HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAF 11-15-21 Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting November 15, 2021 Board Members in Attendance: Sean Shope, Patty Pinsonnault, Debbie Kraska, Christine Ross, Rob Fitzgerald, Ahu Sieg, Michael Colby and Heather Kilgore Others in Attendance: Mechelle Bryson, Amanda DeGan, Ginger Awtry, Marlene Rutledge, Todd Wood, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:35AM at Town Hall of the Town of Westlake. II. Motion to approve minutes of October 18, 2021 meeting by S. Shope, second by D. Kraska. Motion carried. III. Financial Report S. Shope presented financial report as of October 31, 2021. Notable activities over the last month included Administrative expense of $2,352.00 for OpenGov annual subscription; Blacksmith Annual Fund October receipts totaling $912,883, which included deposit from North Texas Giving Day proceeds; and Baja Legacy Teacher Fund expenses of $15,005. Total Endowment Assets of the Foundation were $3.260M as of end of last month. Motion to approve financials by A. Sieg, second by R. Fitzgerald. Motion carried. S. Myers and S. Shope reviewed proposed FY21-22 WAF Budget, using FY20-21 budget for comparison. Discussed increasing Marketing budget line, and potential need to hire a marketing consultant to analyze/audit the effectiveness of the WAF marketing strategy. Adjustments will be made and reviewed again at December Board meeting. IV. Marketing Committee S. Myers presented recent Marketing focus, including Westlake Baja. Strategies have included Communique articles, videos from teachers, and emails to teachers to solicit quotes about the impact of Legacy Teacher Fund initiatives to use for event marketing and social media. Current week has focused on communicating the successes of Westlake Baja and the Blacksmith Annual Fund campaigns. Discussed marketing to local, Westlake-based corporations, including BAF corporate match donations and event sponsorships. A. DeGan reported that the Town of Westlake negotiates with corporations for large outlays to the Town community and Academy through its Economic Development channels. The Town also participates in the Metroport Chamber of Commerce and offered use of their table at Metroport meetings to promote WAF and the Academy. V. Development Committee Blacksmith Annual Fund report o A. Sieg presented BAF total raised thus far is $1.164M with 75% family participation and 75% new family participation. o Grade captains are currently making phone calls to non-donors. o Discussed options for surplus revenue from BAF. WA leadership team provided list to include $40K for professional development, $25K for instructional supplies, $8K for graduation expenses and $20K for new books. Staff will share specifics re. trainings, conferences, items purchased, etc. as received. Westlake Baja report o S. Myers reported on the fundraising successes of the event: Initiative #1, Teacher of the Year awards - minimum need: $22k, amount raised: $34,180 Initiative #2, Thank You Gift Cards Î minimum need: $112,200, amount raised: $88,055 Initiative #3, Coach/Advisor Stipends Î minimum need: $30k, amount raised: $63,330 Total raised - $263k o Carryover from past events: Initiative #1 - $16,907 Initiative #2 - $57,000 Initiative #3 Î $31,125 Gallery Night report o No report VI. Grant Requests & Reports S. Myers presented Grant for ÐG10-G12 Science Supplies.Ñ Motion to approve fully funding grant in the amount of $12,834 from M. Colby, second from D. Kraska and R. Fitzgerald. Motion carried and grant approved. ÐButterfly GardenÑ grant was requested to support the WA Earth ClubÓs efforts. Grant was approved in the amount of $782 through the Quinn Fund. S. Myers reported that six students were approved to receive travel grants totaling $8,907. VII. PresidentÓs Report No report VIII. Executive DirectorÓs Report S. Myers reported that the Town of Westlake annual tree lighting will take place on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, and proposed Board member holiday party to coincide at the Town office building restaurant at the same time. Evites will go out this week. Other Business None R. Fitzgerald moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by D. Kraska. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:54AM. Next Meeting: Monday, December 13, 2021 at 8:30 AM, at Town of Westlake Town Hall