HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAF 08-16-21 Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting August 16, 2021 Board Members in Attendance: Sean Shope, Lindsay McGrath, Laura Luckett, Christine Ross, Ahu Sieg, Rob Anderson and Meghan Dorr (via Facetime) Others in Attendance: Todd Wood, Ginger Awtry, Mechelle Bryson, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:30AM at Town Hall of the Town of Westlake. II. Motion to approve minutes of May 24, 2021 meeting by R. Anderson, second by L. Luckett. Motion carried. III. Financial Report S. Shope presented financial report as of July 31, 2021. Notable activity over the last month included Administrative expenses of $2,046 and Blacksmith Annual Fund income and transfer of $5,689.20. Total Assets of the Foundation were $3,177,274 at month end. Statement of Activities columns will be updated to reflect FY2021/22 when new budget approved. Discussed possibility of making up BAF shortfall with transfer from WAF funds. Reviewed WAF Grant expenditures and discussed Academy reporting more details regarding restricted grants. Details can be marketed by Foundation and in the Communique. Secondary library has now been created in the Arts & Sciences building commons and conference room areas. S. Myers stated that 10% of Gallery Night proceeds will transfer to the endowment, per end of year procedures. She requested Board review draft of FY22 Budget for additions or changes. Motion to approve financials by L. Luckett, second by R. Anderson. Motion carried. IV. Nominating Committee C. Ross presented Board applications received from three prospective candidates. Motion to approve Rob Fitzgerald as a new Board Director by L. McGrath, second by L. Luckett. Motion carried. Motion to approve Tiffany Hernandez as a new Board Director by L. McGrath, second by A. Sieg. Motion carried. Motion to approve Patty Pinsonnault as a new Board Director by L. Luckett, second by A. Sieg. Motion carried. V. Marketing Committee S. Myers presented ÐWAF Marketing Materials Î Summer 2021Ñ created by Wendy Greenwood, which highlighted WAF calendar mailing, Website updates, Social media posts, BAF donor Thank You Thursday initiative, etc. There will be a ÐFamily Photo ZoneÑ for both Primary and Secondary Back to School Night events. Discussed holding leadership kick-off events in an effort to secure committed donations to BAF on Giving Day 2021. Discussed possibility of Challenge grants and/or Matching funds to encourage BAF donations. Board decided that ÐWA HammerÑ window stickers would serve as thank you gift and will be included with BAF donor acknowledgment letters. S. Myers and C. Ross discussed Westlake Baja 2021. M. Colby will chair again, possibly hosting at his home. Entertainment will include the Singer/songwriter concert. VI. PresidentÓs Report C. Ross expressed gratitude for Board directors staying in touch over the summer. Proposed a Board get-together in September. VII. Executive DirectorÓs Report S. Myers reported on idea of creating a flyer to distribute to staff about the ÐbenefitsÑ of working at WA, that include those efforts funded by the Foundation (e.g., grant availability, gift cards) She reported that job title for J. Kelly is now changed to ÐDevelopment Associate.Ñ Provided draft of infographic outlining the funding sources and amounts of Charter Schools vs ISDs, and the role played by the Blacksmith Annual Fund in filling the gap. Other Business None L. McGrath moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by L. Luckett. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:22AM. Next Meeting: Monday, September 20, 2021 at 8:30 AM, at Town of Westlake office