HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAF 01-10-22 Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting January 10, 2022 Board Members in Attendance: Sean Shope, Rob Fitzgerald, Christine Ross, Debbie Kraska, Rob Anderson, Ahu Sieg, Patty Pinnsonault and Meghan Dorr Others in Attendance: Amanda DeGan, Marlene Rutledge and Shelly Myers I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:30AM at Town Hall of the Town of Westlake. II. Motion to approve minutes of December 13, 2021 meeting by D. Kraska, second by R. Fitzgerald. Motion carried. III. Financial Report S. Shope presented financial report as of December 31, 2021, highlighting the ongoing work with M. Rutledge in Finance Dept. on how to best track and present incoming and outgoing funds. Blacksmith Annual Fund receipts totaled $31,754 for the month, bringing FY22 receivables for BAF to $1,063,063. Total assets of the Foundation neared $3.37M as of 12/31/21. WAF served as a pass-through for $200,000 in donations to the Town of Westlake Public Art Fund (PAF). S. Shope proposed having these funds show on our Financials as ÐRevenueÑ to be consistent with how we treat all donations. M. Rutledge will amend reporting to show the $200K as incoming revenue to WAF and outgoing transfer to Town. In response to questions and discussion regarding rationale for the FoundationÓs involvement in the TownÓs PAF, A. DeGan will secure legal opinion and report back to Board. Motion to approve December 2021 Financials by P. Pinnsonault, second by M. Dorr. Motion carried. IV. Questions for WA Attorney C. Ross led discussion that generated list of questions which will be given to the AcademyÓs attorney, Janet Bubert. In turn, Ms. Bubert will have time to research and present at the FoundationÓs March board meeting. Overall, the goal of this ÐQ&AÑ effort with the schoolÓs legal counsel is for WAF directors to have a clear understanding of Town/WA/WAF organizational structure, which will then better guide Foundation activities and maximize our efforts. V. Marketing Committee S. Myers reported that the major committee initiative was the online, year-end celebration ÐflipbookÑ that recognized and thanked various donors and volunteers of WAF Fall campaigns. W. Greenwood created a Baja graphic that was sent to all Fall coaches to thank them as well as inform that the 25% stipend payment was in their December 17 pay. Work has begun on Gallery Night promotions with Ðcall for volunteersÑ graphic and information in Communique and new parent email. Finalizing event graphics for Save the Date, website, solicitation materials, etc. After discussion, Board decided to discontinue the quarterly printed calendar and for efforts to focus on event-specific activities. S. Myers will follow-up with T. Hernandez to discuss process for conducting a marketing audit. A. Sieg continues to maintain online BAF donor list and will begin updating the website with Gallery Night promotions. S. Myers will meet with new Town marketing manager, Erin Spicer, to discuss ways that her office can support WAF efforts through Town channels. One such initiative will be a WAF Ðvolunteer spotlight,Ñ which will launch with highlighting board directors. VI. Development Committee Blacksmith Annual Fund report o A. Sieg reported campaign currently at $1.197M in gifts and pledges with 78% family participation. o Discussed need to engage families who entered WA after active BAF campaign to educate and solicit support. Grade captains are continuing to contact non-donors. o M. Rutledge will provide report of what BAF donations have funded to date for FY22. Westlake Baja report Î tabled. Gallery Night report o C. Ross reported that P. Pinnsonault and PYP parent Dana Wiseman have volunteered to serve as co-chairs for this yearÓs event. Longtime co-chairs C. Ross, L. Luckett and DP parent Lisa Pylant will continue to actively serve on the committee to support, advise and help in any way. The Foundation is grateful to have so many committed volunteers! o Event details confirmed to date: ÐKey Westlake Î Party in ParadiseÑ theme to be held on Saturday, April 30, 2022 at VaqueroÓs Ranch House. o Directors were encouraged to consider event sponsorship and to forward suggestions for possible auction donors and sponsors. VII. Grants Committee S. Myers and M. Rutledge reviewed monthly summary of grant activity. Notable projects included installation of two new touchless bottle filler/water fountain stations in the Gym as well as purchase of chemistry and physics supplies and equipment, which had been partially delayed due to supply availability. P. Pinnsonault asked if there is a dollar amount that approved grants can exceed without requiring Board approval. C. Ross and S. Myers have discretion to approve grants up to $500, so that process will be used for now to handle any overages. VIII. PresidentÓs Report No report IX. Executive DirectorÓs Report No report Other Business A. DeGan reported that nearly 90 applications were received for the WA Executive Director position. Search firm Carney Sandoe & Associates used supplied criteria to cull list to 27 candidates. Members of the search committee will review and compile individual ÐTop 10Ñ lists to then discuss and generate committeeÓs list for zoom interviews. Goal is to name next E.D. by Spring Break in March. S. Shope moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by M. Dorr. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:49AM. Next Meeting: Monday, February 14, 2022 at 8:30 AM, at Town of Westlake Town Hall