suitable, and there is reason to believe that the roughness would increase through erosion or corrosion of the interior surface, slight displacement of joints or entrance of foreign materials. A roughness coefficient shall be selected which in the judgment of the designer, shall represent the average condition. Any selection of `n' values below the minimum or above the maximum, either for monolithic concrete structures, concrete pipe or HDPE, shall have to have written approval of the Town Engineer or designee. CM-17 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual The following recommended coefficients of roughness are listed in Table 3.2.8-1 and are for use in the nomographs contained herein, or by direct solution of Manning's Equation. Table 3.2.8-1 Manning's Coefficients for Storm Drain Conduits* Type of Storm Drain Manning's in Concrete Pipe (Design n = 0.013) 0.012-0.015 Concrete Boxes (Design n = 0.015) 0.012-0.015 Corrugated Metal Pipe, Pipe -Arch and Box Annular or Helical Corrugations - see Table 3.2- 6 in iSWM 0.022-0.037 Manual. NOTE: TOWN OF WESTLAKE DOES NOT ALLOW CMP FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Profile Wall High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) 0.010-0.013 or Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) NOTE: Actual field values for conduits may vary depending on the effect of abrasion, corrosion, deflection, and joint conditions. Section - Access Holes (Manholes) Adopted with Modifications Manholes shall be located at intervals not to exceed five -hundred (500) feet for pipe fifty-four (54) inches in diameter or smaller. For any pipes sixty (60) inches in diameter and larger (or equivalent size box culverts), the maximum spacing of manholes is one -thousand (1,000) feet. Manholes shall preferably be located at street intersections or sewer junctions. When the storm drain is a concrete box culvert instead of a reinforced concrete pipe, four (4) foot diameter manhole risers may be instead of vaults to provide access. In all cases, steps (or rungs) shall be installed from the base of the manhole to the top of the manhole Maximum vertical spacing of the steps shall not exceed twelve (12) inches. CM-18 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Section 3.2. 8.3— Minimum Grades and Desirable Velocities Adopted with Modifications The minimum grades for storm sewers are listed in Table 3.2.8-2. Any variances to the values below must have the prior acceptance of the Town Engineer or Designee. Pipe Size Concrete Pipe Slope Inches Slope ft/ft 18 0.005 21 0.0015 24 0.0013 27 0.0011 30-96 0.001 Table 3.2.8-2 The maximum hydraulic gradient shall not produce a velocity that exceeds twenty (20) feet per second (fps). The table above shows the desirable maximum velocities for the majority of closed conduit storm sewer systems. Storm drains shall be designed to have a minimum mean velocity flowing full at 2.5 fps. A storm sewer main is defined as any pipe connected to two or more inlets. The maximum velocities for various types of culverts are shown in Table 3.2.8-3. Any variances to these values must have the prior acceptance of the Town Engineer or Designee. Culvert Maximum Allowable Velocity Description) Feet per second Culverts All Types) 15 Storm Drain (Inlet Laterals) 25 Storm Drain Mains 20 Table 3.2.8-3 CM-19 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Full or Part Full Flow in Storm Drains All storm drains shall be designed by the application of the Continuity Equation and Manning Equation either through the appropriate charts or nomographs or by direct solutions of the equations as follows: Q = A V, and Q=1.486Ar213S/ f where, Q = Runoff in cubic feet per second. A = Cross -sectional area of pipe or channel. V = Velocity of flow. n = Coefficient of roughness of pipe or channel. r = Hydraulic radius = A/P Sf = friction slope in feet per foot in pipe or channel. p = Wetted perimeter. The size of pipe required to transport a known -quantity of storm runoff is obtained by substituting known values in the formula. In practice, the formula is best utilized in the preparation of a pipe flow chart which interrelates values of runoff, velocity, slope and pipe geometry. With two of these variables known or assumed. The other two are quickly obtained from the chart. A pipe flow nomograph for circular conduits flowing full graphs is shown in iSWM Figure 3.2.16. Nomographs for flow in conduits of other cross -sections are available in TxDOT Hydraulic Design Manual, dated March 2004, Chapter 6, Section 2. For circular conduits flowing partially full, graphs are presented in iSWM Figure 3.2-18a. Hydraulic Gradient and Profile of Storm Drain In storm drain systems flowing full (or partially full as discussed above) all losses of energy through resistance with flow in pipes, by changes of momentum or by interference with flow patterns at junctions, must be accounted for by accumulative head losses along the system from its initial upstream inlet to its outlet. The purpose of accurate determinations of head losses at junctions is to include these values in a progressive calculation of the hydraulic gradient along the storm drain system. In this way, it is possible to determine the water surface elevation which shall exist at each structure. The rate of loss of energy through the storm drain system shall be represented by the hydraulic grade line. Since the hydraulic grade line measures the pressure head available at any given point within the system. The hydraulic grade (HGL) line shall be established for all storm drainage design in which the system operates under a head. In open channels, the water surface itself is the hydraulic grade line. The hydraulic grade line is often controlled by the conditions of the sewer outfall; therefore, the elevation of the tailwater pool must be known. The hydraulic gradient is constructed upstream from the downstream end, taking into account all of the head losses that may occur along the line. iSWM Section 3.2.8. 10 provides a table of coincident design frequencies to assist with tailwater determination. The hydraulic gradient shall begin at the higher of the tailwater pool or depth of flow in the pipe at the downstream end for the downstream design storm. All head losses shall be calculated as if the storm drain system is in a sub -critical flow regime whether the system is flowing partially full or surcharged. Hydraulic calculations shall reflect partially full pipe where appropriate. Supercritical flow is allowed in main lines only with the acceptance of the Town Engineer or designee. If the system is in supercritical regime the section should be marked SUPERCRITICAL FLOW" in both plan and profile views. The presence of supercritical regime should be confirmed by analyzing from downstream as well as upstream. CM-20 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual The friction head loss shall be determined by direct application of Manning's Equation or by appropriate nomographs or charts as discussed in the first paragraph of this subsection. Minor losses due to turbulence at structures shall be determined by the procedure described in Section of the iSWM manual. All HGL calculations shall be carried upstream to the inlet. The hydraulic grade line shall in no case be above the surface of the ground or street gutter for the design storm. Allowance of head must also be provided for future extensions of the storm drainage system. In all cases the maximum HGL must be 12" below the depressed gutter lip at any inlet. All head losses shall be calculated as if the storm drain system is in a sub -critical flow regime whether the system is flowing partially full or surcharged. Hydraulic calculations shall reflect partially full pipe where appropriate. Super -critical flow is allowed in main lin lines only with the acceptance of the Town Engineer or designee. If the system is in supercritical regime, the HGL is the water surface and should be clearly marked "SUPERCRITICAL FLOW." The presence of super -critical flow regime should be confirmed by analyzing the HGL (or EGL) from downstream as well as upstream. In the case of long lengths of storm sewer mains, the water surface elevation (WSE) is the depth of flow or also known as the d/D ratio. Minor Head Losses at Structures Calculations The following head losses at structures shall be determined for manholes, wye branches or bends in the design of closed conduits. See Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2 for details of each case. Minimum head loss used at any structure shall be one -tenth (0-10) foot. The basic equation for most cases, where there are both upstream and downstream velocities, takes the form as set forth below with the various conditions of the coefficient Xj" shown in Table 3.2.8-4. hj \ V K, (y,2) 2g 2g hi = Junction or structure head loss in feet V, = Velocity in upstream pipe/culvert in fps Vz = Velocity in downstream pipe/culvert in fps K, = Junction or structure coefficient of loss CM-21 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual In the case where the manhole is at the very beginning of a line, or the line is laid with bends or on a curve, the equation becomes the following without any velocity of approach. z hj = Kj V2 2g 600 Bend — 85%; 450 Bend — 70%; 22 1/20 Bend — 40% The values of the coefficient Xj' for determining the head loss due to obstructions in pipes are shown in Table 3.2.8-5 and the coefficients are used in the following equation to calculate the head loss at the obstruction: V22 hi = K; ------ 2g CM-22 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual City of Fort Worth Stormwater Criteria Manual Table 3.12 Junction or Structure Coefficient of Loss Case No. Reference Description of Condition Coefficient Figure Kj 1 3.8 Inlet on Main Line 0.50 11 3.8 Inlet on Main Line with Branch Lateral 0.25 111 3.8 Manhole on Main Line with 450 Branch lateral 0.50 IV 3.8 Manhole on Main Line with 900 Branch Lateral 0.25 V 3.8 Manhole on Main Line with no Branch 1.0 VI 3.9 450 Wye Connection or cut -in 0.75 VII 3.9 Inlet or Manhole at Beginning of Line 1.25 Conduit on Curves for 900 Curve radius =diameter 0.50 Vill 3.9 Curve radius = 2 to 8 diam. 0.25 Curve radius = 8 to 20 diam. 0.10 Bends where radius is equal to diameter 900 Bend 0.50 600 Bend 0.43 450 Bend 0.35 IX 3.9 22-1/20 Bend 0.20 Manhole on line with 600 Lateral 0.35 Manhole on line with 22/1/20 Lateral 0.75 Where bends other than 900 are used, the 90' bend coefficient can be used with the following percentage factor applied: 600- 85%, 45° - 70%, 22.5° - 40% Table 3.13 Head Loss Coefficients Due To Obstructions A/Ao* Ki A/Ao* Ki 1.05 0.10 3.0 15. 0 1.1 0. 21 4.0 27.3 1.2 0.50 5.0 42.0 1.4 1.15 6.0 57.0 1.6 2.40 7.0 72.5 1.8 4.00 8.0 88.0 2.0 5.55 9.0 104.0 2.2 7.05 10.0 121.0 2.5 9.70 A/Ao = Ratio of area of pipe to area of opening at obstruction. CM-23 1=1 AI c+C nTCn noon 11n4c 4 4G Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual The friction head loss shall be determined by direct application of Manning's Equation or by appropriate nomographs or charts as discussed in the first paragraph of this subsection. Minor losses due to turbulence at structures shall be determined by the procedures described in Section of the iSWM manual. All HGL calculations shall be carried upstream to the last inlet or headwall in the proposed project. The ending HGL elevation at an inlet or structure shall be compared to the ratio of 1.2 HW/D to ensure both the HGL and/or headwater depth remains at least twelve (12) inches below the gutter lip. The green font is because I know we refer to this requirement more than once and I don't think we are consistent. So I want to be sure we check that everywhere. The HGL shall in no case be above the surface of the adjacent ground or street gutter lip for the design storm. Allowance of head must also be provided for future extensions of the storm drainage system. In all cases, the maximum HGL must be 1.5-feet below the gutter lip at any inlet in the design frequency storm. The values of Xj" for determining the head loss due to sudden enlargements and sudden contractions in pipes or box culverts are shown in Table 3.2.8- 6, and the coefficients are used in the following equation to calculate the head loss at the change in section: V2 Hi = K; ---- 2g V = Velocity in smaller pipe Section 3.3 — General Design and Construction Standards LOCAL CRITERIA SECTION ONLY Utilities In the design of a storm drainage system, the engineer is frequently confronted with the problem of crossings between the proposed storm drain and existing or proposed utilities such as water, gas and sanitary sewer lines. The Town of Westlake prefers a minimum of two (2) vertical feet of clearance with all conflicting utilities. All utilities in the vicinity of a proposed storm drain shall be clearly indicated on both plan and profile sheets. Headwalls, Culverts, and Other Structures For headwalls, culverts and other structures, Standard Construction Details adopted by the Town of Westlake shall be used. The appropriate detail sheets for non-standard structures should be included in any construction plans. All headwalls and culverts should be extended to or beyond the street right -of- way. Minimum Pipe Sizes and Depths Minimum pipe sizes are 24" diameter for mains and 18" diameter for inlet leads. Minimum sizes of conduits of other shapes should have equivalent cross -sectional areas. Minimum depth of storm sewer from outside top of conduit to proposed top of curb is 30 inches. Inlets Curb inlets shall be 10, 15 or 20 feet in length and shall have depressed gutterline openings. No curb inlet less than ten (10) feet shall be allowed without prior acceptance by the Town Engineer, or designee. Recessed inlets shall be provided on minor collectors through arterial streets as described in Table 3.1.3-1. Proposed inlet lengths greater than 20 feet must be approved by the TOWN ENGINEER, or designee. Care should be taken in laying out inlets to allow for adequate driveway access between the inlet and the far property line. Due to excessive clogging, grate inlets are not allowed on public storm drain except as specifically accepted by the TOWN ENGINEER, or designee. Streets CM-24 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual To minimize standing water, the minimum street grade shall be 0.60%. Along a curve, this grade shall be measured along the outer gutter line. The minimum grade along a cul-de-sac or eyebrow gutter shall be 0.60%. Alternatively, elbows may be designed with a valley gutter along the normal outer gutter line, with two percent cross slope from curb to the valley gutter. The minimum grade for any valley gutter shall be 0.60%. Where a crest or sag is designed on a residential street, a PVI shall be used instead of a vertical curve where the total gradient change is no more than one and one-half percent (A <_ 1.5%). Flow in Driveways and Intersections At any intersection, only one street shall be crossed with surface drainage and this street shall be the lower classified street. Where an alley or street intersects a street, inlets shall be placed in the intersecting alley or street whenever the combination of flow down the alley or intersecting street would cause the capacity of the downstream street to be exceeded. Inlets shall be placed upstream from an intersection whenever possible. Surface drainage from a 25-year event may not cross any street classified as a thoroughfare or collector. Not more than 5. 0 cfs in a 25-year event may be discharged per driveway at a business, commercial, industrial, manufacturing, or school site. Also, not more than 5.0 cfs may be discharged in a 25-year event from a street intersection with a major collector or arterial. In all cases, the downstream storm drainage system shall be adequate to collect and convey the flow, and inlets provided as required. The cumulative flows from existing driveways shall be considered and inlets provided as necessary where the flow exceeds the specified design capacity of the street. Section 3.4 — Easements for Closed Conduit Systems LOCAL CRITERIA SECTION ONLY Minimum easement requirements for storm sewer pipe shall be as follows: Table 3.4-1 Closed Conduit Easements Pipe Size Minimum Easement Width Required 39" and under 15 Feet 42" through 54" 20 Feet 60" through 66" 25 Feet 72" through 102" 30 Feet The outside face of the proposed storm drain line shall be placed at least five (5) feet off either edge of the storm drain easement. The proposed centerline of overflow swales shall normally coincide with the centerline of the easement. Box culverts shall have an easement width equal to the width of the box plus twenty (20) additional feet. The edge of the box should be located at least five (5) feet from either edge of the easement. Drainage easements shall generally extend beyond an outfall headwall to provide for velocity dissipation devices and an area for maintenance operations. Drainage easements along a required outfall channel or ditch shall be provided until the flowline reaches an acceptable outfall. References ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Texas Department of Transportation, March 2004, Hydraulic Design Manual, Austin, Texas. Section 4 — HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF CULVERTS, BRIDGES, OPEN CHANNELS, AND DETENTION STRUCTURES CM-25 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Section 4.1 — Storm Water Open Channels, Culverts, Bridges, and Detention Structure Design Overview Section 4.1. 1 — Storm Water System Design ADOPTED Section 4.1.2 — Key Issues in Storm Water System Design ADOPTED Section 4.1.3 — Design Storm Recommendations ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Roadway Culvert Design 100-year storm for fully developed watershed conditions. Bridge Design 100-year storm for fully developed watershed conditions. Open Channel Design 100-year storm for fully developed watershed conditions Energy Dissipation Design 100-year design for fully developed watershed conditions. Storage (Detention Basin Design) 2-year, 10-year, 25-year and 100-year storm for the critical storm duration (i.e. 3 hour, 6 hour or 24 hour duration) that results in the maximum (or near maximum) peak flow. Analysis should consider both existing watershed plus developed site conditions and fully developed watershed conditions. Section 4.2 — Culvert Design Section 4.2.1 — Overview ADOPTED Section 4.2. 2 — Symbols and Definitions ADOPTED Section 4.2.3 — Design Criteria ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS The Town of Westlake requires a 100-year design storm for fully developed watershed with the upstream water surface elevation (WSEL) 1' below the adjacent curb. Only reinforced concrete culvert structures are acceptable. Section 4.2.4 — Design Procedures ADOPTED Section — Nomographs ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Nomographs are not allowed by the Town of Westlake for final sizing of culverts with drainage areas greater than 10 acres. The use of nomographs for culverts with drainage areas greater than CM-26 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual 10 acres requires approval of the CITY ENGINEER. The reference for nomographs is FHWA HDS-5. A backwater analysis using HEC-RAS is required for culverts with areas greater than 10 acres. Section 4.2.5 — Culvert Design Example ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS This procedure is acceptable for preliminary sizing of all culverts and final sizing of culverts with drainage areas of 10 acres or less unless accepted by the Town Engineer, or designee. Section 4.2.6 — Design Procedures for Beveled -Edged Inlets ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS This procedure is acceptable for preliminary sizing only. Section 4.2.7 — Flood Routing and Culvert Design FOR GUIDANCE Section 4.3 — Bridge Design Section 4.3.1 — Overview ADOPTED Section 4.3.2 — Symbols and Definitions ADOPTED Section 4.3.3 — Design Criteria ADOPTED Section 4.3.4 — Design Procedures ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Backwater analysis shall be required using HEC-RAS for any proposed bridge to determine accurate tailwater elevations, velocities, headlosses, headwater elevations, profiles and floodplains affected by the proposed structure. If the current effective FEMA model is a HEC-2 model, the engineer has the option to either use that model, or convert to HEC-RAS for analysis of proposed conditions. Section 4.4 — Open Channel Design ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Normal Depth (Uniform Flow) vs. Backwater Profile Depths: For uniform flow calculations, the theoretical channel dimensions, computed by the slope -area methods outlined in the iSWM manual, are generally to be used only for an initial dimension in the design of an improved channel. The Town Engineer, or designee may grant exceptions for small channels meeting the following criteria: 1. Drainage area 10 acres or less. 2. Completely contained on the development site ; 3. No nearby downstream restrictions (no significant backwater effects). CM-27 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual 4. Flow conditions consistent with uniform flow assumption. The Town of Westlake requires a HEC-RAS backwater/frontwater analysis on any proposed open channel with a drainage area greater than 10 acres to determine the actual tailwater elevations, channel capacity and freeboard, and impacts on adjacent floodplains. If the current effective FEMA model for the stream is a HEC-2 model, the engineer has the option to either use that model, or convert to HEC-RAS for analysis of proposed conditions. Supercritical Flow Regime Supercritical flow shall not be allowed except under unusual circumstances, with special acceptance of the Town Engineer, or designee. However, for lined channels the analysis should include a mixed - flow regime analysis, to make sure no supercritical flow occurs. The Town of Westlake requires that the computed flow depths in designed channels be outside of the range of instability, i.e. depth of flow should be at least 1.2 times critical depth. Channel Transitions or Energy Dissipation Structures or Small Dams A HEC-RAS model is a standard requirement for design of channel transitions (upstream and downstream), energy dissipation structures, and small dams. A backwater analysis shall be required by the City, to determine accurate tailwater elevation, headlosses, headwater elevations and floodplains affected by the proposed transition into and out of an improved channel, any on -stream energy dissipating structures, and small dams (less than 6 feet). If the current effective FEMA model for the stream is a HEC-2 model, FEMA no longer recognizes HEC-2 as an acceptable model for submittal; therefore, the engineer shall convert to HEC-RAS for analysis of proposed conditions. For larger dams, a hydrologic routing shall be required, as well as hydraulic analysis, to determine impacts of the proposed structure on existing floodplains, floodways and adjacent properties. Section 4.4.1 — Overview ADOPTED Section 4.4.2 — Symbols and Definitions ADOPTED Section 4.4.3 — Design Criteria ADOPTED Section — General Criteria ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Earthen Channels Natural creeks shall remain in open natural condition when possible to preserve natural drainageways. When unable to preserve the natural creek the Town of Westlake encourages the use of constructed vegetated or permeable channels designed to create a more natural environment. 1. An earthen channel shall have a trapezoidal shape with side slopes not steeper than a 4:1 ratio and a channel bottom at least eight (8) feet in width with a minimum invert of one (1) foot in depth.. 2. The 100-year frequency storm with fully developed upstream conditions plus one (1) foot of freeboard must be provided within drainage easements. 3. The side slopes and bottom of an earthen channel shall be smooth, free of rocks, and contain a minimum of six (6) inches of topsoil. The side slopes and channel bottom shall be re -vegetated with grass or other acceptable vegetative material. No channel shall be accepted by the City until a uniform (e.g., evenly distributed, without large bare areas) vegetative cover at least 2" in height with a density of 70% has been established. 4. Each reach of a channel requiring vehicular access for maintenance must have a ramp. In CM-28 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual general, reaches with maintenance access ramps should be located between bridges or culverts but individual situations may vary. Ramps shall be at least ten (10) feet wide and have 15% maximum grade. Twelve -foot (12) width is required if the ramp is bound by vertical walls. 5. Minimum channel slope is 0.0020 ft/ft unless accepted by the TOWN ENGINEER or designee. 6. Erosion protection to be provided at upper limits of improvements and outfall to the receiving stream. 7. All improved earthen channels shall include either " Composite Low Flow" channel or Trickle" channel. Criteria for each of these channels is as follows: a. Low Flow Composite Channels- 1) Drainage area greater than 300 acres. 2) Minimum design discharge - 2% of fully developed 100 year peak discharge. 3) Maximum depth - 5 feet. Maximum side slope 4:1 (H:V). 4) Minimum bottom width- 8 feet unless accepted by the TOWN ENGINEER or designee. 5) Lined with riprap or gabions if design velocity exceeds 5 feet/second (also see iSWM sections 4.4.3 and 4.4.4). 6) Some meanders in alignment are acceptable as long as width of shelf between top of bank of low flow channel and toe of slope of main channel is not less than 10 feet. Minimum lateral slope of shelf is 1 %. b. Trickle Channels- 1) Drainage area less than or equal to 300 acres. 2) Design discharge - 2% of fully developed 100 year peak discharge. 3) Concrete or permeable armor such as gabions, mat or interlocking block -lined. 4) Minimum bottom width- 8 feet unless accepted by the TOWN ENGINEER or designee. 5) Maximum depth -5 feet. Maximum side slope dependent on type of lining. 8. The following guidelines shall be considered for buffer areas or zones along natural or constructed earthen channels: a. A minimum Erosion Control Setback on each side of natural channels based on a 4:1 H:V) slope from the bottom of the bank to the natural ground adjacent to the bank plus an additional 15 feet. See Figure 4.4.3-1. b. Include adjacent delineated wetlands or critical habitats. C. Other buffer widths shall be considered if supported by specific engineering and environmental studies. 9. Landscaping shall be installed to allow earthen channels to evolve into a more natural environment. Tree or shrub plantings shall be required to enhance habitat of channels by providing shade once mature plant growth has been reached. Mature plantings must be considered in setting design Manning's "n" values. CM-29 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Stream Bank Setback / - Limits of Erosion Hazard Zane NaturalGround Bottom of Bank Toe of Slopel Figure 4. 4.3-1 Minimum Erosion Control Setback Lined Channels In general, lined channels are discouraged and must have acceptance of the Town Engineer or designee. 1. Lined Channels shall be trapezoidal in shape and lined with reinforced concrete or flexible lining material as accepted by the Town Engineer, or designee.). Side slopes shall generally be no steeper than 2:1 unless accepted by the Town Engineer, or designee, as appropriate for the lining material. The lining shall extend to and include the water surface elevation of the 100 year fully developed storm plus one foot freeboard. 2. The lined channel bottom must be a minimum of 8' in width. (A minimum bottom width of 6 feet for overflow structures of storm sewer system sumps or where access is not a concern, as approved by the Town Engineer, or designee.) 3. The maximum water flow velocity in a lined channel shall be fifteen (15) feet per second except that the water flow shall not be supercritical in an area from 100' upstream from a bridge to 25' downstream from a bridge. Hydraulic jumps shall not be allowed from the face of a culvert to 50' upstream from that culvert. In general channels having supercritical flow conditions are discouraged (See Section 4.4). 4. Whenever flow changes from supercritical to subcritical channel protection shall be provided to protect from the hydraulicjump that is anticipated (see comment in Item 3). 5. The design of the channel lining shall take into account the super elevation of the water surface around curves and other changes in direction. The outside wall of the lining shall be raised in an amount equal to the super -elevation of the channel so freeboard always exists to the design frequency storm. 6. A chain link fence six (6) feet in height or other fence as accepted by the Town Engineer, or designee may be required on each side of a lined channel. 7. The Town Engineer, or designee, may require a geotechnical study and or an underground drainage system design option prior to approval of concrete lined channels. CM-30 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Soil Retention Blankets Soil Retention Blankets shall be required on all earthen channel side slopes and bottoms. Guidance is provided by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) concerning synthetic blankets and mats for use as slope protection and flexible channel liners. These systems shall be installed per the manufacturer's recommendations to provide stable retention of the slopes in accordance with the design. A soil retention blanket (SRB) is used for short and/or long-term protection of seeded and sodded slopes, ditches, and channels. SRB's can be manufactured out of wood, straw or coconut fiber mat, synthetic mat, paper mat, jute mesh or other material. The SRB shall be one of the following classes and types: 1. Class 1. "Slope Protection" Type A. Slopes 3(h):1(v) or flatter — Clay soils Type B. Slopes 3(h):1(v) or flatter — Sandy soils Type C. Slopes steeper than 3(h):1(v) — Clay soils Type D. Slopes steeper than 3(h):1(v) — Sandy soils 2. Class 1. "Flexible Channel Liner' Type E. Shear Stress < 2 lbs./sf Type F. Shear Stress < 4 lbs./sf Type G. Shear Stress < 6 lbs./sf Type H. Shear Stress < 8 lbs./sf Type I. Shear Stress < 10 lbs./sf Type J. Shear Stress < 12 lbs./sf 3. Mulches 6:1 or flatter slopes Clay or Tight Soils Sandy or Loose Soils Section — Velocity Limitation ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Channel Velocities 1.1-ined Channels — Maximum velocities = 15 fps. (Exceptions can be granted by the Town Engineer, or designee, with justifiable technical reasons) 2. Grass Lined Channels — Maximum velocities = 6 fps. Higher values can be justified by a sealed geotechnical study/analysis of soil type and conditions. Section 4.4.4 — Manning's n Values ADOPTED Section 4.4.5 — Uniform Flow Calculations ADOPTED Section 4.4.6 — Critical Flow Calculations ADOPTED Section 4.4.7 —Vegetative Design ADOPTED CM-31 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Section 4.4.8 — Stone Riprap Design ADOPTED Section — Introduction ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS The "Method # 2" procedure in iSWM for stone riprap design is adopted by Town of Westlake. Please note that Equation 4.4.16 in the iSWM Manual is INCORRECT and should be expressed as To` = T0*(1- (Sin 2/Sin20)). A properly designed geotextile is required under the bedding layer. Regardless of computed thickness, the minimum allowable riprap thickness is twelve (12) inches. The Town of Westlake may allow grouted stone riprap as an erosion control feature. However, the design thickness of the stone lining shall not be reduced by the use of grout. See the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers design manual ETL 1110-2-334 on design and construction of grouted riprap. Section — Method # 1: Maynard & Reese FOR GUIDANCE Section — Method # 2: Gregory ADOPTED Section — Culvert Outfall Protection ADOPTED Section 4.4.9 — Gabion Design ADOPTED Section 4.4.10 — Uniform Flow - Example Problems ADOPTED Section 4.4.11 — Gradually Varied Flow ADOPTED Section 4.4.12 — Rectangular, Triangular and Trapezoidal Open Channel Design ADOPTED Section 4.5 — Storage Design ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Storm water detention is not a mandated requirement in all cases in the Town of Westlake, but shall be provided to mitigate increased peak flows in the TOWN'S waterways in specific circumstances. The purpose of the mitigation is to minimize downstream flooding impacts or streambank erosion from upstream development. In some instances, detention may be shown to exacerbate potential flooding conditions downstream. Therefore, the "Zone of Influence" criteria (Reference Section of iSWM) shall be applied in addition to these criteria. Dry" Detention Basins 1. Detention Basins shall be required when downstream facilities within the "Zone of Influence" are not adequately sized to convey a design storm based on current TOWN criteria for hydraulic capacity. Detention basins may not be required if downstream improvements that shall result in sufficient hydraulic capacity are proposed by the TOWN within a relatively short period of time. CM-32 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual 2. Calculated proposed storm water discharge from a site shall not exceed the calculated discharges from existing conditions, unless sufficient downstream capacity above existing discharge conditions is available. 3. The Modified Rational Method is allowed for planning and conceptual design for watersheds of 200 acres and less. For final design purposes the Modified Rational Method is allowed only for watersheds of 25 acres and less (see Table 2.1. 1-2). 4. Detention Basins draining watersheds over 25 acres shall be designed using a detailed unit hydrograph method acceptable to the Town of Westlake. These include Snyder's Unit Hydrograph 100 acres) and SCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph (any size). The SCS method is also allowed for basins with watersheds less than 25 acres (see Table 2.1.1-2). 5. Detention Basins shall be designed for the 2-year, 10-year, 25-year and 100-year storm for the critical storm duration (i.e. 3-hour, 6-hour, or 24-hour storm duration) that results in the maximum (or near maximum) peak flow. 6. Detention Basins shall be designed with access for tracked earthwork equipment with a 10-foot crown width on any embankment. 7. Earthen (grassed) embankment slopes shall NOT exceed 4:1. Concrete lined or structural embankment can be steeper with the acceptance of the Town Engineer, or designee. 8. A calculation summary shall be provided on construction plans. For detailed calculations of unit hydrograph studies, a separate report shall be provided to the Town Staff for review and referenced on the construction plans. Stage -storage -discharge values shall be tabulated and flow calculations for discharge structures shall be shown on the construction plans. 9. An emergency spillway shall be provided at the 100-year maximum storage elevation with sufficient capacity to convey the fully urbanized 100-year storm assuming blockage of the closed conduit portion outlet works with six inches of freeboard. Spillway requirements must also meet all appropriate state and Federal criteria. 10. Design calculations shall be provided for all spillways. 11. All detention basins shall be stabilized against significant erosion and include a maintenance plan. 12. State rules and regulations regarding impoundments shall be observed including 30 TAC Chapter 299, Dams and Reservoirs (TCEQ). 13. In accordance with Texas Water Code §11, all surface impoundments not used for domestic or livestock purposes must obtain a water rights permit from the TCEQ. A completed permit for the proposed use, or written documentation stating that a permit is not required, must be obtained. All detention facility designs shall include a landscaping plan 14. Retention/detention ponds shall resemble natural ponds; in addition: a) The pond should expand gradually from the inlet towards the outlet, insuring that there are no dead zones". That is, water entering the pond gradually spreads out and uniformly displaces the water already present in the pond. b) The length -to -width ratio should be three to one or greater, to provide a long flow path. c) The average permanent pond depth should be greater than five feet. d) A ten- to 20-foot-wide shallow bench shall be provided along the shores of the permanent pond for safety and to encourage the development of bottom growth in these areas. This vegetation will enhance the biologic treatment characteristics of the pond and also enhance the "natural" appearance of the pond. e) Where slope erosion protection is needed for the side slopes of a pond, rock or geotextiles are required as approved by the town manager or his designee. Exposed concrete surfaces shall be faced with embedded rock or masonry. Bare concrete shall only be permitted with the express written permission of the board of aldermen. Side slopes should be no steeper than 4:1 where feasible for reasons of public safety and maintenance. Wet" Detention Basins and Amenity Ponds Wet detention basins maintain a permanent pool with additional storage capacity to detain storm water. Amenity ponds may or may not include this additional storage. The depth of a wet or amenity pond is generally seven (7) to ten (10) feet to prevent algal growth, although greater depths are possible with artificial mixing. The objective is to avoid thermal stratification that could result in odor problems or CM-33 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual recycling of nutrients. Gentle artificial mixing may be needed in small ponds because they are effectively sheltered from the wind. If properly designed, constructed, and maintained, wet ponds shall not only reduce peak storm water flows, but also improve water quality and can be an attractive feature of a development. Below are guidelines for wet detention basins in addition to those presented under "Dry" Detention Basins. a) Must be appropriately aerated according to normal pool size unless specifically accepted by the Town Engineer, or designee. b) Provisions shall be made to ensure that normal water surface elevation is maintained through the use of ground wells or the Town's water supply unless surface water supply can be justified based on drainage area to pond. (general requirement is 12 acres of drainage area for every acre-foot of normal pool storage). c) Ten -foot (10') wide maintenance access shall be provided with a slope of 6:1 or flatter. d) A debris filter must be provided for all outlet structures. e) Design shall provide adequate capacity for trapped sediment for five (5) years. f) To minimize short-circuiting, the inlet and outlet should be placed at opposite ends of the pond or baffling shall be installed to direct the water to the opposite end before returning to the outlet. Dead space should be avoided. g) To limit water loss by infiltration through the bottom of the pond either an artificial liner or a clay liner may be used. Natural material may be used if a geotechnical report is provided by a licensed professional engineer to assure it shall not leach out the bottom or sides of the pond. h) Reference iSWM Section 5.2.21 "Storm Water Ponds" for additional guidance on the design of Wet Ponds. The water quality and streambank protection criteria described in this iSWM section are not currently required by the City. Section 4.5.1 — General Storage Concepts ADOPTED Section 4.5.2 — Symbols and Definitions ADOPTED Section 4.5.3 — General Storage Design Procedures ADOPTED Section 4.5.4 — Preliminary Detention Calculations ADOPTED Section 4.6 — Outlet Structures ADOPTED Section 4.7 — Energy Dissipation Section 4.7.1 — Overview ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Channel Transitions, Energy Dissipation Structures, or Small Dams A backwater analysis is required by the Town of Westlake, using HEC-RAS, to determine accurate tailwater elevation and velocities, headlosses, headwater elevations, velocities and floodplains affected by the proposed transition into and out of 1) An improved channel, 2) Any on -stream energy dissipating structures, and 3) Small dams (less than 6 feet). If the current effective FEMA model for the stream is a HEC-2 model. FEMA no longer recognizes HEC-2 as an acceptable model for current applications. The engineer shall convert the current effective HEC-2 model to HEC-RAS for analysis of proposed conditions. For larger dams, a hydrologic routing shall be required, as well as hydraulic analysis, to determine impacts of the proposed structure on existing floodplains and adjacent properties. CM-34 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Exceptions may be granted for small outfall channels (with the acceptance of the Town Engineer, or designee) with drainage areas of 10 acres or less and no nearby downstream restrictions. CM-35 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Examples of Open Channel Transition Structures Details and Specifications and application guidance for Harris County Flood Control District Straight Drop Structure and Bureau of Reclamation Baffled Chute (Basin IX) can be found in Harris County Flood Control District Policy Criteria& Procedure Manual (See references section for description). A computer program associated with FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 14 is "HY8Energy" dated May 2000. This program provides guidance in the selection and sizing of a broad range of energy dissipaters including some of those listed in Chapter 4 of the iSWM manual. Section 4.7.2 — Symbols and Definitions ADOPTED Section 4.7.3 — Design Guidelines ADOPTED Section 4.7.4 — Riprap Aprons ADOPTED Section 4.7.5 — Riprap Basins ADOPTED Section 4.7.6 — Baffled Outlets ADOPTED Section 4.7.7 — Grade Control Structures ADOPTED Section 4.8 — Easements for Open Channels and Detention Ponds LOCAL CRITERIA SECTION ONLY Drainage Easement Criteria: 1. Drainage easements are required for both on -site and off -site public storm drain channels and ponds. Results of a backwater hydraulic analysis (plus freeboard) shall determine easement requirements. Buffer zones must also be provided for access and to guard against nuisances created from natural erosion processes. Also see Item 6 below. 2. Floodway/Drainage easements shall be provided on -site along FEMA streams with delineated floodways. Floodway easements shall encompass the entire area of the floodway shown on the Effective FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map. 3. Drainage easements shall include a minimum of ten -foot (10') margin on both sides beyond actual top of bank for improved earthen channels. Retaining walls are not permitted within or adjacent to a drainage easement in order to reduce the easement width. 4. Natural creeks shall have a dedicated drainage easement encompassing the 100-year fully developed floodplain plus ten (10) feet on each side of this floodplain. The minimum finished floor elevation for lots impacted by natural creeks shall be a minimum of two (2) feet above the fully developed 100 year water surface elevation. 5. Concrete Lined Channels and Gabion Lined Channels shall have drainage easements dedicated to meet the requirements of the width of the channel, the one -foot freeboard above the 100 year fully developed water surface elevation, and any access routes. The minimum finished floor elevation for lots adjacent to Concrete Lined and Gabion Lined Channels shall be a minimum of two (2) feet above the fully developed 100 year water surface. The top of the lining in curves shall provide the two (2) foot of freeboard in the design frequency storm. 6. All detention and retention structures shall be located within drainage easements. Maintenance shall be provided by the developer/land owner. The Town of Westlake provides maintenance only on regional detention facilities. The limit of the easement shall include all freeboard as stated in Section 4.5 plus any access route around the perimeter of the facility. CM-36 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual 7. The entire reach or each section of any drainage facility must be readily accessible to maintenance equipment. Additional easement(s) shall be required at the access point(s) and the access points shall be appropriately designed to restrict access by the public. References ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Harris County Flood Control District, October 2004, Policy, Criteria and Procedure Manual for Approval and Acceptance of Infrastructure, Houston, Texas. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, August, 1992, Design and Construction of Grouted Riprap, ETL 1110-2- 334. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, July 1991/June 1994, Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels, EM 1110-2-1601. U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation , Hydraulic Design of Stilling Basins and Energy Dissipaters, January 1978, Engineering Monograph No. 25. CM-37 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual CHAPTER 5 - STORM WATER CONTROLS ADOPTED Chapter 5 of the iSWM Manual contains an exhaustive discussion and detailed examples of structural post -construction controls that can be implemented in land development to meet the goals of protecting water quality, minimizing streambank erosion, and reducing flood volumes. It is an excellent planning and design resource document and has valuable design examples that the Town of Westlake encourages local developers to consider in their site planning. Other measures not included in this section may be considered provided there is appropriate support for their use in the region. CM-38 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual iSWM APPENDICES Appendix A Rainfall Tables for North Central Texas Adopted Appendix B Hydrologic Soils Data Adopted Appendix C Federal, State and Regional Regulations and Programs Adopted Appendix D Dams and Reservoirs in Texas Adopted Appendix E iSWM Worksheets and Checklists Adopted Appendix F Landscaping and Aesthetics Guidance Adopted Appendix G Storm Water Computer Models Adopted with Modifications In addition to Storm Water Computer Models listed in Appendix G of the iSWM Manual, the Town of Westlake accepts appropriately applied versions of the following computer models. 1. STORMCAD by Haestad Methods and GeoPac by Bentley for analysis and design of storm sewer. 2. Gabion Design Programs by Maccaferri: a. Macra 1 for Channel Design b. GawacWIN for Retaining Wall Design 3. SWFHYD (formerly NUDALLAS) by Fort Worth District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for hydrologic routing studies (use only where model currently exists). 4. AdICPR (Advanced Interconnected Pond Routing) by Streamline Technologies, Inc. for complex hydrograph routing particularly detention ponds in series. 5. InfoWorks by Wallingford for complex dynamic hydrologic and hydraulic modeling. Appendix H Storm Water Control Design Examples Adopted CM-39 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual J w W J O o Y W = LL I o Z moo U [ Ifz0 0LL,0 O O Z Q zOZ Z J W H a' -% oo Op0 wJ O CoW OH 0QW Q TQT W z c7 w fn H W Q Q Q O O a1f [ifd7U1Q O z = om <Zoo 00W 0 Q >U XO FQ W d ( 1 ow ,¢ tn W H Q Q W Z Q W W vi v o > O Y wa p cwi z-O ? 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SECTION X-X N.T.S. JT REFER TO STD. DETAILS W-02 THROUGH W-04 FOR TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND QUANTITIES AND W-06 FOR GENERAL NOTES TOWN OF WESTLAKE HORIZONTAL SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD THRUST BLOCKD4 WESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 AT PIPE BEND DISTINCTIVE°, MIG, " WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 W-01 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual I.D. IN.) T IN.) 0 = 11.25' FT.) 0 22.50' FT.) E FT.) 4,6,8 0.4 1.5 1.5 0.9 10,12 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.2 16,18 0.6 1.5 1.5 1.6 20 0.7 1.5 1.5 1.8 24 0.9 1.5 1.5 2.1 30 2.9 1.5 1.9 2.6 36 4.5 1.5 2.3 3.3 42 5.0 1.8 2.6 3.8 48 5.5 2. 0 3.0 4.3 54 6.0 2.3 3.4 4.8 60 6.5 2. 5 3.8 5.3 66 6.8 2.8 4.1 5.7 72 7.5 3. 0 4.5 6.3 78 7.5 3.3 4.9 6.7 84 8.0 3. 5 5.3 7.2 9 0 8.5 3. 8 5.6 7.7 9 6 9.0 4. 0 6.0 8.2 I.D. IN.) 0 = 11.25' I.D. IN.) 0 = 22.50' G FT.) THRUST TONS) EARTH ROCK G FT.) THRUST TONS) EARTH ROCK A FT.) B FT.) VOL. C.Y.) A FT.) B FT.) VOL. C.Y.) A FT.) B FT.) VOL. C.Y.) A FT.) B FT.) VOL. C.Y.) 4,6,8 0.4 1.0 1.0 1.5 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.1 4,6,8 0.8 2.0 1.5 1.5 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.1 10,12 0.6 2.2 1.5 1.5 0.1 1.0 1.5 0.1 10,12 1. 1 4.4 2.0 2.5 0. 3 1.5 1.5 0.1 16,18 0.8 5.0 2. 0 2.5 0. 3 1.5 2. 0 0.2 16,18 1.6 9.9 3.0 3.5 0.6 2.0 2.5 0.3 20 0.9 6.2 2. 0 3.5 0.4 11.5 3. 0 10.3 20 1.8 12.3 13.5 3.5 10.7 12.0 3.0 10.4 24 1.1 8.9 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.5 3. 0 0.3 24 2.2 17.7 4.0 4.5 1.0 3.0 3.5 0.5 30 1.4 10.4 3. 0 3.5 0. 6 2. 0 3. 5 0.4 30 2.7 20.7 5.0 4.5 1.5 3.0 4.0 0.8 36 1.7 15.0 3. 5 4.5 0.9 2.0 4.0 0.5 36 3.3 29.8 5.5 5.5 2. 3 4.0 4.0 1.3 42 1.9 20.4 4.5 5.0 1.5 2. 5 5. 0 0.8 42 3.8 40.5 7.0 6.0 3.9 4.5 5.0 2.1 48 2.2 26.6 4.5 6.0 2. 0 2. 5 6. 0 1. 1 48 4. 4 52.9 8.0 7.0 5. 7 4.5 6.0 2.8 54 2.5 33.7 6. 0 6.0 3. 0 3. 0 6. 0 1.4 54 4.9 67.0 9. 0 8.0 8. 0 6. 0 6.0 4.1 60 2.7 41.6 6. 0 7.0 3. 8 3.0 7. 0 1 1.8 60 5.5 82.7 9. 5 9.0 10.6 6. 0 7.0 5.3 66 3.0 50.3 6. 5 8.0 5.1 3. 5 8. 0 2.7 66 6.0 100.1 10.5 10.0 14.1 6. 5 8.0 7.2 72 3.3 59.9 7. 5 8.0 6. 3 4.0 8. 0 3.3 72 6.6 119.1 11.0 11.0 17.6 7.5 8.0 9.1 78 3.6 70.2 8. 0 9.0 8.1 4.0 9. 0 3.9 78 7.1 139.8 12.0 12.0 22.5 8.0 9.0 11.7 84 3.8 81.5 8. 5 10.0 10.3 4.5 10.0 5.3 84 7.6 1 162.1 13.0 12.5 27.2 8.5 10.0 14.8 90 4.1 93.5 9.5 10.0 12.2 5. 0 10.0 6.3 90 8.2 186.1 14.0 13.5 33.7 9.5 10.0 17.7 96 4.4 106.4 10.0 11.0 15.0 5. 0 11.0 7.4 96 8.7 211.7 15.0 14.5 41.2 10.0 11.0 21.8 TABLES OF DIMENSIONS AND QUANTITIES TOWN OF WESTLAKE HORIZONTAL SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD THRUST BLOCK W " KE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 AT PIPE BEND WESTLA DISTINCTIVE °, M G, WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 W - 0 2 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual I.D. IN.) 0=30' I.D. IN.) 0= 45' G FT.) THRUST TONS) EARTH ROCK G FT.) THRUST TONS) EARTH ROCK A FT.) B FT.) VOL. C.Y.) A FT.) B FT.) VOL. C.Y.) A FT.) B FT.) VOL. C.Y.) A FT.) B FT.) VOL. C.Y.) 4,6,8 1.0 2.6 2. 0 1.5 0.2 1.0 1.5 0.1 4,6, 8 1.5 3. 9 2.0 2.0 0.2 1.5 1.5 0.1 10,12 1.5 5.9 2. 5 2.5 0.3 2.0 1.5 0.2 10,12 2.2 8. 7 3.5 2.5 0.5 2.0 2.5 0.3 16,18 2.2 13.2 3.5 4.0 0.8 2.5 3.0 0.4 16,18 3.2 19.5 4.5 4.5 1.2 3.0 3.5 0.6 20 2. 4 16.3 4.5 4.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 0.5 20 3.6 24.1 5.5 4.5 1.5 3.5 3.5 0.7 24 2. 9 23.4 6.0 4.0 1.4 3.5 3.5 0.7 24 4.3 34.6 8.0 4.5 2.3 4.5 4.0 1.1 30 3.6 27.5 6.5 5.0 1.9 3.5 4.0 0.9 30 5.4 40.6 8.5 5.0 3.2 5.5 4.0 1.6 36 4.4 39.5 7.0 6.0 3.4 4.5 4.5 1.6 36 6.5 58.5 10.0 6.0 5.3 6.5 4.5 2.6 42 5.1 53.8 8.0 7.0 5.1 5.5 5.0 2.5 42 7.5 79.6 11.5 7.0 8.1 8.0 5.0 4.2 48 5.8 70.3 9.0 8.0 7.4 6.0 6.0 3.7 48 8.6 104.0 13.0 8.0 11.9 9.0 6.0 6.3 54 6.5 89.0 10.0 9.0 10.3 7.0 6.5 5.3 54 9.7 131.5 15.0 9.0 17.1 10.5 6.5 8.9 60 7.3 110.0 11.0 10.0 13.9 7.5 7.5 7.3 60 10.7 162.4 16.5 10.0 23.1 11.0 7.5 12.0 66 8.0 132.9 12.5 11.0 18.9 8.5 8.0 9.6 66 11.8 196.5 18.0 11.0 30.1 12.0 8.5 16.2 72 8.7 158.2 13.5 12.0 24.0 9.0 9.0 12.3 72 12.9 233.9 19.5 12.0 38.6 14.0 8.5 20.7 78 9.4 185.6 14.5 13.0 30.0 10.0 9.5 15.6 78 13.9 274.5 21.5 13.0 49.8 14.5 9.5 25.9 84 10.1 215.3 15.5 14.0 37.1 10.5 10.5 19.5 84 15.0 318.4 23.0 14.0 61.2 15.5 10.5 32.6 90 10.9 247.1 16.5 15.0 45.0 11.5 11.0 23.9 90 16.1 365.5 24.5 15.0 74.5 17.5 10.5 39.6 96 11.6 281.2 18.0 16.0 55.5 12.5 11.5 28.9 96 17.1 415.6 26.0 16.0 89.5 18.5 11.5 48.5 I.D. IN.) 0 = 67.50' I.D. IN.) 0 = 90' G FT.) THRUST TONS) EARTH ROCK G FT.) THRUST TONS) EARTH ROCK A FT.) B FT.) VOL. C.Y.) A FT.) B FT.) VOL. C.Y.) A FT.) B FT.) VOL. C.Y.) A FT.) B FT.) VOL. C.Y.) 4,6,8 2.1 5.6 3. 0 2.0 0.3 2.0 1.5 0.2 4,6, 8 2.7 7.1 5.0 1.5 0. 4 2. 0 2.0 0.2 10,12 3.1 12.6 5. 5 2. 5 0.8 3.5 2.0 0.4 10,12 4.0 16. 0 6.5 2. 5 1.0 3. 5 2.5 0.5 16,18 4.7 28.3 7. 5 4.0 1.9 5.5 3.0 0. 9 16,18 6.0 36.0 9. 0 4.0 2. 4 4.5 4.0 1.0 20 5.2 34.9 9. 0 4.0 2.3 5.5 3.5 1.2 20 6.6 44.4 10.0 4.5 3.1 6. 0 4.0 1.5 24 6.2 50.3 11.5 4.5 3.5 6.5 4.0 1.6 24 7.9 64.0 14.5 4.5 5.0 8. 0 4.0 2.1 30 7.8 58.9 12.0 5. 0 4.8 7.5 4.0 2.2 30 9.9 75.0 15.0 5. 0 6.7 10.0 4.0 3.3 36 9.4 84.9 14.5 6.0 8.2 9.5 4.5 3.8 36 11.9 108.0 18.0 6. 0 11.4 12.0 4.5 5.3 42 10.9 115.5 17.0 7. 0 12.8 11.0 5.5 6. 3 42 13.9 147.0 21.0 7. 0 17.8 14.0 5.5 8.7 48 12.5 150.9 19.0 8.0 18.4 13.0 6.0 9. 2 48 15.9 192.0 24.0 8. 0 26. 2 16.0 6.0 12.4 54 14.0 191.0 21.5 9.0 26.0 15.0 6.5 12.9 54 17.9 243.0 27.0 9. 0 36.9 18.0 7.0 18.1 60 15.6 235.8 1 24.0 10.01 35.6 1 16.0 7.5 1 17.6 60 1 19.9 299.8 1 30.0 10.0 1 50. 3 20.0 1 7.5 1 24.0 66 17.1 285.3 26.0 11.0 46.0 18.0 8.0 23.0 66 21.8 362.8 33.0 11.0 66. 2 22.0 8.5 32.5 72 18.7 339.5 28.5 12.0 57.8 19.0 9.0 28.4 72 23.8 431.8 36.0 12.0 85.6 24.0 9.0 41.0 78 20.2 398.5 31.0 13.0 75.7 21.0 9.5 37.4 78 25.7 506.7 39.0 13.0 108.2 26.0 10.0 53.2 84 21.8 462.1 33.5 14.0 94.7 22.0 10.5 46.5 84 27.7 587.7 42.0 14.0 134.4 28.0 10.5 64.8 90 23.3 530.5 35.5 15.0 114.4 24.5 11.0 58.2 90 29.0 674.6 45.0 15.0 164.9 30.0 11.5 81.2 96 24.9 603.6 38.0 16.0 138.9 1 25.5 12.0 70.0 96 31.6 767.5 48.0 16.0 199.0 32.0 12.0 95.1 TABLES OF DIMENSIONS AND QUANTITIES TOWN OF WESTLAKE HORIZONTAL SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD THRUST BLOCK WEST ° LW " KE ° ` BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 AT PIPE BEND A DISTINCTIVE Bi MIN, WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 W-03 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual m SEPTEMBER 2022 PLAN OF PLUG THRUST BLOCK N.T.S. PIPE O.D. m BASE OF BLOCK SQUARE BASE OF A BLOCK SQUARE In 1n C PLAN OF TEE THRUST BLOCK N.T.S. EARTH ROCK I.D. IN. THRUST TONS) C FT. A FT. VOL. C.Y. A FT. VOL. C.Y. 468 5.1 1.5 2. 5 0.3 2.0 0. 2 10,12 11.3 1.5 3. 5 0.6 2.5 0. 3 16,18 25.5 2.0 5. 5 1.6 4.0 0.9 20 31.5 2.0 6. 0 1.9 4.0 0.9 24 45.2 2.5 7. 0 3.1 5.0 1.7 30 53.0 3.0 7. 5 4.1 5.5 2.4 36 76.3 4.0 9.0 7.3 6.5 4.2 42 104.0 4.5 10.5 11.0 7.5 6. 2 48 136.0 5.0 12.0 15.6 8.5 8. 7 54 172.0 5.5 13.5 21.4 9.5 11.9 60 212.0 6.0 15.0 28.4 10.5 15.7 66 257.0 6.5 16.5 36.8 11.5 20.5 72 305.0 7.5 17.5 47.2 12.5 27.2 78 358.0 8.0 19.0 58.9 13.5 33.7 84 416.0 8.5 20.5 72. 3 14.5 41.2 90 477.0 9.0 22.0 87.7 15.5 49.7 96 543.0 9.5 23.5 104.8 16.5 61.0 4 WESTLAKE DISTINCTIVE UI -C„ IGM TOWN OF WESTLAKE 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 REFER TO STD. DETAIL W-06 FOR GENERAL NOTES HORIZONTAL THRUST BLOCK W-04 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual REINFORCING BARS TRENCH WIDTH no Bd r-A Bd + 2' MIN. A ELEVATION "B-B" N.T.S. GROUND GROUND REFER TO STD. DETAIL W-06 FOR GENERAL NOTES d d qd.l ,I A la.e VARIABLE APPROX. SAME LENGTH AS BEND) B SECTION "A - A" N.T.S. ASSUMED HORIZONTAL VERTICAL COMPONENT OF THRUST = TABULATED VALUE 0 REINFORCING BARS 4 @ 12" CENTERS. FOR PIPE SIZES GREATER THAN 12" REINFORCING SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER. 0 11.25' 22.50° 30° 45° 67.50° 90° 0 I.D. IN.) THRUST TONS) VOL. C.Y.) THRUST TONS) VOL. C.Y.) THRUST TONS) VOL. C.Y.) THRUST TONS) VOL. C.Y.) THRUST TONS) VOL. C.Y.) THRUST TONS) VOL. C.Y.) I.D. IN.) 4,6, 8 1.0 0.5 2.0 1.0 2.5 1.3 3.6 1.8 4.6 2.3 5.0 2.5 4,6,8 10,12 2. 2 1.1 4. 3 2.2 5.7 2.8 8.0 4.0 10.5 5.2 11.3 5.7 10,12 16,18 5. 0 2.5 9.7 4.9 12.7 6.4 18.0 9.0 23.5 11.8 25.5 12.7 16,18 20 6.1 3.1 12.0 6.0 15.7 7.9 22.2 11.1 29.2 14.5 31.4 15.7 20 24 8. 2 4. 4 17.3 8.7 22.6 11.3 32.0 16.0 41.8 20.9 45.2 22.6 24 30 10.5 5.2 20.3 10.1 26.5 13.3 37.5 18.8 49.0 24.5 53.1 26.5 30 36 14.9 7.5 29.2 14.6 38.2 19.1 54.0 27.0 70.5 35.3 76.4 38.2 36 42 20.3 10.1 39.8 19.9 52.0 26.0 73.5 36.7 96.0 48.0 104.0 52.0 42 48 26.5 13.2 51. 9 26.0 67.9 33.9 96.0 48.0 126.0 62. 7 136.0 67.9 48 54 33.5 16.8 65.7 32.9 85.9 42.9 122.0 60.7 159.0 79. 4 172.0 85.9 54 60 41.4 20.7 81.2 40.6 106.0 53.0 150.0 75.0 196.0 98.0 212.0 106.0 60 66 50.1 25.0 98.2 49.1 128.0 64.2 182.0 90.7 237.0 119.0 257.0 128.0 66 72 59.6 29.8 117.0 58.4 153.0 76.3 216.0 108.0 282.0 141.0 305.0 153.0 72 78 69.9 35.0 137.0 68.6 179.0 90.0 254.0 127.0 331.0 166.0 358.0 179.0 78 84 81.1 40.5 159.0 79.5 208.0 104.0 294.0 147.0 384.0 192.0 416.0 208.0 84 90 93.1 46.5 183.0 91.3 239.0 119.0 337.0 169.0 441.0 221.0 477.0 239.0 90 96 106.0 53.0 208.0 104.0 272.0 136.0 384.0 192.0 502.0 251.0 543.0 272.0 96 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD WEST ° LW " KE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 ADISTINCTIVE °, E„G, WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 VERTICAL THRUST BLOCK AT PIPE BEND W- 05 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual GENERAL NOTES FOR ALL THRUST BLOCKS: 1. CONCRETE FOR BLOCKING SHALL BE CLASS "B". 2. ALL CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON INTERNAL PRESSURE OF 200 PSI FOR DUCTILE IRON, P.V.C., AND 150 PSI FOR CONCRETE PIPE. 3. VOLUMES OF THRUST BLOCKS ARE NET VOLUMES OF CONCRETE TO BE FURNISHED. THE CORRESPONDING WEIGHT OF THE CONCRETE (CLASS "B") IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THE VERTICAL COMPONENT OF THE THRUST ON THE VERTICAL BEND. 4. WALL THICKNESS (T) ASSUMED HERE FOR ESTIMATING PURPOSES ONLY. 5. POUR CONCRETE FOR BLOCK AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTH. 6. DIMENSIONS MAY BE VARIED AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS WHERE AND AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. THE VOLUME OF CONCRETE BLOCKING SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN SHOWN HERE. 7. THE SOIL BEARING PRESSURES ARE BASED ON 1000 LBS./S.F. IN SOIL AND 2000 LBS./S.F. IN ROCK. 8. USE 8 MIL POLYETHYLENE WRAP OR EQUAL BETWEEN CONCRETE AND BEND, TEE, OR PLUG TO PREVENT THE CONCRETE FROM STICKING TO IT. 9. CONCRETE SHALL NOT EXTEND BEYOND JOINTS. TOWN OF WESTLAKE THRUST BLOCK SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD GENERAL BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 NOTES WESTLAKE WESTLAKEDISTINCTIVEor [ ic i ,,,, f TEXAS 76262 W — 0 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual SIZE OF WATER LINE 4 BARS @ 12" O.C EX IMPRESSED DOUBLE ARROW TO SHOW ORIENTATION OF WATER LINE 4 BARS @—\ CLASS "C" CONIC. BASE BLOCK 2`—O" L/ |V|A|N LETTERS TO BE 3~ HIGH, 2~ WIDE, AND IMPRESSED 1/4- INTO CONCRETE. STROKE WIDTH SHALL BE ^ cz (TYPICAL ALL VALVE BLOCKS) NO SEPARATE PAY). IF VALVE IS ON FIRE HYDRANT LEAD, INSERT F.H. INSTEAD OF IffmAmoll ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX BA0<RLL AS SPECIFIED FOR PIPE MATERIAL CLASS "C" CONC. BLOCK FOR ASPHALT PAVEMENT PATCH. PATCH CONCRETE PAVEMENT PER NCTCOG ITEM 402 GATE VALVE (TYP,) L AS SPECIFIED FOR PIPE NOTES: 1. THE VALVE AND JOINT ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE WRAPPED IN POLYETHYLENE ACCORDING TO AWWA C105. 2 THE JOINT TYPE SHALL BE MECHANICAL JOINT UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THE PLANS. 1 GATE VALVE SHALL, BE RESILIENT SEAT TYPE WITH A NON RISING STEM AND A 2—INCH SQUARE OPERATOR. RESILIENT SEAT GATE VALVE SHALL CONFORM TO AWWA C509. 4. A PERMANENTLY ATTACHED VALVE EXTENSION STEM SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ANY VALVE WITH AN OPERATING NUT LOCATED IN EXCESS OF 4 FEET BELOW THE TOP OF VALVE BOX. THIS EXTENSION SHALL BE SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ENSURE THAT ITS TOP IS WITHIN 18~ — 24^ OF VALVE BOX L|D 5, 16^ AND LARGER GATE VALVES REQUIRE CONCRETE BLOCK UNDER THE VALVE BODY. 8 ALL VALVE COVERS SHALL BE PAINTED BLUE, 7 A ~ V^ SHALL BE SAW CUT IN THE CURB AT ALL VALVE LOCATIONS. TOWN OFWE T VALVE GATE ' ,' `, T K O mr 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD INSTALLATION BLDG. 3U| 72OO U »«T 4ms ' " U VV /l-7 | U VVESTLANE, TEXAS 76262 U ,,--»/ | Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual NOTE: IN UNPAVED AREAS, INSTALL 2'X2'X6" CONCRETE VALVE PAD FLUSH WITH THE TOP OF VALVE BOX. REINFORCE WITH #3 BARS ON 6" CENTERS BOTH WAYS. o o . . p ° p v . 0. 4v 0 ROADWAY BASE IF VALVE OPERATING NUT IS MORE THAN 3' BELOW PAVEMENT SURFACE - PROVIDE EXTENSION STEM TO 1' BELOW SURFACE DRAWING PERTAINS TO ALL GATE VALVE SIZES 4" THRU 12" INSTALL "NO FLOW INFLOW" VALVE BOX DEBRIS SHIELD INSERT o o . MAINp 0 4 v O. o o . v . 0 0 4 GATE VALVE BOX AND EXTENSION STEM N.T.S. PAVING OR OTHER SURFACE MATERIAL VALVE BOX DOMESTIC ONLY) LOCKING CLIP GATE VALVE WRAP IN M&H POLY OR APPROVED EQUAL TORQUE BOLTS PRIOR TO BACKFILL t- - CONCRETE BLOCKING REFER TO BLOCKING DETAILS W-01-W-06) V TOWN OF WESTLAKE GATE VALVE SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD 4" TO 12" BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200WESTLAKE W-08 J;NMY ° M CA . . WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual QD Al O F oLLJ m m a °. W v LLJ L. W W q W U p LLJ v. F- w W O U ry 0 a:5; wwU Of CHA ,9) „ 0-, 6 a_ a_ o I HA ,g) „9-,L o z zU) o p a_ LiJ LJ J p W i< v B . U cn W `i v p p. V vp v 7 . a' O I rTi777-T/77-7-/l v .p. Q d ° s N U J l w U m O U i Z 0 m O of Q g w O w O U U cn cn m Z co p Z Q c m U LLJ 2 Of C 7LLJ UZ Of C/") O \ U O U JFZQ W U U Z W ap p. v v ap 0 O. v p a 1 I I r/77T/777-T/771 L// I I I a o ° x p v Q Z_ I LJ Y J inQI-- O U O J O Z CD Q m w 2 Z CD O OU Z 0 LO Z Q Z a LLJ Cn Y Cr U U (DJ Z m O U Of i O d d Lr) (n U Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Of O = U J LLJ Q > X V) CD (!) O w w V) CDU Z Q C-D U or_O C) 0 Ld CCLij m WOmLij (/) > Q W W ULd m Cnw0 >w a g o CD p Of L 20- W p 0- of ZII i o coZZOoU cn N w w p p` cJU WOfl 04 04 a I4 LU CD of w coJ LLJ 0O N w mNW U UZ_ oo p w z N Q Z W O O N I.I U Lj o Y z Nag bt/3l aZ I I CU C. 3 U o .` co O m (n N N O to Cfl MID „ Z 1.1 a ~a II AIF II w W I Q n' Q O w uj W m a Q U Via; m w Of L j a v< cr N J coU g W a- W p LLJ OZ XpmJCDZw c v~.) m z L.L. V N O m Q Z W O cD z F m p Z LJ Qp W p W d J d J w Ld Z Q w o Yra.r'. C L1 W v 0 aco W oa' \ U 0 ,. O e 00 m p mLLJ 0 wW QO> a_ W W WY^ W cn Z Q g QO >- J p Q (/) Uw> Z Z p C7 Q LL J J Um Q of U Q~ clf p p L J o w Q c n ZZ m OL`J N aNpz<Q pa m o Q oU W W N Lli w d x I - a- W m lea- O W J 2' ~ W N m N W L a- m coo Z Lncn coo cn U OZcn m m L J U cn ULLJ CO N Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual SEE NOTE 2 VERTICAL GATE VALVE >- 16" IN s. ••o:: •a a. ••o:: •a H T 12" MAX. s NO. 5 BARS, o:: • V1. • o:: v 12 C—C SEE NOTE 1 NO. 6 BARS, 6" C—C PLAN VIEW LESS MANHOLE FRAME COVER INSTALLATION) N.T.S. GATE VALVE SIZE A B C D DIMENSION TABLE E F G H J K L M 16" 20" 20" 12" 12" 44 1/2" 1" 48" 12" 10" 24" 12" 16" 18" 20" 20" 12" 12" 51 3/8" 2" 48" 12" 12" 24" 12" 18" 20" 22" 18" 12" 12" 56 5/8" 1" 54" 12" 12" 24" 16" 20" 24" 26" 14" 12" 12" 64 3/8" 1" 60" 18" 14" 30" 18" 24" 30" 28" 12" 12" 12" 80 5/8" 3" 66" 18" 18" 30" 20" 30" 36" 32" 8" 12" 12" 90 1/16" 4" 72" 18" 18" 36" 24" 36" 42" 34" 6" 15" 9" 107 3/4" 5" 78" 24" 20" 36" 30" 42" 48" 36" 4" 14" 10" 121 5/8" 4" 90" 24" 26" 42" 36" 48" 54" 36" 4" 9" 15" 142 1/2" 3" 102" 24" 32" 46" 40" 54" NOTES: 1. PROVIDE CORPORATION AND CURB STOPS A MAXIMUM OF 12" FROM EACH END OF GATE VALVE, AS SHOWN. CORPORATION AND CURB STOP SIZES SHALL BE 1" FOR 16", 20", AND 24" NOMINAL PIPE DIAMETERS; 2" FOR 30" AND LARGER DIAMETERS. 2" TAPS SHALL BE MADE AS A 2" FLANGED OUTLET WITH INSULATED ADAPTOR KIT. COPPER RISERS SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN THE CORPORATION AND CURB STOPS. CURB STOPS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT AN ELEVATION 12" ABOVE THE TOP SURFACE OF VAULT BOTTOM SLAB. 2. POLYURETHANE CUSHION PAD. 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE VERTICAL SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD GATE VALVE WESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 W-1 1 DISTINC°IVEo, MIWESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual VERTICAL GATE VALVE >! 16" FOR TABLE OF DIMENSIONS SECTION "A -A" 101 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE VERTICAL SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD GATE VALVE IT° W " BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200WESTLAKE WESTLAKE TEXAS 76262 W- 2 DISTINCTIVE or [ ic i f Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual J W W fo W J m o c m a m of Q= J W U L W Q Ofw W 00N o CD Q Lli a- QNN o i- pp cn I CD z in W? o W H (/) ova oc n I A. a. oa W M05x Lda ~ Z I 0 W O W2 0 cn a> CDO Q Y N Z U Z J omw To o U-) 0 00ui Al Z Ln - W p Ia- yy J W W cn Z_ a- LW (=CD jla- g w z N m N I I l" I a- Z o ry I N w D W N N N mm W W F- m O 0 Z J (.D W cn W CD C6 W 0 W LLJm Q Z U J W 0 J WZ L Z WJ) Z Z W (D m Z p U Z U W Q IJi O li U U') W Q WU') of m U Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Ofw Ln O I Of W Ln a 2ry mmL 2 00 nl LLJ J Li ry LLJ m 03 03 wl IRI UR Z wCDO 2 I z w LLJ m LLJ J J Q(a Q W X U CD m w J 11 , wJ O 2 Q Z 0 U) Q U p LLJ t~n a_ U u cV cn Of mm LO LLJ J LL. vi O z Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual NOTES: 1. METER BOXES ON PROPERTY LINE, CLOSE TO SIDEWALK, BUT NO IN SIDEWALK. NOT TO BE SET IN DRIVE APPROACH. 2. SERVICE TAPS LOCATIONS SHALL BE MARKED WITH A "W" ENGRADED (GROUND) INTO THE CURB. W" ON CURB CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER d a 8.5' TYP. 5.5' TYP. i d1 d d° TAPPING SADDLE TO BE EPDXY COATED W/ STAINLESS BANDS CORPORATION STOP (FORD) WITH COMPRESSION FITTING 2" FB1000-7G W/ I.P. MALE ADAPTOR B81-777WR 2" ANGLE CURB STOP 2" POLY PIPE W/ STAINLESS INSERTS 1'—O" METER BOX DFW37C-12-1 F; DFW38C-14-1 DF; DFW65C-14-1 DF; DFW1730WBC-18-1 8"-10" TYP. USE CURB STOP FOR 2"METERS (FORD) WITH LOCKING MECHANISM AND COMPRESSION FITTING. USE GATE VALVE FOR FOR 3" & LARGER METERS TOWN OF WESTLAKE WATER SEPTEMBER 2022 4 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD SERVICE IT WESTLAKE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 CONNECTION DISTINC°IVEBi MIWESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 W-15 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual LIJ F-- LIJ Q U I co a- a: Uw I wQa x ? w cn N Of Q Jo Z 0 a_ LLJ a = W 0ON N oo wo N Woo N Z d J z a m U n co o o of J LLJ O O~a m U (n J O a W m U% W a Q w = Z I Ncnag mar m Om(n J LdLowm03 LIJ O c O Q oY U o-j LIJLUw Q z- Ad 7 CD M a 0 W Nw w w N z.: o OQQ 00 Z Q WOQ x N w III U CO CD m t I m o 0 0 0 0 w J O O O O O U X X X X X Q= O O O O O M M M M M O O O p cD I I I I I in i[) in co p co co 0 0 0 I I I I I i+ i+ it7 it7 iD 0 0 0 00 0 J I I I I I in in iD o0 rn LLI RNM CO 00 p V7 O W LMi Lei Lpi L m m m m m Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual W 1 LiJ m U I w I cn Q o Z U p J LLJ p W p O 0C)N Z 00 L zw a CNO LLJ ! Ioz z J ¢ J W 0LLJ- LU CNLLJ V•I0- C¢.D O aLL ooQ W mNX Z M oom m w Y O o Hr Z I 1 0 zm0 z z Ng aa o w o0°c~n0 O) 0 3 J N Z J w Z Z C> a wg I I m a w I I w N J om w o y wI:" NNN IyIW w mO J I W v ww I N Z U I p J¢o< I z Q N p coNo _ R m WI N a Z® wwwm J I I m m o cm w m z < m m LU I O O > I O N ui ui of a Z o o a J Li OO t0 O ¢ q— I I U- wpmowcwm0U a z I Z I m a p CR I< L cn oQ o JJ W W mmYU I oN= w mwNZ0z¢ CDm I I cn Q J p L d J 3 3 W L< w N p J W w W W W R O H m¢ m W_ W j w U N cm = OW U NZ ( n U Z O p" m w U M to > W m Z LLJ U> Giw d m oo om Mm => J W yZNHN Q m Lc, a N¢ b-91— m 33S ZCD m Of Z¢ Z 1M QQ U w W ¢ yrjd jj O to J Z O Z Q 03 O wa W U R Y w w N Q o> ¢CDJ3m O N K) 4 ui CO I Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual LLJ w >vaCD LNofY J w Iw wz U 0 z < o w J 2 9 > LLJ W OON wa oQ LLJ of porO O QNJoampJLLJ L N Q N Z aN w = zo w a_Q g w o N No z Nag N pm o a `` X O 0 3 Z xCD LLJUJ W Z z oY r w . d n w O o- co a Q w w w .:. w w cn`r ui o ui CD N Ll cff)CD N CD N o Zl00, m w m r NIW , I Z w w d CD w t 7 o 0 0 o 0 0 W J 0 0 0 0 0 0 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual LLJ F-- LLJ m o DUI Z U p Z w LLJ Q o Q= Uw>>I p = ~ CY U W z w 0CD00 Q Q Z p Z W N O U CD p Qg w -w J p jLLJ W OON Woo aLLJw00OQ w w-iZp W wr-(0Q L D I- 9) O 5 W mN r ~ IIII Z Ld o O O Y Nag op 0mw w J IWN I o p w a_ Q w w s J e t~LU 0 000000 w z zl o w 000000 N F o N NwIO a C Q a z N cnL I of aLli zCD C® C wl m O cnw LLJ w z wlcn a_ a i, LiJ of U) C3 w In W J w CD Z N W a Z N w b-LI-M 33S utz lM Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual AIR VENT THIS RISER SHALL BE AS NEAR AS PRACTICAL TO R.O.W. LINES, AT LEAST 6' BEYOND SHOULDER OF ROAD STD. 30" C.I. M.H. FRAME AND COVER BASS & HAYS BH—VRM-30 4 4" PVC DRAIN a. PAINTED COLOR TO DETERMINED BY TOWN PUSH —ON JOINT/ COUPLING AT GROUND LEVEL 1 /4" X 3/4" GALVANIZED STRAPS DRILLED TO D.I. PIPE CRUSHED ROCK POCKET STD. 4' DIA. PRECAST 1' MIN o MANHOLE RISING GRADE TYPE "2" AIR VALVE N.T.S. FLOWABLE FILL 2'-0' 4" D.I. PIPE FILLED WITH CONCRETE. 3' MIN. BURY DEPTH TOWN OF WESTLAKE TYPE "2" SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD AIR VALVE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200WESTLAKE W-18 DISTINCTIVE Bi MIWESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual GALVANIZED IRO"' OR C.I. CA EXPANDED METAL SCREEN GALVANIZED CARBON STEEL 1/2"-18" GAUGE AIR VENT N.T.S. A VANIZED IRON C.I., D.I. PIPE n AIR VALVE GATE VALVE FLG. OUTLET MIN. FITTING HEIGHT VENT PIPE D M.H. DIA. 2" 2" 8" 26" 2" 5' 3" 3" 18" 31" 3" 5' 4" 4" 18" 38" 4" 5' 6" 6" 18" 46" 6" 5' 8" 8" 18" 53" 8" 6' 10" 10" 20" 62" 10" 6' 12" 12" 24" 72" 12" 6' M CRUSHED ROCK POCKET TOWN OF WESTLAKE AIR RELEASE SEPTEMBER 2022 1500 SOLANA BOULEVARD VALVE BLDG. 7, SUITE 7200 TYPE "2» WESTLAKE WDISTINCTIVEorMiceWESTLAKE,e TEXAS 76262 W -19 Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual z zo" oO oaf Z z WLn D Jz Wova 3 — O XCj D W U x mQ > W OON CD 0- 1 Xo LLJ QNN a W ~ m cn r- O a_ o : 2 w w w m W J LiJ I- Lli O W J'° W QW U J CY 11 O= Q Q J W mN W Q .° m m J w p m J OW Q D CLI .. L Z W Q i> C1 U Cn = LQ w Of N m Z L j_ W o Y N ( QQ O W > W p N J C U .'. p > U) W Z U O (n Z (= OU ' ( n N M O O 0 L LL W Z ` w O ' SL_ cn = Q Cn N s J m W Q:f - ( A a Z 0 W LU p w O o 3 U W o vi O N = z W J Ln N wvco J n N w CDMm N o oN N JC U O M wN W Na_ QC F- D L LL N w O O I Z W p UD w Cn Ld a_ Z Cn Li Li LiO~ U J> O of Z O CD Q > O OUQ~ NO of W _ Qo 0 c9 OU Y Cn U m O N D cO N N U J Q Z W c% Xo z F- co cn Z m W W O Q F- DCf W W F-- Q J Q a_ o DO( n OfZ n >- J Q X Z CL O Q O a F- Wcn Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual Qoowzpo O jW Uaaa, w oZU 0UOVLLIwNw } U ,,Vz^^ w Z pZ= o w LL o _U N o< 0 :22p ww O =OUWm wow a > .. Q i Z~UWYao J uw OO<<moE> Q LL. tw J m mQwQ02U= Z LLJO m W w w0go-100T) J Z a U K O w_j J LLI JQap V7 DmJ3a z U W 0 O N 1>ooaa-mmv) za o co ZZ j wmwz<p o Ld U Q p mwmEw 9000= 0>JWwM W ao J W w aZ3a=awo? m oo 0 H U) zpz=oov~iN=m rna W m X OQO~=ZMWOZJM wa 4- of F 4 W gv) J jwoD3w}¢ t=n 3 Qo 9 " Z ~ oa =o LLI mw 0 JZ j O o ( j Y V) 00 o0 a=w U) It 2 'Z V) 0 z wOZQzO¢mOa OJQ i jO `L,, m cn NJ=200 J0a- z3 pJV107>HUNUZWO>OOw0 MH O O W NU, a'Z>Iam JJ 3p t= a LLI w=>awavpi: za 0a N a -ate UJ= m a *kJQQ ~ cow Oalil H CL L) a0 UQ9JzuV) - i-- i LI - O v 3- cn z o O w Lu N cr_ l In LL D = J o LLJ 3 Q m w N Ld o U Z W Ld V / N oLun lV D ti J ' o LL 0 z O cnLLI rl M O z J a Z O aO ZZwO U w w O a w J o Z O V) N Wp O QWO W J JOJa' Z > W N W O a O> O U o Z> O L=i W aiNw~> w V> W m V)>pJ Z0o}\> g U o w o z a w O} Q U Q U W H Q a a Y 014 O a N 2 a V) Vl iW N M't o tD I, a0 m p N Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual a Q w z Z z LLJcn V Of OfrOnzo ~ Z o ~ < O Q w w M O cn O o cn w w Bozo a I Q Q N 0- _ LLJ maw m o w J N o w J `oa Jao= o 00 ~ate NIW ,l w = Q w z ow=cn Q t: 0: CDZ Z z Ld vim _F Y¢ M wzmCl- m Sg Z z z F-CD Utr w- F-O -d d Z E w w O c D Y> x — wo L. 0- U o 000>= w acn o w w of :2 o a a0° ON oz~O ? Q ow W O aw pJ ZQ N C7N QZC7z QJ J 0-Q wQ =w(YJ OQQO cn> O mco mLLJ(n LLJwwdZZ LJ ?LLI Z o Q Jz Qmz z <tr z N J ,g~o Cl1 p— w a aQ m Qooz F- W m x m O L J ZLLI N=— UFO(/) Q Oz LLJ m o= ?Fw, z z N Z c w m p w W J LJ O W O_ w w J w Ir J > O Y J J U) m(nOmIY _3 —iOf F— Qp n N w c n mZ CDX CD O aZ (n Z 0 (n Z w p m N cn g O Ld Z Z m Z w 0 tr Ul Cn O Z UJClf w z Y pw m lO Q Q L w Y Q CD O z w o Q z Q Uo w w Q [ O Y O O N U p Q w>- w J w 0 J J O m of J w O OV:QZ ¢W CDCD CO > SQS OOm 2C/ 2 mC-D(j>ofvi2L,U2. z z- w a 0 z z w p o Q w Q [If of c -ui L v> L o Lim o L L <CDQ:0-=M CnL YI O . n Z N M U-) CO r-- Cd C t. -j oF- LU 7 Q LLJ u > w w O Q Z c Q N O nC) f < IrU O w7 o NO w D U N (%LLJ LLJ O J wl 2rO O' QZ Lw JL. J LJ F- O afQ w Q m O (~ CDC > w > cc O C:) Of I Z 2 ° m of 2 = J L w rC) U OfOfQ cn2 O 3 o W F- d I Y Zw M 2 Z C C D U m OZ m m N 2 2 L. Q ° o = Z Z W ZLi Q I < I (n c mw w o U w Z_ Q r a Of co U N Z . O O CDO U J w rm 7 c0 ' UlmmOUcn (n 2 U U w l ct w w w = IY O Q IZ m m w w Y Of CD U zo COZ( nOOOZ UC) Z Q— w Z Z Q p o D O QQ LLJ F 22 J LLJ OU CIO LLJ w Q 0cl:f CrF LLJ m ofooC-D < C= M U w ( n J X U w 0 N ^ ^ ^ N C0 O r) OpQpQw - QC>ZC J ro Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual z QCD Zcn gof N CD Ld I of W 0 W Li p O ZLdCY W Of O wJ Z 2 U af cn m Y mQ w o U cn- W 00N QNN z cn cn m po r, (O Y W wJ U J I- 42 48 m Z~ 0 Q W mNxowl z i CyQ mv Ld z ZIP g w oQ O 0 Nagm oLo Ld Z LLJ oU0 z Q mQ z ui sd C h U) w rw Z Q Lr) W J Q W Z 1 0- z z < LLJ 00 N o o— w< LLJ` N Z O mQ m < N J CD U W W o W m m U') a O Z I v LLJ a cL 6, LLJ Z W w p Z m aZ 0 J m Z O Of m c _ W Y CD w ~ Ln Ln co WLLJJW m j U m Of a UQ a Of z C>CD o U PO O Z W w P- m m w ftf Z QW Ln Z 00 U O w Exhibit C - Article 11 - Storm Water Design Manual