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September 26, 2022 3:00 P.M. CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION
PRESENT: Mayor Sean Kilbride, Council/Bo,ard of Trustee Members Mayor Pro Tem
David Quint, Tim Shiner, Chandrika Dasgupta, Anna White, Kim Greaves
OTHERS PRESENT: Acting Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood, Town Secretary Amy M.
Rukana, Attorney Stan Lowery, Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyer,
Finance Director Amber Karkauskas, Director of Information Services
Jason Poiwer, Director of Human Resources, Sandy Garza, Director of
Communications Jon Sasser
Mayor 0bride called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. and announced Town Council
would recess into closed exectitivesession to discuss the following items.,
1. Call to order and announce c1losed session item(s).
2. The Town Council will conduct a closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code,
annotated, Chapter 551, Subchapter D for the following:
a. Section 551.074(a)(1): Deliberation Regarding Personnel Matters — to deliberate the appointment,
employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, of a public officer or employee:
- Town Manager
3. Discuss and receive a presentation from Michael Beaty regarding Entrada
Entrada Developer Michael Beaty provided upofates regardIng the Entrada
The Town Council discussedproposed restaurant sites (proposed Hugos InvitadoS &
1845) reception hall, project timing, Core, Log1c contingency, consignment authority for
dedslon making for MRW, non-completlon of Phase 1, t1inefine of Phase 11, site
ownershlp of proposed Town Hall property (estimated value $20 million), stand alone
bar,Xurrently not allowed within Entrada Zoning), partnering with developer to avoid
conflicts of Interest (current1former elected officials or municipal employees), and the
need for transparency.
Mayor Pro Tem Quint requested Mr. Beaty attend the regular portion of the meeting
to be present for any questions. Mayor Kilbride announced he would move up Agenda
Item 13to be discussed first
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Mayor called the meeting to order at 5.02 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge
to the Texas Flag.
5. CITIZENIPAFEE NT COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Town
Council or Board of Trustees on any matter, whether or not it is posted on the agenda. Any
residents wishing to speak on action items must submit a speaker request form to the Town
Secretary. (Best practice is to submit the speaker form prior to the start of the meeting.) If
your questions are satisfied, you may choose not to speak. Individual citizen comments are
normally limited to three (3) minutes; however, time limits can be adjusted by the presiding
officer. The presiding officer may ask the citizen to hold their comment on an agenda 'item if
the item is posted as a Public Hearing. The Town Council and Board of Trustees cannot by
law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made at this time
concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Town Council and Board of Trustees will
receive the information, ask staff to review the matter, or an item may be noticed on a future
agenda for deliberation or action.
There were no speakers.
ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST: Mayor and Council Reports on Items of Community
Interest pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.0415 the Town Council may report
on the following items: (1) expression of thanks, congratulations, or condolences; (2)
information about holiday schedules; (3) recognition of individuals; (4) reminders about
upcoming Town Council events; (5) information about community events; and (6)
announcements involving imminent threat to public health and safety.
Director of Communications Ion Sasser briefed Town Council regarding items of community
Speakers Angie Schilsky and her daughters (Caroline and Claire) spoke announcing Carter Blood
Drive will be held Saturday, October 29, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 3 p,m, at the Westlake Fire
6. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Town Council and/or
Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion
of items unless a Council/Board Member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will
be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence.
a. Consider approval of the Joint Town Council/Board of Trustees meeting
minutes from the following meetings:
0 September 12, 2022 Regular Meeting
it. Consider approving WA Resolution 22-22 approving an, amended iake
Academy Mission Statement
Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Quint to approve Consent items 6 a. and 6b., as presented.
Motion seconded by Council Member Greaves. Motion approved unanimously.
7. REPORTS: Reports are prepared for informational purposes and will be accepted as
presented. (there wiH be no presentations associated with the report items) There will be no separate
discussion unless a Town Council Member requests that report be removed and considered
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a. Receive a third quarter Town of Westlake financial and investment report
There was no discussion on this item.
(1tem13 was discussed; first)
S. Presentation and Discussion regarding the Pubilic Art Competition Committee
Mr. Robin McCafrey provided a presentation on the Westlake Public Art Program.
The Town Council discussed history of the artiprogram andhow itstarted, prior Council
Involvement and outreach to Mr. McCaffrey for his services, the comp plan and Mr.
McCaffrey assistance, funding of Mr, McCaffrey�7 services for art project (paid through
prIvate donations), project funding, next steps, art currently under design and
prototype being created (aluminum steel blades), blade patron purchase with name
recognition, (Council Member Dasgupta suggested limiting name purchase to every
couple of years to help generate revenue) fighting, maintenance estimates of art
proj . ect, ($20, 000 a year estimate), $1.7 and $1.2 cost differential, Mr. McCal'i past
history with Town projects, the need to protect future art, the need for replacement
stock on parts and components.
stated it�� on a future prioro list for implementation. Mr. Greenwood noted art loca
within right of ways, becomes Town owned and is covered under the Town �7 insuran
I!licy. 1
9. Consider approving Resolution 22-63 approving the 2023 Town Council Board of
Trustee: meeting calendar; and take appropriate action
Alter discussion, a motlon was made by Council Member White to approve, Resolution
22-63, as presented Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Quint Motion approved
0-0. Consider adopting Ordinance 954 amencling Chapter 26, Article H, Division 1, Sectics
67 for the Planning and Zoning Commission by expanding the Commission from 5 to
regular voting members and eliminating alternate Commission positions a
authorizing the Mayor to appoint the Chair and Vice Chair of the Commission; and ta
appropriate action I
Planning and Development Director Ron Rui briefed Town Council regarding this
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and the need to increase voting members and eliminate alternate seats.
Mayor Pro Tem Quint requested amending the ordinance to change the ability to
retiove a member at the discretion of the Town Council.
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Tie Town Council discussed the process of eliminating the third alternate, Council
Member Dasguota recommended the third alternate be considered for appointment
next year. Council Member Greaves suggested bylaws be brought forward,
Council Member Greaves requested quarterly meetings with all boards
57 =WW"711 - T777
954, with the stipulation that Town Council would be at the discretion of the Town
Council. Motion seconded by Council Member White. Motion approved by the follo wIng
Ayes., White, Shiner, Greaves, Quint
Opposed: Dasguota
ii-#N&V, aassed 4--1 EQZuUj2ta "a-sed
11. Consider adopting Ordinance 953 amending Westlake Engineering Design Standarq�
and Construction Drawings by revising Chapter 36, Article I to X of the Code
Ordinances; and take appropriate action i
Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyer briefed Town Council regarding this item, noting
,these are proposed new stanoards, Development Director Ron Ruth ven spoke noting
these are guidelines for the town and a Planned Development allow5 for more
The Town Council d1scussed grand fathered projects fire lane, street width, Planning
and Zoning review for criteria, and older storm water management 5y5tem (example of
resident drainage issue).
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as presented. Motion, seconded by Council Member Greaves. Motion approved
!12. Consider approving Resolution 22-62 approving the Sam School Road Open, Space
Master Plan for Lot 17X, Block 3; and take appropriate action
Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyer briefed Town Council regarding this item.
The Town Council d1scussed crushed granite verses concrete on tralls, parking CI
Lifetime FItness, the master plan details, dog park, Phase I funding and re -sculpting A,
the hill and tree replacement
7� -. r6-AEY01-1n:
22-62, as presented Motion seconded by Council Member Greaves. Motion approve
unanimously. I
31M E• M
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Acting Town Manager Greenwood stated he would follow up on the following Items
discrepancy of the old and new assignment language, look at "carve out'language, confirm
Mehrdad`s Involvement with MRWILOSF, Beaty lease and property sales and to provide Council
updates. He would erasure Public Art (blade stockpile, maintenance, who provides maintenance,
extending blade program name to a couple of year5, quarterly meetings with affiliates and
bylaws across boards.
Council Member Greaves requested annual oversight of all affiliates. (Year-end checklist)
16. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: These items have been discussed by Town Council, and
scheduled to be placed on future Council Agendas allowing for adequate time for staff
preparation on the agenda item.
Future Agenda) Items to be discussed:
0 Discuss a Community Engagement Committee (Dasgupta) TBD
Council Member Dasgupta requested a motion to second this item to allow it to be added
to a future agenda.
The Town Council discussed the types of committees being proposed, purpose, (Dasgupta
noted she proposes Public Art, Youth Advisory, Ambassador Committee). Council Member
Shiner stated the main focus is to clean up current boards, establish bylaws and streamline.
Council Member Greaves recommended reaching out to the local Homeowner; Association
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and inviting them to attend quarterly meetings to ensure ongoing dialogue.
Council Member Dasgupta explained there Is a need for community engagement and to
allow residents to be involved. Council Member White stated she seconds adding this item
to the June 2023 Town Council meeting to allow for discussion,
Council Member Quint suggested an update to clarify policy of authority of one council
member directing staff time and resources, policy of Council Members adding future agenda
items and justification and relevance to include staff time, Council one on one meetings with
staff, need for a policy on informal information requests by email, formal information
requests for presentation and the amount of staff time to produce. (Quint requested/'White
seconded. Set for 10124122 meeting)
Mayor ObrIde noted currently going through an audit, he requested no information be
requested or meetings with, the Finance team until a policy is produced,
11 11%;1111 111 111 111 !111 111 111 1111111 , 11 111 111 OR I
Signed by:
Sean Kilbride, Mayor and President Board of Trustees
Amy M. Piukarja, Town Secretary
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