HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 409 Appointing the Presiding Judge and Alternate Presiding JudgeTOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 409 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING THE PRESIDING JUDGE, THE ALTERNATE PRESIDING JUDGES AND THE COURT CLERK FOR THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF RECORD NO. 1 IN THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE; PROVING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on October 22, 2001 the Town of Westlake, Texas (the "Town") adopted Ordinance No. 401 creating the Municipal Court of Record No. 1 in the Town and providing for the appointment of a Presiding Judge, Alternate Judges, and a Municipal Court Clerk (the "Appointees"); and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 401 also sets forth certain duties and qualifications for each of the Appointees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Board of Aldermen hereby appoints the following individuals to the Municipal Court of Record No. 1 in the capacity as set forth below: Presiding Judge Brad Bradley Alternate Judge Eric G. Ranselben Court Clerk Amanda DeGan These appointments are made subject to and are governed by the provisions of Ordinance No. 401, and in accordance with State law. SECTION 2: That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other Ordinances and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such Ordinances except for those instances where there are direct conflicts with the provisions of this Ordinance. Ordinances or parts thereof in force at the time this Ordinance shall take effect and that are inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent that they are inconsistent with this Ordinance. SECTION 3: If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, and the Board of Aldermen hereby declares it would have passed such remaining of the Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4: All other Ordinances in effect and not in conflict with this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION S: The Town Secretary of the Town of Westlake is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance by copying the exact Caption and Effective Date clause in the minutes of the Town Council of the Town of Westlake and by filing this Ordinance in the Ordinance records of the Town. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its date of passage in accordance with law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 26TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2001. ATTEST: /1 - Inge Crosswy, To ecretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: L.($ta.ntKn Lo y Attorney Scott Bradley, Mayor Trent O. Petty, Town anager I solemnly swear that a true and correct copy of the Public Notice Ordinance No. 409 was published in THE KELLER CITIZEN, a newspaper having general circulation in the counties of Denton and Tarrant, and that the dates that said issues of the newspaper bore in which such notice was published were January 22, 2002. A copy of the notice as published, clipped from the newspaper is attached hereto. �d Pam Nolte, Classified Ad Manager THE STATE OF TEXAS § 0 COUNTY OF TARRANT § SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME Pam Nolte this 30th day of January, 2002, to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. a � Notary Public, State of Texas Printed Name of Notary1 My commission expires =A, TCTCR ®w �f l Bids for the Additions and to delete particular masonry a Renovations to Keller -Harvel screening wall requirements. Elementary School and Whit- W WC Property #33, ley Road Elementary School owner/applicant/developer.` for the Keller independent Washington & Associates, ]provided. School District will be accept- Inc., engineer. (Z-01-21). ed in the Offices of Steele & 1 Freeman, Inc. - Construction Manager; 1301 Lawson PUBLIC NOTICE •r ` ,r~ Road, Fort Worth, Texas 76131, phone: 817-232- ORDINANCE NO.0101-02 'Tractor Se4742, Fax: 817-232-9113®until 2:00_PM, Thursday, An ordinance amending Grading -Lotg February 7,2002. Plans are the com rehensive zonin�' 'Final Gavailable from the Construe -ordinance to provide protion Manager.IYIowing - F.ots ge cedures for the city council tINTiNG and Rotor Fto issue specific use per -Tape,' bed PUBLI� ®TILE mits to permit the estab-wall paper,fill t2ew equiprvaent.Srovided. lishment of petroleum or gas wells or pipelines in an Ronnie, 817- avid radle�TOWN OF WESTLAKE817-379-5502 AG" (Agricultural Home=roofs, re- 17-988-3699 ORDINANCE N0.409 sites District), "Al"' (Air port Facilities District), or r small jobs. LEVELING AND loader I" (industrial District); pro s. Over 20 work, Final grader Mowing An ordinance of the Town of viding standards, rules and, ce. 817-379- and Rotor Tilling. Small jobs Westlake, Texas, appointing regulations for the drilling; welcome. 817-379-5597, Billthe presiding Judge, the al- of petroleum or gas wells' ternate presiding Judges and or the installation of the Court Clerk forthe'Munic- pipelines; providing a sev-` ipal Court of Record No.'1 in erability clause;' providing the Town of Westlake; pro- that such ordinance shall viding a severability clause; be cumulative; (providing' :7::� ea {or 20t Years providing a savings clause; that violation is punishable ic Additions •Decks and providing an effective by a fine of not more than date. two hundred dollars; and cialty Roof Re-Framingproviding for publication ng Dryy Wall Repair and an effective date. jg)t Quality, New Home PUBLIC HEARINGtion o Save $$$ _ Any person found guilty of viPUBLIC HEARING olating any of the provisions17-683-8469 of this ordinance shall beA public hearing will be held fined not more than $200.00 39-1271 by the Planning & Zoning and each and every violation BI® NOTICE Commission of the Town of of the various provisions of Trophy Club in the board- this ordinance shall consti- room of the Municipal Utility tute a separate offense, as NOTICE TO BIDDERS shall each day that such vio- TREE SERVICE District Building, 100 Munici INVITATION TO BID lation continues. pal Drive, aC7:00 PM,'Thurs day, February 7, 2002, to The Northwest independent This ordinance shall be in full consider an ordinance of the r School District will receive force and effect from and af- OZARK Town of Trophy Club, Texas, T proposals in the Purchasing ter its passage and p, and it amending Ordinance No. Department, by mailing'to tion as required bylaw, and it 2006-06 P&Z of the Town, PO Box 77070,' Fort Worth, the same being the Compre- is so ordained. Texas, 76177-0070 or deliv- STUMP GRINDING hensive Zoning ordinance, Bring to 1800 State Hwy 114, Passed and Approved on and amending the Official FERTILIZING Justin, TX 76247 for: this 14th day of January, Zoning Map of the Town by 2002. lty TRIMMING changing the zoning on a RFP Performing Art Sandy Hart, CMG certain tract of land de- et? "' �` _ REMOVING Center AV Package scribed as a 7.843 acre tract City Secretary ��O 2 FOQ #PBM02-01-004 of land located generally to City of Haslet TREE SALES the north of State Highway Wednesday,' 114, east of PD #7 - The PUBLIC NOTICE ctioO of February 20, 2002 Plantation Apartments, south a99C'C$S (817)431-0135 of Heritage Court South, and E817-530-7439 Bee er Each Proposer shall identify ORDINANCE NO. 0903-01 P being more particularly de- FULLY INSURED his sealed Proposal by typing scribed in Exhibit "A:, at on the outside of the enve- tacked hereto and incor o- An ordinance amending REASONABLE RATES p lope: rated herein, from its current Ordinance No. 106, the zoning of "CG", Commercial Zoning Ordinance of the Northwest Indepen- General, to PD Planned De- City of Haslet, Texas, by ALL SEASONS dent School District velopment #23, Trophy Club amending Article Vill, Sec- ANG RFP Performing Art' Medical Plaza; providing that tion 8.1.D regulating TREE Center AV Package such tract of land shall be portable buildings and RFP #B02-01=004 used in accordance with the structures, and mechanical ROOFINGSERVICE Attn: Joyce Poison/ requirements of the Compre- equipment; providing for 18 ears Purchasing Agent hensive Zoning Ordinance special use permits; pro - ears Serving Northeast Tarrant County and all other appiicabie:'ordf_ viding a cumulative clause; Shingles The District shall receive and nances of the Town; provid- providing a severability uilt up s Ilgit I # , emdva publicly open the RFP of the P clause; providing a penalty s. Accept �1t tI ing that the zoning map shall Y # proposers in the''>Cafetorium clause, providing for pubii- Free es flit at Northwest ISD Education reflect the PD Planned De- cation; and providing an ef- 6-0902. "_ : velopment #23 ZoninglDis- p 9 Center, 1800 ''Hwy 114, trict'for the sub fective date. Great Pnces•Free Estimates jest property; Justin, TX 76247, at the rovidin Call Anytime• Locally Owned p g a development/site Terms including;MC,Visa specified time and date. Re- plan; providing development Any person, firm or corpora - ,quest For Proposals (RFP) standards; providing building tion who violates, disobeys, Guaranteed received by delivery or mail elevations; providing site line omits, neglects or refuses to INSURED after 2:00 p.m., February 20, studies; providing a land- comply with or who resists t 2002, will be returned un- Scape plan and plant list; pro- the enforcement of any of the 1452 opened. Specifications and viding a civil site plan; provid- provisions` of this ordinance proposal forms may be bb- ing for light fixtures; estab- shall be fined not more than tained from the Purchasing lishing sign criteria; establish- $200 for each offense. Each Department by contacting ing fence criteria; setting day that a violation is permit - Advertise that job Joyce Poison, NISD Pur-fortha development sched- ted to exist shall constitute'a ` chasing Agent; 817-215- ule;providing`a cumulative separate offense. r�� I opening in The 0095. clause; providing for savings; This ordinance shall be in full Keller Citizen. providing severability; provid- Reach over 22,226 Northwest ISD reserves the ing a penalty not to exceed force and effect from and af- right to reject any/or all pro- the sum of two thousand dol- ter its Passage and'publica- addresses in Keller, posas and to accept any pro- lars'($2,000.00) for each of- tion as required by law, and it posai deemed most advanta- Tense and a separate offense is so ordained. -457 Trophy Club, geous to the Northwest Inde- shall be deemed committed Roanoke, Haslet, pendent School District and each day during or on which Passed and approved on ff to waive any informalities in a violation occurs or this 14th day of January, Westlake & bidding.' contin- ues; providing for publication; ,2002. Marshall Creek. providing for and City Secretary Sandy Hart, CMC engrossment and enrollment; and provid- City of Haslet ing an effective date. Appli- cant: AAE Architects (ZCA- More PUBLIC NOTICES 01-002). on next pa°e.