WEST LAKE November 14, 2022 4:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION
PRESENT: Mayor Sean Kilbride, Council/Board of Trustee Members Mayor Pro Tem
David Quint, Tim Shiner, Chandrika Dasgupta, Kim Greaves, Anna White
OTHERS PRESENT: Acting Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood, Town Secretary Amy M.
Piukana, Attorney Matthew Butler, Head of School Sean Wilson, Assistant
Town Manager Troy Meyer, Finance Director Amber Karkauskas, Director
of Information Services Jason Power, Director of Human Resources Sandy
Garza, Director of Communications Jon Sasser
1. Call to order and announce closed session item(s).
Mayor Kilbride called the meeting to order at 4 p, m. and announced the following items
would be discussed during closed executive session.
2. The Town Council will conduct a closed session pursuant to Texas
Government Code, annotated, Chapter 551, Subchapter D for the following:
a. Section 551.074(a)(1): Deliberation Regarding Personnel Matters — to deliberate
the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, of a public
officer or employee:
- Town Manager
- Town Secretary
b. Section 551.072: Deliberation Regarding the Purchase, Sale, or Lease of Real
- Town Hall Lease
c. Section 551.089: Deliberation Regarding Security Devices, or Security Audits
- Information Technology
WORK SESSION — (5:00 P.M.)
Mayor Kilbride called the Work Session meeting to order at 5:26 p.m.
3. Discussion regarding Candidate Forums
This item was not discussed.
4. Discussion regarding a Finance Committee
Mayor Kilbride stated the purpose is to have one or two Council Members to work with
the Finance Department Mayor Kilbride asked Mayor Pro Tem Quint to assist with this
committee. Mayor Pro Tem Quint noted he has a Finance background and would be
willing to serve on the Finance Committee.
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The Town Council discussed streamlining communication, number of meetings (Amber
Karkauskas suggested monthly), the need for transparency (minutes), and
recommendations to Council.
Ms. Karkauskas recommended including the Town Manager in the Committee meetings.
Council Member Dasgupta stated she is opposed to having a Council Member on the
Committee expressing concerns with not receiving updates in the past Finance group
meetings. She suggested community volunteers lead the group and if the Council wants
to move forward, then she requested she be a part of the Committee.
After discussion, Mayor Kilbride recommended Mayor Pro Tem Quint and Council
Member Greaves be appointed to the Finance Committee.
5. Discussion regarding School Security Audit Committee
Mayor Kilbride stated the School Security Audit Committee currently has a civilian
advisor and similar to the Finance Committee, he would like to see Council participation
with the Committee to provide feedback.
Mayor Kilbride suggested Council Member Shiner and Council Member White be
appointed to this committee. He noted this is an advisory group and any action would
be taken by the entire Town Council.
6. Discussion regarding Information Technology Servers and Storage
Replacement Needs
Information Technology DirectorJason Powerbnefed Town Council regarding this item.
The Town Council discussed server upgrades, life span of server, supply chain issues,
6-month ordering, bid and cost proposals (Mr Power noted DIR pricing which provides
a government discount), service and support with vendors (Mr. Power noted 5 years),
and the value of cloud -based verses current hybrid version.
7. Discussion regarding furniture updates for Westlake Academy.
Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyer briefed Town Council regarding this item.
The Town Council discussed teacher feedback, Head of School Sean Wilson feedback
(Mr. Wilson stated flexible furniture in the commons was a teacher request, noting
furniture is over 20 years old), the common space within the PYP area, phasing of
furniture (Mr. Meyers noted 3 year phasing), budgeting of this item, benefit of utilizing
Bennett Architect, cost For services, next steps which includes furniture needs and true
cost for Bennett Partners and to complete a bid package, and the primary library
furniture (Council Member White expressed concerns with chairs and ergonomic
negative posture effects to children), and style fit with the Academy.
Mr. Meyers stated he would go back and seek teacher feedback to ensure they support
the furniture recommendations and identify the costs for a bid package from Bennett
Partners and bring back to Town Council. —
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REGULAR MEETING — Call to Order (6:00 P.M.)
Mayor Kilbride called the regular meeting to order at 6: 01 p.m.
Mayor Kilbride led the Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas flag.
Mayor Kilbride noted the Town has new speaker guidelines, which allows residents to submit
speaker request forms online from the comfort of their own homes. He asked if there are any
citizen comments. There being none, Mayor Kilbride moved to the next item.
10. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST: Mayor and Council Reports on Items of Community
Interest pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.0415 the Town Council may report
on the following items: (1) expression of thanks, congratulations, or condolences; (2)
information about holiday schedules; (3) recognition of individuals; (4) reminders about
upcoming Town Council events; (5) information about community events; and (6)
announcements involving imminent threat to public health and safety.
Westlake Academy Communications Specialist Joe Durdin provided a report on items of
community interest.
11. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Town Council and/or
Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion
of items unless a Council/Board Member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be
removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence.
a. Consider approval of the Joint Town Council/Board of Trustees meeting
minutes from the following meetings; and take appropriate action.
• October 25, 2022 Regular Meeting
b. Consider approval of a resolution approving a waterline bid; and take
appropriate action.
c. Consider approval of a resolution authorizing the Acting Town Manager to
purchase replacement server and storage through a DIR or TIPS approved
Vendor in an amount not to exceed $180,000; and take appropriate action
Mayor Pro Tem Quint requested Agenda Item 11 b. be pulled off the Consent agenda.
Assistant Town Manager Troy Myers was present to answer questions.
The Town Council discussed the bid process and scope of work related to the water
line extension, number of Prebid attendees, Star Telegram and process for vendor
notification when seeking bids, purpose of connecting water lines to these four homes
(cost and reason), cost saving options to adjust the loop, sidewalk connection with
City of Keller, Mr. Meyer noted City of Keller (verbal) requested removal of residents
from Keller water, west side development, impact fees, extension verses tie oh and
cost difference, sidewalk easements from residents, and urgency of this project.
Mayor Pro Tem Quint stated suggested postponing to the December S, 2022 Town
Council meeting to allow staff to provide schematic drawings which identifies what is
being tied together, review the written request from City of Keller regarding removal
of residents from water lines, and to provide the cost to flush pipes. The consensus
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from Council was to postpone this item to December 5, 2022 Town Council meeting.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Quint to approve Consent Items I Za and II c,
as presented. Motion seconded Greaves. Motion approved unanimously.
12. REPORTS: Reports are prepared for informational purposes and will be accepted as
presented. (There will be no presentations associated with the report items.) There will be no separate
discussion unless a Town Council Member requests that report be removed and considered
4th Quarter Financial Investment Report
Mayor Pro Tem Quint asked if this report is required. Ms. Karkauskas stated this is a
requirement by the Public Fund Investment Act.
Mayor Pro Tem Quint asked for clarification on the budget process noting the fund balance
had $35-$36 million, noting it currently shows we have $46.2 million but is restricted or ear
Ms. Karkauskas noted these are estimates, not actuals. It depends on when the payables
arrive. She noted timing from vendors effects these numbers.
Mayor Pro Tem Quint asked about the investment policy, noting this must be adopted with
the budget, and if we have cash with interest earning bank accounts. Ms. Karkauskas
confirmed these are cash with interest earning accounts and stated the currently policy is not
compliance with the Public Funds Investment Act, but she plans to have this updated with a
new vendor soon.
The Town Council discussed lack of diversification, risk of funds, bank rating review, target
on the yield 180-day UST bill rate, and concerns with 3.6% and undershooting the yield.
Ms. Karkauskas noted the goal is to address and move forward to protect the Town funding.
Mayor Pro Tem Quint noted all these items can be addressed through a Finance Committee
meeting. He stated the Town is required to have an annual provision of an audited financial
statement (Hilltop), proof of certification through NAISD/FINRA, proof of current registration
with the Texas Security Commission, and the completion of a Town broker dealer
questionnaire. He asked if any of these have been completed.
Ms. Karkauskas responded stating these are all things she wants to put in place. Mayor Pro
Tem Quint asked whoever Council elects to hire to prepare the investment policy that they
bring us to Texas standards.
No official action was taken on this item, this was just discussion regarding a report.
Mayor Kilbride recessed at 6.•39 p.m. for a 10-minute break.
Mayor Kilbride skipped to closed executive session items.
13. Consider approving Ordinance 955 approving a Specific Use Permit to allow
for five residential condominiums to be located within the existing building
on Lot 2A, Block A, Westlake Entrada Addition, located at 72 Andorra Drive;
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and take appropriate action.
Development Director Ron Ruthven briefed Town Council regarding this item
The Town Council discussed the market, reason for requesting condominiums (Mr. Ruthven
stated demand), concerns with . condominium and 2,000 square footage, reason for a
Planning and Zoning Commissioner's opposition (Mr. Ruthven stated commissioner was
against multifamily use), VRBO model and possible rental units, current zoning, parking
challenges, lack ofsales tax revenue and price point, historyof the 10 unit condo approved,
condominium product pricing comparable to home ownership, prior condominium approved
May 24, 2021 and the renderings (interior and amenities), taxes and permits on
condominiums, short term rentals (ban in place),
Developer Michael Beaty briefed Town Council regarding the history of the development. He
stated based on Counc#2; input; he would withdraw this request.
After discussion, the consensus from Council was opposition to the proposed condominium
Council Member Shiner stated for the record, the following former Council Members voted
May 24, 2021 to approve the ten condominiums: Mayor Laura Wheat, Carol Langdon, Rajiv
Trivedr, Alesa Belvedere, Chandrika Dasgupta and Anna White. Director Ron Ruthven stated
January 27, 2020 was the original approval of this condominium project.
There was no official action taken on this item.
As a result of closed session Agenda Item 2(b), a motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Quint
to adopt Ordinance 956 to amend the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2 Sections 2-163(b.1)
and (b.2), to align the Town Secretary reporting and compensation structure to report to the
Town Council. Motion seconded Council Member White. Motion approved unanimously.
A motion was made by Council Member Shiner to authorize the execution of a professional
services agreement between the Town of Westlake and Amy Plukana for employment as the
Town Secretary. Motion seconded by Council Member White. Motion approved unanimously.
Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood provide a recap.
16. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any request for a future agenda item requires the following:1)
a brief explanation of the item to be considered, 2) must receive a second by another
Councilmember, 3) and must identify a target date for the agenda.
Future Agenda Items to be discussed:
• Discuss a Community Engagement Committee
(Dasgupta/White) June 2023
Council Member White requested a discussion on restarting town neighborhood meet and
greets. Mayor Kilbride agreed to add to the 1/30/22 Town Council Agenda for discussion.
Council Member White requested a future agenda item discussion for a Farmers Market to be
held in the Solana parking lot area. Mayor Kilbride tasked staff to identify logistics prior to
adding to a future agenda.
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17. ADJOURNMENT — Mayor Kilbride adjourned the meeting at 7:29 p.m.
C, v v
Sean C. Kilbride, Mayor
Attested by:
Amy M. Piuka own Secretary
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