HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 00-28 Authorizing a Contract with Parsons Transportation Group, Boyle and Lowry, and MPRGTOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 00-28 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH PARSONS TRANSPORTATION GROUP, BOYLE & LOWRY, L.L.F. AND MPRG, INC. REGARDING ROADWAY IMPACT FEES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, do hereby authorize the Town Manager to enter into a contract, attached as Exhibit A, with the Parsons Transportation Group, Boyle & Lowry, L.L.P. and MPRG, Inc. regarding roadway impact fees. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 12TH DAY OF JUNE, 2000. Scott Bradley, Mayor ATTEST: Wring Crosswy, To ecretary Trent O. Petty, � anager APPROVED,AS TQ FO M: I PARSoMs PARSONS TRANSPORTATION GROUP 11VC. Barton-Aschman • De Leuw, Cather • Steinman 5485 Belt Line Road • Suite 199 • Dallas, Texas 75240 USA • (972) 991-1900 • Fax: (972) 490-9261 May 31, 2000 Mr. Trent Petty Town Manager, Town of Westlake 3 Village Circle, Ste. 207 Westlake, Texas 76262 RE: Scope of Services and Fee Estimate for the Westlake Roadway Impact Fee Study Dear Mr. Petty: Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. (PTG) is pleased to submit the attached Scope of Services and Fee Estimate to conduct the Roadway Impact Fee Study for the Town of Westlake. Our Proposal is based on our previous experience with the Town of Westlake in preparing the initial and extensive experience in performing similar corridor studies in the Metroplex. The Scope has been broken into key tasks, which will be required to updating the original study prepared in 1996. While several components of the initial study can be used as a basis for this effort, much of the previous data will require reevaluation. To address some key technical requirements of the study, this study will require the expertise of Town Consultants Boyle & Lowry and MPRG, Inc. Boyle & Lowry's expertise will be used throughout the process in terms of reviewing documents, research of case law, compliance with regulatory statutes and preparation of necessary ordinances. MPRG's expertise will be used in the review/update of the landuse assumptions, resolution of any planning issues and scheduling/facilitation of the study process and public hearings. We have enjoyed our on-going work experience with the Town of Westlake and look forward to working with you on this project. We are prepared to initiate work on this project immediately following execution of a signed agreement. If you should have any questions regarding the Scope of Services and Fee Estimate, please give me a call. Sincerely, Pid S TRANSPORTATION GROUP, INC. Haas, AIC Senior Planner Attachments ATTACHMENT 1 Scope of Services Westlake Roadway Impact Fee Study Project Understanding To provide analysis and engineering for the development of a roadway impact fee system in Westlake. To evaluate the existing capital improvements inventory and utilization, prepare 10 year growth protections in terms of vehicle -miles of demand, prepare an associated capital improvements program for the planning period, develop a land use equivalency table and provide calculation of the maximum allowable fee per service -unit per service area. TASK 1.0: PROJECT INITIATION MEETING PTG will meet with the Town to discuss the study parameters and approach, coordination between Town Staff, schedule and data needs. Task Products: 1.1 Appoint Advisory Committee 1.2 Present and discuss methodology and approach to Staff and Advisory Committee. 1.3 Prepare project schedule TASK 2.0 REVIEW SERVICE AREA STRUCTURE PTG will review the service area structure prepared as part of the original study for applicability to current growth in the community. Task Products° 2.1 review existing Traffic Survey Zone (TSZ) Map. 2.2 Review physical, natural and growth elements of the City. 2.3 Prepare Service Area Boundary Map. TASK 3.0 EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS INVENTORY UPDATE PTG will compile the necessary data to update the inventory of existing capital improvements including total capacity, existing utilization and deficiencies, if any. The results will be documented in a format compatible with the initial roadway impact fee study. TMestlake Roadway Impact Fee study Scope of Services Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. Page 2 The existing inventory will contain the following information, by service area: Z Roadway segment name. ■ Roadway segment limits. ■ Length (in miles). ■ Number of lanes. ■ Type (divided, undivided, minor arterial, major arterial, etc.). ■ Existing traffic volume (by direction during the PM peak hour). ■ Capacity supplied. ■ Existing deficiencies (if any). Selected traffic counts will be performed as part of this task to verify volume count information collected in 1996. For estimate purposes, 3-5 locations have been identified. Task Products: 3.1 Review existing traffic and roadway data. 3.2 Collect spot check traffic counts to verify 1996 volume data (PM peak hour). 3.3 Reduce data_into impact fee database format. 3.4 Update roadway inventory database as necessary. 3.5 Calculate existing usage. 3.6 Calculate existing deficiencies. TASK 4.0 DETERMINE PROJECTED 10 -YEAR GROWTH The service unit equivalency table supplemented with data from the updated and adopted land use assumptions report will serve as the basis for determination of the number of new trips that will be generated within each service area over the next ten year planning period. Task Products: 4.1 Review Land Use Assumptions and refine as necessary; Adopt Land Use Assumptions. 4.2 Based on adopted Land Use Assumptions, determine projected service units of demand by service area over l0 -year planning period. 4.3 Calculate projected growth within Town. TASK 5,0 DEVELOP ROADWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Utilizing information developed in Tasks 3 and 4, PTG will prepare a Capital Improvements Program that will be reviewed with appropriate Town Staff and will be adjusted to reflect fiscal and administrative constraints. Cost information will be developed based on unit cost information obtained from the Town Engineer. Cost "credits" from existing developer contributions will require Westlake Roadway Impact Fee Study Scope of services Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. Page 3 information from Town records and/or area developers. The following information will be developed: ■ Roadway segment name. ■ Proposed project limits. ■ Roadway functional class. ■ Number of lanes. ■ Length. ■ Project cost by service area. Task Products: 5.1 Review eligibility criteria with Town. 5.2 Recommend CIP based on growth and traffic forecasts. 5.3 Present CIP to Advisory Committee and refine/incorporate comments as necessary. Westlake Roadway Impact Fee Study Scope of Services Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. Page 4 TASK 6.0 ROADWAY PROJECTS DATABASE AND MAXIMUM FEE CALCULATION PTG will prepare a CIP database used to document the roadway improvement program using projects identified in Task 5. A maximum fee per service unit for each service area will be calculated and documented. Task Products: 6.1 Revise cost estimates for CTP roadways. 6.2 Compile project information including length, cost and capacity into database. 6.3 Calculate net service units provided by roadway projects. 6.4 Calculate service units generated by new development. 6.5 Calculate actual cost per service unit in each service area. 6.6 Compare service units provided by roadway projects to service units generated by new development. 6.7 Calculate maximum allowable fee per service unit. TASK 7.0 LAND USE EQUIVALENCY TABLE UPDATE PTG will update the equivalency table generated from the initial study with appropriate Town Staff and update values where appropriate based on new information, such as the Sixth Edition of the ITE Trip Generation and percentage vehicle -miles of travel on local versus state roadway facilities. Subject to availability of data, additional land use categories not currently contained within the equivalency table can be added. Task Products: 7.1 Review service unit generation rates for specific land uses. 7.2 Adjust for state highway (non -state) travel. 7.3 Prepare equivalency table. TASK 8.0 DOCUMENTATION PTG will prepare a draft report that documents the methodology, assumptions, findings, and results of the impact fee study update. We will submit ten (10) copies of the report to the Town for review. Based on written comments received within four weeks from the date of submittal, we will prepare and submit one (1) reproducible copy and ten (10) bound copies of the final report. Task Products: 8.1 Prepare Draft Report on Development of Roadway Impact Fees for review. 8.2 Present Draft Report findings to Advisory Committee and obtain comments. 8.3 Prepare Final Report on Development of Roadway Impact Fees. 8.4 Present Final Report to Advisory Committee and Town Board. Westlake Roadway Impact Fee Study Scope of Services Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. Page 5 TASK 9.0 MEETINGS Meetings have been identified as part of Tasks 1.0, 5.0, and 8.0. One of the key assumptions in this cost estimate is the public involvement process. This element is difficult to estimate and is directly related to the composition of the Advisory Committee. As impact fees are controversial in nature, some Committees request meetings and material over and above what is typically encountered in these studies. For purposes of the estimate, five meetings have been assumed (4 Advisory and 1 Board). Additional meetings would be beyond the scope of this agreement and considered additional services. We are certainly available to attend any additional meetings deemed necessary. However, additional meetings are not part of this scoping and will be billed separately, based on time and expenses incurred. Westlake Roadway Impact Fee Study Scope of Services Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. Page 6 ATTACHMENT 2 FEE ESTIMATE Our fee for completing the Scope of Services outlined above will be based on our hourly rates, current at the time of performance, for staff services rendered. Based on our experience in studies of this type, the base fee for the study update will be $11,750.00. The estimated cost of services for Boyle & Lowry and MPRG, Inc. are $12,000 and $5,000, respectively. We will not exceed the total budget without receiving your prior authorization. If the need for additional services should arise, we will seek your authorization and, before proceeding and if requested, we will supply you with our best estimate of the fee to be incurred. Direct reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses such as travel, reproduction, etc., will be billed at cost and will be added to staff time costs incurred on the project. Westlake Roadway Impact Fee Study Scope of Services Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. Page 7