HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA Resolution 23-20 Region 11 WESTLAKE ACADEMY LUTION NO. 23-20 RESO A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AUTHORIZING THE HEAD OF SCHOOL TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH THE EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION 11 FOR VARIOUS BUSINESS AND STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE OPERATION OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy has utilized the business and student services of the Education Service Center Region 11, which is responsible for providing training for faculty and staff, providing compliance training for public education rules and regulations, as well as offering software and information technology training and hosting services to Westlake Academy; and, WHEREAS, additional personnel and operating costs for the Academy would have a greater impact to the Academy’s operating budget than utilizing these contracted services offered by the Education Service Center Region 11, and the quality of these services has been exceptional; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That all matters stated in the Recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy does hereby approve the contract withthe Education Service Center Region 11 for functions and services for Westlake Academy attached hereto as Exhibit “A”; and further authorizes the Mayor to execute this agreement. SECTION 3: If any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. Resolution WA 2- Page 1 of 2 SECTION 4:That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. th PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 7DAY OF AUGUST 2023. ATTEST: ________________________________ ___________________________________ Amy Piukana, TownSecretarySean Kilbride, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ L.Stanton Lowry or Janet S. Bubert, School Attorney ResolutionWA 2- Page 2 of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