HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 378 Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 00-01TOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 378 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER, 2001. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, hereby adopts the budget for the fiscal year ending September, 2001, attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit A. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 11" DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2000. Scott Bradley, Mayor ATTEST: Oingeg Crosswy, Town retary Trent Petty, Town Mara r APPROVED AS TO F own Annual Operating Budget 2000-2001 Don Redding Larry Sparrow Fred Held Mayor Pro Tem Scott Bradley Mayor Buddy Brown Bill Frey Trent Petty Town Manager August 25, 2000 Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen: am pleased to present to you the FY 2001 program of services for the Town of Westlake. This budget represents our continuing commitment to prudent fiscal management while we further enhance our service, strength and support to meet the growing needs of our community. Thanks to the courageous efforts and foresight of the citizens and town officials of Westlake, the community is poised to take advantage of a positive economic environment and one of the most strategic locations of any community in America. In order to achieve this goal, the FY 2001 budget focuses on four broad policy objectives. 1. Create new enterprises that will produce a varied and balanced array of new revenue sources. 2. Implement creative policies and procedures to assure that new infrastructure is proportionally and fairly funded and constructed by the developments that prompt the need for the infrastructure. 3. Emphasize and encourage development that provides more revenue than demands for service. 4. Build community support based on communication, understanding and involvement. Once again, the Town of Westlake contemplates maintaining and improving service delivery to residents, without a property tax. Funding and expenditures for the FY 2001 budget consists of the familiar General Fund and two new Enterprise Funds. The General Fund The General Fund is the most traditional and recognized fund which supports the bulk of town services. All town sales taxes, franchise fees, development and permit fees and other miscellaneous revenues support this fund. Expenditures from this fund include most personnel costs, Department of Public Safety expenditures and general operating costs of the Town. The Utility Fund This new enterprise fund contains all revenues and expenditures associated with providing water and sewer services to the Town of Westlake. In addition, this fund contains the planning and implementation of the "Westlake Duct Bank". The II duct bank is the key to building the nations first truly °E -Friendly" city. It is a series of conduit designed to house all telecom transmission lines in Westlake. The duct bank will be maintained as a separate enterprise fund when it becomes operational and all costs of infrastructure shall be transferred into this enterprise fund at that time. This "Westlake Network" enterprise fund will allow the Town to maintain separate costs of services for each utility function (ie. water and sewer enterprise fund vs. the utility duct bank fund.) Westlake Visitors Association This new enterprise fund was created as a result of the adoption of the 7% Hotel/Motel Tax in the Town of Westlake in FY 99 — 00. Revenues from this fund are generated by a 7% tax on hotel stays and services in Westlake. Revenues from this fund are required to be used to promote visitors and tourism in the Town of Westlake. In general, the planning and investment necessary to secure the Board's vision for the Town require increased spending in some areas ahead of what revenue will initially support. This is especially true with our new enterprise funds. We are fortunate in that we have the 4A and 4B funds to supplement our economic development efforts, but every step has been taken to assure that these funds are reimbursed with projects that ultimately return whatever dollars and investments that must be borrowed or granted from these funds. We are fortunate to have carefully managed, low density residential growth. This budget contemplates continuing this pattern and managing our expenditures in such a way as to stay ahead of this growth with appropriate planning and policy implementation. Even with the carefully managed growth, it is not unreasonable to expect Westlake to add 5000 employees in the next fiscal year and over 100 new families. Times will be changing quickly. The budget before you places the highest priority on service, strength and support to see that the Town of Westlake benefits from the pending growth. Sincerely, Trent Petty Town Manager III TABLE OF CONTENTS Town Organizational Chart_ Letter to Mayor and Aldermen Table of Contents IV EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 27 Introduction 1 Basis of Accounting/Budgeting 2 Budget Process 3 Budget Amendment Process 4 General Fund 5 Utility Fund 7 Westlake Visitors Association Fund 8 GENERALFUND Organizational Chart 9 Program Description 10 General Fund Program Summary 11 General Fund Revenue Detail 12 Expenditure Detail 13 Major Increase Summary 16 UTILITY FUND Organizational Chart 17 Utility Fund Program Summary 18 Utility Fund Revenue Detail 19 Expenditure Detail 20 WESTLAKE VISITORS ASSOCIATION FUND Proposed Organizational Chart 21 Westlake Visitors Association Fund Program Summary22 Westlake Visitors Association Revenue Detail 23 Expenditure Detail 24 DEVELOPMENT FUNDS 4A & 4B Corporation Summary 25 CAPITAL PROJECTS Capital Projects Summary 26 Westlake Academy 27 Westlake Network 28 Westlake Interchange Improvements 29 Dove Road Overlay 30 377 Water Line 31 W Extension of Water Main FM 1938 Duct Bank Infrastructure APPENDICES 32 33 34 All Funds Summary 35 INTRODUCTION The Town of Westlake's 2000-01 annual operating budget is the result of many hours of deliberation as well as a response to both internal and external forces that have defined fiscal boundaries in its preparation. The mission is to produce an accurate and user- friendly budget document that can be utilized as a resource tool by the Board of Aldermen, the Town staff and the citizens of Westlake. To accomplish this mission, a set of budget preparation guidelines, which represent generally accepted budgeting practices, has been established: 1. The annual operating budget presents appropriations of expenditures and estimates of revenues for all local government funds, including sales tax revenues, franchise tax, mixed beverage tax, licenses and permits, development fees, sales of printed material and interest income. 2. The annual operating budget illustrates expenditures, anticipated revenue and estimated impact on reserves and or surpluses. 3. Revenue projections are prepared for each revenue source based on an analysis of past revenue trends and current fiscal conditions. 4. The budget process includes a multiyear projection of capital improvement requirements. 5. A budget message, which summarizes local financial conditions and the principal budget issues the locality must face, is presented to the governing board along with the annual budget. The data for each fund is organized similarly: • Organizational Chart • Program Summary • Capital Expenditure Projects and Expenditure Detail • Revenue Detail Each division section contains statistical and financial data for two fiscal years: the current budget year and the fiscal year recently completed as of September 30, 1999 (as amended). BASIS OF ACCOUNTINGIBUDGETING All governmental fund types are budgeted and accounted for on a GAAP basis for purposes of financial statement presentations. All of these funds use a financial resources measurement focus and are accounted and budgeted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recorded when susceptible to accrual, i.e., both measurable and available. Available means collectable within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current period. Expenditures represent a decrease in a net financial resources and, other than interest on general long-term debt, are recorded when the fund liability is incurred, if measurable. Interest on general long-term debt is recorded when due. The Proprietary Fund types are accounted and budgeted for on a cost of services or "capital maintenance" measurement focus, using the accrual basis of accounting. Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized when earned and expenses are recognized when incurred. For purposes of this budget presentation, depreciation is not displayed and capital expenditures and bond principal payments are shown as uses of funds. Governmental Fund Types Governmental fund types are those through which most governmental functions of the Town are financed. The acquisition, use, and balances of the Town's expendable financial resources and the related liabilities (except those accounted for in the Proprietary and Fiduciary fund types) are accounted for through Governmental Fund types. The following are the Town's governmental fund types. The General Fund is the general operating fund of the Town. It is used to account for all revenues and expenditures except those required to be accounted for in other funds. The Westlake/Trophy Club Department of Public Safety is a major function financed by the General Fund. 2. Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources, other than expendable trusts or major capital projects. An example would be federal block grant funds or similar revenues. 3. Capital Projects Funds are used to account for Financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities. This fund budget is driven by estimated construction costs for each project scheduled for a specific construction period. Therefore, it has a project budget which may span more than one budget year. These have been divided into two types: • General Government Capital Projects are those projects that are typically funded with general obligation bond funds, state and federal grants, and transfers from the general fund. Town of Westlake, Texas 2 • Utility Capital Projects are projects for the Utility funds. Funding sources are typically revenue bond funds or water and wastewater impact fees. 4. Economic Development Corporation 4A and 4B funds are provided as local options, under section 4A & 4B of the local government code. The funds are generated from a 1/2 cent sales tax levy for each Economic Development Corporation. The proceeds are used for general economic development and infrastructure support. 5. Westlake Visitors Association is the result of a 7% hotel occupancy tax adopted within the Town of Westlake in FY 99 — 00. A 7% tax on hotel stays and services within the Town generate the funds. The proceeds are required to be used for the promotion of travel and tourism in the Town of Westlake. Both the General Government and Utility capital project funds are presented in summary form in the Capital Projects Funds section of this budget document. Proprietary Fund Types Proprietary fund types operate in a manner similar to private business utilizing an accrual basis of accounting. Enterprise Funds — are used to account for operations that are either financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises, or where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred, and/or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, management control, accountability or other purposes. The Utility Fund accounts for water, wastewater and telecommunications conveyance (duct bank) services for the residents of the Town. All activities necessary to provide such services are accounted for in the Fund, including administration, operations, maintenance, financing and related debt service, and billing and collection. THE BUDGET PROCESS The Town Manager submits the budget to the Board of Aldermen. The Town's fiscal year runs from October 1 through September 30. Prior to the beginning of the fiscal year, the Town Manager must submit a proposed budget, which includes: • A budget message • A consolidation statement of anticipated receipts and proposed expenditures for all funds • General fund resources in detail • Special fund resources in detail • A summary of proposed expenditures by function, department and activity • Detailed estimates of expenditures shown separately for each activity to support the proposed expenditure Town of Westlake, Texas • A revenue and expense statement for all bonds • A description of all bond issues outstanding • A schedule of the principal and interest payments of each bond issue • The appropriation ordinance and the tax levying ordinance The proposed revenues and expenditures must be compared to prior year revenues and expenditures. The budget preparation process begins early in the calendar year with the establishment of overall town goals and the analysis of current year operations compared to expenditures. Budget policies and procedures are reviewed at the same time to reduce errors and omissions. Funding levels/programs are agreed upon and the proposed budget is presented by the Town Manager to the Board of Aldermen. A public hearing on the budget is conducted according to state and local law. This meeting is held after the Board has reviewed the budget. The Board of Aldermen approves a level of expenditure (or appropriation) for each fund to go into effect October 1, prior to the expenditure of any Town funds for that budget year. BUDGET AMENDMENT PROCESS The Town Manager may request that the current year budget be amended. The Town Manager will review the documentation and draft an ordinance that will amend the current budget. This ordinance is then presented to the Board of Aldermen at regularly scheduled Board of Aldermen meeting for Board consideration. After considering the amendment, the Board of Aldermen votes on the amendment. If the amendment is approved, the necessary budget changes are then made. All budget amendments will be approved by the Board of Aldermen prior to the expenditure of funds in excess of the previously authorized budgeted amounts within each department of the Town. Town of Westlake, Texas 4 GENERAL FIND Revenues Funding of the Town's General Fund operations is derived from four revenue categories. Each of these categories is detailed below with a brief description, how internal and external factors affect revenue amounts and how amounts differ from the prior year. Sales & Use Taxes Sales tax receipts are the result of a tax levy on the sale of goods and services within the Town as authorized by the State of Texas. The maximum sales tax allowed in the Town of Westlake is 8.25% per dollar on all goods and services deemed taxable. The State remits to the Town, on a monthly basis, an amount equal to 1 % of the taxable sales within the Town, for the general fund, in addition to .5% to each of the two economic development corporations, which were formed for the benefit of the Town of Westlake. Alcoholic beverage taxes are the result of mixed beverage and -private club registration permittees remitting a 14% mixed beverage gross receipt tax to the state. The state then remits 10.7143% of those taxes to the Town. The Hotel Occupancy Taxes are obtained through the assessment of a 7% hotel occupancy tax. Authority granted by the State of Texas allows cities to levy a tax not to exceed 7% of the rental rate for a hotel/motel room. Funds generated by the occupancy tax are required to be used in a manner, which directly enhances and promotes tourism and the convention and hotel industry. Hotel Occupancy taxes -are budgeted at $520K. Sales and use taxes constitute the largest revenue source for the general fund, estimated at 52% of all revenues. Franchise Taxes Franchise tax represents those revenues collected from utilities operating within the Town that use the Town rights-of-way to conduct their business. The Board of Aldermen has authorized a 3% fee for the electric utility, 4% for the natural gas utility, 5% for the cable TV utility and a 5% of gross receipts fee for the refuse collection company. A flat rate is charged to both telephone operators (adjusted annually) based on the number of access lines. Licenses & Permits License and permit revenue includes fees charged by the Town for certain types of operator licenses and permits for construction and other items regulated by Town ordinances. Building activity is expected to remain active throughout 2000 —01. Revenue projections should remain constant for this category based on the expectation that construction activity will continue at an unprecedented rate with the development of Fidelity, Haas & Haynie residential and Glenwyck Farms. Town of Westlake, Texas 5 Miscellaneous Revenue Includes the sale of printed materials as well as interest earned. Expenditures Proposed operating expenditures in General Fund totals $1,529,842. Capital expenditures will come from the General Fund, Private Funding, Section 4B 1/z cent sales tax for economic development, Westlake Visitors Association and the Utility Fund. Town of Westlake, Texas 6 UTILITY FUND The Utility Fund accounts for water and wastewater services for the residents of the Town. All activities necessary to provide such services are accounted for in the fund, including administration, operations, maintenance, financing and related debt service, and billing and collection. In addition, this fund contains the planning and implementation of the "Westlake Duct Bank". The duct bank is a series of conduit designed to house all telecom and transmission lines in Westlake. The duct bank is a public/private partnership that utilizes private sector capital, town planning and engineering and town operation. Revenue This is a new fund; therefore there is no history. Revenue projections will be based on consumption between December 2000 and October 2001 and are estimated to be $579K based on current plans. Depending upon utilization, revenues could be anywhere from 50K to 400K. Revenues are designed to cover the engineering, planning and ongoing maintenance of the duct bank. Expenditures Water and sewer revenues are budgeted to exceed expenditures by 3%. Expenditures include costs for the purchase, storage and treatment of water and also the treatment of wastewater. We have built in 3% surplus. Duct bank expenditures will include engineering and design for the duct bank system as each system is constructed expenditures are budgeted at $100,000. Town of Westlake, Texas 7 WESTLAKE VISITORS ASSOCIATION FUND Hotel Occupancy Taxes are allocated to this fund and obtained through the assessment of a 7% hotel occupancy tax. Authority granted by the State of Texas allows cities to levy a tax not to exceed 7% of the rental rate for a hotel/motel room. Funds generated by the occupancy tax are required to be used in a manner, which directly enhances and promotes tourism and the convention and hotel industry. Hotel occupancy revenues are budgeted at $620K. Revenues Revenue estimates are $620K. All revenues are derived from proceeds collected from taxable sales and services at the Marriott, Solana in Westlake. Expenditures Expenses include the proportionate share of staff resources estimated to be needed to organize, plan, staff and manage this fund for the coming year. Capital expenditures include the production of a detailed brochure conveying the benefits, services and amenities available in Westlake. Town of Westlake, Texas 8 Administrative Assistant Landscape Architect General Fund Organizational Structure Town Manager Town Attorney Street Planner Building Inspector Town Planner Town of Westlake, Texas 9 Civil Engineer Water Engineer Town Managers Office Program Description The Town Manager's office provides professional management of the Town through implementation of the Board of Aldermen's policies in compliance with the Texas Constitution. 2000 — 01 Goals Services 1. Complete implementation of water and sewer enterprise functions including establishing and contracting for maintenance, operation and billing systems. 2. Improve condition of Westlake streets. 3. Implement the duct bank project to increase convenience and efficiency of the telecom transmission and manage the Town's right-of-way. 4. Prepare application for Westlake's Charter School. 5. Lead the FM 1938 expansion effort. Strength 1. Collect water & sewer revenues of 3% surplus over operational costs. 2. Implement duct bank project and associated revenue production. 3. Implement Westlake Visitors Association enterprise fund and associated revenues and services. 4. Re -visit the Town's master plan to check for missed sales tax producing land use opportunities, while still protecting the integrity of the vision for Westlake. Support 1. Produce "Welcome to Westlake" brochures. 2. Complete "Westlake Network" planning. 3. Create Westlake Visitors Association Board. Town of Westlake, Texas 10 General Fund Program Summary Personnel Summary Budgeted Positions Year To Date 2000 2001 Budgeted Town Manager 1 1 1 Town Secretary 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 Fiscal Year Summary 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 Projected Revenue $1,446,890 $1,484,520 $2,218,353 *$1,558,746 Expenditures $1,158,722 $1,076,402 $1,776,081 *1,529,842 General Fund 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 Projected Beginning Balance $1,363,252 $1,646,872 $2,054,990 $1,719,202 Ending Balance $1,646,872 $2,054,990 $1,719,202 *$1,748,106 Transfers In $30,018 Transfers Out $42,128 Undesignated Unreserved Fund Balance # Days Operating 518 696 353 417 *Projected Town of Westlake, Texas 11 General Fund Revenue Detail Revenue FY 98199 Actual FY 99100 Budget FY 99100 Actual FY 00101 Proposed 313. Sales & Use Tax Sales Tax other $ 654,38 $ 654,50 $ 1,359,54 $ 714,42 Mixed Beverage Tax $ 9,51 $ 9,51 $ 9,74 $ 12,00 Subtotal $ 663,89 $ 664,01 $ 1,369,28 $ 726,42 315. Hotel Occupancy Tax $ 121,29 $ 620,00 318.2 Franchise Tax $ 210,00 GTE $ 90 $ 1,11 $ 1,26 Lone Star Gas $ 3,86 $ 3,16 $ 5,42 Southwestern Bell $ 84,38 $ 88,93 $ 114,50 Tri County Electric $ 112,98 $ 132,41 $ 122,91 Trinity Waste Services $ 4,90 $ 8,76 $ 10,21 Franchise Tax Other $ $ 2,09 $ 10,00 Charter Communications $ $ $ Millenium Telecom $ 3,00 $ 5,00 Marcus Cabl Subtotal $ 210,05 $ 210,00 $ 236,49 $ 269,31 Licenses & Permits Building Permits $ 76,69 $ 76,69 $ 352,05 $ 200,00 Development Fees $ 439,91 $ 390,00 $ 120,99 $ 250,00 Registration Fees $ 4,55 $ 10,00 Misc. Fee $ 25 Subtotal $ 516,60 $ 466,69 $ 477,60 $ 460,00 Miscellaneous Revenue Sale of Printed Material $ 1,94 $ 1,95 $ 1,31 $ 2,00 Interest Earne $ 84,66 $ 80,00 $ 118,78 $ 100,00 Subtotal $ 86,60 $ 81,95 $ 120,10 $ 102,00 351 Ordinance Violation Fines Citations $ 7,00 $ 7,50 $ 7,76 $ 1,00 False Alarm Call $ 35 $ 10 $ Subtotal $ 7,35 $ 7,50 $ 7,86 $ 1,00 Temp Enterprise Fund $ $ 7,00 Total Revenue $ 1,484,52 $ 1,430,15 $ 2,339,64 $ 2,178,74 Town of Westlake, Texas 12 General Fund Expenditure Detail 410.100 Payroll Expenses FY 00 Budget FY 00 Actual FY 01 Proposed Salaries $ 46,000 $ 42,627 $ 38,321 Automobile Expenses $ 1,500 $ 2,400 Payroll Expenses - Other $ 2,372 $ 4,066 Subtotal $ 46,000 $ 46,499 $ 44,787 410.200 Payroll Taxes $ 3,110 FICA $ 2,883 $ 4,942 Medicare $ 674 $ 1,155 Unemployment Taxes $ 234 $ 401 Subtotal $ 3,110 $ 3,791 $ 6,499 410.30 Professional Consulting $ 334,300 Administrative Overhead $ 120,000 $ 87,360 Traffic Services $ 120,596 $ 65,000 Courier Services $ 2,629 $ 2,000 Planners Fees $ 52,366 $ 35,000 Landscape Planner $ 61,917 $ 50,000 Financial Planner $ 46,973 $ 10,000 Codification $ 5,000 $ 13,000 DMG Maximus $ 5,500 $ - Legislative $ 75,000 Misc. Consultants $ 2,419 Subtotal $ 334,300 $ 417,399 $ 337,360 DPS $ 455,000 $ 455,040 $ 369,156 Subtotal $ 455,000 $ 455,040 $ 369,156 410.35 Engineering Fees $ 375,000 Civil Engineering $ 263,392 $ 185,000 Water Utility $ 61,142 $ 50,000 Duct Bank $ 101,974 $ 115,000 Carter & Burgess $ 26,264 Subtotal $ 375,000 $ 452,772 $ 350,000 410.36 Legal $ 440,000 Boyle & Lowry $ 143,435 $ 150,000 Other $ 72,575 $ 25,000 Subtotal $ 440,000 $ 216,010 $ 175,000 Town of Westlake, Texas 13 Expenses Continued FY 00 Budget FY 00 Actual FY 01 Proposed 410.6 Office Expense General $ 70,646 Office Rent $ 43,455 $ 19,595 Bank Charges $ 189 $ 200 Postage $ 1,374 $ 1,500 Dues & Subscriptions $ 3,262 $ 1,484 Printing $ 6,080 $ 1,500 Office Expense - Other $ 11,227 $ 10,000 Reimburseable Expenses $ 1,579 $ 5,000 Books & Printed Material $ 319 $ 500 Community Service $ 10,850 $ 10,000 Election Expense $ 533 $ 1,050 Office Equipment $ 11,208 $ 5,000 Subtotal $ 70,646 $ 90,076 $ 55,829 410.50 insurance $ 3,564 Insurance - General $ 3,557 $ 3,564 Subtotal $ 3,564 $ 3,557 $ 3,564 410.530 Telephone $ 12,400 Mobile Phone $ 1,967 $ 11300 Internet Expense $ 1,883 $ 1,235 Telephone - Other $ 7,795 $ 6,760 Subtotal $ 12,400 $ 11,645 $ 9,295 410.580 Travel & Training $ 6,840 Travel, Training, Seminars & Mtgs. $ 2,328 $ 5,000 Subtotal $ 6,840 $ 2,328 $ 5,000 410.662 Utilities $ 1,212 Recycle $ 809 $ 1,212 Subtotal $ 1,212 $ 809 $ 1,212 415.12 Accounting & Consulting $ 28,000 $ $ CPA $ 7,000 $ - Subtotal $ 28,000 $ 7,000 $ - 419 Misc. Expense $ 4,850 Misc. Expenses $ 1,860 $ 500 Public Notice Expense $ 1,140 $ 1,000 Tree City USA Fund $ (77) $ 3,000 Municipal Court $ 1,500 Contingency $ 50,000 Leasehold Improvements $ 889 $ 500 Subtotal $ 4,850 $ 3,812 $ 56,500 Town of Westlake, Texas 14 Expenses Continued FY 00 Budget FY 00 Actual FY 01 Proposed 424.20 Building Inspection $ 9,500 Bldg. Inspections $ 42,820 $ 25,000 Code Enforcement $ 25,000 Subtotal $ 9,500 $ 42,820 $ 50,000 Maintenance $ 27,000 Maintenance & Repairs $ 22,518 $ 9,000 Improved ROW/Landscape Maintenance $ 10,000 Subtotal $ 27,000 $ 22,518 $ 19,000 700 Capital Projects Westlake Network $ 10,000 Westlake Brochure $ - Westlake Academy* $ 50,000 Dove Road Overlay $ - Subtotal $ $ - $ 60,000 Temp Enterprise Fund $ 50,129 Total Expenses $ 11,817,4221 $ 1,826,205 $ 1,543,203 *Source =4A Loan Town of Westlake, Texas 15 General Fund Major Increase Summary Expense Budgeted 99-00 Proposed 00-01 Explanation Administrative Overhead $87,360 Percentage of administrative salaries allocated for the General Fund Payroll & Payroll Taxes $46,000 $51,286 Percentage of salaries allocated for the General Fund for 1 full time and 1 part time employee Office Expense $8,000 $10,000 Includes all office supplies, kitchen supplies, computer repairs Legislative $75,000 New Account Dues & Subscriptions $1,250 $1,484 1 Percentage of dues & Subscriptions allocated for the General Fund to include memberships to organizations, dues and fines Reimbursable Expenses $5,000 New Account to reimburse for approved expenses Tree City USA $3,000 New Account Municipal Court $1,500 New Account Westlake Network $10,000 New Account Contingency $50,000 New Account for unexpected needs Code Enforcement $25,000 New Account Building Inspection $9,500 $25,000 includes contracted service of C & C Engineering, due to anticipated # of plan reviews and inspections I mproved ROW/Landscape Maintenance $10,000 Expenditure to address and serve ROW landscape maintenance needs Town of Westlake, Texas 16 UTILITY FUND Town Manager Utility Fund 0 & M I I Debt Service Town of Westlake, Texas 17 Utility Fund Program Summary Fiscal Year Summary 97-98 98-99 99-00 Actual 00-01 Projected Revenue Beginning Balance $51,648 *$679,638 Expenditures Ending Balance $640,220 '$658,437 Utility Fuad 97-98 98-99 99-00 Actual 00-01 Projected Beginning Balance 0 $12,626 Ending Balance $12,626 *$33,827 Transfers In $677,327 Transfers Out Undesignated Unreserved Fund Balance # Days Operating NIA NIA *Projected Town of Westlake, Texas 18 Utility Fund Revenue Detail Revenue FY 98199 Actual FY 991 00 Budget FY 99/00 Year to Date as of 7100 FY 00101 Proposed Water Service $ 353,290 Wastewater Service $ 246,319 Tap Fee $ 9,136 New Meter Inspection Fee $ 893 Duct Bank $ 70,000 Total $ 679,638 Town of Westlake, Texas 19 Utility Fund Expenditure Detail 410.100 Payroll Expenses FY 00 FY 00 FY 01 Budget Actual Proposed Coordinator Administrative Overhead $ 19,335 410.6 Office Expense General Office Rent $ 3,015 410.530 Telephone Mobile Phone $ 200 Internet Expense $ 190 Telephone - Other $ 850 700 Capital Projects Westlake Network $ 5,000 Maintenance Duct Bank Maintenance $ 10,000 Water & Sewer $ 56,468 Tap Costs & Meter Inspection $ 10,029 Water Purchase $ 181,283 Debt Service Line Extension $ 41,694 Keller Reimbursement $ 40,000 4B Reimbursement $ 18,480 Meter Reading/Billing $ 4,032 Wastewater Treatment $ 192,497 Operations $ 45,360 Total $ 658,433 Town of Westlake, Texas 20 WESTLAKE VISITORS ASSOCIATION Board of Aldermen Town Manager Westlake Visitors Association Fund Town of Westlake, Texas 21 Westlake Visitors Association Fund Program Summary Personnel Summary Budgeted Positions Year To Date 2000 2001 Budgeted Westlake Visitors Association Coordinator 0 0 1 Fiscal Year Summary 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 Projected Revenue $121,293 *$620,252 Expenditures *$189,975 Westlake Visitors Association Fund 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 Projected Beginning Balance 0 $121,293 Ending Balance $121,293 *$551,570 Transfers In Transfers Out Undesignated Unreserved Fund Balance # Days Operating NIA *Projected Town of Westlake, Texas 22 Westlake Visitors Association Revenue Detail Revenue FY 98199 FY 99100 FY 99100 FY 00101 Actual Budget Actual Proposed Water & Sewer $ 430,000 Town of Westlake, Texas 23 Westlake Visitors Association Expenditure Detail 410.100 Payroll Expenses FY 00 FY 00 FY 01 Budget Actual Proposed Coordinator $ 50,000 Administrative Overhead $ 48,338 430.6 Office Expense General Office Rent $ 7,537 410.530 Telephone Mobile Phone $ 500 Internet Expense $ 475 Telephone - Other $ 2,125 700 Capital Projects Westlake Network $ 25,000 Westlake Brochure $ 50,000 Total $ 189,875 Town of Westlake, Texas 24 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUNDS 4A Corporation Program Summary 4A Corporation 97-98 98-99 99-00 Actual 00-01 Projected Beginning Balance $343,275 $920,212 $1,302,792 $2,081,030 Ending Balance $920,212.29 $1,302,792 $2,081,030 "$138,243 Transfers In Westlake Interchange Improvements $14,784 Transfers Out $618,870 $350,000 Net Reserves # Days Operating $50,000 Duct Bank Infrastructure 4A Corporation Expenses 97-98 98-99 99-00 Actual 00-01 Projected 700 Capital Projects Ending Balance $1,252,649 $1,652,100 $2,418,861 *$2,432,900 Transfers In Westlake Interchange Improvements $14,784 Transfers Out $618,870 $350,000 Westlake Academy Loan # Days Operating $50,000 Duct Bank Infrastructure $1,900,000 4B Corporation Program Summary 4B Corporation 97-98 98-99 99-00 Actual 00-01 Projected Beginning Balance $655,558 $1,250,515 $1,649,950 $2,418,861 Ending Balance $1,252,649 $1,652,100 $2,418,861 *$2,432,900 Transfers In $14,784 Transfers Out $618,870 $240,000 Net Reserves # Days Operating 4B Corporation Expenses 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 Actual Projected 700 Capital Projects Infrastructure Payment to SL $588,852 Dove Road Overlay $240,000 TRAQUD Reimbursement 1 $117,958 *Projected Reimbursement to 46 for Southlake capacity will begin in FY 2002-2003 Town of Westlake, Texas 25 Capital Projects Program Summary Project Fund FY 2001 Total Budget Begin End Budgeted Date Date Westlake Academy 4A $50,000 $5,000,000 Oct -00 2003 Westlake Network General Fund $20,000 Westlake Visitors Association $25,000 Utilities Fund $5,000 $480,000 Nov -00 Ongoing Westlake Interchange Improvements 4A $350,000 $350,000 Oct -00 Dec -00 Dove Road Overlay Private Funding $46,000 $286,000 Mar -00 Jun -01 377 Water Trine Utilities Fund Private Funding $103,915 $199,836 Jan -00 Apr -01 Westlake Brochure Westlake Visitors Association $50,000 $50,000 Oct -00 Dec -00 Extension of Water Mains Debt Service $33,355 $513,151 Oct -00 May -01 FM 1938 Private $566,000 $566,000 Sep -00 Jan -04 Duct Bank Infrastructure 4A $1,900,000 $1,900,000 Oct -00 Ongoing Town of Westlake, Texas 26 Capital Projects Westlake Academy Prosect Description Develop and file a charter school application for the Town of Westlake Project Schedule Begin End Design Oct -00 Apr -00 Construction 2002 2003 Fiscal Impact Impact on Operating Budget F t0 Ae.LX Budget 3 R 3I'. �FITI b'V e 9 ............ ..... .. �E Y., t. .� ..11....3.- .« i .... �. ........ .. P1ns E.._`E,: 2002 2003 2004 2005 TOTAL 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Planning Personnel Expenses $ 50,000 Construction Maintenance Contingencies Services TOTAL $ - $ 50,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $5,000,000 Private General Fund Enterprise Fund Grants TOTAL Interfund Loans 4a $ 50,000 4b TOTAL $ - $ 50,000 $5,000,000 $ - $ - $ - Impact on Operating Budget F t0 Budget ' .._ ...: a , l t 3p 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 TOTAL Personnel Expenses Supplies Maintenance Services Capital Outlay TOTAL $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Town of Westlake, Texas 27 Capital Projects Westlake Network Project Description Plan and design the Westlake Network which will facilitate an electronic linkage between town infrastructure and facilities and improve the Town's internet presence to allow additional customer service, input and conveniences. The project will take advantage of dark fiber capacity, smart house technology and the Westlake Duct Bank. Project Schedule Begin End Design Nov -00 May -00 Construction Jan -00 ongoing Fiscal Impact Operating Budget Impact lrj�t�p p11 l Budget P7� roEen ....,, ... ., .`...�___,.: 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Design $ 100,000 $ 50,000 ($77,250) ($79,568) ($81,955) ($313,772) Supplies Construction ($50,000) ($51,500) ($53,045) $ 150,000 ($209,181) $ 150,000 Contingencies $ 100,000 $ 50,000 $ 15,000 $ 165,000 $ - $ 15,000 $ 165,000 $ 480,000 TOTAL Mme Private Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 General Fund $ 100,000 $ 20,000 $ 107,250, $ 375,000 $ 107,250 TOTAL Westlake Visitors Assoc $ (140,000) $ 25,000 $ 41,250 $ 391,538 $ 41,250 Utilities Fund $ 5,000 $ 16,500 $ 16,500 Grants Interfund Loans TOTAL $ 100,000 $ 50,000 $ 165,000 $ - $ 165,0001 $ 480,000 Operating Budget Impact lrj�t�p p11 Budget I> t r g dna ;i ai 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 TOTAL Personnel Expenses ($75,000) ($77,250) ($79,568) ($81,955) ($313,772) Supplies ($50,000) ($51,500) ($53,045) ($54,636) ($209,181) Maintenance ($5,000) ($5,150) ($5,305) ($5,464) ($20,918) Services ($25,000) ($25,750) ($26,523) ($27,318) ($104,591) Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Revenue $ 15,000 $ 300,000 $ 350,000 $ 375,000 $ 1,040,000 TOTAL $ - $ (140,000) $ 140,3501 $ 185,561 $ 205,627 $ 391,538 Netto Fund Balance ($100,000) ($240,000) ($99,650) $85,911 $291,538 Town of Westlake, Texas 28 Capital Project Westlake Interchange Improvements Project Description As State Highway 114 is improved by TXDOT, the Town of Westlake will make aesthetic improvements to the basic state supported design and construction specifications in order to accent these major entryways; Westlake Parkway, Trophy Club Drive, Trophy Lake Drive, SH 114 and 170. Project Schedule 99gin End Design Oct -00 Dec -00 Construction Feb -01 May -01 Fiscal Impact Impact on Operating Budget P�eE' ada rata T� Budget f1r i c�bib „may p 0 2001 ...... 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Supplies Design Maintenance $7,500 Construction Services $350,000 Contingencies TOTAL TOTAL $ - $350,000 $ $ - $ - I.._. Private General Fund Enterprise Fund Grants 4A $350,000 TOTAL Interfund Loans 4a 4b TOTAL $ - $350,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Impact on Operating Budget P�eE' ada rata Budget 2001 _..:.:.......' P� 2DQ2 2003 2004 2005 TOTAL Personnel Expenses� Supplies Maintenance $7,500 Services Capital Outlay TOTAL $ - $7,500 $ - $ $ - $ - Town of Westlake, Texas 29 Capital Project Dove Road Overlay Project Description Dove Road will be overlaid from the east border to PD 3-1 and west of PD 3-1 to the proposed new intersection of Dove Road and Ottinger. Prosect Schedule Begin End Design Mar -00 May -00 Construction May -00 ,Jun -01 Fiscal Impact Impact on Operating Budget d NO srit� 000 ff Budget = 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 TOTAL Personnel Expenses j i�se............. .: 3 $ - 2001 2002. 2003 2004 2005 Design $ 10,000 Construction $ - $250,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Contingencies $ - $ 26,000 TOTAL $ - $286,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL $ - $ 46,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Private General Fund $ - Enterprise Fund Grants TOTAL Interfund Loans $240,000 Streets Maints Fund TOTAL $ - $286,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - Impact on Operating Budget d NO srit� 000 Budget F'. _.e ..::....... P; ..; , MW ta; ee ry 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 TOTAL Personnel Expenses Supplies *Maintenance $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Services Capital Outlay TOTAL $ - $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 *Anticipate creation of Streets Maintenance Fund in FY 2002-2003 which will require annual general fund contributions to maintain street maintenance schedule. Town of Westlake, Texas 30 Capital Project 377 Water Line Project Description Installation of water line to include west -side pump station, ground storage and 16" and 20" water line running from 377 east to Precinct Line Road following the current and proposed Dove Road alignment. All expenditures and revenues are determines based on the number of customers added to the system. Expenditures will be proportionate to revenue based on customer growth. Reimbursement to Hillwood for project financing will be based upon development coinciding with the 48% -Westlake, 52%-Hillwood allocation. Project Schedule Begin End Design Jan -OD Jun -00 Construction Jul -00 Apr -01 Fiscal Impact Plt�..:.3 Budget: 2001 2001 �:.:.:.. �..,.. 2004 , .._,r ...:.,, 2005 .... TOTAL 2002 2003 2004 2005 Design $488,000 Supplies Construction $3,408,320 Maintenance $22,587 $23,717 $24,902 Contingencies $100,000 $124,809 Services $18,144 $19,051 $20,003 TOTAL $3,996,720 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - ��.... TOTAL $40,731 $42,768 $44,095 $47,152 Private $5,160 $19,272 $35,330 $58,880 $75,280 General Fund Enterprise Fund $20,650 $44,968 $53,000 $58,880 $75,280 Grants TOTAL $25,810 $64,240 $88,330 $117,760 $150,560 Interfund Loans 4a 4b TOTAL $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Impact on Operating Budget fttA�ir' 1 ra', w Budget: 2001 m.��,......n. 2002 2003 �:.:.:.. �..,.. 2004 , .._,r ...:.,, 2005 .... TOTAL Personnel Expenses Supplies Maintenance $22,587 $23,717 $24,902 $26,148 $27,455 $124,809 Services $18,144 $19,051 $20,003 $21,004 $22,054 $100,256 Capital Outlay TOTAL $40,731 $42,768 $44,095 $47,152 $49,509 $225,065 Town of Westlake, Texas 31 Capital Project Extension of Water Mains Project Description Extension of water mains from the new Dove Road system to Stagecoach Hills, Aspen Lane and Glenwyck Project Schedule Begin End Design Oct -00 Dec -00 Construction Feb -01 May -01 Fiscal Impact Impact on Operating Budget ti rrp�._:._.�� ' L w Budget TOTAL Personnel Expenses rpten . w :W# .e 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Design $57,017 Maintenance $,1412 Construction $1,556 $380,112 $1,716 $7,800 Services $1,134 Contingencies $1,250 $76,022 $1,378 $6,266 Capital Outlay TOTAL $ $513,151 $ - $ - $ $ - Fri€n �> $2,807 $33,355 $32,496 $31,581 $30,606 $29,569 Debt Service Private General Fund Enterprise Fund Grants TOTAL $33,355 $32,496 $31,581 $30,606 $29,569 I nterfund Loans 4a 4b TOTAL $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Impact on Operating Budget ti rrp�._:._.�� ' 2001 3 2002 2003 2004 2005 TOTAL Personnel Expenses Supplies Maintenance $,1412 $1,482 $1,556 $1,634 $1,716 $7,800 Services $1,134 $1,191 $1,250 $1,313 $1,378 $6,266 Capital Outlay TOTAL $2,546 $2,673 $2,807 $2,947 $3,094 $14,067 Town of Westlake, Texas 32 Capital Project Fm 9938 Project Description The engineering design and construction document package with TX Dot review and approval for FM 1938 between SH 114 in Westlake and FM 1709 in Southlake/Keller implementation costs for Texas U-turns at SH 1141 FM 1938 interchange are also included. Westlake portion of costs relative to Southlake and Keller is 57.11 % for FM 1938 and 40% for SH 114 interchange improvements. Project Schedule Begin End Design Sep -00 Feb -02 Construction May -02 Jan -04 Fiscal Impact Impact on Operating Budget Budgets . Budget Ott .a:e u_n..A.. OOe�m 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Design $566,000 $99,925 01�2001 2002 2003 Construction 2005 TOTAL Personnel Expenses $240,000 $240,000 Contingencies Supplies $39,000 $13,200 TOTAL $ $566,000 $99,925 $279,600 $253,200 $ - Sdrr� .... 8 r $566,000 $99,925 $139,800 $126,600 Capital Outlay Private General TOTAL Fund Enterprise Fund Grants $139,800 $126,600 TOTAL $566,000 $99,925 $279,600 $253,300 Interfund Loans 4a 4b TOTAL $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Impact on Operating Budget Budgets yg .. _......e,d 01�2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 TOTAL Personnel Expenses Supplies Maintenance Services Capital Outlay TOTAL Town of Westlake, Texas 31 J Capital Projects Duct Bank Infrastructure Project Description System whereby the Town manages right of way by constructing a telecom duct bank system which is owned and operated by the Town and leased to telecom providers. Project Schedule 9MLa End Design Sept -00 Nov -00 Construction Nov -00 Apr -01 Fiscal Impact Impact on Operating Budge VOHST, "iM-- ------ -- BudgeQ 2001 Budget "L t t 8E. P , 0q r`tt E - I 'GIN 20fl1 2002 2003 2004 2005 Engineering $130,000 $5,000 Construction Maintenance $1,580,000 $10,000 Contingencies $190'000� Capital Outlay TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $35,000 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $1,900,000 $ Private General Fund Enterprise Fund Grants TOTAL Interfund Loans 4a $1,900,000 4b TOTAL I $ -1$1,900,000 $ -1 $ $ Impact on Operating Budge VOHST, "iM-- ------ -- BudgeQ 2001 �N- I S 2002 2003 2004 2005 TOTAL Personnel Expenses $10,000 Supplies $5,000 Maintenance $10,000 Services Capital Outlay $10,000 TOTAL $ - $35,000 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ $ Town of Westlake, Texas 34 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY 410.100 Payroll Expenses FY 00 Budget FY 00 Budget FY 01 Proposed Revenue FY 00 Actual FY 01 Proposed Salaries $ 46,000 $ 42,627 $ 58,955 Automobile Expense $ 658,437 Westlake Visitors Association $ 1,500 $ 2,400 Payroll Expense Other $1,817,422 $1,776,081 $ 2,372 $ 3,573 Administrative Overhead $ 120,000 $ 134,400 Subtotal $ 46,000 $ 166,499 $ 199,328 410.6 Office Expense General Office Rent $ 30,146 $ 43,455 $ 30,147 Subtotal $ 30,146 $ 43,455 $ 30,147 410.530 Telephone Mobile Phone $ 2,000 $ 1,967 $ 2,000 Internet Expense $ 1,900 $ 1,883 $ 1,900 Telephone - Other $ 8,500 $ 7,795 $ 9,735 Subtotal $ 12,400 $ 11,645 $ 13,635 700 Capital Projects Westlake Network $ 40,000 Subtotal $ 40,000 Total $ 88,5461 $ 182,789 $ 283,110 Of the above cost 10% ($26,255.50) is beim, deferred to the Westlake Utility Fund 25% (65,563.50) is being deferred to the Westlake Visitors Association Fund. Fund FY 00 Budget Year to Date FY 01 Proposed Revenue FY 01 Proposed Expenses General Fund $1,817,422 $1,776,081 $1,558,746 $1,529,842 Utility Fund $ 679,638 $ 658,437 Westlake Visitors Association $620,2521 $183,975 Total $1,817,422 $1,776,081 $2,858,6361 $2,383,826 Town of Westlake, Texas 35