HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 404 Amending the Circle T Planned Development Zoning Permitted use table TOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 404 AN ORDINANCE AMENIING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS BY AMENDING THE CIRCLE T PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT SUPPLEMENT ORDINANCE ARTICLE VII, SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS BY ADDING SECTION 28, PERMIT-TED USE TABLE SUPPLE-711ENT, PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PRA)VIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on August 24, 1992, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas adopted a Compreiensive Plan for the Town; and WHEREAS, on Novembe 13, 1992, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas adopted a Compre-iensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, on Septembe 15, 1997, based upon the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission„ the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas amended the Zoning Ordinance and the subdivision regulations by adopting a Unified Development Code for the Town of Westlake (the"Town"); and WHEREAS, an analysis of the Town's codes and regulations has determined that an amendment to these codes and regulations are required in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the Town an to comply with the development goals of the Town; WHEREAS, the Texas A'cohol Beverage Code defines and regulates private clubs in the state and permits limitel regulation of the same by municipalities; and WHEREAS, on October 22, 2001, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Westlake has recommended that the Zoning Ordinance as contained in the Unified Development Code be rev sed in accordance with the procedures and processes established in that code for the Tow n; and NOW, THEREFORE, 3E IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated herein, adopted by the Town and found to be tue and correct. SECTION 2: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Westlake, Texas, Circle T Planned Development Zoning District Supplement Ordinance, be amended by amending Article VII, Special Development Standards, by adding Section 28, Permitted Use Table Supplemei t, as follows: SECTION 28 -PERMITTED USE TABLE SUPPLEMENT For each Planned Development, the following uses, where permitted, and where alcohol sales are requested, will require a S 3ecific Use Permit ® Cafeteria (Private) ® Convenience Store ® Country Club ( Private Membership) o Dance Hall/Ni htclubs • Golf Clubhouse (Private or Public) ® Grocery Store o Hotel/Motel with Conferencing Facility o Hotel/Motel ® Liquor Store o Microbrewery and Wine Production and Sales (<30,000 S.F.) • Restaurant, Ca56 or Dining Facility ® Tavern, Bar or Lounge SECTION 3: Sections, para;,raphs, sentences, phrases, clauses and words of this Ordinance are severable, and if any action, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word in this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, and the Board of Aldermen hereby declares that it would have passed st_ch remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town affecting the regulations of h nd and zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of those ordinances exec pt in those instances where the provisions of those Ordinances are in direct conflict wi h the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 5: It shall be unh:wful for any person to violate any provision of this Ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any -provision hereof shall be fined, upon conviction, in an am aunt not more than Two Thousemd Dollars ($2,000) and a separate offense shall be decried committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall become effective upon i'.ts passage by the Board of Aldermen. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXA 3, ON THIS 22ND DAY OF OCTOBER, 2001. ATTEST: y r Ginger bosswy, Town ecretary ter_ Scott Bradley, Mayor Trent O. Petty, Town :� ger A, i 9 W, f 4 1 solemnly swear that a true and correct copy of the Public Notice Ordinance No. 404 was published in THE KELLER CITIZEN, a newspaper having general circulation in the counties of Denton and Tarrant, and that the dates that said issues of the newspaper bore in which such notice was published were November 6, 2001. A copy of the notice as published, clipped from the newspaper is attached hereto. � n Pam Nolte, Classified Ad Manager THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT Pam Nolte this 28th day of November, 2001, to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. J -0-a- CM '-� Notary Public, State of Texas Printed Name of Notary My commission expires Ez q,RY p B s, flT G Si�Ee of T �"4�'�'��l�vOi�YEii. r 1ttC- 8'9$^w� re ®� East/Bishop Lynch (scrimmage), { �� - TOWN o� WESTLAKE SSp �W • =lee Estimates ORDINANCE NO. 401 b. •New Constructicn ` m Residential & Commercial An ordinanceof the Town of Roof Replacement rvvng l 117 ast Westlake establishing Munic- — — Residential =Roof Repairs Tarrant'County ipal Court of Record No. 1; Commercial - Skylights � � repealing Ordinance No. 337; 1 a Chimney Gas �� establishing dates of aboli- lepaiT c�LSemC?del ®(nsuredy p r tion and commencement; providing for the appoint- Meetings • Water Heater Repair/Replacement �' "- " ' r,m - ments, qualifications, vacan- •SewerDrainCleaning >�,,.<. cies, removal and judicial au - Free Estimates www.tideroofing..com Great Prices thority of judges; providing City councils & boards for the appointment of a mu r g San/•sng NE Tarrant Co. Free Estimates Haslet:: City Council, 2nd/4th Mon.7 pm Plan, a g t nicipal court clerk; establish Call Anytime ing.provisions for failure to &Zoning Com.IstMon.7pmHasletCtyHalf r e t i a Locally `Owned appear and promise to ap- 105 Main St. Terms including pear violations; providing dri- Keller: City Council, 1st/3rd Tue. 7 pan (Work 6 MC, Visa ving safety fees; providing Session -6 pm)Telecast live: Charter Cable, Chan - MC, fees; providing a net 7.Plan.& Zoning Com. 2ndt4thMon. 7par Guaranteed transcript preparation fee; REPAIRproviding a repealing clause; (Workshop 6.) Keller City Hall, 158 S Main St. & REMODEL 90 1 providing a severability Marshall Creek City Council, 4th Mon. 7 pm clause; and providing for an Marshall Creek City Hall, 132 Ash Lane. WILLIAMS PAINTING and 817-281-1452 effective date.' Roanoke: City Council, 2nd/4th Tue, 7 pm Plan Home Repairs. Tape, bed < , e & Zoning Com. Istl3rd Mon. 7:30 pm, RoanokF and 'textures; wail paper; €� PUBLIC NOVICE City Hall, 201 Bowie St. ceramic tile. Ronnie, 817- CLASSIFIED Trophy Club: City Councilistt3rdMon.7:30prr 379-2657. e � ° )r - DEADLINE I s TOWN OF WESTLAKE Plan.&Zoning Com. 1st13rdThuc6pmMunic- DECKS, PATIO roofs, re- ipal Utility District Bldg, 100 Municipal Dr. pairs and other small jobs. � 3%- %� NOON ON FRIDA` S ORDINANCE NO. 402 Free estimates. Over 20 Westlake: Board of Aldermen 2nd/4thMon. 7:3C e ears experience. 817-379 817-431-2231 pm (Exec. Session -7 pm) Plan.& Zoning Com. y p An ordinance of the Town of it 5597, Bill. Keller Westlake, Texas, amending 2ndThuc7:30pm3VdlageCi.,Ste.207,Solana ALLIANCE TILE. Shower re- Ordinance No. 368 in its en- School boards y tirety, establishing water and Keller ISD Board 2nd/4th Mon. 7:30 m (Work builds and repairs, floor tile, P back splashes. Free 'es_ wastewater rates; providing Session -6:30) Admin. Bldg., 304 Lorine, Keller, timates. Robert, 817 -379 -ROOF an effective date; providing a 1236. penalty clause; and providing Northwest ISD Board, 4th Mon., 7pm, Admin. Si sIC X4$2 for a savings clause. Bldg. Board Rm., SH 114, Bustin. ® Reroofing lay fiepaxxs ® Carpentry �r•.eNrF� • Painting/Drywalltwariret &Tile ® Remodeling 0 PUBLIC ��e� �: _; AtSURE i I � BEENcoCONSTRUCiIoiV 817-829-2043 bene prison $�7-3i1-6$$0 Q TOWN OF WESTLAKE ' ORDINANCE NO. 403 Alcoholics Anonymous 7 nights/week, 7 pm, 37; Remodeling Specialists - 533. • Home RepairsROOFING An AmerGoldican Businriangleess Blvd Women's Assoc. les • Room Additionsthe participation providing for American Business Women's Assoc istTue. b pr • Plumbing/Electrical REMODELINGthe, participation In the Texas Trophy Club Country Club. 817-491-9155. • Brick & Stone UJodc Municipal Retirement System Friends of the Keller Library 4th Tue, 5:30 pi Shingles Remodeling and the supplemental death • Custom Wood Decks benefits fund by the Town of Keller Library Meeting Room. 817-431-9011. Cedar fainting •TiieWork &:.Repair Westlake, Texas; and to GeneatogyGroup2nd Sat. iOamKeller Library Met • Painting & Drywall Tile � Siding make current service and pri- ing Room. 817-431-9011. • Cabinets & Countertops Bu I ilt Up Fences or service contributions to the Greater Keifer Women's Club 3rd Wed. I I am, Tr REFERENCES Town's account in the munic- Ph ClubCoun Club. 2ndThur.7 m, Hidden Lak FREE ESTIMATES li Its uers ipal accumulation fund of theComm.Ctr.817-337-0164 or 817-431-4324. 17®656-0902 Texas Municipal Retirement System at the actuarially de Haslet Jam Sessions Fri. 7 pm, Fire Hall, Main at S termined rate of total employ 156. Guitarists. banjo strummers, fiddlers welcome ee compensation; providing Haslet Youth Assoc, ist Wed. 7pm, Haslet City Ha t for a severability clause; pro- 105 Main St. viding for a savings clause; Keller 4-H Club I st Tue. 7 pin Sept -May at Lions Clu SEWING and providing for an effective date 534 Keller Pkwy. 817-_84-8419 to confirm. r idi Treatments Draperies & Valances ,Bedding & Pillows Please i call 817-491-1141. Need to rove some Call the pros TOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 404 An ordinance amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordi- nance of the Town of West- lake, Texas by amending the Circle T 'Planned Develop- ment Zoning District Supple- r.,ont r)rHinanra Artirle .VII. ability clause; providing for a, savings clause; providing for: a'penalty clause; and 'provid- ing for effective date. Keller As 1st We IRm3. j Keller Library Board. 3rd Mon. 7pm, Keller 1 Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at Keller City Hail, 158 1 ueauay, 2001 at Ke South Main Street to consid- South Main er an application for a zoning er an,appiic change for Vannoy Place, I change for 7.382 acres of land located 21.201-acrf on the "south of Florence cated nort'. Road and west.of Florence and east c Place. The current zoning on The currer the property is SF -LD (Single property I Family -Low Density -36,000 Family -Loy square foot lots). The re_ square foot quested zoning is PD -SF -LD (Single Far (Planned Development -Sin- foot lots). TI nla Family -i nw Density- inq is PD-