HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.16.23 WAF MinutesWESTLAKE ACADEMY ;rOUNDATION Board Meeting February 16, 2023 Board Members in Attendance: Ahu Primeaux, Heather Kilgore, Lilly Jimenez, Patty Pinsonnault, Sean Shope, Sharan Sankaranarayanan, Rob Fitzgerald, Debbie Kraska and Christine Ross Others in Attendance: Marlene Rutledge, Kriss Quintana, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:33AM at the Town of Westlake, Town Hall. 11. Motion to approve minutes of January 19, 2023 meeting by S. Shope, with correction that auditor confirmed at January 2023 meeting that WAF funds are not subject to PFIA restrictions. Seconded by R. Fitzgerald. Motion carried. III. Foundation Business • S. Shope stated that local school district meeting of Superintendents took place recently. • S. Myers shared that a Campus Life/Alumni Relations position may be added to the Foundation office staff next year. • C. Ross stated that she and S. Myers attended a WA affiliate meeting recently and asked Directors to forward any input or questions that they'd like shared at the affiliate group's next meeting. • S. Myers reported that the Communication's team advised that the term "affiliate" is not going to be used moving forward when describing the entities associated with Westlake Academy. IV. Financial Report • S. Shope stated that as Financials were obtained late, report will be deferred to next Board meeting. • Board is awaiting final audit report for approval. M. Rutledge will follow up with auditor. • S. Myers reported that a contract financial services firm is still being investigated. • Investment Committee will be meeting in the next month with RBC regarding status of Endowment funds. V. Head of School Report • K. Quintana stated that Head of School, Dr. Sean Wilson, is working in close contact with the three WA entities to improve coordination of activities. They will meet once a month. VI. Grants Review • S. Myers reported that "Grades 6"'4" Science Equipment" grant will be partially funded by the WA House of Commons. The HOC committed $10,000 toward the grant. • Legacy Teacher Fund — Coach and Advisor stipend supplements will become grants to those departments as the budget now funds an increase in those stipends. • Discussed possible change to allow Head of School to have final approval of grant requests (vs. the WAF Board). The Board appreciated the intent of the idea, but elected to continue as is, with the Directors retaining responsibility for reviewing and approving grants. • Academy will be encouraged to examine grant needs prior to the end of each school year to allow ample time to review, allocate approved funds, purchase items and receive orders prior to start of upcoming school year. • Discussed changing fiscal year to July 1-June 30. Will continue working with Finance on possibility. VII. Development Committee • Blacksmith Annual Fund o A. Primeaux reported that BAF amount raised as of today is $1.248M with 70% parent participation and 54% of new families. o Grade Captains have been making calls to non -donor families. o Discussed possible uses of BAF funds raised over the $1.1 M goal (e.g., increase teacher salaries or monies available for grants). Will work with WA leadership to help craft messaging for 23-24. • WA Gala o P. Pinsonnault emphasized need for volunteers and auction items, reported upcoming catering meeting with Ted Bilsky of Scratch Catering, and asked for input regarding having student volunteers at entrance and/or valet at event. General feedback was to keep the event student -free. o S. Myers asked Board for input regarding sponsorship incentives, if offering linking guests/WA families to sponsor businesses through "special offers" would be motivating to potential sponsors. o S. Myers stated that Fund an Item may need to be FF&E for prospective modular buildings planned for installation by August 2023. Board stated preference to keep the Fund an Item as the Teacher Gift Cards Initiative and Teacher of the Year supplement. VIII. Marketing Committee • S. Myers reported that social media and invitations for Gala are in process. • Wendy Greenwood is working on Gala flipbook and on materials tying WAF grants to Gala proceeds (Gifts in Action). IX. President's Report e C. Ross encouraged Directors to work on soliciting donations for the Gala. X. Executive Director • S. Myers stated that she recently provided a report to the Town Council on status of the WAF. Other Business None R. Fitzgerald moved to adjourn the Board meeting, seconded by D. Kraska. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 1 O:OOAM. Next Meeting: Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 8:30 AM, at Town of Westlake Town Hall Signed by: �J mil/ Christine Ross, WAF Board President V'E Title