HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 965 Rezoning of 37.514 acres at Dove Rd and Pearson roadTOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO.965 AN ORDINANCE ZONING AN APPROXIMATELY 37.514 ACRE TRACT OF LAND GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF DOVE ROAD AND PEARSON ROAD, FURTHER DESCRIBED AND DEPICTED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO, FROM THE R5 "COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL" ZONING DISTRICT TO PD9 "PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NUMBER NINE"; AUTHORIZING RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT; APPROVING A CONCEPT/DEVELOPMENT PLAN; APPROVING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (SUP) FOR PRIVATE STREETS; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Chapter 102 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Westlake establishes zoning districts, permissible uses, development standards, and other zoning related regulations; and WHEREAS, Section 62-31 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Westlake adopts a Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Westlake; and WHEREAS, Section 102-33(3) of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Westlake states that the purpose of a Planned Development District is to: Provide for a superior design of lots or buildings; Provide for increased recreation and/or open space opportunities for public use; Provide rural amenities or features that would be of special benefit to the property users or community; Protect or preserve natural amenities and environmental assets such as trees, creeks, ponds, floodplains, slopes or hills and viewscapes; Protect or preserve existing historical buildings, structures, features or places; and provide an appropriate balance between the intensity of development and the ability to provide adequate supporting public facilities and services; and WHEREAS, on July 1, 2022, the Town of Westlake received a Zoning Change Request from H Creek Development, LLC on behalf of the property owner for the property depicted and described in Exhibit "A" requesting that the Town zone said property to PD9 "Planned Development District Number Nine" in accordance with Chapter 102 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Westlake, Texas; and WHEREAS, following provision of proper legal notice, including written notice to owners within 200 feet of the subject property, published notice and posted notice in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act of public hearing, a public hearing was held on February 13, 2023 by the Planning and Zoning Commission (Commission) whereby the Commission recommended to the Town Council approval zoning change; and WHEREAS, following provision of proper legal notice, including written notice to owners within 200 feet of the subject property, published notice and posted notice in accordance with the Ordinance 965 Page 1 of 27 Texas Open Meetings Act of public hearing, a public hearing was held on February 27, 2023 by the Town Council; and WHEREAS, the Council believes that the interests of the Town, the present and future residents and citizens of the Town, and developers of land within the Town, are best served by adopting this Ordinance, which the Council has determined to be consistent with the 2015 Comprehensive Plan and its Land Use Map, Thoroughfare Plan, and Open Space Plan, all as amended to date; and WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and after a public hearing, the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas, is of the opinion that it is in the best interests of the Town and its citizens that the rezoning request should be approved and adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE TEXAS: SECTION 1: That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the property shown on attached Exhibit "A" is hereby rezoned from the R5, "Country Residential" zoning district to PD9, Planned Development District Number Nine", including the approval of a concept/development plan and a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for private streets, subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit "B". SECTION 3: This Zoning District shall be subject to all regulations contained in the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Westlake, Texas, except where amended herein. SECTION 4: That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other Town Ordinances and all other provisions of other Ordinances adopted by the Town which are inconsistent with the terms or provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 5: That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Westlake, and upon conviction shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6: It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas, that sections, paragraphs, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance shall be declared legally invalid or unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such legal invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this Ordinance since the same would have been enacted by the Town Council of the Town of Westlake without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such legally invalid or unconstitutional, phrase, sentence, paragraph or section. Ordinance 965 Page 2 of 27 SECTION 7: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage as the law in such case provides. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 27th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2023. ATTEST: Amy 4Piukanwn Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: 11" r �/x L. Stanton LA , Town Attorney Sean Kilbride, Mayor Ordinance 965 Page 3 of 27 EXHIBITS EXHIBIT A- Description and Depiction of Subject Property EXHIBIT B- Planned Development District Number Nine (PD9) Development Standards Ordinance 965 Page 4 of 27 EXHIBIT "A" Description and Depiction of Subject Property - Property Depiction DOVE ROAD .(� N89.2833 E 308.87 ___...._._3._.T ;.::. X Tu ._ - y----' - - .. - --N89 2033"E 90841 1 T 11 Iv �^$�{ `8y� SEE ,axur wAlfK.ME e)arw xr-�� W �• a N89 2U 33 E t00 Off � , i IIEALswrl,--i[ iC 1 .ItFI) Y'$.1p 2S5]SF AC. -� VOL. 12S'TT, PO. 1C71 01, 125 1, RJ - (RTCT i Y !.•��*e •• r�F SB9"5TS6'E4�.01.... I 1 37.514 AC. I 1 j I i L• ,... 1 x.._.i-r._x�...-... .. ., �.e_...- y -�, � 1 .._._.-JOSE>'M ADNIXA�fw KRISTEN 9ONUt.A .. l I (x+rcT i 5 1 � LOT +. BI.00X1 KL R ROGERS ESTATES Ft If �' • n I CC10202C2119 .:I r � 't IOWNOFWESTLAKE .E t vRTCT '11Y1.1! 1 .- s9i OY' "101. 4]sA^ 1 MYs. _- I i CITY OF KELL£R S8919'10"W 131697' TOWN OF WEST LAK£ _ 1 1 CITY OF KELLER bo JAGJITS IMNW� I.oT1 f ,^p' C.G O21n0A]TBU rNtTDT' MEIN[,% W, CAB. RSL_fi)yr, RRrcr BL SA HAP{. SYAWSON AOB"TKI l. D t, C..2Ns ADO+TKkI]8bRTCT 80 S5 ccF OYl5Tki219 � r+Rrcr rxrcT s Nt. CO G.B. Hk:M19RICKc WRVf;V JOSERH RONou of we KWSTEN BONOfA -Y'tll., PQ I)Ri-TC 8C8 D ITRAfT iOAk,T 1.0T 2, BCCC NE ESUM C13A, A. 8L. 10 VRTCT LOT 1 1 THE ESTATES CAO JAR. 4. 2TM GI c WYCK HILL LN_ Viz, O i N LOT 11, 8LOCK I �'. THE ES TAPES W MTCT �a N s ...._....... ................... ..... ...___._. lOT it A. BLOCK 1 MCESTATES .A 9L. 40¢ti iaiTCT a� t Fyn t ,-S UTE Lr rco D: � 131 A LOT s, BLOCK A �..4� YAWri)KWGN AUOITKJN i _ CCY U2/BtiYSM t PR1CT I OT 1, BLCGKI C-L-L ACRES GB, B.s.- rrzrrT .w RPRCYES. CCY 021TY5A832 DRTCT Ordinance 965 Page 5 of 27 EXHIBIT "A" continued Description and Depiction of Subject Property - Property Description LAND DESCRIPTION: BEING THOSE CERTAIN LOTS, TRACTS, OR PARCELS OF LAND SITUATED IN THE G. B. HENDRICKS SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 680, CITY OF WESTLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, A CALLED 23.5318 ACRE TRACT AS CONVEYED TO JOSEPH A BONOLA IN THE DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 12577, PAGE 1671, AND A 1.0 ACRE TRACT AND TRACT II A CALLED 8.0 ACRE TRACT OF LAND AS CONVEYED TO JOSEPH BONOLA AND KRISTEN BONOLA IN THE DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 14246, PAGE 508, ALL IN THE DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS (DRTCT), SAID TRACTS OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED, BY METES AND BOUNDS, AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A 1/2 INCH IRON PIPE FOUND FOR TH SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT II, SAID CORNER BEING NORTH 00°21'39" EAST 1681.78 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID HENDRICKS SURVEY, SAID PIPE ALSO BEING IN THE NORTH LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO JAGJIT S MAGNAT IN THE DEED RECORDED IN COUNTY CLERK'S FILE NUMBER (CC#) D214093786, DRTCT, AND IN THE EAST LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, K&R ROGERS ESTATE, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF WESTLAKE AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN CC# D209202119, PLAT RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS (PRTCT); THENCE NORTH 00°21'39" WEST WITH SAID LOT 1, AT 94.90 FEET PASS THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1, SAID CORNER ALSO BEIN GHT ESOUTHEAST CORNER OF A TRCXT OF LAND CONVEYED TO SCOTT BRSADLEY, AND KELLY PACE BRADLEY IN THE DEED RECORDED IN 13502, PAGE 90, DRTCT, CONTINUING WITH SAID BRADLEY TRACT AT 270.39 FEET PASS A 5/8 INCH IRON ROD FOUND FOR THE COMMON WESTERLY CORNER BETWEEN SAID TRACT 11 AND SAID 28.5318 ACRE TRACT CONTINUING WITH SAID BRADLEY TRACT A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 1,253.31 FEET TO A 5/8 INCH IRON ROD FOUND FOR THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID 28.6318 TRACT, THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID BRADLEY TRACT, AND IN THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY (ROW) LINE OF DOVE ROAD; THENCE NORTH 89°20'33" EAST WITH SAID ROW LINE, AT 303.82 FEET PASS A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD FOUND WITH A PLASTIC CAP STAMPED, "LANDES & ASSOCIATES" CONTINUING IN ALL A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 308.82 FEET TO A POINT FOR THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF SA TRACT OF LANFO CONVEYED TPO THE CITY OF WESTLAKE IN THE DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 14909, PAGE 434, DRTCT THENCE SOUTH 00"39'27" EAST WITH THEW WEST LINE OF SAID CITY TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET TO A 5/8 INCH IRON ROD FOUND FOR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID CITY TRACT; THENCE NORTH 89°20'33" EAST WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID CITY TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD FOUND WITH A PLASTIC CAP STAMPED, LANDES & ASSOCIATES" FOR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID CITY TRACT, THENCE NORTH 00°39'27" WEST WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID CITY TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER IN THE AFOREMENTIONED SOUTHERLY ROW LINE; THENCE NORTH 89°20'33" EAST WITH SAID SOUTHERLY ROW LINE, A DISTANCE OF 908.41 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD FOUND WITH A PLASTRIC CAP STAMMPED, "LANDES & ASSOCIATES FOR THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 38.5318 ACRE TRACT AT THE SOUTHWEST INTERSECTION OF SAID SOUTHERLY ROW LINE AND THE WESTERLY ROW LINE OF PEARSON LANE; THENCE SOUTH 00°15'29" EAST WITH SAID WESTERLY ROW LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1,252.80 FEET TO A 5/8 INCH IRON ROD FOUND FOR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE AFOREMENTIONED 1.0 ACRE TRACT, SAID IRON ROD ALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, CARLENE ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF KELLER AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT RECORDED IN CABINET B, SLIDE 309, PRTCT; THENCE SOUTH 89*1910" WEST WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 AND THE SOUTH LINE OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND A DISTANCE OF 1,314.97 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, AND CONTAINING 37.514 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. Ordinance 965 Page 6 of 27 EXHIBIT "B" Planned Development District Number 9 (PD9) Development Standards Section 1 — General A. The purpose of PD9 is for a detached single-family residential development of not more than 17 residential lots with a gross maximum density of 0.49 dwelling units per acre. B. The development authorized by this ordinance shall be generally consistent with all provisions and graphics contained the Concept/Development Plan, attached as Exhibit B-1, the development description, attached as Exhibit B-2, and the development exhibits, attached as Exhibit B-3. In the event of a conflict between the terms of Exhibit "B" and Exhibits B-1, B-2 and B-3, the terms of Exhibit `B" shall control. C. Platting 1. The developer shall submit, and receive approval for, a preliminary site evaluation prior to any land disturbance activities; 2. Prior to the final acceptance of public improvements, approval of private streets and release of residential building permits, the developer shall submit, and receive approval for, a final plat, which shall be platted as a single phase. 3. The final plat noted above shall be recorded with the County Clerk prior to the release of any residential building permits. 4. Prior to the approval of the preliminary site evaluation, the developer shall submit a development agreement for final approval by the Town Council per the requirements of the Code of Ordinances. D. Permitted Uses — The following are permitted principal and accessory uses: 1. Single Family Detached Homes 2. Open Space 3. Private Streets 4. Drainage facilities (including retention and detention ponds) 5. Guard house 6. Accessory Uses (as authorized in the Town's zoning regulations) E. Homeowner's Association — The development shall be governed by a Homeowner's Association (HOA) that will be responsible for common area maintenance, amenities, private street maintenance, and enforcing the HOA Design Guidelines for the community. The Homeowner's Association shall appoint an Architectural Review Committee that must have at least one (1) Texas Licensed Architect with experience in applying Design Guidelines and advising an Architectural Review Committee on matters of design. Ordinance 965 Page 7 of 27 F. All plans submitted for permit within this development shall be prepared by a Texas Licensed Architect and contain sufficient details required to explain the full exterior construction to a competent contractor. Section 2 — Residential Design Standards A. Lot and Housing Specifics: The following are the minimum design criteria for each home in the development: 1. Housing Type: Single Family Detached; 2. Minimum Lot Size: 43,560 square feet; 3. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line: One Hundred Twenty-five feet (125'); except pie -shaped cul-de-sac lots 3, 4 & 16, in which case the minimum shall be 112', 120' & 90', respectively, as shown on Exhibit B-1; 4. Front Setback: 40 feet; 5. Side Setbacks: 20 feet 6. Rear Setback: 40 feet; 7. Minimum Unit Size: 4,500 square feet; 8. Maximum Height: 32 feet to the midpoint of the highest pitched roof. B. Special Setback Provisions: 1. Lots adjacent to Pearson Lane and Dove Road shall have a minimum 40- foot setback from the road right-of-way. C. Garages: All homes shall have a minimum of three enclosed parking spaces with architecturally enhances doors. D. Acceptable Roof materials: 1. Clay, slate or concrete tile 2. Non -reflective standing seam metal roof with a factory finish in earth tones; 3. Copper roofs for accent roofing and for a French turret; 4. Composition shingle roofs are prohibited E. Exterior Walls: Exterior walls shall meet the requirements of the Town's Building Quality Manual as adopted by Resolution 18-02. F. Design Guidelines: Prior to the approval of the preliminary site evaluation, the developer shall submit final design guidelines for approval by the Town Council that shall be recorded with the private deed covenants, conditions and restrictions. Said guidelines shall incorporate the recommendations contained in the Westlake Ordinance 965 Page 8 of 27 Building Quality Manual referenced above. With the exception of any guideline provision addressing a particular architectural style, said design guidelines shall be enforced by Town staff in reviewing building permit applications for compliance with the provisions above. Guideline provisions to be enforced by staff include, but may not be limited to, general building articulation, massing, fenestration, roof slope, construction details and building materials. G. Development Entry — The development entry design and materials shall be constructed prior to the acceptance of public improvements and shall be consistent with Exhibit B-3. Section 3 — Landscaping, Open Space, Water Features, Tree Preservation and Parkland Dedication A. Landscaping: Not later than 90 days after the approval of the preliminary site evaluation, the developer shall submit a master landscape plan for the development prepared by a State of Texas registered landscape architect. Said plan shall be reviewed for final approval by the Town Manager. The plan may be forwarded to the Town Council for final approval at the discretion of the Town Manager. The final approved master landscape plan shall be included with the development agreement. B. Tree Preservation — All protected trees shall require mitigation upon damage or removal as required by the Code of Ordinances. Where possible, old growth trees and tree clusters should be preserved as identified in the master landscape plan. C. Open Space A minimum of 1.25 acres (3.43%) of the development shall be reserved as open space. All open space, including public and private, shall be substantially consistent with Exhibit B-1. D. Parkland Dedication — In lieu of any parkland dedication, the developer shall pay a parkland dedication fee as required by the Code of Ordinances. The fee amount and any other conditions related to this requirement shall be determined as part of the development and/or economic development agreement between the Town and the developer. E. Landscape Easements - Landscape easements shall be shown on the preliminary site evaluation and final plat for the development. The easements shall be consistent with the landscape easements shown on Concept/Development Plan. No impervious cover including buildings, structures or pools may be placed with the landscape easement. All existing protected trees located within a landscape easement are hereby prohibited from removal by the developer and homebuilder. The following note shall be placed on the final plat relative to the landscape easements: "Landscape easements are intended for the preservation of existing Ordinance 965 Page 9 of 27 trees, and for planted landscape material such as trees, plants and groundcover only. No impervious surface of any kind or permanent structures, including buildings and swimming pools, may be placed in any landscape easement." Section 4 — Fencing A. Perimeter fencing shall be consistent with the attached exhibits and the concept/development plan. Wood fencing between lots is not permitted. All front elevation fences, from the front of the house to the side property line, shall be open style fencing of decorative metal, and/or masonry. Section 5 — Streets, sidewalks/trails, parking and access A. Streets — A Specific Use Permit (SUP) is hereby granted for all community streets within PD9, which shall be private and constructed to Town standards except that street widths may be a minimum of 26 feet, face of curb to face to face of curb. All outdoor lighting shall comply with the Town's outdoor lighting requirements. B. Sidewalks and Trails — Internal sidewalks shall be built along the open space property along the east side of the project. The developer shall provide a trail connection per Exhibit B-3 linking the development to the existing Town trail on the east side of Pearson Lane prior to the acceptance of public improvements. The specifications of the trail connection and crosswalk across Pearson shall be determined as part of the development agreement. C. Parking — Adequate guest parking, trailhead and park parking, and parking for the proposed private amenities shall be shown on the master landscape plan with maintenance responsibilities borne by the homeowner's association as described in the required development agreement. Section 6 — Utilities, Drainage and Grading A. Public Utilities — Water and sewer service shall be provided by the Town of Westlake to this development. The developer shall, at their cost, construct all necessary water and sewer system improvements per Town standards and shall secure any necessary easements. B. Duct Bank - A Duct Bank system shall be installed by the Developer throughout the subdivision as required by Town ordinances. The Duct Bank shall be located within a utility easement, the final details of which shall be determined by the Town Manager or designee. The home builder shall tie into the Duct Bank prior to the Final Inspection for the home. C. Stormwater — Stormwater facilities shall be installed by the developer and employ facilities that are recommended by the comprehensive plan. Final location and Ordinance 965 Page 10 of 27 design of said facilities shall require the final approval of the Town Manager or designee. D. Lot Grading — Grading and disturbance of land by the developer shall be restricted to areas necessary to construct public improvements. The pre -grading of individual residential lots by the developer for the purpose of creating a residential pad is hereby prohibited. SUMMARY OF EXHIBITS: Exhibit B-I — Concept/Development Plan Exhibit B-2 — Development Description Exhibit B-3 — Development Exhibits Ordinance 965 Page 11 of 27 Exhibit B-1 — Concept/Development Plan Il fig,, If U lit; N fD 7T, Ordinance 965 Page 12 of 27 Exhibit B-2 — Development Description V' 01 0 I Westlake, Texas Zoning Narrative —12 DEC 2022 Hat Creek Development Developer Sage Group, Inc., Land Planner Statement of Planning Objectives Villaggio is a proposed residential neighborhood to be developed by Hat Creek Development, under the PD Residential District regulations for residential development in the Town of Westlake. The 37.5 acre property is located at the southwest corner of Dove Road and Pearson Lane, in Westlake. Adiacencies: The property is located to the south, across Dove Road, from the mixed -use Circle T Ranch development; to the west, across Pearson Lane, from the acre+ lot "The Estates" neighborhood (aka Wyck Hill); and to the east, across the creek/drainage, from the 2 acre lot "Paigebrooke" addition- all within the Town of Westlake. To the south, in the City of Keller, are acre+ lots, accessed by an access easement along the southern boundary of Villaggio. The intent here is to rezone the entire property to a low -density residential PD, unifying the property into one cohesive, master planned residential development of the highest quality. There are currently two occupied single-family homes on the property, which will be removed as a part of this proposal. The proposed plan responds to, and in many ways reflects the neighborhoods and properties it is adjacent to. The overall gross density of less than 1 lot for every two acres matches or is lower than the adjacent neighborhoods, and the proposed almost 16 acre estate lot provides a buffer to Paigebrooke to the west. The remaining proposed 1 to 2+ acre lots have been carefully arranged to blend seamlessly into the area. The layout "opens" Villaggio up to Pearson Lane by locating a treed and well -landscaped greenbelt along that frontage, behind which is the entry and internal access road and the front elevations of several homes, while providing more of a buffer to the higher activity Dove Road frontage. Villaggio is envisioned to be a serene, private neighborhood of the highest quality, and is not intended to exhibit a "showy" theme, other than quality. In summary, we have designed the project to be compatible and in harmony with our adjacent neighbors and to be consistent with the city's Future Land Use Plan. Ordinance 965 Page 13 of 27 Exhibit B-2 — Development Description (continued) Quality and compatibility with the adjacent residential, as well as the rest of Westlake is essential, and we have designed this proposal with those goals in mind. Access: The development will be gaining access from a gated entry off Pearson Lane, across from "The Estates" entry at Wyck Hill Lane. The almost 16 acre estate lot on the west side, will also have a private access from Dove Road, where there is currently a drive and gate The residences planned for Villaggio will be very upscale, with selling prices estimated to start in excess of $3 million. Each home will be required to be architecturally authentic, and go through a rigorous design review process. Villaggio will be proposed as a gated community with private streets. We propose to build a street section of 26' (face of curb to face of curb), in a 35' Private Street R.O.W., throughout the project, except for the main divided entry road. In addition to comprehensive architectural standards for the built improvements, there will also be rigorous, high quality landscape standards, which will be reviewed in the same process. The existing and fully developed storm drainage has been carefully analyzed, and will be designed to meet all town regulations and not adversely affect any neighboring properties. The property generally drains to the west, into the existing creek which drains to the north, under Dove Road. To encourage pedestrian activity from the neighborhood to the adjacent Westlake trail system, internal sidewalks will be built along the open space reserve along the east side of the project, connecting, through the entry, across Pearson Lane to the trail on its east side. The scale and orientation of the development has been designed to have an inviting visual flow with the existing neighborhoods and surrounding uses. The design criteria of the homes will create high quality designed homes in keeping with both the immediate neighborhood and Westlake as a whole. Ordinance 965 Page 14 of 27 Exhibit B-2 — Development Description (continued) Development Schedule Villaggio will be developed in one phase, with development commencing upon the successful completion of the zoning and platting and the subsequent approval of the final plat and engineering plans. Construction of homes is anticipated to start immediately upon completion of the subdivision's infrastructure. All construction will be governed by the Town of Westlake Building Quality Manual; and a comprehensive set of Design Guidelines prepared specifically for Villaggio, coupled with a rigorous revise and approval process, currently under development. However, the following base standards will provide the minimum requirements, to be augmented by the Design Guidelines. Development Standards Permitted Land Use: Single Family Residential Detached. Each lot will be limited to one primary residential structure, and one accessory structure- with the exception of Lot 1, which shall be allowed a primary residential structure, a secondary residential structure, and two non -habitable accessory structures. Minimum House Size: 4,500 square feet. Minimum Lot Area: 43,560 s.f. (Typical lot- 1 acre+; average about 87,643 s.f.) Minimum Lot Width: One Hundred Twenty-five feet (125') measured at the building setback line, except pie -shaped cul-de-sac lots 3, 4 & 16, in which case the minimum shall be 112', 120' & 90', respectively, as shown on the Development Plan. Front Yard Setbacks: Forty feet (40') back of the property line Rear Yard Setbacks: Forty feet (40'), except where the landscape easement requires additional setbacks, as shown. Side Yard Setbacks: Twenty feet (20'). Street Standards: The streets within Villaggio are proposed to be private streets with restricted access (gated). All undivided sections will be built to the standard street section of 26' f/f paving, Ordinance 965 Page 15 of 27 Exhibit B-2 — Development Description (continued) in a 35' Private Street ROW. The divided entry shall have a minimum width of 18', on each side. Minimum Roof Pitch: Minimum of a 10:12 roof pitch, unless architecturally required to vary, based on home style. Garage Standard: Minimum of a three -car garage with wood -like, architecturally enhanced doors. Masonry Requirement: The dominant exterior vertical wall area of each structure, exclusive of doors and windows, shall be masonry (brick, stone, or stucco over CMU block) or other material solely determined by the Committee. Dryvit systems or Styrofoam products are not acceptable. The exterior of chimney flues shall be of masonry material acceptable to the Committee. Installation of all types of exterior items and surfaces such as address numbers or external ornamentation, lights, mail chutes, mailboxes, roofing materials and exterior paint or stain, shall be subject to the approval of the Committee as to size, design, materials color, manufacturer and location. Additional Elevation Requirements: All plans will be reviewed by the Villaggio Architectural Review Committee, and will comply with a set of Design Guidelines which will be developed to ensure structures and site features of the highest quality. Elevations will have a hierarchy of plate dominance featuring custom front doors and entrances; balanced architectural features and interests with natural tones for paint and exterior finishes. The elevations on all "four sides" shall be addressed in the design to present a finished appearance. Roofing will match the architectural style. Slate, clay and concrete tile or standing seam metal are examples. Each elevation should add interest to the entire streetscape. Windows: No aluminum widows allowed in the subdivision, only windows of higher quality and energy efficiency will be allowed. All windows will be insulated glass with a "low-e" specification. Ordinance 965 Page 16 of 27 Exhibit B-2 — Development Description (continued) Fencing: Wood fencing between lots is not permitted. All front elevation fences, from the front of the house to the side property line, shall be open style fencing of decorative metal, and/or masonry. Streetscape Standards: Minimum of four (4) three-inch (3") caliper trees per front yard, unless quality existing trees are present and saved. Fully landscaped and sprinklered front and rear yard within sixty days of completing a house. Open Space Maintenance: The open space lots within the subdivision shall be maintained in a consistent, uniform manner by the Villaggio Homeowners Association through dues collected from the individual homeowners. Membership in the Homeowner's Association is mandatory. Open Space Standards: All Common Open Space shall be fully landscaped and irrigated with a combination of trees and shrubbery pursuant to an approved landscape plan. The Common Open Space shall be owned, operated and maintained by Villaggio Homeowners Association which shall have a mandatory membership of all homeowners and shall collect dues in amounts satisfactory to maintain the Common Open Space. The Association shall have fine and lien rights as permitted by law to enforce compliance with the rules of the association. Signage: A monument sign identifying the subdivision shall be built at the gated entry from Pearson Lane. Ordinance 965 Page 17 of 27 Exhibit B-2 — Development Description (continued) Villaggio Design Standards — Preliminary Submittal Blue text = new standard not shown in the Building Quality Manual _3d Approved Architectural Styles - Mediterranean (Spanish Revival, Italian and Tuscan) - French Eclectic (Symmetrical, Asymmetrical) - English (Arts and Crafts, Tudor and Cotswold) - Texas Regional Vernacular - Contemporary Style -Specific Massing Elements - All styles will be limited to no more than one turret or tower - Contemporary homes will be limited to no more than one shed roof Foundation - Elevation of the front entry for each home shall be at least 1 foot and 6 inches above finished grade. - The masonry ledge, or stucco termination point, for all foundation work visible from the street shall be dropped to an elevation that is no greater than 1 1/z" above finished grade. - With a sloped grading condition, the visible foundation will be no greater than 6" above finished grade at any given point in the slope - Water tables (where stylistically appropriate) are strongly encouraged, and should project from the plane of the main exterior material a minimum of 3 inches to provide a wider base to the foundation. Ordinance 965 Page 18 of 27 Exhibit B-2—Development Description Height Limit ofthe home ' Exceptions tm6oapproved 6yARC - 32'hzmidpoint of highest pitched roof - Contemporary style homes have omaximum height of23'totop ofparapet wall orflat roof Single Plane Limit ' Not toexceed 35feet horizontally, then at35 feet aminimum of18"articulation iorequived Building Quality Manual specifies 4'amam offset, but excludes Contemporary - For Contemporary style homes, asecond floor level must not exceed 50%ofthe lower floor level insquare footage, toallow for appropriate vertical articulation. Wall Construction ' Wood framing for exterior walls will be constructed of2"x6",even when CMUblock is required - Windows and entry doors will barecessed aminimum of4^from exterior face cf finish, with the exception of walls with a siding veneer or stucco over wood framing Building Quality Manual stater. 5-and does noghave a siding veneer prstucco over wood exception. - Stucco over wood framing conditions will be recessed a minimum of 2 1/2" from exterior face of finish and optional with asiding veneer. Building Quality Manual states !/Y` - Garage doors will borecessed aminimum of12"from exterior face cdfinish - For aContemporary style with wood siding, the windows will not require erecess, but must bofinished anone ofthe approved details below. Roof Pitch (Style dependent) ' Exceptions tmbaapproved byARC - Mediterranean 412hoO12 - French 12121o1U12 November 312022 2 Ordinance 965 Page l9vf27 Exhibit B-2 — Development Description (continued) - English 10:12 to 16:12 - Texas Regional Vernacular 4:12 to 6:12 - Contemporary 4:12 to 6:12 (Shed or Flat roofs not to exceed 20% of overall roof) Exterior Materials — earth tone colors required Roof Materials: - Clay Barrel tile - Non -reflective standing seam metal roof with a factory finish in earth tones will be required for TX Regional Vernacular and Contemporary architectural styles. - Slate tile - Concrete tile, with the look of clay barrel tile or slate tile - Composition shingles will not be allowed No black colors will be allowed - A copper roof will be encouraged for accent roofing and for a French turret Exterior Wall Finishes (to be 80% Masonry material - Stone, Brick or Stucco over CMU) - Material changes in the same wall plane are prohibited unless it is part of a detail that is characteristic of that approved architectural style. - Vertical material changes should occur at an inside corner, and are not permitted at exterior corners of greater than 135 degrees. - A horizontal material change may take place with a minimum depth of 4", with a cast stone or heavy timber detail. uildirrt, Qualily Nianual states 6 " - 3-Coat Stucco over CMU block - Stucco over wood framing — will also be a 3 coat application and will not exceed 20% (cumulative with other non -masonry materials) - Stucco over CMU block will not require expansion joints - Stucco over wood framing will be expected to have minimal expansion joints and must be filled with expandable material that is flush with the stucco and undistinguishable in the fact that it is finished in the same texture and color as the surrounding stucco. - Stucco details will not be allowed, such as window or door surrounds, bands, water table caps or other details. Cut limestone, cast stone or heavy timber will be required. - Stone veneer - Only natural stone will be allowed and will be quarried rustic, chopped or cut stone. Cultured or manufactured stone will not be allowed. Stacked joints will not be allowed. - Flush mortar joints may be used on slathered brick finishes if approved by the Committee. - Mortar joints to be a maximum of 1/2" for rustic or chopped stone. Honed and cut stone to be a maximum mortar joint of 1/3". Building Quality Manual states 3/8" - Brick to be either modular brick or queen sized brick and must be hard fired. Building Quality Manual allows standard, along with modular and queen. Ordinance 965 Page 20 of 27 Exhibit B-2 — Development Description (continued) Mortar joints shall be tooled, not slump or weeping joints. Stacked joints will be approved on a case -by -case basis, and should only be used for stylistically appropriate details. - Mortar joints to be a maximum of 3/8". - Metal Panels (Corten Steel) - not to exceed 200/0' (cumulative with other non -masonry materials) Wood Siding/Panels - not to Exceed 20%' (cumulative with other non -masonry materials) - Faux wood siding or cementitious board will not be approved, such as Trespa or James Hardi. Treated solid wood siding, such as Delta Millworks will be an approved material Windows and Doors Approved window types will be wood clad, steel or bronze Vinyl windows will not be allowed - Mullions are required, as appropriate for the architectural style. Smaller windows which are a consistent size of window divisions on larger windows may not require mullions Windows should be installed with the header located at the cornice detail so that the window surround does not interfere with the cornice. Windows should have a visual unity, such as the same header height throughout a single plane or elevation Garage doors are to be wood or wood veneer, no metal garage doors will be allowed - Tuscan, Italian and Spanish homes to have a wood entry door, not metal Secondary doors should match windows in material and finish Stylistically appropriate Surround materials: English & Spanish: cast stone, cut stone or heavy timber Tuscan: rough stone, brick or heavy timber Italian: cut stone or cast stone French & TX Regional: heavy timber, cut stone or rough stone Contemporary: no surrounds Chimneys At least one prominent chimney is required on all homes, regardless of style, and must be visible from street view. Massive and elaborate chimneys are expected on French and English homes, with clay chimney pots TX Regional Vernacular and Contemporary homes should have a very simplistic chimney design, as illustrated here. i Ordinance 965 Page 21 of 27 Exhibit B-2 — Development Description (continued) Details - Shutters shall be operable and must be sized so as to fully cover the adjacent window when closed. All shutter hardware (hinges, shutter dogs, locks and or tie -backs, etc.) required for true operation must be present and also stylistically appropriate. - Soffit stylistically Appropriate design and materials: French: stucco, cut stone or cast stone finish grade wood (only for asymmetric styles) English, Italian, Tuscan & TX Regional: T&G finish grade wood Contemporary: T&G finish grade wood or stucco - Soffit materials using faux wood siding or cementitious board will not be approved, such as Trespa or James Hardi - Gutters will be half round with the exception of Contemporary and TX Regional, no ogee or K style will be accepted - Copper Gutters specifically required for Mediterranean architectural styles: Tuscan, Spanish and Italian - Box Gutters specifically required for Contemporary styles. Optional for TX Regional Vernacular, however only with a standing seam metal roof. Not accepted on English, French or Mediterranean. - Driveways and parking area material to be salt, sandblasted or broom finished concrete, precast concrete pavers, brick or stone. Permeable guest parking, such as crushed granite, to be approved on a case -by -case basis. Asphalt material is prohibited. Motor courts within the front 1 /3 of the property to have a minimum 20' setback from the street curb, and maximum of 40' wide paved area. Driveways to be a minimum of 12' wide, and a maximum of 16' wide. - Patio hardscaping materials to be brick or stone. Mediterranean homes have the option of using a terra Gotta material. Ordinance 965 Page 22 of 27 Exhibit B-3 — Development Exhibits • 1401111� - WESTLAX9 Ordinance 965 Page 23 of 27 SkM GR", INC ueM � 4cMe[Ivs ma.a�., ae.im u:r�.xs.sx Exhibit B-3 — Development Exhibits (continued) VILLAGGIO W E S T L A K F Ordinance 965 Page 24 of27 Exhibit B-3 — Development Exhibits (continued) STONE TOWER FEATURE PEpF STRIAN fiT(INF FNTRV ARCH GATEtt\\ FEATURE\ STONE GATE COLUMN 1 \ c AND FEN TIN W.T. GATE \`� (� 7-... AND FENCING T. �T.4 E L E V A T 1 0 N O F E N T R Y ENTRY MARDOE E } VILLACCIO WESTLAKE Ordinance 965 Page 25 of 27 Exhibit B-3 — Development Exhibits (continued) TONE ON S" .N-U. ON CONC, EOESTAL TYP. Y a Pot ELEVATIONS SECT. STONE PYLONS HARDSCAPE FEATURES sum .all-, SIGNATURE COLS ON PEDESTAL ARCHED STONE WALL ''KITH CAP,, STONE COL - W.1. FENCING T.B.O. t „ram �.. �,✓ ti- COLUMN, ARCHED WALL AND SIGNATURE COLUMN SIGNATURE ENTRY STONE BED ENTRY FEATURES WESTLAKE Ordinance 965 Page 26 of 27 Exhibit B-3 — Development Exhibits (continued) V1LLAWO WESTLAKE DECORATIVE WROUGHT IRON FENCE & GATES EXAMPLES Ordinance 965 Page 27 of 27