HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-04-11 BOT MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES WORKSHOP & REGULAR MEETINGS April 4, 2011 PRESENT: President Laura Wheat and Trustees, Clif Cox, Carol Langdon, and Rick Rennhack. ABSENT: Tim Brittan OTHERS PRESENT: Superintendent, Tom Brymer, Board Secretary Kelly Edwards, Secondary Principal Rod Harding, Primary Principal Jamie Schmitz, Assistant to the Superintendent Ginger Awtry, Administrative Services Coordinator Ben Nibarger, MYP Coordinator Tracy Odom, Municipal Court and Special Projects Director Amanda DeGan , Finance Director Debbie Piper, and Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer. Workshop Session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the workshop meeting to order at 5:09 p.m. 2. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FROM APRIL 4, 2011, TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. Discussion ensued regarding items b, c, and d of the consent agenda. Administrative Services Coordinator Nibarger said we would not receive a response from TEA regarding the calendar or the state waiver for several weeks. Facilities and Recreation Director Meyer provided the bid tabulation summaries for portable classrooms. Discussion then ensued regarding the location of the class rooms, differences of leasing and building new, options for leasing and purchasing. Staff recommends a three (3) year lease. BOT Minutes 04/04/11 Page 1of5 Discussion also ensued regarding the bid for the removal and replacement of the Academy gym floor. Superintendent Brymer stated this project will be covered by insurance staff and will confirm with the insurance company regarding the difference between the estimate and amount of the bidder. 3. REPORTS a. Quarterly Financial "Dashboard" report for the quarter ended February 28th, 2011 and current Student Census. Discussion ensued regarding the lower number of students participating in Athletics due to the lower beverage funding, the collecting parking space fees and issuing citations. The board would like to review the numbers from last year to compare those with the current year's numbers. b. Report on the results of the FY 2011-12 lottery. No discussion. c. Review and recommendations of Westlake Academy's Membership of the Texas Christian Athletic Fellowship League (TCAF). Secondary Principal Harding provided an overview and answered questions regarding the report. Discussion ensued regarding participation in TCAF, UIL, sports offered at schools of a similar size, class trips and International Mindedness. d. International Baccalaureate visiting team's oral report for Westlake Academy's Middle Years Program (MYP) evaluation. MYP Coordinator Tracy Odom provided an overview of the process of the evaluation and options that can be taken to make improvements The Board thanked the efforts regarding the evaluation. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Continuation of Presentation and Discussion of Various Multi -Year State Funding Forecast Reduction Scenarios for Westlake Academy, Superintendent Brymer provided an overview of the item and the Scenario 8 in the report, He stated the House had approved a budget with a reduction in Public Education funding. BOT Minutes 04/04/11 Page 2of5 Discussion ensued regarding the class size, using money from the municipal general fund, the on -boarding process, to add students or reduce expenditures, recruiting students for various grades and deferring the transfer of the direct cost from the Town. b. Discussion of Upcoming Strategic Planning Retreat. Superintendent Brymer provided an overview of the topics of discussion for the retreat and to schedule a date and times. c. Discussion of board of trustee governance as illustrated in Dr. Brian Carpenter's Charter School Board University. An introduction to effective charter school governance; Chapter 18. This item was discussed prior to items a and b. The Board reviewed and discussed the questions in Chapter 18 as they relate to the academy and how to link the five (5) standards and practices back to the strategic plan. 5. BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION Plan for a class size of 20 for the 11-12 school year to include residential growth. Provide the number of residential student growth over the last few years. 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, President Wheat adjourned the workshop at 8:04 p.m. Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the Regular meeting to order at 8:04 p.m. with Trustee Brittan absent. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Wheat led the pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. BOT Minutes 04/04/11 Page 3of5 3. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS No one addressed the Board. 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Consider approval of the minutes for the meeting held on March 10, 2011. b. Consider approval of Resolution 11-07, Adopting the 2011-2012 School Calendar and approving request for state waiver. c. Consider approval of Resolution 11-08, Authorizing the Town Manager to execute agreements authorizing the Town Manager to execute agreements with Mountain Home Company and Big Bear Electric for portable classrooms and underground power distribution and amending the Academy's FY 10-11 operating budget to fund these costs. d. Consider approval of Resolution 11-09, Authorizing the Town Manager to execute an agreement for the removal and replacement of the Academy gym floor. MOTION: Trustee Cox made a motion to approve items a through c and item d to approve the bid from Bransom for removal and replacement of the gym floor providing however, if that did not meet approval of the insurance company, that the Board grants approval to use a contractor that meets the insurance company's approval. Trustee Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. S. BOARD CALENDAR - Athletic Banquet sponsored by (WAAC) April 21, 2011 - Town Offices Closed April 22, 2011 (Good Friday) - WA Senior Dinner June 2, 2011, Petroleum Club, Fort Worth - 7:00-10:00 p.m. - WA Graduation June 4, 2011, Hurst Convention Center - 2:00 p.m. 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS - None BOT Minutes 04/04/11 Page 4 of 5 7. AD30URNMENT MOTION: Trustee Rennhack made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. President Wheat adjourned the meeting at 8:11 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON MAY 9, 2011. ATTEST: KellydwarcW, Board Secretary Laurc Wheat, Board President OOT Minutes 04/04/11 Page 5 of 5