HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 397 Amending the Engineering Standards relating to residential lot gradingTOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE 397 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS AMENDING THE ENGINEERING STANDARDS RELATING TO RESIDENTIAL LOT GRADING; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, establishing specific requirements for the grading for individual, residential lots throughout the Town of Westlake, Texas, (the "Town") are of vital importance to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Town; and WHEREAS, the Town desires to implement standards and criteria whereby proper grading is designed, engineered, and constructed pursuant to the Town's Engineering Standards. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: "That the Town of Westlake Engineering Standards as adopted by Ordinance Number 321, and amended by Ordinance Numbers 344, 361, 363, and 384 respectively, are hereby amended to create a new Article IX. Residential Lot Grading, to read as follows: ARTICLE IX: RESIDENTIAL LOT GRADING A. Purpose. The purpose of this Article is to provide for grading/elevation activities that are in compliance with the overall subdivision grading and drainage plans. Furthermore, the grading shall avoid creating drainage problems on the lot or adjoining properties. B. Requirements. (1) A scaled drawing shall be prepared showing the house footprint, driveways, sidewalks, existing and proposed contours, finish floor elevations, and flowline grades on driveway and sidewalk crossings. a. The proposed lot grading shall be in compliance with the grading and drainage plan for the overall subdivision approved by the Town. b. The proposed grading shall not impede or destroy any drainage swales or any other existing drainage features. (2) A tree survey of the lot along with a tree preservation and protection plan in accordance with Town standards shall be submitted with the site plan. (3) Prior to laying the foundation, the Contractor shall provide a survey, certified by a licensed professional surveyor, of the location of the concrete forms and showing existing and proposed grades at the building edges and property lines. (4) An as -built topographic survey of the lot, certified by a licensed professional surveyor, shall be submitted to the Town prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued by the Town. C. Administration. A completed site plan, tree survey, and tree protection plan and review fee must be submitted to the Town of Westlake for approval prior to any grading or excavation activities. The permit shall be reviewed by the Town Engineer for approval. The Contractor shall notify the Town and franchise utility companies 48 hours prior to commencement of construction. (1) The grading contractor shall apply for a grading/excavation permit at the Town Hall. The applicant shall complete the application and submit the following: a. Proof of insurance meeting the Town's requirements. b. Three (3) copies of the Contractors contract applicable to the work being released and three copies of the cost estimate of the work to be performed; and C. Payment of the Inspection Fee (3% of the cost of grading). D. Enforcement. The Town shall not allow any grading and/or tree removal until the Developer or Builder has an (1) approved site plan for the single family project; or (2) approved tree protection plan. Violators shall be subject to fines and/or restoration of site to the original condition. The Town shall inspect the site for conformance with the permit. SECTION 2: If any portion of this Ordinance shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court or competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Ordinance without the invalid provision. SECTION 3: That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other Town Ordinances and all other provisions of other Ordinances adopted by the Town which are inconsistent with the terms or provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 4: Any person who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred ($500.00) dollars. If a violation continues, each day's violation shall be deemed a separate offense. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 13TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2001. ek Scott Bradley, Mayor ATTEST: di4ekCrosswy, Town cretary Trent O. Petty, Town" anager I solemnly swear that a true and correct copy of the Public Notice Ordinance No. 397 was published in THE KELLER CITIZEN, a newspaper having general circulation in the counties of Denton and Tarrant, and that the dates that said issues of the newspaper bore in which such notice was published were September 25, 2001. A copy of the notice as published, clipped from the newspaper is attached hereto. Pam Nolte, Classified Ad Manager THE STATE OF TEXAS § 0 COUNTY OF TARRANT § SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME Pam Nolte this 26th day of September, 2001, to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. r,_ VX4-,—, 6"'. hi ( 1'9'-, Notary Public, State of Texas Printed Name of Notary My commission expires 7 ,.� dent, said the program k Way for yQUngsierS t w finances. By he using � d red hand prints, first -graders at Students at FlorenceElementary School'in feller collected more students are actually of accounts at Texas. Nat Keller showed their patriotic spirit. A than 300 stuffed briars to donate to victims of the World Trade Trophy Club and earni scheduled at the; school for 8:35 a.m. Center disaster in New York. Tatiana Salazar (1) and Christian their money. ves are invited to attend. Perkins hold a few of the hears they and their classmates had "It's very education, —photo by Linda Taylor brought. dents because they lea photo by Linda Taylor money, save money importance of the Amt she said. The school held a ribl: I the bank last week, and; made their first deposits LSTERY — The money from the PUBLIC TIE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE will be open every wed ORoiNANCEIO.39s - ing, is taken by a PTE TOWN OF ORDINANCE NO.398 TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Texas National Ba nk An Ordinance of the Town of ORDINANCE NO 2001-21 An Ordinance of the Town of accounts are in the stude. Westlake, Texas amending ArticleWestlake, Texas finding, af- ,T Section 3.4, Issuance of T XIII,Subdivisions, An Ordinance of the Town of ter reasonable notice and ent's names. . BuildingPermits and Certifi- Trophy Club, Texas, repeal- hearing, that TXU Gas distri- LSTE Y cates, of the Unified Devel- ing 'Ordinance No. 98-08 bution's rates and charges Danella West Of Te: D Covers. ® opment Code relating to P&Z of the Town, governing within the town should be building permits; providing and regulating the platting changed; determining just ckup and provisions for a sales tax si- and subdivision of land within and reasonable rates; adopt Free home to tus;agreement; providing a and without the corporate in general service rates in - severability Work severability clause; providing limits of The Town of Trophy eluding rate adjustment pro - a savings clause; providing a Club, Texas; repealing Ordi- visions and miscellaneous steed. 30 penalty clause; providing for nance No. 2001-17 P&Z; the service charges to be an effective date. same amending Ordinance charged for sales and trans- (perience. EI NOTICE No. 98-08 P&Z by adding Ar- portation of natural gas to irbara at Any person who violates any ticle 7 to adopt provisions for residential, commercial and 4*2812.' Bids for the Construction of a provision of this ordinance the developer's agreement, i id !a customers; provid New Natatorium for the shall bedeemedguilty of a financial assurance and con- Ing for recovery of rate cash Keller Independent School misdemeanor and shall be struction contracts for public expenses, preserving regula- District will be accepted in punished by a fine of not less improvements; and providing tory rights of the town; pro - the Offices of Steele &` Free- than five hundred "($500.00) for the adoption of new provi- viding ffor repeal of conflicting man, Inc. -' Construction dollars. if a violation contin- sions governing and regulat- ordinances; providing for an Manager; 1301 Lawson ues, each day's ,violation ing the platting and subdivi- effective date. Road, Fort Worth, Texas shall be deemed a separate sion of land within and with - 76131, Phone: 817-232- offense. _ out the corporate limits of 4742, Fax: 817-232.9113, The Town of Trophy Club; PUBLIC NOTICE until 2:00 P.M., Thursday, providing general provisions October 11, 2001. Plans are PUBLIC NOTICE and requirements, providing TOWN OF available from the Constluc- definitions; establishing gen- TROPHY CLUB TEXAS tion Manager.' ORDINANCE NO. 395 eral plat submittal require- ORDINANCE NO.2001-22 ments; providing for improve- You ca An Ordinance of the Town of ments; establishing subdivi- An Ordinance of the Town of BID NOTICE Westlake; Texas, amending sion design standards; pro- Trophy Club, Texas, repeal-'��� ��� the Comprehensive Fee and viding for enforcement to in- ing Ordinance No. 1999-27, Bids for the New Keller "Hi h Municipal Use Schedule as, dude an appeal process, creating and establishing a h adopted b Ordinance No. town authority, applicable municipal court; and adopting un School - de Package for the P y waivers, and enalfy; r P P e 379, to add a residential lot P P ovid new provisions to create the Keller Independent School m for the P District will be accepted in development fee; repealing- g per's agree- Municipal Court of Record FEERS P all provisions of ordinances ment, financial assurance, No. 1 in the Town of Trophy the Offices of Steele &Free- and construction contracts P y , man Inc. - Construction Man- in conflict herewith; providing Club, Texas; providing au- i a severability clause; provid- for public improvements; pro- thority; establishing dates of ager; 1301 Lawson Road, Ing a savings clause; and vidingforthe�ssuanceofper- abolition and commence- 5`�r MEALS ON Fort:Worth, Texas 76131, y/ s Volunteers. Phone: 817-232-4742, Fax: Providing for an effective mils and requiring applicable Ment; providing for the ap- F'�\ y�Ci���` Th 491-1141. 817.232-9113, until 2:00 date. fees throughout; providing a pointments, qualifications, cumulative repealer clause; vacancies, removal and P.M., Thursday, October 11, rovidin fior severability; Judi - 2001. Pians are available P g y.' tial authority of judges; pro - from he Construction Man- PUBLIC NOTICE providing savings; providing aiding for the appointment of = a penatty not to exceed the a-Munlcipa(;' Court Clerk; es - sum aged of two thousand dollars tablishing provisions for fail - ORDINANCE NO. 397 ($2,000.00) for each offense ure to appear and promise to — PUBLIC ®TIDE and a separate offense shall appear violations; providing An Ordinance of the Town of be deemed committed each driving safety fees; providing Westlake, Texas amendingday during or on which a vio- warrant fees; providing a TOWN OF the engineering standartls re- lation occurs or continues; transcript preparation fee; TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS lating to residentiallot grad providing for publication; pro- providing a cumulative re - ORDINANCE NO. 2001-23 in providn a severabilit aiding for engrossment and g Y pealer clause; providing a 1 clause; providing a savings enrollment; and providing an savings clause; providing a — An Ordinance of the Town of clause; rovidin a penalty effective date. P 9 P y severability clause; providing Trophy Club, Texas, appoint- clause; providing for an ef-for engrossment and 'enroll- ing the Presidinq Judge, the fective date_ - -ffenle _'ti i tive'date, ose. r ,� Y'Yvwny an e11ec-'.: live dace. Get Results With The Feller Citizen I