WESTLAKE December 5, 2022 4:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION
MEMBERS: Mayor Sean Kilbride, Council/Board of Trustee Members Mayor Pro Tern
David Quint, Tim Shiner, Chandrika Dasgupta (Absent), Kim Greaves,
Anna White
OTHERS PRESENT: Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyers, Town Secretary Amy M. Piukana,
Attorney Janet Bubert, Attorney Stan Lowery (via zoom), Head of School
Sean Wilson, Finance Director Amber Karkauskas, Director of Human
Resources Sandy Garza, Director of Information Services Jason Power,
Fire Chief Richard Whitten, Deputy Fire Chief John Ard, and Director of
Communications Jon Sasser
1. Call to order and announce closed session item(s).
Mayor Kilbride called the meeting to order at 4 p. m. and announced the following items
would be discussed in closed executive session.
2. The Town Council will conduct a closed session pursuant to Texas
Government Code, annotated, Chapter 551, Subchapter D for the following:
a. Section 551.074(a)(1): Deliberation Regarding Personnel Matters — to deliberate
the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, of a public
officer or employee:
- Town Manager
- Town Judge
WORK SESSION — (4:30 P.M.)
Mayor Kilbride called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.
3. Discussion regarding Westlake Academy 2021 Building Master Plan
Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyer introduced Michael Bennett and Emily Gilmore with Bennett
Partners who provided an overview of the history of the project: He explained the master plan
was based on the needs and requests at the time.
Ms. Gilmore provided four (4) possible scenarios: Scenario 1) Replace older modular classrooms,
Scenario 2) Addition to Art & Science Center, Scenario 3) Additions to Art & Science, PYP and
Secondary Buildings.
The Town Council discussed three (3) older modular buildings be replaced out of the six (6),
minimum code for safety protocols for modular buildings, age of existing modular buildings (2010
installed used portables), teacher input on proposals, Option 2 details of what is included, process
and commitment to finance the project, construction project performance bond, one store Art &
Science verses two story, growth options, cost of grand plan, prioritizing the phasing (immediate
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needs), schematic of secondary proposal, secondary expansion cost, Head of School needs
(3 oldest portable be replaced), relocation of modular buildings if dining space desired, modular
building life span, retention pond relocation, soccer field, parking, Arts & Science verses
secondary expansion options.
After discussion the consensus of Council was to move forward with Scenario 3) Addition to the
Arts & Science building. Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyer stated he would fine tune pricing —
related to secondary building, primary extension and cost of Arts & Science building and review
the option to relocate the pond for future option uses.
4. Discussion regarding existing Westlake Academy Modular Buildings and
proposed new Modular Buildings
Troy Meyer provided an overview of this item. He noted bids were received from Ram Tech (Total
$191,953) and Mobile Module (Total $214,583). Mr. Myers recommended Ram Tech. He noted
site work is estimated to be between $265,250 to $349,800, he reviewed additional costs of
needs and upgrades with a total proposal estimated budget of $1,275,093. Mr. Myers noted
Westlake Academy Capital Fund has a current balance of $2.1 million.
The Town Council discussed the vendor products, quality, warranties, and decking.
Mr. Meyers asked if council supports proposed budget for portables, noting he will bring forward
on December 19.
After discussion, Council requested a budget proposal with portable options (used portables,
windows, ac units) for Council review.
REGULAR MEETING — Call to Order 16:00 P.M.)
Mayor Kilbride led the pledge of allegiance and pledge to the Texas flag.
6. CITIZEN/PARENT COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for citizens/parents to address the
Town Council or Board of Trustees on any matter, whether it is posted on the agenda. Speaker
request form(s) are now available online, click here, and will be accepted by the Town
Secretary from the time the agenda is posted until prior to the start of the meeting. Individuals
will not be recognized to speak during the meeting unless the citizen comments form has been
submitted for each item of interest. There is a three (3) minute time limit for each citizen to
speak with a reasonable limitation on speakers on one topic or item with a maximum of fifteen
total minutes on the same topic item. Anyone wishing to speak shall be courteous and cordial.
No disparaging remarks directed at any member of the Town Council/Board of Trustee or
Town/School Administration will be allowed. The Town Council and Board of Trustees cannot
by law act or deliberate on any item not currently listed on the agenda. The Town Council and
Board of Trustees will receive the information, ask staff to review the matter, or an item may
be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action.
7. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST: Mayor and Council Reports on Items of Community
Interest pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.0415 the Town Council may report
on the following items: (1) expression of thanks, congratulations, or condolences; (2)
information about holiday schedules; (3) recognition of individuals; (4) reminders about
upcoming Town Council events; (5) information about community events; and (6)
announcements involving imminent threat to public health and safety.
Communications Director Jon Sasser provided a report on items of community
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8. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Town Council and/or
Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion
of items unless a Council/Board Member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be
removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence.
Mayor Pro Tem Quint pulled Consentltems 8b., 8d., and 8eoff consent to allow for discussion.
a. Consider approval of the Joint Town Council/Board of
Trustees meeting minutes from the following meeting(s);
and take appropriate action.
• November 14, 2022, Regular Meeting
b. Consider adopting Ordinance 958 approving a amendments
to Chapter 98-Vegetation, Division 2-Preservation, Town of
Westlake Code of Ordinances; and take appropriate action
(*pulled off consent)
Mr. Ruthven briefed Town Council noting this is an amendment to the
existing Tree Ordinance. He noted language was added to include the
exemption of the building footprint area.
Council discussed ways to ensure someone doesn't 'game the system ,
exemptions for existing detached vstwo family, option for concurrent
approval, who establishes and defines the building footprint, timing,
definition of Building Official, and the need to update Subpart 2 with clearer
Mr. Ruth ven stated he would revise Ordinance 958 and bring forward at the
next Town Council meeting for review. No action was taken on this item.
c. Consider adopting Ordinance 957 reappointing the Presiding Judge
and Alternate Presiding Judge for Municipal Court; and take
appropriate action
d. Consider approving a full-time Special Education Teacher for
Westlake Academy; and take appropriate action (*pulled off consent)
Head of School Sean Wilson briefed Town Council regarding this item. The
Town Council discussed the use of ESSR funds this year, next year approval
requirement if continued full time employee, ESSR fund availability, student
needs, short term solution for this year and the need to reevaluate in the
e. Consider approving a Resolution 22-70 authorizing the Mayor to
enter into an agreement with Aetna for the Town's Health Insurance
carrier and approving MetLife as the Town's Dental and Vision
insurance carrier for 2023 calendar year; and take appropriate action
(*pulled off consent) Human Resource Director Sandy Garza briefed Town
Council regarding this item.
The Town Council discussed employee choice selection, percentage of
premium cost to employee and Town (Town 100% of employee/5096 of
family), number of employees covered (46 Town Employees), separate plan
for the School, comparable plan for School (1009yo%mployee only) and Town
coverage (100% employee/50% family), historical coverage, surrounding
district contribution amounts, annual premium cost for Town
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employees($700,000), possibility of merging (not available for Town),
elimination of the middle coverage of the Aetna table reflected in the packet.
Motion made by Council Member Shiner to approve Consent Items 8a, 8c, 8d, and 8e, as
presented. Motion seconded by Council Member Greaves. Motion approved unanimously.
9. REPORTS: Reports are prepared for informational purposes and will be accepted as
presented. (There will be no presentations associated with the report items.) There will be no separate
discussion unless a Town Council Member requests that report be removed and considered
Mayor Pro Tem Quint requested discussion regarding the Proof of Residency and Admission
Policy for discussion.
• TAPR Updates for School Academic Performance Rating
• Review proposed 23-24 Westlake Academic Calendar
• Review Student Code of Conduct
• Proof of Residency Policy updates — (*pulled for discussion by
Mayor Pro Tem Quint.)
Mr. Wilson noted this is a first draft review for the Town
CounciVBoard of Trustees and was present to answer questions on
both items. Mayor Pro Tem Quint expressed concerns with clarity
of both policies. (Residency and Admissions). He noted he has
several notes, questions, and suggestions regarding these policies,
asking if they are a multi -stage process.
Mr. Wilson explained this is a first draft review to obtain Town
Council/Board of Trustee feedback. Mayor Kilbride advised staff to
follow up with Mayor Pro Tem Quint to discuss recommended
changes to the policy then bring back to the Council for review.
Westlake Academy Admission Policy updates- (*Discussed in
combination with Residency Policy)
Mayor Kilbride skipped to agenda item 14.
10. Conduct a Public Hearing and discuss the CharterFIRST 2022 rating based
on School Year 2020-2021 Data and Annual Financial Management Report
Academic Finance Manager Marlene Rutledge provided the CharterFIRST 2022 rating report.
After discussion, the Mayor opened the public hearing. There being no one present that wished
to speak, Mayor Kilbride closed the public hearing.
11. Conduct a Public Hearing and consider approving Resolution 22-72 for a
replat of Block F, Westlake Entrada Addition; and take appropriate action
Planning and Development Director Ron Ruth ven briefed Town Council regarding this item.
After discussion, Mayor Kilbride opened the public hearing. There being no one present to speak,
Mayor Kilbride closed the public hearing. A motion was made by Council Member Greaves to
approve Resolution 22-72, as presented. Motion seconded by Council member Shiner. Motion
approved unanimously.
12. Conduct a Public Hearing and consider approving Resolution 22-73 for a
replat of Block H, Westlake Entrada Addition; and take appropriate action
Planning and Development Director Ron Ruthven briefed Town Council regarding this item.
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Mayor Kilbride opened public hearing. There being one present to speak, Mayor Kilbride closed
the public hearing. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Quint to approve Resolution 22-73,
as presented. Motion seconded by Council Member Greaves. Motion approved unanimously.
13. Conduct a public hearing and consider adopting Ordinance 959 approving
the following; and take appropriate action:
(1) A zoning change request from PD1-1 (known as the "Solana" development) to
PD1-2 (known as the "Entrada" development) on Lot 2R1, Block 1,
Westlake/Southlake Park Addition #1, located at the 1600 block of Solana Blvd.
(2) Amendments to Ordinance 703 (Entrada Zoning Regulations), as amended,
incorporating Lot 2R1, Block 1, Westlake/Southlake Park Addition #1, and
(3) Amendments to Ordinance 720 (Entrada Development Plan), as amended, incorporating
Lot 2R1, Block 1, Westlake/Southlake Park Addition #1
Planning and Development Director Ron Ruthven briefed Town Council regarding this item.
Developer Michael Beaty spoke requesting the following exceptions:
Staff Comment #3: No residential in Area 2 (Entrada Ph II); the developer is requesting that this
not be included as a condition of approval for the requested Zoning change; The tracts south of
the new loop road, backing to the existing Solana Park will never be commercial but remail viable
residential locations.
Staff Comment #6(c): Tra>fic Signal Construction at Cones and Solana Boulevard; Developer is
requesting that this condition modified to: Prior filing of the Final Plat for Area #1, the Developer
is to have fully funded their 889,6 portion of the cost of this signal to the Town of Westlake.; This
would be in compliance with the existing Developers Agreements, The Engineer of Record for
this Signal design is opposed to the construction of this Signal until a Warrant Study indicates
the need for the Signal.
Staff Comment #7: Requirement to prepare a Traffic Impact Analysis as part of the site plan
submittal for 'Area One", the Developer is requesting that this not be included as a condition of
approval for the requested Zoning change, The traffic generated by 52 single-family homes in a
gated community is significantly less that could have been generated by another office building
that had been previously proposed for this site.
The Council agreed to address these requests at a future date.
Mayor Kilbride opened the Public Hearing. There being no one present to speak; Mayor Kilbride
declared the Public Hearing closed. A motion was made by Council Member Shiner, seconded by
Mayor Pro Tem Quint to adopt Ordinance 959, as presented. Motion approved unanimously.
Mayor Kilbride moved to Agenda Item 10,
14. Conduct a public hearing and consider adopting Ordinance 960 amending
Ordinance 591 by amending the Concept Plan for PD3-12 Zoning District and
approving amendments to Ordinance 920 by approving a Concept Plan for
P132-12A Zoning District to allow for the expansion of the Deloitte University
Campus, located east of J.T. Ottinger Road, north of Dove Road and
southwest of the southern terminus of Westlake Parkway; and take
appropriate action
Planning and Development Director Ron Ruthven briefed Town Council regarding this item noting
this is a concept plan for DeLOitte University expansion and a more detailed review will come
forward in the future. Mr. Doug Harden and Amanda Zimmerman with Deloitte University were
present to answer questions. TC/BOT Agenda — 12/4/2022
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Council discussed the Planning and Zoning Commission vote recommendation, construction
timeline, parking and visibility to Ottinger. final plan design, construction access, parking garage
height, landscaping, next steps and proposed date of completion. (Projected 2025)
After discussion, Mayor Kilbride opened the public hearing. There being no one present to speak;
Mayor Kilbride closed the public hearing. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Quint to approve —
Ordinance 960, as presented. Motion seconded by Council Member White. Motion approved
Skipped Kilbride skipped to item 11.
IS. Consider approving Resolution 22-71 authorizing an Economic Development
Program Agreement with the Marriott Dallas/Fort Worth Westlake; and take
appropriate action
General Manager of the Westlake Marriott Reggie Woolrldge briefed Town Council regarding this
item. He explained he is requesting a new Business Incentive Program and Shuttle Bus
Transportation Program. (Request of$50,000 funds)
The Town Council discussed hotel motel tax, program implementation (2010), competition of
surrounding hotels, cost increase, 2022 Year End tax revenue ($363K), economic reason for the
request, Marriott market cap, Marriott performance, limited amount of hotel motel funds, hotel
review ratings, need to renovate rooms, quarterly report requirement from Marriott,
transportation analysis report, fund use (Visitors Association Fund) through Hotel Motel tax and
need for return -on -investment numbers.
Council Member Shiner noted the Town of Westlake only receives a penny from sales tax, noting the other penny goes back toward property tax. He summarized, stating the Town has limited
funds and must be strategic with allocation of funds.
Mayor Kilbride tabled this item to the January 30, 2023, meeting.
16. Consider approving Resolution 22-68 authorizing the Mayor to approve a
proposal with B&R Utility Construction to install a water line extension on
Pearson Road in an amount not to exceed $25,000; and take appropriate
Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyer briefed Town Council regarding this item, noting this is an
extension from the November 14, 2022, meeting.
The Town Council discussed Westlake and Keller mapped waterlines, system improvement costs,
written request from City of Keller Public Works Director to eliminate their dead-end water line,
water line loop, cost of flushing water, revenue from four (4) homes, $7.7 utility fund balance,
and debt issuance from last May ($18 mill) and the logistics and economic case or allocating
monies to this project.
After discussion, a motion was made by Council Member Greaves to approve Resolution 22-68,
as presented. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Quint. Motion approved unanimously,
Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyer provided a Council recap.
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19. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any request for a future agenda item requires the following:1)
a brief explanation of the item to be considered, 2) must receive a second by another
Councilmember, 3) and must identify a target date for the agenda.
Future Agenda Items to be discussed:
• Discuss a Community Engagement Committee
(Dasgupta/White) June 2023
20. ADJOURNMENT —Mayor 0bride adjourned the meeting at7:54 p.m.
C v V
Sean C. Kilbride, Mayor
Attested by:
Amy M. Piuk a, Town Secretary
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