HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-19-22 Joint TC BOT Minutes4 T H E T O W" 0 T WESTLAKE MEMBERS: TOWN OF WESTLAKE TOWN COUNCIL/WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING AGENDA 1500 SOLANA BLVD, BUILDING 7, SUITE 7100, COUNCIL CHAMBER WESTLAKE, TX 76262 December 19, 2022 4:00 P.M. OPEN MEETING 4:30 P.M. REGULAR MEETING 5:30 P.M. CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Sean Kilbride, Council/Board of Trustee Members Mayor Pro Tern David Quint, Tim Shiner, Chandrika Dasgupta, Kim Greaves, Anna White OTHERS PRESENT: Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyers, Town Secretary Amy M. Piukana, Attorney Stan Lowery (via zoom), Head of School Dr. Sean Wilson, Director of Human Resources Sandy Garza, Director of Information Services Jason Power, Fire Chief Richard Whitten, Deputy Fire Chief John Ard, and Director of Communications Jon Sasser CALL TO ORDER - WORK SESSION (4:00 P.M.) 1. Discussion regarding a proposed Cell Tower structure to be located at the Westlake Fire Station site Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyer briefed Town Council regarding this item. Mr. Meyer explained Vertical Bridge is the contractor who will design the tower, noting the Fire Station was chosen due to its geographic location. Mr. Meyer reviewed the lease agreement, noting the site would need to be rezoned and reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to Town Council action. The Town Council discussed issues with poor cell service along Fidelity, Dove Road, Vaquero, Quail Hollow areas, the half mile topography radius identified on the map, purpose of location, proposed tower height (100-150ft), need for resident feedback, fifty year commercial lease agreement with holdover provision, 7.5% scaling every five years, tower appearance, future tower needs, advisor, resident providers, subleasing terms, and security concerns with maintenance. After discussion, Mr. Meyer explained the Town will hold a Town Hall meeting with residents to seek community feedback within the next couple of months and bring forward results to the Town Council. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING (4:30 P.M.) Mayor Kilbride called the regular meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. CONSENT ITEM(S): 2. Consider approving Resolution No. 22-74 amending the authorized signers on the Town of Westlake Depository Accounts with First Financial Bank and TexPool; and take appropriate action 3. Consider approving Resolution 22-75 amending the authorized signers on the Town of Westlake Trust Account with First Financial Bank; and take TC/BOT Agenda — 12/19/2022 Page 1 of 5 S 4o Z @Bed ZZOZ/6T/ZT - epua6y 109/Jl uaampq spnpoid jo aouajajpp'goalwed glinn sapea6dn 'sbuiplmq aeInpow aoj Ajewwns Isoo'azis wooisselo'(666T ui ;Iinq) salge:pod Iuaaano jo a6e passnosip 1iounoD unnol agl •walk sigl 6uipiebai IpunoD unnol pajaijq aaAaW Aoal aa6eueW unnol Iuelsissy uoi;oe a;epdoidde ale; pue 'Awapeod ajegsaM ay; ao; swomsep aelnpow;o aseyoand ay; 6uizijoylne;uawaaa6e ue a;noaxa o; ioAeW ay; 6uppoyine 6L-ZZ uopnpsab 6uiAoidde aapisuo:) •L g uiau epua6y 0; paddiys apuglq/ -10y(eN •Alsnowiueun panoadde U01I0H -saneaaE) aagwaW 1iounoD Aq papuooas uopoW '00010SZ$ paaoxa oI Iou Iunowe ue ui '/U2SSaoaU shun Ile aoeldaa oI uojj2Indi4s aq4 g;inn 'gZ-ZZ 'ON uoilnlosad anoadde oI Iuina wal oad aoAeW Aq apew Senn uopow e 'uoissnosip wally *uoiuido sig ui 'Aaessaoau si Iuawaoeldaa 6upou @Nods uospM ueaS •a4 loogos 30 peaH •Iu9waoe1daa Iiun q:gg agI a4eilo6au oI uoildo aqT pue 'Iiun aad Isoo 'shun Iuaaano 4o uedsa4i1 pue a6e ';uawaaeIdw 6uipaau shun 3o aagwnu 'a6euu04 Iiun 'sbuiplinq Awapeoy a�e1IsaM uo s,:)yAH p aagwnu unnol agI JOJ sapinoid ISI sawuas aaglo 'sainpaooid 6uilsod piq passnosip IiounoD s"000'0SZ$ paaoxa oI Iou Iunowe ue ui Awapeoy a�e1IsaM ao} shun DVAH (ti) ano4 Iseal Ie asegoand oI u014e1ndils aqj g}inn S&ZZ uoplosad 6uipuawe papuawwooaa aaAaW •aW -shun nnau aql jo uoilelpsui aoj pazpiln aq IS] spuaiuwooaa _4eIS pue paniaoaa @warm spiq aaagl — palou aaAaW •aW walk sigl 6uipae6aa Iiouno:) pajaiaq aaAaW Aoalaa6eueW unnolluelsissy uoi;oe a;eiidadde a)je; pue !Awapeod ajepsaM ay; jo; s;iun do;;ow :)"H;o;uawaoeIdaa ao; 4uawaaa6e ue a4maxa o; ioAeW ay; 6uiziaoy4ne gL-ZZ uopniosad 6uinoidde iap!suo:) •g s W31I VaN39t/ •Alsnowiueun panoadde U01ION -@I!qM aagwaW IpunoD Aq papuooas uoiloW •paluasaad se 'S g6noag4 T (s)wall IuasuoD anoadde 04 saneaaE) aagwaW 1iounoD Aq uoiloW -Ia6pnq panoadde agI uig;inn aq Isnw pue wail auil aad s,Ii 6ui4e1s paildai aaAaW •aW •wall auil aad s,Ii d! ao 'awq auo 'a4e6aa66e 6u1noadde si sM A 6uiNse 'S 'ON wall epua6y 6uipae6aa uolleaglaelo aoI passe aplagll)l aoAeW uollpe a;epdoidde a)le; pue :£ZOZ aeaA jeosi3 ay; o; sa;elai ;i se 000105$ o; do spun; pa;ei.adoidde aziaoy;ne o; 1004og ;o peaH ay; WMJ044ne LL-ZZ uopnlosab 6UTAoidde iaplsuo:) .S uoi;oe a;epdoadde a)le; pue :;un000e :)Nd s,a3jepsaM;o unnol ay; uo sa8u6is paziaoy;ne ay; 6uipuawe gL-ZZ uopnjosaW 6u1noadde iap!suo:) •t, uoi;oe a4eydoidde the two, lifespan of a used modular building, fire suppression, urgency of purchasing portables, and a safety review. Council Member Dasgupta expressed concerns with moving forward with portables at this time. She suggested staff work with the Westlake Academy Foundation to identify ways to raise funds or consider discussing a bond. Council Member White explained the current portables are outdated, both Dr. Wilson and Council feel old portables need to go (bathrooms outdated), and the Town Council/Board of Trustees to needs to invest in Westlake Academy. She stated these modular buildings just buy more time for Council to identify a more permanent building solution. Council Member Greaves expressed concerns with replacing old portables with newer portables, recommending tabling to allow more time to review and identify safety issues and financial needs. Mayor Pro Tern Quint suggested having a master plan to identify financial needs and calculate our capacity for debt issuance. Head of School Dr. Sean Wilson stated he supports a master plan with phasing, noting he has challenges with portables (teachers and students dislike), expressed concerns with limited spacing with gym and IB Art space, and recommended not delaying. Council Member Shiner suggested tabling to allow more time to discuss a permanent structure and identify a financial plan to move forward. Mayor Kilbride expressed concerns with the current lack of safety and noting it's a risk. He stated we are 4 to 5 years away from a permanent building at this site and suggested supporting the portables now to invest in school infrastructure. After discussion, Mayor Kilbride announced the Town Council would recess for a 10- minute break at 5:27 p.m. Mayor Kilbride reconvened at 5:38 p.m. Mayor Kilbride asked each Council Member to provide their feedback. Council Member Dasgupta suggested taking the next three (3) months to identify a financial path and best options. Council Member Greaves suggested tabling for a couple of weeks to identify finances and safety needs. He stated he would like to speak with Dr. Wilson, residents, and the Foundation prior to making a final decision. Mayor Pro Tern Quint suggested meeting in January to discuss debt capacity, seek long term products, and weigh all options for a path to move us forward. Council Member Shiner stated he would like to meet in January noting he supports safety and suggested identifying a corporate sponsor to donate and assist. TC/BOT Agenda — 12/19/2022 Page 3 of 5 S Jo b a6ed ZZOZ/6T/ZT — epua6y 109/D1 4jt/ a!Ignd a�e14saM - :apoD Iuawuaanog sexal aqq 3o TSS aa4degD q4!M s}a!duoa Alaeap sexal 4o aeq aTe;S aq; 10 TonpuoD leuolssaIad Jo salnd /ueulldlosl4 sexal aq4 japun Aauao3,Iy umol aq; 30 /qnp aq4 golgM ul siapew uo lasunoo 3o aolApe Maas o} — Aawo:qy gTIM uoge4lnsuoD :(Z)I/O-IS S uolaoaS -q 4!pmd A4!anaaS Awapeoy aIelTsaM - s4!pny A4!anoaS ao 'sao!Aa4 /aunaaS 6u!pae6ad uo!geaagpaa :680-TSS uoRoaS •e :6u!Mol!o3 aqq ao4 4 aaTdegognS'TSS aa4degD'pa4e4ouue 'apoD 4uawuaanog sexal of;uensind uolssas pasolo e 4onpuoo Il!m 1!ounOD uMol ag1'OT •w•d 8{7:S le uolssas pasolo olul a4eaaq!la4 •(s)wa4! uolssas pasolD aounouue pue aapao o; IleD '6 'W'd 0VS NOISS3S 3AIin:)3X3 O3SOID z tuall epua6y o4 paddiys apiaq/iy .tol(eN •%lsnow!ueun panoadde uol4oW •aaulgS aagwaW !!ounOD Aq papuooas uol4ow '8S6 aoueulpao 4dope o4 aj!gM aagwaW IlounoD Aq apew seM uol4ow e 'uolssnoslp aa3jy •salogdool Aue plane o4 a6en6uel JOJ paau aqq pue 'asodind Ao!lod '6u!snoq pagsllgeqsa aoj uol�e51T!w aaal passnoslp 1!ouno� uMo1 aql 'pawayuoo uang4nd •aW •p9gsllge4sa sl awoq aqj se Tdwaxa sawooaq 4! 141!nq sl awoq Al!wej-albuls aq4 aouo paTou aH -/bilod uo!le6gw aaa4 aq4 aoj uol4dwaxa ue Maas pue glwaad a }lwgns o4 wag4 sMolle go!gM A:padoid — 1e14uaplsaa Allwe4 albuls padolanapun aol sl s!qT geg4 pay!aep 4ulnb wal oad aoA2W „•s4uaplsaa AIlwej-al6u!s Mau e aol T!waad 6ulpl!nq e jo aouenssl aqj uodn„ 'S wzq 04 96en6uel leuo14!ppe 6ulppe spuawwooaa aq 6ul4e4s '(ueld adeospuel panoadde ue uo pay!4uap! saaaT) 'Z uolslnoad qno Nonags aq pa4e4s uanglnd •aW -alepdn apo:) Tuawdolanaa pagiun e uo 6ulNaoM sl aq 6ul4ou paaa6e uang4nd uod aopaa!Q juawdolanaa •sIuawpuai.ue papuawwooai apnloul o4 aoueulpao aaaq aqq 6ul}uMaa pa4sa66ns apugl!N ao%eW Oul;aaw 994snallo paeo8/1iouno:) umol ZZOZ 'S iagwaoa(3 wail panuguoj) uol;oe aleiadoidde a)le; pue !saoueuipaO to apo:) 93jel4sam to unnol 'uoi;emasaad-Z uo!siAiO 'uoi4e;a6aA -86 ja4dey:) o; sIuawpuawe 6uiAoidde 896 aoueuipaO 6ui4dope jap!suo:) -8 ,aoeld auo ul s:pnpoid alge:Pod 6u!pnlou! Tonpoad ael!w!s ao (saagwnu 6ulpnpul) pnpoid Apoig aqj MalAaa '/q!I!gellene pueg uo gseo /y!luap! '(Aa/uns 4uap!saa a pa4sa66ns a4!gM aagwaW I!ounoD) hloegpaa4 4uaied Maas pue 'anl4:)adsaad waa4 6uol a woa4 /41oedeo puoq 4e lool pinoM _4eTs;eg4 paguelo aaAaW •aW •%enue[ Alaea o4 palgej aq Il!M wa4! slg4 pa4ou ap!agl!>l ao%ew •e4ep aaow q4!m ueld e /q!luap! pue 'aagjjn4 ssnos!p 04 446 /venue[;aaw o4 a�!I pinoM pue /4!ao!ad Ulew aaq sl /4ajes paTe4s a4!gM aagwaW Ilouno:) c. Section 551.074(a)(1): Deliberation Regarding Personnel Matters — to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, of a public officer or employee: - Town Manager 11. TAKE ANY ACTION, IF NEEDED, FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEM(S). No action. 12. ADJOURNMENT — Mayor Kilbride adjourned the at 8:38 p.m. Sean Kilbride, Mayor Atteste by: Amy M. Piu na, Town Secretary TC/BOT Agenda — 12/19/2022 Page 5 of 5