HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAF 06-20-22 Min WESTLAKEACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting 20, 2022 Board Members in Attendance: Lindsay McGrath, Patty Pinsonnault, Meghan Dorr, Debbie Kraska, Christine Ross and Heather Kilgore. Attending via GoogleMeet: Mike Colby and Ahu Primeaux Others in Attendance: Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I.C. Rosscalled the meeting to order at 8:30AMinthe LeeFieldhouse classroom at Westlake Academy. II.Motion to approve minutes of May 19, 2022meeting byP.Pinsonnault, second by L. McGrath. Motion carried. III.Financial Report Tabled until next meeting. IV.Foundation Business Discuss additional Baja stipend payment o More information is needed re.ngstipends. Decided to keep Legacy Teacher Fund (LTF) initiativesthe same and not separate Athletic coach stipend supplements and Club Advisor stipend supplements at this time. o Currently $38,785 remains in account for Initiative #3, Coach and Advisor Stipend Supplements. o Decided not to provide an additionalstipend supplement at this time as the Town Council is currently considering increasing budgeted stipends for coaches.Current balance will be carried o Request was made to be more specific with allocation of stipends; that is, the Academy should make a formal Grant Request for thetotalamount of stipend supplementseach semester, which the WAF Boardwill review and approve. Following approval, funds will be transferred. o It was suggested that Grant Requests should be madeby the Academyfor other LTF initiatives as well o Motion to approve expense of Legacy Teacher Fund, Initiative #2, Staff Appreciation gift cards for Back-to-School 2022-23 without grant request at this time by D. Kraska, second by H. Kilgore. Motion passed and expense approved for Back-to-Schoolgift cards to be purchased in Augustup to $27,500for 110 cards each at $250 value. Discuss BAF donor designation option as a potential marketing strategy. o It was decided to keep strategy as is for now. Discuss Baja and Gallery Night events o Discussed benefits of combining events, lowering of overall event expenses, but recognized challenge of raising approximately $427k at one event. o Decided to examine comparison and duplication of sponsors to both events and to research venues. Discussed donor/volunteer recognition event o andstudents present to share impact of gifts with donors. Event could also include student-led campus tours. o Revisited possibility of creating a cumulative donation form to include BAF, Gallery Night, Baja, etc.for families to designate their donation to WAF in total for the year. Discussed summer cultivation/info events o Will look at making phone calls to potential donors. o Possible events by grade. o Most likely should be an event conducted by the Academy. Discuss options for impacting salaries o Town Council is set toexamine this at their next meeting Discuss WAF director prospects and process o Will follow up with more discussion at later meeting V.Marketing Committee S. Myers presented plan for Year in Review theme to be related to BAF/Giving Day marketing will be an acrostic poem, pulling in the IB Learner Profile traits. to encourage teacher grant requests. VI.Grant Requests & Reports Tabled VII.Executive Director S. Myers reported that Hillwood helicopter ride may be a Grand Prize option for Giving Day. Other Business none H. Kilgoremoved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by L. McGrath. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:11AM. Next Meeting: August 18, 2022 at 8:30 AM, at Town of Westlake Town Hall