HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAF 10-20-22 MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting October 20, 2022 Board Members in Attendance: Christine Ross, Abu Primeaux, Debbie Kraska, Patty Pinsonnault, Tiffany Hernandez, Lilly Jimenez, Sean Shope, Sharan Sankaranarayanan, Meghan Don-, Rob Fitzgerald and Michael Colby (via phone call) Others in Attendance: Amber Karkauskas, Marlene Rutledge, Sean Wilson, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:30AM at the Council Chambers at Westlake Town Hall. II. Motion to approve minutes of September 15, 2022 meeting by S. Shope, seconded by A. Primeaux. Motion carried. III. Foundation Business • C. Ross introduced the proposed new WAF Mission Statement to mirror the updated WA Mission Statement. Discussed if WAF mission needed to encompass functioning as 501(c)(3) for the Town of Westlake as well as the Academy. Determined that a subcommittee would work with the Town Council to define the charter; recommendations may include the forming of a new charitable entity to solely represent the Town. Subcommittee to includeR. Fitzgerald, M. Dorr and S. Shope. • Motion to approve new Mission Statement as proposed by R. Fitzgerald, seconded by D. Kraska. Motion carried. • "Thanks for Giving" event was cancelled, in favor of creating Thank You videos and a WAF holiday card thanking all donors. IV. Financial Report • S. Shope presented Financial Report ending September 30, 2022 with focus on Administrative expenses over the last month for the promotion of Blacksmith Giving Day and donation revenue including Class of 2029 Angel Funds and 2022-23 Blacksmith Annual Fund. • Total Assets of the Foundation as of September 30, 2022 are $2,599,686. • External audit of the Foundation will begin the week of 10/31/2022 and should conclude by January 2023. • Investment Committee is meeting with RBC Investment Advisors in January for regularly scheduled review of assets and investments. • S. Myers discussed that the Academy's FY23 operating budget includes increase in stipends to Coaches and'Club Advisors, thus eliminating need for the 25% supplemental increase via Legacy Teacher Fund. Discussed potential uses for the $37,531 remaining in restricted funds from prior Baja events. Board decided to leave funds as is — restricted to use for athletics and after -school clubs — and would be requested through WAF granting process as needed. • Motion to approve Financial Report by D. Kraska, seconded by S. Sankaranarayanan and P. Pinsonnault. Motion carried. • S. Myers and S. Shope presented and reviewed the FY23 WAF Budget_ • Motion to approve budget by S. Sankaranarayanan, seconded by R. Fitzgerald. Motion carried and budget approved. V. Grants Review • S. Myers presented "Artist Outreach" grant for $13,800. WA House of Commons may share funding for this grant and surplus BAF dollars may also be used for this purpose. Motion to approve grant up to requested amount by D. Kraska, seconded by R. Fitzgerald. Motion carried and grant approved. • S. Myers presented "Guest Speaker, Jared Scott" grant for $3,750. Motion to approve grant up to requested amount by P. Pinsonnault, seconded by L _Jimenez. Motion carried and grant approved. • S. Myers presented "G6-G 12 Class Set of Novels" grant for $15,696.75. Grant tabled to ask applicants to consider a smaller "pilot project" plus to examine other funding options. , • S. Myers reported that $1,804 grant for "MYP Cabinets & Materials" vial approved and funded by the Quinn Fund. VI. Development Committee • Blacksmith Annual Fund o A. Primeaux reported that total raised/pledged as of today is $1,206,319 with 67% parent participation and 55% of new families. o Grade captains are now sending personalized emails to non -donor families and posting on Facebook class pages. • Spring Gala o C. Ross and S. Myers reported that event date has been changed to April 291h. o Fundraising goal is $420,500 o Possible overall theme suggested to be International, with flexibility to change cultural emphasis every year. o Committee to convene in coming weeks to begin planning. VII. Marketing Committee • T. Hernandez reported that Marketing has focused on communicating merger of Baja and Gallery Night into one, signature Spring Gala event, WAF Gifts in Action, and BAF promotion. VIII. President's Report C. Ross offered gratitude to the WAF Board for great support and efforts in making Blacksmith Giving Day a great success. D{. Executive Director • S. Myers reported that WAF will participate in WA House of Commons Monster Mash Trunk or Treat with a "Star Wars" themed trunk. • WA will be participating in the City of Roanoke Veteran's Day parade on November 5, 2022. • S. Myers is applying for a Hudson Foundation grant of $80K to provide $23 K for "Capturing Kids Hearts" all -school training, $5K for 2023 Prom planning, $2K for Sadie Hawkins Dance planning, and $50K for each K-12 class to enjoy a memorable experience, which will be determined by students. • S. Myers thanked the Board for their ongoing support and participation in all WAF efforts. Other Business None P. Pinsonnault moved to adjourn the Board meeting, seconded by S. Shope. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:11AM. Next Meeting: Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 8:30 AM, at Westlake Town Hall Signe�d, by: gn— Christine Ross, WAF Board President Attested by: �:LLE IJ W� I V*, Witness n me Title