HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAF 12-13-21 Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting December 13, 2021 Board Members in Attendance: Sean Shope, Rob Fitzgerald, Laura Luckett, Christine Ross, Debbie Kraska, Rob Anderson, Tiffany Hernandez, Ahu Sieg, Heather Kilgore and Meghan Dorr Others in Attendance: John DeBurro Î Engagement Partner, Assurance Services for Weaver & Tidwell auditing firm, Marlene Rutledge, Mechelle Bryson, Amanda DeGan, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:30AM at Town Hall of the Town of Westlake. II. Motion to approve minutes of November 15, 2021 meeting by L. Luckett, second by R. Anderson. Motion carried. III. Financial Report S. Shope presented financial report as of November 30, 2021. Notable activities over the last month included Administrative expenses totaling $3,685, largely consisting of mailings to thank Blacksmith Annual Fund donors. Westlake Baja expenses included $70,620 in gift cards for Teachers prior to Thanksgiving and Winter breaks in fulfillment of the Legacy Teacher Fund, initiative #2. S. Myers reported that the Foundation received a $20,000 Hudson Foundation grant to support experiences and activities for the benefit of students and teachers. WAF also acted as a pass-through for funds supporting a Public Art project for the Town of Westlake. Blacksmith Annual Fund receipts for the month totaled $102,927, making total receivables for the 2021-22 SY $1,031,309, surpassing the budgeted FY22 goal. Total Assets of the Foundation exceeded $3.35M as of end of last month. S. Shope presented FY21-22 WAF Budget. Motion to approve budget by S. Shope, second by L. Luckett. Motion carried. S. Shope introduced John DeBurro of Weaver & Tidwell to present the FoundationÓs annual independent audit. J. DeBurro reported audit that was performed in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards by himself and Senior Associate, Jacqueline Diaz. Results of audit were an unmodified opinion on financial statements with no material weaknesses in internal controls over financial reporting with no irregularities. Reviewed revenue comparisons from 2020 to 2021. IV. Marketing Committee S. Myers presented recent Marketing focus over November and December 2021, including T. HernandezÓs assistance with capturing images of WAFÓs impacts in classrooms and on campus, which are being used in marketing materials and social media. A. Sieg has kept online BAF donor information updated and made other website updates. W. Greenwood is currently creating a Fall/Winter 2021 ÐThank youÑ electronic Flipbook to recognize donors, supporters and volunteers. Marketing team has also designed postcards to accompany BajaÓs pre-Winter Break $250 gift cards. Discussed other ways to support teachers financially and need to discuss ideas and recommendations with Academy attorney before making plans. V. Development Committee Blacksmith Annual Fund report o A. Sieg presented BAF total raised in pledges and payments thus far is $1.175m with 77% family participation and 78% new family participation. o Grade captains are continuing to contact non-donors. o M. Bryson reported current student enrollment at 878. Westlake Baja report o S. Myers discussed need to determine if WAF will continue with the same type of event and venue in future years. o Funds from the Baja initiative supporting International Travel & Training have not yet been used due to pandemic. Staff has encouraged school leadership to finalize criteria and guidelines so that teachers can apply and benefit from the funds. Gallery Night report o M. Bryson reported that recommended Fund an Item for this yearÓs event will be ÐFlexible Spaces on CampusÑ and described possible locations and options. VI. Grant Requests & Reports S. Myers presented Grant request for ÐAdditional Touchless Water Fountain/Bottle Filling Stations for the Main Gym.Ñ Motion to approve fully funding grant in the amount of $7,000 by D. Kraska, second from L. Luckett. Motion carried and grant approved. M. Bryson provided updates on prior-funded grants. The Extended Day program is going well, supporting students after school with quiet space to make-up tests, study and work on homework. PYP Science Lab grant monies will be exhausted in next couple of months. VII. PresidentÓs Report No report VIII. Executive DirectorÓs Report No report Other Business A. DeGan reported that Carney Sandoe & Associates has been secured to search for new WA Executive Director and is currently compiling a pool of candidates. R. Anderson moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by D. Kraska. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:17AM. Next Meeting: Monday, January 10, 2022 at 8:30 AM, at Town of Westlake Town Hall