T R E T 0 W H 0 f
October 3, 20,22 3-00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION
PRESENT: Ma�yor Sean; Kilbride, Council/Board of Trustee Members Mayor Pro Tez
David Quint, Tim Shiner, Chandrika Dasgupta, Anna White, Kim Greavea
OTHERS PRESENT: Head of School Sean Wilson, Acting Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood,
Town Secretary Amy M. Piukana, Academy Attorney Janet Bubert,
Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyer, Finance Director Am,ber Karkauskas,
Director of Information Services Jason Power, Director of Fluman
Resources Sandy Garza, Director of Com miu ni cations Jon Sasser, Principal
Maxwell Itu�ah, Principal Rod Harding
ox jig: i 111 1 4`�
1. Call to order and announce closed session item(s),.
Mayor 0bricle called the meeting to order at 3 p.m. and announced the following Items would be
discussed during closed executive session.
2. The Town Council will conduct a closed session pursuant to Texas Government Coide,
annotated, Chapter 551, Subchapter D for the following:
a. Section 551.074(a)(1): Deliberation, Regarding Personnel Matters — to deliberate
the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, of a public
officer or employee:
- Town Manager
WORK SESSION — (4:00 P.M.)
Mayor Kilbride called the Work Session to order at 4 pm.
3. Presentation and Discussion for Westlake Academy and Municipal facilities
Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyer provided a PowerPoint presentation on this item. (Art &
Science extension, and Gym) Michael J, Bennett and Amy Stenzler with Bennett Partners were in
The Town Council discussed ellmInating portables, timeline to execute (24-30 months), meeting
short term needs, time adjustment with an I 11h classroom, creative flexible classrooms (open walls),
Library flexible space, building code and storm shelter requirement, modular building costs, lease
to own options, naming buildings and classroom naming rights to increase donations, Capital
Campaigning with the Foundation, next steps, 3 story options, and Immedlate verses long term
needs, separatIng campuses by grade level, campus elevation and safety, and return on Investment
Mayor Pro Tenn Quint requested the 11'I' classroom option be included with next step proposals.
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Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyer noted in 2012 a Westlake Academy master plan was created
by Bennett Partners which has details for future growth and expansion. He stated he would provide
to Mr. Gilson for review.
Head of School Sean Gilson stated this proposal meets the immediate needs but recommended
having a long-term vision.
After discussion, the Council agreed to move forward with the project cost estimate to include an
11th classroom option and to bring back the master plan for Council review with future phasing.
Mayor KlIbride suggested looking at current portables and Identify replacement needs, noting the
project will be within a 30-month time frame.
Mayor Pro Tem Quint recommended discussion of the PYP extension,
Mr. Meyer reviewed the gym remodeling proJect, noting the proposal includes flipping the front
office area Into a concession stand near the gym.
Mayor KlIbride suggested utilizing a (left over) portable for extra office space. Mr. WIlson stated he
would review existing office space at the Academy to see if shared space could be identities:
Westlake Academy Foundatlon Director Shelly Myers respectfully requested on site Academy office
space prior to the renovation of the concession stand.
The Town Council agreed to keep Ms Meyers and her assistant at the current Academy location
until alternative office space was Identified.
Due to time constraints, Mr. Meyer stated he would push the Town Hall lease discussion to the next
Town Council Meeting.
REGULAR MEETING — Call to Order (5:
Mayor Kilbride called the regular meeting to order at 5 p. m.
Mayor Kilbride led the Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas Flag.
S. CITIZEN/PARENT COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the To
Council or Board of Trustees on any matter, whether or not it is posted on the agenda. A
residents wishing to speak on action items must submita speaker request form to the To
Secretary. (Best practice is to submit the speaker form prior to the start of the meeting,)
your questions are satisfied, you may choose not to speak. Individual citizen comments a
normal�ly limited to three (3) minutes; however, time limits can be adjusted by the presidi
oifficer. The presiding officer may ask the citizen to hold their comment on an agenda item
the item 'is posted as a Public Hearing. The Town Council and Board of Trustees cannot
law take 1
action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made at this ti
concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Town Council and Board of Trustees w
receive the information, ask staff to review the matter, or an item may be noticed on a futu
agenda for cleHberation' or action.
There were, no citizen comments.
6. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST: Mayor and Council Reports on Items of Community
Interest pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.0415 the Town Council may report
on the following items: (1) expression of thanks, congratulations, or condolences; (2)
information about holiday schedules; (3) recognition of individuals; (4) reminders about
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upcoming Town Council events; (5) information about community events; and (6)
announcements involving imminent threat to public health and safety.,
Director of Communications Jon Sasser provided a report on Items of community Interest
7. CONSENT AGENDA: Al�l items listed below are considered routine by the Town Council
and/or Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate
discussion of 'items unless a Council�/Board Member or citizen so requests, in which event
the item will be removed from the general order of business and consiidered in its normal
a. Consider a:pproal of the Joint Town Council/Board of Trustees,
meeting minutes from the following meetings:
0 September 26, 2022 Regular Meeting
b. Consider approving Resolution 22-66 authorizing the Acting Town
Manager to purchase new replacement portable radios from Motorola!,
Solutions for the Fire Department, in an amount not to exceed
$1101,481; and take appropriate action
Motion made by Council Member White to approve Consent Items 2a. and 7b., as presented.
Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Quint Motion approved unanimously.
S. REPOP.TS: Reports are prepared for informational purposes and will be accepted as
presented. (There will be no presentations associated with the report items.) There will be no separate
discussion unless a Town Council Member requests that report be removed and considered
a. Westlake Academy Enrollment Demographics
Council Member Dasguota requested clarification on the SAT data numbers. Mr. 7-1poins
provided a recap which included total test takers, evidenced base reading and riding, and
reviewed standardized testing analysis and provided a summary of what criteria top colleges
look for in students.
The Town Council discussed Academy testing scores verses the state, college requirements,
other criteria used in lieu of test scores to be admitted to college, preparation of SA T, and
current math curriculum,
3. Presentation and discussion of action plans for PYP Mathematics and English
Language Arts in a IB continuum World School
The Primary Student Principal Rod Harding provided a presentation regardIng this Item.
The Town Council discussed the data and effects from Covid which is reflected in the Cohort
STAAR Report data., HB 45145, adding a second math specialist (primarylsecondary), flexible
grouping (pull out,, and thoughtfulness of teacher time to, provide academic delivery to the
10. Presentation and discussion of Secondary Math and Reading Initiatives
MYP Principal Maxwell Ituah provided a presentation regarding this Item. (Secondary
Program, Grades 6-12.)
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The Town CouncillBoard of Trustees discussed the need for a reading and math specialist,
which is not included in the current budget Mayor Pro Tem Quint requested this be added to
a future agenda Item, Council Member Dasgupta seconded adding this to a future agenda item.
Council Member White suggested adding this subject to a future workshop and suggested
identifying student needs and numbers, and to identify data from other schools to compare,
(The Town Council recessed for a break and reconvened at 6.22 p.m.),
ill. Presentation and discussion of a proposed amendment to the Westlak
Academy Social Media Policy
Head of School Sean Wilson provided a presentation regarding thIs Item.
After discussion, the consensus from the Town CouncillBoard of Trustees was to move forward
with the proposed amendment at a future meeting.
(.2. Presentation and discussion of a proposed amendment to the Westlak'a
Academy Student Code of'Conduct
Head of School Sean Wilson and Academy Attorney Janet Bubert provided a presenta
regarding this item.
The Town Council discussed board policy and references that would need to be removed, the
code of conduct extension to behavior off campus and its impact to campus learning, criminal
provisions (disciplinary, and school determination based on evidence, athletic suspension (must
be in policy or code of conduct), complaint process connected to policy, appeals to the school
board (only expulsions), annual review of policy and procedures, and communication to the
public regarding these changes.
Mr. W11son explained tonight is first draft review. He stated the plan is to obtain stakeholder mm
feedback, then Town Council will review the second draft, and at the third draft review, the
Town CoundIlBoard of Trustees would take final action to approve.
0-3. Consider approving WA Resolution 22-23 adopting an amendment to th
Westlake Academy's Bullying Policy; and take: appropriate action
Head of School Sean Wilson provided an overview of this Item. I
The Town Council/Board of Trustee discussed when the clock starts when claiming bullying.
Attorney Janet Bubert explained procedures of this type of conduct must be addressed by
After discussion, a motion made by Council Member Grea ves to approve WA Resolution 22-23,
as presented. Motion seconded by Council Member White. Motion approved unanimously.
r,.4. Consider approving, Resolution 22-65 authorizing the Acting Town Manager
to negotiate an agreement with Steele & FreemanInc. for the Gym
Remodeling Project at 2600 JT Ottinger Road; and take appropriate action
Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyer explained o this is a follow up item frm the workshop
Council Member Greaves motioned to approve Resolution 22-65, as presented. Motion
seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Quint. Motion approved unanimously.
ito actiot
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Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyer provided a recap. He noted he would move forward with
bid for Art and Science architect to obtain construction bids. He stated he would meet with
end users to seek feedback on an addition to PYP, review the floor plan, meet with Head of
School Sean Wilson to review the 2012 master plan and bring back to CouncIl. He noted he
would provide a future update on older portables and new portables to include the fit,
aesthetics, cost analysis, ,ARCS building to include a lease to own (portables) option, and capital
campaign and partnership with the Foundation. He noted on the gym remodeling item, he
would meet with Mr. Wilson, and work with Glenn Partners Architect to design a concession
stand which would not occur without adequate space for the Westlake Academy Foundation
Staff He stated he would provide a briefing at the next meeting to discuss the Town Hall
lease. Mr. Meyer stated he would bring forward the following items.- storm shelter needs,
building codes, naming rights to buildings.
Acting Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood added the dates to review the master plan and
funding study would be in January 2023, with portable discussions In November.
17. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: These items have been discussed by Town Council and
scheduled to be placed on future Council Agendas allowing for adequate time for staff
preparation on the agenda item.
a Discuss Community Committees (Dasgupta/White) scheduled June 2023
Mayor Pro Tem Quint requested future discussion of a Math and English speciallst
(QuintlDasgupta) TBD
Mayor Pro Tem Quint requested a future Item to discuss Council meeting policy and
(QuintlGreaveslMayor) TBD
Kilbdde, Mayor
Attested by:
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