HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 343 Amending the Thoroughfare PlanTOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 343 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, APPROVING AN AMENDED THOROUGHFARE PLAN. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, hereby approves an amended Thoroughfare Plan as attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit A. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 10TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2000. Scott Bradley, Mayor ATTEST: 6in.y& Crosswy, Town Sec tary [VA" LABOR 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. l }.} B .____________._______._--.--.--...—.-----.---.1 1.2 P}uo Purpose --..--------.---------------------------'} 7]} Inventory and Analysis ----------------.—.--.--.---....--------... 2 2.1 Function of Thoroughfare Planning -----.------.-------______._. 2 2.2 Thoroughfare Planning Prooeos----------------------------. 2 2.3 Existing Conditions ioWestlake .................................................................................... 3 2.4 Thoroughfare Plans ofAdjacent Cities .......................................................................... 3 4j0 Thoroughfare System -----------------..--.----.'—.---..------.. 7 Thoroughfare Plan Adopted January 10,200O Page LIST OF TABLES Table I Roadway Functional Classifications and General Planning Guidelines ........................9 LIST OF FIGURES Figure I Thoroughfares in Cities Adjacent to Westlake ..............................................................4 Figure 2 Roadway Function by Classification ............................................................................. 7 Figure 3 Thoroughfare Plan - Town of Westlake ....................................................................... 10 Thoroughfare Plan Adopted January 10, 2000 Page H In 1992, the Town of Westlake adopted a Thoroughfare Plan as a component of a Comprehensive Plan. This Thoroughfare Plan was composed of a set of Policies, a Conceptual Thoroughfare Map, and a set of Conceptual Roadway Sections. Since that time, an ordinance concerning driveway access and design has been approved and there is a need to update the functional classification designations of the roadway system to conform to current standard nomenclature and application to the driveway access and design ordinance. In 1998, the plan was updated to reflect the latest configuration of proposed streets and thoroughfares. This current revision serves as an update to the 1998 plan, and replaces it as the Town's official thoroughfare plan component of the Comprehensive mlnl�= El The purpose of the Thorougi1`are Plan, as a component of the Comprehensive Plan, is to provide residents, employees and visitors to Westlake with convenient vehicular and pedestrian access and roadway circulation. It is further intended to reinforce the rural and recreational character of the Town, minimize traffic congestion, and be environmentally sensitive in terms of reducing air pollution and stonn water runoff. It is also intended to be compatible with the specific thoroughfare plans of adjacent cities and the general roadway system of the total urbanized area. The Plan contains a set of goals and policies and a map which are intended to provide guidance for the planning and design of multi -modal facilities in Westlake. Roadway aligm-nents depicted within are general in nature. Detailed design and construction standards for roadways can be found in the Town's Engineering Standards. Thoroughfare Plan Adopted January l0, 2000 Page 1 Town of Westlake The function of the Thoroughfare Plan is to provide a guide for determining future roadway requirements for the Town. The Plan is developed to support the Town's land use plan by providin: adequate capacity to move people, goods, and services efficiently. It will allow the Town to acquir,;, needed right-of-way in advance of or as new development occurs. The plan should be flexible and should be reviewed on a regular basis to incorporate changes in local conditions. The plan is a guide that indicates roadway capacity needs in response to planned land uses in an area and serves as a basis for subdivision requirements. In developed sections of the Town, the Thoroughfare Plan provides guidance for upgrading and/or protecting the integrity and character of existing thoroughfares. The process of developing a thoroughfare plan requires the consideration of elements that affect travel demands, movement and access requirements, and physical constraints to roadway construction. In addition, the plan should further community objectives for the character of Westlake. The first consideration in developing a thoroughfare plan is the Town's land use plan. IThe ie of land uses that are existing or L-.9glanned for an area helit, to decide thejr pro -,, e ro • a# iat capacity and access needs for that area. A densely developed commercial area will require higher capacity roadways and intersections than a low density residential area. The next consideration is balancing the movement and access functions of the thoroughfare system. Roadways serve two competing functions, the movement of traffic, and access to properties. This competition exists as ingress and egress maneuvers from local properties impede the movement of traffic on major roadways, and as high traffic volumes make turning movements into and out of driveways difficult. Structuring a thoroughfare plan such that these two competing functions occur on separate portions of the system is a primary goal of thoroughfare planning. Physical constraints to roadway construction such as drainage areas, topography, vegetation, and existing development are considered. Efforts are made to cross, or avoid these constraints in a mature stands of trees and efficient operations. In addition, it is important to lay out roadways that will open key views and vistas within the Town. Finally, community objectives for maintaining a rural character for the To while accommodating development, help to her determine roadway patterns, access characteristics and the design of roadway corridors. Thoroughfare Plan Adopted January 10, 2000 Page 2 Town of Westlake The system of streets and highways in theTown of 'ITestlake is generally compnsed ot- rural asphalt roadways constructed by Tarrant and Denton Counties. The exceptions are (1) the sections of U.S. 377, S.H. 114 and S.H. 170 that have been upgraded to freeway standards and (2) the sections of Kirkwood Boulevard and Sam School Road constructed to improved standards in the Solana development. IIIIIIIIIII I Im I I I In the interest of showing the relationship between the proposed Town of Westlake Thoroughfare Plan and the thoroughfare plans in the adjacent cities, information on the plans for the cities surrounding the Town has been obtained and is presented in Figure I (see p. 4). With the exception of Westlake Parkway and Streets "A", "D", "E" and "F" at US 377, thoroughfares that extend to the boundaries of the Town link directly to a similar roadway cross-section in an adjacent municipality. Thoroughfare Plan Adopted January 10, 2000 Page 3 Town of Westlake The following goals and policies have been developed to provide guidance and direction in the I ",I e i, * i, If-.mentntion eration of a multi -modal transportation s:,Lstem for the Town of Westlake. These goals and policies should be supported with specific actions by the Town to assure that the desired levels of mobility, safety, and land use compatibility are attained. Goal 1: Develop a road system within Westlake that works with development standards to create a rural experience for the driver and reinforces a sense of community in Westlake. Policy 1.1 Develop roadways, where possible, that: ® Use natural swales for drainage 0 Are constructed of high quality concrete or asphalt construction, without curbs and gutters. 0 Take advantage of views to hills, valleys, trees, and water. a Are bordered by densely landscaped thickets. Policy 1.2 Avoid frequent driveways or intersections along major and minor arterials. Policy 13 Vary horizontal and vertical alignment of directional travel lanes on major arterials. Goal 2: Develop roadways and circulation routes to take advantage of, and work with, the natural topography to enhance the community's rural character and design. Policy 2.1 Locate and design all roadways to minimize grading to both create the roadway and to create usable building sites. Policy 2.2 Major arterials should be laid out to follow topographic contours and to take advantage of views and vistas to landmark development or natural features such as hills, trees and water bodies. Policy 23 Locate and design local roadways to: Avoid straight horizontal alignments Preserve specimen trees and groves of trees Create local views and vistas that reinforce the community's rural character Goal 3: Ensure that the Westlake thoroughfare and circulation system fits into regional circulation systems. Policy 3.1 Locate and design thoroughfares to facilitate regional circulation, but discourage "cut through" traffic in the Town. Thoroughfare Plan Adopted January 10, 2000 Page 5 Town of Westlake Goal 4: Ensure a balanced relationship between land use development and the transportation system. Policy 4.1 Maintain administrative procedures and responsibilities for the preparation, review and approval of land use -related transportation plans and development traffic impact studies. Policy 4.2 Maintain a Master Thoroughfare Plan coordinated with land use development considerations represented in the Comprehensive Plan which permits the following: ® Right-of-way acquisition necessary to improve intersection capacity and thoroughfare continuity. ® Right-of-way dedications as specified by the Master Thoroughfare Plan. ® Intersection designs and right-of-way alignments where possible as part of the Master Thoroughfare Plan. a Dedication of street system rights-of-way in those areas of the community that are undeveloped. Policy 4.3 Coordinate local, state and federal street and highway improvement project planning with existing and expected land uses. Policy 4.4 Locate and design thoroughfares to provide a high level of design amenity and neighborhood preservation, including the consideration of neighborhood traffic management programs. Policy 4.5 Develop and implement a roadway functional classification system which provides for a range of traffic flow functions from providing mobility for through traffic to providing access to adjacent properties. Goal 5: Ensure the development, maintenance and operation of a safe, efficient and effective transportation system to serve the Town. Policy 5.1 Develop and maintain a transportation planning process which addresses long range needs but emphasizes short and mid-range problem solving. Policy 5.2 Develop and maintain programs and funding strategies to implement transportation improvements, ensuring adequate capacity at the least cost to the Town without compromising service, delivery, or quality. Policy 5.3 Develop, maintain, and operate a street and highway system which will meet the existing and future travel needs of the Town in terins of safety and capacity. 07#=EHECS�l �� I 11!1!1!!!i I I V!, I I R1 1111111''PIR SIEMENS' 1 13MMUM Thoroughfare Plan Adopted January 10, 2000 Page 6 Town of Westlake consideration to journey -to -work trips, the needs of transit dependent persons, and opportunities for inter -modal transfer. The Thoroughfare Plan proposed • the Town of Westlake is based • a system • • -• •.• These functional classifications are intended to reflect the role • function • each roadway within the overall thoroughfare system. The • classifications describe each roadway's function and reflect a set of characteristics common to all roadways within each classification. Functions range • providing mobility for thr ough traffic and • traffic flows to providing access to •- properties. Characteristics characteristics. Figure 2 illustrates the relative roles • each classification to achieve its intended • ALL ALL ACCESS Complete access control, little local traffic M.1111.11i" I Ar, No through traffic, CUL DE SAC Thoroughfare Plan Adopted January 10, 2000 Page 7 Town of Westlake The vehicular road system is hierarchial in nature and includes freeways, major and minor arterials, major and minor collectors and local streets. Freeways, or expressways, are high capacifiq facilities with controlled access and are intended to cmW high volumes of longer distance trips. They are a high capacity regional supplement to the arterial system. Arterials are used to move large volumes of through traffic at relatively high speeds throughout the community. Arterial streets are more or less continuous throughout the community and their primary function is to provide movement of traffic for arterials. Property access is a low priority function. The Collector system is used to carry moderate amounts of traffic and provide limited access to adjacent properties. Their fiinction is to collect and distribute traffic to and from arterial and local streets. Local streets are used for low volume, low speed traffic movements. Their function is to primarily provide direct access to adjacent properties. Neighborhoods should be developed between arterial streets so that through traffic is routed around—not through—these areas. Collectors should penetrate the neighborhoods to collect and distribute traffic but not provide convenient, cut -through routes. Land use planning efforts should attempt to encourage compatible land uses adjacent to streets. Commercial activities should be developed in such a way that the primary mobility function of arterials are not degraded through access management. Wherever concentrations of traffic occur on collector streets, consideration should be given to not allowing houses to front on the street. Good subdivision designs can allow ample lot yields while orienting houses to local streets and not to collectors. Table I describes the most important characteristics of the roadway functional classifications. Tho arterial classification contained herein includes major arterial and minor arterial. The following sections describe the major features of the proposed plan. Figure 3 illustrates the Thoroughfare Plan for the Town of Westlake. The Plan recognizes the following classifications of _vublic streets: Free - , ' Ma;,or Boulevard Arterial,, Ma�,or Art*,rial, 4�5*r Collector, Minor Collector and Local. The following briefly defines each classification in the Thoroughfare Plan: Freeway - as designed, built, and maintained by the State of Texas. Existing examples are Northwest Parkway, State Highway 170 and US 377. Major Boulevard Arterial, t lane divided - an existing example is Kirkwood Boulevard. Rights-of-way average 165 feet wide but can vary from 160 to 170 feet in width. The median should vary from 20 to 60 feet. Each set of three lanes (referred to to allow maximum scenic beauty and variety. The median should be heavily landscaped as per the Town's Unified Development Code. Median crossings should be within five (5) degrees of being perpendicular to each lane bundle centerline. Thoroughfare Plan Adopted January 10, 2040 Page 8 CD Cv y W 3: 0 2 0 I On 7-7 E C/) > 14E cd a3 r - Cd R $n- bybjD C13 0 o,ct 7� 0 -i > U) V) lc a w �a :4 eV bD (D :t� an an CD O ca bl) 00 al I'D U tf) M (U ?:4 C�3 (I.) cn > o E C'Ooc' O cci CN L. tn —CG by 0 0 Cd cz� ca C"D 03O tn C> 03 u 79 4F 0 > ce CCCinC' U CIS Cd .c Ed 0 I wfiALEGM UM ARM&MAM ME= nn GRAPHIC SCALE ri 1200 0 1200 2400 3600 TOWN OF WESTLAKE THOROUGHFARE PLAN Town of Westlake WESTLAKE a VILLAGE CIRCLE .SWIE 307, WESTLAKE TEXAS LEQW MAJOR BOIAEVARO ARERIAL CSII�ID MIpR ARTERIAL ■ s ■ MAJOR CIRLECm MFRIR COLLECTOR MAJOR 165' Ro.w. (A4£RAfpj Vo . • BOULEVARD— ARTERIAL � . ' `� J 129 R.D.1 vo<. • MINOR ARTERIAL vor 2T , 10ir R.O.TI • MAJOR r H COLLECTOR 3*/rmi 5i Ara" • MINOR COLLECTOR �' - W � ! LOCAL L-� `F— ' Edge �r aammant V d.,t CVG will O,b •l�'�v L0111110M 80 ww WONT FkTdlnp Salbock � LLne • M"— rtwy be ode or bent& • SM..ft / T.J. -y babewi it -12 IS i1 ft Spm ft, • Ana Odae1 madnay1Gadde aad SMeedk / $d .tl nwk• eeda for opal drd-w aa— ma k&W by mP^9Rb% eot.q. and/= Imdr� nn GRAPHIC SCALE 1'-1200' 1200 0 1200 2400 3600 TOWN OF WESTLAKE THOROUGHFARE PLAN 1/ID/0OMo. oars a—i " R 1200' -- ween arc S.W. --Mckd PIG -- Or ft a Mn, 343 St Ma. Town of Westlake Minor Arterial, four (4) lane divided - right-of-way is 120 feet with a median widt?l of 24 to 30 feet. The intended purpose of a larger median width is to accommodate th* potential need for additional turn lanes at intersections with other arterial streets. Th* median should be landscaped as per the Town's Unified Development Code. Major Collector, four (4) lane divided - right-of-way width is 106 feet with a median of 24 feet. The median should be landscaped as per the Town's Unified Development Code. a Minor Collector, two (2) lane - right-of-way width is 90 feet. Local, two (2) lane - right-of-way width is 60 feet. Roadway cross-section varies depending if curbs are present or not. In a curbed section, the roadway width is 30 feet and in an uncurbed section, the width is 24 feet. in orcier -to incorporate Lo:y7ST7yTT77_ Al T; to roadways, right-of-way may vary by an additional 10 feet as identified in the Typical Roadway Landscape Edge. A graphic illustration depicting the recommended roadway cross sections is shown in Figure 3. Outside of the roadway edge, roadway cross-sections vary and is dependent upon the location of utilities. Thoroughfare Plan Adopted January 10, 2000 Page 11