HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAF 02-14-22 Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting February 14, 2022 Board Members in Attendance: Heather Kilgore, Rob Anderson, Tiffany Hernandez, Sean Shope, Mike Colby, Patty Pinsonnault, Lindsay McGrath, Christine Ross, Debbie Kraska and Ahu Sieg Others in Attendance: Amanda DeGan, Marlene Rutledge, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:30AM at Town Hall of the Town of Westlake. II. Motion to approve minutes of January 10, 2022 meeting by R. Anderson, second by L. McGrath. Motion carried. III. Financial Report S. Shope presented financial report as of January 31, 2022. Notable activities included contributions received for Gallery Night, Blacksmith Annual Fund and Westlake Baja/Legacy Teacher Fund. Total revenue collected was $114,910 bringing total assets to $3.344M at monthÓs end. BAF revenue collected for FY22 totaled $1,085,318 as of 1/31/22. M. Rutledge shared Local Grant Summary information. C. Ross introduced Public Art Fund pass-through discussion and resolution. Based on Board feedback, A. DeGan will revise resolution to pertain specifically to the Cross Timbers project. Resolution tabled until next meeting. Motion to approve financials by M. Colby, second by D. Kraska. Motion carried. IV. Marketing Committee S. Myers presented recent Marketing focus on Gallery Night with Key Westlake theme. Style of marketing pieces will reflect a vintage ÐHemingwayÑ feel. Recent grants, such as the addition of books to the Secondary Library have been highlighted in communications and social media. V. Development Committee Blacksmith Annual Fund report o A. Sieg presented BAF total raised in pledges and payments thus far is over $1.2M with 77% family participation and 73% new family participation. o J. Kelly presented BAF Grade Tracking Analysis over the last two fiscal years. Board discussed other areas to examine such as Ðnever donorsÑ who now donate and growth by categories of donation amounts. o Discussed alumni giving and ways to improve. Westlake Baja report o M. Colby stated that current focus of event planning for next fall is finding an appropriate venue. Gallery Night report o P. Pinsonnault, co-chair with Dana Wiseman, discussed theme and need for Live and Silent Auction items. VI. Grant Requests & Reports A. DeGan presented request for a ÐTeacher Retention GrantÑ of up to $225K. Discussed potential effects on budget and BAF goal moving forward, as well as potential ways to compensate teachers in future, possibly using Endowment income. Motion to approve fully funding grant in the amount of $225,000 for teacher/staff bonuses by M. Colby, second from D. Kraska. Motion carried and grant approved. VII. PresidentÓs Report C. Ross requested Board send any questions for attorney, Janet Bubert, to her prior to the next meeting. She stressed need for Gallery Night sponsorships and auction items. VIII. Executive DirectorÓs Report S. Myers suggested use of jumbo checks and Academy mascot to present to teachers when grants are approved. Directors invited to join in the presentation. Other Business A. DeGan reported that upcoming BOT meeting on 2/28/22 will include a discussion regarding campus facilities. Meeting on 3/7/22 will cover the history of Westlake Academy and the structure of its charter and relationship to the Town of Westlake. A. DeGan provided update on Executive Director hiring process. Interviews will take place this week, and final candidates will be scheduled to visit campus after that. A. DeGan reported that based on the TownÓs communications audit, a new Communications Specialist position dedicated to the Academy will be created. P. Pinsonnault moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by A. Sieg. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:10AM. Next Meeting: Monday, March 21 at 8:30 AM, at Town of Westlake Town Hall