HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAF 08-18-22 Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting August 18, 2022 Board Members in Attendance: Debbie Kraska, Tiffany Hernandez, Meghan Dorr, Heather Kilgore, Sean Shope, Christine Ross and Patty Pinsonnault. Others in Attendance: Amy Piukana-Town Secretary, Amber Karkauskas-Finance Director, Marlene Rutledge- WA Business Manager, Sean Wilson-WA Head of School, Sean Kilbride-Town of Westlake Mayor, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I.C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:31AM at the Council Chambers at Westlake Town Hall. II.Motion to approve minutes of June 20, 2022 meeting by D. Kraska, second by M. Dorr. Motion carried. III.Foundation Business C. Ross and S. Myers presented board application for S. Sankaranarayanan to Board for review and discussion. Motion to approve Mr. Sankaranarayanan as new Board Director by M. Dorr, second by P. Pinsonnault. Motion carried. C. Ross presented board application for L. Jimenez to Board for review and discussion. Motion to approve Mrs. Jimenez as new Board Director by P. Pinsonnault, second by D. Kraska. Motion carried. S. Myers presented slate of WAF Board Officers for 2022-23. Motion to approve slate by H. Kilgore, second by P. Pinsonnault. Slate approved. Discussed ideas for appreciation gift for Directors who have rotated off of the Board. WAF mission update will be tabled until after new WA mission is approved by Town Council. IV.Financial Report M. Rutledge introduced new Director of Finance, Amber Karkauskas. First Financial Bank account signatory will now change from Ginger Awtry to Amber Karkauskas. Motion to approve signatory change by D. Kraska, second by H. Kilgore. S. Shope abstained. Motion carried. S. Shope presented financial report as of July 31, 2022. Notable activities over the last month included payment to Vaquero Club for balance of Gallery Night expenses totaling $35,418 and payment to RaiseRight for Legacy Teacher Fund Teacher/Staff gift cards totaling $27,164. Total Assets of the Foundation were $2.931M at month. Total Revenue collected for Gallery Night was $209,052, though budgeted revenue was $260,000. Notable difference is that there was no Fund-an-Item this year, which typically is budgeted at $75,000. Blacksmith Annual Fund actual revenue totaled $1,157,668, exceeding budgeted goal by $127,668. M. Rutledge will make August transfer at end of month with annual audit pre-work to begin in September and official start of audit in November. Motion to approve financials by M. Dorr, second by P. Pinsonnault. Motion carried. V.Marketing Committee S. Myers presented year, sock banners to promote North Texas Giving Day/Blacksmith Giving Day and Back to School teacher/staff notebooksotebooks were distributed during Faculty Orientation and included a bookmark with WAF granting information as well as a welcome postcard, which included a $250 gift card for classroom and work space supplies. T. Hernandez reviewed the social media strategy, including streamlining in an effort to provide consistency. A WA alumnus is serving as unpaid intern to assist with communications activities. S. Myers reported that WAF Board Directors manned the WAF table at PYP and Secondary Back to School nights and raised $705 in donations for the Student Travel Fund. For each $5.00+ donation, -you gift. For the first day of school festivities, the Foundation hired the JamWows band to perform at MYP and PYP drop off locations. Groups of students then enjoyed concerts throughout the morning. Event was funded by a grant from the Hudson Foundation. VI.Development Committee Blacksmith Annual Fund o S. Myers reported that committee chaired by A. Primeaux has been actively recruiting for this Grade Captains; all by four grades are confirmed. o Yard signs will reflect a coordinated, unified approach leading up to Giving Day. o A helicopter ride from Hillwood will be examined as a potential random drawing on Giving Day, along with some challenge grants. o Early giving begins 9/1/22. o BAF goal for this year is $1.1M with Town committing to make up difference, if needed. o Discussed marketing message regarding BAF dollars going to support Discuss/confirm 1 vs 2 fundraising events o Tabled until September meeting VII.Grant Requests & Reports S. Wilson presented Chemistry Lab Equipment grant for total of $19,958. Motion to approve grant up to requested amount by S. Shope, second by H. Kilgore. Motion carried and grant approved. VIII. None IX.Executive Director None Other Business None M. Dorr moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by H. Kilgore. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:02AM. Next Meeting: Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 8:30 AM, at Town of Westlake Town Hall